1 minute read
A hotbED of ENtErPrisiNg tALENt
from Your Life 2016

The sense of confidence and optimism within the Humber is palpable. It’s no wonder then that the region is also home to an abundance of innovative entrepreneurs, delivering everything from pioneering research to game changing technological products, high-class jewellery with celebrity followings, to award winning restaurants serving food of international acclaim.
FEO (For Entrepreneurs Only) employ a staggering 18,000 members across Hull and East Yorkshire alone, made up of like-minded local entrepreneurs who collectively turn over £3bn each year and together promote the region as the place to start up your own business. With the Humber’s renaissance, coupled with a wave of specialist programmes, plus support and funding available, there’s never been a better time for budding start-ups to make the leap of faith.