3 minute read
How to configure "branded content ads"?
One of the novelties brought about by the creation of the creator account and another notable difference concerning the business account is that the Creator account was originally the only one that allowed you to visualize how many people stopped following you. Nowadays, both options will enable you to make it visible.
However, both are a powerful Instagram tool that allows you to view your profile statistics. If you want to be successful on this social network, creating a strategy based on these statistics will become your ace in the hole.
In both options, as a company Instagram or as a creator, you can make announcements.
This possibility will undoubtedly be your greatest ally. And although Instagram options are free, the ads generate an expense that you must pay monthly to Instagram based on the amount of advertising you do.
However, more than an expense, it's an investment that is 100% worthwhile because it allows you to multiply your reach and, by segmenting it in the right way, it will be a formula that will guarantee you to gain followers.
Remember that just as companies have a "Buyer Person", an Influencer must have a target audience, so the way to make ads must be in conjunction with the brand. For this reason, Instagram, which is continuously evolving, has provided its influencers with a new possibility for working with brands, creating brand content, which means creating ads for influencers.
Branded content is an evolving ecosystem. So, Instagram has been concerned with listening to the requests it receives from brands and influencers about the constant creation of branded content. An influencer needs to know all the tools available to work with brands, and this new possibility of creating ads is no exception.
With this new functionality, brands will pay for advertising on Instagram done from the influencers' advertising account. This functionality is a breakthrough not only for brands who will be able to control the metrics on the spot but also for users who will now be able to know if the image they see of an influencer with a "casual" look is on commission or not.
How to configure "branded content ads"?
Step 1: First steps (access permissions) Approvals for branded content
The brand must grant the creator permission to label the company in its publication with branded content.
How can this be done?
1. The brand must go to its advertiser profile in the Instagram app, select the options wheel above the "Edit Profile" button and choose "Business Settings".
2. If the "Request Approvals" option is on, the "Approved Accounts" section will be displayed (if the option is off, you will not have to complete any more steps).
3. You must then select "Approved Accounts" and add the Instagram user of the creator you are collaborating with.
4. Finally, select "Done".
When you make a publication with branded content in the Instagram feed and tag the company, you will see the option that says, "Allow trading partner to promote publication". When selected, it will permit you to promote your branded organic feed posting as an advertisement.
Step 2: Campaign Setup (Ad Manager)
When you create an ad from a branded content publication on Instagram, you can use the goals of reach, brand recognition, video playback, traffic, or interaction.
The secret to advertising is to build a well-segmented campaign with an engaging image, a seductive caption, and ending with a call to action that leaves the audience wanting more from you, taking them to your profile where they follow you and get hooked on your content.