2 minute read

Create your profile

filters, stickers, or fades. Nowadays, there are many free storytelling and visual narration tools at your disposal.

A space to record: You may want to become a gamer, a travel YouTuber or a vlogger, but it is vital that you prepare the recording space, look for proper light conditions and make all aspects that hinder the quality of the video disappear from the screen. A messy room, wrong framing or poor lighting give a weak and dull result.


Create your profile

The first step is obviously to open the YouTube site. There, click on your profile image in the top right-hand corner. If you are not yet logged in, you can do so after opening this same menu.

Now comes the tricky part. Although My Channel option appears in the menu, YouTube channels are not created unless you do so manually. When you click there, you will be taken to the form to create a channel.

You will then need to enter a first and last name for your YouTube account. The form fills in these details with those of your Google account, but you are free to change them manually. This way, you create a channel associated with you as a person. If this is what you want, click on Create Channel. If you wish to use a different name (e.g., a stage name), then click Use a business or other name.

Insert the name you want for your channel, which in this case does not have to be your real name, and press Create. This process will create a YouTube Channel as well as a Google+ page and a business account for that channel.

You have now created your channel, but it's a bit bland. Click on Customize Channel to edit your YouTube channel profile and give it some personality. From this page, you can add a header, change the channel image, and add a description.

Editing the core elements of your channel is extremely easy. By leaving the mouse over the profile image and cover image, you will be shown the pencil icon to edit them and upload a new photo. You can also write the channel description.

The following is also essential, a profile picture and a good cover picture for the channel. You should keep in mind when designing your image that the central block of YouTube, where all your information appears, is 960 pixels wide, When designing your background image, you should not place any critical elements in that sector because they will remain hidden behind your channel.

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