The Steering Group Stephen Maher MBA (Chair) Prof. Paddy Barwise London Business School (academic advisor) Patrick Bray RSA Jenny Burns RSA Fran Cassidy Cassidy Media P’ship James Devon MBA Simeon Duckworth Mindshare Mark Earls Herdmeister Jane Frost MRS Gemma Greaves The Marketing Society Keith Gulliver RSA
Nigel Gwilliam IPA Jed Hallam Mindshare Janet Hull IPA Chris MacLeod TfL Peter Markey RSA Jake Steadman Twitter Christian Walsh MRS Christopher Wellbelove BT Lucy Whitehead TfL Sarah Woodley The Marketing Society
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We want to hear from you - whether you want to submit case studies, collaborate on the wiki, or share your/your company’s expertise in another way.
-S ee case studies from BT, Kerry Foods, O2, TfL and Visit Iceland and others that have passed review -F ind out more about how to submit your case study.
Measuring not Counting Proving the business value of social media
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The first cross-industry collaboration between
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About #IPASocialWorks
Into the spotlight
For the first time, the IPA, The Marketing Society and MRS have joined together to launch a cross-industry initiative. #IPASocialWorks, with sponsorship from Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, will identify good practice in social media effectiveness and measurement.
Agencies, insight professionals and research businesses already know that social media can be a valuable source of data, insight and consumer understanding. But we are all still searching to understand better how social fits into integrated communications, and how to prove the business value.
The problem
‘How to’ guide
1. Submit your case studies for peer review
There is no shortage of material on the web that offers guidance for measuring social media campaigns and activities. However, little stands up to robust scrutiny. The metrics are inconsistent, the methods can be misguided, and ROI is often an abused term. Unlike TV, for example, there is no legacy of effectiveness that brands and agencies can turn to.
An authoritative but accessible guide to the key issues around measurement and effectiveness, recommendations on how to get the best from existing methods and how to avoid common pitfalls. It will draw on learnings from #IPASocialWorks ‘Measuring not Counting’ initiative, which pools knowledge and evolving understanding from experts around the world.
We have put out a call for case studies from all three communities for peer review. For guidelines and sample submissions visit:, and
The solution
Get recognised
#IPASocialWorks will provide a compilation of case studies and guidance.
A programme of cross industry events to discuss and share outputs.
– Get recognised as a leader in the social media field – Have your case distributed widely online via the three leading industry organisations – Be referenced as an example of good practice at industry events.
Case studies
2. Contribute to the guide and share your expertise We are looking for expert contributors to ‘Measuring not Counting’ initiative and the ‘How to’ wiki. Contact Simeon Duckworth ( or Ray Poynter ( with your expression of interest.
Case studies are peer reviewed by an expert panel of academics and practitioners and those that meet the standard are disseminated publicly on the websites of the three organisations.
“I welcome a more joined-up approach to social media measurement, especially at a time when businesses want to understand the value of social media against a range of business objectives.” Chris MacLeod, Marketing Director, TfL @TfLOfficial
“That clients are demanding more rigorous and consistent evaluation is a good thing - it signals a willingness to elevate social from being purely operational, to a more strategic role at the heart of the organisation.”
“We’re going from a world where we pretty much know how communication across most channels works, to one where we only have a rough idea – and it’s changing all the time. This is a start to figuring it out.”
Christopher Wellbelove, Digital Marketing Strategist, BT @wellbelove
Mark Earls, Herd @herdmeister
“Social media is already
“The focus of the project so
a cornerstone of the communications strategies of many brands. And yet a lot of the commercial rigour that is applied to other activity is often not applied to social media.”
far has been to unearth case studies where a strong and causal relationship can be established between social media activity in its various guises and key business metrics.”
Stephen Maher, Chairman, The Marketing Society, and CEO, MBA @sfmaher
Ian Priest, President, IPA, and Founding Partner, VCCP @ianmpriest
“This is an opportunity the
research business should jump at to showcase its pioneering use of social media – we want brands to help them to find plenty of good practice from within the research and insight sector, as well as advertising and marketing.” Jane Frost, CEO, MRS @JaneFrostMRS