March 3-6, 2025 Doubletree
March 3-6, 2025 Doubletree
Conference General Chair
Jamie King, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Medical Practical Applications
Seminar Co-chairs
Penny Smalley, Nurse Consultant
Vangie Dennis, Perioperative Consulting
Patti Owens, AestheticMed Consulting International
Platinum Sponsor
Laser Safety Scientific Sessions Co-chairs
Trevor Wheatley, Opticum Laser Safety
Ramona Gaza, NASA
Technical Practical Applications
Seminar Co-chairs
Ken Barat, Laser Safety Advisor
Hayden Johnson, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jamie King, CLSO
Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory
Welcome to ILSC® 2025! We are pleased to announce that this most important conference will convene March 3-6 in Orlando, Florida. Should your interest be in medical, industrial, R&D, or biological effects, you will find something of interest for you here.
Special Thanks to the ILSC® 2025 International Advisory Board
Josh Hadler, NIST, USA
Neil Haigh, Blueside Photonics Ltd, UK
Ramona Gaza, NASA, USA
Scott Wohlstein, The Photonics Group, USA
Nick Hopps, AWE Aldermaston, UK
Annie Mercier, Université Laval, Canada
I was fortunate to be introduced to this field in the 1990s. Since then, advancement in the technology and application of lasers has been at an ever-accelerating pace. How have I been able to keep up? Attending ILSC is one of them. This biennial gettogether of experts from around the world is the only conference of its kind. Whether you are new to the field or a longtime attendee and you want to keep up with the technology, this is a must attend event.
See you in Orlando!
Conference Hotel:
Doubletree at Universal
5780 Major Blvd, Orlando, Florida
32819 United States
Phone: +1.800.222.TREE
(Use Special Rate Code: LI2)
Book your stay at our conference hotel, the Doubletree by Hilton at the Entrance to Universal Orlando, to receive a special discounted group rate and be at the heart of the event! Boasting an unrivaled location directly across from the entrance to Universal Orlando Resort, this hotel features modern rooms, on-site dining, a pool, and is close to all the area’s main attractions. When booking through ILSC, attendees receive discounted theme park tickets, free breakfast on conference days, and guest room internet access included at no additional charge, all at a discounted group rate!
The deadline for our discounted rate is Friday, February 14, 2025. Book Here Directly!
Sunday, March 2, 2025
10:00am Z136 SDC Annual Meeting
1:00pm Registration Desk Open
4:00pm Welcome Reception
Monday, March 3, 2025
7:00am Registration Desk Open
7:15am Session Chair Appreciation Breakfast
7:30am Attendee Breakfast
8:00am Opening Plenary Session
-Jay Goodman (Apres Illumination), “The Sun, Friend or Foe?”
-Dr. Edward Moses (Longview Energy Consulting), “1960 to Today and Beyond –The Path To Laser Driven Commercial Fusion Energy”
10:00am Morning Break
10:30am Laser Safety Scientific (LSS) Session 1: Regulations I
Medical Practical Applications Seminar Session (MPAS) 1: Navigating the New ANSI Z136.3 2024 Standard
12:00pm Awards Luncheon
2:00pm LSS Session 2: Standards I
MPAS Session 2: Illuminating Laser Safety
3:00pm Afternoon Break
3:30pm LSS Session 3: High Power I
MPAS Seminar Session 3: Surgical Smoke/ Plume Advocacy and Implementation
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
7:00am Registration Desk open
7:30am Attendee Breakfast
8:30am LSS Session 4: The Eye
MPAS Session 4: Laser Safety Realities
10:00am Morning Break
10:30am LSS Session 5: High Power II
MPAS Session 5: Laser Hazards and Control Measures
12:00pm Lunch on own
1:30pm LSS Session 6: Standards II
MPAS Session 6: Clinical Applications
3:00pm Afternoon Break
3:30pm LSS Session 7: Incoherent Light Sources
MPAS Session 7: Challenges and Dilemmas
5:00pm Sponsor Reception
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
7:00am Registration Desk open
7:30am Attendee Breakfast
8:30am Laser Safety Scientific (LSS) Session 8: Bio Effects I
Technical Practical Applications Seminar (TPAS) Session 1: User Facilities – Challenges and Solutions I
10:00am Morning Break
10:30am LSS Session 9: MPEs
TPAS Session 2: User Facilities – Challenges and Solutions II
12:00pm Lunch on own
1:30pm LSS Session 10: Calculations
TPAS Session 3: Standards
3:00pm Afternoon Break
3:30pm LSS Session 11: Outdoor Laser Operations
TPAS Session 4: Accident Understanding
Thursday, March 6, 2025
7:00am Registration Desk open
7:30am Attendee Breakfast
8:30am LSS Session 12: Bio Effects II
TPAS Session 5: Unique Applications
10:00am Morning Break
10:30am LSS Session 13: Lidar
TPAS Session 6: Tools for the LSO
12:00pm Lunch on own
1:30pm LSS Session 14: Measurements
TPAS Session 7: Education
3:00pm Closing Plenary Session
-Dr. David Stoudt (Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.), “Transitioning Laser Directed Energy Weapons from the Laboratory to the Warfighter”
-Scott Papp (National Institute of Standards and Technology), “Lasers with Integrated Photonics for Quantum Sensing and AI”
5:00pm Ice Cream Farewell
*Program subject to change
Standard Registration
Full Conference
Two-Day Registration (TPAS or MPAS)
One-Day Registration
$975 Register Today!
LIA Members
Are you an LIA Member? Find a special discount code in your LIA account profile at www.lia.org/user to apply to your registration for additional savings!
Attending ILSC is a great way to receive certification maintenance points or continuing education credits if you are a Certified Laser Safety Officer or Medical Laser Safety Officer (CLSO, CMLSO)!
When attending all 4 days, this conference is pre-approved for 4 CM points for the Board of Laser Safety and 32 CECs for the American Academy of Health Physics. This event may also be eligible for ABIH CM points and contact hours. Reach out to the ILSC conference team at ilsc@lia.org for more information.
Sunday, March 2 • 4:00pm
Kick-start the ILSC week catching up with old friends, new attendees and the LIA Team at the Welcome Reception on Sunday afternoon. Enjoy the relaxed environment with food and networking ahead of the week’s Practical Application Seminars, Scientific Sessions and Ancillary Meetings.
Monday, March 3 • 12:00pm
The opening day of ILSC® features an Awards Luncheon and presentation. Enjoy lunch with conference attendees and the LIA Team as we congratulate this year’s line-up of award winners, recognising their contributions to the field of laser safety.
LIA presents the George M. Wilkening Award to recognize individuals who have made extensive contributions to laser safety in science, medicine, industry or education. The R. James Rockwell Jr. Educational Achievement Award is also presented at the luncheon in recognition of outstanding contributions in laser safety education.
Thursday, March 6 • 5:00pm
Tuesday, March 4 • 5:00pm
Be a part of the world’s leading laser safety conference through one of our multiple sponsorship packages. Our tiered packages give you the opportunity to engage with attendees throughout the conference. All sponsorship packages include a booth space during the Tuesday evening Sponsor Reception. For more information, please contact the LIA Team at marketing@ lia.org or +1.407.380.1553.
After the closing plenary session wraps up the conference, stick around for one final networking break that’s paired with delicious ice cream. This is your chance to say “farewell” and see you at ILSC 2027!
Monday, March 3 • 8:00am
The Sun, Friend or Foe?
Jay Goodman - Apres Illumination
Sponsored by:
1960 to Today and Beyond –The Path To Laser Driven Commercial Fusion Energy
Dr. Edward Moses - Longview Energy Consulting
Thursday, March 6 • 3:00pm
Sponsored by:
Transitioning Laser Directed Energy Weapons from the Laboratory to the Warfighter
Dr. David Stoudt - Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc
Lasers with Integrated Photonics for Quantum Sensing and AI
Scott Papp - National Institute of Standards and Technology
Operating in a laser environment? Make sure you’re fully compliant with ANSI Z136.1 standards. Non-compliance can lead to safety hazards, nes, and costly downtime.
At Kentek, we o er expert laser safety audits and consulting services to help you navigate the complex regulatory landscape. Our team will ensure your facilities, equipment, and procedures meet the highest standards for laser safety, protecting both your team and your reputation.
Let us help you stay ahead of safety regulations and mitigate risk in your laser environment. Trust Kentek to deliver accurate assessments and practical solutions tailored to your unique needs.
Multiwave, Poly, Glass
Spectacles, goggles, face shield, Patient Protection, Combo IPL, X-ray & Rx
Laser Safety Consulting
LSO Training
Laser Safety Audits
Hazard Analysis Software
Safety Interlock System
Automated Sign Control
Manual Sign Control
Portable Barriers
Permanent Area Barriers
Temporary Area Barriers
Optical Table Barriers
Safety Signs & Labels BEAM EVALUATION
Laser Viewing Windows
Laser Beam Measurement
Beam Dumps & Targets
Thermal Alignment Paper
Handheld Detectors & Cameras
Ramona Gaza NASA Trevor Wheatley Opticum Laser Safety
LSS Session 1: Regulations I
Monday, March 3 • 10:30am
Session Chair: Robert Thomas
The Laser Safety Scientific Sessions provide the platform for a truly outstanding assortment of presentations from all fields of laser safety— from bioeffects research to probabilistic risk assessment, from safety management programs to regulations. LSSS are particularly strong on product safety standards and the design of safe consumer products, reflecting that laser technology permeates into various types of consumer products, where safety by design is imperative.
Laser Products Entering the UK Consumer Market
Dr. Michael Higlett
New Regulations for Laser Products Sold, Leased or Imported in Canada
Michelle O’Brien
Suspicious Laser Product Protocol (SLaPP)
Scott Wohlstein
LSS Session 2: Standards I
Monday, March 3 • 2:00pm
Session Chair: William Ertle
Incorporating Optical Radiation Requirements Across the Product Standards Landscape
Winn Henderson
Inadequate Global Laser Test Labs Expertise Generates Misclassified Laser Products with Potential for Laser Induced Injuries and Enormous Injury and Product Recall Financial Liabilities
Casey Stack
LSS Session 3: High Power I
Monday, March 3 • 3:30pm
Session Chair: Ken Barat
Development of a Multi-Kilowatt Laser Laboratory
Tam Vo/Daniel King
Class 5 Laser Safety
Dennis Ford
Utilizing Backscatter Radiation in Laser Processes for Proactive Safety Control and Process Feedback
John Tyrer
LSS Session 4: The Eye
Tuesday, March 4 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Randolph Paura
Overview of Optical Radiation Safety Requirements for Eye Tracking Systems
Katja Gutöhrlein/Dr. Annette Frederiksen
Augmented Reality Headsets, Considerations for Use in Laser Controlled Areas
Michael Woods
Safety Classification of Line Lasers as Extended Source
Karl Schulmeister
LSS Session 5: High Power II
Tuesday, March 4 • 10:30am
Session Chair: Prof. John Tyrer
Recognizing Hazardous Reflections During Hand-Held Laser Welding
Dr. David Sliney
The Laser Cutting Hazards of Nuclear Infrastructure Decommissioning and Dismantling
Lewis Jones
Hand-Held Laser Device (HLD) Safety Measures for Materials Processing
Randolph Paura
LSS Session 6: Standards II
Tuesday, March 4 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Dr. Michael Higlett
The Challenges, Development, and Use of the Laser Safety Standard IEC 60825-1
Dr. Trevor Wheatley
Radiance Measurements - Novel Setup and Systematic Error of Commercial System
Dr. Karl Schulmeister
Laser Show Safety for “Audience Scanning”: The ILDA Category B Lasing Standard
Patrick Murphy
LSS Session 7: Incoherent Light Sources
Tuesday, March 4 • 3:30pm
Session Chair: Scott Wohlstein
Three Perspectives on LED Safety 2025
Dr. Neil Haigh
Almost All Lamps (Including LEDs) are Safe - So Why the Concern About LEDs?
Dr. David Sliney
Artificial Incoherent Light Applications to Human Spaceflight: Industry Standards, Practical Examples, and Analytical Tools
Sabrina Houston
LSS Session 8: Bio Effects I
Wednesday, March 5 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Dr. David Sliney
A Nanosecond Multiple Pulse Ex Vivo Model of Laser Retinal Damage
Dr. Nathaniel Pope
Ocular Dose Response from Exposure to a Q-Switched Laser at a Central Wavelength of 1645nm
Joseph J. Chue-Sang
Porcine Skin Damage Thresholds for Continuous-Wave Laser Exposure at 1567nm
Dr. Michael DeLisi
LSS Session 9: MPEs
Wednesday, March 5 • 10:30am
Session Chair: Jay Parkinson
Should the MPE ‘Rule 3’ Be Modified or Eliminated? - The Challenge
Dr. David Sliney
Comparison of Retinal Thermal Injury Thresholds with Class 1 AELs as Function of Exposure Duration
Dr. Karl Schulmeister
A Review of Adverse Medical and Cosmetic Laser Incidents in the United Kingdom
Natalie Bales
LSS Session 10: Calculations
Wednesday, March 5 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Dr. Lewis Jones
Multiwavelength and Non-Uniform Laser Beam Calculations
Dr. Brian Arnold
Predictability of the Laser Resistance of Laser Guards by a Mathematical Formulation of the Influence of the Beam Diameter
Matthias List
Conservation of Etendue as a Conservative Analysis Tool for Optical Hazard of External Magnifiers
Dr. Boris Spokoyny
LSS Session 11: Outdoor Laser Operations
Wednesday, March 5 • 3:30pm
Session Chair: Patrick Murphy
Laser Effects on Animals and Plants
Michael McKervey
Laser Safety Goggles - Putting a Bucked on Your Head
Dr. Shimson Lashansky
Automatic Emission Control Design in a Laser-based Wireless Energy Transmission System
Dr. Xiaoli Tang/William Jeremijenko
LSS Session 12: Bio Effects II
Thursday, March 6 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Karl Schulmeister
Retinal Injury Thresholds for High Repetition Rate
Multiple-Pulse Laser Exposures
Dr. Morgan Schmidt
Retinal Dose Response from Exposure to the Supercontinuum Generated by a NIR Femtosecond Laser
Dr. Xomalin G. Peralta
Delayed Skin Aversion Response to Laser Exposure, Limits, and Control Measures
John Tyrer
LSS Session 13: Lidar
Thursday, March 6 • 10:30am
Session Chair: Casey Stack
Is an Electric Vehicle a Laser Product?
Ying Meng/Dr. Trevor Wheatley/Dr. Annette Frederiksen
What’s New in Safety Standards Related to Lasers on Vehicles and Other Moving Platforms
Winn Henderson/Dr. Annette Frederiksen
Is Class 1 Lidar Safe for Camera Sensors?
Dr. Yunfeng Wang
LSS Session 14: Measurements
Thursday, March 6 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Katja Gutöhrlein
Measurement of Laser Pointer Divergence
Dr. Mikael Lindgren
Utilizing Vintage Carbon Paper to Simplify and Standardize Laser Safety Testing for Experimental Ophthalmic Medical Devices
Ruth Sahler
The Medical Practical Applications Seminar (MPAS) is an essential two-day conference for all professionals working with medical laser devices. This program is designed to meet the various educational needs of the Medical Laser Safety Officer along with that personnel working in operating rooms, surgical centers, aesthetic clinics, veterinary clinics, medical research labs, mobile laser companies, and medi-spas. Cognitive gaps do exist related to national governmental regulations, state statutes, and evidence-based practices regarding what is essential for a facility-based laser safety program. This conference is constructed to bring all attendees the most current safety regulations and practice standards.
Medical PAS Session 1: Navigating the New ANSI Z136.3
2024 Standard
Monday, March 3 • 10:30am
Session Chair: Kevin Frey
Overview of the History and Process for Drafting the New Z136.3
Penny Smalley
Scope and Directions for the Next Edition
Patti Owens
Medical PAS Session 2: Illuminating Laser Safety
Monday, March 3 • 2:00pm
Session Chair: Vangie Dennis
Trouble Shooting Solutions for Optimal Performance
Richard Gama
Laser Safety Audits Unwrapped
Penny Smalley
Medical PAS Session 3: Surgical Smoke/Plume Advocacy and Implementation
Monday, March 3 • 3:30pm
Session Chair: Patti Owens
Creating a Smoke Free Culture of Safety
Vangie Dennis
Are You Ready to Take Control of Surgical Plume?
Penny Smalley
Medical PAS Session 4: Laser Safety Realities
Tuesday, March 4 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Penny Smalley
New Technology: New Hazards, New Assessments, New Controls Laser Practice Issues
Patti Owens/Abigail Colbert
An Innovative Solution for Ensuring Clear Air During Cosmetic Laser Applications
Andrew Barrows
Laser Incidents, Case Studies, Statistical Review and Resources
William Ertle
Medical PAS Session 5: Laser Hazards and Control Measures
Tuesday, March 4 • 10:30am
Session Chair: Barbara Sams Contrata
Laser Airway Safety: Life and Breath
Vangie Dennis
Ocular Injuries: Why, What, When, and Where - Laser Practice Issues
Patti Owens/Abigail Colbert
Introducing the new CSA 70001: Safe Use of Energy Based Medical and Surgical Devices in Healthcare
Penny Smalley
Medical PAS Session 6: Clinical Applications
Tuesday, March 4 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Leslie Pollard
Semiconductor Diode Lasers: Giants in our Healthcare System
Leslie Pollard
Addressing Laser Safety in the Dental Environment
Scott Benjamin
Medical PAS Session 7: Challenges and Dilemmas
Tuesday, March 4 • 3:30pm
Session Chair: Vangie Dennis
The LSO Talent Puzzle: Technical and Medical/Surgical: Combining Talents for the University and Healthcare
Laser Safety Officer Role
Leslie Pollard/Mary Handy
Challenges and Dilemmas Panel
Vangie Dennis, Patti Owens, Penny Smalley
Moderator: Leslie Pollard
Ken Barat
Laser Safety Advisor
Hayden Johnson Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The Technical Practical Applications Seminar (TPAS) is designed for Laser Safety Officers (LSOs) and Professionals who manage lasers across a broad spectrum of power levels, from milliwatts to petawatts, and who oversee a range of users from small teams to large-scale operations with hundreds of users. Join your peers and experts from academia, industry, and national research labs to explore the latest insights into the technical and practical aspects of laser safety. Gain valuable perspectives on tackling laser safety challenges, learn how others manage, innovate and discover new strategies for addressing evolving safety challenges. Whether you’re working in cutting-edge research or applied industry settings, this track will provide a unique and rare opportunity to connect, share experiences, and enhance your expertise. Don’t miss the chance to network with leading laser safety professionals and gain actionable knowledge that can directly improve safety protocols and risk management in your workplace.
Technical PAS Session 1: User Facilities - Challenges and Solutions I
Wednesday, March 5 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Josh Hadler
Dr. Todd Ditmire
Laser Safety Design Considerations for the EPAC 10Hz PW Laser System
Rob Clark
User Operations and Laser Safety at the Linac Coherent Light
Source - SLAC/MEC-U
Dr. Eric Cunningham
Technical PAS Session 2: User Facilities - Challenges and Solutions II
Wednesday, March 5 • 10:30am
Session Chair: Trevor Wheatley
The Jupiter Laser Facility: A Kilojoule-Class Laser for Producing and Exploring Extreme States of Matter
Dr. Felicie Albert
Fostering a Robust Laser Safety Culture at a Multi-User Facility: Insights from the European XFEL
Eric Boyd
Control of Laser and Ionising Radiation Hazards in the Orion Facility at AWE
Dr. Nick Hopps
Technical PAS Session 3: Standards
Wednesday, March 5 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Barbara Sams Contrata
Is it Time to Talk About Ethics?
Mary Handy
Bill Ertle
Are the Standards Serving the Community?
Open Mic
Narrator: Ken Barat
Technical PAS Session 4: Accident Understanding
Wednesday, March 5 • 3:30pm
Session Chair: Rebecca Daskalova
Human Factors and Laser Incident Root Cause Analysis
Eric Lawson
The Cognitive Interview: The Science Behind the Techniques
Jason Brustad
Technical PAS Session 5: Unique Applications
Thursday, March 6 • 8:30am
Session Chair: Myung Chul Jo
Issues with Laser Safety of Hand-held Laser Welding Systems
David Lawton
Vertical Optical Systems: Pros, Cons, and Safety
Keith Kanz
Laser Safety and the Cleanroom
Ken Barat
Technical PAS Session 6: Tools for the LSO
Thursday, March 6 • 10:30am
Session Chair: Scott Wholstein
Enhancing Laser Safety Management with AI: Practical Applications for Laser Safety Officers
Annie Mercier
Fundamntals of Optics for the LSO, or How NOT to Lose Your One Good Eye!
Dr. Simon Lappi
Minimising LPE Use During New Laser Development
Dr. Nick Hopps
Technical PAS Session 7: Education
Thursday, March 6 • 1:30pm
Session Chair: Hayden Johnson
Attracting the Next Generation of LSOs
Ken Barat/Dr. Sydney Sukuta
Life Safety for the LSO, Do I Sense Trouble or Smell Smoke?
Dr. Simon Lappi