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McKim McKim TTractor ractor SService ervice
2718 LLincoln incoln AAve, ve, Oskaloosa, Osk IA 3-7858 2718 641-673-7858
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A Auto uto A Auction uction O Open pen T To o P Public, ublic, D Dealers, ealers, S Scrappers, crappers, L Licensed i c e n s e d Business’s, B u s i n e s s ’s , Exporters, Exporters, D Dismantlers ismantlers
EVERY at 9:00 AM E V E RY TUESDAY T U E S D AY a t 9 :00 A M
Check our website @ www.iaai.com
I In ns su ur ra an nc ce e R Re ec co ov ve er ry y V Ve eh hiic clle es s
High Quality Repairables & Parts Vehicles From Insurance Providers, Fleets & More
Chevrolet, 2015, Silverado K1500 LT, front end, 59,890 actual miles, runs & drives 5.3L V8 Insurance Recovery, #19176829, Go to iaai.com for more info
Dodge, 2016, Ram 3500 SLT, 38,444 actual miles, runs & drives, air bags OK, Insurance Recovery, #1 944 71 08, Go to iaai.com for more info
Alumatech, 2010, theft recovery, Insurance Recovery, # 186 12 464 , Go to iaai.com for more info
Mercedes Benz, 2012, C 300 4Matic, left front damage, 40,694 actual miles, Insurance Recovery, #1 717 800 9, Go to iaai.com for more info
Ford, 2005, Focus, won’t start, 4dr wagon, 4 cyl, airbags OK, Go to iaai.com for Current Listings
Chevrolet, 2008, Impala, vehicle starts, flex fuel, air bags OK, Go to iaai.com for Current Listings
Ford, 2006, F-250, regular title, 129k actual miles, runs & drives, no known damage Go to iaai.com for Current Listings
Dodge, 2013, Charger, vehicle starts, air bags OK, CD, V8, Go to iaai.com for Current Listings
Clean lle Title iitttllle e State S tta Ve V e h iic c l e s With Wiiittth h Little L iitt ttllle e Or N o Damage Damage C e a n TTi a t e Vehicles W O r No
ALL Buyers ALL Buyers must must pre-register pre-register before b efore a auction uction day. day. P Please lease v visit isit u us sa at: t:
3277 Ute Ave, Waukee IA
5 515-987-1700 15-987-1700
Open O p e n To To
•P Public Scrappers Exporters u b l i c • Dealers Dealers • S crappers • E xporters •L Licensed Business’s Dismantlers icensed B u s i n e s s ’s • D ismantlers
L LIVE IVE RUN R UN & D DRIVE RIVE S SALES ALES For Fleet Vehicles, Bank Repo, Rental Cars, and More With Minor Damage and Clear Titles Plus Driveable Insurance Vehicles With Salvage Titles
These vehicles and many more available soon. Check our website @ www.iaai.com for each weeks sale list or preview cars in person every Monday from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Cam Campers oy per s & T s mp rs & Toys To ys s
Polaris, 2016, Ranger 570 EPS, fresh water damage, 508 actual miles, runs & drives, alloy wheels Insurance Recovery, #19207545 Go to iaai.com for more info
Ski-Doo, 2017, Freeride, front end & left side collision damage, 189 actual miles, runs & drives Insurance Recovery, #19352781, Go to iaai.com for more info
Kawasaki, 2016, EX300B, left side damage, 3,356 actual miles, runs & drives, alloy wheels, 296 cc engine, Insurance Recovery, #19860287, Go to iaai.com for more info
Jayco, 2017, Jay Flight, fresh water damage, Insurance Recovery, #20109900, Go to iaai.com for more info
E EVERY V E RY TUESDAY T U E S D AY a at t 9 9:00 :00 A AM M
Auto A u t o Auction A u c t i o n Open O p e n To To Public, P u b l i c , Dealers, D e a l e r s , Scrappers, S c r a p p e r s , Licensed L i c e n s e d Business’s, B u s i n e s s ’s , Exporters, E x p o r t e r s , Dismantlers Dismantlers
18 7 H w y 6 Grinnell, IA 641-990-8732
www.4seasonsgrinnell.com $1,650
New Heartland, 2017, 76”x12’, solid side utility trailer, 2,990 GVWR, 4’ gate, built in tool box, 4” c-channel wrapped tongue, LED lighting, black powdercoat
New Heartland, 2017, car hauler package, 18’+2’ dovetail, 5” c-channel frame, 5” tongue, 2 - 5,200 lb axles with brakes, HD ramps, LED lighting, winch plate
Many Sizes
BearTrack, 2017, Single Axle Utility, 2,200lb torsion axle, bi-fold gates, LED lights, ST175/80/13 radial tires on aluminum wheels, ALUMINUM - 53"x8' $1,650.00; 76"x10' $2,150.00; 82"x10' $2,250.00; 82"x12' $2,450.00
Cargo Mate, 2018, 7’x16’, tandem axle, 2 - 3,500lb axles, with brakes, white, rear ramp door, stabilizer jacks, dome lights with wall switch, undercoated
D &E D&E
Cargo Mate, 2017, V-nose, 6’x10’, 1-3,500 lb. EZ-lube axle, Outlaw motorcycle package, atp ruber flooring, 4-recessed D rings, 205/75/15” radial tires, rear ramp door/32” side door, dome light, Black/Orange
MAXXD, 2017, 83”x22’, gooseneck equipment hauler, 14k GVWR, HD flip up equipment ramps, toolbox, spare tire
New, Cargo Mate, 2018, 5x8 v-nose, 4’11” interior height, rear barn doors, black, Rear ramp door models available for $2,200
2017 MAXXD Trailers “14k gravity tilt” Available in: 83"x 20', 4' stationary deck $5,300.00 83'x22', 6' stationary deck $5,400.00 83'x24', 8' stationary deck $5,500.00 Call for Details
Sale $4,995
Cargo Mate, 2018, 7x12, Blazer tandem axle, slant front wedge, 4 - Recessed Drings, .030 polar white aluminum exterior, rear ramp door, Aluminum wheels
Cargo Mate, 2018, 5x8 ss, rear cargo door, white
Ford, 2002, F250, 4x4, extended cab, white/gray interior, 5.4 motor, auto, $5,895
USED CARS AND TRUCKS Quality Service & Repair
210 E. Broadway Des Moines, IA
Many Sizes
Chevrolet, 2010, Colorado, 2WD, ext. cab, w/ ARE topper, new tires, 3.7L auto, $9,995
Chevrolet, 2009, HHR LS, blue/gray interior, new tires, brakes, fully loaded, $5,995
Ford, 2003, F-250, 4x4, standard cab, cargo box, 5.4L V8, fully loaded, $6,450
Chevrolet, 1999, 1 Ton, 4x4, auto, fully loaded, low miles, Tommy Lift Gate $5,995
Chevrolet, 2000, 1 ton, 3500 motor, Bins, shelves & ladder rack, $3,995
Ford, 2005, E150, Cargo Van, V8, auto, extra clean, $6,995
Chevrolet, 2007, Express 1500, cargo van, AWD, 5.3L motor, 8 door, extra clean, $9,995
Ford, 1997, F150, 2WD, auto, $1,995
! ! !
<1+2 5+3)=- & % $ 3-);0-9 0-);-, :-);: .<33 76>-9 73)@-9 +9<1:-
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1705 N. Lincoln • 641-842-3200 • 1-800-933-8673 Member of Motor Inn Auto Group
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8:6,7 *7,< %
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285 (;, ( @ (>8(0257 #(02)5(9 <09/ $7(02,7 (1, --,7 (22 57 $,=9
*with approved credit, $1,500 down plus tax, title, liscense down, APR 5%, 72 months inivans. nd m S U Vs a rucks, SUVs cars, ttrucks, mport cars, or iimport domestic or ave domestic We h We have and minivans. ou ! or y work f o work o tto e’ll g nd w or a ooking f ou’re llooking h at y now w us k Let us Let know what you’re for and we’ll go for you!
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7(4+ !70= (:95 3554755-
$5 !2(*, + 4204, 5 $5 05<((:95 *53 (4+ *20*1 54 9/, !2(*, + 45< ):9954 ":,890548
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SERVCE, SERVCE, T TOWING, OWING, S SALES ALES Shop: Shop: 6 641-791-2333 41-791-2333 â&#x20AC;¢ T Tow ow 6 641-521-6533 41-521-6533 1800 Ave E,, 1800 1st 1s t A ve E Newton Newton IIA A
2015 V300, New Discounted, call for details
RT210 & RT175, New Fully Loaded, call for price
Gehl, 2012, 5240 Turbo, 2spd, 68HP, cab & heat, 2125 hrs, $26,000
2010, 5640, 1360 hrs, 84 HP, $24,000
Pontiac, 2004, Grand Am, 144k miles, good tires, cold air
Dodge, 2002, Neon, low 101k miles, gray, cold air, fuel saver
$ 4, 9 0 0 RT 60, 3 to choose from, Low hours
Shears, Grapples, Skid Loaders, Augers, & Tree Pullers, for sale or rent
nehringauto@yahoo.com nehringauto@yahoo.com
Chrysler, 2010, Town & Country 189k miles, stow n go seating
Roadmaster, 2006, Predator Toy Hauler, clean inside, generator, fuel tank for toys, new tires, possible trade
$ 3, 9 0 0
Nissan, 2005, Murano, 189k miles, leather, moonroof, cold air, nice SUV
Dodge, 2004, Ram 2500, 4x4, 270k miles, greatt running, power window/locks, 270k miles
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8 bale, 12 volt, hydraulic dumping, 6 and 7 bale also available
909 Hwy 163 W, Pella IA (Mile Marker 38)
lity 990
78” x Trailer
t, nt
S&S with c
$ Call for Quote
truckbed, head rack, reciever, side boards & tail board, we install.
torscon axles, radial tires optional, removable side rails, other sizes available
ne, 2 horse w/slant ga e & d essing & tack room, also 3 horse on hand
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Tractors T ractors & E Equipment quipment N Near e ar P Pella, ella, Iowa Iowa
Massey Ferguson 65 tractor, $4,000
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Cat I blades, 6’ & 8’ 4 available from $175- $400
Rear wheel weights: Int, Cat III QH & Cat II QH $125 per set
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5 - 3pt dirt scoops $ 12 5 - $2 0 0
4 section pull-type harrow $350
1-2 stage 40” fork (green) $6 2 5
2 - 2 bottom, 3pt Ford plows $325$400 each, 1 - bottom plow, 3pt $175
Landpride, 2 each - 6 ft. 3pt finish mower, $1,200 each
8 8:00-5:00 :00-5:00 M M-F -F • S Saturday aturday by by Appointment Appointment Only Only
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INC. M A R I N E , INC. B O D Y & MARINE, A U T O BODY A N G S T R A A T AUTO LLANGSTRAAT TThe h e Collision C o l l i s i o n Repair R e p a i r Specialists Specialists
““Where Where yyou ou ddon’t on’t hhave ave ttoo llook ook ffor or a qquality uality repair.” repair.”
$3,6 ,650 as
$1,9 ,950 as
is is
P Phone: hone: 6 641-628-3680 41-628-3680 2079 Old Hwy. 163 West, Pella IA50219
$4,,6650 as
is is
Pontiac, 2009, G6 GT, 3.5ltr V6, auto, power windows/locks, tilt, cruise, spoiler, alloy wheels, newer tires, 109,491 miles, deer damage right front & side. $1,950.00 as is. $3,650.00 ready to go
FORD, 2012, Fusion SE, 2.5ltr 4cyl auto, full PWR, alloy wheels, 81,870 miles, needs front and rear bumper, decklid, L. taillamp, pull rear body, bags ok. $3,650 as is. $6,750 ready to go
#274 %( '27/( &) ,)4) 5) 73 62 924(5 62 ()5'4-&) %1;6,-1+ ;27 9-5, 62 5)// 9-6, % 3,262 %(
CHEVROLET, 2011, Impala LT, 3.5ltr V6, auto, full power, gray leather, bose stereo, sunroof, alloy wheels, spoiler, 96,015 miles, minor left side damage, need doors, repair left quarter, repair rear cover. $4,650.00 as is. $6,950.00 ready to go
3 3)&&.%/' %"82 0,&"2&$",, 3/ 1&.&6 %6*, ./3 1&.&6"43/-"3*$",,8 %"82-"7*-4-*. 01*.3 ".%4.3*, 2/,% /.,*.&"3 */6""43/ $/-*' 8/4$",, 3/ 1&.&6&5&18 %"82 1*5"3& 0"138 "%2/.,8 1&&
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)$0 &/$ 1 .(",(" 1 !*$ "*-1'0 ")(,& 1$/( * /1 -/ #/ 4(,& . .$/ ,# +-/$ $*(3$/6 -00(!*$
GMC, 2008, Denali, AWD, 149k, Clean Title, $16,800
Ford, 2013, Transit Connect, 97,000 miles, Call for Price
Ford, 2012, F-350 Lariat, Super Duty, 6.7L Powerstroke Diesel, $19,500
2017-2018 Aluminum 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ford F-250/F-350 Super-duty Truck Beds, 2 white, 1 blue, 1 red $2,000 each
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Ford 8N, 1949 good rubber all around, above average $2,850
Ferris, 1500 , 21 HP Kawasaki, 48" Deck, Hydro, 251 Hours, Like New! #3126 $4,500
John Deere, z960R, 31 HP Kawasi, 60" Deck, 2014 year, 212 Hours, Very Good Condition, #3373 $7,500
Ferris, 1500 , 28 HP B&S Vangaurd, 61" Deck, Hydro, 733 Hours NICE!!! #3303 $4,500
Simplicity, Legacy XL, Garden Tractor, Kohler Command 27HP, 60" Deck, 249 Hours, Nice! #3004 $6,000
Ferris, 3100 , 36 HP B&S Vangaurd, 72" Deck, Hydro, 750 Hours, Been Through Shop Ready To Go! #2712 $7,000
Ferris, 5100, 33.5 HP Cat Diesel, 72" Deck, Hydro, 812 Hours, Nice Unit! #3288 $10,500
Ferris, 2100, 26 HP B&S Vangaurd, 52" Deck, Hydro, 487 Hours, Nice Unit! #2713 $5,500,
Snapper, 300ZT, 27 HP Briggs & Straton, 52â&#x20AC;? Deck, New Aged Inventory! Price was $4100, Now $2,900 and Get $300 Rebate Back, Has New Warranty, is Weathered, Good Buy
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Who we are We are a second-generation family owned business that was started in 1978. We sell and service AGCO farm equipment. Massey Ferguson tractors, Hesston hay epuipment, Sunflower tillage, Gleaner combines, and several other short lines such as Rhino, Buhler/allied, Westendorf, Mac-lander trailers and many others. We are one of the largest Ferris, Simplicity, and Snapper lawn and garden dealers. We service all brands of AG and lawn and garden equipment. We strive to give our customers the best service possible. McKim Tractor Service is now hiring. We have positions in the lawn and garden or farm equipment sales. We are also looking for a Parts person & customer service person. Additionally we have Ag service tech and/or lawn and garden tech. We offer good benefits with paid holidays and competive pay with health insurance. These are full-time positions. Advancement and educational opportunities available.
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Ron Paxton â&#x20AC;¢ 641-780-3805 rpaxton07@yahoo.com www.paxtonandsons.com
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Building For Sale
Area = 25,892 sq ft Perimeter = 1,033 ft Front
25,895 sq ft Building 1,033’ Perimeter and 20+ acres
Features: Financing Available • 2 Hoists • 2 Large Air compressors • Office Space • 10 Large Garage Doors
For Sale or R Reent
27 1/2
20 1/2
37 1/2
53 1/2
20 1/2
3’ 6 ”
99 99
50 1/2 20
20 1/2
Location: Van Gorp Auto (2696 Hwy 63 South, Oskaloosa IA 641-295-0458 Gary Cell 641-673-8459 Van Gorp Office
100’ x 40’ Building 60’ Heated and 40’ Storage on 6.2 acres
Features: • Rural warer • City gas • Air compressor • Hoist (Auto) • Restroom • 8” cement in center stall where hoist is located
23 1/2
Financing Available
Location: Just North of Van Gorp Auto (2696 Hwy 63 South, Oskaloosa IA 641-295-0458 Gary Cell 641-673-8459 Van Gorp Office
!! e v i s Expl o 11% Off ALL Inventory
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