Marketplace Magazine May 15, 2017

Page 1

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McKim M cKim Tractor SService ervice Tractor

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Buick, 2003, LeSabre, 3.8L V6, Auto, Runs Just like New, Great 30+ MPG, Cass, CD, Leather Heated Seats, Alum Wheels, Keyless Entry, Newer Brakes, New Battery, Clean Title, $3,000

Dayton Ericson Owner-Army Mechanic/Officer

Can-Am, 2012, Spyder RS SM5, Low miles only 7700, Black on Black, Upgraded Exhaust & back rest Rotac 998 Transmission 5-speed manual (SM5) with reverse, Barely broke in $11,500

314 SW Pleasant St, Ankeny IA 50023

ERICSONAUTO.COM E RICSONAUTO. O COM • 515-964-3200 515-964-3200

Chevrolet, 2001, Silverado K1500, 4x4, 5.3L V8, Auto , Great AC/Heat, Leather PSeats, CD Player, Privacy Glass, Tow Pkg, Aluminum wheels, New Brake Lines, Newer Battery, Remote Start, Runs Great, Loaded w/Every Option $6,500

Honda, 2003, Accord EXL, 3.0L V6, Auto, Great AC/Heat, PL, PW, MoonRoof, cruise, 6-Disc CD, Leather Heated PSeat, Aluminum Wheels, New Tires, New Brakes, New Battery, Runs Just Like New, Great 30+ MPG $6,000

Toyota, 2003, Matrix, 1.8L, Auto, AC/Heat, cruise control, PL, PW, Power steering, tilt wheel, CD, dual air bags, cloth, alloys, New Tires, Newer Battery, New Plugs, belts, Runs Great, 30+ Hwy MPG, All Ready to go, $4,500

Volvo, 2006, XC90, 4.4L V8, Auto, 4WD/A AWD, ABS Brakes, Air, Alloys, CD, cruise control, DVD, Fold-Away Third Row, Front Seat Heat, Leather, PL, PW, PS, PW, Sunroof, Traction Control, New Tires, New Battery, $7,000

Chevrolet, 2004, Silverado, DNR Work Truck, 4dr, extended cab, RWD, SB, 5.3L V8, Flex Fuel, Auto, PL, power steering, CD, cloth, New Fuel Pump, New Rear Tires, Newer Shocks, Interstate Battery, Tow Hitch, Runs Greatt, $4,500

Toyota, 2007, Yaris, 1.5L, Auto, AC/Heat, tilt, CD Player, Cloth Seats, Steel wheels, Good Tires, Newer Battery, New Plugs, belts, Runs Great, 35+Hwy MPG, All Ready to go $6,000

Toyota, 2004, Solara SLE, 3.3L V6, Auto, Air, Alloys, New Tires, Premium CD, Pwr Leather Seats, Cruise, PL, PM, PW, Rear Defroster, Rear Spoiler, Dual Front & Side Air Bags, Sunroof, Rear Spoiler, Runs Great $4,500

Toyota, 2003, Camry XLE, 2.4L 4-Cyl, Auto, Runs Just like New, Great 30+ Hwy MPG PL, PW, cruise, CD Playyer, tilt, AC/Heat, Leather Seats, Rear Spoiler, Alloys, Good Tires, Newer Brakes, New Battery, All Ready to Go $4,500

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Buy Sell Trade Thousands of Photo ads online @


Lincoln, 2007, Mark LT 5.4L V8, blue with leather int, 128k miles

Ford, 2004, F150, gray, cloth, 5.4L, rebuilt tranny, 121k miles

$ 1 6 ,5 0 0

$9, 000


Ford, 2005, F-150 5.4L V8, cloth int, 89k miles


Ford, 2004, F-150 XLT 4x4, 5.4 Triton V8, green w/cloth int, 183k miles

2696 Hwy 63 S, Oskaloosa IA 641-673-8459


Chrysler, 2006, Sebring Convertible, gold, 2.7L, cloth, 71k miles

For Sale or R Reent

100’ x 40’ Building 60’ Heated and 40’ Storage on 6.2 acres

Features: • Rural warer • City gas • Air compressor • Hoist (Auto) • Restroom • 8” cement in center stall where hoist is located

Location: Just North of Van Gorp Auto (2696 Hwy 63 South, Oskaloosa IA 641-295-0458 Gary Cell 641-673-8459 Van Gorp Office

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2001, Forest Cherkee, Fifth Wheel Camper, super slide with dinette and sofa sleeper, Plenty of Cabinet space, all appliances work well, sleeps 6-7 people, above average condition, $5,995

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Ford, 2009, Crown Vic, 4.6L V8, Auto, Runs Just like New, PL, PW, power steering, cruise control, CD, tilt wheel, AC/Heat, gray cloth, Dual Air Bags, Steel Wheels, Good Tires, Newer Battery, Previously owned by State of Iowa, well maintained, Runs Great, $4,500 • Ericson Auto Sales & Serv vice 515-964-3200

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.$4*( 5 (.(&6,1 647&-5 0 1) 647 2$0(. &-5 2,& 647&-5 ($8; -72 ).$6%(' " &$% 647&-5 (:6 &$% " ( $ 8 ; 76; 5 14 &4 4(* (9 &$ 5+14 ,19$$7 6 %(' /14( %5 .10* %(' 61 &1/ 10.,0( 14 75$ $6 761.,05 &1/

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D &E D&E USED CARS AND TRUCKS Quality Service & Repair

210 E. Broadway Des Moines, IA


Ford, 2003, F-250, 4x4, standard cab, cargo box, 5.4L V8, fully loaded, $6,450

Ford, 2001, Taurus, 3.0L V6, fully loaded, extra clean $2,995

Chevrolet, 2000, 1 ton, 3500 motor, Bins, shelves & ladder rack, $3,995

Ford, 2002, F250, 4x4, extended cab, white/gray interior, 5.4 motor, auto, $5,895

Ford, 1999, E 250, Cargo Van, new tires, extra clean, $5,895

Dodge, 1998, D-2500, 5.9 liter motor, auto, fully loaded, $2,895

John Deere, 2004, 4310, 4x4, 3 cyl, diesel, 721 inch belly mower, turf tires, extra clean, $12,900

Chevrolet, 2007, Express 1500, cargo van, AWD, 5.3L motor, 8 door, extra clean, $9,995

Ford, 2005, E-150, cargo van, V8, 4.6L, $6,995

Chevrolet, 2007, 3500 Express, 6.0 liter motor, 15 passenger, new tires, extra clean, $8,995


) $ !# $ (!&

2005 ASV RC 30, 1266 hrs, with bucket, 30HP diesel, new price is $14,000

Gehl, 2012, 5240 Turbo, 2spd, 68HP, cab & heat, 2125 hrs, $26,000

Hydra Mac, 11C, 30HP diesel, 1100 lbs, water cooled, new paint, with bucket, good tires, nice unit, $7,500

1200 OMC, Mustang, 4 cyl, Wisconsin, 30 HP, $3,500

Owatonna, 330 25HP, $3,500

Shears, Grapples, Skid Loaders, Augers, & Tree Pullers, for sale or rent



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Gulfstream, 2006, M-6316 Conquest, 30ft, fully self-contained, new tires & new battery, Triton V10, 1 slide, Extra Sharp! NADA $32,500 Our Price $22,500

Keystone, 2006, Zepplin Z-271, 26ft, extra nice, sleeps 6, 1 slideout, NADA $9,450 Our Price $6,999/OBO

*;8( # ;22? 5(+,+ 62;9 % ;:5 =0:/ ;:5 ":0*1 ,(:,+ ,(:/,8 ",(:04. =8 ";4 !55;> 46;: (*:58? (. &/,,29 55+ 302,9 "/(86 ":022 25519 (4+ 8;49 201, 4,=

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“ Ser ving Iowa Since 1948”


“Building More Tha Than Just Cars” *)$" ) #

Jayco, 2006, Jayfeather, 19’, sleeps 8, A/C, full bath, ultra lite, 3500# tow weight, $4,999/OBO

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5 5636 636 NE NE 14th 14th Street Street D Des es M Moines, oines, IA IA 515-265-6056 515-265-6056 800-362-2092 800-362-2092

8 8:00-5:00 :00-5:00 M M-F -F • S Saturday aturday by by Appointment Appointment Only Only • Over Over 400 400 Trailers Trailers In In Stock! Stock! • Iowa’s Iowa’s Largest Largest Trailer Trailer Dealer! Dealer! Finish Line Econo SS, Utility Trailer, 5’x10’, Ramp Gate, 3500# A xle, Solid Sides

S Spring pring S Special: pecial: $ $895 895 while supplies last!

Big B ig TTex ex

s 2 Ra mp s ht g ig i LED L cks a J Dual

G Gooseneck ooseneck Trailers Trailers

New 20+5 15,900# - $ $5,550 5,550 $7,895 New 20+5 23,900# - $ 7,895

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Bring In This Coupon For A Free Roll Taarp Kit Or Spare Tire & Wheel With The Purchase Of A Big Tex 14 LX Dump or Sure Trac Thru April 30 2017 on Big Tex or Trac Dump Tr Good through 4/30/17

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Add 5200# Axles for only $995

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/ #& & (+/ / )-# (+/ )) &+# * )-# - #$ $ / / )+# # *+ ) $ )/

"'( #+" '& # & + $ + ,+' $ *

Tractors T ractors & E Equipment quipment N Near e ar P Pella, ella, Iowa Iowa

((cell) cell)

641-780-1723 641-780-1723 641-628-3328 641-628-3328

148 JD Loader, hydraulic bucket, came off 4020 JD, will fit several JD tractors $1,900

Massey Ferguson 65 tractor, $4,000

Cat I blades, 6’ & 8’ 4 available from $175- $400

Rear wheel weights: Int, Cat III QH & Cat II QH $125 per set

Landpride, 2 each 6 ft. 3pt finish mower, $1,200 each

3pt bale movers $100

4 section pull-type harrow $350

5 - 3pt dirt scoops $125 - $200

1-2 stage 40” fork (green) $625

Bale feeder tires, $ 25 e a ch (3 available)

2 - 2 bottom, 3pt Ford plows $325-$400 each 1 - bottom plow, 3pt $175

Also Available: 3 point Massey Ferguson sickle mower $450



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(.B.:. .>4; *.: ;C:2> 7 9682? 682 &5;@;

8602:?2 C =A.863621 0>216@

D e al Special

Ferris, 1500 , 21 HP Kawasaki, 48" Deck, Hydro, 251 Hours, Like New! #3126 $4,500

Snapper, 550ZT 25-52, 25 HP B&S, Hydro Zero Turn, Brand New! $4,000 Get A $300 Rebate From Snapper!

Ferris, 1500 , 28 HP B&S Vangaurd, 61" Deck, Hydro, 733 Hours NICE!!! #3303 $4,500

Ferris, 3100, 36 HP B&S Vangaurd, 61" Deck, Hydro, 814 Hours, Flat Free Front Tires, Sharp Unit! #2929 $6,500

Simplicity, Legacy XL, Garden Tractor, Kohler Command 27HP, 60" Deck, 249 Hours, Nice! #3004 $6,000

Ferris, 3100 , 36 HP B&S Vangaurd, 72" Deck, Hydro, 750 Hours, Been Through Shop Ready To Go! #2712 $7,000

Ferris, 5100, 33.5 HP Cat Diesel, 72" Deck, Hydro, 812 Hours, Nice Unit! #3288 $10,500

Ferris, 2100, 26 HP B&S Vangaurd, 52" Deck, Hydro, 487 Hours, Nice Unit! #2713 $5,500,

Ford 8N, 1949 good rubber all around, above average $2,850

Massey Ferguson, 2011, 2615, 42 PTO HP, 8x2 trans, live PTO, 900 hours, 2WD, 13.6-28 tires $14,850

Mahindra, 2012, 5035, 143hrs, 4WD, with loader, 2 hyd remotes, shuttle, 50HP diesel engine, $23,700

Bush Hog, 3210, The heavy duty 3210 cuts a 10-feet 6-inch swath semi-mount, With a high blade tip speed, the 3210 gives a clean cut in heavy grass, weeds and small brush, $5,750



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J.A.S. & A. Inc. Offers and Trades Considered 300 Hwy. 28, Martensdale, IA


Just 15 min. South of the DM airport

5 515-360-7693 15-360-7693

Cadillac, 2006, DTS heated & cooled seats, 154,000 miles

o or r 641-764-2121 6 4 1 -7 6 4 -2 1 2 1


Ford, 2006, Focus ZX4 SE 4cyl, auto, air, cruise, PW, PL, 125,000 miles


Oldsmobile, 2001, Intrigue 3.5 V6, auto, heated leather, prior salvage title due to hail, runs & drives good,106,000 miles


Hyundai, 2011, Sonata GLS 4 cyl, auto, PW, PL, air, cruise, near new tires, 133,000 miles


Pontiac, 2008, Grand Prix 3800 V6, auto, remote start, 1 5 5 k mi l e s


Hyundai, 2010, Elantra 4 cyl, automatic, PW, PL, Florida car, no rust, 85,000 miles


Chevrolet, 2011, Impala LT T 3.5 V6, heated leather, sunroof, 86,000 miles, prior salvage title, runs & drives good, 88,000 miles


Isuzu, 2004, Asender 4X4, 6 cyl, auto, air, power seat, 3rd row seat, 209,000 miles


Pontiac, 2007, G6 GT 3900 V6, heated leather, remote start, retractable hard top, 147,000 miles


Volkswagen, 2006, Jetta 5 cyl, 6 spd auto, 116,000 miles

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A Auto uto A Auction uction O Open pen T To o P Public, ublic, D Dealers, ealers, S Scrappers, crappers, L Licensed i c e n s e d Business’s, B u s i n e s s ’s , Exporters, E x p o r t e r s , Dismantlers Dismantlers


EVERY at 9:00 AM E V E RY TUESDAY T U E S D AY a t 9 :00 A M


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High Quality Repairables & Parts Vehicles From Insurance Providers, Fleets & More

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Subaru, 2011, Legacy Premium, 2.5L, left front & side damage, all wheel drive, #18184532, insurance recovery, Go to for more info

Toyota, 2016, Higlander Limited Platnum, front and left side damage, 1,248 actual miles, runs & drives, all wheel drive, insurance recovery, #19016793, Go to for more info

Mercedes Benz, 2012, C 300 4Matic, left front damage, 40,694 actual miles, insurance recovery, #17178009, Go to for more info

Ford, 2005, Focus, won’t start, 4dr wagon, 4 cyl, airbags OK, Go to for Current Listings

Chevrolet, 2008, Impala, vehicle starts, flex fuel, air bags OK, Go to for Current Listings

Ford, 2006, F-250, regular title, 129k actual miles, runs & drives, no known damage Go to for Current Listings

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3277 Ute Ave, Waukee IA

5 515-987-1700 15-987-1700

O Open p e n To To

•P Public Scrappers Exporters u b l i c • Dealers Dealers • S crappers • E xporters •L Licensed Business’s Dismantlers icensed B u s i n e s s ’s • D ismantlers

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Polaris, 2014, Sportsman 570 EPS, 271 actual miles, insurance recovery, #18768793, Go to for more info

Harley Davidson, 2014, FLHX Street Glide, theft damge, won’t start, 9,323 actual miles, insurance recovery, #18939287, Go to for more info


Alumatech, 2010, theft recovery, insurance recovery, # 18 6 1 2 4 64 , Go to for more info

Tracker, 2012, Boat, storm damage, red, 17’, insurance recovery, #18471643, mercury outboard Go to for more info

E EVERY V E RY TUESDAY T U E S D AY a at t 9 9:00 :00 A AM M

Auto A u t o Auction A u c t i o n Open O p e n To To P Public, u b l i c , Dealers, D e a l e r s , Scrappers, S c r a p p e r s , Licensed L i c e n s e d Business’s, B u s i n e s s ’s , Exporters, E x p o r t e r s , Dismantlers Dismantlers


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