Different Kinds of Nightforce ATACR Scopes & Their Reviews With the advent of the latest technological advancements shooting accessories have become more advanced and accurate. The rifle scopes have specially advanced and they can be divided into two sections: •
Telescopic Riflescopes
The common ones are referred to as the telescopic scopes. Usually a shooter looks through the glass eyepiece. A series of lenses are arranged inside a waterproof tube which bends the light and highly magnifies the target. It has cross hair on the other end which is also known as reticles are available in varied range. They can magnify up to as high as 42x which will serve the shooter to take an accurate shot even if the target is very far away. They can be adjusted up or down to balance for the absence of ground elevation. Most of the scopes can be adjusted sidewise too to overcome the problems of wind. •
Electronic Riflescopes
These kinds of scopes are available in various forms. They come with programmable elevation and windage adjustments. In one of the kinds, a red dot appears on the target within seconds and the distance is also provided on the scope when seen through it. They also have great magnification powers but it is digital almost similar to the zoom of the digital cameras of these days. They also have autofocus options available in some of the scopes. Nightforce is one the leading manufacturers of the rifle scopes. The Nightforce ATACR scopes are amazing and are one of a kind. These scopes help in achieving greater accuracy and comfort. The following are two scopes under the ATARC range: 1. Nightforce ATACR 5-25x56 MOAR Riflescope C445
The specifications are: •
Scope length- 14.25”