Taking forward change in technology-enhanced education: Cascading strategic interventions within and across institutions – 1 day participative conference University of Bolton (Dean Suite, Dean Campus) Wednesday 23rd June 2010
Programme 10.00 – 10.30
Registration and coffee (Deane Suite)
10.30 – 10.50
Introduction and context setting (Main Lecture Theatre (MLT))
11.00 – 12.30
Parallel showcase sessions Session 1 (MLT) Informing strategy through formal and informal channels Lorraine Walsh and colleagues, University of Dundee Leeds Met Elluminate user group Mark De Groot, Leeds Metropolitan University Session 2 (Board Room) Developing E-learning activities as an alternative to lectures in legal professional teaching Eddie Higgins and colleagues, Manchester Metropolitan University Title TBC Paul Richardson, JISC RSC Wales Session 3 (F2-022) Creating a dynamic LTA strategy Joan McLatchie, Edinburgh Napier University Developing and embedding technology enhanced learning for the University of Plymouth Neil Witt, University of Plymouth
12.30 – 13.15
13.15 – 14.45
Parallel showcase sessions Session 1 (MLT) Technology-supported strategic curriculum change Mark Stubbs and colleagues, Manchester Metropolitan University Learner-centred staff development for sustaining change in technology-enhanced education Keith Smyth, Edinburgh Napier University
Session 2 (Board Room) Social Networking in FE Bill Pollard, independent consultant Implementing PDP through iPhones Ejaz Ahmed, University of Huddersfield Session 3 (F2-022) Moodle Madness! Tracey Ellis, Mark Johnson, University of Bolton Implementing e-portfolio for work-based learners in FE Dave Ellis, Automotive Solutions Ltd, Manchester 14.45 – 15.30
Open floor plenary with coffee (MLT)
15.30 – 16.15
Keynote by Professor Bill Olivier (MLT)
16.15 – 16.30