Business Examiner Victoria - January 2018

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Largest Construction Delivery Fleet on the Island.

VICTORIA Oakcrest Park Estates has been helping to build the Greater Victoria area for more than 65 years

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Win-Win Merger Expands Professional Services For The Victoria Region Hulko Cameron Wellburn Merges With MNP January 1


VICTORIA B. Boyd Contracting – a one stop shop for residential and commercial construction


INDEX News Update 2 West Shore 4 Saanich Peninsula 4 Greater Victoria 6 Who is Suing Whom 21 Movers and Shakers 28 Editorial 30 Contact us: 1-866-758-2684


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ICTORIA - Victoria area clients will gain a significantly expanded range of business advice and services January 1, when Victoria’s Hulko Cameron Wellburn LLP merges with MNP LLP, one of Canada’s largest accounting and financial services firms. The merger will be a win-win for clients of both companies, says James Byrne, MNP Regional Managing Partner for Vancouver Island. “For our existing clients, what they will experience is the same great service that they have always known. The only change our clients will see is an additional depth and support that their financial advisor will be able to access for them.” Hulko Cameron Wellburn was founded in 1976 and has served Victoria area owner-managed businesses, individuals, and professionals for the past 35 years.

The company is currently headed by Partners Jim Cameron, Steven Wellburn, and Sanci Solbakken. All three will remain with the merged company. The office also includes a manager, 12 additional accounting professionals, and two administrative staff, all of whom will also remain with the company. “We will continue to be a proactive and reliable professional services firm,” Wellburn said. “We are still committed to giving the highest level of expertise and service to our clients, a goal which is supported by joining MNP.” The merger meets needs identified by both companies to better serve their clients. Hulko Cameron Wellburn wanted to offer more specialty services, which required a broader base. MNP wanted to add additional professional expertise SEE WIN-WIN MERGER |  PAGE 9

Hulko Cameron Wellburn Partners (left to right) Jim Cameron, Sanci Solbakken, and Steve Wellburn will be merging with national firm MNP as of January 1

VRX Ventures: Big Winner At 2017 BC Export Awards

Sidney-Based Technology Firm Creates World-Leading Virtual Reality Simulators BY DAVID HOLMES


IDNEY – VRX Ventures Ltd., the designers and builders of state of the art virtual reality simulators, was one of eight winners (and one of only two based on Vancouver Island) at the recent 35th-annual BC Export Awards held in Vancouver. The awards were presented this year by the BC division of Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) as well as the

provincial government. The Sidney-based hardware and technology provider won its award i n t he E merg i ng E x por ter’s category. The creator of what could be described as immersive, entertainment and training experiences, VRX Ventures is finding itself and its expertise being sought after by major foreign corporations. “We may be a small firm but we’re very aggressive – wanting that top spot as far as innovation

and forward thinking goes. Larger firms in the industry, such as Intel or Microsoft, can come and say ‘we have this project can you guys help us to develop and design it using our technology’,” explained Robert Stanners, VRX’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). “As a result we have a number of projects just like that, including where we are working with Toyota and Microsoft combined in a research and development capacity, looking at new systems

they are putting into their cars to help with driver distraction, ways to detect low blood sugar and other safety issues.” The BC Export Awards were launched in 1982 to help raise awareness and to recognize the contribution the manufacturing and service sectors were making to the overall economy of British Columbia. “Since it was started more than 300 companies have been recognized, which is SEE VRX VENTURES |  PAGE 21


2 BC

Province Releases First Decision On Cannabis Regulation After considering input from 48,951 British Columbians, and submissions from 141 local and Indigenous governments and a range of other interested stakeholders, the Province has announced a number of key decisions related to the anticipated legalization of non-medical cannabis in July 2018. “Looking at the responses received, it’s clear that British Columbians support the priorities of protecting young people, health and safety, keeping the criminal element out of cannabis and keeping roads safe, which will guide the Province in developing BC’s regulatory framework for non-medical cannabis,” said Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Mike Farnworth. The following policy decisions were shaped by the feedback provided by those who participated in the engagement: As part of the feedback the province decided that British Columbia will set the minimum age to possess, purchase and consume cannabis at 19 years old. A minimum age of 19 is consistent with BC’s minimum age for alcohol and tobacco and with the age of majority in BC. Like other provinces, BC will have a government-run wholesale distribution model. The BC Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) will be the wholesale distributor of non-medical cannabis in BC The Province anticipates establishing a retail model that includes both public and private retail opportunities and will share details regarding the model in early 2018. From Sept. 25 to Nov. 1, 2017, the public and stakeholders were asked to share their

input and expertise on a range of issues related to the regulation of non-medical cannabis in BC, including minimum age, personal possession, public consumption, drug-impaired driving, personal cultivation, wholesale distribution and retail models. Furthermore, the policy decisions announced today reflect the feedback received from the local government members of the Joint Provincial-Local Government Committee on Cannabis Regulation (JCCR) and are endorsed by the Union of BC Municipalities executive. BC still has a number of key decisions to make as it prepares for the legalization of cannabis. These decisions will be informed by the feedback collected through the public and stakeholder engagement, and on-going consultation with local and Indigenous governments and other key stakeholders.

VICTORIA Challenge Offers $15,000 In Prizes For Local Entrepreneurs The South Island Prosperity Project (SIPP) is introducing the Smart South Island Open Innovation Challenge – a public competition inviting participants to submit their best ‘smart’ pilot project ideas to help improve the quality of life in the South Island and a chance to win one of three $15,000 prizes. The aim of the challenge is to source ‘smart’ homegrown solutions that solve some of Greater Victoria’s most pressing challenges, addressing themes such as: transportation & mobility, housing & affordability, economic resilience &

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Lot is +/- 34,000 sf. Building +/- 22,900 sf. • Business Office spaces plus 14’ Overhead doors Ph.1 and Ph.2 Environmental Reports Available .44 Acre - Zoned C-2 • Large fenced Compound with two Driveways • ModernBoat one-bedroom Suite onAvailable top floor Priced Below Assessed Value Moorage Leases • Central Location with easy accessLot is +/- 34,000sf. Building +/-$2,270,000 $669,000 22,900sf

is +/- 34,000sf. Building +/- 22,900sf Price: $1,250,000Lot MLS #425538 Ph.1 & Ph.2 Environmental reports available

Ph.1 & Ph.2 Environmental reports available Current Current Cap. Cap. Rate Rate of of 6% 6% from from existing existing tenancies tenancies Asking Price: $2,270,000 (below assessed Asking Price: $2,270,000 (below assessed value) value) Ample Ample parking parking


FOR FOR SALE SALE -- PRIME PRIME WATERFRONT WATERFRONT • 24 Units with Kitchens, 24 Parking Stalls DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT • Individually Metered SIDNEY COMMERCIAL ISLAND .44 Acre C-2 .44NORTH Acre -- Zoned Zoned C-2 HOTEL • Major Upgrades - Meticulous Throughout REVENUE PROPERTY Total 69 Rooms, 18 with Kitchen Units Mixed Use Use –– Commercial Commercial & & Multi-Family Multi-Family • Lot Size - 11,065 SF; Building 13,853 SF Mixed Quality Tenants in Place Includes Liquor Store, Pub, Coīee Shop and • Attractive Cap Rate .25 Acre Zoned C-1 Commercial Boat Moorage Leases Available Restaurant Boat Moorage Leases Available Situated on 2.19 acres ΨϮ͕ϵϴϬ͕ϬϬϬ

džĐĞůůĞŶƚ ,ŽůĚŝŶŐ /ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚ Price: $4,180,000 WĞƌŵŝƚƚĞĚ hƐĞƐ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞ DƵůƚŝͲ ǁĞůůŝŶŐ $1,880,000

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inclusion, human health and environmental health. The competition was inspired by SIPP’s work coordinating the region’s bid for Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge – a nation-wide competition inviting communities across the country to showcase their best ‘smart’ ideas. The Government of Canada will work in collaboration with cities and communities that are ready to innovate and take risks – providing financial and in-kind support for their Smart Cities transformation. The winning proposals are eligible to win prizes of $5, $10, or $50 million. “The Smart South Island Innovation Challenge is a fantastic way to unleash the creativity of local residents and organizations by designing innovative solutions to the real-world challenges impacting the South Island,” said Emilie de Rosenroll, CEO of the South Island Prosperity Project. The Smart South Island Innovation Challenge is open to all members of the public and is free to enter. Participants interested in learning more about the Challenge are invited to attend one of two workshops being held in December and January. Complete eligibility criteria are available on the initiative’s website: Teams interested in competing for the $15,000 prize are asked to submit a twopage application outlining their ‘smart’ pilot project pitch by January 28, 2018. Applications will be vetted by an adjudication team from Camosun College to narrow down the field to the top ten submissions. Top teams will be invited to develop a more detailed proposal and will pitch their ideas in front of an expert panel and live audience at a Dragon’s Den style event on March 11 where the top three winners will be selected through a weighted selection criteria combining live audience voting (25 per cent) and independent scoring by the professional adjudication committee (75 per cent). Each winner will receive a $15,000 prize and the opportunity to be included in the regional bid for Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge. Winners will also be invited to attend a networking event with top investors from around the globe on March 12 at the Greater Victoria Prosperity Summit.

VICTORIA UVIC Receives $1M in Funding For Hybrid Electric Technology Research The Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation in conjunction with Seaspan, announced a $1 million investment to the University of Victoria (UVIC) to support innovative teaching and research for cleaner and more environmentally friendly transportation solutions. As a result of the grant, additional government and industry funding will be secured to support future research activities focusing on advanced hybrid electric propulsion technologies that enable cleaner, lower cost fuel alternatives. The research team led by mechanical engineer Dr. Zuomin Dong will advance solutions for heavy-duty marine, mining and transportation sectors working to meet their greenhouse gas targets and climate change mitigation goals. This donation has been given as part of Seapan’s Industrial and Regional Benefits Policy obligations associated with the Joint Support Ship (JSS) program under the National Shipbuilding Strategy (NSS). “Innovation and cutting-edge technology

are critical components for the continued growth of the shipbuilding and marine transportation industries on the West Coast,” said Brian Carter, President and Chief Executive Officer – Seaspan Shipyards. “We are excited to partner with the University of Victoria in developing the next generation of engineers and researchers who will play leading roles in implementing green transportation solutions.” The Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation’s charitable donations are among the organization’s largest direct donations of their kind in Canada. On June 23, 2016, Seaspan, in conjunction with the Foundation, announced a multi-year donation of $900K for three institutional trades training programs in Canada – the British Columbia Institute of Technology, Camosun College and the Canadian Welding Association. Since its inception, the Foundation and the Washington Family’s personal contributions to charitable causes total more than $270 million to hundreds of organizations that focus on education, health and human services, arts and culture, and community service.

VICTORIA Real Estate Market Activity Grows A total of 671 properties sold in the Victoria Real Estate Board region this November, 12 per cent more than the 599 properties sold in November last year. “We suggested last month that some buyers may accelerate their purchase timeline to buy a new home in anticipation of the mortgage stress test on uninsured buyers those with a down payment of 20 per cent or more - that will come into effect on January 1,” says Victoria Real Estate Board President Ara Balabanian. “Judging by the sales we saw in November and what I have heard from our realtor members, some buyers have indeed accelerated their purchasing plans to avoid the stress test. This may change the numbers we see in the early months of 2018, as some buyers who had planned to buy next year have bought a bit earlier.” There were 1,764 active listings for sale on the Victoria Real Estate Board Multiple Listing Service at the end of November 2017, a decrease of 7.4 per cent compared to the month of October and 2.8 per cent fewer than the 1,815 active listings for sale at the end of November 2016. The Multiple Listing Service Home Price Index benchmark value for a single family home in the Victoria Core in November 2016 was $748,500. The benchmark value for the same home in November 2017 has increased by 10.2 per cent to $824,600, which is slightly higher than October’s value of $821,900. “So was this November a record breaker?” asks President Balabanian. “While not a record, it is the highest November sales count we’ve tracked since 1996. It is also rare that we see November numbers beat October numbers. The fact that we’ve had an unusual month does not necessarily mean that this is the start of a new trend, it is however, a good example of how outside forces can impact a housing market. It’s likely there will be more government-led change in the new-year and we’ll report on the effects of those changes on the market. Our hope is that the different levels of government coordinate their efforts to avoid a negative compounding effect on the market.” SEE NEWS UPDATE |  PAGE 3




VICTORIA Councillors Add $3m To Bike Lane Project Victoria Cou nci l approved $3-million in additional spending on the city’s protected bike lane network to complete the first phase. The money, which comes largely from gas tax grants, will bring the total cost of the 5.4-kilometre downtown network to roughly $14.5-million. T h is is rough ly double the $7.75-million the city initially budgeted for the project, ballooning the cost per kilometre to an estimated $2.7-million. According to city staff, the downtown portion of the 32-kilometre network is the most challenging and costs will decline once construction is expanded outside downtown. Staff estimate that $7.85-million is needed to complete Wharf, Humboldt and Cook Street segments, $4.85-million of which is already available. Construction market cost increases and a widening scope of the project have also contributed to an inflated price tag on the project. Construction market costs have increased between 25 and 30 per cent, while the project has expanded to include signal upgrades, pedestrian improvements and on-street parking. Some of the additions to the project are due to public input, for example the decision to spend $500,000 to save six parking spots in the 600 block of Fort Street. City staff will report back to council once the final three sections are at 60 per cent design with updated cost estimates and input from public engagement. Phase one of the bike network includes protected two-way bike lanes on Pandora Avenue and Fort Street between Cook and Wharf streets. The network will also include protected two-way bike lanes on the west side of Wharf between the Johnson Street Bridge and Government Street. One-way protected bike lanes on both sides of Cook Street between Pandora and Pakington Street, two-way protected bike lanes on the south side of Humboldt Street between Government and Douglas Streets and shared road use between Douglas and Cook.

VICTORIA Shipyards Continue Busy Refit Schedule Through 2020 A series of large contracts are expected to keep the Victoria Shipyards active until 2020. The surge in jobs will likely increase employment by 25 per cent, with between 600 and 1,000

people being employed through to 2020. The first ship that arrived at the Esquimalt Graving Dock was the Star Princess, which stayed from December 2 through to December 12. The Princess work included the installation of two new scrubber systems, which help to clean marine exhaust emissions. The Star Princess provided work for 300 to 400 employees, all working 12 hour shifts while the ship was undergoing upgrades. Two additional ships are scheduled to arrive in 2018, with four more planned up to 2021. Shipyard workers are currently busy working on the HMCS Corner Brook submarine, one of four in Canada’s navy. The sub is scheduled to remain at dock until 2018. On December 12, the first offshore fisheries science vessel built at Seaspan’s Vancouver Shipyard is scheduled to be towed into Ogden Point, where it is to remain until April. The science vessel is the first non-combat ship built at Vancouver Shipyards to be completed under a federal ship-building program to revitalize the navy and coast guard fisheries fleets and to develop expertise at Canadian yard. More federal ships will arrive in Victoria for final tests, trials and commissioning as they are completed in Vancouver. On December 15, the first of two US-based cargo carriers are in for 60 days in a two-stage conversion to duel fuel with LNG. While contract values were not revealed, individual contracts can range from $4-million to $5-million in value. Victoria Shipyards is part of North Vancouver-based Seaspan, which runs Vancouver Shipyards and Vancouver Drydock.

help ensure that companies from every region of British Columbia have an opportunity to compete for the Province’s business. The provincial government has relied on the current online process since 1996. Government is seeking new, innovative ways to engage and work with BC contractors and companies. Sims said the updated BC Bid will ensure ease of access and improved transparency in the procurement process. Companies able to provide a new, automated procurement application with standardized processes are encouraged to participate. Goals of the upgrade are to: offer a modern user experience on a reliable application; save time, reduce complexity and increase the number of vendors competing for and ultimately winning BC government contracts; and make it easier for companies to do business with the BC government. Bids can be submitted until Jan. 26, 2018. After the process closes, the government will take time to thoroughly review the applicants and determine the best fit for British Columbians. The new that is expected to be launched in 2019.

VICTORIA BC Ferries Gets Record Vehicle And

Passenger Traffic BC Ferries saw the h ig hest passenger traffic levels in the second quarter that the company has experienced in more than 20 years. BC Ferries has also recorded its highest levels of vehicle traffic, both in the quarter and over the year-to-date. During this quarter, passenger and vehicle traffic increased 5.2 per cent compared to the same quarter in the previous year, resulting in higher revenue and contributing favourably to net earnings. BC Ferries of fered a ra nge of deeply discounted fares for travel on off-peak sailings, as a way to i mprove affordability for travellers and to increase availability on the popular sailings. I n the th ree months ended Sept. 30, 2017, revenues i ncreased by 3.5 per cent (3.3 per cent year-to-date) compared to the same period in the previous fiscal year, due to the increased traffic volumes, partially offset by a lower average vehicle tariff. With record high traffic levels over the summer season, and conscious of the impact this can have on ferry customers, BC Ferries provided an extra 460 round-trips over and above its regular summer schedule, with some vessels providing shuttle service on the inter-island routes. Over the past six months, BC Ferries also introduced three

3 new vessels into service. BC Ferries’ net earnings in the three months ended Sept. 30, 2017 were $98.4 million, $3.2 m i l l ion h igher tha n i n sa me period in 2016. Year-to-date, net earnings were $115.7 million, $6.5 million lower than in the same period in the prior year. However, due to the seasonality of ferry travel, net earnings in the first and second quarters are typically reduced by net losses in the last two quarters of t he f isca l yea r when routine vessel maintenance is scheduled. Capital expenditures in the th ree a nd si x months ended Sept. 30, 2017 totalled $52.3 million and $143.5 million respectively. Significant investments were made to complete the Salish Class vessel project, begin a mid-life upgrade on the Spirit of British Columbia, acquire the new northern vessel, Northern Sea Wolf, as well as make improvements to customer-service technology. Operating costs increased in the quarter by 3.4 per cent (6.0 per cent year-to-date) compared to the same period in the previous fiscal year. Increases in fuel consumption, labour and training related costs arose from increased service levels tQo communities, higher traffic volumes, additional sailings provided, and the introduction of new ships.

BC Government Seeks Developers For BC Bid Upgrade After 20 years, the Government of British Columbia procurement portal needs updating. A recently posted negotiated request for proposals (NRFP) by the Ministry of Citizens’ Services is looking for submissions to update the BC Bid system with a focus on improved transparency a n d b e t t e r a c c e s s s o m o re companies, especially smalland medium-sized ones, can do business with government, announced Minister of Citizens’ Services Jinny Sims. Sims noted the BC Bid application is 20 years old and it is time to bring it up to date. By making the system more nimble and user friendly, Sims hopes to make it easier for all companies, especially small- and medium-sized ones, to do business with government, Updating BC Bid is the first step in overhauling the government’s approach to procurement and will

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ollowing on from the successful VISION WestShore 2016, the WestShore Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that VISION WestShore 2018 will take place on February 1st. The main event features a dynamic panel discussion with our five WestShore Mayors as they discuss and debate the future of the WestShore. The panellists are Mayor Carol Hamilton of the City of Colwood, Mayor Ken Williams of the District of the Highlands, Mayor Stewart Young of the City of Langford, Mayor John Ranns of the District of Metchosin and Mayor David Screech of the Town of View

Royal. There’s no shortage of things to talk about in the WestShore. Side by side we have beautiful parks and beaches, so many housing and commercial developments going up that builders and contractors are in short supply, not enough family doctors, too many cars on the road, and a hugely suppor t ive a nd interconnected community. This is all set against a backdrop of an increasing population – 69,542 WestShore residents according to the 2016 census by comparison with 61,625 in 2011. We know that population numbers are only going to go up and we see this reflected in the expansion of the Westmont Montessori School, the building of the Brookes Westshore School, and the plans for growth being put in place by the Sooke School District. The strength of VISION 2016 was the frank, open and interactive discussion with our panellists, including questions submitted both in advance and from the floor. Some familiar topics came up such as transportation, sewage

treatment and amalgamation, as well as some topics typically discussed less in the WestShore in 2016 such as “What is your position on medical marijuana dispensaries?” and “How are the 13 municipalities working together across the region?” For 2018, we look forward to recreating that atmosphere of genuine and engaged conversation. If you are interested in purchasing tickets for this event, please give us a call at 250-478-1130. Tickets are $85 for WestShore Chamber members, $100 for non-members, and include a cocktail reception, dinner and dessert and an evening of networking as well as the stimulating panel discussion. Thank you to our Title Sponsor Collins Barrow Victoria Ltd for supporting VISION WestShore 2018! For more information on the WestShore Chamber of Commerce, please go to Julie Lawlor is the Executive Director at the WestShore Chamber of Commerce. You can reach her at jlawlor@




t seems appropriate to devote th is month’s space to expressing the gratitude I feel to be a resident of this community and a support-person for this organization in particular. I have an immense appreciation for the beauty, amenities and people who choose to live and work on the Saanich Peninsula. This is a community that thrives due to the efforts of volunteers. In our organization, we continue to build community through business under the leadership of our dedicated volunteer board members. The passionate volunteers who

staff our Information Centre each year are the reason thousands of visitors and locals learn what is special about this area. The team is crucial. We have a lot happening in the office on any given day and without Office Manager Pat Taylor a nd ad m i nist rat ive suppor t f rom Ilka McKenzie, the magic would not happen. They are skilled, committed to contributing to our members’ success and execute their tasks with precision and professionalism. We exist to support our members. We are one of a number of volunteer community organizations but are the only one dedicated to the success of business and this is important because business is the heartbeat of our society. Business leaders sponsor sports teams, contribute to the food bank and support the arts. They contribute to the tax base that funds our schools, policing and infrastructure. There have been stud ies done that demonstrate a link between small-business success and improved community

wellbeing in areas such as better health of citizens a nd lower cri me rates. Researchers have discovered that in communities w h e r e l o c a l l y- o w n e d b u s i n e s s e s d o m i n a te , citizens are more active, there are stronger social networks, larger numbers of community organizations and superior public infrastructure. T here is something to be said for doing business with people who know us. T he independent business com munity that exists here supports human connection. W hile errands and shopping get done, impromptu conversations are sparked with friends and neighbours. This kind of interaction is the foundation of an engaged and resilient community. With this as our bedrock, all challenges can be tackled! Denny Warner is Executive Director of the Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at 250-656-3616 or



Nominations Flood In For BE Awards Think about it. People remember… Over 150 Nominations Submitted From All Across Vancouver Island


ICTORIA – Over 150 companies have been nominated - one of the largest ever number received - have been submitted for t he 18 t h A n nu a l Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards. “ We were e xp ect i ng a l a rge number of nominations because it’s been a good year for business on Vancouver Island, so we’re not surprised, but we’re very pleased with the response,” notes Mark MacDonald of Business Examiner, which coordinates the annual celebration of the best of the best in Vancouver Island business, to be held Jan. 25, 2018 at the Delta Ocean Pointe Resort in Victoria. Black Press is a Platinum Sponsor of the BE Awards this year, and RBC Royal Bank and Grant Thornton are the event’s Gold Sponsors. “As has been the norm, the nominations are virtually

split between south of the Malahat, throughout greater Victoria, and north of the Malahat, all the way to Port Hardy and Tofino and Ucluelet on the West Coast.” F i n a l i sts w i l l b e a nnounced prior to Christmas. There will be 17 Categories this year: • Automotive (car and truck dealerships & fleet sales) • Construction/ Development/Real Estate • Entrepreneur • Food & Food Production (agriculture, seafood, food products) • Green & Technology • Health Care • Hospitality

• Industrial Manufacturer • Manufactured Wood Products • Ocean Products • P rofession a l (legal, accounti ng, i nsu ra nce, coaching) • Construction/ Development/Real Estate • Retail • Small Business (under 20 employees & under $1 million in sales) • Tourism • Trades (automotive repair, plumbing, electrical, roofing, etc. • Business of the Year (over 50 employees & over $1 million in sales). The nomination deadline was December 1. Tickets to the event are $125, and it typically sells out early, so tickets can be purchased through There are still a few category sponsorships available for the event. For more information, contact MacDonald at 1-866758-2684 ext. 120 or email:

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n 2018, The Chamber w i l l b e c e l e b rat i n g its 155th anniversary. T hat k i nd of longev ity only comes with strong leadersh ip a nd v i sion. We’ve c o nt i n u e d t h a t proud tradition with this year’s incoming board. Da n Dagg, P re s i d e n t o f Hot Ho u s e M a rketing ta kes over t he role of Chair for the next two years and John Wilson, C E O, i s o u r i n c o m i n g Vice-Ch a i r. Bot h provide a wealth of business leadership expertise and experience and have been Wilson’s Group of Companies involved in many aspects of the economy and community in Greater Victoria. We h a v e t h r e e n e w additions to our well-seasoned board, each providing a diversity of business and community leadership experience. Christina Clarke i s E x e c u t i v e D i re c to r a t the Songhees Nation as well as serving on several prominent community boards. Christina led implementation of the First Nations Fiscal Management Act (FMA) for Song he es Nat ion, helpi n g to achieve the first FMA laws in Canada and first d e b e n t u re b o n d i s s u e by the First Nations Finance Authority. She also played a key role in the award-winning Songhees Wellness Centre.

• Thursday, January 11 Prodigy Group Mingle 5 to 7 pm @ Earl’s Restaurant (the Bay Centre) • Thursday, January 18 Business Mixer with Tourism Victoria

Ian Batey, Principal at IPB Consulting provides con su lt i ng ser v ices to non-for-profit organizations and businesses. Ian is actively engaged on the issue of affordable housing and homelessness and also serves on the board of the Coalition to End Homelessness, Greater Victoria Housing Society and Our Place. Rahim Khudabux is the G e n e ra l M a n a ge r a n d Owner of Max Furniture, a furniture store specializing in Canadian-made furniture for your home or office. Rahim has worked closely with The Chamber for many years i nclud i ng cha i ri ng the P r o d i g y G r o u p C o mmittee. He actively gives back to the community, volunteering his time at loca l events a nd mento r i n g up a n d c o m i n g professionals. O u r new boa rd members will be working with se a sone d b oa rd members including recently re-elected Lise Gyorkos, P re sid ent of Page One Publishing, Patricia Jelinski, CEO, United Way of Greater Victoria and Kris Wirk, Partner at Dickson D u sa nj & Wi rk . O t h e r continuing board members include: Jason Boyd, C o m m a n d e r o f C a nadian Forces Base Esquimalt, Carmen Charette, Vice President, External Breaking Business News Previous Business Examiner Issues

Brand & Link your Business

5 to 7 pm @ Roya l T h e at re (805 Broughton St.) • Wednesday, January 31 Business Leader’s L u n c h e o n : P e te r Legge 11:30 am to 1 pm @ Coast Victoria Hotel & Marina by APA (146 Kingston St.) Relations at the Universit y of Victor i a , M a rk Mawhinney, Investment Advisor at Odlum Brown Ltd . a n d M a rk S m it h , Chief Experience Officer with Query Technologies Corp. We are privileged to benefit from these active a nd ex perienced boa rd members. As we bid auld lang syne to 2017, we send our thanks and best wishes to Natasha Reger, owner of The Reger Group and Gary Kinar, Kinar Curry Lawyers, who have both served two terms on our board and provided their time and advice. A l H a sh a m m o v e s to Past Chair. Al has been an active member of The C h a m b e r fo r 30 ye a rs and in recognition of his tireless efforts and dedicat ion to u s a nd m a ny other organizations and charities in town, we are pleased to say that he is our recipient of the 2018 Chamber Member of the Year award which he’ll r e c e i v e a t t h i s y e a r ’s Business Awards. Finally, a very special t h a n ks to Frank Bourree, CEO of Chemistry Consulting Group Inc., whose term as Past Chair is ending. This draws to a close (for the time being) h is long serv ice to T he Chamber board where he has been a director since 2001. Thank you Frank, we h ave a l l benef itted from your presence. A very happy new year to a l l of o u r m e m b e rs and thank you for helping us keep our business community vibrant and strong. Catherine Holt is the CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce. 250-383-7191, CEO@, www.



COMPREHENSIVE EXIT STRATEGIES ARE VITAL “The future comes a lot Holmes Portfolio Management: Serving The Financial Needs Of Business Owners


ICTORIA – An individual goes into business for any number of reasons. To make a profit and a contented life for their family of course, but it could also be to satisfy a personal goal, or to make a positive impact in the community or even to effectively exercise their creativity in the marketplace. Regardless of the reason for launching a venture eventually the time and circumstance arise when even the most satisfied entrepreneur gives thoughts to retirement and to stepping away from the business they’ve devoted their lives to. But focused as they have been on starting and growing their firm, business owners may not have thought or planned on that next step - the succession or sale of their enterprise. Finding the best way to pass an existing business onto the next generation is where the skills and experience of Portfolio Manager and Senior Wealth Advisor Paul Holmes comes into play. Holmes Portfolio Management delivers

quicker than we realize, so it’s important to make your plans well in advance.” PAUL HOLMES PORTFOLIO MANAGER, HOLMES PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT

custom-tailored solutions for its clients through comprehensive financial planning, and a team of specialists. “Everyone needs an exit strategy, our job is to help develop that plan and to make the transition from business ownership to retirement, or whatever next step the individual wants, as smooth and painless as possible,” Holmes stated. A recent study, (The Coming Wave of Business Transitions i n Ca nada, September 2017) conducted by the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) indicates that nearly ‘60 per cent of all small and medium sized businesses in Canada are owned by persons over the age of 50, and that four out of 10 entrepreneurs are expected to move on from their business within the next five years’. This expanding segment of the population is a primary client

for Holmes Portfolio Management and its team of specialists. “Some individuals want to sell their business to acquire the capital to provide a source of retirement income. Others want to develop a succession plan, passing the business and its assets onto their children, employees or others. The point is every situation is different and every individual is unique, so a ‘one size fits all’ model can never apply in this case. Each business is as individual as the person who owns it, that’s why we always work with our clients on an individual oneon-one basis,” he said. One element of the BDC study indicated that a surprising number of business owners in Canada may not have made long term plans for the succession or sale of their existing business – a situation that could be detrimental to a family’s future if the unexpected happens. “The future comes a lot quicker than we realize, so it’s important to make your plans well in advance. By acting early business owners have the time to enhance the value of their businesses, while selling without extensive planning could easily leave potential money on the table,” Holmes explained.

Planning the perfect exit? We can help. Paul Holmes, MPA, CIM, CFP Portfolio Manager Senior Wealth Advisor

400 - 1803 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC Tel: 250.389.2131 | Cell: 250.888.3674 Toll Free: 1.800.663.1855

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trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under licence. ™ Trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under licence. Scotia Wealth Management™ consists of a range of fi nancial services provided by The Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank®); The Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company (Scotiatrust®); Private Investment Counsel, a service of 1832 Asset Management L.P.; 1832 Asset Management U.S. Inc.; Scotia Wealth Insurance Services Inc.; and ScotiaMcLeod,® a division of Scotia Capital Inc. Wealth advisory and brokerage services are provided by ScotiaMcLeod, a division of Scotia Capital Inc. Scotia Capital Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. This article is for information purposes only. Investors should consult an advisor before acting on any recommendation. Holmes Portfolio Management is a personal trade name of Paul Holmes.

SFD Accessory Unit



SILVER STREAK ALUMINUM BOATS MARKS ITS 30TH ANNIVERSARY Local Boat Builder Has Sold Vessels To Customers Across North America


OOKE – For Andy Barry it all started with a love for working with aluminum. The founder and president of Silver Streak Aluminum Boats, Barry launched his shipbuilding apprenticeship in 1980, turning a fascination with the metal and a love for boats into a business spanning three decades, and with

a diverse list of clients found all across the continent. “I originally took my shipbuilding apprenticeship with the Department of National Defense (DND) which involved all aspects of shipbuilding. Essentially anything to do with working with metal,” Barry explained. Early in his career Barry worked alongside of an experienced shipyard worker named Bob Martin who, in addition to serving as a mentor to the young metalworker, also had a passion for constructing aluminum boats as a sideline. That practical example of the boat building craft inspired

Barry to try his hand at designing and building his own boats, setting him on a course that culminated with the founding of Silver Streak Boats in 1987. “He encouraged me to get into aluminum boat building as there was hardly anyone doing it back then. But it took a couple of years of planning, getting together the funding to start a business and a host of other things before I actually launched the business. I think the whole thing started with about $3,000 and a desire to build boats,” he said. Silver Streak Boats is today one of the largest aluminum boat

(L-R) Jim Cameron, CPA, CA, Sanci Solbakken, CPA, CA; and Steve Wellburn, CPA, CA.


MNP Welcomes Hulko Cameron Wellburn LLP Success in business starts with a strong team and a common vision. That’s why we are pleased to announce Hulko Cameron Wellburn LLP (HCW) – a full service accounting firm in Victoria – has merged with MNP. Serving clients in the greater Victoria region for more than 35 years, HCW has grown to a team of 17 and is a like-minded firm that shares similar values and a commitment to helping clients succeed. By bringing together our combined expertise serving private enterprises and professionals, we continue to build the best team possible to meet your business needs. Local in focus and national in scope, MNP is committed to delivering the industry-leading services and the results you need to be successful. Contact Steve Wellburn, CPA, CA, Partner, MNP Victoria, at 250.388.6554 or

“I think the whole thing started with about $3,000 and a desire to build boats.” ANDY BARRY OWNER, SILVER STREAK ALUMINUM BOATS

builders in British Columbia, having produced more than 1,000 vessels since opening its doors. But in its early days the company consisted of little more than Barry, a few tools and a dream to build and sell a few rugged and reliable boats. Located today at 6864 West Coast Road in Sooke (Barry’s hometown), the company was initially housed in a re-purposed shop / barn where the first few Silver Streak Boats were produced. Originally working alone, he designed, built and sold his first boat, a 17’ centre-consol sport fishing boat, out of that fledgling facility. The first of what would ultimately become a fleet of craft destined for clients across North America. “I always loved boats, kind of grew up on the water, fishing and what not. Even owned and built a couple of wooden boats over the years. But having worked in the shipyard I came to love working with aluminum, it was cleaner and lighter and a lot easier to work with so I knew that was the direction I wanted to go with my business,” Barry recalls. Today with a staff of nearly 30, Silver Streak Boats produces everything from simple 10’ duck boats for hunters, to 38’ and larger aluminum cabin vessels, boats ideal for such varied tasks as water taxis, patrol boats and as rugged pleasure craft which represent the bulk of the company’s output. “While we originally sold the boats we built ourselves, today we sell Silver Streak Boats through dealerships, allowing us to focus on what we do best, building boats. One of the biggest problems

Andy Barry founded Silver Streak Aluminum Boats out of a love for boats and working with aluminum we have is finding the right people to work with us. Like every other business finding the right people with the right skills is a challenge, that’s why the crew we have are so important to us. Many of our people have been with us for years (including four of his children) and that’s a real part of the company’s success,” he said. To keep up with the demand for their product Silver Streak Boats has recently acquired a nearby property where a larger shop can be constructed, with its opening anticipated to occur within a year. One thing that won’t be changing is the product line, with no plans to branch out into producing craft that are larger or more complex. “I think we’re doing pretty well with what we’ve got. We have a lot of boats on order so the future is pretty bright. We are currently building upwards of 100 custom boats a year, which are all modeled on 3D software with all major components being pre-cut CNC cut on a router or a water jet cutting table. In fact we’re working on boat 1,001 right now,” he said. “We’re happy to keep on doing what we do – build a few good boats for a select group of good customers.”


on your 30th Anniversary 1091 Page St, Richmond Phone: 604.301.9200 Email:




Hulko Cameron Wellburn Merges With MNP January 1 WIN-WIN MERGER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

to serve its growing business in the Capital Region. “One of our goals was to enhance our current service offerings across all of the key sectors in our local economy,” Wellburn said. “Joining MNP gives us more local and national resources, more specialized services, and a broader range of industry expertise and experience.”

Established in 1958 as Meyers Norris Penny LLP, MNP is one of the largest national accounting and business consulting firms in Canada. It employs more than 4,000 team members in more than 60 locations coast-to-coast. In 2011, the company was re-branded as MNP. The company has 18 locations in BC. The Victoria office opened in 2012 with one personal insolvency advisor and has grown to a 16-member team. They will continue operating at 645 Fort Street in Victoria.

Both offices will meet the growing financial needs of the thriving Victoria business community. MNP’s advisory services include enterprise risk, mergers and acquisitions, valuation and litigation support, succession planning, estate planning, insolvency and restructuring, investigative and forensic accounting, technology solutions, cross-border taxation and more. Wellburn said one of the deciding factors when the partner group decided to join MNP was the culture,

which is client-centric. “Although MNP is a large national firm, it’s always been local in focus with a small-firm culture and commitment to supporting the local community. We knew joining MNP would be a good fit for our clients and our team.” Wellburn said the Hulko Cameron team will remain in their current location at 701-1803 Douglas Street in Victoria. The location will be re-branded as MNP in the New Year.

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PRINT & SIGNAGE Sponsored By

Printing & Signage: Classic Industries Evolving For A New Age Despite The Online World, Printing & Signage Remain Important Business Sectors BY DAVID HOLMES


arketing is defined as: “The action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.” Despite the advent and increasing importance of the digital world such classic marketing techniques as printing and signage remain crucial elements in a typical business’ overall marketing mix. But both of these traditional means of reaching new and existing clients are under pressure, a pressure that is reshaping them to address the rapidly evolving needs, tastes and expectations of clients in the 21st Century. “When it comes to business everyone needs a sign, whether it is a large illuminated sign or a simple ‘Open’ sign in the window. The sign is the first impression a potential customer will have of SEE PRINT & SIGNAGE |  PAGE 11

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Regardless of the importance of the online world there is still an ongoing need for traditional printed material



In Canada the sign making industry is a giant sector generating more than $2 billion in sales annually


New technologies and digital signage are slowly replacing the traditional small scale sign shop

your business. Making that first impression a good one is the job of the sign maker,” explained Kerry Van Aswegen the Past President of the BC Sign Association, the provincial chapter of the Sign Association of Canada. With roots going back more than 60 years, the Sign Association of Canada is the national umbrella organization for the sign industry and includes in its membership both the suppliers of materials and technology used to create signs, and the actual sign shops where the ideas and visions

of the owners and customers take form. The Sign Association has outlets across the country, with the British Columbia chapter having a membership that includes just over 30 sign shops and suppliers. “One of the problems facing our industry, the sign industry, is that today there are not that many printers who only do printing. Basically all of the old time printers who used to do the offset printing and things like that have now moved into making signs, even if they don’t really understand the industry,” Van Aswegen explained. “T hey could use the wrong

materials for the application for example, making an outdoor sign that can’t stand up to the weather – which ultimately reflects back on the industry as a whole. As a rule sign shops aren’t getting into printing, but the same can’t be said in reverse. This is just one of the challenges facing the industry.” International business research firm IBISWorld, which has been collecting business information and carrying out market research on thousands of industries and indirect procurement categories worldwide since 1971, states in its latest report that the signage industry in Canada (including the creation of bill boards) is currently a $2 billion industry, one that employs more than 8,800 individuals, working in nearly 1,900 businesses across the country. According to IBISWorld the Canadian billboard and sign manufacturing industry has grown markedly during the past five years as billboards have maintained their appeal in the country as one of the few remaining ways to reach a broad consumer base in an increasingly fragmented media landscape. The firm states: “Despite falling advertising expenditure over the five years to 2017, downstream consumers have rapidly increased their spending on billboard space, spurred by their efficiency at SEE PRINT & SIGNAGE |  PAGE 12

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Digital printing technologies have helped to revolutionize the printing industry, with high speeds and lower costs


targeting specific locales as well as inc reasin gly technologically advanced billboard options.” Over the next five years, the industry is expected to continue expanding with digital products anticipated to remain the fastest-growing segment in the industry. Digital signage is also expected to become the sector’s greatest source of revenue over the next few years. IBISWorld states this segment of the industry has recorded an annual growth of 6.1 per cent between 2012 and 2017 – in sharp contrast to its solely print-based companion industry. “T here is defi n itely a need for professional sign makers in the industry, and like with every other field, the general aging of the workforce means we’ll need new entrants to the industry to replace those who will soon be retiring,” she said. Much larger in terms of revenues and workforce the Canadian printing industry is a $9 billion industry employing more than 50,000 people nationwide in nearly 6,000 individual businesses. But unlike with signage, the annual growth

in this sector during the past five years has actually been in decline, down a fractional -0.8 percent according to the IBISWorld research. The far reaching impact of digital media is being credited for this slowing trend. The research firm states that publishers and advertisers (responsible for roughly one third of all industry sales) have increasingly shifted their focus toward the online world. Although advertising expenditure in Canada has actually increased over the past five years, this growth is expected to have been entirely in digital platforms. Advertisers can now use socia l med ia a nd other digital tools to more effectively target specific demographics that previously had been accessed using traditional printbased tools. Consequently, demand for direct mail, periodical inserts and other industry advertising products has noticeably fallen, although these products maintain a place in many locally-focused marketing strategies. But that doesn’t mean the print and signage sectors are going to be disappearing any time soon. Savvy business owners have embraced the new

tech nolog ies to reduce costs a nd to add new products lines for their customers. In addition, post-secondary institutions such as the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s (BCIT) industry lead i ng Graph ic Communications Technology Management program is preparing the next generation of printers and sign makers by providing real world training on some of the industry’s most contemporary technology. For Van Aswegen that ongoing effort on preparing for tomorrow is what will keep both aspects of the industry viable and active for the foreseeable future. As part of her contribution she regularly makes presentations to schools, to introduce students to the sign making industry. “Once the kids come in and see how it’s done they get excited and that’s how you get them interested in pursuing this as a career option. That’s how we can help fill the ranks that are going to be vacant in the future,” she said. “Printing and sign making aren’t going anywhere; it’s changing to be sure, but is still a valid and important industry and one that can be an excellent career for someone just getting into the business.”

Creating an effective digital sign requires the same graphic talents and creative eye of a classic sign maker




Henry Eng Industrial Park is Oakcrest Park Estates crown jewel holding, with BC Transit and Coldstar among its tenants

Family-Owned Regional Development Company Founded By Henry Eng In 1952


ICTORIA – Quietly and w it hout fa n fa re Oakcrest Park Estates Ltd. has been helping to build the Greater Victoria area for more than 65 years – and its story is far from complete. Founded by Henry Eng in 1952, the familyowned Oakcrest Park Estates has been at the center of some of the region’s most important land development projects. The company is for example a major player in the Center Mountain Business Park, an expansive industrial development

taking place on the border of Metchosin and Langford, a project that will eventually become a significant component of the Westshore’s business and industrial community. But like many of the company’s long list of achievements its work has taken place behind the scenes without garnering much attention or recognition. “Oakcrest Park Estates is a real ‘rags to riches’ kind of story. It’s all about starting from virtually nothing and building it to where it is today. Henry started out with a vegetable stand that led to a single grocery store that led to more independent grocery stores that then evolved into a grocery wholesale business and ultimately to the property development company it is today,” explained Tom Burley, FCPA FCA, Oakcrest’s General

Manager and CEO. T he roots of Oakcrest Park Estates success stems back to the vision, eclectic tastes and interest in acquiring property of its founder Henry Eng. The son of new arrivals from Mainland China, Eng was born on the Saanich Peninsula in 1925. Growing up with his seven siblings, he learned that hard work and vision were the keys to any business success. Working as a young boy on the family’s vegetable farm, he learned about the vegetable business quite literally from the ground up, selling the family’s produce from a roadside stand located on Quadra Street. With a drive to succeed and his hard found knowledge beh i nd h i m , he a nd new w i fe Dorothy Eng opened their first grocery store in 1952, laying the

foundations for today’s Oakcrest Park Estates. That original store was located at the corner of Quadra Street and Cloverdale Avenue in Victoria, a site that is still owned by Oakcrest and home to a successful Thrifty Foods outlet. That original grocery store eventua l ly spaw ned a sma l l chain of Oakcrest Food Stores that would come to dot the Capital Region, stores supported by a companion wholesale business called Wilson Foods with a warehouse first in the Songhees and later at the Old Winery on Quadra Street. “The grocery wholesale business, which still exists today, was eventually sold off and is now being run by Coldstar Solutions. In 1982 Henry decided to move beyond the grocery business, selling all of the stores and

related assets to focus solely on the real estate business,” Burley explained. “Henry always had an interest in real estate and he seemed to have a talent for picking up properties cheaply that no one else wanted, but that he knew would ultimately become valuable. W hether he had a long range vision, or was just lucky in his acquisitions can be debated. But what cannot be argued is the fact that lands he acquired that were then out of the way are now becoming ideally suited for development as the city and region have grown and expanded.” Working with Oakcrest Park Estates since 1980, Burley began his involvement with the company as its external accountant and business advisor, as part SEE OAKCREST PARK ESTATES |  PAGE 14

Congratulations on 65 years in business, we look forward to continuing to work with you.

From your partners in Centre Mountain Business Park.



Another of Oakcrest’s principle holdings is its mixed use office and industrial building at 2330 Government Street To our friends at Oakcrest Park Estates, cheers to another 65 Years!

Proud to share office space at the corner of good food and great people! Congratulations to the Eng Family and the Management and Staff of Oakcrest Park Estates Ltd. on their 65th anniversary in business! T: (250) 386-5500 | | 1075 Tillicum Road Victoria BC V9A 2A4

2330 Government St Victoria, BC V8T 5G5 250.361.0007


of his role as a partner in national accounting firm Grant Thornton LLP. Still very much a family-owned business, Oakcrest Park Estates is currently into its second generation of ownership. “It all started with Henry and Dorothy Eng. They had three sons - Eddie, Robert and Kenneth – with Eddie taking over the operation of the company after Henry passed away in 1997,” Burley explained. “But then Eddie passed away himself in 2006, and that is when the family asked me to help out with the operations.

I initially thought I would just be consulting with them for a while and advising on a transition of management, but the family looked to me to provide that management on an ongoing basis, and it has turned into an 11 year career so far. We are involved in some exciting work so I can see myself being part of the company for quite a while yet.” Burley works with a Board of Directors that includes Ken and Bob Eng, Eddie’s widow Terry Eng as well as builder and developer Mike Baier and the company’s former Controller, Lynda Robichaud. Burley oversees a SEE OAKCREST PARK ESTATES |  PAGE 15

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s m a l l a d m i n i s t rat ive te a m which looks after the day to day operations of the firm including managing the various rental properties in the company’s extensive portfolio of holdings and managing the firm’s North Douglas Self Storage facility. Much of Burley’s involvement i s centered a rou nd act ively pl a n n i ng for f utu re i nvestments and the development of Oakcrest’s raw land holdings – building on the legacy first laidout by the company’s founder. Among the most significant properties owned and administered by Oakcrest Park Estates is its flagship Henry Eng Industrial

Park, a 20 acre parcel on Henry Eng Place off Dunford Road in Langford. At one time the vacant site of a mined out gravel pit, the land had been used prior to development as a de facto storage yard for the assortment of equipment, vehicles and stray items of hardware that Henry Eng, a dedicated lover of auctions, purchased over the years. “We didn’t start out to be a development company, but we evolved that way. Henry always wanted to own real estate. He started out acquiring properties that were home to his grocery retail and wholesale businesses, but also acquired various income producing properties as SEE OAKCREST PARK ESTATES |  PAGE 16

We are proud of our strong relationship with Oakcrest Park Estates Ltd.

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Congratulations on your 65th Anniversary.

D.R. Coell & Associates Inc. looks forward to continuing our appraisal services with Oakcrest Park Estates.

Once a played-out gravel pit, the Henry Eng Industrial Park has become one of Oakcrest Park Estates main assets

Congratulations on 65 successful years in business!

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North Douglas Self Storage is a 600 unit operation located at 770 Vanalman Avenue just off the Pat Bay Highway


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well as raw land where the price was right,” Burley explained. “With the sale of the grocery businesses, but with the retention of the related real estate, col lect i ng rent f rom ow ned properties became our primary business. We have added other investment properties and now our portfolio of rental properties is really the backbone of the company.” Burley went on to explain that the development of the company‘s raw land holdings has added to its portfolio, as most of our development is of the ‘build


531 Herald St, Victoria, BC

250 384 2131

architects Inc.


to suit’ nature with retention of the property the income producing portion of its portfolio. Originally developed in 2002, the Henry Eng Industrial Park is almost completely built out and is considered the crown jewel of the Oakcrest holdings. “We bega n work i ng on that one about 15 years ago, with BC Transit first signing up with a long term land lease for their regional maintenance facility. With a major anchor tenant in place we then attracted other successful businesses such as the Alpine Group, Coldstar Solutions, FTS Forest Technology and other good Langford businesses who are making their

homes in our industrial park,” Burley explained. The development of the Henry Eng Industrial Park reflects the continuation of the successful business model that Henry Eng followed with most of his real estate holdings. “In that first industrial park we retained the ownership of the land and that is the normal way that we do business. We build a project to suit the client but we retain ownership of the property and rent the space to them – we’re not in the business of selling land,” he stated. “Most of our divestitures of SEE OAKCREST PARK ESTATES |  PAGE 17



Bev Highton, the owner of NAI Commercial Victoria Inc., has worked with Oakcrest Park Estates for many years never build something new until we know we have someone who wants to be in it and we seldom have to go out to advertise for new tenants. But maybe now is a good time for us to get a little better known for some of the things we’ve done, and are about to do,” Burley said. While Oakcrest Park Estates may not actively seek the media limelight, it is still well known and widely respected in the region’s real estate and construction sectors. One of its long time supporters is Bev Highton, the owner of NAI Commercial Victoria Inc., who has worked with the company on many different projects over the years.

The founders of Oakcrest Park Estates, Henry and Dorothy Eng launched their first business in 1952


properties have been because the particular holding was not part of our strategic vision for the future. We want to hold good properties with good buildings and quality tenants that will continue to support generations of the Eng family into the future.” Other key component of Oakcrest Park Estates’ holdings includes the North Douglas Self Storage operation located at 770 Vanalman Avenue just off the Pat Bay Highway. Originally constructed in stages during the 1980s, the storage facility has over 600 units and is a secure, well-lit compound that appeals to both residential and commercial clients. Its biggest attractions are that every unit is drive up, has an extremely experienced and helpful on site manager and is easily accessible to much of the region. T he third leg in Oakcrest’s triad of principle holdings is a mixed use office and industrial building located at 2330 Government Street. This large and

Congratulations on all of your success - From all of us at Alpine Group


strategically located building has attracted such high profile tenants as the award-winning Vancouver Island Brewing Company, office supply outlet Grand & Toy and IT Business Solutions provider Vivid Solutions, among others. For Burley, the success of the company and its various holdings can all be traced back to the original vision of its founder Henry Eng. “Henry really foresaw all of this. He knew that land bought at the right price was the one investment that would never lose its value so he was certainly visionary in that respect,” he said. “But it was Eddie who really had the vision to take an existing property and visualize how it could be used to generate income to support the family and growing the company. The Henry Eng Industrial Park is a good example. Here was a spent gravel pit where Henry kept his toys, the assortment of vehicles and equipment he would buy at auction, that Eddie saw as the perfect location for an industrial park. He saw the need in Langford for such a centre and we built it, which has worked

out really well.” Being a wholly family-owned enterprise, while a third generation is not yet at the helm of Oa kcrest Pa rk Estates, the infrastructure is in place for them to assume positions around the board table at some point in the future. “Each of the current generation has children who will one day inherit this company but none of them are currently active with the day to day operation of the business,” Burley said. For a company to remain within the same family, while being not only viable but actually expanding over a period of more than six decades, a number of things have to be going right. For Burley one of the key reasons the company has been so successful is the quiet, planned and deliberate way it carries out its daily business. Never seeking the limelight, but more content to work unobtrusively in the background, Oakcrest Park Estates has quietly become a major player in development in the Westshore region. “Fanfare has never been a big thing for us. All of our existing properties are fully tenanted, we

We are proud to work with Oakcrest Park Estates and wish them a well-deserved congratulations on their 65th anniversary. 3rd Floor, 888 Fort St Victoria, BC V8W 1H8

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“Henry Eng was a very unassuming type of person, starting out as a market gardener and then building a very successful business along the way which is a tremendous achievement,” Highton said. “There are thousands of people who sit around and talk about doing things, but very few who actually get out and do it – and Henry was one of those few. Oakcrest is a family-oriented business that has had great longevity, and will continue to be a success into the future. The latest generations of the family have benefited from the expertise, foresight and good fortune of the company’s founders and we look forward to continue working with them in the years ahead.” As long time supporters of the community, Oakcrest Park Estates has been involved in a number of different local init i at ives, i nclud i ng bei ng a sign i fica nt supporter of the Camosun College Foundation’s T R A DE m a rk o f E x c e l l e n c e Campaign which raised money for the new Trades Education and Innovation Complex. The Foundation’s efforts raised more than $7.5 million for the project which helped to put new teaching technologies, equipment and classroom materials into the hands of its students. Along with Camosun, Oakcrest SEE OAKCREST PARK ESTATES |  PAGE 18

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Park Estates is a believer in providing an education that sees students being able to enter and succeed in the workplace, and that having a skilled and knowledgeable trades and technical workforce is vital to the future growth and profitability of British Columbia’s current and emerging industries. Camosun’s new Trades Education and Innovation Complex located at its Interurban campus educates over 2,700 trades students each year, thanks in no small part to the contributions of local firms like Oakcrest Park Estates. “Essentially, Camosun went out to f i nd t he loca l fa m i ly businesses like Oakcrest; firms involved with the construction trades, our business and many other local companies, a nd ra ised a lot of money to outfit the new trade school. We now have a wing of that school named after Henry and Dorothy Eng which is something we’re obviously very proud of,” Burley explained. Another example of Oakcrest’s commitment to the community was its philanthropic gift to the Ministry of Education of a two acre parcel of land for a playground for what was then known as Glen Lake Elementary School. The property now forms part

Congratulations on 65 years of making Victoria a better place 250 475-6550 | 2nd Floor - 1010 Langley Street, Victoria, BC


“It’s all about starting from virtually nothing and building it to where it is today.” TOM BURLEY GENERAL MANAGER & CEO, OAKCREST PARK ESTATES LTD.

of the new Belmont Secondary School, but the donated land has been retained as open space for students with the company’s contribution recognized by a sign on the property. Another key but understated involvement of Oakcrest Park Estates is its role in the recent land swap involving the Beecher Bay First Nation as well as the communities of Metchosin and Langford – a sometimes contentious plan that involved the shifting of municipal boundaries, preservation of hundreds of acres of greenspace and zoning of about 175 acres for industrial development – a process that could not have been concluded without Oakcrest Park’s involvement. “We’ve been fairly invisible in doing it but we were actively involved in the Metchosin and Langford land swap, in order that some greenspace in Metchosin could be preserved. What happened was that Beecher Bay gave up its claim on the greenspace to acquire an ownership interest in some land straddling what was then the Langford / Metchosin boundary,” Burley explained. “But what had to happen was that some private parties had to come to the table to facilitate the swap as they either owned or had a right to buy the land in question. But what people may not realize is that Oakcrest Park Estates in terms of the land is actually the biggest player.” By the time the deal was

When local business succeeds, everyone wins Congratulations to Oakcrest Park Estates on 65 years of success.

RBC Phillips, Hager & North Investment Counsel Inc. and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities that are affiliated. RBC Phillips, Hager & North Investment Counsel Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. © RBC Phillips, Hager & North (12/2017) Investment Counsel Inc. 2018. All rights reserved. 17_13945_432

Tom Burley began working with Oakcrest Park Estates in 1980, but became its General Manager and CEO in 2006

satisfactory concluded, Oakcrest Pa rk Estates ended up o w n i n g 5 7 p e r c e n t o f a pproximately 175 acres of industrial zoned land in Langford that will be ideal for future development. Other partners in the project include the Beecher Bay First Nation with a 30 per cent share and Keycorp Developments Ltd., which owns the remainder. “This land certainly has the potential to become the next huge industrial development in the Western Communities,” Burley said. “Called the Center Mountain Business Park, once work on this

project begins it will take decades to build it out. It’s a huge undertaking, bigger than all of the rest of the industrial lands out there. While geographically somewhat distant, this project has the potential to become the primary business park of the future, so it’s certainly a big deal for us.” Oakcrest Park Estates is actively involved in a three-way agreement w ith its partners to create a plan for the future development of the land – an undertaking that will keep the firm busy for decades to come. “This will be a very long term

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project for us, and is certainly the biggest thing that we’ve been involved in trying to make happen for the past two years, but it’s coming together now,” he said. “We talk about legacy, about building a family business that will be passed on to the subsequent generations and this project is certainly going to become a big part of that legacy. This will go on far beyond the current generation.” By any benchmark Oakcrest Park Estates is a local success story. It is a family-owned enterprise that has grown from virtually nothing to become a major regional developer and management company over a span of more than 60 years. It is also destined to continue to play a leading role in the future development of the region it calls home, thanks to its involvement in such endeavours as the Center Mountain Business Park. But it never would have existed had it not been for the drive, vision and love of family of its founder Henry Eng, an entrepreneur whose eclectic tastes and distinctive character set his company onto its road to success. “He often bought things that nobody el se wou ld b ec au se they were quirky. Who would want to buy a mined out gravel pit in Langford? Henry did of course. He played with it for 20 years, keeping his junk there, but amazingly it turned out to be a great place for an industrial park. That’s the sort of vision, or luck that made him and the business a success,” Burley said. “But I guess another big part is that in time, as the city grew, even quirky pieces of land where development wants to go can become valuable land. That’s been a key part of the company’s success. He looked for deals, he’d pick them up for a reasonable price and ultimately they’d turn out to be exactly the right property. Henry had a saying: “Ground never goes bad” and that has been at the heart of everything Oakcrest Park Estates has done for decades.”

Congratulations to Oakcrest Park Estates Ltd on their 65 year anniversary. We wish you many more years of success, growth and prosperity. 995 Henry Eng Place Victoria, BC, V9B 6B2 250-391-7892



New State-Of-The-Art Ship To Help Reduce Noise And Environmental Footprint


he Salish Sea Dream, Prince of Whales’ new $3.5 million environmentally-friendly custom-built catamaran has had such a successful inaugural season running unique whale watching day trips between Vancouver and Victoria and Victoria and Butchart Gardens, the company has just placed an order for another state-of-the-art ship that will be even more environmentally friendly. “It’s very stable, very reliable and it’s proved to be an amazing platform for tours so we’ve had rave reviews from our guests,” says Prince of Whales owner Alan McGillivray. “Business was up more than 30 per cent on these tours, we had many sold-out days and we saw whales every single day.” McGillivray says the 2017 season was the best whale watching season they’ve ever had in terms of sightings, especially for humpbacks and transient killer whales. “We had lots of humpback sightings and an abundance of other sightings as well,” McGillivray says. “They think there are about 300 transients between Mexico and Alaska and we believe we saw more than 100 unique transients this season, which is quite phenomenal.” Protecting the environment is a top priority for Prince of Whales, BC’s biggest whale watching company and an industry leader in sustainability. The eco-friendly Salish Sea Dream is quieter and less likely to affect whale activity and its sister ship will build on that technology with the latest generation of water jets, further reducing the ship’s noise profile.

“The number one cause of machine noise in the water is propeller cavitation — air bubbles forming as the propellers push through the ocean — but the catamaran has interior water propulsion jets so there are no propellers,” McGillivray explains. “The redesigned Ultrajet impellers on the new ship have a very low cavitation level, thus keeping the sound profile to a minimum and also improving efficiency.” The innovative design on the 78-foot Salish Sea Dream and her new sister ship also means there’s no machinery hanging below the hull, eliminating the risk of a marine mammal strike. “She has no external propellers or drives that could harm any type of wildlife and her narrow twin hulls and shallow draught allow us to safety transit shallow reefs in the Salish Sea and bring our guests closer to all of what nature has to show us,” adds Prince of Whales Fleet Captain Ian Kyle. “It’s an ideal vessel for watching marine mammals of all kinds because she’s highly manoeuvrable, allowing us to safely view whales and she can even be manoeuvred so that she walks sideways while viewing — a feat few other vessels can manage.” ABD Enterprises of North Vancouver has been contracted to build the second ship, which will launch in the spring of 2019 and be based in Victoria. There’s also an option for a third vessel to launch in 2020. “We’re thrilled to be building this vessel in Canada,” McGillivray says. “We’re reinvesting in our business and doing everything we can to lower the environmental footprint and protect whales and the Salish Sea.”

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Coffee Innovator moves to new headquarters


Thompson-Okanagan Thompson-Okanagan

evel Ground Trading, Victoria’s Fair Trade pioneer, is moving from their current location in Central Saanich, to a larger custom-designed facility only 1 km away The new location move will double the company’s capacity and allow them to invite the public for tours and tastings of their exceptional coffees in their new Tasting Room.

“Our new facility offers countless advantages, “says one of Level Ground’s co-founders, Stacey Toews. “We will be able to bring our team together in a dynamic, larger space where we look for wa rd to welc om i n g v i s itors a nd the public. We’ve purpose-built the facility for tours, with 17 viewing windows into production and packaging. And, finally, it offers the chance to set up a Tasting Room, allowing us invite people into a beauti fu l space a nd leave with an impression


JoshHiggins Higgins, B.Comm Josh Higgins, B.Comm Josh Higgins, B.Comm Josh Higgins Josh SeniorMarketing MarketingAdvisor Advisor Senior Marketing Advisor Senior Marketing Advisor Senior

Senior Marketing Advisor

PUT YOUR COMPANY PUTYOUR YOUR COMPANY PUT COMPANY IN THE SPOTLIGHT PUT YOUR OMP ANY INTHE THE SPOTLIGHT PUT YOUR CCOMP ANY IN SPOTLIGHT In the life of every business, certain IN THE SPO TLIGHT IN THE SPO TLIGHT In the life ofevery every business, certain In the life of business, certain events always stand out: of quality coffee with stories of connection behind it.” T he Ta st i n g Ro om, which will open in the sum mer of 2018, w ill feature a Slow Bar, allowing Ground products, as well as the chance to join in the “cupping” process, while learning more about this ritual that serves coffee quality maintenance. T he move to new

headqu a r ters at 1757 Sean Heights (just up the hill from the current address!) will happen in the coming weeks, Level Grou nd T rad i ng w i l l be open for business at their new home on Jan. 2, 2018. L evel Grou nd sends nothing to landfill, pays staff to bicycle to work and reclaims their packaging for upcycling and composting.

events always stand out: certain events events always stand out: In thelife life ofevery every business, In the of business, certain events •A grand opening always stand out: grand opening always stand out: ttAAgrand opening •brand A brand new building newbuilding building grand opening brand new opening t t tAtAAAgrand • Completing aproject major project tA Completing amajor majorproject Completing abuilding brand newbuilding At Landing brand new t t tt Landing • Landing a major a major contract a major contract contract project aaamajor project t t tCompleting tCompleting Celebrating amajor milestone anniversaryanniversary • Celebrating a milestone Celebrating milestone anniversary Landing a major contract t Landing a major contract t Spotlights Spotlights areyour your opportunity to Spotlights are your opportunity to are opportunity to Celebratingaamilestone milestoneanniversary t t Celebrating spread the wordanniversary about your firm to the thebusiness businesscommunity communityof ofNorthern Northern the business community ofspread Victoria and Spotlights areyour your opportunity to spread Spotlights are opportunity to BritishColumbia. Columbia. British southern Vancouver Island. the word about your firm to the entire the word about your firm to the entire Contactme me todayto to have your business business community ofthe the Okanagan. Contact today your business business community of Okanagan. Contact me have today to have your business featured ourpublication. publication. featured ininour featured in our publication. Contact me today to have your business Contact me today to have your business featured in our publication. featured in our publication.

To market your firm in the Examiner Business Examiner Business Examinercontact contactJosh Joshcontact Higgins Josh Higgins Business Higgins at 1-866-758-2684 ext 124 or 1-866-758-2684ext ext124 atat1-866-758-2684 Tomarket marketyour yourfirm firmin inthe theBusiness BusinessExaminer Examiner contact contact To


20 BC Excellence In Projects Recognized Contractors responsible for BC’s transportation and infrastructure projects were recognized at the Deputy Minister’s Contractor of the Year Awards ceremony. The categories for this year’s awards included Maintenance, Bridges and Structures, Paving, Grading and Community Service. The awards were handed out on Dec. 8th at the Victoria Conference Centre. Maintenance Yellowhead Road and Bridge Ltd., based in Fort St. John, won this year’s Award of Excellence for its outstanding maintenance work in Service Area 22 (North Peace). Its proactive approach to maintaining the province’s roads and bridges, combined with a high level of stakeholder and community engagement on projects, led to the company winning the maintenance category this year. Bridge and Structures Knappett Industries Ltd., based in Nanaimo, took home the Award of Excellence for its work on the Rees Bridge Replacement and North Courtenay Connector. The project included a new, 58-metre, two-lane bridge across the Tsolum River to improve the Comox

Valley’s north connection to the Island Highway, which was completed on time and under budget. Paving Selkirk Paving Ltd. won the Award of Excellence for resurfacing approximately 55 kilometres of highways and roads surrounding Slocan, Silverton, New Denver and Nakusp. Selkirk Paving developed excellent relationships within those communities, and despite the large project scope and challenges with flooding in the areas, the work was completed on time and on budget. Grading Emil Anderson Construction (EAC) Inc. was presented the Award of Excellence for its work on widening the Trans-Canada Highway to four lanes, from Pritchard to Hoffman’s Bluff, east of Kamloops. Local First Nations were employed as part of the workforce to complete the project and were consulted extensively in the culturally sensitive areas where work was being done. Community Service Emil Anderson Construction (EAC) Inc. and Emil Anderson Maintenance Co. Ltd. were presented the Award of Excellence for their outstanding community service this year. Key projects included the Rotary Trail Extension in Chilliwack and the Kelowna Women’s Shelter. They were also recognized for their Community Give-back Programs in the Fraser and Okanagan Valleys.





a ny of ou r Cha mber members operate retail establishments, as do I. By the time you read this, we will have just come through the busiest retail time of the year that includes Black Friday/Cyber Monday and Christmas and Boxing day/week. With the prominence of massive online big-box companies, smaller retailers have to work extra hard to stay relevant. We have done fairly well this year and we hope you have too! Our success this year is in large part due to some of the on-line resources that have assisted us in identifying best practices for survival. Ironically, many of the best practices rely on the use of on-line tools to

promote the virtues of shopping local and shopping in person. Some of these best practices include things like making sure your location is front and centre on your website; growing an engaged social media following and making sure they know where you are; providing the same customer experience on-line as well as off-line; hosting in-store events; providing discounts for in-store pick-up; and, extolling the virtues of being able to touch and feel your products when a person is selecting what is going to work best for them. It might be a no-brainer for a small business owner to think it’s important to buy local, but that message doesn’t always resonate with consumers who are looking to stretch their dollar and assume that the only place to do that is with big-box on-line stores. There are a number of resources that can supply ideas to help you connect to your community and with local buyers. These include blogs by service providers who thrive when their customers thrive - for example, Shopify. This is NOT a plug for Shopify. Although I’m happy to talk about the pros and cons of various ecommerce platforms

including Shopify, what is important is that they rely on small retailers (the majority of their customers) being successful, so they make available a whole bunch of ideas and best practices that you can use in your business. Look up their blog and check it out! Other good blogs include Hubspot, Trello and FedEx. For a more in-person experience, you should also look to local organizations such as Meetup groups, your Chamber of Commerce, and organizations like Small Business BC. Ask them to provide input that can help your business. Chris Edly is president of the Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce. He can be reached at

Property assessments can be appealed before January 31


t’s that time of year when the annual property assessment notice envelope appears in the mailbox or by e-mail,

displaying your 2018 property assessment values and classification. T h is yea r’s not ices a re especia l ly

Property taxes too high? ✦ Is your 2018 Property Assessment value fair? ✦ Is your assessment value equitable? ✦ Is your property tax classification correct? ✦ Have you received all available property tax exemptions? ✦ Should you file an appeal?

Deadline for appeal is January 31, 2018 With over 29 years of property assessment appeal experience, PacWest Commercial Real Estate Advisors specializes in the annual Review and Appeal of property assessments, property tax minimization strategies as well as Property Transfer Tax appeals throughout British Columbia.

Proactive Service, Proven Results

Tim Down, AACI, P. App, CAE, RI Property Tax Services PacWest Commercial Real Estate Advisors E-mail: Web:


important and deserve close inspection given the record increases in property assessment values over the past year in most areas of British Columbia. It is from this estimation of commercial or industrial property assessment values that local governments and the Province will determine how much overall property tax will be paid this year. The BC Assessment Authority is responsible in the annual valuation of over two million properties in B.C. with less than 700 employees, but it remains the property owners’ responsibility to review and appeal annual property assessment notices. And what if someone doesn’t agree with either the assessment value or classification? Perhaps it’s too high, or in some cases, too low. Can anything be done about it? Yes. But an appeal must be filed on or before January 31, 2018. There is no fee to file an appeal at this first level of review. Tim Down, President of PacWest Commercial Real Estate Advisors (, specializes in annual property assessment and tax appeal consulting throughout B.C., notes “If an assessment is incorrect, the owner will be paying more property tax now and into the future, so they need to ensure that they have been assessed fairly and consistently. “Property taxpayers have a right to either the lower of the actual market value, or the equitable assessment value for their property,” Down adds. “It should be no higher than a similar, competing property in their taxing jurisdiction.

For example, a commercial property in a downtown location should not be assessed at a higher rate than a similar neighboring property. Down believes the significant property assessment value increases this year will result in even larger inequitable increases for many property taxpayers if not carefully reviewed and challenged. Also, local governments are increasing property taxes to shore up funding for emerging social initiatives and strategies. These increases tend to place a higher burden of taxation on the non-residential taxpayer. Classification will continue to be an issue for property taxpayers, with the BC Assessment Authority taking aggressive valuation and taxation policy positions in the application of higher tax classifications for mixed-use developments and agricultural lands. BC Assessment Authority continues their trend to aggressively pursue assessment valuation policies and property tax classification initiatives through legal challenges that will have long lasting impacts on all non-residential taxpayers. Down says it’s best for property owners to stay informed and remain vigilant these days. Especially since that property taxes - after mortgage and lease costs - are the largest annual operating expenses for property owners. Once the appeal deadline has passed, property ta xes ca n not be appea led, and Down notes that property taxes go straight to the bottom line performance of all real estate assets.




Sidney-Based Technology Firm Creates World-Leading Virtual Reality Simulators “We may be a small firm but we’re very aggressive – wanting that top spot as far as innovation and forward thinking goes” ROBERT STANNERS CEO, VRX VENTURES LTD.

Bruce Ralston is the provincial Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology and a supporter of the BC Export Awards

VRX Ventures Ltd. designs and builds a wide range of state of the art virtual reality simulation systems


a tribute to the type of innovation BC companies are creating,” explained Bruce Ralston, the provincial minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology. While British Columbia has a long and successful history of

exporting raw materials and other resource based products such as lumber, pulp and paper the manufacturing sector is a part of the economy that has only come to play a part on the global stage in recent decades. Ralston suggested that manufactured exports account for something like eight per cent of the province’s

Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but a percentage that has tremendous potential to grow in the future. “For rapidly growing companies one of the obvious ways and most important ways to expand is to establish an export market beyond the boundaries of our country. That’s why these

Export Awards are so important, in terms of recognition and in offering encouragement,” he said. For Stanners the Award is especially fitting for his firm as the vast majority of the products it sells, from virtual reality trainers for industry, to high end gaming systems for serious (and well heeled) gamers, occurs beyond the Canadian border. “We work with a number of A merica n a f f i l iates such as Microsoft, Intel, Toyota, Hyundai, Xbox – all companies with

global partners, companies that we also feed so we’re really reaching out into the world. Probably 90 per cent of everything we develop, design and build here goes south of the Canadian border,” he said. VRX’s CEO says winning the award is a confirmation that his company’s corporate vision and business model is working. “To be recognized by the provincial government as the emerging exporter of the year tells us that we’re doing something right. We know we’re on track, with the corporate accounts that we have we know we’re doing the right thing, but to have the government recognize, that is especially gratifying,” Stanners said.

FOOD PHOTOGRAPHER CELEBRATES SUCCESSES OF LOCAL RESTAURANTS “Vancouver Island north ITS-Food Says Island’s Top Restaurants Becoming Increasingly World Class


ANAIMO – The bar of excellence for Vancouver Island based restaurants keeps going up – just ask professional food photographer Tim McGrath. The owner of, McGrath has worked with restaurants, food stores and assorted hospitality industry clients for the past decade on projects ranging from menus and cookbooks, to social media marketing campaigns in addition to traditional magazine and newspaper advertising. One of the trends he’s noticed is that the quality and the sophistication of Island eateries keeps getting better, to the delight of foodies everywhere! “Vancouver Island north of the Malahat is growing up from a food services point of view. Island restaurants are creating items that compete with the best anywhere, and that trend is only expected to grow as times goes on,” he said. One example of this increasing level of skills and talent is Nanaimo’s Ryan Zuvich, the Chef at the city’s Hilltop Bistro. He garnered for his restaurant a

of the Malahat is growing up from a food services point of view.” TIM MCGRATH OWNER, ITS-FOOD.CA

bronze medal in the recent Gold Medal Plates competition, a national culinary event that serves as a fundraising for the Canadian Olympic Foundation. “He came in third place in BC in the Gold Medal Plates competition which is exceptional. That means there were only two restaurants in the competition that beat him in the province – showing just how good regional restaurants are getting,” McGrath said. He also points out the skills and quality of all aspects of the hospitality and food services sector on the Island are also on the rise – including the local craft breweries. McGrath said Nanaimo’s White Sails Brewing had its Snake Island CDA (Cascadian Dark Ale) dark beer crowned Best Canadian and Best World Black IPA (India Pale Ale) while the brewery’s

Vancouver Island’s top restaurants and food services providers are starting to receive international recognition

Nanaimo-based Tim McGrath has been working as a professional food photographer for more than a decade

Mount Benson IPA took home the Canadian Gold Medal at a tournament held in London, England last August. I n add it ion Por t A lber n i’s Mount Arrowsmith Brewing Company was declared Brewery of the Year at the recent BC Beer Awards, while the Twin City Brewery in Port Alberni took home a second place in the British Bitter category for its Tickity Boo British Pale Ale at the same competition. “Air Canada’s enRoute Magazine conducts an annual review of the best restaurants in the country with the Villa Eyrie Resort near Victoria coming in

the top 10 in the country. This achievement is part of an overall trend where Island restaurants keep getting better, and are starting to get the recognition they deserve,” he said. McGrath speculates that the cost of owning and operating an eatery in the province’s major centres is becoming prohibitive, with local patrons benefiting from the move to the new Island locations. “The culinary scene north of the Malahat is changing significantly, and for lovers of fine dining the opportunities just keep getting better and better,” McGrath said.

Once only found in major centres, Vancouver Island is now the home to many award winning restaurants



B. BOYD CONTRACTING: BUSINESS BUILT ON VERSATILITY & SERVICE From Foundation To Finishing - Construction Firm Is A True One Stop Shop


ICTORIA – For Brad Boyd, the owner of B. Boyd Contracting Ltd., it’s all about striving for perfection and delivering exceptional service – regardless of the size of the project. “If I were to try and describe what it is we do I’d have to say that we do pretty much anything and everything related to construction, from building new homes to commercial assignments to renovation jobs,” Boyd explained. While having extensive experience working as a carpenter for other companies, Boyd always had a desire to work on projects his own way, bringing his own dedication to quality and professionalism to the assignments he undertook. “Throughout my entire career in construction I knew I wanted to go out on my own. I was never someone who was satisfied with the easy way and was always striving for more challenges. So in 2009 I finally made the move and have never looked back,” he explained. From its inception B. Boyd Contracting was envisioned as a one stop shop for residential and commercial construction, looking after all aspects of the process from the laying of the foundation to the final finishing stage and everything in between. “When I decided to go out on my own I wanted to be as versatile as possible, to be able to handle any size or scale of project,” he said. “I wanted it to be more than just what I do and who I work for but more about providing what is essentially a new landscape for future carpenters. I want to play a role in breeding people who think beyond the work and the dollars and cents involved - but also about the impact of the project itself. I take a lot of people under my wing, so I think a lot about the younger generation and how I can help them grow and become

When not on the job Brad Boyd enjoys time with his wife Tamara and their children Benson & Bodhi successful too, that’s a real focus of the work I do.” For Boyd, the lessons learned by being self-employed for the past eight years have proven to have been very instructive, with the keys to his ongoing success linked to his willingness to take on any task and to bring pride, passion and a commitment to quality to every job he works on. He’s also learned that running a business is not for the faint of heart, with progress built on ongoing sacrifice, stress and an unprecedented commitment of time. “At this point now I consider myself a sort of new age contractor. By using all the things I’ve learned throughout my career, both the good and the bad experiences, I’ve come to recognize that


the lessons learned the easy or hard way help to pave the way into the future and help ensure continued success in what is an ever changing industry,” he said. Boyd began his carpentry career in 2002, apprenticing for another Victoria area builder, where he worked on a broad range of different projects. “It was a great apprenticeship for me. It allowed me to gain a large variety of skills. I consider myself a very versatile builder and that’s what encouraged me to branch out on my own,” Boyd explained. Another key element to the success of B. Boyd Contracting is its emphasis on leadership and accountability from everyone SEE B. BOYD CONTRACTING LTD. |  PAGE 23

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“The thing I am passionate about is doing the job right, just like I’m equally focused on honest communication.” BRAD BOYD OWNER, B. BOYD CONTRACTING LTD.

B. Boyd Contracting works on projects of all shapes and sizes, including this multi-family residential development


within the organization. “Communication, teamwork, a great attitude and basic hard work are pushed hard in my company. It’s not only important for me to train good carpenters, but to serve as a positive role model and to be a strong influence for the next generation of leaders,” he said. Having the skills to take on both commercial and residential projects has helped to keep B. Boyd Contracting continually busy. Seeking out the next job has never been a problem for the firm as its books are continually filled. The company has kept so busy in fact it has not had to devote much attention to advertising or such common business processes as creating a corporate website – but

Quality construction and ongoing communications are hallmarks of every B. Boyd Contracting project

Congratulations on your continued success! Victoria’s Finish Carpentry Specialists

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Brad Boyd, the owner of B. Boyd Contracting, brings his passion for doing the job right to every job he takes on


Congratulations Brad on your achievements! Thank you for your continued effort!





it’s something currently on Boyd’s ‘to do’ list. “I know it’s important in today’s business market to have a website, and it’s something we’re probably going to have one of these days, but in reality we’ve kept busy enough without it,” he said. “The thing I am passionate about is doing the job right, just like I’m equally focused on honest communication with the client at every stage of the process. If we grew too big, or got too busy then something would suffer. We’d lose that personal touch and that’s something I never want to see happen.” “As we basically do it all it’s hard for me to narrow down our workload. We do a lot of residential work, we do renos, commercial jobs and we do general contracting, I take a lot of pride in being so versatile that there’s nothing I won’t do. I don’t turn away the small jobs either, as they can and often do turn into something more,” he said. B. Boyd Contracting is certainly keeping busy these days, as the firm is currently working on tenant improvements at a wine store, a multi-family residential townhouse development and a large scale renovation project. Another key to the ongoing success of B. Boyd Contracting, in addition to the firm’s versatility is the connections that have developed over the years, in addition to its repeat and referral business. “Maintaining a network is very important, it’s all about building those quality, long lasting relationships,” Boyd said. “Many of my friends and network connections rely on me, to do work of course, but also to carry out consulting. I’m often asked to do home inspections for new homebuyers for example. I guess I just have that kind of personality. I seldom say no and am always willing to help out. But if someone needs help or advice I’m willing to help out, even if I really don’t have time.” The changing nature of the construction business, especially regarding new technology and the

As a one stop shop for residential and commercial construction, B. Boyd Contracting is involved at every stage of the build increasing importance of energy efficiency in any project, commercial or residential, means that Boyd and his team are always involved in some form of training, updating themselves on the latest techniques or protocols to ensure the company’s clients receive the

best service possible. “I’m the first one to admit that I don’t know everything, so I’m very lucky to have many individuals I can rely on for their professional opinion all the time. The company certainly isn’t a one man operation. Its success is built on

the expertise and service-focused attitude of the people I’m fortunate enough to work with,” he explained. “When I’m doing a home inspection for example I bring along my structural engineer, I bring my plumber, and I bring

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Congratulations B. Boyd Contracting. Working together is success. 2452 Phillips Rd, Sooke, BC | 250.888.2799

my electrician, plus myself – so we always approach a job of any size from a professional point of view. I talk with my own people all the time, trying to find ways to make the next job even better or SEE B. BOYD CONTRACTING LTD. |  PAGE 25

Ocean Concrete management and staff congratulate B. Boyd Contracting on your success.



Over the years the company has been involved in a number of local multi-family residential projects


more efficient. It’s a case of always learning and seeking out new and more effective ways to do the job.” For Boyd one of the often overlooked parts of the construction industry is the personal aspect, the relationship that develops between the builder and the client over the life of the project. Ensuring the relationship develops in a mutually beneficial way, providing ongoing communications,

delivering on promises and creating a budget that is accurate and without sticker shock is at the heart of the work he carries out for his customers. “You have to realize that you’re in someone’s house or business. You might be dealing with them for an extended period of time so it’s important that the relationship is honest and open at every stage. Really what it all comes down to is trust, and receiving that trust from the client is never something that I take lightly,” Boyd explained.

Developing the successful relationship that joins a builder to their client also applies to Boyd’s commercial clients. “They’ve done work for us at our store here at Everything Wine and I’ve also used him personally to do a reno at the home we recently bought. With my previous experience with the trades, using various companies over the years, I have found that what sets Brad and B. Boyd Contracting apart is how they seamlessly blend construction with customer service,” explained Rob Frias, the Manager

of Victoria’s Everything Wine outlet. “He puts a tremendous effort into delivering exceptional customer service every time and as I manage a retail store customer service is huge for me. I’ve found working with the trades in the past that’s not always the case. With Brad I’ve found that right from the beginning they go over every detail with you, they’ll point things out and explain everything in detail. Brad always ensures that his customers are taken care of at every step of the process, which

is something I really appreciate.” Another satisfied commercial client of B. Boyd Contracting is Victoria’s Olde Towne Developments Ltd., the owner of a downtown heritage building that was extensively re-constructed in 2015, converting what was once a commercial structure into unique ‘Carnaby Street’ style inner city residences. “B. Boyd were the framing contractor on that project and it’s no exaggeration to say that Brad and his team did a fantastic job. He and his crew were professional at every step and it was real pleasure to work with him,” explained Olde Towne Developments’ owner Aaron Usatch. “I subsequently hired him for another project that I did and he carried that out with the same level of care and professionalism he brought to the larger job. He’s simply a great guy and it’s nice to see a young person in business doing well and turning out excellent quality workmanship on a consistent basis and in a timely and fair fashion. I would absolutely have no hesitation to hire Brad and his team again when I’m in need of the services he and his company can provide.” An established builder with an expansive and diverse portfolio of finished projects to its credit, B. Boyd Contracting eagerly looks forward to the challenges and the opportunities the Victoria area’s construction market will offer it in the future. Working with developers on multi home projects has inspired Boyd to consider branching out as a developer in his own right – if the ideal opportunity were to present itself. “I think that is a direction that I’d like to see us go. From the moment I got into this I wanted to be my own boss, and I’ve done that. Now I want to take the idea a step further and branch out into other areas, such as serving as a developer in a subdivision or other similar projects,” he said. “It’s not that I don’t still enjoy what I do, but I want to start my next chapter. I want something else, something new to put my hard work, passion and pride into. We’ll just have to see what comes next.”

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Proud to support B. Boyd Contracting! Best wishes for continued success!



IMIRA Reorganization Brings Services Home for Island Tradespeople


ANCOUVER ISLAND – Education and administration will come closer to home for the island’s booming mechanical and industrial sector, thanks to a pending reorganization and expansion of the Island Mechanical Industrial Relations Association (IMIRA). Planned changes will include increased on-island administrative services, enhancement of island training opportunities for the trades represented by IMIRA, and development of a website to serve as a cyberspace hub for the island’s mechanical trades. All of this will help island contractors and tradespeople keep up with changing technology in the construction industry. IMIRA represents contractors that offer an extensive range of mechanical services, including plumbing, heating, fire sprinkler systems, natural gas systems, sheet metal, refrigeration, underground services, pipe fabrication, controls, insulation, welding, and all other mechanical services, maintenance, and renovations to existing mechanical systems. At present, the organization has 25 accredited member companies plus working agreements with nine additional signatory contractors. More than 500 island workers are employed by the companies which IMIR A represents. Business is booming along with the demand for knowledgeable, experienced tradespeople. “The trades are in high demand on the island,” said IMIRA General Manager Robert Hope. “It’s been going on for three to five years and hasn’t slowed.” One challenge for island companies is getting enough qualified trades people. The re-organization of IMIRA will help by providing more on-island training and services for the companies and their workers. To keep pace with constant ch a n ge s i n te ch nolog y a nd regulations, trades people must regularly attend workshops and upgrading courses. IMIRA will continue to work closely with island colleges and the United Associations Local 324 to meet the demand over the next few years. IMIRA and the union jointly

Members of the IMIRA Board of Directors include (left to right):Todd Lindahl (RTL Mechanical Systems), Robert Hope (IMIRA General Manager), Tony Elsdon (Oceanview Mechanical Ltd.), Dave Erb (Erb Technical Contracting Ltd.), Garth Johnstone (Archie Johnstone Plumbing and Heating Ltd.), Eric Linquist (Cascade Fire Protection 2012 Ltd.), Corry Belcourt (Veridis Plumbing and Heating Ltd.), and Wes Lageri (SRL Fire Protection). Missing from the photo is Russ Hepworth (Tech Mechanical Systems Ltd.).

“We will continue to uphold the highest standards in the industry and prepare for future generations.”

UA Local 324 Business Manager Jim Noon support the Mechanical Trades Promotional Fund. The MTPF provides financial support to tradespeople to help offset the cost when renewing certifications. Other joint initiatives of the employer group and the union is the Joint Training Committee and the Health & Welfare and Pension plans. “We have a very strong bond between m a n agement a nd labour,” said UA Local 324 Business Manager Jim Noon. “Our membership and market share continues to increase and this is a testament to our relationship. We are committed to supply our signatory contractors with qualified/experienced tradespeople. We will continue to uphold the highest standards in the industry and prepare for future generations.” Hope agrees. Cooperation creates a win-win within the industry which benefits companies and tradespeople. “Mechanical

Trades want stability so everyone works together, employers and employees.” He expects the change will have no impact on the cordial contract negotiations between the union and IMIRA, which have been conflict-free for more than 40 years. The biggest change is that the reorganization will eliminate some of IMIRA members’ current reliance on the provincial organization and allow implementation of island solutions for island issues. “This change is about better management of the needs of our members and workers on the island,” Hope explained. Increased trades training and recruitment into this booming industry is one of those needs. IMIRA is already working with Camosun College in Victoria and is looking forward to working with North Island College to develop additional on-island training. He hopes increased on-island training will bring more young people into trades as a career choice. “Often young people don’t think about trades as a

A water plant installation by IMIRA member Archie Johnstone Plumbing and Heating Ltd. demonstrates the scale and complexity of the company’s work. career so I’m looking forward to promoting trades education as a way to attract the next generation of tradespeople,” Hope said. The organization and the union are also discussing developing a work-experience program in conjunction with island school

districts. “This initiative will help give high school students a real feel for what the trades are all about,” Noon said. “Our industry is booming,” Hope added. “We have to promote it to keep serving the needs of islanders.”



WHO IS SUING WHOM The contents of Who’s Suing Whom is provided by a third-party resource and is accurate according to public court documents. Some of these cases may have been resolved by publication date. DEFENDANT 0732446 BC LTD A-161 Peterson Rd South, Campbell River, BC PLAINTIFF Central Builders Supply Limited CLAIM $22,659 DEFENDANT 1082132 BC LTD 202-1007 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Visionary Glass Inc Claim $101,808 DEFENDANT Aggressive Excavating Ltd 26 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Allterra Construction Ltd CLAIM $170,000 DEFENDANT Bakerview Motor Inn Ltd 210-3260 Norwell Dr, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Milne Roofing Ltd CLAIM $ 16,657

DEFENDANT Emterra Environmental 304 John St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF OBS Services Ltd CLAIM $ 12,216 DEFENDANT Fisk Construction Incorporated 2-2232 Wilgress Rd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Milne Roofing Ltd CLAIM $ $ 16,657 DEFENDANT Hummingbird Cove Lifestyles Ltd PLAINTIFF Thorconsult Ltd CLAIM $ 72,319 DEFENDANT Knight Contracting Ltd 420-880 Douglas St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Visionary Glass Inc CLAIM $ 101,808 DEFENDANT Little Urban Vehicles Canada Corp 3436 Willerton Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Victoria Battery Ltd CLAIM $ 10,368 DEFENDANT Lyra Residences GP Inc 202-1007 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF

Visionary Glass Inc CLAIM 101,808 DEFENDANT Lyra Residences Limited Partnership 202-1007 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Visionary Glass Inc CLAIM 101,808 DEFENDANT Metchosin Properties Inc 26 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Allterra Construction Ltd CLAIM $ 170,000 DEFENDANT Method Built Homes Inc 4566 Cordova Bay Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Kone Inc CLAIM $ 35,156 DEFENDANT Prices Alarms Systems Ltd 100-4243 Glanford Ave, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Prestwich, Matthew CLAIM $ 21,200 DEFENDANT Pro Power Engines 6921 East Saanich Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Lorenz, Michael


CLAIM $ 15,358

CLAIM $ 22,659

DEFENDANT Raj Holdings Ltd 5905 Paldi Rd, Duncan, BC PLAINTIFF Cyprus Marsh Investments Ltd CLAIM $ 162,881

DEFENDANT West Can Carpet One 850 113TH Ave, Campbell River, BC PLAINTIFF H Long Mechanical Contractors Ltd CLAIM $ 9,678

DEFENDANT RBS Seafood 151 Government St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Nima, Mekdam CLAIM $ 20,076 DEFENDANT Restacon Services Ltd 2218 South Wellington Rd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Ugoric, Irina CLAIM $ 44,153 DEFENDANT Vancouver Island Tree Services Ltd 3-2025 Bowen Rd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Vining, Patricia Anne CLAIM $ 17,750 DEFENDANT W & K Holdings A-161 Peterson Rd South, Campbell River, BC PLAINTIFF Central Builders Supply Limited

DEFENDANT West Can Floorcoverings Ltd 850 113TH Ave, Campbell River, BC PLAINTIFF H Long Mechanical Contractors Ltd CLAIM $ 9,678 DEFENDANT Western Environmental Solutions E-511 David St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Evergreen Industries CLAIM $ 12,274 DEFENDANT Wilson Enterprises Tree Service 3654 Columbine Rd, Qualicum Beach, BC PLAINTIFF Vining, Patricia Anne CLAIM $ 15,356



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T he t h i rd a n nu a l E coSta r Awards were held November 16 at the Inn at Laurel Point and over Cathy Scott 75 businesses were in attendCathy Scott, ow ner of Deance from across the Island. The partures Travel, was recentwinners and categories included: ly honoured with the “Beyond Leede Jones Gable Inc. in GreenBoundaries Award” from Enest Office; Pheasant Hill Homes semble Travel Group, one of the Ltd. in Technology Excellence; premier travel agency organizaDP World in Maritime Industions in the travel industry. The try; Victoria Golf Club in Water award was presented to Scott Conservation; My Chosen Café during Ensemble’s recent anin Greenest Restaurant 25+ Emnual international conference ployees; Harvest Rd. in Greenat the Hyatt Regency Dallas in est Restaurant 1-25 Employees; Texas. Ensemble Travel Group is Inspire Hair Design in Greenest a member-owned organization of Retail Store; Animikii Inc. for approximately 850 independent Social Impact; Alderlea Farm travel agencies in the U.S. and and Café in Experiential TourCanada, with an expanded interism; LifeCycles Project Society national presence in Australia/ in Food Security; Victoria Airport New Zealand. Authority in Ecological Stewardship; BCHAZMAT Management 1 eB Cook & Pan Polish Delicatessen in Waste Management; Waymark ag p – & Café, formerly located at the aRdS e B1 Architecture in Leadership in W g a corner of Cook and Grant, Rhas Design & Construction; Ocean paucket g eB – dS B Fillin VI ic moved to a heritage house Outfitters in Climate Action; atat 1527WaR n i l d a et lcy oW eB ck g a Amelia Street. The company speTigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa Reu R R c n B C li VI Fil ediindustr inic Rd at cold m cializes in Polish sort in Lodging and Accommol Cosausages, d n s c e o i ti l R oW ectonstruc dicaustry cuts, cheeses,» deli items, importdation; Kid Sister Ice Cream in CR j o d e r c p n the s m on ind d oR t Coffers an ed products and breakfast Transportation Mode-Shift; The 3 s l e i 1 i i s t e R 20 rI ew women ojectonstruc ve n and lunch. » Very Good Butchers in Manuou ’ r r c c o s n f di he t p Hasham Va ana nd 13 in t facturing Excellence; Academy IslH grou wesAl 20 en 12 ra e n s m e k o uvn cdoo s brea is’ n for w age Dental in Eco-Preneur of the n Va Hai Ha und e–p a ks grodVIC Nominations s are open for the MoUrYear; and Pacific Industrial and 2 n 1 ore n e n d othe Marine do ais bIreea Nt a g ag i Greater Victoria Chamber of Group and The Truffles p n s a – c H tM Ce s anoypper, zin MoeUrGroup VI Commerce’s annual Business received the Community eS ore p d V c n th SUBSCR d IN fin I eNt a com ity siginc and o Leadership award. Awards until January 2018. I oN g to B ers ing pin23, y E M t v S i z t n , n TODAY &FoCU NVeS en the uHasham, ination ho owner pad copper of This year, o sid1ent tAl d rm in tsyt N e com n r to f Fsiir a g STAY » US oN I g s e p B m n Maximum Express t vu nand inn hopiMax Furgeit etinoneemuaniin w C i am e 3 m o p h o INFOR 1 i h d o a atnod tC receive m Nat the Chamn dngSc– etsNiwill 20 s niture, » F MED o nngt ! ictoria anindus First satrR Fpirrs iMtm inie ncBeseas aWber n Member of u a the Year award in o R w m t i e m C o V e 13 nenggeco5mRBuFcitkllinNg atand Chof 20 nn VxpIRreeses recognition his ccommitment roa a c a alste s ining ini ori Vi CWasdse unc s La –stp Fir Ma t c l cland mentoring CR a Vi U CmRieo no reRssoeL to volunteering R c a di stry e5 ria an ls Nexpa young RdJ meion indu ag entrepreneurs. The Co ic sSseo p ctioawards s e i i a – t a R V t L n c V R C u c L a » U amtiNe W e g 2018. e str onssMay da Ro will take for il10, a roj conplace IJN Nanad inerssshipeady to bu ictori 34 st pen in the ,V s o e 011 S Isl u 20 S r e r e ing w V e b I in R e 2 l n m a e i v e r R o g t r a W s n tNcou fo debu s getss fo ild a We is’ for w INan Re Ha ground e2nsKcehlowet Nneatuwosrkiinerssshirpeady to bu ,V V p a » B n eS o s 1 r t I k n s or b lnee g eR donaaisgbarnea ne–kepa:lawizgeepWaoeutno Imfop renda ebuoarskiisTgettin a eW aH 3 R b k U 1 n w t C 20 -o » B ith et satds tVoIrevNi G:ermoapeoesrtsKcephloort Netw Mo r ores on ps e w ause idgn d othe aInW r k m k p m g I o W N n e o n t se a o n wize uto0 a c s T th anwtMoen lo tba te lls od iyn n zinc ko 13 ' fi go pnaesnsh per, 20 -ot eS ati s vNi al mganea2 te r ree selec s fo nd bid Isla t en c be vide orth roje pro jorkNs P ls n mlai pvitea g a s oh in ld amHs d to i Bu ee te lecte for d r e s n h s T bid Isla t en c be vide orth roje pro jor N P ls ma pita s Ho

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W n aa re a e a are liSn ereinc ork aISrs en i n e v e u n e th in g . V rtner RaS2t ,4wha ty ne R iv ais ati rcti r th w-er ewnse. wcisom d g dren aottta nat m to s g k FI M r fo in R.W , Ca poGr oera nin let aH : -c l c ws p d w NayHea rese Po 26 R h D cy a na lo o e a r nto pa Sneeon d on rope a inu an g p uurilad r chil thaatRwaes atCpoom the nn fN cbte glth a l a iss ’ N0 of ny Cor orm lue ge m ag io te p R C i s en m e a y m e te roosf Deariloy r o je a khiena deicd ic oH a ta rteeeadllo, 2 ve fo pa do Uc ture l b ll.he deer is shit pa ent ata c afo fro nag in h S a l e a g s to – a r h in eim s in yNisat loca oro hem f et s SW ha in r t m eM a im h m h e m p p t r o o a p t ic ll d n s b n a C u t o t k 0 a m str ed a o, eom a2m am n e fihrs ob n’t re. ay m ca rke imo te ele t B a s t – t h inu e t s w it p o a piras erty gnidthe h ahne r rveonlvu’snlidtt f ooof e Noa nahl.e T 10 m . W iown uisr yc oC’s or,mB uld tu er w e to 4 o p. ’um a s s a l dhse comF rop e So of e th im t fr e in g ma o 2 are R.W d it fo N C u fu it s o It e g h t r - sp ndth c n net p th e n h e a r a thlseo ’hcly i v es. anrin e n nim y ad oNta le Co e Stz e s s e a d o rnad id th | p fa ly la ed ho o e as tsid y. Ch n y a a is 9 b I n sits o ana bis N ug svsitie qguin totf l H p e la like ticu ork he p e4 th u s in c u r e sgt a spa m d by ir h. Joh tIo ou alle r rN e H X ate d ag oroparceti 0e -bse dcoenne el rpaeo ed th at vn do de he b s e in pa She wing t m it f es e | p V 11 an reate e. Sh is thi m ’s t0h dja y de tN g n i aerl en hsa. s a n ys h ie v v IS RS amel G to CM c d R i ubebv u n ge t in . in s Upd Valle ren ,0 t G erfu er Ha ad n c ing ins Nati cue FI uercw t is g : a l 18 mer r an hild a3t0a ansicna noaw w n RR onhHD cy foa na lo o k e a r n sw r pN Na o Se r l t io c h li gsio Ne hgae 26 u n m e ay a t p aanilyy o je c k i n ic a o oN is ea Na R Min ainu he d rthe rR C D pa 19 fo ll her er t shecwRee wic ed t fu ntfo a l a ge to a r o h s m is y n st d 5ar 0 g m moomopD t p r r t a m e d a im he Se Co im o s t S t he us t s – it h ino k e pany or Fir d RC Che sign for tio 05a on 0 h e e n a c 2 im 2 t na n B it le t y T a 2 w e in d a s a r p io t w w e a – is o’sp an r r e u n m N vil f o e N al. om 121 22130 ter a inu join ge a 25 tol allo -para C o r p. ’um a s s e a l n d s e com th rks as2t 0 naimtheyN ’ c u v e adryes- o t h spit nd fr pa m iott sta pril wil dCphree nnt. Co ey Co e Stz e s s e a d o r a id th st eh a9ll r 2 32 bygora is e s s i s qlua nt t l Ho the la Ell on ge a ich ahn. m th u s in c u r e s t sa Jo a e H X ateWe mox V R1 ive ers ors olle wh tiomnit gie refe est- e 3t4e m p r 0 0 - jac nert,a”sed b s e in v bard pp nt ss ll1 y k de C ent, ltdays l cah g inv ativ i Ca to C R ub ,0 ad G e t fih e in s Upd VaClloe mpbe & 8Sha ine l s a nta tian in s N ocu r us n u a n m nr slua tnio 3 0 n ic nal bepsurcof th . It 1 w n R on H ng accou to Ca S e oa te in u d ig Ne ha db n ers l 9 a cli egiothaenyhair ors the vi eW D ov an a n a and s ding ry nce aspt oN R M main the furth for wic s p , c ern d a1 e yN sa toria app and o M o a R n ri C 5 ag wom ic v an .” e Da Il im s or s Fir d RC he ign for ion ito tio e d ce tan ajo 205: na le 4 o ls] c ag go n th it 20 Vic elop ings ed Na u s noun ders a rmr itinuus ine at C 5 to s llow arat Na vil s v 12ct1us22183-2068 CaspseMehinard of ecyissiomplei onn by ath“NeaxIMte m st r s in jo ge 2 p n a rks sav gres a st de 05 2 ie arenyar bo us dadpeo isio aNs ia Fir d e 7 an f u ad to ’u pa m a tt sta ril ill pre t. Co ey nta 6-7 ild 3 m uosy y’s o l 0 ec st w or all Coer 62 le le aagenet toum o ld le Stz Ellio on e ap ich w and men bu k pro Sg it im 2 d ard in We ct g op xV v iv 1-8 rs [Ja t4ide e cp o” 3 th rs an ad e vi pe . “It mo ll R e pfe rand cou ent ss orsCollent, wh ationl agre nt trap ke Co be Cs2aa8nive un e h id th stefibt,nth ha lt g.”e ave aidSee o o hat pm ine a l s a nta mp &S me nsu ntia liof to. Ith he s war memUS) t velo bus n u n urf u was a mittels sa aenbdeth ng accou to b Ca o rs i n ig a ir a ic e e l d W e e ,” m rs u e ly e.” No m co pote o v eV v y co Cass itastethd,hcuhaerrfnuo ydoth e d an n a d s ing (M sa toria app and Mo orial sit y tia l a te hav a Il tyU in e in lawtion d a ce an nd ajor m u a n d le ud n w ic v .” s r t c a r m n it a n e D g ] o u s m e n ta s h a o e re oe o ga ofog itiohn ounait yth 5 a u sta te, Vic elop ing ed n ive sidues: e sa68t4, a- f t t N euns ou ers a m inu SI scels inin w ge s is yleo itbyy NeacxIM v e ctit te 8-2e n U rta n d W re ple en pa Io as citeh ’s rd ircfa sav gres iln Nhsais“ er o Firs deewr sh gahnt,n f und d to ’um de a riaC naMr b“oIta thsede apkeeosp sib h e ’s p yN s a & m ag p on m 5s id eie to o lea Stz ild ri ncisiogawna m b le leliak not u l a n A c o sw t u od n t ia C m 6p6r-7e craitm eSeut,syae y’s puot uo2m m 0 bu k pro to go h e ictor h co1-8 u g d a t is olk ug h f [J m h ite animalsad reespdoelsobaerda me peopt “itIt’s . e“vIeth ndu could nt in c ic w ey By tra aid D o ehin t h a g V bro V a rc a n e list o d to s2a8idtiversiv s ve hida . aid eth sseeb a.” ll ries v of ora hat pme ie un tee h th r t n in a a ”s n e n g id b a e a s th a 1 e w a r m a a s r s u r e a g e v d h rs it s Cd 8n h we hea me e)3t elo m s rt, m a d n e reets W h bou il l b iswta m els an kn,”oh f in t in ateou f ,”w ky ic dev nt Ja sels TV in sta er h a oagU u cruf u uou unlyg a vea.”(M st nt. eigh ip w to au n d id y o mlin com ass ittee hin |UpV ew toy e G r k e C as oo ille g by te C m nd d fae y la sid r a e n rs h aditlegut-h t w o tia at w n a d a n rsitdenad ino cyuo ha eNatt in sp oksv ootin ey sta he e2 s et,r y com ing a won ith“ oouu’rea you eSreIder t hme pre n d o hSaI d he c : ive aid th a le te. n’tawu t in o sta Ntee, o e rs c it s ag sghe 5 Vall f e gn res n te e an d y Ra fa y r Sp it t t de da eacna d ,W n |p nore r pt le st o rtspa n lee iorniaa er cit “It’s eir kes y ibilitNehWispc er o UVic e wh ght, it did NIotha hdeinUempic ge HIp or n d P b is h agen e o m & to a t p y ik c s lu m b th s e W ’s e p t sta icha s n e o a k c S d iem u w r u n arse vris t w ea e “a wA it iledt, od innc acraia w g l rdzaenot Iismc olks eagLehRt pu o miospnon beSg mem Ne it’s li I tho t ra h- re f u lksw -bp aonfdc bmue go he • to pherco ew Co t ge o w ik r, o u in T hta on ig du ey s a ip en id alsiceare By at id. “ Vic aerxc vaanlue li g VCHbero z e oD est- , st sdhto t sels a s ll sa n gic e c w h a nd d V e ive 20n5th eh u m a15 wh e sa T r -efalor ilts ie d-b hena u rinpol RbSe se •a u pCaas 981 t g tiohna acu t12 t,” r m a d va seri e Wroup eoy h ir a n e h ip uire d trinate r t 0 r 3 r m w h o ” m a e o e . y e th s n in q a 1 lty , no g,” u e hb Sw t St realate es ingis tric013m s kt f w G k eeil TV sta G e k h ag t Ja els yinsacyuth dk ndn P e n-, t tsbtre cat.s Wig ith t’s of elitos h le r ly ac . to au•n•a is in en 2 co | p en a s s koso ville ng in d id sin ra m e th ip or fa woeu aou of t it to t he o r d w an ion lik wdne a ent ship m a n ilslit aob -hfeo o elrrya n aeunto dad t-c l of s ti w n a d a n Bu n sid C sinp rs 17 u il wa g t w r teg te to rev“iey 2’r0e12yJune oefSIdeN to yc e2 ate erch izat ould n w g l hpavoeok shoo alley d o had he c : • Fa u nd den evre y C ge s entdh e able p re t verre eale k e s .5tomeuoarrsec “je ag or te. n’t t in N e pa d ar rsona cura t we oyinoud in date in sS pR ic V it at t ding ic• Stu lehale | p ab e M ga n o w doowr a d -S p o o$r4s s qP isa h itigehn- n bde da e ca , no r t lly UV ild am d torts an e Hedig lsion leepre e ac s tha naimroun letieoNneW at oll tr or wh inmp aavdey . n -d rto th clu dem nc• to “W w ik p o HIp b hag o o rea wnd ilvis opild ld b te Na k n Bu e te lecte staforwich g e •s RS a c 0-0e nkfin o c Cen ots ers ruivtoe Ieyg hre this cou tshtaerid a u ’sw s Le d re ze I m e u ou ida of reaio comp S l get a Nael a h a 3 in ac perie e-ba ansdk pb ,0h – are cohlke s w il l w ik als nk sNsrISoT own e th A thin t-g babby- ,toon e1la ea Th n se bids Co lan Tr u to d odrsV – e or, c n g h6ig s lo,s t tip ed en and City toicbaitth a 14. we’l edicg w it ers,” 4 • ex valu gic • ba goralo ess emrcan ngdettie. vein haip Itmw re Is e g z H n m s e e e t C s r a w c m s h e a to ein .rirPe e c b S ais ceh mr T f lo d7 •a ate tion ac“u the the pects aS C in u-p cryeshnhir c hAnees teip inWisroeto u nar w r 20 attn of a lon tion pes al ines as vid k ort roje oR Geanokrk. ayath r ic ao ts cti ho dic ulls X date fg eo s arhsida nEds h acnfo gaa n h mTIMe bus e ceom qu o b il e te r two- b u il se” ye mbe e is th ep Str rela ess in ic exm m t le pro jor N o k P 0 e G e ly ti h th d r , 1 f a iv h • f is e e a S tr e tb d s o t a s d s io a b n o a esly to orle p wit sn ls coe P n, ra o t c opsabyin ed etwicuwil se eNstb .m isne t’ tio in ews u a ma pita 14 •a Busin draist-cen of c thSreipate y hto wia li l p t sh r m osfw snad f r he hend o rrlieyk,”ePli eadrneban W nict t ip a n o o o y uto t W eto cifdb m eac vu s e c era tha the oboerra bhera ack s. T retd i ld a wiltont w om svpie yceV orush e s5 m il li e -f elr d a u il N tori gneg17 16 • Fun den velnna c- ton 5“Mte ateoeugrrcrh oiz wrin Ho e c e re fl eem A a oucr orun a lt db om be l f gen ding or o in t nto er um ospr in vere eaable| pakge .5 m u a r “jew -en b e b ip Vic vepnati h 17 • Stu h let D1o5cvoinrso.20cunraice nn wwpnocdopo-obw am fr b ingem egin llab raev“M y a an ddmh g feelles m o ac gdaetnwtaup o is, ad acy m es0 to rga theoom a,inm rdesyah . y isdaNnK-S p o a $4 - s q to a h ig h o n oavw In anic hore alle 1S8I • H ig– blsu12thelesp1s3 e aarn th dale a ed a n I n hare am ok’s mgast b n B rm t in o co d nHt ceilod wanwt ieiv d ilake ople Sa st S an V3 toeieedin te.s g ro id H ha gnhth boop s. t in wnct n bloerild5in p ais eSctou tshaeid ,0 0 0a k in he’s il l s 0 erbanLap yge th rorm 0 e o teCe os hts dunoeprsth rs NIo 20 1• orl sk m per y2 ugld ’B kedy m u 2 t th. aols aipnak wsnNsarISlioT eow id td ntory sa ee a pbroesuo eseedshiniciteiauarferetoawm t O roAugeW We wich trhinvcinogmWbNt abWby- ,to ge1la 6 – srit sce w ’s2w ing a s t wnoa nadll eg ic cff g rv ce u dett h er obmg ths3a-0a0im 4 haoo ho aen in bal eglooralo in s 23 re orcw mg oPno e s – r tnic Co les esswsmrhem frin to ge &BySg7 g W man help22 in•d u“lItmaebc) aW reastideom- - ,”serv afo e coth LaisBngMcth hiee. WNto-toelos esnhtip hAen te ein co sgsusne qnudit ghto s anpsaio it C . K n a in pa e ti r in . S w a e rs is d e c k t e N c e s a r t il , g k in o a c o p nt lop e as bn get v?inT u wadasvin m tnoekr ia r idc s aa doisr ic sa s e v nufo b ids - ell eas ltos d ogroid huhelphdaeh s oa odrayagSeioet n eX ate S Moveo’s Su 10 t’s ais isc t io ngenerao. f(Bthalso C r re eT IM s:beu ekhcneo G e ve ts ly ceiva le os ar s o fa nEds-ntbsatr m o ge m eX tw tb inu re t d upd .sN u e anase saeoafrilbl bseaornngt of rfoWmueegchomgheto etw sne reseN eo 4 H r u the R.Whe is elopmh DerW iaaensa cichha er-w “Wp lesm lXl ouicutil cisesn thi ed rrey,”P earb r w ma Wh w as in ws oa robh t in W Vcic t 5 in S acip,”hshobf eyrg wabm s to vXiX a1l s t v e e d oa nt nin erstrtraic W hsesW ck sth e m oefrwyh pmebd its peopre eT he ecta wn edcifb em n ng co rni,Ne tofiri La itori 16 a7is is ner o. ’s de n Caicath h en dis e wne b o u ge nd ell5 gildinecem v eloe at re r spsh llin b. aelk csehhpE etoeoyug’vrr oAvu pnocr - ouwil to XsX dd rav. gieebste.r-sfo-inre, sh h C -h no m 4 all ia5 v st e d h n o fo fuannbuum e vehD VTico ntim H1us:art 8 eub ic “in am w cdo b snahtipa is a | pa aim wbs hniad orerascth,istvh wit 00 is k r th r 2s,e0a ede“vme aXrX leasne naslit ut bguginaefgrPo eltmirein an g 1 itohnin, o0 to n om nik we Alb and Invuerisnich ore ealley Tdh is er 2,4 at nea ive r y aNK em refe elisensm n w ruiat me ond atreinew ct a 1p88N-2a6n . W a na1d2ra oaw nnts b m wti h ath H a hceil-d wantte n a, n adHle cXhX utmdeorl psim seacmthaoetrk r.ti l tinogbsag rt la t n B arsybosheead lpte rtn a wh y s R to n ocaorm e13 5 .W in nta g oyRor.taBs atbtheym-ergh tit-inc unastlincmab’nestrp’sdt0w e toSaa st Sh an V m lo Po aor2 aeEs olira pa on on pert inu nrpts w ele yr nmuo ini roiemriendninea m p aWeSt Cokers66-7 2o0f R1ny, Chyaoe ild psin rg rcate nalimsant dugop ’B lth rbic 0hyrT a fo eing Corduof ed bbe itaia rpa0bluis his brtoe2u5 ,e2co SUut dte ere foip o co N clu re th 6 og cam ro gedW C Ccaov u g toation ated pro ema tek of b pisro ta e uin We wich u egis rd eehH 0c.uvlem ro o gs eg in O a 1-8hom p2a enrc o il r o a a r uins rt-in t U q e l ll h c w a it m | m in h h e W w in 0 e a ta ic fr c o e ro a r a th a li ta f tu o M o a S to o c eoc re s 3 r t eloup ina n h o Lin o h c u n lfd M h k m be in g l dsicg a–, tse p Co les sdtr 22et id ra & gW d m evt ere oalu 8 rmte m .t Kay isitm kws w B t h e WNt aim st N rty lo nido e C ontfrohbeaaW ntosSn’tidphuaare tsmothlvfoedyesttgta le saen nhem ca rket mce,” 2m e W pa a lorocyo’rmehloata nre a st r,mit eluate min y ir pe og th no tne ia , do fiwrs h m ” ioC Sa vers Suin o tl s Bly s d f o?foT ro s v li v 10 . e r it F c m w iv ld n t a b e v e a tu 4 : e to o a a a ic t f adho is C id u S r, th e ’s r n s y o u e g n o s n th min ce It inag rdlts sgh eroah coinr dh fu Whe hne tBk N e R.W m ge t r ddeitrs n fothimocsots th t abre weX M o’s pro the e o alin ou t o r Se p u as faethaC ly e lar ofed ugho egsto s. n d sro r e lso hhalys ere a b oat,nalaW rlsXl -tow | pa ies. in b uictrk ro p w ndnin foNsaabcyenIn m ou t e as tsid y. h e to Wh w tsth Na ue is a ry ucg atib N a n p m e by vit beitra ar vXgeiX ritallsim al gs nee oBreeohpiple erosocfnhy lika mrtictrw o the tt in egses4 hEed y’ve Io ou alle g g he veoroereahm d mendasin te rreth c re he as La itori o l ps mog n ec’sh pa ishe alkgth d XsX sedm Nat m i n lo de eir S eth bn dreid f eatb seots s|inpa ach e ath rea irin V p h D ri n d ge IS in i n e v e u n e th in g ed e “m’s stwothh m e tos: ng 84 R St rfdu ws. e h e.ndikd.eis mre aXrX leasne naslit ut bu erPorersc , th c an arTay,h: ea the eSss w Gthit e n g k M Ha fo dS ngct u ou -26k to . er t is e FI w ercpr.aaln chbilaed caoetnsateaBrsunWta peoywoen N cXhX utmdeorl psim la R h D cy a na lo o e a r. n g itha l sin sw ts a thNNeair mybof ants Se oL trantages26y 5b8ac ase ,”nts g eeawr. stb ailaeylrietojeJacnui nw uolpte th m armelixeur hheetrocehsein a Es rch pr ro yN R C l i s ge n m r e a y m a rT o a k e d ic buo h a n ouetdo ch d sCo pay a 6-7g e c on gyre pisronm uini v p rin SUut5 olo hyae avafoaalllTis Re gr fo minogCo aoDrd t G t h S a e a s to – a6h in e s y is inimerhce abSe th|ecoul me r sh il un nit 6 in th raetirc nud ekeain q ta ag m docth 20 adte hy ’s.lo20oknlaim thbulsei-Cr & so mu c1o-8m be om ein ecnhtaird etar rot-t lfmNa nal. RIC B o a s t – th inu e tas gew it p o k pan go ew T re a tem fo S s m t o 4 e t d to evt ereli oalu 8 m u a rm s 24 is s m r n e e b 1215 130 sdtrop eluate s oe eacts o s see f a mfroo han id m s al d a 2 2’saaid lieit o-” – re athlorim y By nk agge igh com k is s to ollr C o or p. tz’u s a s p it d e n e co cta c ucr -e utlye -foitth lym iv yad’r N yho wth ppa emin tcdh 20 c u He s abvear, Ba C e S es a d r a th t m at a ba n seemew o etcr ic trs a nTae thionenis ’as s ivcenu a rint gto arHdoospe lan Coany ind orad srosis Ch n alin w r. st en ismtrbice at, thlabyrScHoaard th u s in c u re e s to said h. Joh te s res q ncd th est at X s: n tevalie .aLreC9ascth -to ge en Broal th nhe to teg llsim we De n th r-gu b m pr rha0s0 -bdra b s e in v bard m it f es e ja e e sed soc W ut th doerd C daa t N Ca rita he.Jey esll 11dm ys h ie v v i e ,0 f rea tsGiden ha moer e’s sem to C R ub ssX all s wa k an 8tha ir bere , b ionw sLUep tenaVto ad n c ing ins Nati cuaX 1. ehm e aanrde. amb3e0sslion icWensal y purc c a pry, h R on H m gnhisga o.,uangaknto r o XlX r l tio life “TLdwS oNerw its ss t m r ua rec. e r m t c p e ch roc c teere y stb ea Na R Min ainu e d rthe r D gio n raic s Lstd dXc pdir X w la th fu No N aotte fo o geba cmaes o,” u 19 heox R mpa a l ie Jan ag y n st m tric cim W XrXl goalensSe rladliCt ut ey said ssnsdtrCsiaitteynaaim e0p5Grea e onon f w 20 Th th o a v in th or Fir d RC Che sign for tion o o R e c X in it le dis rin t 2 th e in s a C u s c r t o w ir i X unt ad 'W w C IC m osvbfile oisrati yuos 1215 2ed0 the p im noe ou N th nd , p ee is ulp ter a inu join ge a l 25 tol allo para a eR 2 13 s t s ssm ir ocfo aeto r uabosast aanby er & 0 r 4s rk l e -cha ysm e. ge e24 k a n d gr e M i Utk dbpopaelo O m iott sta pri wil d pre nt. By gd is n igh coAm hkais eV’sallve ali erco-2 t 32a Tradornyc e s co lad ostcllC , m mpbs r fo an mo g, ittl b a emr' il eliqu tem Eelln- on ge a ich an me i t m at a bacn Csheaemeuw a s Wceaesr.e H iv e tric stb Rich achin at L ll v slle wh on ree p ntduo lutite oxeCa llsRth 4egS ard rs w V ors ” lu t t o t e s r 3 e n p m li b th a s o s t, o “ g k ti L a : o o b e o o is a o W e e fi d C bo dois issXmin lit d D inetha l e s t C ent, ulta tial a s a nta av C .J. pllbea DSha W ut th ordss hCip st the er, rrain hip C h m ea S s n vn us atn u n m a er- e be ir of . It s b o w Le t at N Csawme kaearsnd& ng accou to ic n b m s X b s s g , i s e n o o I 0 ro r ff L a a itsim r eX v eW s nd 0 a gd si g s pc irpsote th a ors e tt nov ce. al em a life “Tw orm gis td., aowaMn dXcXl rit n o n d de st c s yN sa toria app anX sr as , ch ern d th pi aa n a5,0a nreinan ndin jo ir Il N ate s L eelstb meritourir m h o m s ict ilas iso , a Lea fir c ] w gic ov an it.” e o Da sXld tiof $e d S p ina e ch e’s Seepd Vic elop inogXr un rsta sm hous r ieb arlia rce nd n’s Naesou sa n said ss str iate ekW Com oend o f w us: 684 sselsehina of gcisionle on by thaxlens rladliCt ut istr inc IM v no de bau win striz s c th f is y o tact 8-2 e P tp o 8 Xv X greunstsadgoa 'W saw d d pr et de e r agan un geto , m ier, me mo ga Ca naMr boards de eop ion aNsa“Ne 5 sim Fir n ge ia n sso of r o ulp a ild an d, re Mis d pa d a nto of llead otzn’u a id ha ub m h n a . paor e ’s ou 0 p cis w A air be cus m a n Co 66-7 amie usa on Utk dboelodr ilis n ui bu k proO an le kent m uCldolet aintsS n, s -st w t ea f Co Ric oka cts ple nk on g, g tle ly a[J idtSh yrsity nim ad 2 e de oard c ch am r fo e , 1-8 b eog r “It e eOv s.ndu acn n n B r o aine e odu vic tba hm in Lit emr' veliq lutem ic t an s mra aagt o vmeenW aga t is eju tra sa8 ive na e h th e b duo tite e p . u r f uow 14 Ch o u b a s es e Ric oach b at are mbeLorr at tht pr n lotep ka n epe V r.torss s t r ols ord no o k)ath lu ll “ ge r 2 un as a u itte said nd th ling.” hav e saidatreFooderm W K a s o S h u e C pa to c w s e ip 2 dois is min lit d D r h in t t r, m m a b h o e c u -e o of w m sels e a m l to ,” r OU e ra hyip h m a o aw e ic sdoerv re o coant gvfo C al a m e ur m a sh th bine in c ty o e sew tu ls co Cas itte d hu erf u you tely s c as I n n fo sp,ro 0 ogkin UVfe ntgavme.”a(M 3 ffic Lor edrle ess sim p sto go na it y tia l t 0 s u n in d o h o s t la m u h h d m n a n o o a rd in w r d f u c y iu it er me e n m a e en s a t X ate stu , 34 o 5,0 rloin t h weoss choa ire r’se aug e d top on an aadu rta t$to 5 erit co ing wo faith ou nayy ypoe fa - c hie elSI are irf th V chh n iv sid e nt, de ge cbe n y’v s to ais ce, dnLde ’srefis lete n oeafn t, aSrep h e r buadsinohpolecon on g C pa cit “ItI’s eir es ymbailit chitis c tehreo en 14 5 k in s Upd NIo e U pre m it te id e ria r e –P rieint gpaisr-t the helpying S r, li er aosna gAa&nWcompwage up o k eizwe gnhatsn a t ed b g c in s ite t, t h ’s 8 w d2y0 Io t th a oonsiwh g wnp, weid an fo a to ll m b t th kelipakr onuaeg “ R d aen r an l a t s in a k p na . bie mm hm naXage rief Ne oo 26 2 h e n toria comw pre f cr mee dy N pu lsonm’tsto p rsbeg on e , bu it lin’sd “Iktha ewh wh ooln r-bu olk ug h n n e t e lo n t eau Co Roicu g kdana cattsis h e yyg o oooll htsoohne,t hsa m s ey Ksienlodweps inlaBnd ic id aaree reneuels eas sa m st lly, rtto ly bneau ng V bro oe ishnga’trtasaride. O a n. angC zWea w llBe ll sa n p la a r d e v n m ennBs- r of inr eD beehoinondth r e 308V e a rc a n list ad to goo h icSIls iedaga ttishejuntia ettrte re th re ass e 1 a e d rw e n u hm l g ly va seri Npeewac aimo ae n14Va y cya esr.” r araeir be rnreaa et tsth phre ouri l be d sn d a ll rt,” m a d 32 0s fi nd ti ng te h By he trep eCco19r 8rltiey.b ansotow u,” reortuegega3rnaa f tet vJam p sr. se asbs NIo aaenlsxcte– m Lod rstrae eW t b il an s ahg slle iloe a - H n e w o v e KC ky TV sta er h a otomo hw 1to ers 36 au n d ida t k eosroS ne oaksste udyg fr en th in iscPu ohupk ounneg m otFin | pa to e Go r k - n eds rnmt. eigh ip w per u c cohnr4is a g G nd Cha l abtla n eg. efo igcno e r O e oo sville ng in NSCaolewpic oloxovpa 2ernSihak o o o d n e 9 it t 1 r C s n re h fa p d s th m u e n rs e a31 ca inthpebdin a Ch o“uy epy huendgIdeN ti in esfo s k m 2 onsscto tasgreosnnidtliunr s-ols c onkic hseasngorera peitsata go wa g t w y &3 ow r B in t Cagtya r e n t a re co eSa sha n t sfe ths, ol m oo shoo alleX ge CKoa rt aelb s. er y eyonut’r s lt lo tish adBnyroyrd rs cNeil3 d ehrsad the g: a le te. an’t oti n N e f o th er ry gereaadenu| gtpohwe dnona loprb er e s ruckie s r y to R it n ic p n e e it to ia c d r Sp o l o p e e c a v e o e t V c t V s a it te t d a u m | pa e n k t e w lt y de fa meirUV y uhca aare e r edvw le B as ’vc a stoe hhr gens fo to d e c ik, o r n rsnil-d PbloC e n n r rt n d g le cc rm er s la da pMoort Moririaall 4 4Sehta tha ludin Ip la Hg to c to w aneaNcneW p y it lopthw ip p onc spuRisIe nitygu r byisfo sta icha in 1&he5 id c Up nin etsW20a0t h7 isd ba peoote p ditito sed visio ilde su heSIfo f oth nhoam ens so sct h R SH t et thDeu nheelp agctc o-ecin wcaa ll re si- “W ew I m p e g e n Se a r r s lt o in s IS s e e w f il Le S d u e b N 0 je d tr – u th h p w d h rs t o e - an b rz o e it denvfo m nroin ig eaek re m t ae a y st“ R than t r CHnRin ain l sto w lly Co d ik p -olka l nXa riefee re NIo t o hati veen 2 262 dea Ne r’tisto bsw ip n lue pl les lod Vponst e arnz e woor, -iserTta u t o et-t u . eedcnopnwtrhtehratncdeefa , abu tliwk b u oofd aow he Seeea y,ewnhtto He ic M lodwe Bd g oey 84 va gic nsh me dy lou nrC en weue rstehaesouoin Web r-pb,etsh irp us: es, thna’t sed aanug ril 3gowzoeHh dh-et e m v a ma ut do sim is s la oeua ipr ueuvirerm o e asc-r T o-fl il R SC Kien wschinlano ct 308 -26 a Stratelatio acu g gooic allm tethrrSeeI eyt rbsoeturketo all ” me a nreen in ad dseth row eh eypdo a bnll h B dcq erpn sepnte il r p e r at gd idrsis rc.h a in n e po Npeea naim an V ey Conta -75382 • rearness isin ir n, tw etnbt uscaaid a vh.e al P ye t h ng raa l rfe, Tlyya’snpd dt t–ht senti beitthSIotm By ntr cohmer treop acrot ry thPieeebnde,rskto scrGe oefsp.”aroenlitosrhsHaale rhseew Ut dolo tem -ee r-Se in rs u n t’ y a b o e 0 6 r h s rs ia T t a N il e o t s si p r b to a e n nntls. hoip rcaCn lio tfo f 136 d lrl,y aaus iltu l m •y u dra e6 w pa snepu pao . toe tsuo an rdex . e n da wy fraonm pohnhceelikorvis N alewic ovpasll i ak-8 en theto sa in G en t-c l o d B a e gr rs ali s- nmced m n a n npe a te ice igteodrgch daotiTr uuldt cheto4wdndery ia gdh bsu. C lle olu ssis do isluvPie tehfo SCo olox ernSh 1 y ma s m m il oavn relaajeanw 38 m a-w n 191th ••Fun den leve srao in iz B n n in n asrate hC C n eaevrereyc enaale u it pwre hCeodmilalino inttvaegecnoli im td erreyaom m & le -ee b ear ara ip rotk e. $4.5 nqitin tu h “ hd u ain dbeo g Me pne r wtonhdta|poopwsargtw b a 0a lo rso u s.aC l re y a s tetss reo eere ali e ut e rit s CKoa rt aelb t wer g de Soepm ss rs cNeil rs 2 isllaBneyrtryethtoiargloa gweholt aIm F ks m ng il ooroanlrye th P d iq u •S ig ls ass to pe acccesth f unt nen c wm ine at oavdeyna.n7 ouefnrc-b e 5 keur g lpe laen d ythe w itsa is co v loc bhruig pMoovrt M riaall cc a lt n rs s urito r s m r e isu 350 0il-l nk la r e te a is ixcH ts vIeeBpygshhreah •H il ople ld beucte o th htao aeid ,0 usn 20 praindug liqui vses foas4i-9 M e fo silaelll sk pe u sida e for othe a sDla ra$nd lo hpism, aipnlaosuotshu he W 00a7lso nk Ce spro t nthc bebyn hto0w Bkyainbcheyew’s e u oTo wne e th puR ein - ia po dititoori &heSe d fo g IS o d w tol la th vD 6c ne–aclait rs m 1215 130 h itfo e eavr,e rituylt ing asbtem nISA s ttt rc tyd is re a s a eed eenrsS veed e e nil –folw t 2 thbisa toralosN ess o em lan din d •a It w can th t of r is nte, uepncrego,e1jeeti HaR ngde in yaMs y t ssw moge o m ie e-telo Crc “ e pl ry les dolute ov 20 A lo C h ebs e yde ec, au m des ip hinr ko.ref Ptfahuilpneosdsa epearn e ll iser tthe buil a n in. eto emer . ais cth otttw b g ues 3aosf HeSaagC u-sin om cts M s: gre th 84 Bcerhd EhdusNte t at anaufo w th uSin cttP c ororbo paroc s w dv ieda ld u ip ild ha a sed auusin ic oIM bd ehce GS anokrkmdaeyangaaetenlytisbr iv mtaegout do sim eer osoar sid le of il h ow t u -26 T r n e is d e m f r c a o r tb t it s g io b m ro tw a p w e in n u n c a il tb h r o 8 e p p s p r e a inf T hep tse n t a upth e no iq b u 40 h eNse ifbicuil Scistesn ri eds reyr,”oP e rsbwarabWeic e idB hge th s 5 nta Ca Ut dolo tem ar ri o rt Pe kid rc yr o enrsaa crke,fr Ty’s ine 5 onia l to re men oscacidin bthe Mr-ed llel out htheoau.ttT Cog 66-7 c rrm e vu dth croea p w ntear in ntV eo . er-ed W peto min alit ob btua rsan to 5 pa lub e for s pu pmabne m 16 ye s c l, u m il v b s y u a n w g . t h lu o r y g t a l s o o b A rd s in eo r n r b a lo o u -8 ti is d bep ma ine r y ves cecia grsh dsb. C Palle d o o n wpT o -tbc nhto h d u one en ipn afa r| pa tly vic 20 e C am wa oa m y en h1 e d s? v“intoam y t 17 8 lim v ecm e t d t e ss tom a, nchda ow oms maewbeg C n il rsee isye K renm c e roan s,infi piear t hara cutip sim le g l it yt in Inv anic hore alle 28 1 rd nsgt fem H a ceild ante 1215 130 ag ali n t dle f t h now t s re e s bp a n7y0tBafNcomgsr.o rea.n in 24 ng tite t e bw ’sFGin eailrd cluye 49P edriq f u isungeh d50boma ia er’e 0 at Sa st S an V ur ers lo p ry 20 lpu ted s h d opw roiem edinehaam erit so ge eS o 20 la ye 3 isit la rnrednth n it tois cnek 0 ybuwvoecra w4”9thil ri o h aNnWix pa esr o k ’s t he a nu qui ro geW We wich o hak om 21 th m 25 00. cipa wnaligs e t uOw’B o ct W in yc,ua choaum bDro cru$se n h grfo h re l u hso rBua 7w h mM li Co les fo gaur, nit m BM h e Ntoa m tia e, w naBl oeunte nrose “nisea fa 22 nd , “inWg the le in in it &S gW eM fro to 3 a r ti elo itin h o Lin teg fo sa pro ve e a r d tt e,” Thy wn ave as p est K vis nows tnew ia , t doW Sa vers Suin en r uc atio f atbh atdisfo t heretyt hlle a Ca lute he lasauidilditaisn;d il-ab d y ’s ing se bye estcu d id t o e ro o s: k o s? o r n t e h h p h a t g W r t m eX d M o’s B h N a o tu tero pS scutltP as ear er of ugh g to s. N utto Se e b autip avilad b o ta k cau k estscha erlXl ro e p tahsawgo. abpoieudr uocld e h o0 Wh w reu ip h of y a mb ict thro in esse ed o ’ve s b ac vXiX al a gcu Bhe ew eW wit e id g a thla ge d iq aecl eb u udtn4 e’re y be ry.” a re La itori th very m t it sh g ch Distr alk gett sin ach chE ey XsX dd i w ed t, t yMis sll m p an o r ea rs yin oc enin th atin on s tin o W cit u r u 4 in e e me h a ore ed ninT he the ss w nd bu rPorers , th aXrX leasne naslithilult oles us: -268 y Taelk r m lo tly r y st ndobmy ciaalra edyab ch. thdee- a?l h 0 s q ith lik b e “ n w ut m ond f e e a ts r ir ct e c of b w k p h e n cXhX utmdeorl psim n te ll P u 8 e r. o la c uolp t d n ts o s, fi coie ehr cate m itthh w r im 5 res ,0s 0 nta re o c e . m lo arvalie is to sing for. B g bey er to aTEmsyrcha nts wit busi ha n ut thch yr nm u ep 9t nreV o Gr elo ilis rs Bu Co 66-7 ae 4t e SUut dte of aknyo r lo e 24 g r re ce’s yevaer 6hcecu om4m og pisro Uqtuini oam in erc abo th|ecourl me ss ae to esesw glo rc hhy Ca oa l cu ing kin ord art1-8 tem min lit dte to il vt erelita p o a te c ” hy do im sreto ru t 70 agwTo few Ru e’s t h geapB r n hino esrfo m ore ansS ua sdtr m dm 8et id le s g – fo look loo ts in orm lf a st is olu p o no wmicil to t agt eeW ll in a elua min ye tcddhoalu artu dB nk air IT m lymha ivid r 2 sa er, it ic” are ey’re ntac tly itse f t d t e ss adho is ep ule bou is n “ C ofa ry p aproidb, “ tisc;athable t ’s| pin g it ch crED Ba sim en ing rd o oany d wth ow b ntr bers th co alin ou ali c a d hed oam s at t he t he u r e tsttehe esna’t u e st eNy rit rec d oa e C to in ion oTo -t gesros llsim ce em that, ular t it a il bpMo d ta k in aus by sc re fr eth tter h at o. h on u ave oje we uklp ui e as ran B ar cnh iss e | Ph e o e m an reg ed h a fa harg kla t rita bo huc phr a av eLo erso he as g r h reb ide ec q anc sem po , he’s mm lies ow . wit otal tra c a tic in g rs a ing a t,wBerT hisew paceN ndedV n e’r ity b rry.” a re th eir d. mbe of ests am e to ung to o ll iw sveedli tem c S g n ss a a ry g y C W T x l s W a n o a d 1. c u qu fo k e a n th p e o e r ua . u e . r ch c ., p.m . ll oL il le dolu ie tra s y bac ase e hil 7.8 alsy alk me om ia l UeNCy ch he l h s or t p ex The pro ate yN a l Jan ch ut do sim d s y a g e c n,” a.m :30 7 p.m ugrka , w $12 will omT lop con erc eeadll mu h t rea 0 0 e irp erio Re a v in th Gre ilis un unit m in e th ratio usir :43 12 2:5 cslusdBin 0.83 cost hn and fr ve he e m m a nSV too e wit a ny r 4,0 oaa t F ed the . so e C air RIC o b Ut dolo tem ingee244 t Jo to t 11 o at y at , in s de e l o-ch im.ciden u $14 ill T co ic h do tim in fo ht omm is c s to llabo ’s a b lier & ye pB a a mpapa a n B R g r ig e li o lu S f c o r n w c y e o k o a is trtu iced o o o w to at a ee a ll s aen es d ag IT ry TraS i n as c im aim lga haoir eEDto t m at a a n seemew c er. H Cava e c ict ail a ,dFeoprasedruvle | p t d t e ss C rry tep ’t b t c na an Ca annacim r, sNt pr e s th tr sim cr lg m d n li t th stb at ard om ali 14 We t th rds: ava .J. L ll a Dis p e e nd eN Na om N l in N bo l ocTo Ca y oa tJsectheer. frod neesw hu e s ven oje c lpu e d erit X rge N C u o pM oo-w t a sX s v re cearg et tosio, w| ilPh o to ndabim fr riva ryis pa be r e on e ha p r nu qui , b o w Le t at s w k an axiden ae W eLo hea ufa as its eH XlX ar aolgma m lixeesse aim to li eV life “Tw orm gis td., a ban rce. mem m a y it nctaol ouanch tick w T he oNwa.ilw s t ve Meikmes Nd N rate s L est me u r h o dmXc pdir teX g an ionfoll .m las d d V. aTo anexntr ile a .81. lso p rtCC npduta Ca tric cierl.r -pr XrXl lensSe rladliCt ut olu a to p apn.m said3ss st iate e W Com on o f w 7 it ., e0ct, oall h UN a om Ndfd.m dw agia e dis rin t s -s l-po io o X Xo unt adgoa 'W ed alsg 3, we 5t5$12 will from ne ssoc of th of s is y o :3 a:5 ao3 aoe1d2ir anrce vic ry7 nydin sim nd d, p ree Mis ulp Se on doCaair tisFer fr aIn a e ld n r u r s a n m n g d k t .8 :4 n e v 2 a o d A ir g n o 4 a h a t lg o lo n t lu iv k i U O n en w otn11 ricbea t. aat pc 140 | pl c Jo e o g, tle is 1cha mb foc , m r m ti a n y, oaaim bdbo emr' il eliqu teemX a- o enrC min a r to t. pomxecu e n ef N il re a il aw tba hm in Lit eim n s naidim ne tJaectoDaceVaC duo tite th iro a yee cloo, to $ trIo v C2h0“ou b a s evo ily y w rt S ice es Ric oach b at rs h d aNim olu o praes the rkesM eb lu ll nd in Bri eanth haim aim algw th o ac t e to da UCa , Fo erv ia e tRlg eean e W dois is min lit d i D nc eaer,nad4d. N 2ip r, W ine C mo S a n aetG N rt Pth w de s Cho aTn tr omNC o ts im tJe ws Sa a s2h o 14 alley yNae0 ice rra hip sh eW mnte a2n eceivysbM ne lau nopN geevlrsins s Ndrou-sillfrcoCm xm a na e s im tJe r. 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l d p pm Veneto Tapa Lounge and Café an velo al de spit st VenetoWon January 1 for extenho T sive renovations, which are exR g qui oloer 4 p y m d e l e n d pected last a few months. l m s doan x 14to e s g o ” i e f 2 a n C tB

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Mike Reilly WestShore Chamber of Commerce announced their executive and directors for 2018 at their recently held Annual General Meeting and Mixer. The executive includes Mike Reilly of Freedom 55 Financial as President, Ingrid Vaughan of Smart HR as Fire Vice-President, Kelly Darwin of Seriously Creative as Second Vice-President and Todd Troyer of Collins Barrow Victoria Ltd. as Treasurer. The directors include Troy Biever of Orangetheory Fitness, Paula Blazina of Coastal Community SEE MOVERS & SHAKERS|  PAGE 29

c th ed el aurdt e e u g th ER e f d Ro me er in BC ne oc th oaBtin on MsMto r M ll Bboo im ene s o na inn ern ds Ju ry t in y y fl ntlySEeErCO te ow ertie xceld a s t t aerkd n s? ce , firs d b Pa srata s’ d, ry ll w orth a r th ew ts E ctee fi r o0fm ge ard in reg ro c re. ’s Groears cupie49thaelre oa rop e E go e era N Aw l. e 0 senvooslo e c e ov the ing ote r t R R P on th cate d th al Jud aw lty e 5ss ohsot k th’s Rye y t h re sto Bruc t 70 y w o ew”rn il f re in thr a of u ild da H ir po f BG o w ffice rate stri rn g lm for with Rea o e m a ll epdroth a Wc;ethoe .” y ct ou n “nrtehfa B ma 4 A id o , als e O eleb du he le eainisg it in, “pri ppe tha id ite John e Cit ab at is the Nth o s a c tutoth is ciloardb deyy’sTin h e se h th h c nd in nort Ra 6 5 3 R e h n e t r t rc t. o itta th te BCa woa. voeu ocn in hic l a ut e e s raagteitware s. k cmau va oofbth to titl l , a S ntr o m uc t. Jo rd nck u vw eh n sa st la g th Itag s haab le as Rea il es Fort X Ce ES nw noa tedms Br rt S Awa nt, w ercia ugh Br e is a aancee h adlfn49eu’rethyebee rbye.” “ g g L w m rs a re le in c i A t, l o n t p ta ,2 a a in sein h W eofcit shthu r 7. F nce eve mm thro l le yse SA niGlle ia hern un t, qu L Ja d in /M a n . Tmyoiaslesfiers ye Taslk m y dch2. ath d rk s s s ess e le the co on erc ort l Co ven in a l e02000s in K P Ro a f Re le e re p eaorsno aels a ll u e rc rk h f Jochh ustsdeo cscim ti m h N e t a in ta ia lo is c m c o o a st ruc s r th e V s to m C rc ce il Bu o meentwaitaanndy si4n,0 ve heye amlem istc voelosur ft, port ger ea n leto Co e B me f th llen hern e be nst dU ss r e arr T cso ic tem min lit ied pB r cm enain Ohv edsao peti Ru i, le Air na co . MA X nd thCom sor o xce nort M il m ye y ys efo artvure d ge a a is olu of m adcho sk 3 4 M a air IT BC Re/ r, a ard on ed e g in 100 fro o t d t e ss sdephahedutlehomins hose Cowurrhyowstoteasp11aotnd’tlabstlfecotf caanll |eNPAtG|E pa3 cin r 65 nch, ch o crED sim p iz in m nd . T e so Bo s t s ali n n u a u le n e y a o h e evrie haje p io oT ay sc n fr e t lp eri SM sp ate lso a cog nbuild ia fro rge, Joh hav ry Ka inn e L LEop iss e | Ph on e hpa rsptro nu qui eesd bith ataml faorea chargtieckoeft SAeL Est as a h re ial mb eo St. ust nua a n W Su e w EeV li w T hfie mm e s m o tr ic llo . w le Brihoice nter eorg ve ONMd w h ic erc olu ce G Fort s m n Ja 13. in a tim Co ugli 7 ECHa lute GE C rese e G w mm h C Prin to d ing ee 20 eld st., fo p.m ing. T ll eexwhpilre127.81.ill alsoom SE UN ort p PA do ed a.m :30 a7sp.ming a g p rinc co tis to pert u il betw r 31, t h irp erio e f3ir Se ts a3, cost $ hn w nd fr 2:5 d e0r.8 P oa tF Bri ouse e Ru le, b ted be la s lis h11:4o at k12 in at inclu v14 im en c e na re ill . Jo o a att em re b GE PA


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Persimmon Tree, a new modern Korean cuisine restaurant, has opened at 192-2401 Millstream Road. Three major music festiva ls a re schedu led to return to the Greater Victoria area next summer. Rock the Shores will take place from July 12-15, the Phillips Backyard Weekender from July 20-22 and Rifflandia from September 13-16. More details about the events, including artist lineups and volunteer opportunities will be released early next year. Craigdarrock Castle, a 130 year old Victoria residence for the Robert Dunsmuir family unveiled a new $2.5-million visitor’s

Jean Dunn Jean Dunn has joined the Royal LePage Coast Capital Realty team at #3 – 2491 Bevan Road in Sidney. Jean has worked in the real estate business for 27 years and looks forward to serving her clients through Royal LePage. O ug ht re d Cof fe e w a s recent ly n a med Mac ro Roaster of the Year by Roast Magazine, a North America n publication wh ich has been honouring the best macro (over 100,000 pounds) and micro roasters across the continent for 15 years. Oughtred is the fourth Canadian company to receive the award, and the first in Western Canada. The Vancouver Resource Society, a local non-profit

The Victoria chapter of the eWomenNetwork has appointed Erin Acton as its new Managing Director. Acton is a business coach who helps small and medium-sized companies grow their business. The eWomenNetwork is a group focused on women in entrepreneurial careers.

RE/MAX Camosun Peninsula congratulates their top producers and top lister of the month. The top producers were Dan Juricic, Debbie Gray, Craig Walters and Graden Sol, while the top lister was Craig Walters. Re/ Ma x Camosun Peninsula is at #14-2510 Bevan Avenue in Sidney.


I Want to Be, a drop-in play and sensory centre, has opened for business at 1610 Island Highway in View Royal. Three Vancouver Island Brewing beers came home with three medals at the World Beer Championships. The Hermannator 30th Anniversary Ice Bock and Hermannator Barrel Aged Ice Bock were awarded gold medals, while the Gladstone Brewing Collaboration Burton Ale won a bronze. The World Beer Championships are a blind tasting competition judged by SEE MOVERS & SHAKERS|  PAGE 31


A CWB Financial Group Company


The UVIC School of Music celebrated their 50th anniversary at a special gala concert on December 2nd which featured Timothy Vernon as a guest conductor. Vernon is the founding artistic director of Pacific Opera Victoria.

Adam Slater Sr. Manager, Commercial Banking Victoria branch 1201 Douglas Street T. 250.383.1206

Mark Marcil Sr. Manager, Commercial Banking Nanaimo branch 6475 Metral Drive T. 250.390.0088


The Oak Bay Beach Hotel recently celebrated the 5th anniversary of the new Oak Bay Beach Hotel and the 90th anniversary of the original hotel on Beach Drive.

Pictured: Erin Acton


Air North has announced they will begin flying between Victoria and Whitehorse twice a week on May 18. This scheduled service will expand Air North’s route network which currently i ncludes Kelowna, Yellowknife, Calgary and Ottawa. Air Canada Rouge announced it would launch a direct seasonal f light between Victoria and Montreal next year. The Victoria-to-Montreal service will be available from June to October, three times per week.

We understand your unique business needs. Count on us to make timely, locally-made decisions that help you grow your business. Talk to your local branch today to find solutions perfectly suited to your business banking needs.

Diamond Optical Eyecare is celebrating their 25th anniversary at 1320 Douglas Street. Thorn & Thistle, a flower shop owned by Alexandra Powell and Nicole Ingram, has opened at a new Oak Bay location at 713 St Patrick Street. The new shop doubles the size of their previous one at Cadboro Bay and Bowker and adds a coffee shop with baked goods and candy for kids.

Business banking is about a shared perspective


Western Forest Products (WFP) has acquired their first lumber-processing centre in the US in a deal worth $9-million US. WFP acquired Hampton Lumber Mills’ processing and distribution centre in Arlington, Washington, allowing the company to manufacture finished products they don’t already produce. The acquisition is expected to close in January.

Kerri Milton is no longer the executive director of the Downtown Victoria Business Association (DV BA). DV BA b oa rd members have taken over the day-to-day management of the operation.


Katie DeRosa and Danny Hamilton are hoping to open the Axe and Grind, an axe-throwing facility, at 2612 Bridge Street. Their proposal is before the City of Victoria at present. The up and coming activity is said to be similar to darts or archery.

Urban Bee Honey Farm celebrated their official grand opening December 2 at 6440 West Saanich Road in Saanichton.

organization, is the new owner and operator of Ross Place Retirement Residence at 2638 Ross Lane. A grand opening celebration under the new ownership was held late last month.


Credit Union, Chris Burdge of bWest Interactive, Henry Chipps of Sc’ianew First Nation, Michele Hansen of Signs of the Times, Katharine Harrold of Royal Roads University, Cody Rowe of Dominion Lending Centres West Isle Mortgages and Bruce Simpson of Hatley Memorial Gardens Cemetary & Cremation Centre.

centre in 7,000-squarefeet of space next door. The centre combined a renovated 1913 home with the new construction containing accessible ticketing area at ground level, and a museum quality climate-controlled basement room to store artifacts and preserve antiquities.





Geeks on the Beach WEB






JANUARY 2018 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. 200-3060 Cedar Hill Road, Victoria V8T 3J5 Fax: 1.250.642.2870 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Website:

PUBLISHER/EDITOR |  Lise MacDonald SALES |  Josh Higgins –, Joanne Iormetti – John MacDonald - WRITERS |  Julia MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes, Kristin Van Vloten




espite its populist appeal, the “tax the rich” class-warfare tactic is once again proving to not work. The most recent statistical proof that it simply does not work comes from New Brunswick. Patrick Webber, a research associate for the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, notes in a recent article that the province introduced two new tax brackets in 2015 they believed would raise $30 million in additional revenue annually. “A new report released by Statistics Canada suggests that the combined federal and provincial tax bill for the richest 600 New Brunswickers in 2015 was $5.8 million less than in 2014, despite the spike in tax rates,” Webber writes. Webber adds that the measures have impeded and hurt the province’s economy, and notes this:

“As the evidence from 2015 shows, the top one per cent will simply reduce their activity, find a cooler tax climate and pay less. . .And as revenues decline from highest income earners, the tax burden will shift to mid-and low-income earners.” The “rich”, or “so-called rich”, are those who, in most cases, invest their money into businesses and investments in hopes of earning a return. And by so doing, they create jobs, which helps people raise families and buy homes, vehicles and vacations. A very strong argument could be made that they already pay far more than their “fair share” of taxes, from their own paycheques, and through what they do. Any business owner can look at their payroll – and the federal and provincial taxes that are deducted from employees – in addition to the GST, PST, Employment Insurance and WorkSafe BC levies that are covered by gross income, and ask: Isn’t that enough? It’s never enough for greedy governments, who view it as their right to tax and tax some more, instead of the obvious other alternative – cutting back. As more and more people become government dependent, there becomes more public outcry for more services, paid for by someone else.

Incredulously, one citizen recently cried aloud for more from their government, stating “this doesn’t come from taxpayers”. Somehow, there’s a total disconnect when someone can passionately make such an ignorant statement. Have people forgotten that governments don’t have money – they take it from citizens? That in Canada, we didn’t even have income tax until the dire circumstances of the First World War? Those taxes have never disappeared. . .they’ve only increased. ••• There seems to be a prevailing attitude these days that if one repeats something often enough that it becomes true. Consider this one statement that politicians bleat passionately with a straight face: “economic growth comes from strong environmental policy,” or something that sounds similar. Really? Then how does one explain the economy of China? Their environmental standards pale in comparison with ours, yet that country, along with India, continues to lead the world in economic growth. An argument could be made that, due to its sheer size, population and non-environmental standards, anything that Canada might do towards reducing carbon emissions

in a year is counterbalanced by China’s exhale in a day. We rightly realize that protecting the environment is good for our health and well-being, and that is not to be understated. We need and enjoy clean air and water, without question. But the claim that it is good for the economy directly? That doesn’t make any logical sense. How? Where? In what instance? That claim is made ad infinitum for one purpose: To justify punitive taxes in the eyes of voters on one of wealthiest resource sector – oil and gas. Despite what people might believe, very little of any carbon tax actually does anything to help the environment. Those taxes are pumped into general revenue. Don’t believe it? Don’t look any further than British Columbia. The federal government’s recent “measures” are expected to result in a 17 cent per liter increase in the price of gas. How does that help the economy? Forget the federal and provincial government’s claims of support for small business. The gigantic increases in fuel and the yet-tocome minimum wage are far more than a measly one per cent shaving of the small business tax rate for most companies. A healthy environment? Yes, we

all want that. But tell the truth. Or produce the truth, that protecting the environment boosts the economy. ••• T here is some concern that now that the Green portion of GreeNDP failed in its bid to stop Premier John Horgan’s approval to continue Site C dam construction to completion, and that the National Energy Board has overturned a Burnaby city appeal of the decision to allow the twinning of the Kinder Morgan Pipeline, that they will turn their sights to another resource sector: Aquaculture. One-sided, fact-void, anti-fish farm rhetoric is on the rise, which has to make the 5,000 people employed in this valuable industry nervous. T here i s no way to paci f y eco-fanatics. Their goal seems to be the shutdown of any and all resource-based industries. Last week’s announcement that the provincial government won’t issue an environmental certificate for the Ajax mine near Kamloops is yet another example of its war on resources, and the hundreds of jobs – many of them well-paying union jobs – that won’t be created. It makes one wonder what exactly the GreeNDP envisions for the BC economy.





nvestor confidence in BC’s energy sector is crucial, since the province is rich with vast natural gas resources. But according to this year’s Fraser Institute Global Petroleum Survey, BC ranks dead last among Canadian provinces in investment attractiveness in the oil and gas sector. With tanker moratoriums, liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant cancellations, calls for a fracking review and a government dedicated to pipeline obstructionism, it’s not surprising that investors are deeply wary of putting more

assets into the province’s energy sector. Indeed, this was reflected in this year’s survey, which tracks the perceptions of investors eyeing jurisdictions worldwide. The survey spotlights policies (royalties and taxes, duplicative regulations, etc.) that govern the oil and gas industry, and make a jurisdiction attractive or unattractive to investment. This year, BC saw its global ra n ki ng deteriorate rapid ly, dropping out of the top 50 per cent to the bottom 25 per cent. It now ranks 76th of 97 jurisdictions. Survey respondents cited political instability, fiscal terms and the high cost of regulatory compliance as significant deterrents to investment. The percentage of negative responses due to BC’s protected areas and disputed land claims also remains high. In fact, most survey respondents - nearly 80 per cent for disputed land claims and 65 per cent for protected areas - said these factors deter investment. BC’s significant decline in this

Tanker Moratoriums, LNG Plant Cancellations, Fracking Reviews, Government Pipeline Obstructionism Are All Taking Their Toll

year’s survey can be blamed on a wide array of policy changes. In particular, the recently-elected New Democratic government (supported by the Green Party) has promised to raise the carbon tax by 66 per cent and it opposes the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline System expansion. The Green Party also opposes LNG production and export. W h ile BC becomes less attractive to investment, other

Canadian provinces continue to fare better. This year, Newfoundland and Labrador (fourth) and Saskatchewan (seventh) ra n ked i n the g loba l top 10. Neighbouring Alberta (33rd) saw its score increase slightly this year (although the province remains the second least attractive jurisdiction to invest in Canada). Me a nwh i le, i n t he Un ited States, LNG terminals are opening and President Donald Trump is implementing sweeping energy sector reforms that cut taxes and regulations. Trump’s administration is opening additional lands, suspending onerous regulations, dropping international greenhouse gas obligations, allowing oil exports and promising to cut taxes on business. Ultimately, Trump’s policy decisions pose competitiveness challenges north of the border. BC’s policies raise concerns about whether the province’s energy sector is open for business. Why would investors put their money into BC, as opposed to other provinces or U.S. states, if the government insists on

increasing taxes and regulatory uncertainty? BC’s drop in the eyes of investors should concern policy-makers in Victoria. Petronas has already pulled the plug on a multibillion-dollar LNG project. With low commodity prices and variable market conditions, policy decisions matter. Adding costs and uncertainty moves the province in the wrong direction and only pushes future investment - and the potential prosperity it carries -away from BC To improve BC’s image in the eyes of investors, the government of Premier John Horgan should pursue competitive and stable policies, for the benefit of British Columbians and their families. Kenneth P. Green and Ashley Stedman are the co-authors of the Fraser Institute’s annual Global Petroleum Survey.

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Sendwithus, a Victoria-based communication platform for large companies that want to improve email communication with clients, has landed $5-million in Series A funding. The four-year old firm secured the funding from BlueRun and will see, general partner Cheryl Cheng join their board. The funding will allow Sendwithus to expand their sales, engineering and marketing teams. Van Isle Jewellers has made the decision to close down after nearly 70 years in business at 1126 Blanshard Street. The multi-generational family business closed on December 2. Thrifty Foods Cloverdale rec ent ly pre sente d a $10, 459 cheque to the BC Cancer Foundation, to go towards the purchase of a PET/CT scanner for Vancouver Island. This campaign is part of Thrifty’s 40th anniversary celebration, which has all 26 locations raising funds for a variety of causes each month throughout the year. A new service building is under construction at the University of Victoria. The building is approximately 1,750-square-feet and will house a vehicle repair shop, a fabrication and welding

shop as well as grounds maintenance support space. The project is targeted to achieve the LEED Gold certification.

Jennifer Walinga Jennifer Walinga, the head of communications and culture at Royal Roads University (RRU), was inducted into Rowing Canada Aviron’s Hall of Fame. Walinga was recognized for her participation in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics and was inducted alongside other rowers who participated. Allan Cahoon is stepping down from his position of president of RRU to return to the role of teaching. Cahoon has held the position since 2007 and previously held the role of vice-president of research at the University of Regina. A search for his replacement is underway and the new vice-chancellor is expected

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to be named in the spring and installed in January 2019. Victoria is the fourth best BC city to invest in, according to a recent Real Estate Investment Network (REIN) report. Surrey came in first place for cities to invest, while Victoria was the only city listed for the Island. Go2mobi, a Victoria-based mobile advertising company, has been named one of Canada’s best employers for recent graduates by the Career Directory. The directory is part of the annual list of Canada’s Top 100 Employers. Go2mobi is a six year-old company that has offices in New York and Vancouver and is headquartered in Vitoria. The Capital Regional Distrct is looking for a new leader of the wastewater board after Chair Jane Bird resigned. Meanwhile, Canada Infrastructure Bank, a federal Crown corporation, announced that Bird would join t hei r i n aug u ra l 10-member board. Bird is a senior business advisor in the Vancouver office of law firm Bennett Jones, and has managed large-scale infrastructure projects for government and the private sector. While the CRD looks for Bird’s replacement, Don Fairbairn will chair the wastewater board. DF H R e a l E s t ate r e c e n t l y

announced their office leaders of the month. Their leader for Victoria is Brad Neufeld, Leah Werner in the West Shore and Stephanie Peat in Sidney. Victoria car dealerships recently announced their top performers of the month. They are Luke Hawkins from Harris Auto, Eric Nguyen from Jim Pattison Lexus, Todd Lindsay from Pacific Mazda, Frank Obrien from Wheaton, David Vollet from Audi Autohaus, Brent Moroz from Volkswagen Victoria, Josh Rockwell from Victoria Hyundai, Nick Bhalla from Jim Pattison Toyota, David Rabii from Three PT Motors, Eliah Marthyman from Volvo, Chris Hoeg from Wille Dodge, Connie Wilde from Jenner, Mike Smith f rom Ca mpus Honda, Rome Tewelde from Campus Infiniti, Tamer Feteiha from Graham KIA, Frank Pecorelli from Campus Nissan, Mike Delmaire from Jim Pattison Subaru, Riley Bartel from Galaxy Motors and Nick Lee from Campus Acura. Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc., a Quebec based insurance and wealth-management company, has paid $131.5-milion for three Victoria office properties. The buildings are Sussex Place, at 1001 Douglas Street and 720 Brou g hton St reet i n dow ntow n Victoria a nd 2975 a nd 2995 Jutland Road at the Selkirk

31 Waterfront. The properties each hold long-term leases with BC government tenants. The buildings were sold by HOOPP Realty, part of the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan. Viking Air has hired back most of their workforce as sales of their Twin Otter aircraft have picked up. The company began selling Twin Otter’s in 2007, but sales have been in a slump recently due to some geopolitical unrest in foreign countries. As a result, Viking ended up laying off 136 employees in North Saanich and 76 in Calgary. Recent renewed demand and expansion in some of Viking’s other business has resulted in 112 of the 136 laid off in Saanich to return to work. RE/MAX Camosun recently announced their top producers of the month. They are Jason Leslie, Jennifer Bruce, Dale Sheppard, the team of Shannon Jackson and Glenda Warren-Adams, Don Burnham and Tom Krumpic. Re/ Max Camosun is at 101-791 Goldstream Avenue. Standard Furniture is celebrating their 105th anniversary at 758 Cloverdale Avenue. Van Isle Windows, a window and door manufacturer and installer, is celebrating their 40th year in business at 404 Hillside Avenue.


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