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PRINCE RUPERT Rupert Wood’n Steel founded on quality
Tax Strategies for Business
workmanship & customer service
Fort St. John | Prince George | Terrace | Vanderhoof
Initial Work Has Begun On UHNBC Expansion / Upgrade Announced In April The $12.5 Million Project Is Expected To Finish Next Fall
TERRACE Yellow Cedar Lodge is a true hidden gem In Northern BC’s hospitality sector
INDEX News Update
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RINCE GEORGE – Initial work is underway on the $12.5 million expansion at the University Hospital of Northern BC (UHNBC). The facilities upgrade program is being funded through a provincial government initiative that was announced by the Ministry of Health last April, just prior to the provincial election. The work, which is expected to be complete by the end of 2018, involves an $8 million expansion of the institution’s inpatient bed capacity and a $4.5 million upgrade to the electrical system at UHNBC. The project to expand inpatient capacity will add 27 new beds to the hospital, converting the existing second floor ultrasound and diabetes clinic space to provide for a new medical inpatient unit. The project will also reconfigure the fourth floor for the
Site C Dam Project Currently Employing More Than 2,000 Labour Organization Concerned About Future Of Hydro Mega Project
F Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240
MLA Shirley Bond officiated at the announcement of the hospital’s $12.5 million expansion project
ORT ST. JOHN – According to information recently released by BC Hydro there are currently more than 2,000 people working on the Site C dam project – making it one of the area’s major employers. Construction on the massive project began during the summer 2015. As of the end of May (the date of the last status report) BC Hydro reported that there were 2,522 total workers on the Site C project, a full 80 per cent of them coming from across British
Columbia. From a local perspective there were 736 Peace River Regional District based workers employed on the project, which represents about 35 per cent of the construction and non-construction contractor’s workforce. In its statement BC Hydro indicated the project’s workforce will grow even further as the main civil works activities increase and especially when the big ticket items begin to come online such as electrical generating turbines and generators, transmission and the generating station and
spillways. Despite the scale of the project the defeat of the BC Liberals in the recent provincial election has caused concern about the future of the mega project. One labour group in particular, the Christian Labour Association Of Canada (CLAC), which represents over 1,000 employees working on the project is concerned about the economic impact that delays or a complete cancellation of the project could have on workers and their families. “The economic impact of any
delays or cancellation on each individual worker and their families is immense,” said CLAC Spokesm a n Ryan Bruce i n a media release. “Through this project, we have been able to provide stable, longterm employment opportunities for over 1,000 experienced construction workers, while working with industry partners to facilitate innovative trainingto-employment programs that have jump-started the careers of SEE SITE C | PAGE 17
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2 SMITHERS Central Mountain Air Ltd. Connects Edmonton and Prince George with Non-Stop Service Central Mountain A ir Ltd . announced the continued expansion of its route network by introducing new non-stop service between Prince George, BC (YXS) and Edmonton, AB (YEG). “Connecting these points with non-stop service will provide passengers with improved service by eliminating the need to connect in Vancouver, which is a 4-hour journey,” said Central Mountain Air’s Marketing Manager, Johnathan Richardson. Flights will operate six days a week using a Dornier 328 aircraft that seats 30 passengers. Another benefit of this flight is it connects to Calgary. Communities in CMA’s extensive network i nclud i ng Ter race, Smithers, Fort Nelson and Dawson Creek, can now easily access Alberta`s two major cities. “Introducing this non-stop allows for a quick flight between Prince George and Edmonton or onto Calgary, and opens many connection opportunities within and outside of our route network,” said Central Mountain Air President Douglas McCrea. “We are really looking forward to working with Central Mountain Air and Prince George Airport,” said Tom Ruth, President
and CEO of EIA. “We have been working on this direct flight for years as there is such a demand for flights between our two cities. We know we will be serving many more Prince George travellers to Edmonton and also connecting to places like Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Saskatoon and eastern Canada.” Passengers will also be able to connect to Central Mountain Air’s interline partners. Customers ca n receive mu ltiple boarding passes for connecting flights at check-in and baggage can be tagged through to the final destination. Flights between Prince George and Edmonton started on Sunday, July 9. Established in 1987, Central Mountain Air Ltd. (CMA) is a western Ca nad ia n privately owned and operated company. CMA provides scheduled flights and cargo services to 16 unique communities and charter flights throughout British Columbia, Alberta, and western Canada.
BC Petronas-led LNG Decision is BC’s Loss, but “LNG window” not Closed The Petronas-led decision to not proceed with building its Pacific NorthWest Liquid Natural Gas (PNW LNG) terminal in Port Edward is a loss for British Columbia – but the window is
not closed. Liquid natural gas projects are possible in BC. Although market conditions will always determine the ultimate viability of a project, to help “get to YES”, BC’s emerging LNG industry is committed to meeting the highest environmental and regulatory standards in the world. However, timing will be critical to ensure BC can realize the thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in benefits that will come from a sustainable LNG industry. Premier Horgan’s “four conditions” that all LNG proposals must meet, as laid out in the recent mandate letter to the Minister of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources, are supported by the BC Chamber. Indeed, the BC Chamber sees the conditions as essential guidelines, not obstacles on our way to creating a world-class LNG industry. “The decision to not proceed w ith the Paci fic NorthWest LNG terminal is a loss for BC, but there is still a window of opportunity to build a worldleading LNG industry,” said Val Litwin, President & CEO of the BC Chamber of Commerce. “A LNG industry would not only help to secure a strong economic future of our province, but it would also provide a boost to the Canadian economy as we look to export clean energy to global markets.” The BC Chamber will continue to keep its focus on ensuring
British Colu mbia n’s u nderstand the benefits that will come from a sustainable LNG industry that meets only the highest standards. The BC Chamber is the province’s largest and most broadly-based business organization driving insights to its partners, government and Chamber network. With 36,000 members hailing from every nook and cranny of the province, the BC Chamber knows what’s on BC’s mind.
PRINCE GEORGE Chamber Appoints New CEO The Board of the Prince George Chamber of Commerce has appointed Erika Ewacha as CEO and will assume the role of CEO effective July 10, 2017. Corey Naphtali, President of the Chamber of Commerce, is pleased to announce that Erika h a s a c c e p te d t h e p o s i t io n . “While there are some very large shoes to fill, I am confident that Erika will excel in the role and that while the selection process was onerous, I feel the Board has been able to add value to the Membership by extending the offer.” Erika Ewacha has a non-profit background working with Canad ia n Red Cross, Pa rk i nson
Society BC, Canadian Cancer Society, and experience in Customer Service and Sales. Erika worked for 3 years at the Terrace & District Chamber of Commerce from 2014-2017, first as the Executive Assistant and then as Executive Director. Corey Naphtali and the Chamber Board are confident that the management skills and experience Erika brings to the position will help to provide a strong foundation for growth opportunities to be realized within the Cha mber of Com merce. Erika adds that “Through the Chamber network she became passionate about both Northern BC and the success of the business community in the North.”
FORT ST. JOHN Fort St. John Purchases Hotel for Redevelopment City Council has purchased the property, currently known as the Condill Hotel, on 100th Avenue at 101 Street for $870,000. T he purchase decision was based on the City’s Downtown AcƟ on Plan adopted by Council in 2015 after extensive public input. The acquisition of land in downtown Fort St. John is one strategy used by Council to facilitate the redevelopment of the city centre in a manner consistent with the community’s vision for a family friendly and safe downtown.
The building is at the end of its lifecycle and will be demolished. The vacant land will be added to the City’s Strategic Land Assembly and be available for sale in the future. Any proposed development w i l l follow the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws that guide the form and character of any new or renovated building in the downtown core. “We listened to you. When the opportunity presented itself, we made the decision to purchase the building so we can improve the culture and character of our downtown,” says Mayor Lori Ackerman. Council has asked that future redevelopment of the site recognize the historic importance of the building site. “It’s the end of an era,” says Mayor Ackerman. “The building has a long history in our community, and although the useful life of the building is over, we want do our best to preserve its memory.”
Northwood Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft (“NBSK”) Pulp mill located in Prince George, and its Bleached Chemi-Thermo Mechanical Pulp (“BCTMP”) mill located in Taylor, BC. The Northwood project will install a new 32 megawatt condensing turbo-generator for an estimated cost of $65 million. The Taylor project will upgrade the refining line for an estimated cost of $40 million. The Taylor project will be partially funded through BC Hydro’s conservation program incentives. These projects will yield a significant improvement in overall mill energy efficiency and will result in a reduction in total fuel consumption. The sustaining benefits of the projects will also include reductions in mill water use, steam use per tonne of pulp and natural gas consumption. “These projects reflect Canfor Pulp’s commitment to sustainable pulp production while continuing to improve the cost competitiveness of our pulp mills,” said Canfor Pulp President Brett Robinson.
Canfor Announces 2 New Capital Projects in Northern BC
Hotline Established for Businesses Impacted by BC Wildfires
Can for P u lp P roducts I nc. (TSX:CFX) has recently a nnounced that it plans to undert a k e c ap it a l p roje c t s at it s
T he British Columbia Econ o m i c D e ve l o p m e n t A s s o ciation (BCEDA) lau nched a hotline to help businesses get
back on their feet following the devastati ng fi res i mpacti ng Central BC. The hotline is established in collaboration with FortisBC. The Business Recovery Hotline began operation on July 2 4 , M o n d a y t h r o u g h F r iday during the hours of 7 am to 8 pm. T he number for the hot l i ne is 1-877-4BC-E DR P (1-877-422-3377). “Business owners are highly resilient, but we want to ensure that they have access to the necessary information to help them move forward,” said Dale Wheeldon, President and CEO of BCEDA. “Every community, regional district and First Nation are important to BC and we do everything we can to support them and their local economies.” Business owners will be asked questions over the hotline that will help distinguish the businesses and community’s short and long-term needs. The information will then be shared w it h t he c om mu n it ie s, t he Ca n ad i a n Red Cross, Community Futures British Columbia, the Province of British Columbia, Chambers of Commerce and others to help them plan as the community moves forward. BCEDA is planning to send in economic recovery teams to assist communities in the recovery planning process. The calls will be administered through energy utility FortisBC’s contact centres in Prince
George and Burnaby. “The wildfires have impacted many of the communities in which we live and work,” said Roger Dall’Antonia, Executive Vice-President of Customer S e r v i c e a t Fo r t i s B C . “ We recognize the importance of caring for our communities, e s p e c i a l ly du r i n g d i f f ic u lt times, and as such want to do what we can for businesses in BC” Some banks and other agencies have already announced short-term programs that are or w i l l be ava i lable to businesses and home owners who have experienced significant disruptions as a result of the fi res. T h is i n formation a nd more will be available by calling the hotline. The Business Recovery Hotline is just one part of BCEDA’s Economic Disaster Recovery Program originally started in BC following the devastating mill explosion in Burns Lake i n 2012. It was then used by BCE DA a nd its cou nter pa r t Economic Developers Alberta following the flooding in 2013. Economic Developers Alberta again used it following the Fort McMurray fire in 2016. Data from the first week of the Busi ness Recovery Hotline, showed that businesses impacted by the wildfires are in trouble. The hotline is receiving calls from businesses that have lost revenue while accruing operating expenses
3 a nd h ave l itt le i n for m at ion about what kind of financial assistance is available to them. “Since the launch of the hotline, over 100 businesses have c a l l e d to s e e k i n fo r m a t io n and to provide key details of the impact to them and their employees. It is heartbreaking to hear some of the stories of what they are experiencing and we are doing everything we can to get back to these businesses as new supports become available”, said Dale Wheeldon, President and CEO of BCEDA. “We have volunteer economic developers from around BC that are calling some businesses back to provide additional support and to keep them informed of new programs.” Impacted businesses of all industries are encouraged to call today if they have experienced business interruption in any way. “Access has been cut off to many areas due to the wildfires,” says Wheeldon. “This can affect deliveries, shut down tourism providers, or prevent staff from attending work.” “Whether you are a business that has already returned to your community or one that is still evacuated we encourage you to call,” added Wheeldon. “The information you provide is a critical piece of helping us encourage supports from agencies that are all working hard to help everyone recover from the devastating wildfires.”
RUPERT WOOD’N STEEL: HELPING TO BUILD THE NORTH FOR 30 YEARS Family Owned Business Founded On Quality Workmanship & Customer Service
RINCE RUPERT – Locally-focused, communityminded, and staunch in its goal to deliver the very best in customer service and quality workmanship, family-owned Rupert Wood’N Steel Construction Ltd. has been helping to build the greater Prince Rupert areas for 30 years – and it’s a business that’s a long way from being finished. “You’d have to say that we do it all,” says co-owner Rowe Rudderham, “because living in a small town you have to be diverse.” As a multi-faceted construction company, Rupert Wood’N Steel has been involved in an extensive list of construction projects since it was founded by Mark Rudderham in 1987, from the construction of the Northern Savings Credit Union in Haida Gwaii, to the building envelope restoration of the Prince Rupert Court House, to household renovations. O n e e xc e l l ent e x a mple of the commercial work Rupert Wo o d’ N S te el h a s re c ent ly completed is the construction of a steel structure for Rainbow Chrysler. “It was a fairly extensive addition to the dealership. The project involved extensive excavation and foundation work, fire pump room, kitchen and washroom, the installation of a steel building, the finishing, the whole works,” Rudderham explained. A nother of Rupert Wood’N Steel’s large projects was the exterior envelope of the Federal Courthouse building in Prince Rupert. It is a beautiful classic building, and its restoration was a challenge – the entire structure was surrounded by enclosed scaffold, some massive sandstone elements were resurfaced, brick was re-pointed, 102 windows
Company principals (l to r) Rowe Rudderham, Linda Scott, Hannah Rudderham, Bonnie Rudderham & Mark Rudderham were replaced using a state-ofthe-art rain screen window assembly imported from Austria, and the interior was finished according to heritage requirements. For Rupert Wood’N Steel it was a challenging but rewarding project, helping to preserve a significant part of the region’s architectural history. In 2016, Rupert Wood’N Steel passed to Rowe and Bonnie Rudderham, who had been extensively involved in the business since its inception. The company has worked either as a general contractor or as a large-scale sub-trade service provider on a large number of commercial, industrial, and residential projects across northwestern British Columbia. “We do a lot of concrete forming, framing, exterior envelope and interior finishing work. As a general contractor, we do it all, including the handling of all of our sub-trades,” says Rowe Rudderham. He went on to explain the company acts as a general contractor more than 90 percent of the time, and occasionally serving as a sub-trade themselves. “Typically, this would occur on industrial projects which would be bigger projects than what we would
normally handle ourselves,” he explained. An example of a recent project acting as a sub-trade was for LNS Services on the Ridley Island expansion project, an assignment that involved forming and boltsetting for the new industrial conveyor lines. As with many other construction workers, Rowe Rudderham, who has spent his career entirely with Rupert Wood’N Steel, came by his interest and skills in the business almost genetically, as much of his family are also involved in the trades. His father was an electrician, and his three brothers and one sister are also skilled tradespersons. Bonnie Rudderham, whose three brothers and father were also involved in the trades, comfortably found her career in the construction industry. She has been part of Rupert Wood’N for 24 years as the company’s Manager of Administration, Finance, and Personnel; it has often been commented that she is the “glue” that holds the company together. Together, Bonnie and Rowe have a combi ned 60 plus yea rs i n thei r respective fields of the construction industry. Today with a staff of 19, of whom 14 work in the field and
Rupert Wood’N Steel was proud to play a major role in updating Prince Rupert’s historic Courthouse building
As with any successful business, it’s the skills and experience of its staff that helps to set it apart from its competitors five in administration, Rupert Wood’N Steel can handle many of its assignments internally, but does rely on a core of trusted sub-trades when working on larger-scale projects. Developing positive relationships with subtrades has been very important to the Rudderhams. Rupert Wood’N Steel has always prioritized having excellent working relationships with its subcontractors. By having successful, long term relationships with the subcontractors, both
CONGRATULATIONS on your 30th year anniversary!
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sides are able to understand the needs, skills, policies and expectations of the other – which dramatically reduces unexpected problems and makes for a smoothly running workplace. “Our subcontractors are amazing guys,” said Rowe Rudderham, adding that they always go over and above to accommodate. As a construction company serving multiple markets, Rupert Wood’N Steel would typically see its workload divided fairly evenly between commercial and
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Over the years Rupert Wood’N Steel has been involved in a full range of commercial, industrial and residential projects
Rupert Wood’N Steel is involved in all aspects of construction, from foundation pouring to final installations
A multi-faceted construction company, Rupert Wood’N Steel has completed a large number of construction projects
The restoration and updating of the Prince Rupert Courthouse was a complex and very detail-oriented assignment residential assignments. However, the workload ca n va ry significantly from year to year, sometimes heavier in one area than the other, so Rupert Wood’N Steel is flexible, working to match the market needs. As much as 85 percent of Rupert Wood’N Steel’s work takes place within the immediate Prince Rupert area. Their exceptional reputation also takes them outside of Prince Rupert, for example in Haida Gwaii, Lax Kwa’alaams, Metlakatla, and Kitkatla. Some of the projects they have undertaken in these outlying areas are the Metlakatla senior housing, office expansion, sewage lagoon, blower building projects, the Kitkatla blower station, the Lax Kwa’alaams cannery expansion,
the Haida Gwaii Northern Savings Credit Union and custom artists’ studio projects. T hey h ave a lways enjoyed working closely with First Nations communities. They have also been fortunate to employ First Nations residents of these areas and offering apprenticeship training for some, which has produced fine tradesmen, many of whom are still with the company today. Rupert Wood’N Steel Construction Ltd. is based out of a 13,000 square foot shop, which has a full complement of tools and equipment. They provide small scale excavation services, utilizing a Skidsteer T190, Bobcat E35 and Bobcat E50 excavators. The moveable equipment fleet
also includes a Haulotte telehandler, scissor lift, and forklift. The company also recognizes the importance of being a good corporate citizen, a focus it has maintained from its earliest days. Rupert Wood’N Steel is an active community supporter, offering funding and other support services to a number of local groups. Recognizing the importance of giving back to the community, they have supported community events such as the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, Safe Grad, Seafest, Children’s Festival, Hallowe’en Festival, many school fund raising events, curling bonspiels, loonie auctions and have sponsored a number of youth and adult sports teams. Their support has even extended to the SPCA and Wildlife Shelter. They have always encouraged the development of trades in the
Build the right way by choosing Rupert Wood’N Steel Construction Ltd. for your commercial, industrial or residential construction project in Prince Rupert and the surrounding area. We put your interests first and take pride in our ability to complete jobs on time and on budget.
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community by partaking in the school district’s work experience program. Rupert Wood’N Steel is also an active member of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. The company’s philosophy to do the job right, stay true to its word, and stand behind every job it completes has proven to be a successful one. After three decades in operation, repeat and referral business has become a key part of Rupert Wood’N Steel’s success. “Talking to people, understanding what they need and delivering it is something I’ve been doing forever and I love it,” says Rowe Rudderham. The depth of knowledge possessed by its crew and office staff is at the heart of the company’s success, and is a personal source of pride to owners Bonnie and Rowe. “We have such a
well-rounded crew and staff, individuals who have worked on so many different kinds of projects; they have the skill to handle virtually any task.” All of Rupert Wood’N Steel’s journeymen, some of whom have been with the company for upwards of 20 years, and some of whom are valued newcomers, are Red Seal certified. On the office side the company has a staff of extremely experienced and qualified accounting personnel. Having such a crew and staff is an undeniable asset. Rupert Wood’N Steel has developed a very comprehensive safety program as crew and staff safety is priority. They are in the final stage of being COR certified which truly accredits their commitment to ensure a safe work environment, not only for crew and staff but for customers as well. Safety courses are constantly being run - fall arrest, first aid, WHMIS, safe operation practices of tools and equipment just to name a few. For the future, the company aims to continue to be part of the commercial and industrial development of the region, and anticipates becoming involved in larger industrial and commercial projects as they take place. “I would really love to be involved in some of the pending industrial projects and so would our crew, we all find that exciting,” Rowe Rudderham said. Rupert Wood’N Steel would be very receptive to establishing a joint venture or being invited to participate in a major project. Possessing an intimate knowledge of the terrain and climate, they believe they can be of great value to outside companies and clients. Marking its 30th anniversary this year, Rupert Wood’N Steel looks forward to continuing to serve its expanding clientele and to help build the Prince Rupert area of tomorrow. “We are very happy with how things are going and as we have so many great customers there’s no reason to go elsewhere.” Rupert Wood’N Steel is here for the long haul, and is looking forward to every new project and challenge. To learn more please visit the company’s website at: www. rupertwoodnsteelconst.ca
CongratulaƟons on your 30th Anniversary 2180 Atlin Avenue, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1G1 Email: kerothen@citywest.ca Phone:
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AUTOMOTIVE Emerging Technologies Revolutionizing The Automotive Industry Electric, Hybrid, Autonomous – Technology Changing How Cars Are Built & Driven BY DAVID HOLMES
t’s no exaggeration to say the development of the automobi le h a s resh ap ed t he planet and has helped to fuel the global economy. Motorized transportation’s fiscal impact extends far beyond the actual production of vehicles. Car makers directly impact a vast interconnected network of industries on a daily basis. The oil and gas sector, the construction industry and an expansive list of service industries are all directly dependent on the production, sale and maintenance of vehicles.
Camosun College’s Automotive Service Technician Program is helping to prepare tomorrow’s Automotive Technicians
Blair Qualey is the President of the New Car Dealers Association of BC, a group representing 374 dealerships in BC The Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association (CVMA) reports that presently one in seven Canadians is either directly or indirectly employed in some facet of the automotive industry. The Association also states the auto industry generates 12 percent of the Canadian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and that automobiles and vehicle parts are some of Canada’s major export items. “New cars are certainly big business, and your local car dealer is a significant part of the local economy,” explained Blair Qualey the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the New Car Dealers Association of BC (NCDA). “Our organization is a business association that represents 374 new car dealerships around the province, doing business in more than 50 communities and employing approximately
36,000 employees directly and indirectly. Car dealerships in communities both large and small are significant local employers, major land owners and large taxpayers. New car dealers are also historically significant community contributors, on the direct economic side and from the philanthropic side – car dealers tend to be very active in their communities doing all sorts of great things.” The economic impact of the auto industry isn’t just a Canadian experience but is a truly global phenomenon. Based on recent statistics, despite any economic uncertainties that may be present in North America, consumers are still very interested in acquiring the latest in automotive products. During 2016 auto makers sold nearly two million new vehicles in Canada, the fourth consecutive year that sales have hit a record total. In the United States car sales reached in excess of 17.5 million new vehicles of all types, a marginal increase over the sales numbers recorded in 2015. On a global scale the auto industry is a significant player in the planet’s economic mix. Forecasters expect that more than 77 million passenger cars will be sold worldwide by the end of 2017 which is a slight rise over the 2016 totals – which was itself a record year. To put a perspective on the
Automated assembly lines have forever changed how vehicles are built, reducing manpower but improving quality real value of the auto industry Volkswagen, the world’s largest auto maker, is projected to have revenues this year of more than $236 billion. That’s higher than the GDP of New Zealand, Finland or Greece. “The industry is certainly in pretty good shape. We’ve come off a few record years in terms of vehicle sales, one year after the other. We’re seeing a fairly strong start to this year but of course we’ll have to see how the rest of the year unfolds, but I’m certainly optimistic that 2017 will be another good year for our industry,” Qualey explained. In addition to being a major
global economic engine, the auto industry is also a catalyst for technological change as competing firms strive to produce the newest and best products to attract the car buying public. That motivation for improvement is sparking a technological revolution that is reshaping the industry in ways still unimagined, a revolution that will ultimately impact how people travel and how the city’s of tomorrow will function. T he expanding acceptance of hybrid cars, plug-in hybrids and pure electric vehicles will directly impact the oil and gas sectors and will influence city
Pure electric vehicles, such as this specially built Smart car, are increasingly popular among inner city drivers
The world of autonomous, selfdriving vehicles is on the cusp of revolutionizing how people move from place to place A global economic powerhouse, the world’s automotive industry impacts virtually every component of modern life
The plug-in hybrid automobile has evolved from a technology demonstrator to an increasingly important part of the market planners for generations. The looming prospect of autonomous vehicles soon attaining mainstream status is another emerging technology that will forever change how people move about and how urban infrastructure is constructed.
This technological revolution is also changing how the people who will maintain the automobiles of the future are trained. The days of the back yard mechanic are quickly fading as the stereotypical ‘grease monkey’ of past generations is replaced
by skilled technicians more akin to an engineer than a mechanic. “Certainly people with computer skills are necessary. Having the ability to read over very technical information, interpret that information and then apply it in a diagnostic situation is one of the critical things that we teach,” explained Patrick Jones an instructor and Program Leader at Camosun College’s Automotive Service Technician Program in Victoria. (www.camosun.ca) “ M a n y e l e m e n t s o f a u tomobiles, the brakes, suspension, tires, wheels and things like that are much the same as they have been for years. As the mechanical elements of car servicing remain much the same, we are still teaching fundamental automotive theories. But on top of that is the latest in the automotive technology that is expanding at a very rapid rate which
means great changes in how and what we teach our students.” More accurately referred to as an Automotive Technician than a mechanic, tomorrow’s auto service centres are requiring skilled personnel as adept at reading a computer screen as they are pulling a wrench. For Dean Cadieux, an instructor and Chair of Vancouver Island University’s (VIU) Automotive Department, preparing students for tomorrow’s technology-focused workplace is a key part of his program’s efforts. (www.viu.ca) “The technology is changing for our trade faster than for just about any other. Each year there is more and newer technology, which can make it increasingly difficult for technicians to stay up to date. That of course affects us as we have to incorporate that new information into our curriculum. We have to have the
right tools and the right equipment to provide our students with the training they’ll need in the workplace,” he said. To accommodate the needs of contemporary Automotive Technicians VIU’s automotive program is temporarily in a slowdown mode as a new state of the art training facility is currently under construction at its Nanaimo campus. Once completed this fall the new training centre will have the necessary systems in place to provide the real world training tomorrow’s technicians are going to need. “We’re scheduled to be opening back up in September and once we start up again we will have approximately 54 students in the program. The facility is larger and provides us with the option to expand the program if the demand is there, but that would be a future decision,” Cadieux said. For Jones the industry is entering a new and very exciting phase, encouraging him to be equally excited about what the future has to offer. “The Automotive Technician trade is and will continue to be the most dynamic trade. I’ve managed to stay enthused about the trade over the past 30 years because it’s constantly evolving. Things change with regularity. If you’re not a person who likes change then this isn’t the field for you.” To learn more please visit the association’s website at: www. newcardealers.ca
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RUSTIC RETREAT OFFERS SKEENA RIVER VIEWS & SPECTACULAR FINE DINING Yellow Cedar Lodge: A True Hidden Gem In Northern BC’s Hospitality Sector
ERRACE – Nestled in an idyllic 30 acre woodland setting overlooking the beautiful Skeena River, the Yellow Cedar Lodge is truly a hidden gem in Northern British Columbia’s hospitality sector – but the secret’s getting out! In the family for about 15 years the distinctive structure, with its trio of sharply peaked roofs, is
An avid sportswoman in her own right, Yellow Cedar Lodge owner Simone MaƩner enjoys the Northern BC lifestyle
Overlooking the Skeena River the rustic Yellow Cedar Lodge currently features 11 rooms and can accommodate up to 18 guests
Thanks to the skills of Red Seal Chef Kimberly Dignard and her relief Manuela Geier, the Lodge is becoming known for its fine dining
Bright and spacious, the Lodge has attracted adventure seekers and culinary lovers from all around the world
During the winter off-season, Yellow Cedar Lodge is leased to a local heli-skiing operator. The Lodge has two helipads.
We are proud to support Yellow Cedar Lodge. Congratulations on your success.
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Love Terrace is proud to connect people with the independent shops and services that are the heart of Terrace and the surrounding region.
Nestled in a 30 acre woodland, the Yellow Cedar Lodge first began operations in 2002, but has grown significantly since then
Breathtaking views of the Skeena River are just one small part of the Yellow Cedar Lodge experience, only minutes from Terrace attracting visitors and fine food lovers from around the region, and around the world. Starting in a small way, Yellow Cedar Lodge began life as a renovated single family home
c o n s t r u c te d f ro m a L i nd a l Cedar Homes package which has evolved over the years to incorporate three additional residential modules, providing the facility with a total of 11
comfortable rooms for its guests. “Normally when you hear the term ‘lodge’ you’ll automatically think of something like a fishing lodge, filled with outdoor lovers coming to experience the
A favourite destination of our Northern BC Adventures. Thank you Yellow Cedar Lodge for your continued support!
Congratulations to Simone and the team at Yellow Cedar Lodge! Since 1973, AQUA PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. has provided quality service to the Terrace area.
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wilderness. But we’re more like a Bed & Breakfast or an Inn than we are to that,� explained the Lodge’s owner Simone Mattner. T he attractive resort came into being thanks to the current
owner’s father Nikolaus Mattner, who visited the region from his native Germany in 2002 to go sport fishing. “My Dad always wanted to own a piece of property in Canada, it just got a little bigger,� she said. Located minutes from Terrace along Highway 16, the Lodge has been extensively expanded over the years to its present footprint, employing the same design elements to ensure a continuity of appearance and quality. “Over the years we had different partnerships and managers on site. Eventually my Dad said he’d prefer to have someone from the family over here, so I said ‘why not, I’m 25 now, I’ll go and check it out’ - and that was 11 years ago,� she remembers. “We’ve added to the building over the years to keep the same appearance – expanding from the original property. Today we have a total of 11 rooms, we can sleep 18 people, but it all depends on if they are groups, couples or families we can fit a few more. It’s very much a fa m i ly-ru n small business, there’s basically just me and a handful of others, making for a very comfortable stay.� Due to the climate as well as the duration and character of the Northern British Columbia tourist season, the Lodge operates for general bookings from April until the end of October each year, with Christmas Parties usually in the end of November. In the winter off-season Mattner leases the Lodge for many years now to Northern Escape Heli Skiing, a highly rated Terracebased heli-skiing operator with a clientele coming from around the globe. To accommodate the needs of the operation’s airborne visitors Yellow Cedar Lodge maintains a pair of helipads. Operated by a small almost entirely female team, the Yellow Cedar Lodge is increasingly becoming known not only for its charming rustic setting and the service with a smile, or its role as a base for heli-borne powder hounds, but also as a centre for fine dining. Thanks to the extraordinary work of Red Seal Chef Kimberly Dignard and her relief Manuela Geier, the Yellow Cedar Lodge’s dining room is quickly
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10 becoming the place to be – with reservations required. As stated on the company website: “Our cellar at Yellow Cedar Lodge is brimming with a diverse selection of BC VQA vintages and our chef has fresh food pairings for each of our wines. We source out the most fresh, local when possible, produce, seafood and meats. All seafood options served at Yellow Cedar Lodge are recommended by the Vancouver Aquarium’s Ocean Wise program as ocean friendly. We pride ourselves in the fare we present to our guests. Aside from our overnight guests, we are also pleased to welcome locals in our dining room. All reservations require 24 hours notice to ensure our standards can be kept at the highest of expectations.” For Mattner fine food has become a successful and sought after part of the overall Yellow Cedar Lodge experience. “From hearty breakfasts with homemade muffins to bagged lunches with treats made in house as well and decadent desserts like smores lava cake and peppered cheesecake, Yellow Cedar Lodge is certain to wow your taste buds and blow your expectations out of the park. We serve breakfast with each overnight booking and can assemble bagged lunches for excursions upon request. Our dinner is world class and we highly recom mend d i n i ng i n, even though we’re so close to Terrace.” Despite the owner’s national origins, Bavarian favourites are
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The small but highly talented staff keeps the Lodge operating, and producing some exceptional culinary delights not part of the menu at the Lodge. Instead, the operation’s culinary focus has always been squarely on casual fine dining with an emphasis on fresh and local options whenever possible. “We never wanted to be viewed as just a rough and tumble fishing lodge, we wanted to be different. We like to think of ourselves as more of a sophisticated place where everyone can stay kind of lodge. You don’t have to wear a tie to dinner, but you will be surprised by the food you receive when you sit down to dinner. Like duck confit, beef wellington, squid ink salmon ravioli, just to name a few,” she said. “We do require reservations in the dining room because it’s a small space and it is popular additionally to it we can check in on peoples dietaries and allergenic needs, but I would have to say that we are still very much a hidden gem. People come out here from town and say they’ve lived here their entire lives and didn’t realize we were here, saying I wish I had known about you before now.”
The Lodge’s dining room can comfortably accommodate 25, the maximum is 30, and has become a select local spot for parties and group gatherings. Quality in selection and service has proven to be an equally important part of the Yellow Cedar Lodge success story. As a member of the Ocean Wise program the Lodge’s dining room will only serve ocean-friendly seafood items that are certified sustainable. “Most of our seafood comes from Prince Rupert, which is like an hour and a half away, so it’s always very fresh,” Simone (who is an avid sport fisher herself) explained. So who would be a typical visitor at Yellow Cedar Lodge? For Mattner the sky is literally the limit as guests from all over the world and from all walks of life have stayed under her roof. “ We se e a lot of d i f ferent people. T hey ca n be adventure seekers, locals wanting a romantic get-away, tourists passing through, fishermen and others like the groups from the
University of Northern British Columbia on their jetboat tours. We don’t offer guiding, but we can certainly recommend a number of outfitters. In reality there is no one type of typical guest as we have been visited by all different types of people.” Yellow Cedar Lodge’s tiny staff is adaptive enough to handle a variety of different tasks duri ng t he cou rse of t hei r d ay. In addition to Simone Yellow Cedar Lodge is staffed by Lori Aase who carries out a variety of duties including doing breakfast, housekeeping and more as well as groundskeeper Dale McAllister, the Lodge’s sole male employee who is tasked with maintaining the facility’s pristine grounds. “As all of my family is living in Germany I call the McAllister’s my adopted Canadian family. They’re good friends of mine and Dale does an incredible job of looking after the grounds,” she said. With no additional construction plans on the immediate horizon Mattner seeks to expand
on the success the Lodge has experienced so far by delivering exceptional service, extraordinary food and access to one of the most beautiful rustic locales in British Columbia for its growing list of guests. “No I think we’re finishing building. Sure there’s always room to grow with what we’re doing and what we have but I can’t imagine adding a second wing to the Lodge,” Simone said. Distinctive, elegant and rustic all rolled into one delightful package Yellow Cedar Lodge is as uniquely charming as the region it calls home. “We’re not just like any other accommodation, we’re different and we’ve always wanted to be. We’re proud of what we do, with the amazing food being one of the exceptional things we’re known for,” she said. A vital part of the community she serves, Mattner and Yellow Cedar Lodge recently became part of the Loveterrace.com online business portal. The local web-based initiative has been created to help support local independent business, and her involvement has been applauded by the City of Terrace. “Yellow Cedar Lodge is one of the rare local gems we have in the Terrace area. When Simone told me she wanted her business to join Loveterrace.com, I saw it as an excellent opportunity for both Yellow Cedar Lodge and Love Terrace,” explained Love Terrace Community Champion, and City of Terrace Communications and Business Development Officer Brian Doddridge. “The lodge characterizes the great entrepreneurial spirit, personalized service, and local flair that we see in all our love Terrace businesses, but with a very unique style”. “I’m a team player, I enjoy supporting the community, including purchasing local products and recommending others as well. But we’re definitely proud of what we do and I’m delighted with the people I work with who have helped to make the Lodge successful. We’ve come a long way and I look forward to what the future will bring us.” www.yellowcedarlodge.ca
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“The University Hospital of Northern BC has provided excellent care for families in the area for many years and these upgrades are critical.”
relocation of the ultrasound unit. Construction is expected to be completed in the fall of 2018 and create approximately 29 direct and 19 indirect jobs for a total of 48 jobs. The electrical project includes improving reliability of the current infrastructure. The work will increase emergency generator capacity and reduce the potential for widespread power outages, to protect patient safety and protect against cancellation of surgeries and other medical procedures. Construction is expected to be completed in the spring of 2018 and create approximately 16 direct and 11 indirect jobs for a total of 27 jobs. “The University Hospital of Northern BC has provided excellent care for families in the area for many years and these upgrades are critical to ensure that Northern residents can receive the services they need and deserve,” explained Shirley Bond, MLA for Prince GeorgeValemount at the time of the announcement. “It has taken a great deal of work to reach this significant place. We have worked hard with partners including Northern Health, physicians and the Ministry of Health to develop a plan that includes essential short term projects as well as securing approval to move forward with
The upgrade at the University Hospital of Northern BC will add 27 new beds and enhance its electrical efficiency the concept plan for major capital improvements to UHNBC.” Concept planning will now move to the development of additional improvement plans for surgical services, including operating rooms, a post-anesthetic recovery unit, pre-surgical screening, operating room booking, day surgery, medical device reprocessing and surgical
inpatient accommodation. Pla n n i ng w i l l a lso i nclude improvements to mental health services, including an adolescent psychiatric unit, substance-use services, adult psychiatric unit, psychiatric intensive care unit, withdrawal management and youth treatment centre. Northern Health is working with Cardiac Services BC to inform how
cardiac care will be incorporated into the concept planning. The concept planning, which is expected to start this year, is considered an important part of the process for such a major capital project. By undertaking the work it provides an opportunity to ensure the project meets the needs of the community while helping to envision future
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demands on the facility. After the concept plan is approved the project proceeds to the development of a business plan, which includes further analysis of health-service needs and more detailed information on scope, procurement plan, budget and funding. Funding for these projects will be cost-shared by the Province, Northern Health and the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George. www.northernhealth.ca
here’s no getting around it…rejection is part of the selling experience. Not every prospect you contact will want to talk to you. Not all of those who do talk to you will have enough interest in your product or service to grant you an appointment. Not all of those who do grant you an appointment will buy from you. There’s nothing you can do about it. While you can’t eliminate experiencing rejection, you can learn to deal with it. And, you can learn to overcome your fear of it. But first, you must identify what it is that you’re afraid of. Is it failure? E v e r y b o d y f a i l s a t s o m ething…at many things. Failure is simply part of the human experience.
A nd, success ra rely comes without accompanying failures. Often, the greater the success, the greater the number of failures encountered along the way. Record-setting homerun hitters, for example, also have their share of strikeouts. Super Bowl Champion quarterbacks throw more incompleted passes than completed ones. Grammy winning songwriters write numerous songs before one hits the charts, much less makes it into the top 10. In almost any endeavor, including professional sales, failure is just another stepping stone on the path to success. You may never completely eliminate your fear of rejection, but, you can certainly learn to deal with it and minimize its negative effects. How? Put it in perspective. Rejection lasts but a moment, and then it’s over. Let it go! Dwelling on the disappointing experience serves no purpose other than to dampen your enthusiasm for meeting the next challenge. If a cold call uncovered a prospect who was interested in your service and was eager to meet with you, you would likely be enthusiastic about making your next cold call. Should you be any less enthusiastic about making a
Dwelling on the disappointing experience serves no purpose other than to dampen your enthusiasm for meeting the next challenge
subsequent call if the prospect had no interest? Of course not. There is no causal relationship between the two events. Each new challenge is just that…a new challenge. Examine your self-talk. What do you tell yourself when you experience rejection? Are you telling yourself something like, “Nobody will listen to me” or
“I’ll never be any good at this”? Blaming yourself for someone else’s thoughts and actions— lack of interest or inability to see the value in what you have to offer, for example—is counterproductive. Before you start “talking to yourself,” take a step back and analyze the situation from an objective position. Then, reframe your self-talk to something more positive. After an unsuccessful attempt to stimulate a prospect’s interest, for instance, rather than telling yourself, “Prospecting is a waste of time,” tell yourself, “I’m glad I didn’t waste my time with someone who isn’t qualified to become a customer.” Analyze your actions. Rejection may be unpleasant, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn something from it. Sometimes, the rejection you’re experiencing is a warning sign…an indicator of your need to change your approach, perhaps. Make sure that you are thoroughly p re p a re d w h e n yo u c a l l o n prospects and customers. Being thoroughly knowledgeable about how your product or service addresses their challenges, needs, and goals will reduce the chances of being rejected. Understand your needs. David Sandler warned against using “sel l i n g” a s a n act iv it y for
getting your emotional needs met. You are much more susceptible to the fear of rejection if the objective of your interaction with your prospects and customers is to obtain their approval rather than their business. You must recognize that your self-esteem is not tied to your sales performance. It’s not tied to the number of appoi ntments you schedu le or the number of sales you close. You’ll have some good days; you’ll have some not-so-good days. Regardless, at the end of the day, your self-esteem is still intact. Rejection is simply part of the sales game. Sometimes you have good experiences, sometimes you don’t. It’s not the experience that’s important. It’s how you think about it and how you react to it that determines if rejection holds you back or pushes you toward success. John Glennon is the owner of Insight Sales ConsulƟng Inc, an authorized Sandler Training Licensee. He can be reached at jglennon@sandler.com, toll free at λ-ςππ-πξο-μκξρ or visit www. glennon.sandler.com. Copyright 2013 Sandler Training and Insight Sales Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.
SPOTLESS UNIFORM AN INDUSTRY LEADING LAUNDRY & UNIFORM RENTAL BUSINESS Company Hopes To Become The Largest Independent Laundry In Western Canada
RINCE GEORGE – For more than seven decades Spotless Uniform and Linen Service has evolved, grown and prospered with the region it has served. Now, despite any economic uncertainties or delays to major industrial projects the company remains committed to the province and to the expanding list of clients it serves, from the Pacific coast to Northern Alberta. “Currently, we’re in the process of installing approximately $1 million worth of new equipment at our Prince George processing plant just to keep up with the demand. But ultimately, we’re looking at opening a second plant to allow us to better serve our Okanagan and Lower Mainla nd customers,” ex pla i ned company President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Shaun Heighington. “If we didn’t have faith in the region and in our customers, we wouldn’t be making that sort of investment Growing and evolving with the region it serves, family owned and operated Spotless Uniform can trace its local origins back to 1947,(and even back to the 1800’s on British navy ships) when Norm Heighington, Shaun’s Grandfather opened The Prince George Steam Laundry which was the first commercial and industrial steam laundry to ever open in Prince George. Years later, after the founder moved to Terrace, his son Ken Heig h i ng ton , Sh au n’s d a d , op ene d Pla za-4 Dr y Clea ners which continued the tradition of providing excellence in drycleaning service. Shaun’s brother Richard now owns the drycleaning business that operates as Spotless Drycleaners.
Spotless Uniform and Linen Service operates a fleet of trucks to service its clients across BC and Northern Alberta
This industrial laundry company has been serving clients across the province for more than seven decades Eventually rebranded, Spotless Uniform and Linen Service, the company now under the direction of current owner Shaun Heighington, has expanded dramatically in services offered, in market area and in vision. “For a compa ny to rem a i n within a single family all of these years is pretty unusual, especially when it comes to the laundry business. During the past decade or so the consolidation of the smaller local independent companies by the American
corporations has been pretty fast paced. There are very few independent companies left,” Heighington explained. “My Grandfather was in the commercial laundry business and over the course of the years there were some business changes and partnerships along the way, but eventually my Dad moved into retail dry cleaning in Prince George, which is when I first got involved, working with my Dad. As time went on we moved back into the commercial laundry
Congratulations on your 70 year anniversary. We are proud to work with you. 1198 Victoria Street - Prince George, g BC The company has a client list of more than 2,500, providing a commercial laundry service and uniform rental0s
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We are proud to support Spotless Uniform and wish you all the best for the next 70 years! EST 1990
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business on a small scale and that ultimately led to the company we know today as Spotless Uniform.” Having grown into a province wide business success story, during the past 70 plus years literally thousands of restaurant patrons have enjoyed clean linen, countless industrial workers have gone to their shops looking sharp, while crews working in large work camps have gone to sleep on sheets that were fresh and clean thanks to Spotless Uniform. Now, due to its ongoing expansion effort and future development plans the company anticipates being able to serve a marketplace that essentially encompasses the entire province and beyond. Throughout it all Heighington has continued to have unbridled confidence in his business and in the firm’s expanding list of clients. “In 2008 I was able to purchase a competitor and their list of loyal customers this was followed in 2013 when I purchased Northern Linen which had also been a long time competitor. These acquisitions, although challenging, helped to expand the company and our client base quite quickly, aiding the growth and strength of the company,” he said. Today Spotless Uniform operates a fleet of delivery vehicles serving a client list that extends from the Saskatchewan border to the Pacific coast. With its expansion effort in motion the
Based in Prince George, Spotless Uniform’s main facility is a 22,000 square foot state of the art facility company is gearing up to keep pace with the increasing demand for its services. Spotless Uniform’s goal is nothing short of becoming the number one independent provider of uniform rentals and commercial laundering in Western Canada. “Once we have this new equipment in place to handle the anticipated influx of work, thanks in part to organic growth, Site C and other major projects, we’ll have the ability to process an even higher volume of workwear, matting, and camp laundry. We’ll be the only company capable of processing such a large volume, while still providing a high level of quality, in BC or Alberta,” he said “Recently we’ve just picked up the contract to provide laundry
Congratulations to Shaun and the entire team at Spotless Uniform as you celebrate 70 years of success! 3121 15th Ave, Prince George, BC
Ph. 250 563 3966 www.spotlessdrycleaners.ca
Congratulations on your 70th anniversary, and our very best wishes for many more years of success!
Spotless Uniform hopes to become Western Canada’s number one independent commercial laundry business
and linen services for northern work camps which will dramatically increase our production – it’s a further sign of the faith people have in the future of Northern BC. “Although there is tremendous concern as to whether some proposed major projects will maintain momentum due to the new BC government objectives, we feel optimistic that a portion of the projects will move ahead and I want to be ready to serve that market as it expands.” Currently the company has a client base of more than 2,500. Spotless Uniform works for a huge list of industrial and commercial customers across BC and beyond. This ranges from metal fabrication shops to auto repair businesses, firms such as restaurants and hotels and some of the largest industrial firms in the region. “It’s no exaggeration to say our market area is all of BC and northern Alberta,” Heighington said. Based in a state of the art 22,000 square foot facility, Spotless Uniform operates a growing fleet of delivery vehicles, has a staff count of 65+ and provides a range of services that include providing workwear such as regular, hi visibility and fire resistant uniforms and coveralls on full service programs and direct sale, entrance mat service programs, a product that is regularly changed to keep entranceways clean. Even hand soap and paper products can be supplied.
Spotless Uniform hopes to eventually add a second processing plant to its operations, possible in the Okanagan The uniforms and coveralls provided by the company can also be custom embroidered with company logos if so desired. All of the company’s laundry processing currently takes place in Prince George but the firm does operate service depots in the Okanagan and Vancouver. Approximately 20,000 lbs. of laundry passes through the Prince George plant daily. “We shuttle garments and items to and from our plant from the depots, while our Route Service Reps service our customers locally from those depots to service those markets. No physical processing takes place at the depots, they are essentially transfer and inventory stations at this time,”
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Heighington explained. “By keeping production centralized in one plant, we are able to maintain a tight control on quality, procedures, and efficiency.” To service a client base across such a wide area requires a great deal of thought and effective logistics, but a typical turnaround time for a garment taken to one of the satellite depots is about 4 days. “Service schedules are typically weekly but If there is some specific reason to provide a quicker turnaround, we will schedule multiple service days per week.” he said. “Everything is scheduled on a weekly basis. Say ‘Jimmy’s Mechan ic Shop’ is a reg ular
We look forward to the next 70.
Spotless Uniform has invested in the latest professional equipment, such as these dryers, to service its clients
The company’s new five ton truck is just one part of its expanding fleet of pick-up and delivery vehicles
Crews in Prince George work on linen, destined for customers located across British Columbia and beyond
new equipment in place,” Heighington explained. “We use top level equipment, it’s all fairly new and we simply don’t have breakdowns that interrupt production. In addition we’ve made a point of operating the cleanest and most environmentally benign system possible. Everything we do is very environmentally-friendly, very energy efficient. We’ve always insisted on excellent water conservation, minimizing chemical use and every chemical we do use is fully biodegradable.” Spotless Uniform has consistently taken an Earth-friendly approach to its business since day one. The company operates under a very stringent waste discharge permit and (due to the high cost of operating commercial laundry equipment) has striven to reduce its energy consumption whenever possible. “I’m actually in the process presently of replacing all of our lighting and controls in the plant in order to reduce our energy consumption by up to 50 per cent,” he said. If one word were to be used to sum up the business philosophy of Spotless Uniform and Linen Service that word would have to be confidence - confidence in the company’s ability to deliver top quality service and confidence in the clients and in the region itself. Timidity, negativism and a ‘sky is falling’ attitude are simply not part of Shaun Heighington’s genetic make-up. “Of course I have confidence, confidence in our ability to make sound decisions, and the future
customer. We would schedule to be there every Wednesday morning between 9:00 and 9:20. That way the client gets used to the process and would have their items ready for pick-up or collection when we drop off the cleaned items. For something like an industrial shop we can provide all of the coveralls, or shirts and pants on a rental basis. We are really a uniform and workwear supply house as well as a laundry – we supply everything and can do custom cleaning of customer owned items. It’s just all part of the Spotless Uniform service.” The providing of laundry and linen service to remote work camps is becoming an increasi ng ly i mpor ta nt pa r t of t he
operation’s workload. “We have a full 31 foot, five ton truck that services BC Hydro’s Site C twice every week, a run that will increase to two trucks at four or five times a week later this month,” he said. The current expansion at the Prince George processing plant will better position the company to handle the increase work load of consistent growth and as other major projects come online. “The new $1 million expansion will allow us to handle the increased i n f lu x of h igh volu me ca mp laundry, as well as our constant growth in other markets. We’re going to be the only company in BC or Alberta geared up to handle this volume once we have this
of Western Canada, not just Northern BC. My personal expansion plans include Edmonton and Calgary. This will create even more stability and market diversity to our company,” he said. Being a family business Spotless Uniform has the corporate flexibility to respond to changing needs and evolving market conditions much quicker than a larger corporate entity ever could. The exemplary service levels provided by the company, from the front office to the Route Service Rep. of the service trucks is just more of the winning attributes that has kept the firm at the forefront of the industry for more than seven decades. “It’s important to note that all of our large competitors are American owned corporations. We do not charge a currency conversion fee due to the low Canadian dollar. This is just one of numerous revenue generating tactics used by the American corporations and customers that see this on their invoices should be extremely angry. We’re 100 per cent Canadian family owned, very competitive, we’re local, we’re state of the art, we’re environmentally sensitive, we’re here to stay and we’re confident in what the future will bring. Put that all together and you have what we believe to be a formula for success,” he said. A fixture in the business community of Northern British Columbia for decades, a leader and innovator in the commercial
laundry sector, a company built on expansion and in correctly identifying new opportunities as they arise, Spotless Uniform and Linen Service has plans for its future and for Western Canada as a whole. “It all comes down to making educated decisions. If you’re unsure of something, like an expansion step in my case, just sit tight, be patient and make the move when it’s the right time,” he said. While still too young to become active parts of the business, a new generation of the Heighington family could eventually become yet another part of this evolving laundry dynasty, a firm with links stretching back decades. Having grown up with the region Spotless Uniform faces the future with faith in the clients and confidence in the economy – a sense of belief not easy to diminish. “To me the future looks extremely exciting. We have good facilities in place, we can offer very competitive prices and a level of service to our customers that all of our larger American owned competitors just can’t provide. We’re investing in the future and look forward to what lies ahead,” he said. “We’re always adding to the business with new equipment and we’re on the lookout for good people. We’re always in growth mode. The future will be a good place and we’re looking forward to what comes our way.” www.spotlessuniform.com
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EAGLE VALLEY HOLDINGS: CLEARING THE WAY FOR NORTHERN BUSINESS Mechanical Site Preparation Specialist Company Has Served Region Since 1973
RINCE GEORGE – Rapidly approaching its 45 th anniversary, Prince George based Eagle Valley Holdings Ltd. has become an industry leader in mechanical site preparation services by using the best equipment, a team of highly skilled
“We take considerable pride in being ecofriendly, while providing a safe, clean work environment.” COMPANY STATEMENT, WEBSITE, EAGLE VALLEY HOLDINGS
Eagle Valley Holdings operates a growing fleet of land clearing equipment including mulchers, tractors and excavators
workers and by employing decades of practical experience working all across Northern British Columbia. Owned and operated by John Tereshuk and Tim Tereshuk, E a g l e Va l l e y Hold i n g s w a s founded in 1973, having provided mechanical site clearing services over the years for a wide range of industry sectors including oil,
gas, mining and energy, municipal governments, agricultural customers, forestry companies, landscaping firms and many others. Describing itself as providing site preparation services for the 21st Century, Eagle Valley Holdings has found that by using stateof-the-art equipment, they are able to provide an efficiency that could only be dreamed of in previous decades - and all at a highly competitive rate. Eagle Valley Holdings’ growing fleet of mulchers, excavators, and tractors ensure a quality job every time.
“We take considerable pride in being eco-friendly, while providing a safe, clean work environment,” the company website states. Bringing more than 40 years of trusted experience to any land development project, a partial list of Eagle Valley’s services include Land Clearing, Mounding, Road Building and Site Deactivations, Mulching, Brush Cutting, Forestry Site Preparation and more. Serious about workplace safety, Eagle Valley Holdings Ltd. has a solid rating with the Worker’s
Compensation Board (WCB), operates with an up-to-date business license, and routinely carries $5 million in liability insurance. The BC Forest Safety Council has certified Eagle Valley Holdings a “Safe Certified” company as well; the firm is a member of the BC Construction Safety Alliance. The company’s motto really does day it all: Small Enough To Care, Big Enough To Deliver – Eagle Valley Holdings is the right choice for mechanical site preparation services. www.eaglevalleyholdings.ca
local youth.” Site C will be a third dam and hydroelectric generating station on the Peace River in northeast BC. Site C will provide enough electricity to power the equivalent of about 450,000 homes per year in BC. While the demand for electricity fluctuates yearto-year, BC Hydro forecasts that BC’s electricity needs will grow by almost 40 per cent over the next 20 years, driven by a projected population increase of more than one million residents and a related economic expansion. The Site C project will have an estimated capital cost of $8.3 billion by its conclusion. Site C construction contributes an estimated $3.2 billion to provincial GDP, $130 million to regional
“The economic impact of any delays or cancellation on each individual worker and their families is immense.” RYAN BRUCE, SPOKESMAN, CLAC
GDP, and $40 million in ta x revenues to local government. Construction of the dam and its generating station brings 10,000 person years of direct employment, and a total of 33,000 person years of work throughout the economy. “As the representatives of the largest group of unionized workers on the project, we believe we are uniquely positioned to deliver
The $8.3 billion Site C hydroelectric project will generate enough electricity to service 450,000 homes annually
Site C provides $40 million in tax revenues to local government while bringing 10,000 person years of direct employment
There are currently more than 2,000 workers at the site, with the initial land clearing beginning in 2015
Some labour organizations are concerned that the change of governments in Victoria could impact the mega project
a message of concern to Mr. Horgan and Mr. Weaver on behalf of the workers of Site C,” Bruce stated. The CLAC has begun circulating a petition among workers at Site C in support of
continued construction, without undue delay or interruption, of the project. Once in operation, the positive effects continue. Renewable, clean and green power is a key
asset in an increasingly competitive global economy, and Site C is a cost-effective option for maintaining that advantage. To learn more visit BC Hydro’s website at: www.bchydro.com
TODD MOLLAND: FROM CORNER OFFICE TO SERVICE COUNTER PG Rental Centre Has Been Serving The Regional Market For 35 Years
RINCE GEORGE – Bigger, better and with more options than ever before, PG Rental Centre has the tools, expertise and equipment to satisfy any construction need – from minor home repairs to major construction jobs. “The business was incorporated in 1982 making this PG Rental Centre’s 35th anniversary,� explained current owner Todd Molland, who purchased the company two years ago. B or n a nd ra i sed i n P r i nce George, Molland’s initial career direction was far removed from being an industrial equipment provider. For many years this highly trained financier and banker seemed more destined for a corner office in a major banking institution than behind the counter at a regional tool rental business – but destiny has a way of presenting options both unforeseen and welcomed. “I left Prince George to go to university and pursue a career in finance. I was working in Corporate Finance in Vancouver when I received a call from my mother telling me she had been
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Described as the heart and soul of the operation, Rob Kershaw is the PG Rental Centre’s Vice President of Operations diagnosed with leukemia. In a matter of weeks we relocated back to Prince George to take care of her. Although no one ever wants to receive the news a loved one is terminally ill, it was the catalyst to many great things. I was able to spend every day with my mother for almost three years and during that time was promoted to Vice President of Commercial Banking for one of Canada’s ‘Big Five’ banks,� he recalls. Returning to his hometown to help his mother, Todd and his family rediscovered the pleasure of living in a smaller community and the importance of embracing your roots and the community in which they are attached. “Once you become a VP with a bank they want to move you every two years which, as a father of three small children, was not very appealing. When I heard PG Rental might be for sale, our family saw it as a perfect opportunity to be able to remain in Prince George long term,� he said. “We didn’t want to move, I was born and raised here, I love the people and the lifestyle and we could finally settle down. If I had
Todd and Lynsey Molland have been the owners of the PG Rental Centre for the past two years
Chris Hurtubise is the PG Rental Centre’s Senior Rental Coordinator, a key part of the operation’s team stayed with the bank our next move could have been back to the Lower Mainland, Chicago, Toronto or elsewhere – something I just wasn’t interested in doing.� Bringing his financial acumen to this acquisition, PG Rental Centre’s new owner used his experience and understanding of business to enhance the outlet’s
product lines, market reach and expand its client base. Located at 1669 South Lyon Street in a 10,000 square foot industrial building which has been PG Rental Centre’s home base since 1988, the company offers a full range of high quality brand name equipment suitable for any task big or small.
The team at Hilti would like to congratulate Todd and the PG Rentals team on 35 years of excellence in the Prince George market. We have been proud to partner with PG rentals and wish them another 35 plus years of success. Congratulations PG Rentals.
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In addition to small household tools such as lawnmowers and weed-wackers, the outlet also rents a diverse portfolio of high end construction equipment such as excavators, soil compaction systems, earth movers and an impressive list of contractor equipment. “I love the business, the customers and the people.
PG Rental Centre Delivery Driver Allen Malm (left) and Chris Hurtubise help get some equipment ready for a customer
Rental Coordinators Donna Arnett (left) and Danielle Kopelchuk are important parts of the outlet’s staff People often ask do you miss the bank? Or do you have ‘buyer’s remorse’ – I can honestly tell you absolutely not,” he stated. Offering a wide range of equipment aside, it’s the staff, with its skills and experience in the community that is the company’s greatest asset. “A benefit you have of being 35 years in a community is that you have employees who will know much more about the
client than I do. We’re very lucky to have long term employees who have developed strong relationships with our clients. That’s the sort of positive resource you can’t buy, it has to come from long term experience. I’m very fortunate to have such a great team,” he said. PG Renta l Centre prov ides equipment rental services across the full spectrum of clients – from homeowners to major industrial
contractors. “What really makes us unique is the diversity of the products we rent. Some people think all we do is rent aerators and lawnmowers, because that’s what we did 30 years ago. But the business has evolved and continues to evolve as we have the big stuff now as well, excavators, boom lifts, telehandlers, and much more. Basically today we cover it all, A to Z,” Molland explained.
Parts and Service Manager Dwayne Hurtubise is another of the PG Rental Centre’s team of experts
One-time banker Todd Molland and his wife Lynsey took over the 35 year old business two years ago
So with such an eclectic range of products and equipment who is a typical PG Rental Centre customer? In essence, everyone! “Everyone from the do it yourselfer putting in a fence to the largest of industrial projects, we can actually service the whole spectrum,” he said. By having such a wide selection of items readily available PG Rental Centre is a proven cost saver for contractors, as equipment can be procured locally and immediately without having to truck gear in to work on a project. Open seven days a week, the Rental Centre also has the skills and staff to service everything it rents, and has a 24 hour emergency telephone line if a problem does occur. Being able to respond quickly day or night, PG Rental Centre can get its clients back up and running should there ever be an issue. Very much a family business, Molland’s wife Lynsey oversees the firm’s accounting functions while the couple’s children are also learning business basics by operating a ‘by donation’ snack and beverage service for the company’s staff. Where does PG Rental Centre go from here? For Molland the possibilities are limitless, including
the addition of new outlets and the introduction of new products and equipment. It all comes down to providing the customers with the equipment and service they need to keep operating efficiently. “Growth, expansion, servicing a bigger area is something that’s always on the radar for sure. It all comes down to whether or not it makes sound business sense to do so,” he said. To learn more please visit the company’s website at: www. pgrentalcentre.com
PG Rental Centre, To celebrate your anniversary, we bought a cake. It was delicious. Congratulations on 35 years in business!
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20 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Prince George Office 2871 Wildwood Cres Prince George, BC V2K3J4 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Fax: 778.441.3373 Email: info@businessexaminer.ca Website: www.businessexaminer.ca
PUBLISHER | Lise MacDonald EDITOR | John MacDonald SALES | joanne@businessexaminer.ca, josh@businessexaminer.ca WRITERS | Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes, Kristin van Vloten
irst impressions count, and for that reason, the initial steps of the GreeNDP government make clear they intend to carry out their threats towards BC’s resource-based industries. Kinder Morgan has announced it is on target for starting construction of the twinning of its pipeline in September. It has to go, and must get started. Yet the GreenDP government is signaling loud and long they will do anything and everything within its power to stop it. If they are ultimately successful, it would be a triumph for anarchy, as government decisions will prove to be undermine-able by vocal, minority special interest groups. Not that it will do any good, as the federal Liberal government has given the project the green light. It’s an interesting juxtaposition, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
changing from the lane he drove during the 2015 election to okay the much-needed project, that will speed up delivery of this valuable resource to port for export. Politically, it looks like the Greens are banking on their opposition to Kinder Morgan being enough to appease supporters, while the NDP can bleat about fighting the project, knowing it can’t and won’t win, yet keeping the jobs because the pipeline will still be built. Premier John Horgan has initiated his promised review of the Site C dam, and it’s anyone’s guess whether or not he has the courage to scrap the project and issue pink slips to 2,200 workers. Whether or not he does, the political decision is bad for business, and expensive. Delaying the dam means builders will miss out on critical construction time in a season when the northern BC weather isn’t prohibitive. The companies involved thus far have to be nervous, awaiting a “will he/won’t he” decision that will impact their bottom lines. If the project is scrapped, these companies will demand restitution, through the courts if necessary. If this is the end of Site C, then all the work done thus far is utterly wasted. As is the opportunity to add more affordable electricity to the provincial power grid. As demand increases, supply must also. If supply doesn’t increase, then prices will
go up. Either way it goes, taxpayers will foot the bill – for construction delays, settlements with companies, or higher electricity bills. Now that the Greens are part of an actual government, everyone sees what they’ve been about all along. The Green’s veiled goal is to stop resource-based economy. Period. They may use platitudes like “studies”, etc., but make no mistake, they believe resource extraction is evil, and believe it is their “moral duty” to stop such actions, regardless of how many people who make their livings that way it will hurt. They don’t care. They’ve learned how to stop everything. Delay, delay, delay. Whether it’s Kinder Morgan, Site C, or local development. Delaying projects causes cash flow problems for companies, and only the deep pocketed and stubbornly committed endure to completion. It’s financial death by a thousand cuts, or studies and regulations. It’s puzzling to watch Green leader Andrew Weaver acquiesce to every NDP demand, settling only for electoral reform, particularly if it’s proportional representation, ensuring the party seats in perpetuity. That one plank is perhaps the most troubling of all, as they could be positioned to grind every major project to a screeching halt. What the NDP did to win as many seats as they did in May was
concentrate on the lower mainland, using what they dubbed the “housing crisis” as their main message. They didn’t pay attention to the regions of the province that are less populated and resource-dependent. Northern BC and the Interior aren’t as MLA-rich as the Greater Vancouver region, so they basically ignored them. To all of BC’s peril, really, including the lower mainland. In the GreeNDP’s anti-resource push is the misunderstanding that the head offices of the mining and forestry companies are largely based in Vancouver. There are many, many jobs that pay far north of six figures in the province’s financial centre that are a direct result of the operations that take place in the “industrial parks”, aka the mines and sawmills around the province. So, how exactly will the GreeNDP carry out their mandate for more affordable housing? That’s where the electorate just doesn’t pay attention. The issue is supply and demand. There isn’t enough supply, so demand – and prices – goes up. It’s not the provincial government that allows subdivisions – it’s cities and municipalities. Many of these governments stonewall development wherever possible, under the guise of controlling growth. What they are unwittingly doing, though,
is limiting supply, which drives up prices. And non-free enterprisers never seem to understand that. The answer to ever increasing housing prices is not provincially legislated taxation or regulation, because it is municipal governments that decide whether buildings or developments can be built. If voters are upset at housing prices, they should be vocalizing that against their local governments that prohibit growth. Yet the GreeNDP did an effective brainwashing of the electorate to lay the “blame” for rising house prices on Christy Clark and the BC Liberals. It worked, but what now happens is that the NDP suggested solution – provincial involvement – is about to be put on full display. We will find out soon enough that the NDP – which is at constant loggerheads with builders and developers – needs that sector to help them carry out their campaign promises and wishes. They will get that assistance if builders and developers can identify true opportunities for success and profits. Which, if their answer is building affordable housing, will come directly from the taxpayers’ purse. And watch out for rent controls, another market manipulation for which socialists clamor. The NDP is back in power, BC Get ready to pay.
n July 18th federal Minister of Finance Bill Morneau released proposed changes to the taxation of private corporations. Although these changes have received remarkably little coverage, they have created shockwaves with CPA’s and tax lawyers that deal with the taxation of small businesses and their owners. Justin Trudeau stated in 2015 “that a large percentage of small businesses are used by wealthy people to shield income from taxation.” In this writer’s opinion, and I have largely practiced in this area of taxation for 45 years, since 1972, these comments and tax proposals indicate a fundamental ignorance by Trudeau of how the economy of Canada works and what comprises the vast majority of small businesses.
In 1972, the Carter Commission made substantial changes to Canadian tax law. For Small Business, it recognized that it was necessary to defer a portion of tax on income, based on the fact that income was rarely in the form of cash: It was represented by financing receivables, inventory, property, plants and equipment. The Carter Commission however was clear that “a buck was a buck” which resulted in the concept of “integration”. That concept essentially says that the total tax the small businessperson pays first at the corporate level and then later on the dividends they withdraw from the small business should be approximately the same as the tax paid by an individual. This has been the basic philosophy of the Canadian tax system since 1972. I have rarely seen anyone starting a small business that I would describe as “rich” or “wealthy”. Indeed, if these entrepreneurs have a common character trait, it is the willingness to work incredibly hard and risk everything for not just themselves but also their families. As these small
businesses mature, the ones that have been able to survive are able to pay off liabilities of their active business and start to invest in what is called “passive” income such as commercial or residential rental properties and investments in the stock market. In the proposals, the Liberals indicate that they think that it is “unfair” that this active income can be invested in these passive investments without further immediate tax being paid - despite the fact that the integration concept still results in overall income tax being the same. In the example that the Minister gave, he suggested that an individual earning over $200,000 per year would pay approximate 50% of immediate tax while the small business corporation would only pay 15% . To “fix this” and make it “fair”, the thrust of his proposal would be to increase the immediate tax from 15% to 50% which would TRIPLE the amount of tax paid. According to the government, they hope to raise an additional $250 million per year from Small Business.
The concept of “fairness”, in my experience, “is in the eye of the beholder”. Let’s compare a government employee, for example, and a small business person who are now both earning $200,000 per year. The government employee has had his employer, the government, i.e.: us, paying into his pension plan from day one. The small business person in most cases is unable to contribute to an RRSP until later in life, as he has been putting all of his income into paying off the business. The government employee receives vacation pay, pay for statutory holidays, pay for when he is sick or needs a “mental health day”. They are entitled to a “basket” of benefits such as medical, extended medical and insurance premiums. The small businessperson has received none of these benefits and their only ability to avoid retirement risk is simply to work harder and smarter now. The reality is, for small business people, their corporation is their retirement vehicle and the Liberals propose to take it away. The Liberals’ other proposal is
to essentially eliminate family trusts through punitive taxation at the highest rates of tax for trust beneficiaries. This is based on the premise that “the reason for the existence of family trusts is to save tax”. The true principal purpose of a trust is to facilitate the orderly transfer of an individual’s estate. Trudeau, as a “trust fund baby”, should recognize this more than anyone. Fundamentally, the Liberals are running $30 billion annual deficits and must have determined that since they are not likely to get many votes from the entrepreneurs that actually create wealth and jobs in Canada, they may as well tax them. It will only be later, when these entrepreneurs, having lost all incentive to continue to build, simply give up. Then we will see the true cost of these misguided proposals. - Doug Johnston is a Certiϔied Professional Accountant and founder of Johnston Johnston & Associates Ltd. in Nanaimo.
SUBCRIPTIONS | $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: WWW.BUSINESSEXAMINER.CA. DISTRIBUTION: FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Peace Cariboo Skeena, 2017. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240
Terrace area for a three-year term. The board, who’s Interim CEO is Fay Booker, and Board Chair is Flora D’Angelo, also voted on a change in rules that reduces the number of board members to nine from ten, reducing the number of Terrace directors to one from three, and allowing five directors from anywhere in BC to be elected as “directors at large”.
Terrace Angela’s Hearing Solutions, a business venture owned by Angela Watson, is re-opening a location at #106 – 4716 Lazelle Avenue. As of August 1st, the business became a member of the WorkSafe BC Provider Network for Terrace. August 4th and 5th marked the grand opening of Prevost RV & Marine on 5012 Highway 16W, in Terrace. The business, which sells RVs, parts and accessories, as well as boats and boating equipment, is owned by Joey Prevost, and Gerry MacCarthy is the General Manager. McElhanney celebrates their 50th anniversary in business in Terrace this year since opening in 1967. The firm provides engineering, surveying, environmental services, and materials testing to the surrounding area. On August 5th, The Salvation Army celebrated the grand opening of their first-ever thrift store expansion. The expansion has taken over their church area, doubling the size of the store and allowing extra space for accepting furniture. The Salvation Army has further plans to construct a food bank at the front of the old thrift store in the near future. BMO Terrace collaborated with United Way of Northern BC on July 25th to clean and sanitize the Terrace and District Community Services
The City of Prince Rupert recognized two exceptional community members during the Society (TDCSS) Terrace Campus Child Care Centre. BMO employees Iain Acton, Kara Reinhardt, Karen Parker, Martin Loggin, Ranjan Saha, Leslie Pedro, Tammy Middleton, and Joanne Orosz, all helped with the community project, taking part in United Way’s Day of Caring.
A new publisher has been appointed for the Terrace Standard, as Black Press BC North president, Lorie Williston, named Bert Husband to the position. Husband has more than forty years of experience in
Chef Abhi’s Classic Indian Cuisine is now open for business from Tuesdays to Sundays for lunch and dinner in the Skeena Landing. Northern Health has recruited three new part-time emergency room doctors to Mills Memorial Hospital, to help reduce wait time and increase quality of care for patients. Drs. Christiaan DeWit, Johan Laing, and Herman Greeff are now providing care at the Terrace hospital. The hospital has also received a brand new MRI machine for their second floor MRI unit. The project’s total cost is $2.87 million and also includes a SPEC CT in the same section to service patients.
the industry, moving to Terrace in 2002, and has served as senior sales consultant and then sales manager for the past 15 years. The Terrace Bank of Montreal branch, managed by Iaian Acton, celebrated 98 years serving the community – with the Bank of Montreal corporate brand celebrating 200 years in business in Canada. The branch, now located on Lakelse Avenue, first opened on July 12, 1919, in a two-room building on Railway Avenue.
Prince Rupert
Above: Bert Husband, new publisher for the Terrace Standard
Northern Savings Credit Union has named three new board members for this year, in addition to adjusting their rules. Mimmo Ciccone will represent the Prince Rupert region for a three-year term, Trent Moraes will represent Haida Gwaii’s southern region for a two-year term, and Rodney Cox will represent the
Above: Johnny Basso, recipient of the Civic Merit Award from the City of Prince Rupert) Civic Recognition Awards at this year’s Canada Day celebrations. Local resident, Johnny Basso received a Civic Merit Award for his lifetime contributions to the community with organizations like Crimestoppers, the Garden Club, or Cruise Ambassadors. Community member, Arnold Wick, received a Civic Appreciation Award for his significant contributions to Prince
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22 Rupert and the surrounding area through volunteerism with the Captain Cook Sea Cadets and Scouts Canada. Pacific NorthWest LNG has provided $71,000 in funding for summer programs operated by School District 52. The Summer Reading program, which hasn’t been in operation since 2012, will be continuing in the community this summer for children in Grades 1-2 who need extra help and encouragement with reading. Camp Jupiter will be continuing again this summer with the help of the funding, catering to students with physical, cognitive or other disabilities. The federal government has announced $2.1 billion in funding for constructing stronger and more efficient transportation corridors, which could benefit The Port of Prince Rupert in significant ways. The City of Prince Rupert is considering possible projects to construct expression of interest proposals to receive some of the funding before the September application deadline. DP World Prince Rupert, CN, and The Port of Prince Rupert have announced a celebration date of August 29th for the grand opening of the DP World Prince Rupert Fairview Container Terminal Phase II North Expansion project. The event will feature a close-up view of the newly completed terminal, a community BBQ, musical entertainment, and interactive children’s activities. Prince Rupert City Council approved the decision to expropriate a fee simple interest for land on Watson Island in a unanimous vote. The land features two portions of an estimated 13 acres, belonging to Sun Wave Forest Products. The City would acquire the lot from Sun Wave and proceed with plans to use the land as an industrial site, helping to replace lost tax revenues. The Canadian Government has allotted $1.7 million to CityWest to improve broadband service for 520 houses in the area. CityWest was among three other Western Canadian companies to receive part of a $10 million investment
from the federal government. The company plans to invest $1.5 million of its own funds into the project, which will improve internet, phone, and television access for local businesses in Gossen, Kleanza, Usk, Jackpine Flats, Glen Vowell, Kitwanga, and near Houston. V. Amante Home Supplies, currently located at 824 Third Avenue across from Overwaitea, has announced their plan to close and re-locate to a new location.
Williams Lake Williams Lake lawyer, Bill Herdy, celebrate 50 years since being called to the Bar. Herdy opened his own practice in 2008, specializing in legal aid, and has no plans to retire soon. Tom Smith, a local retired BC Provincial Court judge, has been invited to join in an icebreaker sailing expedition in celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday. The expedition, entitled Canada C3, will sail for 150 days from Toronto to Victoria via the Northwest Passage, and features other remarkable Canadian citizens: scientists, Indigenous Elders, artists, historians, journalists, educators, community leaders, and youth. Smith will be returning to an area where he was stationed in the 1960s as an RCMP officer. The Kids Only Dental Clinic at 399 Western Avenue, welcomes their newest dentist, Dr. Nadeem Ahmad, who recently moved to Williams Lake from Halifax with his wife, Samantha. BC Hydro has announced that they will provide credits to customers that have been evacuated due to the BC wildfires, through their Wildfire Evacuee Assistance Program. Those affected may call 1 800 BC HYDRO for more information on the program.
Prince George Erika Ewacha has joined the Prince George Chamber of Commerce Board as their new CEO, effective July 10th. Ewacha has an extensive non-profit
background, having worked with Canadian Red Cross, Canadian Cancer Society, and Parkinson Society BC, in addition to work in customer service and sales. The College of New Caledonia has been a central hub for BC wildfire evacuees since the beginning of the crisis. Salvation Army volunteers serve an average of 1,200 meals each day, now up to 1,700. Staff and volunteers have been working 12-15 hour days and serving an average of 2,500 snacks every day. The City of Prince George’s annual Downtown Summerfest took place on July 16th, with the participation of 26 local restaurants. Attendees were able to sample food from all over the community and enjoy local entertainment throughout the day. General Motors dealers of Northern BC has donated $24,000 to the Salvation Army to assist with providing food and supplies to evacuees from the BC wildfires crisis. UNBC will be hosting a TEDx event on September 30th, at their Prince George campus. Event organizer, President and Curator, Grant Bachand, has released the first three speakers which features: Daphne Harding, Dr. Nadine Caron, and Pastor Seth Shelley. Speakers were selected from a pool of applications for the event; this year’s theme is: Dispelling Misconceptions. A health clinic has been opened in the College of New Caledonia Dental Building by Northern Health and other participating Prince George health partners. The clinic is designed to assess and attend to the medical needs of wildfire evacuees, and to connect them with available resources. The clinic is open 24 hours per day to all evacuees. The Prince George Farmers’ Market created a cookbook that features recipes using local ingredients available at the market and surrounding area. The book, Cooking with the Market, was launched on July 16th at SummerFest, and will continue to be available for purchase at the Farmers’ Market.
SPECIAL FEATURE | SEPTEMBER ISSUE MEETING PLACES The September issue of Business Examiner will be shining the spotlight on Meeting Places & Convention Centres. Don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity to highlight your company to our business readers across your region!
Dr. Russ Callaghan, a Northern Medical Program researcher, has secured a $75,000 grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health. The grant will go towards a year of information gathering on the impacts of Canada’s minimum age of tobacco sales on child and youth smoking behavior. Dr. Callaghan will be conducting his research out of the Research Data Centre at UNBC, and hopes that the data generated from the study will help inform Canada’s tobacco control policy.
Dawson Creek A Peterbilt Pacific Inc. location will soon open its doors in Dawson Creek, at 41 Vic Turner Airport Road. The location is currently seeking to hire qualified parts and service technicians, accepting applications at: hr@peterbilt.bc.ca. Dawson Creek Co-Op is accepting donations on behalf of the Canadian Red Cross for BC wildfire victims. All received donations will be doubled, matching $5,000.
improvements should be made to the park. July 26th will be the date of the next community consultation, at the Pomeroy Sports Centre from noon-1pm. The $8.8 billion Site C dam project is scheduled to undergo a BC Utilities Commission review, beginning on August 9th. The study is designed to examine the economic viability of the project in considering current electricity supply, its demand, and cost to taxpayers. The study will also aim to confirm whether the project is on track to be finished by 2024 and on budget. A preliminary report will be filed by September 20th, with a final report due by November 1 st. Canfor has announced plans to begin a $40-million upgrade to its pulp mill in Taylor, BC. The upgrade plans cover the mill’s refining line, and will be partially funded by BC Hydro’s conservation incentives. The company is spending a total of $105 million on energy retrofits to two of its mills, including the Taylor location. The project is designed to reduce fuel consumption, steam use, water use, and natural gas usage.
Integra Air has announced that they will be providing direct flights from Calgary to Dawson Creek and back this September. Integra Air CEO, John Macek, announced the new flight which will feature jetliner ‘The Spirit of Dawson Creek’, providing more air traffic for the Dawson Creek Regional Airport. Central Mountain Air will also be providing new non-stop flights at the airport, as they have decided to include a Dawson Creek - Prince George flight in their itinerary.
The Condill Hotel has been acquired by the City of Fort St. John, who made the purchase of $870,000 during a closed meeting on July 24th. The purchase will officially close in September; the City has plans to demolish the site and continue with their plan to revitalize the downtown area.
Sams Friends Restaurant, located at 10600 8th Street, has announced that they are serving a new menu to customers, featuring their sizzling plates.
Fort St. John The Fort St. John Centennial Park is scheduled to receive a $1.3 million redevelopment in the new year. The City of Fort St. John plans to host a series of public consultations to determine what
Fort City Chrysler, located on 8424 Alaska Road, celebrates its 20th anniversary serving the community in business.
The Quesnel International Airshow, SkyFest, has been cancelled this year, due to the BC wildfire crisis. SkyFest President, Jerry van Halderen, acknowledged the work of many organizing volunteers for the event, which normally happens every two years. The decision to cancel was made in consultation with the City of Quesnel one day after the cancellation of Billy Barker Days was announced.
The City of Quesnel have re-opened their Emergency Reception Centre at the recreation centre, after temporarily closing due to a notification informing all Cariboo evacuees to relocate to Prince George. The Quesnel Airport is acting as a home base for support aircrafts and bodies from out of the province, who have flown in to fight wildfires nearby. The camp will provide connection to water, power, sewer, and local community amenities including food and other services. Additional RCMP resources from other provinces have also been donated to the cause.
Smithers The City of Houston has announced plans for a new water reservoir, to be completed by next year. Construction is now underway to replace the current water tower and provide updates to old infrastructure that will enable residents to access clean water. Houston will be paying $780,000 for the project, with provincial and federal governments contributing to the $2.36 million project. The Smithers District Chamber of Commerce was named as 2017 Chamber of the Year by the BC Chamber of Commerce this year. The Smithers Chamber was recognized for their program for
young entrepreneurs called “the Scoop�, which encouraged youth to engage in entrepreneurial leadership by working with a fully equipped ice cream trailer that they could compete to manage. The project was made successful in collaboration with local businesses and sponsors from the community.
Kitimat A Haisla Education and Employment office is now open at 606 Mountainview Square, at Northwest Community College (NWCC)’s Kitimat campus. An open house is scheduled for August 10 th from 1-4pm to celebrate its’ grand opening. RioTinto’s BC Operations Community Office is now offering weekly tours to the public of their new state-of-the-art smelter. Tours are located at their site in Kitimat, at 1 Smeltersite Road. Chevron Canada has disclosed plans for the demolition of building structures at the former Eurocan property in Kitimat’s industrial region. The demolitions are part of the early stages of preparing various sites before a Final Investment Decision is made. Eurocan’s sawmill will be the largest building to be demolished, and will be removed during the remainder of this year. All of the demolished areas will be repurposed and remediated.
TIPS FOR DEALING WITH LENDERS Financing Specials Can Make or Break a Deal
Lending professionals can tell when they’re being given an incomplete story
any businesspeople seek coaching on how to approach lenders, sometimes from brokers, consultants, or accountants. These professionals can all assist in different ways. However, there’s one thing you can do for yourself as a business owner that’s perhaps the most important step in approaching a source of financing. It’s simple, and it’s free: tell your lender your whole, complete, and straight-up story. Think of your lenders or sources of financing as specialists in what they do. Much like your doctor is highly skilled in telling when you’re less than straightforward about what you do or don’t do to maintain your health, your lenders are similarly skilled in the finance sense. Lending professionals can tell when they’re being given an incomplete story. They get frustrated when they have to drag the real story out of an applicant. When forced to go through that process, they’re moving at a relentless pace in their minds towards saying “no�, which doesn’t
help anybody involved, most particularly you, the applicant. Here are some examples of ways clients frustrate lenders: ■Not providing complete financial information (in some cases clients or their representatives will claim t he i n for m at ion “isn’t available� or is “too sensitive to share without a term sheet from the lender�. As it’s impossible for a lender to review a transaction without complete information, such statements put the application on the fast track to nowhere;
Not providing rationale for transactions such as incorporating new companies and transferring operations over to them, nor providing legal documentation showing that it was all done on the up and up with the cons e nt of e x i s t i n g l e n ders or other partners as required; ■Passing the buck to other people involved with your b u s i n e s s , w i t h s t a t ements such as “I don’t understand my key contracts with my customers, but my accountant or general manager does.� Tell your lender your whole story. Just like with your doctor, if they know all the problem s, t hey m ig ht be able to help. If they can’t grasp your re a l sit u at ion, t hey si mply won’t help. Lenders see it all – tax problems, partner problem s, customer problem s, cash flow problems, and more. T hey’l l be less su rprised by your problem then you think. Just like your doctor, they want to help – seeing a client succeed brightens their day. Darcy Kindred, Director of Operations of Accord Small Business Finance
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