Business Examiner Thompson/Okanagan - July 2017

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JULY 2017


KELOWNA $92 Million Airport Development Effort Well Underway



KELOWNA COEDC Launches Connector Program to Help Newcomers and Graduates Integrate Into

The inaugural event promises to facilitate idea sharing between academics and industry leaders about wine and culinary tourism’s transformative potential



Wine and Culinary Tourism Futures Conference Welcomes Academics and Industry Leaders


INDEX News Update


TOTA 3 Kelowna 5 Sales 12 Customer Service


Kamloops 12 Salmon Arm


Movers and Shakers 18 Opinion 22 Summerland 23 Penticton 27 Green Sheet


Enderby 31 Contact us: 1-866-758-2684


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ELOW NA—From October 17-20, 2017, the Wine and Culinary Tourism Futures Conference w i l l facilitate idea sharing between academics and industry leaders alike. The Kelowna-based event is a first for the region: an opportunity for local and international ex perts to put their heads together about the transformative potential of this industry. “ E s s e n t i a l l y, w h e n w e’re talking about ‘transformative tourism’, we’re talking about ‘tourism for good’,” says Associate Professor University of British Columbia Okanagan and Conference Co-Chair Donna Senese. “There are many ethical, cultural, social, and environmental causes that can be supported through wine and SEE WINE AND CULINARY |  PAGE 10

Conference Co-Chair Donna Senese is ready to welcome speakers from around the world

Nominations Sought for Thompson Okanagan Commercial Building Awards July 31 deadline for 9th annual celebration of the best of the best in commercial construction


ELOWNA - The nomination deadline for the 9th Annual Thompson Okanagan Kootenay Commercial Building Awards competition is fast approaching, and organizers are anticipating the number of

entries this year to exceed those of last year’s event. New institutional, commercial, industrial building, multi/single family, recreational or renovation projects located within these regions and completed between

July 31, 2016 and July 31, 2017 are eligible for a Commercial Building Award, with the Gala Celebration set for September 28 in Kelowna. This event recognizes the winning efforts of the Thompson,

Okanagan and Kootenay regions’ new institutional, commercial, industrial building, multi/single family, recreational or renovation projects located from Kamloops SEE AWARDS|  PAGE 13

2 KAMLOOPS First Ever Tournament Capital Games Coming to Kamloops T he City of Kamloops is ple a se d to a n nou nce a new sporting event coming this fall - the first annual Tournament Capital Games (TC Games). T h i s home-g row n, mu lt isport event is designed for the adult athlete and includes track and field, women’s mountain biking, women’s hockey, pickleball, slo-pitch, soccer, squash, s w i m m i n g, vol leyba l l, a nd tennis. T he TC Games will take place at local venues, September 8-10, 2017. The brand new website is live, and registration is open! The TC Games are receiving a terrific response. The event is supported by Tourism Kamloops, the Kamloops Sports Council, and local sport organizations (LSOs). The concept was inspired by the incredibly successful Huntsman Games, which take place every year in St. George, Utah. The Huntsman Games, which run annually for two weeks, started out small in the late 1980s, and it has grown to attract over 10,000 participants from all over the world. A “Saturday Night Social” – included in registration but also open to the public – will be held in Riverside Park on September 9. Celebrate with friends new and old while enjoying one of Kamloops’ most iconic outdoor venues. The city will provide a warm welcome to newcomers a nd long-time residents with live music in the bandshell, an indulgent selection of food trucks, and a beverage garden (located at 100 Lorne Street). The gates will open early in the afternoon, and the evening’s festivities will kick off at 6:00 pm. V i s i t w w w. t o u r n a m e n to learn more and to register.

KELOWNA Tourism Organization’s New Visitor Centre Secures Provincial Grant Tourism Kelowna has secured a $500,000 grant from the provincial government which will be used as part of the funding for the new $2.8 million dollar Visitor Centre. The provincial government grant was contingent on a development permit being issued by the City of Kelowna and that permit was granted on Tuesday June 27, 2017. “The provincial government of fered t he g ra nt as pa r t of its year end grant process in March,” says Tourism Kelowna Chair Daniel Bibby.

NEWS UPDATE “Even though we received the cheque in April, our board decided we should wait until final Council approval and wait until the development permit was official before we announced it. Had council denied the development permit, the money would have been returned.” Bibby says Tourism Kelowna d id n’t wa nt to prejudge the outcome at City Council by announcing the grant in March or April before Council considered the development permit. Tourism Kelowna has a mortgage secured for the project. It has also been seeking a federal grant along with private sector sponsors. The provincial grant was approved as part of a regular process of government which issues grants as the year end draws to a close at the end of March.

KELOWNA Atrium Ventures Announces New Investment Into Agog Labs At r iu m Ve nt u re s VCC Inc. (Atrium) has announced a $100,000 investment into Agog Labs Inc. (Agog). Agog is creator of SkookumScript, the premier programming language and development platform for the creation of gameplay and AI within video games. Now integrated with one of the gaming industry’s preeminent game engines, Unreal Engine 4, and used by over 500 gaming studios and indie developers, SkookumScript is positioned for tremendous growth. Agog is led by gaming industry veterans Conan Reis a nd Markus Breyer. With a combined 40+ years in the industry, Conan a nd M a rk u s h ave d e e p d omain knowledge and are ext re m e l y w e l l-c o n n e c t e d , having previously led development teams at industry giants s u ch a s Electron ic A r ts, 2 K Games and LucasArts. “Video game studios spend over $50 billion a year developing games, and SkookumScript promises to shave billions off that number by radically improving team composition and workflow,” says Agog Labs CEO Con a n Reis. “At r iu m’s i nvestment streng thens ou r position as we work towards establishing SkookumScript as a new game industry standard.”

BC Residential Sales to Exceed 100,000 Units for 3rd Consecutive Year T he British Columbia Real Estate Association ( BCR EA) recently released its 2017 Second Quarter Housing Forecast. Multiple Listing Service (MLS) residential sales in the province

are forecast to decline 10 per cent to 101,000 units this year, after reaching a record 112,209 units in 2016. Housing demand gained strength this spring, as some of the effects of federal and provincial policy efforts to tamp it down dissipate. I n a d d i t i o n , s t ro n g m a rket fundamentals continue to underpin an elevated level of home sales. The ten-year average for MLS residential sales in the province is 84,700 units. “The province is in its fourth year of above-trend economic growth,” said Cameron Muir, BCR EA Chief Economist. “Strong employment growth, consumer confidence and an influx of inter-provincial migrants are important drivers of the housing market this year.” In addition, with the millennial generation now entering their household forming years, the condom in iu m ma rket in major urban centres is experiencing pressure on supply. The average MLS residential price in the province is forecast to decline 1.1 per cent to $683,500 this year, and increase 5.2 per cent to $719,100 in 2018. The decline in the provincial average price is largely due to rising demand for more affordable condominiums and a larger proportion of home sales occurring outside the Metro Vancouver region. The supply of homes for sale is at a 20-year low in the province, with sellers’ market conditions prevalent across most BC regions and home types.

BC Province Reduces Taxpayer-supported Debt for First Time in Nearly 10 Years The British Columbia government invested an additional $1.9 billion in priority programs and services in 2016-17 compared to the previous year, making record i nvestments i n a reas including housing, health and education. Government’s commitment to fiscal discipline and economic growth that supports jobs throughout BC helped reduce taxpayer-supported debt for the first time in almost 10 years, while allowing the Province to m a ke pr ior ity i nvest ments, including: • $758 million to fund housing initiatives; • $486 million increase in health care spending; • $256 million increase in education spending; • $137 million increase in social service spending of for child, youth and community living; • $193 million for the Lion’s Gate Waste Water Treatment Plant Project; and • $255 million increase in other sectors, partly offset

JULY 2017

by a $199 million decrease in debt service costs. Br it i sh Colu mbi a f i n i shed 2016-17 w it h a $2 .8 bi l l ion surplus, which contributed to substantially decreasing taxpayer-supported debt. Overall government direct operating debt decreased $3.4 bi l l ion, while taxpayer-supported debt, offset by new capital investments, decreased by $1.2 billion. Stronger than forecast economic growth—including strong employment, retail sales and housing starts—increased government revenues by $3.9 billion over 2015-16. Taxation revenues overa l l were up $2.8 bi l l ion compared to last year, with personal income tax revenue up $1.3 billion (15.8%), sales tax revenue up $556 million (9.2%), property transfer tax revenue up $493 million (32.2%) and corporate income tax revenue up $216 million (7.8%). Preliminary real GDP growth nu mbers for 2016 show that British Columbia’s economy grew by an estimated 3.7%, the strongest growth among provinces and an improvement on the Economic Forecast Council prediction of 2.7 per cent in Budget 2016. Employment activity in BC was strong in 2016, growing at its fastest annual pace since 1994. Housing starts for 2016 totalled 41,843 units, an improvement of 33 per cent over 2015. British Columbia’s taxpayersupported debt-to-GDP ratio—a key measure of affordability— ended the year at 15.9%, compared to the 17 per cent forecast at Budget 2016. Taxpayer-suppor ted debt-to-revenue for 2016-17 was 81.7%, compared to the 92.4 per cent forecast at Budget 2016. British Columbia is the only Canadian province rated triple-A credit by Moody’s (AAA) and Standard and Poor’s (AAA). BC’s strong fiscal performance also received the best rating among the provinces f rom Dominion Bond Rating Service(AA High). In April, Standard and Poor’s described British Columbia’s financial management practices as “the best among the Canadian provinces”.

CANADA National Business Confidence Drops in June Canada’s small business optimism dropped by more than five points in June to the 60.9 mark, according to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB)’s Business Barometer. “June’s big shift is almost entirely localized to a 10-point drop in Ontario,” said Ted Mallett, CFIB Chief Economist. “Index levels often vary for purely stat i st ic a l rea son s, but t he downdraft in Ontario is likely pol icy based. T he sweepi ng

labour standards legislation announced in late May appears to be adding considerable uncertainty over future operating conditions there.” Ontario’s index now sits at 58.0, third lowest in the country after Saskatchewan (51.8) and Newfoundland and Labrador (48.2), both of which saw slight improvements in June. Businesses in British Columbia (69.5) are still the most optimistic in the country, with Prince Edward Island (67.5) and Manitoba (67.1) close behind. Quebec (65.8) saw a small gain, as did New Brunswick (63.6), while Nova Scotia (63.5) saw a slight dip. After six consecutive months of gains, Alberta (61.7) held even in June. I ndustr y resu lts were a lso l i kely i mpacted by O nta r io policy influences, with indexes rising in four and falling in nine categories. The most optimistic sectors remain health care (70.3), financial (69.8) and professional services (67.3). The least optimistic businesses are in natural resources (54.3), retail (55.5) and agriculture (56.7). “Unsurprisingly, most other business health indicators also slipped this month” added Mallett. “Short-term hiring normally starts to ease off at this time of year, but a bigger pullback in Ontario took the national numbers down further. Wage growth expectations are also sharply up because of Ontario.” On a scale between 0 and 100, an index above 50 means owners expecting their business’ performance to be stronger in the next year outnumber those expecting weaker performance. One norma l ly sees a n i ndex level of between 65 and 70 when the economy is growing at its potential. June 2017 findings are based on 726 responses, collected from a stratified random sample of CFIB members, to a controlledaccess web survey. Data reflect responses received through June 19. Findings are statistically accurate to +/- 3.6 per cent 19 times in 20.

BC Tech Sector Releases “Digital Supercluster” Report BC’s leading technology organizations recently released a commissioned report: British Columbia’s Digital Technology Supercluster. T he repor t was prepa red by Deloitte, with the support of the BC Tech Association, the Research Universities’ Council of BC, Wavefront and the Chief Adv isor of the In novation Network, Dr. Santa Ono. The pu r pose of t h i s repor t i s to serve as a key input to the national discussion on creating SEE NEWS UPDATE |  PAGE 12


JULY 2017





his past week I had the opportunity to speak at a con ference i n Spa i n hosted by the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association’s (TOTA) new partners the Responsible Tourism Institute and Biosphere who will be assisting the T hompson Okanagan region in achieving International Accreditation as a Sustainable Tourism Destination. This event was attended by tourism representatives from a rou nd t he g lobe as wel l as members of the UNWTO and UNESCO who discussed and d eb ate d t h e i mp or t a nc e of the strategic management of the burgeoning world tourism industry. An industry where there has

This past week Glenn Mandziuk , CEO of Thompson Okanagan had the opportunity to speak at a conference in Spain hosted by TOTA’s new partners the Responsible Tourism Institute and Biosphere. PHOTO CREDIT: TOTA

been annual growth of 4 per cent or greater since 2009, it currently represents 1.5 trillion in US dollars a GDP of 10 per cent, and an estimated 1.8 billion people are expected to be travelling by

the year 2030; these are all unprecedented numbers. The magnitude of this is almost incomprehensible and brings both extremely positive opportunities through economic

growth, improved interpersonal relations between nations and tremendous knowledge, education and personal growth as well as a wide variety of concerns and challenges.

T he proper development of a sustainable tourism industry means much more than the consideration for the environment and implementation of green practices, it must also take into account social effects including the impacts on residents of a tourism destination, dem a nd s on i n f ra st r uct u re and the economic impacts on businesses, communities and individuals. As the traveler ventures ever further we all have a responsibility to develop guiding principles that will assist in ensuring both residents and visitors can enjoy the natural beauty and authenticity of an area for the long term. In the coming weeks, you will be hearing more and more from our TOTA team on sustainable tourism practices and we will be inviting stakeholders, government officials and local residents to participate in the discussions and planning. Never has the need for strategic planning for our tourism industry been greater and never have these words been truer…. The Future we get is the Future we deserve. Glenn Mandziuk is President and Chief Executive Officer of Thompson Okanagan Tourism Region. He can be reached at

SANDLER TRAINING ADDS ONLINE ‘CRASH THE CLASS’ motivational management and how to manage expectations. This summer it’s inviting busiWinning from Failing, ness owners and managers to Sandler’s latest title shows crash a course either online or sales leaders how to create, in person at its Kelowna center, support and sustain a and find out how this highly specialized information can workplace learning culture make business over the next half of the year more profitable, E L O W N A – A r e y o u consistent and measurable. wondering what the Creating a corporate culture n e x t h a l f o f t h e y e a r that stimulates and encourwill bring your business? Does ages lea rn i ng ha rnesses the considering doing something natural drive to learn, leading d i f ferent le ave yo u fe el i n g to improved performance. To overwhelmed? Do you have a aug ment its va rious classes strategy in place to improve and workshops, Sandler Trainbusiness over the final half of ing now offers a collection of ® the year? books – definitive resources Su m mer is a great time for written with care and attention any business owner or man- to the basic principles of creatager to consider the past few ing a successful business. The Sales is a hard business, but that shouldn’t keep you awake at night. Sandler Training utilizes months; what worked and what latest, Winning from Failing, continual reinforcement through ongoing training and individual coaching sessions not only didn’t and what kind of goals written by Josh Seibert, focuses to help you learn but also to ensure your success. With over 250 training centers worldwide to and targets it needs to set for on showing sales leaders and the coming months. It’s also others how to create, support, provide support, you won’t fail…because we won’t let you. an opportunity to reenergize and sustain a workplace learn® sales staff by putting together ing culture that recognizes the targeted strategies that make potential growth behind failsense and are achievable. But ing. There are 25 titles to choose coming up with a plan isn’t al- from ranging in topic from Moa hard business, butofthattivational shouldn’t keep you awake at waysSales easyiswithout some kind Management tonight. the Sandler Training utilizes continual reinforcement through Sales ongoing trainingPlaybook. and individual coaching sessions not only to template to build on. Coaches help learn but halso ensure Crash your success. over 200 and training centers worldwide to Sa nd leryou T ra i n i ng a s to cola classWith this summer provide won’tlas fail…because won’t let great you. summer lected the support, successyou formu pick upwe your next fromS hundreds of Power Fortune 500(with design) read. visit Sandler Training Finding In Reinforcement andCall Sandler1-866-314-3410 Selling System are registeredor service marks of Sandler Systems, Training Inc. 250-765-2047 S Sandler Finding Power In Reinforcement (with design) and Sandler Selling System are registered service marks of Sandler reserved. c o m©p 2008 a n iSandler e s , Systems, g l e aInc. n All i nrights g ge m s to Systems, Inc.© 2008 Sandler Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. o n t h e k e y c o m p o n e n t s o f register.


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JULY 2017

Dean Stresses Importance Of Students Becoming Lifelong Learners William Gillett has been appointed Dean of Business at Okanagan College BY DAVID HOLMES


ELOWNA – The new Dean of Business at Okanagan College, William Gillett, says the world of 21st Century business is changing so rapidly that the greatest gift he can pass onto the institution’s students is to instill in them the need to become lifelong learners. “Being the Dean involves a couple of main functions, such as looking at the curriculum to ensure it remains relevant for the students of today. One of the most interesting things about higher education right now is that many of the jobs that our students will hold in the future, five years and 10 years down the road, don’t even exist today. So it’s more important than ever to look at how you prepare students to function in that sort of business environment,” Gillett explained. “Adaptability to changing times and new technologies becomes more important than specific knowledge. You have to look at the curriculum and say what do they need to know to succeed in the future, how do you create that foundation for a world that is changing much more rapidly than it ever has before? The key is

driving home the point that to succeed individuals have to become life-long learners, to not be afraid to embrace the changes they will encounter.” Operating out of Okanagan College’s Kelowna campus Gillett began his duties in July, coming to the College from Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) where he held the post of Dean of the SNHU Business School. “The role I will be fulfilling here at Okanagan College will be much the same,” Gillett explained. He joins the faculty to replace Dr. Heather Banham, who will be retiring from her role as Dean of the Okanagan School of Business this summer after a career that spans 24 years. For Gillett taking on a position outside of the United States is nothing new, having successfully worked in the United Kingdom. “My wife and I had been looking for a change and this opportunity was very appealing for us. We had previously lived as ex-pats before as we had worked in London, England for four years (where he had served as the Managing Director for the multi-national equity firm RiverStone Holdings) so living outside of the United States isn’t entirely new for us.”

William Gillett has been appointed the new Dean of Business at Okanagan College, he takes over the role this summer Currently operating four campuses, Kelowna, Penticton, Vernon and Salmon Arm, Okanagan College has more than 7,000 full time students in attendance and with a total student count of more than 20,000 annually – making the post secondary institution one of the largest in British Columbia outside of the Lower Mainland and Victoria. A degree granting institution, the

Okanagan College operates four campuses: Penticton, Vernon, Salmon Arm and Kelowna where Gillett will be based College offers its students more than 120 different certificates, diplomas, degrees and programs. Founded in 1963 the entity had changed its name to Okanagan University College in 1995, but reverted to Okanagan College in 2005 when UBC Okanagan was divided from the College portion of the institution. For Gillett the new challenges offered by the College promise to keep him busy and interested. “I look forward to working here, the


people are great, the students I’ve met are pretty impressive and I am very impressed with the flexibility in the programs being offered and in the general range of program offerings,” he said. “Being here also has the additional benefit of being in a place that is spectacularly beautiful – so it really was the best of all possible things being brought together.” To learn more visit the institution’s website at: www.okanagan.


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JULY 2017


$92 Million Airport Development Effort Well Underway Kelowna International Airport Expanding To Meet Anticipated Passenger Demand BY DAVID HOLMES

“We’re really in quite a


big growth bubble right

ELOWNA – An engine for regional economic growth and the Interior of British Columbia’s primary link to points around the world, the Kelowna International Airport (YLW) is already at the forefront of the province’s aviation sector. Now, thanks to the progress of a long term development plan, the city-owned aviation nexus is about to get even better. “We are currently about three quarters of the way through a $92 million development program, an undertaking that ideally will be wrapped up by early 2019,” explained Sam Samaddar, YLW’s

now having grown by just under nine per cent last year.” SAM SAMADDAR AIRPORT DIRECTOR, KELOWNA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT

Sam Samaddar is the Airport Director at the Kelowna International Airport and is overseeing the development effort

Airport Director. “That program will involve a number of different upgrades, with the most visible part, as far the public is concerned, being the outbound baggage hall upgrade which is taking place in the main concourse. This is where the passengers check in. We’ve created a lot more depth in the lobby, providing more space for our increasing number of passengers.” The airport terminal building was originally constructed in 1967, a structure that has required a considerable amount of ex pa nsion a nd upgrad i ng over the decades to keep up with the airport’s increasing traffic demands. The Kelowna

International Airport currently covers an area of approximately 700 acres. In 2016 the Kelowna International Airport was ranked the 11th busiest in Canada by Transport Canada, just behind the Victoria International Airport which finished in 10th spot. During 2016 more than 1.7 million passengers traversed the terminal building - a number the City anticipates will grow to 3.5 million by 2045. “We’re really in quite a big growth bubble right now having grown by just under nine per cent last year, with traffic up 14 per cent so far this year. In SEE AIRPORT |  PAGE 23




une is typically a month when business figures attract declining attention. Office staffs thin out, and vacation time distracts readers from their daily following of the TSE, and the Dow. Having said that, May figures and early June figures continue to be encouraging. Here’s a summary of what matters to us right now. T he l a b ou r m a rket to ok a strong uptick in May, according to StatsCan on June 9; May figures showed 77,000 new fulltime positions. After declines in other categories, the net gain was still a robust 54,000 jobs. BC, Ontario and Quebec enjoyed the largest job gains in May. Kelowna’s unemployment rate was 4 per cent , down from 4.8 per cent in April. The national unemployment rate was 6.6 per cent , and the BC unemployment rate was 5.6 per cent in June. These numbers are good news for Kelowna, and could result in new in-migration of workers looking for employment. Summer a nd youth employ ment boosted the numbers: 38,200 young people began full-time work in May, leaving the youth unemployment rate at 12 per cent . By sector, the gains were highest in services, factories and

manufacturing. The Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission tells us that in the first quarter 2017 the labour force increased 4.5 per cent over Q1 2016; and the unemployment rate decreased by 15 per cent over the same period in Kelowna. Some other Kelowna numbers from the COEDC for Q1: housing starts up 27 per cent; building permit values up 6.1 per cent; business licenses up 15.4 per cent; airport passengers up 8.7 per cent; household income up 2.1 per cent; median home price up 15 per cent; and average rent, up 6 per cent. June’s annual inflation rate index announcement came out June 23. Weaker gasoline price growth slowed the annual inflation rate to 1.3 per cent for May according to StatsCan, down from April’s 1.6 per cent . Pump prices and natural gas both rose in April (15 per cent -16 per cent range), but rises are half that as summer arrives. While fresh food prices are tipped to drop in the summer, a new report Dalhousie University released June 19, runs counter to StatsCan’s forecast, saying food prices will rise, especially meat, in the 7 per cent -10 per cent range. Lower Hydro rates in Ontario are depressing inflation rates across the country. Amid all the provincial governmental changes, it’s interesting to enlarge our perspective and look across the pond to Europe. The June election in the UK shattered some long-held expectations of how BREXIT would unfold. And, as Hendrik Brakel, Senior Director, Economic, Financial & Tax Policy of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce said last week, “Poor Europe!” Years of economic stagnation. Austerity. Costly government bailouts. Banking crisis after banking crisis. And yet: moderate leaders

were elected in the face of surface unrest in Austria and Holland, and in France, the Moderate Macron won by 30 per cent . It’s notable that all 28 members of the EU saw growth last year, and predictions are for a continuation of growth through 2018. Meanwhile, still overseas, consumer confidence levels peaked at the highest level since 2007. And who is investing in Europe? Well, Hudson’s Bay for one: $570 million in Europe this year, targeting sales growth of 20 per cent. Some of Canada’s fastest growing export markets are now in Europe, as opposed to the US and Asia. Canadian businesses are also investing more in Europe. Total sales by Canadian owned companies in Europe – so far in 2017 – exceeds $100 billion. Wow. On the interest rate front, the US rate went up again June 14th, for the third time this year. The Fed voted to raise US interest rates to a range of 1 per cent to 1.25 per cent . That’s a quarterpoint move, and exactly what Wall Street expected. The Fed also stuck to its forecast of one more interest rate rise in 2017. The Canadian rate will be announced on July 13, and currently is forecast to be unchanged again, at .50 per cent , where it has sat since July 2015. BOC has not raised rates in nearly seven years. Analysts are split on hike forecasts: some see it happening later in 2017, given that bond interest rates were raised in June; prior to that, forecasters were still seeing 2018 as a target. Crystal ball required. In the June 8 Financial System Review from the Bank of Canada, Stephen Poloz called the financial system “resilient”, even though household vulnerabilities continue to move higher, with more uninsured mortgages on properties over one million

dollars value, and increasing home equity lines of credit especially in Toronto and Vancouver. Senior BOC Deputy Carolyn Wilkins said on June 12, in an address to the Asper School of Business in Winnipeg, that “There are encouraging signs that growth is broadening across regions and sectors, with the adjustment to lower oil prices largely behind us. While broad-based growth is desirable,” said Wilkins, “it’s not under the direct control of monetary policy, and it’s not our objective. We target a 2 per cent inflation rate.” And the loonie immediately gained $.75 on the news. ‘What is encouraging is that… data show that more than 70 per cent of industries have been expanding and the labour market continues to improve,” concluded Wilkins. Meanwhile, I am delighted to be firmly in place at the Kelowna Chamber as of June 5th. I’m going to be spending the summer getting to know our Kelowna business members on a face-toface basis, and exchanging information with board members

and staff so we’re all working to execute our strategic plans over the next while. Dan Rogers is the Executive Director of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce. To find out more information about the organization please visit www.kelownachamber. org.

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JULY 2017

DEALERSHIP FUELED BY THREE GENERATIONS OF EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE Rob Zimmer has a family penchant for cars and it began with his grandfather in small town, rural Saskatchewan


a m loops – A s a th i rdgeneration automobi le man, Rob Zimmer comes by his passion for cars naturally. He grew up in the industry, with his greatest mentors, his father and grandfather, steering him expertly to a career in business ownership and into a lifetime love of vehicles. “I don’t think I’ll ever retire,” he said. “My dad never retired. He was working 10 hours a day six days a week till he was 76 years old.” This family penchant for cars began with Zimmer’s grandfather in small-town, rural Saskatchewan where he owned a Dodge DeSoto dealership in addition to a Case Farm Equipment division until he was lured away by GM Motors. “Unfortunately, my grandpa and grandma were killed in a car accident in 1963 before I was born. My dad took over the GM Massey Ferguson dealership at that point. He was there until a couple of years ago when he passed away, still working 10 hour days, six days a week.” Zi m mer on the other ha nd struck out on his own, leaving Cudworth, Saskatchewan, and its population of 1,000, and headed to Saskatoon. “I worked at Sherwood Chevrolet as the heavy truck manager for a few years and then in 1987, when Ross Wheaton moved to Saskatoon, I switched companies and went to work with him.” After working at Wheaton for several years, Zimmer explained that he took what he likes to call a hiatus and went to work at a Ford dealership in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, for the Denham Ford Group. “Five years later, the Wheaton Group bought the Chevrolet Olds dealership in Wetaskiwin. That’s

Rob Zimmer is a third generation automobile man with a passion for cars. CREDIT:ZIMMER AUTO GROUP

“My dad never retired. He was working 10 hours a day six days a week till he was 76 years old.”

In 2015, the dealership underwent a complete renovation with the entire facility taken down to its skeleton CREDIT:ZIMMER AUTO GROUP


when I went back to work with Wheaton, becoming a partner.” But life was changing for Zimmer; he had a growing family and was looking for bigger and better opportunities in his bid to work his way West. In 2001, the Wetaskiwin dealership sold and that same year Zimmer and his Wheaton partners purchased the GM dealership in Kamloops. “It was an underperforming store in a good market; we saw a great opportunity there,” he explained. The Wheaton brand, a 61-yearold icon in the auto industry, was initially created by Don Wheaton Senior. The business now has companies and interests across Canada. It is one of the largest SEE ROB ZIMMER |  PAGE 7

The Mercedes Benz dealership was added to the Zimmer Auto Group because it complimented the GM brand CREDIT:ZIMMER AUTO GROUP


to Zimmer Auto Group on their continued growth & success!


JULY 2017

Zimmer Wheaton has won many service awards through GMC including the prestigious Triple Crown Award three years running CREDIT:ZIMMER AUTO GROUP


Rob Zimmer credits his staff and customers for helping make every day a great day to go to work CREDIT:ZIMMER AUTO GROUP

Rob Zimmer is a GM man as was his father and grandfather CREDIT:ZIMMER AUTO GROUP




dealer groups in Canada with stores from Nanaimo to Regina, with Wheaton’s children, including Ross Wheaton, and grandchildren becoming a part of the family business. “We knew that a GMC Buick dealership was a competitive brand and that there could be good market penetration in the region. My wife and I and our three kids moved here, built a house and now couldn’t imagine ever leaving. We had our fourth child here and it’s been a great place to raise a family.” What’s not to love, he noted. The weather is great, folks get city living with a small town feel and, he says the people in Kamloops are good, honest, and hard-working, something he feels strongly about. “I’m a farm kid from a very small town in Saskatchewan,” he said. “This place has given us a lot. Our three oldest children are now attending university. They look forward to coming home for holidays and skiing in the winter at Sun Peaks and swimming at

the lake in the Shuswap during the summers.” But Zimmer wasn’t just growing a family in the interior of BC - he was also growing his businesses and his reputation in the automotive industry. In 2001, Zimmer Wheaton GMC Pontiac Buick was formed, in 2007 the Zimmer Auto Group purchased Mercedes Benz Kamloops, and in 2009 Zimmer Auto Group’s Collision Repair shop got a new location. Now the Zimmer Auto Group dealerships and the collision repair centre are side by side. “We grew a lot quicker than we thought and rapidly outgrew the original location. We now have all three businesses within walking distance on a city block. In the morning, I start out at the Mercedes dealership, then I walk over to check out the collision repair store and I finish up the day at the GMC dealership.” In 2015, in conjunction with GMC’s new image and colours, the dealership underwent a complete renovation with the entire facility taken down to its skeleton and redone from the ground up, plus it also got a more than $3 SEE ROB ZIMMER |  PAGE 8

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CHBA Member for 49 years

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JULY 2017

Zimmer Auto Group recently donated a luxury Mercedes to the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation CREDIT:ZIMMER AUTO GROUP


million addition. “GM is a great product, it’s been good to our family and is a great brand to represent and Mercedes Benz was added because it really complimented the GM brand. We needed a larger location because we just kept on growing.” He explained that the dealership sales and customer service ranking is impressive with multiple wins within the company. “We are always in the top ranking in customer service and sales service,” he said. “We have won the Triple Crown award three years running. It’s the highest award that can be earned within the company and a great honour to receive. We’ve also won multiple Eagle awards from GM.” From the New Car Dealers Association of BC, Zimmer Wheaton GM Buick has also won a Community Driver award. This honour is awarded annually to a new car dealer in each of six BC regions who have shown tremendous community excellence over the past year, or over many years. The award is for the dealership as a whole, recognizing contributions of the entire team. He pointed out that the success of the Zimmer Auto Group

doesn’t just come from a dedicated line up of employees, but also from Zimmer’s community minded spirit. “Go to most sporting events in town and you’ll usually see the Zimmer Wheaton logo and sign on t-shirts and jerseys,” he said. “We support the SPCA Fur Ball charity affair and recently donated a Mercedes Benz to the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation. I was taught by my partner and by my dad that giving back keeps things within the community for the community.” One of the standout means to success for the Zimmer group has been in its volume oriented philosophy and knowing what its population wants. Zimmer said that having a strong inventory draws the new and used vehicle buyer to Kamloops because no matter what the colour, accessory package or type of vehicle, Zimmer Wheaton probably has it available, right now. “They can pick a vehicle right off the shelf, no wa iting for delivery.” “I can’t see me ever retiring,” he said. “I love the industry too much to leave. My next step is to continue to expand.” He’s also looking forward to maybe, perhaps, one day working side-by-side with his children.


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The Mercedes Auto Lotto through Zimmer raised $130,000 for the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation CREDIT:ZIMMER AUTO GROUP

Rob Zimmer’s passion for cars has translated into a love of racing CREDIT:ZIMMER AUTO GROUP

“My daughter, Cassidy, is attending university working towards a degree in business. She may come work for the dealership in marketing. My sons are at university as well, but are moving in different educational directions,

Congratulations to Zimmer Wheaton Buick GMC and Zimmer Autosport Mercedes-Benz on their continued success in business.

900 - 235 1st Avenue, Kamloops, BC

T: 250.374.5577 •

although both work for us during the summer months. And my youngest daughter dances, that’s all she wants to do at this point.” Ultimately, for Zimmer whether his kids join the family business and make it four generations or

Congratulations to Zimmer Auto on their 17 years in business Mair Jensen Blair LLP Lawyers Suite 700 - 275 Lansdowne Street Kamloops, B.C. Phone: (250) 374-3161

not is up to them. What’s really important for the business is selling cars and seeing happy customers. Zimmer Auto Group is at 685 Notre Dame Drive in Kamloops

Proud to support Zimmer Auto in their continued growth and success. (250) 851-5188 Find us on:


JULY 2017

AUTOMOTIVE Emerging Technologies Revolutionizing The Automotive Industry Electric, Hybrid, Autonomous – technology changing how cars are built & driven


t’s no exaggeration to say the development of the automobi le h a s resh ap ed t he planet and has helped to fuel the global economy. Motorized transportation’s fiscal impact extends far beyond the actual production of vehicles. Car makers directly impact a vast interconnected network of industries on a daily basis. The oil and gas sector, the construction industry and an expansive list of service industries are all directly dependent on the production, sale and maintenance of vehicles. The Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association (CVMA) reports that presently one in seven Canadians is either directly or indirectly employed in some facet of the automotive industry. The Association also states the auto industry generates 12 per cent of the Canadian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and that automobiles and vehicle parts are some of Canada’s major export items. “New cars are certainly big business, and your local car dealer is a significant part of the local economy,” explained Blair Qualey the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the New Car Dealers Association of BC (NCDA). “Our organization is a business association that represents 374 new car dealerships around the province, doing business in more than 50 communities and employing approximately 36,000 employees directly and indirectly. Car dealerships in communities both large and small are significant local employers, major land owners and large taxpayers. New car dealers are also historically significant community contributors, on the direct economic side and from the philanthropic side – car dealers tend to be very active in their communities doing all sorts of great things.” The economic impact of the auto industry isn’t just a Canadian experience but is a truly global phenomenon. Based on recent statistics, despite any economic uncertainties that may be present in North America, consumers are still very interested in acquiring the latest in automotive products. During 2016 auto makers sold nearly two million new vehicles in Canada, the fourth consecutive year that sales have hit a record total. In the United

The world of autonomous, self-driving vehicles is on the cusp of revolutionizing how people move from place to place States car sales reached in excess of 17.5 million new vehicles of all types, a marginal increase over the sales numbers recorded in 2015. On a global scale the auto industry is a significant player in the planet’s economic mix. Forecasters expect that more than 77 million passenger cars will be sold worldwide by the end of 2017 which is a slight rise over the 2016 totals – which was itself a record year. To put a perspective on the real value of the auto industry Volkswagen, the world’s largest auto maker, is projected to have revenues this year of more than $236 billion. That’s higher than the GDP of New Zealand, Finland or Greece. “The industry is certainly in pretty good shape. We’ve come off a few record years in terms of vehicle sales, one year after the other. We’re seeing a fairly strong start to this year but of course we’ll have to see how the rest of the year unfolds, but I’m certainly optimistic that 2017 will be another good year for our industry,” Qualey explained. In addition to being a major global economic engine, the auto industry is also a catalyst for technological change as competing firms strive to produce the newest and best products to attract the car buying public. That motivation for improvement is sparking a technological revolution that is reshaping the industry in ways still unimagined, a revolution that will ultimately impact how people travel and how the city’s of tomorrow will function.

T he ex panding acceptance of hybrid cars, plug-in hybrids and pure electric vehicles will directly impact the oil and gas sectors and will influence city planners for generations. The looming prospect of autonomous vehicles soon attaining mainstream status is another emerging technology that will forever change how people move about and how urban infrastructure is constructed. This technological revolution is also changing how the people who will maintain the automobiles of the future are trained. The days of the back yard mechanic are quickly fading as the stereotypical ‘grease monkey’ of past generations is replaced by skilled technicians more akin to an engineer than a mechanic. “Certainly people with computer skills are necessary. Having the ability to read over very technical information, interpret that information and then apply it in a diagnostic situation is one of the critical things that we teach,” explained Patrick Jones an instructor and Program Leader at Camosun College’s Automotive Service Technician Program in Victoria. ( “ M a n y e l e m e n t s of a u tomobiles, the brakes, suspension, tires, wheels and things like that are much the same as they have been for years. As the mechanical elements of car servicing remain much the same, we are still teaching fundamental automotive theories. But on top of that is the latest in the automotive technology that is expanding at a very rapid rate which

means great changes in how and what we teach our students.” More accurately referred to as an Automotive Technician than a mechanic, tomorrow’s auto service centres are requiring skilled personnel as adept at reading a computer screen as they are pulling a wrench. For Dean Cadieux, an instructor and Chair of Vancouver Island University’s (VIU) Automotive Department, preparing students for tomorrow’s technology-focused workplace is a key part of his program’s efforts. ( “The technology is changing for our trade faster than for just about any other. Each year there is more and newer technology, which can make it increasingly difficult for technicians to stay up to date. That of course affects us as we have to incorporate that new information into our curriculum. We have to have the right tools and the right equipment to provide our students with the training they’ll need in the workplace,” he said. To accommodate the needs of contemporary Automotive Technicians VIU’s automotive program is temporarily in a slowdown mode as a new state of the art training facility is currently under construction at its Nanaimo campus. Once completed this fall the new training centre will have the necessary systems in place to provide the real world training tomorrow’s technicians are going to need. “We’re scheduled to be opening back up in September and once we start up again we will have approximately 54 students in the program. The facility is larger and provides us with the option to expand the program if the demand is there, but that would be a future decision,” Cadieux said. For Jones the industry is entering a new and very exciting phase, encouraging him to be equally excited about what the future has to offer. “The Automotive Technician trade is and will continue to be the most dynamic trade. I’ve managed to stay enthused about the trade over the past 30 years because it’s constantly evolving. Things change with regularity. If you’re not a person who likes change then this isn’t the field for you.” To learn more please visit the association’s website at: www.


JULY 2017


culinary tourism.” Orga n izers have pla n ned a series of academic and industry breakout sessions, keynote spea kers, a nd pa nel d iscussions. The goal is to increase collaboration and learning between industry, academia, and government on an international scale to support the health of the i ndustr y—a nd the positive social and environmental changes associated with it. With wine and culinary tourism exploding in the Okanagan region and concerns over re l a te d i s s u e s l i k e c l i m a te change mounting, the conference could not be more timely. Senese explains that the event has been in the works for a long time coming. “A g roup of u s—Joh n Hu l l f rom T h om s on R ive rs Un iversity, Byron Marlowe from Washington State University, Jonathan Rouse from Okanagan College, and myself—first put our heads together about this five years ago,” she says. “But when you want to create a multi-disciplinary, multii nstitutiona l event between academics and industry people from all over the world, it takes a little time.” Indeed, the long-running efforts of organizers are reflected in the diversity and depth of expertise in the conference’s

The conference will facilitate discussions about the transformative potential of wine and food tourism

“For years, these industries have been exploding in the Okanagan, transforming

Wine and food tourism is transforming life in the Okanagan

industry, agriculture, and

roster of keynote speakers. Industry and knowledge leaders from Italy, Australia, and New Zealand will share their stories, focusing on successes in their respective regions. Senese notes there is special interest among confirmed presenters in discussing how to make rural places more resilient through wine and culinary tourism. Although the concept

the environment. It’s time to talk about that and chart a course for the future.” DONNA SENESE ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA OKANAGAN AND CONFERENCE CO-CHAIR

of transformative tourism can occasionally be dismissed as “overly idealistic or academic,” says Senese, “it truly is a guiding light that can change lives for the better.” As an example of transform at ive tou r i sm’s p otent i a l to change industry and lives, Senese describes the relationsh ips between food tou rism a nd socia l outcomes. “T h is

industry is not just an opportunity to promote food products, it’s also an opportunity to promote secure food systems, healthy diets, and sustainable industries.” O rga n i z ers a re encou ra ging academic and professional specialists to take advantage of early-bird registration, which is available now through July 15.

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JULY 2017

MEDICAL SUPPLIES PROVIDER SEES EXPANDING AGE DEMOGRAPHIC “They helped me put High risk sports brings a younger clientele to Southward Medical, but seniors still play a large role in its choices of services and equipment


together the foundation or skeleton of the business before I fleshed it out.” PHIL SOUTHWARD OWNER, SOUTHWARD MEDICAL SUPPLIES

ERNON – Starting a business f rom scratch ca n be daunting, but for Phil Southward of Southward Medical Supplies (SMS), when the opportunity arose, he couldn’t say no. “I had been working for another company for five years when their head office decided that offering home health service didn’t fit its business model,” he explained. “With the area’s growing retirement population and the community’s active lifestyle, I felt it was an in-demand service so I approached Community Futures (CF) about financial help.” It was one of the best decisions Southward could have made. “Community Futures provided more than just financial support,” he emphasized. “They were invaluable throughout the whole process. In the past, I had leased and operated several gas stations, but I’d never looked at the importance of a business model.” His CF advisors not only helped him create a business plan, but they also helped with the model and a cost analysis of the project. “They helped me put together the foundation or skeleton of the business before I fleshed it out. I’d known about them, but I didn’t realize just how helpful they could be.” After eight years, business is doing well. SMS has contracts with local medical related facilities to supply regular equipment and supplies, including medical oxygen for Vitalaire and palliative care products for Interior Health. It provides in-home assessments for fall prevention, installation services, the largest selection of braces, and a consignment center for things like hospital beds, scooters and wheelchairs. “We basically sell everything

folks will need for any injury, whether it is a minor sprain or an individual who is completely disabled,” he explained. “We carry every type of wound covering, compression stockings, power equipment, scooters, Abena brand incontinence products from Europe and electric assist bicycles.” He added that the bikes are even recognized by Worker’s Compensation and receive a tax receipt for their purchase. One of the most important services SMS provides is the in-home assessments and installation services. It uses factory certified installers and BC government certified technicians to install stairlifts and Aquassure walk-in shower and bathtub systems, as well as the necessary aids for daily living like strategically placed grab bars. “We have trained staff that will go to a client’s home and do a complete fall prevention assessment. We can then send in our installers to create a safer environment for in-home living.” Having worked in the industry for many years, Southward believes strongly in a service oriented perspective with a very healthy dose of compassion. He explains that the clientele range in age from 12 years and up, with some experiencing life changing circumstances. “I have an amazing staff,” he said. “Some of them I’ve known for many years and knew they would be great with our customers. I have five employees and each one is willing to go out of their way to help our clients. We build one on one relationships, working closely

Each member of the Southward Medical Supplies staff are sensitive and knowledgeable about the needs of those with disabilities CREDIT:SOUTHWARD MEDICAL SUPPLIES

with family and the individual in need of care, making sure we cover every base.” He added that all his staff are trained in the special care needs of all conditions and do not hesitate when discussing topics specific to special body care needs. An important consideration when, according to Southward, the clientele age range has expanded. “We’re seeing kids as young as 12 years old coming in looking for braces and support products for sports injuries caused by the high-risk activities that kids are attempting nowadays.” Southward, a born and raised Vernon native, knows the region and its people. He’s been a part of the community in a variety of

businesses for many years and because of that feels strongly about SMS being a good community member. “We do outreach programs like teaching scooter safety through Community Policing, and we also fund raise. Recently, my wife and I participated in Vernon’s Dancing with the Stars, raising almost $10,000 of the $140,000 total raised for Hospice House. We also give to the Power of the Purse for the Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation and other local charities.” Southward’s strong philosophy of service and care is a natural fit for the home health care industry. He emphasizes a lesson he learned many years ago from a friend and manager of a Credit Union.

“This fellow said that no one comes into our business because they want to; they have a problem and are looking to us for help and solutions. That’s what we provide solutions to make daily living more manageable, whatever that looks like. We keep things upbeat, but are also sensitive to our client’s feelings as many have had life altering events.” “We bring them peace of mind,” said Mary Evans, “and show them a bit of sunshine on a cloudy day. They appreciate that and the help we provide to make their lives a little easier and a lot safer.” Southward Medical Supplies is at #8 2601 Highway 6 in Vernon

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mistake too many salespeople make is not keeping in touch with former clients. It’s not uncommon for past clients to come to a point where they need your product or service again but don’t remember how to get in touch with you. They are more likely to have your competitors’ information handy. (Your competitors are still calling on your client even though you are not.) The odds of obtaining business from a former client are typically better than the odds of obtaining business from cold prospecting. So, keeping in touch with former

JULY 2017


clients is not only the professional thing to do, it also makes good business sense. “Keeping in touch” doesn’t mean pestering them—pushing for a sale. It simply means letting them know that you are still there, ready to provide service when necessary. This can be accomplished in various ways: a regularly schedu led phone ca l l—ju st to say, “Hello”; a monthly or quarterly newsletter about industry events and trends; or a monthly e-mail regarding new products or services. Don’t try to overwhelm your client; just make it easy for them to find you.

John Glennon is the owner of Insight Sales Consulting Inc, an authorized Sandler Training Licensee. He can be reached at jglennon@sandler. com, toll free at 1-866-645-2047 or visit Copyright 2013 Sandler Training and Insight Sales Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.



ou may be losing sales if there is any point in your sales or fulfillment funnel that’s a challenge for your prospects or clients. How can you make it easier for people to do business with you? Sad ly, most busi nesses do not make it easy to do business with them. And if it’s a challenge for people to buy from you, then they won’t! At a workshop I went to several months back, the speaker shared a great example of this. He asked the audience, “How

many of you have ever shopped online? Raise your hand if you have.” Naturally, most of the hands in the audience went up. Next, he said, “Okay, if you’ve ever found it challenging or a pa i n to complete the checkout process, leave your hand up. Otherwise, put your hand down.” Most hands stayed up. F i n a l l y, h e s a i d , “ N o w i f you ever abandoned an online purchase because of how difficult it was, leave your hand up. Otherwise, put your hand down.” A huge portion of the hands stayed up. Those people got all the way to the end, but chose not to do busi ness w it h t he company because they didn’t make it easy. Online, that can be an easy thing to see. But that happens in businesses around us every day. Big sales are made or lost because you ma ke it easy or

hard to do business with you. A re you ma k i ng it easy for people to do business with you? Take a look at how you gather i n for m at ion, how you work with clients, and how you initially sell to clients. You might even gather feedback from existing clients, and potentially e ve n p e opl e t h at d id n’t d o business with you. F i n d o u t w h a t w a s c h a lleng i ng for them, a nd come up w it h some st rateg ies for improving your customer care pro c e s s to e l i m i n ate t ho s e challenges. Lucy Glennon specializes in customer service training and recruitment and hiring. She can be reached at 866-645-2047 or www.




ast month our board and staff were pleased to announce that delegates at the annual BC Chamber of Commerce AGM voted to approve all six of the Kamloops Chamber’s proposed recommendations to government. Topics of our recommendations included: Renovation Tax Credits – Improving B.C.’s Housing Stock; Fines and Penalty Reform for Business; Canada-Chine

Trade Tariff Gap; First Nations Infrastructure Institution; Indigenous Land Title Initiative and Enhancing Access to the Registered Disability Savings Plan for Disabled Employees. Background and full information for each of these recommendations can be found on our website: Our chamber is passionate about helping to create more business-friendly policies that will allow our members to find tremendous success in their particular industries. So much so, that we are constantly striving to change and improve our own processes This past month, we made a substantial change by forming a new committee that invites our members to give their input on hot business issues in our local community. Our new Member Advocacy Committee merges the work

previously done by three former committees, continuing to represent the interests of our membership to government, but in a more strategic way. As issues are identified, this committee will form working groups from within our membership, with the intent of researching and writing position papers that provide clear and concise solutions to the various issues being faced. In their April meeting, the committee identified two issues as the first areas of focus and as of today, have already formed their working groups to address: succession planning/exit strategies for small business owners and municipal by-election or other options following the Provincial Election. To learn more about this committee, find out how you can get involved, or to share a barrier to your business that you are facing, contact us today – want to hear from you. Your success is

••• I n other news, i f you have reached out to ou r cha mber within the past few months, you may have had the opportunity to interact with some new voices and faces. Please join us in welcoming the two newest members to our chamber team in the past few months: Jeremy Heighton, our new Member Rel at ion s Coordinator, and Carly Bell, who has taken on the role of Administrative Assistant while Candace Mawdsley has headed off on a one-year maternity leave. Whomever you connect with, our staff is always happy to hear from you and to assist you in any way that we can. ••• In local member news, we are highlighting the Kamloops Habitat for Humanity ReStore who is excited to announce that they will be undergoing major renovations in the upcoming months.

building momentum since the 1960s; $26 billion a year generated in revenue, making BC the fastest-growing technology sector in Canada; 150,000 people employed in technology, making BC the fastest-growing tech workforce in Canada; Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing, Cisco, Disney, GE, Sony and Electronic Arts are a few examples of global companies that are increasingly attracted to the province; Boeing,

Finning and SAP have set up global analytics centres of excellence in BC; Sierra Wireless and Wavefront drive global leadership for the Internet of Things (IoT ) a nd D-Wave a nd 1QBit are the world game ch a ngers i n qu a ntu m computing; • BC universities are produci ng world-class research and talent: They attract over $800 million a year in research fundi n g ; s i n c e 2 0 01 , t h e y have been awarded over $1.2 bi l l ion i n f u nd i ng

for research infrastructure and equipment and they have evolved their program mix to meet the needs of the technology sector by supporting a 57 per cent increase in engineering and computer science program spaces between 2006 and 2015; • The fact that three out of five Canadian “unicorns” (tech compa n ies worth more than $1 billion) call BC their home, 25 per cent of all US patents were derived from post-seconda ry resea rch i n BC a nd


world-leading superclusters and partnerships in Canada. T he repor t, a combi nation of publicly available sources and interviews with industry leaders, h igh l ights the f u nda menta l attributes of BC’s strengths and capabilities that position the province to become a global digital technology supercluster. • BC is home to a vibrant, d i v e r s e a n d s u c c e s sful technology-enabled economy that has been

our success.

The renovations will enable their store to bring in more profit, which will in turn, help build Habitat for Humanity homes in communities around the world, including the BC Interior that we are so fortunate to live in. If you are looking for a fantastic opportunity to get involved in your community and to give back, the Kamloops ReStore has what you are looking for. Join them in their mission to eliminate poverty in housing by volunteering at the ReStore during their renovations. Bring your whole office, or grab some friends and family for an incredible team-building and bonding experience. Contact Sabrina Leduc at or 250.828.7567 for more information. Deb McClelland is the executive director of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached email at the visual effects for topgrossing films (Star Wars) and games (Nintendo) are being produced in BC is a testament to the province’s world-class, creative and digital media talent; and • BC has a significant geographic advantage as the Canadian gateway to both Asia – one of the fastest g ro w i n g g l o b a l e c o nomies – and the Cascadia Innovation Corridor, with access to cross-border talent, research, capital and distribution.


JULY 2017


to Osoyoos, and from Revelstoke to Fernie. T he deadline for accepting nominations is August 11, providing the project was completed by July 31 this year. The Okanagan College Trades Complex building was the 2016 Judges’ Choice best overa l l entry. “This has been a busier year for commercial and industrial construction in the region,” notes Mark MacDonald, President of Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan newspaper, which coordinates the event. “So we’re expecting to have a larger pool of entries, from which our team of judges will determine the winners. There are always some extra intriguing and fascinating projects that are entered.” The Southern Interior Construction Association is a Gold Sponsor of the event. Each submission will now be judged by a team of independent judges on the categories noted below, using the following criteria:

Okanagan College Trades Complex was the 2016 Judges’ Choice Best Overall entry in the Commercial Building Awards • Does it complement the surrounding properties and area? • Is it esthetically pleasing?

• Are there unique architectural features? • W hat is the level of

finish (choice in construction materials)? • Does it answer a specific

13 development need within the community? • D o e s it c ont r i b ute to a healthy, sustainable community? • Does it have any environmentally friendly or green elements for possible consideration? The categories for this year’s awards include a new one for Civil (roads, bridges and infrastructure), and Wood buildings. Other categories are: • Mixed use (commercial / residential) • Community Institutional includes Church/ Schools/Government Facilities • Retail/Shopping Centres • Office • Community Recreational • Senior’s Housing • Industrial • Multi Family / Single Family • Hospitality-Hotels/Motels • Recreational/Resort • Commercial renovation/ Restoration • Green For Nomination Forms, or for further information about the event or sponsorship, contact Mark MacDonald at Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan at

1 eB ag p S– Rd B1 Wa ge a B paucket g e – IR dS B Fillin ge tV a aR ep Se da aW W B et o e ck g u R R n B C lli VI Fi e ag Rd at ep m Se s Co i Wd Re t o » CR jec nstr Rd pro the co s d can be reached at (250)13 832-6247 t Co or admin@ an l e 5s age in 0 s R 2 p 15 e ti 20 12 w rI » s e20130 oormy en jec str ve nk




he Salmon Arm Visitor Centre is excited to launch their Mobile Visitor Services program sta r t i ng Ju ly 1 s t ! Newly pu rch a sed from Skookum Cycle, they have two Giant beach cruiser bicycles (custom powder-coated here in Salmon A rm by QC Universal Coatings) that will be travelling throughout the city and into the region to share information on all the great activities and events happen i ng i n the a rea. Sta f f a re primed to pedal all over and promote ou r tou r i s m prov id ers a nd event s throughout the four seasons. Follow them on Facebook on Instagram. ••• A little taste of the tropics has arrived in Salmon Arm! DeMille’s Farm M a rket i s n o w o f fe r i n g H a w a i i a n Shaved Ice to bring your taste buds to a whole new level of d el iciou sness! Hawaiian Shaved Ice is entirely d i fferent from sta nda rd shaved ice – s ta r t i n g w it h a sco op of va n i l l a i c e c re a m b u r i e d i n t h e c e n t re o f t he cone, t he ice i s sh aved, versu s cr ushed, a rou nd the ice crea m a nd sumptuous syrup flavorings create a sweet, semi-thick concoction that is undeniably the best taste of summer a person ca n have! DeM i l le’s Fa rm Market is located on the TransCanada Highway on the west side of Salmon

A rm. L ook for the water tower a nd you’re there! Open 7 days a week from 8:00 am – 7:30 pm. ••• Hartty Clothing recently relocated their Salmon Arm store to 160 Hudson Avenue i n dow ntow n Sa l mon A rm. The new store is busy with customers check i ng out a l l t he g reat gea r that can be found, from adult to children’s sizes, the selection is second to none. From work to casual, small to la rge, you a re i nv ited to stop by the store and wander around. Store hours are 9:30 am – 5:30 pm Monday – Saturday. ••• Hudson Avenue continues to expand it’s of fer i n g w it h newly relo c ate d food sensation Hungry Panda Curbside Noodles. This is Hungry Panda’s lau nch i nto a storefront restau ra nt fol low i ng thei r ex tremely successful food truck business that has been s e r v i n g u p d e l i c io u s S o u t h A s i a n d ishes to a steady fol low i ng of locals. Located at 180 Hudson Avenue, Hungry Panda is open Monday – Saturday,11:00 am – 7:0 pm. The menu offeri ngs a re mouth-wateri ng – as is the food! ••• The Salmon Arm Chamber of Comm erce wo u ld l i ke to e x pre s s t h ei r ap pre ci at ion to a l l t he ap pl ic a nt s for ou r 2017 Schol a rsh ip prog ra m. Ever y ap pl ic at ion wa s i mpre ssive a nd t he choice was not easy, however, as challenging as the decision was, the Selection Committee is very pleased to announce Leilani Pulsifer as the recipient of the 2017 Sa l mon Arm Chamber of Commerce Scholarship. The Chamber thanks everyone who applied for the scholarship and w ishes them success i n thei r postsecondary academics.

Corryn Grayston is the General Manager at the Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce. She


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r s yocomsmtlioorenr i my IN se , V tro een Fra eS lmuo issig RIlley y in gr v uois ortte t e d W Va le el srsee q o sdotlra in en e g r fi ase t d er pe BR e n » Fras La wn titrpor s eeraen olor ssim nd i r m i : o brolaegynimi imlaidunsatgganse quis dboalonrtkealwize pWaoe sf-ioek es dsot vNit an g s M e Lan ompwprsanon dit pratis eWrate ks to re Germ ck wa ed ro m s n o li il les ch ut do sim is tbh agni imoiuw ion lo year il r Ut dolo tem t min alit M gAGe do dolu ssis essn borat our 28th t sim te raw p–aP ali la po lpu i erit u k S– anc qu col d P S iw sveedli tem l U w e il le dolu NP ch ut do sim Ne . ilis r RSAI Ut dolo tem g 129 min alit do dolu ssis BWU rlu x 8” t t e it sim ali D&S Ea 01.6 x 1. lpu er R S XssX nu qui I a X A 2 .8” e l li mXcX I ve W te 2 XlXd C lu A r X o I dw a X Xo anrc oNLG XpI pom brxtmemeceutiv eD iro dL te o ace inIt imri tJe es na W ae BeUN Nap M p nd N a s N RER ri m estJur VTeH Ch w cotirrepoprxrteemtcnuahtfnstioeteahvg X gOoR de in ne uanngaimeoneisarttJmedteoesnndeiroeactos »» N



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b v S tsid mMo o’s p es cha erWh w al e W ry b s La itori th eve em at it re 84 ed hin ike “m wh mo d us: ct 8-26 wit r. l b e on But yon 5 nta nts alie to g r. be er Co 66-7 ha Cav a l is usin g fo ing ord 8 rc k c in 1o e e m id l s g – fo look e loo ts in y sa r, it ic” are ey’r tac tl en in b e ntr ers th con rec d ce emb at, ular as ran e ar m an threg he as r h reb id th eir d. mbe of ests e to ng dS ng ou k to . th pan cha cess r W oL tra s y bac ase ex he pro ate yN a li T e re d s y a g e c n,” Re av th G un nit in th tio IC ed the . l e C hair so u om be ra usi eR e244 s de e ht omm is c s to llabo ’s a b er & -c a By gge o ig li c pa c k o He va co t pa Tra in as c t m at a a n seemew c r. e ic a r S rd th stb at n lie eC s th tr a 14 We t th rds: ava .J. L ll a Dis bo r rge u o C N e d pa be r e , b o w Le t at as w k an . m fe s a n is li Tw orm g td.,. ba rce me m it ss “ N te L st dir e me u r h o id ra s sSep adliCt la sa 3ss st iate e W om on o f w alen orl lput adgo sim ne ssoc of th of C is y o u aunt r'W A 14air ber cus a n Utk boelod ilis n ui O ch am r fo e , m m bd emr' liq ef duo tite ll ve olute C2h0 ou b a s Bri lu “ min lit d Ddois 2ip s in S y s2h

a sis es im ts eri

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is itte oefr erco s s hueit e dto Hth c l) bW sid e m a pealp t d m Mg orfo td a m h nenin raatal dicoab, sthco mpm- bers otsha endeins leet q v in eu s t’s ais is t iom10esntre m.e(B ls iomnen rvceolo hgaems e m avw ell litte g fmo nodno eafiidra olv . aW H r u c he g are R.W .Wis itp Due aonCa ohtichhly in s. It“’sWinpgleo ac-e a hsehs thweilr,l a s t is t r in bySRhe eavdedlo oanshfo aim s fag ly m aflsw gphed ie neo f N a no co i, o ulo vit inp e or spopllle,” din livkeen is ne o. I nd snitCs Naannd is st ern Tofi m d tenr , hs,eall eovroe acti bneg onfo Ha part naim all’s nia pefu builnan e pharu l S re e d o d th a d ia a ’s n we t Alb and uris a . e a W h e a N . na re e ati rctie o d is gs ren ttta r am r th -erfuewnse. w isoma : -acarel c in R.W , Ca poGr oera let w N e to Po adnin hild aatRao as nat poom tec glth a l a e 26 r m f r p c il e y th b c f o n Co or buu er lu g th we tC ariloy o je k iena icd ic o a pa Uc ture l ll.h deer is shite te roosf D pa ent ata c afo e rin a h e de f H o hset p 0bme imoothn tedp eler t t m Mnae im m str edic aall no,nshyeoamr m2m r ca ket r 10 m . W iow uisr c oC’sha ahneamr rveolvu’snlidtt f ooof e Noa nal.e Tfi or,m th imo Nt uin e. It e -g h- itsh d fre ma 2 are R.W d it fo a lseo ’hcly v s anrin o ta sp n th y ad on nim i ie t N o lafa ly a is 9 b I n sits ana bisy th a ug svsit qguin netof l Hple e like r r N he H X d oro rceti -bse dcoen el rpaeo ed th pa 11 an reate e. S is th mn’spa t0h0e dja n a. s a n de date y e refu i h a m s ,0 c G in s Up Valle re t G d a a l e uercw is : 18 mer r an hild a3t0a ansicn noaw w aen26 p nilyypN je c t i n g a l li io Ne u er c th ecw t ahg ic 9 ic g s fo p r o 1 o aa o k h e w h mee Co aimo g omopD t p r e r t ah m e dnaim he all nd e5ar s 0 R 2a cim 2105 wo 20 n n d iot t a le T m is y ’sp na e Na vil 12 22130 th imo Na u r r e u nyes-mf o he N ital. d fro rks oas2t c t e p pa C ey 20 32 na y th ry ’ i v aadr to os lan st a9ll r bgo a is e s s s qlu ent al H the We ox V Rive H p r 0 - c er ” ed X rs 3t4e pp nt ll11 ke de date omy Ca i m 0,0 0 adjal Gesntrcfiht,athse in s Up VaClle mpbe 8Sha s a unta g e ic f a & u 3 1 o a It w n n n bp o . n c C rs Ne ha to ac cli giothaenyhair ors e vi ve 9 ee s p c rn th wic sa toria app and et Mo orial1 Co aimo 5 aRg woam ic, ve and .” k Da s it 2105: n le 4 ls] c ag f go nithn ituc e o g 20 Vic elop ings ed Na vil s v v 12ct us22183-2068 CaspseMehinard o ecyissiomple o nBby ath“NlealxIMi-n rks oast de d sa gres 05 2 ie arnyar bo us dadpeo io F ia pa C ey nta 6-7 aNsi il is 3 m uosye y’s o l 0 st or all Co r 2 bu k pro g it im 2 dec rd w eople We ox V Rive1-86 rs [Ja 4eSh ct cp 3a8tidt ers nan had the bt,o”a vi e p .“ m ll traap tant k a s o e e e a iv e fi C b h g.”e hav saidSer s n st nth rC2 un s a u itte aid deth mp &S ng ccou Ca ouof wa mm sels s ehaenb mairbliof lrsto. It ,”e he awaa. rs to a vi ve u ly e co as itastet ,hcuh errfnuo ydoth sa toria app and Mo orial sity tia l d C m e an cu.”te hav ra s r n t it m] w agnic nodv in oue reo eD 5 Vic elop ings ed n ive idues: e sa68t4, ceols inga wofog faisitiohn oounaityyyth a- o SI ge s v v yle itb aisNeacxIM esctitte 8-2en ass citehinIta’s U prta c pa Io rd ir s e p de d sa gres e N e ia a M C e ibioiln Nhs “ b er y t h ia’sConm m6r-7e5s id itmeier t,saenar’s b“o ot uths d apkeo nis s awna m le il ri od n g e 6p cra eSeuy ity pu o2m0 poec erd bu k pro to go h e ictor h co1-8 ba m eop “ c ic w of [J am id h rs nim lsd rees dels ey p t. By bo a tra V a rc ne list d to s28tive ivuena e aha eth ll ries v sse 1 ga.”s ave wsahida s a t n th a e id a a te th a a r s u a g e v d h rs it s Cd 8n h e hear s in tin teou iswta m ls an n,”ohw g,”aw ky TV in ku nly ea. o f au n ida y of lin com asse tee hin u o u u t le f o u c u av o d m g il C mit nd dfaer yinoy cyuote w n a d a n rsitd nadtia at sp oksv ootin ey u h er m a n “ e d o haI d he c : ive aid 5 n e s e,r o co g wo ith uu’ra yo eSreIde Sp tspasghe Vall itIoS at t inUgn icres itteeleeandt nary citinIt’s ir fa syyoo ility WispcRa r o r n de mp e did ioria er “ the ake sib e nNeh b e y N th clu es ite ildt, t h de’s ncm sta icha w t n ea od arse vris e inn acraiaercieom w pu o miospno beSg mem Ne go he • to ph ew-bp aonfdc ip bmuen Co ls are t e ey s By at Vic aerxc vanlue ligic e g els s a st sdhto me tive 0an5th ll e 2 u icpCaass 81 at wh e s se •ad a ate g tiohna acu t12 va seri ra15 0m w 9 tr a in . y s in 1 y , no ,” h gis ic 13m V f St realate es in lt dk d g yin th sok ille T g in to au•n•a is incentr2f0co d id sin d m or sacyu woeu aonun f nko n t- l o w n a d a n Bu dara lsip veoksv ooti ey eg tofa “iey 012y e o f e 17 d o had he c : • Fa unnd den leevre y onat rate e rev inou2’re Junate oeSId ge h ll ng s Shpao s C R a pa t • in g d i r u o tu w d y p V a rs it t d h a c d am ts an in ic S igle n pre ac at im un oneW a lly il e Hed lsio lee e a d tor th clud dem nc• s th an gro pletiee N a reaewn Bu e te cte staforwich •s ilvis pild b a le d re 3 in ac perie e-ba nsdk pbeou ould idate of N reaiok ncom S l get icNal a Th n se bids Co lan a aip wen nd ity bat a . e’l d 4 • ex valu gic • wi e Is e sh It a C toic ith 14 w be vide rth ject 7 •a ate tion ac“umthe c the ectsu nar w r 20 thatt of m long on o tr X te s ofg ic exmp mye be e is thtiaon, ts a ctiti h pro r N Pro 10 •S rela es in de pda jo ls ntr o is m p y a d s ra e in ws u a ma pita 14 •a usin drais ce of c thSreipate y ho msabiniecwiaeli ral p at sh e B n nt- el na to “M ctoo vpe e g th oth s e ri 6 17 o g N • 1 n e u e v n c n 5 te to gn H e e re f l s ge in or um Vic vepnati h 17 •F Stud h let Do5cvoin-rso.20cunraice y 1 es0o ac gdaetnwtaup of is, add acyine ma aninrnd In anic hore alle 1S8I • H ig– blsu12thelesps3 aa t 1 bendte.a s th gro Ha harmnhth e Sa st S an V rs NIo 20 •orldskilakeople0 lder a ap y id p og hboop ias td We wich 3 hakoedy om ’s2w1 g ma ps t r yw2noaug dllidL entor sa ee a bicroesu ueseeds rvinicite e s rv ocff sne itc 23 2 •d u“Itma caWna stidegmCo les &4ySgog Wh man elp2in ge c ssu qud in ral oeb) prea co p- e,”se afo 7 pa h a rs B in a s neg eta n inT t eX ate S Move ’s Su 10 t’s ais isc t iongene o.f(Bthalso C en elo eids -a ellb eagst ltovs? eX na o tind s upd l u H r u e R.W e is pm Deviaensatsg ichham r-w “Wp lesm X a h 4 s l 1 lo W w a Wa rwyhc ebd e s eopre acipe hs w a vXiX al s t th in Sh ve shtoderm co i,Ne torino ng La itori 16 ais is ner o. ’s de n Caicath n ell5 voef eloepm at it rep r spsh ll,”ugm mXsX edd 4 all ia5 v i st ern VTicofi ntim d H1u7s:art n8aim n o dfo re fuannin e“vm e wh iam aXrX leasn naslit ut buT 1 tiitohnin, o0lnik2s,e0abs edg we Alb and Invuerisnich ore e lley n a ct a 1p8 N-2a6 . 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JULY 2017

NEW CMHA CENTER IN KELOWNA DESIGNED FOR YOUTH The Foundry is a cooperative effort that brings 20 agencies together under one roof to serve the needs of the Central Okanagan youth’s mental health and substance abuse issues


ELOWNA – For Jules Galloway, owner of Evolve Design Build, the opening of Kelowna’s integrated youth mental health facility, Foundry, signals much more than the completion of a job well done. It’s the successful culmination of a unique and collaborative effort between more than 20 agencies, spearheaded by the Kelowna Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) the provincial government, the builders and designers who helped make the vision a reality; and the parents and youth who provided their insight in what was needed. All made possible by a joint fundraising effort of the CMHA and the Kelowna General Hospital Foundation. “This project was an initiative started by Dr. Steve Mathias, a psychiatrist at Vancouver’s, St. Pauls’ Hospital, who saw too many young people slipping through the net of care,” Galloway explained. “His vision was to see consistent care provided for youth 12-24 across the range of medical needs. It would mean that youth and parents would only have to tell their story once, not to every specialist they saw.” The concept, she pointed out, is one that speaks to her from personal experience. “Our family has a member with mental health issues and it gets frustrating having to tell your story over and over again. When Shelagh Turner, the executive director of CMHA Kelowna, approached my company last year to let us know about the project, we bid on it and won.” Galloway and her family, who moved to Kelowna in 2009 from

When Evolve began its preliminary work on Foundry in 2016, it wasn’t just about designing the space, but also in finding and negotiating the right space CREDIT:DANIEL JONES PHOTOGRAPHY

the United Kingdom, did not have an easy go building her reputation in the design build concept. It took time to get her company and talent known. “When we first came to Kelowna, we were told that ‘design build’ just didn’t happen here as it did in Europe. At the time, my husband and I had created businesses that specialized in CAD Drafting and building measurement; both took up a lot of time. My confidence in the holistic approach taking off in this market took a hit. But I began speaking with clients who were very frustrated with how only parts of their projects were being managed, with them having to jump in and help out when they didn’t want to.” SEE EVOLVE DESIGN BUILD |  PAGE 15

Before beginning the design process, Evolve spent 100 hours interviewing parents and youth to determine specific needs CREDIT: DANIEL JONES PHOTOGRAPHY


JULY 2017

Conference and meeting rooms are bright and airy with soothing colours and comfortable seating CREDIT: DANIEL JONES PHOTOGRAPHY

When Galloway first emigrated from the UK she said that the ‘design build’ concept didn’t happen here as it did in Europe CREDIT:EVOLVE DESIGN BUILD


A teaching kitchen will provide youth with a variety of classes on life skills including healthy eating CREDIT: DANIEL JONES PHOTOGRAPHY

Proud to support Evolve Design and their Foundry project. 100 - 395 Penno Road Kelowna, V1X 7W5 Phone: (250) 765-1150 Fax: (250) 765-7115

As Galloway watched from a distance, in 2014, she decided to focus on getting her brand of the ‘design build’ concept out into the community. “I had an ambitious growth target in the first year and we beat it by 250 per cent.” When Evolve began the Foundry project, it started its preliminary work in 2016, not just in designing the space, but in fi nd i ng a nd negotiati ng the right space. “We spent 100 hours in interviews with parent and youth

Congratulations On Joining Congratulations to Evolve Design BuildTommie on anotherGold great project The Club

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groups, agencies, psychiatrists, all service providers and the CMHA to determine the criteria and parameters for the space. Aspects such as geography had to be considered, as well as the security and safety of everyone in the building.” Once the interviews had been conducted and the space secured, Evolve put out tenders for construction management and began the process of designing each area of the facility, from the examination rooms to the bathrooms. “Everything had to be caref u l ly considered,” she sa id, SEE EVOLVE DESIGN BUILD |  PAGE 16


JULY 2017


“from soap dispensers to colours that were soothing and finishes that factored in safety for all, including workers, volunteers and the youth. Sawchuk Developments won our bid for Construction Management and did a fabulous job of working with us and the CMHA. We had ongoing liaisons with them and monitored scheduling to ensure everything stayed running smoothly.” For Galloway there are three main standouts in the design of the Foundry, and the parents who have been involved agreed. They include the waiting area, the wall system and the inclusion of specific spaces like the teach i ng k itchen a nd yout h lounge where the young people can learn life skills. “I speak from experience, that when you are in a clinic, waiting for hours, you don’t want the space you’re in to feel clinical, and when you have a child with special mental health issues, you need a good mix of things to look at with the understanding that it can’t be too distracting and potentially disorienting.” Evolve also considered privacy in the waiting space, not just for underlying issues of safety and security, but for those that can become overstimulated. “In the waiting area, we desig ned ‘wa iti ng pods’, w ith each area visible to staff, but still giving a sense of privacy. There are upright tables for different seating as well as a sofa. The waiting area also features a beautiful donor wall made of moss.” T here is a def i n ite sense of f low in the space from the well-placed seating to inlaid features, glass and artwork. The colours are soothing and the whole area gives a sense of airiness and a feeling of being outdoors. “The DIRTT wall system we chose needed the utmost i n flexibility. Once the facility was in use, if the workers and staff find that they didn’t need nine meeting rooms, we could easily reconfigure the space. If they have to move the centre, they

Every aspect of the design was considered including the right computer system to fit the centres unique needs CREDIT: DANIEL JONES PHOTOGRAPHY

can take the walls with them! This idea of f lexibility was a thread that ran throughout the whole project.” DIRTT Environmental Solutions provides custom prefab modular interior solutions for customizing a space to meet dimensional functional and aesthetic needs. Evolve has used the system, (Do It Right This Time) before, and for Galloway, it fit the Foundry project’s current and potential future needs. “We built out the interior, including the carpets, and then added the walls and doors. I love this system.” The most important aspect of her work designing the Foundry, however, involved creating spaces where its core philosophy could be expressed: that of bringing services together that make it easier for young people SEE EVOLVE DESIGN BUILD |  PAGE 17

Two medical exam rooms offer privacy and another piece in the centre’s consistency-of -care philosophy CREDIT: DANIEL JONES PHOTOGRAPHY


JULY 2017

Evolve and owner Jules Galloway spent 100 hours interviewing parents and youth to determine what was needed and wanted CREDIT:EVOLVE DESIGN BUILD

A youth lounge hosts workshops and a supper club where youth can socialize and get a good meal CREDIT: DANIEL JONES PHOTOGRAPHY


The project used custom prefab modular interior solutions from DIRRT for customizing a space to meet dimensional functional with built in flexibility CREDIT: DANIEL JONES PHOTOGRAPHY

to find the care, connection and support they need. “There is a teaching kitchen and youth lounge where classes will be held to teach young people life skills. Things like healthy eating, that many of us take for granted. There is a supper club where young people can come and eat, take food home with them, or just take the opportunity to socialize in a safe environment.” She add e d t h at one of t he Foundry’s partners, the local food bank, is stocking the cupboards, so with the design, the pantry space had to be feasible and fit with what they would be bringing. “The youth lounge is joined by a sliding wall where workshops can happen for both youth and parents as well as support group meetings can be held.” For Galloway, the overarching effect of the centre had to flow and the best way to assess her success was if no one noticed! “No space sits empty, it’s all used. If there is no flow, people n o t i c e , t h i n g s d o n’ t m o v e well, people don’t move well

and space sits empty and unused. The final product works, it flows and makes sense. We did what was asked of us. We wanted young people to feel that when they walked into the space that it was designed for them. We accomplished that.” “This project had many layers in its evolution,” she said, adding that the construction is now complete and it is slated to open this fall. When it opens, at the beginning of the 2017 school year, it will be bringing together more than 20 mental health and social organizations working cooperatively under the same roof. Its goal is to transform how young people and their families access the help they need and how they can move forward. The ‘drop in’ aspect of the centre is unique and will allow youth and families to access services quickly. It’s a concept that for Galloway is very welcome for her community. Other Foundry centres can be found in Campbell River and are coming soon to the North Shore, Prince George, Abbotsford and Kelowna. Other organizations involved in the project included Aboriginal Education Council, ARC

Programs, BC Housing, T he Bridge Youth and Family Services, Central Okanagan School District, Interior Health Authority, Kelowna Community Resources, Living Positive Resource Centre, Ministry of Children and Family Development, Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs, UBC Okanagan and the YMCA of Okanagan, to name a few. The Foundry is at 1815 Kirschner Road in Kelowna


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JULY 2017

KELOWNA Okanagan Wine Country Tours, the Okanagan’s original wine tour company, received a nomination for the Small Business category in the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce 2017 Business Excellence Awards. The company was purchased last year by Cantrav Services and now operates within the Cantrav Leisure division; George Bartel is the company’s president. William Gillett has joined Okanagan College as their new Dean of Business, replacing retiring Dean, Dr. Heather Banham, who finishes 24 years with the institution this summer. Gillett comes from New Hampshire, and formerly worked as the Dean of Business at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). The Kelowna Sustainable Innovation Group received the Stan Rogers Memorial Award for their Okanagan Centre for Innovation at the BC Economic Development Awards. The awards were hosted by the BC Economic Development Association (BCEDA) on June 13th in Victoria. West Kelowna winery, The Hatch, was named as an award winner for their Crown + Thieves The Broken Barrel Syrah 2013 in this years’ Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for Excellence in British Columbia Wines. Kitsch Wines in East Kelowna was also named as a winner for their Riesling 2015. Awards will be presented by the Lieutenant Governor in September. On June 22nd, junior chefs from Okanagan College took part in the 9th annual Earth Wind Fire fundraiser for The Nature Trust of BC. Participating chefs joined executive chefs from the BC Culinary Foundation and the Okanagan Chefs Association – featuring big names like Ryan Stone, executive corporate chef for Earl’s Restaurants, and Iain Rennie, executive chef at the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort. Okanagan College participants included: Rachel Broe, Eric Lee, Brianna Anderson, Linda Baird, and Josh Starrett. For the event, students began with an Urban Fare shopping spree and collaborated on dishes for a sparkling reception. The B.C. Trucking Association elected its new Board of Directors for 2017-18 at their recent Annual General Meeting in Kelowna. They include Mike Bissell of Langley Freight Lines (’90) Ltd. of Vernon, Greg Munden of Munden Ventures Ltd. of Kamloops, Derek Norman of DSN Transport Ltd. of Kelowna, Byron Sample of Valley Roadways Ltd. of Kamloops, John Cormier of Clark Freightways of Kamloops, Doug Sutherland of Sutco Transportation Specialists of West Kelowna, Roy Taki of Arrow Transportation Systems Inc. of Kamloops and Jordan Wilson of Hawkeye Holdings Ltd. of Kelowna.

Representatives from the Salmon Arm Economic Development Society and Community Futures Shuswap receive their BC EDA Award Okanagan College junior chefs, and chefs from the BC Culinary Foundation and Okanagan Chefs Association prepare for the Earth Wind Fire sparkling reception Tourism Kelowna CEO, Nancy Cameron, has announced that she will be leaving her position after 17 years to relocate with her family to Vancouver Island. During her time of leadership, Cameron has spearheaded efforts to evolve Tourism Kelowna into the not-forprofit organization that it is today and recognized the tremendous tourism potential for Kelowna. Tourism Kelowna’s Board will begin their search for Cameron’s replacement. Howard Soon, master winemaker at Sandhill Wines, will be retiring from his position on Monday, July 24th. Soon is the longest serving winemaker in the country, with 37 consecutive vintages. The Okanagan College Foundation has named Sharron Simpson as their new President and Board Chair. Simpson has served with the Foundation Board since 2013, and succeeds former President, Alf Kempf. Kelowna Concierge has launched as a full-service planning company, connecting tourists with activities in the Okanagan Valley. The company is the first of its’ kind in the Okanagan, and was founded by four hospitality professionals: Chad Haller and Jon De Bruyne – Co-owners and Operators, Jessica Eldridge – Co-owner and Financial Manager, and Jillian Wegner – Co-owner and Marketing Manager. The Kelowna Museum celebrates their 50th anniversary this year. Fripp Warehousing has unveiled one of the largest murals in the province, measuring over 200 feet long and 30 feet high. Local artist, Eric Blais, created the mural. United Way CSO locations across the province have partnered with BC211 to provide an online resource throughout all regions of BC. The website is entitled: bc211. ca, and is an up-to-date online information service that provides a reliable opening to government, social, community, and

non-clinical health services. Engel & Volkers has opened up a shop in the Okanagan Valley, partnering with Lexterra Real Estate. Suzie Doratti is the owner and broker-of-record for the Okanagan branch of the international organization, which will provide real estate services to those wishing to buy and sell homes from Lake Country to Peachland. Christine Delong, previously of Begrand Fast Design, has joined the Sticks and Stones Design Group team as a Senior Designer. As Tridem Services Ltd. is increasingly growing, they are pleased to welcome back Tibor Himer Jr. to the family business as General Manager, effective July 1, 2017. Tourism Kelowna has secured a $500,000 grant from the BC Government, which will go towards their new $2.8 million Visitor Centre. The conditions of the grant stated that the City of Kelowna must grant a development permit, and the permit was granted on June 27th.

LAKE COUNTRY Lake Country is passing a “made in Lake Country” bylaw that offers the first year free for businesses acquiring a license, beginning on January 1, 2018. The bylaw also serves to speed up the licensing process, lessening costs for startups, and improving service for business owners in the area.

SALMON ARM The Salmon Arm Economic Development Society and Community Futures Shuswap were honoured with a Community Project award for Communities less than 20,000 population, for their “Launch-A-Preneur” program at the 257th Annual BC Economic Development Awards, held on

June 13th.

Vancouver Convention Centre.

Creative Therapy Consultants, Occupational Therapists, head office in Oliver has a new location with ProActive Fitness Ltd. Alyssa Blair BHKin has joined ProActive Fitness Ltd as a Kineisiologist, BCAK certified providing: Exercise Therapy, Personal Training and Sport Conditioning.

KAMLOOPS Three Kamloops Wine Trail Wineries took home nine medals at the 37th Annual All Canadian Wine Championships, a national competition that included 1,401 wine entries from across Canada. Monte Creek Ranch Winery took home Double Gold for their 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve, Gold for their 2014 Ranch Hand Red Reserve, Silver for their 2014 Cabernet Merlot, and Bronze for their 2016 Hands Up White. Harper’s Trail Estate Winery received Gold for their 2015 Cabernet Franc, Silver for their 2016 Pioneer Block Riesling, Bronze for their 2016 Silver Mane Riesling, and Bronze for their 2016 Rose. Privato Vineyard and Winery received Gold for their 2014 Tesoro Pinot Noir Woodward Collection. Tourism Kamloops has opened a downtown visitor centre in the Kamloops Blazers Corner Store at Sandman Centre. The new centre was opened to accommodate an expected increase in the number of visitors to the Kamloops region this summer, and is the result of a partnership between Rocky Mountaineer, the Kamloops Blazers Hockey Club, and the City of Kamloops. MNP has welcomed James Foucault CPA Inc. to their firm, adding fresh local insight to their national resources in consulting, accounting and tax services. Larissa Pepper, HR Coordinator for Arrow Transportation Systems Inc. in Kamloops, was a finalist for the 2017 CPHR British Columbia & Yukon Rising Star Award. She was honoured at the recent 55th HR Conference and Tradeshow at the

Above: Larissa Pepper, HR Coordinator for Arrow Transportation Systems)

PENTICTON Three local wineries were named as winners of the 2017 Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for Excellence in British Columbia Wines: Howling Bluff Estate Winery won with their Century Block Pinot Noir 2013, Perseus Winery took top honors with their Invictus 2013, and Upper Bench Estate Winery with their Upper Bench Estate Chardonnay 2015. Okanagan Falls winery, Noble Ridge Vineyards and Winery, was also named as a winner for their “The One” Sparkling 2012. Twelve BC wines were named as winners this year – all from the Okanagan, out of 486 wines submitted by 132 wineries for the awards competition. Austin Weaver has joined the team at Travel Penticton as their new Marketing Manager, taking over from Raquel Meriam. In his role, Weaver will head up Travel Penticton’s “We’re Still Happening” Campaign – a collaboration with local businesses and the City of Penticton to let the public know that, in spite of high water levels, business continues as usual in Penticton. Penticton local, Grace Greyeyes, was named as the recipient of this year’s Okanagan College Alumni Association (OCAA) Distinguished SEE MOVERS AND SHAKERS |  PAGE 19


JULY 2017


Alumni Award, in recognition of her many years of service in leadership and education advancement in her community

SUMMERLAND The Summerland Chamber of Commerce welcomed new members this month: Blomme Photography, providing candid wedding and family photography; Happy Robot Farms operates an urban microgreen farm, distributing their new products at Peach Pitt; Peace of Mind is a home care business providing downsizing and organization services for seniors; Rustic & Refined is a new home decor store on Main Street that features upcycled furniture, giftware and workshops; and RS Line Construction, a power line construction company based in Langley, that has been awarded the Bentley Road conductor upgrades in Summerland. Summerland Waterfront Resort & Spa renovated their patio, which is now ready for the summer 2017 season. It features new furniture, firebowls and great new decor.

meal. Guides will pick up guests and take them to Sumac Ridge, followed by Evolve Cellars and ending at Saxon Wineries. Each course will have tastings from a variety of Bottleneck Drive members. Tickets are available online. The Summerland Chamber welcomes a new Communications and Membership Coordinator Shaylyn Robertson to their team.

VERNON SilverStar Mountain Resort has announced the construction of a new Doppelmayr gondola, which will provide service from SilverStar Village to the Summit. The

project will replace the existing gondola, built in 1970, and will provide a faster, more comfortable ride for visitors. The lift will initially have 21 cabins that each seat eight people, for an uphill capacity of 1,200 people per hour. This will later increase to 43 cabins in its next phase of development. The final construction is scheduled for completion and grand opening in July 2018. Vancouver company, Seacliff Properties, has purchased 543 acres of The Rise, a property overlooking Okanagan Lake, for $20 million. The sale was finalized on June 5th, and the company plans to construct a long-term development project. A Fred Couples’ signature golf course remains on The Rise property, but was not part of the sale.

OLIVER – OSOYOOS The 2017 Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for Excellence in British Columbia Wines have named five Oliver wines as winners this year: the Cabernet Franc 2014 from Burrowing Owl Estate Winery, Cassini Cellars’ Nobilus Merlot 2013 and The Aristocrat Cabernet Sauvignon 2013, the Crimson Rhapsody 2014 from Castoro de Oro Estate Winery, and the Bush Vine Syrah 2014 from Maverick Estate Winery. The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of BC, will be visiting all 12 award-winning wineries from the competition in September to present the awards.

We’re Looking For The Best of the Best in Commercial Buildings in 2016-17

Cherry Lane Mall will be renovating and expanding their food court over the next couple of months. The expansion will increase the amount of restaurant spaces, including extra retail space with the demolition of the existing Urban Dollar space. The renovation will feature a new seating area, new configuration and new floor treatment. This month Nomad Cider officially opened their doors to a brand new tasting room. Located at 8011 Simpson Rd, the cidery specializes in traditional dry and semi-dry ciders made from fresh-pressed local BC apples. The current tasting room hours are Saturday and Sunday from 11 - 5 or by appointment. Summerland Winery featured on Global BC and CTV Calgary Christa-Lee Mcwatters Bond joined Global BC and CTV Calgary to tell viewers about Evolve Cellars wine and how to navigate Okanagan Wine Country. Christa-Lee gave some great wine-tasting tips during the Global BC feature, and discussed some excellent ideas for Father’s Day and BBQ season on CTV Calgary. Both features can be found on the Global BC and CTV websites. Congratulations to True Grain on celebrating their 5 Year Anniversary this month. True Grain is an advocate for shopping local, making all of their products with organic flour produced right here in B.C. Join them on June 24th for a special Anniversary celebration. Main Street Yoga is providing yoga in the park on Mondays at 9:00am in Memorial Park. This class is replacing their usual Yoga on the Dock until further notice. Cherry Tree Quilts is now an Accuquilt Signature Dealer. They now carry the full line of Go! Fabric cutters, dies and accessories. TH Wines has introduced a brand new ‘By Hand Wine Club’. Club members will receive a mix of library wines, pre-releases and exclusive offers. Shipments are bi-monthly and include free shipping. To sign up for their monthly package, contact them at Bottleneck Drive will host a Savour Summer Progressive Dinner & Tasting on July 7 for wine tasting and a three-course


New institutional, commercial, industrial building, multi/single family, recreational or renovation projects located in the Thompson, Okanagan and Kootenay regions completed between July 31, 2016 and July 31, 2017 are eligible for a Commercial Building Award. There is No Cost to enter. The Gala Celebration will be held September 28 in Kelowna.

The Nomination Deadline for the 2017 Thompson Okanagan Kootenay Commercial Building Awards is August 11. For Nomination Forms, email:


JULY 2017

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY BUSINESS HEATS UP IN NICHE MARKET “The efficiency of Family business finds diversification the key to longevity and success


lmost 20 years ago, with no gas connected to his property, Jim Croken had to look for alternative sources of heating and cooling for the family home he was building. His research led him to geothermal energy and an efficient and sustainable energy source. With its success in his own home, Croken, an electrician by trade, went on to create Okanagan Geothermal Ltd. (OK Geo). Eighteen years later, Croken and his son Nick own and operate the company and have expanded the services it offers to provide for the diverse needs of its customers. “Basically, we design and install the mechanical, plumbing and electrical for anything from commercial facilities to custom homes, ranging in size from 6,000 to 20,000 square feet,” Nick Croken said. A mechanical engineer, Croken has been working with his dad since he obtained his degree. “I had to work somewhere,” he said. “I’d always had an interest in the mechanical side of business and liked living in the area, so it made sense to buy into the family business.”

geothermal exceeds 500 per cent, the energy is limitless, easy to access and always available.” NICK CROKEN OWNER, OKANAGAN GEOTHERMAL LTD.

He explained that, after his father created the company, the demand for geothermal changed leading the company to expand into other areas including solar hot water heating, plumbing, HVAC, refrigeration, electrical controls, gas, excavation and trenching, well pumps, irrigation and water filtration. “Although geothermal is the best source of consistent yearround heating or cooling, when the government grants stopped, interest shifted to other energy efficient sources of heating.” Listen to him explain how geothermal works and you get the sense that Croken loves what he does. He shares this information over his phone while working an excavator on the family farm that he and his wife will be moving into. The low hum and rumble of the heavy machine is background noise, but he never skips a beat as he continues to excavate and describes the process of installing a system that cleanly draws heat from the earth. “Pipes are buried in the earth either horizontally or vertically for moving heat from one space to another. A geothermal system uses solar energy stored in the ground to heat and cool your home or building. In the summer, the heat pump extracts heat from a building and transfers it to the ground for cooling. In the winter, it extracts heat from the ground and transfers it to the home or building for heating.” He emphasized that the benefits are a completely green, clean and renewable heating and cooling system that isn’t weather dependent and provides uniform

Okanagan Geothermal installs geothermal heating and cooling systems throughout the Okanagan and Shuswap region CREDIT:OKANAGAN GEOTHERMAL

An irrigation distribution head, made out of 18 inch HDPE, is being installed for a 60 acre blueberry farm CREDIT:OKANAGAN GEOTHERMAL


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JULY 2017

Okanagan Geothermal has expanded its services to include installing well pumps and irrigation and water filtration

At the Downie Mill in Revelstoke two technicians work on 8 inch HDPE pipe fusion for rain water retention



Jim Croken founded the company in 1998, today it employs 12, and has eight trucks, various job trailers, and an Excavator and Chain Trencher

various job trailers, an Excavator and Chain Trencher. “The chain trencher is used for ground work, especially for geothermal ground loops and irrigation systems. We install from small to large scale systems, as well as septic systems that are engineered for our unique soil conditions. One of the projects that benefitted from the chain trencher is the geothermal field at the MV Beattie Elementary School in Enderby. It’s one of the most efficient schools in BC.” Oka naga n G eotherma l has been given awards for its innovative applications of geothermal

projects. It’s been nominated for the Green Award for Salmon Arm Business Excellence Awards the Canadian GeoExchange Coalition Prize of Excellence Award in BC. It has received the NextEnergy Innovative Installation Application award for Canada, numerous Green awards, and the NextEnergy 2011 Top Dealer Western Canada Regional Award. It strives to give back to its community through its support of area teams and the local school. Okanagan Geothermal Ltd. is at 36 Highway 97B in Enderby.


indoor comfort year-round with increased dehumidification during the hot summer months. Different from conventional systems, it’s essentially noise-free with no outdoor fans and a smaller equipment foot print. “It can save up to 80 per cent versus conventional systems,” he said. “Plus, the efficiency exceeds 500 per cent, the energy is limitless, easy to access and always available.” “There is an elite group of customers we are working with as well as homeowners looking for standard and alternative energy.

It’s a niche market of those wanting to go off grid. They are looking to install a variety of green systems, including Solar Hot Water.” Providing a full range of mechanical services has been OK Geo’s success formula for longevity. That and Jim and Nick’s working relationship. “My wife says we are both Type A personalities and have our own way of doing things. We’re also both easy going and if we have different ideas about how to do something we discuss both ways and how they can work. It helps that we also have our own area of

expertise and roles. Dad takes care of the invoicing and administrative duties and I organize the jobs and schedule. It helps us keep on the same page.” Recently, Nick’s brother, Sheldon, joined the family business, adding his plumbing degree to the company’s line up of services. It’s been a welcome addition for Jim as it’s truly the family business. Over the past couple of years there has been major growth for the company. It has expanded its shop, recently hired two more employees, bringing the total to 12, and it now has eight trucks,


Congratulations to Okanagan Geothermal Ltd. on 18 successful years in business!

Congratulations to Okanagan Geothermal, for 18 years in business. We are happy to work with an exceptional team like yours and wish you continued success. | kelowna branch |




JULY 2017 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Thompson Okanagan Office #210-347 Leon Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8C7 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684  Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: Website:

PUBLISHER/EDITOR |  Lise MacDonald, SALES |  Joanne Iormetti –, Thom Klos –, Josh Higgins – WRITERS |  Julia MacDonald, John MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes, Linda Wenger, Kristin van Vloten WEBSITE | John MacDonald




usiness likes certainty. Business can’t be happy with what is happening in Victoria these days, as from one day to the next, it is anything but certainty. Almost every group and organization is being “targeted” in either the campaign promises of the NDP/Green coalition, or the Throne Speech, dubbed the “clone speech” by Vancouver Province columnist Michael Smyth. Except the business community, which, at the end of the day, will be saddled with paying for the enormity of the promises made, if indeed they are kept at all. The tremors have already started in some corners. It’s not just the Site C dam project, the companies that have geared up to build, and the 2,200-plus workers on-site that the two-headed Green/NDP monster has its sights on that are trembling at a potential stop-work

order. It’s other companies and sectors that wonder what is next. Some developers have already pushed the pause button on projects, adopting a wait-and-see attitude to see what the immediate future holds. That’s what business does when it can’t see what’s coming. If the forthcoming months and years provide a climate of certainty, owners and investors are inclined to move forward. Stormy political climates produce the opposite effect, as the brakes are applied to other projects that create wealth for investors and jobs for those who build them. A one-year delay in the construction of Site C dam in northern B.C. will result in $630 million in extra costs, as the massive project will miss a critical seasonal window for damming the Skeena River for the third time. Green leader Andrew “Dream” Weaver’s claims that these jobs are “imaginary” and “temporary” are incredibly callous and naïve at the same time. Isn’t every construction job temporary? That’s because once something is built, the builders move on to build something else. While NDP leader John Horgan is calling for a brief moratorium/ study of the project, it remains to be seen whether or not he’ll have the guts to issue to place pink slips in the hands of the 2,200-plus

workers at the site, despite the Green demand to stop the project outright. Reading between the lines, Horgan seems to be suggesting that those working on Site C will find immediate replacement jobs elsewhere in the province. There is no mention of what those jobs might be. Surely he doesn’t believe that 2,200 workers will be absorbed in building the social housing the NDP promises. The ramifications of stopping Site C now – even being so close to the point of no return construction-wise - will be widespread and devastating. It will immediately hammer northern BC, and because the electricity generated by Site C is earmarked for the Liquid Natural Gas industry, it will thump northwestern BC, where much of the action is supposed to be. Many of those jobs have their roots and head offices in the vote-rich lower mainland. Those high-end construction jobs that would be eliminated when large companies are told their services are no longer needed to build the dam will not instantly result in comparable jobs elsewhere. The six-figure-plus salaries that bigger firms can afford to pay won’t transfer over to the same income for workers at other, smaller projects. Bigger companies can cover bigger paycheques. Smaller companies typically pay

less, because that’s what they can afford. What the recent election has demonstrated is that each of the parties will say literally anything to get elected, or stay in power. BC Liberal Premier Christy Clark’s throne speech read like it was lifted directly from the NDP. It was an almost 180-degree turn from her campaign promises just weeks earlier. Clark’s dramatic about-face may have made Clark not only unelectable, but could have driven a permanent wedge in the federal Conservative/Liberal coalition. Clark may have succeeded where others have failed – re-creating a viable, second free-enterprise party for Conservatives who can no longer align themselves with the increasingly left-leaning BC Liberals. It seems that voters who only tune in, briefly, during elections, hear any party say they’ll “create jobs” and think that’s good enough and the same as any other party. The campaigners seem to realize that few dig deeper than those headline grabbing comments to see if the party platforms actually can create jobs, or have at any time. Yet jobs “created” from each party are completely different. Jobs from a typical free enterprise government come from the private sector – which is really

THE job creator. Which create jobs and growth. Jobs from socialist governments come from an expansion of the public payroll. They use tax dollars to create more programs to hire ideological soul-mates and friends. All paid for by the increasingly-burdened private sector. The mainstream media has treated the Greens w ith k id gloves, like they’re well-meaning and harmless. They barely pat the party gently on its head even when they step offside. Nobody believed the Greens would get elected. Except now the Greens hold the balance of power in the province, even though Weaver gave all his negotiating power away by acquiescing to every major NDP policy in order to overthrow Clark. The Greens don’t appear to be so cute and cuddly” and “harmless” anymore, do they? Yet this is who they were all along. It’s just that they cloaked themselves with motherhood, feel-good environmental “principles”, while understanding virtually nothing – or choosing to be clueless - about how B.C. is driven by resources. The Green party has one goal: Stop the extraction of resources. And now, this small group of economic terrorists is close to hi-jacking the high-flying economy of resource-dependent British Columbia.




he outcome of last month’s BC election raises serious questions about future energy policy in British Columbia. The election produced no clear winner, although the New Democrats and the Green Party have agreed to unite with an eye on forming the next government. That’s where the questions come in. During the campaign, the two parties offered policy perspectives that were considerably more stringent on both energy and climate change than the incumbent Liberals.

A key element of the Green/ NDP coalition is their opposition to the proposed Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, which was approved by the federal government last November after a review process that lasted nearly five years and imposed 157 additional requirements on the project. The new coalition pledges to use “every tool available” to stop the pipeline, including preventing additional tanker traffic off the coast of BC. I n response, Pri me M i n ister Justin Trudeau and Alberta Premier Rachel Notley have expressed, in no uncertain terms, that they expect this pipeline to be built. T he pr i me m i n i ster noted several important facts while maintaining his support. He recognized that the pipeline project was rigorously assessed by the National Energy Board and that elections don’t change the past. “Regardless of the change in government in British Columbia or anywhere,” he said, “the facts

and evidence do not change.” Notley made two important observations about the pipeline. She noted that provinces don’t have the right to negate projects that have received federal approval and that providing such provincial rights would damage Canada’s overall national interest. But there’s still another reason why the Kinder Morgan pipeline (and several other proposed pipelines) should be approved: to protect human health and the environment. In 2015, the Fraser Institute analyzed data from the Transpor tat ion Sa fety Boa rd a nd Transport Canada, to assess the relative safety of moving oil by pipeline versus moving that same quantity by rail. The researchers found that while both modes of transport are overwhelmingly safe, delivering more than 99 per cent of product to market without accident, pipelines were somewhat safer than rail. Specifically, pipelines were found to be 4.5 times less likely to have an accident or incident

than rail transport. Moreover, 70 per cent of pipeline spills are very small, releasing less than one cubic metre of oil. And pipeline spills mostly occur at facilities - only 17 per cent of pipeline occurrences took place in the actual line pipe. As for tankers off BC, the Fraser Institute noted in a separate study that tanker safety has improved vastly while oil shipped by tanker has increased markedly. There has been no major oil spill in Canadian waters in 20 years. Clearly, while all transport mo d e s a re ne e d e d a nd w i l l continue to be used, the decision about which mode to use (after accounting for safety) should be more about economics and less about environmental superstition. Pipelines aren’t only safer for moving oil, they’re up to three times cheaper. Other studies have shown moving oil by pipeline is also safer for people - fewer workers are injured when moving oil by pipeline than by rail.

Whether you agree or disagree with their climate policies, you have to respect the strong resolve shown by Trudeau and Notley in advancing this pipeline project, particularly in the face of strong opposition from their own side of the political spectrum. Of cou rse, they not on ly should, they basically have to - both have staked their reputations, at home and internationally, on the idea that Canada’s implementation of stringent greenhouse gas policies would allow pipelines to be built and Canada’s oil resources to capture full value on hungry markets outside of the glutted U.S. If nothing else, for the sake of showing the world (and its investors) that Canada can still manage to build important national infrastructure, the PM and premier should stay the course. Kenneth Green is senior director of the Centre for Natural Resource Studies at the Fraser Institute.

SUBCRIPTIONS  |  $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: WWW.BUSINESSEXAMINER.CA. DISTRIBUTION: FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan, 2017. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240


JULY 2017


The Kelowna International Airport’s passenger check in area is also being enlarged and enhanced to meet increased demand

One highly visible portion of the ongoing $92 million development plan is a major upgrade to the baggage hall


fact March 2017 was the busiest single month in the airport’s history, with more than 173,000 passengers passing through our doors,” Samaddar said. The development effort is all part of a long range endeavour called Kelowna International

Airport Master Plan 2045, an outline for future growth at YLW that was officially adopted by the Kelowna City Council last November. The plan has been crafted to provide a detailed analysis and recommendations for future airport growth in eight different areas: air traffic forecasts, the airside system, the air terminal building, access and parking,

operations and support, commercial development, utilities and land use planning. The long range effort is a key component of a deliberate effort by the City to see the facility become North America’s best mid-sized airport. “Those are some huge numbers for an airport of our size, a growth that is directly benefiting the entire region. When I

look at our first quarter for 2017 the ski season did very, very well this year yet again – with much of our activity during the winter months generated by that ski market,” he said. City of Kelowna statistics show that in 2016 the airport provided $789 million in total economic output to the province and was responsible for more than 4,500 jobs in the region. The ongoing development plan, in addition to the baggage hall, will also include airfield lighting upgrades, expansion planning for the facility’s Combined Operations Building, the installation of new

runway navigational aids and the creation of a Runway End Safety Area. “Our airport continues to develop air services that support the broader region, for example we have three daily flights today to the Toronto market. From a business perspective that gives us access to the largest population centre in Canada, and connectivity to the world beyond that. If you have to get somewhere quickly, our airport has access to those markets,” Samaddar said. To learn more visit the airport’s website at:




s part of the sector development work the Summerland Chamber of Commerce is involved in with the District of Summerland and the South Okanagan Similkameen Economic Development group (SOSED), we have been exploring the agricultural technology sector for several years. Last October, an investment attraction strategy report completed for SOSED identified value added agriculture and agri-tech

as the key sectors where our region should focus as well the areas within this where the South Okanagan has a competitive advantage. In January, with funding support from the Rural Dividend Fund and the District of Summerland, the Chamber contracted researcher Jane Campardo of Engage Business and People Solutions to complete a feasibility study for the creation of an Okanagan Agricultural Innovation Centre. Completed in late June, the scope of the study was to determine if there is a need for an agricultural innovation centre in the Okanagan, to study best practices from other similar facilities in BC, Canada and internationally, and if feasible, to explore locations, potential structure, participants and preliminary costs. As part of the study, Campardo conducted in-depth interviews with more than 100 industry people, organizations and stakeholders and held 2 regional focus groups where an additional 30 people participated.

Participants and interviewees were overwhelmingly supportive of having a Centre created in the Okanagan with 90 per cent of those respondents supporting the Centre being located in Summerland. They identified problems and opportunities throughout the ag value chain and created a list of must-haves for the Centre. These consultations also identified that the overall objective of the Centre is to drive innovation, economic development and job creation in the Okanagan by supporting entrepreneurs and companies in the agricultural tech and value added agricultural industry. Summerland was identified as the best location for the Centre due to its history in agriculture, the presence of the federal government’s Summerland Research and Development Centre in the community, and its central location in the heart of the Okanagan growing region. As well, over the years, world-renow ned food based

biotechnology companies have begun as research projects at SR DC and then commercialized, grown and remained in Summerland. The next phase in the process is the creation of a detailed business plan and additional consultation. Planning is beginning for this. The future is exciting.



Christine Petkau is Executive Director of the Summerland Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Summerland. The Chamber is also responsible for business retention, expansion and attraction (economic development services) on behalf of the District of Summerland. She can be reached at cpetkau@




JULY 2017

STARTING AT GROUND LEVEL SETS FOUNDATION FOR SUCCESS “Dad started us off right Purchased by Brad Miller in 1992, Norsteel Building Systems is now owned by son Brandon and son-in-law Jason Eising


E L OW NA – Bra ndon Miller got h i s sta r t i n the fa m i ly busi ness at ground level digging ditches in the summer during high school. His father, Brad Miller, believed that the proper way of learning a business was to experience it, all of it. “Dad started us off right at the bottom because he felt experiencing every aspect of the business, including every job, would give us the right mentality for eventually running it.” T he 25-yea r-old bu si ness, Norsteel Building Systems Ltd., has served the family well. Brad SEE NORSTEEL BUILDING |  PAGE 25

at the bottom because he felt experiencing every aspect of the business, including every job, would give us the right mentality for eventually running it.” BRANDON MILLER OWNER, NORSTEEL BUILDLING SYSTEMS, LTD.

Jason Eising likes to say that erecting a steel building is like assembling a Lego set with clear step by step instructions CREDIT:NORSTEEL BUILDING SYSTEMS

Steel structures satisfy an industry that is looking for a durable and cost-effective product that is less expensive than concrete tilt-ups

Office personnel includes, back left, Garrett Savard, Project Manager, Jason Eising, Owner/General Manager, far right, Ray Smith, Project Manager, front left, Brandon Miller, Owner/Estimator, May Chamberlain, Office Administrator



Celebrating 25 Years Nucor Building Systems congratulates Authorized Builder, Norsteel Building Systems, LTD., as they celebrate 25 years of excellence in metal building construction.


JULY 2017

Norsteel has erected buildings for mills, aviation hangars, warehouses, machine shops, car washes, storage buildings, retail businesses, small buildings, and agricultural facilities CREDIT:NORSTEEL BUILDING SYSTEMS


bought the business in 1992 after seeing an ad in the Kelowna paper, and all these years later it is now owned by his son and son-in-law and employs 25-30 workers. “Dad was pile driving in Vancouver, but the city was growing and he found it getting too busy for him. We visited Kelowna a lot for family vacations, and when he saw Norsteel up for sale, even though he didn’t know anything about steel buildings, he was a Jack-of-all-trades, figured he could do it and bought the company.” Brandon joined the business after he graduated and spent a year in Australia. W hen he came back, he was still digging the odd ditch, but Brad also had him learning how to erect a steel building from the ground up, as well as what it takes to design and manage its construction. “I defi n itely benefitted by learning every job, especially in how I view each project. I know how to design and draw

a structure and I’ve also built hundreds. I know what the guys need to erect a building more efficiently and what it takes to stay safe.” But family connections go a little deeper at Norsteel than just father and son. Co-owner, Jason Eising, was already foreman at Norsteel when Miller started working for the company. He was also dating Brad’s daughter, who eventually married him! I n 2015, M i l ler a nd E i si ng bought Brad out and became partners in the company that h a s now desig ned a nd constructed over 530 steel buildi ngs, mostly i n BC, but a lso ex tend i ng i nto A lber ta a nd Saskatchewan. “We’ve been friends for a long time and have a great relationship,” said Miller. “When we were younger we worked on jobs together and there was a real camaraderie. When we came to the table to negotiate the buyout, that friendship was a real benefit because we knew what ki nd of work eth ic each was bringing to the business.”

Eising adds that working at separate jobs within the company also helps as it puts each person where his strengths lie. Miller acts as the chief estimator and is responsible for most of the sales and in landing projects. Eising, who was operations manager for eight years before purchasing the company, continues in his role as a general manager. Miller, Eising and a third partner also bought Brad out in a complementary company, Miller

Equipment Rentals Ltd. which suppl ies Norsteel a nd other companies with the necessary equipment used in construction. “The businesses go hand in hand and dad still likes to pop in and see what is happening and what new projects are on the go.” “We’re in a great business,” he said. “So many businesses in construction tend to slow down periodically in connection with the housing market. But when times are slow in one industry,

and there isn’t much demand for new builds, they can be booming in another with a large demand. We’re always busy because our buildings get erected across a variety of industries. We aren’t tied to one.” He sa id t h at Nors te el h a s erected buildings for mills, aviation hangars, warehouses, machine shops, car washes, storage buildings, retail businesses, small buildings, agricultural SEE NORSTEEL BUILDING |  PAGE 26


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On 25 Years of Success! BEHLEN Industries LP and Westman Steel want to wish our trusted dealer Norsteel Building Systems Ltd. on a quarter-century of success! To get started on your own BEHLEN solution, call BEHLEN Industries LP at 1-888-315-1035 or visit online at Or to inquire about Westman Steel products and where to find them, call 1 (888) 937-8626 or visit them online at

Miller Equipment Rentals Ltd. supplies Norsteel with the manlifts used to keep workers safe CREDIT: CHARLENE WAINES WILTINK


JULY 2017


facilities and more. He said that recently, there is a trend in steel buildings for wineries and commercial facilities. Another high demand area is for re-roofing existing buildings and retro fitting old buildings with new siding. Norsteel provides the option of comprehensive services for erecting pre-engineered buildings offering building sales, erecting, foundations, turn-key complete buildings and general contracting. “We pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop, providing as much or as little as the customer wants,” Miller said. “For customers who want to construct their own project, we drop ship the building package that meets all building codes and regulations and contains clear and concise instructions. We help our customers throughout the construction process. Even for drop ship customers, we let them know that we are only a phone call away.” “Industry is looking for a durable and cost-effective product and steel buildings today are less expensive than concrete tilt-ups,” Eising emphasized. Changes in the exterior and interior of the buildings are generating most of the interest, as what once was pla i n and unattractive or less energy

Congratulations Norsteel on this achievement. We look forward to working with you towards your next major milestone.

R.T. Metal Products Ltd. Custom Anchor Bolts and Steel Goods 6-1598 S.E. Marine Drive Vancouver, B.C., V5P 2R4


Norsteel has a strong sense of community within its workforce CREDIT:CHARLENE WAINES WILTINK

efficient, with new products has been transformed into a cost effective and sought after building choice. “The new products have been well accepted by businesses, especially with the new thermal insulated sandwich panel system that gets away f rom the traditional corrugated wall look.”

Pre-engineered steel buildings are now attractive alternatives that can come in at up to 40 per cent less than the traditional block alternative. They can be erected quickly and with less waste. Shipped and delivered direct to the site, upon arriving they are ready to be assembled by Norsteel’s qualified staff. “Fabrication is done to meet

We would like to thank Norsteel Building Systems for their partnership and



TOLL FREE: 877-868-2571

w w w. t o t a l - r. c o m

Norsteel holds regular training to ensure everyone is up-to-date with information on keeping safe on the job CREDIT:CHARLENE WAINES WILTINK

or exceed the code and quality plans,” explained Miller. “Design and installation are done in-house by our certified and professional tradespeople.” Versatility is also a key draw for these buildings. Modular construction can be designed to grow, with a business making additions or re-imagining space straightforward and easy. Another perk of going steel is its low maintenance. Steel panels are strong and hardy, fire resistant, watertight, energy efficient and easy to clean. Over the years that Miller has been involved with the business and steel buildings he’s seen changes that have made for a better finished product. “A better thermal value has definitely been an improvement, as well as the exterior look of the finished building. When it comes to safety, I remember when I first started we were installing off of a ladder. The work is very labour intensive and at high heights. Now we use the correct equipment suited to each individual job to ensure all our guys

stay safe and production time is faster with man lifts and other equipment we rent from Miller Equipment.” Over the years, Norsteel has worked on installations with built-in challenges that a steel building is uniquely qualified to solve. “We’re building a Snow Cat facility in the Monashees that gets from 25 to 30 feet of snow in a year and required a structural design that could handle that volume,” said Eising. “We’re also suitably equipped for the BC Hydro Run of the River, which has projects located in remote areas with no access roads. In many cases we had to barge the materials and equipment in.” But that’s a steel structure’s strength. As Eising explains, “it’s like a Lego set that comes in a nice package with a clear set of step-by-step instructions. Easy to put together and impressive when complete.” Norsteel Bu i ld i ng Systems Ltd. is at 1295 Stevens Road in Kelowna


JULY 2017


PENTICTON BRANDY MASLOWSKI “October 3, 2014 – My phone rang at 4:30 a.m. It was the security company advising that disaster had struck. I live around the corner and could hear the sounds of sirens. I raced to the scene to find a fury of action. I was thankful for the alarm systems that informed SOS Security for if it wasn’t for their quick response there may have been nothing left. The fire fighters are also to be thanked for their quick response. Little did we know the process, cleanup and impact this would have on the business.” – Ryan Wuthe, O p erat ion s Manager, Boyd Autobody & Glass Penticton You can’t predict when a disaster


will strike or the effect it will have on your business but you can take steps to be prepared in advance. Here are the Penticton Chamber’s 6 TIPS for Disaster Preparedness: PROPER MONITORING AND SECURITY – Have an alarm in place for fire and burglary that is monitored so you will be notified 24/7. Monitored alarm systems have the option of open/close reports so you can always check who is coming and going and at what time of day. They also offer extra features like flood or carbon monoxide detection. They can even cater to your specific business needs with products like panic buttons or medical pendants which immediately notify the police. You can also hire a security company to respond to all after hours alarms to prevent costly fines if your city has a false alarm bylaw. Research and implement a system that works for you. INSURANCE – Check into your current insurance plan to be sure it covers building, contents and employment for key staff. Some layoffs may be necessary if you have a 4 to 6 month rebuild, but holding key staff in place is crucial. Boyd quickly learned the side effects of fire were not just the heat and burning but the smoke




n to poser to lone last ish a oals the and om-



2648 Tranquille Rd – Townhouses 175 Kokanee Way - Ramada Hotel

and soot that would cause the majority of the damage. They were still able to maintain some assistance to their customers with a portable building setup and wired while they waited for the main building to be restored. COMPUTER BACKUPS – It is crucial that business files and data are automatically backed up and saved daily. This includes files for the last few years, plus tax filing information. Store them in the cloud as well as on at least 3 physical devices. And one of those devices should be located at least 8Km away from the business location in case of natural disaster like flooding or forest fire. If this seems excessive, consider that it could be impossible to rebuild or even function without your customer and financial database, and then hire someone to set this up for you so it is easy to implement. Once you have your backup systems in place test them annually. RELATIONSHIPS – It’s so important to have close relationships with other businesses in your community. Join your local Chamber of Commerce for instant connections. Build strong ties with your insurance, legal, financial companies and even your competition. And first and foremost have outstanding relationships with

your customers. Seven customer vehicles were written off as a result of the Boyd fire. Ryan says those calls were challenging to make but they were fortunate to have good relationships and very understanding customers. COMMUNICATION – Plan in advance to have an alternate location in the case of disaster to set up your computers and basic business operations temporarily. This could be a portable building onsite or in the vacant space of a nearby business. If you have space, offer it in an emergency to other businesses in need. You can also create a 72 hour emergency kit for at work, in your vehicle or at home. In the first critical hours of a disaster you will need a flashlight, camera, snacks, work clothes, plastic sheeting, garbage bags, gloves, and face masks to assess the situation. For communications, prepare media release templates with all contact lists and companies that will help you get wired up for announcements to your customers and stakeholders the same day. HIRE A RESTORATION COMPANY – You may be tempted to do it yourself, or hire your uncle, brother, or friend for each stage of the rebuild

but a disaster restoration company can help you with everything from inventory and documenting of the damaged goods, to overall cleanup and finding professional contractors for the renovations. Most importantly, they offer a warranty. Be sure to use qualified professionals to stay within the guidelines of your insurance policy and to avoid running into bylaw issues that delay re-opening your business or result in fines. There is no real way to know when a disaster will strike or how deeply it will affect your business. Preparedness comes from thinking ahead, having a solid plan, knowing your customers, growing your business connections, and making a difference where you can when other businesses are in need.

ARCHITECT Bernd Hermanski Arch – Box 1438 40 Alexander St NE, Salmon Arm V1E 4P6 250-832-7400

PROJECT TYPE Commercial New

ARCHITECT Meiklejohn Architects Inc (Penticton) – 201 75 Front St, Penticton V2A 1H2 250-492-3143

GENERAL CONTRACTOR CDN Framing & Development – Box 399, Salmon Arm V1E 4N5 250832-1503



1140 Sun Peaks Road, Sun Peaks – PROJECT Hostel New – Thewater Burfield treatment facility LOCATION - the dis2673 Gore St – Condominiums – trict is currently testing several methPROJECT TYPE Townhouses Multi-Family New ods including membrane technology


PROJECT New Self Storage development – 1 structure – 5 storeys – approx 10,270 sm – offices on main floor – corrugated metal interior walls – biofiber brick – plaster and metal exterior – wood screens and ceilings – Petal Level Living Building Challenge certification PROJECT STATUS Rezoning application at 2nd reading – development permit application and development variance permit submitted – public hearing anticipated summer/17


PROJECT TYPE PROJECT STATUS PROJECT Multi-Family New New Hostel development – 1 strucDesign underway - Tender call for ARCHITECT ture – 3General storeys Contractor – 34 studio units PROJECT anticipated Distefano Jaud Architecture – 3 commercial new and one 1 bedroom unit New residential development – 1 July/14 - construction completion 1331 Ellis St, Kelowna V1Y 1Z9 PROJECT PROJECT structure – 4 storeys – two 2 storey 250-868-9278 anticipated New townhouses – 2 storeys – 20 PROJECT STATUS late 2015 LOCATION townhouse units – 2 condominiNew Hotel in the Campbell unitsRamada – 3 bedrooms – garages – Rezoning application at 2nd readCONSULTANT CONSULTANT 2241 ums units on 3rd andSpringfield 4th floors Rd - Mission Creek industrial parksiding, - 4 storeys cultured stone, vinyl boarding McLennan Design – N160 175 Opus Dayton Knight 255 1715 Crossing Westside – approx 8,587 sf – ground level and batten, wall shingles with 3,780 sm - 80 rooms - restaurant - pool Parfitt Way SW, Bainbridge Island ARCHITECT Dickson Ave, V1Y 9G6 250-868-4925 garages – brick, stucco and fiber smart trim accents – peaked-roofs with waterslide - elevators concreteBlueGreen Architecture Inc PROJECT TYPE 98110 206-219-5365 cement plank siding and dormers - roof articulation with OWNER construction commercial new (Kamloops) – 2 436 Lorne St, porte cochere - asphalt shingles - 98 Kamloops District of Sicamous - 1214 PROJECT STATUS V2C 1W3 250-374-1112 PROJECT STATUS PROJECT application at 2nd readsurface parking stalls Riverside Ave, Sicamous V0ERezoning 2V0 Building permit application New permit commercial ing – development applica-urban lifestyle approval anticipated 250-836-2477 PROJECT STATUS summer/17 - 6hearing buildings - 2 to 7 storeys tion submittedcentre – public PROJECT MANAGER Construction DESIGNER start anticipated late - retail commercial at ground level anticipated summer/17 Pinske Design – 202 1339 McGill 2014 MHPM - 550 555 W 12th Ave, with office units aboveLOCATION - underground APPLICANT Rd, Kamloops V2C 6K7 250-314LOCATION Vancouver V5Z 3X7 604-714-0988 parkade - 80 above ground short Rd – Commercial ARCHITECT 2417 Dobbin Worman Resources – 202 474 West 7595 131 Harbourfront Dr NE – – West Kelowna Medical Office term parking stalls Ave, Kelowna V1Y 4Z2 250-762Fourplexes DF Architecture Inc - 1205 4871 Shell Building and Pharmacy GENERAL CONTRACTOR PROJECT STATUS 0040 Rd, Richmond V6X 3Z6Grant 604-284-5194 0938702 BC Ltd – 811 Rd, PROJECT TYPE PROJECT TYPE ARCHITECT Development permit application Kamloops V2B 6K7 250-377-5830 Multi-Family New DEVELOPER Commercial New submitted Hans P Neumann Architects Inc – LOCATION Prism Ventures Inc - 3571 Barmond PROJECT 1520 HighlandARCHITECT Drive, Kelowna V1Y PROJECT New townhouses – 3 fourplexes 2 4K5 250-868-0878 Ave, Richmond V7E 1A4 604-338-4656 To Be Determined - Ice –Facility medical office building and Ekistics Town PlanningNew - 1925 Main storeys – 12 units – wood frame pharmacy – 3 storeys – approx OWNER PROJECT TYPE double construction – attached St, Vancouver V5T 3C116,000 604-739-7526 sf project site – metal Prism Hotels and Resorts - 800 garages institutional add/alter DEVELOPER flashings – aluminum windows 14800 Landmark Blvd, Dallas Texas PROJECT PROJECT STATUS R366 Enterprises Ltd -PROJECT 4870BSTATUS Chute, 75254 214-987-9300 Foundations forfacility Buildingfor 1 comNew ice the Greater Kelowna V1W 4M3 250-764-8963 LOCATION Development permit application menced June/17area to replace the aging Vernon 437 Bay Ave –GENERAL Storage Facility – resubmitted – approval anticiCONTRACTOR Civic Arena - 4,000 seats - may be LOCATION EcoLock pated summer/17 PROJECT TYPE PROJECT TYPE Multi-Family New







an addition to Kal Tire Place or the Priest Valley Arena or construction of a new ice facility

Lambert and Paul Construction Ltd 300 2000 Spall Rd, Kelowna V1Y 9P6 250-860-2331

Brandy Maslowski is the Executive Director at the Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at 778.476.3111 or “The Chamber is here to know what’s on Penticton’s mind. We are here for local businesses when they need a champion and we work hard to grow the people that power Penticton.”

CONSULTANT Stantec (Kelowna) – 400 1620 Dickson Ave, Kelowna V1Y 9Y2 250-860-3225 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Scuka Enterprises Ltd – 881 Hwy 33 East, Kelowna V1X 6V1 250765-0136

CITY OF WEST KELOWNA LOCATION 2528 Main St – Cattle Country Mall Redevelopment PROJECT TYPE Commercial Addition/Alteration PROJECT Renovation to commercial mall – demolition and reconstruction of 4 units – new gas station and convenience store – fiber cement siding – cedar columns – stone veneer – metal accents – fibreglass roof shingles PROJECT STATUS Demolition of existing units commenced June/17 APPLICANT Federated Co-Operatives Ltd – 401 22 St E, Saskatoon S7K 0H2 306244-3311 ARCHITECT Dialog – 300 134 11 Ave SE, Calgary T2G 0X5 403-245-5501


JULY 2017

DESIGN / BUILD BUSINESS MODEL KEY TO ACRES ENTERPRISES SUCCESS Heavy Construction Company Has Served Western Canada For More Than 35 years


AMLOOPS – When all of the aspects of a development project can be completed in-house, from the initial design concept right through to the handing over of the keys, there will be a continuity of quality and communication that cannot be achieved any other way. Referred to as a Design / Build business model, this all encompassing approach to constructing a structure is becoming an increasingly important part of the Acres Enterprises Ltd. workload. “Design / Build, where we can look after a project from start to finish, more typically occurs when dealing with the commercial or light industrial market. This could involve designing and building an office structure, a warehouse space or a commercial outlet. When you’re working on a large heavy industrial project there are going to be many different elements for any one firm to handle and typically owners will choose to work with an EPC. However, working with smaller companies has its advantages, especially on small to medium sized projects,”

Jason Paige is the owner of Acres Enterprises, having purchased the firm in 2012 from company founder Guy Mercier explained Tristan Norman, Acres’ Business Development Manager. “In a smaller or light industrial project there can be a mixture of structures such as laboratories, storage and warehousing, body shops and things such as that. While for a single purpose or client the actual work is very similar to what we would provide for a commercial client – lending itself to the Design / Build development model.” The alternative approach to constructing a project is the so-called Bid / Build business model, where individual companies would submit bids to handle one component of a project, not the entire project

Congratulations Acres on 35 years in business! It is a pleasure to work with a company of such quality and integrity. Looking forward to many more years of working together. 457A Dene Dr, Kamloops, BC Office (250) 377-8257

The Noremac Group building is an excellent example of a Design / Build project with Acres involved at every stage itself. While common in the development industry this traditional model will see separate firms handling individual tasks, often working alongside of companies they have never worked with before. This approach, while it can produce excellent results does have the potential for communication errors to occur, as well as cost overruns and longer development times. These issues are less likely to occur if a single provider is tasked with producing all elements of a project as they can offer enhanced value engineering. “We’ve discovered through experience that providing a full service Design / Build approach to a project has become one of our real strengths. We’ve used this model on everything from a single office building to entire Design / Build subdivisions. We can offer our clients reduced risk, favourable pricing and shortened schedules simply by providing a combined package,” Norman said. “We can coordinate with the engineers, the architects and others to ensure the client ends up getting exactly what they want. Miscommunication at any stage of the project is no longer an issue as

We would like to congratulate Acres on all of their success and look forward to continuing to work together!

Happy 35 year anniversary and best wishes for the future (250) 372-5500 Kamloops, BC

Noremac Industries is a major concrete contractor, manufacturer of pipeline weights and significant Acres Enterprises client all facets of a job are handled by either your own direct employees or your trusted group of sub trades. These are the individuals that you’ve already worked with for years, individuals whose work you know and value and who also know what to expect from you.” A major heavy construction and project management company, Acres Enterprises has played a leadership role in the construction of countless developments across the province and beyond – projects ranging from industrial sites and commercial structures to expansive residential communities. Acres Enterprises has been an industry leader in the construction

sector for more than 35 years. Acres as it is today is divided into three distinct divisions; General, Civil and Industrial, with each component specializing in its own field of expertise. The company is owned by Jason Paige who purchased the firm in 2012 from its founder Guy Mercier. A hallmark of the Acres Enterprises business model is the use of specialized in-house expertise. Right from its earliest days the company has believed its clients would always benefit from having access to the firm’s extensive pool of resident technicians and experts. Today a team of more than 100

MBG is pleased to send our congratulations to Acres and wish them continued success

Bridgeport Floors is proud to be a partner of Acres Enterprises.


T 604.517.5599 F 604.517.5598 TF 1.800.663.7220

Congratulations to Acres Enterprises on all of your success! Williams Lake, BC 1060 Murray Drive Ph: 250-392-1177

Prince George, BC 2039 Ogilvie Street Ph: 236-423-3330 #102 – 17957 55th Avenue, Surrey, BC V3S 6C4 Tel: 604-574-6600

(250) 374-7144 Kamloops, BC


JULY 2017

Acres Enterprises is a major heavy construction and project management company that has worked across the province are available in-house, providing skills, accountability and on-site management through all phases of the projects the company undertakes. This level of hands-on control extends from the visioning and concept stages right through to the project’s final construction – lending itself perfectly to the increasingly common Design / Build approach. “In the Bid / Build market, where the package is already defined what contractors will do is they’ll look at that package, depending on who built it, how well defined it is, how detailed it is, and they will apply risk pricing. This is because if something has been missed, they won’t necessarily have that pre-existing relationship with the client. So it’s really a game of cat and mouse almost as the engineers or the architects are trying to chase out all of the risks by defining everything beforehand as much as possible,” he said. “What the contractors do is chase it back again to identify all of the risk items, often without articulating what those might be Printed with progeCAD Educational version Business usage is strictly prohibited.

up front as the bid process doesn’t encourage that. So that when the contract is ultimately awarded it comes to light what all of those risk items are and there are often change orders and extras generated as a result. In this business model the costs are transferred to the owner, where as in the Design / Build market we help the owner identify those risks before we begin, so the planning phase itself is very different.” Employing the Design / Build approach in a development project requires Acres to spend much more time in the planning stage, but less time on the actual worksite which ultimately benefits the client. According to Norman it’s not unheard of for the company to spend six months or more with the architect, reviewing project feasibility, completing studies, determining the most cost effective solutions, in essence making certain that all of the client’s goals can be actually met by the project’s budget. If the budget does not satisfy those goals adjustments can be made prior to the commencement of work.

“By having the contractors involved early on in the planning phase fewer of the unforeseen problems arise, because you’ve taken the time to work it all out beforehand,” Normal explained. Over the past three and half decades Acres Enterprises has provided its growing client list with a wide range of services including earthworks construction, water and waste water facilities, subdivisions and land development, reservoirs, deep and shallow utilities, bridge crossings, commercial and industrial developments and much more. Working for clients that include municipalities, all levels of government, universities and such industry leaders as Peterbilt, CN Rail, BC Hydro, Suncor, Canadian Pacific Railway, Merritt Green Energy and many others the company has gained the experience needed to develop its distinctive Design / Build approach to project development. As always another key strength of the organization is its industry leading team of more than 100

industry-specific professionals and Canadian Construction Association Gold Seal certified project managers, estimators, superintendents and foremen. Having this cadre of experts and professionals readily available has allowed Acres Enterprises to offer clients a true one stop shop for the design and construction of assignments of any size or scope. With its dedication to providing quality work and a proven talent for meeting project timelines and client budgets, Acres has become one of British Columbia’s leading construction firms. For the future Acres Enterprises expects to further develop its skills, and to expand on the success of its innovative Design / Build business model. “I can certainly envision our company expanding elsewhere in Western Canada in the future. If you were to say to me do you want to corner the western market for some of these Design / Build opportunities, I would say to you – absolutely,” Norman stated. “Looking at today’s marketplace, following a provincial election, and with ongoing issues in Alberta, there is uncertainty. But if you are realistic you have to recognize that where there is uncertainty there is opportunity and Acres is ideally situated to capitalize on those opportunities by exploiting the services we are offering to those sectors of the market.” For the immediate future Acres Enterprises anticipates concentrating its main efforts in its home

territory, the Kamloops to Kelowna corridor, with an eye on expanding outward as the need and the opportunity presents itself. “If projects were to take us further afield we would certainly follow that path. In this day and age for a company to survive and to grow it has to not be afraid to take on challenges, it has to be flexible. If we can provide solutions to customers wherever they are located then we’re prepared to do so,” Norman explained. Experienced, innovative, forward thinking and staffed by a core group of industry leaders Acres Enterprises is eager to embrace the challenges and the opportunities that the 21st Century Western Canadian marketplace has to offer. Expanding on its proven Design / Build approach to project development the company looks forward to a positive and exciting future. For the company’s Business Development Manager, the firm’s fresh approach to business will be at the heart of its future success. “I don’t think that the Bid / Build approach is the way this company will survive. I think it will remain a very important part of our business, it has been a core part of our business for a long time, but our ability to provide true Design / Build solutions on a larger scale will be the key to our strategic growth for the foreseeable future,” he said. To learn more please visit the company’s website at:

A proud partner of Acres Enterprises

250-672-9897 4129 Dixon Mountain Road Barriere, BC

STEEL BUILDINGS INC. Congratulations on 35 years in business and looking forward to your continued success Printed with progeCAD Educational version Business usage is strictly prohibited.

(250) 372-1277

773 B Victoria St, Kamloops, BC

Proud to be a partner in the success of Acres Enterprises #316, 19292 60 Avenue, Surrey, BC 604.534.3412


JULY 2017

COEDC Launches Connector Program to Help Newcomers and Graduates Integrate into Workforce The community integration program pairs newcomers, recent graduates, and partners of newly located professionals to “highly networked individuals” in the Central Okanagan

The Connector Program aims to formalize the powerful connectivity that already exists in the Okanagan

Accelerate Okanagan CEO Raghwa Gopal looks forward to the positive impact of the COEDC Connector Program


ELOWNA— On June 20th, the Regional District of Central Okanagan’s Economic Development Commission (COEDC) l au nche d t he COEDC Connector Program. T his community integration program is designed to connect newcomers, recent graduates, and partners of newly located professionals to “connectors” in their communities. The format of the program is simple. “Connectees” are assigned to appropriate “Connectors” who will meet with them in order to share industryspecific information and make “warm introductions” on their behalf. “Connectors are highly networked individuals who have been around, and know what’s happening in the community a nd i n speci f ic i ndustries,” explains Accelerate Okanagan CEO R ag hwa G op a l . “ T h e y know who the players are, and can make the introductions that will make a big difference in a

person’s career.” A nd who are the program’s “connectees”? To give an example, Gopal describes a group of immigrants from San Diego who had been working in the clean technology sector. The Connector Program allowed these ind iv iduals to qu ickly meet someone with experience in that space—a process that m ight otherw ise have ta ken reaching out to “ten, fifteen, maybe twenty people before finding the right person.” Efficiency is the name of the game for the Connector Program. It formalizes the type of networking behaviours that have built careers for generations, and simply connects the dots of a powerful professional community. “I always say that the value p ro p o s i t i o n of t h e C e n t ra l Okanagan is the complementarity between its players,” says COEDC Director Corie Griffiths. “You have the university professors, the business leaders,

The Connector Program facilitates informational meetings between newcomers and graduates and connectors groups like ours and Accelerate Okanagan. “The Connector Program just formalizes this connectivity in the Central Okanagan and makes it even more efficient.” Key to the program’s effect ivene ss i s t he 4 0-p ersonstrong database of Connectors Griffiths has created. It includes professionals, leaders, and networkers from all walks of life.

Is making time for integrating these newcomers and graduates into their community a big ask for these movers and shakers? Gopal explains that the program generally results in three to four half hour meetings a year, and another half hour per meeting to make the appropriate introductions. “But,” he laughs, “the busiest connectors are probably still the

ones who end up making the most effective connections.” It’s c l e a r to G op a l a n d Griffiths that the Connector Program addresses a need that is only growing in the Central Okanagan. Currently, they field requests each week from people all over the world who learned about t he prog ra m t h roug h word of mouth.


JULY 2017

ENDERBY Downtown Enderby Creates Revitalization Success Story City council looks to change bedroom community to one where its residents live, work and play


ising housing prices in BC’s larger city centers has created a boom in smaller communities throughout the province. Enderby, situated on the Shuswap River has traditionally been weighted towards agriculture and tourism, but according to Mayor Greg McCune it has also served as a bedroom community for larger centres like Kelowna, Kamloops, Vernon and Salmon Arm. “We have people that make the commute to Kelowna every day,” he said. But with the migration of people moving out of the lower mainland and Victoria, seeking affordable housing, a slower lifestyle and all the amenities of a big city close by, Enderby is seeing a shift in its citizens with homeowners living, playing and working in town. He explained that it’s hard for any community to sustain its infrastructure if it’s only made up of residential property. It needs industry, retail outlets and services to support the community, which is why his council moved forward on a complete revitalization of the downtown core. “It took a full year to complete, but the $1.87 million project was completed in May of this year and it turned out well, better than expected,” he said adding that two years ago the downtown core was only 60 per cent full, now with the addition of new businesses it has reached capacity. “Little City Merchants opened during the construction with the owners seeing the vision of the end product and becoming a part of the excitement and success.” The shift in status for the community is also reflected in the elementary school population. McCune said that over the past five years it has grown and is over capacity. “It shows us that families are staying in the area because there are jobs here.” McCune said that with the granting of the BC Rural Dividend, the next step for Enderby is to look at dedicating a small area for light industry. November saw Vedder Transport, a fluid milk hauling company that delivers throughout BC, adding a new building to its facility in Enderby and Corbilt Welding and Fabrication and one of its subsidiaries, is now sending its innovative engineering talent into the United States.

After a year of construction Enderby’s downtown boasts full occupancy and is drawing tourists and residents CREDIT:CITY OF ENDERBY

Enderby ‘s outdoor recreational opportunities include plenty of water sports in the warm summer months CREDIT:DARREN ROBINSON

One of the next steps Mayor Greg McCune and his council will take to grow their town is to create a small industrial area CREDIT:CITY OF ENDERBY

Cory Martindale, ow ner of Corbilt Welding and Fabrication, AJ Equipment Installations and Wrangler Engineering, has lived in Enderby all his life. Because of the lifestyle, and the connection he has with the community he chose to stay and build his businesses in his hometown. “It’s a good location,” he said. “We’re central with lots of access to logistics so shipping materials throughout BC and now into the Southeast part of the United States hasn’t been a problem.” One of the biggest challenges his company has faced is the availability of workers, but that may be changing with the incoming demographic that includes skilled labour. Recently he’s had specialists join the company who have

chosen to relocate to Enderby because of the area’s affordability and lifestyle. “This is a great community to live and raise a family. Even though we are opening a satellite office in Atlanta, Georgia, this is home.” For McCune, one of the most significant questions the city and council wanted answered was how much its facilities were being used by the local residents. “We determined that Enderby’s facilities were only being used to 40 per cent of capacity. That told us that people were leaving our community to attend things like yoga classes or swimming lessons at other centres.” The city decided to hire a recreational director and give her free rein to implement programming and improve usage. “At her first-year anniversary, the facilities have run out of space. She implemented programs and classes that are now full. The pool and fitness classes are being used

and attended by people in Enderby. That means those dollars are staying in town and supporting its business owners and the growth of its infrastructure. It’s a real success story.” Your One Stop Insurance Broker! Because Life happens.



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