Business Examiner Thompson/Okanagan - June 2017

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JUNE 2017


KAMLOOPS Acres Enterprises Has Been Helping to Build BC for 35 Years



VERNON Business Cards Best Form of Advertising for

Construction Has Begun At New Penticton Nissan Dealership Car Dealership The First Business Lease At The Satikw Crossing Development

Rollin’ Rubber




INDEX News Update


TOTA 3 Vernon 4 Customer Service


Kelowna 5 Kamloops 8 Movers and Shakers 19 Summerland 20 Opinion 21 Salmon Arm


Green Sheet


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Chris Scott is a consultant at the Penticton Indian Band Development Corporation, the group behind the Satikw Crossing development

ENTICTON – The commencement of work at the new Penticton Nissan car dealership is an economic triumph for the region on many different levels. Not only will the 17,000 square foot, state-ofthe-art facility be a boon to the community through both its construction and operational phases, the dealership also represents the fulfillment of the dream the supporters of the Satikw Crossing development, where the new dealership will be located, have nurtured for years. “T he history of the Satikw Crossing development can act u a l ly b e t race d r i g ht back through history, when the digging of a channel to connect Okanagan Lake to Skaha Lake essentially divided the traditional lands of the Penticton Indian Band. Coming to current times we worked very closely with the

Provincial Government to see a bridge built that would link the two parts of the community,” explained Chris Scott a Consultant with the Penticton Indian Band Development Corporation (PIBDC), the force behind the creation of the Satikw Crossing development project. “The bridge is both physical and metaphoric, a real structure connecting a divided community. Having this bridge built opens up a region that not been looked at for a long time as a potential economic resource for the South Okanagan’s overall economy. The end result of all this was that a nearly $8 million bridge was built in less than a year (opening in October 2015), ending what was essentially about 60 years of isolation for that portion of the Band’s territory.” With a mission of honoring the local community by creating SEE PENTICTON NISSAN |  PAGE 8

Cando Rail Services Opens New Kamloops Rail Terminal Mission Flats Road Project The First Of A Multi-Phase Development


AMLOOPS – The site of a former sawmill has been converted into an integral part of the City of Kamloops industrial transportation infrastructure. At the end of April Manitoba-based Cando Rail Services officially opened its new facility on Mission Flats Road, a development it refers to as merely the first stage in an

ongoing expansion of its services to the region. Brian Cornick, Cando’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) said in a media release that his company’s confidence in the provincial economy was one reason for his firm’s decision to lay track in the city. “We have successfully completed Phase One of this terminal project and our

expansion into BC. We believe in the BC economy and are here for the long term to serve the rail and shipping industry as well as mining, forestry and other customers,” he stated. Cando’s Phase One project includes the laying of new track, which initially will be used for the storage of empty railcars. But the company’s long range plans

for the site, in close proximity to the Domtar Pulp Mill, will include such rail service functions as railcar repairs, transloading of goods as well as track and other engineering services. The company had previously stated the new Kamloops terminal could also serve as the SEE CANDO RAIL |  PAGE 22



High School Hockey League Makes $2.89M Economic Impact T he Canadian Sport School Hockey League (CSSHL) recently announced that the 2017 CSSHL Championships generated a $2.89 -m i l l ion e conom ic i mpa ct for t he City of Penticton, an increase of $1.17-million from 2016. The economic impact is the result of such factors as expenditures of out of town participants and their families attending the event, as well as operational expenses associated with hosting the event. “The CSSHL is proud to have partnered with Spectra over the last three years to bring the Championships to the City of Penticton,” said Kevin Goodwin, Chief Operating Officer of the CSSHL. “To see the economic impact that the event has brought to the city this year is remarkable and it would not be possible without support from the City of Penticton, T ravel Penticton, the Western Hockey League, BDO Canada, Ramada Penticton Hotel & Suites, Sandman Hotel Penticton, Coast Penticton Hotel and the Penticton Lakeside Resort & Convention Centre. T he CSSHL is looking forward to having this event in Penticton into 2020 and we are very excited to be returning next year with over 60 teams.” The 2017 CSSHL Championships ran from March 13-19, two days longer than the year prior and saw an increase of 150 more student athletes partaking, bringing the total number of athletes and staff to 1,078. Paid attendance (18

& over) was up 20 per cent from 2016 with a total of 2,019. The percentage of participants that traveled over 320km to the event was 88 per cent, with teams from Saskatchewan and Manitoba competing for the first time. Of the 49 teams that participated, 41 required accommodations, which was up from 31 in 2016. The CSSHL also brought in an additional 12 on-ice officials from elsewhere in the province, the first year the League has had to do so, due to the 37 per cent increase in games from 65 in 2016 to 89 in 2017.

KAMLOOPS Business Excellence Awards Nominations Open The Kamloops Chamber of Commerce and TD have recently announced that the call for nominations has officially begun for the 2017 Business Excellence Awards. Past winners, sponsors and board members were in attendance. The Business Excellence Awards program is celebrating its 31st anniversary in Kamloops this year. The Kamloops Chamber of Commerce board of directors a lso a n nou nced a new awa rd category beginning in 2017. The new Inclusive Workplace Award, sponsored by Open Door Group. This award will require Kamloops-area businesses to demonstrate inclusive hiring practices; a dedication to provide ongoing training opportunities that increase workplace skills; a focus on an inclusive culture and have a minimum of five full-time employees. The complete list of award categories

JUNE 2017

and their sponsors was recently unveiled at the awards media launch and is also available online at Awards Timeline 2017: May 10 – Call for Nominations, June 30 – Nominations Close, September 7 – Finalists Announcement (Media Conference), September 7 – Awards Gala Tickets go on sale, October 21 – Business Excellence Awards Gala

PENTICTON Wine Marketing Talks Returns to Okanagan College June 26 Together with Liquidity Winery, Okanagan College i s presenting Wine Talks, An International Perspective on Wine Marketing, for the second time. Five international experts will come together at the Penticton campus on June 26. Leading the discussion will be Mark Davidson, Global Education Manager for Wine Australia. Davidson has more than 35 years of experience in the hospitality sector and is a former Sommelier of the Year at the Vancouver International Wine Festival. He is an instructor with the International Sommelier Guild and is currently studying the theory section to become a Master of Wine. Joining him is founder of WineDrops, Karen Graham. WineDrops offers commentary on policy and business issues in the Canadian wine and liquor industry, along with analytical and strategic advisory work through KMG Strategy Consulting. Prior to working in the wine industry, Graham held several senior level policy positions with the B usiness Council of BC a nd the Un ited States Consulate in Vancouver. Rob McMillan, Executive Vice-President of the Wine Division of Silicon Valley Bank, joins the panel once again, having presented at the first Wine Talks in November. In his role, McMillan supports the growth of California’s wine industry with his client base and by sharing views on factors impacting the fine wine business. Va n c o u v e r-b a s e d l a w y e r s M a r k Hicken of Vintage Law Group and Shea Coulson, who practices commercial, regulatory, and constitutional litigation, will provide updates and insight on the direct-to-consumer market and interprovincial trade barriers. Hicken is the fou nder and co-chair of Vancouver’s annual Wine and Liquor Law Conference. Wine Talks will be held on Monday, June 26 at the Penticton campus of Okanagan College (room PC 113, 583 Duncan Avenue West), from 6 to 9 p.m., including a coffee and wine break. Early bird tickets are $35 until June 19, when the price increases to $45. Tickets can be purchased online.

Would you Would you rather make Would youmake rather Would you excuses or rather make excuses or rather make sales? excuses or excuses orsales? sales? sales?

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John Glennon John Glennon SM Housing Market Holds Steady 109B3677 Highway 97ongoing North Sandler Training utilizes continual reinforcement through training and individual coaching 109B3677 Highway 97 North ng utilizes continual reinforcement through ongoing training and individual coaching Kelowna, BC, V1X 5C3 Kelowna, BC, V1X 5C3 sessions notalso onlytotoensure help you learn but also to ensure your success. With over 200 training centers only to help you learn but your success. With over training centers T he residentia l rea l estate ma rket P: 250-765-2047 / F:200 866-314-3410 P: 250-765-2047 / F: 866-314-3410 worldwide to provide support, won’t fail…because we won’t let you. provide support, you won’t fail…because weyou won’t let you. across the Okanagan region of stoke to Peachland turned in another John Glennon John Glennon S Sandler Training Finding Power In Reinforcement (with design) and Sandler Training are service marks of Sandler Systems, Inc. © 2008 Sandler Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. S Sandler Training Power In Reinforcement (with design) Sandler Training are service marks of Sandler Systems, Inc. © 2008 Sandler Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. solid month in April, with indicators 109B3677 Highway 97and North - 3677 Highway 97Finding North comparable to the previous month, reelowna, BC, V1X 5C3 Kelowna, BC, V1X 5C3 P: 250-765-2047 / F: 866-314-3410 ports the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate 765-2047 / F: 866-314-3410 Board (OMREB). SM

S Sandler Training Finding Power In Reinforcement (with design) and Sandler Training are service marks of Sandler Systems, Inc. © 2008 Sandler Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. g Power In Reinforcement (with design) and Sandler Training are service marks of Sandler Systems, Inc. © 2008 Sandler Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

821 properties sold in April, comparable to March’s 824 but down 23 per cent over this time last year. New listings

were at 1378, which compares to the 1353 new listings in March and the 1490 new listings this time last year. T he average price was $478,715.47, slightly over March’s $475,172.74 and just 4 per cent over April of last year. At 75, average days on market were slightly down from 79 in March and 79 April of last year. “These are indicators of a more traditiona l spri ng ma rket tha n what we experienced last year,” says OMR EB President Tanis Read. “While sales this time last year were 23 per cent higher, we also had more inventory to support the higher volume, at 20 per cent more than we have available now.” Low inventories, an issue facing many provincial regions, means that buyers may encounter multiple- offer situations in some of the more high demand areas. Supply pressure is also likely to impact pricing. “Fi rst qua rter resu lts of OM R EB’s Board-w ide month ly Buyers Su rvey indicate that move-up buyers accounted for 17 per cent of purchasers, while firsttime buyers were 21 per cent. Geographically, buyers were predominately from within the OMREB Board area at 58 per cent, followed by those from the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island at 17 per cent and Alberta at 10 per cent. Foreign buyers were just 3 per cent of the total buyer population.

CANADA National Business Confidence Hits 2 Year High Canada’s small business optimism increased by another point and a half in May, bringing the Canadian Federation of Independent Business’s (CFIB) Business Barometer to the 66.0 mark, the best level in two and a half years. “Nationally, the Index has now recovered its losses from the resource price crunch of late 2014,” said Ted Mallett, Chief Economist at CFIB. “However, improvement was narrowly based reg iona l ly, la rgely com i ng from the West, and seasonal factors likely contributed to improvements in the Atlantic provinces.” British Columbia (69.4) saw another increase in May, climbing to top spot in the country, while strong improvements A lber ta (61.9) a nd M a n itoba (66.4) helped bolster the national confidence level. There was some pick-up in the Atlantic region, with Newfoundland & Labrador (45.3) and Prince Edward Island (67.9) making gains, though Nova Scotia (64.4) and New Brunswick (60.2) saw a slight fall back. Ontario (68.2) and Quebec (65.0) saw small slips, while Saskatchewan (49.1) saw a sharp decline. Industry results are in line with past trends, showing relative buoyancy with financial, professional and healthcare services all above the 70 mark. Manufacturing (68.9) and hospitality (67.4) are also running above average. Businesses in agriculture, natural resources and construction are not as upbeat, but within historical norms. “Other busi ness hea lth i nd icators continue to be positive,” added Mallett. “Employment plans are normal for this time of year and we’re closing in on the post-recession peak for business owners reporting that their businesses are in good shape.”


JUNE 2017





reat i ng a st rong a nd vibrant hospitality industry in any seasonal tourism destination is dependant on industry partners finding ways to diversify and adapt t h e i r p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v ices throughout the changing seasons. A tremendous example of this in action is evidenced in the work our ski resorts have done over the past several years in reinventing themselves outside of the winter months. A s we now close t he b o ok on 2016/17 and what can only be described as an outstanding season for our regional ski resor ts, w it h record brea ki ng nu mbers of v isitors a nd i ncred ible snow cond itions, their teams are already looking

Through the foresight and entrepreneurial ingenuity, a brave few mountain resorts are realizing new and expanded visions for themselves that are resulting in a healthier and more vibrant year round tourism industry. PHOTO CREDIT: BIG WHITE SKI RESORT LTD.

forward and planning for the upcoming spring and summer season. A season which sees long white snowy runs give way to challenging downhill cycling courses and picturesque walks through vibrantly coloured trails courtesy of natural wildflowers. F u l l d ay s of on-mou nt a i n recreation ca n of ten be followed by unique concerts and outdoor enter ta i n ment; the

music l itera l ly v ibrati ng off the mountain peaks. Festivals and special events bring worldclass chefs and wine makers to the forefront, changing the often-quoted verbiage of “ski in and ski out” to “dine in and dine out”. T here was a time when our resort mountains lay dormant through the summer season, the staff having to find alternate employment and the owners

often struggling to maintain a he a lt hy b u si ne ss vent u re on very m in i ma l weeks of operation. Today through foresight and entrepreneurial ingenuity, a brave few mountain resorts are realizing new and expanded visions for themselves; that are resulting in a healthier and more vibrant year round tourism industry economy and enhanced visitor experiences.

Ski mountains with summer recreation or Summer mountains with winter skiing…? Is the zebra white with black st r ip es or bl ack w it h wh ite stripes? Glenn Mandziuk is President and Chief Executive Officer of Thompson Okanagan Tourism Region. He can be reached at

A Perfect Blend Business is about growth. For more than 50 years MNP has been committed to providing solutions to help our clients achieve that growth. As the fastest growing national firm in Canada, our merger with James Foucault CPA Inc. in Kamloops is a perfect blend of local insight and national resources in accounting, consulting and tax. Essential services that help businesses in the Thompson-Okanagan region grow. Contact James Foucault, CPA, CA, Partner, Assurance Services, Kamloops at 250.374.5908 or



JUNE 2017

VALLEY WIDE BUSINESS EXPO A ROARING SUCCESS In other news, the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce was pleased to join other community leaders in Victoria in late



h e G r e a t e r Ve r n o n Ch a mb er wa s ple a sed to play host to the 2017 Valley Wide Business Expo last month. This year it was staged at Predator Ridge, which has recently expanded its conference faci l it ies. It wa s a hot afternoon in the North Okanagan and the venue provided a fa ntastic backd rop for the a n nua l cha mber trade show that moves a different community in the Okanagan Valley each year. T he new ba nquet facilities repre sente d a s t rateg ic i nvestment to further enhance Predator’s competitive positioning as an all-season resort community. T he significant number of new housing starts

May for the BC Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting and Conference




n The Art of War, Sun-tzu wrote, “The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities… It is best to win without fighting.” The same holds true in the “art of sales.” Even though the prospect is not always right, he or she is the judge and jury. So, how do you respond when you are under attack - being reprimanded for something, rightfully or wrongfully? Rather than stand your ground and attempt to explain, justify, or defend your position, fall back. For example, your company missed a promised shipment date and the customer called to let you know how upset he is. Rather than try to explain about the trucking company’s delay, which was out of your control, you could fall back. Here is what that sounds like:

“Bill, I know that you must be upset about the order arriving a day late. And, I’m sure it wouldn’t do any good to try to explain what happened. I don’t know if you’ve issued a ‘shoot on sight’ order, or if I should show up in your lobby, but I would imagine that you’ve made up your mind never to do business with our company again. Would that be a fair statement?” It’s hard to fight with someone who surrenders up front. In this case, the customer would likely reaffirm his displeasure about the late shipment, but would just as likely back away from “never” doing business with your company. He might even ask you to explain what happened. After explaining the situation and the measures you have taken to make sure it doesn’t happen again, you could ask, “Bill, if you were in my shoes, and I know that’s the last place you would ever want to be, what would you do to fix the situation?” By using this technique, you’ve made the customer part of the solution, and more likely to stick with you. Lucy Glennon specializes in customer service training and recruitment and hiring. She can be reached at 866-645-2047 or lucyg@

at Predator along with an increasi ng i nterest i n ex periences beyond its world-class gol f cou rses shows that the strategic vision the development has implemented is being well received. The Valley Wide Business Expo gave many of those who attended their first look at all the enhancements the resort has made over the last several years with more growth on the horizon. ••• I n other news, the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce was pleased to join other community leaders in Victoria in late May for the BC Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting and Conference and even more pleased to table a nu m b er of p ol icie s t h at it s m e m b e rs h a d id e nt i f i e d a s bei ng i mporta nt to the economic wellbeing of the North Okanagan. “We attended the event to e n s u re l o c a l i n t e re s t s a n d concerns are understood and to help shape the BC Chambers’ advocacy agenda,” says Dauna Kennedy Grant, president, Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce. Vice President Markus Schrott and the Chamber’s GM Dan Rogers were on

hand at the Annual Meeting to represent the 550 members of the Greater Vernon Chamber. Each year member Chambers across BC develop and submit p ol ic ie s for t he c on s id eration at the AGM. Each policy mu st receive t wo-t h i rd s of votes to pass. If the policy is supported it will become official BC Chamber policy and the BC Chamber will advocate it to the appropriate level of government. “O u r Cha mber is com m itted to supporting and growing the people who power our community and help us create a more business-friendly BC,” says Kennedy Grant. “We think these policies will help achieve that and we are optimistic they will be supported by our peer Chambers.” T he BC Cha mber AGM a nd Conference is held in a different BC community each year. The event is the largest annual business policy-building forum i n the prov i nce. Every yea r, members of the BC Chamber develop and submit policies for the consideration. This year, 63 policies were voted on at the AGM policy sessions. ••• The Chamber was pleased to

get an update on the local fund raising campaign to raise much needed funds to pay for the development of the region`s Rail Trail Initiative ( that will eventually see the abandoned CN rail line from Vernon to Kelowna converted into a multi use trail primarily for cyclists. When completed it will be a global destination for tourists seeking a cycle tour along one of the most beautiful lakes in all of BC. The Greater Vernon Chamber has supported this initiative because of the regional econom ic development opp ortunities that it presents. The acquisition of the corridor was financed by local governments in the region in combination with funding from the province, and private organizations. ••• And, finally, a big Chamber welcome goes out to our newest members including National Money Mart, Okanagan Feldenkrais, and Vernon & District Performing Arts. Dan Rogers is the General Manager at the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at


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JUNE 2017





he Chamber, along with many other businesses and residents, had an upbeat May, despite its building on Harvey Avenue being smack dab in the middle of the Regional District’s emergency flood watch map. Seeing our building in the midst of the purple highlighting on the map – and sandbags piled up across the lane behind the medical lab on Leon Street, brought home just how fluid (no pun intended) the emergency situation was throughout May in Kelowna. Snow continued to fall in the mountains, and along the upper reaches of our creeks, and we all plan to stay on alert until at least

mid-June when the flood danger begins to recede. The good news is the high snow pack means fewer water restrictions are likely in mid- and late-summer. Even better news is that the Cha mber’s sea rch for a new Executive Director reached a happy conclusion with the announcement on May 4th that Dan Rogers is the new Executive Director of the Kelowna Chamber as of June 5th. Dan has been filling the same role at the Greater Vernon Chamber since 2014, where he has overseen growth in membership; an active policy advocacy program; and an expansion of Chamber-partnered programs with members, and with other Chambers of Commerce in the valley and around the province. Tom Dyas, the President of the Kelowna Chamber, made the announcement to staff, media and members, saying “The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce has been searching for a permanent Executive Director since January. Two high-producing Managers, Lorraine McGrath, a f i n a ncia l ex per t who a lso lectures in entrepreneurship at Okanagan College, and Ken

Bessason, a 35-year bank manager turned realtor, stepped into the chair for the Chamber. Both are Past Presidents of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce.“ “Both our interim managers brought so much to our Chamber staff, to our board, and to our members,” said Dyas, on announcing Rogers’s appointment. “While our operational staff carried on with unstinting professionalism across their wide range of tasks, the interim managers emphasized stability and connection with the Board and wider business community. We’re extremely grateful to both Interim Directors for their generous contributions of time and effort.” Both Interim Executive Directors, Rogers, and Dyas, competed in the Kelowna Chamber’s 32nd annual Golf Tournament May 31st at The Harvest Golf Club. For the second year in a row, the tournament sold out early in May, and the course was packed with 144 member- and non-member golfers, more than 25 sponsors, media, the charity of choice, KidSport, and was yet another great example of the impact the Chamber has on


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its active business community, where it will host over 70 events this year alone. Of course, intersecting the activities of May was the provincial election. We spent the month looking forward to the final results after all the absentee and advance votes were counted. Tom Dyas, Chamber President, watched the election results with the same keen interest as hundreds of Chamber members. “The BC Liberals have been identified as the most business-friendly party, and those interests were on display at our all-candidates panel, and at the Premier’s budget presentation to Chamber members at a February luncheon this year. But our Chamber of course remained neutral throughout the election, and will support the party forming the new government – at the time of writing, the BC Liberals, albeit a minority government.” Dyas also points out, “There are positives in a minority government: issues will come to the fore, and our Chamber is well-positioned through our emphasis on member- and community-driven policy changes, to continue to work with elected officials on issues, and find solutions to these matters which are pertinent to our community and to our businesses. Co-operation will be paramount. We’re also waiting with keen interest for the final 2017 BC Budget, expected to be tabled soon.” The Kelowna Chamber took fo u r re s ol u t i o n s to t h e B C Chamber AGM at the end of May, as well as providing support to other Chambers’ policy efforts in pre-agreed support on several other initiatives. Among the Kelowna policies: rent control and fair taxation for credit unions. June also brings the Business Excellence nomination process to a conclusion – the 30th annual awards in October of 2017 are predicted to the biggest ever for Kelowna’s adjudicated awards event. Finalists for ten separate awards will be announced in



early September, and the adjudication process will be completed over the subsequent six weeks. Will June bring a respite to the showers of spring? Almost definitely – but we’ll have to wait and see for sure. Meanwhile, we’ll wind up the winter Luncheon Series with an “IPO Bootcamp” luncheon in late June with The Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) and Accelerate Okanagan in a panel discussion about how to manage and fund start-ups. We’ll also look forward to just a touch of staff vacation downtime as our new Executive Director settles into his office at the end of the hall. High and dry, no sandbags required, we hope. This is likely my last column as Interim Executive Director, as I make my way out onto the golf course, and make way for Dan Rogers to take over the helm. I’ve really enjoyed my redux relief with this great group of members, directors, and staff. I’ll miss everyone. Ken Bessason is the Interim Executive Director of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce. To find out more information about the organization please visit www.

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JUNE 2017


VERNON Growth And Expansion Drive Jump In Building Permits Vernon’s Downtown Core Sees New Multi-Family Development And Continued Commercial Activity


rom January to April of this year, the City of Vernon saw a total building permit value of more than $45 million. Just under half, at $22.6 million is directly attributed to single family homes and $2.0 million for commercial permits. According to Kevin Poole, Manager of Economic Development, economic activity continues to be strong as the community has experienced a 35 per cent increase in building permit activity between 2015 and 2016. Vernon is growing and it’s not only retirees finding a home in a city bordered by lakes and surrounded by stunning mountain vistas. “The last two years have seen strong growth in Vernon,” said Poole. “It’s up five per cent which tra nslates to 2,500 net new residents.” With the city growing, it is attracting the attention of small business owners like Andrew McWilliam, co-owner of Ratio Coffee & Pastry, which opened for business in 2015. McWilliam has lived in the community for eight years. He said that he has seen more young families moving to the city from larger metropolises like Calgary, Vancouver and Edmonton. “We get a lot of foot traffic and now that the city is seeing several large developments downtown and a new parking lot, we couldn’t be happier.” The corporate world is also moving forward with growth and expansion. BC Hydro Regional

According to Tanis Read, President of the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board, 60 per cent of buyers are from within the Okanagan region CREDIT:TANIS READ

Operations Facility, located in Vernon, will see an addition of seven buildings totalling 120,000 square feet. Okanagan Spring Brewery completed a building renovation with an associated building permit value of $850,000, and the SQM Group recently opened their new Canadian office. With the positive economic environment and the jobs that come with it, low housing inventory is driving significant development around the city. “Inventory continues to decline in the single-family category with active listings at the end of April down about 35 per cent over the same time last year,” said Tanis Read, President of the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board. SEE CITY OF VERNON |  PAGE 7


Traffic Control Professionals Inc. The Mackie Lake House The Mackie Lake House Visit thethe beautifully preserved 1910 Savour timeless elegance of this Visit the beautifully Heritage HouseHouse on preserved the Grounds. edge1910 of 1910 Heritage and Heritage House onColdstream, the edge BC. of Kalamalka Lake in Join us for summer Teas, and Kalamalka Lake in Tours, Coldstream, BC. Mackie House supports both ConcertsLake overlooking Kal Lake. Our Mackie Lake House supports both an Artist and Writer in Residence spacious grounds create a beautiful an Artist Events Writer in atResidence program. heldand Mackie venue for and weddings outdoor program. Events held at and Mackie Lake House include tours teas, events. Tickets for our events are Lake House include tours and teas, school tours, weddings, reunions and available at school tours, weddings, reunions concerts. We look forward to welcoming you!and concerts.



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Andrew McWilliam, co-owner of Ratio Coffee and Pastry serves up success in downtown Vernon CREDIT:RATIO COFFEE AND PASTRY

Ratio’s success is driven by foot traffic from downtown residents and tourists CREDIT:RATIO COFFEE AND PASTRY

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Kevin Poole, manager of economic development said that the community has experienced a 35 per cent increase in building permit activity between 2015 and 2016 CREDIT:CITY OF VERNON


JUNE 2017

BC Hydro’s Regional Operational Facility will see an addition of seven buildings totalling 120,000 square feet CREDIT:CITY OF VERNON

“We get a lot of foot traffic and now that the city is seeing several New residents are relocating to Vernon for the lifestyle, affordability and wealth of outdoor activities CREDIT:CITY OF VERNON


Sparkling Hills Resort responded to this shortage of accommodation by building its own employee housing. The first building has 24 units and the second phase building will house 21 units. Other developments include BX Crossing, a rental building with 86 units, Parkwood Retirement, a 150-unit retirement resort; The Hamlets, with Phase 1 providing

90 care beds and 52 assisted living combined and 3,500 square feet of commercial space, Phase 2 will have 72 one and two bedroom units and Phase 3, 36 assisted living units with an additional 5,800 square feet of commercial space; and on 55th Avenue, Barnard Village will open up 78 lots for rancher style lease or strata homes. On the table are also proposals for Legacy Apartments, a 119 unit seniors assisted building; a fourstorey mixed use building with 57 units on 31st Avenue; a six-storey

mixed use project with 70 residential units and 12,107 square feet of commercial space on the former Legion location; a four storey 37 rental unit apartment building; and The Terraces, with 74 rental units. “Several of these projects are underway,” Poole said. “There have been over 1,000 units approved with some projects seeing completion this summer.” “City Council has made our downtown a priority. We’ve seen 114 new businesses open and stay

large developments downtown and a new parking lot, we couldn’t be happier.” ANDREW MCWILLIAM CO-OWNER, RATIO COFFEE AND PASTRY

open,” he added. “A survey showed that people love our downtown, especially since it is made up of mom and pop businesses. These are the types of business that attract tourists and foot traffic.”

But it isn’t just significant investment in Vernon’s downtown core that is generating a buzz. Predator Ridge, an exclusive golf resort with various styles of homes from single family to condominium living, has created a name for itself in the sports world through its golf academy and tournaments and its luxury community living. On June 25, it will open its next neighbourhood, the Commonage, a community of 32 modern ranch style homes. “Buyers are looking for a variety of properties from something affordable, an investment, a change of lifestyle, right up to their dream home,” said Read. “Our buyers continue to be comprised of just under 60 per cent from within the area with the remaining areas fluctuating depending on the season.”

REALTOR CLIMBS TO TOP TEN YEARS IN A ROW Louisa Cochrane believes that each sale or purchase should be from a holistic perspective


n 2007, L ou isa Coch ra ne climbed to the top one per cent at Royal Le Page Vernon, and stayed there for the next ten years. In 2014, she was awarded the Provincial Top 10 Individual Award for residential real estate sales. Although Cochrane is happy with her career choice, she didn’t start out in the field as a realtor but in accounting/finance and customer service. “I had two kids to raise, so when we moved to Vernon 12 years ago I got a job at The City of Vernon, in the finance department. While there I took the real estate course, got my license and have been finding people homes ever since.” She’s seen some changes in the real estate market in the North Okanagan over those ensuing years with the major trend stemming from people getting out of the lower mainland and discovering the affordability and lifestyle in the interior. “It’s given families the feel that they’ve won the lottery. They sell their home in Vancouver, buy a high-end house in Vernon, enjoy a small-town feel, plenty of summer and winter recreation and have cash left over to enjoy life.”

“My focus, in this climate, is to know what is out there so I can find my clients the best value for their dollar.” LOUISA COCHRANE REAL ESTATE AGENT ROYAL LEPAGE, VERNON

She added that currently, in the North Okanagan, it is a seller’s market with low inventory levels that move quickly. “My focus, in this climate, is to know what is available so I can find my clients the best value for their dollar. They are buying more than a house, they’re buying a home. My knowledge and experience can answer their questions and provide them with peace of mind about the dollars spent on the perfect home.” Cochrane explained that she views each sale or purchase holistically, with an understanding that one’s money is their life and both are to be mutually respected. “Our referral rates have increased consistently year over year,” she said, “There is an underlying understanding that we must be equally empathetic and knowledgeable to connect and make it all happen.” Louisa Cochrane is at www.

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JUNE 2017

Slated to open by the end of the year, Penticton Nissan is being built to the automaker’s ‘New Image’ state-of-the-art construction model


the opportunity for responsible sustainable business decisions through its investments and economic development strategies, the PIBDC was incorporated in 2007. Today the corporation has spearheaded the creation of the Satikw Crossing development, a 140 acre parcel of development land connected to the City of Penticton and adjacent to the Penticton Regional Airport. Penticton Nissan settled on the Satikw Crossing site last year, with ground breaking at the dealership getting underway this spring. In a media release John Kot, the owner of Penticton Nissan stated: “I look forward to bringing the Nissan lineup of exciting vehicles to residents of the south

“In every sense this has been an investment in the Penticton Indian Band’s future.” CHRIS SCOTT CONSULTANT, PIBDC

Okanagan, as well as community spirit and involvement in various ways.” Penticton Nissan represents the first business lease signed at Satikw Crossing, a significant milestone for its champions and for the Penticton Indian Band as a whole. It’s estimated that 30 plus full-time jobs will be created at the dealership once it opens, with as many 35 jobs generated during the construction

Satikw Crossing development is a 140 acre parcel adjacent to the Penticton Regional Airport on Penticton Indian Band land phase. Infrastructure work is also underway by the Penticton Indian Band to service the site and the remaining Satikw Crossing development properties. The new dealership will reflect Nissan’s ‘New Image’ program, which brings a contemporary flavor to the auto maker’s facilities – both internally and externally. The new concept is intended to deliver an exceptional retail

experience at every touch-point in the dealership and aims to enable flexible customer journeys for every customer. “For me this really is a story about First Nations, about sovereign governments that invest in infrastructure, knowing that without infrastructure economic development simply cannot occur,” Scott said. “This is really the story of a First

Nation that was willing to go into debt, to take on a lot of challenges to see the project through, because they recognized the need and the opportunity. In every sense this has been an investment in the Penticton Indian Band’s future, and it’s satisfying to see it begin to take shape.” To learn more visit the development project’s website at: www.




ince Lombardi once said, “the quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavour.” Here in Kamloops, we are blessed to have a city of people who strive to live well, being committed to excellence in a wide range of areas that allow our community to thrive. For the past thirty-one years our Chamber has provided an opportunity for many of these people and businesses to be recognized for their outstanding contributions to our city through our Business Excellence Awards program. Each year, our own team works to ensure that our program is also growing and improving. Last year we introduced significant changes to our awards selection process along with four new award categories, and this year

we are thrilled to announce the addition of another new award: the Inclusive Workplace of the Year Award, sponsored by Open Door Group. This award showcases businesses that demonstrate inclusive hiring practices; a dedication to provide ongoing training opportunities that increase workplace skills; a focus on an inclusive culture and have a minimum of five full-time employees. Our Business Excellence Awards are open to the community – no chamber membership is required to nominate or be nominated. We encourage you to spend the few minutes it takes to nominate a business that you think should be recognized for their commitment

to excellence; your doing so will help to highlight those that may otherwise not be recognized for their success. The deadline to nominate is June 30th. Learn more about our program and nominate today by visiting our website: business-excellence-awards. One of the ways that our own Chamber strives to commit to excellence is through our government relations work on behalf of our members. As many of you may already be aware, our Chamber takes great pride in being known across the country for our involvement in all levels of policy work. Each year, with the support of our members, put together important resolutions to be taken

forward to government after being passed at our local level. Each May, several representatives from our board and staff participate in the BC Chamber of Commerce AGM where we bring forward the recommendations approved by our membership. This year, we have five that we will be bringing to the BC Chamber of Commerce membership: the Canada China Trade Tariff Gap, First Nations Infrastructure Institution, Home Renovation Tax Credit for Energy Efficiency, and Short Term Rentals. You can learn more about each one of these recommendations on our website: kamloopschamber. ca/recommendations-to-government as well as see other

recommendations that are on our books which we have brought forward in other years but are still currently working on. Not only are we continually working to improve our annual awards program and better our policy work, we are always trying to find ways to improve our other programs and services, offering even more value to our membership. To that end we will be launching several new money-saving benefits to our membership in the beginning of June. Make sure you are receiving our bi-weekly e-bulletins in order to be the first to find out about these fantastic additions (if you aren’t receiving these informative emails and would like to, you can sign up at, or check out our website in June to learn more and starting taking advantage of them right away. And as always, we are here for you – our purpose is to be your business connection. If there are ways that you are looking to connect to more business opportunities, give us a call or stop by our office – we always want to hear from you! Deb McClelland is the executive director of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached email at


JUNE 2017

WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION All Hands On Deck For Women In Construction Industry With The Building Boom in BC, More Women Are Joining the Family Business to Help Out With Administration and Project Management

According to Kelsey Botting, women are taking a more active role in leadership positions within the construction industry CREDIT:CHBAVI

Proudly Supporting Women in Construction

Janna Geisbrecht placed second in the 2017 Regional Skills Competition held in Prince George CREDIT:MATT PARTYKA



ot all women wear skirts and high heels to work. Some wear steel toe boots, a carpenter’s belt and a hard hat. With BC’s construction industry booming, it’s a good thing and an outfit they can proudly wear to the bank. “There is still a shortage of workers in this industry, with plenty of opportunities and benefits,” said Frank Rossi, Dean, School of Trades and Technologies, College of New Caledonia.

“The income potential is high and the education relatively lowcost with great entrepreneurial potential.” The college, located in Prince George, is seeing a consistent number of women entering its trades programing over the past five years, around 10 per cent of the program enrolment. Rossi emphasized that with many resource-related projects coming down the pipe in the next five years, jobs will need to be filled. Women with the right skill set can tap into that wide-open

job market. “The timing is right and there are places within the industry for women to excel,” said Sherri Paiement, executive officer, Canadian Home Builders Association (CHBA) Central Okanagan. “I’m seeing more women on the stage winning Tommie awards, not just in supportive roles but as business owners.” In BC, by the end of 2016 more than 3,900 women were registered in 75 different trades, a

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180 per cent increase over 2005 - 2016. Last year, the BC government invested $400,000 to create a unique made-in-BC mentorship program to help women succeed in their path to becoming a tradesperson. This year it’s providing Sprott Shaw with $166,238 to give up to 28 unemployed women training in construction trades. But according to Casey Edge, executive director, Victoria Residential Builders Association, jobs in construction aren’t limited to the trades. “Construction is a d iverse i ndustry w ith a va riety of

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opportunities for women outside of the trades,” he said. “We’re seeing a shift in the industry itself to more sustainable construction and new energy codes and that brings unique job offerings. Today’s job site is not so much concerned with stereotypes or restrictions in terms of participation in work. Its more about finding workers with the necessary skill set. If someone embraces the industry and is passionate about getting the job done, it doesn’t matter what gender they are.” For Kelsey Botting, executive officer, CHBA Vancouver Island, whether a woman is in the trades, in administration or in SEE WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION |  PAGE 11


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JUNE 2017


At the 2017 Vancouver Island Business Excellence awards the Interior Design Group took home two VIBE awards CREDIT:LANCE SULLIVAN, CONCEPT PHOTOGRAPHY

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Wendy Acheson, vice president and Registrar, Licensing and Consumer Services presents a 2016 CARE award to Deborah Patterson, partner and interior designer, Città Group CREDIT:JOHN YANYSHYN, VISIONS WEST PHOTOGRAPHY

JUNE 2017


According to Sherri Paiement, executive officer of CHBA Central Okanagan, the timing is right and there are places within the construction industry for women to excel. CREDIT:CHBA CENTRAL OKANAGAN

the management side of construction, women bring a unique perspective to custom home building. She also pointed out that women are taking a more active role in leadership positions within the industry. She added that over the past year her association has seen a larger than normal number of female builders applying for membership in CHBAVI and, like Paiement in the Okanagan, is seeing more women in supportive roles in the industry, standing beside husbands and partners. “Construction companies are busy,” Paiement said. “So many builders are now turning to family for help and that’s why we’re seeing more women running the office, working directly with clients and involved with onsite project management. It’s like ‘all hands on deck’ right now.” She added that Okanagan College is doing a great job of selling the industry across genders by sending representatives to high schools and opening a dialogue about the opportunities and diversity of employment. Accord i ng to K im Noakes,

“I’m seeing more women on the stage winning Tommie awards, not just in supportive roles but as business owners”. SHERRI PAIEMENT EXECUTIVE OFFICER, CANADIAN HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, CENTRAL OKANAGAN

Recruiting and Marketing Coordinator, Okanagan College and a Certified B Level Welder, Women in Trades Training (WITT) has introduced over 900 women to trades training at the college since 2008. “WITT guides women through trades education and helps them connect to the labour market with additional support of Employment Readiness training and WITT mentorship.” Walls, boundaries and stereotypes are coming down, thanks in part to awareness campaigns and funding, but also because of the women taking advantage of opportunities available and not letting anything stop them. Nineteen-year-old Tijana Nelson, a first-year carpentry and

11 joinery student at Okanagan College, originally had her eye on a career in architecture, but opted for building homes rather than designing them. “The last term of high school I decided I didn’t want to sit behind a computer all day, I wanted to actually build houses. I didn’t take any time off and jumped right into college, getting sponsored by WITT for the carpentry program. With dedication and hard work, I made the Dean’s list.” She also recently won a Silver medal at the provincial Skills Canada Competition in Abbotsford, and in Prince George, Janna Giesbrecht, Fall 2016 Carpentry Foundation Program student at the College of New Caledonia, is also making strides in the industry, placing second in the 2017 Regional Skills Carpentry Competition. Both women are setting the stage for future generations of women and showing that it’s all about the skills!

TRU BUILDS OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN TO EXPLORE TRADES TRAINING With funding available for qualify ing students and the chance of decent wages after graduation, the trades industry

School of Trades and Technology offers women the training needed to enter a growing job


AMLOOPS – Thompson River University (T RU) boasts some of the highest rates of pa rticipation i n trades education by women in BC, almost double that of other post-secondary institutions in electrical and welding. According to Heather Hamilton, Manager, Industrial and Contract Training, the University wants to keep it that way. “We have programs implemented to encourage and support women in exploring the trades,” she said. “Our goal is to fill these programs to capacity.” Funders, such as the Royal Bank of Canada, are assisting by offering seven $3,000 bursaries each year that help the women with daycare costs, tools that can be a financial barrier to finding employment. Additional funds are also provided by the Industry Training Authority of British Columbia (ITA). “ITA and RBC are very forward thinking,” Hamilton said. “They see the growing demand for trades and are looking at the non-traditional population to fill those vacancies. RBC in particular provides funding for participation in mentorships, events, mixers and workshops like ‘How to Start Your Own Business’ or ‘Life in a Camp Setting’. It also

helps us connect past alumni and recent Red Seal graduates with new students. For qualifying students, there are also grants for tuition, equipment, daycare and more.” She pointed out that providing opportunities for apprentices to speak with newly graduated or working alumni offers perspective on the potential in their chosen trade. “Right from our exploratory programing, where women can try out a variety of trades over a 14-week time period, to completing an apprenticeship, we immerse the students in hands-on experience. Not only can the program lead right to an apprenticeship, but they will also receive a certificate upon completion.” During the exploratory program, the class participates in field trips to working sites in mining, construction, manufacturing and more, allowing the women an up-close look at how a job in the various trades look. “Students have v isited local mines including New Gold, Teck Highland Valley Copper a nd Domtar, projects u nder con st r uct ion, a nd even t he

Trans Mountain Kinder Morgan pipeline.” Hamilton explained that over the past year there has been a decline in the number of people entering the trades and, although the baby boom generation is not retiring as quickly as anticipated, the decline in interest in these jobs could dramatically impact projects in the years to come. “Female students starting their training and apprenticeships right now could set themselves up for a sustainable and well-paid career. Trades provide women w it h m a ny d i f ferent ca reer choices, on and off the tools, as well as the ability to provide for themselves and their families.” She added that, with changes in technology and equipment, women don’t necessarily need muscle to do the job. “We offer the traditional trades, but we also offer emerging programming. Training in Instrumentation technologies, Power Engineering and HVAC are being added and will begin intake in our new building in 2018. We also offer degree programs to ladder Red Seal certification into a degree in Leadership or Technology.”

is a great choice for women. Thompson River University is at 805 TRU Way in Kamloops



JUNE 2017



Jaime M. Boyle was admitted as a lawyer in British Columbia in 2011 after completing a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Victoria and a Bachelor of Laws at the Murdoch University. Jaime is a solicitor lawyer with experience in negotiating building and construction disputes, litigation and drafting contracts for contractors, employers, builders and homeowners. She has developed an interest in the expeditious and cost effective process in developing contracts for builders, homeowners and developers, whether as a tool for resolving contractual payment disputes, as a debt recovery mechanism or at the outset to ensure all parties are aware of their rights and obligations. Jaime has worked on and advised on security of payment matters in British Columbia in relation to builders liens and contract disputes. Jaime is a board members of the CHBA Central Okanagan and enjoys working with the board on important issues and their members to ensure their best interest is paramount.


Erika Jarvis has been working as a communications specialist with Capri Insurance for the past 7 years and has been sitting on the board of CHBA for the past 6 years. Working in the insurance industry Erika has seen first-hand the difference a well devised risk management plan can make. Born and raised in Kelowna she has seen the vibrancy of the construction and real estate industries locally and understands the important impact they have on Jaime Boyle, Erika Jarvis, Marika Luczi our economy. Erika can connect you with personal and business insurance professionals, wealth management and MARIKA LUCZI group benefits advisors who have the knowledge and expertise to find innovative solutions for maximum value. Marika Luczi has been the Executive Assistant with the Our team continues to grow, recently joining Vancouver CHBACO for two and a half years. Working for CHBA has based CMW Insurance to create one of the largest been a tremendous experience for Marika that continues to push her boundaries and comfort zone. Dealing directly with employee owned insurance brokerages in Western Canada. builders, developers and suppliers within the Okanagan is one of many different tasks that Marika takes on during her days at CHBA. Marika is a part of the Tommie Awards committee who, as a collective group, put on one of the most successful events in the Okanagan, with an attendance of 600 guests in the building industry. Marika is looking forward to what the future holds at CHBACO and looks forward to connecting with more people throughout the Okanagan.

JAIME LYNN OLIVER Jaime Lynn Oliver is driven business woman and one of Winmar’s lead project managers. She is a dedicated member of the Winmar team as our previous Contents Manager for over 5 years. Like many woman business leaders Jaime balances many lead roles. Outside of the office Jaime is a wife and loving mother of two beautiful energetic young girls. Jaime comes from a forestry background and has a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from the University of Alberta. Jaime thrives on the challenge of meeting a tight timelines while providing top notch service and workman ship to all her clients. Jaime is well equipped with the skills required to keep up to the demanding constantly changing nature of the Restoration industry. Jaime jokes “I have jumped out of a plane, been at arm’s length of a bear twice, and mothered two children in two years. If I can survive that I can survive the restoration industry.” Though she may joke about the pace and uncertainty of the everyday life of a Project Manager, Jaime feels honored to be trusted with each homeowner’s unique restoration. She feels it is critical to takes the time to guide homeowners through the restoration process; from the emergency call out, the initial assessment, determining the scope of work ahead, scheduling trades, to job completion, and all the details in between. Jamie knows that though disaster sites may be second nature to her, they are a potentially frightening and overwhelming experience for her customers. Her passionate for her clients and expertise in job site management is what shines through and leaves you feeling well looked after in her care. Jay Rhode, General Manager – WINMAR Kelowna “We are proud to call this exceptional woman in construction, one of our very own!”

T: 250-862-3500 W: E:



As President of 3rd Generation Homes, Cassidy provides leadership to position the organization at the forefront of the construction industry. She has developed a strategic plan to advance the company’s mission and objectives to promote revenue, profitability and growth as an organization. Cassidy oversees company operations to ensure production efficiency, quality, service and cost-effective management of resources. Cassidy enjoys working with clients from the pre-design phase all the way through to completion and builds meaningful relationships with clients. Building people’s dream homes is such a large investment and has such a huge impact on the clients’ daily lives and Cassidy loves having such a big part in that.

T: 250-300-5262 W: E:

RENEE WASYLYK Renée Wasylyk is the CEO of Troika Management Corporation, a Kelowna-based Real Estate and Land Development company. Troika has projects in three provinces including West Harbour, a master-planned lakeside community in West Kelowna and Green Square, a contemporary townhouse development in the Lower Mission.

Rael Hay, Paulette Facca, Hannah McNee

Creative Touch Interiors Inc. is a full-service residential interior design and renovation firm based in Kelowna, BC. We provide clients with design solutions and project management, while maintaining strong working relationships with professionals, trusted trades, and local suppliers. We focus on great service and the details that bring value to homes. Communication, Collaboration and Integrity is what we practice. As Interior Designers/ Project Managers, it is important that we build bridges in every aspect of a project. Being a “Team Player” is what it is all about.

E: T: 778-699-2152 W:

Renée was recognized as EY’s Entrepreneur of the Year in Real Estate (2015) and Business in Vancouver’s Most Influential Woman in Business in 2015, and is a board member for Interior Health and the Premier’s Women’s Economic Council. She continues to be an industry leader, innovative thinker, and active community supporter. She’s also a Mom. And when it comes to building homes for families, thinking like a Mom gives all we do and extra edge.

T: 250-869-4945 W:


JUNE 2017



Krista Paine, manager of Ian Paine Construction and Design, has led this long established company to Gold, winning 4 silvers and 2 golds at the 2015 and 2016 Tommie Awards. Krista is a Registered Interior Designer through NCIDQ (National Certification for Interior Designer Qualification), as well as an Associate Kitchen and Bath Designer. With over ten years’ experience in Interior Design, she specializes in custom home design, kitchen and bathroom design as well as highend millwork. From working for a custom kitchen and bathroom company, followed by a high end millwork company in the Lower Mainland, she returned to the Okanagan to manage Ian Paine Construction over five years ago. Founded by her father Ian Paine 35 years ago, the company’s completed and in-progress projects cover a wide range of builds, from multi-million dollar estates to renovation work. Krista has put the word “design” into Ian Paine Construction and through her management role for Ian Paine Construction and Design, she has successfully managed the completion of numerous builds and countless renovations - many award winning projects. Now, with the help of a strong, talented team to back her up, she is also able to pass on her talents as a teacher of Design and Build at the Digital Art School and as a judge for home building awards throughout Canada. Krista, and the IPC & Design team, look forward to working with you.

T: 250-801-7787 | E: | W:

DORI LARSON I started A1 Choice Plumbing & Drain Inc. along with my Husband with the goal of giving our Customers the best service for a competitive price with Customer Service and trust being the forefront of the business. It has been a great experience being a Woman working in Construction as no two days are alike and there is always a challenge to complete and a goal to set. I first started in the home office taking care of the day to day operations and accounting then growing to have an office on 2470 West Lake Rd. West Kelowna with office staff as part of the team and of course our great team of Plumbers. We always keep in mind that trust between us and our Customers is the most important job we have as they give us their trust in letting us into their homes. We have gotten many thank you notes, letters and referrals and are grateful for each one and always try our best to do our best.

T: 250-768-0202 W: E:


Since Barbara established her Award Winning Interior Design and Renovation business in 2005, her approachable and unique philosophy has transformed countless homes throughout Kelowna and the Vancouver Lower Mainland. She truly believes that your home should reflect who you are and how you love to live life. Creative and time-less designs are original and warm, and always reflect her philosophy of ‘understated luxury’. Taking the design process further, Barbara also manages the entire construction of her renovation projects. Working closely with her clients, making selections and sourcing all materials starts the project off. Utilizing a strategic 15 step process, each and every project flows smoothly from initiation to completion. Everything from execution of floor T: 250-826-2600 plans and elevations, to budget planning and scheduling the construction and renovation, a systematic process is W: followed that is designed to complete projects on time and E: on budget. Fresh Approach Designs is a company with strong work ethics. Barbara manages her team of skilled trades people and is on site with each and every job, making sure work is completed to her satisfaction and that the design and renovation process is an enjoyable and positive experience for her clients.


Fueled by a passion for construction, Kim Larson started All Elements Design.Manage.Build in 2009. With 16 years experience in luxury residential and thanks to her ambition to tackle challenging projects, All Elements’ projects have become a statement in the Okanagan Valley. All Elements has many successes in the industry with coveted awards such as Home of the Year at the Tommie Awards and Excellence in Custom Home over $3,000,000 at the Provincial Georgie Awards and 8 Silver Awards. A perfectionist by default, Kim is currently Kim Larson with Sheldon, site manager for Habitat for Humanity in Trinidad. nominated for RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards as a Woman of Influence and All Elements has been nominated for Best of Kelowna 2016 in the Best Home Builder category. While taking her company to new heights, Kim has also dedicated her time to giving back to the community by offering scholarships to students aiming for careers in construction and architecture as T: 250-486-7679 well as building homes with Habitat for Humanity for W: low-income families in Trinidad. E:

STICKS + STONES DESIGN GROUP INC. Sticks + Stones has been offering a full complement of services such as custom building design, blueprint development, concept rendering, project management, styling services, and interior design to the Okanagan and beyond for over 20 years. We love to work with homeowners, developers, builders, contractors, and large institutions alike. Our team of talented and diverse individuals uses its collective passion to add value to every project we embrace— from a single room or office to a complete custom home. We collaborate with clients to ensure their visions inform the spaces we create, leaving them thrilled with the results and the process. Whether they’re in town or out of the area code, we’re equally dedicated to all projects. No project is too big or small, no challenge too great.

Sarah Kidd, Carla Bond-Fisher, Amber Smith, Katie Nesbitt, Anissa Blumhagen, Kara Gibson

T: 250-712-9282 W: E:


JUNE 2017

ACRES ENTERPRISES HAS BEEN HELPING TO BUILD BC FOR 35 YEARS Company Offers Its Clients A Wide Range Of Specialized InHouse Expertise


AMLOOPS – It’s no exaggeration to say that Acres Enterprises Ltd. has, for more than 35 years, helped to build British Columbia. As a major heavy construction and project management company Acres has played a pivotal role in the construction of countless developments across the province and beyond, from industrial sites and commercial structures to expansive residential communities. Despite its impressive record of achievements the company has no intention of slowing down any time soon. “Acres is essentially divided into three distinct divisions; General, Civil and Industrial contracting. On the General Contracting (GC) side we will self perform a large portion of the contract and work closely with the sub trades, any of the specific service offerings that we don’t already have within the company,” explained Tristan Norman, Acres’ Business Development Manager. “As a Civil contractor we will do all of the ‘dirt work’ – completing all of the site preparation functions such as installing the underground utilities, building the infrastructure and other elements. Then as the GC we can come in and actually do the building construction as well. So if we have a client that says they want a building, or a subdivision or a retrofit of an existing facility we can typically provide the full scope of services, sub contracting any of the specialty sub trades we don’t have in-house.” T hat use of specialized inhouse expertise is a hallmark of the Acres business model. From its inception the company has believed the clients would always benefit from having access to the firm’s pool of resident technicians and experts – a team of more than 100 providing skills,

Jason Paige is the owner of Acres Enterprises, having purchased the firm in 2012 from company founder Guy Mercier accountability and on-site management through all phases of the projects the company undertakes. This level of hands-on control extends from the development and concept stages right through to the project’s final construction. Acres Enterprises specializes in offering a range of services that include but are not limited to the design / build of projects, earthworks construction, water and waste water facilities, subdivisions and land development, reservoirs, deep and shallow utilities, bridge crossings, commercial and industrial developments and more. A real strength of the organization is its team of more than 100 industry-specific professionals and Canadian Construction Association Gold Seal certified project managers, estimators, superintendents and foremen. Having this cadre of experts and professionals available allows the firm to offer clients what is essentially a one stop shop for the design and construction of a vast range of assignments. With a devotion to delivering quality work and following timeproven processes that ensure the meeting of project timelines and client budgets, Acres has earned a solid reputation for delivering projects of all sizes on time and

Acres Enterprises is a major heavy construction company that has worked on projects all across British Columbia

“We’re planning on not only being profitable in the short term, but also creating a future for the company in the long term. TRISTAN NORMAN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, ACRES ENTERPRISES

on budget. Over the decades the company has worked extensively with private companies, the public sector as well as long history of working successfully with numerous First Nations clients. SEE ACRES ENTERPRISES |  PAGE 15

A unique part of the Acres Enterprises business model is that most of the specialized services it provides are available in-house

would like to congratulate on 35 years, and wish them many years of continued success.

250.549.3010 • 9538 HIGHWAY 97, VERNON, BC •


JUNE 2017

Founded 35 years ago, the company has worked on countless projects, from commercial structures to golf courses


One excellent example of how Acres Enterprises works successfully with its group of trusted sub trades is the Predator Ridge development near Vernon, a combination resort, golf course and residential community located on a 1,200 acre parcel. “Predator Ridge is a development project consisting of a prestigious golf course and residential development located between Vernon and Kelowna, which also includes the Sparkling Hills Resort. So in essence we’re contributing toward the building of an entire new community,” Normal explained. “As we have been contracted to go the project to help develop

the subdivision we’ll be installing many of the underground utilities. This is where one of our key sub trades Leko Precast Ltd. comes in. They will be providing all of the precast concrete items, such as manholes that will allow us to construct the main infrastructure for the project.” For Leko Precast, Predator Ridge is just the most recent project the two companies have worked on together, all across the BC Interior and beyond. Based in Vernon Leko are specialists in supplying both conventional and custom precast products. “We’ve been fortunate to work with Acres for many years and look forward to continuing that relationship into the future” said Colin Black, President of Leko.

“Our most recent cooperative effort has been working with them at the Predator Ridge golf community where we are supplying the precast for the project, including a box culvert underpass for golf carts. It’s only the latest in a long line of successful joint projects we’ve shared with Acres.” For Norman the relationship his company has developed with Leko and the numerous other Acres-approved sub trades provides his company with a wealth of resources and a connection to the local communities that would not be available otherwise. “With Leko we have a long standing relationship because they provide quality products with competitive prices. It certainly saves a lot of guess work for

us when we go to a client, having worked with someone like them for so long we can include their pricing and know that we are competitive, we already know we have the best pricing and quality possible,” he said. Structured to provide professional construction services to the private and public sectors Acres is equally organized to support both union and nonunion clients and projects. The company has become the builder of choice for a wide range of clients, including some of the province’s industry leaders. The Acres flexible corporate structure has allowed the firm to satisfy the needs of a wide range of customers and allows it to take on larger and increasingly complex

assignments. This enviable combination of expertise and project management success has benefited an equally broad range of clients including municipalities, private businesses, and organizations within sectors as diverse as transportation, mining and energy. A partial list of the company’s clients over the years reads like a Who’s Who of the provincial business community. A few key Acres Enterprises clients include resource giant Teck Resources, grinding media manufacturer Moly-Cop, Pretivm Resources Inc., a major mining operator and Iberdrola Canada Energy Services Ltd., an enterprise created to provide energy solutions for its customers. The road to become an industry-leading construction company first began in 1982 when the company then known as Action Construction was founded by Guy Mercier. “The company has actually had only two owners throughout its entire existence, Mercier and today’s owner Jason Paige. Paige was a former employee who purchased the company in 2012,” Norman explained. “The company is definitely a survivor having endured recessions, changing provincial governments and volatile markets over the years. Essentially however Acres has always been primarily a professional constructor and a developer. Having provided SEE ACRES ENTERPRISES |  PAGE 16

Congratulations Acres Enterprises Ltd on 35 years of business... cheers!

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JUNE 2017


these services and having worked all over the province for more than 35 years, the company has earned an excellent reputation for the quality of the work it does and that has helped the company to not merely survive but to grow and prosper over the years.” The sheer volume and diversity of the projects completed by the company over the past three decades is a testament to its skills and industry experience. For more than 35 years Acres Enterprises has built everything from homes to hotels, roads to subdivisions with the company’s mainstay being its Civil Contracting assignments. “We have always had a large fleet of civil equipment – excavators, bulldozers and other heavy equipment used in the development of projects for municipalities and other levels of government,” Norman said. Having such an expansive inventory of heavy equipment on hand provides Acres with the flexibility to fulfill any assignment without having to rely solely on third party contractors. A partial list of the sort of projects the Civil Division will undertake includes; infrastructure, subdivision development, earthworks, blasting and aggregate production, a full range of utility services such as sewer, water and storm drains, roadwork of all types, reservoirs, water and waste water treatment plants,

One outstanding feature of the Predator Ridge development project is its professional grade community golf course

Proud to provide our services to Acres Enterprises

250.861.0587 Kelowna, BC

pump stations and much more. The firm’s Civil Division has earned a reputation for professionalism, organization, experience and technical knowledge that has allowed the company to become a go-to resource when it comes to the construction of municipal infrastructure. Once again employing the Acres business model, where a corps of in-house experts can be supplemented by trusted sub trades, the company’s Civil Division has developed lasting relationships with consultants, subcontractors, suppliers, technicians and others. This cooperative arrangement

has allowed Acres to provide its civil clients with innovative solutions to satisfy the challenges of any project on an ongoing basis. As with all three Acres Enterprises divisions, the company’s Civil Division prides itself on delivering projects on time and budget, a consistent level of performance that has earned it legions of satisfied clients and a wealth of repeat and referral business opportunities – which is the key to any long term business success. “Over the years we’ve completed a number of projects for cities, whether it is Kamloops, Merritt,

Kelowna, Vernon, Regional Districts and others. For example in recent years we’ve been providing service, through a General Contracted Services Agreement with the City of Kamloops, where we are their primary contractor of choice for general construction. We have been able to successfully develop those relationships with various municipalities and government entities over the years,” he said. “In addition to our Civil and municipal clients, we’ve also developed a strong relationship with our private clients, and that’s where all the development work

comes in. The subdivisions and other projects where the developers have trusted us because of the quality of our work and knowing that they are getting the best work for the best price.” Acres Enterprises has since 1982 been involved in numerous design / build projects for clients located all across the province, with is team of in-house experts playing pivotal roles at every stage. Being able to draw on that talent pool has helped the firm become the industry leader it is today. “We’re fortunate to have a tremendous SEE ACRES ENTERPRISES |  PAGE 17

ALWAYS PROUD TO SUPPORT ACRES ENTERPRISES We manufacture one of the most versatile building packages on the market today

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JUNE 2017

Acres Enterprises is divided into three key divisions: General, Civil and Industrial contracting – with a focus on civil assignments The Predator Ridge development is being developed on a 1,200 acre parcel of land located near Vernon


Acres Enterprises operates a large fleet of heavy equipment which includes an inventory of excavators and bulldozers

Opening doors to opportunities Congratulations and best wishes on your many years of success

and calmness of our long term employees,” he stated. Another key part of the Acres success story was deciding early on what resources should be based in-house, and what others skills should be left to outside sub contactors. From the start Acres Enterprises opted to retain only a few key services in-house. The list of staff expertise includes all SEE ACRES ENTERPRISES |  PAGE 18

Sending best wishes to Acres Enterprises 250.374.5433 203-655 Victoria St Kamloops, BC

It has been our pleasure to provide engineering services to Acres Enterprises over the past years. We congratulate them on their continued success!

354 Totom Ave, Kelowna, BC V1X 5W6

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depth in experience within our organization. We have employees who have been in the industry for decades, many of them coming to us with years of successful experience behind them,” Norman explained. “We have employees who have been with the company from the start and we have many employees who have been with us for more than 25 years. Not only do we have strength in experience we have strength with loyalty – people who have learned how to perform at Acres to our high standards. Employees like that understand the importance of providing that reliability and that quality of work for our clients so we can continue to receive their repeat business.” Acres Enterprises isn’t merely empowered by its veteran employees, it also recognizes the need to replenish its ranks with the next generation of workers to ensure continued corporate

growth and ongoing client satisfaction in the years ahead. For Norman the melding of the experienced with the novice workers provides Acres with a rich pool of talents to draw from to better serve its 21st Century customers. “We’re going through the transitional change that comes with the new generations of workers. We’re trying consciously to blend the youthful ingenuity and enthusiasm with the experience

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JUNE 2017

For 35 years Acres Enterprises has been the go to construction choice for customers ranging from corporations to municipalities


forms of carpentry services such as concrete form work, framing and rough carpentry. Other routine items on the Acres menu include pipe-laying, underground utility installation as well as site preparation and heavy earth moving services. “Beyond that we would start sub contracting electrical services, mechanical, architectural, engineering and other items like that. We regularly sub contract

work to approved providers here in Kamloops and across the province,” Norman said. As the company works on projects all across British Columbia it has become an important part of its activities to have established links in place within the communities it regularly serves. This is typically done via the relationships it has developed with the local sub contractors. “We have a community engagement policy which states that wherever we go to do work in the province, or anywhere in the country for that

matter, it is our intent to engage the local members of the community, the local economy and to add value to that community,” he said. “Whether that involves working with First Nations, local business owners, suppliers or hiring from the local labor force we will do our best to positively impact the local communities where we do our work.” For the future Acres Enterprises, which considers itself a medium sized business despite the range of projects it has

Proud to recognize your success in the industry. Congratulations!

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handled, expects to continue to grow both in size and in the complexity of the assignments it undertakes. But having already weathered various economic downturns the company is experienced enough to recognize that any growth that does occur does so in a logical and reasoned manner. Acres will not be encouraging growth for growth’s sake alone. “Our plan has always been to remain viable for the long haul, which means an ever greater emphasis on green building and to leaving as small an environmental footprint as possible. So while other areas in the country are taking the ‘making hay while the sun shines’ approach we’re planning on to not only to be profitable in the short term, but to help create a future for the long term for the company and its employees,” he said. Growth with a complete and clear vision for the future is at the heart of any expansion Acres will undertake in the years to come – a vision that comes right from the top. “Our owner Jason Paige is a visionary quite honestly. He sees opportunities and markets that may not be evident to everyone else. We’ve been planning for the future, such as developing

specialized software in-house, a product that may be marketable in the future to assist with project management for our use and for others. Every time we have an opportunity to add greater value for our clients we’re creating a product or project that we can develop on the side that we may be able to market in the future,” he said. The central theme in Acres Enterprises long term success has always been its innovative approach to all aspects of its operations. “I consider us a very innovative company. We’re always looking for new ways to do business, so in this very competitive business environment any advantage is a good advantage. If we can create more revenue streams by being innovative, while also saving costs and being more efficient with our operations then we we’re on a path to success,” Norman said. “While Acres may be a $40 million company today, in a few years we want to be at least 25 percent larger than that – so Acres will continue to grow provided we can always meet the needs of the marketplace.” To learn more please visit the company’s website at: www.

Sasco is proud to be a partner of Acres Enterprises. Congratulations on your success!

Congratulations on 35 years of business

(250) 828-0605 |

T: 250-376-0221 | F: 250-376-7249


JUNE 2017

details will be revealed at their Public Open House on June 7 at the Laurel Packinghouse on Cawston and Ellis.

KAMLOOPS The Chartered Professionals in Human Resources British Columbia & Yukon 2017 Keeping People First Award was awarded to BCLC President & CEO Jim Lightbody. Sweet Apple Hair Design is now open at the Residence at Orchards Walk. The shop will be run by Susan Carr, who has more than 30 years of experience in the field. Thompson Valley Dental welcomes Dr. Susy Inoue-Cheng to their practise. She has been practicing since 2004. Grant Dolson is Zimmer Wheaton GM’s salesman of the month for April 2017. Zimmer Wheaton also welcomes Brandon Tomljeovic to their sales team. Kamloops Ford Lincoln welcomes Brad Jackson, Rick Proctor and Dan Sczebel to their team of product advisors. Jubilee RV Centre is celebrating their 25th anniversary in business. A new site at 2 875 West Columbia Street will now house a new Dominos Pizza location. Act Adventures, a company that provides historical walking tours in the downtown area, has recently moved into the vacant space in the Plaza Hotel. The space was formerly occupied by Fireside Steakhouse. Sahali Mall will soon be home to Planet Fitness, which will take over the vacant space that was once filled by Target. Fulton & Company LLP welcomes Chelsey Tennant to their team. She recently completed her law degree at UBC, and is the newest associate at the firm. Cassidy Gold, a Kamloopsbased mining company, is preparing to close, leaving Advance Gold. D’Agostino Italian Restaurant & Catering is celebrating 25 years in Kamloops. They are located at 258 Victoria Street. Smith Chevrolet has announced that Devon Beyer is their top achiever for the month of April. Chanty’s, a local chicken-strip restaurant is closing its doors after a stint in small claims court. The business opened last year, hoping to establish a customer base among university students. Murphy’s Meats & Deli celebrated their grand opening on May 27. They are located on Westsyde Road. Kamloops Dodge Chrysler Jeep has named John Misera as their salesman of the month for April 2017. HMZ Law welcomes Merv Sadden to their practice.



Sadden will be joined by his team of paralegals, including Janelle Turner, Tracey Neville, and Jenny Maloney. Continental Barber Shop, located at 319 Victoria Street, welcomes Cora and Roxanne to their team of stylists. Kevin Coles is the salesman of the month for April at Kamloops Hyundai. Iron Road Brewing, a new local craft brewery, just received their liquor license from Kamloops City Council. They are located at 980 Camosun Crescent, across from TRU. Norm Langlois is salesman of the month for April 2017 at Mercedes-Benz Kamloops. Rob and Andreena Wiggins are the new owners of Central Station Pub, located at Fourth Avenue and Lansdowne Street. They purchased the pub from the Hill family, who ran the establishment for 27 years. Tobiano has been named as the #1 public course in British Columbia, and is #12 in Canada on Canadian Golf Magazine’s 2017 Top 50 + Next 10 ratings. Kamloops winery Privato Vineyard and Winery won two out of the top three Pinot Noir awards at the BC Varietal Wine Awards.

KELOWNA Deal Centre Liquidation, owned by Dave Kainth, has opened at 22 2070 Harvey Avenue. Find out more about this business at The Wandering Gourmet, a new food truck, is now open and located on the Canadian Tire parking lot in West Kelowna. Darrell McIntyre is the owner/ operator of this company, whch offers many gluten free, low sodium, and no MSG items. The Downtown Kelowna Association has announced their 2017/18 board of directors. This includes Dan Allen, President (Doc Willoughby’s Public House); Shane Austin (Okanagan coLab); Rob Collins (Grant Thornton LLP); Nikki Csek (Csek Creative & KelownaNow. com); Yarden Gershony (Rush Ihas Hardwick LLP); Teghan Gordey (The Naked Café); Jason Guyitt (Delta

Grand); Jan Johnson (Tigerlily Fashions); Brent Lobson (Imperial Parking); Renata Mills (Festivals Kelowna); Kyle Spence (Downtown Marina & Westcorp); Brian Stephenson (Pushor Mitchell LLP); and Trevor Neill (Mosaic Books). Outgoing directors include Angie Bricker (Georgie Girl Vintage); Jim Meiklejohn (Meiklejohn Architects); Dustin Sargent (Davara Enterprises) and Renee Wasylyk (Troika Developments). Ian Gerbrandt has accepted the position of Director of Child, Youth and Family Services at the Penticton & District Community Resources Society. Gerbrandt is the acting CEO of the United Way Central & South Okanagan Similkameen. United Way welcomes Helen Jackman as their new executive director. She will officially start on September 5th. Sunset Ranch Golf Course is open again after a floodingrelated closure. Vic Singh and Dali Singh have opened BC’s 9th Mucho Burrito franchise in Kelowna. They are located at #101 3030 Pandosy Street in Sopa Square. Flashpoint Tattoo Company, owned and operated by Mark Beaulieu, has relocated to Unit 52, 301 Highway 33. Steve Small is the new Digital Marketing Co-Coordinator at Tourism Kelowna. David and Lisa Broesky have opened Galibelle Shoes by Brazilian Designers at 213 Bernard Avenue. Murli Pendharkar won the Anita Tozer Memorial Award at the 42nd Annual Civic and Community Awards Gala. The Fred Macklin Memorial Award went to Garry Benson, and the Sarah Donalda Treadgold Memorial Award went to Kelly Taverner. Ninette Ollgaard will be replacing Peggy Athans as executive director of the Downtown Kelowna Association (DKA). Grillers Meats has recently opened in Lake Country. The butcher shop is owned and operated by Celia Magraw and Marc Ellam. Inspired Window Fashions, a company that will service Kelowna, Vernon, and

Penticton, has been opened by Sydney Collington. Find out more at Sherri Paiement has taken the position of development manager with TELUS. She used to work with the Canadian Home Builders Association. Sandy Wasich is the new branch manager at the Guisachan Branch of Valley First at 101 2395 Gordon Drive. Dan, Wanda, and Chef Henry Truong are celebrating the 30th anniversary of their establishment, Mekong Restaurant. Talking Tree Spa welcomes Chad Genereux to their team. The Central Okanagan Hospice Association (COHA) has relocated to #200 1890 Cooper Road in Orchard Plaza. COHA is also celebrating their 35th anniversary, and welcomes Natasha Girard as their new executive director. For the 12th year in a row, Urban Systems Ltd. has been been named Best Workplace in Canada. This year marks the 15th anniversary of O Spa Health & Wellness Centre. The company, owned and operated by Ulli and Pattie Onsorge, is a member of Leading Spas of Canada. Dan Rogers, former lead at the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce, has taken the position of executive director at the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce. Interior Savings Credit Union members re-elected Rolli Cacchioni, Liza Curran and Elmer Epp for additional threeyear terms. Wentworth Music has been recognized as a Top 100 Dealer by the National Association of Music Merchants. Suzanne’s women clothing has opened in Spall Plaza at #114 1950 Harvey Avenue. This is the store’s second Kelowna location. Pushor Mitchell LLP is one of 2017’s top small and medium employers. Kerhoff Construction and North American Development Group have announced that they are partnering together to develop Kelowna’s tallest high-rise condo tower. More

The Oliver City Council has approved the rezoning of the Centennial Park site to accommodate an 80-room hotel, proposed by Mundi Hotel Enterprises. The Osoyoos Medical Centre welcomes the practice of Dr. Jayden McIntyre. McIntyre has recently completed his medical residency. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Meadowlark Nature Festival, an event put on by the Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Alliance (OSCA).

PENTICTON Andrew Werner is retiring as Sales and Lease Consultant at Subaru of Penticton. The British Columbia Wine Information Centre is moving into its new location at 553 Vees Drive. The Centre is BC’s only non-profit VQA wine store, and has been in the community for 20 years. Okanagan College has named Sharon Shepherd, Randy Manuel, and Edna Terbasket as Honorary Fellows of Okanagan College. Techsavers is opening this month. They are located at #120 535 Main Street in Tiffany’s Boutique Mall. Penticton Toyota announced that Martin Longmore is their top producer for April 2017. Paul Brossin is the inaugural winner of the Dunc Jamieson Lifetime Achievement Award. The award recognizes volunteers for long-time dedication to the Penticton Minor Hockey Association. The Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen celebrates their 25th anniversary on June 8th. Nufloors has recently renovated their location at 1397 Fairview Road. Vantage Powersport & Marine is celebrating their first anniversary. They are located at 64 Industrial Avenue West. The new Penticton Nissan dealership at Penticton Indian Band’s Satikw Crossing has begun. The dealership is set to open in December 2017. Apex Mountain Resort is now under new ownership. Apex Mountain Resorts Partnership, SEE MOVERS AND SHAKERS |  PAGE 20


headed up by Mike Duggan, was taken over from a team of owners led by Ted Garnett. The former partnership has been in charge of the mountain for 20 years.

SALMON ARM Valens Argitech Ltd. received a license from Health Canada to grow, distribute and conduct research with marijuana. The company is run by CEO Tyler Robson, and is a subsidiary of Valens GroWorks Corp. The Prestige Harbourfront Resort Salmon Arm has made some exciting additions as summer approaches. Stefanie Willey will join the resort as their new CanFitPro certified trainer in their athletic club. Prestige Harbourfront Resort has also opened a Don Cherry’s Sports Grill on their premise. D&G Computers is now under the ownership of Darryl Oram. He will connect the business with his other company, Thompson Okanagan Consulting Group. UNSR’s Salmon Arm location has recently laid off about a dozen employees. GM Rob Seaman stated that it is not part of a larger downsizing. A new board was announced at the 71st AGM for SASCU. David Witt and Liz-Ann Munro Lamarre join incumbent David King for three-year terms on the board, while Glenn Hill (Chair) stepped down after sixteen years of service. Jim and Joyce Dunlop have completed renovations at Canoe Beach. They now offer a new menu and several new water sport rentals.

MOVERS & SHAKERS After a fire scare, the Sky Blue Waters Resort is once again open for business. A May 22 fire destroyed the resort’s water system, which has been temporarily replaced. WineBox Sweets, owned by Teena Gudjonson, took first place Launch-A-Preneur’s fourth season. The prize included over $15,000 in prizes and services.

SUMMERLAND The 2017 Okanagan Spring Wine Festival recognized several Summerland wineries. Silkscarf won two silvers for their 2015 Malbec and Shiraz/ Viognier blend. Thornhaven won gold in Best Pino Meunier, silver for Syrah, gold for Best White Blend, silver for the Tortured Grape blend, and silver for the 2016 Infusion Sparkling Wine. Sumac Ridge won gold for the Black Sage Cabernet Frank and silver for the Black Sage Zinfandel. Artisans of the Okanagan is reopening after they moved for 13211A N. Victoria Road. Summerland Steam is now under new ownership. Gregg Wilson has sold the Junior B team to an ownership group, led by team president Sean Paxman. Summerland Heritage Cider has launched their new website, giving a fresh look to a company over 20 years old. Maple Roch Pure Canadian Maple Syrup are on the move. The company, who are a division of Avant Beverage Ltd. in association with Saint Q and Arbeau organic maple water, recently purchased the Framecraft building. Deborah Moore was awarded the Broker of the Year Award

in the multiple office category by Re/Max of Western Canada. Moore is the owner of Re/Max Orchard Country Summerland. As of April 18, Summerland restaurant Union Kitchen Inc. has expanded their service to include lunch and dinner. Summerland recently saw the move of the Artisans of the Okanagan to their new location. Now open at 13211-A Victoria Road N., the store may have a new look and location, but still includes a wide range of great artisans. Ogopogo Tours was awarded Canadian Sustainable Tour Operator of the Year from Luxury Travel Guide. The tour company has also rebranded in order to reflect their commitment to sustainability.

VERNON Sue Beaudry, was awarded the Woman of the Year title by Vernon Women in Business. Beaudry is director for development at the Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation, a member of the Vernon Restholm board, and a Silver Star Ski Partner.

JUNE 2017

planning, and business law. Bosley’s is holding their grand re-opening after a recent expansion. They are located at 2306 Hwy 6. Dean Hutter is the salesperson of the month for April 2017 at Watkin Motors. Royal LePage Downtown Realty welcomes C. Lawanda Henderson back to their team. Henderson is one of the top producers in the North Okanagan. They also announced the addition of Darcy Sochan to their team. Sochan is a professional with over 9 years of experience in the field. The Vernon Morning Star was recognized at the 2017 Ma Murray Awards. They won second place for a photo taken by staff-member Lisa VanderVelde. Marty Taylor has been recognized as the top salesman for the months of both March and April at Vernon Toyota. Raku Rice & Noodle Bar has recently opened. They specialize in high-quality ramen dishes, and are located in downtown Vernon.

Teri Muir has joined the team at Nufloors’ Vernon location. She will be working as a sales consultant and a Hunter Douglas window covering specialist.

The Oyama building that formerly housed Okanagan North Growers Cooperative’s packinghouse will now be turned into a boat storage facility.

Jesse Nicholson is April’s Salesman of the Month at Vernon Hyundai.

The Vernon Lawn Bowling Club is celebrating their 100th anniversary.

Amber Turnbull is the newest member of the team at Italian Kitchen & Wings. Amber will be taking over as catering director, and can be reached at 250306-2181.

Vernon VW, located on Highway 97N, welcome Adam and Blair to their sales team.

Kidston and Company LLP welcome Daniel Hutchinson to their firm. Hutchinson, who was recently called to the bar, practices real estate, estate

Lisa Anderson and Lisa Church will be taking over Rick Lavin’s executive director duties at the Upper Room Mission after Lavin announced his retirement Bannister GM’s welcomes Bryce Parent to their team

of salesman. They have also announced that Robert McLaren is their salesperson of the month for April. Summertree on the Lake, a marina on Kalamalka Lake, is expanding. They will be growing from 29 slips to 49 slips, with each slip having a boat lift. Abby Dental Care is under new ownership. Dr. Trent Bevans and Dr. Bryan Burrows will be taking over for Dr. Broaderip. Valerie Suraci will be joining them as the new Clinic Director. The Vernon Winter Carnival board was recently chosen for their 58th event. Deb White is chairperson, Martin von Holst is vice-chairperson, Pat Loehndorf is treasurer, and Corinne Van de Crommenacker is secretary. The directors are Mike Smallenberg, Dave Deshane, Colleen Gwenyth Heater, Brian Langner, June Rigby, Ruth Hoyte, Todd Millar, Laurell Cornell, Annette Timm, Roel Van de Crommenacker, and Paul Cousins. The Armstrong Spallumcheen Chamber of Commerce has announced its winners of the 2017 Community Excellence Awards. They are: Curriebird Yoga Studio (Rising Star), Penny’s Pitstop (Micro Business of the Year), The Twisted Purl Yarn Studio (Small Business of the Year), Maddocks Construction (MidSize Business of the Year), Kingfisher Boats (Corporate Business of the Year), Sherry McFarlane of Armstrong Spallumcheen Museum and Art Gallery (Employee of the Year), Gambrinus Malting (Revitalization and Innovation), Blue Hills Lavender (Hospitality and Tourism), Royal Canadian Legion Branch 35 (Organization of the Year), and Susan Wilson (Volunteer of the Year).




ecently I had the opportunity to talk to one of our Summerland business members about their experiences attending an international trade show with the goal of exporting their locally made products. The words exhilarating and frustrating probably summed it up best.

For BC businesses, export opportunities are tremendous but navigating the maze of bureaucracy and regulation to get their products and services to markets (either to another country or sometimes even to another province) can be daunting. In the past couple of years the Province of BC has been listening to and working with small business to learn more about their export needs. Like our local business member, they’ve identified the confusing export landscape, limited awareness of the existing supports and service gaps as some of the challenges. BC businesses said they needed easy-to-access, tailored services for business needs, a logical plan of action that could be followed for exporting, and support across the entire export pathway.

To respond to these needs Small Business BC has created a pilot project called The Export Navigator Pilot. In the Okanagan region this service is being delivered by Business Service Advisors based at Community Futures North Okanagan in Vernon. Last week, I had the opportunity to attend a workshop about the pilot hosted at Community Futures South Okanagan Similkameen in Penticton. One of the Advisors, Connie Viszlai, from the Vernon office, explained how the program works. With support from her or other Advisors, a small business can work their way through four specific stages for the best chances of export success. These stages are called the Export Pathway. In the first stage, Awareness, a business will go through a guided

assessment to determine if they are ready to export, build an international network and complete a business plan or business expansion plan. In stage 2, Planning and Validation, a business will identify their market and develop export, financial and operational plans to support their export strategy. Stage 3 is the Initial Market Entry and Stage 4 is Market Development and Growth. The best part is that businesses can determine where they already are on the pathway and enter at the point that makes sense for them. As well, the Business Advisors work with international experts located in the various markets. They know who a small business needs to be connected to at any particular stage on the pathway and can make the

appropriate referrals so a business can succeed. I am looking forward to seeing how this pilot will help our business members who are interested in export. For more information contact Connie Viszlai in the Community Futures North Okanagan (Vernon) office at Christine Petkau is Executive Director of the Summerland Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Summerland. The Chamber is also responsible for business retention, expansion and attraction (economic development services) on behalf of the District of Summerland. She can be reached at cpetkau@


JUNE 2017

A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Thompson Okanagan Office #210-347 Leon Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8C7 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684  Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: Website:


PUBLISHER/EDITOR |  Lise MacDonald, SALES |  Joanne Iormetti –, Thom Klos –, Josh Higgins – WRITERS |  Julia MacDonald, John MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes, Linda Wenger, Kristin van Vloten WEBSITE | John MacDonald




here has been a seismic shift in our political system and the way Canada gets things done – or stops them altogether. Non-political organizations, which are really political action groups like LeadNow, Tides Canada and the Dogwood Initiative, have become extremely effective political “push” groups, driving their ideologies through the path of most effectiveness – candidates and parties that see things the way they do. They have found a way, mostly through social media, to circumvent Elections Canada guidelines that are supposed to ensure fairness in this country, spending untrackable revenue via virtually untraceable methods to capture public opinion and carry out their own agenda through election campaigns. It’s most i ron ic t h at Ca nada, a country that sees itself as a beacon of democracy and

fairness, and which sends citizens throughout the world to monitor elections in other countries to ensure those same standards are maintained, is now suffering from the same maladies they’re trying to cure elsewhere. U.S. groups mostly opposed to Canadian resource development amply fund organizations like these. For some reason, Canadians are not enraged to discover that their domestic policies and livelihoods are being directed by American special interest financing. Financiers include the oil industry, as they want to keep Canada at its current competitive disadvantage by maintaining the current 35 per cent discount U.S. companies have long held with Canadian suppliers. Want more information? Check out the work of Vivian Krause at http://fairquestions.typepad. com/rethink_campaigns/ Anti-free enterprise political parties like the NDP and Greens are the direct beneficiaries. While the NDP’s mismanagement of government is well-chronicled – see Alberta under Rachel Notley, Ontario under Bob Rae and BC under Dave Barrett, Mike Harcourt, Glen Clark and Ujjal Dosanjh, there is no such track record for the one-note Greens. The Green Party’s list of “demands” for negotiation reportedly include the possibility of thwarting Site C dam construction and the twinning of the

Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline – both representing thousands of direct, well-paying jobs. The Green push for electoral reform, more specifically proportional representation, is its most cunning. It is this plank that provided the missing link to ignite BC voters to fight Premier Christy Clark with almost the same vigour with which it assailed former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau catered to that during the last federal campaign then reneged, which only incited those same masses to rally in similar fashion during this provincial election. The suggestion that “first past the post” elections are unjust and unfair demonstrates a profound ignorance about how our governments are constructed and operate. Our system, while imperfect, was designed to be fair, and allows for a clear winner and a time frame in which to do things, unhindered. The Green preference will ensure political logjams and an inability to make decisions on major projects in perpetuity, giving them exactly what anti-free enterprisers have discovered is the way to stop everything: Through slow strangulation. That strategy includes three essentials: Delay, delay and delay. Long enough to drain the resources of individuals and companies

who want to actually do something. In that way, it’s mission accomplished. Really, it is pure socialism. These groups capitalize on antibusiness public relations on a national scale, aka brainwashing, by cinema, the media, and many involved in public education. Hollywood does an effective job of producing heroic story lines about “the little people” rising up to “take back” the country from developers and overall corporate greed. The message? Business is bad, owners are greedy, against the people. Most taxpayers see their contributions to public education as a good thing, although they can’t be happy that 90 per cent of public school funding goes towards salaries. But what are the kids learning in school? Reading? Writing? Arithmetic? Often, not until after they’re indoctrinated in the “most important” aspects of life – the environment and, of course, self esteem. The end result? Generations of new voters heading to the polls after years of indoctrination by unionized teachers, members of the BC Teachers Federation, wh ich has spent sig n i fica nt amounts of time, energy and dollars supporting the NDP over the years, in hopes of their political allies having the final say on how much more money is being spent on education. No conflict there, right?

The media also has a part to play, with editorialized opinions constantly hidden in news stories. The negative, anti-free enterprise drumbeat drones on, year after year, pre-empted only by the occasional editorial or opinion piece just prior to voting day. That last-gasp attempt is virtually fruitless, as it’s impossible to have one opinion in one issue/program offset years of anti-free enterprise messaging. Less than five per cent of Canadians pay regular attention to politics, so election campaigns become a crash course in catching up to what’s going on, looking at what is being promised, and weeding through the myriad of aggressive messages sent out by competing parties. Emotion causes people to purchase goods and services. And vote. These groups know that, and are deft at fanning the strong feelings of hatred and violation within people raised on anti-free enterprise diets. Voting day is simply time to reap from all those seeds, sown through various methods, for years. And these groups get what they want: Anti-business governments to carry out their own agendas, hijacking democracy in the process. Paid for, largely, by Americans. They may not want to say they’re anti-business, but once in power, their boa constrictor-like deliberate actions reveal they will have succeeded in stopping economic progress.

in this case, the economy of our entire country.” In principle, Notley is absolutely correct. Unfortunately, it’s not an argument that’s likely to sway pipeline opponents. Amidst all this posturing, the federal government faces renewed pressure to reconsider its approval of the project. The Grits have already heard from unhappy West Coast Liberal MPs who run the risk of losing seats in the next federal election. Will Prime Minister Justin Trudeau still be willing to pay an ever-growing political price for allowing the pipeline to proceed? The irony in all this fuss is that Trudeau effectively gave succour to the opposition leading up to the last federal election when he promised his government would listen to the wishes of British Columbians. If he were really listening, the message from that province is clear enough - on balance, most citizens of BC want the pipeline stopped. Of course, in this case a federal

government that bends to the will of one province betrays the wishes of another. Either way, somebody is going to hate you. T r udeau needs to stay t he course. The National Energy Board imposed 157 conditions on the pipeline project. If built as required, it would be the safest, most heavily regulated pipeline in the world. To be sure, such conditions don’t eliminate the possibility of a spill (or deliberate sabotage), but they reduce the odds to infinitesimally small. Building the pipeline also would provide a much-needed boost to Canada’s economy, and represent a meaningful step toward reducing our dependence on the U.S. as our dominant trade partner. In the era of an erratic, isolationist president, isn’t that a worthy goal?




ew issues in recent Canadian history have been as divisive as the debate over the construction of new pipelines to carry crude oil to market. The uncertain results from the election in British Columbia only add fuel to a roaring fire. The “blue” Liberal government of Premier Christy Clark won the most seats in the May 9 vote, but not a majority. Her party must now court the support of either the New Democratic or Green parties to achieve a mandate to govern. Should the Liberals fail to reach an agreement, it’s conceivable the NDP and Greens could

combine to form government. For proponents of the twinning of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline, either scenario provides ample reason to lose sleep. Clark, you may recall, played tough in her opposition to having a pipeline carry diluted Alberta bitumen across BC for shipment to Asian markets. A lot of watchers felt her theatrics were orchestrated so BC could extract the largest amount of compensation from its neighbour to the east. As if to confirm those suspicions, and almost on cue, Clark announced the five conditions she had spelled out for provincial acceptance of the pipeline had been met. Signs pointed to a green light for the $7.4-billion project. It was an audacious standoff, considering pipeline approvals rest in the hands of federal authorities, not provincial. But Clark knew that, regardless of the jurisdictional parsing, environmentalists and First Nations communities in BC were - and indeed, are - ready to fight to the

finish to stop Trans Mountain. That’s pretty hefty negotiating leverage. Unlike the pro-business Liberals, the NDP and Greens of BC aren’t ready to roll over on the pipeline. Both parties are fiercely opposed to it, regardless of the boost it would add to both provincial and federal economies. Clark now faces a very awkward dilemma. It seems almost certain that either opposition party will demand resistance to Trans Mountain as a condition for the co-operation needed for the Liberals to form government. If Clark doesn’t play along, her party’s days in government will be very short indeed. Obviously sensing that Clark needs a hand, Alberta Premier Rachel Notley spoke out this week, reminding BC politicians that pipeline approvals are federal business. She told reporters, “I fundamentally disagree with the view that one province or even one region can hold hostage the economy of another province or,

Veteran political commentator Doug Firby is president of Troy Media Digital Solutions and publisher of Troy Media.

SUBCRIPTIONS  |  $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: WWW.BUSINESSEXAMINER.CA. DISTRIBUTION: FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan, 2017. 2016. Canadian Canadian Publications Publications Mail Mail Acct.: Acct.: 40069240 40069240



JUNE 2017


site of its new British Columbia headquarters. Cando has also said that while the current terminal facility could employ between 20 and 50 people, once the development area has been fully completed its potential staff count could increase markedly. The company has already hired railway operating personnel for the terminal in its present form, with any additional hiring based on contracts and eventual customer demand. The site will serve as a base from which Cando can serve and support rail operations for customers throughout the province. “We ex pect ou r K a m loops operation to grow and evolve over time. It’s the perfect location for our BC headquarters situated close to major ports and connected to the rest of Canada,” he said. T he ter m i n a l a re a , wh ich had formerly been the site of a Weyerhaeuser sawmill, also includes Rabbit Island, a small islet in the Thompson R iver. Cando had previously stated that its investment in the project will be in the $7 to $10 million range, not counting the property purchase price. Covering some 89 acres, the property had been acquired by Cando in January 2016. The original sawmill had ceased operations in 2008. The extensive site will feature railcar storage spots for up to 1,000 cars, more than 80,000 feet of track and transload areas for freight handling in addition to engineering and mechanical servicing areas. Headquartered in Brandon, Manitoba, Cando Rail Services is an employee-owned railway service company founded in 1978. The company operates out of more than 25 locations across North America. The company is considered the largest

Brian Cornick, Cando Rail Services’ CEO says the new Kamloops site could serve as his company’s BC headquarters

“We believe in the BC economy and are here for the long term to serve the rail and shipping industry.”

The Cando Rail Services terminal is only Phase One of a multi phase project, and features parking space for up to 1,000 railcars


independent railcar storage and staging company in the country with more than 3,000 car spots in strategically located yards and sidings across Canada. The firm serves many key industries including automotive and manufacturing, the fertilizer / potash industry, petroleum, grain and grain products, forest products and intermodal freight transport. To learn more visit the company’s website at:

The rail terminal is situated on an 89 acre site which was formerly the home of a Weyerhaeuser sawmill which closed in 2008




dam and Jenna Meikle, owners of Meikle Studio are very pleased to announce their new studio location at 148 Lakeshore Drive NE in downtown Salmon Arm. In addition to the beautiful art displayed within the gallery itself, Adam Meikle offers a host of classes from kids after school

a r t p r o g r a m s , k i d s p a i n ting parties, team building art classes, oil painting sessions, sip and paint parties, as well as private events for those special friends, family and occasions. You are invited stop by Tuesday to Friday from 12 pm – 9 pm and Saturday from 12 pm – 5 pm or visit ••• Cong ratu lat ions to a l l t he teams that participated in the May 16, 2017 Launch-a-Preneur event hosted at t he Sa l m a r Classic T heatre. Lau nch-aPreneur is an annual event organized by Okanagan College Salmon Arm Campus – Enactus, Salmon Arm Economic Development Society and Community Futures Shuswap and they are pleased to announce the following winners:

First Place: WineBox Sweets Co., Teena Gudjonson Second Place: Shuswap Event, Roxy Roth & Spencer Keating Third Place: On Point Concrete Forming Ltd., Chris Cousens Fo u r t h P l a c e : E l d e rb e r r y Grove, Sarah Lecouffe Axtell & Jedidiah Wiebe Green Award Prize: On Point Concrete Forming Ltd., Chris Cousens Public Choice Prize: WineBox Sweets Co., Teena & Jason Gudjonson ••• Canoe Creek Golf Course h a s new ow ners a s of December 2016. Sean & Michael Foss a re excited to have acqu i red the cha mpionsh ip 18 hole golf course and have been b u s y work i n g w it h s t a f f to get everything ready for their

mid-May opening. Canoe Creek Golf Course is located at 6015 Shaw Road and you can visit them at www.canoecreekgolf. com. Check out the ladies and men’s golf nights, group events, tournaments and their Tireless Tuesday special. ••• July 14 – 16 is going to be a very specia l ti me i n Sa l mon Arm as we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival hosted by Shuswap Association for Rowing and Paddling. Not only is it magical to see teams of dragon boats racing on Shuswap Lake but this year they will feature original wooden-bu i lt d ragon boats from Hong Kong and Taiwan. Go to www.shuswaprowinga ndpadd for a ll the details. •••

Tourism is ramping up at the Salmon Arm Visitor Centre and so are the hours of operation. Starting May long weekend the Visitor Centre will be open 7 days a week; Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm and Saturday – Sunday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. The Visitor Centre is also staffing up to support their new Mobile Visitor Services program that will begin in mid-June. The mobile program consists of two flashy, custom-painted beach cruiser bikes that will be ridden by staff to help share info on all the amazing activities in the Shuswap. Corryn Grayston is the General Manager at the Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at (250) 832-6247 or


JUNE 2017


820 Crestline St - Residential PROJECT TYPE Subdivisions PROJECT New residential subdivision - 9 SFDs on approx 3,940 sm parcel of land PROJECT STATUS Subdivision application submitted - construction start anticipated late summer/17 DEVELOPER Grace Contracting - 6101 127 St, Surrey V3X 3M6 250-682-5338


4155 Belshaw St, Merritt - Centre of Excellence in Sustainability - Nicola Valley Institute of Technology PROJECT TYPE Institutional New PROJECT New Nicola Valley Institute of Technology Centre of Excellence in Sustainability building - 1 structure - approx 2,000 sm



- teaching laboratories, classrooms, full sized gymnasium, change rooms, weight room, faculty offices, support spaces PROJECT STATUS Construction start anticipated June/17 ARCHITECT Meiklejohn Architects Inc (Kelowna) - 233 Bernard Ave, Kelowna V1Y 6N2 250-762-3004 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ledcor Construction Ltd (Kelowna) - 4 3302 Appaloosa Rd, Kelowna V1V 2W5 250-4912991 OWNER Nicola Valley Institute of Technology - 4155 Belshaw St, Merritt V1K 1R1 250-378-3300


3430 Okanagan Ave - Expansion of the Salmon Arm Tennis Club Indoor Facility

PROJECT TYPE Commercial New PROJECT Expansion of the Salmon Arm Tennis Club - 1.5 storey building - 20,800 sf - 3 tennis courts washrooms - admin space - new parking area PROJECT STATUS Planning underway ARCHITECT New Town Planning Services Inc - 1464 St Paul St, Kelowna V1Y 2E6 250-860-8185 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Econospan Structures Corporation - 472 VLA Rd, Chase V0E 1M1 250-679-3400 OWNER Salmon Arm Tennis Club - Box 1032, Salmon Arm V1E 4P2 250832-4894


1120 Hwy 33 W - Kelowna

Islamic Centre Redevelopment Kelowna Masjid

Vancouver V6G 2Z6 604-6871898

PROJECT TYPE Institutional New

OWNER School District 23 Central Okanagan - 1940 Underhill St, Kelowna V1X 5X7 250-8608888

PROJECT Redevelopment of the Kelowna Islamic Centre - 1 building approx 6,135 sf


PROJECT STATUS Foundations commenced May/17 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Trak Construction - 546 Bernard Ave, Kelowna V1Y 6N9 250-8613413



McKinley Beach Lane Commercial - Condominiums Townhouses PROJECT TYPE Mixed-Use Development PROJECT New mixed use development - 1 structure - commercial, 1 storey, 3 units, coffee shop, convenience store, offices - public washrooms - condominiums, 1 storey, 3 units above commercial - townhouses, 6 units, 3 storeys, roof top patios


Frost Rd, Upper Mission Area - New Upper Mission Middle School PROJECT TYPE Institutional New PROJECT New middle school for the Upper Mission area of Kelowna to accommodate 750 students - 3 storeys - 24 classrooms approximate site size 4.3 ha

PROJECT STATUS Building permit application approval anticipated summer/17

PROJECT STATUS Construction start anticipated fall/17 - funding approved - call for tenders anticipated June/17 ARCHITECT HDR / CEI Architecture Planning Interiors - 500 1500 W Georgia,

ARCHITECT BlueGreen Architecture Inc (Kelowna) - 202 110 Highway 33 West, Kelowna V1X 1X7 778753-2650 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER North American Development Group - 328 14127 23 Ave Edmonton T6R 0G4 780-4351444

BUSINESS CARDS BEST FORM OF ADVERTISING FOR ROLLIN’ RUBBER Kim Bostock and Ed Norrish founded the motorcycle tire shop in Bostock’s backyard


ERNON – Ten years ago, Kim Bostock and Ed Norrish created a highly specialized business in Bostock’s backyard capitalizing on their passion a nd k nowledge of motorcycles. “Rollin’ Rubber sells and installs motorcycle tires as well as minor repairs,” Bostock said, adding that it was an idea of his for a very long time. A certified riding instructor for ICBC and owner of a Harley Road King, Bostock explained that initially he and his business partner would buy tires off of eBay and sell from the shop. It didn’t take long for the business and their reputation for service and value to grow. When circumstances changed however, they left Bostock backyard shop and went looking for a new location settling on their current brightly lit shop on 18th Avenue. Bostock is quick to explain that the new shop is plain and simple. It has one lift set up with plenty of room for another. It carries major tire brands such as Pirelli, Metzeler, Continental, Dunlop,

Rollin’ Rubber moved from owner Kim Bostock’s backyard to an 1800 sq ft shop where he can add an extra lift CREDIT:ROLLIN’ RUBBER

Bridgestone, Avon, Michelin and Heidenau. It uses nitrogen to fill the tires, which extends the tire life and helps maintain proper tire inflation pressure longer and uses Dynabeads, a ceramic wheel balancing system. “It’s 1800 square feet with a big white door you either walk in or ride in. It has one lift. We don’t take appointments. It’s first come first served.” Four years into the partnership, Norrish and Bostock ended their business ownership relationship, but their friendship continued, as did their work sharing. “This business is seasonal so Eddie comes in and helps out when I need him.” He said that customers come from all over BC and Alberta, and

he has found that the best form of marketing has been clients handing out his business cards. “I had one customer take a half stack of business cards to hand out to his friends. It’s the best form of advertising for us. The motorcycle community is growing, but it is tight, and when one of them finds good quality and service for their motorcycle, they tend to share the information.” He emphasized that servicing such a niche market means that word travels fast, so his and Norrish’s jobs are to make sure everything works, from the quality of the tire to the value and pricing they give their clients. “There’s only two very small contact points between you and the road. If you have an older or

bald tire your motorcycle won’t perform as it should or could.” He explained that, when brand new, a motorcycle tire has a crown to it. With wear and use that crown flattens out causing the motorcycle to wander slightly across the lane. “There are wear bars on the tire that will tell you when the tire needs replacing, plus it does have a shelf life that can make a difference in how the tire grips the road.” Bostock, who is a self-proclaimed jack-of-all-trades, has a varied work past, from managing a water slide park to working in construction.

“I’ve taught skiing and worked with heavy duty equipment,” he said. “But I had this idea for the tire shop that I wanted to pursue when timing and location were right.” Although the business idea had been brewing in Bostock’s mind for a while, the name of the business came quite easily. “I just liked the way it rolled off my tongue,” he said, and keeping his clients rolling is what his job is all about. Rollin’Rubber is at #2 2200 18th Avenue in Vernon


Brokers & Trade Consultants A Division of Summit International Trade Services Inc.

Congratulations to Rollin Rubber on their 10th Anniversary!

Toll Free: 1.800.663.4080 Head Office: 1.800.563.2313





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