COURTENAY Courtenay Mazda ranked first by DealerRate
Sunfest 2016 a Hot Ticket on Lake Cowichan More Than 50,000 Attend Annual Outdoor Country Music Festival featuring Carrie Underwood and Dierks Bentley
Chief Robert Louie leads WFN to economic development success
and prosperity
INDEX News Update Cowichan Valley Parksville Nanaimo Comox Valley Campbell River Port Alberni Who is Suing Who Movers and Shakers Opinion Law
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OWICHAN VALLEY – It was loud, it was hot, it was exciting and it was a success! The July 28-31, 2016 edition of the Sunfest Country Music Festival saw more than 50,000 people turn out for the annual su m mer music spectacu la r, with headliner country music super star Carrie Underwood the keynote attraction. W h i l e p re v i o u s l y h e l d i n Duncan at the Cowichan Exhibition Grounds, this year’s event was held for the very first time at its new location, Laketown Ranch on Cowichan Lake. A truly spectacular 172 acre site specifically constructed to provide visitors with the ultimate festival or concert experience. Laketown Ranch has been officially described as the largest outdoor permanent concert facility in Canada.
Carrie Underwood was the headline performer at this year’s Sunfest music festival CREDIT: MALCOLME CHALMERS PHOTOGRAPHY
Sunfest 2016 is also reportedly the largest outdoor crowd event ever held on Vancouver Island.
World Class PGA Event Coming To Bear Mountain Pacific Links Championship To Be Telecast On The Golf Channel BY DAVID HOLMES
V Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240
Concert organizers have yet to calculate the final economic benefit of the four day session
to the region. As a yardstick, last year’s country music fest iva l i njected a n est i m ated $ 4 m i l l ion i nd i rect ly i nto t he reg ion a l economy, w it h another $1 million the direct result of the event’s staging. Orga n izers a re ex pecti ng to see a similar tally this year. “We’re all pretty much exh au sted but h appy t h at t he concert was such a success,” explained Emmalee Brunt, the Marketing and PR Manager for the Sunfest. “Carrie Underwood was our headliner and we k now t hat 17,500 people were in attendance at her event alone. It was a great four days. We cannot measure the actual d i rect econom ic i mpact yet as we are just fresh out of the event.” T h i s y e a r m a rk s t h e 15 t h time Sunfest has rocked the
ICTOR I A – For lovers of professional golf the place to be this September will be Victoria’s Westin Bear Mountain Golf Resort & Spa as the world class venue hosts the 2016 Pacific Links Championship. “T he Pacific Links is an official PGA (Profession a l G ol f A ssoci at ion)
The Bear Mountain golf course will host the 2016 Pacific Links Championship in September
Event featuring the best golfers aged 50 and over in the world. The tournament is slated to be the biggest and highest profile golf tournament ever held on Vancouver Island,” explained Tou rna ment Di rector David Skitt. Running from September 19th to 25th the tournament will showcase the talents of some of the world’s best professional golfers
and will be telecast globally by the Golf Channel. “There will be a $2.5 million (US) prize purse up for grabs and the event will be broadcast around the world on the Golf Channel which will offer some unparalleled exposure for the golf course itself of course, but also for the entire region,” he said. SEE WORLD CLASS PGA | PAGE 30
2 NANAIMO Funding approved for pipe project The Regional District of Nanaimo directors have approved a bylaw that authorizes borrowing money to pay for a pipe project at the Greater Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre. The RDN is currently in the process of replacing marine pipe that runs into Georgia Strait and thanks to $6 million in federal gas tax money for the project that was announced in early July, the cost has decreased. The board passed the bylaw in June ensuring borrowing authority was in place for the project and that it kept to the current five-year financial plan. The financial plan by the regional district budgets a total of $15.5 million for the project. The original plan, approved earlier this year was to borrow $11 million, but then the grant reduced the borrowing amount to $5 million.
BC BC Hydro going forward on rate hikes BC Hydro is going ahead with its planned four per cent rate increase this year, while deferring
NEWS UPDATE more debt to future years as it revises its electricity demand forecast downward. BC Hydro has filed a three-year plan with the BC Utilities Commission that would increase rates for 3.5 and three per cent within the next three years. The four per cent increase is already reflected on customer bills as an interim increase. With the Site C dam on the Peace River and other upgrades amounting to $2 billion a year, the plan also includes additional deferred debt until 2023, when Site C is set to be finished. BC Hydro CEO Jessica McDonald noted the long-term nature of capital projects means their capital cost savings don’t take effect until the next decade. The 10-year rates plan imposed by Energy Minister Bill Bennett in 2013 overemphasized demand to justify the construction of Site C, and translates to a 28 per cent rate increase. It also allows the utilities commission to regain control over approving customer rates by 2020, after five years of political direction.
PARKSVILLEQUALICUM Tourism booming in Parksville-Qualicum 2 016 i s t u r n i n g o u t to b e better than 2015 for tourism in Parksville-Qualicum. The
nu mbers ava i lable f rom the first four months of the year show occupancy rates at hotels, motels, etc. were up 13 per cent from 2015, while revenue per available room stats reflected a 37 per cent increase. According to the Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism Association, a number of hotel members have noted they are entering a month already having made their budgets because of all the bookings they have. The Parksville Chamber has reported a similar trend, stati ng t h at 6,000 p eople h ave stopped in the visitor’s centre at the chamber of 2016. The BC government reported t h a t t h e n u m b e r o f i n t e rnational visitors to the province spilled over the million mark for the first few months of 2016.
COMOX VALLEY Council approves waterfront project Comox city council has approved issuing a $1.85-million contract for its waterfront revitalization project, after several weeks of negotiating with the lowest bidder on cost reductions. Kinetic Construction will be handling the project. The cost of the project is still over t he or ig i n a l bud get of
approximately $1.6 million, but falls considerably lower than the $700,000 cost overrun orig i na l ly reported to cou nci l. Work on the project is expected to begin on August 1st. T he project i ncludes t he construction of two twin sail design buildings for hosting vendors a nd g roups of 50 to 75 people at a time as well as a new c e nt ra l pl a z a , k aya k and bike storage and a range of wa l k way a nd p edest r i a n upgrades.
COMOX VALLEY Valley real estate booming A real estate boom is said to be taking place in the Comox Valley according to VIREB reports. The boom is reportedly bei ng d riven mostly by si ngle-family home sales. VIREB reports a 12 per cent increase in single-family home sales overall across the region in June. Active listings in this category totaled 1,621, down 33 per cent from the 2,425 reported in June 2015. The last time inventory levels neared the 2,000 mark was in 2006, when they dropped to 2,029. The benchmark price for single family homes is $201,800 in Port Alberni to $433,400 in the Parksville-Qualicum area.
The Comox Valley benchmark sits in the middle with a home price of $364,400 - an increase of nine per cent from last year. T h e p re v i o u s m o n t h s a w a benchmark price of $360,400, up 11 per cent from 2015. T he monthly average home prices in the Comox Valley are expected to surpass $400,000 by the end of the year.
COWICHAN VALLEY LCFN move forward with economic development plan The Lake Cowichan First Nations are moving ahead with an ambitious economic development plan for the community that includes an ecotourism business and a lakeside cafe. T he L CF N b ega n ex plor i n g possible development a reas four years ago, ultimately targeting their waterfront property off North Shore Road as a prime site for possible projects. Aaron Hamilton, operations m a n a ger for t he L CF N sa id they’ve purchased several kayaks and paddle boards and will be acquiring a 36-foot canoe that can fit 16 people. T he pl a n is to sta r t w it h aquatic rentals to get their feet wet with the new project and then to build the cafe.
The Ts’uubaa-asatx Cafe will be a two-storey building right on the waterfront along North Shore Road a nd w i l l of fer a First Nations themed menu, featuring items, like bannock, salmon and possibly elk. Each of the ca fe’s two levels will be 1,500 square feet, w ith the k itchen located on the lower level, ma x im izing the number of customers who can be seated with a view of the lake. There will be a small parcel of land adjacent to the cafe that will be exclusive for LCFN members, so they will always maintain community access to the lake. Other projects the LCFN is exploring include affordable housi ng u n its, a hea lt h a nd wel l ness centre a nd ma rket value condos.
COWICHAN VALLEY Cowichan receives funding for water treatment The Township of Lake Cowichan will receive $5 million from the Government of Canada towards the $6.3 million water treatment pla nt upg rades planned for the community. Over the last many months Lake Cowichan has been dealing with deterioration in water quality and has not been able to comply with the Drinking Water Treatment Objectives for Su rface Water i n British Columbia. T h e Fe d e ra l f u n d i n g w i l l a l low the tow n to move forwa rd w ith the Water T reatment Plant (WTP) which is in close proximity to the water reservoir at Indian Road. The Township has been mandated to implement the appropriate water system improvements by the end of 2017. This project is one of seven announced on the same date that are being funded through the Strategic Priorities Fund under the federal Gas Tax Fund for 2016. Each year, the Government of Canada provides nearly $266 m i l l ion i n i ndexed f u nd i ng for loca l govern ment i n frastructure projects across BC th rough the federal Gas Ta x Fund.
BC BC Ferries sees jump in traffic Improved revenue as a result of a wea k Ca nad ia n dol la r a nd i ncrea sed t ra f f ic d rove BC Ferries wel l i nto prof itability during the 2016 fiscal yea r, accord i ng to fi na ncia l results.
BC Ferries reported net earnings of $69.6 million during its fiscal year which ended March 31st. This is up from the $49.1 million earned in 2015. Revenue ju mped to $869.8 m i l l ion f rom $841.1 m i l l ion the previous year as a result of higher traffic volume. BC Ferries experienced a 4.9 per cent increase in vehicle traffic and a 4.5 per cent increase in passenger t ra f f ic compa red with 2015. T he corporation attributed the bu mp i n tra ffic to lower f uel pr ices, t he lower Ca nadian dollar and promotiona l fa re i ncentives. T he level of traffic was a return to the k i nd of volu me l a st seen i n 2009 prior to the turbulence i n t h e Ca n a d i a n a n d world economies. Operating expenses increased from $722.5 million in 2015 to $744.2 million in fiscal 2016. BC Ferries said that the $21.7 million increase is primarily due to higher costs in labour, maintenance, goods sold and amortization, offset by lower fuel costs. Capital expenditures in the 12 months ended March 31st a nd tota l led $181.2 m i l l ion, $114.2 m i l l ion of wh ich was allocated towards vessel upg ra d e s a n d m o d i f i c a t i o n s , with the remainder for terminal marine structures, terminal and building upgrades and equipment, and information technology.
Vancouver Overpriced Housing Market Brings Benefits to Island
a n c o u v e r ’ s s u p e rcha rged rea l estate ma rket has been havi n g r i p p l e e f f e c t s o n Va nc o u v e r I s l a n d ’s e c o n o m y, a s L o w e r M a i n l a n d h o m eowners cash out and relocate to t h e re g i o n . T h e B C R e a l E s t ate A s s o ci at io n’s l a te s t projections esti mate that G re a te r V i c to r i a’s h o m e p r i c e s w i l l r i s e b y 15 . 4 p e r cent this year and by another 6.2 per cent in 2017. Accordi n g to t h e CPA B C R e g io n a l Check-Up repor t, a su r plu s of home buyers equates t o p o p u l a t i o n g r o w t h , i ncreased housi ng sta r ts, a nd overa l l job creation. Eric Erikson, CPA, CA, CFO of Red len Tech nolog ies, attended t he CPA BC Victor i a E c onom ic R o u n dt a ble held i n Ju ne. He noted that “T he i mpact of Va nc ouver’s re a l estate ma rket on Victoria is m assive. A s people relocate to ou r reg ion we’re sta rti ng to see bidd i ng wa rs t h at we’ve on ly he a rd of i n Va n c o u v e r. Fo r e x a m p l e , a h o m e , l i s t e d a t $ 8 0 0,0 0 0, i n my neig hbou rhood was sold recently and offers were presented on a specified
even i ng. Ca rs were l i ned up a ro u n d t h e c u l-d e-s a c a n d not one of the potential buyers wa s f rom V ic tor i a . T he hou se sold t h at sa me n i g ht
fo r $10 0,0 0 0 o v e r a s k i n g w ith no subjects to a couple from Va ncouver.” SEE BENEFITS | PAGE 4
April 16, 2016
A 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake Hit Ecuador Hundreds died. Thousands were injured.
Treatment facility short on funds An additional $11.1-million is needed to finish the redevelopment of the City of Port Alberni’s sewage treatment facility. The city purchased the sewage lagoon from Catalyst Paper in 2011 for $5.7-million with a switch-over date planned for some time in 2018. T he project was orig i na l ly projected to cost $14.1-m i ll ion a nd the city received $11.2-million from the federal gas tax program in 2011. The uptick in cost is a result of new provincial regulations put in place in 2012 (a year after the orig i na l f u nd i ng g ra nt). Accord i ng to city of f ici a l s, the new regulations required higher levels of treatment for specific things that were not a nt ic ip ate d i n t h e or i g i n a l budget. A d d it ion a l ly, t he c o s t for acqu i r i ng t he l agoon wa s $4-million more than originally assumed. T he add itiona l money w i l l most likely come from government grants or borrowing, but nothing has been official yet. The project is still estimated to be completed by 2020.
ntire towns on the coast near the epicenter were over 80 percent destroyed. It will take years before their Government can afford to put people back into homes. Please open your hearts to the Ecuadorian people and contribute to this disaster. Any contribution will help. Google “Ecuadorian Earthquake Contributions” and make your own choice on which charity to use. Two charities currently on the ground are; RED CROSS
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their families, if they can get a good paying job here in Victoria and enjoy a l o w e r c o s t o f l i v i n g , t h e y ’ l l r elocate here. It’s a n oppor tu n ity for them to m i n i m ize debt a nd save.� T h is in f lu x of you ng professiona ls shou ld add ress a com mon issue experienced by businesses in Victoria. Simon Philp, FCPA, FCM A, director and team leader at CIBC, indicated at the roundtable that finding qualified people has been particularly challeng i ng, but t he i n f lu x of t hese you ng professionals could help fill the void. “T hese people would probably make more money if they moved to another ju risd ict ion, but t h is is where t hey wa nt to l ive a nd t h i s i s where t hey wa nt to ra i se t hei r ch i ld ren. B ut i f we on ly rely on the qua lity of life to retain this skilled talent, then we are going to ru n into issues.� It is important for the sustainability of ou r reg iona l economy to ta ke a d v a n t a g e o f t h e g r o w i n g i n-m ig rat ion a nd subsequent rea l estate market boom. Grow th in population mea n s t h at bu si nesses w i l l benef it f r o m a b i g g e r p o o l o f s k i l l e d t a lent. However, as a reg ion, we must wo rk to re t a i n i n c o m i n g t a l e nt b y of fer i ng g reater i ncent ives beyond pay i ng h ig her wages to i nd iv idua ls a nd not rely solely on qua l ity of l i fe to reta i n them.
H i g h r e a l e s t a t e p r i c e s i n Va ncouver a re a lso d riv i ng ta lent to Victoria, a nd the $ 4 bi l l ion tech i ndust r y has benef ited f rom t h is t rend. A not her rou ndtable pa r t icipa nt, Mark Mawhinney, CPA, CM A, investment advisor at Odlum Brown Limited, noted that tech nolog y is a big opportunity for the region. “Victor i a i s t he city t h at h a s a men it ies a n d c u l t u re t h a t a re m o s t s i m i l a r to Va ncouver. You c a n h ave a ver y fulfilling professional life here and I think we’ll see Vancouverites starting to figure that out. Certainly, the tech industry is seeing that. A number of Vancouver tech companies are open i ng offices here a nd relocati ng thei r sta ff.� I ndeed, ou r reg ion i s i ncrea si ngl y a t t r a c t i n g s k i l l e d p r o fe s s i o n a l work ers. I n 2015, ou r l a b o u r forc e s a w a n i n c r e a s e o f 7,70 0 w o r k e r s w i t h p o s t-s e c o n d a r y c re d e n t i a l s . I n p a r t i c u l a r, t h o s e w i t h u n i v e rs i t y e d u c a t i o n a c c o u n te d fo r 9 6.1 p e r c e nt of new work ers l a s t ye a r. T h is ref lects a sh i f t towa rds a more k nowle d ge-ba se d e c onomy, wh ich is generati ng a g row i ng dema nd for sk i l led workers. S o n te r r a R o s s , C PA , C M A , C O O of the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority, noted at t he Ju ne economic rou ndt a ble t h at t he sa l a r y level matched aga i nst the housi ng a nd l iv i ng costs is what’s d riv i ng you ng ta lent to Victor i a. “Debt level s a re a huge concern for Ca nad ia ns rig ht n o w. Fo r yo u n g p ro fe s s i o n a l s a n d
Chuck Chandler, FCPA, FCA, is a resident partner at Hayes Stewart Little & Co in Victoria. The CPABC Regional Check-Up – Vancouver Island/Coast is published by CPABC and is available online at: www.
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NICHE SHIPPING COMPANY OFFERS DIRECT ROUTES BETWEEN NANAIMO AND ASIA “We want local Service tailored for growing economy and transportation needs of Vancouver Island
businesses to know that there is an opportunity to have their shipping needs
ANAIMO - A new direct shipping route from N a n a i m o ’s P o r t A uthority (NPA) to destinations throughout Asia is opening up greater opportunities for Vancouver Island businesses and manufacturers. Westwood Shipping, a niche carrier with a long history and presence in British Columbia, created the direct service in response to increased demand and to DP World’s additional developments at NPA, such as the load-on/load-off (LOLO) shorebased crane and the BC Marine Electronic Highway monitoring system. “We took a survey of our local customers and found an interest in the benefits of a direct service,” said Guy Stephenson, president Westwood Shipping. “Logistically it makes sense as it gets cargo on the ship sooner, avoiding the need to transfer.” With its extensive experience in North Pacific waters, specialized cargo holds and high sensitivity to cargo care, Westwood provides its customers’ a variety of shipping options from the central
DP World’s LOLO shore-based crane increases efficiencies for direct service to Asia island’s largest deep sea port. NPA provides anchorage for up to six ships, up to 300 metres in length and in depths of 40 to 80 metres. “Our vessels are flexible and can transport a wide range of cargo including refrigerated goods, heavy lift and oversize cargo, bottled water, breakbulk forest products, transformers, airplane assemblies and products that demand extra care,” said Stephenson. The benefits ripple down the transportation line from manufacturers and producers to the consumer. “It provides our various clientele with a fixed service to over
20 destinations in Asia, and a reliable timetable.” Created in 2014, the direct link is tailored for the growing economy and transportation needs of Vancouver Island Stephenson explained. He said it’s a logistic solution that saves both time and money. Westwood built its reputation and experience moving raw, processed and manufactured wood products. Today, they also customize logistics with Conbulk (container/bulk) vessels that have both containerized and non-containerized cargo space. The vessels have flexible carrying capacity with dedicated underdeck space for weather
protection of sensitive cargo and state-of-the-art gantry cranes to handle cargo up to 85 feet. “Using the direct service is straightforward and can be personalized by one of our customer service representatives.” He added that, an online system provides instant access to shipment status and documentation that is delivered within 24 hours. Combined with DP World’s facilities and efficiencies it makes logistical adjustments easy. Stephenson said that the large storage yard at the NPA Duke Point Terminal means Westwood clients can book their order and have a container ready
and waiting for the scheduled pick up. From there, stevedores load the ship and get the cargo on its way. “With the direct service there are significant benefits for local businesses,” said Stephenson. “We pick it up from the island and head direct to Asia.” Stephenson added that the majority of their exports and imports are to and from Korea, but they also make stops at ports in Japan and China by utilizing the Pacific Northwest gateway. “We have an extensive history navigating the Pacific waters dating back to when Weyerhauser towed and transported logs to the Asian market,” Stephenson said. “For the past 30 years we’ve developed a service to bring cargo back.” It’s the type of service the island market is ready for, impacting the direct and indirect market place by stimulating the growth of local jobs and in bringing more affordable transportation options to businesses across the island. “We want local businesses to know that there is an opportunity to have their shipping needs tailor-made,” Stephenson said adding that, Westwood Shipping has played an important role in Vancouver Island’s past and wants to continue that service into the future.
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ACCOUNTING FIRM WELCOMES NEW PARTNER With our advisory services we help new
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business owners with taxation issues by
A NA I MO - In February of this year, John Bratkowski became the fou r th pa r tner at Joh nston, Johnston & Associates Ltd in Na n a i mo. He joi ns ex ist i ng partners Erin Gjelsvik, Carla Boehm and Michael Johnston, as founder Doug Johnston takes a step back.
helping them get the right corporate structure in place. JOHN BRATKOWSKI PARTNER JOHNSTON, JOHNSTON & ASSOCIATES LTD
Although Doug Johnston (center) has taken a step back he still routinely visits the office to share his wisdom and experience with the four partners. CREDIT:JOHNSTON, JOHNSTON & ASSOCIATES LTD
John Bratkowski joined the firm in 2012 and in 2016 he became the fourth partner. CREDIT:JOHNSTON, JOHNSTON & ASSOCIATES LTD
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I joined the firm in 2012 because it has such a good reputation in the community,â&#x20AC;? said Bratkowski. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is well known, with a strong client base. Becoming partner was a professional goal I am proud of.â&#x20AC;? A lthough Doug has taken a step back, Bratkowski said that he still routinely comes to the office sha ri ng h is sage w isdom, extensive knowledge and expertise. Bratkowski brings a strong con nect ion to Na n a i mo, its people a nd its busi nesses. Born in Vancouver and raised on the island he has many fam ily ties w ith a long h istory in the community. In 2010
he completed the Vancouver Island University of Business Administration program with an accounting degree. Recently, he wa s app oi nted to t he Vancouver Island University Alumni Board of Directors. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve known Doug for many years as he and my father were in Rotary together,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;T he dy n a m ic heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cre ate d i n t he of f ice is f r iend ly a nd cooperative. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; we work hard for our clients.â&#x20AC;? Gjelsvik, who joined the firm in 2014, said she appreciates t he adv i sor y posit ion Dou g is cu rrently assu m i ng wh i le he pu rsues outside projects that i ncludes work w ith the
Nanaimo Hospital Foundation. She added that after 45 years of building the business heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still very much a pa rt of the mission and vision that made Johnston, Johnston & Associates Ltd such a successful and well respected company. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With the pa rtners, Doug, and our staff, we have a collaborative environment that bri ngs the combi ned k nowledge and specialties together. O u r cl ients benefit from t hat pool of ex perience a nd the ability to work as a team.â&#x20AC;? Recently, Gjelsvik said that, the company has rebranded, creating a new web presence to let the public know who each partner is, what they specialize i n a nd most i mporta ntly providing online resources for clients to easily access. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We promote a proactive approach,â&#x20AC;? she explained. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That means, making sure our clients have the information they need and then staying on top of whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening with their business.â&#x20AC;? For exa mple, i f a person is looking to buy or sell a business, one of our firmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s partners can crunch the numbers to ma ke su re the price is
reasonable and fair. â&#x20AC;&#x153; H av i n g a n out s id e pa r t y i nvolve d h e lp s re m ove a ny emot ion a l at tach ment t h at may be driving the deal,â&#x20AC;? she said adding that the firm saw a need for proper va lu at ion s e r v i c e s , s o m u c h s o, t h a t Gjelsv i k has en rol led i n the Chartered Business Valuator Program. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With our advisory services we help new business owners with taxation issues by helping them get the right corporate structure in place. Once thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s done the business owner can focus on running their business with confidence.â&#x20AC;? He added that w ith a la rge percentage of business owners i n Na n a i m o l o o k i n g to retire, the company is seeing a growing demand for succession pl a n n i n g or c or p orate reorganization. He explained that succession planning is a fancy word for mom and dad getting the business ready to pass on to the k ids, a nother family member or an employee. He stressed its importance for a happy retirement and the successful continuation of the business. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When we look at succession
planning we consider who currently ow ns what, the sha re s t r u c t u re, t h e va lu e of t h e sh a re s a nd how to t ra n sfer ownership in the most tax efficient way.â&#x20AC;? Getting it done right, he added, ensures the transition is smooth with all sides able to d raw va lue f rom a bu si ness that took years to build. T he key, he feels, is to stay c on n e c te d w it h t h e c l i e nt, work i ng d i rectly w ith them a nd rep or t i n g to t hem on a regular basis. Since the company was first fou nded i n 1962 it h as been prov id i n g profe ssion a l a ccounting, auditing, taxation and management services to a wide range of clients. Today, the four partners, including Michael Johnston, Dougâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son and Carla Boehm, add a depth of knowledge in specific fields whether thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in fishing, forestry, trucking, construction, land development, strata and automotive industry or professional, consulting and real estate fields. Johnston, Johnston & Associates Ltd is at #1-4488 Wellington Road in Nanaimo.
COWICHAN VALLEY SONJA NAGEL The Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce is proud to be one of 125 Chambers belonging to the BC Chamber of Commerce. We are also pleased to announce the new President and CEO for the BC Chamber of Com merce i s Val Litwin. Currently the President of the Whistler Chamber, Mr. Litwin takes the helm of the provincial Chamber on September 7. Unfortunately, South Cowichan Chamber of Commerce has dissolved, leaving the Valley with four Chambers, each of which operates a Visitor Centre. These are the Duncan Cowichan Chamber, Chemainus and District Chamber, Cowichan Lake District Chamber and Ladysmith
Chamber. The Duncan Cowichan Chamber Board and staff are working to welcome former South Cowichan Chambers to our Chamber family. Cha mbers of Com merce across the isla nd a nd the province are looking at integration models. The Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce recently agreed to work toward integration. Recent task force findings indic ate d t h at i nte g rat ion w i l l provide increased benefits to members while reducing administrative overhead. ■■■ Like most island destinations this year, the Cowichan Valley has a substantial increase in visitors from Canada, the U.S. and Europe with a 10 per cent increase in visitors served at the Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre. Since January 2016, visitor centre staff and volunteers have also reached out to almost 2500 individuals at events through the Mobile Visitor Services Program. These increases continue to demonstrate the effectiveness of face-to-face engagement to help guests make the most of their time in Cowichan. ■■■ The Cowichan Valley Regional District recently approved a
dealing with cancer through several programs, including scholarships for survivors, information for the newly diagnosed and a strong Canadian-wide network.” Bru said that the MBA Games stress the importance of engaging with and giving back to the community.
ANAIMO - Vancouver Island University’s (VIU) BC MBA Games team will be hosting a masquerade gala dinner to raise funds for Childhood Cancer Canada (CCC), and for the chance to win gold at the 2017 BC MBA games. The black tie affair will not only showcase the teams’ desire to connect with the community, introduce this year’s team members, and the new graduate business program direc- Last year VIU brought home the gold from tor, it will also take the the BC MBA Games, this year they plan to team a step closer to repeat the win. winning top honours CREDIT:CAROLYN BRU for the second year in “There is power in working a row against BC’s top universities. “For last year’s games we raised together for a common purpose. more than $5000,” said Carolyn It’s how you achieve new heights.” Held at the Coast Bastion, the event Bru, VP Internal MBA Society. “This year we want to double that!” begins with cocktails at 7 pm, folMade up of three components, lowed by a three course buffet meal, the games’ Spirit portion involves dance and entertainment. A silent raising the most funds, of all par- auction will be available throughout ticipating universities, for a worthy the event and as Bru said, plenty of opportunity to network. cause. To purchase your tickets and “Childhood cancer is not well researched and supported. The help a great cause contact CaroCCC foundation does a lot for kids lyn at 250-816-5142.
five-year agreement with the new Tourism Cowichan Society to deliver destination marketing. Destination BC is matching the CV R D fu nd i ng. T he Society will develop and launch an aggressive marketing campaign positioning Cowichan as a leading destination. ■■■ The Sunfest Country Music Festival takes place at the new, purpose-built Laketown Ranch Music and Recreation Park on the north side of Lake Cowichan. The new location offers ex pa nded ca mpi ng, pa rk i ng
and accommodates even more country music fans. The Festival is offering regular shuttles from Victoria, Duncan and Youbou. Sunfest runs July 28 – 31 and the line-up includes: C a r r i e Un d e r wo o d , D a l l a s Smith, Dierks Bentley, High Valley, Neal McCoy, The Road Hammers and others. In addition to BC’s premiere country music festival, Cowichan is home to the Islands Folk Festival, July 22 – 24, the Rock the Woods Music Festival on July 21, and the 39 Days of July Summer Festival is on now
through to August 1. ■■■ The Chamber welcomed seven new members in June: Maple B ay D ay C h a r te r s , We e C hip Cowichan, Station Street Eyecare, Village Chippery, McLay Heritage House, KW Doors and Windows and A Memorable Canadian Gift. Sonja Nagel is Executive Director of the Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at or 250-748-1111
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One thing to remember is you may always start out as a proprietorship and then transfer the business to the corporation on a tax deferred basis with proper legal documentation and election forms
Mike Berris, CPA, CA, CBV and Partner Smythe LLP
The business is not separated from you personally, leaving you exposed to legal liability. Splitting income with family members is limited to the value of services they provide to the business; If the business takes in partners, then it is a partnership and the actions of one partner are considered to be on behalf of the partnership.
Grow i ng the busi ness may be hindered as you will be pay personal tax rates on the earnings of the business ranging from 20per cent up to 47.7per cent in BC. A corporation is often used to address one or more of the issues with a proprietorship: A corporation offers limited liability to the owners (referred to as shareholders), this may be the best option for a business that has higher financial or accident risk, or in the case of needing involvement of multiple owners;
Introducing a spouse or other family member as a shareholder, with low or no other income that does not participate in the business may allow you to pay dividends to them to share income among family members and reduce overall tax costs; and A small private corporation owned by Canadian residents has an income tax rate of 13per cent in BC on the first $500,000 of income, which can allow you to reinvest more money into the business, such as purchase property to operate., If the shares of a company a re sold a nd the compa ny qualifies as a Qualified Small Business then there is a capital gain exemption of $824,126 per shareholder. There are reasons not to incorporate that should also be factored in though: The cost of incorporation and the ongoing yearly costs are higher. There are legal fees to incorporate, and annual accounting fees to prepare separate tax filings and financial statements. As well, there is the cost of eventually winding up and dissolving a corporation; If the corporation fails and loses money, the losses often cannot be deducted outside the corporation; and T h e 13 p e r c e n t ra te i s fo r
ne of the most common questions when someone sta r ts a bu si ness is “shou ld I i ncor porate my business?”, T his question is usually followed by “what is the benefit?”. As a business operator you can choose to operate as a sole proprietorship (i.e., an individual business owner without incorporation) or as a corporation, which is a separate legal entity; in this article we will be referring to a limited company. Bringing in other owners can be done in a variety of ways. For example, a partnership can be used while remaining unincorporated or in a corporation. A corporation can issue shares to one or multiple persons to create an ownership group. On the other hand, a proprietorship is simple and, if you are not bringing in other owners, the cheapest option to setup. The main benefits of a proprietorship are: Low cost to set up and obtain a business license; Start-up costs in the first year or two may be deducted against other personal income; and You should be able to deduct most of the ex penses that a corporation can. Operating as a proprietorship or unincorporated partnership does have some downsides:
income retained in the corporation; if you need all the earnings for personal expenses then you would either need to withdraw earnings as dividends or wages. Once factoring in the tax cost of the corporation, the f low-through cost of income earned in BC is usually slightly higher than the rate you would otherwise pay. One thing to remember is you may always start out as a proprietorship and then transfer the business to the corporation on a tax deferred basis with proper legal documentation and election forms. There may be a tax advantage to operating as a proprietorship in the early years of a business where business losses are occurring if the owner is still receiving income from other sources. As the business matures and becomes profitable or the business will be sold it may then make sense to transfer it to a corporation. As you can see, the answer to the question on incorporation depends on many factors related to your person situation. Smythe LLP is a team of dedicated professionals who provide reliable accounting, tax and advisory services to businesses and individuals. They can be reached at 604 687 1231
Base Price: $54,395 Base Price: $54,395
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Beach Club’s Prime at the Top Parksville Qualicum News PA R KSV ILLE - For the second cons e c u t i v e y e a r, P a c i f i c P r i m e R e staurant at T he Beach Club Resort i n Pa rk s v i l l e h a s e a r n e d a n awa rd of excellence from the Wine Spectator. Just because they won last year, the team at The Beach Club was not automatically handed the award this year, explained Beach Club general manager Arthur Wong. “You have to keep up the standard,” sa id Wong. “It (t he w i ne l ist) ca n’t s t ay s t a g n a nt. It c a n’t h ave hole s. It h a s to cover t he whole spect r u m available.” Pacific Prime offers about 140 different labels of wine. It’s one of only five restaurants on Vancouver Island to e a r n t h i s Wi ne Sp ectator awa rd distinction. The others are in Victoria (three) and Tofino. Wong was quick to credit his team at The Beach Club for their efforts. “It’s a lot of h a rd work,” he sa id . “It (the award) is kudos for a job well done. It’s taken my team a lot of hard work and dedication to create a wine list and maintain it.” According to its website, Wine Spectator’s restaurant awards recognize re s tau ra nts whose w i ne l i s ts of fer interesting selections, are appropriate to their cuisine and appeal to a wide range of wine lovers. To qualify for an award, a wine list must present complete, accurate infor m at ion, i nclud i n g v i nta ges a nd appellations for all selections.
Custom Builds Pacific Prime Restaurant and Lounge in The Beach Club’s winning team. Back row, left to right, are Arthur Wong, Ian Lane and Rick Davidson. Front row, left to right, are Michel Pambrun and Dave Paul. PHOTO CREDIT – PQ NEWS
Complete producer names and correct spellings are mandatory, and the overall presentation of the list is also considered. Lists that meet these requirements are judged for one of our three awards. There are 2,414 award of excellence winners worldwide this year. According to Wine Spectator, for this level of award, wine lists, which typically offer at least 90 selections, featu re a “wel l-chosen assortment of qua lity producers, along with a thematic match to the menu in both price and style. “Whether compact or extensive, focused or d iverse, these l ists del iver sufficient choice to satisfy discerning wine lovers.”
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u mmer living on Vancouver Island is nothing less than great. The weather
has been fantastic since spring, business seems to have found a good groove locally, and there is much going on to entertain ourselves in our communities. The best part of summer seems to start on the weekend of the Save On Foods Dragonboat Festival – always the weekend after Canada Day. I participated in planning this event during its earliest years, we were mainly made up of a group of business colleagues who simply thought “what a good cause, what a good party”! That team has evolved and transformed, the event has grown into one of the premier annual special events in our community, contributing nearly a million dollars to the Hospital
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the key to success in so many endeavours in our community, in fact throughout our lives
Foundation, and impacting the local economy by untold millions with the 80 or so teams of paddlers and supporters participating each year. Nanaimo Child Development Centre’s Silly Boat Regatta followed the next weekend with teams of businesses, community groups and families whipping up vessels in a few hours that were expected to float, move
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ome sales in the VIREB area cooled slightly in June but were still significantly higher than reported one year ago. In June 2016, 713 single-family homes sold on the MLS System compared to 636 last June, an increase of 12 per cent. Month over month, sales decreased by seven per cent from the 767 sales processed in May 2016. Last month’s active listings for single-family homes totalled 1,621, down 33 per cent from the 2,425 reported in June 2015, a record low. The last time inventory levels neared the 2,000 mark was in 2006, when they dropped to 2,029. As noted last month, the robust housing market in British Columbia, particularly in the southern half of the province, is solidly based on a healthy GDP, substantial job growth, and a growing population.
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forward and stay under control for a hundred meters or so. Few finish, but the experience of working together to attempt that, plus the experience of the organizers and volunteers who are successful in raising over $100,000 on that day, makes it about as rewarding as it can get for a team. The Great Bathtub Race is the final jewel in the crown of Nanaimo’s Marine Festival month. A lot of reorganization went into celebrating the 50th anniversary of this iconic, exclusive event in 2016. Now, the race starts and finishes in the same Maffeo-Sutton Park location, a festival has regrown around race weekend, and a concert featuring the likes of Trooper, Chilliwack and Valdy launched the celebration in the park this year. Sunday, what looks like a solo sport due to the single occupant in the ‘tub’, is actually a team sport with a big group of supporters getting each racer to the start line!
T he season carries on with nu merous major events a nd festivals like VIEX – our own country fair – the Blues Festival, car shows… you get the idea. A common thread running through the success of all these events and activities is the committed and enthusiastic teams it takes to make them happen. Teamwork is obviously the key to success in so many endeavours in our community, in fact throughout our lives. All of these successful events that benefit community services and our quality-of-life in Nanaimo should be honoured for the collaborative efforts produced by teams of tireless workers. I hope you’re part of one of these so you can enjoy the rewards that teamwork delivers and the resulting pride in your community. Kim Smythe is CEO of the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce. He can be reached at ceo@
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“The provincial economy is firing on all cylinders and continues to lead the country by a sig n i fica nt ma rg i n, wh ich is fuelling the housing market,” says Brendon Ogmundson, BCREA Economist. “Job growth in BC is twice that of Ontario, our closest economic competitor, and is especially strong on the Lower Mainland and in Victoria.” Og mu nd son add s t h at a lthough BCREA does expect to see some price relief in the Vancouver housing market, current market conditions will likely prevail for the rest of 2016. Margo Hoffman, VIREB 2016 President, says that sales activity typically slows down in the summer, which likely accounts for June’s modest decrease in sales. However, lack of inventory is also a contributing factor. “We’ve been saying the same thing for months, but low inventory is the primary challenge facing buyers and agents right now,” says Hoffman. “Although we’re in a seller’s market, homeowners are holding back because they’re worried they won’t find another property to buy. And, when houses come onto the market, they’re snapped up very quickly.” The lack of inventory is also contributing to rising benchmark prices for single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments. Despite those increases, however, the Vancouver Island housing market continues to be affordable compared to the Lower Mainland and Victoria. “With the benchmark price of a single-family home ranging
from $201,800 in Port Alberni to $433,400 in the Parksv i l le-Q u a l icu m a rea, home buyers have a lot of affordable options on Vancouver Island,” says Hoffman. Hoffman adds that in a competitive housing market, connecting with a local realtor is crucial to ensure you develop a winning strategy for buying or selling your home. In June 2016, the benchmark price of a single-family home in the VIREB area was $373,200, up 11 per cent from one year ago. The benchmark price of an apartment rose by 6.53 per cent to hit $202,600 while the bench ma rk price of a tow nhouse increased to $275,200, up 10.56 per cent from one year ago. Benchmark pricing tracks the value of a typical home in the reported area. The average price of a single-family home last month was $410,259, up 14 per cent from June 2015. T he Ju ne 2016 b ench m a rk price of a single-family home in the Campbell River area was $291,900, a three per cent increase over 2015. In the Comox Valley, the benchmark price was $364,400, up nine per cent from 2015. Duncan reported a benchmark price of $325,400, a n i ncrease of n i ne per cent over the same month in 2015. Nanaimo’s benchmark price rose approximately 15 per cent to $402,100 while the Parksv i l le-Qua l icu m a rea saw its benchmark price rise by 16 per cent to $433,400. The price of a benchmark home in Port Alberni was $201,800, up just under six per cent from one year ago.
AIRPORTS BC Air Traffic Numbers Stimulate Growth and Expansion Marketplace optimism, increased capacity and reliability are key to increased use of air travel
A 20-year plan will see Nanaimo Airport investing approximately $43 million in improvements and expansion CREDIT:NANAIMO AIRPORT
urging numbers of airline passenger tra ffic i n BC h a s st i mu l ated g row t h and expansion in major
airports across the province. The reason for the increased use accord i ng to Lindsay Cotter, m a n ager of m a rketi ng a nd com mu n ication at Prince George Airport (YXS),
c o u l d b e s t ro n ge r m a rk e tplace opti m ism, wh i le Mike Hooper, president and CEO of Nanaimoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s YCD believes that part of it could be due to major improvements in capacity,
reliability and safety. Though f luctuations in numbers from month to month occur, the general consensus SEE AIRPORTS | PAGE 14
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Why Business is great at the Campbell River Airport Campbell River is one of the rare communities that can provide all big-city services and amenities without the high cost of living. With more helicopter and floatplane operators in Campbell River than anywhere else on the coast, the Campbell River Airport is the northern hub for aviation companies. These operators support the regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s abundant resource-based and tourism industries. The Campbell River Airport has much to offer with substantial growth potential. Airport Benefits t $BOBEB $VTUPNT 1PJOU PG &OUSZ â&#x20AC;¢ Canada Customs Point of Entry t GPPU 3VOXBZ XJUI *OTUSVNFOU -BOEJOH 4ZTUFN *-4
â&#x20AC;¢ 6,500-foot Runway with Instrument Landing System (ILS) t "NQMF "JSDSBGU QBSLJOH GPS $PNNFSDJBM $PSQPSBUF BOE (FOFSBM "WJBUJPO "JSDSBGU â&#x20AC;¢ Ample Aircraft parking for Commercial, Corporate and General Aviation Aircraft t 4LJMMFE BOE IFMQGVM QFSTPOOFM QSPWJEF BJSDSBGU HSPVOE IBOEMJOH BOE GVFM TFSWJDFT â&#x20AC;¢ Skilled and helpful personnel provide aircraft ground handling and fuel services EBZT B XFFL 7 days a week r -FBTJOH PQQPSUVOJUJFT BWBJMBCMF PO UIF "JSQPSU â&#x20AC;¢ Leasing opportunities available on the Airport · Off Airport lands available â&#x20AC;¢ Off Airport lands available
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a c ro ss B C’s l a rger a i r p or t s i s t h at more people a re ta k i ng to the a i r as a fast a nd easy a lternative for traveling across the country and to international destinations.
Ca n a d a , set t l i n g i n K a m lo op s a nd regularly f lying back to visit family as wel l as fa m i ly com i ng to v isit Kamloops.” He add e d t h at b ei n g able to of fer New Leaf as an alternative opens up opportunities for those that may not have considered flying.
In three years Nanaimo airport doubled its passenger numbers CREDIT:NANAIMO AIRPORT
F re d L eg a c e , ge n e ra l m a n a ge r o f K a m loops A ir port ( Y K A), sa id t h at air travel got more affordable in his community with the introduction of New L eaf T ravel, a low cost ca r r ier with biweekly f lights between Kamloops, Edmonton and Victoria. “We are seeing retirees from across
A lthough he explained that traffic numbers showed a 3 per cent increase, the nu mber was skewed by what he called the ‘Fort McMurray Effect’. “We have quite a few people who live in Kamloops and work up north. We’re just starting to see that traffic growing again. Those lower numbers were
LAND DEVELOPMENT Nanaimo Airport YCD is offering land for aviation development fronting both the main airport roadway and the primary taxiway.
In partnership
These locations offer general access for the public and restricted access for aircraft operations.
Mike Hooper, president and CEO of Nanaimo Airport CREDIT:NANAIMO AIRPORT
Major improvements in capacity and reliability could be why Nanaimo is seeing such dramatic growth in air travel CREDIT:NANAIMO AIRPORT
ba l a nc e d b y ou r i nc re d i ble winter snow season. We saw people f lying in from places like Australia, New Zealand and the United States, taking adva ntage of t he low dol l a r and ski conditions. Sun Peaks had its best season ever.” H e a d d e d t h a t b e c a u s e of
projected i ncrea ses i n pa ssenger nu mbers t he a i r por t is concentrating its efforts on efficiencies and an improved customer experience. “We’re putting $3.5 million into reconstructing an apron, cu r rent ly out of ser v ice, to allow larger aircraft, like the
COMOX AIRPORT LANDS AN ALL-TIME RECORD HIGH IN PASSENGER NUMBERS Marketing campaign demonstrates real costs of leaving island for cheaper flights
OMOX VALLEY - Airline passenger traffic hit an alltime high in 2015 at Comox Airport (YQQ) with a record breaking 351,530 individuals using its services. That’s an increase of 10 per cent over the year before and a trend that has continued during the first quarter of 2016. “Taken in the context of the lower Canadian dollar, declining trans border travel patterns and the ripple effect from our link to oil patch employment, these numbers demonstrate a continued strong pattern of travel,” said Fred Bigelow, chief executive officer of Comox Airport. It’s a pattern the airport wants to continue, especially in light of additional direct flights with Air Canada to Vancouver and direct five-hour flights to Puerto Vallarta starting up again in the fall. “We saw increased growth in our flights to Vancouver, and Westjet flights to Alberta stayed strong
enough to see the addition of a Q400 service to Calgary early in 2015. The airline has seen an increase of 28 per cent in new seats since 2013.” He added that Victoria and Comox were the only airports that didn’t lose service to Alberta, even with the general softening of traffic across the province. Bigelow feels that part of the reason traffic is so strong in Comox could be due to the Real Cost Campaign. It’s a program designed to help passengers understand the real cost of traveling to the mainland for discount airfare. “The discount ticket may be a bit cheaper to begin with, but by the time the expense and hassle of taking the ferry, gas, drive time, parking and possible overnight accommodation is taken into account, that ticket may suddenly become a lot pricier in time and money.” Bigelow said that YQQ offers the best selection of flights north of Victoria with four flights departing daily to Calgary throughout its busy summer months, and a third Air Canada flight that creates more options for connecting flights to domestic, US or international destinations. Comox Airport is at 1250 Knight Road in Comox
Q400, more space for pa rking.” In addition, he said that YKA has added more food services, modernized the waiting area and redid the front entry landscaping. At Y XS, Cotter said its fo c u s, a f te r l a s t ye a r ’s rec o rd b re a k i n g n u m b e r s , i s
through community outreach and finding ways to connect with its community as a great corporate citizen. It recently, launched a new website with better track i ng options a nd a virtual tour of the airport. It also saw the introduction of a ma rketi ng ca mpa ig n u n ique to a i r por ts i n Nor th America by creating a mascot, Amelia Bearheart. Celebrating the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean a nd a n ic on ic a n i m a l s y mbol of the north, Bea rhea rt, t he bra i n ch i ld of Cotter, is
p a r t o f Y X S’ d e s i re to i mprove passenger ex perience and build brand awareness in a unique, engaging, energetic way. The results far exceeded expectations. “We wanted to increase our exposure in the public eye by having Bearheart attend special events and greeting passengers on a regular basis. She has become so popular that we are getting requests for her to appear at events.” O n Va n c o u v e r I s l a n d , SEE AIRPORTS | PAGE 16
What is your
Before you book from the mainland, take into account the real cost of your trip including: gas, ferry, hotel and your time. Spend less time travelling and more time relaxing! Compare for yourself at
Victoria International Airport (Y Y J) and (YCD) are continuing to see passenger numbers climb and are marking out long term goals to accommodate its steady growth. “A f te r 3 2 m o n t h s of c o n s e c u t i v e g row t h at t he Y Y J we a re work i n g hard to meet the demand for expanded faci l ities.” sa id James Bogusz, v ice president operations and development. Last year, the Victoria Airport Authority ( VA A) a n nou nced its pl a n s for a 10 yea r, $160M phased capita l program to expand its facilities and m e e t t h e g ro w i n g d e m a n d s o f t h e com mu n it y. T he VA A i s c u r rent ly expanding its main apron, that serves over 1.7 million passengers, to provide additional aircraft parking and allow for expansion of its lower passenger depa r tu re lou nge. Sen sit ive to environmental matters, and the apron ex pa n sion, VA A w i l l a lso i nclude a new g lycol (a i rcra f t de-ici ng f lu id) capture area. I n add it ion, en h a ncements to t he main customer parking lot are underway and include the addition of electric vehicle charging stations and 325 new s p ot s b ei n g pave d i n t he lon g term lot. Y YJ is also celebrating new air service. In April, Delta Air Lines bega n serv ice to Seattle 3 ti mes per day and NewLeaf Travel will be welcomed on July 30 when they commence non-s top ser v ice to K a m lo ops a nd Winnipeg. Hooper said that, Nanaimo airport’s 20-year plan is also a reflection of its substa ntia l g row th a nd i ncludes a n
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approximately $43 million expansion that will see a larger boarding lounge, improved security line for checking b a g g a ge a n d c a r r yo n l u g g a ge , i nc re a s e d c a r re n t a l s p a c e a n d p a i d parking lot area and a larger apron. “We are still getting record breaki ng passenger nu mbers month a fter month,” he pointed out, adding that in three years, numbers went from 1 million passengers to 2 million. “Our demographic includes a significant amount of international students attending Vancouver Island University, and business people who live here while working elsewhere.” Rick Reed, general manager of Prince Rup er t A i r p or t ( Y PR) sa id t h at a lthough passenger numbers have consistently sat at approximately 65,000 for the past decade, those nu mbers will change when an announcement is made in September concerning LNG. “When the LNG plants go in our passenger numbers could increase to over 300,000,” he said. YPR is ready for the increased traffic, it’s just invested $19 million into restructuring the airfield, asphalt apron a nd ta x i way, as wel l as completely revamping the air terminal. “The original terminal was built in 1961,” Reed said. “It needed a makeover. We save d t h e p o s t a nd b e a m structure, but redid everything else, including electrical and plumbing.” As the gateway to BC’s northwest, YPR has direct and connecting flights to Vancouver and like airports across BC is prepared to continue helping its passengers see the world and serve the business community.
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LONG-TIME ACCOUNTING FIRM EXTENDS REACH WITH PARTNERSHIP “I have great confidence Largest SEC filling firm for small and middle market companies acquires 50 per cent ownership in local accounting firm
A NA IMO - Early this y e a r, l o n g-t i m e a ccounting firm Morine & Company partnered with Gregory Wahl, founding member and majority managing partner of Anton & Chia, LLP (A&C). The new partnership, Anton, Bryson & Schindler, Chartered Professional Accountants LLP (the ‘Firm’), will be used to run joint projects between Canad i a n a nd US compa n ies a s well as serving existing clients. Fou nded i n 1985 by George Morine, Morine & Company has provided accounting services from offices in Nanaimo and White Rock for 35 years. It specializes in aboriginal client services, audits, reviews and c ompi l at ion s, e s t ate pl a nn i ng, ma nagement adv isory services, estate and trust tax preparation and US and International taxation. “I have persona l ly worked with the partners of Morine & Co. for almost 17 years. When G eorge was ready to tra nsition out of day-to-day Fi rm m a n agement, I felt it wa s a good time to acquire the comp a n y a n d e x te n d o u r p l a tform,” said Wahl. “We also like the pa rtnersh ip w ith Travis Bryson, aud it i n cha rge a nd Kevin Schindler, pa r t ner i n charge of taxations services, as they bring their unique skill sets to the Canadian market.” Travis Bryson, heads up both offices in Cobble Hill and Nana i mo a nd Kev i n Sch i nd ler, the White Rock office, with the entire Firm run by the named partnership Anton, Bryson & Schindler. Morine & Co. said that they are excited by the opportunities the new partnership will bring.
that we as a team can continue to provide excellent service to the existing client base and bring US tax expertise to Canada.” GREGORY WAHL ANTON, BRYSON & SCHINDLER
Gregory Wahl is the founding member and majority managing partner of Anton & Chia LLP CREDIT:ANTON & CHIA
“We know th is will bu ild a stronger, deeper team for the firm. Our clients will now have access to US tax and accounting advice. I feel like we can now go toe-to-toe w ith a ny other fi rm when it comes to breadth of services to our clients,” said Bryson. A nton, Bryson & Schindler will now have offices in Vancouver, Nanaimo, White Rock and Cobble Hill, with a combined experience working in a va riety of fields i nclud i ng not-for-prof its, tech nolog y companies and the mining industry. As part of the A nton
& Chia network it can access comprehen sive capabi l it ies with an international reach. “I have great confidence that we as a team can continue to prov ide excel lent serv ice to the ex isti ng cl ient base a nd bring US tax expertise to Canada,” Wahl said. “Our firm in the USA has been able to generate a significant amount of Canadian projects which further led us to adding ourselves i nto t he ex i s t i n g Ca n ad i a n partnership. The opportunity to have an office in my home town in White Rock, where my parents are still residents, was also a nice opportunity for me personally,” Wahl said. Wahl added that the partnership will also provide greater suppor t ser v ices for its cl ients and create international g row t h op p or t u n it i e s a s it connects with its affiliates in Hong Kong, Mexico City and Mainland China. “With the dual listing we are able to increase our access to local capital markets. Our clients benefit from having the same people looking after their accounts but with a stronger ability to service international connections,” said Bryson. Wahl has almost 17 years of experience as a certified public and chartered accountant, developing particular expertise with financial institutions a nd specia lty f i n a nce companies. In the past ten years
Kevin Schindler is partner in charge of taxation service for Anton, Bryson & Schindler
Travis Bryson is audit in charge at Anton, Bryson & Schindler CREDIT:ANTON & CHIA
he has worked with companies all over the world, completing going public transactions and secondary public offerings a nd work w ith aud iti ng a nd consulting companies to resolve complex accounting and Secu r it ies a nd Com m ission Exchange (SEC) issues. “We are able to take companies public on the international exchange markets of Toronto, New York, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong,” Wahl said. He added that the firm has a seasoned and skilled team of consultants, advisors and audit specialists many of whom a re bi-l i n g u a l or mu lt i l i ng u a l who spea k a va r iety of languages including French, Spanish, Afrikaans , Mandari n, Ca ntonese, Korea n a nd Hebrew. “We are the largest SEC fili ng f i r m on t he West Coa st of the United States, not including the Big 4 accounting firms with over 135 SEC filing public companies and broker dealers.” Morine & Co said that being able to access the expertise of one of the top SEC auditors in the US w i l l help those of its clients with big plans for their businesses.
Servicing more than 2,400 clients around the globe in the small to middle market, A&C and the Firm professionals have been early pioneers in the use of reverse merger coupled with a Private Investment in Public Equity (PIPE) to provide private companies an alternative method of going public and raising money. A&C, the Firm and its experts also offer clients ongoing educational webcasts and hosted events that include roundtable and panel discussions in a variety of topics. A&C was founded by Wahl and his wife, Georgia Chung, in late 2009. Anton holds 45 per cent of shares, and Chung another 45 per cent. Since that time, the firm has acquired and merged with other CPA firms to build its bank of experience and knowledge. On Thursday, August 18 the Firm will host a meet and greet and introduction to the new entity, Anton, Bryson & Schindler, at the Fairmount Pacific Rim in downtown Vancouver f ro m 5 p m to 8p m . C l i e n t s, friends a nd referra l sou rces are welcome to attend. A nton, Bryson & Schindler is at 975 Terminal Avenue in Nanaimo
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“We’re all pretty much exhausted, but happy that the
Cowichan Valley, with the original event being held in 2001. One welcome benefit of moving the venue to the new Laketown Ranch location was the positive response received from residents from both Youbou a nd L a ke Cow ich a n, a s t he new location is much closer to these communities than in years past. Having tens of thousands of people coming to the area over the four days of the event resulted in a definite increase in tourist spending and general commerce throughout the area. W hile Underwood was the highest profile entertainer, nearly 40 groups and single performers were on hand to entertain and thrill the enthusiastic music lovers. More tha n a series of concerts, Sunfest 2016, thanks to
concert was such a success.” EMMALEE BRUNT, MARKETING & PR MANAGER, SUNFEST
the expansive space at the Laketown Ranch, also served as a busy campground with space rented out for those wanting to camp during the festival. Information released by the organizers showed that more than 1,600 ca mpsites (for g roups ranging from four to eight) were rented during the festival. The Sunfest Country Music Festiva l has g row n i nto one of Va ncouver I sl a nd’s premier summer events, with the
enthusiasm and success of this year’s session doing nothing to slow that trend. T h a t’s w h a t fo u n d e r a n d owner Greg Adams, a former National Hockey League player, had in mind when he started the Festival. He came up with the idea after attending a wine and rib-fest in Tampa, Florida, 15 years ago, featuring Three Dog Night. “I looked at my wife, Judy, and said, ‘why don’t we have one
of these at home on Vancouver Island?” The first Sunfest was held at Providence Farm in the Cowichan Valley, and during its tenure, they’re closing in on $1 million in donations from proceeds of the events. “We’re very happy, and proud of this as a family,” he says, noting several family members are involved in various aspects of the Sunfest operation. There will be more events at Laketown Ranch, as the multi-million dollar investment in the facility is not just for a four-day concert. Preliminary plans call for more concerts, including Legends of the Valley in August, half marathons and bike races.
19 Adams estimates that at least 10 per cent of the attendees came from off-Vancouver Island. Sunfest worked with the Ministry of Highways to lower the speed limit from 80 to 50 km on the highway, and Adams said “traffic control was flawless.” The exposure for Sunfest was off the charts. A video showing Dierks Bentley soaring over Vancouver Island on a Harbour Air charter before landing on Lake Cowichan and a stay at A d a m s’ c a b i n h a d 15 2 ,0 0 0 views the first day it was posted on YouTube. Nex t ye a r’s he ad l i ne p erformers include Toby Keith and Little Big Town.
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uilding Links has compiled the January to June statistics for 2016 for Cou r ten ay, Comox, C u mberland, the Comox Valley Regional
D i s t r ic t a nd Ca mpb el l R iver. T h i s summary compares the permits and construction values of 2016 to 2015. Construction statistics for new sing le fa m i ly homes is up a nd i n some cases quite significantly in all municipa l it ies, except for Cu mb erl a nd, where con st r uct ion was stable a nd no increase was recorded. Courtenay experienced the highest increase, recording 66 permits for the first half of this year compared to 26 during the same time period last year, an increase of 153 per cent. Increases ranging from 20 per cent to 25 per cent were a lso recorded i n Comox, the CVRD and Campbell River. Also, a new trend during the first half of this year shows 18 secondary suites
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being built and one coach house for a total of 19 units. Last year, during the same time period, there were 7 permits issued for secondary suites. This represents an increase of almost 200 per cent for this category. Total permits for new homes in all areas is 170 compared to 112 from 2015, an increase of 51 per cent. We expect this upward trend to continue, providing the inventory of lots is available to meet the demand of new home construction. The Comox Valley and the Campbell River areas are experiencing rising real estate prices. Accord i ng to a report issued by Vancouver Island Real Estate Board (VIREB) in early July, home sales in the Va ncouver Isla nd Rea l Estate (V IR EB) area cooled slightly in June but were still significantly higher than reported one year ago. Real estate inventory levels in June hit a record low, and residential real estate listings were down by 35 per cent. T he lack of inventory, and the interest in Vancouver Island real estate is continues to drive up prices. The new 15 per cent property transfer tax on foreign buyers recently implemented in the Metro Vancouver a rea, is l i kely to d r ive more buyers to Vancouver Island, where we have more a f fordable housi ng i n v ibra nt communities. T here a re more resident ia l lots i n the pipe line, as developers have, in
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some cases been trying for 1-4 years (or more) to bring a new project to market i n a l most a l l com mu n it ies on Va ncouver Island. The challenge is to cut through the length of time it takes to approve a project at the municipal level and let a developer build his project and create more residential lots so that new homes can be built. In the Comox Valley and Campbell River, lot prices have gone up approximately $15,000 25,000 in the past 12-18 months. Politicians hopefully will seize this as an opportunity, of helping developers to get their product to market sooner, bringing more inventory onto the market. If there are more lots, there are more houses, more houses equal more inventory and a more balanced inventory of lots and homes for sale w i l l bri ng more price stabi l ity i nto the market. I have heard stories from a l l over Va ncouver Isla nd of homes sel l i ng for 5-15 per cent over ask i ng price and of multiple offers on many homes. The unprecedented activity in the Vancouver market is affecting real estate on Vancouver Island. It seems we are in for a frenetic real estate ride for the next 6-12 months.
On July 23 the 3rd annual Great Valley Rally kicked off as costumed contestants adventured their way from Cumberland through Courtenay to Comox. Part proceeds from this event benefit the Filberg Hertitage Lodge and Park Association in Comox. Thanks to community support and involvement, over three years, the Great Valley Rally raised a total of $9500 for local non-profit organizations. ■■■ Summer for the Chamber is a time to enjoy where we live, support community happenings, and plan amazing events for the Fall. The Chamber is focusing efforts on Small Business month in October to provide opportunities for community-wide collaborations, new business networking, Member mixers, and continued advocacy and policy on behalf of its Chamber members. MP Gord Johns will be in the Comox Valley participating in events during small business month. ■■■ The Chamber wishes to acknowledge these long-term members: Excel Career College: 26 year member, Crown Isle Resort & Golf Club: 25 years, Water Pure & Simple: 24 years,
Comox Valley Funeral Home: 23 years, and The Wine Cottage: 22 year Chamber Member. Congratulations to these long-standing businesses in the Comox Valley. ■■■ The Chamber office has had the privilege of working with North Island College summer intern, Mike Stolting. Mike is in the third year of his Bachelor of Business Administration majoring in Marketing. Mike has worked on the Comox Valley Governance Review, along with Amanda Ridgeway and those of the task force, and due to their efforts, the request for a review will be ready to send to the Province in September. In the past two months the Chamber has met with all four liberal leadership candidates: Pauline Stevenson, Jim Benninger, Connor Gibson and Paul Ives. Each candidate supports the Governance Review. ■■■ The Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce works hard to actively strengthen local businesses through advocacy efforts and community-involvement. Meetings were held with MLA Don McRae and Minister Fassbender, MP Gord Johns, and Courtenay Councillors David Frisch and Bob Wells on separate occasions regarding local issues for Chamber members. ■■■ The Comox Valley Chamber board says goodbye to board member Lt. Col. Glenn Watters as he is posted to Halifax. The Board welcomes Lt. Col. Paula Fraser in September. We wish all the best to Glenn! Dianne Hawkins is president and CEO of the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce. Reach her at or 250-334-3234.
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CAR DEALERSHIP WINS BEST IN CANADA Owner adds a personal touch to every car purchase by negotiating directly with every customer
OURTENAY - When Corey Sawchuk, principal/owner of Courtenay Mazda, first read the letter announcing his business was ranked first, he thought it meant first in BC. It wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t until his staff corrected him that he realized his dealership had been rated number one in Canada by the auto worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s equivalent to TripAdvisor. â&#x20AC;&#x153;DealerRater is a consumer based independent, third party organization that bases its criteria on the customer experience,â&#x20AC;? said Sawchuk. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It includes customer ratings for all areas of the dealership from service to cleanliness to music.â&#x20AC;? Sawchuk is a recent transplant to the region, moving to Courtenay in 2014 after he and his wife, Amanda Conly, spent their anniversary touring the Island. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We met in university, I was a white water guide and she worked in the booking office. That was in 1998. We both love the water and thought a tour of the island would be a nice way to celebrate our marriage.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We fell in love with Courtenay. It has a small town feel but w ith a l l the a men ities,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;W hen the previous owner of the dealership decided to retire, we jumped at the chance to move here and buy the dealership.â&#x20AC;? He said he still retains partial ownership of two dealerships in Ontario, but he sold the ones in Alberta. Both he and his wife co-own the dealership, where she works as the controller. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I came from a very corporate environment in Alberta. When we came to Courtenay I wanted to adopt a different and more personal approach.â&#x20AC;? He looked at t he process of pu rchasi ng a veh icle a nd identified what was the most stressful aspects for consumer, sa lesp eople a nd de a lership. What he discovered has cha nged the way he a nd h is staff sell cars. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Buyers get frustrated with the usual back and forth between salesperson and manager for settling the final price. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve eliminated that process and all customers negotiate directly with me.â&#x20AC;? Sawchuk prides himself on how his dealership treats its c u s to m e r s b e c a u s e o f t h i s process. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We bel ieve i n f u l l d isclos u re,â&#x20AC;? he sa id . â&#x20AC;&#x153;I show t he customers the i nvoice price
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I came from a very corporate environment in Alberta. When we came to Courtenay I wanted to adopt a different and more personal approach COREY SAWCHUK PRINCIPAL/OWNER COURTENAY MAZDA
a nd then ex pla i n how much the dealership needs to make. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always fair and reasonable for all parties, taking away the guessing game of whether the deal was the best or not.â&#x20AC;? Part of the rationale behind removing the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;middle manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and dealing with customers directly is because, to Sawchuk, reputation is everything. â&#x20AC;&#x153; We l ive a nd work i n t h i s community, walking the same streets as our customers. At the end of the day I want them to feel satisfied with the purchase and service they received at my dealership so that when we meet in town we can shake hands and talk about how happy they are with their vehicle.â&#x20AC;? He feels the same about his employees, some of whom have been with the 20-year dealership since it first opened its doors. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When we took over from the prev ious ow ner we kept the existing staff,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They have been our biggest asset. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like we won the people lottery!â&#x20AC;? He explained that although change isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always easy, his sta f f appreciated t hat what Sawchuk was doing wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t so much changing things as enhancing them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have two tech n icia ns that have been with the dealership for the entire 20 years and sales people who have been here for 14 years. We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to lose any of them.â&#x20AC;?
Corey Sawchuk and winner of the restaurant giveaway CREDIT:COURTENAY MAZDA
Happy customers gets keys to their new Mazda from Chantelle CREDIT: COURTENAY MAZDA
Sawchuck said that the staff are the dealershipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s greatest asset. CREDIT: COURTENAY MAZDA
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Entire staff dresses up in jeans for charity to support the BC Childrens Hospital Foundation CREDIT: COURTENAY MAZDA
Chelsea, Amanda and Chantelle at the Boys and Girls Club Golf Tournament CREDIT: COURTENAY MAZDA
Putting a decal on the Canadian Utility Vehicle of the Year, the 2016 CX3 CREDIT: COURTENAY MAZDA
Curtis and Logan Putt 4 Dough during sale week CREDIT: COURTENAY MAZDA
O f c ou rse, h av i n g a g re at product to sell doesn’t hurt. Sawchuk said Mazda has the quality, feel, fit and finish for affordable luxury. “It f its a n iche m a rket, i n between the everyday and the premium vehicle. The people who buy a Mazda are looking for a driving experience. They want com fort, but they a lso want a car that handles well. It’s newest piece of technology is called G-Vectoring Control (GVC) and it offers upgrades t o M a z d a ’s e x i s t i n g d r i v e dynamics.” GVC allows the vehicle to take
Chantelle adding a bit of fun decorations to the showroom CREDIT: COURTENAY MAZDA
a corner with less roll. Basically, it increases steering performance at nearly all speeds and in most conditions creates smooth transitions between g-forces when braking, taking a corner and accelerating. Skyactiv is another technology unique to Mazda. “It has the highest compression ratio of any vehicle other than a Ferrari,” Sawchuk said. That translates to better fuel economy, reduced friction on pistons, rods and crankshaft and to increased performance.
“It’s t he l itt le t h i ngs t h at Mazda does that sets it apart. If there is leather interior, it’s all double stitched; if it has cloth seats, it’s premium fabric.” Cou r ten ay M a zd a i s a f u l l service dealership with repair and service bays, financing department and an inventory of preowned vehicles. “We carry all brands of preowned vehicles and every one comes w it h a wa r ra nty, i nspection certificate and full disclosure.” He stressed that people nowadays want information, they don’t appreciate secrets, so full disclosure is part of every pu rchase a nd mea ns the ca r buyer knows everything about his vehicle purchase that the dealership knows. “We use live marketing for pricing our pre owned vehicles. We do this by constantly
Congratulations from the team at Hub International Barton Insurance 260-470 Puntledge Road Courtenay, BC V9N 3R1
WE DRIVE Wishing Courtenay SERVICE Mazda continued
monitoring and analyzing the market to ensure we are competitive and the price reflects well on us.”
He pointed out that live marketing makes sure the customer gets the right price on a vehicle. “If the live market says the price is lower than what we paid for it, the customer gets the live market price. If we lose out, we consider it as a lesson and the gaining of a happy customer.” He underscored that winning the award was the end result of everything his team has worked towards over the past few years. “It’s a reflection of what we all have done and accomplished. At the end of the day, it’s all about Team Courtenay Mazda.” That spirit has carried over to the support the dealership gives the community as well as through its sponsoring of sports teams, the Boys and Girls Club and Habitat for Humanity. “T hey may not be the biggest charitable groups, but it isn’t always the competitive rep teams that need help, it’s the house teams that may not have the money for the fancy uniforms or new equipment. That’s who we like to sponsor.” For Sawchuk and his wife, the decision to move to Courtenay has been a good one, purchasing a business here an even better one. It may not be the biggest Mazda dealership in the country, but now it can lay claim to the title of Best Mazda Dealership in the country. Cou rtenay Mazda is at 475 Silverdale Crescent in Courtenay
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BBB Accreditation fees fund our organization’s mission to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust, and our vision of an ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers can trust each other. Accredited Businesses ensure we further our values of excellence, respect, trust, teamwork and integrity on Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, Powell River and Haida Gwaii. So how do we do it? Building and maintaining our database: Information is power. At BBB serving Vancouver Island we have 30,000 unbiased BBB Business Reviews publically available. These business profiles include licensing information, complaint history, validated customer reviews, government actions and a letter grade that allows consumers to make an educated choice about how they spend their money. Dispute Conciliation: As Superman works for peace on earth, Accredited Businesses help BBB act as an unbiased third party for over 700 customer disputes every year. BBB helps resolve disputes and find resolutions to continue to build marketplace trust in our community. These services are free of charge and funded completely by accreditation fees. Investigations: Just like intrepid reporter Peter Parker (aka Spiderman), BBB seeks the truth about marketplace scoundrels by conducting numerous investigations every year. When we notice a pattern of complaints or hear something especially troubling, our team of experts looks into the issue and when necessary, takes action by informing the police, the media and consumers about unethical businesses and scam artists. Consumer Education & Public Outreach: Through public presentations, workshops, information sessions, news releases, our website and social media, BBB serving Vancouver Island works to ensure that seniors, students, homeowners, investors, small businesses and newcomers to Canada each year are armed with information to help protect themselves against marketplace villains. On behalf of citizens everywhere, we at BBB serving Vancouver Island want to take this opportunity to thank our Accredited Business superheros for all they do for the local community. If you, as a consumer or business, are not already seeking out Accredited Businesses before you make a purchase, we encourage you to do so. Look for the Accredited Business Seal in store fronts, on company vehicles, on invoices, receipts, business cards and on company websites. For more information about BBB Accredited Businesses visit
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CIVIL ENGINEERING FIRM HAS EVOLVED OVER THE YEARS Wedler Engineering: Small Firm With A Large Impact
OURTENAY – Buffeted by the ebb and flow of economic conditions, Wedler Engineering LLP has proven itself resilient and adaptive, no matter the challenges. “I think the real story is that we’ve survived 10 years on the Island, including during the recent economic recession,” explained Andrew Gower, P. Eng. company partner and Branch Manager of the firm’s Courtenay office. An engineering practice with a focus on designing civil infrastructure for commercial, institutional and municipal clients, Wedler Engineering was originally started in Chilliwack (where its headquarters is still located) and was named after company founder John Wedler, an engineer who began his career in Nanaimo decades ago. Wedler eventually found employment with Delcan Engineers & Planners at its Chilliwack office. “Some time afterward Delcan announced that it was closing its Chilliwack branch. John Wedler said ‘you guys can close, I’m staying here’ and he then made a deal for the intellectual property and assets and used that to start Wedler Engineering in 1989, then called J. W. Wedler Engineering and Associates, beginning with a staff of four,” Gower stated. Under Wedler’s management the firm began to expand, acquiring Lang Civil Engineering in Abbotsford in 2001, becoming Wedler’s second office. During the peak of the company’s expansion efforts Wedler Engineering maintained five separate offices (this included offices in Courtenay, Surrey and Edmonton). “This was all before 2008 when the recession hit everyone hard. At the time we had a very heavy reliance on the development industry, particularly with land development,” Gower said. A smaller, more focused entity than it was during its expansion phase, today’s Wedler Engineering has a staff of about 30, spread across three main offices in Chilliwack, Surrey and in Courtenay (211-2459
Cousins Avenue). Wedler Engineering is a civil engineering firm specializing in the design of all of the services and support systems installed outside of a structure in a municipality, such as roads, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water supplies, water treatment and all other forms of service infrastructure. An example of the types of clients Wedler Engineering has worked with in recent years includes conducting the road, unit layout, storm water management and other elements of the Osoyoos Lake Cottages, an extensive residential subdivision. Closer to home Wedler also provided complete on-site servicing of the new K’omoks First Nation administration building, a unique and beautifully designed structure that combined modern efficiencies with timeless first nation architectural elements. “Primarily our focus is going to be on moving water, which in turn impacts everything else we do. Even in a road project, certainly we will design a road for the safe movement of traffic, but it is also designed to get the water out of the way. Basically that’s what Civil Engineering is all about,” he said. Gower, who has been a Civil Engineer for more than 20 years, says he’s never bored with the challenges, variety and complexities of his chosen profession. The bulk of the projects undertaken by Wedler involve the design of public infrastructure. The key to Wedler Engineering’s long term success has been its company-wide entrepreneurial spirit and its ability to be adaptive, resilient and flexible in the face of economic and technological change. Prior to the recession of 2008 the company’s main focus was on designing private development projects such as subdivisions, commercial developments, shopping centres and industrial developments. But when the economy slowed the firm’s expansion ceased and a period of retrenchment set in, seeing the five office enterprise pared down to the three it currently maintains. Being lean and corporately flexible Wedler shifted its business model to be more balanced, and less
Wedler also worked at the Mount Cain ski resort in the North Island, a non-profit ski run operated by a volunteer board
The Wedler Engineering team is part of a lineage of excellence that began in Chilliwack in 1989
Civil engineers design and oversee the installation of all exterior services especially related to water
The company provided a range of services for the new Holiday Inn Express in Courtenay the ‘all the eggs in one basket’ approach that characterized its business philosophy in the past. “We transitioned our business model to be more balanced, to have 50 per cent of our work with private clients and 50 per cent public. A major success story for the Courtenay branch was seeing our little eight person office being retained by Public Works and Government Services Canada as their civil engineering firm,” Gower said. Having been an engineer with the Canadian Army prior to going into civilian practice Gower had a thorough understanding of the administrative requirements of dealing with a government entity, a background that likely helped the firm win this important contract. “We beat out some massive multi-national firms to win this, that’s the sort of groups we have been able to compete with. It’s
certainly a credit to the company, its work and the people who work here for us to have been awarded this,” he said. Civil engineering is a very specialized craft, and on an island as small as Vancouver Island there is literally only so much work of that type occurring annually. But due to the flexibility and innovation of the systems and techniques employed, Wedler Engineering is capable of taking on assignments wherever the work is located. While having decades of experience working on major, multi-million dollar projects the company is equally at home with small scale assignments, such as replacing a single septic field for a private owner. Regardless of the scale, the tools and techniques employed are the same. For the future Wedler Engineering anticipates continued growth, but expansion only if the needs and
assignments allow. “We’ve made it through a recession, we work all over Western Canada, we do a significant amount of work in both the public and the private sector and we’re very optimistic about the future,” Gower said. Future focused and youth oriented, Wedler Engineering is noted for the youth and enthusiasm of its staff and for the innovative thinking of its owners. The company also prides itself on viewing its operations from an entrepreneurial point of view as well as that of its engineering background. “It certainly has been an interesting evolution, from four guys in one office in Chilliwack to having five offices to now having 30 people in three offices working in multiple jurisdictions. We’re also a good corporate citizen, spending a lot of time and effort to work within our communities. It’s important to us to be a good community partner. I think we have a lot to look forward to.” For more information visit the firm’s website at:
We are proud to work alongside Wedler Engineering, and we congratulate them on their success.
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I have worked with the Engineers at Wedler for a few years and have found them to be very creative in developing cost effective design solutions on our Civil projects. They have adapted to our tight timelines without comprising the quality of their work. They are a valued asset of our team regardless of the size and scope of the project. - Dion Hopkins (250)731-9967
CLINIC DRAWS REPEAT CLIENTS FROM VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Discovery’s owner claims it is the results patients get from each treatment that has them returning
A M PBEL L R I V ER - I n September of this year, Dr. Gert Jacobs will receive his Masters in Practical Dermotology, making him one of a handful of doctors in British Columbia with the MScPD designation. Co-founder of Discovery Laser Clinic with wife Therry, Dr. Jacobs is actively involved in
in 2002, after practicing in Nipawin, Saskatchewan, for five years. “We needed to be nearer the ocean,” Therry said, so in 1997 they headed west and landed on the Island. Born and raised in Capetown on the tip of South Africa, Jacobs received his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from the University of Stellenbach in 1994. While studying toward those degrees he met Therry, who had earned her diploma in Cosmetology in Graz in her home country of Austria in 1989. After finishing his residency, they moved to England and he
high value the country put on South African doctors, the couple decided to move to Saskatchewan, where Jacobs attained his Canadian Certification in Family Medicine from the University of Alberta. “Saskatchewan wasn’t for us,” Therry explained. “And South Africa just wasn’t very safe anymore so we thought we’d head to the westcoast. You can’t get any more west than the Island. When we drove into Campbell River, we looked at each other and at the same time we both said how much we loved it.” A year after they settled in the city, their second child was born
Therry Jacobs has a three-yeardiploma from Austria in aesthetic cosmetology CREDIT: DISCOVERY LASER CLINIC
Discovery has highly skilled technicians, aestheticians and medical professionals CREDIT: DISCOVERY LASER CLINIC
medical consulting, performing treatments such as Botox, dermal fillers and laser treatments as well as running a busy dermatology practice. T he couple a nd t hei r new daughter came to Campbell River
worked throughout the country as a general practitioner before returning to South Africa, where he continued to practice as a GP for another year. However, reading about the open spaces of Canada and the
and two years after that, Therry opened the doors on Discovery Laser Clinic. Over the yea rs T herr y has continued her training, earning certification in Aesthetic Consulting, Management in
Aesthetic Medical Clinics and courses and seminars with Cynosure, Syneron and Candela Laser Technologies. “We use the latest technology and stay current with our equipment and training,” she said. For several years in Campbell River, Dr. Jacobs continued as a family practitioner acting as a back-up doctor for Discovery as well as at the hospital emergency department. “He would do the odd vein treatment,” she explained. But as the clinic got busier with new treatments and products, so did Dr. Jacobs. “Six years ago, we brought in injectables. At the time, he was still working fulltime as a GP and two to three hours two times a week at Discovery. He was very busy and eventually decided he would specialize and earn his practical dermatology designation.” In 2014 he received his diploma in Practical Dermatology from the University of Cardiff in Wales. The clinic also continued to evolve and it soon outgrew the Dogwood Street location. At the same time, Dr. Jacobs became focused on his dermatology specialty and left his general family practice. In 2015, Discovery purchased 902 Island highway and
Dr. Gert Jacobs splits his practice between medical aesthetics and referralbased, primary care practical dermatology CREDIT: DISCOVERY LASER CLINIC
opened a brand new skin care clinic facility. “Gert has his practice on the north side of the building and the clinic is on the south side,” Therry said, adding that he splits his practice between medical aesthetics and referral-based, primary care practical dermatology with a special interest in pre-cancer screening, actinic keratosis, psoriasis, acne and eczema. A contemporary, spa-like clinic, Discovery has highly skilled technicians, aestheticians and medical professionals that provide assessments and solutions to skin and cosmetic issues. “We have a variety of therapies,” Therry explained. “Some of our most popular are anti-aging treatments for face and body, acne, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkling, Rosacea, and photoaging.” She added that many of the treatments the clinic offers are quick and easy and use medical-grade, daily skin restoration systems that help correct skin issues like irregular skin texture and tone and skin laxity. She stressed that many of the products the clinic uses are recognized and endorsed by leading dermatologists and plastic
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surgeons using pharmaceutical quality ingredients. “The key to the clinic’s success is its strict policy of staying current with the technology.” Many of the treatments use high calibre, trademarked and patented equipment. Its latest addition treatment, called voluderm is a combination of radio frequency, micro needling and volumizing through hybrid galvanic energy. It is the most in-demand service because of its efficiency and results with no downtime or discomfort. Other treatments include the Venus Freeze which combines radio frequency and magnetic pulses to reduce body fat, cellulite and circumference and for skin tightening for body and face. Trilipo combines similar technology with dynamic muscle action (DMA), and Lamprobe, based on radio wave and high frequencies, works on the principle of liquids being attracted to heat released by various-size probes. She said it treats skin tags, sebaceous hyperplasia and
We show patients what can be done, no matter how tiny the imperfection THERRY JACOBS CO-OWNER DISCOVERY LASER CLINIC CAMPBELL RIVER
Therry Jacobs said the clinic uses the latest technology and stays current with equipment and training CREDIT: DISCOVERY LASER CLINIC
The Jacobs couple were lured to Canada by the open spaces and high value it put on South African doctors CREDIT: DISCOVERY LASER CLINIC
cysts, fibromas, keratosis and cholesterol deposits. Staying current with treatment protocols and upgrades is Discovery’s priority. “E duc at ion i s v ita l,” sa id Therry, and what she finds most fulfilling. “We show patients what can be done, no matter how tiny the imperfection. Some people are very shy about coming in and talking to us about their skin health because they view our treatments as a luxury. But sometimes those little things can have a tremendous effect on quality of life.” She explained that for each patient, a treatment plan is put together with an explanation as to what they can expect. “The consult is non-intimidating with no pressure!” she said. “If we can’t provide a solution we will seek the doctor’s opinion. People come from across the island and even from Vancouver,” she said. “When Gert receives his Masters in Practical Dermatology, he will be one of only a handful of doctors in British Columbia with this designation.” For Therry the success of the
clinic is a reflection of the results her patients see and the education it provides for after treatment care. “When people come back to us, all the way from Vancouver and Victoria. It’s because we are that good.” She stressed that some of the issues people have with their appearance and skin condition can be paralyzing and negatively affect their social life and confidence. “We take the time with every patient to find out what it is they want and need. We make a difference here and our patients walk out happy.” Therry said that at Discovery the staff focuses on results and providing solutions that improve its patients well-being. With such a successful model, will the couple expand and open other clinics on the Island? Therry wouldn’t say for sure, but one thing she does know, it would have to be near the ocean. Discovery Laser Clinic is at 902 Island Highway in Campbell River
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T he E ag le F M 97.3 a n d Stage coach Media Inc. ■■■ Join the Chamber’s 4th Annual Summer BBQ and SPIN TO WIN! Joi n u s for a del iciou s lu nch of beef, salmon and veggie burgers and a ch a nce to spi n ou r excit i ng pr i ze wheel. This event is free to Chamber Members and $10 for future members. P re-registration is required on the Chamber website at This is our way of showing appreciation for the support of our members and we hope to see you all there. I f you or you r busi ness wou ld l i ke to donate a prize to the wheel please
contact the Chamber and let us know. Date: Thursday, August 18th Time: 11:30am-1:00pm Location: The Chamber offices, Enterprise Centre at 900 A lder Street. Don’t forget to bri ng a donation for the Campbell River Food Bank. A big thank you to our fantastic sponsors - Com m u n ity F utu re s St rat hcon a , Marine Harvest, BC Salmon Farmers Association, Thrifty Foods, Canadian Western Bank and Quality Foods. Colleen Evans is CEO of the Campbell River Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at
Westbank First Nation Setting Torrid Pace Chief Robert Louie leads WFN to economic development success and prosperity BY MARK MACDONALD BUSINESS EXAMINER THOMPSON OKANAGAN
EST KELOWNA – Westbank First Nation has become a beacon to First Nations in Canada. It has a vibrant, growing economy, headed by strong commercial and residential construction, directly attributable to the introduction of Land Title Insurance. Forestry operations. The restoration of a sockeye salmon fishery from Okanagan Lake. Two under-development wind power generation stations. The possibility of a private health care facility. All this without having a completed treaty with federal and provincial governments. Like most things in life, strong leadership spawns success. The transformation of West Kelowna is a shining example of that, as it has everything to do with Chief Robert Louie and his team of councilors. A University of Victoria law graduate, Louie’s first tenure as Chief ran from 19861996. He has served in the position continuously since returning to office in 2002. While disappointing, the 1996 electoral defeat allowed Louie time to work Key, transformational legislation affecting First Nation management that has allowed WFN to propel forward, including self-government framework. Combined with his time as Chief, Louie has gained approval of a WFN Self-Government Agreement with Canada, successfully implemented the WFN Land Code and property taxation, and WFN brings forth continual annual budgets and profits. The heavy lifting that allowed WFN to make such substantial forward progress. His legal background and negotiating skills were invaluable, particularly as he realized that WFN desperately needed infrastructure before any significant development could take place. During his first term as Chief, Louie focused on putting state-of-the-art water and sewage systems in place during his first term. WFN installed its first water system in
Westbank First Nation Chief Robert Louie 1988, after wells on reserve land went dry. Frustrated that WFN, nestled beside Okanagan Lake, even had water and sewer issues, Louie dug in. “We made a decision to exercise our inherent right to have access to Okanagan Lake water,” Louie notes. “Once we put the water rights in play, hooking up to the Regional District sewage system wasn’t a problem. “I recall threatening that we would be creating a deep-lake (sewage) outfall. When they heard that, they said ‘why don’t you tie into our system?’ So it worked,” he said. “Also, access was needed for Highway 97, which ran through two major reserves. So we put that into our starting negotiating positions. It couldn’t be built without WFN being accommodated, one way or another. And it has.” Once that infrastructure was in place, it brought attention to developers who saw WFN lands as an attractive location to build and invest in. Land Title Insurance One of the game changing moves Louie made that has helped thrust WFN forward was the introduction of Land Title Insurance. Prevalent throughout the United States, Land Title Insurance provides certainty for developers and investors from any possible “rogue” councils tearing up existing agreements for political reasons.
“Ours was the first in Canada, and set the standard that this is possible,” Louie says. “It protects investors from subsequent councils, regardless of who the Chief or council is, and it provides clear procedures that must be followed. It recognizes existing agreements, and a new rogue council can’t change things willy-nilly.” Louie sees it as a pivotal point in WFN development. “Our message got out to developers and they started contacting us,” he says. Today, Louie proudly states “We have more development here than on any reserve in Canada.” Westbank First Nation has 840 band members, which is an average size for a B.C. First Nation. There are now 10,000 residents living on WFN land (most non-native) and 4,500 homes, along with over 400 businesses and close to 1.4 million square feet of shopping centre space. “We have constant activity, seven days a week, 365 days a year, on our WFN lands,” Louie says. “In the past 10 years, WFN has issued a half billion dollars in development permits. Out of 162 municipalities in B.C., WFN is rated the 61st largest in terms of property assessment. Our GDP is a half billion dollars a year, and since 2009, over $80 million in taxes has been raised from WFN lands in GST and PST. There is plenty of construction taking place on WFN lands, which means local jobs. “I see opportunity here because of what’s happening in Alberta (the current downturn) and on the Coast (rising real estate prices), and it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down any time soon,” he says. Private land ownership Another advantage WFN offers is the opportunity for band members to own their own land and homes. It is a well-known fact that homeowners are more attentive to upkeep of their properties than renters, and some believe this opportunity alone will bring significant change to First Nations housing throughout the country. “Different bands have different viewpoints on land,” Louie notes, adding some prefer for the band to hold all land title, while others see the benefits of individuals having personal ownership of property. “The way we see it is we have people looking towards the future, that want to own their own, and they want to pay. It’s real property for them and it brings a sense of pride,” he says. A drive through WFN lands demonstrates this clearly. Louie says one cannot tell which homes are owned by First Nation members or non-aboriginals. “You won’t be able to tell the difference between on-reserve and off-reserve housing,” says Louie. “We have sidewalks and street lights everywhere, and it’s getting better all the time. Compared to how it was 30 years ago, it’s night and day.” Louie views governance control and decision-making power as vital ingredients for forward progress. “I know what can happen with government control and land management,” he says. “That’s a huge game-changer.” Health care opportunity WFN has been working for years on building a private health care centre on its land. Initially announced as a partnership with well-respected John Hopkins University of Baltimore, Maryland, the hospital project has stalled. Litigation with the original partners in the project is close to being completed, meaning a search for another major investor can get underway. The project had over 93 per cent approval from WFN members, some of whom are
disheartened about the fact it hasn’t been able to proceed yet. Louie is confident it will happen, and adds it needs to happen. “The cost of health care in Canada is escalating, and the balance that is needed is privatized health care that complements the existing system,” he says. “That is the future, and it has to happen.” Louie maintains a two-tiered health system is already in place in this country, via plastic surgery and other procedures. A private health care clinic on First Nations land could be allowed to circumvent the Canada Health Act due to its economic benefits to WFN, while allowing Canadians who have the financial wherewithal to “jump the queue” and obtain health care here that they’ve demonstrated they’re willing to travel to the United States and beyond to obtain now. It could lessen lengthening weight times for patients, create well paying jobs in the health care sector, and just by virtue of its existence, apply competitive pressure to Canada’s existing system that could spur dramatic improvement. Economic development projects WFN is currently working towards creating two wind farms through partnerships, one near Pennask Lake off the Coquihalla Connector towards Merritt, and another between Summerland and Peachland. Together, they are expected to create 15 megawatts of power, enough to power up to 4,000 homes. WFN also has a timber license that allows for an annual allowable cut of 100,000 cubic metres, creating more jobs. A project Louie is especially excited about is the restoration of sockeye salmon stocks to Okanagan Lake. 10,000 salmon fry have been released into the lake by the eight-member Okanagan Nation Alliance, which includes a band based in Colville, WA. The fisheries building in Penticton, which won a Southern Interior Construction Association Commercial Building Award last year, is home to 15 biologists and close to 90 staff. “It will be the largest inland fishery for First Nation peoples in Canada,” he says. “We have a first-rate team that is absolutely phenomenal. “In four years, we expect to have salmon back in Okanagan Lake system,” he adds. “Fisheries can be a major component of our economy for years to come.” Assisting other First Nations Louie, along with Osoyoos Indian Band Chief Clarence Louie (no relation), are acknowledged frontrunners when it comes to First Nation leadership, particularly in regards to economic development. Robert Louie summarizes it by noting that First Nations need three things to enable them to move forward: Infrastructure, government structure and community will. He notes that he gets several inquiries each week from other First Nation groups across the country with questions about what they’ve done and how they can get things done. “We open our doors willingly,” he says. “We don’t charge a fee. If we can help them, we do. And they have ideas for us, too. We’re always learning and that is very valuable.” WFN continues to work towards final treaties. “We’re upping the ante with other First Nations in the Okanagan, and we feel we’ve been making huge strides,” he says. “It could lead to land claims settled in the not so distant future.” “I see it happening. Either through negotiated settlements, or going to court and settling with litigation,” he says. “It will get settled in the foreseeable future.”
To help tee up the tournament Bear Mountain Golf Resort and event orga n i z ers Sport Box Entertainment Group, staged a Media Day at the facility on June 27th. During the day-long session a press conference with 2014 Champion Paul Goydos, a round of golf, updates and other details about this high profile event were shared. In addition
Paul Goydos had an opportunity during the media day to try out the course at Bear Mountain
David Skitt is the Tournament Director of the 2016 Pacific Links Championship to tournament organizers and Bear Mountain management, Paul Goydos was also on hand to offer his professional insights on this important PGA stopover. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Golf Channel broadcasts around the world to more than 200 million homes in 84 different countries and in 11 different languages, so this tournament
provides a massive advertising opportunity for participants,â&#x20AC;? Skitt said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of course there are bigger golf tournaments, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s far and away the biggest one ever held on Vancouver Island. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great opportunity to project not only the golf course and the hotel thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s here but while the Golf Channel is on site we expect them to go into the city and produce a number of encapsulated segments that will be integrated into the overall broadcast. People will be hearing the words: Victoria and Vancouver Island hundreds of times throughout the broadcast. People all over the word will likely be getting their first exposure of the region â&#x20AC;&#x201C; you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t buy that kind of authentic advertising.â&#x20AC;?
T he Bea r Mou nta i n G ol f Course (located at 1999 Country Club Way in Victoria) is an 18-hole, par 71 course located in a pristine 102 acre setting, strategically sited across a 1,100 foot high mountain top. Designed by the Nicklaus Design group (Jack and Steve Nicklaus are co-designers) the venue is surrounded by more than 3,000 acres of rustic mountain trails and other distinctly Vancouver Island natural wonders. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pacific Links, the main sponsor of the tournament have hired Sport Box Entertainment Group, where Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m Vice President, to manage, conduct and execute the championship on their behalf,â&#x20AC;? Skitt explained. â&#x20AC;&#x153;T he media event was an opportunity for us to tee-off our ticket sales
Many members of the local media were on hand June 27, especially to meet professional golfer Paul Goydos and to help get the promotional activities rolling.â&#x20AC;? Based on the history of similar tournaments, organizers are anticipating the 2016 Pacific Links Championship to represent a $15 to $20 million economic windfall for the greater Victoria region. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a pretty standard economic injection for the region, based on other PGA Championâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s events where organizers, us in this case, will work with as many local suppliers as possible for any of our operational or tournament management needs,â&#x20AC;? he said. A i rl i ne serv ices, hotel a nd other hospitality industry serv ice prov iders, restau ra nts, vehicle rental firms and many other individuals and firms will benefit from the tournamentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
presence. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For Bear Mountain itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a fantastic way to show off the resort and the golf course to a global audience. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a way to showcase what living life on Vancouver Island, and specifically as a property owner at Bear Mountain is all about.â&#x20AC;? For Skitt, the Pacific Links Championship will be an exceptional opportunity for the entire region to show the world what a unique and gorgeous part of the planet southern Vancouver Island really is. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Once people come to the golf course or even see it on TV, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to want to come here. That definitely could be a lasting legacy of this tournament,â&#x20AC;? he said. For more i n formation v isit the eventâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website at: www.
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PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS CONVEY EMOTIONS & INFORMATION Company Specializes In The Unique Field Of Food Photography
ANAIMO – For professional photographer Tim McGrath taking a great picture is important, but how that photo is taken can be even more crucial. Specializing in the field of food photography for clients as varied as restaurants, newspaper flyers and cookbooks, McGrath has learned during the past 10 years that the techniques used when capturing an image can play a huge role in conveying emotion and in eliciting a response. “One of the most important things to look for in a good picture is the composition. Don’t make it look too cluttered, think about the message you’re trying to convey and who will be viewing it,” he explained. As a food photographer understanding the end use of the image is essential. If for example a photo is to be used in a menu, it should make the person looking at it hungry. The image might be lighted in an indirect fashion, or shot at a low angle with a narrow depth of field to make it look seductive and appealing. If on the other hand the photograph is to be used within a cookbook it’s more important to show how the dish will look in its finished state to aid future chefs wanting to try the recipe. In a situation like
“One of the most important things to look for in a good picture is the composition” TIM MCGRATH, OWNER, ITS-FOOD.CA
that the item will likely be placed in a more direct light, perhaps shot looking directly down on it, as the end result needs to be more instructional than emotional. “What is it you’re trying to say with the picture? It you’re trying to make them hungry you want to focus on the texture, the color and that sort of thing. What you don’t want to see is a cracked table or a cluttered and distracting background. Those things will draw the eye away from the food, which is the last thing you want,” he stated. The needs of the client, the eventual use of the photo and the attitude and expectations of the
Focusing on the meal, the blurred backgrounds only help to draw the viewer’s attention to the plate
When working for a restaurant McGrath will seek to create images that illicit hunger and interest persons who will view the photograph are all factors McGrath has to take in before he even begins his work. Each image is unique and conveys a different message. “Basically what it comes down to is you’re telling a story,” he said. For more i n formation v isi t t h e f i r m’s w e b s i te a t :
he Alberni Aquarium & Stewardship Centre at Port Alberni’s Harbour Quay is now open and doing a whale of a business. Yes, it’s a weak pun but visitations and revenue are really well above expectations after opening May 1st. T he Aquarium was conceived by the West Coast Aquatic Stewardship Association as a means of educating ourselves and our visitors about the many forms and phases of local sea life. World class video footage of undersea creatures filmed by Peter Mieras of Rendez vous Dive Adventures complements a variety of tanks, touch tanks and activities in and around the Aquarium.
T he f low of ex h ibits is a rra nged to ta ke v isitors from freshwater to deep ocean life and include: A fresh water tank holding Coho a nd Ch i nook f r y f rom Robertson Creek Fish Hatchery. T hese will continue to grow on-site until it is time for their release and then a new batch will take over the tank. The intertidal zone is where the land meets the sea, so this tank has barnacles, rock fish, crab, sticklebacks and blackeyed goby. A man-made pond ecosystem featu res i n for m at ion about frogs and turtles. At the corner of the gallery stands the shell of a 400-year old cedar tree that visitors can hop inside and look up to see a massive eagle’s nest. A salmon tank holds both larger salmon and pipefish that were netted at Canal Beach. The shallow subtidal tank has a starfish, urchins, and a wolf eel, while the deep tank features Black Rockfish, sea cucumber, squat lobster, prawns and clams. T he eye-catch i ng rou nd aqu a r iu m featu res jel ly f ish from Rainy Bay. Interpretation posters help
visitors understand what they are seeing while a few challenges such as counting the Sand Dabs in the estuary tank, taking your chances on the Salmon Wheel of Death and daring to touch some sea creatu res make for an informative and fun time. Folks wanting more can arra n ge fo r b i r t h d a y p a r t i e s a n d o v e r n i g ht s t a y s i n t h e Aquarium (which may allow you to see the more nocturnal residents). Many funding sources have suppor ted t he development o f t h e A q u a r i u m i n c l u di ng t he West Coast Aqu at ic Management Association, Island Coastal Economic Trust, Pacific Salmon Treaty, Pacific Salmon Foundation, A lberni Valley Community Forest and others. Hours: Tue – Sat 10 am to 9 pm; Sun & Mon 10 am – 5 pm. For more information, please go to www.alberniaquarium. ca or call 250.724.3600. Pat Deakin is the Economic Development Manager for the City of Port Alberni. He can be reached at 250-720-2527 or Patrick_deakin@
he Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce that we have received f u nd i ng through Canada 150 to host a very unique and exciting event over the Ca nada Day Weekend in 2017. Our event called t h e T r i-Co n i c Ch a l l e n ge i s a ‘Staged T r i at h lon’ covering three days where we will Swim the Plane, Bike the Boat a nd Ru n the T ra i n. So what does that mean? Well on day one – Canada Day we’ll open up Sproat L a ke to fou r versions of swims ranging from 200m to 4000m each one will feature a link to our history – be it the famed Martin M a rs Water Bomber a nd /or
Tea on the Terrace
Bill Collette is Executive Director of the Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce. He can be reached at 250-724-6535.
71st Alberni District Fall Fair
Thursday, August 11th and Thursday, August 25th both 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm High Tea, Fine Food and Music
the 500 year old Petroglyphs. Day two our athletes will jump on thei r bi kes at 8:00 a m i n Harbour Quay then ‘race’ the M.V. Frances Barkley out to Ba m f ield – 90 k m – g ravel, hilly and very bumpy let alone beautiful. T he ship takes 5.5 hou rs to m a ke t he t rek a nd our avid local bike enthusiasts confirm that they can win! Day three we pull on the runners and ‘race the train’ the 1929 Baldwin out to McLean Mill – Canada’s only Steam Powered Mill – a National Historic Site. Take a peek for yourself at this epic adventure – we’d love to welcome you to Por t A lberni for a Bucket List Weekend i n one of the most beauti fu l settings on all of Vancouver Island.
45th Annual Salmon Festival Friday, September 2nd to Monday, September 5th
Thursday, September 8th to Sunday, September 11th
Fall Fair, Midway, Parade, Logger Sports, Zucchini Races, Music
Clutesi Haven Marina Fireworks, Salmon Barbeque, Music, Karaoke, Beer Gardens, Bullhead Derby
$55,000 in prizes!
32nd Annual
1200 Motorcycles, Show & Shine, Carnival for Kids, Adult Bike Games, Dance, Poker Run
Port Alberni
Saturday, September 17th and Sunday, September 18th
Passing Through? Coming to Visit?
WHO IS SUING WHOM The contents of Whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Suing Whom is provided by a third-party resource and is accurate according to public court documents. Some of these cases may have been resolved by publication date. DEFENDANT A1 Marine Services Ltd 409-4885 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC PLAINTIFF Walco Industries Ltd CLAIM $31,556 DEFENDANT AIA Associated Independent Adjusters 21-4800 Island Hwy North, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Rossetto, Cecilia CLAIM $ 21,116 DEFENDANT All Canadian Construction Ltd 129-883 Van Isle Way, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Cameron, Jim CLAIM $ 10,560 DEFENDANT Appleford Building Company Ltd 2740 Forbes St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Lund, Marketa
CLAIM $ 9,859 DEFENDANT BC Jade Designs 1-33 Manzanita Rd, Galiano Island, BC PLAINTIFF Yang, Ze Bing CLAIM $ 25,210 DEFENDANT Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre 2657 Quadra St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Itsazoo Productions Society CLAIM $ 11,667 DEFENDANT Blue Bridge Theatre Society 2657 Quadra St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Itsazoo Productions Society CLAIM $ 11,667 DEFENDANT BWD Construction Ltd 1618 Government St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Cooper, John CLAIM $ 16,058 DEFENDANT Carel Properties Ltd 30 Front St, Nanaimo, BC Kirk Bros Holdings Ltd CLAIM $ 7,631,341
CC Coastal Construction Ltd 1986 Mills Rd, North Saanich, BC PLAINTIFF Brock White Construction Materials CLAIM $ 5,264
Impact Visual Communications Ltd 104 Chelan Pl, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Al Sott (Nanaimo) Inc CLAIM $ 25,266
DEFENDANT Cedar Vista Stables 4060 Happy Valley Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF HHS Drilling & Blasting Ltd CLAIM $ 18,987
DEFENDANT Motive RV Manufacturers 45724B Yale Rd, Chilliwack, BC PLAINTIFF Saunders, Shelly Marie CLAIM $ 21,859
Starlitt Auto Centre Ltd 10906 Island Hwy, Campbell River, BC PLAINTIFF Cres (Campbell River Equipment Sales) 1986 Ltd CLAIM $ 13,250
DEFENDANT CHEK Media Group 201-19 Dallas Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF First Island Armoured Transport (1993) Ltd CLAIM $ 8,102
DEFENDANT Mountain West Properties Inc 102-645 Tyee Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF TC Publication Limited Partnership CLAIM $ 11,755
DEFENDANT Compass Group Canada Ltd 2353-13353 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, BC PLAINTIFF Kresse, Cheryl CLAIM $ 25,156
DEFENDANT Owners Strata Plan Vis 1974 200-1931 Mt Newton Cross Rd, Saanichton, BC PLAINTIFF Jones, Christopher CLAIM $ 5,225
DEFENDANT Goldstream Ventures LLP 1626 Garnet Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Boorman Investment Co Ltd CLAIM $ 25,025
DEFENDANT Pacific Bulldog Construction Ltd PO Box 424, Sooke, BC PLAINTIFF Pacific Coast Land Company Inc CLAIM $ 10,046
DEFENDANT Petes Homeworks Ltd 141 Engles Rd, Campbell River, BC PLAINTIFF Pioneer Home Hardware CLAIM $ 20,905 DEFENDANT Island Viking Holdings Ltd 1290 Ruffels Rd, Parksville, BC PLAINTIFF Sprinter Delivery Ltd CLAIM $ 2,420 DEFENDANT Equilibrium Massage Therapy 101-1121 Yates St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF David J Howes RMT CLAIM $ 25,176 DEEFENDANT Sand Dollar Enterprises Ltd 101-990 Cedar St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF DC Jensen Enterprises Ltd CLAIM $ 349,299
height adjustable desks encourage frequent posture changes to provide healthier and more productive work environments.
Š2013 Steelcase Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks used herein are the property of Steelcase Inc. or of their respective owners.
1751 Sean Heights Saanichton BC V8M 0B3 P. 250.544.3500 #104-335 Wesley St Nanaimo BC V9R 2T5 P. 250.741.8996 E.
reception. Ms. Touhey founded her own marketing consulting/ coaching company in the US in 1990 and continues to operate SmartBiz Strategy.
NORTH ISLAND Ace Hardware at 8775 Granville Street in Port Hardy is celebrating their 30th anniversary.
Two Eagles Lodge Bed and Breakfast is the recipient of the 2016 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence award. The award honours hospitality excellence, is given only to establishments that consistently achieve outstanding travelers reviews on TripAdvisor, and is extended to qualifying businesses worldwide.
The District of Port Hardy has created a new Tourism Advisory Committee. Donna Gault has been appointed Chair and Mike Kelly of Tides and Tales, Codfather Charters as a committee member. Hardy Buoys Smoked Fish Inc. owners Bruce and Carol Dirom have purchased the remainder of the North Island Mall, along with their son Dylan. They have now leased space to Setoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wok and Grill and donated space for the Port Hardy Rotary Club to use for their meetings.
professionals at 2701 Eden Street. Dr. Willem Prinsloo is pleased to announce he has moved his medical practice to Dogwood Medical Clinic at 191-B Dogwood Street.
The Port Hardy Lions Club and the Port Hardy Visitor Centre along with the Port Hardy Chamber of Commerce have partnered up to create additional community signage that would benefit travellers and locals when the Visitor Centre is open or closed.
The City of Campbell Riverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s deputy city manager and general manager of operations, Ron Neufeld has been recognized with a professional service award for excellence in leadership from the BC Local Government Management Association (LGMA).
Dr. Peter Fowler recently announced his retirement from active practice with Plastic Surgery Associates and introduced his replacement, Dr. Sol Gregory. Dr. Gregory is a board certified plastic surgeon and a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Western Financial Group welcomes Amie Underhill as their new branch manager in Campbell River at their Merecroft Village location. Studio 10 Hair and Esthetics welcomes back Angela to their team in the Tyee Plaza. Black Rooster Mercantile is celebrating their grand opening at 8667-C Island Highway in Black Creek. Tyee Chevrolet Buick GMC is pleased to welcome Nick Rose to their sales team at 570-13th Avenue. Campbell River Garden Club Tour is celebrating its 60th anniversary. Campbell River Hyundai welcomes Shane Loyer as their new Parts and Service Manager. Campbell River Hyundai is located at 1853 Meredith Road. Eden Street Salon and Day Spa welcomes Lash Extension Technician Charisse Lynn to their team of
COMOX VALLEY The downtown Courtenay Thrifty Foods store is moving into the former Safeway building at 17th and Cliffe later this year. The Courtenay Safeway store in Courtenay Crossing shopping centre closed over two years ago. Comox council has thrown its support behind a new liquor licence application for a new taphouse at 215 Church Street, the former site of a childcare centre, and is backed by Ben Davis, Chris Morrison, Adam Duncan and Craig Grant. The requested liquor licence, which still needs provincial approval, would have indoor and patio seating for 175 people. Manatee Holdings, a Comox Valley company that harvests geoduck clams and sea cucumbers, has been recognized by Engagement Multiplier
with its Committed to Engagement Award. The Buy Local Program, funded by the provincial government, is providing up to $27,525 to Courtenay cheese company Natural Pastures to help promote their cheeses in the Comox Valley. Natural Pastures produces artisan cheeses using local cow and water buffalo milk. Dr. Barb Fehlau of Intervention Plus Pain Clinic is pleased to announce the opening of her new clinic at 1736 England Avenue in Courtenay. Island Home Furniture at Unit 6-2966 Kilpatrick Avenue is changing their brand name to Ashley Homestore. Inglis Academy is now taking registration for the upcoming 201617 school year. They are registered with the BC Ministry of Education as an independent and non-profit school opening in the Comox Valley.
an outdoor patio for the Avalanche Bar and Grill. The bar and grill on Eighth Street wants to add 22 seats to its liquor licence for the outdoor addition.
Current Chiropractic and Sport Therapy is open now at their new location at 222 - 444 Lerwick Road in Courtenay.
For the second year in a row, Pacific Prime Restaurant at The Beach Club Resort in Parksville has earned an award of excellence from the Wine Spectator. Pacific Prime offers close to140 different wine labels and is one of only five restaurants on Vancouver Island to earn the Wine Spectator award distinction.
Jody Macdonald has been named the new executive director of the Comox Valley Community Foundation. The Comox Valley Recovery Centre recently celebrated their 40th anniversary with an open house. They are at 641 Menzies Avenue. Living Room Pharmacy is celebrating their 10th year of business. They are at 204--1530 Cliffe Avenue in Courtenay. The Comox Valley Small Business Association (SBA) presented Carolyn West-Price Touhey with their Small Business of the Year award at the organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual awards
Save-On-Foods at 818 Island Highway West in Parksville held the grand opening for their wine department in mid-July. The Parksville location is the eighth grocery store in the province to have wine on its shelves, but the first on Vancouver Island. Doug Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien is the second person to announce his candidacy for the SEE MOVERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AND SHAKERS | PAGE 36
Ashley Mangles has joined the Courtenay office of RBC Dominion Securities as an Investment Advisor. The Comox Valley Community Foundation is celebrating their 20th anniversary. Fountain Tire welcomes Dave Mcauliffe as the newest member of their team at 401 Puntledge Road in Courtenay.
SALES REPRESENTATIVE ώϹϏÍ&#x2DC;ϳϯϾÍ&#x2DC;ϯϾϏώ ĹľĹ?ĹŹÄ&#x17E;Î&#x203A;ĹŻÄ&#x201A;Ĺ?Ć&#x152;Ä&#x161;Ç Ĺ&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ä&#x201A;Ć&#x161;ŽŜÍ&#x2DC;Ä?Žž
Hinterland Studios, the creator of the video game â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Long Darkâ&#x20AC;?, is moving to new headquarters at 2706 Dunsmuir Avenue. Courtenay council has agreed to send a recommendation to the provincial liquor board to approve a license for
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vacant seat on Parksville city council. O’Brien has served on the Parksville OCP community advisory committee in 2012 and was the chair of the Parksville citizens advisory committee in 2008. The council seat was vacated by Al Grier. The French Creek Marine Pub is pleased to announce the opening of the newly renovated French Creek Harbour Grill at 1025 Lee Road. Arrowsmith Golf and Country Club is celebrating their 20th anniversary, at 2250 Fowler Road in Qualicum Beach.
PORT ALBERNI Castle Decks is celebrating their 30th anniversary. Their company owns and operates three different locations on the Island including locations in Port Alberni, Nanaimo and Parksville. Full of Beans Play Cafe is now open at 5016 Argyle Street. Port Alberni will soon have its own local brewery. Aaron Colyn will open Twin City Brewing in late 2016 or 2017 on the corner of Margaret Street and Southgate Road.
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Re/Max Mid-Island Realty welcomes Pauline Rice to their team of realtors. Mid-Island Realty is at 4213 Princess Road. The City of Port Alberni has announced the retirement of City engineer Guy Cicon, who has been the with the municipality since 1993. Curious Variety is a new store on Argyle Street that offers new and used clothing, household items, jewelry, trinkets and antiques. The shop is owned by Barb Egan. The City of Port Alberni has appointed Tim Pley as the new permanent Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). Tim has been acting manager for the city since January and has now formally taken over the position from Ken Watson, former city manager.
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Motivational speaker Michael Bortolotto ( is drawing rave reviews from his most recent presentation in St. Louis, to the Missouri APSE (Association of People Supporting Employment First). Based in Nanaimo, Michael is scheduled to speak at a major conference in South Carolina in the fall. Congratulations to Alex Dugan, President of Central Island Distributors, who brought his Nanaimo Sofa Kings club to the famous Snoopy’s Senior World Hockey Tournament in Santa Rosa, California in July. Dugan’s team went undefeated in regulation play against teams from Santa Rosa, CA (6-1 win), Collingwood, Ontario (2-0 win) and Thunder Bay, Ontario (3-3 tie, 4-3 Overtime loss) to capture the 60C Division in the prestigious tournament, started 41 years ago by cartoonist Charles Schulz, creator of “Peanuts”, featuring Charlie Brown, Snoopy and mates. It was the 13th Snoopy tournament that Dugan has played in. Ocean Discovery Centre board has formed, with the goal of establishing a world-class ocean centre in Nanaimo. Lorne Hildebrand is the president, and the organization is envisioning a centre where people can go to learn about oceans and the history of First Nations usage and respect of the oceans. Island Mediquip celebrated the grand opening of their new location at 2258 Dorman Road recently. Riverside Golf celebrates their 50th anniversary. The store is at 8250 Sabre Road in Lantzville. David Gray of Steve Marshall Ford and Kirsten Michieli of Nanaimo Toyota have been named the top salespeople for the month at their respective dealerships. The Stitcher’s Muse needle art has moved to a new location at 99 Commercial Street. Kendra Law Corp. is now open at 207 Milton Street. Little Miz Transporter has moved from 496 Bruce Avenue to 16 Fourteenth Street. Whispers Adult Superstore has opened their new location at 2149-B Bowen Road.
District of Lantzville councillors voted in favour of appointing Councillor Dot Neary to the Lantzville Woodlot Advisory Group, also known as LWAG.
On the wrap up day of this year’s Ukee Days celebration, the community voted for Ucluelet’s citizen, volunteer and business of the year award winners. This year’s voters named Marcel Midlane as top citizen, Geoff Lyons as top volunteer and Brian and Kathleen Congdon’s Subtidal Adventures and Gray Whale Deli as joint Businesses of the Year.
Nagaard Sawmill is celebrating their 50th anniversary, at 7349 Hector Road.
Marina West Hotel has been purchased by the Mill Bay Marine Group. Marina West is at 634 Campbell Street.
Mod Hair and Nail Studio has joined Neon Nail in their second located at 105-1825 Bowen Road and is now open for business. Recalma Law has moved from 210 Milton Street to 203-335 Wesley Street. Jennifer Bouchayar has taken over from Michael Macdonald as Corporate Grocery Merchandiser of Pomme Natural Markets.
Ucluelet’s former police chief Jeff Swann is stepping into a new position with the RCMP’s new Workplace Advisory Program. The program is designed to create and maintain positive relationships within detachments and the ranks of police departments. Sgt. Swann was voted in as one of two new Workplace Advisors on Vancouver Island.
Jaime Howden, a recent graduate from the Vancouver Island University Hairdressing Program, received the Lieutenant Governor’s Silver Medal during the recent convocation ceremony at the Port Theatre.
Barry Campbell was recently presented with Tofino’s first Volunteer Recognition Award.
Island Home Furniture, which also has locations in Campbell River and Courtenay,
Children’s Treehouse is moving from Commercial Street to Country Club Centre.
(iWOF) received a cheque for $6,800 this summer from Steve Marshall Ford Lincoln. The funds were raised under Lincoln’s Driven to Give program, a unique and exciting way to engage with the local community and support their fund-raising efforts on behalf of an orphanage in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Island Optimal Health and Moksha Yoga also helped out in the fundraising effort.
Johann van Rensburg, President of International Widows and Orphans Fund (iWOF) received a cheque for $6,800 this summer from Steve Marshall Ford Lincoln. From left, Chelsea McDonald of Steve Marshall, Dr. Kristen Butler of Island Optimal Health & Performance and Moksha Yoga, Johann Van Rensburg, and Jenna Epp and Emily Gates of the Steve Marshall promotions team. will be opening on September 1 at the Co-op on Bowen Road. Lowe’s will be celebrating their grand opening of their home improvement megastore in Nanaimo North Town Centre at the beginning of September. Landing Liquor Store at Brooks Landing is now open for business.
LADYSMITHCHEMAINUS Construction has begun on the Stz’uminus First Nation’s Oyster Bay community north of Ladysmith. The first phase of the development is a 10,000 square-foot office and retail building. The community is expected to have as many as 1,300 residents once the project is complete, and will include a Microtel hotel. Robson O’Connor Lawyers located in Ladysmith will be splitting their offices. The main location will be at 318-1st Avenue which is now being renovated, with the remaining two lawyers working from 22 High Street. The move is scheduled for the end of August. Heather Dunne was recently honoured as the BC Health Care Hero for Island Health. Dunne is the manager of Ladysmith Primary Health Care. She was awarded her Golden Apple at the BC Health Care Awards at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver recently. Riot Brewing in Chemainus Village Square will be opening for business in September. The Chemainus Valley Museum is celebrating their 25th anniversary. The occasion will be celebrated August 17 at the Waterwheel Plaza outside the museum. Cowichan Eyecare’s Chemainus location announces that Dr. Jesse Peterson has joined their team at 106 - 9844 Croft Street.
Left, Todd Britton, President of Bowl Canada presenting Proprietor of the Year award to Ray Brittain, owner of Nanaimo’s Brechin Lanes at Bowl Canada AGM in Niagara Falls. Ray is the first British Columbian to win the award
Three Nanaimo CPA students, Natasha Fedje, Caroline Read and Kyle Singbeil, passed the multi-day national Common Final Examination (CFE) written in May 2016. Dan Hurley is leaving Vancouver Island University to take on a new role at the Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific and United World Colleges (Canada), in Metchosin, near Victoria. In the new role he will serve as Vice President, Advancement and External Relations. Hilde Schlosar of the Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Centre has announced she will be retiring October 1. The Canadian Public Relations Society is hosting a Mid-Island Social on Wednesday, September 14th at Riso Foods Inc in Lantzville. Johann van Rensburg, President of International Widows and Orphans Fund
The Ladysmith Resources Centre Association welcomes Shirley Sloan as their new Seniors Coordinator. The LRCA Senior’s team wishes to welcome Kate Wilton as coordinator for the Seniors Information Sessions and for their newest program, the Seniors Coffee Drop-in.
COWICHAN VALLEY The Revy Auto Group has opened a new Nissan dealership in Duncan. The new dealership, which marks the first Nissan dealership in the Cowichan Valley since the 1980s, held its grand opening on July 9 at 439 Trans Canada Highway. Duncan’s new Forte School of Music held their grand opening July 15. Vicky Gamble, a music graduate from Toronto’s York University, opened her studio at 122 Station Street along with her business partners, Stephanie James and Christina Hoffman. Van Isle Windows is celebrating their 30th anniversary on Vancouver Island. The Happy Goat Cheese Company in Duncan will be receiving up to $5,000 from the province’s Buy Local Program. Guy and Kim Shockey welcome Nenagh McCulloch as the new owner of Modern Country Interiors which has been renamed Modern Coastal Interiors. It is at 5141 Polkey Road in Duncan.
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AUGUST 2016 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Vancouver Island Office 25 Cavan Street,Nanaimo, BC V9R 2T9 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: Website:
PUBLISHER/EDITOR | Lise MacDonald, SALES | Shawn Bishop –, Josh Higgins –, Joanne Iormetti – WRITERS | Julia MacDonald, John MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes WEBSITE | John MacDonald –
BUSINESS DEMONIZATION CONSISTENT IN THE MEDIA AND THE CLASSROOM It’s just an acknowledgement that the general naïveté about business and what it takes to operate a successful one is so MARK MACDONALD
hen was the last time we saw a positive depiction of a business or corporation on television or film – other than through a paid-for advertisement? T h e re’s c e r t a i n ly a l o t to choose from in terms of movies about “big business” being exposed for a problem, scandal, or both. That’s entertainment, one supposes, because good news is a tough sell to the marketplace. It would be a stretch to envision a lineup at the local theatre to watch a film “exposing” a company lending a helping hand, or reaching out to make a difference in the lives of the downtrodden. Roll through the Rolodex of your mind, and you could easily come up with at least a handful of scenes from movies about sma l l g roups of determ i ned
individuals digging in to oppose a development of some size or shape. The classic David vs. Goliath scenario is played out over and over again: It’s up to regular citizens to stand up to corporate behemoths whose sole goal is to, as Joni Mitchell put it: “Pave paradise and put up a parking lot.” It’s not much different in many schools, either pre- or post-secondary. That’s not surprising, either, as many teachers are, by and large, either union members or lack business experience. It would be more surprising if they could keep their personal views out of classes about business, or refrain from painting business as much of what is wrong with society. Corporate greed
is the obvious villain, students are often told. A good business education is worth its weight in gold, and young people today must have some type of post-high school degree in order to make a comfortable living for themselves. Students will learn important principles that can help them chart a clear path for the future. But students need to filter some of the perspectives they a re presented in the classroom, as pervasive, anti-business ideals can still be clenched and disseminated by well-meaning, but ill-informed teachers. Just because they teach about business doesn’t mean they’re successful operators themselves, or even understand all that is required to succeed in the business world. Even in the political sphere, there’s nary a politician who will run on a real “pro-business” platform, knowing that business owner/operators comprise a small fraction of those who actually cast votes. It’s much more politically palpable to espouse job creation under the banner of economic development than to suggest that incentives to encourage people to invest and build companies are necessary to spur growth in the economy. It’s also interesting to watch
pol iticia ns a nd the med ia demonize certain businesses to make them look “evil”. Think “sin taxes” like alcohol, cigarettes and now, anything oil and gas-related. It’s like a mini-war, where the worst of the opponent is magnified to justify financial attacks on a particular sector. While it may just be a clever way of extracting more revenue from companies, these levies can come across as punishment, and therefore necessary, helping the collective good. The standard political mindset is something like this: Business is a “necessary evil”, but should be supported only because it creates jobs. But they sure should be taxed, because, after all, anyone in business is rolling in dough and can simply pluck fifties and hundreds off the money tree in their backyard. Successful businesses spend a lot of money on advertising and promotion to craft and sustain their image. They must, as the mainstream media isn’t going to offer them any freebies in case they appear like they’re being “bought”, other than to note they’ve opened their doors or offer some type of out-of-theordinary, story-worthy product or service. This is certainly not to suggest that the media’s
mandate is to primp business. It’s just an acknowledgement that the general naïveté about business and what it takes to operate a successful one is so widespread. Recently, I attended a Fraser Institute forum aimed at educating journalists from across the country about how to report on economics. It was interesting, compelling and invigorating. And at the same time, it was shocking. It was easy to tell that most of those attending held strong opinions like those expressed above, and clearly were hearing some important economic truths for perhaps the first time. Even though they had undoubtedly written about the economy many times prior to the seminar. The purpose of the event was to educate writers in hopes of having more accurate depictions of economic principles, trends and analyses in the media, and one hopes it is successful in that regard. That would be a good starting point. Maybe that would get the attention of the movie industry. But maybe they don’t want to tell the other side of the story. That is, that business is a vital, integral, important part of our society, and there are plenty of good stories to tell, if one wants to.
usiness Examiner Vancouver Island welcomes Roger McKinnon to our team of contributors. Roger has over 40 years experience in the real estate industry and other business operations across Vancouver Island, and is well known for his candid opinions. Ask literally every business owner, builder or developer about the attitude towards business from Vancouver Island bureaucrats and you will hear things like “We can’t do that,” “No, that’s not possible,” or just collective groans from the front counters of city halls. W hy a re ma ny a reas on
Vancouver Island not growing at the pace they should? The answer is simple: Most regions of the Island are not very business friendly, and bureaucracies and rules are out of control. An example of a ‘Yes’ attitude and how to eliminate red tape is Langford, which is one of the fastest growing cities in BC. Not too many years ago it was nicknamed “Dogpatch”, but you can’t say that now, as they have grown by 26 per cent since 2001 and are projected to double their growth by 2026. They will be getting close to the population of Victoria! Here is a quick overview of some of the major things Mayor Stew Young, council and staff of Langford has done to get growth going at a record rate and build a healthy city with a live, work, and play balance. ■ Rezoning applications in less than 3 months. Compare that to most cities of 6 months to 2 years. ■ 2 day residential building permit approval. ■ Development Permit processing in 30 days: guaranteed in
most cases. ■ Deferring Public Hearing Fees: A “pay as you go” approach allows fee payments immediately prior to a Public Hearing. No hearing, no fee. ■ Landscaping bonding has been reduced from 125 to 100 per cent. Landscaping checks will be completed within 48 hours of notification, and bonds returned within two weeks - not like 2 years in most other cities. ■ Subdivision Statements of Conditions (also known as ‘preliminary layout approvals’ or PLAs) can be issued within 45 days of a subdivision application. Previously they took up to six months or more to be issued. ■ New regulations keep coming to further remove construction and planning barriers. This quick list offers huge incentives to business, developers, builders, and taxpayers. Also, Langford has not raised taxes for over 10 years. Langford actually proactively engages with, and creates relationships with developers and
builders, and “gets” the Supply and Demand rule of law. The principle of supply and demand is common sense. If we want reasonable housing prices, then slow demand by creating more supply. Most regions on the Island do the exact opposite, and create more red tape, by-laws, fees, and even more confusing interpretations of building inspections, which are a developer’s nightmare. Langford has a very different approach to creating relationships with business and is a contrast to many other communities, which add time and extra costs to developments - which in turn raises prices due to slow processing time and extra red tape. The added hassle of trying to work with municipal and/or city leadership has led developers to choose not to work in certain cities. It’s just too much hassle. Local governments need to turn the prevailing “No” attitude into a “Yes” if they really want to get on top of affordable housing and sustainable growth.
Some people th i n k it’s not good to g row, a nd that they s h o u l d j u s t s t a y t h e s a m e. My arg ument to this is simple: Cities and municipalities need to grow. It is the basic rule of economics. . .it is why we call it economic growth, not economic-stay-the-same. This “No” attitude kills growth by frustrating business leaders to go elsewhere, and in the end, when we need more services, taxes go up to cover the shortfall. Red tape laden bureaucracy gets in the way and slows things down, creating peaks and valleys in housing pricing, inflation and worst of all, stops development opportunities altogether. A “Can-Do” attitude can change that from both sides. Business leaders can create groups to help open better lines of communication, and elected leaders can actually lead, and not just be led by senior staff.
Roger McKinnon can be reached at
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copyright does not apply
New issues in copyright law
to historical facts, such as
opyright law often includes a consideration of a “balancing the rights”, usually balancing the r ig hts of content u sers a nd the rights of content creators. Some recent court decisions i l lu st rate how t h i s “ ba l a ncing” takes place and explore some new issues in copyright law. Maltz v. Witterick (a decision issued by the Federal Court of Canada in May 2016) relates to balancing rights as between two competing content creators. A w riter by the na me of Jennifer Witterick was “inspi red” to w r ite a f ict ion a l novel a f ter v iew i ng a documenta r y produced by Ma ltz and some others regarding the life of Francizska Halamajowa and her daughter Helena, who hid three Jewish families when t he G er m a n a r my o ccupied Pola nd du ri ng the Second World War. Upon becoming aware of the novel, Maltz noted a number o f f a c t u a l s i m i l a r i t i e s b etween the docu menta ry a nd t he novel , a nd c om m enc e d a n action for copy right
the German occupation of Poland during the Second World War
Michael Cooper and Doug Thompson of ThompsonCooper LLP infringement against the author Witterick and the author’s publisher. By way of backg rou nd, the Cou r t s h ave lon g held t h at copy rig ht does not apply to h istorica l facts, such as the German occupation of Poland during the Second World War. T he Ju d ge i n M a lt z v. W itter ick note d t h at t he novel wa s a f ict ion a l stor y a i med at you n g re ad ers a nd h ad a much different “feel” than the documentary. T he only thing that had been taken were some factual underpinnings for the story. Counsel for Maltz argued that there was a difference between
historical facts in which no one can own copyright and “small facts” drawn from diary entries relati ng to events on a particular date. In concluding that the writer Witterick’s use of some actual facts f rom t he l i fe of H a l amajowa did not amount to infringement, the Judge made a finding that facts are facts and no one owns copyright in them no matter what their relative size or significance. A second case, G eophysica l S e r v i c e s In c o r p o ra t e d v. E n c a n a e t a l (a d e c i s i o n o f the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench in April 2016) relates to balancing rights as between
content creators a nd publ ic authorities. Geophysical Services Incorporated (GSI) was in the business of selling seismic data. T his seismic data was filed with a government board pursuant to a regulatory regime establ i shed u nder t he Ca nada Petroleum Resources Act (CPR A). A f ter a p er io d of 5 yea rs, t he seism ic d ata was made available to the public by the board. GSI commenced a lega l act ion for copy r ig ht infringement against Encana a nd m a ny ot her compa n ie s that were ma k i ng use of the sei sm ic d ata w it hout G SI’s permission. T he Jud ge con f i r med t h at G SI ow ned copy r ig ht i n its sei sm ic d ata , b ut held t h at to the extent that the regulatory regime of the CPRA conflicts with the Copyright Act, the CPR A regulatory regime prevails. T he wording of the CPR A, properly interpreted, allows for disclosure without restriction after a defined period of time. It is a complete and specific code that applies to all oil and gas information in the offshore a nd frontier la nds, i nclu d i n g sei sm ic d at a . It s provisions supplant any more general pieces of legislation, such as the Copyright Act.
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