Business Examiner Victoria - October 2016

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VICTORIA Victoria’s Pine Lighting specializes in all things related to commercial and residential lighting



Mayfair Shopping Centre Launching Major Expansion Project PAGE 12

$72 Million Project Will Add 100,000 Square Feet Of New Shopping Space



Patterson & Kaercher Construction has served the region since 1983



INDEX New Update


West Shore


Greater Victoria






Saanich Peninsula


Who is Suing Whom 36 Movers and Shakers 38 Opinion




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ICTORIA – It’s called Project 2018, and when completed in two years will see Victoria’s most iconic shopping mall, the Mayfair Shopping Centre, expanded by 100,000 square feet. T he $72 million expansion will see the Centre increase its physical footprint and add dramatically to its list of tenants. “The expansion is going to be adding 85,000 square feet to the existing building, having said that the additional square footage that we’ll be able to lease to retailers is actually 100,000 square feet because we’re going to change things up a little bit inside as well,� explained Laura Poland, Mayfair’s General Manager. M ay fa i r’s ow ner, Ivanhoe Cambridge (which also owns the Woodgrove Shopping Centre in Nanaimo) states that the development work will increase Mayfair’s overall square footage to more than 554,000, once the project wraps up in the fall of 2018. “With this strategic

investment, we support Mayfair’s dominant market position on Vancouver Island,� stated Ivanhoe Cambridge’s Claude

Sirois in a media release. “Not only will this project increase the centre’s offering but it will also bring changes that

will go a long way in meeting our customers’ high expectations of SEE MAYFAIR | PAGE 11

Sidney Gateway Project Passes Another Hurdle Mixed-Used Project Expected To Be Ready For Tenants In 2019 BY DAVID HOLMES

S Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240

The construction project is being overseen by PCL Contractors and could create as many as 500 jobs

IDNEY – With its ground breaking scheduled for next spring, and with an opening slated for 2019, the Sidney Gateway project will extend and connect the Town of Sidney’s retail and professional services mix to both sides of the highway.

Being developed by Omicron, one of Western Canada’s largest and most innovative integrated development services, design and construction companies, Sidney Gateway will feature more than 100,000 square feet of mixed used shopping and community services, constructed on a ten acre parcel abutting the Victoria


International Airport. “Sidney Gateway is what we term a full service centre. In this case the final design will be between 100,000 and 105,000 square feet of mixed service and retail use,� explained Peter Laughlin, Omicron’s Director for Vancouver Island. “While some of the projects we

do involve a residential component, that won’t be the case with Sidney Gateway due to its proximity to the airport, so residences wouldn’t be appropriate in this location.� Omicron was founded in 1998 by a group of professionals who SEE SIDNEY GATEWAY | PAGE 15

Time for a new copier? Finally had it with your business equipment? 4IRED OF CALLING YOU HOLD





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Urban Solar awarded transit project

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Urban Solar has been awarded a contract to supply solar powered LED lighting systems to Intercity Transit. Intercity Transit, Thurston County’s public transportation provider, sees a high demand for its services. In 2015 it logged nearly 4.3 million passenger boarding’s on its fixed route service. To support this growing demand, it continues to install high quality, ruggedized solar lighting equipment and recently searched for a new supply. Urban Solar won top pick with its focus on solar LED solutions for the transportation industry. ”Urba n Sola r’s tech nolog y, wh ich adapts to our short, overcast winter days in the South Puget Sound area, offers a remarkable and reliable product that enhances the safety of our passengers and improves the visibility of our operators,” rema rked Jeff Brewster, Intercity T ransit’s communications manager. “We are excited about maintaining our relationship.” Intercity Transit is a municipal corporation that provides public transportation for people working or living i n Oly mpi a, L acey, T u mwater, a nd Yelm, which is an area of approximately 94 square miles south of Seattle. It operates 25 bus routes, a door-to-door service for people w ith disabilities, a va npool progra m, specia l ized va n programs, and is active in community partnerships.

VICTORIA Victoria Real Estate still breaking records

Your business is our highest priority We’re about making your business better with competitive pricing and customized service.


A total of 883 properties sold in the Victoria Real Estate Board region this Aug ust, an increase of 19.2 per cent compared to the 741 properties sold in August last year. “August is a record breaker in more than one way. For the sixth consecutive month, we have a sales record with more sales than any other month of August on record,” says Mike Nugent, 2016 President of the Board. “We also have the lowest number of listings available for sale in an August than we’ve seen in the last twenty years. That lack of inventory will continue to put pressure on pricing. Sales would be even higher were there more inventory available for buyers to purchase. Regardless of the low inventory, it’s safe to say that by mid-September we will have surpassed the number of sales for all of 2015, with four months remaining in the year.” Inventory levels remain lower than last year, with 2,094 active listings for sale on the Victoria Real Estate Board Multiple Listing Service at the end of August 2016, 43.2 per cent fewer than the 3,688 active listings at the end of August 2015. The Multiple Listing Service Home Price Index benchmark value for a single family home in the Victoria Core in August, 2015 was $603,200. The benchmark value for the same home in August 2016 has increased by 23.8 per cent to


BC FortisBC approved to modify natural gas rates FortisBC has received approval from the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to modify natural gas rates. Beginning October 1, 2016 customers will see changes to their bill. “Natural gas prices have risen since spring 2016. The hotter-than-normal summer, for most of Canada and the US, has resulted in higher-than-expected conti nenta l dema nd for electricity, wh ich is often generated by natu ra l gas,” said Dennis Swanson, vice president of energ y supply for FortisBC. “This, combined with a slowdown in natural gas production, has led to an increase in prices during the past few months.” “Despite this, natural gas prices are still near their lowest levels in a decade. As we approach the winter heating season, we encourage our customers to continue using energy wisely, to help keep costs down”. Ever y t h ree mont hs, For t isBC reviews natural gas and propane cost of gas rates with the BCUC to make sure rates passed on to customers cover the cost of purchasing the gas on their behalf. Factors affecting the market price of natural gas and propane in North America include weather, supply and demand and economic conditions. Propane prices are also influenced by global oil markets. The majority of natural gas customers will see an increase to their cost of gas rate of $0.909 per gigajoule (GJ), meaning the cost of gas rate will change from $1.141 /GJ to $2.050/GJ. T hese changes will result in an increase of approximately $82 annually for residential customers, based on the average use of 90 GJ per year. Customer Choice program participants will not be affected by changes to the cost of gas rate.

VICTORIA Local company announces strategic agreement with Globalstar Carmanah Technologies Corporation has announced a strategic agreement w ith Globalstar Inc. Ca rma na h w i l l collaborate on the design and manufacturing of new solar powered M2M satellite solutions for Globalstar as well as selecting the Globalstar low earth orbiting satellite constellation for remote connectivity of all strategic Carmanah products. The Agreement includes a multi-year supply agreement that will have Carmanah design, develop, and supply the next generation of Globalstar devices incorporating solar power charging capabilities. The introduction of solar technology will support longer battery life as well as support a significant increase in data transmission capability on a device by device basis. SEE NEWS UPDATE | PAGE 3




Ca rma na h produces a portfol io of products focused on energy optimized L E D a n d s ol a r te c h n ol o g i e s . Ca rmanah’s product portfolio also includes industrial and commercial solar powered outdoor LED lighting systems, and solar on and off-grid power generation systems.

BC Steelhead LNG and Seven Generations Energy forge partnership A new development agreement announced today between Steelhead LNG a nd Seven G enerations Energy Ltd. sets the stage for engaging Aboriginal groups and com mu n ities as the two companies explore the development of new midstream infrastructure to support Steelhead LNG’s proposed natural gas liquefaction and export projects on Vancouver Island. T he a r ra ngement, t h rou g h wh ich Seven Generations has also acquired a minority interest in Steelhead LNG, is expected to provide potential new markets for Seven Generations’ production as well as increased certainty of natural gas supply for Steelhead LNG. “This partnership formed by Steelhead LNG and Seven Generations Energy is a n exa mple of Ca nad ia n compa n ies working together in innovative ways to deliver Western Canadian natural

gas to market, which benefits not only British Columbians and Albertans, but all Canadians,” said Rich Coleman, BC Minister of Natural Gas Development. Steelhead LNG is a Vancouver-based energy company focused on LNG project development in British Columbia. Seven Generations is a low-supplycost, h igh-grow th Canad ian natu ral gas developer generating long-life value from its liquids-rich Kakwa River Project, located about 100 kilometres south of its operations headquarters in Grande Prairie, Alberta. 7G’s corporate headquarters are in Calgary and its shares trade on the TSX under the symbol VII.

VICTORIA Council approves Cannabis Bylaw City Cou nci l recent ly approved the Cannabis-Related Business Regulation Bylaw which includes rezoning a nd bu si ness l icence requ i rements for med ica l ca n nabis busi nesses i n V ic tor i a . T he new re g u l at ion s a re desig ned to reduce i mpacts on t he community while maintaining access to medical cannabis. Under the new bylaw, all retail businesses where medical cannabis is sold or provided to a person who visits the premises is considered a “storefront cannabis retailer.” All storefront cannabis retailers are now required to be rezoned for th is use a nd to obta i n a business licence. Some of the rezoning requirements

include a 200-metre distance between retailers, as well as between retailers and a school. Applications will now be accepted, however a business licence will not be issued until the rezoning is approved. The fees for a rezoning application and business licence are $7,500 and $5,000 respectively. Storefront ca n nabis reta i lers that bega n operation a f ter Ju ly 28, 2016 must comply with the new regulations immediately, meaning these businesses cannot operate until their rezoning application has been approved by City Council. Storefront cannabis retailers that were in operation prior to July 28, 2016 may continue to operate while making progress towards a rezon i ng, however they must comply w ith operationa l requ i rements i mmediately. These include no cannabis consumption on premises, operating hours restricted to 7 am – 8 pm, and a maximum of two display signs without any images. Cannabis-related businesses are those where cannabis is promoted, advocated, paraphernalia used in the consumption of cannabis is sold or provided, and where cannabis may or may not be stored on site. Cannabis-related businesses in Victoria are only required to apply for a business licence. A rezoning is not required. The business licence fee is $5,000 where cannabis is stored onsite, and $500 where it is not. Information about the new regulations and requirements is available on the City’s website and businesses are encouraged to meet with City staff in advance of submitting a rezoning application. The rezoning process takes

approximately six to eight months to complete. The City will begin processing rezoning applications in December once additional staffing is in place.

VICTORIA DND issues tender for jetties The Department of National Defence has issued a $72-million tender as one phase of a project to replace two existing jetties at the Canadian Forces Base in Esquimalt. T he project has a budget tota l l i ng $781-m i l l ion, a n i ncrea se f rom t he $430-million to $530-million estimated when the project was a n nou nced i n 2013. Construction to replace both the jetties is projected to create about 1,400 jobs over the course of the work. The tender issued involves demolition of the existing B-jetty at Dockyard and site preparation. Future work will include the rebuilding of B-jetty, constructed of concrete and steel piles, followed by the demolition and rebuilding of A-jetty. Each jetty is projected to take 18 to 24 months to complete. The jetties are used for berthing warships leaving or returning from missions at sea. T he existing jetties were constructed of treated wood in the 1940s and are now too short and narrow. The new jetties will be longer and better suited to accommodate the modern ships that will be added to the Pacific Fleet under the federal government’s shipbuilding procurement strategy.

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y the time you read this, voting will have closed for the Best of the West Shore 2016. If last year is anything to go on, we expect a wide spectrum of votes across the spread of 8 favourite community places and 32 business categories. The 40 categories range from “Best Place to Take an Out-of-Town Visitor” to the favourite “Best Restaurant.” New categories this year include “Best Place for Eye Care” and “Best Tech/ IT Business.” Once the voting closes, there is a feverish tallying and cross-checking that takes place so that we can confirm which organizations/locations have been voted into the



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their doors in 1977. Peninsula Co-op currently has approximately 85,000 active member-owners. In 2015 $5.5 million in rebate cheques were given out and in addition Peninsula Co-op donated in excess of $370,000 to over 250 local charities, organizations, youth groups, student scholarships and community projects. While I don’t have space here to acknowledge all of our sponsors please go to to learn more about the 12 (and climbing) businesses and organization who are supporting the 2016 Best of the West Shore Awards – with our thanks. This all culminates in an Awards dinner which will take place this year at Olympic View Golf Club on October 26th. Tickets will sell out fast, so if you’re interested please get in touch! Julie Lawlor is the Executive Director at the WestShore Chamber of Commerce. You can reach her at 250478-1130 or jlawlor@


Proud to be supporting BC's beverage industry for over 30 years Full turnkey Distillery equipment design & manufacture

top 3 before we start making our 100+ phone calls at the beginning of October. It is one of my favourite times of the year, because business owners and managers are invariably thrilled to hear that their customers have voted for them. Mitzi Dean of Pacific Centre Family Services Association, whose Skookum Café won the 2015 First Place for “Best Independent Coffee Shop” says of the Awards that “together we are building community not just economically but also as a community. The spotlight shines on businesses that are actually supporting the building of community in the West Shore.” One of these supportive businesses is our Title Sponsor Peninsula Co-op, a Vancouver Island based co-operative who has supported the Chamber Awards over the last four years. Being entirely locally owned, Peninsula Co-op shares their profits with their member-owners, their community and their staff, which has been a part of their philanthropy since they opened



or many of us and for our employees a good portion of the day is filled with sitting. Sitting at our desks, in meetings, driving to work and even in our lunch hour. So how can we or should we even make changes in the workplace to support our employees in achieving moving more and being less sedentary? Add to that the improvements in technology and many jobs have become even more sedentary then in the past. CBC’s The Current did a segment a while back called; Sitting too long is making us sick: How to combat sitting disease. Some of the diseases cited

as being impacted by our “sitting disease” at work are diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. As employers we don’t want to lose productivity, so how can we help incorporate activity and get our employees moving? What about Recess?! We have it in school for exactly the same reason, get our kids moving in between their times at the desk. Dr. Toni Yancey, author of Instant Recess, along with Portland Oregon’s footwear manufacturer Keen Inc. created a Recess is Back campaign, which helps companies in the States come up with a plan to build a recess benefit for employees as part of their overall benefits package. I would suggest that in addition to the obvious health benefits, getting away from our desks on a regular basis will also help stimulate new thoughts and promote creativity. One of the things I did for our company is to have a n occa sion a l wa l k i ng

meeting. We spent the time outdoors, brainstormed on an issue we were trying to resolve and all felt much better for it. And while it would be nice to be able to give our employe e s d e s k s w it h treadmills, changes can b e sm a l l a nd f u n , a nd don’t need to take a chunk out of our budgets. Think jump ropes, hula hoops, or hacky sack balls. Bring someone into the office to offer a half hour Chair Yoga session. Looking for more ideas, check out Dr. Yancey’s website, http://www. html As an employer, our staff are the most valuable asset we have, so ensuring we support them in staying healthy is a great return on investment. And now it is time for me to take my recess break. Christine is with Chemistry Consulting and can be reached at c.willow@



ISLAND BUSINESS SUPPORTING LOCAL COMPANIES CREATES WIN-WIN “We like the idea of Increase In Volume And New Shipping Options Puts Company On Learning Curve


ICTORIA - In December of last year, Centurion Lumber and its subsidiary, Jerry’s Transport (JT), began service with DP World and Nanaimo’s Port Authority. T he partnership has not only paralleled an increase in business for JT, but also given the company a stronger competitive edge. “With the amount of product going off the island, we felt that whether it was our own lumber, processed products from other manufacturers, or lumber we receive from other companies, using the barge service gives us a market advantage,” said John Gillis, vice president of sales and business development, “especially as we are filling and moving more containers from Chemainus to Vancouver.” With the increased volume and new shipping methods, Gillis said the company is on a sharp learning curve. As recent customers, he added that DP World has been f lexible and accommodating while they learn the ropes. “It’s different where reservation

businesses getting together to create working relationships with other local companies,” he said. “Although I only live here part time I get a strong sense of Island pride.” He added that Centurion sees itself as customers of DP World, as well as service providers for some of the big companies on the island like Western Forest Products that use DP World’s facilities and services. “We’re facilitating the movement of other companies’ cargo, providing a valuable and competitive product. When we get good service from DP World, that gets passed down to our customers.” Doman added that the opportunities for cost savings and improved efficiencies can be seen throughout a container’s cycle, from bringing products to the Island that will be consumed on the Island, to filling the containers with product made here to be transported to a global market. Utilizing the barge service at Duke Point has brought new opportunities to Centurion, but for Gillis it’s not a one-sided win. “We support DP World, not only for the services they provide, but because we want them to succeed. After all, when island business supports island business, everyone benefits.”

island businesses getting together to create working relationships with other local companies.” JOHN GILLIS VICE PRESIDENT OF SALES AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, CENTURION LUMBER

windows have restrictive and punitive (or potentially costly) penalties.” Centurion is a third generation family-run business which markets a wide variety of building and speciality products produced at their own facilities in Chemainus and provided by key suppliers. On the Island since 1968, Centurion was created by Gordie Doman. Today, it employs Gordie’s grandsons Jaron and Gordon who act as general managers of transportation and freight, and granddaughter, Denesha, who currently works in the office taking care of export documentation as well as learning the ropes of running a successful company. A lthough its orig i ns a nd head office are on the Island,

Jaron Doman and his brother Gordon are general managers of transportation and freight in a long-time, family run island business CREDIT:CENTURION LUMBER

Centurion also has a mill in Kamloops, which manufactures plywood, among other things, that is shipped to customers on the Island. Between the two facilities, the company employs more than 100 people. “We remanufacture and kiln dry lumber at our Chemainus facility,” said Jaron Doman, general manager of transportation. “We also have several trucks and an assortment of trailers to transport all types of forest products like finished lumber,

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rough lumber in need of further processing, and currently the transporting of cedar blocks that will be going overseas for further remanufacturing.” Gillis pointed out that although DP World is relatively new to the Island, (it was introduced to Duke Point by the Nanaimo Port Authority in 2012), it has employed local people to run the facility, individuals that know the Island and its people and are easy to work with. “We like the idea of Island

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WASTEWATER TREATMENT MOVING FORWARD! The next step is to lock down the federal and provincial funding



h e t re at m e nt of s e wage within Greater Victoria has been stud ied and debated ad nauseam, with countless interventions from wel l-i ntent ioned com mu nity and activist groups, along w ith i ndustry, busi ness a nd labour leaders. Millions have been spent, years have slipped by, and hundreds of millions of dol la rs of sen ior government contributions have been left hanging. But on September 14th, we appea r to have made a big step forward, with the Capital Regional District Board approving the recomm e n d a t i o n s f ro m t h e C o re A rea Wastewater T reatment Project Board. T he P roject B oa rd recommended a single tertiary t re at ment pl a nt b e lo c ate d

at the McLoughlin Point site in Esquimalt and that sludge be piped for processi ng a nd storage at Ha rtla nd la nd fi l l in Saanich. T he plan anticipates an integrated resource ma nagement solution i n the future and provides $2 million to study a proposa l by Colwood for a sepa rate wa stewater treatment proposal in that community. The Project Boa rd est i m ates t he cost of the approved plan to be $765 million. The Chamber has advocated for a solution that will protect our reputation as a city, be the lowest possible cost for taxpayers, have the least impact p o ss i ble on b u s i ne ss a nd … that w i l l be completed! T he approved plan looks like it is the option that is best able to achieve the first three objectives. The remaining concern is making sure that the project remains focused and achieves t he complet ion de ad l i ne of December 31st, 2020. We a re st i l l at t he sta r t of the project with a short time frame and a commitment to a specific budget. The Chamber takes hope from the fact that the Project Board, which has delivered what it has promised each step of the way so far, is

OCTOBER CHAMBER EVENTS ■ Thursday, October 13 Prodigy Group Mingle 5 pm to 7 pm - Yuk Yuk’s Victoria ■ Tuesday, October 18 Small Business Week: Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction Noon to 1:30 pm - Victoria Marriott Inner Harbour ■ Tuesday, October 18 Sm a l l B u si ness We ek: Hired, now what? Benefits of Onboarding your New Employee 2 pm to 4 pm - T he

staying on to drive the project and provide oversight through to completion. The next step is to lock down t h e fe d e ra l a n d p ro v i n c i a l f u nd i n g. Jon at h a n W i l k i nson, Parliamentary Secretary for t he M i n i s ter of t he E nvironment, was unequivocal i n h i s sp eech to a Ch a mb er audience September 13th, that if the plan was not approved a nd subm itted before t he

Chamber ■ Wednesday, October 19 Fall Marketplace Mixer 4 pm to 7 pm - Comfort Hotel & Conference Centre ■ Thursday, October 20 Small Business Week: Networking for Success 2 pm to 4 pm - T he Chamber ■ Wednesday, October 26 T.U.R.N. Up Your Social Customer Service 2 pm to 4 pm - T he Chamber

September 30th deadline, the federal funding would go elsewhere. Given the good news on September 14th, I’m confident the funding will be ours. Catherine Holt is the CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at 250-383-7191 or CEO@ www.

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ecently the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce ended its municipal government mandated economic development obligations by cancelling its Community Services Agreement with the District of Sooke in order to become more autonomous and refocus its efforts on its members. The Chamber Board of Directors

does not expect the next couple of years to be easy but we believe it was the right thing to do for our business community and for Sooke. Being the slice of pa rad ise it is a nd with plans of opening up access to the waterfront, Sooke is poised to become the next coveted seaside town. With its renewed concentration on its members and the needs of the business community, the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce pledges to assist businesses in preparing for the boon. The Chamber has already begun delivering upon its new direction with its first Business Breakfast, well attended by the business community and featuring guest speaker, the CAO of

Sooke, Ms. Teresa Sullivan. Although no longer contractually working together, the Chamber looks forward to working with Ms. Sullivan, Mayor Tait and Council, on economic development initiatives beneficial to our business community. Some additional plans for the balance of the year include workshops, member-to-member discounts, and an All Sooke Staff holiday party. We look forward to reconnecting with our members and becoming the goto resource they can depend on.



s one of t he newest board memb ers of Think Local First I am excited to be a part of what business ow ners ca n accompl i sh when w e w o r k t o g e t her. For example, we are able to take adva nta ge of med i a opportunities that independently, none of us would be able to afford. We host social events where business owners are reminded how easy it is to support each other. These events also make it easy for neighbouring business owners to get to know one another. We recently participated i n Ca r


LIVE THE LIFE. Canada’s finest urban resort community.

Kerry Cavers is the president of the Sooke Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at the Chamber office at 250-642-6112.

MORE CONSUMERS SHOP LOCAL Free Day downtown where we got ou r message of “Think Local First” out to all the people who pa r ticipated. O u r AGM in the lobby of the Atrium Building hosted nearly 200 local owners and managers. In June, White Hall Rowing hosted o u r s pr i n g m i x e r w h e re m o re t h a n 70 members were in attendance. A ll these events allow business owners to network with other business owners. T he momentu m a rou nd the city is s h i f t i n g a s c o nsumers realize how valuable it is to shop lo c a l . O u r T h i n k Local Rewards Card now has over 30 bu si nesses where you can earn merits to be redeemed at a ny pa r t icipati ng l o c a t i o n fo r f r e e items or gift cards. In addition, many of these businesses offer punch cards for free products at their stores. For example, T he Dutch Bakery and Diner of fers punch cards for cake purchases which can then be used towards any product.


For more i nfor m at ion, v isit thinklocalvictoria. c om a nd cl ick on T LF rewards for a list of participating businesses. We hope that as the awareness about this program increases, more consumers will consider shopping local. As the shift in local shopping continues, we want to encourage more businesses to join us. Many of these business would not still be around if it wasn’t for our loyal customers. We want to stay in business for many more years and need your help to do that. The Dutch Bakery and Diner celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. It’s thanks to our customers that we are able to do this. We hope to continue to spread the word about how valuable it is to shop local and encourage our customers to support fellow Think Local First businesses. Michele Byrne is Co Owner of the Dutch Bakery and Diner and TLF Board Member.

AN UNPARALLELED RESORT LIFESTYLE. Life here offers residents the best of both worlds; an idyllic natural setting only minutes from the allure of Victoria. The resort weaves its way flawlessly between the rolling fairways of its Nicklaus Design Golf Courses and The Westin Bear Mountain Victoria Golf Resort & Spa. Both Cycling Canada and Golf Canada call Bear Mountain home, and you can too.




















o you get confused by how retailer discount codes and coupons work? You’re not alone – retailers themselves spend a ton of time and energy figuring out solutions for managing discount and promotional fulfillment systems. That’s soon to change if local startup Giftbit has anything to say about it. Starting out as Kiind, a gift card marketplace, the renamed Giftbit has put its focus squarely on enabling merchants to create their own custom “currency.” This can include everything from managing refund credits, right through to creating their own gift cards or promos codes. W hat’s more, unlike many of the awkward current solutions, Giftbits “currency” works both in traditional retail stores as well as through companies’ ecommerce sites.

As a tool managed through the web, companies are not limited to traditional physical distribution. For instance, a sales rep at a trade show could create a new promo code right from their phone to give to an exciting new prospect. Giftbit’s development has been strongly supported by the $2 million seed funding round they closed in February, allowing the team to expand to 18 staff here in Victoria. Giftbit was founded (as Kiind) here in Victoria by Leif Baradoy and Peter Locke, with Baradoy bringing the original idea and inspiration and Locke providing the technical expertise to make it happen. In September at Disrupt San Francisco 2016, Giftbit announced it was moving its private beta offering into a publicly available beta testing. Giftbit is operating as a SaaS (software as a service) offering and provides 1000 active codes for $90 per month, which can be used as gift cards, credits or promos, with each additional 1000 codes costing $15 per month. More information about Giftbit can be found at Rob Cooper is a Director at VIATeC and founder of PlusROI Online Marketing, a web development & marketing firm. He can be reached at





hen it comes to the sewage treatment issue in Esquimalt, I can’t help but quote former New York Yankees all-star catcher, Yogi Berra, “It’s like déjà vu all over again”. R e m e m b e r b a c k i n 2 01 4 when Council voted against the zoning amendments contained in bylaw 2805 and then confidently declared the issue of a sewage treatment plant on McLoughlin Point was over? During that debate Council cla i med tech n ica l criteria such as lot coverage, setbacks, climate change and tsunami threats made it impossible for it to pass the bylaw. In reality Council was doing what politicians do - namely follow the

“will of the electorate”, especially when that electorate was soon to be marking their ballots. So it was more than just a little amusing to attend the S e p t e m b e r 19 E s q u i m a l t Council meeting and listen to many of those same politicians claim that those technical criteria were now being addressed and as such, “the new a nd i mproved pl a nt” on the last piece of vacant waterfront property in the ent ra nce to Victor i a h a rb ou r i s act u a l ly a v ictor y for Esquimalt residents and businesses. Such spin doctoring would make even Donald Trump’s media advisors blush. While it is true the criteri a t h at c au sed t he z on i n g amendments to be defeated two years ago have been addressed, it is also true that the plant no one wanted on the waterfront will be built a nd Cou nci l now has ver y l ittle say i n the matter. At least that is what we are being told. As a Chamber, your Board has asked that Council release all legal, financial and staff advice it has received so

that everyone can feel confident that Council has done all it can do. We also expressed our concerns regarding the capacity of the plant and the technology being proposed. In regard to technology, we have asked Council to request t h e C R D e n g a ge w it h t h e post-secondary institutions in the area to see if a “Centre of Excellence” could be incorporated into the plant so that there might actually be some local economic benefit. In an effort to help address on-going and future concerns around mitigating some of the effects of the project, our Board has also recommended Council strike an advisory Com m it te e of lo c a l b u siness ow ners a nd residents to ensu re Cou ncil gets the best possible advice on how to spend the approximately $20 million in “amenities” from the CRD. So stay tu ned because as Yogi would say, “It ain’t over till it’s over”. RJ Senko is a Vice-President at the Esquimalt Chamber and President of RJStrategies. He can be reached at 250-888-3534.






Angelique Bulosan and Linda Beaudry from the Executive Search & Professional Recruitment team at MNP

The baby boomer work force is being replaced by millennials. Baby Boomers – 1946-1964 (Ages 52-70) Generation X - 1965 – 1982 (Ages 34-51) Millennials – 1983- 1999 (Ages 17-33) % of Canadian workforce Millennials Gen X Boomers

2014 36.8% 33.9% 31.1%

2010 27.4% 35.8% 36.8%

y Boomer Bab

ith the baby boomers rapidly moving out of the workforce, many small- and medium-sized organizations are finding themselves in a dilemma—the need to replace senior level leaders with years of experience and knowledge. But competition for talent is fiercer than ever and accessing the people who can move your organization forward is extremely difficult with traditional recruiting methods. Finding the right star can be done, but it requires the ability to dive deep into the leadership pool. Linda Beaudry, CHRP, leader of MNP’s Executive Search and Professional Recruitment team for BC, explains that the problem is two-fold. “First, it’s generational. Millennials are too young so everyone wants Generation X, but that’s a really small pool. Secondly, employers know how competitive the market is and understand the importance of employee engagement strategies to keep their top people.” As a result, there aren’t as many highly qualified people actively seeking new opportunities. The result is that employers that advertise open positions in the paper are often forced to choose the best from the worst. The good news is that many organizations today are quite flat; employees don’t have the chance to move up the ladder and achieve higher levels of success. So while they may be happy where they are, they might be motivated to move. The catch is that the opportunity has to come to them. “That means looking for passive candidates—people who are already excellent in that role who might move if the opportunity is right,” says Beaudry. “Once we understand what the organization is looking for, we can be very specific in our search, seeking out candidates either in the same industry or parallel to the industry, who have the skills and passion our clients want.” Beaudry, who has 30 years of experience in recruiting, typically works with enterprises that have 20 to 75 employees, limited HR capacity and no time to do a proper search when they need to fill a key position, such as a CEO, a Director of Finance, or a General Manager. Some come to her because they haven’t been able to find a good candidate while others need to fill a role so critical to their business

(Source: StatsCanada)

that they can’t risk not finding the best of the best.

Understanding what attracts individuals to organizations, Beaudry works

MNP’s Executive Search Services: Better Fit. Better Results. “Linda was fabulous. Very easy to work with and really got to know our company and our requirements down to a personal level.” - Judith Fleming, Controller, CD Nova Matching the right business with the right talent is MNP’s Executive Search teams’ specialty. We take the time to learn about your organization, corporate culture and role to find the ideal fit. The end result is shorter searches, smooth integration and a stronger team. For a better fit and better results, contact Linda Beaudry, CHRP, B.C. Leader of Executive Search and Professional Recruitment Services at 778.432.3056 or

closely with clients to help them identify and share the benefits of joining their company. “You need to be able to share with potential candidates a compelling story; one that gets them to want to risk changing roles,” she says. “That might be the opportunity to share in the rewards, work with an employer of choice, take a business to the next level or be part of a company that strongly believes in growing its people. We educate our clients on the market and what is required to attract quality candidates.” If you’re thinking of using an executive search firm to fill an important role, look for one that has a proven process and measurable results. For example, MNP collects ongoing feedback to measure the satisfaction of both the employer and the selected candidate. Beaudry’s team also follows up with the employer and candidate at 30, 60 and 90 days to ensure all is going well and offers a three-to-six month replacement guarantee that they’ll recruit a new candidate at no extra charge if the first one isn’t the right fit. Beaudry’s passion for connecting employers with the right leadership can be seen in her conversation and the results she achieves, which includes a 100 per cent success rate in placing candidates, a 98 per cent retention rate over two years and many repeat clients. So what drives her to put in so much effort to ensure a perfect fit? “I develop long-term relationships with my clients. It’s almost like I’m working in their organization and need to find the right person to ensure the organization’s continued success as well as the future success of the candidate,” she explains. “But I don’t do it alone. To do this properly, the client needs to go through our five-step process with me so I can find the people who not only have the technical skills required but, more importantly, the ability to motivate, inspire and lead.” Beaudry advises employers who have the time to go ahead and try to conduct their own search first. If they can’t find what they’re looking for, a professional will be able to locate someone who will not just fill the role but is effectively vetted and chosen on proven methods that ensure they are truly the right fit for the organization.



COASTAL HEAT PUMPS SPECIALIZES IN HVAC INSTALLS & SERVICE “With the equipment Heat Pumps A Proven Technology For The West Coast Climate


AANICHTON – It is compact, it is energy efficient, it heats a home in the winter and cools it in the summer and for Don Gulevich, the co-owner of Coastal Heat Pumps & Refrigeration heat pumps are the perfect choice for Vancouver Island’s climate. “Our specialty is residential heating, ventilation and air conditioning with a focus on the heat pump market. I’m Red Seal certified and everybody that we employ through the apprenticeship program is either a Red Seal certified installer or are in the process of becoming Red Seal,” he explained. A family-owned operation, Coastal Heat Pumps & Refrigeration is co-owned by the husband and wife team of Don and Joanne Gulevich. The company currently has a staff of six technicians and operates a small fleet of service vehicles to reach its expanding list of clients from across the Capital Region. A full service HVAC and refrigeration (heating, ventilating/

available today our options are so vast and the equipment is so adaptable.” DON GULEVICH CO-OWNER, COASTAL HEAT PUMPS & REFRIGERATION

Coastal Heat Pumps & Refrigeration operate a fleet of service vehicles ventilation, and air conditioning) installer and service outlet, Coastal Heat Pumps is located at # 5- 2475 Mount Newton Cross Road in Saanichton (right behind the local McDonald’s Restaurant), an outlet that serves as an administrative centre and as a showroom of available products. “All of our equipment and parts are warehoused here in Victoria but not kept on-site,” Gulevich explained. Founded in 2005 Coastal Heat Pumps was originally located in the Comox Valley but relocated to Victoria in 2011 to take advantage of the much larger potential

The company is located at 5- 2475 Mount Newton Cross Road in Saanichton

market, and to allow the company owners to be closer to their family members. “There was clearly a much larger market area for us in Victoria and with our children down here it seemed like the right thing to do,” he said. Not just an equipment provider and installer, Coastal Heat Pumps has recently launched a small metal fabrication division to allow it to produce in-house some of the duct work it uses when installing its heating and cooling systems. “With the addition of the new fabricating division we are adding a specialized unit which will bring our fleet size

Not just a sales outlet, Coastal Heat Pumps installs and services its product line

Thanking Coastal Heat Pumps for their continued support and commitment to Fujitsu and York brands. We also want to recognize them as a Fujitsu Elite dealer and a York Certified Comfort Expert dealer.

up to seven vehicles,” Gulevich stated. Having worked in the refrigeration trade since 1978 Gulevich has seen a tremendous amount of change in terms of the technology involved in residential heating and cooling, but nothing has excited him as much as the benefits offered by a heat pump system. “Before moving to Vancouver Island Joanne and I operated a refrigeration and heating company in the Canmore / Banff area, which we sold allowing us to move to the Island. So in that time there have been a lot of changes,” he said.

Proud to Support Coastal Heat Pumps 250-213-5038

The company has served a wide selection of private and commercial customers For Gulevich the greatest tangible benefit a heat pump system can provide is the level of year round comfort to its owner. Once set up and operating a Fujitsu heat pump can provide virtually worry-free heating and cooling, while even offering the unique feature of establishing different temperature zones in the various rooms of the home. “You might want it cooler in the bedrooms and warmer in the living room. With a Fujitsu heat pump you can do that,” he said. T he ra nge of products t he company offers is extensive and includes ductless heat pumps, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, home air filters and ultraviolet lighting to reduce airborne allergens. “Knowing I’ve improved the comfort level in someone’s home is something that I find very satisfying, it’s pretty neat,” he said. Far more energy efficient than all other heating systems the lowered heating bills heat pumps provide can often be the difference between someone staying in their home, or having to move to a more energy efficient property. “With the equipment available today our options are so vast and the equipment is so adaptable it can be configured for virtually any need. From a conference room to a full house, to an entire housing complex and even a business centre,” he said. Delighted with the technology, established in the region, and inspired by the lifestyle comforts his systems provide Gulevich looks forward to serving his expanding customer base for years to come. “We have a quote from John Glenn the astronaut on our business cards that says: I looked around me and suddenly realized that everything around me had been built by the lowest bidder. That’s not who we are,” Gulevich said. “We will never be the lowest bidder, we always quote the job so that we can do it and do it well without taking any shortcuts.” For more information visit the company’s website at: www.




a high quality shopping centre.” The general contractor for the expansion project is PCL Contractors Westcoast Inc., one of the largest construction companies of its kind in Canada. Mayfair’s Poland, who has served as general Manager of the centre for the past three years, has estimated the construction phase will generate between 300 and 500 jobs over the course of the 24 month expansion project. Wedged as it is between some of Victoria’s main thoroughfares (Douglas, Tolmie, Finlayson and Blanshard) Mayfair could not add to its physical real estate footprint, but opted to expand the building toward the Douglas Street side of the complex. “By reconfiguring some of the interior space and by adding


“This project will solidify our position in the local market as the premiere shopping destination in Victoria.” LAURA POLAND GENERAL MANAGER, MAYFAIR SHOPPING CENTRE

85,000 square feet of new retail space we’ll be able to add 100,000 square feet of extra retail space, essentially making a better use of the space we already have,” Poland explained. As the expansion of the mall towards Douglas Street will consume some of the shopping centre’s existing parking space two levels of additional rooftop parking will also be constructed as part of the project. The parking area will be connected by a

The $72 million expansion project at Mayfair Shopping Centre will take at least two years to complete new access ramp off of Finlayson Street. This new access is intended to improve the overall functionality of the existing roof top parking, which is currently

Once completed in 2018 the iconic Victoria mall will have expanded by 100,000 square feet

on ly a c c e s s i bl e v i a Tol m i e Avenue. The expansion project is being complemented by a comprehensive interior renovation of the property including new washrooms, flooring, directional signage, paint, furnishings and enhanced lighting for the mall’s common areas. T he internal renovation has been designed to simplify customer circulation within the common areas which is intended to enhance a visitor’s overall shopping experience. “By adding an extra 100,000 square feet of retail opportunity this allows us to add to an already successful retail mix,” Poland explained. “We’re looking to add new

fashion and lifestyle and specialty apparel, all sorts of the categories that our customers have been looking for. This project will solidify our position in the local market as the premiere shopping destination in Victoria.” Poland, who began working in mall administration in the 1990’s launched her career at Mayfair Centre before moving onto other opportunities. For her being part of the Centre’s expansion is especially satisfying. “It’s very much like coming full circle for me; I began my career working here now I get to be part of this expansion. We’re all very excited.” For more information, visit the centre’s website at:







2030 Malaview Ave. 250.656.1125

2046 Keating Cross Rd. 250.652.1130

2901 Sooke Rd. 250.478.5509

2901 Sooke Rd. 250.386.3667

1496 Admirals Rd. 250.388.5443

3934 Quadra St. 250.920.2001







4950 Jordan Ave. 250.758.8329

3217 Small Rd. 250.336.8710

554 Anderton Rd. 250.339.2207

804 Fulford-Ganges Rd. 250.537.4978

2853 Roberts Rd. 250.715.3730

661 Industrial Way 250.725.2538



PINE LIGHTING OFFERS WIDE RANGE OF LIGHTING OPTIONS “I really do love helping Local Store Part Of A Three Outlet Franchise


I C T O R I A – Fo r P i n e Lighting’s co-owner and General Manager Andrea Cracknell the real success of the operation is more than its amazing range of lighting fixtures and lighting products, for her the franchise’s biggest achievement are people, her staff and the clients they serve. “I want the people of Victoria to not just know who we are, I want them to feel welcome when they come, like they’re part of our family,” she explained. “I enjoy continuing to find ways to make people’s experience better. I’m not only passionate about lighting, and how it can enhance a space, but I’m also extremely passionate about people. I really do love helping people and doing what I can to make people’s day – it makes my day!” A franchise operation specializing in a broad gamut of lighting fixtures and related supplies for both homeowners and lighting contractors, Pine Lighting is one of three outlets in British Columbia. The Victoria store is located at 790 Spruce Avenue; there are two additional stores, in Surrey and in Kelowna. While the store has been in operation for many years, the circumstances that led to Cracknell eventually becoming the store’s co-owner began in November 2007 when Chrystal Rozander, then an employee made an offer to purchase the Victoria outlet from the franchise owners. “I had gone to work at the store that summer, and in the fall she bought the business. I had just moved to Victoria from London, Ontario because I fell in love with this city. I visited it once before and told myself I need to move here, and I did,” she explained. If circumstances and a love for the City of Victoria had not intervened Cracknell’s career might

people and doing what I can to make people’s day – it makes my day!” ANDREA CRACKNELL CO-OWNER, PINE LIGHTING

Andrea Cracknell (left) is the co-owner of Pine Lighting which is located at 790 Spruce Avenue

have been entirely different. A graduate of the University of London with a degree in Kinesiology (the study of human and nonhuman animal-body movements, performance, and function) she had been heading toward a career in education. But her love for the SEE PINE LIGHTING | PAGE 13

A real strength at the store are the experienced staff who can help customers make their lighting purchases

We are a proud supplier to Pine Lighting. Congratulations on your success and best wishes for the future.

Thanks for your great service. We look forward to doing business with you for years to come.

120 Great Gulf Drive | Concord, ON | 1.855.384.5483 |

Victoria, BC 250.883.9419



The showroom at Pine Lighting offers visitors a chance to see how the light will look in a real world setting PINE LIGHTING was doing whatever needed to CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12

Pine Lighting offers a vast assortment of lighting options, with something for every taste and budget

Victoria’s Pine Lighting outlet is one of three stores in BC, the other two are in Surrey and in Kelowna

Capital Region drew her to the city and a need for employment saw her take a job at the store, even though lighting and lighting systems were not part of her background. “When I graduated University I was going to be a teacher but by the time I was finished school that no longer appealed. So I came out here and this was the first job I could find, but as time passed, lighting kind of grabbed me. I fell in love with it, that and the whole process of business. I haven’t looked back since.” In time Cracknell worked her way up the ranks until June 2013 when she became the store’s coowner. While Rozander continues to be the co-owner of Pine Lighting (and one of Cracknell’s best friends), she is no longer involved with the day to day operation, leaving that to Cracknell. “Initially I was doing a little bit of everything, I was making sales, I was making deliveries and I

be done. Within the first year I was managing the store.” With the store in such competent and reliable hands Rozander began a gradual departure from the outlet’s operational side, leaving Cracknell increasingly in charge. Pine Lighting specializes in all things related to commercial and residential lighting. From the sale of lighting products from such industry leaders such as DVI Lighting, Progress Lighting, Kendal Lighting, Hinkley Lighting and others, to working with clients and builders to determine the best available lighting options. The Franchise is involved in providing lighting solutions for new home construction, residential renovation projects and for commercial and industrial assignments such as hotels, restaurants and even for complete tow n home or condom i n iu m developments. Pine Lighting also provides consultation services, and a delivery service for qualified orders working with

builders, designers and homeowners to address everything from technology options to the choice of colour for a fixture. “W h ile we main ly do residential lighting, both retail and wholesale work with builders, we also work on larger projects as well. This year we’re more involved directly with builders as there is so much construction underway in the Victoria area,” she said. “Typically this year our ratio between builders and homeowners is about 65 / 35, with the bulk being outside wholesale items, as opposed to selling items over the counter in our retail section. In an average year it might be closer to 50 / 50, but the market is so active in Victoria this year we’re doing much more work directly with builders.” Pine Lighting operates a showroom to demonstrate some of its key and featured products, as well as a warehouse for stocking regularly sold items. But carrying SEE PINE LIGHTING | PAGE 14

Pine Lighting and Kendal Lighting make a great team and we look forward to working together for years to come #110, 6780 Dennett Place, Delta, British Columbia V4G 1N4 Ph: 604-952-5510 |




such an expansive range of products, and representing as it does so many of the industry’s top suppliers, it would be virtually impossible to maintain a full inventory of all of its product line in-house. Through its website Pine Lighting maintains an online catalog that contains literally thousands of items, from ceiling fans and chandeliers to table lamps and rugged outdoor fixtures. A true people person, for Cracknell the operation’s staff is just as important an asset to the firm as its expansive list of products. “I hire people who want to be here, who want to make this a career. We’ve all been here for a long time. The person with the least time here is Randy Wilkes (Account Manager) who joined us last November, but he’s had

more than 20 years in the lighting business so he’s a real asset to the company,” Cracknell explained. Considering the vibrancy of the Victoria building sector a staffing increase is likely in the near future, just to keep up with the needs of the clients. Pine Lighting currently has a staff of seven but that number could increase in the coming months. “Obviously you have to add people when you get busier which I’m thinking of doing this fall just because we’re starting to reach capacity,” she said. Not installers or electricians themselves, Pine Lighting focuses on providing systems and lighting products across the Greater Victoria area and beyond. “While stores like Home Depot have a lighting department, we specialize in not only the lighting product but also the knowledge that goes behind it as well – thanks to our great staff,’

she said. “You can come in and ask any question you need to and if for some reason we don’t know the answer we’ll find it out for you. I view our staff as an invaluable resource for our clients and what helps to set our store apart.” Currently the only Pine Lighting outlet on Vancouver Island, Cracknell doesn’t rule out the possibility of expanding elsewhere on the Island in the future, if the proven need was identified. “We regularly work with clients across the South and Central Island from our Victoria store, but I certainly wouldn’t rule out opening another branch at some point,” Cracknell envisioned. “While there are no plans to open a second outlet right now I know it wouldn’t be a terrible thing to explore. That said we do a good job of serving a large area from this store, so any decisions like that would depend on a lot of

factors. It’s one of those things that I’ve flipped back and forth on but have not made any plans at this time. I think for now we’re happy to build on what we’ve got here.” For Cracknell what they’ve built is a reputation for both quality products and as a resource of industry information, always delivered with exceptional customer service. For her that is the strength that has powered Pine Lighting’s growth and will carry it into the future. “I’m constantly trying to find ways to create a buzz, to be a destination for lighting for our clients,” she said. “Our staff is close knit like a family and we view our clients as part of that family. We love to make sure people have a good experience here, after that ideally they’ll be able to share that experience with their friends and family. We’re always looking for way to improve the experience so

Congratulations to the Pine Lighting team for over 10 Years of exceeding customer expectations!

Always happy to work with Pine Lighting. Congratulations Andrea!

Net Zero Energy Certified Builder

Congratulations to Pine Lighting on your years of success!

1725 Falcon Heights Rd, Victoria, BC

I’m very open to people telling me if there is an issue.” Being an active and respected part of the local community is another part of the winning Pine Lighting formula for success. For Cracknell there is a real satisfaction in understanding the workings of a small business and in seeing that vision expand and flourish. “Local business is the backbone of the community and we are all truly passionate about what we do. Because of that sense of caring you end up getting a lot back by shopping in a local business,” she said. “We also believe in being a good corporate citizen. We have a yearly barbecue at our sidewalk sale, we also support local sports teams and we’re part of the community we serve which I think is one of the keys to our success.” For more information please visit the company’s website at:

250-479-3333 info@ doddteam.c a

930 Kentwood Terrace, Victoria, BC 250.882.2213 |





believed that architects, designers, engineers and builders could work together in a successful and integrated manner. A full service company, Omicron provides in-house all of the necessary design, engineering and construction functions needed to complete major development projects, such as Sidney Gateway. Headquartered in Vancouver the company has offices in Victoria and in Calgary, and has a proven track record of successfully delivering commercial projects on Southern Vancouver Island, including the recently completed Eagle Creek Village in View Royal. “Approximately one third of the development represents community amenity services including a 10,000 square foot medical centre, a financial institution, an insurance broker, childcare and a fitness facility. While some of the projects we undertake do involve a residential component, that won’t be the case with Sidney Gateway due to its proximity to the airport; residences wouldn’t be appropriate in this location,” Laughlin explained. “When we put a project together it’s not just a retail centre, it becomes a neighborhood centre that people will want to come to for various reasons. The current plan has been shaped by feedback received from Town of Sidney elected officials and staff, the general public, the Sidney Business Improvement group, the Chamber of Commerce and many others to ensure that Sidney Gateway is a relevant community resource.” To be constructed adjacent to the Beacon Avenue intersection just off of the Patricia Bay Highway, Sidney Gateway will also be in close proximity to one of

Custom Built Homes | Renovations | Design

The Sidney Gateway project is envisioned next to the Victoria International Airport in Sidney

“It’s expected that at its peak more than 150 construction jobs will be created.” PETER LAUGHLIN DIRECTOR, OMICRON

the largest industrial and manufacturing areas on Vancouver Island, making it the ideal stop off for the thousands who regularly work and travel to the area. The project officially received zoning approval from the Town of Sidney September 12. Omicron is now formalizing its development permit application plans for the Victoria Airport Authority which it hopes to submit by the end of the year. Serving as the project development managers, Omicron also serves as its own construction managers during the building phase of the projects it undertakes. Local trades and construction professiona ls w i l l directly benefit from the project as Omicron expects to hire extensively during the construction phase. It’s expected that at its peak more than 150 construction jobs will be created which will generate $8.2 million in payroll during project construction. Upon

completion, more than 200 new local jobs will be created which is anticipated to reflect a cumulative annual payroll of $6.2 million. “We view Sidney Gateway as a community asset. We believe it will draw shoppers back to shopping in Sidney rather than shopping on the West Shore and in Victoria,” Laughlin said. Selective in the choice of tenants who will eventually occupy the development, Om icron sees the project as a boon to the local community. “We heard loudly from some residents who expressed legitimate concerns about any potential harmful impact on down town Sidney businesses. Because of the different retailers we’re planning to attract, Sidney Gateway will provide new shopping options that don’t currently exist in the town drawing a broader population of purchasers to Sidney,” he said. “Research indicates that Sidney Gateway will be complimentary not competitive to the business community in the Town of Sidney. We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate shared success and meaningful value for the Town of Sidney, its businesses and its citizens.” For more information visit the company’s website at:

With a planned opening date of 2019 the mixed used project will include a range of retail and personal services

Design for life. Design for you. 778.747.3373



THOMAS PHILIPS WOODWORKING A MULTI-AWARD WINNING FIRM “Our focus has always Woodworking Company Specializes In Custom Cabinetry & Millwork


A A N ICH TON – Si nce 201 2 T homas Philips Woodworking Ltd. has become the custom cabinetry and millwork provider of choice for many of the Victoria area’s top custom home builders. With collectively more than a quarter century of experience behind them company co-owners Derrick Paas and Eric Gummer

been on quality cabinetry, using good materials, matching the product to the customer’s needs.” ERIC GUMMER CO-OWNER, THOMAS PHILIPS WOODWORKING

Congratulations to Thomas Philips Woodworking. We are proud to work with you! 877.FLOFORM


have taken the timeless quality of hand-made Old World craftsmanship and enhanced it with the latest in wood working tools and systems, to produce some exceptional and award winning residential projects. “ D e r e k a n d I h a d w o rk e d together for a few yea rs at a prev iou s c abi net compa ny, so when we both happened to find ourselves laid-off at the same time we ended up doing a little side work together and eventually decided to go into business,” Gummer explained. Specialists in high end cabinetry, the company has focused on producing custom kitchens, bathrooms and other millwork such as counters and cabinets. With an ongoing emphasis on quality materials and looking after all of the painstaking details involved in producing a custom project, the company has garnered numerous Gold and Silver CARE (Construction Achievements and Renovations of Excellence) Awards over the years, and is nominated for no less than four CA R E Awards this year. “How the compa ny na me came about is kind of interesting. My middle name is Philips and Derrick’s middle name is Thomas, it just seemed classy and the right name to choose

Fall Furnishing Event

Eric Gummer (left) and Derrick Paas launched their firm Thomas Philips Woodworking in 2012 for our new business. Paas and Gum mer just didn’t seem as effective. My girl friend was going to school to study marketing and she actually came up with it,” he said. To d ay, op e rat i n g o ut of a 4,300 square foot wood worki ng shop at 102 – 6660 Butler Crescent i n Sa a n ichton, T homas Ph i l ips woodworking currently operates with a staff of 10 (including Paas and Gummer), creating a wide assortment of products for an expanding list of clients. “While k itchens a nd bath rooms a re our main thing we do anything that involves woodworking,” Gummer explained.

“We’ve done stairs and other interesting things but our focus has always been on quality cabinetry, using good materials, matching the product to the customer’s needs and budget.” For the future Thomas Philips expects to continue to grow, but not at the cost of providing less than the best quality product possible. “Quality products and great customer service have a lways been centra l to everything we do, and that’s how we intend on growing in the future,” he said. For more information visit the company’s website at: www. thomasphilipswoodworking. com

715 Finlayson St. Victoria 250.388.6663 6421 Applecross Rd. Nanaimo 250.390.1125



DG AUTO CARE OPENS STORE IN CITY’S DOWNTOWN CORE “Our business has Victoria Auto Service Centre A Family-Owned Business


ICTORIA – The next time you visit DG Auto Care you will discover the address may have changed, but the quality care, exceptional service and welcoming smiles remain the same. Having operated out of a compact single bay shop for the past five years, the full service automotive maintenance centre is now housed in a comfortable four-bay location at 2417 Douglas Street in the city’s downtown core. “We used to be located at the corner of David and Gorge so that used to be part of the reason it’s called DG Auto Care, but the real reason is our names, David and Gennifer,” explained company co-owner Gennifer Isles. The husband and wife team moved their operation to its new central and more expansive location at the beginning of August. A family-owned, full service auto service facility, DG Auto Care specializes in the maintenance of cars and light trucks. While the outlet has been operating for just over five years, both owners have come to the business with a wealth of automotive skills behind them. Aside from being active in the local auto racing scene, both had worked at the Sears Automotive outlet in Victoria (Dave for 13 years, Gennifer for two). After Sears closed its auto shop Dave continued in the industry at Fountain Tire. Gennifer continued her automotive career at Canadian Tire, Victoria Hyundai and Jenner Chevrolet before opening their original shop. “At the old spot we had one bay and one hoist and it just got a little too busy and were sort of forced out of our small parking lot by another business that moved in so it was time to look for a new location,” she said. The current location (formerly

been built on honesty and integrity and our customers just keep coming back.” GENNIFER ISLES C-OWNER, DG AUTO CARE

At the beginning of August DG Auto care moved to its new location at 2417 Douglas Street

Action Transmission) features a four-bay shop and considerably more parking space for clients, making it ideal for an auto service centre. “We’re right between Budget Brake and Muffler and Broco Auto Glass, so it’s a sort of auto mini-mall here,” Gennifer explained. Dividing up the duties, Gennifer is the outlet’s service writer and front office person while Dave focuses on auto repairs. Working with their lone employee Gary Lincoln the pair look forward to serving their long list of existing clients, while welcoming new customers to the DG Auto Care family. “Our business has been built on honesty and integrity and our customers just keep coming back,” she said. For Dave Isles one of the keys to the operation’s success has been its commitment to quality, honest care. Taking the time to explain what needs doing with automotive repairs helps to demystify the problem while

A self-described car lover, Gennifer Isles has a long history in the motor sport community keeping the customer from receiving any unexpected and unpleasant surprises. “Practically every day we hear from someone who had their car serviced somewhere else and they were told they need this or that and it turns out it may not be as big a concern as they were led to believe,” he said.

“We’ll look at a car and figure out what needs doing immediately and what can wait for another time, we aren’t going to undertake repairs just to boost our bill. We’ll often tell the customer that we can do a little bit here, and we’ll do more next month and so on just to make the work more affordable. By taking

this approach the customer can budget for the larger jobs and we end up with a lot happier and less stressed customer.” Having a woman at the front counter has also proven to be of value when dealing with female clients. “A lot of times women like to have a woman greet them and explain to them what is going to be done in female terms. It makes the whole experience a lot less intimidating,” Gennifer said. Now officially settled into its new location, Dave Isles looks forward to what fresh opportunities the new and larger facility will provide. “We’re settled in now and I’m looking forward to what the next 10 years will offer, maybe at that point I might think about selling to someone else but you never know,” he said. “Working on modern cars requires a lot of specialized equipment that is simply beyond the scope of the backyard mechanic. That’s the value of a full service auto centre, and that’s what our clients have come to expect. So come on down and see us, check out our new digs. We’re equipped to serve you even better.” For more information please visit the company’s website at:

We are proud to support

DG Auto Care

Congratulations Dave and Gennifer! Sea Glass Restaurant 778.351.3663 Maureen Vincent 250.886.5546

Island Torque Converter and Drive Shaft Ltd is proud to do business with DG Auto Care. Congratulations!

250-388-4248 | Victoria, BC



RUSSELL FOOD EQUIPMENT SERVING HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY NATIONWIDE Company Has Equipped Restaurants & Institutions For More Than 70 Years


ICTOR I A – A ny ti me you’ve eaten in a restaurant, or at a senior’s centre, or at a hospital or at a military base, or anywhere where large amounts of food are being commercially prepared – the odds are very good that Russell Food Equipment has played a pivotal role. Operating out of 14 branches across Canada, Russell Food Equipment has been providing, installing and servicing commercial grade equipment for the hospitality industry for more than 70 years. “It all started with Ken Russell who purchased Quest Metal Works (Ltd.) of Vancouver from its founder Bill Quest in 1938. Quest Metal was involved in producing gas ranges,” explained Marc Rivet, General Manager of Russell Food’s Victoria branch. “In 1944 Russell started to branch out opening Russell Food Equipment, with its original outlet located in Vancouver. Later we opened other branches in Victoria, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg and eventually all the way to Halifax, which was the last branch opened. That was back in 1978. Today Russell Food is located coast to coast with 14 branches across Canada.”

For more than 70 years Russell Food Equipment has been serving the hospitality industry In August 2015, the Russell Family stepped away from the business, leaving control in the hands of the existing management team and staff to work with a new owner – Blue Point Capital Partners. Charley Geiger, a vice president with Blue Point, said, “As Russell’s first institutional investor, Blue Point’s operational

a nd strateg ic approach w i l l contribute to the company’s growth and development, while preserving its distinctive culture and history of leadership in Canada. Working with Russell’s

experienced management team we are thrilled to have the opportunity to contribute our resources to a strong industry leader.” Serving the food services industry Russell Food Equipment

are specialists in the sales, installation and service of a wide range of commercial grade equipment. Essentially if it can be found in a SEE RUSSELL FOOD | PAGE 19

Dudson is a proud supplier to Russell Food Equipment and has been for more than 50 years! USA & Canada Dudson USA Inc. Dudson Canada Inc. 5604, Departure Drive Raleigh, NC, USA 27616 1-800-438-3766 (toll-free)

Serving all of Vancouver Island, Russell Food operates a fleet of service vehicles to reach its many clients

Congratulations from Cheers to another 70+ years!



Russell Food Equipment’s Vancouver Island branch is located at 2122 Douglas Street in Victoria


Marc Rivet is the General Manager of Russell Food Equipment’s Victoria branch, one of 14 nationwide

“We can do everything from designing the kitchen to providing the equipment.” MARC RIVET GENERAL MANAGER, RUSSELL FOOD EQUIPMENT LTD.

kitchen, Russell Food will be able to provide it. While originally focusing on the sales and installation of the products produced by Quest Metal Works, the 21st Century edition of Russell Food Equipment carries a vast product line, representing some of the premiere equipment providers from across North America. “In addition to the sales and service centres Russell Food operates two manufacturing plants, one in Vancouver (Quest Metal Works) and another in Winnipeg which is called Quest Metal Products,” Rivet explained. The list of clients routinely served by Russell Food Equipment is as diverse as the range of products it offers. The company sells and services equipment for all levels of the hospitality industry, for government-operated facilities such as with the Department of National Defense, health care centres and hospitals, university food services departments, senior’s centres and others. “Our branch here in Victoria looks after all of Vancouver

Congratulations to Russell Food Equipment from your long time vendor partner Dynamic International 3227 Pitfield Blvd. Montreal, Quebec H4S 1H3 (800)-267-7794

Island, big or small we can do it all.” We are especially proud to be the food service equipment supplier for the new Campbell River and Comox hospitals presently being built,” Rivet said. “This is a $4 million project that will be installed by the end of this year. We are uniquely positioned to deliver on projects of this size. This is due to the financial strength and ongoing support of Blue Point and the teamwork of our branches and Quest Metal plants.” Overall Russell Food Equipment has a staff of approximately 600, distributed throughout its nationwide chain of fourteen branches. The Victoria outlet is located at 2122 Douglas Street. The company’s main corporate headquarters continues to be located in Vancouver. The Victoria branch operates a f leet of service vehicles to respond to the needs of its expanding client base, and works in partnership with technicians across Vancouver Island when installing the commercial grade systems. Another key strength of the outlet is its team of four territory representatives who sell

company products all across the Island, each assigned to a specific region of Vancouver Island. The range of products and systems offered for sale by Russell Food is beyond extensive and includes everything from clothing and kitchen utensils to bakeware, cutlery and the latest in cooking and food preparation equipment. The company’s online catalog for example is 358 pages long and contains literally thousands of professional grade products and tools. The Victoria branch of Russell Food features a well stocked showroom. “We have a very busy showroom at our branch. We cater to the hospitality industry but we do sell to the general public. The only codicil is that they are prepared to buy pack sized units, you’re not going to come in and buy just one of something,” explained Rivet, who has been with the company 35 years. Formerly working in advertising sales with the Times Colonist newspaper, Rivet began his career with Russell Food Equipment, initially in shipping and later in sales, gradually working his way up the ranks, becoming General Manager 22 years ago.

Senior’s communities are just one of the many industry niches routinely served by Russell Food Equipment. In essence small self-contained villages featuring living space, recreational opportunities and restaurant like dining most communities employ chefs and professional kitchen staff who are tasked with producing hundreds of meals per day for the residents. SEE RUSSELL FOOD | PAGE 20

On behalf of all of us at Browne & Co., we wish to congratulate Russell Food Equipment on serving up more than 70 years of success!

We are proud to do business with Russell Food Equipment Ltd.




“Many of the elder care facilities can charge thousands of dollars per month to live there, so there is a real demand for quality in all things, including the food,” he said. “They want quality, they want a nice dining room, and they want to have choice on the menu as they’re going to be eating there three times per day. As a result there has to be the variety. Many of the centres go very high end in terms of equipment as they will be producing a lot of meals, week in and week out.” Rivet suggested that it would not be unusual for a high end senior’s residence to invest $500,000 or more in their kitchen facility, simply to provide the quality and production required. Russell Food also operates a full sized planning and design service, a team who will work with clients, architects and others to insure the right equipment will be provided for the space available. “They work with architects and when we get the blueprints we work on the food equipment choices based on their menu. We’ll work with the client to find the right equipment mix, depending on the type of food they’ll be providing and of course on the amount of space available,” he said. “We can do everything from designing the kitchen to providing the equipment to installing and servicing the equipment. We operate a large parts and service department as it’s a real problem if a business or institution’s kitchen goes down for some reason. In essence if it has to do with food services, cooking, refrigeration or food preparation, we can provide what’s needed.” While the firm’s origins may have involved the manufacture and sale of commercial gas ranges, the product line offered by Russell Food Equipment today represents examples of the very latest in culinary technology. “We sell what are called combiovens where the oven can be pre-programmed so that all that’s needed is for someone to push a

This heritage brick industrial building is one aspect of Victoria’s Russell Food Equipment branch button and it can cook a meal. This is an ideal technology for places where professional chefs aren’t available. This sort of technology is much more energy efficient as well, which is increasingly important to the bottom lines of our customers,” he said. Thanks to its vast product range Russell Food Equipment can in essence be a one stop shop for any restaurant or food preparation facility. In addition to the big ticket kitchen items such as ovens, coolers and deep fryers, the company also provides less expensive consumable such as glassware, plates, cutlery, clothing, steam tables and any and all equipment used in food preparation. “The food services and hospitality industries can be quite demanding, on costs and on equipment. A restaurant simply can’t afford to have equipment

go down so we have a good inventory of equipment and small wares on hand to get them back in operation,” Rivet said. The company’s in-house service department is another feature that sets Russell Food apart from its competition. “We’re especially proud of our service department, we’re the only dealer in Canada to operate its own service department, and everyone else contracts out product service. For us it’s all in-house as we feel we can service our customers better with our own technicians,” he said. More than a parts and equipment provider, Russell Food Equipment also prides itself on the experience and skills of its staff. In Victoria (which has a staff of 18) many employees such as Rivet have been with the firm 30 years and more, a level

of loyalty that is a testament to the Russell Food business model. With a long and successful track record, an extensive sales and service network and with a team of experienced staff members Russell Food Equipment looks forward to the future. In large part the company’s confidence stems from the exceptional quality of the products it sells and maintains. “ Mu ch of t he com merci a l equipment being sold now is made off shore and the quality has certainly gone down. We can provide well-made Canadian and North American products that will keep our customers functioning for the long term. Our relationship with Quest is also very important,” he said. “They have a system called a Chef’s Centre which allows for a more modular approach to Cambro is a proud supplier to Russell Food Equipment

Designing the dining experience. ™

designing and upgrading a commercial kitchen. It allows for just the right equipment to be selected and easily facilitates updating somewhere down the road. This innovative approach is an exclusive part of the Russell Food approach.” For more than 70 years Russell Food Equipment has been serving the needs of its commercial and institutional hospitality industry clients from coast to coast – a tradition of excellence it intends to continue for decades to come. “The future certainly looks bright. We hire good staff and we represent the very best brands. That’s proven to be a winning combination for 70 years. That won’t be changing in the future,” he said. For more information please visit the company’s website at:

We are pleased to work with Russell Food Equipment, and wish you all the very best for your next 70+ years. West Coast Food Service Marketing Inc. PO Box 373 Lions Bay, BC Canada | V0N2E0



OPPORTUNITY ABOUNDS Sidney is definitely a changing community, but positively, as living and work spaces are being


with a vision that considers how people want to live,



developed in keeping

h e re p o r t s of t h e demise of Sidney’s downtown as a result of mall development on the Saanich Peninsula are greatly exaggerated. Why I say that with confidence is because downtown Sidney presently embodies the most important elements of a healthy and prosperous community. Sidney is definitely a changing community, but positively, as living and work spaces are being developed in keeping with a vision that considers how people want to live, engendering a strong sense of place. Downtown Sidney-bythe-Sea is distinctive from

engendering a strong sense of place other areas on the Peninsula, indeed from others on Vancouver Island. It is a destination because of its picturesque waterfront area. It is a compact, safe, multifunctional, pedestrian-friendly community, with an interesting mix of businesses. Consideration has been given to the aesthetics and to creating spaces for people to gather and linger. The environmental and natural settings are attractive to residents and create a community where neighbours converse


while taking leisurely walks down Beacon and along the seaside waterfront walkway. It also makes Sidney a choice location for day-trippers. T h is is ver y d i f ferent from the purpose of a mall - a place where people make objective-based shopping decisions. These shoppers want to be in and out quickly and that means creating sizeable parking areas. A mall meets specific needs for shoppers but it cannot compete with the sense of place, of belonging, people seek in a community. I don’t believe we want downtown Sidney to be good at being a parking lot for shoppers. The Gateway a nd Sandown developments will create greater economic activity on the Saanich Peninsula and will not necessarily threaten the vibrancy of downtown Sidney if we work together to maximize this opportunity. Denny Warner is Executive Director of the Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at 250-656-3616 or

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Frank Leonard comes from a family business background, having managed Victoria Tire Ltd.’s three Kal Tire stores prior to their sale in 1996. While in business, Frank served as a Director of the BC Chamber of Commerce, President of the Victoria Chamber of Commerce, and on the boards of local tourism and economic development groups. Frank has a B.A. (Honours) and M.A. from the University of Victoria, and has completed the Institute of Corporate Directors Program (ICD.D). Frank Leonard was Mayor of Saanich and Chair of the Police Board from 1996-2014 after serving as a Councillor from 1986. While in public office, Frank chaired the Municipal Finance Authority of BC, was President of the Union of BC Municipalities and a Director of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. He has also served as Chair of the Capital Regional District, the Hospital District and the region’s Housing Corporation. Frank Leonard is currently Chair of the Agricultural Land Commission, is Chair of Parkbridge Lifestyles Communities, and is Chair of the Municipal Pension Plan. He is a Director of Coast Capital Savings and a Director of the Victoria Airport Authority. He has previously served as a Director of the BC Investment Management Corporation.





Patterson & Kaercher: Builder Has Served Region Since 1983


me, it’s practically programmed in.”

ORT H SA A N ICH – A true family business with origins stretching across three generations and bridging two continents Patterson & Kaercher Construction Limited is an award winning commercial and residential builder that has served the region for more than 30 years. The saga of the company’s longevity began when Emil Kaercher arrived with his family in Canada from Germany in 1954. A European trained journeyman carpenter in his own right he eventually moved to Victoria and went to work for the well-known local construction firm of Patterson Construction, one of the larger construction companies in the Victoria area throughout the 1960s and ‘70s. Patterson Construction grew and flourished specializing in the construction of commercial projects and residential developments all across southern Vancouver Island. In time Kaercher’s son Karl and Patterson’s son Don came to work for the firm. By 1983 the younger pair decided to venture out on their own to form Patterson & Kaercher. “Patterson had a son who was


my Dad’s age and in the ‘80’s they said they were going out on their own, forming Patterson & Kaercher Construction (P & K). When they first broke away they did a mixture of things, both residential and commercial projects,” explained Eric Kaercher, a company co-owner. Starting slowly the firm grew over time, adding new skills and staff as the need and the workload demanded. While both partners were journeyman carpenters and equally adept at tool work, Karl focused much of his early efforts on the company’s business operations such as estimating and invoicing while Don concentrated on field operations and looking after the firm’s various worksites. “It was a partnership that’s successfully worked for the past 33 years and they continue to be active in the daily operation of the company,” Kaercher said. “By the 1990’s they were moving into larger projects and would

Patterson & Kaercher have been leaders in the regional construction industry for more than 30 years pick up larger crews as they needed them. From then right through until today the labour force has varied between their own team of employees and the numerous sub trades they regularly dealt with. It can go from 50 guys on a worksite down to two guys, depending on

the need.” Today the legacy continues with two of Karl Kaercher’s sons Mike and Eric, both journeyman carpenters, now part of the company’s management. “Being a carpenter is almost genetic for us, it’s practically programmed in,” joked Eric.

“As we were growing up, working for the company was our regular summer job. So it seemed almost inevitable that we’d become a part of it, even though I had originally started down another career path,” SEE PATTERSON & KAERCHER | PAGE 23

Commercial Real Estate Management

Gail McClymont Managing Director

Chelsea McClymont

Senior Commercial Property Manager & Real Estate Agent

Pemberton Holmes is extremely proud of our strong, professional relationship with Patterson & Kaercher Construction. We are happy to send our very best wishes for many more years of success.

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Commercial projects such as updating a heritage building are the bulk of the company’s workload

Congratulations on your 33rd year anniversary. It has been our pleasure working with your company over the years. We look forward to many more successful projects in the future!

6785 Veyaness Rd, Saanichton, BC V8M 2A8 250.652.6461 |




Patterson & Kaercher Construction has been involved in more than 200 projects over the years

Company owners receive a real sense of pride when they can breathe new life into an older building

The firm has been involved in building everything from restaurants to office structures to private homes

he said. As boys, the young Kaercher’s would take on all manner of menial tasks, from sweeping floors and picking up trash to hauling wood for the crews. Learning the business from the literal ground up was an experience and training they couldn’t have gained any other way. “Our parents were of that generation where they said go to school, don’t become a carpenter. So all of us went to college and university and got our degrees. I actually went on to teach high school for a couple of years, specializing in Tech Ed, so I’m kind of a techie,” Kaercher explained. While the brothers had different careers before them, the appeal of working in the family business, and returning to their carpentry roots eventually brought them home. Eric Kaercher taught in the Fraser Valley, but his desire to become a journeyman carpenter eventually brought him back to Vancouver Island and to P & K. “I always wanted to be a ticketed journeyman carpenter, I always enjoyed building things, I enjoyed the technology and I really wanted to be part of private industry. Like everyone else, you always want to grow up to be your Dad,” he said, joining the firm in 2008 after his older brother had joined in 2003. The 2016 edition of Patterson and Kaercher consists of about eight core personnel and fluctuating numbers of trusted sub trade providers, depending on the scope of the projects currently underway. Currently located at 8571 Cathedral Place in North Saanich, Patterson & Kaercher have been involved in more than 200 residential and commercial construction projects over the years. The projects have varied from custom residential construction, to heritage and restoration renovation projects, to a full gamut of project management and general contracting assignments. Predominantly a commercial builder, the company’s commercial to residential work ratio is about 80 SEE PATTERSON & KAERCHER | PAGE 24


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Proud to support Patterson & Kaercher Construction Ltd.



The Tsawout First Nation Community Complex in Central Saanich is another exceptional project


per cent commercial with the rest residential. The company’s yearly production output can fluctuate depending on market conditions and local business trends. A multi award winning construction firm, Patterson & Kaercher has again been nominated for several 2016 CARE (Construction Achievements and Renovations of Excellence) Awards, including Best Heritage Project and Best Commercial Project. A partial list of the firm’s recent commercial projects include: the 42,000 square foot Tsawout

First Nation Community Complex in Central Saanich, the 30,000 square foot Trail Appliances retail store in Langford, the Sidney Cannery Building which houses the Sidney Waterfront Inn, a restaurant and a variety of stores and offices, and The Promis Block in downtown Victoria which now houses Kilshaw Auction House, Black Goat Cashmere, Chocolate Favoris, and the Connect Hearing main office within the large heritage building While the bulk of the company’s projects have been built in the Greater Victoria area, the firm has constructed projects all over Vancouver Island. For example the

company is currently building a new home in Cobble Hill. “We have gone over the Malahat many times before and wouldn’t be against it if the work was there,” Kaercher explained. The current Victoria housing boom has seen P & K busier than normal on the residential side of its business, with the construction of high end custom homes its main market focus. The hot Victoria housing market has also encouraged homeowners to update and expand existing properties, which has dramatically increased the number of large renovation projects Patterson & Kaercher is involved with.

“People are putting money back into their houses now so we’re involved in three different renovation projects right now, which is a lot for us. Occasionally there’s no distinction between a renovation job and a new build as a major reno is almost like building from scratch by the time you get down to the foundation,” he said. While company founders Don Patterson and Karl Kaercher remain active parts of the enterprise, both are making plans to eventually retire, but no timetable for such a move has been established. Karl continues to look after all of the firm’s books including payroll and estimating, a task he has mastered

over the years. Serving the region for more than 30 years, experienced in all levels of commercial and residential construction, Patterson & Kaercher looks forward to being an industry leader for many years to come. For the future the company will continue to build upon its successful track record (as much of 90 per cent of the company’s workload is from repeat business) while continuing to deliver quality projects on time and under budget. Now well into its third generation Kaercher has hopes that eventually his familial line of quality builders SEE PATTERSON & KAERCHER | PAGE 25

Concrete Sawing, Scanning and Coring Specialists Congratulations to Patterson & Kaercher Construction on your many years of success!





Custom single family homes are another example of the range of projects the company undertakes

will continue to carry the company’s brand and its emphasis on Old World quality into the future. “We definitely see more commercial work in our future,” he said. “We enjoy working on commercial projects, especially when it involves upgrading and restoring some of the city’s great heritage buildings. If you were asking me if I could pick my work, it would be with heritage restoration of the great old buildings in the city.” Recognized as industry leaders, experienced in all aspects of construction, built upon repeat and referral business, Patterson & Kaercher Construction Limited looks forward to what the 21st Century has to offer. “I’d love to say we’re going to grow in the future, and I hope we do, but for now we’re going to go where the work takes us,” Kaercher said. Being local and willing to stand behind every project they do regardless of size is a business philosophy that has helped the company flourish for more than three decades. “We stand behind our work, we enjoy the working relationships we have developed with Owners over the decades of business and are proud to have been an integral part of the team on all our projects” For more information please visit the company’s website at www.

The Sidney Waterfront Inn is proud to support Patterson & Kaercher Construction. Our building is a great example of your craftsmanship.


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We have a great selection of carpet, tile, vinyl, laminate and hardwood you are looking for, we’ve got you covered.

Proud to work with Patterson & Kaercher Construction. Congratulations on your continued success!

“You’ve got to see us soon!” Locally owned & operated for over 40 years!

The company finds it very satisfying when it has the opportunity to update a heritage building

2508 Bridge Street, Victoria, BC, V8T 5H3 |



ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERING British Columbia Engineers & Architects Are Designing Tomorrow Engineers & Architects Play Integral Roles In All Aspects Of Modern Life BY DAVID HOLMES


t’s not an exaggeration to say that modern society, or even human civilization itself, could not have occurred without the work of architects and engineers. From the simplest lever used to pry up a stone somewhere in the ancient mists of time, to the high definition images beamed from a rover on the surface of Mars, someone had to develop the means for either of those accomplishments to occur. In a similar way the homes we live in, the buildings where our businesses are located, and all of the structures that compose our modern world owe their existence to someone coming up with an idea and then turning that concept into a practical and functioning structure. In British Columbia thousands of engineers and architects, working in hundreds of different companies and representing my riad categories of desig n keep the province working, active, sheltered and progressive. Part art, part science, part human imagination either of these two related professions play pivotal roles in keeping society functioning. “In a way an engineer’s work goes un-noticed. You turn on the tap and water comes out. But in reality a great deal of engineering went into making that seemingly simple thing happen,” explained Michael Wrinch, the current President of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC). “Everyone runs water into the sink or flushes the toilet. The dirty water is gone and fresh clean water comes in. But when you think about the piping system that has brought the water in, the water treatment plants to prevent illness, the distribution systems required to bring water into the home, it’s an amazing amount of engineering and it all happens behind the scenes without anyone really thinking about it.” The APEGBC is the organization that oversees the licensing and serves as the regulatory body for the province’s professional

A task as simple as bringing water into a home could not occur without extensive planning and engineering

“Engineering really does touch all aspects of society, whether people realize it or not.” MICHAEL WRINCH PRESIDENT, APEGBC

engineers and geoscientists. Created in 1920, the Association is charged with protecting the public interest by setting and maintaining high academic, experience and professional practice standards for all of its 33,000 plus members in BC. Those individuals licensed by the APEGBC are the only persons permitted by law to undertake and assume responsibility for engineering and geoscience projects in BC. Engineers falling under its administration include electrical engineers, structural engineers, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, computer engineers, biological engineers, nanotechnology engineers and more. Essentially anyone working in an engineering field in the province falls under the egis of the Association. For architects in British Columbia the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC) regulates the profession on behalf of the general public. Much like

Structural Engineers are the professionals who envision and design systems that make society function with the APEGBC, the Architectural Institute looks after professional development by offering training courses and offering other resources for practitioners of this complex and multi-faceted profession. The Architects Act, introduced in British Columbia in 1920, is the legislation that governs the architectural profession throughout the province. Its underlying purpose is to protect the public interest. While it is specific to architects and architecture, it affects everyone including related professions, government officials, clients and the public. T he act speci fies the lega l responsibilities for those who

practice architecture, including qualifications, professional conduct standards, liability, and certificates of practice. It also establishes the authority and mandate of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia, the regulatory body for the profession. In addition to providing training and accreditation the AIBC is also charged with protecting the public against problems associated with all aspects of architecture including health and safety. The Institute has created a code of Ethics and Professional Conduct that all licensed architects must adhere to and also handles complaints and enforces disciplinary action against those who have




Civil Engineering’s influence can be seen and felt in all areas of urban life including its infrastructure violated its strict rules of conduct. A good exa mple of a n architectural firm is Alora Griffin Architect, which operates out of Prince Rupert in Northern British Columbia. This small firm collaborates with clients to develop the budget, site and program requirements for the numerous projects it undertakes. In its literature it states: “We are committed to affordable sustainable architecture and endeavor to incorporate energy-efficient and environmentally friendly materials into every design.” A partial list of the practice’s completed projects include the Kondolas furniture store in Terrace and an addition made to the Prince Rupert RCMP detachment. This company specializes in projects such as multi-family residences, commercial projects and places of worship. One example of a Mechanical Engineering firm is Sidney-based Nicholson Manufacturing Ltd. part of a truly international enterprise Nicholson has been serving clients worldwide for more than 60 years. The Victoria area operation is a self-described Ring Debarker Specialist, creating products for the forest industry; the company has developed a range of debarker models to suit any application. The APEGBC’s Wrinch,

himself is an electrical engineer and the owner of Vancouver-based Hedgehog Technologies Inc., a firm specializing in all aspects of electrical design, primarily for industrial clients. “One exciting part of our profession are the people I like to call Frontier Engineers, these are the people lucky enough to be working on pure research, the people who are in essence creating tomorrow,” he said. “A l l eng i neers a re i n reality working on new and in novative th ings, but these individuals are really on the leading edge of engineering. Engineers for example developed the stents that are used to unclog blood vessels, which in a way is a mechanical engineering problem. Engineering really does touch all aspects of society, whether people realize it or not.” Courtenay-based Tsolum & Tsable Environmental Ltd. is a good example of an environmental consultancy firm. The company specializes in areas as diverse as indoor air quality, hazardous and occupational hygiene services, grow op and drug lab environmental testing and other ecologically-based services. Kamloops based Artek Architecture is a diversified practice with extensive experience working with government clientele,

Heritage Restoration and First Nations Bands. Established in 1978 the firm specializes in industrial, institutional and commercial work, but has completed many single family and multi-family residential projects as well. For Wrinch the aging of the profession has motivated it to make professional promotion and recruitment an increasingly important part of the work of the Association. “We v isit schools, we reach out to universities, and we offer an educational program to teachers to allow them to get the word out about the profession. We’ve made the job of bringing the next generation of engineers along a top priority,” he said. “The future of the profession is bright. Engineering in British Columbia is part of a growing global community of professionals who are leading the creation of the world around us every day in unimaginable ways. Engineers are an essential part of the economic engine of this province.” For more information about eng i neeri ng as a career choice please visit the Association’s website at: To learn more about the profession of architecture as a potential career option check out the AIBC website at:

Both Engineers and Architects try to strike a balance between nature and society’s needs





Architect Has Made Sustainability A Central Focus Douglas Sollows Architect Inc. Has Worked Across Western Canada


ICTORIA – Since beginning his training as an architect in the early 1970’s, Douglas Sollows has seen incredible change, in both technologies and the expectations of his clients. Advances in software, construction technologies and an increased public awareness for the environment have been critical factors in the direction his firm, Douglas Sollows Architect Inc. (DSA), is going. DSA’s team of 12 has made a significant effort to respect and implement principles of sustainable design, which is evident through their early adoption of energy modeling, commitment to improving the energy performance of buildings, and architecturally sensitive design. The firms approach encourages a built environmental that embodies environmental stewardship and respect for the unique conditions that exist in each of their projects. “We have maintained a progressive approach towards learning and integrating new ideas, products and technologies into our business,” he explained. In 2015, the firm was recognized for its unique qualities when it received two awards for an infill housing project in Esquimalt. The

“It was really exciting that we could make such a positive contribution to the community.” DOUGLAS SOLLOWS OWNER, DOUGLAS SOLLOWS ARCHITECT INC.

project was evaluated on its environmental sensitivity, architectural and aesthetic features, and how the development enhanced the community. “It was really exciting that we could make such a positive contribution to the community, our focus has always been to help make our clients more successful,” he said. Having also worked in remote BC locations, the firm has started to build a relationship with local industry and increased local economy sourcing, particularly with suppliers of pre-engineered wood systems. Sollows recently took a plant tour of a local Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) manufacturer in Langford. “Constructability is a critical element of architecture more and more clients are expecting projects to be delivered with a higher

Architectural practice has been involved in a wide range of commercial and institutional projects level of quality, predictability and reduced time frames - prefabrication has allowed us to meet these needs,” Sollows said. Currently, DSA is in discussion with a local client for a pair of mixed-use projects in Saanich. Developments that combine residential with commercial and retail services are becoming increasingly popular in lots of municipalities. “More studies are showing the benefit of sustainable and mixeduse developments,” explained Rachele Mandrusiak, the firm’s Business Development Manager. “Developments like this

encourage people to get out and walk or bike and interact with each other and their community, which ultimately has positive economic, social and environmental effects.” Another Capital Region project that company is involved with is the feasibility study for a major renovation and expansion of an office building. The company will look at how to improve the efficiency of the current space so their client can grow and offer more client services. The firm hopes that these upcoming projects will help stimulate urban renewal, exhibit a high

standard of design for future developments, and provide an architectural solution that residents of the Capital Region will be proud of. “I’ve been in practice for nearly 30 years and I think this is the most exciting time in my career, thanks to all of the new technologies, products and the public’s awareness of what’s possible,” Sollows said. “I’ve never lost enthusiasm for the profession - why would I give up now when it’s just getting really interesting?” For more information visit the firm’s website at:

Engineering Firm Provides A True Turnkey Service Islander Engineering Specializes In Environmental & Civil Engineering


ICTORIA – While Islander Engineering has only existed as a separate company a short time, it brings with it decades of combined experience and engineering expertise. Specialists in civil and environmental engineering, the company is actively involved in a number of key projects across Vancouver Island. “My partner Mike Achtem, P. Eng. has been working on the Island for more than 25 years, and has been instrumental in developing successful engineering companies on Vancouver Island. He has been involved in a broad array of interesting projects including being the design lead and Program Manager at Bear Mountain,” explained Josh Bartley, P. Eng, the firm’s co-owner. Bartley, with more than a decade of civil and environmental engineering experience behind him, joined forces with Achtem to create Islander Engineering which officially launched September 1, assembl i ng a n impressive team of engineers, technologists and specialized sub consultants which provides the firm with the skills and experience needed to handle any sized civil or environmental engineering assignment.

Josh Bartley (right) and Mike Achtem are the co-owners of the recently formed Islander Engineering With a focus on designing municipal infrastructure and land development, Islander Engineering is a turnkey provider of engineering solutions for private and public sector clients. Trained as an engineer at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Bartley is also trained in environmental engineering, adding to the credibility and service range the company can provide. “Having training in both elements provides our clients with a more multi-layered service,

as environmental engineering allows us to come into a project at a much earlier stage to identify any potential environmental issues. This in turn provides real value for the client as we can offer a broader range of services and planning recommendations at the project start up phase,” he said. Wearing its two distinctive but interrelated engineering hats, Islander Engineering can offer a full menu of civil engineering services such as developing conceptual feasibility plans, subdivision

The company specializes in designing municipal infrastructure and in all areas of land development and site development concepts, development proformas, and other services. In its environmental engineering capacity the company will carry out Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigations, the first step required to identify potential environmental concerns. “We will review a site’s history for example and then we would provide our professional opinion if additional investigation is warranted. This is especially

important if the site had been used for some other purpose in the past,” Bartley explained. “If necessary, we would move on to more detailed phases of the environmental investigation, such as coordinating the installation of monitoring wells. These are the sorts of functions that would determine if site remediation is required.” New in name but experienced in the profession, Islander Engineering is excited about the future opportunities this new enterprise will take on in the years to come. Located at 485C Garbally Road, Islander Engineering is in many ways a one stop shop for professional engineering services. “As a new company we can focus on personal customer service with an emphasis on Vancouver Island based projects,” he said. “We offer a diverse range of services which really does allow us to deliver turnkey development solutions to our clients. We can take a project from raw land to a finished subdivision all in-house. This range is one of our greatest strengths.” For more information visit the firm’s website at:



HOME BUILDER BRINGS INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE TO EVERY PROJECT NZ Builders: Specialists In Building Energy Efficient Concrete Panel Homes


IC T OR I A – T here’s a reason the monuments of most ancient cultures have vanished while those of Imperial Rome such as the coliseum have endured – they were made of concrete. Using the 21st Century equivalent Victoria’s NZ Builders Ltd. are designing and building the homes of tomorrow using the state of the art counterpart of that time honored material. With a combination of tilt-up concrete panels, an extensive use of wood and natural materials and with an emphasis on comfort and energy efficiency NZ Builders are creating residential and commercial projects that are built to stand the test of time. “The West Coast climate is one of the hardest climates to build for, as the wetness can lead to mold and rot. In turn this potentially means homes can require a lot more maintenance,” explained company owner Damon Gray. To overcome the obstacles provided by Nature Gray has designed residences that are comfortable, long lasting and are noted for their ease of maintenance. “As anywhere from 60 to 80 per cent of your life is spent indoors it’s important that the home is a healthy place. But it’s been proven that the inside of a home is about the most polluted place you can be. So for us, whether we’re renovating or building a new home, creating a clean and healthy living place is important.” A native of New Zealand (hence the NZ in the company’s name) Gray was a certified carpenter and was experienced in working with concrete in home construction long before he arrived in Victoria. When he initially landed in North America in 2000 he found employment as a carpenter in California where he worked in the residential construction trade for

Proud to be a part of high performance construction with Damon and the team at NZ Builders

The Gonzales Modern is an exceptional single family home nominated for the Project of the Year CARE Award

“It doesn’t have to look like a concrete bunker or a space ship.” DAMON GRAY OWNER, NZ BUILDERS LTD.

four years. “Working in California was a good experience as they place a lot of emphasis on earthquake preparedness, a feature we incorporate into the homes we design here,” he said. Despite the opportunity California provided to work on some exceptional high end properties Gray was drawn to the slower and more familiar lifestyle that Victoria provided. “I wanted to start up my own company and I knew it was time to move on,” he remembers. “I initially thought about returning to New Zealand but I felt I had too much equipment to move, and as Canada was a bit more like New Zealand it seemed like the SEE NZ BUILDERS | PAGE 30

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A concrete panel home does not look like a bunker, but is typically open and filled with natural light

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right decision. So I came up here and built my own house straight away and it all really started from there.” Gray launched NZ Builders in Victoria in 2004, initially specializing in residential renovation work. Beginning as a one person operation, over the years the company has expanded to about a dozen employees, depending on the number of projects currently underway. While carrying out numerous renovation projects annually the company is also an award winning custom home builder, incorporating design elements he learned in New Zealand, coupled with his California experience to produce homes uniquely suited to the West Coast climate and lifestyle. “While much of the work we do is for high end homes requiring a lot of fine details, we also produce homes that are a lot more modest, for the regular buying public who want homes that are durable, practical and worry-free,” he explained. NZ Builders has experienced continual growth over the past 12 years. From a single person shop in 2004, the firm had grown to number almost half a dozen within a few years to nearly the dozen today. “Some of our employees have been here eight years and more,” he said. In its early stages the company

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The use of tilt-up concrete panels is common with commercial buildings but is much rarer with single family homes specialized in home renovations, especially in terms of fixing damage caused by rot. This work introduced Gray to the unique challenges of building for the damp and windy West Coast climate. For him government grants to support adding insulation to an existing home, or tighter building codes to increase energy efficiency are only part of the solution to the West Coast building dilemma. For Gray the real answer is designing a home from the get-go to be energy efficient, seismically sound, healthy and comfortable. “Our approach is basically this; rather than applying band aids to a problem do the whole thing from top to bottom, and make sure you do it well. Otherwise you’re not really addressing the fundamental problem,” he said. Practicality, durability, energy efficiency and a clean and contemporary aesthetic appeal are among the hallmarks of an NZ Builders home. Another key to the company’s success, and an expanding part of its operation, is a satellite company Gray launched called Monolith Systems. This new firm produces all of the tilt-up concrete insulated panels he uses in not only his own construction projects but increasingly in the projects completed by

Since opening in 2004 NZ Builders have carried out numerous renovation projects across the city other builders. “Monolith Systems manufactures the concrete insulated panels we use in the high end homes. It’s used in concrete siding, its structurally very strong, it’s insulated and offers excellent thermal mass for heating, it’s seismically rated, it’s simply the most deluxe

building material you can use,” he said. Only recently opened, Monolith Systems has quickly grown into an important component of the overall company’s output. The fledgling firm has the potential to grow beyond NZ Builders in terms of sales and productivity. “We’ve

been selling the concrete panels to other building companies to try and get momentum going and to show people that there are better ways to build,” Gray explained. While relatively new to the Canadian building scene, the use of SEE NZ BUILDERS | PAGE 31

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Concrete homes are typically stronger, easier to heat and require far less ongoing maintenance

proven so successful and innovative the company has been nominated for several 2016 CARE (Construction Achievements and Renovations of Excellence) Awards from the Victoria Residential Builders Association (VRBA), including the prestigious Project of the Year Award for the exceptional Gonzales Modern project, an extraordinary 3,200 square foot home located in Oak Bay. “As a builder looking at that wall system (concrete panels) you have concrete sills, concrete head flashings around the windows, you have no maintenance concrete siding, you’ve got a concrete interior without any drywall, you have a continuous level of insulation without any studs interfering and changing conductivity. It’s simply a terrific way to build a home,” he said. Today NZ Builders sees its workload evenly divided between new home construction and renovation work. “We like renovation projects as it’s an excellent way to teach our apprentices why rot happens. Then we can take them over to the new custom builds and show them why we’re putting an airtight barrier around the home and why we’re doing ‘outsulation’ rather than typical insulation on the inside of the home. We like renovation jobs for training purposes and of course to serve our customers,” he said. For the future, it’s the goal of Gray and NZ Builders to educate the public and the building industry on the benefits of the concrete panel approach to home construction,

and to see the expansion of the companion company Monolith Systems. “I can tell right now that an energy efficient home will also be a very comfortable home to live in. An energy-efficient home is also one that requires a very small and cost-effective heating system, which dramatically reduces operating costs now and for the future. It’s a win-win no matter how you look at it,” Gray explained. The innovative Victoria builder anticipates that the size and general workload of NZ Builders will remain fairly consistent in the near future, but anticipates that Monolith Systems will experience considerable growth, once the multiple benefits of its product line become apparent to a larger segment of the building sector. “In the future I would like to see Monolith Systems branch out and start to build for markets across Canada. We just completed a house up on the Sunshine Coast where we went and installed the panels for another builder so I anticipate a greater emphasis being placed on this aspect of my business,” he said. “We can supply other builders with a great, high performance wall system. Very customizable we can basically build any home or commercial project out of this material so I’m very excited about the future.” For more information please visit the company’s website at www.

NZ Builders has experience with both residential and commercial projects, such as the Discovery Coffee outlet


tilt-up insulated concrete panels in the construction of residential properties has been used in New Zealand for decades. For Gray one of the hurdles to be overcome to bring this proven technique into the mainstream is to convince

buyers the end results can be as beautiful as they are durable and energy efficient. “It doesn’t have to look like a concrete bunker or a space ship. The results can be a very elegant home. I think concrete gets a bad rap, especially if it’s done poorly,” he said. “When I was building my own house it was considered very

radical and different. I was telling people I’m going to build a concrete home and they would say why would I want to live in a bunker? In reality it’s anything but, a concrete home can be very warm and elegant.” The homes constructed by NZ Builders that incorporate the Monolith Systems panels have

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I C T O R I A – D espite public misconceptions, the ser v ices of fered by a n Interior Designer are not the exclusive playground of the rich or the corporate elite, but for anyone who wishes to maximize the benefits of the living space at their disposal. That simple truth is at the heart of the work carried out by the innovative Victoria interior design firm Creative Spaciz Design Studio. “We’re a l l about d istinctive and creative design solutions,” explained company owner and Senior Interior Designer Tracey Lamoureux. A g radu ate of t he i nterior design program at Mount Royal College University in Calgary, Lamoureux moved to Victoria and became a designer for the prestig ious fi rm of Lazlo Rossini, a specialist in the creation of high end kitchen spaces. W h i le work i ng w it h t h e f i r m (a n d w it h it s approval) she launched the Creative Spaciz Desig n Stud io as a f ledgling freelance outlet to service clients requiring work outside of the normal Lazlo Rossini service area. In time the freelance gig blossomed into a full t i me busi ness, but t he two firms have continued a close and amicable relationship throughout its history. “By about 1996 Creative

“We don’t only cater to major projects; interior design is all about the livability of a space.” TRACEY LAMOUREUX OWNER, CREATIVE SPACIZ DESIGN STUDIO

Spaciz had become a full t i m e b u s i n e s s . To d a y there are four of us in the of f ic e, t wo sen ior d esigners (Carley Petillion and Lamoureux), and two ju n ior desig ners Emily Fisher and Madison Leslie,” she explained. Located at Unit G, 661 Alpha Street the Creative Spaciz Studio is housed in a 1,500 square foot office / showroom design studio where the team can work, meet with clients, a nd showcase materia l sa mples a nd ot her a spects of the group’s output. Working on a wide ra n ge of a ssi g n ments, from residential renovat ions to new home design to commercial and

retail projects, Creative Spaciz’s efforts ca n be found all across Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland. An award winning inter ior d e s i g n f i r m t he compa ny h a s re c eive d multiple Silver and Gold CA R E (Construction Achievements and R enovat ion s of E xcellence) Awards from the Canadian Home Builder’s Association of Vancouver Island (CH BA-V I), i nclud i ng a nu mb er of nominations at the most recent event. “Our clientele is about 50 per cent residentia l and 50 per cent commercial work at this point. We don’t only cater to major projects, interior design is all about the livability of a space and we work on m a ny levels to help anyone with any budget create a better space for themselves,” she said. For the future one company goal is to continue focusing on a comfortable atmosphere of creative growth for its staff and to continue building strong trusting relationships with its clients. “T he rea l ity is a n i nterior designer will save you time, stress, regrets a nd money by keepi ng you on track, focused on the big picture, and help yo u e njoy t h e p ro c e s s w it h con f id enc e,” she explained. For more i n formation please visit the company’s website at: www.spaciz. com



Innovative Cladding System Revolutionizing The Industry Architectural Panel System Used On Both Residential & Commercial Projects

The water may be blue but we are green.


ICTOR I A – L ong lasting, economical to fabricate, simple to install, the Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) panel system developed and distributed by Delta-based AL13 Architectural Panel Systems have revolutionized the way commercial, i nst itut ion a l a nd even residential structures are finished. The unique design of the AL13™ panel system was envisioned by the company founders as an alternative to existing, labor intensive aluminum cladding methods. “What we’ve developed is an aluminum-cladded panel that is held on the wall with components that work together as a system, and that’s what AL13™ is, a cladding system not merely an exterior panel,” explained Keith Borg, AL13’s Chief Operating Officer (COO). Founded in Alberta about seven years ago the company moved to Delta to provide it with easier distribution access to North American markets. The AL13™ approach is different than other ACM methods as it uses a so-called tabover system. To use the system a network of structural components are first mounted on the exterior of the building with the panels later attached to the framework with special snap-lock fasteners. A L13™ panels are not welded or formed during construction as this fabricating approach allows for each panel to expand and contract across a broad temperature spectrum without causing buckling or oil-canning. The system is designed and distributed by the company come in a rainbow of colors, including a number of wood grain finishes, and even have the capability of being custom colored to satisfy any design criteria. “When mounted on the wall the patented system allows for pressure equalization as it’s not affixed directly to the wall, but allows for air flow preventing water from being retained which would lead to mold or rot,” Borg explained. Developed by a group of

Supporting and advocating for green practices at all our facilities through Green Marine and Clean Marine environmental programs. The innovative cladding system developed by AL13 is used on both commercial and residential projects

“We’re a fast growing innovative company that is strong in our product, it’s pretty simple – we want to clad the world!” KEITH BORG COO, AL 13 ARCHITECTURAL PANEL SYSTEMS

aluminum cladding installers who recognized the need for a simpler, faster and more cost-effective way to complete a building, the AL13™ system is just as applicable for residential use as it is for commercial or institutional clients. “We provide for all facets, residential, multi-family residential, commercial, educational and institutional - essentially anything an architect wants us to do we can make happen,” he said. The System themselves are fabricated in a number of locations across Canada, but the product is distributed through its Delta headquarters. On Vancouver Island Brock White Construction Materials and Convoy Supply Ltd. are the main distribution points for this innovative product. “The aluminum composite material that we use is the industry standard. Our fastening method means

the panels can be quickly attached, allowing for a much shorter timeframe for completing a building. Our panels are also frequently used during retrofits to quickly give a building a new appearance,” he said. Strictly a manufacturer, AL13 does not install its product itself but it does operate a Preferred Installer Program where it trains installers in the correct usage of this unique cladding system. Just some of the commercial users of the AL13™ system include Wendy’s Restaurants and A & W Restaurants among others. Now that this product has been on the market for a few years Borg says the company is seeing increasing interest across the continent. “Now that our name and brand is being recognized we’re starting to see the architectural spec market really come into its own, for example we did the Pacific Autism Centre in Vancouver. We’ve worked with the local Health Board, we’re doing schools all across North America we’re continually seeing the sales volumes dramatically increase year over year, even for multi-family residential,” he said. “We’re confident for the future. We’re a fast growing innovative company that is strong on our service, strong in our product, it’s pretty simple – we want to clad the world!” For more information visit the company’s website at:

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ICTOR IA – Since the dawn of time dance has served as W c nd VI a multi-purpose art form; the sla n i I en er uv oms a ceremon i a l of fera oW w c n or df VIVa un ing, as entertainment, as gro ks n a e a gbr physical training and most nias kaHa -O commonly just for fun. For on s n p gai om na Rachel Paish the founder, Th ka T O nso Chief Executive Officer mp O ity o ers Th I (CEO) and uArtistic niv DirecO F the to tor of Victoria’s Passion & ent i tm i m I Performance Arts Inc., it’s com ong ria str o a t i also clearly a very successes s Vic s re exp ful business concept. els s s a ie C ary nded i n 2010 a s a Fou Jam ion t u l sm a ylt l sc a le enter pr i se ey W revo rn all nae rV to introduce the s created VI se o iroerni a r r t F otlo tissim u n l m i y o r of dance to a wider isworld e y l o v u t l l n a e eq o r V gl sessre do d rer in e se an Passion & Perr pora s erat audience, o sim t l t Fra o i ind ti n m lortis im iunsaga quisformance y has grown into a n o e g m gla si ka se o d anM pprasoesn-Oit praess erat d fully fledged dance school i d st om Th gnim m iu with a faculty that numbers Ma aessi pr more than 20 and with a list of satisfied alumni that i numbers in the thousands. “We are a dance / performing arts facility for V adults. ary We just recently ion t u moved into the old Steve ol ey all ent rev rV r in Fitness World on se os Nash r ore sim t l Fra o n s ism rti yi Douglas (202-3301 Dougqu olo gle sse o d rae erat d an p t i tis las) and offer more than 30 d s m l al ori tia dit en a t sid e s t, e ’s pre itte id en m m s it t, co pre f cr mee rch new st o to a ve d li se d a ng h a ati fi n nti ate istr to dau d id l main w n a an andti t d o h ad e c : nidde sa r itIO at th ing icreas tee aednet, ary le ion r th clut hde e’smpncme it ds id is iledt,e inn ad coem apsree dcvrit ue h e ac pheri ew-b aonf bm n x to e e aerc anlue gicst ship ica se da va nagtelitiohnad acum ativ un tr g tr ic m m fi n nSti alate ss inis to dau daidre sine misin ntr co d t-ce l of w n a a n Bu ndara n d o h ad e c : Fnud de leevr e a th it at ing ic Stu had ary th clud em nce Hdigle islsion er d e il d in aca rie as sdkv uil pe e-b n b ex alu gic a ship men ica a v ate tion acu un Str rela ess g ic m m a sin isin entr f co Bu ndra nt-c el o Fu de lev on . c Stu ig h o e H illse th s s s nd IO sk ak le er a he

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Vancouver Island | Victoria | Thompson-Okanagan | Fraser Valley




Vancouver Island | Victoria | Thompson-Okanagan | Peace Cariboo Skeena




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“While in university I started teaching dance independently, focusing initially on a jazz dance class.” RACHEL PAISH CEO PASSION & PERFORMANCE ARTS INC.

classes ranging from dance to fitness to competitive level dance and in January we’re going to be starting a musical theatre program,” she explained. A lover and practitioner of the dance her whole life Paish launched Passion & Performance on a part time basis while still a student at the University of Victoria after recognizing a need for a dance school that could cater to performers with more advanced skills. “ W h i le i n u n iversit y I started teaching dance independently, focusing

initially on a jazz dance class. Today of course we offer a variety of classes for all different levels, focusing on the adult dance culture. Persons under the age of 19 cannot participate in our classes,” she said. Paish’s vision has grown from a part time venture i nto a f u l l t i me d a nc e school, with more than 500 students going through the program last year alone. Since moving to its new and larger location in mid September the school saw more than 200 people sign up for classes, promising a bright future for the operation. “Looking ahead I’d to expand Passion & Performance to other locations. My long term vision is that for every community that has 20 dance studios for children I want one Passion & Performance ready for them when they become adults,” she said. For more in formation visit the school’s website at:



BC Tourism Wins Big With The PGA TOUR Champions

The High Profile Victoria-Hosted Golf Tournament Draws Millions of International Viewers


ICTORIA—From September 19-25, 2016, The Westin Bear Mountain Golf Resort and Spa in Victoria hosted the PGA TOUR Champions, Pacific Links Bear Mountain Championship. With stars like Bernhard Langer, Rocco Mediate, and Jim Rutledge competing for glory, the event was a spectacular draw for sports fans—a coup for BC tourism. The Pacific Links Championship is an official event on the high profile PGA Champions TOUR. It features the world’s premier golfers aged 50 and older competing for a US$ 2.5 million purse. The decision of organizers to hold the event at the Jack and Steve Nicklaus Co-Design Mountain Course at Bear Mountain Golf Resort was a significant development for the BC tourism industry. Certainly, when the Province’s Tourism Events Program elected to invest $90,000 into the star-studded event, it was for good reason. The tournament was broadcast internationally on the Golf Channel to over 190 countries, with a reach that was estimated to be 330 million viewers strong. In particular, prior to the big event, organizers estimated 80 million U.S. viewers could potentially tune in for the event. The local economic impact of the tournament promises to be one of the largest for an event in Victoria. “Bear Mountain Resort was humming,” says David Clarke, Chief Financial Officer of the resort. “We welcomed thousands of spectators who took advantage of the opportunity to watch the tournament. It was pretty amazing what was accomplished with only a four month organizing window.” Clarke acknowledges that it’s early to accurately estimate local economic impact. However, early signs look good. “Early analytics for us indicate strong interest, uptake and media coverage resulting in hotel room bookings, real estate inquiries, and even tee time bookings.” When those viewers and spectators took in the tournament, what did they see? In addition to a rousing contest of sports skill, they were able to take in the jewel that is the Bear Mountain Golf Resort and Spa. The resort wasn’t just a place that offered an outstanding Nicklaus Design golf

“As with all successful initiatives, it’s the people that make the real difference. Our staff pulled out all the stops to ensure that the resort


was ready – and we were.”

e are a locally owned accounting firm specializing in owner/managed based businesses. We also offer advisory services and have a lot of experience in filing for SRED tax credits. We take great pride in ensuring that all our client’s needs are looked after with respect to all business matters. Looking forward to helping you grow your business, as we only succeed if our clients succeed.


course experience to the competitors. The location itself—southern Vancouver Island, with its natural beauty and year-round golf climate—couldn’t help but steal the show, to a certain extent. Not that the show was anything to sneeze at. Tournament week in Victoria began with Pro-Ams on Wednesday and Thursday, followed by 54 holes of championship play from Friday through Sunday, with no cut. Finally, on Sunday, September 25th, the trophy was presented on the 18th Green to Colin Montgomerie, who called it a “great day for Great Britain.” Montgomerie closed with a 4-under 67 to match McCarron at 15-under 198. Ultimately, the Briton bested American Scott McCarron with a birdie on the third hole of a playoff. Significantly, on that same Sunday, sports fans around the world received news of the passing of golf icon Arnold Palmer at age 87. “I’m obviously delighted with my performance, but it was very sad,” Montgomerie told Associated Press reporters. “I had a message to me that Arnold Palmer had passed away during the round.” In the afterglow of the big event, Clarke and his fellow organizers are ready to give credit where it is due. “We’re so grateful for the 600-plus volunteers who stepped forward and carried the event off with pride, joy, and professionalism.”


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WHO IS SUING WHOM Limited CLAIM $ 25,241

Authority CLAIM $ 24,670

DEFENDANT Barrett Smith Construction Ltd 4028 McLellan St, Saanich, BC PLAINTIFF British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority CLAIM $ 24,670


CLAIM $ 24,670

CLAIM $ 69,358

DEFENDANT Clear Marine Inc 602-732 Broughton St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Wiseman & Mills CLAIM $ 5,639

DEFENDANT Garden City Tree & Landscape Ltd 104-9717 3rd St, Sidney, BC PLAINTIFF British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority CLAIM $ 24,670

DEFENDANT Mark Hanna Holdings Ltd 3816 Island Hwy West, Qualicum Beach, BC PLAINTIFF Coast Outdoor Advertising Ltd CLAIM $ 6,170

DEFENDANT Bayside Mechanical Ltd 204-655 Tyee Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Olympic International Sales Ltd CLAIM $ 10,612

DEFENDANT Dicks Fish and Chips 660B Island Hwy, Campbell River, BC PLAINTIFF Nagra Holdings Ltd CLAIM $ 21,534

DEFENDANT Green Estates Ltd 966 Eaglecrest Dr, Qualicum Beach, BC PLAINTIFF Kahn, Larry CLAIM $ 12,750

DEFENDANT Mountain Lake Construction Ltd 210-737 Yates St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Triton Automotive and Industrial Ltd CLAIM $ 188,827

DEFENDANT Belmont Meat Products Ltd 230 Signet Dr, Toronto, ON PLAINTIFF Spence, Mike CLAIM $ 17,251

DEFENDANT Evans Bay Contracting Ltd PO Box 596, Heriot Bay, BC PLAINTIFF Inlet Navigation (1985) Ltd CLAIM $ 40,201

DEFENDANT 331399 Alberta Ltd 141 Summit Dr, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF All Island Equity Mortgage Investment Corp CLAIM $ 555,925

DEFENDANT Best Rate Movers 3082 Albina St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Yellow Pages Digital & Media Solutions Ltd CLAIM $ 11,337

DEFENDANT Executive House Ltd 837 Burdett Ave, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Yap Chung, Edwina CLAIM $ 12,483

DEFENDANT Group3 Homes and Developments Ltd 102-1497 Admirals Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF BG Granite Ltd CLAIM $ 7,192

DEFENDANT Akros Holdings Ltd 2961 Adye Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Central Builders Supply Parksville

DEFENDANT BFS Construction 2022-A Courser Dr, Sidney, BC PLAINTIFF British Columbia Hydro and Power

The contents of Who’s Suing Whom is provided by a third-party resource and is accurate according to public court documents. Some of these cases may have been resolved by publication date. DEFENDANT 0978794 BC Ltd 3-4488 Wellington Rd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Business Development Bank of Canada CLAIM $132,296 DEFENDANT 0978796 BC Ltd 3-4488 Wellington Rd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Business Development Bank Of Canada CLAIM $ 132,296

DEFENDANT Garden City Developments Corp 4654 Boulderwood Dr, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority

DEFENDANT Joe The Bartender Ltd 301-1321 Blanshard St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF 382786 BC Ltd CLAIM $ 25,216 DEFENDANT Living Forest GP Ltd 21-21 Dallas Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Corix Water Products (GP) Inc

DEFENDANT Sea Power Marine Centre Ltd 602-732 Broughton St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Wiseman & Mills CLAIM $ 5,639 DEFENDANT Twenty Ten Developments Ltd 7045 Aulds Rd, Lantzville, BC PLAINTIFF Armtec LP CLAIM $ 6,313 DEFENDANT Viberg Boot Manufacturing Ltd 4th FLR 1007 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF GAO, QI CLAIM $ 8,296






ost sa lespeople want a brighter tomorrow. They want more opportunity, more customers, more business, and of course, more commission. Fortunately, there are numerous things they can do to ensure a brighter tomorrow. So, why aren’t they doing them? Why do so many salespeople waste their time making excuses about today rather than invest their time doing something to ensure a more prosperous tomorrow? Perhaps, it’s easier to compla i n about the current state of the economy and the resulting impact it’s had on the marketplace than it is to actually get out and do something. Some sa lespeople a re quick to point out that there are fewer opportunities to develop and fewer

resources available for attracting new customers. “No one is buying now,” and “No one will take my calls,” they claim. They complain about the cutthroat competition with which they have to contend and being “squeezed” by current customers. The list of excuses and complaints is almost endless. They yearn for things to change… to get back to “normal.” If you’re not happy with your current situation, certainly, you can blame the state of the economy. Heck, you can even blame the weather, if you like. But t hat won’t cha nge anything. If you want tomor row to be br ig hter than today, things must change…that’s true. But, the change must start with you. You must put away your fears, your doubts, and your confusion. You must reach down and grab hold of whatever motivation and self-confidence you have and DO SOMETHING. There are plenty of opportunities…if you have the will to do what needs to be done. As their manager what are you doing? Do you have daily, weekly, or monthly meetings that set definite expectations? Are you guiding

their thoughts and behaviours? Does everyone have a “Cookbook” that directs their behaviour based on their stats and previous performance? Does their “Pay Time” reflect your expectations? In short, are you setting the standards and holding your people accountable? Salespeople can prospect for new customers. You’d b e s u r p r i s e d h o w fe w salespeople actually make prospecting calls. They talk about them, but they rarely make them. I can guarantee, “You’ll never have to stand in line to make a cold call.” Are you assigning networking, developing relationships with associations, and working a plan for strategic alliances? As sales manager, do you need to have greater involvement to ensure your team will be successful? John Glennon is the owner of Insight Sales Consulting Inc, an authorized Sandler Training Licensee. He can be reached at jglennon@sandler. com, toll free at 1-866-6452047 or visit www.glennon. Copyright 2013 Sandler Training and Insight Sales Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.



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here are approximately 4,700 AirBNB units in Vancouver, with an estimated 3,800 on Vancouver Island. The reality is these rental units avoid paying a variety of taxes and fees that a hotel or Bed & Breakfast operation would pay. These include higher commercial property tax rates, as well as sales and room taxes – which represent up to 30 per cent of the costs of a regular room rate. At the moment, AirBnB hosts, in many cases, do not pay anything in regards to municipal or provincial taxes or any of the numerous extra fees paid by the hotel industry.

C o m m u n i t i e s a cross Vancouver Island have all, to some degree, started to begin grappling with how to respond. In some cases, they are facing resistance from local BNB operators, who want to keep earning that extra money. Tofino Council is cracking down on illegal bed and breakfast accommodations and short-term nightly rentals through websites like AirBnB. The issue has come to the fore over concerns that Tofino does not have enough affordable housing for either its seasonal workforce, or its year-round residents living on more modest incomes. Other cities, such as Kelowna and Kamloops are also considering some type of action. Free enterprise and competition is great. However, I say: Let’s all play on a fair and level playing field. Hotels and B&B’s, for example collect a two per cent tax that goes to further promote their respective

communities, and help tourism. They also have business licenses, and inspections for health and fire protection, which adds costs and of course, is needed for the safety of their guests. There is also insurance, security, and building costs that all need to be factored into the equation. I believe AirBnB operators need to be held to the same regulations and standards as hoteliers and Bed & Breakfast operators. Take a closer look at AirNB hosts: Inspect them, license them, and tax them the same as a hotel or a B&B. Make Vancouver Island the standard that the rest of the world can use as an example of how new emerging businesses should be run. Roger McKinnon is a wellknown Vancouver Island businessman, who owns and operates the Old House Hotel & Spa in the Comox Valley. He can be reached at

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The Family Business Association, previously called CAFE, recently held their first AGM and member appreciation evening under their new banner at the Union Club. New board members are: Adam Butcher of Seaflora Skincare, John McLeod of Reed Pope Law, Kurtis Dukelow of CIBC and Samantha Wilson of Wilson’s Transportation.

Kelowna will be produced by Victoria-based Cedarwood Productions and Kelownabased Visland Media. The 13-part series will follow five top Okanagan real estate agents battling to win house listings.

Outgoing board members are: Dee Govang of RBC Insurance and Adam McLean of BMO.

on receiving the prestigious ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ granted by the STEP organization. The award was presented in London, England on September 8, 2016. STEP is a worldwide professional association for those advising families across generations. They help families plan for their futures; from drafting a will or advising family businesses, to helping international families and protecting vulnerable family members. STEP has approximately 20,000 members across 95 countries. The awards are highly regarded as a celebration of excellence across the private client world. Judges have said: “Dr. Donovan Waters QC is a leading international expert in trust law,� and “He has worked tirelessly in Canada to modernize trust law.�

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The continuing board is as follows: Stewart Story of Story Construction, Andy Spurling of Proline Management, Marilyn Spurling of Proline Management, Trevor McCall of McCall Gardens and Mike Brooks of Rinald Tax Advisory. ‘FBA is an energetic and dynamic organization filled with knowledgeable family businesses and advisors to family businesses. They focus on providing relevant educational events and a framework for peer support groups, recognizing that the challenges of operating a family-owned business are unique,� says president, Stewart Story. ‘Opportunities to mix and engage with other family businesses is often exactly what is needed to overcome the challenges of running a family business. It’s a way to find inspiration, ideas and energy from like-minded people who appreciate the opportunity to learn from each other.

Murray Tough of Serenity Home Care & Wendy Dagg of Hot House Marketing

L to R: Susan & Chris Benesh of Earth’s Option Cremation & Burial Services; Samantha Wilson of Wilson’s Transportation & Kathi Thompson of Training for Bridging Difference

Dean & Kathy Clarke of Tru Value Foods & Oliver Sommer of Black Press FBAVI announces that nominations are now being accepted for the 2017 Family Business Excellence Award (FBE Award). Nominations are being accepted until October 14, 2016. The celebration gala will take place on February 9, 2017 at the Beach House Restaurant in Victoria, BC. Linda Hasenfratz, chief executive officer of Linamar Corporation, a diversified global manufacturing company, is the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business 2016 Distinguished Entrepreneur of the Year. The award is given to leaders who have achieved success through their business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit. Hasenfratz joined her father’s company in 1990 and worked her way up from the ground floor, learning all aspects of the business prior to her tenure as the chief executive officer. As CEO, Hasenfratz has grown the company from an $800-million enterprise to a company worth more than $5.3-billion. Linamar manufactures precision metallic components for automotive, marine, agricultural, and industrial equipment. Mayfair Shopping Centre announced it will undergo $72-million expansion that will replace existing parking lots along Douglas Street with 100,000 square-feet of new retail space. The expansion will include the addition of a rooftop parkade to improve street and vehicle access and will also result in the update of mall interiors. Owners Ivanhoe Cambridge began prepping the work site and will begin construction in January. The project is expected to be completed by fall 2018. A reality TV show called Seller’s Market set in

Diane Gallagher celebrated her book launch on October 1 at the Duncan Showroom. Her book “Mancia Di Sanu: A Canadian Expat’s Take on Sicilian Life and Cuisine� shares her experiences as a part-time expat in Sicily. Diane is a retired teacherlibrarian who has taken up a new career as an author. Tourism Victoria is pleased to announce the appointment of Miranda Ji as Director of Sales, Victoria Conference Centre and Business Events Victoria. Tourism Victoria (Greater Victoria Visitors Convention Bureau) is the official not-for-profit destination marketing organization working in partnership with more than 900 members in Greater Victoria. Charter, a Canadian communications technology leader based in Victoria, has been named one of the 20 Most Promising IT Infrastructure Solution Providers 2016 in the annual ranking from CIOReview. Charter was founded in 1997 and specializes in technology innovation, customer service, operational optimization, and cutting-edge solutions. This is the first year Charter has been named to the annual CIOReview list.

Ron Neal RE/MAX Alliance Realty is pleased to congratulate their sales leaders for August 2016. They are: Ron Neal, Mark Salter, Claude Delmaire, Karie Seiss, Karen Love, Dennis Jabs, Robyn Wildman, Manpreet Kandola, Laura SEE MOVERS & SHAKERS | PAGE 39




Godbeer and Alex Burns. The View Royal Casino will more than double in size with a major upgrade that includes a 600-seat entertainment venue and 350 more slot machines and electronic games. The renovation will also see 12 new tale games with live dealers, to add to the current 15, and new dining venues such as a buffet, casual lounge and bar. The project will add 42,000 square-feet to the complex and is expected to begin in 2017 and be completed in the first half of 2018. Discount airline NewLeaf Travel Co. is suspending flights to and from Victoria in November and into early December. A date has not been set to resume service at Victoria International Airport. Service for Kamloops, Victoria, Regina and Saskatoon will continue until the end of October and will then be temporarily halted while NewLeaf reviews those routes. Victoria flights began in late July.

Bruce Carter, former CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber - now owner of Wes-Tech Irrigation Wes-Tech Irrigation is pleased to announce it has new owners: Former CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce, Bruce Carter and his wife Beverly of Beverly Carter Notary Public. Founded by Stephen and Laurie Gitzel in 1989, WesTech Irrigation is a wholesale/ retail supplier of irrigation products, landscape lighting and water features. With over three decades of experience working in real estate, land acquisition and assessment, Connie Fair will be leading the new ParcelMap BC project to help support faster and more accurate real estate transactions. Commissionaires Victoria, the Islands and Yukon (CVIY) has appointed Gary Paulson

as its new CEO. Gary spent the past ten years as the Vice-President Operations and Harbour Master for the Port of Prince Rupert. Commissionaires is Canada’s premier security provider and the largest private sector employer of Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP veterans. Coralee Oakes, Minister for Small Business and Red Tape Reduction will be speaking Tuesday, October 18 from 12-1:30 pm at the Vancouver Marriott Inner Harbour on how the provincial government is helping entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses in the province.

Emma Neary of Horne Coupar Victoria lawyers, Horne Coupar are pleased to welcome Emma Neary to the firm. Emma practices family law and moved recently from Hart Legal. The Victoria Foundation is celebrating their 80th anniversary. The Victoria Foundation started in 1936 when Burges Gadsden, a volunteer at a soup kitchen brought to life his vision of a community foundation in BC. They are the region’s largest non-government funder, with assets of over $270-million and annual granting of over $15 million. Pearson College United World Colleges (UWC) recently tapped retired RCN Rear Admiral Ty Pile and former Vancouver Island University Executive Director Dan Hurley to help lead the 43-year old international school in Metchosin. As VPs of Operations and Administration and Advancement and External Relations respectively, they join President and Head of College Désirée McGraw in guiding operations supporting 160 UWC students. Three Victoria-based companies have been named to the Profit 500 list of Canada’s fastest growing companies. Software development firm Redbrick lead the ranking of Victoria firms at No. 5, while First Light Technologies came in at No. 55 and MD Charlton,

which distributes police and tactical equipment, was listed at 366.


You would never let them drink Fruity flavoured Pool Water Air Freshener reinvented.

Arq Salons is celebrating its 20th year in business. The salon, founded by Brett Lacey and Stewart Bridgman, has grown to two locations at 1317 Douglas Street and 829 Goldstream Avenue. The partners are proud of their work in the community as the salons have given more than $250,000 in donations and cash over the years. Victoria-based Peetz Reels has released its most recent limited edition fishing reel as part of its artist series. Peetz is selling 90 reels entitled Orca, Salmon and Moon as its 2016 Chain of Life reel. Ocean River Sports is relocating to 1630 Store Street, moving its docks and rejuvenating their online presence to keep their business competitive. The owners are celebrating Ocean River Sports’ 35th anniversary. Whippletree Furniture at 4705 Trans-Canada Hwy, Duncan, is celebrating their 30th anniversary. Mill Springs Village celebrates the grand opening of phase 15 at 851 Frayne Road in Mill Bay.

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The Hillside-Quadra neighbourhood may soon have increased gym access. The Capital Regional District, which manages the site, has retained the 6,300-squarefoot gymnasium at the former Blanshard Elementary School yard for use by the Quadra Village Community Centre across the street. Tilley Adventure Clothing is celebrating their grand opening at 560 Yates Street.

We tailor your insurance to you. Don Rusk of Jim Pattison Toyota Congratulations to the automotive salespersons of the month for August: Andre Riviere of Galaxy Motors, Cam McFarlane of Harris Auto, Don Rusk of Jim Pattison Toyota, Craig Hawe of Pacific Mazda, Ted Sakousky of Wheaton, Brendan Tan of Audi Autohaus, SEE MOVERS & SHAKERS | PAGE 40

For your residential, commercial, or marine insurance needs come talk to us. Thanks to our advice, you can be confident in what’s covered.



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Anthony Atagari of Volkswagen Victoria, Matt Kennard of Porsche Centre, Dave Bercovitz of Three PT Motors, Richard Meng of BMW Victoria, Eliah Marthyman of Volvo, Chris Hoeg of Wille Dodge, Brent Kennedy of Jenner, Blake Horman of Campus Honda, Rome Tewelde of Campus Infiniti, Katrina Kamper of Graham Kia, Frank Pecorelli of Jim Pattison Subaru and Nick Lee of Campus Honda. The Original Christmas Village store at 1323 Government Street is shutting its doors after 28 years to make way for a rustic-furniture store. Original Christmas Village sold the historic building to Victoriabased Standard Furniture Group. Canadian Tire stores at Gordon Head and Douglas Street have closed their doors and will reopen in a 140,000 squarefoot location at Hillside Shopping Centre in November. The Gordon Head location closed September 17 but the automotive services centre will remain open and potentially expand. The employees at the Fairmont Empress Hotel agreed on a new contract with the company. Around 500 members of Unifor Local 42776 voted 92 percent in favour of a three-and-a-half-year contract with the Empress. The union issued a 72-hour strike notice to the Empress on August 29, but announced a deal was negotiated two days later. Don Hatton from the Hatton Insurance Agency, has been included in Insurance Business magazine’s Elite Broker’s list, which recognizes 57 brokers leading in the Canadian insurance market. This marks Hatton’s third year making the prestigious list in his four years running his agency at 495 Trans-Canada Highway, Duncan. Save-On Foods is opening its seventh Greater Victoria location in Langford. The company will open its newest location in the spring of 2018 in the Home Outfitters store. Hudson’s Bay Company (parent company of Home Outfitters) is closing the store at 759 McCallum Road, in the Gateway Station Shopping Centre.


in Sidney south of the Mary Winspear Centre, will begin within three months. The project moved a step closer after a $10-million borrowing plan was approved by the municipal council. Designed by Bradley Shuya Architect, the 26,000-square-foot building will also include a BC Ambulance station and an emergency communications centre. New townhouse development: ilaria at Hatley Park will add 14 high-end townhouses to the Colwood area. The development includes six three-bedroom townhouses with one-car garages and eight with twocar garages on roughly 30,000 square-feet of property at 2130 Sooke Road. The townhomes start at $440,000 and $525,000 respectively. Party Crashers opened a new location in the former 8,000 square-foot former End of the Roll building at 2364 Millstream Road. The Dutch Bakery at 718 Fort Street celebrates their 60th anniversary. The Schaddelee family would like to thank the community of Victoria, their loyal customers, suppliers and hard-working staff for their support over the years. Vintage Hot Tubs celebrates their 38th anniversary at 2020 Blanshard and 102-2374 Millstream. The City of Victoria and Royal Roads University are partnering to enable students in the university’s Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Community Development to develop community initiatives at CityStudio Victoria, an innovation hub where City staff, students and community members co-create, design and launch projects. The partnership will convene students and City staff around projects such as local area planning processes, public engagement roadmaps, housing action plans and sheltering solutions, which are 53 projects identified in the City’s Strategic Plan and Operational plan. Ashley Hall, CPA, CA, BComm has opened her own accounting practice Ashley Hall Inc at Suite 303-821 Burdett Avenue.

St. Anthony’s Clinic Pharmacy at 582 Goldstream Avenue is celebrating their 40th anniversary. Action Motorcycles celebrates their 13th anniversary at 1234 Esquimalt Road. Construction of a new fire hall

Dr.Roy Suddaby

Dr. Roy Suddaby, professor with the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, is one of the University of Victoria’s two newest members of the Royal Society of Canada’s prestigious College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. Recognized as one of the world’s most influential researchers in business and economics, Dr. Suddaby is an expert in organizational and social change. Omicron, developer of the Sidney Gateway shopping centre expects to break ground in early spring on the $35-million project at Beacon Avenue and the Patricia Bay Highway. Omicron announced the construction start date following Sidney council’s vote in favour of a zoning amendment that cleared the way for the development. The project is expected to take two years for it to be complete. The Auditor General of BC congratulates Hilary Wilson and Wendy Lee on their successful completion of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada’s Common Final Exam (CFE). First Nation’s groups and Sooke school district officials signed a new fiveyear aboriginal enhancement agreement recently. The agreement is intended to build a learning environment that provides an opportunity to learn about the local First Nations communities. A previous agreement had run out and the new one was developed over the course of a year of collaborate efforts. Joy Ross has created the Free Fanfare Market, an event that intends to connect businesses and neighbours in the West Shore. Ross anticipates turning the event into a monthly market, occurring on the last Wednesday of every month. The first market happens on September 28 from 12 pm to 8 pm at Luxton Hall. The second event is scheduled for October 26. The BC Liberal government is pledging to finance the construction of 2,900 new housing units through a new $500-million commitment to housing initiatives. Housing Minister Rich Coleman noted that the goal is to have new projects approved by the end of March and built over the next two to three years. The majority of the units will be affordable housing built SEE MOVERS & SHAKERS | PAGE 41



We are pleased to announce two recent additions to the rm


Jo-Anne L.A. Kahan


in partnership with nonprofits, local governments, other organizations and the private sector. Victoria-based WildPlay Element Parks is the company responsible for constructing the new Niagara Falls MistRider Zip-line. The zip-line lets people hang from a 67-metre high vantage point on four parallel ziplines that face the American and Canadian Horseshoe Falls. The MistRider opened this summer to great fanfare. Construction has begun at the $24-million superyacht marina in the Victoria Harbour. The 28-slip marina is made for boats 65 to 150 feet long. Two commercial buildings totalling 14,000 square-feet, are being constructed on the piles in the water in from of condos at Songhees. One will house a restaurant and the other is for marina offices where a concierge will be stationed. Photo caption: Colin Montgomerie sinks a birdie putt on the second hole in the second round of the Pacific Links Bear Mountain Championship Sept. 23 at Bear Mountain Golf Course. Montgomerie, a many time PGA/European tour champion from Scotland, paired with Ian Woosnam of Wales, a PGA major tournament champion at the hugely successful event, which Montgomerie won


Who has move her practice from Sidney

William McCallum,

Retired Master of the Supreme Court of B.C.

Colin Montgomerie sinks a birdie putt on the second hole in the second round of the Pacific Links Bear Mountain Championship Sept. 23 at Bear Mountain Golf Course. Montgomerie, a many time PGA/European tour champion from Scotland, paired with Ian Woosnam of Wales, a PGA major tournament champion at the hugely successful event, which Montgomerie won Sunday on the fourth playoff hole Sunday on the fourth playoff hole. Hot House Marketing won a gold Hermes Award in the Integrated Marketing Category for its product launch of the DC Tag, an innovative wearable Visa wristband the agency helped launch across Canada and in Australia. The agency also won a silver in the category of Local Consumer Marketing Campaign from the Summit International Awards for its “We’ve got the locals smiling” campaign for client Urban Smiles Victoria. McCall Gardens and the Sequoia Centre reopened their longstanding location in Saanich. Their facility on Vancouver Street in downtown Victoria is now closed and a smaller office is located at 1315 Cook Street.

Reg Barber Enterprises has relocated to Penticton. Reg is known as the man who revolutionized the coffee tamper into a modern, musthave piece of equipment for every barista. AGS Business Systems has opened a Victoria office, at 301-132 Blanshard Street. That gives the Island-based office equipment company four offices: Victoria, Nanaimo, Parksville and Courtenay Congratulations to Jane Johnston who is a Top 100 RE/MAX Realtor in Western Canada and part of RE/MAX Camosun. K-9 Brite Bark has been in business for 10 years and now under new ownership. They can be found at #102 – 300 Gorge Rd W as well as in Duncan on Charlotte Road.


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PUBLISHER/EDITOR | Lise MacDonald SALES | Josh Higgins –, Joanne Iormetti – WRITERS | Julia MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, John MacDonald, David Holmes, Kristin Van Vloten WEBSITE | John MacDonald




a nad a needs to have a p r i v a te h e a lt h c a re system. Not a private-only system, where it’s user-pay all the way, and the worst horrors of hospital visits are inflicted on the under-insured. Not one that eliminates public health care. But one t hat complements the existing Canadian health system. You know, the one that ensures lengthy waiting lists for those who can endure pain. The one that somehow, incredibly, many Canadians believe is “free”. T he reason Canada needs a private alternative is that the a i l i ng publ ic hea lt h system needs competition. Competition is good. It is a necess a r y c h a l l e n ge t h at c a u s e s ever yone to look w it h i n for improvement, to hone existing operations and search for efficiencies.

It ne e d s a ss i s t a nc e i n reducing and eliminating wait lists for treatment and surgery. It is with great interest that we watch Vancouver’s Cambie Surgery Centre’s lawsuit in BC Supreme Court, challenging current restrictions on private health insurance and allowing doctors to bill for additional services. Make no mistake: This is an important court case. You can tell by the level of vitriol and rhetoric being spewed by opponents and high-priced lawyers. They rightfully recognize th is cou ld be the proverbia l thin edge of the wedge to allow greater private sector health care opportunities. T h e i r ove r-t h e-top a rg uments pronouncing that a favourable judgment by the court will result in the annihilation of “free” public health care is predictable. And in some corners, effective. W hen public sector unions empty their coffers, set their hair on fire and threaten what has become this most basic of Ca nad ia n necessities, a lot of citizens take notice. Except perhaps now, enough Canadians realize that we’re long past the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” stage. Canadian he a lt h c a re i s broke, a nd it needs fixing. And no, the answer to Canada’s health woes is not more

funding. That’s the only solution floated by any institution a nchored by a publ ic sector union: More money will cure all. It’s a self-serving and naïve notion, at best. T here i sn’t enoug h money to fix Canada’s public health industry. T here are systemic problems that more dollars can’t fix. W h e re d o w e s t a r t? W i t h the fact we don’t have enough doctors, and those who receive t hei r educ at ion a l accred itation abroad fi nd roadblock after roadblock awaits them for obtaining the green light to practice in Canada? Or the fact that the College of Physicians and Surgeons – representing the cu rrent med ica l practitioners, is often fingered as the biggest obstacle newcomers face. Something doesn’t look right, when a professional association representing doctors is the sole overseer to decide whether or not to allow more doctors in – who could become their competitors. Yes, even the current public health care system needs a private alternative for ailing Canadians. Competition is necessary to keep it on its toes, a nd lo ok for i mprovements within. Can we finally lay to rest the my th that our health care is “free”? Our burgeoning Canad i a n he a lt h c a re costs a re

c o v e re d b y h i g h t a x e s a n d fees from other aspects of the federal budget, and topped-up if necessary from provincial coffers. T he fact of the matter is, if something isn’t done, and done quickly, 100 per cent of a provi nce’s budget cou ld be consumed by health care funding alone, leaving nothing else for anyone or anything else. Sewer, water, highways, income assistance for those in need. O perat i ng t he gover n ment, period. P r ivate he a lt h c a re won’t “skim” off the top of the public system, as opponents accuse. Looking at it from a business perspective, the first priority of a private operation would be to address the immediate need: Those on waiting lists. People a re on wa iti ng l ists because someone deemed them a bl e to w it h s t a n d t h e p a i n and discomfort for a certain a mou nt of ti me. Otherw ise, t hey wou ld b e lo oke d a f ter immediately. The truth is, plenty of people on those waiting lists are already look i ng elsewhere for solutions to their pain. They’re looking at alternative methods for health improvement, or heading to the United States – and other countries - for joint repl acement su rger y. T hei r i nvestment of thousa nds of dol la rs that were other w ise

sitting in their bank account means they are now pain free, and able to enjoy life. If they have the means, why prohibit them from finding a healthy solut ion? Isn’t t h at wh at health care is supposed to be all about? On severa l occasions, I’ve written about the possibility of Fi rst Nations hea lth ca re becoming an alternative to the nationa l prog ra m. I f a Fi rst Na t i o n d e c i d e d to p ro c e e d with becoming an alternative health care provider, with their newly established treaties in hand, they could tell the federal government to butt out of their business and stop trying to hinder this move towards economic self-sustainability, a nd recog n i zi ng the opportunity that sits there in front of them, wa iti ng for a solution. They could circumvent the Canada Health Act, plain and simple. Until that happens, we await with anticipation the court’s ju d g ment on c a se s l i ke t he Cambie Surgery Centre. If the CSC is successful, a solution is on the way. I f i t i s n o t, t h e n t h e p rescription is longer wait lists, incessant cries for increased fu nd i ng. A nd more trips abroad - a nd money leav i ng Ca n ad a - for t hose seek i ng private health help – which is available in other countries.




a nada has moved i nto the top five among the world’s most economically free countries, according

to the Fraser Institute’s annual Economic Freedom of the World report released recently. But a growing government, substa nt ia l ta x i ncreases, and encroaching regulations threaten Canada’s ranking in the coming years. The report measures the economic freedom (levels of personal choice, ability to enter markets, security of privately owned property, rule of law, etc.) by analyzing the policies and institutions of 159 countries and territories. Canada tied fifth overall in the 2016 repor t, wh ich uses data from 2014, the last year of available comparable statistics. Since then, the provincial Ontario government and new governments in A lberta

and at the federal level have increased taxes significantly and introduced stifling regulations on industry and business that jeopardize the gains in economic freedom Canada has made. “Canada remains one of the most economically-free jurisd ictions i n the world. However, i ncreased govern ment intervention, higher taxes, and growing regulation at the federal level and in some provinces will leave Canadians materially less free.” said Fred McMahon, Dr. Michael A. Walker Research Cha i r i n Econom ic Freedom with the Fraser Institute. “Given the clear link between economic freedom and prosperity, we should expect recent changes to have negative and

long-term effects on economic opportunities in Canada.” According to this year’s report, Hong Kong is again number one, followed by Singapore, New Zealand and Switzerland. T he Un ite d S t ate s ra n ke d 16th for the second year in a row. Venezuela is once again last. Some despotic countries such as North Korea and Cuba can’t be ranked due to lack of data. “Economic freedom leads to prosperity and a higher quality of life, while the lowest-ranked countries are usually burdened by oppressive reg i mes t h at limit the freedom and opportunity of their citizens,” McMahon said. T h e F ra s er I n s t it ute produces t he a n nu a l E conomi c

Freedom of the World report in cooperation with the Economic Freedom Network, a group of independent research and educational institutes in nearly 100 countries and territories. It’s the world’s premier measurement of economic freedom, ra n k i ng cou nt r ies ba sed on economic freedom, which is measured in five areas: size of government, legal structure and security of property rights, access to sound money, freedom to trade internationally, and regulation of credit, labour and business. This year’s report was prep a re d b y Ja m e s G w a r t n e y, Florida State University; Robert A. Lawson, Southern Methodist University; and Joshua Hall, West Virginia University.

SUBCRIPTIONS | $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: WWW.BUSINESSEXAMINER.NET. DISTRIBUTION: FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Victoria, 2016. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240





This also means that some

Stick to the facts

reviews are harmful to the reputation of a business, as


EL P i s a n on l i ne service that was founded in 2004 to help people find local businesses. People can establish a YELP account for free. Similarly, businesses ca n setup a n accou nt for f re e, p o s t p h o to s a n d s e n d messages of special offers to their customers. YELP makes money by sel l i ng ad s to local businesses, such as dentists, pet sitters and moving companies. A feature of YELP is the ability of a customer to post a review of a business after he or she has used the serv ices or products of the business. Each review ref lects a customer’s personal experience and “tells it like it was”. This means that some of the reviews are benef ici a l to t he reputat ion of a business, as they are “glowing” reviews that describe a positive experience. This also means that some reviews are harmful to the reputation of a business, as they are “critica l” rev iew s t h at d e scr i b e a negative experience.

they are “critical” reviews that describe a negative experience

Michael Cooper and Doug Thompson of ThompsonCooper LLP Y ELP does not permit payi ng advertisers to cha nge or re-order t he rev iews t hey re c eive. Y E L P re c ent ly adv i s e d t h at som e c u s tom ers h ave re c eive d lega l t h re ats f rom busi nesses a f ter posting critical reviews. In some cases, legal proceedings have a c t u a l ly b e en c om m enc e d . One example given was a dent i s t , w h o o n f i v e d i f fe re n t occasions has initiated legal a c t i o n s a g a i n s t c u s to m e r s (former patients) who posted critical reviews. Another example given was that of a professiona l pet

sitti ng compa ny who sued a customer after a critical rev iew suggested that the pet sit ter h ad k i l le d t hei r f i sh. A not her exa mple g iven was that of a mov i ng compa ny who sued a customer a fter a critical review awarded them just one star. The objective of such legal actions is to get the critical reviews taken down. YELP has expressed concern that the threat of legal action w i l l si lence cu stomers who would otherwise post critical rev iews. I n order to combat this activity, YELP has tagged certain business accounts

w it h a “Con su mer A ler t” which is reproduced below: Consumer Alert: Questionable Legal Threats This business may be trying to abuse the legal system in an effort to stifle free speech, including issuing questionable legal threats against reviewers. As a reminder, reviewers who share their experiences have a First Amendment right to express their opinions on YELP. F re e d o m o f s p e e c h i s e nshrined in United States law as pa r t of t he Fi rst A mendment to t he Un ited States Constitution. In Canada, our equivalent is “The Canadian Cha rter of R ights a nd Freedom s”, wh ich l ists “f u nd amenta l freedoms, i nclud i ng “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression”. Unlike their American counterparts, Canadian judges have given more weight to the value of personal reputation than to free speech. I recommend that Canadian customers posting critical YELP reviews stick to the facts. Any embellishment t h a t go e s b e yo n d t h e f a c t s may g ive the busi ness or a n individual from the business a n open i ng to sue u nder the laws of libel.

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