Mark Manrique Academic Portfolio 2018-2020 University of Texas At Arlington Undergraduate Contact Info: (214) - 986- 8227
CONTENTS 01 Studio Project 01 02 Studio Project 02 03 Studio Project 03 04 Other Works
01 STUDIO PROJECT 01 My first actual experience with traditonal Bahaus Architecture was in my 2nd year Basic Design and Drawing I course during the Fall of 2018. The course taught the basic fundamentals of design through several different exercises that focused on layering, composition, void , transformation, and several other important principles. Physical models and hand drafting were the main focus the course. The final project of the semester was to design a studio space for a client of a specific profession. The design had to include a gallery and certain programatic functions that related to the client. The project was an accumulation of all the past exercises taught in the course. A physical 12x12 inch museum board model and hand drafted plans, sections, and axonometric were created to visually illustrate the project.
The 5 frame exersice was a study of several continous voids consistently moving through a structure using the fibonacci number sequence, keeping a proprational ratio throughout the 5 frames.
5 Frame Structure
Plans, Sections, and Axonomertric
Museum Board Model
02 STUDIO PROJECT 02 My second semester of 2nd year was the opposite of what was taught in my first semester. This course focused more directly on the abstraction and the tectonic properties of architecture. Like the first semester I built several physical models with the goal of illustrating a dynanic tectonic armature. These skeletal models emphasized spatilal moments through various dynamic gestures, inside each model there was an embeded space that wrapped around the tectonic skin. Programs used in this course were photoshop and autocad.
Tectonic Models
03 STUDIO PROJECT 03 In my 3rd year fall semester course the focus revolved around the hybridrazation of Architecture. Having a variety of programatic possiblities created a mixed-used building with an interesting interior space and to engage in its surrounding context. The project consisted of designing a hybridized building that would fit into the existing urban fabric of Dallas, acting as a social condenser. The main program used was a farmers market and the subprograms were an elevated farm that would supply the market, a musuem, and mixed-use offices. To visualize the project 2 physical models were made, one of the surrounding context, and one of the actual building along 3D renders.
Surrounding streets created the border of the site.
Solid shape extruded up from the site.
Pushed inward creating a stagered form
Subtraction creates a void forming the courtyard
Addition of a cylindrical shape forms the tower
Ramps connects all the levels
3D Renders
Physical Model
04 OTHER WORKS An accumulation of other works that I did throughout my ungraduate year in Architecture. Composed of works done digtially and crafted physical models.
Precedent Study
BBas Relief Model