for the Government of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
Published under the Authority of the Grand Council
First published: 23 October 2001
Amended: 27 October 2009; 26 October 2010; 27 October 2015; 23 October 2018; 27 October 2020; 25 October 2022; October 2024
1. The Order shall be governed by a body styled “THE GRAND COUNCIL OF THE ORDER OF THE ALLIED MASONIC DEGREES OF ENGLAND AND WALES AND DISTRICTS AND COUNCILS OVERSEAS”, consisting of the Brethren listed in Regulation 4(i) below, which body is hereinafter referred to as“GRAND COUNCIL”.
2. (i)
Grand Council possesses supreme authority over the Degrees of St Lawrence the Martyr, Knight of Constantinople, Grand Tilers of Solomon, Red Cross of Babylon and Grand High Priest, and alone has the inherent power of enacting laws and regulations for the government of the Order, and of altering, repealing, and abrogating them.
2. (ii)
Grand Council may undertake the government of any other Masonic Order or Degree which may apply for inclusion and is not already under the control of any of the following:
The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas, and the Degree of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner;
The Great Priory of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas;
The Supreme Council 33º of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales and its Districts and Chapters Overseas;
The Grand Imperial Conclave for England and Wales and its Divisions and Conclaves Overseas of the Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine;
The Grand Council of the Order of Royal and Select Masters of England and Wales and its Districts and Councils Overseas;
The Grand Conclave of the Order of the Secret Monitor, or Brotherhood of David and Jonathan, in the British Isles and its Districts and Conclaves Overseas;
The Grand College of Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests and Order of Holy Wisdom;
The Grand Priory of the Knights Beneficent of the Holy City of the Rectified Scottish Rite of England and Wales:
The High Council of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia.
2. (iii)
No Council owing allegiance to the Grand Council may institute, establish or work in any other Order or Degree without the knowledge and consent of the Grand Council.
3. (i)
Grand Council has also the power of investigating, regulating and deciding all matters relative to the Order and alone possesses the authority for erasing Councils and expelling members.
3. (ii)
In all cases of expulsion by the United Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas, the Supreme Grand Chapter of England or under the constitution of any Sovereign Grand Council recognised by Grand Council or other Masonic Order with whom Grand Council is in amity of a Brother who is a member of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees he shall thereby be expelled from this Order.
3. (iii)
In the case of the general suspension of a Brother under any of the jurisdictions named in 3(ii), being a member of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees he shall thereby be suspended from the Order for a like period and on like terms unless the Grand Master on the advice of the Executive Committee shall otherwise direct.
3. (iv)
The resignation by a Brother from the United Grand Lodge of England or any other Grand Lodge in amity with the United Grand Lodge of England under Regulation 277A of the Book of Constitutions and Regulations shall take effect as a resignation from the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees.
4. (i)
Members of Grand Council, and their precedence, shall be as follows:
24 Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies P.G.D.C.
25 Grand Historiographer ............................................................. G.Hist.
26 Past Grand Historiographers ................................................ P.G.Hist.
27 Deputy Grand Secretary Dep.G.Sec.
28 Past Deputy Grand Secretaries ...................................... P.Dep.G.Sec.
29 Deputy Grand Directors of Ceremonies ........................... Dep.G.D.C.
30 Past Deputy Grand Directors of Ceremonies ................ P.Dep.G.D.C.
31 Grand Senior Deacon G.S.D.
32 Past Grand Senior Deacons ................................................... P.G.S.D.
33 Grand Junior Deacon ................................................................ G.J.D.
34 Past Grand Junior Deacons P.G.J.D.
35 Assistant Grand Secretary .................................................... A.G.Sec.
36 Past Assistant Grand Secretaries ....................................... P.A.G.Sec.
37 Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies ........................... A.G.D.C.
38 Past Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies P.A.G.D.C.
39 Assistant Grand Chaplain .................................................. A.G.Chap.
40 Past Assistant Grand Chaplains ....................................... P.A.G.Chap.
41 Grand Sword Bearer G.Swd.B.
42 Past Grand Sword Bearers ................................................ P.G.Swd.B.
43 Grand Standard Bearer ........................................................... G.St.B.
44 Past Grand Standard Bearers ................................................ P.G.St.B.
45 Grand Organist G.Org.
46 Past Grand Organists ............................................................. P.G.Org.
47 Deputy Grand Organist .................................................... Dep.G.Org.
48 Past Deputy Grand Organist P.Dep.G.Org.
49 Grand Inner Guard ................................................................... G.I.G.
50 Past Grand Inner Guards ........................................................ P.G.I.G.
51 Grand Steward ....................................................................... G.Stwd.
52 Past Grand Stewards P.G.Stwd.
53 Grand Tyler ............................................................................. G.Tyler
54 Past Grand Tylers .................................................................. P.G.Tyler
55 Masters, Past Masters who are qualified under Regulation 5, Senior Wardens and Junior Wardens of Private Councils
4. (ii)
Officers of the Grand Council, holding or having held identical active or past ranks, take rank amongst themselves in order of appointment, provided that Officers of the year take precedence of those holding corresponding past rank.
5. Every Brother regularly elected and installed as Master of a Council, who has filled the office for the period from one regular date of installation to the next, or who is deemed under these Regulations to have filled such office for that period, shall so long as he continues to be a subscribing member of a Council be qualified to be a member of Grand Council, but if for twelve months he has ceased to be a subscribing member of a Council he shall no longer be so qualified, nor can he regain qualification for the right of membership of Grand Council as a Past Master until he has again become a subscribing member of a Council.
6. (i)
The Grand Master and Past Grand Masters are entitled to the prefix “Most Worshipful” (M.W.).
6. (ii)
The prefix “Right Worshipful” (R.W.) is accorded to and shall be used only by the Deputy Grand Master and Past Deputy Grand Masters, District Grand Prefects and Past District Grand Prefects, Past Divisional Grand Prefects, Grand Senior Warden, Past Grand Senior Wardens, Grand Junior Warden, Past Grand Junior Wardens.
6. (iii)
The prefix “Very Worshipful” (V.W.) should be used only by Present and Past Grand Inspectors, Present and Past Grand Chaplains, Present and Past Grand Treasurers, Present and Past Grand Registrars, Present and Past Presidents of the Executive Committee, Present and Past Grand Secretaries, Present and Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies and Present and Past Grand Historiographers.
6. (iv)
The prefix “Worshipful” (W.) is to be used by the rest of the Present and Past Grand Officers, by the Present and Past Masters of Councils, and is also accorded to Masters and Past Masters of Councils of any recognised Constitution.
6. (v)
The prefix “Brother” (Bro.) shall be used by all other members.
6. (vi)
Salutes shall be; Most Worshipful Brethren, 11; Present and Past Deputy Grand Masters, 9; other Right Worshipful Brethren, 7; Very Worshipful Brethren, 5; other Present and Past Grand Officers, 3.
6. (vii)
Within their own District/Inspectorate Deputy District Grand Prefects, Assistant Inspectors and Past Deputy District Grand Prefects, Past Assistant Inspectors shall be entitled to 5; other District Grand Officers, Inspectorate Officers present or past within their own Districts, Inspectorates, holders of Allied Overseas Rank and holders of Allied Divisional Rank to 3.
6. (viii)
No Brother when acting in a higher office may receive a salute other than that to which he is personally entitled.
7. (i)
A Meeting of Grand Council shall be holden in each year, on the fourth Tuesday in the month of October. Provided that if such regular day of meeting be proclaimed as a public holiday, or if for any reason it should be impracticable or inconvenient to hold the meeting on such day, the Grand Master may direct that the meeting shall be held on some other day.
7. (ii)
Such Grand Council shall normally be held in London, but, should the Grand Master think fit, the Grand Council may be held elsewhere.
8. The Grand Master, or, in his absence, the Deputy Grand Master, may summon special Grand Councils whenever the good of the Order shall, in their opinion, require it. The summons for a special meeting of Grand Council shall state the purpose for which it is convened, and no other business shall be entered on at such meeting.
9. (i)
All matters of business to be brought under the consideration of Grand Council shall be made known previously to the Executive Committee, that through it all the representatives of Councils may be apprised of such business, and be prepared to decide thereon. A member of Grand Council other than a member of the Executive Committee intending to submit a proposition for its consideration shall state in writing the nature of his intended motion or business, which statement shall be laid before the Executive Committee.
9. (ii)
No other matter shall be discussed in Grand Council without the express permission of the Grand Master.
10. Copies of the Agenda for each meeting of Grand Council, together with the Report of the Executive Committee and the minutes of the proceedings of the preceding meeting of Grand Council, shall be sent, a minimum of 14 days before the meeting, to all Grand Officers, present and past, who are subscribing members of a Council, and two copies shall be sent to the Secretary of each Council, of which one shall be for the use of the Master. Copies of the Agenda shall also be available for other members of Grand Council attending the meetings thereof.
11. If at any meeting of Grand Council the Grand Master be absent, Grand Council shall be ruled by the Deputy Grand Master, or in his absence, by the member of Grand Council present who shall be senior in rank according to the table of precedence contained in Regulation 4.
12. Grand Council is declared to be opened or closed in ample form when the Grand Master presides, in due form when a Past Grand Master or the Deputy Grand Master presides, at other times in form, yet always with the same authority.
13. If it shall appear to the Grand Master that any proposed resolution contains anything contrary to the good of the Order, he may refuse to permit the same to be discussed.
14. The consideration of any business before Grand Council may, if the Grand Master so directs, be adjourned to the next regular meeting of Grand Council or to a special meeting to be convened for that purpose.
15. Questions under discussion in Grand Council shall ordinarily be decided by show of hands. The numbers shall be ascertained by the Grand Director of Ceremonies.
16. Whenever the Grand Master shall call to order, there shall be complete silence.
17. Every speaker shall rise, addressing himself to the Grand Master.
18. The proposer of an original motion shall have the right of reply, but no other Brother shall speak twice to the same question, unless by permission. This rule shall not apply to the President of the Executive Committee, Grand Treasurer or the Grand Secretary.
19. Members of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees of any recognised Constitution, not members of Grand Council, may, by permission of the Grand Master, be present as visitors, but shall not speak to any question without leave of the Grand Master, or be permitted to vote.
20. (i)
Save as herein specially provided the Executive Committee shall have control and management of all the property of Grand Council. The monies of Grand Council shall be paid to the current account thereof and all investments shall be made in the names of Trustees (being not less than two nor more than four in number) who shall be elected by Grand Council and hold office during the pleasure of Grand Council. A Trustee and his estate shall be kept fully indemnified by Grand Council in respect of any losses occasioned to the property and assets of Grand Council otherwise than as a result of his wilful neglect, default or fraud. A nominee company which is a Trust Corporation registered in the United Kingdom may be appointed by such Trustees to act on their behalf for the purchase, holding and sale of the investments of Grand Council.
20. (ii)
The accounts of Grand Council shall be audited annually by a professional firm of Chartered Accountants which must be registered Auditors, be presented to Grand Council, and be available for inspection in the office of Grand Council.
20. (iii)
The auditors shall be elected at the annual meeting of Grand Council.
21. (i)
Amendments to the Ritual are the sole prerogative of the Grand Master acting on the advice of the Executive Committee as appropriate.
21. (ii)
The latest edition of the rituals promulgated for the use of the Order shall be adopted uniformly by every Council.
21. (iii)
St Aubyn Council No. 33, Red Cross Council No. 34 and Edgcumbe Council No. 35 may continue to use the ritual of the degree of Knight of Constantinople as authorised by Grand Council on 13 November 1911.
22. It shall be lawful for any Council or Councils situate Overseas to make representations to the Grand Master, in the cases of Councils in a District or Inspectorate overseas through the District Grand Prefect, as to the desirability of forming a Sovereign Grand Council of which such Council or Councils shall form part. The Grand Master may grant dispensation to such Council or Councils, and to any other Councils which in his opinion might conveniently be grouped with such Councils in forming a Sovereign Grand Council to consider, either separately or by joint meetings, the desirability of its formation. Thereafter, should he think fit, he may, with the assent of Grand Council, give permission for the formation of a Sovereign Grand Council and grant recognition to such Sovereign Grand Council when formed. Provided always that, save as provided in Regulation 23, no Sovereign Grand Council shall be recognised as having jurisdiction over any Council in a District or Inspectorate overseas without the assent of the District Grand Council, or as having jurisdiction over any Council which has not expressed its desire to be transferred to its jurisdiction when formed. The Grand Master may give such directions as he may think fit for the ascertainment of the wishes of individual Councils in these matters, and as to the conditions of transfer.
23. After the recognition of a Sovereign Grand Council no Warrant shall be granted for the formation of any Council within its territory without the assent of such Sovereign Grand Council.
24. (i)
The Grand Master shall be first elected, installed and proclaimed at the annual meeting of Grand Council, and may thereafter be so re-elected and proclaimed at the next annual meeting of Grand Council to be held not more than fifteen months after his first or last election and if not so-elected his office shall expire.
24. (ii)
Subject only to the provisions of 24 (v) below the prerogative of the Grand Master excisable by direction or dispensation, shall extend to all matters whatsoever.
24. (iii)
For the avoidance of doubt and without prejudice to the generality of 24 (ii) in the exercise of the said prerogative the Grand Master may:
(i) Give such directions as to any matter whatsoever as he shall think fit, including (a) any matter of or relating to ritual and (b) the temporary suspension, variation or amendment of any of the provisions hereof.
(ii) Determine any question of recognition or regularity.
24. (iv)
A direction or dispensation may be by oral or be by deed or be by instrument under hand, and may have retrospective effect or be varied as in 24 (iii).
24. (v)
Nothing herein shall entitle the Grand Master to cause one annual Grand Council to be held more than fifteen months after the last.
24. (vi)
Notwithstanding anything else in these statutes, the Grand Master may by direction delegate any of his powers and discretions to such brother or brothers, and for such time or times, as he shall think fit.
25. Should the Grand Master die or resign during his Mastership, the Deputy Grand Master, or in his absence a Senior Grand Officer nominated by the President of the Executive Committee, shall assume the duties and powers of Grand Master and shall summon a meeting of Grand Council to elect a Grand Master.
26. The Grand Master elect shall at once assume the duties and powers of Grand Master and shall be installed at the next regular meeting of Grand Council, or at a special Grand Council, as he may desire.
27. The Deputy Grand Master shall be appointed annually by the Grand Master on the day of his installation, and shall possess all the powers and privileges of the Grand Master in his absence.
28. (i)
The Grand Secretary shall be appointed by the Grand Master, and shall hold office without re-appointment during the pleasure of Grand Council.
28. (ii)
A Deputy Grand Secretary may be appointed by the Grand Master, and shall hold office without re-appointment during the pleasure of Grand Council.
28. (iii)
Two Assistant Grand Secretaries may be appointed by the Grand Master, and shall hold office without re-appointment during the pleasure of Grand Council.
29. The Grand Tyler shall be appointed by the Grand Master, and shall hold office without re-appointment during the pleasure of Grand Council.
30. (i)
Upon the annual installation of the Grand Master he may appoint any or all of the following Grand Officers, who shall thereupon be invested:
Grand Senior Warden
Grand Junior Warden
Grand Chaplain
Grand Registrar
President of the Executive Committee
Grand Director of Ceremonies
Grand Historiographer
Deputy Grand Directors of Ceremonies
Grand Senior Deacon
Grand Junior Deacon
Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies
Assistant Grand Chaplain
Grand Sword Bearer
Grand Standard Bearer
Grand Organist
Deputy Grand Organist
Grand Inner Guard
Grand Stewards
30. (ii)
If a Grand Officer is absent from a meeting of Grand Council, the Grand Master may appoint any member of Grand Council to act in his place.
30. (iii)
Grand Officers must be Installed Masters.
30. (iv)
A Brother shall not hold more than one office in Gran d Council at one and the same time, save that a District Gran d Prefect and, in special circumstances, and at the discretion of the Grand Master, some other Grand Officer may hold one other office.
30. (v)
Casual vacancies may be filled by the Grand Master.
30. (vi)
The Grand Master may from time to time appoint or promote Brethren to such Past Rank as he may deem advisable.
30. (vii)
The Grand Master may from time to time confer on Brethren, who have rendered great service to the Order, a distinction to be known as the Grand Master’s Order of Service to Allied Masonry.
31. The Grand Master may by Patent appoint a Brother to represent him at another Grand Council.
32. (i)
The Grand Treasurer shall be nominated, elected and invested at Grand Council.
32. (ii)
The election of the Grand Treasurer shall be by ballot, and be conducted in a similar manner to that of the elected members of the Executive Committee.
33. The Grand Master may require any of the Grand Officers of the year to attend him when visiting District Grand Councils, District Inspectorates or private Councils.
34. (i)
The Grand Secretary, or if he not be available the Deputy Grand Secretary or an Assistant Grand Secretary, shall issue certificates, issue summonses for all meetings of Grand Council, and of the Executive Committee and its Sub Committees, and attend and take minutes of proceedings thereof. In addition he shall receive returns from private Councils, and enter them in the books of Grand Council, receive fees and contributions payable by Councils or Brethren, and pay or cause the same to be paid to the Bank account of Grand Council. He shall also transmit to all Councils accounts of the proceedings of the meetings of Grand Council, and all papers and documents which may be ordered by the Grand Master, Grand Council, or the Executive Committee, receive all petitions, memorials, etc., and submit them to the Grand Master or other proper authority. He shall also attend the Grand Master with any books or papers he may require; and generally do all such things as heretofore have been done or ought to be done by a Grand Secretary. He shall affix the Seal of Grand Council to patents, warrants, certificates or other documents. He shall also have the care of the Seal, regalia, clothing, insignia and jewels of Grand Council.
34. (ii)
Applications to the Grand Master concerning Masoni c business shall be made through the Grand Secretary.
35. The Grand Director of Ceremonies shall have the arrangement and direction of all processions and ceremonies of Grand Council.
36. The Grand Tyler shall attend every meeting of Grand Council, preserve order within the porch, and see that none be admitted except those properly clothed, and act under the instructions of the Grand Director of Ceremonies.
37. Should the Grand Master be dissatisfied with the conduct of any Grand Officer he may displace such Grand Officer and appoint another, or in the case of a Past Grand Officer he may deprive him of his rank and privileges. Representatives
38. The Grand Master has power to constitute any specified area a District/Inspectorate, and to create a District Grand Council having jurisdiction within such area, and to combine, divide, or rearrange Districts or direct that a District/Inspectorate shall cease to exist. The Grand Master may direct that an existing Council under the jurisdiction of Grand Council shall form part of an existing District/Inspectorate, or may direct that a Council or Councils in a District/Inspectorate shall cease to form part of such District/Inspectorate.
39. (i)
A District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector shall be appointed by the Grand Master by Patent to hold office for a period of five years, which appointment may be extended for further periods each not exceeding five years. He must be qualified as an Installed Master of a regular Council and must also be a subscribing member of a Council in the District/Inspectorate. By such Patent he shall be granted powers and jurisdiction similar to those possessed by the Grand Master, except as in these Regulations may be otherwise provided, but shall not assume such powers and jurisdiction until he has been invested and installed. He shall be invested and installed at the next regular District Grand Council/ Assembly of the Inspectorate, or at a special District Grand Council summoned for that purpose, and after installation shall in his District/Inspectorate take precedence over all save the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master.
39. (ii)
If a Patent is lost, destroyed, improperly withheld, or so injured as to be wholly or in part illegible, a Patent of Confirmation may be issued by the Grand Master bearing the date of the original Patent or such later date as the Grand Master may think proper. Should the original Patent subsequently be found or restored, the Patent of Confirmation shall be surrendered unless the Grand Master otherwise directs.
39. (iii)
All applications to the Grand Master or the Executive Committee by Councils or Brethren in a District or Inspectorate shall be made through the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector.
40. (i)
To ensure the regular performance of the duties of his office, a District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector shall by Patent appoint a Deputy/ Assistant Inspector, to hold office during his pleasure, who must be qualified as an Installed Master of a regular Council and must also be a subscribing member of a Council in the District or Inspectorate, to execute all the functions of the office in his name, but he shall not assume such powers until he has been invested and installed at a meeting of District Grand Council.
40. (ii)
In his District the Deputy shall rank immediately after the District Grand Prefect and in an Inspectorate the Assistant Inspector shall rank immediately after the Grand Inspector.
Address of Deputy District Grand Prefect/ Assistant Inspector
Death or Resignation of District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector
41. The District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector shall transmit, in writing, the name and place of abode of the Deputy District Grand Prefect/Assistant Inspector to all the Councils of his District/Inspectorate and also to the Grand Secretary for registration, within one month of the appointment.
42. (i)
In the event of the death, resignation, removal or suspension of a District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector the Deputy District Grand Prefect or in the case of an Inspectorate, the Assistant Inspector or in his absence the Grand Secretary shall act in his place until another Brother has been appointed and installed as District Grand Prefect/ Grand Inspector or the suspension removed, and shall be designated by the title of his office with the addition of the words “in charge”.
42. (ii)
If at any time the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector be not available, the Deputy District Grand Prefect/Assistant Inspector shall exercise his functions subject to any directions that he may be given by the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector.
42. (iii)
If there shall be no Deputy District Grand Prefect/Assistant Inspector, or if he be not available, the District Grand Officer or Inspectorate Officer next in rank, and then available shall ac t accordingly.
Membership of District Grand Council/ Inspectorate
Meeting of District Grand Council/ Inspectorate
43. A District Grand Council/Inspectorate consists of the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector with the District Grand Officers/ Inspectorate Officers present or past, and the Masters, Wardens of every Council in the District, together with Masters of Councils, and Past Masters qualified under Regulation 5, who are subscribing members of Councils in the District/Inspectorate.
44. (i)
A District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector shall hold an annual Assembly of District Grand Council/Inspectorate, at which the appointment of the District Grand Officers shall be made, and shall also hold such other meetings of the District Grand Council/ Inspectorate as he shall consider necessary. All such meetings shall be transacted in the degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr, and shall be held within the District/ Inspectorate, unless a dispensation is granted by the Grand Master.
44. (ii)
Should a District Grand Officer/Inspectorate Officer be absent from any such meeting, the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector may direct any member of the District Grand Council/ Inspectorate to act in his place.
Absence of District Grand Prefect/ Grand Inspector from Meeting of District Grand Council/ Inspectorate
45. (i)
Should the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector be absent the Assembly of District Grand Council/Inspectorate shall be ruled by the Deputy District Grand Prefect/Assistant Inspector, or failing him by such member of the District Grand Council/Inspectorate (being an Installed Master) as the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector may designate.
45. (ii)
When a District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector presides, District Grand Council/Inspectorate is to be declared open in due form; if the Deputy District Grand Prefect/Assistant Inspector or any other Brother presides, in form only, yet always with the same authority.
46. (i)
A District Grand Prefect is empowered to appoint annually the following District Grand Officers, all of whom must be subscribing members of a Council in his District:
(a) In the case of a District containing 5 or less Councils:
Deputy District Grand Prefect .......................... Dep.Dist.G.Pref.
District Grand Senior Warden Dist.G.S.W.
District Grand Junior Warden Dist.G.J.W.
District Grand Chaplain .......................................... Dist.G.Chap.
District Grand Secretary ........................................... Dist.G.Sec.
District Grand Director of Ceremonies .....................Dist.G.D.C.
Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremonies . Dep.Dist.G.D.C.
District Grand Senior Deacon ................................... Dist.G.S.D.
District Grand Junior Deacon .................................... Dist.G.J.D.
Assistant District Grand Director of Ceremonies .. A.Dist.G.D.C.
Assistant District Grand Secretary A.Dist.G.Sec.
District Grand Organist ............................................. Dist.G.Org.
District Grand Inner Guard ........................................ Dist.G.I.G.
One District Grand Steward ................................... Dist.G.Stwd.
District Grand Tyler ................................................. Dist.G.Tyler
(b) In the case of a District containing more than 5 but less than 10 Councils:
Deputy District Grand Prefect .......................... Dep.Dist.G.Pref.
District Grand Senior Warden ...................................Dist.G.S.W.
District Grand Junior Warden Dist.G.J.W.
District Grand Chaplain .......................................... Dist.G.Chap.
District Grand Secretary ........................................... Dist.G.Sec.
District Grand Director of Ceremonies .....................Dist.G.D.C.
Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremonies . Dep.Dist.G.D.C.
District Grand Senior Deacon ................................... Dist.G.S.D.
District Grand Junior Deacon .................................... Dist.G.J.D.
Assistant District Grand Director of Ceremonies... A.Dist.G.D.C.
District Grand Sword Bearer Dist.G.Swd.B.
District Grand Standard Bearer................................ Dist.G.St.B.
Assistant District Grand Secretary .........................A.Dist.G.Sec.
District Grand Organist ............................................. Dist.G.Org.
District Grand Inner Guard ........................................ Dist.G.I.G.
Two District Grand Stewards ................................. Dist.G.Stwd.
District Grand Tyler ................................................. Dist.G.Tyler
(c) In the case of a District containing 10 or more Councils, the officers as at (c) save that three District Grand Stewards may be appointed.
46. (ii)
The District Grand Officers shall be appointed annually in the District Grand Council, and such Officers whenever practicable shall be then invested, together with the District Grand Treasurer.
46. (iii)
A Brother shall not hold more than one office in the same District Grand Council, Inspectorate at the same time.
46. (iv)
The District Grand Prefect is empowered to confer on any Brother who is a Past Master and a member of a Council within his District, and who has rendered ser vice to the Order of Allied Masonic Degrees, the rank of a Past District Grand Officer as a first appointment, except that of a Past District Grand Senior Warden or Past District Gr and Junior Warden, but no District Grand Prefect shall have the power in any one year to confer such first appointment rank upon more than one Brot her for every three Councils in his District.
46. (v)
Promotion of a Brother already holding District Grand Rank, Present or Past, to a higher rank shall not count as conferment of past rank for the purposes of this limitation.
46. (vi)
Every Brother upon whom such rank shall have been conferred shall be entitled to wear his clothing as a District Grand Officer at all meetings of the Order.
46. (vii)
A return showing all appointments, conferment of Past Rank, and promotions shall be sent to the Grand Secretary, within fourteen days of such appointments being made.
46. (viii)
A Grand Inspector may only appoint an Assistant Inspector, an Inspectorate Secretary, an Inspectorate Treasurer – by election, an Inspectorate Grand Director of Ceremonies.
47. A Brother cannot be appointed to a rank higher than that of District Grand Sword Bearer, unless he be the Master or a Past Master of a Council, without a dispensation from the Grand Master. This limitation shall apply also to the conferment of Past Rank.
48. District Grand Officers, present and past, take precedence both for investiture and otherwise amongst themselves in similar order to Grand Officers holding or having held corresponding ranks as provided by Regulation 4.
49. With the exception of District Grand Prefects/Grand Inspectors, present or past, being Officers of Grand Council, District Grand Officers can claim precedence as such only within their District/Inspectorate.
50. A District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector shall have a like power to remove a District Grand Officer/Inspectorate Officer or to deprive a Past District Grand Officer/Past Inspectorate Officer of his rank, as is vested in the Grand Master by Regulation 37 in respect of Officers of Grand Council, but no such action shall be taken without the approval of the Grand Master.
51. Should a District Grand Officer die, resign, be removed or become incapable of performing the duties of his office by reason of absence or any other cause, the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector may forthwith appoint another Brother to fill the office for the remainder of the year. On completion of the year, such Officer shall rank as a Past District Grand Officer. An Officer so appointed may, if the District Grand Prefect/ Grand Inspector so directs, be invested in a private Council, and a similar direction may be given in the case of any Officer unable to attend for investiture at the meeting of District Grand Council/Inspectorate.
52. A District Grand Council/Inspectorate has the power of framing by-laws, provided that they are not contrary to, or inconsistent with, the Constitutions and Regulations of Grand Council. Such by-laws shall not be valid until approved by the Grand Master.
53. Minutes of the proceedings of a District Grand Council/ Inspectorate shall be entered in a book, which shall be produced by the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector for the inspection of the Grand Master, Grand Secretary or their nominee whenever required.
54. A District Grand Council/Inspectorate may establish a District Executive Committee or other Committees in such manner and with such powers as the by-laws may provide.
55. (i)
A District Grand Council/Inspectorate may direct payments (exclusive of the contributions payable to Grand Council) to be made by District Grand Officers on first appointment or on promotion, and also by Councils in the District, for the establishment of a local fund for general purposes, in respect of the following:
(a) Fees payable by Councils
(i) Registration of a new Council
(ii) For each candidate
(iii) For each joining member
(iv) Registration of by-laws or amendments of by-laws
(v) Dispensations other than those which can only be granted by the Grand Master.
(b) Fees payable by Members
(i) Annual Dues: Such annual dues for every subscribing member on the Roll during any part of the year as the District Grand Council may prescribe.
(ii) Fees of Honour: Such fees of honour on first election, appointment or promotion that the District Grand Council may prescribe.
55. (ii)
Any of the fees or dues set out above may be altered by resolution of District Grand Council/Inspectorate, provided that notice of such resolution shall have been given on the Notice calling the meeting.
55. (iii)
Such fees or dues as the District Grand Council/Inspectorate may prescribe shall not exceed 40% of those charged by Grand Council.
56. (i)
The District Grand Council/Inspectorate shall annually elect a District Grand Treasurer/Inspectorate Treasurer who shall receive all monies due to, or held for, the District Grand Council/ Inspectorate and shall without undue delay deposit the same in an account in the name of the District Grand Council/Inspectorate at a bank to be approved by resolution of the District Grand Council/Inspectorate.
56. (ii)
The District Grand Treasurer/Inspectorate Treasurer shall regularly enter a complete record of all monies passing through his hands in the proper books of account, which shall be the property of the District Grand Council/Inspectorate and which, together with all District/ Inspectorate funds and property in his possession, shall be transferred to his successor as District Grand Treasurer/Inspectorate Treasurer upon investiture or to the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector.
56. (iii)
The District Grand Treasurer/Inspectorate Treasurer shall prepare a statement of accounts annually, to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the District Grand Council/Inspectorate duly audited by two or more auditors (who shall be elected annually by the District Grand Council/ Inspectorate) and, following the approval and adoption of the audited statement of accounts by the District Grand Council/Inspectorate, a copy thereof shall be transmitted to each Council within the District/ Inspectorate, and one copy thereof transmitted to the Grand Secretary.
56. (iv)
The same procedure of annual accounts, audit and presentation to the District Grand Council/Inspectorate shall, subject to any necessary amendments, be followed in relation to any other funds maintained by or in connection with the District Grand Council/Inspectorate, whether by the Treasurer or other Officer and whether relating to General or Charitable purposes or otherwise.
57. The Grand Master has power to confer the Rank designated Allied Overseas Rank on Past Masters of Overseas Councils not under a District, who have rendered long and meritorious service to the Order and are members of Grand Council in accordance with Regulation 5. The holders of such Rank are entitled to wear the regalia prescribed in these Regulations at all meetings of the Order. The fee of honour in respect of Allied Overseas Rank shall be as prescribed in Regulation 140.
58. (i)
Every application for a Warrant to hold a new Council must be by petition to the Grand Master. In all cases the petition must be signed by at least nine members of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees regularly registered under the Constitution of the Grand Council of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas and in the case of Councils to meet in England, Wales or the Channel Islands all other signatories to the petition must be so registered, but in other cases members of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees registered under a Constitution recognised by Grand Council may be signatories to the petition provided that their number does not exceed one-third of the total number of signatories. Each signatory must specify the Councils or, if such signatory is not registered under Grand Council, the Councils working the Ritual under a recognised Constitution, of which he is or has been a member, and must produce clearance certificates from each such Council, if still in existence, for transmission to the Grand Secretary, unless the Grand Master or the District Grand Prefect or Grand Inspector excuses such production in any particular case. Petitioners who are not registered under Grand Council must also apply for a certificate, which will be issued on payment of the prescribed joining fee. In the case of a Council in a District or Inspectorate, the petition and certificates are to be sent to the District Grand Prefect or Grand Inspector or the Deputy District Grand Prefect or Assistant Inspector, who is to forward such petition, with his recommendation or opinion thereon, to the Grand Secretary for the decision of the Grand Master.
58. (ii)
The following is the form of petition for a new Council:
To The Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas.
The undersigned petitioners, being members of all the Degrees under the control of the Grand Council and having the prosperity of the Fraternity at heart and being willing to exert their best endeavours to promote and diffuse the genuine principles of the Order, respectfully represent that they are desirous of forming a Council to be named the .............................. Council and to meet at (address) .............................. on the .............................. in the months of ...............................
They therefore pray for a Warrant of Constitution to empower them to assemble as a lawful Council and to discharge thei r duties as members of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees in a regular and constitutional manner according to the original forms and the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order.
They have nominated and do recommend Bro. .............................. to be the first Master, Bro. .............................. to be the first Senior Warden and Bro. .............................. to be the first Junior Warden of the said Council.
If the prayer of the petitioners be granted, they promise a strict conformity with the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order.
Dated at .............................. this ............ day of ............ 20......
58. (iii)
The nominated Officers of a Council cannot be altered except by special sanction of the Grand Master.
59. In order to avoid irregularities, every new Council shall be consecrated according to Antient usage, by the Grand Master or in his absence, and with the approval of either the Grand Master or President of the Executive Committee, by the Deputy Grand Master or other Grand Officer or Master or Past Master of a Council acting as deputy for the time being. A Council shall not be acknowledged, nor its Officers admitted as such into Grand Council, District Grand Council, Inspectorate nor shall any of its members as such be entitled to other privileges of the Order, unless it has been regularly constituted and consecrated.
60. Councils rank in precedence for all purposes, including precedence in a District, Inspectorate, in order of their numbers as registered in the books of Grand Council. Certain Time Immemorial Councils shall not have a number but shall be placed at the head of all other Councils. Every Council shall also bear a name, which shall not be changed without the permission of the Grand Master.
61. (i)
Save as hereinafter provided a Council cannot meet without its Warrant of Constitution, specially entrusted to the Master at his installation, who shall be responsible for its safe custody, and who shall produce it at every meeting of the Council. Such Warrant remains the property of the Grand Master and shall be surrendered to him on the dissolution of the Council, and it cannot in any circumstances be transferred. No endorsements or other marking shall be made on a Warrant.
61. (ii)
Should a Warrant be lost, destroyed or improperly withheld from those lawfully entitled to hold and use the same, or withheld by competent Masonic authority, the Council must suspend its meetings until a new Warrant or Warrant of Confirmation has been applied for and granted by the Grand Master in such terms or on such conditions as he may think proper, or until the Warrant be found or restored. Provided that the Grand Master or Deputy Grand Master, but no other authority, may grant a dispensation to a Council to meet without its Warrant on such occasions, and subject to such conditions, as the dispensation may provide.
62. If a Warrant is lost, destroyed, improperly withheld, or so injured as to be wholly or in part illegible, a Warrant of Confirmation may be issued by the Grand Master bearing the date of the original Warrant or such later date as the Grand Master may think proper. Should the original Warrant subsequently be found or restored, the Warrant of Confirmation shall be surrendered unless the Grand Master otherwise directs.
63 (i)
The regular Officers of the Council are the Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Chaplain, Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Ceremonies, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Inner Guard and Tyler.
63. (ii)
The Master may also appoint to any of the following additional Offices, an Almoner, an Assistant Director of Ceremonies, an Assistant Secretary, an Organist and not more than four Stewards.
63. (iii)
Save by dispensation from the Grand Master, or in a District Grand Council, Inspectorate, from the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector, no Brother shall hold more than one regular office, but a Brother may hold one of the additional offices together with a regular office.
63. (iv)
No Brother shall be appointed as the Warden of a Council unless he is a member of all the Degrees under the control of the Grand Council, except by a special dispensation from the Grand Master.
63. (v)
As among the Officers of the Council, the order of precedence for investiture and otherwise shall be as follows: the Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Chaplain, Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Ceremonies, Almoner, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Assistant Secretary, Organist, Inner Guard, Steward and Tyler.
63. (vi)
The Immediate Past Master as such is not an Officer of the Council but shall take precedence immediately after the Junior Warden. In the event of the death or absence of the Immediate Past Master, the Senior Past Master of the Council present shall act in his place.
64. (i)
Every Council shall annually, at the regular meeting next before the day named in its by-laws for the installation, elect its Master. Unless there is more than one regularly proposed candidate, or there is a demand for a ballot, the regularly proposed candidate shall be deemed and declared to have been elected. The brother so elected shall not assume the Master’s Chair until he has been regularly installed. The Master shall be presented with a current copy of the Constitutions and Regulations and, if applicable, the by-laws of the District Grand Council/Inspectorate together with the by-laws of the Council.
64. (ii)
No Brother shall be installed as Master, except by special dispensation from the Grand Master, unless at the date o f installation he has served, or is deemed to have served the office of Master or Warden in a regular Council of Allied Masonic Degrees for one complete year, that is to say from one Installation meeting till the next.
64. (iii)
Petitions for such a dispensation, setting forth fully th e matters thought to justify the grant of a dispensation, must, in a Di st ri ct /I nspect orat e, be f orwarded t hrough t he Di st ri ct Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector to the Grand Secretary and in other cases direct to the Grand Secretary.
Obligation of Master of Council
Enforcement of Council By-Laws
Death or Incapacity of Master Elect of Council Not Less Than Seven Days Before Installation Meeting
65. Every Master elect, before being installed, shall solemnly pledge himself to preserve and faithfully observe and support the Constitutions and Regulations, and to enforce them strictly within his own Council.
66. The Master is responsible for the due observance of the by-laws of the Council over which he presides, a copy of which shall be presented to him on his installation.
67. If not less than seven days before the date of the regular installation meeting the Master elect should die, or become disqualified or incapacitated, or send to the Master or Secretary a notice in writing of his intention not to accept the office of Master, or if he shall not, at least seven days before such date, have obtained any dispensation necessary for his installation, notice shall be sent to each member of the Council stating the fact, and stating also that on the said date the Brethren will again proceed to elect a Master, who, if then present and willing and qualified to serve, shall be immediately installed and shall forthwith appoint and invest the Officers. If the Brother so elected is not present, or if he is not eligible under Regulation 64 without a dispensation, the installation shall be postponed and the provisions of Regulation 69 shall apply. However, if he is not able or willing to accept the office of Master then the outgoing Master shall continue as Master till the next regular installation meeting, and shall appoint and invest the Officers, either forthwith or at a regular or emergency meeting to be held within five weeks, and Wardens appointed and invested at such meeting shall at the date of the next installation meeting be deemed to have filled their offices for one year.
Death or Incapacity of Master Elect of Council Less Than Seven Days Before Installation Meeting
Absence of Master Elect
68. If less than seven days before the date of the regular installation meeting the Master elect should die, or become disqualified or incapacitated, or send to the Master or Secretary a notice in writing of his intention not to accept the office of Master, the outgoing Master shall continue as Master till the next regular installation meeting, and shall appoint and invest the Officers as provided in Regulation 67.
69. If the Master elect, though ready and willing to act as such, is not present at the regular installation meeting, the installation shall be postponed to a regular or emergency meeting, to be held within five weeks of the regular day of installation. Should the Master elect be also absent from such meeting the outgoing Master shall continue as Master till the next regular installation meeting and shall forthwith appoint and invest the Officers. A Master installed, or a Warden appointed and invested at such a meeting, shall at the date of the next regular installation meeting be deemed to have filled his office for one year.
Absence of Outgoing Master Direction in Case of Difficulty with Election or Installation of Master of Council
70. Should the outgoing Master be absent from the regular installation meeting or a meeting held under the provisions of Regulations 67 to 69, or should the outgoing Master so request, the Immediate Past Master, or failing him the Senior Past Master of the Council present, or an Installed Master selected by the outgoing Master shall act in his place.
71. Should circumstances arise with regard to the election or installation of a Master, or as to the appointment or investiture of an Officer, which are not covered by the provisions of Regulations 64 and 67 to 70, or which
render doubtful the procedure to be adopted under those provisions, the Council, or the Master thereof, may ask for a direction from the Grand Master, or in a District Grand Council the District Grand Prefect, or in an Inspectorate the Grand Inspector as to the procedure to be followed. There shall be no appeal against any such direction, nor shall any question be subsequently raised, as to the regularity of anything done according to such direction.
72. (i)
If in any Council it should become impracticable to hold the election or installation meeting upon the day named in the by-laws for that purpose, the Grand Master, or in a District Grand Council the District Grand Prefect, or in an Inspectorate the Gran d Inspector may grant a dispensation for the holding of such meetings, or either of them, upon a day which, in the absence of special circumstances, shall be not more than fourteen days before or after that fixed by the by-laws, which day shall for all purposes be deemed the regular day of meeting.
72. (ii)
In every case of such dispensation being granted by a District Grand Prefect, Grand Inspector, a report shall be forwarded to the Grand Secretary forthwith.
73. A Brother shall not be Master of more than one Council at the same time, nor shall he continue as Master of the same Council for more than two years consecutively, without a dispensation from the Grand Master: provided that this Regulation shall not apply to an outgoing Master continuing in office under the provisions of Regulation 67, 68 or 69.
74. The Treasurer shall be elected annually on the regular day of election of the Master. Unless there is more than one regularly proposed candidate or there is a demand for a ballot, the regularly proposed candidate shall be deemed and declared to have been elected. The Tyler shall be chosen by show of hands on the same day, provided that a Council may by resolution decide that a member of the Council shall act as Tyler without remuneration, and in such case the Tyler shall be appointed by the Master and shall have the same status as other regular Officers of the Council. Should the Treasurer or the Tyler be disabled from discharging his duties through absence, ill-health or other special cause the Master may appoint any subscribing member of the Council or in the case of the Tyler any other Brother to act for him so long, during the remainder of the year, as he is so disabled.
75. (i)
After his installation the Master shall appoint the Officers, other than those elected, and invest all Officers present. All Officers other than the Tyler must be subscribing members of the Council.
75. (ii)
Should a vacancy occur in any office the Master may appoint a Brother to serve in such office for the remainder of the year.
Death or Incapacity of Master of Council
Absence of Master of Council
76. If the Master die, be removed, or be rendered incapable of discharging the duties of his office, the Senior Warden, or in the absence of the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, or in th e absence of both the Senior Warden and the Junior Warden, the Immediate Past Master, or in his absence the Senior Past Master of the Council, shall direct the Council to be summoned until the next installation of Master.
77. In the Master’s absence, the Immediate Past Master, or if he be absent the Senior Past Master of the Council present, or if a Past Master of the Council be not present, then the Senior Past Master present who is a subscribing member of the Council, shall take the chair. If no Past Master who is a member of the Council be present, then the Senior Warden, or in his absence the Junior Warden, shall rule the Council. When a Senior Warden or Junior Warden rules the Council, he shall not occupy the Master’s chair, nor can a ceremony take place, unless carried out by an Installed Master.
Degrees Conferred in Council
Council Opened/Closed
Council Business
78. (i)
The Degrees conferred by Councils are: St Lawrence the Martyr; Knight of Constantinople; Grand Tilers of Solomon; Red Cross of Babylon; Grand High Priest.
78. (ii)
A Council must be opened and closed in the degree of St Lawrence the Martyr.
78. (iii)
The administrative business of the Council shall be transacted in the degree of St Lawrence the Martyr.
Reception of Candidates
Officers of Degree of Knight of Constantinople
78. (iv)
A Council of Knight of Constantinople or a Lodge of Grand Tilers of Solomon or a Council of Red Cross of Babylon or a Convention of Grand High Priest may only be opened for the reception of candidates and for no other reason or purpose.
78. (v)
The Officers of a Council of Knight of Constantinople are the Illustrious Potentate, Chief of the Builders, Chief of the Artisans, Director of Ceremonies, Senior Conductor, Junior Conductor, Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Guarder and Sentinel.
Officers of Degree of Grand Tilers of Solomon
Officers of Degree of Red Cross of Babylon
78. (vi)
The Officers of a Lodge of Grand Tilers of Solomon are the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Director of Ceremonies, Conductor, Captain of the Host and Assistant Director of Ceremonies.
78. (vii)
The Officers of a Council of Red Cross of Babylon (Royal Arch Chapter) are Reverend Prelate, 2nd Principal, Chaplain, Director of Ceremonies, Jewish Guide, Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Captain of the Temple Guard, 1st Jewish Guard, 2nd Jewish Guard and Sentinel.
The Officers of a Council of Red Cross of Babylon (Persian Court) are Thrice Illustrious Sovereign, Master of the Household, Master of Cavalry, Director of Ceremonies, Master of Infantry, Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Captain of the Persian Guard, 1st Persian Guard, 2nd Persian Guard and Sentinel.
78. (viii)
The Officers of a Convention of Grand High Priest are Most Excellent President, Vice President, Chaplain, Master of Ceremonies, Conductor, Herald, Assistant Master of Ceremonies, Steward and Sentinel.
79. (i)
Every Council has the power of framing by-laws for its government provided that they are not inconsistent with the Constitutions and Regulations. Three copies of the by-laws must be submitted in District Grand Council through the District Grand Secretary and in an Inspectorate through the Inspectorate Secretary, for approval by the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector and then forwarded to the Grand Secretary.
79. (ii)
No alteration of, or addition to, the by-laws of a Council shall be made unless notice of a motion for such alteration or addition be given at a meeting of the Council, and the summons for the next meeting, which shall be circulated at least fourteen days before the date of such meeting, contain or be accompanied by a copy of such alteration or addition. If such alteration or addition is approved, with or without amendment, at such meeting, the bylaws as amended shall forthwith be submitted to the Grand Secretary as above, and if approved they shall thereupon become of force without need for confirmation at a subsequent meeting, unless the existing by-laws require such confirmation or the Grand Secretary directs that they shall be submitted for confirmation.
79. (iii)
Should the new by-laws as passed by the Council differ from the copy on, or sent with, the summons, the Grand Secretary may, if he thinks fit, require the by-laws to be submitted for confirmation to a further meeting of the Council.
80. The regular dates and place of meeting, the date of th e installation meeting, the date on which the annual subscription becomes due and the dates of the Council’s financial year shall be specified in the by-laws. The by-laws may also provide that:
80. (i)
The Secretary shall be excused payment of subscription in recognition of his services, in which case all dues in respect of his membership shall be defrayed from the funds of the Council.
80. (ii)
One or two black balls shall serve to exclude a candidate.
80. (iii)
A member whose subscription is in arrears for a specified period, which shall not be less than six months, shall not:
By-Laws for Presentation
(a) be eligible for appointment or election to office.
(b) be entitled to attend the banquet; or may be excluded from the Council by resolution of the Council, carried by not less than two thirds of the members then present.
81. A Council shall determine the amount of the annua l subscription and of the fees to be paid to the Council by candidates for introduction, reception and admission, joining or rejoining, by resolution in open Council from time to time, after notice on the summons for any regular meeting.
82. Every Brother on admission as a member of a Council shall be supplied with a printed copy of the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order, the by-laws of the District Grand Council/Inspectorate and the by-laws of the Council and his acceptance thereof shall be deemed a submission thereto.
83. The Grand Master, or a District Grand Prefect, or a Grand Inspector may by dispensation authorise a Council to hold a specified meeting or meetings at a place other than its ordinary place of meeting. Should the alternative place be within the jurisdiction of an Authority other than the Authority granting the dispensation, a further dispensation shall be required from the Authority within whose jurisdiction the alternative place may lie.
84. A permanent alteration of the regular dates or place of meeting of a Council can only be effected by an amendment of its by-laws under the provisions of Regulation 80, provided that a change of place of meeting of a Council in a District Grand Council/Inspectorate to a place without such District/Inspectorate shall not be made without the special leave of the Grand Master.
85. (i)
Copies of the Summons for each meeting of a Private Council shall be sent, a minimum of fourteen days before the meeting, to all members.
85. (ii)
All Council s i n Di st ri ct s/I nspect orat es shall send t o t he District Grand Secretary/Inspectorate Secretary a copy of th e Summons for every regular and emergency meeting of the Council at the same time as it is issued to the members.
85. (iii)
All Councils designated Unattached shall send to the Grand Secretary a copy of the Summons for every regular and emergency meeting at the same time as it is issued to the members.
85. (iv)
No meeting shall be held on a Sunday or on Good Friday or Christmas Day. Should the specified date of a regular meeting fall on one of these days, or on a public holiday, the meeting may be held on such day, not more than 14 days before or after the regular day, as the Master may determine, which day shall for all purposes be deemed the regular day of meeting.
85. (v)
If in any Council it should become impracticable or inconvenient to hold the regular meeting upon the day named in the by-laws for that purpose, the Grand Master, or in a District the District Grand Prefect, or in an Inspectorate the Grand Inspector, may grant a dispensation for the holding of such meeting upon a day which, in the absence of special circumstances, shall not be more than fourteen days before or after that fixed by the by-laws, which day shall for all purposes be deemed the regular day of meeting.
86. No regular meeting of a Council may be cancelled, or held otherwise than at the prescribed place and on the prescribed day, except as otherwise provided in these Regulations, and not more than one meeting may be held on one day. No meeting of a Council may be adjourned, but consideration of any matter of business may by resolution be postponed for consideration at a late r meeting.
87. An Emergency Meeting of a Council may only be called by order of the Master, or, in his absence, the Senior Warden, or, in his absence, the Junior Warden. The business to be transacted at such Council shall be stated in the summons, and no othe r business shall be transacted.
88. No Council shall be opened unless six Brethren are present in addition to a Tyler, and no business shall be transacted at a meeting unless at least three members of that Council are present, but an entry of the meeting shall be made in the minute book. Any items of business on the agenda for such meeting, other than the election or installation of a Master, may be considered at the next meeting of the Council. If the meeting in question be the election or installation meeting a special report shall be made to the Grand Master, or the District Grand Prefect or Grand Inspector, and his direction taken as to the course to be pursued.
89. (i)
A Council shall keep a minute book in which the Secretary shall regularly enter a record of all business transacted or considered at each meeting of the Council, and in particular the names of Brethren introduced, received and admitted, or elected to be introduced, received and admitted, or elected as joining or rejoining members, at any meeting, with the names of their proposers and seconders, and all particulars required for the purpose of returns under Regulation 90.
89. (ii)
The names of all members present at each meeting of the Council, together with those of all visiting Brethren, with their Councils and rank in the Order, shall also be entered in the minute book.
89. (iii)
Minutes can only be confirmed at a regular meeting of the Council.
90. (i)
Every Council shall keep a register of its members and once in each year, before 30 September, transmit to the Grand Secretary on the prescribed form details of the subscribing membership of the Council and of changes in membership during the preceding twelve-months period
ending on 31 August. With such return shall be transmitted the Annual Dues payable by the Council in respect of every Brother who has been a subscribing member of the Council during any part of the preceding twelvemonths period, whether or not such member shall be in arrears.
90. (ii)
This list shall also show the names of all Brethren who have ceased to be subscribing members of the Council during such year, stating whether by reason of death, resignation, cessation , exclusion, or election to Honorary Membership.
90. (iii)
Each Council shall also, immediately after any Brother has become a member of such Council, make a return together with the appropriate fee to the Grand Secretary showing the names, and address of such Brother, and also in the case of a Brother who has been introduced, received and admitted, the name and number of at least one regular Craft Lodge, Mark Lodge and Royal Arc h Chapter of which he is, or has been, a subscribing member or an honorary member or a serving Brother, or in the case of a joining member the number of some regular Council of which he is or has been a member or, if he has never been a member of a regular Council, then the name and number of some Council working the Ritual under a recognised Constitution to which he belongs or has belonged.
90. (iv)
Each Council shall also, immediately after any Brother has been admitted to all of the following Degrees: Knight of Constantinople, Grand Tilers of Solomon, Red Cross of Babylon, and Grand High Priest, make a return to the Grand Secretary showing the names, of the Council(s) in which and dates on which the respective Degrees were received.
90. (v)
No Brother elected as a joining or rejoining member of a Council shall be deemed to be a subscribing member until he shall have paid the fee for joining or rejoining.
91. (i)
Every Council shall annually, immediately after the installation of the Master, make a return to the Grand Secretary of the Master, Senior Warden, and Junior Warden.
91. (ii)
In District Grand Councils, Inspectorates similar returns shall also be made to the District Grand Secretary, Inspectorate Secretary.
92. (i)
Councils in District Grand Councils, Inspectorates shall, in addition to the returns to be made to the Grand Secretary, make similar returns to the District Grand Secretary, Inspectorate Secretary and transmit therewith all monies payable to the District Grand Council, Inspectorate.
92. (ii)
In a District/Inspectorate all returns, fees for Grand Council required by Regulation 145, and also any other monies due to Grand Council, shall, if the Grand Master so direct, be sent or paid to the District Grand Prefect or Grand Inspector, who shall transmit the same to the Grand Secretary.
93. (i)
Should a Council fail to make any returns or payments to Grand Council for the space of six months after the same are due, the Executive Committee may admonish, fine, or suspend such Council, or any Officer or member thereof responsible for the default, or may recommend that such Council be erased or such Officer or member be expelled from the Order.
93. (ii)
A District Grand Prefect, Grand Inspector shall have such like powers in case of failure to make returns or payments to a District Grand Council, Inspectorate.
94. Should a Brother be deprived of the privileges of the Order through the neglect of a Council in not making the necessar y returns, or not remitting the fees to Grand Council, he shall, on producing the required proof to competent authority, be entitled to all such privileges, and the offending Council shall be reported to the Executive Committee.
95. (i)
All monies due to, or held for, the Council shall be paid or remitted to the Treasurer, who shall without undue delay deposit the same in an account in the name of the Council at a bank to be approved by resolution of the Council.
95. (ii)
The Treasurer shall make such payments as are dul y authorised, or have been sanctioned by the Council. All cheques must bear the signature of the Treasurer and (unless the Council resolves to the contrary) of at least one other member authorised by the Council.
95. (iii)
The Treasurer shall regularly enter a complete record of all monies passing through his hands in the proper books of account, which shall be the property of the Council, and which, together with all Council funds and property in his possession, shall be transferred to his successor upon investiture.
95. (iv)
The Treasurer shall prepare a statement of accounts annually, at a date to be determined by the members, showing the exact financial position of the Council, which statement shall be verified and audited by at least two members of the Council annually elected for that purpose. Copies of the accounts and of the certificate signed by the members, so elected, that all balances have been checked and that the accounts have been duly audited shall be sent to all members of the Council with the summons convening the meeting at which they are to be considered and, following the approval and adoption of the audited statement of accounts by the Council at least one copy thereof shall be transmitted to the District Grand Secretary, Inspectorate Secretary who shall forward it to the District Grand Treasurer, or Inspectorate Treasurer for verification. In the case of Councils not under Districts or Inspectorates, one copy of the audited statement of accounts shall be sent to the Grand Secretary.
95. (v)
The books of accounts shall be produced for inspection in open Council at such meetings, and on any other occasion if required by a resolution of the Council. The same procedure of annual accounts, audit and presentation to members of the Council shall, subject to any necessary amendments, be followed in relation to any other funds maintained by or in connection with the Council, whether by the Treasurer or other Officer, and whether relating to General or Charitable purposes or otherwise.
95. (vi)
The Council may by resolution authorise the Treasurer, but on no pretence any other Brother, to make payments from the Council’s account by electronic means; in the absence of any such resolution all payments from Council funds shall be made by cash or by cheque.
95. (vii)
The Council shall each year at the Installation Meeting elect two subscribing members of the Council (other than the Treasurer, Worshipful Master, Wardens, and the Secretary) to act as auditors.
96. A Council may appoint one or more Committees for the purpose of considering and reporting to the Council on any matters connected with the management of its affairs, or the suitability of candidates proposed for reception or joining, but no such Committee shall have any executive powers unless the same have been conferred on it by resolution of the Council.
97. (i)
When any Master Mason, who has been Advanced to the Degree of Mark Master Mason, and Exalted as a Companion in the Royal Arch, or a Brother of the Order is a candidate for membership of a Council the following particulars shall be sent to all members of the Council seven clear days before the meeting at which he is to come up for election:
(a) In all instances:
(i) Full name
(ii) Date of Birth
(iii) Place or places of abode
(iv) Names of Proposer and Seconder, both of whom must be subscribing members of the Council or Honorary Members who are Past Masters of the Council.
(b) In the case of a Candidate for Introduction, Reception and Admission:
(i) Name and number of the Craft Lodge in which the candidate was Raised, together with the date of Raising and his current Rank.
(ii) Name and number of the Mark Lodge in which the candidate was Advanced, together with the date of Advancement and his current Rank.
(iii) Name and number of the Royal Arch Chapter in which the candidate was Exalted, together with the date of Exaltation and his current Rank.
97. (ii)
(c) In the case of a Candidate for Joining or Re-joining:
(i) Name(s) and number(s) of all Councils of which the candidate is or has been a subscribing member, or an honorary member, or a serving Brother and his current Rank.
(ii) Or if he has never been a member of a regular Council then the name and number of a Council working the Ritual under some recognised Constitution, to which he belongs or has belonged.
(a) A candidate cannot be received, introduced and admitted into the degree of St Lawrence the Martyr unless he is a Master Mason, a Mark Master Mason and a Royal Arch Mason. Whenever possible, candidates for the degree of St Lawrence the Martyr should go through the ceremony individually. However, when deemed necessary, candidates may be received in multiple numbers, save that no more than five candidates may be introduced in any one ceremony except by Dispensation from the Grand Master.
(b) A candidate cannot be admitted to the degree of Knight of Constantinople, or admitted into the degree of Masons Elect of Twenty-Seven and created a Grand Tiler of Solomon, or constituted and created a Knight of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross of Babylon, or admitted and anointed, consecrated and set apart to the Holy Office of Grand High Priest unless he has been received, introduced and admitted into the degree of St Lawrence the Martyr.
(c) The degrees of Knight of Constantinople, Grand Tilers of Solomon, Red Cross of Babylon, and Grand High Priest may be taken in any order.
97. (iii)
A candidate may receive the degree of Knight of Constantinople, Grand Tilers of Solomon, Knight of the Red Cross of Babylon, or Grand High Priest in a Council other than the one in which he received the degree of St Lawrence the Martyr, with the acquiescence of the Masters of the two Councils concerned.
97. (iv)
When a Brother is a candidate for the degrees Knight of Constantinople, or Grand Tilers of Solomon, or the Red Cross of Babylon, or Grand High Priest, the following particulars shall be sent to all members of the Council at which he is due to take the degree seven clear days before the meeting:
(a) the date of his admission into the Order.
(b) the name and number of the Council in which he was admitted into the Order, if different from the Council in which he is to be a candidate.
98. (i)
A person shall not be accepted as a candidate for reception or for joining or re-joining unless he has been proposed and seconded.
98. (ii)
No person shall be received in a Council, other than that in which he has been proposed and elected without the special dispensation of the Grand Master.
98. (iii)
A candidate for reception shall produce:
(a) his Grand Lodge Certificate as a Master Mason or a Certificate from the Secretary of the Lodge in which he was Raised;
(b) his Grand Lodge Certificate as a Mark Master Mason or a Certificate from the Secretary of the Lodge in which he was Advanced;
(c) his Grand Chapter Certificate as a Royal Arch Mason or a Certificate from the Scribe Ezra of the Chapter in which he was Exalted.
98. (iv)
A candidate for joining a Council shall produce his Grand Council Certificate or a Certificate from the Secretary of the Council in which he was received. Should such Certificate be from a body other than the Grand Council, the Secretary of the Council shall, before the ballot is taken, satisfy himself that the body granting the Certificate is recognised by Grand Council, as the case may be, and in case of doubt shall make any necessary inquiries of the District Grand Secretary, Inspectorate Secretary, or the Grand Secretary.
98. (v)
A candidate for joining or re-joining shall also produce to the Secretary a Clearance Certificate from every regular Council of which he is or has been a member, provided that such Council is still working.
99. A candidate for joining from another Constitution who is not already registered on the books of Grand Council, shall before the ballot is taken sign the following declaration:
To the Master, Wardens and Members of the ...................................... Council of Allied Masonic Degrees, No .........
I, ........................................., do declare that should I be admitted as a member of the above Council, I hereby solemnly pledge myself to maintain and uphold the authority and dignity of the Grand Council of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas, to pay strict obedience to its Constitutions and Regulations, and to conform to all the Antient usages and established customs of the Order. I further solemnly promise to submit to, and observe, the by-laws of the Council from time to time made for its government.
Signed by my hand, this ................. day of ....................... 20......
Witnessed by ....................................
100. If, on a ballot, two black balls shall appear against a candidate for reception, joining, or re-joining, he shall not b e admitted. Every private Council has the power to diminish this number by its by-laws: provided that if less than five members vote when the ballot is taken, a single black ball shall exclude.
101. (i)
Should a candidate elected for reception not attend fo r reception within one year, his election shall be void, as shall be the election of a Brother as a joining or re-joining member if he shall not have paid the requisite fee within one year of his election.
101. (ii)
For the purpose of this rule “a year” shall mean the period from the meeting at which the candidate was elected, up to and including the corresponding meeting of the Council in the next year. Should the election be at an emergency meeting, the year shall commence to run from the succeeding regular meeting.
102. (i)
A Brother who has rendered good service to a Council or to the Order may be elected an Honorary Member of a Council. His name must be proposed and seconded in open Council and must appear on t he summons f or t he f oll owi ng meeti ng at whi ch he must be balloted for, and two black balls shall exclude. Should the Brother be a member of the Council concerned, acceptance by him of Honorary Membership shall be deemed notice of immediat e resignation.
102. (ii)
An Honorary Member may attend the Council as such, but he shall not hold any office therein, or vote, or propose or second any resolution, provided that if he is a Past Master of the Council he may propose or second a candidate.
102. (iii)
An Honorary Member shall pay no subscription, but shall remain liable for any arrears of subscription at the date of his election as an Honorary Member. No dues shall be payable by the Council in respect of an Honorary Member for any period after the year of his election as such, nor shall his name be shown on any return save in respect of dues accrued before that date, or a s required by Regulation 90.
103. No dues shall be payable by a Council in respect of a Tyler who is not a subscribing member of such Council.
104. (i)
A Brother on reception, or a Brother joining from another Constitution, shall be presented with a current copy of the Book of Constitutions and Regulations; and subsequently a Certificate of registration in the Books of Grand Council, for which Certificate and registration the Council shall pay to Grand Council th e prescribed fee. A Brother to whom a Grand Council Certificate is granted must sign his name in the margin thereof, or it will not be valid.
104. (ii)
A Brother’s Grand Council Certificate should be presented to him in open Council, and the fact entered on the minutes, but, in cases where this cannot conveniently be done, the Certificate shall be sent to him by registered post or by recorded delivery, and the Secretary shall report the fact at the next regular meeting of the Council so that it be duly recorded.
104. (iii)
Should a Certificate be lost or destroyed, of which satisfactory proof must be adduced, the Grand Secretary may issue a duplicate on payment of the prescribed fee.
105. A Brother may give notice of resignation of his membership either in open Council or by letter or email to the Secretary, and such notice, unless withdrawn, shall take effect as from the date on which it is given, unless the notice itself states some later date in the current Council year. A notice by letter or email may be withdrawn prior to its communication to the Council, and if when notice of resignation is communicated to the Council, whether by the member or the Secretary, the Council pass a resolution asking for its withdrawal, it may be withdrawn at or before the next regular meeting of the Council. Provided that if notice has been served on a member under Regulation 127 that a complaint against him will be considered by the Council, no subsequent notice of resignation shall (a) take effect until after the date of the meeting called for the consideration of the complaint; (b) prevent the Council from considering the complaint and, if thought fit, passing a resolution for the permanent exclusion of the member; (c) be withdrawn unless the Council at such meeting passes a resolution asking for its withdrawal.
106. Should a Brother behave in such a manner as to disturb the harmony of the meeting of a Council, he shall be formall y admonished by the Master. Should he persist in his irregula r conduct, he shall be punished by exclusion for the remainder of the meeting, and the matter may be reported to the District Grand Prefect, Grand Inspector or, in the case of an Unattached Council, the Grand Secretary.
107. (i)
Should a member be two years in arrears, he shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Council, and can only become a member again by regular proposition and ballot according to Regulations 97 to 101. This Regulation shall apply also where the by-laws provide that a member shall be excluded if he is in arrears for a shorter period than two years. If the by-laws provide that in such case he may be excluded, then the Council may at any time when a member is in arrears for the stated period exclude him by resolution, and no prior notice to the members of the Council of such resolution shall be necessary. I n all cases where a member may become liable to cessation or exclusion under this rule it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Council to send to him, at least fourteen days before the date when he may become liable to cessation or exclusion, a letter by registered post or by recorded delivery, plainly marked “Private and Confidential” warning him that unless the arrears or a sufficient part thereof, are paid by such date he will be, or may be,
excluded, and unless that has been done the Brother may apply to the District Grand Prefect/Grand Inspector or the Executive Committee, who may, notwithstanding anything in these Regulations or the bylaws, order that the Brother be reinstated on payment of all arrears.
107. (ii)
Provided also that in time of war the Grand Master may direct that subscriptions shall be excused, or arrears remitted, in the case of a Brother who is on active service, or a prisoner of war, or in enemy occupied country. Such direction may be given either as to individual Brethren or as to classes of Brethren.
107. (iii)
No dues shall be payable by a Council in respect of Brethren whose subscriptions are so excused and where arrears are remitted, dues paid in respect of the periods to which such arrears relate shall be refunded to the Council.
108. The Secretary of a Council shall (a) if so required by a member grant a certificate stating that he is a member and whether or not he is indebted to the Council; (b) if so required by an ex-member grant a certificate stating the circumstances of the termination of his membership, whether at the date of such termination he was indebted to the Council, and if so whether such indebtedness has since been discharged. Any such certificate shall be dated, and either handed to the Brother or sent by registered post or by recorded delivery in an envelope plainly marked “Private and Confidential”. No other form of certificate shall be given by a Council or any Officer thereof.
109. (i)
Should the Grand Master or Deputy Grand Master visit a private Council, he shall have the right to preside.
109. (ii)
A District Grand Prefect or his Deputy, or a Grand Inspector or his Assistant Inspector, shall have a like right when visiting a Council in his District/Inspectorate.
109. (iii)
The Grand Master and the Grand Secretary each have the right to depute one or more Grand Officers to visit a private Council who shall have the right to attend the Council and speak therein.
109. (iv)
A District Grand Prefect or Grand Inspector shall have the right to depute one or more District Grand Officers/Inspectorate Officers to visit a private Council in his District/Inspectorate who shall have the right to attend the Council and speak therein.
110. (i)
A visitor to a Council shall give the name and number of some Council, which may be a Council working the Ritual under any recognised Constitution, of which he is a subscribing member, or if he is not a subscribing member of any such Council, shall describe himself as “unattached”. An unattached Brother may not visit the same Council on more than one occasion.
110. (ii)
A visitor shall not be admitted into a Council unless he be vouched for by one of the Brethren present, or shall have produced his certificate, and, after due examination, shall have proved himself a member of the Order. Should any doubt arise as to the regularity of his reception, he shall not be admitted.
110. (iii)
It is within the power of the Master of every Council t o refuse admission to any visitor whose presence he has reason to believe will disturb the harmony of the Council.
110. (iv)
A visitor, during his presence in the Council, is subject to its bylaws, and cannot address the Council, save by permission, and he shall withdraw from the Council should the Master s o direct.
111. If any Council shall pledge its jewels or furniture or any part thereof, or permit or suffer any charge or lien to be created or to arise thereon, it shall become liable to suspension or erasure.
112. (i)
A proposal for the surrender of the Warrant of a Council must be set out, with the names of the proposer and seconder, in a summons dispatched to members not less than fourteen day s before the date of the meeting at which such proposal is to be considered. If such resolution is carried by a majority of those voting, a report of the proceedings shall be forwarded to the Grand Master, in a District Grand Council through the District Grand Prefect, or in an Inspectorate through the Grand Inspector, and the Grand Master shall decide whether he will accept the surrender of the Warrant, or whether the Council shall continue, and if s o under any and what conditions. Provided that members unable to attend the meeting may by letter inform the Secretary of th e Council whether they support or oppose the proposal for th e surrender of the Warrant, and any such letters shall be forwarded to the Grand Master with the above mentioned report.
112. (ii)
Should the number of members of a Council at any time become less than three the Council shall cease to meet save by dispensation from the Grand Master, and after the expiration of six months the Council shall become extinct and be erased unless the Grand Master otherwise directs.
112. (iii)
Should a Council fail to meet for one year, it shall be liable to be erased.
113. (i)
Should two or more Councils pass resolutions desiring amalgamation the Grand Master may give effect to such desire, either by granting a new Warrant, which may be ante-dated to a date not earlier than that of the earliest Warrant of the Councils concerned, or by directing that certain of the Councils shall cease to exist and that their members shall, if they so desire, automatically become members of the surviving Council on such conditions as he may think fit. The Grand Master may give
directions as to change of the name or number of a Council, disposal of Council property, and any other matter incidental to such amalgamation.
113. (ii)
The provision of Regulation 112 shall apply to resolutions for amalgamation.
114. Upon the dissolution of a Council, the Warrant, together with all the books and papers relating to the affairs of the Council, must be delivered up to the Grand Master. Its other property shall be disposed of as the Council may, prior to its dissolution, have resolved, or in default of or subject to any such resolution, as the Grand Master may direct. A Warrant cannot in any circumstances be transferred.
115. (i)
A Council which has completed one hundred years o f uninterrupted existence shall be entitled to receive a centenary warrant, provided that at least one meeting of the Council shall have been held, or deemed to have been held, in each of the one hundred years of its uninterrupted existence.
115. (ii)
An application for the grant of a centenary warrant may be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval by the Grand Master not more than four months before the date on which the one hundred years of uninterrupted existence shall have bee n completed.
115. (iii)
The fee for a centenary warrant shall be as prescribed in Regulation 145.
115. (iv)
Every subscribing member of a Council to which a centenary warrant has been granted may wear a commemorative centenary jewel of the design prescribed by Regulation 150.
116. (i)
A Council which has completed fifty years of uninterrupted existence shall be entitled to receive a jubilee warrant, provided that at least one meeting of the Council shall have been held, or deemed to have been held, in each of the fifty years of it s uninterrupted existence.
116. (ii)
An application for the grant of a jubilee warrant may be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval by the Grand Master not more than four months before the date on which fifty years of uninterrupted existence shall have been completed.
116. (iii)
The fee for a jubilee warrant shall be as prescribed in Regulation 145.
116. (iv)
Every subscribing member of a Council to which a jubilee warrant has been granted may wear a commemorative jubilee jewel of the design prescribed by Regulation 150.
117. (i)
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior Warden, Grand Junior Warden, Grand Treasurer, Grand Registrar, President of the Executive Committee, Grand Director of Ceremonies, and four other members, all of whom shall be Masters or Past Masters of Councils, two of such members being appointed as requisite by the Grand Master at the Annual Meeting of Grand Council, the remaining two being elected by ballot by the members of Grand Council present at the same meeting. Vacancies on the Executive Committee may be filled as directed by the Grand Master.
117. (ii)
Each of the two appointed members may be appointed for a period of up to five years, and may be re-appointed for a similar period of up to five years.
117. (iii)
A member who has served two consecutive periods of appointment shall not be eligible for a further period of appointment until twelve months after the ending of his second period of appointment.
117. (iv)
Each of the two elected members shall be elected for a period of three years and may be re-elected for two further consecutive terms each of up to three years.
118. (i)
Nomination papers for candidates for election to th e Executive Committee shall be signed by not fewer than thre e members of Grand Council as proposers, and shall show the rank in the Order and the Council or Councils of the candidate and his proposers. Nomination papers shall be delivered to the Gran d Secretary not later than 31 July.
118. (ii)
In the event of more than two candidates being nominated, their names and those of their proposers shall be printed on voting lists which shall be delivered to all members attending Grand Council. Scrutineers shall be nominated by the Presiding Officer and be pledged to make a correct report as to the result of the ballot. The ballot shall be opened one hour before the time fixed for the meeting of Grand Council and shall remain open for such time, not less than one hour, as the Presiding Officer may direct. In case of equality the Presiding Officer shall have a casting vote.
119. The Executive Committee shall elect one of its members to be VicePresident.
120. (i)
A meeting of the Executive Committee may be convened by command of the Grand Master, or by the President.
120. (ii)
Should the President and Vice-President be absent, th e Executive Committee shall name one of its members to preside.
120. (iii)
Three members shall constitute an Executive Committee except when considering masonic complaints, disputes or matters of discipline, when five members must be present.
121. Except as otherwise expressly directed by resolution of Grand Council or by these Regulations the Executive Committee shall have the control and regulation of all the business of Grand Council, and in particular the Executive Committee:
121. (i)
Shall have the direction of everything relating to th e furniture, and other property of Grand Council.
121. (ii)
Shall have control of the finances of Grand Council , examine all demands thereon, and authorise payment of the same.
121. (iii)
Shall conduct the correspondence between Grand Council and its subordinate Councils and Brethren.
121. (iv)
Communications with other Sovereign Grand Councils or with Councils, or Brethren of recognised Constitutions, shall be conducted by the Grand Secretary under the direction of the Grand Master, and be reported to the Executive Committee.
122. The Executive Committee shall make a report to Gran d Council, which shall set out any proposals for the good of th e Order, and any other matters which in the opinion of the Executive Committee should be communicated to Grand Council. Copies of such report shall be distributed as provided in Regulation 10.
123. The Executive Committee may appoint Committees for such purposes it may deem proper, but no such Committees shall have any executive powers unless they are expressly given to them by resolution of the Executive Committee.
124. Recommendations, petitions, memorials and representations to the Executive Committee can only be received in writing and signed by the Brother or other person addressing the Executive Committee.
125. Official communications from the Executive Committe e shall be made in writing.
126. All transactions and resolutions of the Executive Committee shall be duly recorded in the minute book.