Grand Priory of the Knights Beneficent of the Holy City of the Rectified Scottish Rite of England and Wales
© Grand Priory MARK MASONS’ HALL 86 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1PL
For the Government of the Grand Priory of the Knights Beneficent of the Holy City of the Rectified Scottish Rite of England and Wales
Page No.
1–6 The Rectified Scottish Rite....................................................... 177 7–14 The Grand Priory of England and Wales.................................. 178 15 Grand Master’s Council and Scottish Directorate.................... 182 16–20 Prefectures................................................................................ 182 21–28 Lodges of Saint Andrew........................................................... 184 29–30 Regalia...................................................................................... 187 31–32 Honorifics and Salutations........................................................ 188 33 Finances.................................................................................... 189 34 Grand Master’s Discretionary Powers...................................... 189 35 Saving Clause........................................................................... 189
DECLARATION The aims of the members of this Rite are to be seen as exemplars of the ideals, rituals and fraternal and charitable foundations of the Rectified Scottish Rite, and to attract men from within the Masonic fraternity who have a strong commitment to their faith, personal integrity and brotherly love and who are generous supporters of Freemasonry and of the principles of charity and benevolence. The way we discharge our responsibilities to the Rite, to Freemasonry and the world at large should be an example to be followed. It is expected that all members will act with the utmost courtesy and thoughtfulness, ever willing to extend the hand of friendship in support of sympathy. Membership of the Rite implies service and, since the best reward of service is a good conscience, members must be discreet and ever mindful of the Aims of the Rite. 176
The Rectified Scottish Rite
Article 1 The Rectified Scottish Rite is a Masonic Order which has as its basis faith in God, the Supreme Being, referred to in its ritual through the symbol of the Great Architect of the Universe. It professes the spirit of original Christianity, summarised in the maxim: “Love thy neighbour as thyself”. Article 2 The Rectified Scottish Rite comprises six degrees of which the last two constitute a chivalric Inner Order. The degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason are worked in a Craft lodge. The transition between Craft Masonry and the Inner Order is achieved through Lodges of Saint Andrew in which the teaching of original Christianity is introduced, free of any dogmatism. The qualification for membership is to be an Installed Knight in the Knights Templar of at least two years standing. Article 3 The Inner Order is organised into Prefectures, and comprises the degrees of Squire Novice and Knight Beneficent of the Holy City. It chooses its members from among the Scottish Masters of Saint Andrew possessing the necessary qualities. The principal duties of the members of the Inner Order consist in exercising benevolence, in fulfilling their obligations as men and as citizens and practising hospitality. Article 4 To obtain the degree of Squire Novice, it is necessary to meet the following conditions: (i) To have been a Scottish Master of Saint Andrew for at least two years and to be nominated by a Knight Beneficent of the Holy City who is a member of the Prefecture to which the candidate belongs. (ii) To have given sufficient proof of knowledge of the precepts and symbols of the preceding degrees; and attended meetings on a regular basis. (iii) To be an Installed Preceptor in the Knights Templar. (iv) To have the approval of the Grand Master having first been proposed by the Regional Grand Prefect. Article 5 To merit the accolade as a Knight, a Squire Novice must have demonstrated the greatest assiduity in the work of the Order and to have set an example of irreproachable conduct in his Masonic and public life. In principle, he may be called upon to provide a written work on a subject set by the Regional Grand Prefect. His accolade as KBHC is subject to the approval of the Grand Master and requires a minimum period of two years as a Novice, together with proof of regular attendance at meetings. 177
Article 6 Each Squire Novice who is a candidate who merits the accolade as a KBHC is required to draw up a proposal for his personal heraldic arms, motto and name in ordine. The Squire Novice shall be informed of the requirements in this respect as from his admission into the 5th degree. His completed and original proposal, duly accompanied by a justification and in conformity with the rules of heraldry and the customs of the Order, shall be submitted for the approval of the Grand Herald. Notification of the Grand Herald’s approval must be given to the Regional Grand Prefect concerned or the Grand Chancellor before any candidate can be dubbed KBHC.
The Grand Priory of England and Wales Article 7 The Grand Priory of England and Wales, created and installed in London on 2 April 1937 by letters Patent from the Independent Great Priory of Helvetia and endorsed on 9 November 2008, is the sole, legal and sovereign authority for the exercise of the Rectified Scottish Rite in England and Wales. The rituals in force are based on the texts stemming from the decisions of the Convent de Wilhelmsbad. No modification may be made to them without the approval of the Grand Master. Article 8 The Grand Priory of England and Wales recognises the exclusive authority of the United Grand Lodge of England over the Craft lodges under its jurisdiction in respect of the first three degrees of Freemasonry. Members are exclusively selected from among Knights Templar belonging to the Great Priory of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas or a Constitution considered regular by the same. Article 9 The Grand Master’s Council is referred to as the Scottish Directorate when it deals with questions relating to the degree of Scottish Master of Saint Andrew. Any Brother expelled or suspended by the United Grand Lodge of England is ipso facto expelled or suspended from the Grand Priory of England and Wales unless he can show good cause to the contrary. Any Brother in arrears of two years in subscription to a Lodge of St Andrew is deemed to have ceased his membership of the Order. Article 10 The Grand Priory is the supreme authority of the Grand Priory of England and Wales. Its decisions, taken by majority, are without appeal. It is composed of the Grand Officers of the Grand Priory of England and Wales. 178
Article 11 The Grand Officers in order of precedence are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
M.Em. & Revd. Grand Master.............................................................................. G.M. M.Em. & Revd. Past Grand Masters.................................................................. P.G.M. R.Revd. Grand Prior & Deputy Grand Master............................ G.Prior & Dep.G.M. R.Revd. Past Grand Prior & Deputy Grand Masters.................P.G.Prior & Dep.G.M. R.Revd. Assistant Grand Master....................................................................... A.G.M. R.Revd. Past Assistant Grand Masters........................................................... P.A.G.M. R.Revd. Knight Grand Cross of the Holy City.............................................. G.C.H.C. R.Revd. Knight Commander of the Holy City................................................ K.C.H.C. R.Revd. Regional Grand Prefects.............................................................. Reg.G.Pref. R.Revd. Past Regional Grand Prefects....................................................P.Reg.G.Pref. R.Revd. Grand Visitor General...................................................................... G.V.Gen. R.Revd. Past Grand Visitors General...........................................................P.G.V.Gen. V.Revd. Grand Prelate........................................................................................ G.Prel. V.Revd. Past Grand Prelates........................................................................... P.G.Prel. V.Revd. President of the Grand Master’s Council.................................... Pres.G.M.C. V.Revd. Past Presidents of the Grand Master’s Council.........................P.Pres.G.M.C. V.Revd. Grand Herald.........................................................................................G.Her. V.Revd. Past Grand Heralds............................................................................. P.G.Her. V.Revd. Grand Registrar.................................................................................... G.Reg. V.Revd. Past Grand Registrars........................................................................ P.G.Reg. V.Revd. Grand Treasurer..................................................................................G.Treas. V.Revd. Past Grand Treasurers..................................................................... P.G.Treas. V.Revd. Grand Chancellor............................................................................... G.Chan. V.Revd. Past Grand Chancellors................................................................... P.G.Chan. V.Revd. Grand Almoner.................................................................................... G.Alm. V.Revd. Past Grand Almoners.........................................................................P.G.Alm. V.Revd. Grand Mareschal.................................................................................. G.Mar. V.Revd. Past Grand Mareschals...................................................................... P.G.Mar. Revd. Grand Historian.......................................................................................G.Hist. Revd. Past Grand Historian............................................................................. P.G.Hist. Revd. Deputy Grand Prelate...................................................................... Dep.G.Prel. Revd. Past Deputy Grand Prelates...........................................................P.Dep.G.Prel. Revd. Deputy Grand Herald....................................................................... Dep.G.Her. Revd. Past Deputy Grand Heralds........................................................... P.Dep.G.Her. Revd. Deputy Grand Chancellor.............................................................. Dep.G.Chan. Revd. Past Deputy Grand Chancellors...................................................P.Dep.G.Chan. Revd. Deputy Grand Mareschals............................................................... Dep.G.Mar. Revd. Past Deputy Grand Mareschals.....................................................P.Dep.G.Mar. Revd. Grand Banner Bearer............................................................................... G.B.B. Revd. Past Grand Banner Bearers................................................................... P.G.B.B. Revd. Grand Sword Bearer............................................................................G.Swd.B. 179
42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
Revd. Past Grand Sword Bearers................................................................ P.G.Swd.B. Revd. Assistant Grand Herald.........................................................................A.G.Her. Revd. Past Assistant Grand Heralds............................................................. P.A.G.Her. Revd. Assistant Grand Chancellors.............................................................. A.G.Chan. Revd. Past Assistant Grand Chancellors................................................... P.A.G.Chan. Revd. Assistant Grand Mareschals................................................................ A.G.Mar. Revd. Past Assistant Grand Mareschals...................................................... P.A.G.Mar. Revd. Captain of Guard of Honour......................................................... Capt.Gd.Hon. Revd. Past Captains of Guard of Honour............................................. P.Capt.Gd.Hon. Revd. Deputy Captain of Guard of Honour.................................... Dep.Capt.Gd.Hon. Revd. Past Deputy Captains of Guard of Honour.........................P.Dep.Capt.Gd.Hon. Revd. Grand Organist........................................................................................ G.Org. Revd. Past Grand Organists.............................................................................P.G.Org. Revd. Deputy Grand Organist.....................................................................Dep.G.Org. Revd. Past Deputy Grand Organists........................................................P.Dep.G.Org. Revd. Grand Inner Sentinel............................................................................. G.I.Sent. Revd. Past Grand Inner Sentinels................................................................ P.G.I.Sent. Revd. Grand Outer Sentinel...........................................................................G.O.Sent. Revd. Past Grand Outer Sentinels...............................................................P.G.O.Sent.
Two orders of honour, intended to reward exceptional merit, may be conferred by the Grand Master: • Knight Grand Cross of the Holy City (G.C.H.C.), whose number is limited to five. • Knight Commander of the Holy City (K.C.H.C.), whose number is limited to fifteen. The Grand Master, who is fount of these honours, receives them ex officio on the day of his Installation. His own honours, as well as those of Past Grand Masters, the Grand Prior & Deputy Grand Master, Past Grand Prior & Deputy Grand Masters, the Assistant Grand Master and Past Assistant Grand Masters are not included in the above-mentioned quotas. Article 12 1. The Grand Master of the Grand Priory of the Knights Beneficent of the Holy City of the Rectified Scottish Rite of England and Wales shall be elected and installed annually at the regular meeting of Grand Priory in September. The Grand Master shall have within the framework of the Constitution, Statutes and Regulations, complete authority over the Prefectures and Lodges of Saint Andrew of the Grand Priory of England and Wales. 2. The Grand Master, or another Grand Officer nominated by him, installs the Regional Grand Prefects. He is responsible for maintaining adherence to, and proper execution of the ritual. He is assisted by the Grand Prior & Deputy Grand Master. He may delegate such functions as he deems fit. 3. The Grand Chancellor convenes the Grand Priory and the Grand Master’s Council by command of the Grand Master, and compiles the official documents such as decrees, warrants, patents and certificates. He countersigns them and deals with the official 180
correspondence of the Grand Master. He drafts the minutes of all of the meetings of the Grand Priory and the Grand Master’s Council and ensures that they are stored in the archives of the Grand Priory. He provides the secretariat of the bodies of the Grand Priory of England and Wales and settles all questions of an administrative nature under his own authority. He co-ordinates, under his direct authority, the activities of the Chancellors of Prefectures and the Secretaries of the Lodges of Saint Andrew. 4.
Regional Grand Prefects are responsible to the Grand Master for a Prefecture.
The Grand Visitor-General reports to the Grand Master on the state of the Prefectures.
6. The President of the Grand Master’s Council shall present annually to the Grand Priory a report on the activity of the Order in England and Wales. 7. The Grand Herald approves all arms, names in ordine and mottoes, and maintains the Armorial Roll of the Grand Priory. 8. The Grand Registrar shall, when called on, give advice to the Grand Master’s Council on matters relating to the Statutes and their interpretation. 9. The Grand Treasurer is in charge of the Treasury. He submits the accounts to the Annual Meeting of Grand Priory. 10. The Accounts shall be audited by Registered Auditors appointed for that purpose. 11. The Grand Mareschal is responsible for the organisation and execution of the ceremonies of Grand Priory. He manages the ceremonial furniture and equipment. Article 13 The Grand Master has the power to appoint the Grand Officers. He may appoint and promote Knights to Past Grand Rank. Article 14 The terms of reference of Grand Priory includes: (i) Ratification of the rituals and general instructions published by the Grand Priory of England and Wales; (ii) Deliberation of any proposal submitted to it by the Grand Master’s Council; (iii) Fixing the amount of any fees due from members of the Grand Priory of England and Wales; (iv) The Grand Priory shall meet at least once a year, on a date to be decided by the Grand Master; (v) Any proposal which a Prefecture wishes to submit for the approval of the Grand Priory must be submitted for the ruling of the Grand Master’s Council three months before the meeting of the Grand Priory. 181
Grand Master’s Council and Scottish Directorate Article 15 The Grand Master’s Council shall consist of the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii)
Grand Master; Grand Prior & Deputy Grand Master; Assistant Grand Master; Grand Visitor General; President of the Grand Master’s Council; Grand Herald; Grand Registrar; Grand Treasurer; Grand Chancellor; Grand Mareschal; 2 Grand Officers appointed by the Grand Master; 2 Grand Officers elected by Grand Priory;
and is chaired ex officio by the President of the Grand Master’s Council who has the casting vote. It deals with questions relating to the Inner Order and, in its capacity as Scottish Directorate, those relating to the degree of Scottish Master of Saint Andrew. The terms of reference of the Grand Master’s Council include: (a) To approve and submit to the Meeting of Grand Priory for ratification, proposed amendments to the Statutes or rituals of the Grand Priory of England and Wales; (b) To carry out, under the presidency of the President of the Grand Master’s Council, or in his absence the most senior Grand Officer present, the functions of Grand Master should the latter fail to attend, and this until the appointment of his successor; (c)
To consider the agenda of the Meeting of Grand Priory;
(d) To supervise the activities of the Prefectures and Lodges of Saint Andrew; (e) To ensure that its members respect their duties, in particular that of confidentiality, to sanction any breaches of the rules. The Grand Master’s Council meets as often as required for the interests of the Grand Priory of England and Wales. The Grand Master has the power to invite to its meetings members of the Inner Order.
Article 16 The members of the Inner Order are formed into Prefectures. Each Prefecture must comprise, unless dispensation is granted by the Grand Master, at least nine Knights Beneficent of the Holy City. The Prefecture is administered by the Regional Grand Prefect who has the power to appoint an Executive Council. 182
Article 17 The Prefecture is directed by a Regional Grand Prefect appointed by the Grand Master. The Regional Grand Prefect shall appoint the following Officers annually, selected from among the Knights Beneficent of the Holy City, and shall notify the Grand Chancellor accordingly: (i) Dean; (ii) Prior; (iii) Senior; (iv) Treasurer; (v) Chancellor; (vii) Almoner; (viii) Mareschal; (ix) Banner Bearer; (x) Sword Bearer; (xii) Inner Sentinel; (xiii) Outer Sentinel. The Regional Grand Prefect may also appoint the following officers annually, selected from among the Knights Beneficent of the Holy City, and shall notify the Grand Chancellor accordingly: (i) Deputy Chancellor; (ii) Deputy Mareschal; (iii) Bursar; (iv) Acolyte; (v) Organist. Squire Novices may be appointed to the above offices by dispensation from the Grand Master. Article 18 1. The Regional Grand Prefect presides over the meetings and ensures that the Statutes and spirit of the Order are observed. He may, at the request of the Grand Master, conduct the investiture of the Knights and of the Squire Novices. Within the Lodges of Scottish Master of Saint Andrew, he bears the title of Special Visitor. 2. The Dean replaces, ex officio, the Regional Grand Prefect in the event of absence or vacancy. 3. The Prior is responsible for the observance of the rule and harmony between members of the Prefecture. He can be called upon to make enquiries regarding candidates for the Noviciate. He presides in the absence of the Regional Grand Prefect and the Dean, except during ceremonies of investiture. 4.
The Senior replaces the Prior in the event of absence or vacancy.
5. The Treasurer who shall be elected annually is responsible for the accounts and financial control of the Prefecture. The Accounts shall be audited by two members elected annually for that purpose. 183
6. The Chancellor convenes the meetings by order of the Regional Grand Prefect and draws up the agenda for the meetings. He is responsible for the correspondence of the Prefecture. 7. The Almoner collects donations intended for the charitable works of the Prefecture and reports cases of serious illness or distress to the Regional Grand Prefect. 8. The Mareschal is responsible for everything relating to the proper conduct of the ceremonies and the festive board. He arranges for the care of the property of the Prefecture and ensures its safekeeping. Article 19 The Prefecture may work the degrees of Squire Novice and Knight Beneficent of the Holy City at the request of the Grand Master. It shall hold a meeting at least once each year during which the administrative and financial reports of the past year are presented and the capitation and other fees due to the Prefecture are determined. Its terms of reference are as follows: (i) To appoint to active rank and promote to Past Rank in the Prefecture Knights who have shown themselves deserving of it; (ii) To authorise the ordinary and extraordinary expenditure required for the proper working of the Prefecture. (iii) To draw up Prefectural By-Laws which once agreed within the Prefecture shall be submitted to the Grand Chancellor for the Grand Master’s approval. (iv) To operate in accordance with the By-Laws of the Prefecture. Article 20 The Regional Grand Prefect’s Council of the Prefecture comprises the Regional Grand Prefect and his Officers. It deliberates when convened by the Regional Grand Prefect.
Lodges of Saint Andrew Article 21 Nine Scottish Masters may form a Lodge of Saint Andrew. The Lodges of Saint Andrew within the same region are independent of each other. Each is placed under the authority of a Prefecture. If circumstances so require, a Lodge of Saint Andrew may be placed under the direct authority of the Scottish Directorate. Article 22 The College of Officers of a Lodge of Saint Andrew is made up as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Worshipful Deputy Master, who presides; Senior Warden; Junior Warden; Orator; 184
(v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv)
Treasurer; Secretary; *Preparing Brother; Master of Ceremonies; Assistant Master of Ceremonies; Almoner; *Sponsor; *Bursar; *Acolyte; *Organist; Outer Guard.
* Optional appointments Every Lodge shall elect a Deputy Master annually by ballot and notice of such election shall be inserted in the Summons for the meeting at which such election is to take place and at the next regular meeting the Deputy Master shall be duly installed, having first received the approbation of the Grand Master. Candidates for election as Worshipful Deputy Master shall hold the rank of KBHC. Unless there is more than one regularly proposed candidate, or there is a demand for a ballot, the regularly proposed candidate shall be deemed and declared to have been elected. The Officers are appointed annually by the Worshipful Deputy Master. Article 23 1. The Worshipful Deputy Master is responsible for the general leadership of the Lodge, its work and its discussions. In the event of absence, he may be replaced by a Past Deputy Master. 2. The Wardens assist the Worshipful Deputy Master to direct the work of the Lodge. They supervise the work of their respective columns and take part in the instruction of Scottish Masters of Saint Andrew. 3. The Orator is responsible in particular for the instruction of the members of the Lodge of Saint Andrew and to see that the regulations and usages of the Rite are respected. He may be detailed to speak on behalf of the Lodge on all occasions where it has to be represented. 4. The Treasurer who shall be elected annually is required to keep the accounts of the Lodge. The books of account must be presented upon any request of the Worshipful Deputy Master, the Chancellor of the Prefecture, the Visitor General or Grand Chancellor. The Accounts of the Lodge shall be audited by two members elected annually for that purpose. 5. The Secretary drafts the minutes of the meetings, which are signed by the Worshipful Deputy Master. He holds the records of the Lodge. 185
6. The Master of Ceremonies is responsible for the proper conduct of the ritual. He carries out the necessary preparations for the admission ceremonies. 7. The Almoner receives all sums intended for charitable works and keeps account of them. He is required to make contact with Brethren considering resigning. 8. The Bursar is responsible for the furniture and equipment of the Lodge. He organises the festive boards. Article 24 The Lodges of Saint Andrew work to develop the Masonic knowledge of their members from the historical, moral and spiritual points of view, so that they can put it into action by word, by example and by the exercise of an active beneficence, in all regards. They are convened for the admission of candidates to the degree of Scottish Masters of Saint Andrew at least twice a year. Article 25 A candidate for the degree of Scottish Master of Saint Andrew must be proposed and seconded by two members of the Inner Order. A candidate for the degree of Scottish Master has to have been a Knight Templar of at least 2 years standing before being proposed. He must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the principles and usages of the Rectified Scottish Rite. All applications must be presented on the appropriate form, signed by the candidate and voted upon by the members in open Lodge. Article 26 The admission of candidates into Lodges of Saint Andrew is conducted by the Worshipful Deputy Master, or when he is prevented from doing so, by a Past Deputy Master. Article 27 The admission and annual membership fees are fixed by the Lodge of Saint Andrew. ByLaws for the good governance of the Lodge shall be approved and adopted by the Lodge after having been approved by the Regional Grand Prefect. Article 28 Any member of a Lodge of Saint Andrew who wishes to resign must address his written and justified resignation to the Worshipful Deputy Master or present it in Lodge in person. It may only be accepted if he is in good financial standing in the Lodge. He is required to return all official documents or other items of the Rite which he may hold and which belong to the Grand Priory of England and Wales.
Regalia Article 29
An Apron of white kid or similar, lined with red, bordered with green ribbon 1¼” wide, the upper part representing a green flap with a red border. The whole not exceeding 11¼” x 13” with 3 rosettes and buttons according to degree.
Collar of green ribbon 2⅞” wide, lined with red, with a red border. A rosette according to degree at the centre.
The jewel of Saint Andrew, suspended from the collar.
A belt, frog, sword, scabbard and white gloves.
A red sash 4” wide worn from left shoulder to right hip to which is attached the Cross of the Order.
A belt, frog, sword, scabbard and white gloves.
A white mantle lined with red, fastened at the neck with shell clasps, bearing on the left side a Cross Pattee 11¼” square. The personal arms of the Knight to be embroidered on a shield 3½” x 4½” and placed on the Cross.
A white sash 4” wide edged in gold worn from right shoulder to left hip with the Cross of the Order embroidered in the centre and a Cross suspended from the bottom.
A collarette of red ribbon 1½” wide edged in gold to which is attached the Cross of the Order.
A belt, frog, sword, scabbard and white gloves.
Article 30 GRAND OFFICERS PRESENT AND PAST Same as a Knight except that the Cross of the Order shall be worn attached to a collar, red 4” wide edged in gold, on which is embroidered a Phoenix with the words “Perit ut Vivat”. In a Lodge of Scottish Masters of St Andrew the green collar shall be 4” wide with a red border with gold embroidery around the rosette. The apron shall be 14” x 16”. ROSETTES The rosettes and buttons on the apron and collar shall be red except that, on the apron flap and collar, members of the 5th degree shall have white buttons and members of the 6th degree shall have white rosettes with red buttons. 187
KNIGHT COMMANDER OF THE HOLY CITY A Knight Commander shall wear the jewel of his office suspended from his Grand Officer’s collar. KNIGHT GRAND CROSS OF THE HOLY CITY A Knight Grand Cross shall wear the jewel of his office suspended from his chain. Batons shall be gold mounted.
Grand Prefects: Colour of shaft – white. On top, a Cross of the Order filled with red enamel.
Knights Commander: Colour of shaft – black. On top, a Cross of the Order filled with red enamel.
Knights Grand Cross: Colour of shaft – black. On top, a Cross of the Order filled with red enamel and surmounted by a crown.
Assistant Grand Master: Colour of shaft – black. On top, a Cross of the Order filled with red enamel enclosed in an octagon and surmounted by a crown.
Deputy Grand Master: Colour of shaft – red. On top, a Cross of the Order filled with red enamel enclosed in an octagon and surmounted by a crown.
Grand Master: Colour of shaft – red. On top, a cross of Salem filled with red enamel.
Honorifics and Salutations
Article 31 The Grand Master and Past Grand Masters are entitled to the title of ‘Most Eminent and Reverend’; the Grand Prior and Deputy Grand Master, the Assistant Grand Masters, Knights Grand Cross of the Holy City, Knights Commander of the Holy City, Grand Prefects and Grand Visitor-General to that of ‘Right Reverend’; the Grand Prelate, President of the Grand Master’s Council, Grand Herald, Grand Registrar, Grand Treasurer, Grand Chancellor, Grand Almoner and Grand Mareschal to that of ‘Very Reverend’; and Grand Officers and Knights to that of ‘Reverend’. Article 32 The Grand Master and Past Grand Masters are saluted by the acclamation ‘Vivat’ given eleven times. It is given nine times for the Grand Prior and Deputy Grand Master and Assistant Grand Master, seven times for other Right Reverend Knights, five times for Very Reverend Knights and three times for other Grand Officers. 188
Finances Article 33 1. For each degree conferred by one of its bodies, the Grand Priory of England and Wales receives a fee of which the amount, fixed each year by the Grand Priory, must be paid to it before this degree is conferred. 2. The Grand Priory of England and Wales, in addition, receives from each member registered on its lists at 31 August of the preceding year an annual due, the amount of which Grand Priory shall determine annually. 3. Each member of a Lodge of Saint Andrew is required to pay to it annual dues which include the annual dues payable to the Grand Priory of England and Wales, to the Prefecture under whose authority his Lodge falls, and to his own Lodge of Saint Andrew. Annual dues are payable on 1 September. 4. The Prefectures shall transfer the collected annual dues/fees owing to the Grand Priory no later than 1 November in each year.
Grand Master’s Discretionary Powers Article 34 All Ranks and Offices are held at the Grand Master’s discretion. The Grand Master shall have absolute discretion to grant any dispensation of any matter covered by these Statutes, the By-Laws of any Prefecture or Lodge of Saint Andrew.
Saving Clause Article 35 Any subject not herein dealt with by these Statutes shall be governed by the Statutes prescribed from time to time for the government of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.
Published by Mark Masons Hall Ltd