Statutes - The Great Priory of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Order of the Temple.. 2024

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The Great Priory of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine , Rhodes and Malta of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas

This edition of the Statutes is approved and published by Order of the Great Priory of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas.

© Great Priory 2024


86 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1PL


Orders of the Temple AND OF Malta


It has been agreed between the Governing Bodies of the Orders of the Temple and Malta, in England, Ireland, and Scotland, as follows:

1. The Supreme Governing Body in each Country shall have absolute power in its own Country; but, with the view of promoting friendly intercourse, Delegates from each, appointed triennially by the Grand Master’s Council, shall meet every third year for the Conference, successively in London, Dublin, and Edinburgh, for the purpose of discussing all matters affecting the welfare of the Order and reporting to their respective Governing Bodies what passes at those Conferences; and each Governing Body shall as soon as possible thereafter, take up and deal with the report of its Delegates and any recommendations therein contained.

2. Should occasion arise any one of the three Supreme Governin g Bodies may call a special Conference, to be held in the Jurisdiction of the Governing Body summoning it.

3. That, with the view of preserving the dignity of the highest grade of the Order, there shall not, exclusive of the Grand Master, and any Royal Personages appointed by him, and also excluding Past Grand Masters, be at any one time more than the following number of Knights Grand Cross existing in the different countries, viz: In England .................. Fifteen In Ireland .................... Nine In Scotland ................. Nine

4. The number of Knights Commander in each country shall not exceed, for England and Wales 90, for Ireland 54, and for Scotland 54.

5. No Preceptory shall confer the United Orders for a fee of less than £3.15 for the Order of the Temple, and of £1.05 for the Order of Malta; or upon a Companion of the Holy Royal Arch, hailing from a Lodge or Chapter under another Constitution, without informing the Governing Body of that Constitution to which his Craft Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter belong.

6. If any member of the United Orders is suspended, excluded o r expelled by any one of the Governing Bodies, the fact that this has been done shall forthwith be communicated to the othe r Governing Bodies together with details of the conduct which led to such action being taken.

7. No Association professing to be Knights Templar shall be recognised unless it complies with the Basic Principles of Recognition as set forth in the Appendix of this Concordat.

8. This agreement shall be printed in full and included in every copy of the Laws and Regulations of each Governing Body.


K. MCL. MARSHALL for England and Wales


J. GILBART SMYLY for Ireland


JOHN BOWERS for Scotland


May 1930

The Basic Principles of Recognition are:

1. That every Association or Body of Knights Templar seekin g recognition must produce satisfactory evidence as to the regularity of its origin and its right to confer the Degrees of Knight Templar and Knight of Malta.

2. That such Association shall draw its membership exclusively from Brethren who derive their status both as Master Masons and Royal Arch Companions from Lodges and Chapters under jurisdiction which are recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England, the Gran d Lodge of Ireland and the Grand Lodge of Scotland and also th e Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England, th e Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland and the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland.

3. That such Association shall admit to membership only Aspirants who confess the Christian Faith and express a belief in the Holy Trinity.

Revised and reaffirmed in 1971. Amended in 1978.


for the Government of


Any Subject not herein dealt with by these Statutes must be governed by the general Rules of Craft Masonry, contained from time to time in the Book of Constitutions of the United Grand Lodge of England, so far as such Rules are applicable to the Orders and not inconsistent with these Statutes.

The Registrar of every Preceptory shall be in possession of a copy of the Book of Constitutions and shall ensure that any amendments passed by the United Grand Lodge are duly noted.

Nothing in these Constitutions shall be construed to repeal or vary any provisions made in any articles of agreement between the Grand Conclave of England and Wales, etc., and the Encampment of Baldwyn, Bristol.


1. The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta (the Order of Malta) in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas (THE UNITED ORDERS) shall be governed by a body styled “The Great Priory of the United Religious Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas” (GREAT PRIORY). Great Priory shall be composed of the Preceptors and Constables for the time being of all the Preceptories on its register, Past Preceptors if qualified under Statute 3, the Great Officers present and past, the Knights Commander and the Knights Grand Cross of the United Orders, with the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master at their head.

Great Priory

Table of Precedence

2. The members of Great Priory rank in the following order:

Grand Master G.M.

Pro Grand Master Pro G.M.

Past Grand Masters P.G.M.

Past Pro Grand Masters P.Pro G.M.

Great Seneschal Gt.Sen.

Past Great Seneschals P.Gt.Sen.

Knights Grand Cross .............................................................. G.C.T.

Knights Commander............................................................... K.C.T.

Provincial Prior................................................................. Prov.Prior

Past Provincial Priors ..................................................... P.Prov.Prior

Great Prelate ......................................................................... Gt.Prel.

Past Great Prelates ..............................................................P.Gt.Prel.

Great Chancellor................................................................. Gt.Chan.

Past Great Chancellors .....................................................P.Gt.Chan.

First Great Constable ...................................................... 1st Gt.Con.

Past First Great Constables........................................... P.1st Gt.Con.

Second Great Constable ................................................ 2nd Gt.Con.

Past Second Great Constables .................................... P.2nd Gt.Con.

Great Treasurer ................................................................... Gt.Treas.

Past Great Treasurers....................................................... P.Gt.Treas.

Great Registrar ..................................................................... Gt.Reg.

Past Great Registrars ..........................................................P.Gt.Reg.

President of the Grand Master’s Council ...................... Pres.G.M.C.

Past Presidents of the Grand Master’s Council .......... P.Pres.G.M.C.

Group Inspector ................................................................... Gp.Insp.

Past Group Inspectors ....................................................... P.Gp.Insp.

Great Vice-Chancellor ................................................ Gt.Vice-Chan.

Past Great Vice-Chancellors ................................... P.Gt.Vice-Chan.

Great Marshal ....................................................................... Gt.Mar.

Past Great Marshals ............................................................P.Gt.Mar.

Deputy Great Vice-Chancellor ........................... Dep.Gt.Vice-Chan.

Past Deputy Great Vice-Chancellors ............... P.Dep.Gt.Vice-Chan.

Deputy Great Marshal ................................................... Dep.Gt.Mar.

Past Deputy Great Marshals ....................................... P.Dep.Gt.Mar.

Great Almoner ...................................................................... Gt.Alm.

Past Great Almoners .......................................................... P.Gt.Alm.

Great Herald .......................................................................... Gt.Her.

Past Great Heralds .............................................................. P.Gt.Her.

Great Standard Bearer (Beauceant) ............................... Gt.St.B.(B.)

Past Great Standard Bearers (Beauceant) .................... P.Gt.St.B.(B.)

Great Standard Bearer (Vexillum Belli) ..................... Gt.St.B.(V.B.)

Past Great Standard Bearers (Vexillum Belli) ........ P.Gt.St.B.(V.B.)

Grand Master’s Banner Bearer .......................................... G.M.B.B.

Past Grand Master’s Banner Bearers.............................. P.G.M.B.B.

Great Sword Bearer .......................................................... Gt.Swd.B.

Past Great Sword Bearers .............................................. P.Gt.Swd.B.

Deputy Great Registrar .................................................. Dep.Gt.Reg.

Past Deputy Great Registrar .......................................


Deputy Great Almoner ................................................. Dep.Gt.Alm.

Past Deputy Great Almoners P.Dep.Gt.Alm.

Assistant Great Vice-Chancellors .......................... A.Gt.Vice-Chan.

Past Assistant Great Vice-Chancellors ................ P.A.Gt.Vice-Chan.

Deputy Great Sword Bearer ..................................... Dep.Gt.Swd.B.

Past Deputy Great Sword Bearers ..........................P.Dep.Gt.Swd.B.

Assistant Great Chancellor A.Gt.Chan.

Past Assistant Great Chancellor ................................... P.A.Gt.Chan.

Great Aides-de-Camp ..................................................... Gt.A.-de-C.

Past Great Aides-de-Camp .......................................... P.Gt.A.-de-C.

Great Warden of Regalia Gt.W. of R.

Past Great Wardens of Regalia .....................................

P.Gt.W. of R.

Great Chamberlain .......................................................... Gt.Chamb.

Past Great Chamberlain ................................................ P.Gt.Chamb.

Great Captains of Guards ............................................. Gt.Capt.Gds.

Past Great Captains of Guards


Great Organist ....................................................................... Gt.Org.

Past Great Organists ........................................................... P.Gt.Org.

Deputy Great Organist................................................... Dep.Gt.Org.

Past Deputy Great Organist


Great Guards........................................................................... Gt.Gd.

Past Great Guards ................................................................ P.Gt.Gd.

Preceptors, Past Preceptors............................. Preceptor/P.Preceptor and Constables of Preceptories.................................................. Con.

3. Every Knight regularly installed as a Preceptor of a Preceptory registered under Great Priory, who has filled that office for one year, shall so long as he continues a subscribing member of a Preceptory registered under Great Priory, be a member of Great Priory, but having for twelve months ceased to be a subscribing member of a Preceptory on the register of Great Priory, he shall no longer be a member of Great Priory, nor can he regain the right of membership as a Past Preceptor, until he has again become a subscribing member of a Preceptory.

4. (1) The Grand Master, Pro Grand Master, Past Grand Masters and Past Pro Grand Masters are styled “Most Eminent and Supreme”; Great Seneschal and Past Great Seneschals “Very High and Right Eminent”; Knights Grand Cross, Knights Commander, Provincial Priors and Past Provincial Priors “Right Eminent”; Great Prelates,

Qualification and disqualification of Past Preceptors. Titles, prefixes, Marks and Salutations.

Chancellors, Constables, Treasurers, Registrars, President of the Grand Master’s Council, Group Inspectors, Vice-Chancellors and Marshals, present and past, “Very Eminent”; other Great Officers, Preceptors and Past Preceptors “Eminent”. All other members of the Orders shall have the style of “Knight” or “Brother Knight”. The Marks to be prefixed to the signature of each member of the Orders according to his rank are shown on Plate 56.


as follows:

No Knight may receive a salutation or be accorded precedence other than that to which he is entitled by virtue of his personal rank in Great Priory, irrespective of what office he may hold or may act in, except that the Eminent Preceptor of a Preceptory is alway s saluted with 3 in that Preceptory.

5. Great Priory possesses the supreme super-intending authority, and alone has the inherent power of enacting laws and regulations for the government of the Orders, and of altering, repealing, and abrogating them. Great Priory has also the power of investigating, regulating, and deciding all matters relative to the Orders, or to particular Preceptories, or to individual Knights which it may exercise either itself, or by such delegated authority as in its wisdom and discretion it may appoint; but in Great Priory alone resides the power of erasing Preceptories and expelling Knights from the Orders, except in all cases of expulsion passed by the United Grand Lodge of England, the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England, the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, or any Order administered at Mark Masons’ Hall, of a brother who is a member of the United Orders; when in such cases, he shall be also expelled from these Orders.

A Knight who has resigned from the Craft under Rule 183A shall be deemed to have resigned from the United Orders save that if he has resigned under Rule 183A(f) he shall be expelled from the United Orders with no right of appeal. On expulsion or resignation he shall return all Great Priory Certificates to the Great Vice-Chancellor.

Powers of Great Priory.

Expulsion, or the resignation under the equivalent of Rule 183A(f) of the Constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England, by any other Sovereign Masonic Body recognised by, or in amity with this Order, not otherwise specified, of any member who is a Knight of this Order shall result in automatic expulsion from this Order, unless the Grand Master at his sole discretion, considers otherwise.

Suspension by any Masonic Jurisdiction recognised by and in amity with this Order, of a member who is a Knight of this Order, shall result in the same period of suspension from this Order, unless the knight gives notice to the Great Vice-Chancellor within 14 days of the imposition of such suspension, in which case the Council may consider the same and, after giving the knight an opportunity to be heard, either by itself or a Committee appointed by the Council, determine what, if any, action should be taken, subject to appeal under Statute 134.

6. A Meeting of Great Priory shall be held in the month of May and November each year. A Special Meeting may be held at any time that the Grand Master may think fit. Every Meeting of Great Priory shall be held at such place as the Grand Master shall determine and be convoked by the Great Vice-Chancellor, by a circular letter sent to each Great Officer Present and Past and, through the Registrars of Preceptories, to all other members of Great Priory, accompanied by an Agenda of the business to be transacted. Such notice shall be sent at least seven days before the day of the meeting and may be sent by post or electronic means.

7. Every Meeting of Great Priory may adjourn from time to time to a future day, if the business to be conducted thereat shall render it necessary. A day and place shall be then determined by the Grand Master for holding the adjourned Meeting, and notice of th e adjourned Meeting shall be given by the Great Vice-Chancellor if the day so fixed will admit of it. No business shall be discussed o r transacted at any adjourned Meeting except that left unfinished at the Meeting from which the adjournment shall take place.

8. If the Grand Master shall not be present at any Great Priory the Chair shall be taken by the Pro Grand Master or, in his absence, by the Great Seneschal or, in their absence, by the member present who shall be next in active rank and seniority, according to the table of precedence contained in Statute 2.

9. The Grand Master may permit any Knights of the Orders not otherwise qualified, to attend Great Priory as visitors, but without voice or vote, provided always that any or all Knights not qualified to speak or vote must withdraw when thereunto required by the Presiding Officer.

Regular and Special Meetings.

Power to adjourn.

Presiding in absence of Grand Master

Visitors to Great Priory.

Notice to be given of all Motions, etc.

Notice of Motion to be laid before the Council.

Notice of Motion, etc., of Statutes.

10. (1) Subject to Statute 11 any member intending to submit any motion or business to the consideration of Great Priory, shall give notice thereof in writing to the Great Vice-Chancellor eight weeks at least before the day on which the Meeting shall be held at which such subject is to be discussed, in order that it may be laid by him before the Council.

(2) The Great Vice-Chancellor shall receive all notices of motions to be brought before Great Priory, and shall lay them before the Council.

11 . A motion to alter, modify, add to, cancel or make new enactment of the Statutes of the Orders shall not be considered unless either (a) notice in writing thereof shall have been sent to the Great Vice-Chancellor not less than ten days before the regular meeting of the Council next following a meeting of Great Priory (i.e. the regular meeting of the Council on the second Monday in January or July), or (b) the motion has been recommended by the Council.Notice of such motion shall be inserted in the summons for and shall be considered at the next Meeting of Great Priory and the motion if carried by a majority of those present and voting shall be binding with effect from the first day of September immediately following the date of the Meeting at which the motion was carried or the first day of March, which ever date is earlier unless some other date be specified in such motion.

Notice of Motions to be inserted in Summons.

No other Motions to be discussed.

12. The Great Vice-Chancellor shall insert in the Agenda for a Meeting of Great Priory all notices of motion which the Council shall direct to be inserted therein; and all such notices of motion shall be inserted in such order as the Council shall direct.

13. No motion shall be made or discussed at any Meeting of Great Priory unless it shall have been inserted in the summons for such Meeting, or unless sanctioned by the Grand Master o r Presiding Officer, or recommended by the Council.

Rejection of Notices of Motion.

No Member to speak twice to the same question.

Method of speaking.

14. If the Council shall reject any notice of motion, as being improper to be made in Great Priory by reason of its unseeml y character, irrelevancy, or irregularity, or of the subject not being within the cognizance of Great Priory, the Great Vice-Chancellor shall immediately inform the Knight who shall have sent such notice of motion, that the same has been rejected by the Council.

15. No Knight shall speak twice to the same question, unless in explanation, except the mover of an original resolution, who shall have the right to reply. This rule does not apply to the Great Chancellor, who is the adviser of Great Priory.

16. Every speaker shall rise and address himself to the Grand Master or Presiding Officer. He shall not be interrupted, except on a point of order, or unless the Grand Master, or Presiding Officer shall call him to order

17. Questions under discussion in Great Priory shall be decided by a majority of votes, each member having one vote, to be signified by holding up one hand except in the election by ballot of members of the Grand Master ’s Council or the Panel for Appeals Courts; where the votes of the members are equal, the Presiding Officer shall have a second or casting vote. After the show of hands the Presiding Officer shall declare the motion carried or lost, but it two members demand that the votes be counted and such demand appear s reasonable to the Presiding Officer the counting shall be conducted under the direction of the Great Marshal, the Ayes going to the North and Noes to the South.

18. Every resolution of Great Priory shall become law, and be binding and conclusive, and shall be carried into effect accordingly without confirmation, unless the Grand Master shall deem i t advisable to direct a summons to be issued within one month for the holding of a Special Meeting for the purpose of reconsidering such resolution, in which case such resolution shall not become law nor be binding and conclusive, nor carried into effect, unless confirmed by such Special Meeting of Great Priory


19. The Grand Master shall be elected and installed annually at the regular Meeting of Great Priory in May

20 . The Grand Master if a Prince of the Blood Royal ma y appoint a Pro Grand Master who shall, in the absence of the Grand Master, in all respects rank as Grand Master.

21. Should the Grand Master die or resign during his term of office, the Pro Grand Master, or, in his absence, the Great Seneschal, or, in his absence, the Great Chancellor, or, in his absence, the First Great Constable or, in his absence, the Second Great Constable shall direct the Great Vice-Chancellor to summon a Meeting of Great Priory, at which another Grand Master shall be elected; and at the first convenient opportunity the newly elected Grand Master shall be installed and proclaimed in ancient form.

22. (1) The inherent prerogatives of the Grand Master include the constitution of new Preceptories, the formation, division, dissolution, or amalgamation of Provinces, the transferring of a town or towns from one Province to another, and the appointment of Provincial Priors and any other matter whatsoever not herein expressly reserved to Great Priory or his Council. Every Warrant for a new Preceptory must be approved and signed by the Grand Master previous to the consecration of the Preceptory.


Grand Master may direct reconsideration of resolution.

Election of Grand Master.

Pro Grand Master.

Death or resignation of Grand Master

Prerogatives of the Grand Master

Visits by Grand Master or other Officers.

Visits by direction of Grand Master.

Knights Grand Cross and Knights Commander.

(2) For the avoidance of doubt the said prerogatives of the Grand Master also include any matter not by these statutes expressly reserved to Great Priory or elsewhere, and in particula r, an d notwithstanding the provisions of statutes 29 and 151, the Grand Master may defer any appointment there stated for such time and for such reason as he shall think fit.

23. The Grand Master, or the Pro Grand Master or the Great Seneschal shall, if he thinks fit, preside in any Provincial Priory or in any Preceptory he may visit, either accompanied by Great Officers, or Officers appointed by him.

24. The Grand Master may direct his Great Officers, present or past, to attend Preceptories.

25. (1) The Grand Master being the fountain of honou r, th e appointment of Knights Grand Cross and Knights Commander of the United Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta shall form part of his exclusive prerogative. With a view to preserving the dignity of the Orders and of the highest grades there shall not, exclusive of the Grand Master, be at any one time more than fifteen Knights Grand Cross existing under the jurisdiction of Great Priory, excepting Royal Personages, appointed by him and also excluding Past Grand Masters. There shall not be at any one time more than ninety Knights Commander existing under the Jurisdiction of Great Priory. In all cases the rank of Preceptor shall be a necessary condition to the advancement of Knights to the above honours.

Fees of Honour

(2) The appointment of a Knight Grand Cross or of a Knight Commander shall be made by Patent for which the fee prescribed by Statute 164 shall be paid to Great Priory together with th e appropriate Fee of Honour. For the avoidance of doubt a Knight Grand Cross or Knight Commander so appointed is such in each of the two Orders.

Application to Grand Master

Unattached Preceptories.

Great Seneschal.

26. All communications and applications to the Grand Master concerning the Orders shall be made through the Great Vice-Chancellor.

27. The Grand Master shall have direct charge of all Preceptories not included in a Province which shall be known as Unattached Preceptories.


28. The Great Seneschal shall be appointed annually by the Grand Master, and shall possess all the powers and privileges of the Grand Master or Pro Grand Master in their absence including those relating to the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.


29. (1) At the regular Meeting of Great Priory in May, (but subject to statute 29(2)) the Grand Master shall appoint the following Great Officers, who shall thereupon be invested, and who must be subscribing members of some Preceptory on the register of Great Priory and Knights of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of Malta:

Pro Grand Master (Statute 20)

Great Seneschal

Great Prelate

Great Chancellor

Two Great Constables

Great Registrar

President of the Grand Master’s Council

Great Vice-Chancellor

Great Marshal

Deputy Great Vice-Chancellor

Two Deputy Great Marshals

Great Almoner

Two Great Heralds

Great Standard Bearer (Beauceant)

Great Standard Bearer (Vexillum Belli)

Grand Master ’s Banner Bearer

Great Sword Bearer

Deputy Great Almoner

Two Assistant Great Vice-Chancellors

Deputy Great Sword Bearer

Four Great Aides-de-Camp

Great Warden of Regalia

Great Chamberlain

Two Great Captains of Guards

Great Organist

Deputy Great Organist

Such Guards as the Grand Master may think fit to appoint. All Great Officers must be Installed Preceptors.

(2) The Grand Master may defer any such appointment for such time, and for such reason, as he shall think fit.

30. The Grand Master may from time to time appoint Knights of eminence and ability to such Past ranks as he may deem appropriate.

31 . The Grand Master may by Warrant appoint a Knight to represent him in a Chapter General, Great Priory, or other recognised Governing Body, and may constitute him and also a Knight regularly deputed from a Chapter General, Great Priory, or other recognised Governing body, a member of Great Priory, with such rank as he may deem appropriate.

Appointment of Great Officers.

Past rank in Great Priory Representatives from Sister or Foreign Governing Bodies.

Great Prelate.

Great Chancellor.

Great Treasurer.

32. The Great Prelate shall at all Meetings of Great Priory, read, recite, or chant all prayers, and perform all ceremonies of a religious or ecclesiastical nature.

33. The Great Chancellor shall have the custody of the Seals, and shall sign and seal all pa tents and warrants issued by th e authority of the Grand Master or Great Priory, in conformity with the Statutes of the Orders: Provided that the Great Chancellor ma y delegate to the Great Vice-Chancellor the duty of signing and sealing such patents and Warrants.

34. The Great Treasurer shall be elected and invested annually at the Regular Meeting of Great Priory in May The Great Treasurer shall ensure that all monies due to Great Priory are properly brought to account and that all valid demands on Great Priory are duly met. He shall keep account of all receipts and disbursements, balance the accounts each financial year as at 31 August or such other date as may be fixed by the Council from time to time and submit them to the auditor appointed under Statute 128 in time for an abstract of the audited accounts to be considered by the Council before being made available for circulation to Great Priory in May of every year.

The Great Treasurer shall pay and dispose of the money paid to him for the Fund of Benevolence in such manne r, and for suc h purposes as the Council or Great Priory shall from time to time direct.

Great ViceChancellor.

Great ViceChancellor: duties.

Registration of Subscribing Preceptors. General.

35. The Great Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Grand Master, shall hold office without re-appointment during the pleasure of Great Priory, and shall rank immediately after the President of the Grand Masters Council.

36. (1) The Great Vice-Chancellor shall register in a proper book, to be kept for that purpose, all Preceptories holding Warrants under Great Priory, specifying the dates of their respective Warrants, and the days and places of meeting, and the names of all the members of such Preceptories, with the dates of their respective installations as Knights Templar.

(2) The Great Vice-Chancellor shall enter in a proper book, to be kept for that purpose, the names of all subscribing Preceptors registered under Great Priory, specifying the dates of their respective installations as such, and the Preceptories in which they were installed.

(3) The Great Vice-Chancellor shall sign all Certificates, issue summonses for all meetings of Great Priory and the Council, and attend and take minutes of proceedings; receive returns from the several Preceptories and enter them in the books of Great Priory; receive fees and contributions payable by Preceptories or Knights, and

pay or cause the same to be paid to the Bank account of Great Priory; transmit to all Preceptories accounts of the proceedings of th e Meetings of Great Priory, and all papers and documents which may be ordered by the Grand Master, Great Priory or Council; receive all petitions, memorials, etc., and submit them to the Grand Master or other proper authority; attend the Grand Master with any books or papers he may require; and generally do all such things as heretofore have been done or ought to be done by the Great Vice-Chancellor of the Orders. He may under the authority of the Great Chancellor sign and affix the Seals of Great Priory to Patents, Warrants, Certificates, or other documents specified in such authority.

37. The Great Marshal shall have the arrangement and direction of all processions and Ceremonies of Great Priory.

38. The Great Almoner shall, at such time during the Meeting of Great Priory as he may be ordered so to do, collect alms from the Knights present, and pay the same to the Great Treasurer.

39. The Guards shall attend all meetings of Great Priory, and act under the instructions of the Great Marshal.

40 . The Grand Master and every Great O fficer (and ever y Knight appointed to Past rank) shall upon his first appointment to any office or rank pay to Great Priory the Fee of Honour appropriate to such o ffice or rank specified in Statute 164: Provided that a Knight who holds or has held any such o ffice or rank shall o n appointment or election to any other office or rank pay the difference between the Fees of Honour appropriate to such offices or ranks only.


41 . The Grand Master may on such terms as he thinks fi t designate such Knights as he thinks fit to form his Bodyguard and appoint a Commander and Deputy Commander thereof.

The Bodyguard shall at all meetings of Great Priory form the Arch of Steel under the command of the Commander o r, in hi s absence, of the Deputy Commander of the Bodyguard and shall perform such other duties as the Great Marshal may direct.


41A. In the case of Unattached Preceptories Overseas not under a Provincial Prior, the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master shall have the power to form them, or any of them, into a group or groups, and to confer upon a Brother Knight or Knights appointed by him such jurisdiction as he may think fit in respect of any such group, or of any

Great Marshal.

Great Almoner Guards.

Fees of Honour

Grand Master’s Bodyguard. Group Inspector.

Honours for Service in Unattached Preceptories.

such Unattached Overseas Preceptory. The Grand Master shall, at any time, and from time to time, have the power to alter such groups, to extend or limit such jurisdiction and to remove any Brother Knight so appointed, and to appoint any other Brother Knight in his place. A Brother Knight while holding suc h appointment shall be styled Group Inspector and, in the firs t instance, may be appointed for a term of up to five years.

42 . The Grand Master may, once a year, confer the rank designated Overseas rank as the case may be, on Knights who have rendered meritorious service to the Orders as members of an Unattached Preceptory and are members of Great Priory otherwise than as a Constable of a Preceptory. The holders of such rank shall wear the clothing and regalia prescribed in Statute 173, but can claim precedence as such only in a Overseas Preceptory.


Formation and dissolution of Provinces.

Appointment and term of Office of Provincial Priors.

43. The Grand Master may on his own authority form Provinces consisting of such Preceptories as he may determine and appoint Provincial Priors for such Provinces in England and Wales and Overseas as he may think fit. The Grand Master may also, if he sees fit dissolve a Province whereupon the Preceptories therein shall become Unattached.

44. The appointment of a Provincial Prior shall be made by Patent for which the fee prescribed by Statute 164 shall be paid to Great Priory together with the appropriate Fee of Honour.

Provincial Priors shall continue in office during the pleasure of the Grand Master; but any Provincial Prior may resign his office. Every Provincial Prior must be a subscribing member of some registered Preceptory in his Province.

Provision in the event of death of a Provincial Prior.

Powers of Provincial Prior.

45 . In the event of the death, incapacity or resignation of a Provincial Prior, the Provincial Sub-Prior, or if more than one, the Senior Sub-Prior, failing whom the Provincial Chancellor, failing whom the Provincial First Constable, failing whom the Provincial Second Constable, shall rule over the Provincial Priory and shall be possessed of all the powers and privileges of a Provincial Prior until a successor shall have been duly appointed and installed.

46. Every Provincial Prior possesses powers and privileges in his Province similar to those possessed by the Grand Master, except such powers and privileges as by the Statutes of the Order are limited or expressed to be exercised by the Grand Master alone, and except so far as the power and privileges of the Provincial Prior are limited and restricted by the Statutes of the Orde r The Authority of a Provincial Prior does not extend outside his own Province.

47 . In case the Grand Maste r, Pro Grand Master or Grea t Seneschal shall preside at a Provincial Priory, the Provincial Prior of such Province shall, during such Presidency take rank immediately after the Grand Master, Pro Grand Master or Great Seneschal. And all powers and authorities of the Provincial Prior of such Province shall during the presidency of the Grand Master, Pro Grand Master or Great Seneschal, but no longer, be suspended.

48. (1) Subject to paragraph (5) below every Provincial Prior shall hear and determine all matters of complaint or irregularity within his Province and may proceed to admonish or suspend.

(2) Paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) of Statute 133 shall apply to a Provincial Prior and to a Committee nominated by him as they do to the Grand Master and to a Committee nominated by him.

(3) A report of any case shall, with any necessary particulars, be sent as soon as practicable to the Great Vice-Chancellor unless where an admonition has been imposed the Provincial Prior considers the matter of insufficient importance to make this necessary.

(4) Where a Provincial Prior considers that a case requires the erasure of a Preceptory or the expulsion of a Knight, he shall make a special report to the Great Vice-Chancellor enclosing copies of all relevant documents and records of proceedings before himself or a Committee, and the Great Vice-Chancellor shall refer the matter to an Appeals Court under Statute 136. The Provincial Prior ma y suspend the Preceptory or Knight concerned pending the decision of the Appeals Court.

(5) Where it appears to a Provincial Prior that a matter o f complaint or irregularity involves Preceptories or Knights in more than one Province or where for any other reason a Provincial Prior considers that it would be in the interests of the Orders for the matter to be heard and determined by the Grand Master, he shall report the facts to the Great Vice-Chancellor with the reasons for hi s recommendation, and the Grand Master may either assum e jurisdiction under Statute 133 or remit the matter to the Provincial Prior to be dealt with by him.

49. Every Provincial Priory shall be composed of the Provincial Prior, the Present and Past Provincial Officers, the Preceptor, Past Preceptors, and Constables of every Preceptory in the Province, with all Installed Preceptors who are subscribing members of a Preceptory within such Province.

50. Every Provincial Prior shall at least once in every year hold a Meeting of the Provincial Priory at such place within his Province as he may from time to time think fit, and shall appoint annually, from

Suspension of Powers of a Provincial Prior

Manner of dealing with complaints.

Composition of a Provincial Priory

Meetings of Provincial Priories.

Provincial Officers.

amongst the subscribing members of Preceptories within hi s Province, Provincial Officers as undermentioned, of whom, with the exception of the Provincial Prelate if in Holy Orders, the ten first named must be Installed Preceptors, and provided always that the number of Provincial Officers so appointed (exclusive of Bodyguard) shall not in Provinces consisting of: six or less Preceptories exceed sixteen; seven to ten Preceptories exceed eighteen; eleven to fourteen Preceptories exceed twenty-two; fifteen to twenty Preceptories exceed twenty-four; twenty-one or more Preceptories exceed twenty-six.

1. Provincial Sub-Prior ............................................ Prov.Sub-Prior.

2. Provincial Prelate .......................................................... Prov.Prel.

3. Provincial Chancellor ................................................. Prov.Chan.

4. Provincial First Constable Prov.1st Con.

5. Provincial Second Constable ................................. Prov.2nd Con.

6. Provincial Treasurer .................................................... Prov.Treas.

7. Provincial Registrar ...................................................... Prov.Reg.

8 Provincial Vice-Chancellor Prov.Vice-Chan.

9. Provincial Marshal ........................................................ Prov.Mar. 10. Provincial Deputy Marshal ....................................Prov.Dep.Mar. 11. Provincial Deputy Marshal ....................................Prov.Dep.Mar. 12 Provincial Almoner Prov.Alm. 13. Provincial Herald ...........................................................

Provincial Herald ........................................................... Prov.Her. 15. Provincial Standard Bearer (Beauceant) ................ Prov.St.B.(B.) 16 Provincial Standard Bearer (Vexillum Belli) Prov.St.B.(V.B.) 17. Provincial Banner Bearer .............................................. Prov.B.B. 18. Provincial Sword Bearer ........................................... Prov.Swd.B. 19. Provincial Aide-de-Camp ....................................... Prov.A.-de-C. 20 Provincial Aide-de-Camp Prov.A.-de-C. 21. Provincial Aide-de-Camp ....................................... Prov.A.-de-C. 22. Provincial Aide-de-Camp ....................................... Prov.A.-de-C. 23. Provincial Warden of Regalia ................................. Prov.W. of R. 24 Provincial Chamberlain Prov.Chamb. 25. Provincial Captain of Guards................................ Prov.Capt.Gds. 26. Provincial Captain of Guards................................ Prov.Capt.Gds. 27. Provincial Organist ....................................................... Prov.Org. 28 Provincial Guard Prov.Gd. with such Bodyguard as he may consider necessary. The precedence of Provincial Officers is governed by the Table of Precedence of Great Officers.

In Provinces Overseas, the Grand Master may, if circumstances warrant, authorise the Provincial Prior to appoint more than one Sub-Prior.

A Provincial Prior may on such terms as he thinks fit designate such Knights as he thinks fit to form his Bodyguard and appoint a Commander and Deputy Commander thereof.

Every Provincial Prior shall cause the names and addresses of all his Provincial Officers to be forwarded annually to the Great ViceChancellor.

51. Every Provincial Prior may from time to time appoint Knights of ability who are Members of Preceptories within his Province and have rendered service to the Orders to such Past Provincial ranks below the rank of Past Provincial Sub-Prior as he may deem advisable, but no Provincial Prior shall have power in any one year to appoint to such Past rank any Knight unless his Province consists of more than six Preceptories, but if from seven to ten Preceptories he may appoint one Knight, if from eleven to fourteen Preceptories he may appoint two Knights, if from fifteen to twenty Preceptories he may appoint three Knights, if twenty-one Preceptories he may appoint five Knights, and one additional Knight for each Preceptory over twenty-one.

Every Provincial Prior may also from time to time promote such Knights who have been Provincial Officers or hold Past Provincial rank as have rendered further service to the Orders to such Past Provincial rank below the rank of Past Provincial Sub-Prior as to him may seem appropriate.

52. Every Provincial Priory shall annually elect a Provincial Treasurer (who must be a subscribing member of some registered Preceptory within the Province), who shall keep a regular account of receipts and disbursements, which shall be audited once a year and produced at the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory. Rules 83 - 85 mutatis mutandis of the Book of Constitutions of the United Grand Lodge of England shall apply to the Funds of a Provincial Priory.

53. Every Provincial Prior shall cause minutes of all proceeding at Meetings of Provincial Priories, to be entered in books, to be kept for that purpose, and shall, if required, send to the Great Vice-Chancellor copies of or extracts from such minutes.

54. Every Provincial Priory shall have the power of making Bylaws for its own government, provided they are not inconsistent with or repugnant to the Statutes of the Orders; and shall have the power of directing the application of the funds of such Provincial Priory.

Past Provincial Rank.

Provincial Treasurer to be elected annually

Minutes of proceedings to be kept. Powers of making By-laws.

Fees payable to Provincial Priories.

Must be constituted by Warrant from Grand Master

55. Every Provincial Priory shall fix the fees to be paid to the funds of the Provincial Priory by the Provincial O fficers of th e Province on their appointment to their respective offices and, with the exception of the Annual Fee for each member of a Preceptory, shall be empowered to levy fees not exceeding those levied by the Great Priory in respect of the following:

R egistration of a newly installed Knight or Knight joining fro m another jurisdiction;

Registering of a joining member;


Annual fee for each member of a preceptory for each financial year 1 September to 31 August, not exceeding 40 per cent of the rate payable to Great Priory;

Registration of a new Preceptory.

In addition, a Provincial Priory may levy a fee not exceeding £5.00 in respect of registration or amendments of the By-laws of a Preceptory.

In Provinces overseas the above amounts which are in sterling may be converted in round figures into local currency.


56. Every Preceptory must be constituted by a Warrant or Patent with the Great Seal affixed, and under the sign manual of the Grand Master, or Pro Grand Master and Great Vice-Chancellor.

57. A petition for a Warrant of Constitution for a Preceptory shall be signed by at least twelve Knights of the Orders who are members of Preceptories on the register of Great Priory, and shall be transmitted to the Great Vice-Chancellor for presentation to the Grand Master.

Each Knight signing any such petition shall state his rank and the name and number of every Preceptory of which he is or has been at any time a subscribing member.

Every petitioner shall be a subscribing member in good standing of at least one Preceptory and, if he has ceased to be a member of any other Preceptory, he must produce a certificate from the Preceptory showing that, when such membership ceased, he was in good standing.

If a petitioner is or has been a member of any Preceptory not on the register of Great Priory, he must also produce a clearance certificate from the appropriate recognised Governing Body of each such Preceptory.




That your Petitioners, being regularly installed Knights of the Temple, belonging to the Preceptories mentioned against their respective names, having the prosperity of the Orders at heart, are desirous of establishing a Preceptory at .......................... in the Province of .......................... under the style and title of .......................... to meet at .......................... on the ..........................: there to discharge their duties according to the usages, customs, statutes, rules, regulations, and ordinances of the Great Priory of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas.

And to this end your petitioners nominate and recommend .......................... of the .......................... Preceptory to be the first Preceptor; .......................... of the .......................... Preceptory, to be the First Constable; and .......................... of the .......................... Preceptory, to be the Second Constable.

Your petitioners therefore pray,

That a warrant under your hand and the seal of the Great Priory be granted, empowering them to meet as aforesaid, they hereby promising strict obedience to the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, and to the usages, customs, statutes, rules, regulations, and ordinances of the Great Priory of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas, and all laws as of ancient rights accustomed.

As witness our hands this ................ day of ................ A.D .

A.B (Rank) of Preceptory

C.D. ,, ,, ,,

E.F. ,, ,, ,,

G.H. ,, ,, ,,

I.J. ,, ,, ,,



I hereby approve of this Petition, and recommend that the Prayer of the same be granted.

Form of Petition.

Petition to be forwarded through Provincial Prior

Fee for Warrant.

58. If the Preceptory is proposed to be established in a Province, the Petition is to be forwarded, in the first instance, to the Provincial Prior, or in the case of his absence or inability to his sub-Prior, who is to forward it with his recommendation or opinion thereon to the Great Vice-Chancellor for the decision of the Grand Master.

59. No warrant shall be issued unless there has been paid to the Funds of Great Priory the Fee for a Warrant specified in Statute 164, together with the appropriate fee for registration of each of the founder members named in the petition specified in Statute 164.

Consecration of Preceptory

First Officers cannot be altered. Cannot meet without its Warrant.

60. In order to avoid irregularities, every new Preceptory shall be consecrated according to ancient usage by the Grand Master, the Pro Grand Master, or the Great Seneschal, or other Great Officer, or, Preceptor or Past Preceptor of a Preceptory, specially appointed by the Grand Master for the purpose, or, in a Province by the Provincial Prior or Provincial Sub-Prior. No Preceptory shall be acknowledged, or its members admitted into Great Priory or Provincial Priory, or be entitled to the benefits of the Benevolent Fund or other privileges of the Order of the Temple, unless it has been regularly constituted and consecrated.

61. The first Officers of a Preceptory named in the Warrant cannot be altered unless by special sanction of the Grand Master.

62. Preceptories rank in precedence in the order of their numbers as registered in the books of Great Priory.

63. A Preceptory cannot meet without its warrant of constitution from the Grand Master, which is to be specially entrusted, at his installation, to the Preceptor for the time being who is responsible for its safe custody, and who shall produce it at every Meeting of the Preceptory.

Warrant lost or withheld.

Fee for Warrant of Confirmation.

Officers of a Preceptory.

64. Should a warrant be lost, or improperly withheld from those lawfully entitled to hold and use the same, or withheld by competent authority, the Preceptory must suspend its meetings until a new Warrant or Warrant of Confirmation has been applied for and granted by the Grand Master, or until the Warrant so withheld be restored: Provided that the Grand Master may, if he thinks fit, grant a dispensation for the holding of a meeting of the Preceptory pending the restoration or preparation of a Warrant upon payment to Great Priory of the fee specified in Statute 164.

65. No Warrant of Confirmation shall be issued unless there has been paid to the Funds of Great Priory the fee specified in Statute 164.

66. (1) The regular Officers of a Preceptory are the Preceptor, the Chaplain, the Constables, the Treasurer, the Registrar, the Marshal, the Captain of the Guards and the Guard. A Deputy Marshal, an Almoner,

two Heralds, two Standard Bearers, a Banner Bearer and an Organist (or any of them) may be appointed in addition. No Knight shall hold more than one regular office in the Preceptory at one and the same time, except by dispensation from the Grand Master, for which the fee specified in Statute 164 shall be paid.

(2) The Officers of a Preceptory shall take precedence in the following order: Preceptor, Chaplain, Constables, Treasurer, Registrar, Marshal, Deputy Marshal, Almoner, Heralds, Standard Bearers, Banner Bearer, Captain of Guards, Organist, Guard.

67. The presence of an Installed Preceptor and four other Knights at the least is requisite to constitute a Meeting of a Preceptory for the Installation of a Knight into the Order; but any other business may be transacted at a Meeting if three, including a Preceptor, shall be present. In either case two of those present must be subscribing members of the Preceptory. This Statute shall not apply to a Conclave of Installed Preceptors, held for the purpose of installing a Preceptor in the Chair or to the election of a Preceptor under Statute 72. The presence of two Preceptors is necessary to form a Conclave of Installed Preceptors.

68. (1) Every Preceptory shall elect a Preceptor annually by ballot and notice of such election shall be inserted in the summons for the Meeting at which such election is to take place and at the next regular Meeting the Preceptor Elect shall be duly installed.

(2) If there is only one nomination and if no other member duly qualified shall have indicated to the Registrar that he wishes to be considered and if no member present calls for a ballot, then it shall be permissible for the Preceptor to declare the election in favour of the nominated Knight; provided that the election shall not be so declared unless notice of the intention so to do and the identity of the sole Knight nominated shall have been given on the summons convening the meeting at which the election is to take place.

69. (1) No Knight shall be eligible for the office of Preceptor except by a dispensation from the Grand Master unless he shall at the time of his installation have been duly invested and served for the space of a full year the office of Constable in some registered Preceptory. A Knight who has served the office of Chaplain for a full year in a Preceptory shall be eligible for the office of Preceptor of a Preceptory.

(2) A Preceptor installed under the provisions of Statute 70(2)(3), 72, or 73 at a meeting held on a date other than the regular Installation Meeting and all Officers appointed by a Preceptor under these Statutes shall be deemed for the purposes of Statutes 3 and 69(1) to have completed a full year of office at the date of the next regular Installation Meeting after such Installation or Appointment.


Election and Installation of Preceptor

Qualification of office of Preceptor.

Year of Office.

Death, etc., Preceptor Elect seven days or more before Meeting.

Preceptor Elect unable to attend for Installation.

70. (1) If not less than seven days before the day of the Meeting at which the Preceptor Elect is to be installed, the Preceptor Elect should die or become disqualified or incapacitated or send th e Preceptor a notice in writing of his intention not to accept the office of Precepto r, then a summons shall forthwith be issued to eac h member of the Preceptory intimating that on the said day th e Preceptory will proceed again to elect a Preceptor by ballot. The Preceptor then elected shall be installed at that meeting and shall appoint and inves t the Officers , together with the Treas urer and Guard.

(2) If (a) less than seven days before the day of the Meeting at which the Preceptor Elect is to be ins talled, the Preceptor Elect should die or become disqualif ied or incapacitated or send th e Preceptor a notice in writing of his intention not to accept the office of Preceptor; or (b) the Preceptor Elect shall without reasonable cause fail to attend that Meeting; or (c) after his installation has been postponed under paragraph (3) below, the Preceptor Elect is not installed at or before the next regular Meeting, the outgoin g Preceptor shall continue as Preceptor until the end of the period for which the Preceptor Elect was elected and shall appoint and invest the Officers (if any) selected by the Preceptor Elect or as to any not so selected to be appointed by himself together with the Treasurer and Guard.

(3) If any Preceptor Elect shall, for any reasonable caus e explained to the satisfaction of t he next regular Meeting of th e Preceptory after his election, be prevented from attending at such next regular Meeting, then he shall be installed at the following regular Meeting or at a Meeting especially called for the purpose prior thereto and shall at such Meeting appoint and invest th e Officers.

Pro Preceptor

Election and Installation of Preceptors Overseas.

71. Should a Prince of the Blood Royal honour any Preceptory by accepting the office of Preceptor, he may appoint a Pro Preceptor, who shall be regularly installed and entitled to all the privileges of an actual Preceptor, and after he has served his period of office, to those of a Past Preceptor.

72. In order to obviate inconvenience and delay in the Election and Installation of Preceptors Overseas, it shall be lawful for a Provincial Prior to authorise a Constable or Past Constable of the Preceptory to preside at a Meeting of such Preceptory for the purpose of electing a Preceptor, provided that he certify that the case is one of unavoidable necessity, and that no installed Preceptor can be found to preside; and it shall furthermore be lawful for such Provincial Prior to install the Preceptor so elected at a Meeting specially summoned for that purpose, notwithstanding such meeting be not a regular Meeting prescribed by the By-laws of the Preceptory for such purpose; but in all cases the Provincial Prior shall make a special return thereof to the Great ViceChancellor.

73. The Preceptor Elect of an unattached Preceptory Overseas or a Provincial Preceptory Overseas may, in case of necessity, with the consent of the Grand Master or Provincial Prior of the Province, as the case may be, be installed in any other Preceptory, on the production of a certificate of such election signed by the Preceptor and Registrar of the Preceptory of which he shall have been elected Preceptor. He shall at the next regular meeting of his Preceptory after his Installation appoint and invest his Officers.

74. A Knight shall not be Preceptor of more than one Preceptory at the same time, unless by dispensation from the Grand Master or where the Preceptories concerned are in the same Province, from the Provincial Prior, for which the fee specified by Statute 164 or the Provincial By-laws, shall be paid to Great Priory or the Provincial Priory as the case may be.

75. A Preceptor shall not continue in office for more than two years in succession, unless by dispensation from the Grand Master, for which the fee specified in Statute 164 shall be paid to Great Priory. This statute shall not apply to a Knight qualified to appoint a Pro Preceptor, but it shall apply to the Pro Preceptor.

76. Every Preceptor shall forthwith on his installation appoint and invest the Chaplain, the Constables and other Officers and invest the Treasurer, who shall be annually elected by ballot on the regular day of election of the Preceptor and in the same manner. The Preceptor Elect of any Preceptory shall not assume the Chair, or exercise authority in any Preceptory, until he shall have been regularly installed.

77. The name and address of the Preceptor and also the names of the Constables shall immediately after their respective installations and appointment be certified to the Great Vice-Chancellor in writing, signed by the Immediate or some other Past Preceptor and the Registrar of the Preceptory. In a Province, a copy of the Certificate shall be sent to the Provincial Priory.

78. The Guard shall be chosen by show of hands, and may be removed for sufficient cause by a majority of the Knights present at a regular Meeting of the Preceptory.

79. Any Officer of a Preceptory other than the Preceptor and Constables, may be removed from his office by the votes of threefourths of the members of the Preceptory present at any Meeting of the Preceptory, specially called for the purpose of investigating any complaint made of the conduct of such Officer; but any Officer so removed may on giving notice in writing to the Preceptor, at any time before the next regular Meeting of the Preceptory, appeal to the Provincial Prior of the Province or if there be none, then to the Council, for redress. And in case the Officer so removed shall not give notice of

Installation of Preceptor in another Preceptory Overseas.

Cannot be Preceptor of two Preceptories at the same time. Period of office.

Appointment and Election of Officers.

Installation Returns.

Election and Removal of Guard.

Removal of other Officers.

Vacancy in any Office.

Death or incapacity of Preceptor

Presiding in absence of Preceptor

his intention to appeal, the Preceptor shall, at the next regular Meeting, appoint another member of the Preceptory in the place of the Officer so removed.

80. Should a vacancy occur in any office other than Treasurer or Guard, the Preceptor shall appoint a Knight to serve such Office for the remainder of the year, and if the vacancy be in the office of Treasurer or Guard the Preceptory shall, after due notice in the summons, elect a successor for the remainder of the year.

81. If the Preceptor die, be removed, or be rendered incapable of discharging the duties of his office, the First Constable, and in the absence of the First Constable, the Second Constable, and the absence of both Constables, the immediate Past Preceptor, or in his absence the Senior Past Preceptor, shall direct Meetings to be summoned until the installation of another Preceptor.

82. In case the Preceptor of any Preceptory shall be absent, or in the case of a vacancy in the office of Preceptor, the chair shall be taken by the Immediate Past Preceptor of such Preceptory, or in his absence by any Past Preceptor of such Preceptory, or any other Preceptor present; in the case only of a vacancy in the office of Preceptor, if there shall not be any Preceptor present, the First Constable, or in his absence the Second Constable, or in their absence a Past Constable shall take the Chair and transact business other than the installation of a Knight into the Orders; otherwise, the Meeting shall not be held.

Preceptor responsible for observance of the Statutes.

Casting Vote.

Representatives of a Preceptory

83. The Preceptor is responsible for due observance of the Statutes by the Preceptory over which he presides.

84. In all cases where the votes are equal the Preceptor in the Chair (if a member of this Preceptory) or other presiding officer shall be entitled to give a second or casting vote.

85. The Preceptor and the Constables of every Preceptory are the representatives of such Preceptory in Great Priory, and shall answer all complaints against such Preceptory, and shall attend the Grand Master and the Council, with the Immediate Past Preceptor and Registrar, whenever summoned by the Great Vice-Chancellor, and shall produce the Warrant of the Preceptory, and all books and papers relating to the Preceptory which they may be required by the said summons to produce. If the Preceptory is in a Province they are its representatives in the Provincial Priory and shall similarly attend the Provincial Prior whenever summoned by the Provincial Vice-Chancellor.

Admission of Visitors.

86. No visitor shall be admitted into any Preceptory unless he is personally known, recommended, or well vouched for as a member of the Order by a Knight present, or until he has produced the Certificate of the Great Priory or other body to which he claims to belong, and has

given satisfactory proof that he is the Knight named in the Certificate or other proper vouchers that he has been installed in a regular and recognised Preceptory. And every visitor must, during his continuance in the Preceptory, be subject to and conform to the By-laws thereof. It is within the power of the Preceptor in the Chair to refuse admission to any visitor whose presence he has reason to believe will disturb the harmony of the Meeting.

87. Every Preceptory has authority to make By-laws and regulations for the good government thereof, provided they are not contrary to or inconsistent with the Statutes for the time being of the Order; and the By-laws of every Preceptory shall state the town or parish and house in which the Preceptory holds its regular Meetings, and also the days or times of such Meetings, and also the days and times of the election and installation of the Preceptor thereof, and such Meetings shall not be otherwise held unless by dispensation granted under the provisions of Statutes 94 or 95.

88. The By-laws of every Preceptory must be submitted in triplicate to the Provincial Prior for his approval, and must be also sent to the Great Vice-Chancellor for approval by the Grand Master; and, when approved, a fair copy of them must be sent to the Great ViceChancellor to be deposited in the archives of Great Priory. And when any alterations shall be made in the By-laws of any Preceptory, such alterations must in like manner be submitted in triplicate for approval, and no By-laws or alterations shall be valid unless so submitted and approved, and the Preceptor of every Preceptory shall forthwith, on being required by the Great Vice-Chancellor, send to him a copy of the By-laws of such Preceptory.

89. The By-laws of every Preceptory shall be printed, and a copy shall be delivered to the Preceptor on his installation, who, by his acceptance thereof, shall be deemed solemnly to pledge himself to observe and enforce them.

90. Every Knight on admission as a member of a Preceptory shall be supplied with a printed copy of the By-laws and also of the Statutes of the Orders, and his acceptance thereof shall be deemed a submission thereto.

91. Every Meeting of the Preceptory shall be summoned by the Registrar, by command of the Preceptor and at least fourteen days’ notice shall be given of every Meeting.

92. The Registrar of every Preceptory shall send a copy of the summons to the Provincial Prior and also to the Provincial Sub-Prior at least fourteen days before each Meeting; or, in the case of Unattached Preceptories, to the Great Vice-Chancellor.

Authority to make By-laws.

Approval of By-laws. Alteration of.

Enforcement of By-laws.

Submission to Bylaws and Statutes.

Meeting to be summoned by Registrar

Copies of summons to be sent to higher authority

Special Meeting.

Alteration of date of Meeting.

Alteration of Place of Meeting.

93. A Special Meeting may be held at any time when duly summoned by command of the Preceptory.

94. If in any Preceptory it should become impracticable to hold a Meeting upon the day named in the By-laws for that purpose the Grand Master, or in a Province, the Provincial Prior may grant a dispensation to hold such Meeting upon a day not more than one month before or after that fixed by the By-laws, which day shall for all purposes be deemed the regular day of Meeting.

There shall be paid to the Funds of Great Priory or Provincial Priory as the case may be for such dispensation the fee specified in Statute 164 or the Provincial By-laws respectively.

If the day named falls upon Good Friday, Christmas Day or any public holiday the meeting may, without dispensation, be held on such day being not more than seven days before or after the day named as the Preceptor shall direct.

95. If the meeting of a Preceptory at its usual house or place shall, from any cause, be impracticable or improper, the Preceptor shall apply to the Grand Master or Provincial Prior, for a dispensation to hold a Meeting temporarily at a specified place, and if the fee prescribed by Statute 164 or the Provincial By-laws respectively be paid and the authority obtained, he may convene a Meeting to be held at such specified house or place.


Annual Returns and Fees.

96. The annual subscription payable by the members of a Preceptory shall be prescribed either by its By-laws or by resolution of the Preceptory. Any alteration in the amount of the annual subscription may be effected by an appropriate resolution passed at any meeting of the Preceptory provided that notice of the alteration is given in the summons convening the meeting at which the resolution is to be discussed and voted upon. Notwithstanding the provisions of Statute 88, the approval of the Grand Master and the Provincial Prior shall not be required for any such alteration.

Annual Fee.

97. Every Preceptory shall, as soon as possible after 1st September but before 1st October in every year, transmit to the Great ViceChancellor, in such form as shall for the time being be required, a list of the subscribing members of the Preceptory for the twelve months ended on the preceding 31st August. The dates of installation or joining, and addresses of new members shall be specified, also in the case of joining members, the name of the Preceptory from which they joined. Every Preceptory shall remit to Great Priory the annual fee prescribed by Statute 164 in force and effect for the period to which the Return relates in respect of each Knight who has been a subscribing member of the Preceptory for any part of that period.

98. If a Preceptory shall be six months in arrears in making its returns and payments, the Preceptory, Past Preceptors, and Constables shall not be permitted, in those capacities, to attend or vote at any meeting of Great Priory or sit upon any committee or council until such returns and payments shall be made. The Grand Masters’ Council may admonish, fine or suspend such Preceptory, or any Officer or member thereof responsible for the default, or may recommend that such Preceptory may be erased or such Officer or member be expelled from the Order.

99. Every Preceptory shall keep in a regular manner the following books: An Attendance Book, a Minute Book, a Treasurer’s Account Book, a Declaration Book and a Roll of Members, which must be produced when required by the proper authorities.

100. (1) The Treasurer of every Preceptory shall keep an account of all receipts and disbursements, which shall be entered in the book provided for the purpose, and be audited at least once in every year by a committee appointed by the Preceptory, and shall deposit all monies in a Bank to be approved by the Preceptory in the name of the Preceptory. Rule 153 of the Book of Constitutions of the United Grand Lodge of England shall apply to the Treasurer’s duties and the Preceptory accounts.

100. (2) The Preceptory shall each year at the Installation Meeting elect two subscribing members of the Preceptory (other than the Treasurer, Preceptor, the Constables and the Registrar) to act as auditors.

101. As an intimate connection has long existed between the Orders of the Temple and Freemasonry, a candidate to be installed as a Knight of the Orders shall be a Master Mason and a Royal Arch Mason and a Christian.

102. No candidate shall be admitted to ballot for installation or joining in any Preceptory unless he shall have signed a declaration stating whether he has been rejected or excluded from any Preceptory whatsoever and the name and number of any Preceptory by or from which he has been rejected or excluded and the Jurisdiction under which such Preceptory is held.

103. No candidate shall be installed a Knight in any Preceptory unless he shall have been proposed and seconded in open Meeting or by letter to the Preceptor or Registrar, and his christian and surname, the place of his abode, his description, profession or occupation, the name and number of every Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter of which he is or has been a member together with the dates on which he was raised to the Degree of Master Mason, and exalted in the Royal Arch,

Failing to make Returns.

Books to be kept.

Treasurer ’s Account.

Election of Auditors. Qualifications of Candidates. Declaration by Candidate.

Particulars of Candidate in Summons.

Name to be submitted for approval.

from another locality

shall have been inserted in the summons for the Meeting at which the ballot is to be taken. Prior to such meeting the candidate shall produce to the Registrar of the Preceptory his Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter Certificates, and shall sign a form containing the above particulars in addition to the declaration required by Statute 106.

104. The name of a candidate for installation as a Knight, if in a Province, shall be submitted to the Provincial Prior, or in the case of an Unattached Preceptory, to the Grand Master before the issuing of the summons, and shall not be inserted unless the same be approved of.

105. If a candidate for installation seeks admission to a Preceptory in a locality in which he has neither a permanent residence nor a regular place of business or employment nor a masonic connection, he shall state in writing his reasons for so doing and his reason for not seeking admission to a Preceptory in the locality of his residence or principal place of business.

In such a case the Preceptory to which he seeks admission shall forthwith make enquiries as to the candidate’s suitability from the Vice-Chancellor or equivalent official of the Province in which his residence or principal place of business is situated or if neither be situated within a Province from the Great Vice-Chancellor.

A candidate coming within the provisions of this Rule shall not be proposed for installation until replies have been received from all those to whom enquiries have been addressed.

by Candidate for Installation.

106. No candidate shall be installed as a Knight until he has signed a Declaration in the following form:

“I .................................... being of the full age of 21 years, a Master Mason and a Royal Arch Mason and a Christian, hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that I profess the Doctrine of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, wherefore I pray to be admitted a Member of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Order of Knights Templar, promising in all things fealty to the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master and his successors in Office, as well as to my immediate Superior, and that I will submit to and observe all the Usages, Customs, Statutes, Rules, Regulations and Ordinances present and future of the Order, and all Laws as of ancient right accustomed.

In witness whereof I, of my own free motion, do sign this present Declaration, this .............................. day of ...................................., A.D. 20........” ....................................................................

Witness to the Signature of the above

107. No person shall be installed a Knight in any Preceptory, or be admitted a joining member of any Preceptory unless previously balloted for in open Preceptory; and no person shall be installed a Knight or admitted a joining Member, if the ballot be not unanimous, in which case notice must be given at once to the Grand Master, and in a Province, to the Provincial Prior.

108. No Preceptory shall install a Knight into the Orders for a less sum than the Registration Fee, plus V.A.T.

A Preceptory may enact in its By-laws that, in addition to the installation, joining or re-joining fees the candidate shall pay to the Preceptory such registration fees as are payable to Great Priory together with any tax thereon and the candidate shall before becoming a member be informed of the total amount due.

109. The Registrar of a Preceptory shall, immediately after a Knight has been installed in that Preceptory, send to the Great ViceChancellor in writing an application for certificate of Registration of such Knight together with the Registration Fee prescribed in Statute 164. In a Province, a copy of such Application shall be sent to the Provincial Priory.

110. Every Knight desirous of joining any Preceptory shall inform the Registrar in writing of the names of all the Preceptories of which he is or has been a member and the Certificates under Statute 117 of those of which he is or was a member are to be sent to the Registrar previous to the ballot being taken. He shall be proposed and seconded in open Meeting or by letter to the Preceptor or Registrar and his christian and surname, place of abode, description, profession or occupation, and the name or title of the Preceptory wherein he was installed, and the date of his installation shall be submitted for approval of his candidature to the Provincial Prior if in a Province and otherwise to the Grand Master, and if approval is given shall be inserted in the summons for the Meeting at which the ballot is to be taken.

111. A Knight joining from a recognised Jurisdiction shall upon election or at the first meeting of the Preceptory which he attends take in open Preceptory the following Declaration of Allegiance to the Grand Master, otherwise his election shall be void:

“I ................................................ installed a Knight Templar in the ...................................... Preceptory No. ......... on the Register of the Great Priory of ................................................ do solemnly declare that if admitted a member of this Preceptory I will adhere to the Statutes, Laws and Regulations of the Great Priory of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas and promise due obedience to the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master thereof.”

Minimum Fee for Installation.

Registration of new Knight.

Particulars of joining Members.

Declaration by Knight joining from another Jurisdiction.

Registration of Joining Knight.

Obligated Guard.

112. The Registrar of a Preceptory shall immediately after a Knight has been elected a joining member of that Preceptory send to the Great Vice-Chancellor in writing the name and address of such Knight and the names and numbers of every Preceptory (on the Register of Great Priory or of any recognised Governing Body) of which he is a member together with the Registration Fee prescribed in Statute 164. In a Province, a copy of such notice shall be sent to the Provincial Priory.

113. A Preceptory may by dispensation from the Grand Master, obligate as a Guard any Royal Arch Mason. Applications for such dispensations, which in the case of a Provincial Preceptory must be approved by the Provincial Prior, must contain the full names and M asonic particulars of the Companion concerned. The fee fo r dispensation, laid down in Statute 164, which includes the cost of a special Certificate, must accompany the application.

A Guard so obligated can only become a member of a Preceptory by being elected thereto and installed therein. The provisions of Statute 108 and 109 shall apply to the installation of such a Guard and the Registrar of the Preceptory in which he is installed shall return to the Great Vice-Chancellor with the application for a certificate of registration and Registration Fee the special Certificate issued to such Guard.

Resignation of Membership

Power of exclusion of Members.

114. A Knight may give notice of resignation of his membership either in open Preceptory or by letter or email to the Registrar, and such notice, unless withdrawn, shall take effect as from the date on which it is given, unless the notice itself states some later date in the current Preceptory year. A notice by letter or email may be withdrawn prior to its communication to the Preceptory, and if when notice of resignation is communicated to the Preceptory, whether by the member or the Registrar, the Preceptory pass a resolution asking for its withdrawal, it may be withdrawn at or before the next regular meeting of the Preceptory.

Provided that if notice has been served on a member under Statute 48 that a complaint against him will be considered by the Preceptory, no subsequent notice of resignation shall (a) take effect until after the date of the meeting called for the consideration of the complaint; (b) prevent the Preceptory from considering the complaint and, if thought fit, passing a resolution for the permanent exclusion of the member, (c) be withdrawn unless the Preceptory at such meeting passes a resolution asking for its withdrawal.

11 5. (1) E v e ry Pr ece p t ory h a s t h e pow e r t o e x cl ud e a ny of it s members for sufficient cause, provided that such member shall have received notice in writing of the complaint made against him not less than fourteen days prior to the meeting at which the complaint is

to be considered, and of the time and place appointed for it s consideration when he may attend and be heard. Not less than seven days’ notice in writing of such a meeting shall be served upon each member of the Preceptory. Such notice shall not contain the name of the Knight concerned. This power of exclusion can only be exercised by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present.

Notice of exclusion shall forthwith be sent by registered post or by recorded delivery to the Knight excluded and he may within twenty-one days of receipt of such Notice appeal, if in a Province, to the Provincial Prior and otherwise to the Grand Master. The name of every Knight excluded from a Preceptor y, with the cause o f exclusion, shall be forthwith sent to the Great Vice-Chancellor and, if the Preceptory be in a Province, also to the Provincial Prior.

115. (2) Should the annual subscription of a member to his Preceptory remain unpaid for two full years, he shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Preceptory, and can only become a member again by regular proposition and ballot according to Statutes 107, 110, 111, and 112.

This Statute shall apply also where the By-laws provide that a member shall be excluded if he is in arrears for a shorter period than two years. If the By-laws provide that in such case he may be excluded, then the Preceptory may at any time when a member is in arrears for the stated period exclude him by resolution, and no prior notice to the members of the Preceptory of such resolution shall be necessary.

In all cases where a member may become liable to exclusion under this Statute it shall be the duty of the Registrar of the Preceptory to send to him, at least fourteen days before the date when he may become liable to exclusion, a letter by registered post or by recorded delivery, plainly marked “Private and Confidential” warning him that unless the arrears or a sufficient part thereof, are paid by such date he will be, or may be, excluded, and unless this has been done the Knight may apply to the Provincial Prior or the Council, who may, notwithstanding anything in these Statutes or the By-laws, order that the Knight be reinstated on payment of all arrears.

Provided also that in time of war the Grand Master may direct that subscriptions shall be excused, or arrears remitted, in the case of a Knight who is on active service, or a prisoner of war, or in enemy occupied country. Such direction may be given either as to individual Knights or as to classes of Knights.

116. If any Knight shall be excluded from his Preceptory, or shall withdraw himself from it without having complied with its Bylaws or with the Statutes of Great Priory, he shall not be eligible to join any other Preceptory until that Preceptory shall have been

Exclusion for Non-Payment.

Effect of exclusion.

Certificate a Preceptory may grant.

made acquainted with his former neglect, so that the members may be enabled to exercise their discretion as to his admission, and any Preceptory failing to make due enquiry shall be liable to pay the arrears (if any) owing by such Knight to the Preceptory from which he has been excluded or has withdrawn as aforesaid.

117. Whenever a Knight shall require it, any Preceptory of which he is or has been a member shall furnish him, free of all charge, with a Certificate stating:

(a) if he be still a member, the date to which all his dues have been paid by him;

(b) if he shall have resigned or have been excluded, the circumstances in which he left the Preceptory.

Preceptory not to grant any private Certificate.

Dormant Preceptory. Return of Warrant.

Preceptories of Improvement.

118. No Preceptory shall grant any private certificate whatsoever to any Knight of the Order, except for the purpose of enabling him to procure from the Great Vice-Chancellor a certificate of hi s registration, and except such as may be required by Great Priory or the Council or under Statute 117; and no Preceptory, nor any of the members thereof, shall on any pretence whatsoever make any charge or receive any fee for any private certificate issued by the Preceptory.

119 . Should the majority of the members of a Preceptor y determine to retire from it, the power of assembling remains with the rest of the members; but should the number of members at any time be less than three, the Preceptory becomes dormant.

120. Should a Preceptory become dormant or be erased, the Warrant, books, and papers shall be delivered up to the Gran d Master; if in a Province, through the Provincial Prior

121.(1) No Preceptory of Improvement shall be held unless it has been sanctioned by a Licence in writing, issued in the manner hereinafter appearing, which shall specify its name or style, the times and places of its meetings and such conditions regarding it s management or control as the issuing authority deems to b e desirable.

(2) Where a Preceptory of Improvement is established to serve the needs of one or more Preceptories within a Province, the Licence therefore shall be issued by the Provincial Prior and, in all other cases, by the Grand Maste r Such Licence may be amended o r withdrawn at any time if the issuing authority deems fit.

(3) Every Preceptory of Improvement shall rehearse th e ceremonies of the United Orders in strict conformity with the official Rituals approved from time to time by the Grand Master ’s Council and shall otherwise be conducted in accordance with the Laws and Statutes of the United Orders.

(4) Preceptories of Improvement shall keep minutes of their proceedings, recording the names of the Knights present at each meeting and of those appointed to hold office and such minutes shall be produced when called for by the Grand Master or the Provincial Prior.

(5) Whenever a Preceptory of Improvement shall cease to exist, the books, papers and other documents shall become the property of and must be handed to the Grand Master or the Provincial Prior as the case may be. The other property of the Preceptory o f Improvement shall be disposed of in such manner as its members shall determine.


122 . The Grand Master ’s Council shall consist of the Grea t Chancellor, First and Second Great Constables, Great Treasurer, President, Great Marshal, Great Prior of Malta and eight othe r members. All shall be Preceptors or Past Preceptors of Preceptories, appointed or elected in the following manner. Five to be appointed annually by the Grand Master in May and three to be elected by Great Priory in May. Any vacancy occurring among the appointed or elected members by death or resignation during the year may be filled by the Grand Master at his discretion.

123. Regular meetings of the Council shall be held in the months of January, April, July and October: Provided that the Grand Master shall have authority to cancel any such meeting should he decide that there is insufficient business to warrant its being held. Extraordinary meetings may be held at the discretion of the Grand Master or on a requisition signed by five members of the Council.

124. The Council shall elect one of its members to the be VicePresident.

125 . No business shall be transacted at any meeting of th e Council unless four members shall be present, and if four members shall not have assembled at half an hour after the time of meeting on any day, the members present shall, if necessary, fix some other day for holding the meeting.

126. Subject to the disciplinary powers of the Grand Master under Statute 133 or a Provincial Prior under Statute 48, the Council shall hear and determine all matters relating to the Order, and the decision of each meeting of the Council shall be final an d conclusive, without confirmation by any subsequent meeting of the Council; but any determination of the Council on those questions expressly left for decision by Great Priory, shall not be carried into effect until confirmed by Great Priory.

Constitution of the Council.

Days of Meeting.

To elect a VicePresident.


To hear and determine all matters relating to the Order.

May recommend any matter for consideration of Great Priory Appointment of Auditor.

Notices of Motion.

127. The Council may recommend for the consideration of Great Priory any matter or subject relating to the Orders which it may think fit.

128 . The Council shall from time to time, as occasion ma y require, appoint a professional auditor to audit the annual accounts of the Great Treasurer as provided by Statute 34.

129 . The Council at any of its meetings shall consider th e propriety of all motions to be brought before the then next Meeting of Great Priory of which notice shall have been previously given to the Great Vice-Chancellor, and may reject any notices of motion which it may think improper to be made in Great Priory, and shall direct to be inserted in the summons for the Meeting of Great Priory all such notices of motion as the Council shall not deem improper. The Council shall direct the order in which notices of motion shall be inserted in the summons for the Meeting of Great Priory.

Power to summon any Preceptory or Knight.

130. The Council may summon any Preceptory to attend it and may require production of the Warrant, books, papers, or accounts of the Preceptory; and may require any Knight to attend and to produce his certificate of registration. And when any Preceptory shall be summoned by the Council, the persons to attend shall be th e Preceptor, Immediate Past Preceptor, the Constables, and Registrar; and if the summons be not complied with, and a sufficient reason be not given for non-compliance, the person failing to comply with the summons may be suspended, or otherwise dealt with, and th e proceeding reported to Great Priory.

Making of applications.

Committees of Council.

Determination of complaints and irregularities.

131. All applications, petitions, complaints, or representations to the Council shall be in writing, signed by the person or persons making the same, otherwise the same shall not be entertained.

132. The Council may appoint Committees for such purposes it may deem proper, but no such Committees shall have any executive powers unless they are expressly given to them by resolution of the Council.

133.(1) The Grand Master may hear and determine all matters of complaint or irregularity respecting Preceptories or Knights, and may proceed to admonish or suspend.

(2) With a view to such determination the Grand Master may dep ute the duty of investigating and reporting to him on al l circumstances of the case to a Committee of a Knight or Knights nominated by him and shall have power to accept or reject in whole or in part the findings of any such Committee and to act either in whole or in part upon its recommendations.

(3) The Grand Master or a Committee appointed by him under this Statute shall have the same power of summoning a Preceptory or Knight as are conferred on the Council by Statute 130, and n o sentence of admonition or suspension shall be imposed unless the Preceptory or Knight concerned has been given a fair opportunity of answering the matter of complaint or irregularity.

(4) Subject to paragraph (5) below, the Grand Master ’s decision shall be final unless an appeal is brought under Statute 134.

(5) Where the Grand Master considers that a case requires the erasion of a Preceptory or the expulsion of a Knight he shall direct the Great Vice-Chancellor to refer the matter to an Appeals Court constituted under Statute 135 and may suspend the Preceptory or Knight pending the decision of the Appeals Court.


134. Any Preceptory or Knight feeling aggrieved by a decision given by the Grand Master or a Provincial Prior under Statute 48, 114, or 133; or a suspension under Statute 5 may within one calendar month or such longer period as the Grand Master may allow appeal against such decision of expulsion o r deemed resignation to an Appeals Court constituted under Statute 135. The appeal must be in writing, specifying the particula r grievance complained of and be transmitted to the Great Vic e- Chancellor with all relevant documents and a certificate that copies of the notice and such documents have been sent to the authority against whose decision the appeal is brought and also to the opposite part y, if an y. All copies of a notice of appeal shall be sent b y registered post or recorded delivery or delivered by hand to the party to be served.

No appeal can be entertained unless couched in proper an d respectful language.

135. (1) Appeals Courts sh all be constituted from a Pane l consisting of four members appointed by the Grand Master and four members elected annually by Great Priory at the meeting in May Casual vacancies may be filled by the Grand Master.

(2) No Provincial Prior and no members of the Council shall be eligible for membership of the Panel.

(3) An Appeals Court shall consist of not less than three nor more than five members of the Panel. The presiding member and other members shall be nominated by the Grand Master. The Great Chancellor may attend an Appeals Court as adviser but shall take no part in its deliberations.

Appeals. Appeals Court.

Recommendation for Erasion or Expulsion.

Powers on Appeal.

136 . Whenever the Great Vice-Chancellor receives a recommendation under Statute 48(4) or 133(5) for the erasure of a Preceptory or the expulsion of a Knight or an expulsion unde r Statute 5 he shall cause it to be laid before an Appeals Court, which shall deal with it in one of the following ways:

(i) if the Appeals Court is of the opinion that th e recommendation or expulsion should proceed it shall direct th e Grand Vice-Chancellor to inform the Council, which shall cause the report to be placed on the summons for the next convenient meeting of Great Priory and shall also cause the Preceptor, Immediate Past Preceptor, Constables and Registrar of the Preceptory or the Knight concerned as the case may be to be summoned by not less than twentyeight days’ notice in writing to answer the complaints in person n Great Priory or to make answer in writing if they or he prefer. Where a Preceptory or Knight has been suspended pending the decision of the Appeals Court, the Appeals Court may direct that the suspension shall continue pending the decision of Great Priory;

(ii) the Appeals Court may substitute the penalty of suspension or admonition;

(iii) the Appeals Court may dismiss the case.

137. On any appeal to an Appeals Court:

(i) the Appeals Court may confirm or rescind the decision in whole or in part or may vary it by increasing or reducing the penalty or by substituting a recommendation to Great Priory for th e expulsion of a Knight or the erasure of a Preceptory for misconduct;

(ii) the decision of an Appeals Court shall be final and binding on the parties to the appeal and they shall be notified thereof by the Great Vice-Chancellor as soon as possible;

(iii) every Appeals Court shall have the powers conferred on the Council by Statute 130.

Rules of Procedure. Report.

138.(1) Subject as aforesaid the Panel may from time to time make, alter and rescind rules of procedure which shall be observed by all Appeals Courts and be binding on all parties.

(2) Pending the making of any such rules the then current Appeals Court Rules, made by the Commission for Appeals Courts of the United Grand Lodge of England, shall be in force as if they had been made by the Panel.

139. The Panel shall report to the Grand Master in writing once in every year during the month of April.


140. In these Statutes reference to the trust deed are references to a trust deed made on 30 May 1928 by Major Thomas Gabriel Lumley Lumley-Smith, DSO, The Rt.Hon. Richard Walter Earl of Donoghmore, KP, Col. Sir Arthur Henry McMahon, GCMG, GCVO, KCIE, CSI, Col. Charles Warren Napier Clavering and Capt. The Hon. George St Vincent Harris, MC, and either as now or as may at any time be altered by scheme made by the Charity Commission for England and Wales.

141. The Fund of Benevolence shall be held upon the trusts set out in the trust deed. Subject as in the said deed, the fund shall be adminis tered by the trus tees thereof. All cas es of relief s hall be reported to Great Priory.

142. Subject as in the trust deed, and with the consent of the Grand Master, the trustees may at any time and from time to time make, alter, add to or revoke, and make new regulations for the administration of the fund.

143. To the extent that such capital and income of the fund is not required for the primary purpose for the relief of need of Knights and their dependants, to relieve the need, hardship or distress of other members of the public, in particular but without limitation by supporting such other charities (especially but without limitation Christian charities) as the Council for the time being or by Great Priory on their recommendation may select.

Grants of up to £50,000 may be authorised by the Council and reported to Great Priory, grants in excess of £50,000 must be approved by Great Priory following recommendation by the Council.

144. Petitions for relief s hall be in s uch form , provide s uch information and be signed by such person or persons and b e supported by such recommendations as the Great Vice-Chancellor shall from time to time require.

Provincial Officers.


151. The primary purpose of the November meeting shall be the affairs of the Order of Malta and accordingly the meeting shall be convened, opened, conducted and closed as a meeting of a Chapter of that Order and as heretofore but, subject to the approval of the Grand Master, any other business may then be conducted. Save only as prescribed in the Statutes, Malta dress shall be worn.

At that Meeting the Grand Master may nominate and invest the following Great Officers of the Order of Malta for the year:

Great Prior ............................................................................ Gt.Prior

Great Sub-Prior ............................................................. Gt.Sub-Prior

Great Captain-General Gt.Capt.Gen.

Great Lieutenant-General ................................................ Gt.Lt.Gen.

Great First Lieutenant ........................................................ Gt.1st Lt.

Great Second Lieutenant .................................................. Gt.2nd Lt.

Great Prelate ......................................................................... Gt.Prel.

Great Mareschal Gt.Mar.

Three Deputy Great Mareschals ....................................Dep.Gt.Mar.

Great Hospitaller ................................................................ Gt.Hosp.

Great Admiral ...................................................................... Gt.Adm.

Great Conservator .............................................................. Gt.Consv.

Great Baillie.............................................................................. Gt.B.

Great Turcopolier................................................................. Gt.Turc.

Great Banner-Bearer ............................................................. Gt.B.B.

Great Sword Bearer Gt.Swd.B.

Two Great Captains of Outposts...................................... Gt.Capt.O.

Great Organist .......................................................................Gt.Org.

Deputy Great Organist ................................................... Dep.Gt.Org.

Great Guard ............................................................................ Gt.Gd.

The Grand Master may also appoint Knights of eminence and ability to such Past Rank as he may deem appropriate.

Note: The Great Seneschal, Great Chancellor, President of the Grand Master ’s Council, Great Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Great Registrar and Assistant Great Chancellor, have no ceremonial duties in the Order of Malta, but rank as Great Officers of Malta and retain their status, powers and non-ceremonial duties.

152. A Provincial Prior may appoint a Provincial Sub-Prior and Provincial Officers corresponding to those of Great Priory and in addition may appoint Knights to Past Provincial rank: Provided that no Provincial Prior shall in any year appoint a total number o f Knights as Provincial Officers and to Past Provincial ranks in excess of the total number permitted by Statutes 50 and 51.

153. Priories of the Order may be held in every Provincial Priory and Preceptory, and the Laws, Statutes and Ordinances of the Order of the Temple, where not expressly varied, shall apply.

154. The Officers of a Priory are the Prior, the Captain-General, Lieutenant-General, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant, Chaplain, Mareschal, Deputy Mareschal, Hospitaller, Admiral, Conservator, Ballie, Turcopolier, Treasurer, Chancellor, Captain of Outposts and the Guard.

155 . The Preceptor of the Preceptory to which a Priory i s attached shall, if a Knight of Malta, be Prior of the Priory without election, subject only to his consent to serve the O ffice and t o Installation therein. If the Preceptor is not a Knight of Malta or does no t cons en t to s erv e, a Pr ior sh all b e elected from th e qu alif ied Members of the Preceptory who are Installed Preceptors. The Prior shall be duly installed in the presence of two or more Installe d Priors, and shall appoint and invest his O fficers, and invest th e Treasurer, who shall be elected annually.

156. The name and address of the Prior shall immediately after his installation be certified to the Great Vice-Chancellor in writing by the Immediate or some other Past Prior and the Chancellor of the Priory. In a Province, a copy of such certificate shall be sent to Provincial Priory.

157. The authority to hold a Priory is inherent in the Warrant of all Preceptories and a Knight who is not a Member of the Preceptory cannot be a member of the Priory attached thereto.

158. The presence of an Installed Prior and four other Knights at least is requisite to constitute a Meeting of a Priory for the reception of a Knight into the Order of Malta.

159. Every candidate for the Order must be a Knight of the Order of the Temple, and be unanimously elected.

160 . Any Knight who, for sufficient reason, is unable to be Installed a Knight of the Order in the Priory attached to his Preceptory may, by permission of the Grand Master, or Provincial Prior as the case may be, be installed in another Priory.

161. The fee which is payable to Great Priory and which may be levied by a Provincial Priory under Statute 55 for Registration of a Knight of Malta is included in the Registration Fee for Installation of a Knight Templar in accordance with Statute 164.

Holding of Priories. Officers of Priories.

Election of Prior.

Installation Return.

Authority for Holding Priory Quorum for reception of Knight.

Qualification and election of Candidate.

Installation of Knight in another Priory. Fee for Admission.

Fee for Registration.

Proceedings not to be published.

162. The Chancellor of a Priory shall as soon as possible after a Knight has been admitted into the Order send to the Great ViceChancellor in writing the name and address of such Knight and the name of the Priory in which he was admitted to the Order if not the Priory of which he is a member. In a Province a copy shall be sent to Provincial Priory.


163. No Knight shall publish the proceedings of any meetings of the Orders without the permission of the Grand Master o r, in a Province, of the Provincial Prior.



164. The fees hereunder set out are payable to Great Priory: Provided that so long as there remains in force an agreement between Great Priory and the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales, and its Districts and Lodges Overseas signed on 15 October 1979 under the authority of Great Priory granted on 16 May 1979, or any Agreement varying or replacing such Agreement, the Grand Master shall have power in compliance with the terms of the said Agreement to vary from time to time all or any of the said fees by notice in writing to every Preceptory on the Register of Great Priory. Any such variation shall take effect from 1 September immediately following the date of the notice.


Fees shall be payable to Great Priory in respect of:

a. Warrants: Fee (incl. VAT) £ For a Warrant of Constitution at cost For a Warrant of Confirmation .............................................. at cost

For a Celebration Warrant ..................................................... at cost

b. Patents:

For a Knight Grand Cross...................................................... at cost

For a Knight Commander at cost

For a Provincial Prior ............................................................ at cost

c. On the Registration of:

(i) A Knight Templar on Installation ................................... 30.00

(ii) A Knight of Malta on Installation (no charge as of 01.09.15)

(iii) A Joining Knight from another Constitution not previously registered ................................................ 30.00

(iv) A Joining Knight already on the Register ....................... 23.00

(v) A Founder member of a new Preceptory being a Knight already on the Register .................................... 8.00

d. Dispensations:

Preceptory or Preceptor Elect 30.00

Dispensations (Nunc Pro Tunc) .............................................. 58.00

Any request for a dispensation received less than 21 days before it is required will be treated as a Nunc Pro Tunc dispensation and charged accordingly.

e. Duplicate Certificates ............................................................. 30.00

f. Fees of Honour:

(i) A Great Officer, present and past, on first appointment.

(ii) On promotion to an Office or rank for which a higher fee is appropriate, the fee payable shall be the difference between the fee for the former rank and that due for the higher rank.

They shall be such amounts as shall be determined by resolution of Great Priory in May to take effect from 1 September following this meeting.

g. Annual Dues:

(i) For a subscribing member for the year commencing 1 September 2024 and due from 31 August 2025 ............. 33.00

(ii) For a member of an Installed Preceptors’ Preceptory for the year commencing 1 September 2024 and due from 31 August 2025 ................................................................. 16.50

The Annual Dues and Fees payable by each Preceptory for each year ending 31 August in respect of every Knight who has been a subscribing member of that Preceptory during any part of that year are due on 31 August of that year. They shall be such amounts as shall be determined by resolution of Great Priory at the May Meeting to take effect from 1 September following that meeting.

The Grand Master ’s Council shall have power to vary any or all of the Dues and Fees payable by Preceptories Overseas.

All Fees shown are inclusive of Value Added Tax at the current rate of 20% payable by Preceptories and Knights in England and Wales. Fees pertaining to members in the European Union will be advised accordingly.

Dress to be worn in Great Priory, etc.


165. No Knight shall be admitted into any meeting of Great Priory, Provincial Priory, or Preceptory except in the proper dress of his rank in the Orde r. The Grand Master o r, in a Province, th e Provincial Prior may waive the observance of this Statute in the event of a Knight attending such meeting in a country other than that in which he is normally resident or in such other specia l circumstances as he may think fit. Such waiver may be given either as to individual Knights or as to classes of Knights and subject to such conditions as the Grand Master, or in a Province the Provincial Prior, may deem appropriate.

Not to be worn in Public.

166. No Knight shall wear the regalia of the Orders in public, without a dispensation from the Grand Master or, in a Province, from the Provincial Prior.

Order of The Temple


The Clothing, Insignia and Jewels, and Arms which shall be, or may be worn or borne by members of the Order of the Temple, according to Grade or Office, are set out in the following Statutes 168 to 183. There are six Grades in the Order of the Temple, namely:

I Knight

II Preceptor

III Knight Commander of the United Orders

IV Knight Grand Cross of the United Orders

V Great Seneschal

VI Grand Master.

There are three Classes of Officer in the Order of the Temple, namely:

1 Officer in a Preceptory

2 Provincial Office r , Present and Past and Officers o f Overseas Rank

3 Great Officer, Present and Past.

All Jewels, Crosses and Stars, when not worn suspended from the neck, shall be placed upon the left breast of the Tunic, but not upon the red cross thereon: they shall not be placed upon the Sash.

The Cross of Malta and the Jewel of Office of a Great Officer of Malta are permitted to be worn with the Clothing and Regalia of the Order of the Temple by those who are entitled to wear them.

Mourning : a bow of black crepe, 4 ins. long and 11/2 ins. wide, is worn horizontally on the Mantle on the point of the left shoulder above the Cross.


1. T UNIC : Made of white material or stu ff, colour stone whit e (British Colour Council No. 61); long enough to cover the knees; to be fastened at the back or invisibly at the front; on the front a Latin Cross the full length of the Tunic with the cross arms each between 5 ins. and 6 ins. long according to the build of the weare r, colour Medici Crimson (Britis h Colour Council No. 240).

A Cassock and a Cotta may be worn by certain Officers, if in Holy Orders, in Place of a Tunic (see 171, 172 and 174).

2. MANTLE: made of similar white material or stuff to the Tunic, long enough completely to cover the Tunic, with a hood of the same material lined with silk, colour according to Grade; a silken cord around the neck, both ends long enough to hang below the waist in front, with a silken tassel at each end; colour of cord and tassels according to Grade: th e collar may be fastened at the neck with hook and eye or equivalent: the silk cords will be tied at the front of the collar with a bow: on the left arm a Red Cross according to Grade, colour Medici Crimson as for Cross on the Tunic (British Colour Council No. 240); the top of the Cross six to eight inches below the point of the left shoulder: the Mantle is to be shaped or pleated at the neck and shoulders so that the two edges hang vertically in front.

A cope may be worn by certain Officers, if in Holy Orders, in place of a Mantle (see 171, 172 and 174).

3. CAP: crimson velvet, 3 ins. deep, of the prescribed pattern (see Plate 4); colour Medici Crimson (British Colour Council No. 240): on the front of the Cap a Cross according to Grade or Office.

A Biretta or equivalent head-dress may be worn by certai n O fficers, if in Holy Orders, in place of a Cap when wearin g Cassock and Cotta: a Mitre may be worn by certain Officers only when wearing a Cope: (see 171, 172 and 174).

4. GLOVES: black leather or other material: they may be of gauntlet form, which may have a Cross Patêe in red on the back.


5. SASH: 4 ins. wide, worn over the right shoulder and under the left arm, joined at the left hip, with a fringe at the end: colours of Sash and Fringe according to Grade or Office.

Certain Officers, if in Holy Orders, may wear the Sash to which they are entitled in the form of a Stole (see 171, 172 and 174).

6(a). CROS S O F TH E TEMPLE : enamel on gilt metal; a red Cross Patêe, 11/4 ins. square, (see Plate 1); worn as a breast jewel suspended from a straight gilt bar by a Ribbon of th e Temple, 11/4 ins. wide.

This Cross is to be worn by Knights of all Grades at all times.

6(b). R IBBO N O F TH E T EMPLE : red with white edging, in th e proportions of:

1 white; 5 red; 1 white.

7. STAR: (i) a silver seven-pointed facetted Star: in the centre a red enamelled Passion Cross on a white enamel ground; surrounded by a black enamelled Garter bearing in silver letters the words:


(see Plate 2): to be worn on the left breast by Knights of all Grades.

(ii) Provided that a Preceptor, Present or Past, may wear a Star with a red enamelled Patriarchal Cross in lieu of a Passion Cross.

8(a). CROSS OF MALTA: as described in 184, 5.

This Cross may be worn by Knights of all Grades who are also Knights of the Order of Malta.

8(b). RIBBON OF MALTA: black silk, 11/2 ins. wide.


9(a). SWORD: straight, pointed, with cross hilt; length of blade not less than 27 inches.

9(b). SCABBARD: black leather covered, with metal mountings.

The hilt and crossbar of the Sword and the mountings of the Scabbard shall be either black oxidised or gilt metal.

10(a). BELT: brown leather, (or having the appearance of leather), 2 ins. wide: buckle and tongue brass.

10(b). SWORD FROG: brown leather to match Belt: worn on the left side of the Belt.

The Sword and Scabbard shall be borne on the left hip , suspended from the Frog on the Belt.

The Belt and Frog shall be worn and the Sword and Scabbard borne by Knights of all Grades on all occas ions : except that Prelates, Chaplains and Almoners, when acting in one of these Offices, neither wear Belt nor bear Sword.


11. BADGE OF OFFICE: worn on the Mantle, superimposed on the Cross on the left arm, by Provincial O fficers and O fficers o f Overseas Rank and by Great O f ficers: the appropriat e Emblem of Office embroidered in Gold and heraldic tinctures on a ground of white silk, 4 ins. diameter; surrounded by a Garter of dark blue satin with Gold mountings, 6 1/2 ins . outside diameter; on the Garter are embroidered th e appropriate words in Gold according to the Class of Officer: Emblems of Office are shewn in Plates 25 to 45: colour chart for heraldic tinctures is set out in Statute 182.

12. J EWE L O F O FFICE : similar to the equivalent Badge of O ffice : enamelled on gilt metal: worn suspended from the neck only by the Grand Master, the Great Seneschal, a Provincial Prior and a Provincial Sub-Prior. Past Holders of any of these O ffices may continue to wear the appropriate Jewel o f Office.

13(a). JEWEL OF OFFICE OF A GREAT OFFICER OF MALTA: as detailed in 184, 9:

13(b). R IBBO N O F O FFIC E O F A G RE AT O FFICE R O F M A LTA : a s detailed in 184, 10:

It is permissible for the above items, 13(a) and (b) to be worn, with the Clothing and Regalia of the Order of the Temple, by Great Offices of Malta after their appointment as such has been announced at a meeting of Great Priory.

14. BATON: Gold mounted: colour of shaft and pattern of Cross on top according to Grade or O ffice: (see Plates 9 to 14) : carried in addition to the Sword by:

(a) a Preceptor only within his own Preceptory:

(b) a Provincial Sub-Prior other than when attending Great Priory.

(c) a Provincial Prior on all occasions:

(d) a K.C.T.; a Knight G.C.T., the Great Seneschal and the Grand Master on all occasions.

15. FROG FOR BATON: brown leather: worn on the right side of the belt: in which the Baton may be carried on occasions when it is not convenient to hold it in the hand.

16(a). GRAND CROSS OF THE UNITED ORDERS: as shewn in Plate 15: worn round the neck suspended by the Ribbon of th e Temple, 13/4 ins. wide, by Knights C.T.; or suspended from the Chain by Knights G.C.T.

16(b). GREEK APOSTOLIC CROSS: as shewn in Plate 23: worn only by the Great Seneschal.

16(c). CROS S O F SA LEM : as shewn in Plate 24: worn only by the Grand Master.

17. RING: Gold: enamelled a red Cross Patêe on a white ground: the letters V.D.S.A. in red: worn on the first finger of the right hand outside the Glove only by a Provincial Prior and the Grand Master: (see Plate 18).

18. CHAIN: (see Plate 20): enamelled on metal gilt; backed by the Ribbon of the Temple; shoulder knots composed of th e Ribbon of the Temple: worn on the shoulders outside the Mantle and under the Hood only by Knights G.C.T.

19. STEEL CHAIN: 81 links of polished steel: from which is suspended the Cross of Salem: worn round the neck under the Mantle only by the Grand Master.

20. DAGGE R AN D SHE ATH : may be borne only by Knights G.C.T.; suspended by a Frog.

21 FROG FOR DAGGER: brown leather: worn on the right side of the Belt.

22. Badge o f Bodyguard:

(a) Grand Master’s Bodyguard: Badge, a Cross Patêe, 53/8 inches square; black piped with white cording: on which rests a four pointed silver star charged with a Crimson shield bearing three lions in Gold, similar to the shield on the Badge of Office of a Great Herald (see Plate 36). The Commander, Deputy Commander and Registrar of the Grand Master’s Bodyguard may add their rank in gold letters on a garter or scroll of dark blue around the star on the Bodyguard Badge.

(b) Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard: Badge, a Cross Patêe 51/8 inches square; red piped with black and white cording: charged with a shield bearing the Arms or Badge of the Province. The Commander, Deputy Commander and Registrar of a Provincial Prior ’s Bodyguard may add their rank in black letters on a curved white scroll above the appropriate Bodyguard Badge. Either of the two items above, 22(a) or (b), shall be worn on the mantle between the Cross on the left arm and the point of the left shoulder by a Member of the Grand Master’s Bodyguard, or by a Member of the Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard respectively, only for so long as the Knight shall be an active Member of either such body.

Old style Badges of Bodyguards, having shields bearing devices different from those specified in 22(a) or (b) above, may continue to be worn by those Knights so entitled until they becom e unserviceable.

23. Jewel of a Past Member of the Grand Master’s Bodyguard: A Jewel of the pattern shewn in Plate 21 may be worn by Past Members of the Grand Master ’s Body Guard, who have performed meritorious service, and who hav e been specially authorised to wear the jewel by the Grand M as ter: on the lef t br eas t s us pended by a Ribbon of the Temple, 11/8 ins. wide: Past Members who are in possession of and duly authorised to wear one of the older patterns of the Jewel, bearing the arms of one of the previous Grand Masters, may continue to wear such a Jewel.

24.COLLAR AND JEWEL OF OFFICE, LANCASHIRE: Provincial Officers, Present and Past, of the Province of Lancashire ar e permitted to wear, only within their own Province, a special Collar of approved pattern, from which is suspended the appropriate Jewel of Office.


A Jewel of the approved pattern, suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple, 11/4 ins. wide, worn on all occasions by a Preceptor for the time being of a Preceptory which is enrolled as a Keystone Preceptory.


(as shewn in Plate 22) Red enamelled Cross Patêe with Gold edges: a green serpent: a blue scroll with the name of the Preceptory and the dates of Constitution and of Centenary all in Gold: a white shield, with two interwoven “C’s”, red with Gold edges: Crown Gold, inset purple: suspended by a Ribbon of the Temple, 1 1/8 ins. wide, from a bar of Gold with the word s “CENTENA RY ” in red letters: may be worn onl y b y subscribing members, and honorary members who wer e formerly subscribing members, of a preceptory which has been granted a Centenary Warrant.


A Centenary Jewel (as shewn in Plate 22) suspended by a Ribbon of th e Temple 11/8 ins. wide, from a bar of Gold with the words “BICENTENARY” in red letters, with the year of constitution on the left, and the commemorative year on the right, with the letters C C superimposed on the bar (Plate 22A). Th e privilege of wearing the Bi-Centenary Bar is restricted to subscribing members and honorary members who wer e formerly subscribing members of a Preceptory which has been granted a Bicentenary Warrant.


1. TUNIC: as detailed in 168, 1.

2. MANTLE: as detailed in 168, 2, and:

Hood lined with white silk; Cord and Tassels white; on the left arm a Cross Patêe, red, 12 ins. square; top of Cross 6 to 8 ins. below the point of the left shoulder.

3. CAP: as detailed in 168, 3, and:

Badge on front a Cross Patêe in silver embroidery or silver metal, 21/4 ins. square; (See Plate 1).

4. GLOVES: as detailed in 168, 4.

5. SASH: as detailed in 168, 5, and:

plain black watered silk; a silver knot at the junction on the left hip; a black silk fringe: worn over the right shoulder and under the left arm, and under the Belt with the fringe lying on the outside of the Sword Scabbard.

6. CROSS as detailed in 168, 6.

7. STAR: as detailed in 168, 7.(i).

8. CROSS OF MALTA: as detailed in 168, 8(a), may be worn only by those who are also Knights of the Order of Malta.

Items 6, 7 and 8 above shall be placed on the left breast of the Tunic: they shall not be placed on the Sash, or upon the Red Cross on the Tunic. The Cross of the Temple shall be placed nearer to the centre of the Tunic, with the Cross of Malta next to and in line with it further away from the centre: the Star shall be placed below them both and centrally between them.

9. SWORD and SCABBARD: as detailed in 168, 9.

10 BELT AND FROG: as detailed in 168, 10.


(a) as for a Knight:



5. SASH:



7. STAR:

8. CROSS OF MALTA: (if a Knight of Malta).

9. SWORD AND SCABBARD: as detailed in 168, 9.

(b) difference for a Preceptor:

2. MANTLE: as detailed in 168, 2, and: Hood lined with red silk; cord and tassels red; both Medici Crimson (British Colour Council No. 240): on the left arm a Patriarchal Cross, red, 101/2 ins. long, (see Plate 3): top of the Cross 6 to 8 ins. below the point of the left shoulder

3. CAP: as detailed in 168, 3, and: Badge on front a Patriarchal Cross in silver metal, 21/4 ins. high (See Plate 3).

(c) additionally for a Preceptor:

6. PRECEPTOR’S CROSS: a Patriarchal Cross, red enamel on gilt metal, 2 ins. long (see Plate 3); suspended from the neck by a ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 ins. wide: worn on all occasions only during his tenure of Office as a Preceptor, in addition to the Cross of the Temple for a Knight (168, 6(a)).

14. BATON: as detailed in 168, 14, and: Shaft red; Cross on top as shewn in Plate 9: to be carried only when acting as Preceptor in the Preceptory concerned.

(b) difference for a Past Preceptor:

6. PAST PRECEPTOR’S CROSS: optional: if also a Past Prior of Malta: the Past Preceptor ’s and Prior ’s Cross (see Plate 8): K.T. Cross in red enamel on white ground within Garter in black, superimposed on Malta Cross in white enamel; crown and lions Gold: suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 ins. wide: optional, the name of the Preceptory on the Garter in Gold letters.

14. BATON: a Past Preceptor does not carry a Baton.




3. CAP:

4. GLOVES: All according to

5. SASH: Grade in the Order:

6. CROSS OF THE TEMPLE there are no

7. STAR: distinguishing badges

8. CROSS OF MALTA: for Officers in (if a Knight of Malta) a Preceptory.




A Chaplain or Almoner in a Preceptory neither wears a Belt nor bears a Sword. If in Holy Orders, he may wear Cassock and Cotta in place of Tunic; Cope in place of Mantle; and when wearing Cassock and Cotta a Biretta or equivalent head-dress in place of Cap.


(a) as for a Knight:




7. STAR:

8. CROSS OF MALTA: (if a Knight of Malta)



(b) according to Grade in Order:

3. CAP:

(c) differenced for a Provincial Officer:

2. MANTLE: according to Grade in the Order; Badge of Office superimposed on the Cross on the left arm.

5. SASH: as for a Knight, 169, 5, differenced by a single white stripe, 1/2 in. wide along the centre.

(d) additionally for a Provincial Officer:

11. B ADG E O F O FFICE : as detailed in 168, 11; with th e appropriate Emblem of Office in the centre; words on the Garter shall be, in Gold: [NAME OF PROVINCE] worn on the left arm superimposed on the Cross on th e Mantle.

A Provincial Prelate or a Provincial Almoner neither wears a Belt nor bears a Sword. If in Holy Orders, either may wear a Cassock and Cotta in place of Tunic; a Cope in place of Mantle; and th e appropriate Sash in the form of a Stole: either may, when wearing Cassock and Cotta, wear a Biretta or equivalent head-dress in place of Cap: a Provincial Prelate, when wearing a Cope may wear a Mitre and carry a Crozier only within his own Province: in n o circumstances may a Provincial Almoner wear a Mitre or carry a Crozier.

(e) differenced for a Provincial Sub-Prior:

11. BADGE OF OFFICE: Emblem in centre of Badge similar to the Emblem for the Provincial Prior (see Plate 27), bu t differenced as follows:

T he shield should bear either the Arms or Badge of th e Province only, or be halved with the Arms or Badge of the Province dexter and the pers onal Arms of the Sub-Prior sinister; the Baton behind the shield to bear the Cross of a Preceptor (see Plate 9).

(f) additionally for a Provincial Sub-Prior:

12. JEWEL OF OFFICE: enamelled on metal gilt; Emblem similar to the Badge of O ffice: suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 ins. wide.

14. BATON: as detailed in 168, 14: shaft black; pattern of Cross on the top as detailed for a Preceptor (see Plate 9): to be carried by the Provincial SubPrior on all occasions other than when attending Grea t Priory.

15. FROG FOR BATON: as detailed in 168, 15.

16. difference for a Past Provincial Sub-Prior:

1. Does not carry Baton.

(g) differenced for a Provincial Prior:

Dress as for a Great Officer, 174, with the following differences:

11. BADGE OF OFFICE: Emblem in centre of Badge as shewn in Plate 27: the shield should bear either the Arms or Badge of the Province only, or be halved with the Arms or Badge of the Province dexter and the personal Arms of the Provincial Prior sinister: the baton behind the shield to bear the Cross of a Provincial Prior (see Plate 10).

(h) additionally for a Provincial Prior:

12. JEWEL OF OFFICE: enamelled on metal gilt; Emblem similar to the Badge of O ffice: suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 ins. wide.

14. BATON: as detailed in 168, 14: shaft black; pattern of Cross on the top as detailed for a Provincial Prior (see Plate 10): to be carried on al l occasions.

15. FROG FOR BATON: as detailed in 168, 15.

17. RING: as detailed in 168, 17: worn on the first finger of the right hand outside the Glove.

(j) differenced for a Past Provincial Prior:

Dress as for a Provincial Prior, with the following differences:

12. Does not wear JEWEL OF OFFICE:

17. Does not wear RING:

(A Past Provincial Prior other than a Knight Commander or of a Knight Grand Cross, does not carry a Baton.)



(a) as for a Knight:




7. STAR:




(b) according to Grade in the Order:

3. CAP:

(c) differenced for a Holder of Overseas Rank:

2. MANTLE: according to Grade in the Order; Badge of Office superimposed on the Cross on the left arm.

5. SASH: as for a Knight, 169, 5, differenced by a single white stripe, 1/2 in. wide along the centre.

(d) additionally for a Holder of Overseas Rank:

11. BADGE OF OFFICE: as detailed in 168, 11; but in lieu of an Emblem of Office a red Patriarchal Cross on a white ground and on the Garter the words “Overseas Rank” as may be appropriate, in gold.


(a) as for a Knight:




7. STAR:




(b) as for a Past Preceptor:

6. PAST PRECEPTOR’S AND PRIOR’S CROSS: optional, as detailed in 170, 6.

(c) differenced for a Great Officer:

2. MANTLE: as for a Preceptor, as detailed in 170, 2; with a Badge of Office superimposed upon the Cross:

3. CAP: as detailed in 168, 3, and: Badge on the front a Patriarchal Cross, metal gilt, 2 ins. high (see Plate 3).

5. SASH: black silk, as detailed in 169, 5; with a Gold fringe and three white stripes along the Ribbon; the proportions to be: 2 black, 4 white, 15 black, 6 white, 15 black, 4 white, 2 black.

(d) additionally for a Great Officer:

11. B ADG E O F O FFICE : as detailed in 168, 11; with th e appropriate Emblem of Office in the centre; words on the Garter shall be in Gold: “GREAT PRIORY”, worn on the left arm superimposed on the Cross on th e Mantle.

(e) differenced for a Group Inspector:

11. BADGE OF OFFICE: as detailed in 168, 11. The Emblem of Office to be a baton and a sword in saltire; the baton to bear the Cross of a Preceptor, and on the garter the name of the group in Gold.

14. BATON: as detailed in 168, 14: shaft black; pattern of Cross on the top as detailed for a Preceptor (see Plate 9): to be carried on all occasions other than when attending Great Priory.

13. JEWEL OF OFFICE OF A GREAT OFFICER OF MALTA: as detailed in 184, 9.

This Jewel of Office may be worn with the Clothing and Regalia of the Order of the Temple by Great Officers of Malta after their appointment as such has been announced at a meeting of Great Priory, suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of Office of a Great Officer of Malta.

A Great Prelate, Great Almoner or Deputy Great Almoner may not wear a Belt or bear a Sword. If in Holy Orders, any of them may wear a Cassock and Cotta in place of a Tunic; a Cope in place of Mantle; and the Sash of a Great Officer in the form of a Stole with the Badge of the respective office in embroidery near each end and, when wearing a Cassock and Cotta, may wear a Biretta or equivalent head-dress in place of Cap. A Great Prelate, when wearing a Cope, may wear a Mitre; in no circumstances may a Great Almoner or Deputy Great Almoner wear a Mitre. When officiating at a meeting of Great Priory of the Temple, the Great Prelate shall carry a Crozier.


(a) as for a Knight:




7. STAR:




(b) as for a Great Officer:



(c) differenced for a K.C.T.:

3. CAP: as detailed in 168, 3, and: Badge on the front of the Grand Cross of the United Orders (see Plate 15) in Gold and white embroidery.

5. SASH: 4 ins. wide; composed of three equal bands of black, red and white, the black uppermost: a Bow of the same colours at the junction on the left hip: there is no fringe: worn over the right shoulder and under the left arm, and under the Belt.

(d) additionally for a K.C.T.:

7. S TAR : irradiated silver Star for K.C. T. (see Plate 16) ; alternatively it is permissible to wear in lieu the old pattern of Star for a Knight Commander of Malta (see Plate 17), previously authorised for wear with Clothing and Regalia of the Order of Malta and now obsolete in that Order.

14. BATON: as detailed in 168, 14, and: shaft black; pattern of Cross on the top as detailed for a K.C.T. (see Plate 11): to be carried on all occasions.

15. FROG FOR BATON: as detailed in 168, 15.

16. GRAND CROSS OF THE UNITED ORDERS: as detailed in 168, 16 (see Plate 15): worn suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 ins. wide.

176. GRADE IV.


(a) as for a Knight:




7. STAR:




(b) as for a Great Officer:



(c) as for a K.C.T.:

3. CAP:


(d) differenced for a G.C.T.:

5. SASH: 4 ins. wide; composed of bands of red and white in the proportions of: 1/8 white, 3/4 red, 1/8 white: a Bow of the same colours at the junction on the left hip: there is n o fringe: worn over the right shoulder and under the left arm, and under the Belt.

14. BATON: as detailed in 168, 14, and: shaft black; pattern of Cross on the top as detailed for a G.C.T. (see Plate 12): to be carried on all occasions.

16. GRAND CROSS OF THE UNITED ORDERS: as detailed in 168, 16 (see Plate 15): worn suspended from the Chain (see 18 below).

(e) additionally for a G.C.T.:

7. STAR: silver eight-pointed Star for G.C.T. (see Plate 19).

18. CHAIN: as detailed in 168, 18: worn on the shoulders outside the Mantle and under the Hood, with the Grand Cross of the United Orders suspended therefrom.

20. DAGGER AND SHEATH: as detailed in 168, 20: optional: may be borne by a G.C.T. on all occasions, suspended from a Frog.

15. FROG FOR DAGGER: as detailed in 168, 21: optional.


(a) as for a Knight:




7. STAR:




(b) as for a Knight G.C.T.:

5. SASH:

7. STAR:


18. CHAIN:


21. FROG FOR DAGGER: } optional

(c) differenced for the Great Seneschal:

2. MANTLE: as for a Preceptor, but on the left arm a red Greek Apostolic Cross piped with gold, 12 ins. high (see Plate 23); with Badge of Office superimposed thereon.

3. CAP: as for a G.C.T., with a line of Gold piping round the rim at the crown: Badge on front Greek Apostolic Cross in Gold embroidery.

11. BADGE OF OFFICE: as for a Great Officer: Emblem in centre of Badge as in Plate 26.

14. BATON: as detailed in 168, 14, and: shaft white; pattern of Cross on the top a Greek Apostolic Cross (see Plate 13): to be carried on all occasions.

16. GRAND CROSS OF THE UNITED ORDERS: as for G.C.T., but worn on the left hip on the Sash of G.C.T. (d) additionally for Great Seneschal:

12. JEWEL OF OFFICE: as detailed in 168, 12: enamelled on metal gilt: Emblem similar to the Badge of Office: suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 ins. wide.

16. G REE K A POS TOLI C C ROSS : as detail ed in 168, 16(b): re d enamelled on Gold, 3 ins. high; suspended from the Chain of a G.C.T.


(a) as for a Knight:



7. STAR:




(b) as for a Knight G.C.T.:

5. SASH:

7. STAR:


16. GRAND CROSS OF THE UNITED ORDERS; suspended from the Chain, as for a G.C.T.


20. DAGGER AND SHEATH: } optional


(c) differenced for the Grand Master:

1. TUNIC: as for a Knight, but with the cuffs of the sleeves and the bottom edge of the Tunic trimmed with ermine. CLOTHING,

2. MANTLE: as for a Preceptor, but with the collar and the two front edges trimmed with ermine: on the left arm a red Cross of Salem piped with Gold, 12 ins. high (see Plate 24); with the Badge of Office superimposed thereon.

3. CAP: as for a Preceptor, but with one line of Gold piping round the rim at the crown: Badge on the front a Cross of Salem in Gold embroidered (see Plate 24).

11. BADGE OF OFFICE: as for a Great Officer: Emblem in centre of Badge as in Plate 25.

14. BATON: as detailed in 168, 14, and: shaft white: pattern of Cross on the top a Cross of Salem (see Plate 24). (d) additionally for the Grand Master:

12. JEWEL OF OFFICE: as detailed in 168, 12: enamelled on metal gilt: Emblem similar to the Badge of Office: suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 ins. wide.

16. CROSS OF SALEM: as detailed in 168, 16(c): red enamelled on Gold, 3 ins. high: (see Plate 24): suspended from the neck by the Steel Chain, see 18 below.

17. RING : Gold; a red enamelled Cross of Salem on a white ground: worn on the first finger of the right hand outside the Glove.

18. S TEE L C HAIN : 81 links of polished steel, from which i s suspended the Cross of Salem: worn round the neck under the Mantle.


1. A Guard who is a Knight of the Order shall wear the full Clothing, Insignia and Jewels and bear Arms in accordance with his Grade in the Order

2. A Guard who is not a Knight of the Order, but who is a Companion of the Holy Royal Arch duly obligated as a Guard in accordance with Statute 113, shall wear a Mantle made of brown russet woollen material or stuff: the Hood shall not be lined: cords and tassels russet brown: a red Cross Patêe, colour Medici Crimson British Colour Council No. 240, 6 ins. square on the left arm, the top 12 ins. below the point of the left shoulder. Such Guard shall wear no Insignia or Jewel whatever, and shall not bear arms.

3. A Provincial Guard, if a Knight of the Order, shall wear a Badge of Office on the Mantle; but different from that specified for a Provincial Officer in 172: the Badge shall consist of two swords in saltire, points uppermost: the swords shall be 9 ins. long and steel coloured: the name of the Province shall be shewn in black letters on a white scroll across the junction of the sword: there is no Garter.


4. A Great Guard shall wear a Badge of Office on the Mantle similar to that specified for a Great Officer in 174: the Emblem shall consist of a sword, vertical, point downwards.


1. BEAUCEANT: The Beauceant Standard shall be square parted per fesse Sable and Argent.

2. VEXILLUM BELLI: The Vexillum Belli Standard shall be square Argent with a Cross Patêe Gules.


Banners may be carried in procession or placed behind the chair or throne only for the following Officers: such Banners shall be rectangular, 26 ins. wide and 30 ins. deep, Argent, a Cross Patêe Gules:

(a) for a Provincial Prior only within his own Province: the Cross Patêe shall be charged with a shield bearing the Arms or Badge of the Province, or bearing the personal Arms of the Provincial Prior (b) for the Great Seneschal: carried or exhibited only when the Grand Master shall not be present: the Cross Patêe shall be charged with a shield bearing the personal Arms of the Great Seneschal.

(c) for the Grand Master; may be carried or exhibited on an y occasion when the Grand Master is present: the Cross Patêe shall be charged with a shield bearing the personal Arms of the Grand Master


PRELATE: LAMB—white wool

STANDARD—black and white, with golden pole





LAMB—as Prelate with white background

SMALL CROSS—white, gold edging

LARGE CROSS—crimson, edged with gold

BACKGROUND—white, with lettering in goldConstables: .

Sword—silver blade, gold hilt and crossbar

Baton—crimson centre, gold ends



Cross Keys—gold


Registrar: Script—gold edged gold



President of the Grand Master’s Council:

Two Knights on Horseback, on one horse in Black


Marshal and Deputy Marshal:

Crossed Batons—crimson centres, gold ends




Almoner and Deputy Almoner:

Lamb—as Prelate



Herald: Lions—gold on crimson shield edged gold



Standard Bearer (B.):

Standard—black and white, gold edged


Standard Bearer (V.B.):

Cross—crimson, gold edged

Standard—white, gold edged


Banner Bearer:

Lions—gold, crimson background

Cross—crimson, background banner white, edged gold


Sword Bearer and Deputy Sword Bearer:

Sword silver blade, gold hilt and crossbar (for “Deputy”

lettering gold on white background, gold edged)



Crossed Swords—silver blades, gold hilt and crossbars;

A.D.C. superimposed over swords in gold


Warden of Regalia:


Baton —crimson centre, gold ends; Cross end of baton, crimson


Chamberlain: Key—gold


Captain of Guards:

Crossed Swords —silver blades, gold hilts and crossbars

Background —white

Organist: Lyre —gold

Background —white

Guard: Sword —silver blade, gold hilt and crossbar

Background —white.

Overseas R ank:

Holders of Overseas Rank may wear a Mantle Badge of similar dimensions to Provincial Officers save that “Overseas” replaces Provincial name and the centre emblem is a white Maltese Cross.

Order of Malta

Past Great Prior of Malta:

(Plate No. 49) Maltese Cross charged with four Lions, surmounted by a Crown—gold

Background —black

Past Great Sub-Prior of Malta:

(Plate No. 49) Maltese Cross charged with four Lions—gold

Background —black

Great Captain General:

(Plate No. 50) Plumed Helmet—gold Background —black

Great Lieutenant General:

(Plate No. 50) Plumed Helmet— silver Background —black

Great First Lieutenant:

(Plate No. 51) Non Plumed Helmet—gold

Background —black

Great Second Lieutenant: (Plate No. 51) Non Plumed Helmet— silver

Background —black

Great Admiral:

(Plate No. 52) Galleon in Full Sail—gold Background —black

Great Conservator:

(Plate No. 53) Ancient Lock—gold Background —black

Great Baillie:

(Plate No. 54) Scales of Justice—gold Background —black

Great Turcopolier:

(Plate No. 55) Mounted Bowman— on a brown horse

Background —black

Order of Malta


The Clothing, Insignia and Jewels, and Arms, which shall be, or may be, worn or borne by members of the Order of Malta, according to Grade or Office, are set out in the following Statutes 184 to 194.

There are six Grades in the Order of Malta, namely:

I Knight

II Prior

III Great Prior of Malta

IV Knight Commander of the United Orders

V Knight Grand Cross of the United Orders

VI Grand Master.

There are three Classes of O f ficers in the Order of Malta , corresponding to those in the Order of the Temple, namely:

1 Officer in a Priory

2 Provincial Officer, Present and Past and Officers of Overseas Rank.

3 Great Officer, Present and Past

All Jewels, Crosses and Stars, when not worn suspended from the neck, shall be placed upon the left breast of the Tunic: they shall not be placed on the white Maltese Cross on the Tunic.

No Jewels, Crosses or Stars appertaining solely to the Order of the Temple shall be worn with the Clothing and Regalia of the Order of Malta.

Mourning: a bow of purple crepe, 4 ins. long and 11/2 ins. wide, is worn horizontally on the Mantle on the point of the left shoulder above the Maltese Cross.

A Knight of any Grade, who is not in possession of the Clothing and Regalia of the Order of Malta, shall appear in Great Priory or in any Priory wearing the full Clothing, Insignia and Jewels and bearing the Arms of his Grade or Office as a Knight of the Order of the Temple, as set out in 168 et seq .: he must in addition wear the Cross of Malta (184, 6 ). However, when a Priory is opened solely for the purpose of the Installation of a Prior, it is permissible for any Knight of Malta to appear in such Priory in the Clothing and Regalia of the Order of the Temple.


1. TUNIC: made of red material or stuff; colour Peony Red (British Colour Council No. 37): long enough to cover the knees: fastened at the back: on the breast a white Maltese Cross, 14 inches high and wide.

2. MANTLE: made of black material or stuff; long enough to completely cover the Tunic; with a hood of the same material lined with white silk: a white silken cord around the neck, both ends long enough to hang below the waist in front, with a white silken tassel at each end: the collar may be fastened at the neck with hook and eye or equivalent: the silk cords will be tied at the front of the collar with a bow; on the left arm a white Maltese Cross, 14 inches high and wide; the top of the Cross six to eight inches below the point of the left shoulder: the Mantle is to be pleated or shaped at the neck or shoulders so that the two edges hang vertically in front.

3. CAP: b lack velvet, 3 inches deep, of the prescribed pattern (see Plate 4): on the front a Maltese Cross according to Grade or Office.

4. GLOVES: black leather or other material: as for the Order of the Temple (168, 4).

5. (a) BATON: The Great Prior of Malta will be entitled to carry a Baton of Office when carrying out the duties of that Office. The Baton will consist of a black shaft surmounted by a white Maltese Cross with four Lions and Cross to replicate the Mantle Badge design of the Great Prior of Malta.

(b) The Great Sub-Prior of Malta will be entitled to carry a Baton of Office when carrying out the duties of that office. The Baton will consist of a Maltese Cross in white enamel on a black shaft, with four lions in gold between the arms.


6. CROSS OF MALTA: a Maltese Cross in white enamel; four lions, silver, between the arms; suspending knot, gold; (see Plate 5): worn on the left breast suspended from a straight gold bar by a Ribbon of Malta: this Cross is to be worn by Knights of all Grades at all times: it may be worn with the Clothing and Regalia of the Order of the Temple.

7. RIBBON OF MALTA: black silk ribbon, 11/4 ins. wide.


8. SWORD AND SCABBARD: as authorised for the Order of the Temple (168, 9).

9. BELT AND SWORD FROG: as authorised for the Order of the Temple (168, 10).

The Sword and Scabbar d shall be borne on the left hip , suspended from the Frog on the Belt. CLOTHING,

The Belt and Frog shall be worn and the Sword and Scabbard borne by Knights of all Grades on all occasions, except that Prelates and Chaplains, when acting in one of those Offices, neither wear a Belt nor bear a Sword.


9a. Mantle Badge: to be 4 inches in diameter with a 1 inch Garter in Pillar Box Red embroidered GREAT PRIORY. Embroidered in the centre, on a black background, will be the symbol as detailed in Statute 182. This badge to be affixed above the Malta Cross.

10. JEWEL OF OFFICE OF A GREAT OFFICER OF MALTA: a Maltese Cross, white enamel on metal gilt; four lions, gold, between the arms of the Cross; surrounded by a Garter in black enamel with gold edging, with the words in Gold letters “GREAT PRIORY OF ST JOHN OF JERUSALEM, PALESTINE, RHODES AND MALTA”, overall diameter 21/8 ins.; suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of Office of a Great Officer of Malta (184, 10): this Jewel may be worn by Great Officers of Malta after their appointment as such has been announced at a meeting of Great Priory with the Clothing and Regalia of the Order of the Temple (168, 13).

11. RIBBON OF OFFICE OF A GREAT OFFICER OF MALTA: 13/4 ins. wide, black and white in the proportions: 1 white, 8 black, 1 white.

12(a). GRAND CROSS OF THE UNITED ORDERS: as detailed in 168, 16(a) and Plate 15. Worn round the neck suspended by a Ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 inches wide by K.C.M., or suspended from the Chain by Knight G.C.M.

(b). CROSS OF SALEM: as detailed in 168, 16(c) and Plate 24, and worn only by the Grand Master.

13 STAR: only worn by K.C.M., Knights G.C.M. and the Grand Master; as specified for the Order of the Temple 175, 7, and 176, 7.

14 BATON: as specified for the Order of the Temple (168, 14) Gold mounted, colour of shaft and pattern of Cross on top according to Grade or Office (see Plates 9 to 14) and carried in addition to the Sword by:

(a) a Prior only within his own Priory;

(b) a Provincial Sub-Prior on all occasions other than at Great Priory;

(c) a Provincial Prior on all occasions;

(d) a K.C.M.; a Knight G.C.M.; and the Grand Master on all occasions.

15 FROG FOR BATON: as specified for the Order of the Temple (168, 15).

16. RING.

17. CHAIN: as detailed for the Order of the Temple (168, 18). Worn on the shoulders outside the Mantle and under the hood only by Knights G.C.M., and the Grand Master.

18. DAGGER AND SHEATH: optional; as detailed for the Order of the Temple (168, 20), may be borne only by Knights G.C.M.

19 FRO G FO R DAGGER : optional; as detailed for the Order of the Temple (168, 21).

20. STEEL CHAIN: 81 links of polished steel, as detailed for the Order of the Temple (168, 19), from which is suspended the Cross of Salem, worn round the neck under the Mantle and only by the Grand Master.

21 COLLAR AND JEWEL OF OFFICE, LANCASHIRE: as detailed for the Order of the Temple (168, 24). Provincial Officers, Present and Past, of the Province of Lancashire are permitted to wea r , only within their Province, a special collar o f approved pattern from which is suspended the appropriate Jewel of Office.

22. KEYSTONE JEWEL: as detailed for the Order of the Temple (168, 25). Worn suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 inches wide, on all occasions by the Prior for the time being of a Preceptory which is enrolled as a Keystone Preceptory.

23 The following Items, detailed for wear with Clothing and Regalia of the Order of the Temple, have no counterpart in, and are not worn with Clothing and Regalia of the Order of Malta:


Badge of Office:

Badge of Bodyguard:

Jewel of Past Member of the Grand Master ’s Bodyguard: Centenary Commemoration Jewel.


1. TUNIC: as detailed in 184, 1.

2. MANTLE: as detailed in 184, 2.

3. CAP: as detailed in 184, 3, and: Badge on the front a plain white enamelled Maltese Cross, 11/2 ins. wide and high.

4. GLOVES: as detailed in 184, 4.

5. CROSS OF MALTA: as detailed in 184, 6.

7. SWORD AND SCABBARD: as detailed in 184, 8.

8. BELT AND FROG: as detailed in 184, 9.


(a) as for a Knight:





7. SWORD AND SCABBARD: as detailed in 184, 7.


(b) differenced for a Prior:

3. CAP: Badge on the front as for a Knight, with the addition of a Crown, Gold at the top of the Maltese Cross.

(c) additionally for a Prior:

5. PRIOR’S CROSS: a Maltese Cross in white enamel, with four lions in Gold, surmounted by a crown, Gold; 21/8 ins. high excluding crown; (see Plate 7): suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of Malta, 13/4 ins. wide: worn only during his tenure of Office as a Prior.

11. BATON: as detailed for a Preceptor of the Order of the Temple (170, 14): carried only when acting as Prior in the Priory concerned.

(d) differenced for a Past Prior:

5. PAST PRIOR’S CROSS: optional: the Past Preceptor’s and Prior’s Cross, as detailed in 170(d) 6: (see Plate 8).

11. BATON: a Past Prior does NOT carry a Baton.



2. MANTLE All according to 3. CAP Grade in the Order:

4. GLOVES There are no

5. CROSS OF MALTA distinguishing badges

7. SWORD AND SCABBARD for Officers in

8. BELT AND FROG a Priory.

A Chaplain in a Priory neither wears a Belt nor bears a Sword.


(a) according to Grade in the Order:



3. CAP





A Provincial Prelate neither wears a Belt nor bears a Sword.

(b) additionally for a Provincial Sub-Prior:

9A. JEWEL OF OFFICE: as detailed for a Provincial Sub-Prior of the Order of the Temple (172(f), 12): worn suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 ins. wide.

13. BATON: as detailed for a Provincial Sub-Prior of the Order of the Temple (172 (f), 14).

14. FROG FOR BATON: as detailed in (184, 14).

(c) differenced for a Provincial Prior: as for a Great Officer, 189.

(d) differenced for a Provincial Prior:

9A JEWEL OF OFFICE: as detailed for a Provincial Prior of the Order of the Temple (172(h), 12): worn suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 ins. wide.

13. BATON: as detailed for a Provincial Prior of the Order of the Temple (172(f), 14).

14. FROG FOR BATON: as detailed in (194, 14).

15. RING.

(e) the Badge of Office for Provincial Officers of Malta is exactly the same as those for The Great Priory of Malta save that the Provincial name replaces Great Priory. The Mantle Badge to be 4” in diameter with a 1” pillar box red garter embroidered with the name of the Province. Embroidered in the centre, on a black background will be the symbol as detailed in Statute 182. This badge to be affixed above the Malta Cross.

Holders of Overseas Rank may wear a Mantle Badge of similar dimensions to Provincial Officers save that “Overseas” replaces Provincial name and the centre emblem is a white Maltese Cross.


(a) as for a Knight:



3. CAP





(b) as for a Past Prior:

3. CAP:

(c) additionally for a Great Officer:

9. JEWEL OF OFFICE OF A GREAT OFFICER OF MALTA: as detailed in 184, 10: suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of Office of a Great Officer of Malta.

(d) A Great Prelate may wear a Cope and Mitre in place of Mantle a nd C a p : h e n eit h e r w ea rs a B elt nor b ea rs a Sword. W h e n officiating at a Meeting of Great Priory of Malta the Great Prelate shall carry a Crozier

(e) differenced for the Great Sub-Prior of Malta:

2. MANTLE: add to the white Maltese Cross on the left arm four lions in white silk or embroidery.


(a) in accordance with his Grade otherwise in the Order (b) differenced for the Great Prior of Malta:

2. MANTLE: add to the white Maltese Cross on the left arm four lions and a crown in white silk or embroidery.

3. CAP: add one line of Silver piping round the brim at the crown.


(a) as for a Knight:







(b) as for a Great Officer:

9. JEWEL OF OFFICE (optional):

(c) differenced for a K.C.M.:

3. CAP: Badge on the front white enamel Maltese Cross with the addition of four lions, Gold, and crown above, Gold, (see Plate 7).

(d) additionally for a K.C.M.:

11. GRAND CROSS OF THE UNITED ORDERS: as detailed in 168, 16(a): suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple, 13/4 ins. wide.

12. S TAR : irradiated Silver Star for K.C. T (see Plate 16) : alternatively it is permissible to wear in lieu the old pattern of Star for Knight Commander of Malta (see Plate 19) , previously authorised for wear with Clothing and Regalia of the Order of Malta and now obsolete.

13. BATON: as detailed for a K.C.T. (see 175(d), 14).

14. FROG FOR BATON: as detailed in 168, 15.


(a) as for a Knight:







(b) as for a Great Officer:

9. JEWEL OF OFFICE (optional):

(c) as for a K.C.M.:

3. CAP:

11. GRAND CROSS OF THE UNITED ORDERS: worn suspended from the Chain (see 15 (below)).


(d) differenced for a Knight G.C.M.:

12. STAR: silver eight-pointed Star for G.C.T. (see Plate 17): 176(e), 7.

13. BATON: as detailed for a G.C.T. in 176(d), 14: (see Plate 12): to be carried on all occasions.

(e) additionally for a Knight K.C.M.:

15. CHAIN: as detailed for G.C.T. in 176(e), 18; worn on the shoulders outside the Mantle and under the Hood, with the Grand Cross of the United Orders suspended therefrom.

16. DAGGER AND SHEATH: optional: as detailed 176(e), 20: may be borne by a G.C.M. on all occasions.

17. FROG AND DAGGER: as detailed in 176(e), 21; optional.


(a) as for a Knight:







(b) as for a Knight G.C.M.:

11. GRAND CROSS OF THE UNITED ORDERS: suspended from the Chain.

12. STAR:


15. CHAIN:


17. FROG FOR DAGGER: } optional

(c) differenced for the Grand Master:

3. CAP: as for a G.C.M., but with the addition of one line of silver piping round the rim at the crown.

13. BATON: as detailed in 178(c), 14.

(d) additionally for the Grand Master:

9. JEWEL OF OFFICE: as detailed for the Order of the Temple, 178(d), 12: worn suspended from the neck by a Ribbon of the Temple.

11. CROSS OF SALEM: as detailed for the Order of the Temple, 178(d), 16: suspended from the neck by the Steel Chain.

15. RING:

18. S TEE L C HAIN : as detailed for the Order of the Temple , 178(d), 18: worn round the neck under the Mantle: the Cross of Salem suspended therefrom.


1. A Guard who is a Knight of the Order of Malta shall wear the full Clothing, Insignia and Jewels and bear Arms in accordance with his Grade in the Order

2. A Guard who is not a Knight of the Order of Malta, but who shall have been obligated as a Guard in both Orders, shall wear a Mantle made of brown russett woollen material or stuff, as detailed for a Guard in the Order of the Temple, 179, 2. Such Guard shall wear no Insignia or Jewel whatever and shall not bear Arms.



The Standard of St John shall be Gules, on a Cross Argent the Agnus Dei, with the letters F, E, R, T (quarterly). As shown in Plate 47.


The Standard of Malta shall be Sable, Argent an eight-pointed Maltese Cross, over all the Arms of St John on an escutcheon of pretence: see Plate 48.






Plate No. 1 Cross Patêe

Plate No. 2 Star

Plate No. 3 Patriarchal Cross

Plate No. 4 Cap

Plate No. 5 Cross of Malta

Plate No. 6 Jewel of Office of a Great Officer of Malta

Plate No. 7 Cross for a Prior of Malta

Plate No. 8 Past Preceptor’s and Prior’s Cross

Plate No. 9 Preceptor’s Baton

Plate No. 10 Provincial Prior’s Baton

Plate No. 11 Baton of Knight’s Commander

Plate No. 12 Baton of Knight’s Grand Cross

Plate No. 13 The Great Seneschal’s Baton

Plate No. 14 The Grand Master’s and Pro Grand Master’s Baton

Plate No. 15 Knight’s Grand Cross and Knight’s Commander

Plate No. 16 Star for Knight Commander of the United Orders

Plate No. 17 Alternative Star for Knight Commander of the United Orders

Plate No. 18 Ring

Plate No. 19 Star for Knight Grand Cross of the United Orders

Plate No. 20 Chain for Knight Grand Cross of the United Orders

Plate No. 21 Jewel for Past Member of Grand Master’s Bodyguard

Plate No. 22 Centenary Jewel

Plate No. 22a Bicentenary Bar

Plate No. 23 The Greek Apostolic Cross for the Great Seneschal

Plate No. 24 The Cross of Salem for the Grand Master

Plate No. 25 The Grand Master

Plate No. 26 The Great Seneschal

Plate No. 27 Provincial Prior

Plate No. 28 Great Prelate

Plate No. 29 Great Chancellor and Great Vice-Chancellor

Plate No. 30 Great Constable

Plate No. 31 Great Treasurer

Plate No. 32 Great Registrar

Plate No. 33 President of the Grand Master’s Council

Plate No. 34 Great Marshal

Plate No. 35 Great Almoner

Plate No. 36 Great Herald

Plate No. 37 Great Standard Bearer (Beauceant)

Plate No. 38 Great Standard Bearer (Vexillum Belli)

Plate No. 39 The Grand Master’s Banner Bearer

Plate No. 40 The Great Sword Bearer

Plate No. 41 Great Aide-De-Camp

Plate No. 42 Great Warden of Regalia

Plate No. 43 Great Chamberlain

Plate No. 44 Great Captain of Guards

Plate No. 45 Great Organist

Plate No. 46 Great Guard

Plate No. 47 The Standard of St John

Plate No. 48 The Standard of Malta

Plate No. 49 Past Great Prior of Malta and Past Great Sub-Prior of Malta

Plate No. 50 Great Captain-General and Great Lieutenant-General

Plate No. 51 Great First Lieutenant and Great Second Lieutenant

Plate No. 52 Great Admiral

Plate No. 53 Great Conservator

Plate No. 54 Great Baillie

Plate No. 55 Great Turcopolier

Plate No. 56 Signature Prefix Marks

Plate 3
Plate 1
Plate 2

Plate 4

In red velvet for K.T. In black for K.M


Plate 5
Plate 6


Plate 7
Plate 8
Plate 11

Plate 15


In the centre circle on the other side is a Patriarchal Cross within the words “In hoc signo vinces”.


Plate 16




Plate 18
Plate 19



Plate 21


Plate 22A


Plate 22




Plate 25
Plate 26

The shield may bear the Arms of the Province only.


Plate 27
Plate 28


Plate 31
Plate 32

Deputy Great Almoner, as above, but with the word “Deputy” superimposed below the Lamb.

In Provinces the Arms of the Province are borne on the Shield in lieu of the Lions.

Plate 36

Plate 35


Plate 37
(Vexillum Belli)
Plate 38

In Provinces the Arms of the Province are borne on the Shield.

Deputy Great Sword Bearer as above, but with the word “Deputy” superimposed across the centre of the sword.


Plate 40
Plate 41
Plate 42
Plate 46


Past Great Sub-Prior of Malta as above but without the crown.


Plate 51
Plate 52

The following are the marks to be prefixed to the signature of each member of the Order according to his rank:

Plate 56

Knight of the Order


Knight Commander

Knight Grand Cross

{Great Seneschal

The Grand Master,

The Pro Grand Master

Published by Mark Masons Hall Ltd

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