1. The title of the Order is “The Order of the Secret Monitor, or Brotherhood of David and Jonathan, in the British Isles and its Districts and Conclaves Overseas”.
The short title is “The Order of the Secret Monitor”, herein after referred to as “The Order”.
2. The Government of the Order and the ultimate authority over its members are vested in the Grand Conclave, and the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order may be enacted, altered, or repealed by the Grand Conclave which has the power of investigating, regulating, and deciding all other matters relative to the Order.
3. The Grand Conclave shall consist of the Present and Past Grand Officers and all other Princes of the Order, all of whom must be subscribing members of a regular Conclave. All other subscribing and honorary members shall be eligible to attend Grand Conclave but shall not have the right to vote.
4. The Grand Officers of the Order shall consist of the following who shall be designated and take precedence as follows:
1. The Grand Supreme Ruler G.S.R.
2. Past Grand Supreme Rulers P.G.S.R.
3. Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler Dep.G.S.R.
4. Past Deputy Grand Supreme Rulers P.Dep.G.S.R.
5. Assistant Grand Supreme Ruler A.G.S.R.
6. Past Assistant Grand Supreme Rulers ......................................................................P.A.G.S.R.
36. Assistant Grand Chaplain .A.G.Chap.
37. Past Assistant Grand Chaplains P.A.G.Chap.
38. Assistant Grand Registrar ........................................................................................... A.G.Reg.
39. Past Assistant Grand Registrars ............................................................................... P.A.G.Reg.
40. Assistant Grand Recorder ........................................................................................... A.G.Rec.
41. Past Assistant Grand Recorders P.A.G.Rec.
42. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies A.G.D.C.
43. Past Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies ....................................................... P.A.G.D.C.
44. Grand Sword Bearer ................................................................................................... G.Swd.B.
45. Past Grand Sword Bearers .......................................................................................P.G.Swd.B.
46. Deputy Grand Sword Bearer Dep.G.Swd.B.
47. Past Deputy Grand Sword Bearers .................................................................. P.Dep.G.Swd.B.
48. Grand Standard Bearer....................................................................................................G.St.B.
49. Past Grand Standard Bearers ...................................................................................... P.G.St.B.
50. Deputy Grand Standard Bearer Dep.G.St.B.
51. Past Deputy Grand Standard Bearers P.Dep.G.St.B.
52. Grand Bow Bearer .......................................................................................................... G.B.B.
53. Past Grand Bow Bearers .............................................................................................. P.G.B.B.
54. Grand Organist ................................................................................................................ G.Org.
55. Past Grand Organists P.G.Org.
56. Deputy Grand Organist ............................................................................................ Dep.G.Org.
57. Past Deputy Grand Organists............................................................................... P.Dep.G.Org.
58. Grand Guarder ................................................................................................................ G.Gdr.
59. Past Grand Guarder P.G.Gdr.
60. Assistant Grand Guarder A.G.Gdr.
61. Past Assistant Grand Guarders ................................................................................ P.A.G.Gdr.
62. Grand Steward .............................................................................................................. G.Stwd.
63. Past Grand Stewards .................................................................................................. P.G.Stwd.
64. Grand Sentinel G.Sent.
65. Past Grand Sentinels ................................................................................................... P.G.Sent.
5. A Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler shall in his Province, District or Provincial/ District Inspectorate take precedence over all save the Grand Supreme Ruler the Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler and the Assistant Grand Supreme Ruler.
6. Past Grand Officers shall be entitled, so long as they are members of a regular Conclave, to the precedence of their respective offices and to continue to be accorded the appropriate prefix and salute and to wear the appropriate regalia.
7. (i) Provincial, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate Grand Officers, present and past, rank among themselves within their own Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate in the same order as Grand Officers holding or having held corresponding ranks.
(ii) Past Provincial, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate Grand Officers shall be entitled, so long as they are members of a regular Conclave, to the precedence of their respective offices within their own Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate and to continue to wear the appropriate regalia.
8. Provincial, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate Grand Officers, present and past, who are Installed Supreme Rulers shall be entitled to use the prefix Worthy (Wy.) or such other prefix to which their personal rank may entitle them, Provincial, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate Grand Officers who are not Installed Supreme Rulers shall be addressed as Brother (Bro.).
9. (i) The prefixes to be accorded to and used by Grand Officers are as follows:
Rank (present or past) Prefix
Grand Supreme Ruler ................................................................................. Most Worthy (M.Wy.)
Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler .................................................................... Right Worthy (R.Wy.)
Assistant Grand Supreme Ruler Right Worthy (R.Wy.)
Grand Chancellor Right Worthy (R.Wy.)
Provincial/District Grand Supreme Ruler................................................... Right Worthy (R.Wy.)
Grand Counsellor ........................................................................................ Right Worthy (R.Wy.)
Grand Guide ................................................................................................ Right Worthy (R.Wy.)
Grand Chaplain Very Worthy (V.Wy.)
President of the Executive Committee ........................................................ Very Worthy (V.Wy.)
Grand Treasurer ........................................................................................... Very Worthy (V.Wy.)
Grand Registrar ............................................................................................ Very Worthy (V.Wy.)
Grand Recorder Very Worthy (V.Wy.)
Grand Director of Ceremonies Very Worthy (V.Wy.)
Deputy Grand Chaplain ............................................................................... Very Worthy (V.Wy.)
Deputy Grand Registrar ............................................................................... Very Worthy (V.Wy.)
Deputy Grand Recorder ............................................................................... Very Worthy (V.Wy.)
Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies Very Worthy (V.Wy.)
Grand Visitor ............................................................................................... Very Worthy (V.Wy.)
Assistant Grand Chaplain ......................................................................................... Worthy (Wy.)
Assistant Grand Registrar ......................................................................................... Worthy (Wy.)
Assistant Grand Recorders Worthy (Wy.)
Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies Worthy (Wy.)
Grand Sword Bearer ................................................................................................. Worthy (Wy.)
Deputy Grand Sword Bearer ...................................................................................... Worthy (Wy.)
Grand Standard Bearer ............................................................................................. Worthy (Wy.)
Deputy Grand Standard Bearer Worthy (Wy.)
Grand Bow Bearer Worthy (Wy.)
Grand Organist .......................................................................................................... Worthy (Wy.)
Deputy Grand Organist ............................................................................................. Worthy (Wy.)
Grand Guarder Worthy (Wy.)
Assistant Grand Guarder Worthy (Wy.)
Grand Steward .......................................................................................................... Worthy (Wy.)
Grand Sentinel .......................................................................................................... Worthy (Wy.)
(The above prefixes will be used by brethren appointed to the respective offices on or after 20 September 1979. Brethren appointed to office before that date retain their right to the prefix authorised for their rank under previous Regulations).
(ii) District Grand Officers appointed before 1st May 1969 retain within their District their right to the prefix authorised for their rank under previous Regulations, but are entitled to salutes only as prescribed in Rule 10.
(iii) Grand Stewards appointed before 1961 retain their right to the prefix Worthy (Wy.), but do not rank as Grand Officers unless re-appointed in or after 1961.
(iv) Supreme Rulers and Past Supreme Rulers of Conclaves shall be entitled to use the prefix Worthy (Wy.)
10. Grand Officers, and Provincial or District Grand Officers, present and past, will be saluted with the sign of the Order as follows:
All other Grand Officers and Supreme Rulers of Conclaves at installation only
Provincial or District Grand Supreme Rulers within their own Province or District while holding the appointment only .............................................................
All other Provincial or District Grand Officers within their own Province or District only
11. (i) The Grand Supreme Ruler of the Order shall be elected, installed and proclaimed at the Annual Meeting of the Grand Conclave which shall be held on such date and at such place as the Grand Supreme Ruler may direct. Not less than fourteen days notice shall be given of the time and place.
(ii) Notice of every motion or other matter to be brought forward at the Annual Meeting of the Grand Conclave must be received in writing by the Grand Recorder before 1st June. No motion other than such as may arise out of a report of any Committee appointed by the Grand Supreme Ruler shall (except with the express permission of the Grand Supreme Ruler or Presiding Officer) be discussed or considered unless notice thereof appear in the summons convening the Meeting.
12. The Grand Festival of the Order shall be held after the Annual Meeting of the Grand Conclave.
13. The Grand Treasurer, and professionally qualified and registered Auditors, shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of Grand Conclave.
14. Upon the installation of the Grand Supreme Ruler he may appoint any or all of the Grand Officers named in Regulation 4 who shall thereupon be installed or invested.
15. The Grand Supreme Ruler may also appoint Past Supreme Rulers of Conclaves to such Past Grand Ranks as he may deem appropriate. He may promote Past Grand Officers at his discretion.
16. The Grand Supreme Ruler may confer the distinction of Grand Chancellor upon certain very dear and distinguished Brethren. A Grand Chancellor shall take precedence immediately after Past Assistant Grand Supreme Rulers.
17. (i) The Grand Supreme Ruler, or in his absence the Grand Officer highest in rank present, shall preside over any Meeting of the Grand Conclave and in case of equality of votes shall be entitled to give a casting vote.
(ii) The Grand Supreme Ruler or in his absence, the Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler, or, in his absence, the Assistant Grand Supreme Ruler, or, in his absence, the Grand Counsellor or Grand Guide, may summon Special Grand Conclaves wherever the good of the Order shall, in their opinion, require it.
18. The Grand Supreme Ruler may grant dispensations to cover any matter that may be for the benefit of the Order.
19. The Grand Supreme Ruler may appoint from time to time members of the Order to form the Grand Supreme Ruler’s Arch of Steel who will undertake such duties as he will determine to be appropriate, under the purview of the Grand Director of Ceremonies and the direction of the Commander of the Arch of Steel and Deputy Commander of the Arch of Steel.
20. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Grand Supreme Ruler, the Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler, the Assistant Grand Supreme Ruler, the Grand Counsellor, the Grand Guide, the President of the Executive Committee, the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Registrar, the Grand Recorder and the Grand Director of Ceremonies, together with six members who shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of Grand Conclave.
21. Candidates for election to the Executive Committee must be Supreme Rulers or Past Supreme Rulers, and must be nominated by Conclaves of which they are subscribing members; their names must be received in writing by the Grand Recorder before the 1st June in each year, and a list thereof shall be circulated by the Grand Recorder with the summonses for the Annual Meeting of the Grand Conclave.
22. A casual vacancy amongst the elected members shall be filled by appointment by the Grand Supreme Ruler.
23. The Executive Committee shall elect one of its members as Vice-President. In the absence of both the President and the Vice-President the member highest in rank will preside.
24. The Executive Committee shall meet four times in the year on the first Mondays in January, April, July and October. It shall be within the authority of the President to cancel not more than three meetings in any one year should he decide there is no or not sufficient business to warrant them being held. Nothing in this regulation abrogates the power of the Grand Supreme Ruler or the President in the following regulation No. 25.
25. A special meeting may be convened by the Grand Supreme Ruler or the President at seven days’ notice.
26. Three members shall constitute a quorum, except for the decision of Masonic complaints when at least five members must be present.
27. The Executive Committee shall, except when otherwise specially directed by a resolution of the Grand Conclave, have the custody and supervision of everything relating to the administration, buildings, furniture and regalia of the Order; and shall report its proceedings to the Grand Conclave at the Annual Meeting.
28. The Executive Committee shall delegate its responsibilities for financial matters to a Committee consisting of the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Recorder and the Chief Financial Officer of GLMMM, such Committee to be called “The Finance Committee”.
29. The Finance Committee shall administer the finances of the Order, shall examine all accounts presented for payment and order them, if found to be correct, to be discharged, provided that no payment, other than for ordinary current expenses, shall be made without prior approval of the Executive Committee.
30. The Finance Committee shall meet at such times and places as they shall determine.
31. All cheques drawn on the funds of the Order shall be signed by two members of the Finance Committee. All electronic payments shall likewise be authorised by two members of the Finance Committee.
32. All investments of the Benevolent Fund shall be made in the name of The Order of the Secret Monitor Fund of Benevolence, the investments for the General Fund are held in a separate portfolio. Investment advisors are appointed by the Investment Committee for the management and for the purchase and sale of the investments of both funds. The Investment Committee will report the results to the Executive Committee.
33. Not less than three Trustees, who shall be appointed by Grand Conclave, shall administer the Benevolent Fund consisting of voluntary contributions and donations for the benevolent purposes of the Order.
36. Subject to Regulation 46, the Benevolent Fund shall be applied:
(1) to the relief of need of the persons and in the manner and to the extent in each case specified in Regulations 36 to 44 inclusive; or,
(2) to such other charitable purposes as may be specially sanctioned by Grand Conclave.
37. (i) The Executive Committee may make grants to Brethren who have paid the full induction or joining fee and remained subscribing members to a regular Conclave of the Order for at least three years, or to their wives, widows, sisters, or other dependants or children, or employees of the Grand Conclave who have retired, provided that such grants are for the relief of need.
(ii) Qualification of Donors (with effect from 1 September 2016)
Steward ............................................... £25.00 + cost of jewel
Vice-President £50.00 + cost of jewel/or bar
President £100.00 + cost of jewel/or bar
Vice Patron £150.00 + cost of jewel/or bar
Patron.................................................. £300.00 + cost of jewel/or bar
Grand Patron ...................................... £500.00 + cost of jewel/or bar
Grand Patron Gold ............................. £750.00 + cost of jewel/or bar
As with Fees of Honour these totals are cumulative.
(iii) The Benevolent Fund Jewel will be the Arms of the Order hanging from a Scarlet coloured ribbon attached to a bar broach of gilt on the bar which will be inscribed – OSM Benevolent Fund. A scroll of gilt on which shall appear the relevant qualification will be attached to the centre of the ribbon. Benevolent Fund Grand Patrons will wear the Benevolent Fund Jewel suspended from a 11/4 inch scarlet collarette.
38. For the purposes of Reg. 37 the term “Subscribing Member” shall include Secretaries of Conclaves who are exempted by the By Laws from paying annual subscriptions to their respective Conclaves and Sentinels who by reason of being serving brethren, are not for other purposes subscribing members of the Conclaves in which they hold such office.
39. Applications for assistance must be by petition to the Executive Committee and show the name, occupation, place of abode and existing circumstances of the petitioner the name and number of the Conclave in which and the date when he (or the husband, father, or other relative) was inducted, and the other Conclaves (if any) which he subsequently joined.
40. The petition should be recommended as provided in Regulation 41 but in case of urgency the Executive Committee may make a grant without a recommendation.
41. Every petition must be supported by a recommendation signed by the Supreme Ruler, Counsellor and Guide or, if any of these be not available, by other officers of the Conclave to which the petitioner (or husband or father, in the case of a widow or child) does or did belong, or in the case of emergency from some other regular Conclave.
42. In cases approved by the Executive Committee grants not exceeding five thousand pounds (£5,000) may be made for the relief of petitioning brothers, wives, widows, sisters or other dependents or children, or employees of Grand Conclave who have retired, provided that such grants are for the relief of need.
43. In cases where a grant of five thousand pounds (£5,000) appears to the Executive Committee to be inadequate to the exigencies of the case, the Grand Supreme Ruler may increase the grant to a sum not exceeding ten thousand pounds (£10,000).
44. Should the Grand Supreme Ruler consider ten thousand pounds (£10,000) to be inadequate, a larger sum may be granted by the Grand Conclave.
45. A petition cannot be entertained from an applicant who has previously been relieved until after the expiration of one year from the date of such relief except in special circumstances approved by the Grand Supreme Ruler.
46. Subject to the provisions of this Regulation:
(1) Where it appears to the Executive Committee that it is likely that in the financial year then current there will remain a balance of income over expenditure after making grants under Regulations 37-45 inclusive, and after expenses of administration, the Executive Committee may apply an amount not exceeding the probable balance as estimated by the Executive Committee to any charitable purpose, including the making of grants to any registered charity, and any such application made in good faith shall be valid notwithstanding that (by reason of the receipt of further applications for grants or otherwise) such balance has been overestimated.
(2) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this regulation, where in any financial year there was a balance of income over expenditure after bringing into account grants made under Regulations 37 to 45 inclusive, and any expenses of administration, (but excluding credits from the Capital Fund and amounts applied in each case under this regulation), the Executive Committee may, in the next following financial year, apply an amount not exceeding such balance to any charitable purpose, including the making of grants to any registered charity:
Provided always that the amount to be so applied in any year shall not exceed the greater of the amounts authorised to be applied in that year under the preceding paragraphs, (or, where they are equal, the amount of the equality), and so that where an excess of expenditure over income would result from such application of any amount in any year the Accumulated income from past years in the Capital Fund shall be charged and the Income and Expenditure Account shall be credited with such sum as may be necessary to eliminate such excess.
47. (i) The Grand Supreme Ruler may designate any area a Province or District, establish for it a Provincial or District Grand Conclave and appoint thereto under Patent a Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler.
(ii) The Grand Supreme Ruler may designate any area a Province or District or Provincial Inspectorate or District Inspectorate, establish for it a Provincial or District Grand Conclave or Provincial Inspectorate or District Inspectorate Grand Conclave and appoint hereto under Patent a Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler.
48. The Provincial or District Grand Conclave shall consist of the Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler, the Provincial or District Grand Officers, all Past Provincial or District Grand Officers so long as they remain subscribing members of any Conclave under the jurisdiction of that Provincial or District Grand Conclave, together with all Princes of the Order who are subscribing members of any Conclave within the Province or District. All other subscribing and honorary members shall be eligible to attend Provincial or District Grand Conclave but shall not have the right to vote.
49. (i) The Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler may form a Provincial, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate Executive Committee with powers similar to those of the Executive Committee of the Order for the purpose of supervising and regulating the affairs of the Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate. This Committee shall report its proceedings annually to the Provincial or District Grand Conclave.
(ii) Every Provincial or District Grand Conclave shall make, and may add to or amend, by-laws for its own government, provided that any such by-laws, additions or amendments are not inconsistent with the Constitutions and Regulations, but no such by-laws, additions or amendments shall come into force until approved by the Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler and by the Grand Supreme Ruler.
50. (i) The Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler shall hold a meeting of his Provincial or District Grand Conclave or Provincial/District Inspectorate not less frequently than once in every year.
(ii) At the Annual Meeting of the Provincial or District Grand Conclave or the Provincial/ District Inspectorate the Provincial or District Grand Treasurer and the members of the Provincial, District or Provincial/Distrtict Inspectorate Executive Committee (if any), other than the ex officio members appointed by the Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler, shall be elected by the Provincial or District Grand Conclave or Provincial/District Inspectorate.
51. (i) At the Annual Meeting of the Provincial or District Grand Conclave the Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler may appoint any or all of the following Provincial or District Grand Officers, provided that ranks higher than Provincial or District Grand Sword Bearer (other than Provincial or District Grand Chaplain if the Brother is a Clerk in Holy Orders) may be conferred only on Past Supreme Rulers:
Deputy Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler
(An assistant District Grand Supreme Ruler may be authorised by the Grand Supreme Ruler)
Provincial or District Grand Chancellor
Provincial or District Grand Counsellor
Provincial or District Grand Guide
Provincial or District Grand Chaplain
Provincial or District Grand Registrar
Provincial or District Grand Recorder
Provincial or District Grand Director of Ceremonies
Provincial or District Grand Almoner
Provincial or District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies
Four Provincial or District Grand Visitors
Provincial or District Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
Provincial or District Grand Sword Bearer
Provincial or District Grand Standard Bearer
Provincial or District Grand Bow Bearer
Provincial or District Assistant Grand Recorder
Provincial or District Grand Organist
Provincial or District Grand Guarder
Four Provincial or District Grand Stewards
Provincial or District Grand Sentinel
(ii) It shall be the duty of the Provincial or District Grand Visitors to pay official visits to Conclaves within their Province or District as arranged by the Provincial or District Grand Guide and to report to him thereon.
(iii) Every Provincial or District Grand Guide shall report annually on the Conclaves within his Province or District to the Grand Guide and a copy of his report shall be sent to the Provincial or District Grand Recorder.
(iv) A Provincial/District Grand Supreme Ruler of a Provincial/District Inspectorate may only appoint the following Officers:
Provincial/District Grand Recorder
Provincial/District Grand Director of Ceremonies.
52. The Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler may at the Annual Meeting promote Past Provincial or District Grand Officers who are Past Supreme Rulers at his discretion but not above the rank of Past Provincial or District Grand Counsellor.
53 (i) The Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler may confer each year Past Rank (not higher than Past Provincial or District Grand Counsellor) or distinguished Past Supreme Rulers in his Province or District, but no Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler shall in any one year confer such rank upon more than two brethren for every complete five Conclaves in his Province or District.
(ii) The Grand Supreme Ruler has the power to confer the Rank designated Order of the Secret Monitor Overseas Rank on Past Masters of Overseas Conclaves not under a District, who have rendered long and meritorious service to the Order and are members of Grand Conclave in accordance with Regulation 87. The holders of such Rank are entitled to wear the regalia prescribed in these regulations at all meetings of Grand Conclave, District Grand Conclaves and Private Conclaves, but can claim precedence by virtue of their rank only in Overseas Conclaves not under a District. The fee of honour in respect of Order of Secret Monitor Overseas Rank shall be as prescribed in Regulation 110.
54. A Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler having established a need may form a Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler’s Arch of Steel:
(i) To act as a ceremonial Arch of Steel on occasions where the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler is present.
(ii) To assist the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies at Provincial Meetings.
(iii) A Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler’s Arch of Steel shall consist of the Commander and Deputy Commander together with a maximum of 12 members. With the exception of the Commander and Deputy Commander, who may be Provincial or Grand Officers, members of the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler’s Arch of Steel must retire as members in the year in which they become a Provincial Officer.
55. (i) The annual return of Provincial, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate Grand appointments must be forwarded to the Grand Recorder within fourteen days of the date of the meeting of Provincial or District Grand Conclave or the Provincial/District Inspectorate.
(ii) Recommendations for Grand Conclave rank shall be submitted in accordance with the instructions issued by the Grand Recorder.
56. There are three Degrees in this Order:
1˚—Members of the Order.
2˚—Princes of the Order.
3˚—Supreme Ruler of the Order
(i) Every application to form a new Conclave must be by petition to the Grand Supreme Ruler on the printed form obtainable on application to the Grand Recorder (See Appendix 1) signed by at least seven subscribing members of the Order registered under these Constitutions, and specifying the proposed name of the Conclave, the place where and the times when it is intended to meet, the names of the brethren proposed for the first Supreme Ruler, Counsellor and Guide, and the names and numbers of the Conclaves and Craft Lodges of which the petitioners are subscribing members,
(ii) If the proposed new Conclave is to meet within a Province or District, the application must be recommended by the Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler.
(iii) All the Petitioners must be Princes of the Order and shall provide a clearance certificate from each Conclave of the Order of which they are or have been subscribing members.
57. Every new Conclave shall be constituted and consecrated according to ancient usage. The Grand Supreme Ruler or the Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler of the Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate in which the Conclave is to meet shall perform the ceremony or designate a Grand Officer to do so. No Conclave shall be acknowledged, nor shall any of its members as such be entitled to any of the privileges of the Order, until it has been so constituted and consecrated.
58. (i) A Conclave shall not meet without a Warrant from the Grand Supreme Ruler. This Warrant is to be specially entrusted to the Supreme Ruler of the Conclave for the time being at his installation, and he shall be responsible for the safe keeping thereof, and shall produce it at every meeting of the Conclave.
(ii) Conclaves shall rank in accordance with the dates of their Warrants unless in any case the Grand Supreme Ruler shall otherwise direct.
59. Should a Warrant be lost or for any other reason cannot be produced, the Conclave must suspend its meetings until a Warrant of Confirmation be obtained, the original Warrant produced, or a dispensation granted by the Grand Supreme Ruler.
60. (i) A Conclave which has completed one hundred years of uninterrupted existence shall be entitled to receive a centenary warrant, provided that at least one meeting of the Conclave has been held, or, by dispensation not held, in each of the one hundred years of its uninterrupted existence.
(ii) An application for the grant of a centenary warrant may be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval by the Grand Supreme Ruler not more than four months before the date on which the one hundred years of uninterrupted existence has been completed.
(iii) The fee for the centenary warrant shall be as prescribed in Regulation 111.
(iv) Every member of a Conclave to which a centenary warrant has been granted may wear a commemorative centenary jewel of the design prescribed by Regulation 104.
61. (i) A Conclave which has completed fifty years of uninterrupted existence shall be entitled to receive a Jubilee certificate, provided that at least one meeting of the Conclave has been held, or by dispensation not held, in each of the fifty years of its uninterrupted existence.
(ii) An application for the grant of a Jubilee certificate may be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval by the Grand Supreme Ruler not more than four months before the date on which the fifty years of uninterrupted existence has been completed.
(iii) The fee for a Jubilee certificate shall be as prescribed in Regulation 111.
(iv) Every subscribing member of a Conclave to which a Jubilee certificate has been granted may wear a commemorative Jubilee Jewel of the design prescribed by Regulation 104.
62. (i) Every Conclave shall make, and may add to or amend, by-laws for its own government, provided that any such by-laws, additions or amendments are not inconsistent with the Constitutions and Regulations.
(ii) Conclave by-laws shall not be revised, added to or amended unless notice of motion be given at a meeting of the Conclave and the detail thereof included in the summons for a following meeting at which the matter shall be voted upon. If then adopted such revision, addition or amendment shall not come into force until approved, if the Conclave is in a Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate, by the Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler, and in every case by the Grand Supreme Ruler.
(iii) The by-laws of a Conclave shall state the place and days of the regular meetings, and shall specify the meeting at which the election of the Supreme Ruler, Treasurer and Sentinel shall take place, and that at which the Supreme Ruler elect shall be installed. The by-laws shall also state the date on which the annual subscription becomes due.
(iv) Regular meetings of the Conclave shall not be cancelled nor otherwise held except by dispensation of the Grand Supreme Ruler or in a Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate of the Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler.
(v) A copy of the Conclave by-laws shall be presented to every Supreme Ruler on his installation, to every candidate on his induction and to every joining member.
63. (i) The regular officers of a Conclave shall be the Supreme Ruler, Counsellor, Guide, Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Ceremonies, not more than four Visiting Deacons, Guarder, Stewards and Sentinel.
(ii) The Supreme Ruler may also appoint Brethren to any of the following additional Offices: Chaplain, Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Organist, Assistant Secretary, and Scroll Bearer.
(iii) Save by dispensation from the Grand Supreme Ruler, or in a Province or District from the Provincial/District Grand Supreme Ruler, no Brother shall hold more than one regular office, but a Brother may hold one of the additional offices together with a regular office.
(iv) The order of precedence of the Officers of a Conclave for investiture and otherwise shall be as follows: Supreme Ruler, Counsellor, Guide, Chaplain, Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Ceremonies, Visiting Deacons, Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Organist, Assistant Secretary, Scroll Bearer, Guarder, Stewards and Sentinel.
(v) The officers of the second degree shall be David (S.R.), Jonathan (I.P.S.R.), Abishai, Adino, Eleazar and Shammah and a Lecturer (additional).
(vi) The Sentinel must be a brother who has been regularly inducted in the First Degree of the Order; he may act as a Sentinel in any Conclave and, by dispensation from the Grand Supreme Ruler, he may be a serving brother. The Sentinel shall be elected by the members of the Conclave by show of hands on the regular day of election of the Supreme Ruler. A Conclave, however, may resolve that a subscribing member of the Conclave shall be Sentinel without emolument, in which case he shall be appointed with the other officers by the Supreme Ruler. The other officers must be subscribing members of the Conclave.
64. Every Conclave shall annually, at the regular meeting next before the day named in its by-laws for the installation, elect its Supreme Ruler and Treasurer respectively. Unless there is more than one regularly proposed candidate, or there is a demand for a ballot, the regularly proposed candidate for each respective Office shall be deemed and declared to have been elected.
65. A brother shall not be installed as Supreme Ruler of any Conclave unless he has been duly admitted to the second Degree, nor, except by dispensation of the Grand Supreme Ruler, unless he either has been previously installed as the Supreme Ruler of a regular Conclave or has been invested as Counsellor or Guide in a Regular Conclave at an installation meeting and has, or under Regulation 71 is deemed to have, served in that office for a full year.
66. The questions set out in Appendix II shall be assented to by every Supreme Ruler elect before he is installed.
67. Subject to these Constitutions and Regulations the powers and duties of a Supreme Ruler are mutatis mutandis those of the Master of a Craft Lodge under the Constitutions of the United Grand Lodge of England.
68. An installed Supreme Ruler may preside only in his own Conclave unless he has been commissioned by a Grand Officer as a Supreme Ruler within the Order, when he becomes eligible to preside in any Conclave.
69 A Supreme Ruler shall not, unless by dispensation of the Grand Supreme Ruler, continue to occupy the chair of a Conclave more than two years in succession.
70. In the absence of the Supreme Ruler, the Immediate Past Supreme Ruler shall take the Chair or, in his absence, the next in seniority of Past Supreme Rulers of that Conclave, failing whom any duly commissioned Supreme Ruler.
71. Should the Supreme Ruler elect die, or be unable or unwilling to serve as Supreme Ruler, or should it be impracticable to hold the meeting for the installation of the Supreme Ruler on the proper date, the Conclave shall immediately apply to the Grand Supreme Ruler, or in a Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate to the Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler, for instructions as to the course to be followed. Such instructions may include directions for the holding of special meetings for the election or installation of a Supreme Ruler or may direct that the Supreme Ruler remain in office for a further year, and may further direct that the Supreme Ruler and the Officers invested in accordance with such instructions shall at the date of the meeting for the installation of a Supreme Ruler in the ensuing year be deemed to have served in their offices for a full year.
72. Except in the case of a newly constituted Conclave where the Supreme Ruler, Counsellor and Guide are named in the Warrant, all officers with the exception of the Treasurer and the Sentinel are to be appointed, and if present invested, by the Supreme Ruler immediately after his installation.
73. (i) The peculiar characteristic of this Order consists in giving friendly monition and warning to its members in time of danger, and affording support and assistance to them in time of sorrow and distress;
(ii) It is the chief duty of the Visiting Deacons to search out and warn any Brother who may be exposed to danger, whether secret or apparent, and to visit those afflicted with sickness or sorrow or otherwise in need of fraternal help or consolation;
(iii) A statement that this duty is specially recognised as a distinguishing feature of the Order shall appear in the By-Laws of every Conclave;
(iv) The Visiting Deacons of every Conclave shall be specially charged on their appointment to see that this fundamental object of the Order is carried into practical effect during their term of Office.
74. (i) The Secretary of each Conclave shall determine which of the members (both subscribing and honorary) of the Conclave each Visiting Deacon is to be primarily responsible for searching out, so that the members are allocated equally, or approximately so, between the Visiting Deacons;
(ii) Upon the appointment of every Visiting Deacon and more frequently as occasion may demand, the Secretary shall give the Visiting Deacons a list of the members of the Conclave showing the members allocated to each Visiting Deacon;
(iii) The list shall include the address of each member and such other particulars as the Secretary may think fit to enable his Visiting Deacon to contact him;
(iv) The Secretary shall further notify the Visiting Deacons forthwith of any material change in the particulars in such list, and shall secure that each member knows at all times who is his Visiting Deacon;
(v) A list of members, given on, or with, the Summons for any meeting, sent to each member, showing the allocation of members to Visiting Deacons and giving the same particulars, shall be a sufficient compliance with the foregoing requirements as at the date of the issue of the Summons.
75. (i) Before each meeting, each Visiting Deacon shall make of each of his members enquiries appropriate to his Office, and shall, in each case, make a note of whether he has been able to make contact with the member and, if so, with what result;
(ii) Such enquiries shall be made, so far as possible, at such times, and in such manner, as may enable the Visiting Deacon to complete his enquiries at least a week before the meeting.
76. (i) The Secretary shall enquire of each Visiting Deacon before each meeting the result of the enquiries of each member, and shall record them, so that, if the Visiting Deacon is absent from the meeting, a report may nonetheless be given;
(ii) Where a Visiting Deacon has not been able to make contact with any member (both subscribing and honorary), the Secretary shall himself endeavour to make contact with him, and record the result, to supplement the information otherwise available at the meeting.
77. Where there is a Scroll Bearer, he shall be responsible to the Secretary for carrying out the duties of the Secretary under Rule 76, and shall inform the Secretary of the result of his enquiries and where requested by the Secretary shall call the Muster Roll.
78. Subject as aforesaid, the Secretary shall be responsible for the overall working of the system of Visiting Deacons.
79. Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, any Visiting Deacon or other Brother who at any time learns of any circumstances, within the province of the Visiting Deacon, affecting any member of the Order, shall act as the circumstances may require, whether by advising the Visiting Deacon to whom such member has been allocated, or otherwise.
80. (i) A Conclave may elect, annually at a regular meeting to be stated in the by-laws, a Benevolent Fund Steward.
(ii) The term of office of a Benevolent Fund Steward shall be from one Installation Meeting to the next.
(iii) Duties of a Benevolent Fund Steward shall be determined by the Supreme Ruler and may include liaising with and having responsibility for the welfare and well being of widows of former members of the Conclave.
81. (i) No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless there be present five members of the Conclave; and no ceremony shall be performed unless one of the brethren present be an installed Supreme Ruler qualified to preside.
(ii) The third Degree shall not be conferred unless at least three installed Supreme Rulers are present.
82 Every Supreme Ruler at his discretion, and in case of his inability to act, the Counsellor, failing whom the Guide of the Conclave, may convene a Conclave of Emergency.
83. Should a member be two years in arrears he shall cease thereupon to be a member of the Conclave and can rejoin only by regular proposition and ballot.
84. Rule 83 shall not preclude a Conclave from proceeding according to its by-laws against any of its members for non-payment of contributions for a shorter period than two years.
85. (i) Every Conclave has the power to exclude any of its members for sufficient cause; provided that such member shall have been served with not less than fourteen days’ notice in writing of the complaint made against him and of the time and place appointed for its consideration, so that he may attend and be heard or submit any statement in writing. Such notice shall be considered served if sent by registered post or by recorded delivery to his last known address. This power of exclusion can only be exercised if two-thirds of the votes cast shall be in favour of the resolution. The name of every member so excluded from a Conclave,
with a statement of the cause of his exclusion, shall be forthwith sent to the Grand Recorder and in a Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate also to the Provincial or District Grand Recorder.
(ii) Any question as to the regularity or propriety of a member’s exclusion shall be determined as provided in Rules 113 to 120.
86. (i) Every unattached Conclave shall forward copies of each summons to the Grand Recorder and such other Officers as may from time to time be directed.
(ii) In a Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate such further copies shall be forwarded to the Provincial or District Grand Recorder and other Officers as he may direct.
87. (i) In the month of September in every year the Supreme Ruler of every Conclave shall cause to be transmitted to the Grand Recorder, through the Provincial or District Grand Recorder, where applicable, a return in the prescribed form setting forth the total number of members of the Conclave during the financial year ended on the preceding 31st August and the names of all new members of the Conclave and of all brethren who have ceased to be members since the last return, with dates of their induction, joining, death, resignation or exclusion, as the case may be.
(ii) With this return shall be forwarded the annual dues payable to the Grand Conclave in respect of all such members.
(iii) A duplicate of this return shall be forwarded to the Provincial or District Grand Recorder at the same time, if the Conclave is in a Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate together with the annual dues payable to the Provincial or District Grand Conclave.
(iv) All moneys due to, or held for, the Conclave shall be paid or remitted to the Treasurer direct, who shall without undue delay deposit the same in an account in the name of the Conclave at a bank to be approved by resolution of the Conclave. The Bank account shall have a minimum of three signatories. The Treasurer shall make such payments as are duly authorised, or have been sanctioned by the Conclave. All cheques must bear the signature of the Treasurer and (unless the Conclave resolve to the contrary) of at least one other member of the Conclave. The Treasurer shall regularly enter a complete record of all moneys passing through his hands in the proper books of account, which shall be the property of the Conclave, and which, together with all Conclave funds and property in his possession, shall be transferred to his successor upon investiture.
(v) The Treasurer shall prepare a statement of accounts annually, at a date to be determined by the members, showing the exact financial position of the Conclave, which statement shall be verified and audited by two auditors elected annually. Copies of the accounts and of the certificate signed by the auditors that all balances have been checked and that the accounts have been duly audited shall be sent to all members of the Conclave with the summons convening the meeting at which they are to be considered and, following the approval and adoption of the audited statement of accounts by the Conclave three copies thereof shall be transmitted to the Provincial or District Grand Recorder or, in the case of Unattached Conclaves, to the Grand Recorder.
(vi) The books of accounts shall be produced for inspection in open Conclave at such meetings, and on any other occasion if required by a resolution of the Conclave. The same procedure for annual accounts, audit and presentation to members of the Conclave shall, mutatis mutandis, be followed in relation to any other funds maintained by or in connection with the Conclave (whether by the Treasurer or any other Officer) and whether relating to General or Charitable purposes or otherwise.
88. (i) A person is not eligible for induction into the Order unless he is (a) a Master Mason, raised to that degree in a regular Lodge, and (b) a member in good standing of a regular Lodge.
(ii) A person is not eligible for election as a joining or as a rejoining member unless (a) he was inducted in a regular Conclave, and (b) he is a member or past member in good standing of a regular Conclave, and a member in good standing or an honourary member of a regular Lodge.
A regular Lodge is a Lodge under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England, or of a Grand Lodge recognised as regular by that body.
A regular Conclave is a Conclave under the jurisdiction of this Grand Conclave, or of a Grand Conclave recognised as regular by this Grand Conclave.
The qualification of every candidate in the foregoing respects shall be stated at his nomination and set forth in the Summons issued not less than seven days before the meeting at which the ballot for his election is to take place.
89. Any number of candidates may be received into the Order on the same occasion, provided their names and qualifications have been duly inserted in the summons.
90. All candidates must be duly balloted for; three black balls shall exclude, but the by-laws may provide that a lesser number shall exclude. An unsuccessful candidate shall not again be proposed until twelve months at least have elapsed since his rejection in that Conclave.
91. A candidate shall not be inducted into the Order except at a meeting of a regularly warranted Conclave; save that the Grand Supreme Ruler may confer any of the degrees at any time with the assistance of two members of the Grand Conclave, or may issue a special dispensation to three members of the Order, one of whom shall be an installed Supreme Ruler, empowering them to confer any one degree on a specified candidate.
92. A candidate shall not be inducted into the Order until he has signed a declaration in the following form:
I, ................ being a Master Mason, and a member of ................ Lodge No. ...... holding under the Grand Lodge of ................ hereby request the Supreme Ruler, Officers and Brethren of the ................ Conclave to induct me as a member of the Order of The Secret Monitor and to receive me as a member of their Conclave. I do solemnly declare that, should I be so inducted, I will maintain and uphold the supremacy of the Grand Conclave of the Order in the British Isles and its Districts and Conclaves Overseas, will pay strict obedience to the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order, and will conform to all the laws, usages and established customs thereof. I further solemnly promise that, if I be received as a member of this Conclave, I will submit to and observe the by-laws of the Conclave which may from time to time be made for its government.
Signature ........................ Date ........................ Witness ........................
This declaration shall be preserved with the records of the Conclave.
93. (i) In the event of a brother who was inducted in a Conclave not under the jurisdiction of this Grand Conclave applying to join a Conclave under this Grand Conclave, the Secretary of the Conclave shall, before the ballot is taken, apply to the Grand Recorder (or in a Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate to the Provincial or District Grand Recorder) to ascertain that the Grand Conclave under which the brother was inducted is recognised by the Grand Conclave in the British Isles and its Districts and Conclaves Overseas.
(ii) Upon election and previously to being admitted for the first time as a member of the Conclave, such joining brother shall make the following declaration:
I, .................... inducted in .................... Conclave No. ...... on the Register of the Grand Conclave of .................... do solemnly declare that if I shall be admitted a member of this .................... Conclave No. ...... I will adhere to the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order of the Secret Monitor in the British Isles and its Districts and Conclaves Overseas. I promise due obedience to the Grand Supreme Ruler thereof and to all other rules and regulations of the Order and to the by-laws of this Conclave.
Signature ........................ Date ........................ Witness ........................
This declaration shall be preserved with the records of the Conclave.
94. A copy of the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order shall be presented to every candidate inducted and to every brother joining from a Conclave not under the Grand Conclave.
95 A candidate shall not be inducted for a fee less than the registration fee currently charged by Grand Conclave.
96. A brother shall not be eligible, except by dispensation from the Grand Supreme Ruler, for admission to the Second Degree as a Prince of the Order until four weeks, at least, have elapsed since his induction into the Order.
97. The Grand Supreme Ruler, subject to these Constitutions and Regulations, shall mutatis mutandis have all the powers and privileges which the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England has over Craft Masonry and Masons within his jurisdiction.
98. (i) The Grand Guide shall pay official visits to Conclaves at his discretion. He shall also co-ordinate official visits by the Grand Visitors to unattached Conclaves.
(ii) He shall consider the reports of the Grand Visitors and of the Provincial or District Grand Guides on Conclaves to which official visits have been paid, and report to the Grand Conclave at its Annual Convocation on the working of the various Conclaves.
(iii) Before paying an official visit to a Conclave in a Province or District he shall consult the Provincial or District Grand Recorder.
99. The Grand Treasurer shall, at the Annual Meeting of Grand Conclave, present a report on the Accounts of the Order for the financial year ended on the preceding 31st August. These Accounts, duly audited in accordance with Regulation 13, shall be published with the Minutes of such Meeting and shall be formally presented at the next following Annual Meeting.
100. The Grand Registrar shall have the care and custody of the Great Seal of the Order and, under the direction of the Grand Supreme Ruler, shall affix, or authorise the Grand Recorder to affix, the Seal to all Warrants and other documents requiring the same.
101. (i) The Grand Recorder shall be appointed by the Grand Supreme Ruler and the appointee, who must be a subscribing member of the Order shall have been already appointed to serve as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.
(ii) He shall perform such duties as the Grand Supreme Ruler or the Executive Committee shall direct.
102. (i) It shall be the duty of the Grand Visitors to pay official visits to Conclaves as arranged by the Grand Guide and to report to him thereon.
(ii) Before paying an official visit to a Conclave in a Province, District or Provincial/ District Inspectorate, a Grand Visitor shall consult the Provincial or District Grand Recorder and afterwards, within seven days of the meeting taking place, send to him a copy of his report to the Grand Guide on that Conclave.
103. (i) Each year the Grand Supreme Ruler shall invite not more than ten Conclaves in the British Isles in rotation, and Conclaves overseas at his discretion, to recommend a member who is a Past Supreme Ruler for appointment as a Grand Steward.
(ii) Recommendations from Conclaves in Provinces, Districts or Provincial/District Inspectorates must be submitted to the Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler and if approved forwarded to the Grand Recorder.
(iii) The Grand Stewards shall be responsible for the regulation of the Grand Festival held at the end of their year of office. For this purpose each Grand Steward shall pay towards the expenses of the Grand Festival the sum of £25 pounds or such other sum as may be decided from time to time by the Executive Committee.
(iv) The Grand Stewards shall meet when summoned by the Grand Recorder.
(v) The Grand Sentinel shall be appointed by the Grand Supreme Ruler and shall continue in office during the pleasure of the Executive Committee.
104. (i) The colours which have been traditionally known as Purple, Orange, Crimson and Blue are now described in the following Rules by their modern commercial nomenclature, viz:
Purple Violet (B.C.C. No. 179)
Orange Indian Yellow ......................................... (B.C.C. No. 6)
Crimson Medici Crimson (B.C.C. No. 240)
Blue Empire Blue (B.C.C. No. 87)
(ii) The jewel of the Order is of Gold or gilt and consists of two interlaced equilateral triangles with three arrows and the letters DJ placed as depicted in Plate IV. A brother may not be admitted to any Conclave, Provincial or District Grand Conclave, or to the Grand Conclave unless wearing the jewel of the Order in the manner laid down in Rules 105 to 108 or a centenary, jubilee or other jewel incorporating the jewel of the Order and authorised by the Grand Supreme Ruler to be worn by members of a Conclave of which the brother is a subscribing member.
(iii) A centenary jewel of the approved pattern (Appendix III) may be worn, if authorised by the Grand Supreme Ruler, by members of any Conclave which has satisfied the Executive Committee that it has worked uninterruptedly for not less than one hundred years.
(iv) A jubilee jewel of the approved pattern (Appendix III) may be worn, if authorised by the Grand Supreme Ruler, by members of any Conclave which has satisfied the Executive Committee that it has worked uninterruptedly for not less than fifty years.
(v) A 50 Year Member’s Jewel of the approved pattern (Plate viii) may be worn, if authorised by the Grand Supreme Ruler, by any subscribing or honorary member of a Conclave who has satisfied the Executive Committee that he has been a member of the Order for not less than fifty years.
(vi) Jewels and regalia of other degrees in Freemasonry shall not be worn in meetings of this Order apart from a brother’s jewel of the appropriate grade in the Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord.
105. (a) Member of the Order—1st Degree
The jewel of the Order worn on the left breast suspended by a ribbon one inch and a quarter wide. The ribbon is of the colours of the Order, in three equal stripes—Violet, Indian Yellow, Violet. The name and number of the Conclave may be placed on a circular frame around the jewel, or affixed to the ribbon or buckle thereof. (Plate IV.)
(b) Prince of the Order—2nd degree
The jewel of the Order, as in (a), but suspended from a similar ribbon in equal stripes—Indian Yellow, Violet, Indian Yellow. (Plate V.)
Sash—Ribbon 4 inches wide with Violet selvedge and having the following stripes; two outer Indian Yellow stripes 11/8 inches wide, two inner Violet stripes 13/16 inch wide, and a central Medici Crimson stripe 1/8 inch wide, ending in a Gold fringe 4 inches long, bearing on the frog two interlaced triangles in gilt metal. May be worn by any Prince of the Order in any Conclave, in the Grand Conclave and in a Provincial or District Grand Conclave.
(c) Officer of the 1st degree*
The jewel of the Order, as in (a) or (b).
Sash—Medici Crimson four inches wide, ending in a Gold fringe 4 inches long, bearing on the frog two interlaced triangles in gilt metal.
(d) Officer in the 2nd degree*
The jewel of the Order, as in (b).
Sash—Ribbon 4 inches wide with Violet selvedge and having the following stripes: two outer Indian Yellow stripes 11/8 inches wide, two inner Violet stripes 13/16 inch wide, and a central Medici Crimson stripe 1/8 inch wide, ending in a Gold fringe 4 inches long, bearing on the frog two interlaced triangles in gilt metal.
* A sword in a Medici Crimson scabbard is worn by an officer when necessary for ritual or ceremonial purposes.
(e) Supreme Ruler
The jewel of the Order suspended from the neck by a collarette of ribbon, 1 inch wide in equal stripes—Indian Yellow, Violet, Indian Yellow.
Sash—as for an Officer of the 2nd degree, but with the letters S.R. embroidered in Silver. The name and number of the Conclave may be embroidered in Silver below the letters S.R.
This sash shall only be worn by a Supreme Ruler in his own Conclave, in the Grand Conclave and in a Provincial or District Grand Conclave.
Robe—A commissioned Supreme Ruler when presiding in a Conclave shall wear a Violet robe with Indian Yellow facings.
(f) Past Supreme Ruler
The Jewel of the Order suspended from the neck by a collarette as in (e), but with a rosette of the same ribbon immediately above the jewel. A second jewel previously approved by the Grand Supreme Ruler may be worn on the breast on the express condition that it shall, on no occasion, be worn as an alternative to or in substitution of the above mentioned jewel.
(g) 150th Keystone Jewel
The Jewel may be worn by the Supreme Ruler of a qualifying Conclave, suspended on a 11/4 inch wide yellow collarette. The collarette is further embellished with the 150th button at the apex.
Provincial or District Grand Conclave or Provincial / District Inspectorate or Overseas
106. (a) Provincial, District or Provincial / District Inspectorate Grand Officer* or Overseas
The jewel of the Order—similar to that worn by Grand Officers (Plate III) suspended from a collarette of Empire Blue ribbon 2 inches wide (Provincial or District Grand Officers appointed prior to 20 September 1984 may continue to wear a collarette of Indian Yellow and Medici Crimson.
Sash—Empire Blue in colour but otherwise similar to those worn by Grand Officers, save that it shall not bear a crown. The name of the Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate shall be embroidered in gold above the title of the Province or District office held. (See Rules 107(a) and 108.) (Plate VI.) For Overseas rank substitute ‘Overseas’ for name of Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate. There is no individual office held.
(b) Past Provincial, District or Provincial / District Inspectorate Grand Officer
The jewel of the Order as, in (a), but with a rosette of the same ribbon on the collarette immediately above the jewel.
Sash—As in (a).
(c) Assistant Provincial, Assistant District, Deputy Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler
The jewel of the Order, as in (a), but with a celestial crown above the jewel and bearing the words “Deputy (or Assistant) Provincial (or District) Grand Supreme Ruler”, with the name of the Province or District, suspended from a gilt chain similar to Plate 1.
The Chains of Office are to be worn by Deputy or Assistant Provincial and District Grand Supreme Rulers on the following occasions and none other:
(i) On official engagement within their own Province or Districts.
(ii) When attending Provincial or Consecration Meetings in other Provinces or Districts;
(iii) At Grand Conclave;
(iv) On such other occasions as the Grand Supreme Ruler may direct.
Sash—As in (a).
Robe—Black with Empire Blue facing.
Baton—As in Rule 107(f) with Empire Blue velvet.
* A sword in a Medici Crimson scabbard is worn by an officer when necessary for ritual or ceremonial purposes.
Note: The robe is only worn within the Province or District, and then only on occasions when the Chain of Office is worn; but the Chain may always be worn on such occasions without the Robe.
The Sash is not worn with the Robe, nor with the Chain alone. Whenever the Chain is not worn, the Sash is worn without the Robe.
The Baton may be carried, if desired, at any meeting of the Order.
(d) Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler
The Jewel of the Order, surmounted by a celestial crown and bearing the words “Provincial (or District) Grand Supreme Ruler”, with the name of the Province or District, suspended from a gilt chain similar to Plate I.
The Chains of Office are to be worn by Provincial and District Grand Supreme Rulers on the following occasions. and none other:
(i) On official engagements within their own Province or District.
(ii) When attending Provincial or Consecration Meetings in other Provinces or Districts.
(iii) At Grand Conclave.
(iv) On such other occasions as the Grand Supreme Ruler may direct.
Sash—As in Rule 106(a).
Robe—Empire Blue with Gold Facings.
Baton—As in Rule 107(f), with Empire Blue velvet.
The Robe is worn only within the Province or District, and then only on occasions when the Chain of Office is worn; but the chain may always be worn on such occasions without the Robe.
The sash is not worn with the Robe, nor with the Chain alone. Whenever the Chain is not worn, the Sash is worn, without the Robe.
The Baton may be carried, if desired, at any meeting of the Order.
Past Provincial or Past District Grand Supreme Ruler
The Jewel of the Order, surmounted by a celestial crown and bearing the words “Provincial (or District) Grand Supreme Ruler”, with the name of the Province or District, suspended from a Grand Officers collarette with a rosette of the same ribbon immediately above the Jewel.
Grand Officers
107. (a) Grand Officer* including Grand Steward, appointed from 1989 onwards
The jewel of the Order in gold or gilt enframed in a pointed oval bearing the words “The Order of the Secret Monitor” in gold or gilt characters on a background of Empire Blue, suspended from the neck by a ribbon 1 inch wide, Indian Yellow with Medici Crimson border (Plate III).
(Grand Officers appointed before September 1989 may continue to wear the pattern of jewel authorised for a Grand Officer or Grand Steward by previous Regulations.)
Sash—Medici Crimson 4 inches wide bordered with Gold Cord 1/8 inch wide and embroidered in Gold with a celestial crown with the appropriate designation (Rule 108) of the wearer’s rank beneath and two interlaced triangles with three arrows and the letters “DJ” placed as depicted in Plate II, ending in a Gold fringe 4 inches long.
(b) Past Grand Officer
The jewel of the Order, as in (a), but with a rosette of the same ribbon immediately above the jewel.
Sash—As in (a).
(c) (i) Past Grand Steward (appointed before 1961)
The jewel of the Order bearing the inscription “Steward” suspended from the neck by a Medici Crimson ribbon 1 inch wide with a rosette of the same ribbon immediately above the jewel. * A sword in a Medici Crimson scabbard is worn by an officer when necessary for ritual or ceremonial purposes.
(c) (ii) Grand Steward (1961 to 1988)
The jewel of the Order bearing the inscription “Steward” suspended from the neck by a ribbon as in (a).
Sash—As in (a).
(d) Grand Chancellor
The Jewel of the Order, as in (a), but surmounted by a celestial crown and suspended from a gold collarette.
Sash—As in (a).
Baton—As in Rule 107 (f) with Black shaft.
(e) Deputy and Assistant Grand Supreme Ruler
The jewel of the Order, as in (a), but surmounted by a celestial crown and suspended from a “Silver” Chain (Deputy) “Bronze” Chain (Assistant).
Sash—As in (a). The sash is not worn with the Robe, nor with the Chain alone. Whenever the Chain is not worn, the Sash is worn, without the Robe.
Robe—Cerise with Black facings.
Baton—Medici Crimson velvet, 11 inches long, bearing two gilt interlaced triangles.
(f) Grand Supreme Ruler
Sash—As in Rule (a). The sash is not worn with the Robe, nor with the Chain alone. Whenever the Chain is not worn, the Sash is worn, without the Robe.
Robe—Black with Gold Facings.
Baton—Medici Crimson Velvet, 11 inches long, bearing two gilt interlaced triangles.
The Jewel of the Order, as in (a), but 3 inches long, surmounted by a celestial crown ⅓ inch long, and suspended from a gilt chain.
(g) Past Deputy and Assistant Grand Supreme Ruler
Jewel of the Order – As in (f).
Sash—As in Rule (a).
Baton—As in 107(f).
(h) Past Grand Supreme Ruler
Jewel of the Order – As in (f).
Sash—As in Rule (a).
Baton—As in 107(f).
108. (i) The designation of rank to be shown on the sash of a Grand Officer or Provincial, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate Grand Officer shall be by the combination, as appropriate, of the following abbreviations:
Treasurer Treas.
Registrar ................................................................................................................................. Reg.
Recorder ................................................................................................................................. Rec.
Director of Ceremonies D.C.
Visitor .........................................................................................................................................V.
Sword Bearer...................................................................................................................... Swd.B.
Standard Bearer St.B.
Bow Bearer ............................................................................................................................ B.B.
Organist .................................................................................................................................. Org.
Guarder Gdr.
Steward ................................................................................................................................. Stwd.
Sentinel .................................................................................................................................. Sent.
Example: Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies “P.Prov.A.G.D.C.”
(ii) An Officer appointed to an active rank should not add the letter “P” on the sash after his term of office, but should add a rosette to the collarette.
109. (a) Members
Grand Supreme Ruler’s Arch of Steel
Sash—Black Watered Silk, 4 inches wide bordered with Gold Cord 1/8 inch wide and embroidered in Gold with a celestial crown with the designation: “Grand Supreme Ruler’s Arch of Steel” beneath and two interlaced triangles with three arrows and the letters “DJ” placed as depicted in Plate VIII ending in a gold fringe 4 inches long. The sash shall only be worn by a member when formally acting as part of the Arch of Steel.
Collarette—Black Watered Silk, 11/2 inches wide, edged with gold braid.
Jewel—The jewel of the Order in gold or gilt superimposed with two crossed gold swords, points upwards, with a gold bar at the top of the points with the legend “G.S.R.A. of S.”.
(b) Past Members who are Grand or Provincial/District Grand Officers
Collarette—Black watered silk, 11/2 inches wide, edged with gold braid.
Jewel—The jewel of a Grand or Provincial/District Officer superimposed with two crossed gold swords, points upwards, with a gold bar at the top of the points with the legend “G.S.R.A. of S.”.
(c) Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler’s Arch of Steel
Sash—Empire blue, 4 inches wide bordered with silver cord 1/8 inch wide and embroidered in silver with the designation: “Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler’s Arch of Steel” and beneath two interlaced triangles with three arrows and the letters “DJ” placed as depicted in Plate VI ending in a silver fringe 4 inches long. The sash shall only be worn by a member when formally acting as part of the Arch of Steel.
Collarette—Empire blue, 11/2 inches wide, edged with silver braid.
Jewel—The Jewel of the Order superimposed with two crossed silver swords, points upwards, with a silver bar at the top of the points with the name of the Province/District.
(d) Past Members who are Provincial or Grand Officers
Collarette—As for Grand or Provincial/District Officers.
Jewel—The jewel of a Grand or Provincial/District Officer superimposed with two crossed silver swords, points upwards, with a silver bar at the top of the points with the name of the Province/District.
(e) Past Members who are NOT Provincial or Grand Officers
May continue to wear the member’s collarette and jewel.
(f) Present and Past Members of both the Grand Supreme Ruler’s Arch of Steel or Provincial/District Grand Supreme Ruler’s Arch of Steel
Shall wear the appropriate collarette and jewel at all meetings of the Order and, at the discretion of the Grand Supreme Ruler or Provincial/District Grand Supreme Ruler, may wear them at the Festive Board.
110. Every Brother on first appointment to Grand Rank or to any corresponding past rank shall pay a fee of honour appropriate thereto, as from time to time determined by Grand Conclave, provided that:
(i) on promotion to an office or rank for which a higher fee is appropriate he shall pay the difference between the fee payable for the former rank and that due for the higher rank:
(ii) on an appointment to an office or rank for which the same or lower fee is appropriate he shall pay no further fee.
111. The fees and dues payable to Grand Conclave for the financial year ending 31 August 2024 shall be as follows:
(i) Fees
Fee (incl. VAT)
For a new Warrant of Constitution at cost
For a Warrant of Confirmation at cost
For a Celebration Warrant .................................................................................................. at cost
For a Provincial/District Grand Supreme Ruler ................................................................. at cost Registration
Of a Brother on Induction (50% reduction – first year of membership).................................... £15.00
Of a joining Brother not previously registered (50% reduction – 2023/2024)........................ £15.00
Of a joining Brother already registered (50% reduction – 2023/2024) ................................... £11.50
Of a founder member of a new Conclave being a Brother already registered £8.00 Duplicate, replacement or amended Grand Conclave Certificate £30.00
Dispensations Conclave or Supreme Ruler ................................................................................................ £30.00
(Nunc Pro Tunc) ........................................................................................... £58.00
Any request for dispensation less than 21 days before it is required will be treated as a nunc pro tunc dispensation and charged accordingly.
(ii) Annual Dues
Payable by every Conclave as at 31 August in every year in respect of every Brother who has been a subscribing member during the whole or part of the preceding twelve months:
Dues (commencing 1 September 2023 and due from 31 August 2024) ............... £33.00
.................................................................................. £16.50
Value Added Tax at the standard rate of 20% is payable on all Fees and Dues to Grand Conclave by all Brethren resident in the United Kingdom. Fees pertaining to members in the European Union will be advised accordingly.
112. There shall be payable to the Provincial/District Grand Conclave or Provincial/District Inspectorate:
(i) Such annual dues for every subscribing member of each Conclave as may be decided by the Provincial/District Grand Conclave or Provincial/District Inspectorate but not exceeding 40% of the rate of annual dues payable to Grand Conclave.
(ii) Fees of Honour on first election, first appointment or promotion shall not exceed 40% of the amount payable for the equivalent Grand Rank.
(iii) Such fees as the Provincial/District Grand Conclave or Provincial/District Inspectorate may prescribe but not exceeding 40% of the amount payable to Grand Conclave in respect of (i) Registering the by-laws of a Conclave; (ii) Every alteration of by-laws; (iii) every Dispensation granted by the Provincial/District Grand Supreme Ruler.
113. (i) In rules 113 to 120 the “appropriate authority” means the Executive Committee of the Grand Conclave, except that in relation to a matter confirmed within a single Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate and not concerning the interpretation of the Constitutions and Regulations. the Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler shall be the appropriate authority. In case of doubt the Grand Supreme Ruler shall designate the appropriate authority.
(ii) Any objection to the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee or of a Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler shall be raised before that authority begins to deal with a matter, or it shall be deemed to have been waived. Any such objection raised in due time shall be forthwith referred in writing to the Grand Supreme Ruler, whose decision shall be final and binding on all parties.
(iii) Any Conclave or brother aggrieved by a decision of an appropriate authority may within one month of receiving notice of that decision appeal to the Grand Supreme Ruler to appoint a special tribunal to investigate the matter. This tribunal may confirm, amend or annul the original decision, and its decision shall be final,
114. (i) Complaints or irregularities or misconduct on the part of a Conclave or an individual member of the Order shall be considered by the appropriate authority, which may summon the attendance of any or all the officers of the Conclave with the Warrant, books, papers and accounts thereof, as required, or of the brother with his certificate or certificates. Failure to comply with such summons shall render the Conclave liable to erasure or the brother to expulsion, and the facts shall be reported to the Grand Supreme Ruler.
(ii) If a complaint is upheld, the appropriate authority may proceed to admonition or suspension. It has no power to erase a Conclave or to expel a member of the Order, but if the matter complained of is judged to be of so flagrant a nature as to appear to warrant erasure or expulsion, the facts and the opinion of the appropriate authority shall be reported to the Grand Supreme Ruler.
115. (i) If any question of dispute or difference as to any matter relating to or affecting the Order arises between members and/or Conclaves of the Order, any party thereto may submit a case in writing to the appropriate authority, who shall thereupon give such notice or notices to the other parties and such directions as to the attendance of the parties, submission of further statements, production of documents or any other matters necessary or convenient for the determination of the question, dispute or difference as it shall think right.
(ii) The appropriate authority shall give its directions and decision in writing.
(iii) Failure to comply with any such direction or decision shall render a Conclave liable to erasure or a brother to expulsion, and the facts shall be reported to the Grand Supreme Ruler.
116. (i) When an appropriate authority reports any matter to the Grand Supreme Ruler under Rule 114 or Rule 115, the Grand Supreme Ruler shall appoint a special tribunal to consider and advise whether the offence warrants erasure or expulsion. The decision of this tribunal on confirmation by the Grand Supreme Ruler shall be final.
(ii) If the tribunal does not consider that the offence warrants erasure or expulsion, the case shall be referred back to the appropriate authority to be dealt with by admonition or suspension.
(iii) If the tribunal reports that the offence warrants erasure of a Conclave or the expulsion of a member of the Order such erasure or expulsion shall be effective immediately on confirmation by the Grand Supreme Ruler and shall be notified to the Grand Conclave at its next Meeting.
117. (i) In a Province or District a minute of the proceedings on any complaint, together with details of the complaint and the decision thereon, shall be transmitted forthwith to the Grand Supreme Ruler.
(ii) A Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler may appoint a special committee to assist and advise him in dealing with any complaint.
118. The regalia of the Order shall be worn by an appropriate authority or special tribunal when in session.
119. In all cases of suspension. or expulsion from the Craft by the United Grand Lodge of England of a brother who is a member of the Order of the Secret Monitor, such a brother shall ipso facto be suspended, or expelled (as the case may be) also from this order.
120. All sentences of suspension from privileges passed on a Brother in any Order administered from Mark Masons’ Hall shall, unless the sentencing authority declares to the contrary, suspend such Brother from the equivalent privileges in all Orders administered from Mark Masons’ Hall. Similarly all sentences of expulsion from any Order administered from Mark Masons’ Hall shall ipso facto expel the Brother from all Orders administered from Mark Masons’ Hall.
If any other Sovereign Masonic Body expel or suspend from the Order over which it has jurisdiction a member who is a member of the Order of the Secret Monitor, the Grand Supreme Ruler may, should he think fit, treat this as a ground for the expulsion or suspension of such member from this Order.
121. In all matters not specially provided for in the above Constitutions and Regulations, the Order of the Secret Monitor shall be bound by the Constitution from time to time in force under the United Grand Lodge of England, and its proceedings and rights and duties of its members and Conclaves shall be regulated thereby as nearly as circumstances will permit.
122. Save as herein expressly provided, the provisions of all previous editions of the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order shall cease to have effect.
(See Rule 56(i))
Order of the Secret Monitor
Form of Petition for a new Conclave
The M.W. Grand Supreme Ruler of the Order of the Secret Monitor in the British Isles and its Districts and Conclaves Overseas.
We, the undersigned, being regularly registered members of the Conclaves mentioned against our respective names and having the prosperity of the Order at heart, are desirous of forming a Conclave, to be named ....................................................................... Conclave. In consequence of this desire we pray for a Warrant of Constitution, empowering us to meet as a regular Conclave, at .................................................... on the ........................ day of .............................. then and there to discharge the duties of this Order in Masonry, according to the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order, and we have nominated, and do recommend,
Bro. ................................................................................................... to be the first Supreme Ruler, Bro. to be the first Counsellor, and Bro. ........................................................................ to be the first Guide within the said Conclave.
The prayer of this petition being granted, we promise strict obedience to the commands of the Grand Supreme Ruler of the Order and to the Constitutions and Regulations.
As witness our hands this .............................. day of .............................. 20........
Signed ............................................ of Craft Lodge .......................................... No. .............
and of the ...................................................................................... Conclave No. ................
Signed of Craft Lodge No.
and of the Conclave No.
Signed ............................................ of Craft Lodge .......................................... No. .............
and of the ...................................................................................... Conclave No. ................
GUIDE Designate
(See Rule 66)
Questions to be assented to by every Supreme Ruler Elect before he is installed
Do you solemnly promise, on the honour of a Brother of David and Jonathan, and of a S.R. elect:
I. That you will do all in your power to promote the good of the Order in general, and of this Conclave in particular, and that, on all proper occasions, you will be ready to give and receive instruction and advice, more particularly with respect to the Grand Conclave of the Order, whose authority you hereby acknowledge and submit to?
II. That you will, to the utmost of your power, enforce and preserve strict compliance with the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order and the by-laws of your Conclave; and that you will, on all occasions, insist upon the performance of the ceremonies in accordance with the authorised ritual, as sanctioned by the Grand Conclave, and with due and proper decorum?
III. That you will duly impress upon the Brethren, who may be appointed to the office of Visiting Deacon in your Conclave, the great importance of that office, and will strictly charge them upon their fidelity to the Order that they do faithfully discharge the duties of their office?
IV. That you will not confer, nor assist in conferring, the first degree of the Order of the Secret Monitor, except in a regular Conclave and in the presence and with the assistance of at least four other members of the Conclave, or in the special manner provided by the Constitutions and Regulations?
V. That you will not confer, nor assist in conferring, the second or third degree of the Order, except strictly under the conditions and limitations imposed by the Grand Conclave of the Order?
VI. That you will not acknowledge, nor hold any intercourse with, any Conclave of a Constitution not recognised by this Grand Conclave, and that you will repudiate and discountenance all irregular Conclaves?
VII. that you will not admit to your Conclave any visitor unless he be properly vouched for, or after strict examination, and then only if he be a regularly inducted Brother of the Order?
VIII. That you will pay due respect to the Grand Supreme Ruler, the Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler and the Assistant Grand Supreme Ruler for the time being, and that you will resign your chair to him or them severally, or to a regularly authorised representative, whenever he or they visit your Conclave?
IX. That you will duly bind your successor as Supreme Ruler of this Conclave, or cause him to be bound, to a strict observance of these same rules to which you have now assented?
(See Rule 104(iii) and (iv)
Centenary or Jubilee Jewel
The centenary or jubilee jewel, depicted in Plate VII, consists of the jewel of the Order in Gold or gilt supported on either side by figures enamelled proper representing David and Jonathan, with the words, “Semper Fidelis” on a bar below, the whole surrounded by a circular frame inscribed “Order of the Secret Monitor” with “Centenary” or “Jubilee” and the years of the consecration and of the centenary or jubilee of the Conclave in Gold on a fillet of Empire Blue intertwined.
It is worn on the left breast suspended by a ribbon one inch and a quarter wide composed of three equal stripes of Indian Yellow, Violet and Indian Yellow, with the name of the Conclave in Empire Blue on a Gold or gilt buckle.

Chain and Jewel of a Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler, Deputy or Assistant Provincial or District Grand Supreme Ruler


Jewel of a Grand Officer including Grand Steward appointed from 1989 onwards (See Rule 106(a))
Rosette on Collarette for Past Grand Officers’
Plate IV




