of the GRAND IMPERIAL CONCLAVE for England and Wales and its Divisions and Conclaves Overseas of the MASONIC AND MILITARY ORDER of the RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE and the ORDERS OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE and of ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST
Published under the authority of the Grand Sovereign’s Council
86 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1PL www.markmasonshall.org
Section A
A.1. The title of the Order shall be “The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist in England and Wales and its Divisions and Conclaves Overseas”.
A.2. The supreme governing body of the Order shall be called the “Grand Imperial Conclave for England and Wales and its Divisions and Conclaves Overseas” which shall have supreme authority over:
(i) the Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine;
(ii) the Order of the Holy Sepulchre;
(iii) the Order of St John the Evangelist.
A.3. The Order of the Holy Sepulchre and that of St John the Evangelist are also collectively known as the Appendant Orders.
A.4. These statutes shall be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of the first schedule.
Section B
B.1. The Grand Sovereign shall first be elected and proclaimed at an annual general assembly of Grand Imperial Conclave and may thereafter be so re-elected and proclaimed at the next annual Grand Imperial Conclave to be held not more than fifteen months after his first or last election and if not so-elected his office shall expire.
B.2. The Grand Sovereign, for the time being, shall be the Patriarch of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre and Grand Commander of the Order of St John the Evangelist.
B.2.1. Subject only to the provisions of B.2.1.4. below the prerogative of the Grand Sovereign, excisable by direction or dispensation, shall extend to all matters whatsoever.
B.2.1.2. For the avoidance of doubt and without prejudice to the generality of B.2.1. in the exercise of the said prerogative the Grand Sovereign may:
(i) Give such directions as to any matter whatsoever as he shall think fit, including (a) any matter of or relating to ritual and (b) the temporary suspension variation or amendment of any of the provisions hereof.
(ii) determine any question of recognition or regularity.
B.2.1.3. A direction or dispensation may be oral or by deed or instrument under hand, and may have retrospective effect or be varied as in B.2.1.2.
B.2.1.4. Nothing herein shall entitle the Grand Sovereign to cause one annual Grand Conclave to be held more than fifteen months after the last.
B.2.1.5. Notwithstanding anything else in these statutes, the Grand Sovereign may by direction delegate any of his powers and discretions to such knight or knights, and for such time or times, as he shall think fit.
Section C
Designation and Precedence
C.1. The Grand Officers of the Red Cross of Constantine shall consist of those detailed in the second schedule and shall be designated and take precedence as detailed in that schedule.
C.1.2. The Grand Officers of the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and St John the Evangelist shall consist of those specified in the fourth schedule and shall be designated and take precedence as detailed in that schedule.
The Deputy Grand Sovereign
C.2.1. The Deputy Grand Sovereign shall act as deputy to the Grand Sovereign and shall undertake such duties as the Grand Sovereign may from time to time direct.
C.2.2. Subject to any special directions of the Grand Sovereign and during his absence or unavailability the Deputy Grand Sovereign may exercise all of his powers and privileges.
C.2.3. If both the Grand Sovereign and the Deputy Grand Sovereign shall be unavailable the relevant powers and privileges shall be exercised by a Knight Grand Cross nominated by the Grand Sovereign’s Council.
Knights Grand Cross and Knights Commander
C.3. The Grand Sovereign may confer the honour and prestige of Knight Grand Cross or honour and dignity of Knight Commander on knights of eminence and distinction.
Grand Rank and Past Grand Rank
C.4.1. The Grand Sovereign may appoint a knight who has previously been enthroned as the Sovereign of a Conclave to such Grand or Past Grand Rank as he shall deem appropriate.
C.4.2. Such appointments, if to Grand Rank, shall be yearly and last until the next annual meeting but renewable at the pleasure of the Grand Sovereign.
C.4.3. The Grand Sovereign may make any appointment, invest any knight, or direct that such investiture be carried out on his behalf, when and where and by such other knight, as he shall decide.
Grand Sepulchre Guard
C.5. The Grand Sovereign may from time to time appoint a Grand Sepulchre Guard to undertake such duties as he shall from time to time specify.
Section D
D.1.1. General assemblies of knights of the Orders shall be known as:
(i) “Grand Imperial Conclave for England and Wales and its Divisions and Conclaves Overseas” in the case of such an assembly of knights of the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine;
(ii) “A Grand Commandery” in the case of a meeting of the knights of either or both of the Appendant Orders.
D.1.2. A Grand Imperial Conclave shall be held in each year and further such assemblies and any other general assembly shall be held when the Grand Sovereign shall so require. The annual Grand Conclave shall be that normally held in July of each year.
D.1.3. Not less than fourteen days notice shall be given of any general assembly.
Entitlement to attend a General Assembly
D.2.1. Knights entitled to attend any general assembly of the Red Cross of Constantine are present and past Red Cross of Constantine Grand Officers and Sovereigns and the Viceroys, Generals and High Prelates of a conclave and any other knight or knights so permitted by the Grand Sovereign, who may also permit him or them to speak.
D.2.2. Knights who are entitled to attend a Grand Commandery are those detailed in D.2.1 who have been regularly received into the Appendant Orders.
Section E
E.1. The Statutes of the Order shall be made, repealed or amended by a resolution in a general assembly thereof. Unless the Grand Sovereign shall otherwise direct, anything done at a Grand Imperial Conclave shall be binding on all Orders or that to which it is specifically related.
Treasurer and Auditors
E.2. The Grand Treasurer shall be elected and auditors appointed at the annual general assembly.
Other Business
E.3. A general assembly shall undertake any business required to be laid before it by The Grand Recorder under F.3.2.3.below and may undertake such other business as the Grand Sovereign shall direct or permit. No other business shall be taken.
Section F
Grand Sovereign’s Council
F.1. There shall be a Grand Sovereign’s Council comprising the knights specified in the fifth schedule.
Convening, Notice and Quorum
F.2. A meeting of the Grand Sovereign’s Council shall be called by the Grand Sovereign or the President or Grand Recorder. No less than seven days notice shall be given. The President shall preside but in his absence a knight nominated by the Grand Sovereign and in default thereof the highest-ranking knight present. A quorum shall be three members.
Duties of the Grand Sovereign’s Council
F.3. The Grand Sovereign’s Council shall:
(i) Consider and report back or make decisions on all matters referred to it by the Grand Sovereign, Grand Imperial Conclave, or Grand Commandery or IntendantsGeneral under F.3.2.1 below.
(ii) Have the supervision of all matters of management and discipline and may initiate and consider such other matters as may seem appropriate.
F.4. The Grand Sovereign’s Council may appoint committees for such purposes as it may deem proper but no such committees shall have any executive powers unless they are expressly given to them by the Grand Sovereign or by resolution of his council.
Section G
G.1. The Grand Recorder shall minute and be authorised to minute the proceedings of the Grand Sovereign’s Council, Grand Imperial Conclave, and Grand Commandery, and to procure their implementation and ensure the safe keeping of all relevant documents.
Section H
H.1. The Grand Sovereign may constitute a division in any specified area and combine it, divide or re-arrange or end the same. He may also say which conclaves shall from time to time form part of which, if any, division.
H.2.1. The Grand Sovereign may appoint an Intendant-General to control a division. Such appointment shall be by patent that shall be at the pleasure of the Grand Sovereign, for a period of not more than five years but similarly renewable for similar or lesser periods as may be determined. Such patent shall state the privileges and rights conferred and the duties imposed upon the Intendant-General named therein. He shall comply with all such directions, whether general or particular, which the Grand Sovereign shall from time to time promulgate.
H.2.2. An Intendant-General shall not receive the benefit of the privileges and rights or assume the duties of his patent until he has been installed. After installation, and in his division, such Intendant-General shall take precedence over all save the Grand Sovereign, Deputy Grand Sovereign and Grand Eusebius.
Deputy and Assistant Intendants-General
H.3. An Intendant-General may by patent appoint a Deputy Intendant-General and such number of Assistant Intendants-General as the Grand Sovereign shall permit. Such patent shall set out the rights and privileges conferred and the duties imposed upon such Deputy or Assistant Intendant-General. In his division the Deputy Intendant-General shall take precedence immediately after the Intendant-General and an Assistant Intendant-General shall take precedence immediately after the Deputy Intendant-General and if more than one, and between themselves, in order of seniority according to date of appointment.
Divisional Conclaves
H.4. An Intendant-General shall cause the holding of a yearly divisional conclave the business of which shall include the election of a divisional treasurer and the appointment of divisional officers and auditors. Subject to dispensation by the Grand Sovereign all such conclave meetings shall be held within the boundaries of the division.
By-laws and Accounts
H.5. An Intendant-General shall also cause the submission of divisional by-laws for his approval. He shall also cause the divisional recorder to submit the same to the Grand Recorder for approval or otherwise by the Grand Sovereign. Such by-laws shall specify the fees, as detailed in the tenth schedule, to be paid into general divisional funds and shall become effective when approved by the Intendant-General and the Grand Sovereign. A due account shall be kept of all such monies and an audited statement thereof shall be sent to the Grand Recorder by such date, as the Grand Sovereign shall from time to time direct.
Divisional Officers
H.6. An Intendant-General may appoint the divisional officers specified in the sixth schedule. Subject to dispensation by the Grand Sovereign no knight who is not a past sovereign of a Conclave may be appointed to a rank higher than Warden of Regalia save that a High Prelate or Sub Prelate may be a knight if he be a Clerk in Holy Orders. A return of divisional appointments shall be sent to the Grand Recorder within 14 days of the date when they were made
Sepulchre Guard
H.7. An Intendant-General may form a Divisional Sepulchre Guard to undertake such duties as he shall from time to time specify. The duties may include acting as a ceremonial arch of steel when the Intendant-General is present and assisting the divisional marshal at divisional meetings. The size of a divisional sepulchre guard shall be limited to twelve members not including the Captain and Deputy Captain.
Past Rank
H.8. Subject to such restrictions on number thereof as the Grand Sovereign may from time to time promulgate, an Intendant-General may confer such past divisional rank, other than that of Past Divisional Eusebius, on any knight who is a member of a conclave in his division and also eligible to be appointed a divisional officer in accordance with H.6. above.
H.9. The Grand Sovereign may constitute a Division Inspectorate in any specified area and combine it, divide or re-arrange or end the same. He may also say which conclaves shall from time to time form part of which, if any, Division or Divisional Inspectorate.
H.10.1. The Grand Sovereign may appoint an Intendant-General to control a Divisional Inspectorate. Such appointment shall be by patent that shall be at the pleasure of the Grand Sovereign. Such patent shall state the privileges and rights conferred and the duties imposed upon the Intendant-General named therein. He shall comply with all such directions, whether general or particular, which the Grand Sovereign shall from time to time promulgate.
H.10.2. An Intendant-General shall not receive the benefit of the privileges and rights or assume the duties of his patent until he has been installed. After installation, and in his Divisional Inspectorate, such Intendant-General shall take precedence over all save the Grand Sovereign, Deputy Grand Sovereign and Grand Eusebius.
Divisional Inspectorate Conclaves
H.11. An Intendant-General shall cause the holding of a yearly Divisional Inspectorate conclave the business of which shall include the election of a Divisional Treasurer and the appointment of Divisional Inspectorate officers and auditors. Subject to dispensation by the Grand Sovereign all such conclave meetings shall be held within the boundaries of the Divisional Inspectorate.
By-laws and Accounts
H.12. An Intendant-General shall also cause the submission of Divisional Inspectorate by-laws for his approval. He shall also cause the Divisional Recorder to submit the same to the Grand Recorder for approval or otherwise by the Grand Sovereign. Such by-laws shall specify the fees, as detailed in the tenth schedule, to be paid into general Divisional Inspectorate funds and shall become effective when approved by the Intendant-General and the Grand Sovereign. A due account shall be kept of all such monies and an audited statement thereof shall be sent to the Grand Recorder by such date, as the Grand Sovereign shall from time to time direct.
Divisional Inspectorate Officers
H.13. An Intendant-General may appoint Divisional Inspectorate officers specified in the sixth schedule. Subject to dispensation by the Grand Sovereign no knight who is not a past sovereign of a conclave shall be appointed to a Divisional Inspectorate office. A return of Divisional Inspectorate appointments shall be sent to the Grand Recorder within 14 days of the date when they were made.
H.14. The Grand Sovereign may from time to time confer Red Cross Overseas Rank on any knight who is a member of a conclave overseas.
Section J
Petition for Charter and Patent
J.1. Every regular conclave shall be warranted by charter duly signed by the Grand Sovereign and the Grand Recorder. The form of petition for such charter shall be as from time to time prescribed by the Grand Sovereign and as supplied on application to the Grand Recorder.
Conclave Officers
J.2.1. The officers of a conclave shall be those stated in the seventh schedule hereto.
J.2.2. Save by dispensation from the Grand Sovereign, or in a Division or an Inspectorate from the Intendant-General, no Knight shall hold more than one regular office, but a Knight may hold one of the additional offices together with a regular office.
J.2.3. A Conclave may by Dispensation from the Grand Sovereign, obligate as a Sentinel any Royal Arch Mason. Applications for such Dispensations, which in the case of a Divisional Conclave must be approved by the Intendant-General, must contain the full names and Masonic particulars of the Companion concerned. The fee for Dispensation, laid down in Schedule 10, which includes the cost of a special Certificate, must accompany the application.
Election Procedure
J.3. Every conclave shall annually, on the day mentioned in its by-laws for that purpose:
(i) elect by ballot (a) a sovereign, (b) a viceroy and (c) a treasurer. Unless there is more than one regularly proposed candidate for any of the above offices, or there is a demand for a ballot, the regularly proposed candidate shall be deemed and declared to have been elected.
(ii) elect by a show of hands a sentinel and two auditors.
J.4.1. No knight shall be eligible for election as sovereign or viceroy unless he is a member of the Appendant Orders.
J.4.2. No knight may be enthroned as Sovereign unless he shall have been consecrated and installed as an Eusebius of the Order and confirmed as Viceroy in a regular Conclave; and has served, or be deemed to have served, that office for one complete year, that is to say from one installation meeting till the next.
Enthronement and Installation
J.5. The enthronement of a sovereign and/or the consecration and installation of a viceroy shall take place in accordance with the by-laws of the conclave and if not on the day there stated at the next meeting thereof.
No Knight to be Sovereign for more than two years in succession
J.6. Save by dispensation from the Grand Sovereign no knight shall continue as sovereign of the same conclave for more than two years in succession.
No Knight to be Sovereign of two or more Conclaves at the same time without dispensation
J.7. No knight shall be sovereign of more than one conclave at the same time save by dispensation from the Grand Sovereign.
J.8. Before the enthronement of a sovereign elect a past sovereign shall require his assent to the rules and ordinances of the Order.
J.9. Every conclave shall frame by-laws for its government but none such or any amendment thereof shall come into operation until approved by the Grand Sovereign. Such by-laws shall state the place and days of the regular meetings of the conclave and specify those at which the elections for the sovereign, viceroy, treasurer and the sentinel shall take place, and those at which the sovereign elect shall be enthroned and the viceroy elect consecrated as Eusebius and installed. The by-laws shall also state the date on which subscriptions become due.
J.10. The by-laws, and any amendment thereof, shall be submitted to the Grand Recorder for the approval of the Grand Sovereign and in the case of a conclave in a division three copies shall, in the first place, be sent to the Divisional Recorder for approval by the Intendant-General, two of which when approved shall be forwarded to the Grand Recorder for the approval of the Grand Sovereign. A copy of the by-laws shall be delivered to the sovereign on his enthronement who, by his acceptance thereof, shall be deemed to pledge himself to observe and enforce the same.
J.11. Save by dispensation issued by the Intendant-General, or in the case of an unattached conclave the Grand Sovereign, a conclave shall not hold any regular meeting otherwise than on the day and at the place specified in its by-laws.
J.12. An emergency meeting of a conclave to be held at the regular place of meeting may be called at any time by order of the sovereign of the conclave or, in his absence, the viceroy. The business to be transacted at such meeting shall be stated on the summons and, save by dispensation, no other business shall be transacted.
J.13. The ritual to be used in a conclave shall be that which is the latest version approved by the Grand Sovereign and it shall be the duty of all Intendants-General and Sovereigns to ensure compliance therewith.
J.14. A conclave may not constitutionally work with less than six members (including the sentinel) present but a conclave which is unable to work regularly may nevertheless, at the discretion of the Grand Sovereign, be retained on the roll of the Order.
Section K
Qualifications for Candidates
K.1. A candidate for installation as a knight of the Order shall not only be a master mason raised in a regular lodge and a royal arch mason but he shall also sign a declaration, in such form as the Grand Sovereign shall from time to time require, stating that he is a Christian and that he holds and professes a belief in the Christian Trinitarian faith.
Candidates seeking admission to a Conclave in a locality in which he has neither residences nor place of business
K.2. If a candidate for installation as a knight of the Order seeks admission to a conclave meeting in a locality in which he has neither a permanent residence nor a regular place of business he shall state in writing his reason for so doing and his reason for not seeking admission to a conclave in the locality of his residence or place of business. The conclave to which he seeks admission shall forthwith make inquiries as to the candidate’s suitability. Should any such candidate’s place of residence be in the area of a division such inquiries shall be addressed to the Divisional Recorder and in any other case to the Grand Recorder. No such candidate shall be proposed in the conclave to which he seeks admission until suitable replies have been received to such inquiries.
Proposers and Notice of Candidature
K.3.1. Candidates for admission into a conclave must be proposed and seconded by subscribing members thereof to whom the candidate is personally known. Any such proposition shall be made at a regular meeting of the conclave. The election by ballot shall not take place unless the full name of the candidate and the names of his proposer and seconder shall have appeared on the summons for the meeting of the conclave. In addition, in the case of a candidate for installation as a knight, the name and number of a Craft lodge and of a Royal Arch Chapter of which he is or has been a member, together with the name of the respective constitution, if not English, and, in the case of a candidate for joining, the name and number of every conclave of which he is or has been a member, shall be shown on the summons.
K.3.2. On his installation as a knight a brother shall be given a copy of these statutes and the conclave by–laws.
Section L
Titles of Honour
L.1. The titles of honour applicable to the ranks of the Order and the marks to be suffixed thereto and salutations to be given shall be as in the first part of the eighth schedule.
L.2. The regalia to be worn by members of the Order shall be as in the ninth schedule.
Section M
Fees and donations
M.1. The fees payable and the day on which the same shall become payable shall be as stated in the tenth schedule. All such fees payable to Grand Imperial Conclave shall be for the general funds of the Order and shall be paid into the banking account of the Order. Fees payable to a division or a conclave for the general funds thereof shall be similarly paid into a divisional or conclave banking account. Any sums received for charitable purposes shall be paid into a separate banking account. All cheques on these accounts shall be signed by two signatories.
M.2. An audited statement of all of the fees and donations payable or paid to Grand Imperial Conclave shall be presented at the annual general meeting thereof and those payable or paid to a division shall be similarly audited and presented to the yearly divisional meeting.
M.3. Each division shall submit audited accounts to the Grand Recorder yearly with the Intendant-General’s annual report on the activities of his division or otherwise as requested by the Grand Recorder.
M.4. Each conclave shall forward annually three copies of annual conclave accounts to the divisional recorder for collation and examination by the divisional treasurer who shall furnish a certificate of receipt and examination to the Intendant-General for inclusion with his annual report to the Grand Sovereign. Conclaves not attached to a division shall submit yearly accounts to the Grand Recorder to reach him by a day specified by him.
Section N
N.1. All matters of complaint, irregularity or discipline shall be dealt with in accordance with Schedule Eleven.
Section O
O.1. Subject to any direction of the Grand Sovereign and the eleventh schedule in regard to the matters there stated, all matters affecting the government of the Order and the right powers, duties and obligations of the Grand Sovereign, Grand Imperial Conclave, the Grand Sovereign’s Council and all officers and knights of the Order which shall not be expressly or implicitly provided for in these statutes shall be governed by the constitutions for the time being in force of the United Grand Lodge of England which shall be applied accordingly.
O.2. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing it shall be deemed that in applying those constitutions to the Order the Grand Sovereign, Deputy Grand Sovereign, Grand Eusebius, Grand Imperial Conclave and the Grand Sovereign’s Council shall correspond respectively with the Grand Master, Deputy and Assistant Grand Masters, Grand Lodge and the Board of General Purposes and that all necessary amendments have been made.
First Schedule ................................................... Definitions and Interpretations
Second Schedule ........................... Grand Officers – Red Cross of Constantine
Third Schedule........................... Suffixes to be used by Members of the Order
Fourth Schedule ................................ Grand Officers – The Appendant Orders
Fifth Schedule......................................................... Grand Sovereign’s Council
Sixth Schedule ........................ Divisional Fees of Honour and Divisional Fees
Seventh Schedule ..... Officers of a Conclave, a Sanctuary and a Commandery
Eighth Schedule ............................................ Titles of Honour and Salutations
1. Save where the context otherwise requires the following expressions shall have the following meanings:
“Annual general assembly” means that of Grand Imperial Conclave to be held at least once each year.
“Appendant Orders” means the Order of the Holy Sepulchre and that of St John the Evangelist.
“Assembly” includes a meeting.
“Commandery” means a general assembly of knights entitled to attend any such assembly and meeting to conduct the affairs of either or both of the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and that of St John the Evangelist.
“Patriarchal Council” means the Grand Sovereign’s Council who will act as the Patriarchal Council.
“Direction” means a statement requiring something to be or excusing something from being done and in these statutes:
(a) includes a dispensation and may be general or specific in any particular case or cases; and
(b) be varied or renewed or made as the Grand Sovereign may from time to time think fit; and
(c) may be in writing or oral and communicated in such manner as the Grand Sovereign may see fit.
“Dispensation” means a direction per mitting something to be done.
“General assembly” means an assembly at which those detailed in statute D.2. are entitled to attend.
“Grand Imperial Conclave” means a general assembly of knights entitled to attend any such assembly and meeting to conduct the affairs of the order of the Red Cross of Constantine.
“Order of Constantine” shall mean that of the Red Cross of Constantine.
“Ordinary resolution” shall be one passed by a majority of those present and voting.
“The President” means the President of the Grand Sovereign’s Council.
“Red Cross of Constantine” means the Masonic and Military Order of that name.
“Schedule” means the relevant schedule hereto.
“Vary” means to alter in any way and includes adding to and deleting from and inserting and deleting a schedule.
A year shall be defined as from one installation to the next.
2. Paragraph and schedule headed ‘Grand Sovereign’ are for convenience of reference only and are not to be referred to or affect the construction hereof.
Second Schedule
Grand Officers – Red Cross of Constantine
1. M.Ill. Grand Sovereign
2. M.Ill. Past Grand Sovereigns .......................................................................P.G.Sov.
3. R.Ill. and Eminent (Em.) Deputy Grand Sovereign ...............................
4. R.Ill. and Eminent (Em.) Past Deputy Grand Sovereigns ................... P.Dep.G.Sov.
5. R.Ill. and Eminent (Em.) Past Grand Viceroys ..................................... P.G.Viceroy
6. R.Ill. and Venerable (Ven.) Grand Eusebius
7. R.Ill. and Venerable (Ven.) Past Grand Eusebius ................................
8. R.Ill. Knights Grand Cross of Constantine....................................................
9. R.Ill. Knights Commander of Constantine ....................................................
23. V.Ill. Past Grand High Chancellors ...................................................... P.G.H.Chan. 24. V.Ill. Grand Treasurer ..................................................................................G.Treas. 25. V.Ill. Past Grand Treasurers ..................................................................... P.G.Treas.
26. V.Ill. Grand Recorder .................................................................................... G.Rec.
27. V.Ill. Past Grand Recorders ........................................................................ P.G.Rec.
28. V.Ill. Grand High Almoner G.H.Alm.
29. V.Ill. Past Grand High Almoners........................................................... P.G.H.Alm.
30. V.Ill. Grand Marshal ...................................................................................... G.Mar.
31. V.Ill. Past Grand Marshals ......................................................................... P.G.Mar.
32. Ill. Grand Sword Bearer ........................................................................ G.Swd.B.
33. Ill. Past Grand Sword Bearers P.G.Swd.B.
34. Ill. Deputy Grand Registrar ............................................................... Dep.G.Reg.
35. Ill. Past Deputy Grand Registrars ................................................... P.Dep.G.Reg.
36. Ill. Deputy Grand Recorder ............................................................... Dep.G.Rec.
37. Ill. Past Deputy Grand Recorders ....................................................P.Dep.G.Rec.
38. Ill. Deputy Grand Marshals Dep.G.Mar.
39. Ill. Past Deputy Grand Marshals ..................................................... P.Dep.G.Mar.
40. Ill. Grand Chamberlain ......................................................................... G.Chamb.
41. Ill. Past Grand Chamberlains ............................................................. P.G.Chamb.
42. Ill. Grand Orator ..................................................................................... G.Orator
43. Ill. Past Grand Orators ......................................................................... P.G.Orator
44. Ill. Grand Sub-Prelate ........................................................................ G.Sub-Prel.
45. Ill. Past Grand Sub-Prelates ............................................................ P.G.Sub-Prel.
46. Ill. Grand Historiographer G.Hist.
47. Ill. Past Grand Historiographers ............................................................. P.G.Hist.
48. Ill. Grand Standard Bearer (Constantine) ........................................... G.St.B.(C.)
49. Ill. Past Grand Standard Bearers (Constantine) ............................... P.G.St.B.(C.)
50. Ill. Grand Standard Bearer (Labarum) ................................................ G.St.B.(L.)
51. Ill. Past Grand Standard Bearers (Labarum).................................... P.G.St.B.(L.)
52. Ill. Grand Prefect .......................................................................................G.Pref.
53. Ill. Past Grand Prefects P.G.Pref.
54. Ill. Grand Warden of Regalia ............................................................... G.W. of R.
55. Ill. Past Grand Wardens of Regalia ................................................... P.G.W. of R.
56. Ill. Assistant Grand Recorders ............................................................... A.G.Rec.
57. Ill. Past Assistant Grand Recorders .................................................... P.A.G.Rec.
58. Ill. Assistant Grand Marshals A.G.Mar.
59. Ill. Past Assistant Grand Marshals ...................................................... P.A.G.Mar.
60. Ill. Grand Vice-Chamberlain........................................................ G.Vice-Chamb.
61. Ill. Past Grand Vice-Chamberlains ........................................... P.G.Vice-Chamb.
62. Ill. Grand Organist ..................................................................................... G.Org.
63. Ill. Past Grand Organists ......................................................................... P.G.Org.
64. Ill. Deputy Grand Organist ................................................................ Dep.G.Org.
65. Ill. Past Deputy Grand Organists P.Dep.G.Org.
66. Ill. Grand Herald ........................................................................................ G.Her.
67. Ill. Past Grand Heralds ............................................................................. P.G.Her.
68. Ill. Grand Sentinel ..................................................................................... G.Sent.
69. Ill. Past Grand Sentinels ........................................................................ P.G.Sent.
Third Schedule
Fourth Schedule
Grand Officers – The Appendant Orders
1. M.Ill.Kt. Patriarch and Grand Commander
2. R.Ill. and Ven. Sub-Patriarch and Deputy Grand Commander
3. V.Ill.Kt. Grand Seneschal
4. V.Ill.Kt. Grand Captain of the Guards
5. V.Ill.Kt. Grand Prior
6. V.Ill.Kt. Grand Sub-Prior
7. V.Ill.Kt. Grand Treasurer
8. V.Ill.Kt. Grand Registrar General
9. V.Ill.Kt. Grand Marshal
10. Ill.Kt. Grand Deputy Marshal
11. Ill.Kt. Grand First Lieutenant
12. Ill.Kt. Grand Second Lieutenant
13. Ill.Kt. Grand Guardian of the Sacred Vault
14. Ill.Kt. Grand Verger
15. Ill.Kt. Grand Harbinger
16. Ill.Kt. Grand Torch Bearer
17. Ill.Kt. Grand Standard Bearer
18. Ill.Kt. Grand Warder
Fifth Schedule
Grand Sovereign’s Council
1. The Grand Sovereign’s Council shall comprise of:
(a) the Grand Sovereign, the Deputy Grand Sovereign, the Grand Eusebius, the Grand Senior and Grand Junior General, the Grand Registrar, the President of the Council, the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Marshal;
(b) four Knights who shall be elected annually by Grand Imperial Conclave: providing always that any candidate for such election shall be proposed and seconded by Officers of Grand Imperial Conclave;
(c) four Knights who shall be appointed annually by the Grand Sovereign;
(d) any Intendant-General of an overseas Division who may be present in the United Kingdom on the date of the relevant meeting of the Council;
(e) any knight invited by the Grand Sovereign to attend for a specific purpose on an ad hoc basis.
2. A casual vacancy may be filled by appointment by the Grand Sovereign.
Sixth Schedule
Divisional Fees of Honour and Divisional Fees
Fees of Honour
1. An Intendant-General is empowered to appoint annually the following Divisional Officers for which Fees of Honour may be charged as provided in Divisional by-laws:
Assistant Intendant-General (if per mitted by the Grand Sovereign)........... A.Int.-Gen. Eusebius.................................................................................................... Div.Eusebius Senior
Standard Bearer (Constantine) ................................................................. Div.St.B.(C.)
Standard Bearer (Labarum) ...................................................................... Div.St.B.(L.) Prefect .............................................................................................................. Div.Pref. Warden of Regalia* ................................................................................... Div.W. of R.
(two)* .................................................................................................. Div.Her. Stewards (not more than six)* ....................................................................... Div.Stwd.
An Intendant-General is empowered to appoint annually the following Divisional Officers for which Fees of Honour may be charged as provided in Divisional Inspectorate by-laws: Recorder
2. Fees of honour payable on first election or appointment to Divisional Rank or Past Divisional Rank shall be such amounts as Divisional Conclaves may prescribe but shall not exceed 40% of the rate payable for the corresponding Grand Rank.
3. The fee of honour payable on promotion in Divisional Rank (or Past Divisional Rank) shall be the difference between the fee payable for the Rank held and that due for the higher Rank.
4. The fee of honour payable on appointment to Red Cross Overseas Rank shall be as detailed in the tenth schedule.
Divisional Fees
1. All fees to Divisions shall be such amount as Divisional by-laws may prescribe, but shall not exceed 40% of the rate payable of fees payable to Grand Imperial Conclave.
Seventh Schedule
Officers of a Conclave, a Sanctuary and a Commandery
The Officers of a Conclave shall be:
Senior General
Junior General
High Prelate
Deputy Marshal
Standard Bearer (Constantine)
Standard Bearer (Labarum)
Assistant Recorder
Aides-de-Camp (two)
Stewards (not more than six)
Sentinel (Offices in italics are permissive appointments.)
The Officers of a Sanctuary of the Holy Sepulchre and a Commandery of St John the Evangelist shall be:
Right Reverend Prelate/Most Enlightened Commander
Captain of the Guards
Registrar General
Deputy Marshal
First Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
Guardian of the Sacred Vault
Harbinger (Sanctuary only)
Torch Bearer (Commandery only)
Standard Bearer
Eighth Schedule
Titles of Honour and Salutations
1. The titles of honour applicable to the ranks in the Order are as follows:
3. No Knight Companion may receive a salutation other than that to which he is entitled by virtue of his personal rank, irrespective of what office he may hold or may act in, except that the Sovereign of a Conclave is always saluted with 3 in that Conclave.
4. In accordance with the Ritual of the Order, a newly installed Knight Companion is saluted with 3 on that occasion only.
The Regalia to be worn by each member in the Order and in the Appendant Orders shall be as follows:
1. Knight Companion
Sash Purple silk 4 inches wide, with gold tassels.
Jewel A Red Cross flory 1½ inches square, with the letters IHSV and edging in gold, worn on the left breast, suspended from a purple ribbon 1 inch wide. (Plate 1)
Sword Worn from the Sash, traditionally with gilt or black hilt and purple scabbard, but black or red scabbards are permissible. Worn ONLY by the Generals, the Marshals and the Heralds.
2. High Prelate of a Conclave
Plain White Surplice To be worn over the personal insignia of his rank, or (by Clerks in Holy Orders) over a cassock.
Stole To be worn ONLY by Clerks in Holy Orders. White watered silk, 4 inches wide and 8 feet long, having black tassels and a Red Cross flory with gold edging and letters, 2 inches above each tassel; at the nape, a Maltese Cross in Gold. (Plate 2). If a Past Sovereign, a black Imperial Crown is worn above the Red Cross on each tassel.
3. Viceroy/Eusebius of a Conclave
Robe Knee-length White, with a Red Cross flory with gold edging and letters, 8 inches square, embroidered in the centre of the breast.
Pastoral Staff.
Jewel A red enamelled cross flory 2 inches square, bearing the letters IHSV, charged with the letters XP and surmounted by a Byzantine Mitre 1¼ inches high, both in gilt; worn suspended from a collarette of plain white ribbon 1 inch wide. (Plate 3). A Past Viceroy may wear a similar jewel on the left breast, as that of a Knight Companion, differenced as above and suspended from a purple ribbon 1 inch wide.
4. Sovereign of a Conclave
Robe Full length robe of BA Cambridge design in Red material; front hems meeting and fastened at the chest; faced with white or red satin on front and sleeves.
Baton A purple shaft 9 inches long, bound at the ends by gilt bands, surmounted by a Red Cross flory 2½ inches in height with gilt edging and letters, and charged with the XP in gilt. (Plate 4)
Jewel As for a Knight Companion, but charged with the XP and surmounted by an Imperial Crown, both in gilt, worn suspended from a collarette of plain white ribbon 1 inch wide. (Plate 5). A similar jewel may be worn by Past Sovereigns, on the left breast, suspended from a purple ribbon 1 inch wide.
5. Knight Companion
Sash White watered silk 4 inches wide, (Plate 6), with black tassels and the following emblems:
An Eagle in black, as on the Jewel;
The Emblem of St John in silver; a rayed Triangle within an interlaced Square and Parallelogram, within a triple Circle;
A Lozenge, as on the Jewel, with the cord and Crosses black on a white ground.
Jewel A black Eagle 1½ inches in depth, displayed regardant, passant to the sinister, supporting a black Lozenge, 1¼ inches wide by 1¾ inches deep, bound by a looped gilt cord and charged with 2 gilt Crosses Potent, one within the other. Worn on the left breast secondarily to the jewel of the Red Cross of Constantine, suspended from a white ribbon 1 inch wide. (Plate 7).
Sword Gilt or black hilt, with purple scabbard (black or red also permissible). Worn from the Sash, only by the Marshals, Captain of the Guards, the Lieutenants, and the Sepulchre Guards.
6. Prior and Sub-Prior
Plain White Surplice.
Stole To be worn ONLY by Clerks in Holy Orders. (As for Conclave High Prelate, Red Cross of Constantine – see (2) above).
7. Commander
Sash As for Knight Companion, but with a black Imperial Crown above the Eagle.
Jewel A black Eagle (as for Knight Companion) supporting a black Jerusalem Cross, 1½ inches square, and surmounted by a black Imperial Crown. Worn on the left breast suspended from a white ribbon 1 inch wide. This Jewel may be worn by Past Commanders. (Plate 8).
8. Prelate (of a Sanctuary)
Plain White Surplice To be worn over the personal insignia of his rank.
Pastoral Staff.
Mitre Mitre and tassels of white ribbed silk; with ⅞ inch black moiré silk round edge of mitre; black silk fringe on tassels; mitre and both tassels bearing a Jerusalem Cross embroidered in black silk. (Plate 9)
9a. Divisional Officers
Sash—As for Commander, or Knight Companion, of St John the Evangelist, but edged with crimson cord throughout and with the name of the Division in crimson letters on an arc between the Eagle and the Emblem of St John.
Stole—To be worn ONLY by Clerks in Holy Orders (over cassock and surplice) as present or past Divisional High Prelate, Divisional Almoner, or Divisional Sub-Prelate; as for a Conclave High Prelate, Red Cross of Constantine, but edged with crimson cord throughout.
9b. Divisional Inspectorate Officers
Sash As for Commander, or Knight Companion, of St John the Evangelist, but edged with crimson cord throughout – and with the name of the Divisional Inspectorate in crimson letters on an arc between the Eagle and the Emblem of St John.
10. Divisional Eusebius
Robe As for the Viceroy/Eusebius of a Conclave.
Pastoral Staff.
Jewel As for the Viceroy/Eusebius of a Conclave, worn from a purple collarette 2 inches wide.
11. Deputy Intendant-General and Assistant Intendant-General
Sash That of Grand Officer, but if not of that rank, the Sash of a Divisional Officer with the name of the Division in silver.
Baton A shaft 9 inches long, covered with scarlet, bound at the ends by gilt bands surmounted by a gilt Jerusalem Cross. Total length of the baton 12 inches. (Plate 10]
Jewel The jewel of a Grand Officer suspended from a purple collarette, 2 inches wide. If not a Grand Officer; the jewel of a Sovereign is worn.
11a. Past Deputy Intendant-General and Past Assistant Intendant-General
Sash As described in (9)
Jewel As described in (11), worn from a purple collarette 2 inches wide, with a purple rosette at the point of the collarette.
12. Grand Officers
Sash As for Commander of St John the Evangelist, differenced as follows (Plate 11): A border of black braid ½ inch wide, with two gold stripes longitudinally; The Imperial Crown in crimson and gold; The Eagle and the Emblem of St John in gold; The Cross potent Emblem as on the Jewel in black; Gold Tassels.
Jewel The Eagle of a Knight Companion in gilt, surmounted by an Imperial Crown in crimson and gold, supporting a Cross potent with a Cross flory diagonally across the angles, both gilt, charged with a black Jerusalem Cross within a circlet on which are the words GRAND COUNCIL in gold. The Jewel is suspended from a Collarette, similar in design to the Sash, but the ribbon 2 inches wide. This Jewel is worn also by Past Grand Officers. (Plate 12].
Stole To be worn ONLY by Clerks in Holy Orders (over cassock and surplice) as present or past Grand High Prelate, Grand Almoner, or Grand Sub-Prelate; as for a Conclave High Prelate, Red Cross of Constantine, but edged with gold cord throughout, and with an Imperial Crown in crimson and gold above each Red Cross flory.
13. Intendant-General
Robe Of MA Cambridge design, being purple in colour with gold facing.
Sash As for a Grand Officer, but with the name of the Division in gold letters on an arc between the Eagle and the Emblem of St John.
Jewel As for a Grand Officer, suspended from a purple collarette 2 inches wide, with thin gold braid edging.
Baton A shaft nine inches long, covered with purple, bound at the ends by gilt bands, surmounted by a gilt Eagle, displayed regardant, passant to the sinister; the Eagle being surmounted by an Imperial Crown in crimson and gilt. Total length of baton 12 inches. (Plate 13)
13a. Past Intendant-General
Sash As described in (12).
Jewel As for a Grand Officer, suspended from a purple collarette 2 inches wide, with thin gold braiding and a purple rosette affixed at the point of the collarette.
14. Knight Commander
Sash White watered silk 4 inches in width, with quarter inch longitudinal stripes of crimson, purple, crimson, in the centre of the ribbon; each separated by a thin white line. A bow of the same material at the point of the sash.
Jewel As for a Grand Officer, suspended from a collarette of white watered silk 1¼ inches wide, with ¼ inch longitudinal stripes of crimson, purple, crimson; each separated by a thin white line.
Baton An ebony shaft 9 inches long, bound at the ends by gilt bands, surmounted by a gilt open-work XP red enamelled on both sides, 1¼ inches in height.
15. Knight Grand Cross
Sash White watered silk 4 inches wide, bordered by ¼ inch longitudinal stripes of crimson, purple, crimson; each separated by a thin white line. A bow of the same material at the point of the sash.
Jewel As for a Grand Officer, suspended from a collarette, as for a Knight Commander; with a miniature eight-pointed rayed star in silver, 1½ inches across opposite points; charged with a red XP ½ inch in height, affixed at the point of the collarette.
Star An eight-pointed rayed Star in silver, 3¼ inches across opposite points, charged with a red XP 1¼ inches in height, worn on the left breast.
Baton An ebony shaft 9 inches long, bound at the ends by gilt bands, surmounted by a Red Cross flory 2½ inches in height; with the letters IHSV and edging in gold on both sides, and surmounted by a gilt Imperial Crown. In the centre of the cross on both sides, a white enamelled roundel ⅞ inch in diameter, bearing a black enamelled Jerusalem Cross within a black circlet.
16. Grand Eusebius
Mitre Of white ribbed silk, banded by Royal Blue ribbon and tassels, edged with gold bullion braid; bearing the Red Cross flory edged with gold braid, and ½ inch gold braid round the edge of the mitre.
Cope Of Royal Blue tapestry; cape and wide facings of red velvet, heavily embellished with gold sequins and lace panels; lined with white moiré silk.
Plain White Surplice.
Sash As for a Knight Grand Cross.
Chain A gold and enamelled chain of special design on a ribbon of white watered silk, with purple bows on the shoulders.
Jewel As for a Grand Officer, except that the central Cross is charged with a gold Mitre, and the words DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER in gold are on the circlet. The jewel is suspended from the Chain.
Staff A Pastoral Staff is carried.
17. Deputy Grand Sovereign
Sash As for a Knight Grand Cross.
Chain A gold and enamel chain of special design on a ribbon of white watered silk, with purple bows on the shoulders.
Jewel As for a Grand Officer, except that the central Cross is charged with a gold Imperial Crown, and the words DEPUTY GRAND SOVEREIGN in gold on the circlet. The jewel is suspended from the chain.
Baton As for a Knight Grand Cross.
18. Grand Sovereign
Robe Of purple brocade lined with white silk, edged throughout with white watered ribbon, bearing two sets of longitudinal stripes; red, purple, red, ¼ inch wide and each separated by a thin white line. The robe is fastened across the chest with gold braided cord, finished with heavy gold tassels. On the left breast, the Grand Sovereign’s emblem (a five barred Cross) embroidered in red on a lozenge of white ribbed silk, edged with gold piping.
Chain A gold and enamel chain of special design on a ribbon of white watered silk, with purple bows on the shoulders.
Jewel As for a Grand Officer, except that the central Cross is charged with a gold Imperial Crown, and the words GRAND COMMANDER in gold are on the circlet. The jewel is suspended from the Chain.
Baton A shaft 10½ inches long, covered with purple velvet, with gilt capping at each end, and surmounted by the Grand Sovereign’s emblem (a five barred Cross) in gilt. The total length of the baton being 17 inches.
19. Divisional Sepulchre Guard
Jewel A pair of silver crossed swords with points upwards, having a silver bar at the points of the swords, indicating the name of the Division; suspended from a collarette of purple ribbon 1 inch wide. (Plate 14]
The Captain and Deputy Captain shall wear a jewel with a silver bar at the base of the swords, indicating their particular office. This jewel and collarette may also be worn by past members.
20. Grand Sepulchre Guard
Jewel A silver sword reversed with a hand gripping the blade, suspended from a collarette of white watered silk 1½ inches in width, with black edging ⅛ inch in width. Embroidered in black on the point of the collarette, a Latin Cross 1½ inches high, having a cross-bar⅞ inch in breadth; also a capital letter H on the right-hand side, and a capital letter S on the left-hand side, each being ¾ inch high and ⅝ inch wide, embroidered in black, 2 inches from the centre of the cross-bar of the Cross.
Grand Officers who are past members may wear a miniature of the above jewel on the point of their collarette.
Mantle A white church cape (with collar), having a 12 inches square black Jerusalem Cross below the point of the left shoulder. The collar of the Captain of the Grand Sepulchre Guard shall have an edging of gold braid, and that of the Deputy-Captain shall be of silver braid.
21. Overseas Rank
Sash As for Commander, or Knight Companion, of St John the Evangelist, but edged with crimson cord throughout and with “Overseas Rank” in crimson letters on an arc between the Eagle and the Emblem of St John.
The Standard of Constantine: This should be of white watered silk, having an appliqué or embroidered design as shown on the standard of Grand Imperial Conclave. The dimensions should not exceed 32 inches in length, and 25 inches in breadth; having tassels on the outer and lower edges not exceeding 4 inches in width. The standard should be suspended on a gonfalon bar, from a pole not exceeding 39 inches in height, and should be embellished with appropriate tasselled cords. (Plate 15)
The Labarum Standard: This should be of imperial purple watered silk, with appliqué or embroidered letters in gold (or red) of the design as promulgated by the Grand Imperial Conclave (Plate 16]. The total dimensions should not exceed 19 inches in length, and 19 inches in breadth, having tassels on the outer and lower edges, not exceeding 2 inches in width. The standard should be suspended on a gonfalon bar, from a pole not exceeding 28 inches in length, and should be embellished with appropriate tasselled cords.
Founders Jewel: A Founders Jewel of the approved pattern (Plate 17) may be worn suspended from a purple ribbon 1¼ inches in width.
Centenary Jewel: A Centenary Jewel of the approved pattern (Plate 18) may be worn suspended from a white ribbon 1¼ inches in width, if authorised by the Grand Sovereign, by members of any Conclave which has satisfied the Grand Sovereign’s Council that it has worked uninterruptedly for not less that 100 years.
Sesquicentenary Jewel: A Sesquicentenary Jewel of the approved pattern (Plate 18) may be worn suspended from a white ribbon 1¼ inches in width, if authorised by the Grand Sovereign, by members of any Conclave which has satisfied the Grand Sovereign’s Council that it has worked continuously for not less than 150 years.’
Sesquicentenary Jewel of Grand Imperial Conclave: A Sesquicentenary Jewel of the approved pattern (Plate 19), suspended from a ribbon 1¼ inches in width, may be worn by any member of the Order.
Warrants (£)
For a Warrant of Constitution .................................................................................. at cost
For a Warrant of Confirmation................................................................................. at cost
For a Celebration Warrant ........................................................................................ at cost
For a Knight Grand Cross ........................................................................................ at cost
For a Knight Commander at cost
For an Intendant-General ......................................................................................... at cost
Of a Knight Companion on Installation .................................................................. £30.00
Of a joining member from a Conclave in another recognised Jurisdiction of the Order ............................................................................................................. £30.00
Of a joining member previously registered ............................................................ £23.00 Of a founding member of a new Conclave being a Knight already Registered £8.00 Duplicate, replacement or amended Grand Conclave Certificate £30.00
Annual Dues
For a subscribing member for the year commencing 1 September 2024 and due from 31 August 2025 ................................................................................. £33.00
For a member of an Installed Sovereigns’ Conclave for the year commencing 1 September 2024 and due from 31 August 2025 £16.50 Dispensations
Conclave or Sovereign Elect £30.00 Dispensation (nunc pro tunc) .................................................................................. £58.00
Any request for dispensation received less than 21 days before it is required will be treated as a nunc pro tunc dispensation and charged accordingly.
Mark £13.00
All other Orders ...................................................................................................... £12.00
The fees above are shown inclusive of VAT
First Appointment or Election or Appointment as a Grand Officer or Past Grand Officer:
Every Knight on first appointment to Grand Rank or to any corresponding past rank shall pay a fee of honour appropriate thereto as from time to time determined by Grand Conclave, provided that:
(i) on promotion in Grand Rank, the Fee of Honour payable is the difference between the fee payable for the for mer rank and that due for the higher rank
(ii) on appointment to an office or rank for which the same or lower fee is applicable he shall pay no further fee.
Fees of Honour Payable to Divisional Conclaves on Election or Appointment as a Divisional Officer or Past Divisional Officer
Fees of honour payable on first election or appointment to Divisional Rank or Past Divisional Rank shall be such amounts as Divisional Conclaves may prescribe but shall not exceed 40% of the rate payable for the corresponding Grand Rank.
The fee of honour payable on promotion in Divisional Rank (or Past Divisional Rank) shall be the difference between the fee payable for the Rank held and that due for the higher Rank.
Payable by every Conclave as at 31 August in every year in respect of every Knight who has been a subscribing member during the whole or part of the preceding twelve months as deter mined by Grand Imperial Conclave
All annual dues to Divisions shall be such amount as Divisional Conclave may prescribe, but shall not exceed 40% of the rate payable of fees payable to Grand Imperial Conclave.
Payable at the current rate, is payable on all fees and dues to Grand Imperial Conclave by Knights and Conclaves in the United Kingdom and the European Community.
Initial Jurisdiction
1. An Intendant-General shall hear and deter mine all matters of Masonic complaint or irregularity respecting conclaves or individual knights within his division.
2.1. The Grand Sovereign’s Council (“the council”) shall have the like powers in regard to all matters of complaint or irregularity:
(i) regarding conclaves not within a division or knights not in a conclave in a division; or
(ii) relating to retur ns to Grand Conclave or payments in respect of such retur ns.
2.2. The council may, either at their own initiative, or at the request of a knight, and for such reason as they shall think fit, order that any cause or matter that is or otherwise would be within the jurisdiction of or dealt with or is being dealt with by an IntendantGeneral shall be dealt with by them or as they may direct.
3. In any such case the Intendant-General or the council may suspend any knight from all or any activities within the Order, either wholly or within a division. Suspension may be for a definite or indefinite period and may include ter ms appropriate to the case. He, or they, may also recommend erasure of a conclave or the expulsion of a knight or an invitation to resign from the Order.
Reporting of convictions and prejudicial conduct
4. It shall be the duty of any knight:
(i) to report to the sovereign of his conclave any custodial sentence (whether immediate or suspended) and any conviction or sentence in respect of any dishonesty, violence or matter of moral turpitude imposed on him by any civil authority in any part of the world and any general suspension or greater penalty imposed on him by or in any other Order recognised by and in amity with this Order and any conduct not in keeping with his membership of this Order or which may bring the same into disrepute; or
(ii) and if he be unattached, to report the same to the Grand Recorder
5.1. Notwithstanding the reporting of matters under 4 above it is the duty of an IntendantGeneral to report to the Grand Recorder any custodial sentence (immediate or suspended) and any sentence in respect of dishonesty, violence, or moral turpitude imposed by any civil power, whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, on a member of a conclave within his division. It is also his duty to report to the Grand Recorder any other conduct that might bring the Order into disrepute or any penalty imposed by any other Order as in 4(ii) above.
5.2. Any knight who is aware that any such matter as aforesaid has not been reported shall report the same to the appropriate Intendant-General or to the Grand Recorder.
Masonic Disputes
6. Should there be any Masonic question, dispute or difference that cannot be settled between the parties thereto, any such party may apply in writing for its deter mination in accordance with the provisions of this schedule.
7. Should such question arise in a division the application shall be made to the divisional recorder who shall lay the matter before the Intendant-General, but if in a place not within a division the application shall be made to the Grand Recorder.
8. A divisional recorder shall obtain the Intendant-General’s instructions as to disposal thereof and the Grand Recorder those of the Grand Sovereign’s.
Finality of decisions
9. Subject to appeal decisions of an Intendant-General or the council shall be final and binding on all parties.
Suspension by other Masonic Bodies
10. Suspension by any Masonic Jurisdiction recognised by and in amity with this Order, of a member who is a Knight of this Order, shall result in the same period of suspension from this Order, unless the Knight gives notice to the Grand Recorder within 21 days of the imposition of such suspension, in which case the Council may consider the same and, after giving the knight an opportunity to be heard, either by itself or a Committee appointed under paragraph 11, determine what, if any, action should be taken.
11. The Council may depute the duty of consideration and of hearing the knight to a committee of three of its members who shall report (and may make recommendations) thereon to the Council which shall then deter mine the action, if any, to be taken.
12. Any conclave or knight dissatisfied with any decision of any authority within the Order may appeal to the Grand Sovereign by notice thereof to reach the Grand Recorder within 28 days of the relevant decision. Upon receipt of such notice the Grand Sovereign shall constitute an Appeal Board (and may include therein Masons who are not members of the Order) to hear and deter mine the appeal. Such Board may either wholly allow or dismiss the appeal or (if against a penalty) substitute a greater or lesser penalty than that the subject of the appeal, or make such other order as to them may seem just.
13. An appeal shall be conducted and heard in the same manner as an appeal to the United Grand Lodge of England Appeals Court. Save in the case of an appeal from a recommendation for erasure or expulsion the Appeal Board’s decision shall be final and binding.
Erasure or Expulsion
14.1 A recommendation for erasure or expulsion shall be laid before and considered by an Appeal Board. In such case the Board may allow the appeal or substitute such other penalty or order (including invitation to resign) as to them may seem just.
14.2 If the decision is that the recommendation be confirmed or there be an invitation to resign the conclave or knight or knights concerned may by notice to the Grand Recorder, to reach him within 14 days of communication of the Appeal Board’s decision, appeal to the Grand Sovereign for clemency. In the absence of an appeal for clemency the recommendation shall take effect on the expiry of the time for such appeal.
15. Should there be an appeal for clemency the Grand Sovereign shall constitute a Board of Clemency of at least three knights who shall hear the same and make him recommendations thereon. The board may recommend clemency and, should they see fit, the substitution of some other penalty or penalties or that there be no clemency.
16. The Grand Sovereign shall not be bound by the recommendations of the above Board and may grant such clemency (if any) or substitute such other penalty or penalties as he shall see fit. If, on consideration of the recommendations of the Board, the Grand Sovereign shall make no other order the Clemency Board’s recommendations shall be effective on the day that the Grand Sovereign shall say that there is no other order to be made.
Expulsion by other Masonic Bodies
17.1 Expulsion of any Knight of this Order from (a) Craft Masonry by the United Grand Lodge of England; (b) any Order administered at Mark Masons’ Hall or The Ancient and Accepted Rite of England and Wales; (c) or if a Knight has resigned from Craft Masonry under Rule 183A of the Constitutions of the United Grand Lodge of England and Rule 183A(f) applies, shall result in an automatic expulsion from this Order.
17.2. Expulsion, or the resignation under any rule the equivalent of Rule 183A(f) of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England, by any other Sovereign Masonic Body recognised by or in amity with this Order not specified in paragraph 17.1, of any member who is a Knight of this Order, shall result in an automatic expulsion from this Order, unless the Grand Sovereign, in his sole discretion, considers otherwise. In which case, the Grand Sovereign shall direct the matter to be dealt with in the same manner as a suspension would be dealt with under paragraphs 10 and 11.
18.1. If a knight has for good cause (and not in consequence of an invitation so to do) been per mitted to resign from any other Masonic Order he shall report the same to the Grand Recorder who shall lay the matter before the Grand Sovereign’s Council who, after hearing the knight should he wish to be heard, shall deter mine what, if any, effect such resignation may have on his membership of this Order. On application by a knight for per mission so to do the council may also, for good reason, per mit a knight to resign from the Order
18.2. A resignation in consequence of an invitation to resign shall be effective as from its acknowledgement by the Grand Recorder.
Powers to require information and Intendant-General’s duty to report
19. An Intendant-General may summon the officers of a conclave within his division to attend and produce the warrant, books, papers and accounts thereof, and to answer questions relative to its affairs, or a knight of such a conclave or in his division to attend and produce his certificate and to answer questions regarding his conduct; provided that if by reason of distance or other sufficient cause personal attendance would impose great difficulty, it shall suffice if the conclave or knight send the documents required, and answer in writing questions put by the Intendant-General.
20. The council shall have the like powers, which shall be similarly applied, in respect a conclave not within a division or a knight not a member of a conclave within a division.
21. If a summons as above be not complied with and no sufficient reason given for non-compliance, the conclave or its officers, or the knight or knights concer ned, may be suspended or suspended and otherwise dealt with, and the proceedings reported to the Grand Sovereign.
22. In any case where an Intendant-General or the council has admonished or imposed any penalty on any conclave or knight or knights or received notice of or dealt with any Masonic dispute he or they shall send to the Grand Recorder a r eport on the natur e of the question, dispute or differ ence, with any circumstances relevant thereto, and his decision thereon.
Investigative Committees
23. The Grand Sovereign, Grand Conclave, the council, the Grand Recorder or an Intendant-General may appoint a committee consisting of one or more knights to investigate and report on any matter that may come before him or them respectively, and may adopt and act on such report wholly or in part or not at all. A committee appointed by an Intendant-General shall consist of a knight or knights of his division unless in any case the Grand Sovereign may be pleased to direct or per mit otherwise, but a committee appointed by the Grand Sovereign, the council or the Grand Recorder need not consist of, or include, a member or members of any particular division.
No derogation from the authority or prerogative of the Grand Sovereign
24. Nothing herein shall derogate from the authority of the Grand Sovereign to make, or the right of any knight to petition the Grand Sovereign to make, any other arrangements for the deter mination of any matter whatsoever.
Twelfth Schedule
Plate 1................................................................................. Jewel of a Knight Companion
Plate 2.................................................. Stole – to be worn only by Clerks in Holy Orders (see Ninth Schedule: 2, 6, 9a, and 12 as appropriate)
Plate 3............................................................................ Jewel of a Viceroy of a Conclave
Plate 4...............................................................................................Baton on a Sovereign
Plate 5................................................................ Jewel of a Sovereign and Past Sovereign
Plate 6................................................................................... Sash of a Knight Companion
Plate 7................................................................................. Jewel of a Knight Companion
Plate 8......................................................... Jewel of a Commander and Past Commander
Plate 9 Mitre for a Prelate of a Sanctuary
Plate 10............... Baton of a Deputy Intendant-General and Assistant Intendant-General
Plate 11 ......................................................................................... Sash of a Grand Officer
Plate 12..................................................Jewel of a Grand Officer and Past Grand Officer
Plate 13.............................................................................. Baton of an Intendant-General