The Scarlet Cord - 2024

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for the Government of The Ancient & Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord in the British Isles and its Districts and Consistories Overseas


1. The title of the Order is “The Ancient & Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord in the British Isles and its Districts and Consistories Overseas” (hereinafter called “the Order”).

2. (i) The Order shall be governed by a body styled “The Grand Senatus,” which has the power to promulgate or amend these regulations and to decide all matters relating to the Order, and which will meet annually on such day and at such place as the Grand Summus may direct.

(ii) The Grand Summus, or in his absence the Grand Officer with the highest rank present, shall preside over any meeting of the Grand Senatus and in any case of equality of votes shall be entitled to a casting vote.

(iii) The Grand Festival shall be held after the annual meeting of Grand Senatus.

3. The Grand Senatus shall consist of Present and Past Grand Officers and all other subscribing members of the Third Grade of the Order. Subscribing members of the Order who are not members of the Third Grade may attend at the invitation of the Grand Summus, but they do not have the right to vote or speak on any subject being debated.

4. The Grand Officers of the Order shall consist of the following who shall be designated and take precedence as follows:

1. The Grand Summus ................................................................................ G.S.

2. Past Grand Summi ............................................................................... P.G.S.

3. Deputy Grand Summus ..................................................................

4. Past Deputy Grand Summi P.Dep.G.S.

5. Assistant Grand Summus ................................................................... A.G.S.

6. Past Assistant Grand Summi ........................................................... P.A.G.S.

7. Grand Regents Vicarii ................................................................. G.Reg.Vic.

8. Provincial and District Grand Summi ............................ Prov.G.S./Dist.G.S.

9. Past Provincial and District Grand Summi ............... P.Prov.G.S./P.Dist.G.S.

10. Grand Chancellor.............................................................................. G.Chan. 11. Past Grand Chancellors ................................................................. P.G.Chan.

12. Grand Vice Chancellor ............................................................ G.Vice Chan.

13. Past Grand Vice Chancellors ................................................. P.G.Vice Chan.

14. Grand Inspector ................................................................................. G.Insp.

15. Past Grand Inspectors ......................................................................P.G.Insp.

16. Grand Episcopus ................................................................................... G.Ep.

17. Past Grand Episcopi P.G.Ep.

18. President of the Executive Committee ........................................... Pres.E.C.

19. Past Presidents of the Executive Committee ............................... P.Pres.E.C.

20. Grand Registrar G.Reg.

21. Past Grand Registrars ...................................................................... P.G.Reg.

22. Grand Treasurer ................................................................................G.Treas.

23. Past Grand Treasurers .................................................................... P.G.Treas.

24. Grand Recorder G.Rec.

25. Past Grand Recorders ...................................................................... P.G.Rec.

26. Grand Director of Ceremonies ........................................................... G.D.C.

27. Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies ............................................... P.G.D.C.

28. Grand Lecturer G.Lect.

29. Past Grand Lecturers ...................................................................... P.G.Lect.

30. Deputy Grand Episcopus .............................................................. Dep.G.Ep.

31. Past Deputy Grand Episcopi ...................................................... P.Dep.G.Ep.

32. Deputy Grand Registrar Dep.G.Reg.

33. Past Deputy Grand Registrars ................................................. P.Dep.G.Reg.

34. Deputy Grand Recorder .............................................................. Dep.G.Rec.

35. Past Deputy Grand Recorders ..................................................P.Dep.G.Rec.

36. Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies....................................... Dep.G.D.C.

37. Past Deputy Grand Directors of Ceremonies .................................. P.G.D.C.

38. Grand Herald ...................................................................................... G.Her.

39. Past Grand Heralds ........................................................................... P.G.Her.

40. Assistant Grand Recorder ............................................................... A.G.Rec.

41. Past Assistant Grand Recorders ................................................... P.A.G.Rec.

42. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies ........................................ A.G.D.C.

43. Past Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies ............................ P.A.G.D.C.

44. Grand Sword Bearer ...................................................................... G.Swd.B.

45. Past Grand Sword Bearers P.G.Swd.B.

46. Grand Standard Bearer ...................................................................... G.St.B.

47. Past Grand Standard Bearers .......................................................... P.G.St.B.

48. Deputy Grand Sword Bearer .................................................. Dep.G.Swd.B.

49. Past Deputy Grand Sword Bearers P.Dep.G.Swd.B.

50. Deputy Grand Standard Bearer ..................................................Dep.G.St.B.

51. Past Deputy Grand Standard Bearers ...................................... P.Dep.G.St.B.

52. Grand Organist ................................................................................... G.Org.

53. Past Grand Organists P.G.Org.

54. Deputy Grand Organist ............................................................... Dep.G.Org.

55. Past Deputy Grand Organists ................................................... P.Dep.G.Org.

56. Grand Guarder .................................................................................... G.Gdr.

57. Past Grand Guarders P.G.Gdr.

58. Assistant Grand Guarder ................................................................ A.G.Gdr.

59. Past Assistant Grand Guarders .....................................................P.A.G.Gdr.

60. Grand Steward .................................................................................. G.Stwd.

61. Past Grand Stewards P.G.Stwd.

62. Grand Watchman ............................................................................ G.Watch.

63. Past Grand Watchmen.................................................................. P.G.Watch.

5. Past Grand Officers shall, as long as they are subscribing members of a Consistory, be entitled to the precedence of their respective offices and to continue to be accorded the prefix and salute appropriate to that office and to wear the appropriate regalia.

6. A Provincial or District Grand Summus shall in his Province or District take precedence over all save the Grand Summus, the Deputy Grand Summus, and the Assistant Grand Summus.

7. Provincial or District Grand Officers, present and past, who are subscribing members of a Consistory, shall rank among themselves within their own Province or District in the same order as Grand Officers holding corresponding ranks and to wear the appropriate regalia.


8. (i) The prefixes to be accorded to and used by Grand Officers are as follows:

Grand Summus ........................................... Most Distinguished (M.Dist.Comp.)

Deputy Grand Summus .............................. Right Distinguished (R.Dist.Comp.)

Assistant Grand Summus Right Distinguished (R.Dist.Comp.)

Grand Regent Vicarius ............................... Right Distinguished (R.Dist.Comp.)

Provincial/District Grand Summus ............ Right Distinguished (R.Dist.Comp.)

Grand Chancellor ....................................... Right Distinguished (R.Dist.Comp.)

Grand Vice Chancellor ............................... Right Distinguished (R.Dist.Comp.)

Grand Inspector ............................................ Very Distinguished (V.Dist.Comp.)

Grand Episcopus .......................................... Very Distinguished (V.Dist.Comp.)

President of the Executive Committee Very Distinguished (V.Dist.Comp.)

Grand Registrar ............................................ Very Distinguished (V.Dist.Comp.)

Grand Treasurer ............................................ Very Distinguished (V.Dist.Comp.)

Grand Recorder ............................................ Very Distinguished (V.Dist.Comp.)

Grand Director of Ceremonies ..................... Very Distinguished (V.Dist.Comp.)

Grand Lecturer ............................................. Very Distinguished (V.Dist.Comp.)

Deputy Grand Episcopus .......................................... Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Deputy Grand Registrar Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Deputy Grand Recorder............................................ Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies .................... Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Grand Herald ............................................................ Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Assistant Grand Recorder......................................... Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.................. Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Grand Sword Bearer ................................................. Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Grand Standard Bearer Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Deputy Grand Sword Bearer .................................... Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Deputy Grand Standard Bearer ................................ Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Grand Organist ......................................................... Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Deputy Grand Organist ............................................ Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Grand Guarder .......................................................... Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Assistant Grand Guarder .......................................... Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Grand Steward Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

Grand Watchman ...................................................... Distinguished (Dist.Comp.)

(ii) Presidents and Past Presidents of Consistories shall be entitled to use the prefix Distinguished (Dist.Comp.).

(iii) Prepared Companions shall be entitled to use the prefix Eminent (Em.Comp.).


9. (i) Grand Officers and Provincial/District Grand Officers, present and past, will be saluted as follows: (** **)

Provincial/District Grand Summi

or District only ............................................... 3 times


10. (i) There are six grades of the Order as follows:

First Grade – Ostiarii, or Doorkeepers (conferred in a Consistory) I

Second Grade – Lectores (conferred in a Consistory) ..................................... II

Third Grade – Fellows or Healer & Exorcists (conferred in a Consistory) ... III

This will be followed by the Preparation and Installation of a President.

Fourth Grade – Councillor (Conferred in a Council of Elders) ..................... IV

Fifth Grade – Keeper of the Hidden Secret (conferred in a Council of the Entrusted) .......................................................... V

Sixth Grade – Prince of Jerusalem (conferred in a Council of Princes) VI (ii) The Grade held by a Companion is to be indicated as a suffix between the surname and any rank using Roman numerals as follows:

Em.Comp. A. N. Other, III, Prov.G.Stwd. (Example for a Prepared Companion who holds the third grade and is a junior Provincial Officer.)

11. The First Grade of the Order shall be conferred only upon a subscribing Prince of the Order of the Secret Monitor.


12. The Grand Summus shall be elected, installed and proclaimed at the annual meeting of the Grand Senatus.

13. The Grand Treasurer and the professionally qualified and registered Auditors shall be elected at the Grand Senatus and shall take office from the time of their election and (in the case of the Treasurer) investiture to that office.

14. Upon the installation of the Grand Summus he may appoint any or all of the Grand Officers named in Regulation 4 who shall thereupon be installed or invested, provided always that no companion may be appointed to Grand Rank unless he has been installed as a President, and above that of Deputy Grand Sword Bearer (apart from that of Episcopus) unless he has attained the Fourth Grade of the Order or is otherwise qualified. Recommendations for Grand Rank shall be submitted in accordance with the instructions issued by the Grand Recorder.

15. The Grand Summus may also appoint duly qualified companions to such past ranks as he may deem appropriate. He may promote Past Grand Officers at his discretion.

16. (i) The remaining business to be conducted at the annual meeting shall be set out in the summons convening the meeting and no other business may be conducted except with the permission of the Grand Summus. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given to every member qualified to attend not less than fourteen days before the meeting.

(ii) Notice of every motion to be brought forward at the annual meeting must be received by the Grand Recorder no later than one calendar month before the annual meeting.

17. The Grand Summus may appoint from time to time members of the Order to constitute the Grand Summus’ Tzaddikim to form the Bodyguard to the Grand Summus. They will be under the purview of the Grand Director of Ceremonies and under the direction of the Captain and Deputy Captain of the Tzaddikim.

18. The Grand Summus, or in his absence the Deputy Grand Summus, or in his absence the Assistant Grand Summus, or in his absence the senior member present, may summon a meeting of the Grand Senatus whenever, in his opinion, the good of the Order shall require it.

19. The Grand Summus may grant dispensations to cover any matter which may be for the benefit of the Order. The fee for such dispensation shall be such a sum as shall be set out in the summons for a meeting of the Grand Senatus and agreed at such meeting.


The Grand Summus

20. The Grand Summus, subject to these Constitutions and Regulations shall, mutatis mutandis, have all the powers and privileges which the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England has over Craft Masonry and Masons within his jurisdiction.

The Grand Treasurer

21. The Grand Treasurer shall, at the Annual meeting of Grand Senatus, present a report on the accounts of the Order for the financial year ended on the preceding 31 August. These Accounts, duly audited, shall be published with the minutes of such meeting and shall be formally presented at the next following Annual meeting.

The Grand Registrar

22. The Grand Registrar shall have the care and custody of the Great Seal of the Order and, under the direction of the Grand Summus, shall affix, or authorise the Grand Recorder to affix, the Seal to all Warrants and other document requiring the same.

The Grand Recorder

23. (i) The Grand Recorder shall be appointed by the Grand Summus and the appointee, who shall be a subscribing member of the Order, shall already have been appointed to serve as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England & Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas. He shall perform such duties as the Grand Summus or the Executive Committee shall direct.

Grand Stewards

24. (i) Each year the Grand Summus may invite up to eight members from Provinces /Districts and Unattached Consistories who are Past Presidents for appointment as Grand Stewards.

(ii) Recommendations from Consistories in Provinces, Districts and Inspectorates, including Provinces, Districts and Inspectorates Overseas, must be submitted to the Provincial or District Grand Summus or Inspector and if approved forwarded to the Grand Recorder.

(iii) The Grand Stewards shall be responsible for the regulation of the Grand Festival held at the end of their year of office. For this purpose each Grand Steward shall pay towards the expenses of the Grand Festival such sum as may be decided from time to time by the Executive Committee. The Grand Stewards shall meet when summoned by the Grand Recorder.

The Grand Watchman

25. The Grand Watchman shall be appointed by the Grand Summus and shall continue in office during the pleasure of the Executive Committee.


26. There shall be an Executive Committee, consisting of the Grand Summus, the Deputy Grand Summus, the Assistant Grand Summus, the President of the Committee, the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Registrar, the Grand Recorder, the Grand Director of Ceremonies, together with six members three of whom will be elected by the Grand Senatus at the annual Meeting and three of whom will be appointed by the Grand Summus. Five members present shall form a quorum.

27. Candidates for election or appointment to the Executive Committee must be companions who have been preferred as members of the fourth grade. The names of such candidates shall be contained in the summons convening the annual meeting of the Grand Senatus.

28. A casual vacancy amongst the elected members shall be filled by appointment by the Grand Summus.

29. The members of the Executive Committee shall elect one of its members as Vice-President. In the absence of the President and Vice President the highest ranking member present will preside. The companion presiding shall, in the event of equality of votes, have a casting vote.

30. The Executive Committee shall possess power and authority over the Order similar to those of the Mark General Board of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.

It shall also exercise the same powers as the Mark Executive Committee in respect of hearing appeals from other Authority; in dealing with questions of erasure and expulsion; in amendment of these Regulations and approval of alterations in the fees prescribed by Regulations 107 to 109, and in all other matters where the Grand Summus may so direct. It shall be the sole authority for the ritual of the Order which it will authorise upon advice from a Ritual Committee.

31. The Executive Committee will meet on such days and at such times as the Grand Summus may direct. It shall, in any event, meet no less than twice in each year.

32. A special meeting of the Executive Committee may be convened by the Grand Summus or the President at seven days’ notice.

33. The Executive Committee shall, except when otherwise directed by the Grand Senatus, have the custody and supervision of everything relating to administration, furniture and regalia of the Order; and shall report its proceedings to the Grand Senatus at the annual meeting.

34. The Executive Committee shall appoint annually three of its members who, together with the Grand Treasurer, shall form the Finance Committee, who will report their proceedings to the Executive Committee.

35. The Finance Committee shall administer the finances of the Order, shall examine all accounts presented for payment and direct them to be discharged if found to be correct. Payments for items other than ordinary current expenses shall be authorised by the Executive Committee.

36. All cheques drawn on the funds of the Order shall be signed by two of: (a) the Grand Treasurer (b) the Grand Recorder (c) the Deputy Grand Recorder (d) the Assistant Grand Recorder.

37. The Grand Senatus shall appoint three Trustees in whose name the assets and funds of the Order shall be vested. The power to appoint new Trustees shall vest in the Grand Senatus. The Trustees may, at their discretion, appoint a Nominee Company to act on their behalf in the purchase and sale of the investments of the Order.


38. There shall be the power to establish a Benevolent Fund, to be called “The Benignus Fund”, (which shall be administered separately from any Benevolent Fund administered by the Order of the Secret Monitor). Regulations 33 to 46 of the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order of the Secret Monitor shall apply mutatis mutandis as if the same were here set out, save that:

(i) in Regulation 37 of those Regulations there shall be added “partners of not less than two years standing”;

(ii) the qualifications for Donors shall be such sums as shall be agreed by the Grand Senatus after notice on a summons for a meeting, and;

(iii) the jewel in regulation 37 of those Regulations shall be the jewel specified hereafter in these Regulations.


39. (i) The Grand Summus may designate any area a Province or District, establish for it a Provincial or District Grand Senatus and appoint thereto under Patent a Provincial or District Grand Summus.

(ii) The Grand Summus may designate any area and establish therefore an Inspectorate and appoint thereto under Patent a Grand Inspector.

40. The Provincial or District Grand Senatus shall consist of the Provincial or District Grand Summus, the Provincial or District Grand Officers, all Past Provincial or District Grand Officers so long as they remain subscribing members of a Consistory under the jurisdiction of that Provincial or District Grand Senatus, together with all subscribing members of any Consistory within the Province or District.

41. (i) A Provincial or District Grand Summus may form a Provincial or District Executive Committee with powers similar to those of the Executive Committee of the Order for the purpose of supervising and regulating the affairs of the Province or District. This committee shall report its affairs annually to the Provincial Grand Senatus.

(ii) Every Provincial or District Grand Senatus shall make, and may add to or amend by-laws for its own government, provided that any such by-laws, additions or amendments are not inconsistent with these Constitutions and Regulations, but no such by-laws, additions or amendments shall come into force until approved by the Provincial or District Grand Summus and by the Grand Summus.

42. (i) The Provincial or District Grand Summus shall hold a meeting of his Provincial or District Grand Senatus not less frequently than once in every year.

(ii) At the Annual meeting of the Provincial or District Senatus the Provincial Grand Treasurer (who shall have been previously nominated for election) and the members of the Provincial or District Executive Committee (if any), other than the ex officio members appointed by the Provincial or District Grand Summus, shall be elected by the Provincial or District Grand Senatus.

43. At the Annual meeting of the Provincial or District Senatus the Provincial or District Grand Summus may appoint any or all of the following Provincial or District Grand Officers, provided that ranks higher than Provincial or District Grand Sword Bearer (other than Provincial or District Grand Episcopus, if the companion is a Clerk in Holy Orders) may be conferred only upon Presidents or Past Presidents:

Deputy Provincial or District Grand Summus Dep.Prov./Dist.G.S.

Assistant Provincial or District Grand Summus .............................. A.Prov./Dist.G.S.

Provincial or District Grand Chancellor......................................... Prov./Dist.G.Chan.

Provincial or District Grand Episcopus Prov./Dist.G.Ep.

Provincial or District Grand Registrar ............................................. Prov./Dist.G.Reg.

Provincial or District Grand Treasurer .......................................... Prov./Dist.G.Treas.

Provincial or District Grand Recorder ............................................. Prov./Dist.G.Rec.

Provincial or District Grand Director of Ceremonies ......................Prov./Dist.G.D.C.

Provincial or District Grand Lecturers (4) ...................................... Prov./Dist.G.Lect.

Provincial or District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies .. Prov./Dist.Dep.G.D.C.

Provincial or District Grand Herald ................................................. Prov./Dist.G.Her.

Provincial or District Assistant Grand Recorder .......................... Prov./Dist.A.G.Rec.

Provincial or District Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies Prov./Dist.A.G.D.C.

Provincial or District Grand Sword Bearer ................................. Prov./Dist.G.Swd.B.

Provincial or District Grand Standard Bearer ................................. Prov./Dist.G.St.B.

Provincial or District Grand Organist .............................................. Prov./Dist.G.Org.

Provincial or District Grand Guarder ............................................... Prov./Dist.G.Gdr.

Provincial or District Grand Stewards (four)


Provincial or District Grand Watchman ....................................... Prov./Dist.G.Watch.

44. A Grand Inspector of an Inspectorate may only appoint a Director of Ceremonies and a Recorder for the Inspectorate.

45. A Provincial or District Grand Summus may at the annual meeting of his Province or District promote past Provincial or District Grand Officers who are Presidents or Past Presidents at his discretion to an active Provincial Rank or to Past Provincial Rank in that Province or District.

46. A Provincial or District Grand Summus may confer each year Past Provincial or District Grand Rank on any President or past President in his Province or District provided that he shall not exceed the ratio of one appointment for every two Consistories in his Province or District.

47. A Provincial or District Grand Summus may form a Provincial or District Grand Summus’ Tzaddikim to act as a ceremonial Guard when the Provincial or District Grand Summus is present and to assist the Provincial or District Grand Director of Ceremonies at Provincial or District meetings. The Tzaddikim shall consist of a Captain and Deputy Captain and up to twelve other members who must retire from the Tzaddikim in the year in which they receive Provincial or District Grand Rank. The Captain and Deputy Captain may be Provincial or District Grand Officers.

48. An annual return of appointments to Provincial or District Grand Rank shall be made by Provinces, Districts or Inspectorates within fourteen days of the date of the annual meeting of the Province or District, or appointment within an Inspectorate.


49. This Consistory shall be considered the Premier Scarlet Cord Consistory. It shall be an unattached Consistory and the Grand Summus, for the time being, shall be its permanent President.


50. (i) The Officers of a Consistory shall take precedence in the following order: President, Primus of Lectores, Primus of Ostiarii, Episcopus, Registrar, Treasurer, Recorder, Director of Ceremonies, not more than four Lecturers, Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Organist, Herald, Guarder, Stewards and Watchman. Officers in italics are additional Officers.

(ii) Save by dispensation from the Grand Summus, or in a Provincial/District Grand Senatus, from the Provincial/District Grand Summus, no Companion shall hold more than one regular office, but a Companion may hold one of the additional offices together with a regular office.

(iii) Each Consistory shall appoint auditors who shall not be the Officers in whom the assets of the Consistory are vested (i.e., the President or Primi)

(iv) The Watchman must be a companion who has been regularly received into the first grade of the Order; he may act as Watchman in any Consistory, and if elected may be a serving companion. If he is a serving companion he shall be elected by the members of the Consistory by show of hands on the regular day of the election of a President; if he is a subscribing member of the Consistory he shall be appointed, with the other officers, on the day of installation.

51. (i) Every application to form a new Consistory of the Order must be by Petition to the Grand Summus on the printed form obtainable from the Grand Recorder signed by at least seven subscribing members of the Order registered under these Constitutions and specifying the proposed name of the Consistory, the place and times where it is intended that it should meet, the names of the companions proposed for the first President, Primus of Lectores and Primus of Ostiarii.

(ii) If the proposed new Consistory is to meet in a Province or District, the application must be recommended by the Provincial or District Grand Summus or Grand Inspector as the case may be.

(iii) All Petitioners must be members of the First Grade of the Order and shall provide a clearance certificate from each Consistory to which they have been subscribing members. Clearance Certificates are not required from Consistories of which they are current members.

52. Every new Consistory shall be constituted and consecrated according to ancient usage. The Grand Summus or his nominee or the Provincial or District Grand Summus of the Province or District in which the Consistory is to meet or Grand Inspector shall perform the ceremony or designate a Grand Officer to do so. No Consistory shall be acknowledged, nor shall any of the members as such be entitled to any of the privileges of the Order, until it has been so constituted and consecrated.

53. (i) A Consistory shall not meet without a Warrant from the Grand Summus. The warrant is to be especially entrusted to the President of the Consistory for the time being at his installation and he shall be responsible for the safe keeping thereof and shall produce it at every meeting of the Consistory.

(ii) Consistories shall rank in accordance with the dates of their warrants, and in the case of Time Immemorial Consistories, in accordance with the date of their consecration, unless the Grand Summus otherwise directs.

54. Should a Warrant be lost or for any other reason cannot be produced, the Consistory must suspend its meetings until a Warrant of Confirmation be obtained, the original Warrant produced or a dispensation granted by the Grand Summus.

55. (i) A Consistory which has completed one hundred years of uninterrupted existence shall be entitled to receive a centenary Warrant, provided that at least one meeting of the Consistory has been held, or by dispensation not held, in each of the one hundred years of its uninterrupted existence.

(ii) An application for the grant of a centenary warrant may be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval by the Grand Summus not more than four

months before the date on which one hundred years of uninterrupted existence has been completed.

(iii) The fee for the centenary warrant shall as prescribed in accordance with these Regulations.

(iv) Every member of a Consistory to which a centenary warrant has been granted may wear a commemorative jewel of the design prescribed in these Regulations.

56. A Consistory which has completed fifty years of uninterrupted existence shall be entitled to receive a Jubilee certificate. The provisions of the preceding rule of these regulations shall apply as if the same were here set out mutatis mutandis.

57. (i) Every Consistory shall make, and may add to or amend, by-laws for its own government. Provided that any such by-laws, additions or amendments are not inconsistent with these Constitutions and Regulations.

(ii) Consistory by-laws shall not be revised, added to or amended unless notice of motion be given at a meeting of Consistory and the detail thereof included in the summons for a following meeting at which the matter shall be voted upon. If adopted, such revision, addition or amendment shall not come into force until approved, if the Consistory is in a Province, District or Provincial/District Inspectorate by the Provincial or District Grand Summus or Grand Inspector, and in every case by the Grand Summus.

(iii) The by-laws of a Consistory shall state the place and date of the regular meetings, and shall specify the meeting at which the election of the President, Treasurer and Watchman (if appropriate) shall take place, and that at which the installation of the President elect shall take place. Should the by-laws contain provision for an annual subscription they shall also state the date upon which the same shall become due.

(iv) Regular meetings of a Consistory shall not be cancelled nor held otherwise in accordance with its By-laws except by dispensation of the Grand Summus or in a Province, District or Inspectorate by the Provincial or District Grand Summus or Grand Inspector.

(v) A copy of the by-laws shall be presented to every President on his installation and to every candidate and joining member of a Consistory.

58. (i) Every Consistory shall annually, at the regular meeting next before the day named in its by-laws for the installation, elect its President and Treasurer respectively. Unless there is more than one regularly proposed candidate, or there is a demand for a ballot, the regularly proposed candidate for each office shall be deemed and declared to have been elected.

(ii) After he has been prepared for presidency and before installation as such, the President designate shall be entitled to the prefix Eminent..

59. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless there be present five members of the Consistory; and no ceremony shall be performed unless one of the companions present be an installed President qualified to preside.

60. (i) A companion shall not, except by dispensation of the Grand Summus, be appointed as Primus of Lectores or Primus of Ostiarii in a regular Consistory unless he shall first have attained the Third Grade of the Order.

(ii) A companion shall not be eligible, except by dispensation from the Grand Summus, or in respect of a companion in a Province/District a Provincial/District Grand Summus, to be promoted to a senior grade unless a period of twenty-eight days has elapsed since his last promotion.

61. (i) A companion shall not be installed as President of any Consistory, except by dispensation of the Grand Summus, unless he shall previously have been installed as President or invested as Primus of Lectores or Primus of Ostiarii in a regular Consistory at an installation meeting and has served or deemed to have served in such office for a full year.

(ii) A companion may not be installed as President unless three installed Presidents are present at the meeting where the installation is to take place, having previously been prepared in accordance with the established rites and customs of the Order.

(iii) A President shall only be installed if a Patent authorising his installation signed by the Most Distinguished Grand Summus is produced at the meeting of and immediately prior to his installation except by dispensation from the Most Distinguished Grand Summus.

62. Subject to these Constitutions and Regulations the powers and duties of a President are, mutatis mutandis those of a Supreme Ruler in a Conclave of the Order of the Secret Monitor.

63. An installed President may not serve as President in two or more Consistories at the same time, unless by dispensation of the Grand Summus, and may not serve more than two consecutive years in that office unless by dispensation from the Grand Summus.

64. In the absence of the President, the Immediate Past President shall take the chair or, in his absence, the next in seniority of the past Presidents of that Consistory, failing whom, any Installed President may preside.

65. Every President at his discretion, and in the case of inability to act, the Primus of Lectores, may convene a Consistory of Emergency.

66. Should the President die, or be unable or unwilling to serve as President, or should it be impractical to hold the meeting for the Installation of the President on the proper date, the Consistory shall immediately apply to the Grand Summus, or in a Province, District or Inspectorate to the Provincial or District Grand Summus, or in an Inspectorate to the District Grand Inspector, for instructions as to the course to be followed. Such instructions may include directions for the holding of special meetings for the election or installation of a President or may direct that the President remain in office for a further year, and may further direct that the President and the Officers invested in accordance with such instructions shall at the date of the meeting for the installation of a President in the ensuing year be deemed to have served in their offices for a full year. In the event of the death of the President in office, the summons convening the special meeting should be sent out under the name and authority of the Primus of Lectores.

67. Except in the case of a newly constituted Consistory, where the President, Primus of Lectores and Primus of Ostiarii are named in the warrant, all officers with the exception of the Treasurer and Watchman (who are elected) are to be appointed, and if present invested, by the President immediately after his installation.

68. Should a member be two years in arrears with his subscription to a Consistory he shall thereupon cease to be a member of that Consistory and may rejoin only on payment of all arrears and by regular proposition and ballot.

69. All votes within a Consistory shall be by show of hands except for the election of a President, Treasurer, which shall, unless declared pursuant to rule 59 be a paper ballot. Ballots for the election, suspension or exclusion (otherwise than exclusion by resolution in accordance with regulation 70) of a brother shall be by ballot ball where three adverse (or two if the Consistory By-Laws so provide) votes shall exclude a prospective candidate or defeat any other proposition.

70. Regulation 69 shall not preclude a Consistory from proceeding according to its By-Laws against any of its members for non-payment of subscriptions for a shorter period than two years.

71. (i) Every Consistory shall have the power to exclude any of its members for sufficient cause; provided that such member shall have been served with not less than fourteen clear days notice in writing of the complaint made against him and of the time and place appointed for its consideration, so that he may attend and be heard or submit any statement in writing. Such notice shall be considered served if sent by registered or recorded delivery post to his last known address. Service by facsimile or electronic means shall not be considered sufficient. This power of exclusion can only be exercised if two-thirds of the votes cast (by secret ballot) shall be in favour of the resolution. The name of every companion so excluded shall be sent to the Grand Recorder and in a Province or District also to the Provincial or District Grand Recorder, and in an Inspectorate to the Recorder of the Inspectorate.

(ii) Any question as to the regularity or propriety of a member’s exclusion shall be determined as provided for in these Regulations.

72. (i) Every unattached Consistory shall forward copies of each summons to the Grand Recorder and such other officers as may from time to time be directed.

(ii) In a Province or District or Inspectorate copies of each summons shall be forwarded to the Provincial or District Grand Recorder and other officers as he may direct.

73. (i) In the month of September in every year the President of every Consistory shall cause to be transmitted to the Grand Recorder, through the Provincial or District Grand Recorder, where applicable, a return in the prescribed form setting forth the total number of members of the Consistory during the financial year ended on the last day of the preceding month and the names of members and of all new members of the Consistory and of all brethren who have ceased to be members since the last return, with the dates of their reception, joining, death, resignation or exclusion as the case shall be.

(ii) With this return shall be forwarded the annual dues payable to Grand Senatus in respect of all such members.

(iii) A duplicate of this return shall be forwarded to the Provincial or District Grand Recorder at the same time, if the Consistory is in a Province, District or Inspectorate together with the annual dues payable to the Provincial or District Grand Senatus.


74. In addition to the qualification for reception into the Order contained in Regulation 11, a person shall not be eligible for election as joining or rejoining member unless (a) he was received into the First Grade of the Order in a regular Consistory, or (b) he is a member or past member in good standing of a regular Consistory and a regular former or honorary member of a regular Lodge, or a Lodge under a Constitution recognised by United Grand Lodge of England. For the purpose of these regulations a regular Lodge is a Lodge under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England or of a Grand Lodge recognised by that body. A regular Conclave is a Conclave under the jurisdiction of the Grand Conclave of the Order of the Secret Monitor or a Grand Conclave recognised by that body. The qualification of every candidate in the foregoing respects shall be stated at his nomination and set out in the summons for the meeting at which he is to be received, which summons shall be issued not less than seven days before the meeting at which the ballot is to take place.

75. Any number of candidates may be received into the Order on the same occasion provided that their names and qualifications have been duly inserted in, or circulated with, the summons.

76. All candidates must be duly balloted for; three adverse votes shall exclude, but the by-laws may provide that a lesser number shall exclude. An unsuccessful candidate shall not again be proposed until twelve months at least have elapsed since his rejection in that Consistory.

77. A candidate shall not be received into the Order except at a meeting of a regularly warranted Consistory; save that the Grand Summus may confer any of the grades at any time with the assistance of two members of the Grand Senatus, or may issue a special dispensation to three members of the Order, one of whom shall be an installed President, empowering them to confer any one grade on a specified candidate.

78. (i) In the event of a companion who was received in a Consistory not under the jurisdiction of this Grand Senatus applying to join a Consistory under this Grand Senatus, the Recorder of the Consistory shall, before a ballot is taken, apply to the Grand Recorder (or in a Province, District or Inspectorate to the Provincial or District Grand Recorder) to ascertain that the Grand Senatus under which the companion was inducted is recognised by the Grand Senatus in the British Isles and its Districts and Consistories Overseas

(ii) Upon election and before being admitted for the first time as a member of the Consistory, such joining companion shall make the following declaration:

I, .........................., received in .......................... Consistory No. ...... on the Register of the Grand Senatus of .......................... do solemnly declare that if I shall be admitted a member of this .............................. Consistory No. ...... I will adhere to the Constitutions and Regulations of the Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord in the British Isles and its Districts and Consistories Overseas. I promise due obedience to the Grand Summus thereof and to all other rules and regulations of the Order and to the By-laws of this Consistory.

Signature Witness

Date ..........................................

(iii) This Declaration shall be preserved with the records of the Consistory.

79. A copy of the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order shall be presented to every candidate received and every companion joining from a constitution not under the Grand Senatus.

80. A candidate shall not be received for a fee less than the registration fee currently charged by Grand Senatus.

81. Upon reception into the Third Grade of the Order a candidate shall be entitled to receive from the Grand Summus a certificate of that fact and upon progression to the grades of preparation for admission as a President of the Order shall be entitled to a further certificate of such fact on each case upon payment of such a fee as shall be determined in accordance with these Regulations.


Companions of the Order of the Scarlet Cord

82. (i) Ostiarii or Doorkeeper (First Grade): a scarlet cord tied around the waist with tassels falling on the left hip. A replica of an ancient key in bronze is worn around the neck suspended from a scarlet thread. (Plate No. 1)

(ii) Lectores or Reader (Second Grade): as for a Doorkeeper with the exception that the tassels of the scarlet cord fall on the right hip and the ancient key is replaced by a miniature scroll inscribed with the Greek words “Ara Ge Ginooskeis”. (Plate No. 2)

(iii) Fellow or Healer & Exorcist (Third Grade): as for a doorkeeper with the exception that the scarlet cord is worn over the left shoulder with the tassels falling on the right side of the body. The ancient key is replaced by a breast jewel depicting a silver skull and crossbones suspended from a black ribbon, worn on the left breast. (Brethren qualified to wear the jewel of the Third Grade before 21 July 2010 may wear the Third Grade jewel suspended from a scarlet ribbon.) (Plate No. 3)

(iv) Councillor: (Fourth Grade): as for a doorkeeper with the exception that the scarlet cord is worn over the right shoulder with the tassels falling on the left side of the body. The silver skull and crossbones jewel is replaced by a breast jewel which is a one and a quarter inches wide tricoloured ribbon (red/white/black) suspended from a gilt top bar, below which is suspended from a gilt bottom bar a gilt replica of the Ark of the Covenant. (Plate No. 4)

(v) Keeper of the Hidden Secret (Fifth Grade): as for a Grand Officer (Fourth Grade). A silver coloured star worn on the left breast. (The silver star is to be worn with Dress and Undress Grand Regalia.) (Plate No. 5)

(vi) Prince of Jerusalem (Sixth Grade): as for the Fifth Grade. A gold coloured star. (The gold star is to be worn with Dress and Undress Grand Regalia.) (Plate No. 5)


83. In consistories, collars of office may be worn over Grand Rank sashes.

(i) Primus of Ostiarii: a scarlet collar from which is suspended a replica of an ancient golden key. The Primus will additionally wear the regalia of his rank in the Order.

(ii) Primus of Lectores: a white collar from which is suspended a gilt scroll inscribed with the Greek words ‘Ara Ge Ginooskeis’. The Primus will additionally wear the regalia of his rank in the Order.

(iii) President: A black collar from which is suspended a silver replica of a skull and crossed bones. A Scarlet sash, with a thin white stripe down the centre and a black bullion. The sash inscribed with the word ‘President’ and the number of the Consistory (if Time Immemorial then the number and the letters ‘T.I.’). The sash is worn over the right shoulder. The President will wear the regalia of the Third Grade with the addition that on the ribbon from which the jewel is suspended will be a replica of a Horn of Plenty. (Presidents of consistories consecrated prior to 21 July 2010 may wear a crimson collar.)

(iv) Officers: a Scarlet sash with a thin white stripe down the centre and black bullion. No inscription on the sash.

Holders of Provincial or District Grand Rank

84. (i) A yellow sash four inches wide, with scarlet cord edging and scarlet bullion, with the name of the Province/District inscribed thereon. Below the name of the Province/District will be a Roundel of Olive Green oak leaves, the centre of which will be black upon which will be a replica of an ancient golden key entwined with a scarlet cord. It is worn over the right shoulder falling over the left hip.

(ii) An officer holding active rank in a Province or District will have the same sash as in (i) above. In addition he will wear a yellow collarette with scarlet cord edging with a replica of an ancient key suspended therefrom.

(iii) On becoming or being appointed to the rank of a Past Provincial or District Grand Officer he will wear a Provincial or District Grand Officer’s sash with no rank show and will additionally wear a yellow rosette on the collarette.

(iv) A Deputy Provincial or District Grand Summus will wear either (but not both) the regalia specified in Regulation 93 or a sash as in (i) above save that below the Roundel will be the words Dep. Prov. (or Dist.) G. Summus. If the Deputy Provincial or District Grand Summus is a Grand Officer when acting as Deputy Provincial or District Grand Summus in his own Province or District he will wear his Provincial or District regalia. On all other occasions he will wear his Grand regalia. On relinquishing office, if he is not a Grand Officer he will wear the regalia described in (iii) above.

(v) An Assistant Provincial or District Grand Summus will wear the regalia described in (iv) above, save that the words below the roundel shall be Asst. Prov. (or Dist) G. Summus.

(vi) In an Inspectorate, companions appointed by the Grand Inspector to act as either Recorder or Director of Ceremonies shall wear a Sash as in (ii) above, save that instead of the word Province or District the word Inspectorate and the area will be shown. On relinquishing office the companion will wear the regalia described in (iii) above save that the name of the Inspectorate will be shown instead of that of a Province or District.

Grand Officers

85. Grand Summus: an Imperial Purple robe with gold facings and cuffs. A Chain of Office on a gold background from which is suspended a gold eagle reguardant, wings expanded within a circle of olive green oak leaves. A purple collarette with gold edging from which is suspended a gold eagle reguardant, wings expanded, within a circle of olive green oak leaves. A purple sceptre surmounted by a gold eagle reguardant, wings expanded, within a circle of olive green oak leaves. Undress regalia as described in Regulation 93 with Sceptre.

86. Deputy Grand Summus: a scarlet robe with white facings and cuffs. A chain of office set on a white background from which is suspended a gold eagle reguardant, wings expanded. A white collarette with gold edging from which is suspended a gold eagle reguardant, wings expanded. A white sceptre surmounted by a gold eagle reguardant, wings expanded. Undress regalia as described in Regulation 93 with sceptre.

87. Assistant Grand Summus: a bright blue robe with white facings and cuffs. A Chain of office on a bright blue background from which is suspended a gold eagle reguardant, wings expanded. A bright blue collarette with gold edging from which is suspended a gold eagle reguardant, wings expanded. A bright blue sceptre surmounted by a gold eagle reguardant with wings expanded. Undress regalia as described in Regulation 93 with sceptre.

88. Grand Regent Vicarius: a Chain of Office on a scarlet backing from which is suspended a replica of the Ark of the Covenant. (Plate No. 4). A Scarlet Baton with a replica of the Ark of the Covenant on top. If a member of the fifth or sixth Grade then the star described in either Regulation 82 (v) or (vi). Undress regalia as described in Regulation 93 with the words ‘Grand Regent Vicarius’ on the sash, and the baton herein described.

89. Provincial or District Grand Summus

(i) A Yellow Robe with black facings and cuffs. A chain of office on yellow backing from which is suspended a replica of an ancient golden key. A sceptre with yellow covering, with a replica of an ancient golden key on top. (Plate No. 1)

(ii) Undress regalia will be as in Regulation 93, save that the rank shown will be Provincial (or District) Grand Summus qualified by the name of the Province (or District).

(iii) On relinquishing office he will wear the regalia described in Regulation 93 (iii).

90. Grand Inspector: as in Regulation 89 (ii) and (iii), save that the rank shown will be Inspector followed by the name of the Inspectorate

91. Grand Episcopus: a white Alb. A breastplate. He will carry a replica of Aaron’s Rod. (These will be the property of Grand Senatus.) Undress regalia as in Regulation 93.

92. Grand Registrar: Barrister’s wig and black gown which is worn over the regalia described in Regulation 93 (ii). (The wig and gown will be the property of Grand Senatus.) Undress regalia as in Regulation 93.

93. (i) Brethren appointed to or promoted to Past Rank in Grand Senatus will wear a scarlet sash four inches wide with gold cord edging and gold bullion and the name of the Order inscribed thereon in gold braid, below which will be a roundel of gold oak leaves in the centre of which will be a gold replica of the Ark of the Covenant. It is worn on the right shoulder falling to the left hip.

(ii) An Officer holding Active Grand Rank will wear a scarlet collarette with gold edging from which is appended a replica of the Ark of the Covenant.

(iii) On relinquishing Active Grand Rank he will wear the regalia described in (i) above and in addition will be entitled to wear a scarlet rosette attached to the scarlet collarette.


94. Members: an Imperial Purple sash with gold cord edging and gold bullion. The sash inscribed in gold with the word ‘Order of the Scarlet Cord’ beneath which is a representation of the Ark of the Covenant in silver. A collar of Imperial Purple to which is appended a representation of a Gladius. A sword as hereinafter specified. (The sash will remain the property of the Grand Senatus and will be returned upon relinquishing office. It is to be worn only when undertaking the duties of office. When not discharging duties of office the regalia of rank will be worn. Past members may continue to wear the collar.)

95. Captain: as described in Regulation 94, save that the words shall be ‘CaptainTzaddikim’ and the collar shall be edged in gold.

96. Deputy: as described in Regulation 94, save that the words shall be ‘Deputy Captain – Tzaddikim’ and the collar edged in gold.

97. Past members of the Tzaddikim will wear the collar described in Regulation 94.

Provincial Tzaddikim

98. (i) Members will wear a yellow sash four inches wide with black cord edging. The sash to be inscribed in black with the words ‘Order of the Scarlet Cord’ beneath which are crossed swords three inches in length. A yellow collar to which is appended a silver Gladius. A sword as hereinafter specified.

(ii) The Captain shall wear the regalia herein specified save that the words shall be ‘Captain – Tzaddikim’

(iii) The Deputy Captain shall wear the regalia herein specified save that the words shall be ‘Deputy Captain – Tzaddikim’.

(iv) Past members of the Provincial or District Tzaddikim who are not Provincial or District Grand Officers may continue to wear the collarette.

Regalia – General

99. A companion who is an officer of a Consistory and is a Grand Officer, Provincial or District Grand Officer will wear his Grand, Provincial or District regalia. If he is a member of the first, second or third Grades he will wear the regalia of his Grade together with the sash of his Consistory Office. A President will wear the regalia described in Regulation 83 (iii). A Provincial Grand Summus, his Deputy and Assistant will wear the regalia of that rank. A Grand Inspector will wear the regalia herein specified.

100. Swords will be of the dimensions and description in Regulation 168.9 of the Statutes of the Great Priory of the United Religious Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes & Malta of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas, save that the scabbards shall be scarlet, the handle white and cross bar gold with a gold pommel.

101. A companion will not wear either two sashes or collars on the same occasion.


102. (i) The fees of Honour payable by Grand Officers, Present and Past, on first election or appointment shall be such sums as shall be published from time to time after a vote in Grand Senatus.

(ii) Value Added Tax on all fees (which is payable by all companions resident in the United Kingdom and the European Union) will be charged at the prevailing rate.

(iii) The fee of Honour payable to Grand Senatus by companions on promotion in Grand Rank shall be the difference between the fee payable for the former rank and that due for the higher rank.

103. The fees and dues payable to Grand Senatus by Consistories for Warrants, Patents, Registration of new members and Annual Dues shall be such sums as Grand Senatus shall publish in the summons for the Annual Meeting of Grand Senatus each year, provided that such be approved by Grand Senatus at the Annual meeting. Value Added Tax at the current rate is payable by Consistories and Grand Officers in the United Kingdom and European Union on all fees.

104. (i) There shall be payable to each Provincial or District Senatus or Grand Inspectorate such annual dues for each subscribing member of each Consistory as may be decided by the Provincial or District Senatus or Inspectorate but not exceeding 40% of the rate of annual dues payable to Grand Senatus.

(ii) Fees of Honour on first election, appointment or promotion shall not exceed 40% of the amount payable for the equivalent Grand Rank.

(iii) Such fees as the Provincial or District Senatus or Grand Inspectorate may prescribe but not exceeding 40% of the amount payable to Grand Senatus in respect of (a) registering the by-laws of a Consistory; (b) every alteration of by-laws; (c) every Dispensation granted by the Provincial or District Grand Summus or Grand Inspector.


105. (i) In these Rules the “appropriate authority” means the Executive Committee of the Order, except that in relation to a matter confined within a single Province or District or Grand Inspectorate and not concerning the interpretation of the Constitutions and Regulations, the Provincial or District Grand Summus shall be the appropriate authority. In case of doubt the Grand Summus shall designate the appropriate authority.

(ii) Any objection to the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee or of a Provincial or District Grand Summus shall be raised before that authority begins to deal

with a matter, or it shall be deemed to have been waived. Any such objection raised in due time shall forthwith be referred in writing to the Grand Summus, whose decision shall be final and binding on all parties.

(iii) Any Consistory or Companion aggrieved by a decision of an appropriate authority may within one month of receiving notice of that decision appeal to the Grand Summus to appoint a special tribunal to investigate the matter. The tribunal may confirm, amend or annul the original decision, and its decision shall be final.

106. (i) Complaints of irregularities or misconduct on the part of a Consistory or an individual member of the Order shall be considered by the appropriate authority, which may summon the attendance of any or all of the officers of the Consistory with the Warrant, books, papers and accounts thereof, as required, or of the companion with his certificate or certificates. Failure to comply with such summons shall render the Consistory liable to erasure or the companion to expulsion, and the fact shall be reported to the Grand Summus.

(ii) If a complaint is upheld, the appropriate authority may proceed to admonition or suspension. It has no power to erase a Consistory or to expel a member of the Order, but if the matter complained of is judged to be of so flagrant a nature as to appear to warrant erasure or expulsion, the facts and the opinion of the appropriate authority shall be reported to the Grand Summus.

107. (i) If any question of dispute or difference as to any matter relating to or affecting the Order arises between members and/or Consistories of the Order, any party thereto may submit a case in writing to the appropriate authority, who shall thereupon give such notice or notices to the other parties and such direction as to the attendance of the parties, submission of further statements, production of documents or any other matters necessary or convenient for the determination of the question, dispute or difference as it shall think fit.

(ii) The appropriate authority shall give its directions and decisions in writing.

(iii) Failure to comply with any such direction or decision shall render a Consistory liable to erasure or a companion to expulsion, and the facts shall be reported to the Grand Summus.

108. (i) When an appropriate authority reports any matter to the Grand Summus under the preceding Rules, the Grand Summus shall appoint a special tribunal to consider and advise whether the office warrants erasure or expulsion. The decision of this tribunal on confirmation by the Grand Summus shall be final.

(ii) If the tribunal does not consider that the offence warrants erasure or expulsion the case shall be referred back to the appropriate authority to be dealt with by admonition or suspension.

(iii) If the tribunal reports that the offence warrants erasure of a Consistory or the expulsion of a member of the Order such erasure or expulsion shall be effective immediately on confirmation by the Grand Summus and shall be notified to the Grand Senatus at its next meeting.

109. (i) In a Province, District or Inspectorate a minute of the proceedings on any complaint, together with details of the complaint and the decision thereon, shall be transmitted forthwith to the Grand Summus.

(ii) A Provincial or District Grand Summus or Grand Inspector may appoint a special committee to assist and advise him in dealing with any complaint.

110. In all cases of suspension or expulsion by the United Grand Lodge of England, the Supreme Grand Chapter of England, the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales, or any Order administered from Mark Masons’ Hall of a brother who is a companion of the Order, such companion shall ipso facto be suspended or expelled (as the case may be) also from this Order.

111. If any sovereign Masonic Body not listed in Regulation 110 shall expel or suspend from the Order over which it has jurisdiction a member who is also a companion of this Order, the Grand Summus may, should he think fit, treat that as a ground for the expulsion or suspension of such companion from this Order.


112. In all matters not specially provided for in these Constitutions and Regulations, the Order shall be bound by the Constitutions from time to time in force under the United Grand Lodge of England and its proceedings and the rights and duties of its members and Consistories shall be regulated thereby as nearly as circumstances will permit.


113. Save as herein expressly provided the provisions of all previous editions of the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order (if any) shall cease to have effect.

Plate No. 1

1st Grade Jewel Ostiarius or Doorkeeper


Plate No. 3

3rd Grade Jewel Fellow or Healer & Exorcist

Plate No. 2

2nd Grade Jewel Lectores or Reader

Plate No. 4

4th Grade Jewel Councillor

5th Grade Jewel

Keeper of the Hidden Secret (Silver)

6th Grade Jewel

Prince of Jerusalem (Gold)

Published by Mark Masons Hall Ltd

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