Week 48

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WEEK FORTY-EIGHT Hello and welcome to Week Forty-Eight of The Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan. We hope your week is going great. This week we begin Month Twelve - Leaving a Legacy. What a great subject to close out our One-Year Plan. I'd like to share with you a letter that I wrote to my mother on her 80th birthday. It speaks both of the legacy she has been able to create and provide for her family and community as well as the impact her legacy has had on my life and my family. A Letter to My Mom on Her 80th Birthday Obviously I could talk today about many different areas my mom has excelled in over the years and made a positive difference in other people's lives. Whether it's been her ministry, her catering business, her creative touch or her friendships, all of which she has exemplified the principle of being faithful over what you have and letting God then promote you. It seems that consistently her gift has always made room for itself and propelled her into a big place. But more important to me than any of that is the legacy she has been able to leave me and my family. Almost on a daily basis I'm reminded of how blessed I am and have been. I have a wonderful wife and two wonderful kids. We are all healthy and blessed. I have really never known tragedy in my life. I live in America and am blessed by all the freedom and richness that it represents. I drive on roads I didn't build, have daily conveniences I never invented and enjoy freedoms I was never asked to fight for. And as incredible as that is to me, equally as important, I was given an upbringing by my parents that has made me very blessed indeed. First and foremost I was given the gift of faith. I was raised in a house and environment where my parents in both word and deed made sure God was first in our home. I always had an example of my mom giving her time to the church and love towards its people from the perceived least to the greatest, she always was an example of giving to her faith. I was given the gift of respecting other people. I don't recall my parents ever exemplifying or showing prejudice towards others. I know they grew up in a different generation where prejudice was more common, but that was not anything I ever saw. I was given the gift of a strong work ethic. Laziness was never part of the scenery in my childhood. My mom worked two jobs - her day job at the bank and her night and weekend job - raising 4 kids. Only a parent with kids can fully appreciate the sacrifice and persistence that required. Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


I was given the gift of persistence and ingenuity. My mom has always found a way to just get it done, and usually in her way and with her style. She's never been a clone. Her persistence, creativeness and ingenuity have always been a great example to me of life's infinite possibilities. And I was given the gift of love. I've met people who have not felt loved by God or loveable by man. I can honestly say that I have always known I'm loved by God and have never once doubted my parents' love for me. Our home was a safe environment to be who you are and to be accepted as you are. Mother, beyond just my love and appreciation for you, I want to thank you again today, on your 80th birthday for your gifts and legacy to me. Your son, Kyle Below Jim and Chris introduce the philosophy behind this powerful theme - Creating a Legacy. Enjoy! Kyle

“The courage to do the right thing – to take a stand – to leave a legacy – does not have to be created. It only must be set free.” -- James A. Ray

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


LLEEA AV VIIN NG GA A LLEEG GA AC CY Y Jim Rohn's Twelfth Pillar of Success: Leaving A Legacy, Part One - A Life Well-Lived Hi, Jim Rohn here. Well, here we are--the home stretch. It has been a great year--and only one month to go! We have lots of good stuff to cover in the final four weeks (and then a bonus wrap-up week). We have talked about so many terrific topics--health, finances, time management, leadership, personal development and the list goes on. Now, here is where we bring it all together in this final month by taking an even broader perspective, and that is the perspective of looking at what we do and how we live, in a way that will make a difference even after we are gone. Let's overview the month as we focus on leaving a legacy. 1. A Life Well-Lived. Week one of this month will cover the importance of leaving a legacy of a life well-lived. We will see how our lives impact all those who follow behind us. We will also introduce the topics we will review later in the month. 2. Principles to Live By. In week two we will cover key principles to live by that will help you leave a legacy. These will be the foundations of a life that leaves an impact on others. The principles we live by are the basis for the kind of legacy we will leave behind. We will also begin our how-to's by looking at how to leave a relational legacy. All of life is based on relationships, and we choose what direction those relationships go. We can live our lives in such a way that when we are gone, people are impacted by the relational legacy we left behind. 3. The Importance of a Spiritual Legacy and an Impact Legacy. Week three will cover both how to leave a spiritual legacy as well as how to leave an "impact legacy." The core of who we are as individuals is spiritual. We were created with the intention of relating to God through our spiritual life. One of the greatest gifts we can leave behind is a spiritual example and legacy. We will also talk about how to leave a life legacy that impacts people. There are those who live on this earth and then just disappear, leaving little more than a trace. Then there are others who by their legacy, live on through others for years to come. We will talk about how to be the latter. 4. Financial Legacy. In week four we will look at leaving a business legacy, a financial legacy and a family legacy. We will see how the businesses we operate have a deeper impact than we might have imagined. We will talk about establishing a strong financial base that will provide for others long-term. We will also look at one of the most important aspects of legacy, those we touch most deeply--our family. So let's talk about the topics for this week!

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


You know, I have had an amazing life. I have traveled the world. I have shared my heart with so many wonderful people. I have been fortunate enough to make a great living and enjoy the fruit of my work. I have met thousands of people who are dedicated to personal development and self growth. I have made it my life's pursuit to teach others the philosophies and actions that would help them achieve greatness and personal fulfillment in their own lives. Forty years ago, it felt like it would never end. Today, I still imagine I have many years left, but I am also more acutely aware than ever that there is much less time left than before. Being aware of this has made me even more clear about my goal of living well and teaching others to do the same. Our One-Year Plan of Success is designed to help others achieve all of their dreams and is part of one of the legacies I want to leave behind. Leaving a legacy for others to follow is part of what drives me. I followed others who had gone before me; they left a legacy for me. Now I am making sure that those who come after me will have a trail to follow as well. You see, leaving a legacy is important. Think about those who left a legacy for us to follow and for you specifically: -- Your parents -- Your grandparents -- Your aunts and uncles -- Your schoolteachers -- Your coaches -- Your neighbors where you grew up For those of us in America (For our international 1-Year members, take a moment to reflect on those leaders who helped form the foundations of your country): The founding fathers of the U.S., who had a dream of a place of self-determination Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves FDR, who saw us through the great depression The many men and women who defended our liberties through the wars of the 20th century so we can live in freedom JFK, who called us to space exploration and set us on course to have a man walk on the moon Martin Luther King Jr. who left us a legacy to pursue the dream of racial equality

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


There are literally thousands of men and women who lived in a way that affects our lives today. And yes, the list goes on from there as well. These are the people who we knew, who we lived with, and who shaped us deeply, for good and for bad in some cases. You see, a legacy can be anywhere on the continuum, from very bad to very good. It all depends on how we live our lives. How we live our lives is critically important. This month Chris and I want to challenge you to take a look at how you live. We want to challenge you to think deeply about the major areas of your life where you can and should leave a lasting legacy. Why is leaving a legacy important? Here are a few reasons: 1. The legacy we leave is part of the ongoing foundation of life. Those who came before leave us the world we live in. Those who come after will have only what we leave them. We are stewards of this world, and we have a calling on our lives to leave it better than how we found it, even if it seems like only a small part. 2. Legacies have raw power for good and for bad. There are people who have changed the world for good, people who have opened up new worlds for millions of others, people who have spurred others onto new heights. And conversely, there are people who have caused massive destruction for countless millions, people who left a wake of pain behind them wherever they went. There are parents who have blessed their children with greatness and other parents who have ruined their children's fragile minds and hearts. What we do affects others. Our lives have the power to create good or purvey evil. It is important that we choose to do good. 3. It is an act of responsibility to leave a legacy. Because of the power of our lives and the legacies we leave, it is a great responsibility to choose to leave a positive legacy. All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine. I truly believe that part of what makes us good and honorable people is to have a foundational part of our lives based on the goal of leaving a legacy. 4. Purposefully leaving a legacy for others breaks the downward pull of selfishness that can be inherent in us all. When we strive to leave a legacy, we are acting with a selflessness that can only be good for us. Yes, I suppose someone could work hard to earn money so that when he or she dies, a building is named after them, but that is not the kind of legacy we are talking about. We are talking about legacies that make life better for those who come after us, not about our own fame or recognition, but about helping others. After all, we won't be around to watch our legacy. To build that which will last beyond us is selfless, and living with that in mind breaks the power of selfishness that tries so desperately to engrain itself in our lives.

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


5. It also keeps us focused on the big picture. Legacy building is "big picture." It keeps us focused on the long-term and gives us values that we can judge our actions by. When we are acting based on selfishness, personal expediency and the like, we are "small picture"--whatever is pragmatic right now. When we are building a life that will give for many years, we are "big picture." Ask yourself: How does this action affect my overall goals? How will this affect people in the years to come? Yes, your legacy is very important. Take this last month to reflect on how you are going to use the lessons, information and skills from the first eleven months to build a life that leaves a tremendous legacy! Next, Chris is going to talk about "Locking in Your Legacy." Until next week, let's do something remarkable! Jim Rohn

“The single common denominator of men and women who achieve great things is a sense of destiny.� -- Brian Tracy

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


Hi there, Chris Widener here. This week I want to talk with you about locking in your legacy. If you are going to leave a legacy that impacts people, there is something that you are going to have to come to grips with: You are going to die. What? What kind of motivational tool is that, Chris? Real inspiring! Actually, it is. Our mortality may perhaps be the ultimate inspiration and motivation! If we lived on this earth eternally, we could be procrastinators extraordinaire! We would never have to get anything done because tomorrow would always be an option. But alas, we pass on and all we leave are the memories and the lives of others we affected while we were here. Sound gloomy? In actuality, it is exciting! You see, this gives us purpose and a deadline (pun intended). We can choose how we will live on in the hearts and memories of others. We do this by purposing to live NOW in a way that makes change happen not only within us but also those around us. What kind of legacy will you leave? How will your family and friends remember you? How will you leave your descendants in the following areas? Give some thought to them and make some changes. In doing so, you will begin to lock in your legacy. Below are some areas that Jim and I are going to cover in detail in the final three weeks. These topics are extremely important - maybe all-important. My intention in the following is to cause you to think - really think - about how you can leave a legacy, and to whet your appetite for the how-to's coming in the next few weeks. Emotionally: Have you ever stepped back and asked yourself how you treat other people and how that affects them emotionally? I have four children. I am acutely aware that they are being shaped emotionally by how I treat them and teach them how to deal with the world. I am especially aware of this from my own background. I can directly trace my emotional shortcomings to the emotional coolness I felt from my own family. Are you raising emotionally healthy kids who are both independent as well as interdependent? Are you helping your spouse to grow emotionally? Give this some serious thought. Spiritually: In my mind, the "God" question is the most important. You know, I often hear people say that they are just going to let their kids "figure it out on their own." These same people will show them how to shoot a basketball, trade stocks, and build a tree house, all simply temporal issues, but then leave the answers to the most important question up in the air! Now I am not advocating cramming anything down their throats, but what I am saying is Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


just take the time to help them find their way. Are you helping and encouraging those around you find their spiritual life? Are you living an authentic spiritual life that will be your legacy? Give some serious thought to this. Physically: Now I know what you are thinking: I can't change my genes. We got what we got and we have to live with it. To a certain extent this is true. I am 5'11 for the rest of my life. I will never be 6 foot, and neither will my kids. What I am talking about though, is to be examples of taking our physical health seriously. The statistics prove that whatever bad habits you have, your kids are likely to do them as well. Why? Because you are their example. This is why I work to stay physically fit. I work out. I lift weights. I eat right (most of the time - I am a sucker for Breyer's Vanilla Bean Ice Cream). I don't smoke. I want to leave a legacy of good health for my kids. True, they can still go astray, but I will do my best to give them a good example to follow. Give this some serious thought. Financially: There are two primary ways you can leave a financial legacy. First, teach your loved ones about how to handle money (some of you may need to learn yourself first). There are just so many good books on the subject that there is no reason for not knowing how to handle money. "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is a good book to start with, or perhaps "The Millionaire Next Door." These will teach you the basics. Secondly, you can leave an inheritance. Now let me be clear on this. This does not have to be after you die. In fact, the more you have, the more I believe you ought to give away while you are alive. Let's face it, the older you get, the less need you have for money once the basics are taken care of. It always cracks me up that by the time you can afford a big house, your kids are gone and you don't need one! Turn the money over early so you can watch the joy of your loved ones spending, investing and giving it! This is of course predicated upon the assumption that you have first taught them how to handle it. If you have, then you should give it away while you're alive so you can enjoy seeing your legacy in action! Give your financial inheritance some serious thought. Relationally: What kind of legacy will you leave in regard to how you interact relationally with people you know? When people look at how you interact with others, will they be better off if they develop the same relational habits? Will your legacy be one of love, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and forgiveness? Give the idea of influencing others relationally some serious thought. Intellectually: I don't know about you, but I want to challenge people to deeper intellectual thought. In a day and age of "People Magazine" mentalities, we need people who will challenge us to think deeper. Are you doing anything that will challenge your sphere of influence to intellectual gains? Will those left after you are gone say that you made them think in ways they hadn't before; that you challenged them to be smarter? Give this issue some serious thought.

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


Functionally: Functionally? Yep. It's a catchall word. It is how you function. How will those you influence actually function? This is to a great degree how you function. Are you well rounded? Are you balanced? Do you keep the main things the main things? Is your life functioning well? Make it your goal to live a balanced, functional life so you can leave a legacy of such. Give your life function some serious thought. I ended each paragraph with a challenge to think seriously about each. These aren't issues we will solve immediately. They take a lifetime to build and they will ebb and flow. But as you diligently pursue staying on top of them, you will be locking in that legacy you desire to leave behind! Have a great week! Chris Widener

“The men who have guided the destiny of the United States have found the strength for their tasks by going to their knees. This private unity of public men and their God is an enduring source of reassurance for the people of America.� -- Lyndon B. Johnson

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


Q Qu ueessttiioon nss ffoorr R Reefflleeccttiioon n:: Q. How much thought have you given to the topic of legacy? In what ways?

Q. How much thought have you given to your own legacy?

Q. Who were the people who left a positive legacy for you, either those you knew personally or others who achieved things that have helped you?

Q. In what areas would you say you are doing a good job with regards to building a lasting legacy? Are there any weak areas that need improvement?

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


A Accttiioon n SStteep pss T Th hiiss W Weeeekk:: 1. Take some time this week to really reflect on what kind of legacy you would leave if your life were to end soon. Think of ways that you could specifically make it a better legacy in the years to come. Write them here.

2. Begin to sketch out some goals in the areas mentioned to help you build a legacy for others.

3. Do at least three selfless acts this week (acts that are totally for others without regard to yourself). Focus on areas that will build a legacy in an area you picked for action point two. A. B. C.

Copyright Jim Rohn International 2002-2004


A A LLooookk FFoorrw waarrd d:: This week we will be listening to CD 15 of Brian Tracy’s Success Mastery Academy. • • • • • •

Communication - the Master Skill to Powerful Relationships Your ability to communicate Three parts of a conversation Four basic personality styles Asking questions Good listening skills

and More! See you next week, Chris Widener

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