WEEK SIX Welcome to Week Six of the Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan. We hope you are having a great week and are ready for this week's journey. This Week is one of those weeks you circle on the calendar. Like the football team entering a season, looking through the schedule and seeing the game that will possibly be the difference between a good year or winning the championship. This is that week for us! (read on...) Last week we introduced our second Pillar of Success, Goal-Setting, and focused on Part One of Goal-Setting - Evaluation and Reflection. In addition to the downloadable audio files and our normal workbook exercises, we included the bonus workbook exercises taken from The Goals Workbook. We have received great feedback on the audio files and workbook exercises. This week the focus is on Dreams and Goals. But let me give you the bad news/good news up front. Bad news - The workbook exercises are loooong this week, much longer than any previous week and it will take some time to do them. The good news budgeting the time and energy to do them will create insights, excitement and ultimately great results that will have a positive impact on your life in a permanent way. This week is the week that you get to create what the next 46 weeks and beyond will be for you. This is the week you get to tear up the old script and start a new one if you need to. You have permission to look at your life from the perspective of new and better possibilities and unlimited thinking, and then be empowered to "go for it". I'm reminded of the story our good friend Brian Tracy tells on the Success Mastery Academy (we'll be studying this program in depth starting in Week 30) about the two construction workers having lunch. As they open up their lunch boxes, Joe totally "flips out" that his lunch is a sardine sandwich and goes on about how much he hates sardine sandwiches. In turn, Bob offers to share his tuna sandwich with Joe, but Joe insists it will be okay; but he just can't stand sardine sandwiches. Well, the next day at lunch as they open their lunch boxes, Joe again gets upset that his lunch is a sardine sandwich. He can't believe it since he hates sardine sandwiches! Then, believe it or not, on the third day as they open up their lunch box, again there it is, a sardine sandwich. By now Bob has had it and says to Joe "If you hate sardine sandwiches so much tell your wife to quit making them and to give you something else," at which time Joe then tells Bob, "Oh, I'm not married, I make my own lunch every day." Uh huh, we all get the point, we all make our own lunch each day. Last week we got to take a hard look at what we have been serving ourselves every day. This week we get to create a new menu. Bon appetite! Kyle
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