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St Mark’s Church of England Academy

Academy Prospectus Inspiring the Talent and Imagination of our Community

WELCOME Welcome to the community of St. Mark’s Church of England Academy. I hope that this publication gives you a glimpse of the offer that we make to young people, their families and the wider community. St. Mark’s offers a commitment to achievement within a community underpinned by the values and teachings of the Church. We encourage our young people to achieve at their highest possible levels and we expect them to show a commitment to others. We want our students to be confident and happy, and to enjoy their life within the Academy. The Academy welcomes young people from families with a Christian faith, from families with other religious faiths and also from families with no religious faith but who will commit to the values of the Academy. The Academy is sponsored by CfBT Education Trust – an educational charity which has as its aim ‘Providing education for public benefit’. Working with CfBT, the Southwark Diocese and partners in Merton allows us to bring additional capacity to the Academy and benefit to students and staff. The best way of seeing the Academy as it really is, is to visit during a normal academy day. As Principal I am always happy to show people around. Chris Mallaband Academy Principal

SPECIALISMS St. Mark’s offers a broad and balanced curriculum from Year 7 to Year 13. However, like many schools today it specialises in some key areas. St. Mark’s specialises in Science and the Performing Arts. This means we are committed to promoting and developing creativity across all areas of the Academy and have the resources, expertise, facilities and passion to enable students to excel in these areas. Through Performing Arts, students develop their creativity, selfexpression and sense of social, cultural and personal identity. Students are given opportunities to build their self-confidence, leadership and communication skills.

As an Academy specialising in Science, we aim to create a challenging environment which enables students to analyse and problem solve. We recognise that Science subjects are increasingly important to young people in our rapidly changing and technological world. Students are encouraged to get involved in a broad programme of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities within Science and the Performing Arts and be inspired to realise their potential. We aim to use both these areas of specialism within our Academy and in the local and wider community, and to share and disseminate best practice.

STUDENT LEADERSHIP St. Mark’s Academy strives to ensure that students have the opportunity to be both successful leaders and learners. St. Mark’s provides avenues through which all students can access opportunities at a variety of levels to develop their leadership skills. Through academy mentors and sports leaders the students interact with one another in programmes of positive support and guidance. The Academy ambassadors at Key Stage 3 and the Prefects at Key Stage 4 are the public face of our leadership programme as they lead projects through the Academy Council and

welcome visitors to the Academy. The Head Boy and Head Girl are appointed each year after a challenging interview process – they then go on to represent the Academy in many challenging ways. Through leadership our young people develop confidence, learn to work in and to lead teams, and overcome challenges.

St. Mark’s strives for an environment where high standards and excellent behaviour and relationships are prevalent.

CARE, GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT St. Mark’s is a faith-based community and students are encouraged to explore what this means and what implications there are for their actions. St. Mark’s strives for an environment where high standards and excellent behaviour and relationships are prevalent. All students are part of a vibrant House system, involving a House Co-ordinator and Coach. The Academy Chaplain is available to all students for advice, guidance and support. Students have daily contact with their Coach – it is he or she who will discuss their development, commitment and academic

achievements as each term unfolds. The House Co-ordinator and Coach typically remain with a student for five years, providing a level of care that allows students to flourish. There are many other ways in which students may receive additional support from a full range of staff working in our ‘Inclusion Team’. There are specialist literacy and reading support programmes with a team of specialists to support students who speak English as an additional language (EAL).

ACADEMIC LIFE Young people learn best when good teachers convey passion and enthusiasm for their subject and their classroom becomes a place of inspiration and transformation. At St. Mark’s our aim is for all lessons to be outstanding in quality and we support teachers in achieving this challenging goal. The curriculum in Key Stage 3 is based on the National Curriculum and there is increasing opportunity to start examination courses early and gain accreditation for learning within Key Stage 3. In Key Stage 4 we offer a variety of courses allowing students to achieve the Baccalaureate and crucially to prepare for their education post-16. Students have the opportunity to sit examinations when

they are ready, not just at the end of Year 11. Our Sixth Form is a vital part of the Academy and we are developing partnerships with a range of Higher Education providers. Religious Education is taught to all students within the Academy. Students leave St. Mark’s with an examination profile that allows them to go on to university, local colleges and/or employment. They leave St. Mark’s with a respect for learning, for the world beyond school, and for each other.

FACILITIES As part of becoming an Academy, St. Mark’s has been fortunate to have been refurbished to a very high standard and although the buildings were added at different times there is now a sense of ‘whole’, with the quad and the hall at the centre. The hall is an outstanding performance space and is used by many community partners. There is also a full suite of music practice rooms, as well as a drama studio – there is even an outside stage for

use in the summer months. The Academy has outstanding sports facilities with a large sports hall, a smaller gym and a full all-weather ‘Astroturf’ pitch. Classrooms are well appointed with excellent ICT facilities available. The library has a large collection of books and study materials and also a suite of computers. It occupies a prominent place overlooking the front of the Academy.

ENRICHMENT We want students to really enjoy their time at St. Mark’s and we encourage all students to take part in ‘something extra’. All students at St. Mark’s are encouraged to attend an enrichment session each week. We have a number of music, drama and sports clubs but there are many other activities

that students can become involved in. These include such diverse activities as the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, the Jack Petchey Speaking Competition, dance, cake decorating, bible studies, and additional art or ICT, as well as a range of study support sessions run by all departments.

RELATIONSHIPS WITH PARENTS AND CARERS Strong relationships between home and school are vital to the success of young people. Parents/carers of students at St. Mark’s receive six reports each year – one per half term. These show students’ progress in their subjects and the efforts that they are making to succeed. One of these is a lengthier report which forms the student’s annual report.

There is a full programme of parents’ evenings, giving a chance for parents and carers to meet all the teachers of their son or daughter. There are also many other ways that parents and carers can be involved, including parent forms, surgeries, information evenings… and more. Parents and carers have joined us in our planning time as we see them as key partners in taking the Academy forward.

We want students to really enjoy their time at St. Mark’s and we encourage all students to take part in ‘something extra’.

St Mark’s Church of England Academy

A FAITH-BASED COMMUNITY St. Mark’s is committed to developing Christian values through everything that we do. We recognise that members of our community might not share this faith but we ask for a commitment to our values. Each student has a weekly House Assembly based around themes relating to the Church calendar. Collective worship is a daily feature – either through the assembly or in coaching

time. Our Academy Chaplain works to support the development of worship within the Academy in addition to the support that is given to individuals and families. The Church is strongly represented on the governing body and there is a strong partnership with St. Mark’s Church in Mitcham.


Acacia Road, Mitcham, CR4 1SF T. 020 8648 6627 F. 020 8640 8305 E.

Southwark Diocese Board of Education

St Mark’s Church of England Academy Trust is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England & Wales. Company No. 5875416 Registered Office: 60 Queens Road, Reading, RG1 4BS

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