RoadWatch Issue 13

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Issue 13 - 2,00â‚Ź

From Spain - Unmarked Motorbikes for the Guardia Civil, Carrying a Bike on your Car, Getting Older, Category B Licences, Eco Mopeds, the Eye in the Sky, Drugs, Brakes, Speed and much, much, more

All of the traffic law related articles published on the website throughout 2017



Welcome to N332 RoadWatch Welcome to the latest edition of RoadWatch eMagazine, in conjunction with We have got lots to talk about in this issue, but first you might have noticed our new look. We have focused more on our main name, RoadWatch, in order to allow us to expand our coverage to feature a wider range of articles, not only covering Spain, but (eventually) the rest of Europe, and to allow us to expand the rest of our features to include interesting articles from our partners, which we hope will also be of use and service to you. We are still part of the N332 Road Safety Project, which is why we are “In Conjunction with N332” on the cover, and so we have lots of articles of interest to driving in Spain, from carrying a bike to getting older, and an in-depth look at both speed and wearing seatbelts. As always, we also give you some more secrets from the hidden treasure trove of tools available to the Guardia Civil to help in the quest for safer roads, and a detailed look at the mini eye-in-the-sky, drones.

From the world of motoring we have some great features this month, including the amazing beauty of our cover model, and a look at classics for sale. As always, you can find more information on the websites,, and, where you can get the latest articles constantly updated. You can also subscribe to our newsletter by clicking the link on the site, and be the first to hear about the latest issue of RoadWatch, when we publish it. For now, enjoy this edition and stay safe.

Please don´t copy any part of this publication because it is protected by copyright law. Copyright © 2018 Mark Nolan and All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” to the email address,


Save the Children In the recent special surveillance campaign which monitored the use of seatbelts and child restraint systems in vehicles, the Guardia Civil identified and stopped 161 children who were at risk, as they were not secured in the vehicles by any kind of restrain system. Of those children who could potentially owe their lives to vigilance campaigns like this, 54 were in the front seats of the vehicle, where they would not be permitted even if they were restrained, and 107 were in the back. This data is of particular concern to the General Directorate of Traffic, as one of the objectives set out in the Road Safety Strategy approved by the Government for the years 2011-2020 is to ensure that no child loses their life by not sitting in a seat suitable to its weight and height, and so believes that further education and enforcement measures are needed. During the week in March, the officers monitors 424,266 vehicles, in which they detected 2,631 infractions of drivers or passengers who did not use the statutory retention system. To this data we must add the controlled vehicles in the many municipalities, whose local police had joined the monitoring campaign. In addition to the 161 children who were traveling without any type of retention, another 2,470 adults were also found to not be wearing a seatbelt, 77% of whom did so on conventional roads, where 8 out of 10 deaths occur. According to Gregorio Serrano, director of the DGT “this data does nothing but confirm the importance that all administrations have of continuing to monitor the use of the security device that have saved more lives and continue insisting on educating from the earliest ages on the benefits that contributes its use�.


A LIFE INSURANCE The seatbelt is a basic and fundamental element of road safety, a life insurance. For this reason, its use is mandatory for all occupants of the vehicle and on all types of roads. In addition, the correct use of it is essential to fulfil the purpose for which it was created. Children below 135 cm in height, in addition to traveling with the child restraint system appropriate to their size and weight as the standard requires, must be seated in the rear seats of vehicles, except:

1. When the vehicle does not have rear seats 2. When all the rear seats are already occupied by other minors of the same characteristics 3. When it is not possible to install all child restraint systems in said rear seats. Only in these cases, can children occupy the front seat of the vehicle, but always using the restraint system approved to their size and weight. In the surveillance that is made from the air with the helicopters available to the DGT, it is appreciated how many occupants of the vehicle drive without wearing or making the correct use of the seatbelt.


Speed Kills! Speed, whether excessive (above established limits) or inappropriate (within limits but not adjusted to the conditions of the road, vehicle or driver) is a problem for road safety in many countries as established by the Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Conference of Transport Ministers (ECMT). According to both organisations, half of all drivers drive at an inappropriate speed and 20% in excess of the established limit by 10 kilometres per hour. Not respecting the speed limits is a fundamental element that determines the greater or lesser incidence in road accidents, and the severity and degree of injury of the victims in the event of a traffic accident. In addition, in the case of fatal incidents, in 21% of them, speed was a concurrent factor. In 2016 (the last year with consolidated data) more than 350 people died on the roads in incidents in which speed was one of the concurrent factors. For this reason and because awareness to respect the speed limits is essential to reduce the incident rate, the Directorate General of Traffic collaborates with all Europe -wide campaigns of awareness and monitoring of speed on the roads, usually carried out simultaneously in almost thirty countries that make up the International Organization of Traffic Police (TISPOL), of which the Traffic Group of the Guardia Civil is a member. In addition to the Guardia Civil, local and regional police also get involved in these campaigns, with the DGT offering equipment, such as their own marked vehicles, to police forces in order to assist them in combatting one of the riskiest road-based dangers. Particularly as on urban roads across the country, including in cities, pedestrians are the users who suffer the most deaths where speed is the main contributing factor. SPEED REDUCTION As a result of the reluctance for many drivers to realise the dangers of excessive speed, the DGT is investigating an overall reduction in the maximum permitted speed limit on conventional roads, which, if approved, will see many of the current limits reduced by 10 kilometres per hour on most roads.

According to Gregorio Serrano, director general of the DGT,“the idea is that all of these roads have a speed limit of 90 km / h, a limit that the owners of these roads could change to the levels they consider reasonable,”, continuing, “The scientific evidence and the accidents that occur every day on our roads lead us to conclude that reducing speed is a necessary measure if we want to reduce the accident rate and the pain of thousands of families.” According to several studies, a decrease of 1% of the average speed of a road, produces a reduction of 4% in fatal collisions (Nilsson). On the other hand Elvik showed that reducing the speed limit by 10 km / h implies a reduction of 2.5 km / h


in the average speed. Taking into account both authors, it could be affirmed that reducing the speed limit by 10 km / h would imply a decrease in mortality of around 10%. Not respecting the speed limits is a fundamental element that determines the greater or lesser incidence in road traffic incidents, and the severity and degree of injury of the victims in the event of a traffic collision. In addition, in the case of fatal incidents, in 21% of them, speed was a concurrent factor. ADVANCING TECHNOLOGY Although not without the inevitable incident, given the early, yet fast development of the technology, advanced systems to assist the driver, and make the roads safer are already being implemented in vehicles, and on the road network. Advanced driver-assistance systems, or ADAS, are systems to help the driver in the driving process. When designed with a safe human-machine interface, they should increase car safety and more generally road safety. Most road traffic incidents occur due to the human error. Advanced driver-assistance systems are systems developed to automate, adapt and enhance vehicle systems for safety and better driving. The automated system which is provided by ADAS to the vehicle is proven to reduce road fatalities, by minimizing the human error. Safety features are designed to avoid collisions by offering technologies that alert the driver to potential problems, or to avoid collisions by implementing safeguards and taking over control of the vehicle. Adaptive features may automate lighting,



Speed Kills!

vide adaptive cruise control, automate braking, incorporate GPS/ traffic warnings, connect to smartphones, alert the driver to other cars or dangers, lane departure warning system, automatic lane guidance, or showing what is in blind spots. According to a study by the DGT, “Report and analysis on the influence of driving support systems on road safety and its application for the classification of vehicles�, the widespread implementation of such assistance systems in national vehicles would reduce the severity of incidents by 57% and avoid a figure of 51,000 collisions, and their consequences. Many of the ADAS available on the market have been grouped according to the different types of incident (collision, run over, exit ...) and many of them automatically reduce the speed of the vehicle if they detect a collision risk such as FCW (Frontal collision Warning); AEBS (Automatic Emergency Braking); SLI (Speed Limit Indicator) or ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control).


Getting older, Staying Mobile There´s no escaping it, we are all getting older. No matter what our current physical or mental age might be, there will come a time when our abilities start to deteriorate, often unnoticed, and we need to take steps to ensure that although we may be getting on in years, we can still be mobile and live life to the full. Aging affects our ability to move, whether as pedestrians, drivers or on public transport. Many of these changes occur slowly, progressively and often almost imperceptibly. And not in the same way for everyone. In Spain there are currently 8.6 million people over 65, 18% of the population that, if the trend continues, by 2030 it will be 30%. In terms of road safety statistics, the DGT registered more than 12,000 traffic collisions in 2016 where people over the age of 65 were involved, accounting for 12% of the total figure. There were 513 fatalities in the over 65 age group, over a quarter at 28% of all deaths, and more than 1,500 senior citizens were seriously injured, some 16% of the total. Heterogeneous group Once the retirement age is reached, we find a very diverse group of people, conditioned by the physical deterioration of their age but with very variable personal circumstances. Road safety specialists emphasise the importance of raising awareness within the senior society of their own limitations, as well as that of their environment, in which the family, the primary care physician and society play a fundamental role. “It is essential that they are aware of these deficits and compensate them. Their limitations do not incapacitate them, but they do condition them,â€? says Enrique Mirabet, a physician and member of the Spanish Society of Traffic Medicine (SEMT).


Restrict yes, limit no. Currently, European policies tend not to limit the validity of the driving licence due to age, but to restrict driving at certain times of the day or in certain areas. “The assessment of the elderly must be individualised, since there is a great variability in their psychophysical conditions,” explains Elena Valdés, medical advisor of the DGT. “We must analyse each case individually, assessing damages and benefits because it is that person who is driving, taking into account their physical limitations but also their personal circumstances, and their mobility needs,” says José Ignacio Lijarcio, researcher at the University Institute of Traffic and Road Safety (INTRAS), an entity that has recently developed the Health Road Barometer for the Elderly (SAVIMA), in which they investigated the incident rate and health of the elderly and developed a medical guide for professionals in recognition centres. So, where do we limit to the mobility of the elderly? “We do not have an equal limitation for everyone, it depends on each person. Years ago a man of 70 was an old man. Today there are 85year-old people who are very healthy,” says PilarCervelló, doctor and president of the Valencian Association of Recognition Centres. Continuing with restrictions. In 2017, 690,000 medical examinations were made of people over the age of 65 in Spain: 81% were declared fit and able to continue driving, the others presenting visual, perceptive-motor and hearing problems, for which the most frequent types of restrictions were to shorten the periods of validity of the licence and subsequent re-examination to below 5 years, and the limitations to driving in certain areas and at the daytime. Review periods. Roadway health specialists consider that certain changes are necessary in the current drivers' reviews: “Examinations for those over 70 should be done every two years instead of every five. The Administration should expand the protocols for them,” says Lijarcio. For Enrique Mirabet, you also have to “check the age from which a person is considered 'older'. That point of definition was set many years ago. A 65-year-old driver 20 years ago is nothing like a current one.”


Category B Licence Vehicle Permission Extension Holders of Spanish driving licences who are qualified to drive category ‘B’ vehicles (passenger cars), and with at least two-years driving experience, will be able to drive an additional type of vehicle without extra examinations. The DGT has announced that category ‘B’ licence holders will now also be permitted to drive goods vehicles, so long as this vehicle is of an ‘eco’ environmentally friendly type, and no more than 4,250 kilos , as reported by the Directorate General of Traffic to the Business Organization of Logistics and Transport (UNO) organisation. Ordinarily, the regulations require a category ‘C’ licence to be held for this type of vehicle with more than 3,500 kilos of Maximum Authorized Mass (MMA), but this new exemption allows for car licence holders to drive heavier goods vehicles so long as it is an ecological vehicle that do not exceed 4,250 kilos. The reason is that the DGT realises that this type of vehicle can often be heavier on account of the additional weight caused by batteries required to fuel the vehicle, and have reacted to calls by the logistics sector to make the change in order to compensate for this. For the general secretary of UNO, Francisco Aranda, the move is “a fundamental decision to encourage the use of ecological vehicles in the Spanish logistics sector, to encourage the expansion of the use of this type of vehicle in the sector and eliminate the barriers that existed for it”. This latest amendment to the regulation is in addition to the one already approved that adapts the regulations to allow alternative fuel vehicles, such as natural gas, liquefied gas, electricity or hydrogen, to increase their Maximum Authorized Mass (MMA) by up to one tonne. .

According to Aranda, this measure also moves towards regulatory harmonization within the framework of the European Union and follows in the footsteps of other countries such as Sweden and Germany.



Cross Badly, Face the Consequences! Traffic authorities in of Daye, a county-level city in eastern Hubei province, China, have devised what they believe is a solution for dealing with pedestrians who cross the road when the lights are on red. Installed at the pedestrian light controlled crossing are a number of small yellow poles which are synchronized with the traffic lights. These poles are fitted with movement detectors that can tell if a pedestrian begins to cross whilst the lights are on red for them, subsequently shooting a mist of water at them, whilst a recorded voice announces “Please do not cross the street, the crossing is dangerous”. The mist then highlights coloured beams that act as a visual barrier where the mist is sprayed, creating a seemingly physical barrier. That´s not all however, the “offenders” also have their photograph taken and then their picture run through face recognition software, so that their face and details are displayed on a giant “screen of shame” in public places. Many Chinese cities are using face recognition cameras to identify traffic offenders and even to send messages to drivers or pedestrians just after they have committed the violation. According to the WHO, more than 700 people die every single day in traffic incidents in China. During the first three days of operation of this system, there were fewer people who crossed unduly, said Wan Xinquiang, deputy director of the security agency in Daye, who also ensures that the aerosol is only a stream of clean water and that it is changed every day.



Portable Drug Testing Kits One of the latest additions to the Guardia Civil´s road safety toolkit has been the portable drug testing kits. Like the latest breathalysers and speed cameras, the kits are small enough to be carried in the panniers of motorbikes, as well as in the other vehicles operated by the corps.

Upon suspicion of a driver having consumed drugs, a saliva test is taken, which is then put into a secure part of the portable machine for analysis. Within minutes, the results are presented to the officers which will either determine the all clear, or if any kind of drug has been consumed, and to what level. A second sample of saliva is also taken and sealed into a specific unit which can then be used for evidence. The whole process from start to finish takes just minutes, allowing innocent motorists to be on their way with little inconvenience, and for those who have consumed drugs to be dealt with immediately, thus instantly reducing the risk to other road users.




The Little Eye in the Sky During the May holiday traffic operation, the DGT set about testing another vigilance device, one small enough to fit in a briefcase, but powerful enough to monitor a larger stretch of road that ground patrols ever could, their very own unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or DRONES as we like to call them. The DGT currently has five drones: 1 Phantom 2, 1 Phantom 4 Pro, 1 Matrice 200 and 2 S900 units, with plans to buy another seven, as announced by the Director General of Traffic in a recent state budget. The drones which were put to the test have a range of approximately 500 metres, operate at a height of 120 metres and offer 2 hours of autonomous flight, which gives an immediacy to their mobilization, operational flexibility and multipurpose use of the services to be provided. According to Gregorio Serrano, “The incorporation of these unmanned devices to the aerial surveillance services of the DGT will contribute to better traffic management, greater protection for vulnerable groups (cyclists) and a better service in special operations, such as competitions for motorcycling, Paso delEstrecho or the device this weekend.� The DGT is accredited by the State Air Safety Agency as an operator of remotely piloted aircraft systems. Likewise, the Helicopter Unit of the DGT is a pilot training organization for the issuance of basic and advanced certificates for drone piloting.


Meet the Drone Family The DGT currently owns two drones from the Phantom brand, the company renowned for selling the most vehicles to the professional community. The DGT has one Phantom 2 and one Phantom 4 Pro, which stands out mainly due to its integrated high definition camera, its recording mode with stabilizer and its positioning and transmission system with GPS. In addition, the WiFi connection also allows the Phantom drones to fly higher than others in the same category. There is also a Matrice 200 in the fleet, with high performance engines, coupled with 17-inch propellers, ensuring a stable flight in winds of speeds up to 35 km / h. The new dual battery system heats the batteries automatically on flights at temperatures below zero, and offers a 7 kilometre maximum operating distance, with 38 minutes of flight. The device is well insulated, ensuring resistance to water and weather, so it can fly in all kinds of environments. The downside, it is a much more expensive device than conventional drones. As for the S900, this is a simple flying device with much more power than the small and manageable Phantom, being the ideal option for those professionals who want to take to the air, with a camera attached, in the shortest time. It only offers 18 minutes of flight, but is ready to go in an instant.


Matrice 200


Phantom 2

Phantom 4 Pro


The Drugs Don´t Work Ignacio Bayón is the President of the Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción (FAD), and well equipped to speak about the dangers of drugs and addiction. In an interview with the DGT´s own road safety magazine, Bayón makes it clear how drugs and driving don´t work. Is there awareness of the risk that drugs carry at the wheel?

Undoubtedly, prevention campaigns have had a positive impact on the population. Information about the risks of drug use and coping is known to the majority of the population. How can the use of drugs be prevented at the wheel? You have to work from the risks, the benefits and the social context that leads to that behaviour. Are controls effective to prevent consumption? Control measures are always necessary but not sufficient. The most important thing is to educate young people from a preventive approach and work on the motivations and individual and social attitudes that produce problematic consumption. Social networks, new technologies ... Are they more effective than traditional media? Undoubtedly, especially for younger age groups and users of these networks, who no longer use traditional media to inform themselves. The 'influencers' are key to prevention. What is the substance that is thought to affect driving the most? I would not quote only one substance. In my opinion, alcohol, cannabis and cocaine.



Motorbikes and Mopeds get Eco Ratings Motorbikes and mopeds represent 15% of the total road fleet. 55% of all motorcycles and mopeds are classified as Zero, Eco, C or B. The placement of the badges is voluntary and those interested can obtain them from the post offices. If you want to know what environmental label corresponds to your vehicle, you can check the website,

Following on from a similar incentive with cars, the Direcciรณn General de Trรกficohas now classifiedmotorcycles and mopeds according to their polluting potential, thus fulfilling one of the measures of the National Plan for Air Quality and Protection of the Atmosphere (Plan Air). Theplan states that both particles and nitrogen dioxide are the main source of emissions in large cities, and so the aim of the plan proposes the classification of vehicles based on the levels of pollution they emit. This classification, like the one previously carried out, aims to positively discriminate vehicles that are more respectful to the environment and to be an effective instrument in municipal policies, both restrictive of traffic in episodes of high contamination, and to promote new technologies through benefits, both in fiscal terms, or relative to mobility and the environment. The classification of vehicles is recorded in the national registry of vehicles with the DGT and can be accessed in real time by bodies with competence in terms of mobility, road safety, taxation or the environment.


The four levels of cataloguing are: Two-wheeled or three-wheeled mopeds: Two-wheeled or three-wheeled vehicle, fitted with an engine with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cm3, if it is internal combustion, and with a maximum design speed not exceeding 45 km / h. Light quadricycles: Four -wheeled vehicles with a mass under vacuum of less than 350 kg (not including the mass of the batteries in the case of electric vehicles), a maximum speed per construction not exceeding 45 km / h with an engine displacement less than or equal to 50 cm3 for combustion engines, or a maximum net power less than or equal to 4 kW for other types of engines. Two-wheeled motorcycles: Two-wheeled vehicles, without sidecar, equipped with a motor with a cylinder capacity greater than 50 cm3, if it is internal combustion, and / or with a maximum speed per construction exceeding 45 km / h. Motorcycles with sidecar: Three-wheeled vehicles asymmetric with respect to their longitudinal mid-axle, fitted with a motor with a displacement of more than 50 cm3, if it is internal combustion, and / or with a maximum design speed exceeding 45 km / h.


Motorbikes and Mopeds get Eco Ratings ACQUISITION OF THE DISTINCTIVE Owners of these vehicles can acquire the environmental badge in the post offices. The placement of the badge is voluntary, as with cars, but it is recommended to stick it in a visible place to facilitate the identification of the vehicle and benefit from the advantages that the different authorities can establish for your vehicle with respect to benefits to the environment. CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA The less polluting light vehicles have been classified according to emission levels based on European homologation data. Likewise, the criteria of this classification are the result of the work led by the DGT and in which the Madrid City Council, the Barcelona City Council, the Royal Automobile Club of Catalonia (RACC), the National Association of Manufacturers Automobiles and Trucks (ANFAC), National Association of Companies of the Two-Wheel Sector (ANESDOR), the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourismand other organizations have participated.




The Braking System The vehicle´s braking system consists of a series of elements that work together to stop the vehicle. Every time the brakes are applied, the system works together to provide effective friction in order to slow, and hopefully stop, the vehicle. The braking system is fundamentally similar on all vehicles, however, there are significant differences in each make and model, a lightweight and less powerful vehicle does not have the same requirements to stop as a sports car capable of high performance, or a large SUV, which will exceed two and a half tons of weight in running order, for example. The manufacturer looks for the best compromise between the effectiveness of the brakes and the price of the set at the time of its development. If we want to improve its effectiveness, brands usually have the option of more powerful equipment, which also might well increase the price to the consumer. What it costs to brake by type of vehicle The braking distance depends on many variables: condition and temperature of the road surface, tyres, shock absorbers, weight plus load and, above all, the speed of the vehicle. In addition, it will not be the same in a compact car as an SUV, which almost doubles in weight, or a sports car. Types of brake: disc and drum Currently, the automotive industry uses two main types of brakes: disc and drum. Almost all cars and motorcycles always mount discs on the front axle, while the drums are used on the rear axle of the basic versions of the lower segments, the most economical ones. The base, in any case, is the same, with the same components in the main system through a circuit that allows the force to come by the pressure of the fluid.


The disc brakes have a disc attached to the hub of each wheel and are more effective and powerful, evacuating heat better. Its diameter depends on the weight of the car, its benefits ... and what we can afford. The drum system is more economical and, although it offers a greater friction surface, it does not have the same capacity as the discs and dissipates the heat that occurs with friction. The drum is attached to the bushing and inside it go the shoes, on which the pressure is exerted.

Prices As in any maintenance work, the price is variable in each province or workshop. Brake pads. The pads can be purchased from about 15 euro, but the average cost of assembly in the workshop is around 105 euroin each axis, due to the complexity of the work. Discs. In the disks, the variations are more evident, because these are specific for each car model, and cost from about 180 euro, to which we must add the cost of changing the pads. ro.

Brake fluid. In the case of brake fluid, the average price is around 57 eu-

Pipes. The pipes are not very expensive, from approximately 20 euro, but when replacing them you have to change the circuit fluid too. As the braking system is one of the most important safety systems in the car, caution must be exercised before attempting to perform any work yourself, leaving it to the professionals is often the best option.



Aston Martin has brought a new dimension of race-inspired dynamism and performance to the DB11 family, with the introduction of the new DB11 AMR, launched today at the opening of the new NĂźrburgring-based AMR Performance Centre. Replacing the outgoing V12-engined DB11 as the new flagship of the DB11 range, the DB11 AMR boasts greater power, increased performance, enhanced driving dynamics and a more characterful exhaust note, together with a suite of exterior and interior enhancements. Together they create a DB11 that offers a more vivid driving experience, yet preserves the maturity and effortless continent-crushing GT performance for which the original V12-engined DB11 is rightly renowned.


AMR – inspired by Aston Martin Racing’s successful endurance programme – pushes the envelope of performance for each model in Aston Martin’s range. Launched at the Geneva Motor Show in 2017, the performance derivative has already delivered the previous-generation Vantage AMR and AMR Pro, with the highly-anticipated Rapide AMR forthcoming. At the heart of the DB11 AMR is Aston Martin’s twin-turbocharged 5.2-litre V12. Now developing 630bhp, this gives the DB11 AMR an additional 30bhp compared with the outgoing DB11 V12, and 127bhp more than the V8-engined DB11. Torque remains unchanged at 700Nm. A 0-62mph time of 3.7sec is an improvement of 0.2sec over the outgoing model while a top speed of 208mph makes the DB11 AMR one of the world’s swiftest GT cars and the fastest model in Aston Martin’s current series production range.

Striking the perfect balance between excitement and refinement, the handling of DB11 AMR has been refined by Aston Martin’s skilled dynamics team, led by Chief Engineer Matt Becker. Their work has delivered a greater sense of connection without harming the supple ride. Similarly, a new shift calibration for the transmission and a slightly more vocal exhaust note ensures the DB11 AMR expresses its character more explicitly when Sport mode is engaged. Aston Martin President & Chief Executive Officer, Dr Andy Palmer, said of the DB11 AMR: “Since its initial launch back in 2016 the DB11 range has matured rapidly and intelligently, selling close to 4,200 V12 examples in that period. With the exceptional V8 Coupe and Volante we felt the V12 could reveal more of its sporting


potential, while remaining the consummate GT. By applying a suite of carefully considered performance and styling enhancements the DB11 AMR is both faster 208mph! - and more precise. It’s a combination that engages and cossets in equal measure to create a dynamic and seductive new flagship for the DB11 range, while consolidating the existing V12-powered DB11s as future collectibles�. Visually the DB11 AMR is distinguished by a co-ordinated palette of exposed carbon fibre and gloss black detailing that unites the exterior and interior treatment. On the outside all brightwork has been given a monochrome treatment: dark headlight surrounds and smoked tail lamps complimented by dark front grille and tailpipes; gloss black roof, roof strake plus side sills and splitter offering a subtle contrast with the exposed weave of the carbon fibre hood blades and side strakes. The dark theme continues inside, with monotone leather and alcantara upholstery and a bold contrasting central lime stripe, while DB11 AMR is treated to a leather sports steering wheel as standard.


In addition to the extensive choice of standard colour and trim options, the DB11 AMR is available in three Designer Specifications, plus an exclusive AMR Signature Edition, which carries a striking Stirling Green and lime livery. With extensive carbon fibre detailing on the exterior, the inside is equally striking, with Dark Knight leather and Lime detailing, plus Satin Dark Chrome switchgear and Satin Carbon Fibre trim. Strictly limited to 100 units worldwide, the AMR Signature Edition is priced at £201,995. Aston Martin’s accessories team have also provided a full suite of options for those looking to add further race-inspired styling to their DB11. These include a carbonfibre engine cover, exhaust tips and a deployable spoiler that add further detail to the model’s exterior, while a new carbon-fibre sports steering wheel and paddeshifts bring that same AMR ethos within the cabin. For those heading off for weekend, expertly tailored luggage sets are available to match the car’s specification.

The Aston Martin DB11 AMR is available from £174,995 in the UK, $241,000 in the US and €218,595 in Germany, with first customer deliveries in Q2 2018.


Van Related Incidents Show Startling Increase A report conducted by FundaciĂłn Linea Directa, in collaboration with the University Institute for Traffic Research and Road Safety (INTRAS), has analysed, in depth, 445,000 road traffic incidents with victims between 2011 and 2015, in which 750,000 drivers were involved and a total of 41,000 vans, as well as more than 940,000 incidents dealt with by the LĂ­nea Directa insurance company between 2011 and 2017, involving 23,000vans. The startling conclusion of the report that looked into both sets of data is that there has been an increase of 41% in traffic incidents involving vans in the five-year period. These incidents resulted in the loss of 935 lives and another 4,600 people being seriously injured. The situation is especially serious in cities, where the number of injured has increased by 94% and the risk of suffering a fatal incident is 35% higher than in cars. To the worsening of this serious problem for road safety, very little studied so far, several factors have been contributed. In the first place, the very nature of the Spanish business fabric, in which there are more than 3.1 million freelancers. Secondly, the significant increase in the number of motorists who rent a van without preparation, generally to move or carry a load for a single journey, such as moving house, or buying furniture, and, finally, the boom of electronic commerce, Type of incidents involving vans The predominant type of incident in which vans are involved in are usually multiplevehicle collisions, usually with the vans colliding with the rear of cars ahead. Typically, the driver of the most likely van involved in this sort of collision is male between the age of 35 and 45, with some considerable driving experience. As for the most common type of road, there is still a slight predominance of highways and motorways over the cities, although this difference is narrowing in recent years. As for the time and date, incidents with vans usually occur mid-morning (between 12 and 1 pm), on Fridays and during the months of July and October. According to data from the DGT, the vans involved in the collisions are often old and in poor condition, with 60% more faults than cars, mainly with their tyres, brakes and steering. A problem that is aggravated by the age of the van fleet on the roads, which averages 16 years of age, 20% older than the average fleet of cars. In addition, in 2 of every 3 collisions involving vehicles in the opposite direction, the responsibility is with the driver of the van. The reasons for this is thought to be due to their long working hours and, above all, in the stress generated by the need for punctuality of deliveries.


Accidentalness by Autonomous Communities In the study carried out by the Línea Directa Foundation, an incident map of this type of vehicle has also been drawn up comparing the different regional van incident rates for each 1,000 vehicles of this type (whose average is 4.7 in the last analysed year of 2015). With this in mind, the Balearic Islands, Catalonia and Asturias are the territories with the highest proportion of van incidents, while Cantabria and Navarra are the regions with the least number of incidents of this type. Regarding the evolution by territory, the regions with the worst evolution of the rates for every 1,000 vans involved in the incident are the Canary Islands, where these losses have increased by 170% since 2011 and Murcia, with a rise of 145%. On the contrary, those that have had the best behaviour have been Cantabria and the Basque Country. What do the Spaniards think of the delivery people?

To complete the study, Fundación Línea Directa has conducted a survey of 1,202 drivers and 304 professional distributors from all over the country in order to analyse the general perception of Spaniards about this group. According to the survey, 55% believe that delivery drivers fail to comply with road safety regulations more frequently than other drivers. In addition, 81% of motorists believe that delivery drivers “park their vans anywhere”, and 72% believe that, “they are very distracted, especially by their GPS and mobile phone”. However, the vast majority of people sympathise with the drivers, as 69% think that these behaviours have worsened with the rise of e-commerce. As for the most supported solutions: the installation of tachographs, as in trucks and coaches, improving the use of loading and unloading areas, or create a specific licence for vans are the most popular. Occasional drivers What also emerges from the demographic study is that Spaniards are not properly prepared to drive these vehicles. In fact, 81% of occasional vans drivers are unaware of the safest way to load cargo, 75% ignore the speed limits of these vehicles (which is lower than that of cars in many instances) and 46% never secure their load.


The Integrated Patrol In a pioneering model of road traffic policing across Europe, the Guardia Civil now operates the first vehicles under the banner name of the “Integrated Patrol�. The Integrated Patrol is a new surveillance model which sees motorbikes equipped with all of the tools required for both surveillance and enforcement, key to reducing incidents involving some of the most fatal contributing factors to road traffic collisions and serious injuries or fatalities. The motorbikes are equipped with portable breathalysers, evidential drug testing kits, and the new Velolaser portable speed monitoring equipment. Collectively, the officers on the bikes are able to monitor for the correct use of seatbelts, mobile phone use, alcohol and drug use, and speed, all from the equipment carried with them. Surveillance and monitoring can be set up in the minimum of time, and on roads where other vehicles may not previously have been able to operate. Once again to clear up a common misconception however, the equipment is carried with the motorbikes and is not fitted to it. IN other words, the motorbikes do not have radars and cameras fitted to them which can be used when they are moving. All of the equipment is carried in the panniers until it is used.



Unmarked Motorbikes for the Guardia Civil The Director General of Traffic, Gregorio Serrano,has announced plans to research adding unmarked motorbikes to the Guardia Civil’s fleet of vehicles. The traffic department of the Guardia Civil already use unmarked cars on some speed monitoring campaigns, and during other enforcement activities such as monitoring the use of seatbelts or mobile phones whilst driving. Unmarked cars can also be used on covert surveillance. This latest announcement would see traffic officers taking to the streets on unmarked motorbikes, which would not only allow for greater monitoring of vehicles, it would mean that deployment is both quicker and more adaptable to a variety of roads.


The unmarked bikes would not only be able to monitor cars and larger vehicles, their size and speed would also allow for better monitoring of the activities of more vulnerable road users, such as motorbikes and cyclists, both of whom have equal rights on the roads, but also equal responsibility to abide by the same laws. Unmarked and discreet motorbikes are already deployed in countries such as the UK, where officers not only patrol on street bikes, but also off-road, tackling crime and offences in more rural areas cross-country. The UK has also gone the opposite way in terms of covert enforcement, with a number of forces using unmarked HGV cabs to monitor and police the roads. One of these vehicles took the head of the Highways Agency, who provided the vehicle, on a recent example drive, during which 6 drivers were seen using their mobile phones on the motorway and dealt with accordingly. The enhancement of new equipment for the Spanish traffic law enforcement teams has seen compact speed, alcohol and drugs monitoring equipment being made available for the patrol bikes and adding these unmarked bikes to the fleet will ensure that those who choose to ignore the dangers are dealt with quicker, making the roads safer for all.


eCall now Mandatory

As of the end of March, 2018, all new cars and vans must have the eCall automatic emergency call system installed. The calls from the system is free and has coverage throughout Europe. The system is activated automatically when the airbags are deployed, establishing a voice communication with the 112 Emergency Coordination Centre. The call carries an indicator that clearly identifies that it is an eCall call, giving it the highest priority. This is, “One of its most important characteristics,� says Ana Blanco, deputy director at the DGT and co-chair of the eCall European Implementation Platform. This call can also be generated manually by the driver or by one of the occupants of the vehicle, by simply pressing the SOS button carried by the vehicles equipped with the system.


All data The operator receives the information with the exact place where the incident occurred, the type of vehicle, with its license plate, make, model and type of fuel (if it is electric or petrol, for example), among others. This is “essential data,” explains Blanco, “because they facilitate the work of the rescue services, which know from the start what equipment they should carry.” Saves lives

According to the GMV consultancy, it is estimated that the eCall has the potential to save 2,500 lives a year in Europe when it is introduced in all vehicles, as well as reduce the severity of the consequences of those injured by traffic collisions between 10 and 15 %. I do not have it, what do I do? If your vehicle does not have an eCall device and you have an emergency, remember you can call 112. Calls to 112 are free, operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and allows for geo-location of the call. When you dial, the GSM network (Global System for mobile communications) passes the call to the nearest emergency centre. This service is accessible from any landline or mobile phone, even if the mobile is blocked or without entering the PIN number and without coverage. Moreover, the operators at the 112 Emergency Coordination Centre speak a variety of languages, including English.


Carrying a Bike Behind your Car It is not uncommon to see cars carrying bicycles on cars, often on frames specifically designed for this purpose, but it is not always clear how the bike should be carried, and, more importantly, what additional signs or signals might be required. There are two main points we must keep in mind when carrying a load at the rear of the vehicle, firstly, our lights and number plates must be clearly visible, and secondly, we must be conscious of whether the load, a bike in this case, protrudes from the rear and the sides of the vehicle. For other loads, we must also be conscious of whether it protrudes from the front, and the height, but on this instance, we are talking about carrying a bike at the rear of the vehicle. So, the first thing to do is to buy a suitable carrying frame that will not only fit our bicycle, but must also securely fit to our vehicle. We must then attached additional lighting at the rear that replicates our vehicles own, rear lights, indicators, brake lights etc, and our number plate. Once we have our frame secure, we must then consider the load itself, in this case our bike, and how it fits on the secured carrying frame.

In the case we are dealing with, which is that of passenger cars, depending on the width occupied by the load that protrudes from the rear, you may have to display one or two additional warning signs, the V-20. The V-20 is a square panel (50 by 50 centimetres) with diagonal and alternating stripes of white and red. If the transported object (our bicycle in this case) is less than the maximum width of the vehicle from the rear (including the rear-view mirrors), a single V-20 signal will be placed (at the end of the load and perpendicular to the axis of the vehicle).


If the transported load protrudes longitudinally occupying the entire width of the vehicle (including the rear-view mirrors), in other words, if our load is wider than the car, including the mirrors, the car will have to carry two V20 signals in the rear, placed transversely at each end of the load in such a way that the red and white stripes form the geometry of an inverted "V". This provides important information to drivers approaching from the rear. If one sign is visible, drivers know that the load protrudes only to the rear. If two signs are visible, in the inverted “V� form, then approaching drivers know that not only does the load protrude from the rear but is also wider than the vehicle carrying it. Use all the anchor points that the signal has in order to hold it in place, preferably using elastic belts or tensioners. The use of plastic clamps is not recommended. Hold the signal and the load tightly, as far from the wind as possible. In terms of the load protruding from the rear, the regulations state that it may protrude 10% of the length of the vehicle if the load is divisible, whereas if the load is indivisible, it can exceed the length of the car by 15%.



Learn With the Pros N332 has added another professional service to our list of collaborators, this time it is autoescuelaenred, a Spanish driving school. The school will be providing us with articles in their own section, where many of the most common answers about driver theory will be answered. You can also visit their website, en/, where you can get more information and participate in a remote course with a qualified instructor. In the next edition of N332 RoadWatch we have asked the school to detail one of the most troublesome areas for many, driving on roundabouts in Spain. Remember to look out for the next edition, due at the end of February, when we are sure all of your roundabout questions will be answered by the team at autoescuelaenred.



New research by on-line parking portal shows that homeowners across the UK are making hundreds, even thousands of pounds, by renting out their driveways as parking spaces. While London takes the number one spot for driveway earning potentials - £2,313 per year on average – there’s good news for residents of Brighton, Leeds, Oxford, Bristol, Manchester, Edinburgh, Cambridge and Liverpool, where driveway owners with made more than £1,500 per year on average. Compared to the previous year’s figures, the top three cities all remain in the same position, while Oxford jumps to fourth spot, up four places from 2017, while Bristol moves one place higher. Those top cities moving down the league table compared to 2017 include Manchester, Edinburgh and Cambridge. Nevertheless, even driveways in those towns and cities placed much lower down the league table were also making sizeable amounts for their owners. Residents of Wigan, placed at number 50 in the research, were still earning £637 per year on average. Within London, the borough of Kensington and Chelsea took top spot with residents earning a staggering £3,694 per year on average by renting out a driveway, garage or secure parking space.


Harrison Woods, managing director at, said: “More and more homeowners across the UK are significantly boosting their household income by renting out their driveway to motorists needing somewhere to park. “It is particularly pleasing to see that money can be made from renting out a driveway in all parts of the UK. Demand will always be strong for driveways situated close to town and city centres, railway stations and transport hubs, sporting arenas and music venues.” More towns breaking the £1,400 per year earning threshold were Reading, Southampton, Glasgow and Belfast, while residents of Cardiff and Aberdeen made more than £1,300 on average with Other cities outside England doing well were Dundee and Swansea, which earned driveway owners £1,172 and £866 per year on average respectively. Harrison added: “Parking on a pre-booked rented driveway is a win-win situation. It means additional income for the homeowner, while for the motorist it means no more parking worries.” For more information about how you can make money renting out a driveway, garage or secure parking space, visit


SEAT RECALL INFORMATION SEAT has confirmed a technical issue on the new Ibiza (2017 and 2018 models) and Arona (2018 model year): there is the possibility that in rare situations (e.g. sudden quick lane changes with five passengers on board) and when the rear center seat and the rear left seat are occupied at the same time, the left seat belt could be unintentionally released. At SEAT safety remains a main priority and the brand has already identified a technical solution which will prevent this from happening. The new SEAT Ibiza and Arona are legally homologated and safe to drive; however the brand advises its customers not to use the middle seat of the new Ibiza and Arona until the car has been equipped with the redesigned belt lock fixture. SEAT is now addressing the relevant authorities for their final validation in order to implement the solution, both on vehicles in the market as well as on the future series production. Within the next few weeks, SEAT will start a recall campaign. Customers will receive a letter to arrange an appointment with a SEAT official service centre. The check and the implementation of the technical solution will be free of charge. SEAT is the only company that designs, develops, manufactures and markets cars in Spain. A member of the Volkswagen Group, the multinational has its headquarters in Martorell (Barcelona), exporting 80% of its vehicles, and is present in over 80 countries. In 2017, SEAT obtained an after tax profit of 281 million euros and achieved worldwide sales of nearly 470,000 vehicles. The SEAT Group employs more than 15,000 professionals and has three production centres – Barcelona, El Prat de Llobregat and Martorell, where it manufactures the highly successful Ibiza, Leon and Arona. Additionally, the company produces the Ateca and the Toledo in the Czech Republic, the Alhambra in Portugal and the Mii in Slovakia. The multinational has a Technical Centre, which operates as a knowledge hub that brings together 1,000 engineers who are focussed on developing innovation for Spain’s largest industrial investor in R&D. SEAT already features the latest connectivity technology in its vehicle range and is currently engaged in the company’s global digitalisation process to promote the mobility of the future.




Volkswagen has confirmed a technical issue on the new Polo (model year 2018). There is the possibility that in rare situations (e.g. sudden quick lane changes with five passengers on board) and when the rear center seat and the rear left seat are occupied at the same time, the left seat belt lock could be unintentionally released. At Volkswagen safety remains a main priority and the brand has identified a technical solution: a redesigned belt lock fixture, which will prevent this from happening. Volkswagen Polo is legally homologated and safe to drive; however the brand advises its customers not to use the middle seat of the new Polo until the car will be equipped with the redesigned belt lock fixture. Volkswagen is now addressing the concerned authorities for their final validation in order to implement the solution, both on vehicles in the market as well as on the future series production. Within the next few weeks, Volkswagen will start a recall campaign. Customers will receive a letter so as to plan an appointment with a Volkswagen service partner. The check, as well as the implementation of the redesigned belt lock fixture will be free of charge.



65 BEST OF BREED CLASSICS AT SILVERSTONE AUCTIONS’ MAY SALE Silverstone Auctions will be offering 65 best of breed classics with a combined value of over £5.1 million for auction at its May Sale, taking place at The Wing, Silverstone Circuit on 19th May. There is a wide range of cars on offer at the sale, from the highlight lot, a rare 1966 Iso Griffo GL 350 estimated at £220,000 to £260,000, to the ‘Holy Grail’ 1987 Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500 Chassis number one, estimated at £90,000 to £120,000. The incredibly rare Iso Griffo GL 350 is one of only 26 right hand drive cars ever built by the Italian company. Powered by a 5.3 litre Chevrolet V8, this particular car was once owned by motorcycle ace Mike Hailwood MBE, GM. Other Italian classics in the sale include a trio of stunning Lancias led by an early post war 1947 Lancia Aprilila Farina convertible, estimated at £220,000 to £250,000. A 1954 Aurelia B20 GT Series IV estimated at £100,000 to £120,000 and a low mileage 1969 Lancia Flavia 2000 Coupe estimated at £15,000 to £18,000 will also be offered. Another incredible opportunity on offer is the chance to own the first ever Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500. Chassis number one is the only RS500 to be built by Ford rather than Aston Martin Tickford, and has the potential to achieve a record breaking sale price with an estimate of £90,000 to £120,000. For collectors of traditional British classics, a superbly restored 1954 Jaguar XK120 estimated at £75,000 to £85,000 and a 1954 Series 1 Land Rover estimated at £22,000 to £26,000 are sure to attract high levels of bidders. In particular, a restored 1961 Jaguar E-Type, the 100th right hand drive fixed head coupe to be built, is an unmissable opportunity estimated at £80,000 to £100,000. Nick Whale, managing director of Silverstone Auctions said, “This year’s May Sale has a fantastic line-up of significant cars, from all eras of motoring, be it a 60’s sweeping coupe or a 90’s track stormer, all the way up to the latest super cars. We always strive for excellence at our May Sale, and this year we’ve done it again with a fantastic collection of classics, past, present and future.”


Silverstone Auctions are known for their specialty in Porsches and the May Sale will see 10 of the German giant's cars available. Highlight lots include a one of only 290 made 1992 Porsche 911 (964) Carrera RS N/GT, estimated at £165,000 and £185,000, a 1980 Porsche 911 (930) Turbo reading only 16,000 miles estimated at £125,000 to £150,000 and a 1980 Porsche 911 (930) Turbo Rinspeed R69 estimated to reach between £80,000 and £90,000. Another German classic featured in the sale is an immaculate, silver 1960 Mercedes 190SL estimated at £78,000 to £90,000. Originally delivered to California, the car only hit UK soil in 2014 where it received a full restoration. For the full list of cars on offer at Silverstone Auctions’ May Sale please visit:


Quirónsalud Torrevieja sets up a new generation sequencer that allows us to know the behaviour of the tumour in patients resistant to conventional chemotherapy

New technology based on the reading of genes is performed just with a biopsy and results are obtained in two weeks .Quirónsalud Torrevieja Hospital sets up a new generation sequencer continuing in line with work on personalised treatments for the fight against cancer. `Next Generation Sequencing´, allows us to know the behaviour of the tumour from DNA and RNA in patients who are resistant to conventional chemotherapy. “We will be able to observer if there are genetic alterations of the DNA in all tumours. At present, 20% of the patients tested have a mutated DNA and treatable according to that mutation. As new drugs are introduced for different mutations, these figures shall grow,” says Dr. Antonio Brugarolas, Director of Oncology Platform at Quirónsalud Torrevieja Hospital, he also explains their aim is not only to detect mutations that are treatable for providing appropriate treatment, but also to know how the cell reacts to these mutations. We can see how the cell adapts and predict the most appropriate chemotherapy treatment for each tumour.” The new technique is performed just though a biopsy for the patient, and results are obtained within two weeks. It also enables us to choose treatments based on costs, effects, administration method and patient preferences. There are more expensive and more cheaper drugs, there are oral or intravenous treatments, some induce hair fall and others do not. That is to say, you can customise the selection of drugs, from those which are sensitive, discarding those which are less effective. Dr. Brugarolas, says that this technique has to develop further, as there are still difficulties, as sometimes the tumour cannot be accessed directly without surgery, in others because the selected cells are dead. About 600 genes are analysed with a single test and we can predict which are the best drugs to fight this type of cancer. The prediction based on the study of the genes, provides better response rate than the one obtained with the conventional use of chemotherapy. The doctor also exclaims that “through RNA analysis, a patient's response to chemotherapy treatment can be predicted by 70%.”


A high resolution multidisciplinary team The Oncology Platform of Quirรณnsalud Torrevieja Hospital is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of over 30 top-level specialists and cutting-edge technological equipment such as PET-CT, intraoperative radiation therapy (Mobetron), Personalised Drug Therapy, Genetic Counselling or the White Room to administer vaccines against cancer, which has transformed it into an international benchmark for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and attracts patients from Spain and Europe. Among other techniques, the so-called HIPEC, comprises the administration of chemotherapy into the abdomen with hyperthermia during surgery. This technique is being carried out for more than 15 years by the Oncology Platform at the Quirรณnsalud Torrevieja Hospital, and it has recently been adopted by most of the major hospitals in Spain. After many years of studies and advances, it has been shown to be effective in 30% patients suffering from peritoneal carcinomatosis. It is currently accepted by the scientific community as the best alternative to incurable peritoneal metastases of ovarian cancer or colon cancer




One in six drivers has fallen asleep at the wheel, according to a new SmartWitness survey. A further 42% of motorists have admitted driving while they felt drowsy and were in danger of nodding off. Almost half of those surveyed (47%) said they had been a danger to themselves or other road users as a result of tired driving at some point since passing their test. The problem is worse among men than women. Just 10% of women have fallen asleep while driving compared to almost a quarter of men (24%). The vast majority of drivers (89%) say they drive when they know they are tired because they have to for work or for their home life. Only 48% of drivers always stop and take a break when they are tired - heeding Government warnings. The most popular way to combat tiredness behind the wheel while still driving is to open the car window (used by 48% of drivers), followed by having a coffee (37%), chewing gum (24%), turning up the radio (16%) turning the car heater to cold (12%).



SmartWitness has devised a new system that recognises that the driver’s eyes are not on the road and sends out alerts to wake him up. The DDC100 unit is about 8cm long by 7cm tall and sits on the dashboard, and can be fitted to cars, van or HGVs. It uses facial recognition software to detect when the driver’s eyes have looked away from the road for more than three seconds. When this happens it sends out an audible alert and when connected to a fleet management system it will also send an alert to the fleet manager that the driver is suffering from fatigue. The DDC100 also recognises when the driver is using a mobile phone at the wheel and is distracted for other reasons whilst driving. The results are from a new survey of 1,000 motorists from SmartWitness, the UK's leading vehicle CCTV firm, which found that 17% of drivers had fallen asleep at the wheel. It found that 47% of respondents were not getting the recommended 7-8 hours sleep a night.

And 85% of those polled said they experienced at least one bad night's sleep a week on average. On at least half those days when they slept badly (52%), they were also driving a vehicle. Business drivers are particular susceptible to these dangers due to hectic schedules and increasingly long working hours. It is estimated that driver fatigue is a contributory factor in as many as one in five driver deaths every year. Furthermore, tiredness-related collisions are three times more likely to be fatal or result in serious injury because of the high impact speed and lack of avoiding action.

SmartWitness chief executive Paul Singh said: "Driver fatigue is one of the biggest killers on our roads and we need to be doing far more to raise awareness of this major threat to road safety.


"Increase pressure on delivery schedules due to the internet has put more pressure on drivers to carrying on driving when drowsy and at risk of nodding off. This is as dangerous to other road users as drink driving or talking on your mobile phone. "It is vital that employers recognise this problem and implement new technology to spot when their staff are too tired to drive, and alerts for the drivers so that they know themselves. As well as the DDC100 unit, SmartWitness operates a new SmartGuard system for fleet clients where all their drivers are monitored by a professional call centre in real -time to pick up on problems such as fatigue, and deal with them before they cause a serious incident. All drivers in a SmartGuard monitored fleet are monitored by a number of telematics indicators picking up on issues such abrupt braking and tailgating, and now the driver distraction unit give further insight into driver safety. It allows fleet managers to quickly pinpoint any problem drivers and adjust training accordingly.


The Winter Beach - Orihuela “A pioneering initiative on our coast” Until mid-June, Orihuela´s beaches will play host to a range of activities under the banner, "The Winter Beach", including aerobic activities (aerobics, yoga, body balance), nautical activities (Paddle surfing and kayaking), introductory dives and workshops for the little ones. Every Sunday at 10 o'clock you have the chance to improve your health and wellbeing with an hour of aerobics on the beach. Orihuela Councillor Luisa Boné said that, "It's the first time that a program has been launched outside the summer season to spend Sundays with the family on the beach with activities for all ages. It will serve as a pilot to hear citizens' opinions about each activity and to improve it for their resumption in October." The beach of La Caleta in Cabo Roig was chosen as the location for this program as it is the best place to plan and carry out various activities. It is the beach that most residents and tourists visit in winter, and this beach also has a beach bar open all year round. The Councillor concluded that the program "The Winter Beach" has long been desired by various groups and users of the beach and we hope that the planned activities will please everyone.



Best Income for Expats- Update Here is a brief resume of what is exactly available in the market place for investors and the rates you can expect to receive. Getting the best income possible from your investments is crucial in the current economic climate. Deposit Accounts–If you are lucky enough to be an existing customer or have an address in the UK you can have a bank account that offers interest. Currently the best providers are Holmesdale Building Society which is offering a whopping 2.00% on between £10 and £50,000. This is far away out in front of all the providers but take note it is a VARIABLE rate so they could reduce the interest at any time, this is for existing customers only so unless you already have an account with them you cannot get this rate. The best of the rest now is the Loughborough Building Society offering 1.3% on up to £50,000 – again this is a variable rate. If you want a fixed return and can forgo access National Savings Guaranteed Growth Bond is paying 1.95% for 3 years. The providers are typically similar and can be compared to suit your needs, I got this information from Comparethemarket .com. If you are limited to a Spanish provider now you will not be even able to get 1% now unless you are willing to tie your money up for 18 months. I saw one client recently who has just had their interest reduced after the 18-month period at 0.5% to 0.01%. Yes 0.01% which means you will get the princely sum of €1 interest after one year if you invest €10,000. In the current climate deposit accounts, should be used for emergency money only with the rates offered often do not even match inflation. One way to combat inflation is to put money away for some sort of term. I would be wary of fixing for a long term too as there is a possibility that interest rates could soon rise and you might find yourself locked into a poor rate. Spanish Compliant Bonds – Rates vary and depend on the size of investment. Prudential offer a Cautious Fund that is currently paying growth rates of 4.8% for Investments in Euros and 5.5% for investments in Sterling. This type of investment is great for people wanting medium to long term income or growth. 5% of capital is allowed to be withdrawn each year penalty free. These offer very good tax benefits but are only available if you are a Spanish Fiscal resident. Shares – These are a bit of a gamble but do offer an attractive longer term approach. Dividends are paid to give you income (which in the FTSE 100 for example can get you an average of 2.5%). Growth on your investment can also be provided by the performance of the company of the share you invest in. If you are not an expert, it is often best to use a Fund that provides a basket of shares and they have experts to do the picking for you. At Blacktower we have partnered up with Quilter Cheviot in London to offer the Nexus Dynamic Portfolio. 2016 saw growth on this fund of over 14% and 2017 saw growth over 10%. There are other investment vehicles such as Annuities, Structured notes, unit-linked or unit trust funds but then we are going up the risk ladder and usually a fully Qualified Financial Adviser will be involved. Remember everything is ok in moderation and putting all your eggs in one basket can lead to trouble. In today’s financial climate it is essential you do everything you can to make sure your money is safe and secure and what you want to transpire in the future has the best chance of happening. The local Blacktower office address is: 120 Avenida Dr. Artero Guirao 2C. San Pedro Del Pinatar, 30740, Murcia, Spain. Our office suite is easy to find on the main N332 through road of San Pedro del Pinatar with easy parking. If you want more information or wish to make an appointment to discuss your own situation then call the local office on 968187331 or speak to me direct on 657684094 or email The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management (International) Limited is licensed by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission. Licence 00805B. Blacktower Financial Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK.









CCA will offer classic car enthusiasts the opportunity for the ultimate open-top road trip around the world at its upcoming June Sale on 2 nd June at the Warwickshire Event Centre. With classics ranging from tiny British sports cars to giant American muscle cars, the auction offers a convoy of beautiful classic convertibles ideal for summer motoring, for every taste and budget. From CCA’s own home soil in the UK, a 1972 MGB Roadster owned by the same person for the last 20 years, offers a fantastic entry level British classic estimated at £5,000 to £7,000. Buyers seeking a lesser known option have the chance to pick up a 1954 Jowett Special Bodied R2, handmade in 2008 and based on the original plans for the Jowett Jupiter MK2 which never made production, estimated at £20,000 to £25,000. Coming from the continent, a 1972 Peugeot 304 Cabriolet styled by Pininfarina and refreshed with a bare metal respray is estimated to reach £6,000 to £8,000. A 1960 Fiat OSCA 1500S Spider from Italian heritage and also styled by Pininfarina comes with a 1.5 litre 75hp four cylinder engine designed by OSCA and is estimated at £20,000 to £25,000.


German bahnstormers are also well represented, including a 1985 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 Targa estimated at £35,000 to £40,000 and finished in glorious Guards Red. Another fantastic German convertible and highlight lot of the sale is a stunning 1967 Mercedes 230SL ‘Pagoda’. A significant amount of work has been carried out recently by a marque specialist including a new interior, giving this car an estimate of £45,000 to £50,000. “The long awaited months of summer motoring are just around the corner and there’s a convertible for every taste at the June Sale,” says Gary Dunne, auctions manager of Classic Car Auctions. “We always have a wide range of classics in CCA, everything from a tiny Japanese sports car to a giant American Muscle car. We expect a great weather day on auction day too!”


From the land of the rising sun, Japan, a limited edition 2000 Mazda MX5 Isola comes from single ownership reading just 12,979 miles, after its 91 year old lady owner decided to hang up her car keys. This well looked after MX5 Isola is estimated to reach £8,000 to £10,000. The final stop on the global road trip is the USA. A replica of one of the best loved cars to come out of America, the Shelby Cobra, an impressive 2000 AK427 Cobra designed and created by the well-respected AK Sportscars is estimated at £20,000 to £25,000. A Ford Mustang Convertible straight out of Motor City, Detroit, with a big 4.9 litre V8 producing 220bhp, is also available, estimated at £16,000 to £20,000. To see the full line-up of classics available at the CCA June Sale visit https://


Case Study Regarding Change of Ownership for a Car Spanish Solutions recently received an enquiry on a change of ownership of a car in Spain,

which is quite common:"Are you able to arrange the title transfer of a vehicle I am about to purchase from a friend in Calpe. I am living in Almeria and have to return to the UK next Monday. I can get all the relevant copies of documents, sale/purchase contract, NIE's, padrons and the completed transfer document. I could meet along the coast between Murcia or Alicante airports." Our colleagues responded: We would be delighted to help you but unfortunately, we wouldn't be in a position to come and meet you to collect the documentation. However, most of the documents can be scanned and sent to us by email, we would only need the original ITV, Logbook and Contract of Sale, but these could be sent to us by courier to ensure their safe arrival, I would not recommend for the documents to be sent by normal post. Once the change of ownership has taken place, your new log book and existing ITV would be delivered to our office in La Zenia and would need to be collected from here. We, unfortunately, don't offer a postal service for the documents, in case of loss. Should you be happy to proceed with this, we would require the following documents to complete the change of ownership; -NIE & passport for the buyer & seller -Padron or electricity or water bill in the buyer's name (Not more than 6 months old to confirm the buyer's address) -Original Contract of Sale. (we can provide this if you do not have one) -Original Logbook & ITV -SUMA invoice (to ensure there are no debts on the car) Once the documents are submitted to Trafico, they will provide a Justificante which will allow you to use the car in the absence of the log book and ITV.


Our fee & Trafico fee for this is 242â‚Ź + Taxes which will be calculated by Trafico upon receipt of the Logbook and ITV. If you email us a copy of the ITV and Logbook we can confirm the total cost for the change of ownership before you proceed and if you have any queries in regards to this please do not hesitate to contact me." The client then asked if the car was registered in a certain province does it have to be changed over in that province and Spanish Solutions reassured him that we could deal with it in the Alicante region. He said thank you and that he would go ahead.

If you are thinking of buying or selling a car, then please contact us if you would like us to see how much the taxes will be or for questions on any other traffic related matters.


69 44 65 821

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