We are a high achieving mixed comprehensive school of over 1500 students aged 11 to 19 and over 180 very able and dedicated staff. Located in the heart of the city, we serve all Christian communities in the area of Greater Bristol and beyond. We are supported and enriched by our close association with St Mary Redcliffe Church.
Every member of our School community is created by God and our aim is to achieve our full potential. We want every student to be able to say:
• I feel safe • I belong here and have good relationships • I enjoy my learning and achieve well • This School helps me to make my hopes for the future come true
Safe Boundaries
Good Relationships
Our children are given the best academic opportunities and are guided with love. Parent
Empowered Learning
Dear parents and carers,
and, coupled with excellent care, support and guidance for all
Empowered Learning,
Welcome to St Mary Redcliffe and
students, ensure that their
Temple School; a school with over
personal development and well-
430 years of distinguished history.
being are outstanding”. Also,
We are the only Church of England
“The School seems to find a way
Voluntary Aided Secondary School
to make each child feel valued
in the city and diocese. Students
what ever their talents. Personal
are admitted following the
development and well-being are
application of the Governors’ policy
outstanding.” Another inspection
Empowered Learning is active, reflects our values, beliefs
on admissions, details of which
described us as “A Christian
and aspirations. It leads to high achievement. We have
are included with this prospectus.
community, which joyously lives
high expectations and give students clear guidance on
out its faith”. More than 80% of our students
Good Relationships and Safe Boundaries.
how to improve.
regularly attain five or more A* - C
Our past, present and future
grades at GCSE (more than 70%
success is rooted firmly in our
Good Relationships include a sense of belonging to God
including English and Maths).
Christian ethos. Each member of
and each other, positive feedback and ways back when
Our success is recognised in
our School community is created
Ofsted inspections. An inspector
by God and our aim is to achieve
things go wrong.
wrote, “The School’s strong
our full potential. The factors
Christian ethos and core values
that help young people be fully
have a tangible beneficial impact
themselves are:
Safe Boundaries include good order, security, accountability and consistency.
We became one of the first Humanities Schools in the country in 2004 and in March 2009 were awarded Training School Status and designated a school of excellence for Gifted and Talented as a result of our position as a High Performing Specialist School. We share our good practice, especially in Values and in learning and teaching, with a range of primary and secondary schools in Bristol and beyond. Do visit our website or come and see the School in action. We look forward to meeting you. Mrs E A Gilpin - Headteacher
Hope The glory of God is a human being fully alive (St Irenaeus)
Worship We want to glorify God by our worship and by what we are as individuals and as a community of students, staff, governors and parents/carers.
Worship is one of our most
Harvest, Christmas and Lent.
distinctive features. Members
We are also linked to a school
of the School community come
in Uganda.
from many churches so we We intend that every student will reach their full potential in body, mind, heart, and soul. We want to help our students to value faith, trust and truth, themselves and others, justice and respect, and forgiveness.
provide a wide range of acts of
By law, parents/carers are allowed
worship, reflecting the best of
to request the withdrawal of their
Christianity. Beginning and end
child from Worship and from
of term services take place at
Religious Education. As these
the beautiful St Mary Redcliffe
activities are so central to the life of
Church. Every day sees various
our School we are pleased that no
We seek to help them develop the skills to communicate, review,
acts of worship, ranging from
such request has been received.
research, plan, and revise.
small group activities in tutor groups through to larger
For children of other faiths, we
We desire each student to be resilient, questioning, organised,
assemblies, usually in Houses.
support and respect their worship
independent, and creative.
We welcome a large number of
and beliefs.
visitors, both clergy and lay, to lead some of these. There are regular House and voluntary Eucharists, Christian Unions and prayer groups including a thriving parental Prayer Support Group. We see charity work as an expression of our worship and we make a special effort at
The School, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding at meeting the needs of all learners. Ofsted
4 2
Students’ outstanding personal development and well-being are firmly underpinned by the School’s emphasis on Christian values and are reflected in their outstanding spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Students of all ages enjoy School immensely and are proud to belong to the School’s diverse community. Ofsted
Empowered Learning
Post 16
We provide each student with a broad, balanced and relevant
We offer around 40 AS and A Level
We believe that all students should
set of subjects, aiming to enrich his/her spiritual, intellectual,
courses in the Redcliffe Sixth Form
do regular homework in order to
moral, physical, social and cultural development.
Centre. Most students go on to
learn to study independently, to
Higher and Further Education at
reinforce what is learnt in the
We fulfil all the requirements of the
At Key Stage 4 the majority of
establishments all over the country.
classroom and to extend subject
National Curriculum with additional
students follow courses that
We take pride in our regular
tasks. There is a homework
emphasis on Religious Education.
generally lead to ten GCSE’s.
Oxbridge successes and aim to
timetable for all year groups and
There are over 24 teaching hours
Most take: English (Language
bring out the best in all our students.
parents/carers are encouraged
each week, with assemblies and
and Literature), Mathematics,
tutor-time in addition.
Double Science, Religious
We have an experienced team of
commenting on homework via
Education, and ICT. There are
tutors and learning mentors who
the student planner.
At Key Stage 3 all students
also lessons in Physical
offer support and guidance. There
study: English, Mathematics,
Education, Careers, Values and
are also plenty of additional
Science, Religious Education,
Citizenship. Additional choices
enrichment, social and sporting
Geography, Design Technology,
are made from Triple Science,
activities to extend student skills
History, French and/or German,
Design Technology, French or
and experience. We value the
Art, Information Technology,
German, Art, Photography, Music,
leadership roles that many of
We have a comprehensive
Music, Physical Education and
Business Studies, Physical
the Sixth-formers exercise by
Careers Education programme,
Values Education, including:
Education, History, Geography,
supporting children in year 7
starting with support for GCSE
Citizenship and PSE. We take
Health and Social Care, Childcare,
and in leading debate, Christian
decision-making in year 9 and
careful note of Key Stage 2
Drama, Media Studies, Life Skills
Unions and worship events, and
continuing with regular lessons
results and other information
Courses and various vocational
Senior Students play a valuable
in years 10 and 11. We provide
from primary schools. There is
BTEC courses.
role in the main School Council.
a programme of advice in years
to participate in monitoring and
12 and 13, particularly allied to
some setting in year 7 in Maths and, additionally, in year 8 in
Details for entry to the Sixth
Higher Education decision-making.
Science, English, and Modern
Form may be obtained from the
There are opportunities for work
Foreign Languages.
Director of the Sixth Form and at
experience, individual careers
the special Open Evenings for
interviews and support from learning
prospective Sixth formers (in
mentors to help students achieve
November each year).
their best.
The curriculum in years 7-11 is broad and balanced: it matches the needs and interests of students and contributes to their good progress. Ofsted
6 2
Careers Education
Extra Curricular
Learning Support
Gifted and Talented
We aim to encourage as many
We follow the national Code of
Our School is well known for
Much of the enrichment provided
students as possible to participate
Practice with regard to students
outstanding practice in helping
by the Gifted and Talented
in a wide range of additional
with Special Educational Needs.
gifted and talented students do
programme has been targeted
activities, occurring at lunchtime,
A member of staff is designated
their best. Our excellent practice
toward the official cohort of 10%
after-school, weekends and
as Coordinator of SEN (SENCo)
was recognised at a national level
of the School, but around 50% of
holidays. Activities include
and all members of staff take
being designated a ‘Gifted and
the students in the School have
homework/coursework club, House
responsibility for the academic
Talented’ specialist school.
a direct involvement with the
competitions, tennis coaching,
and social progress of students
young enterprise, orchestras,
with Special Educational Needs.
The Gifted and Talented
and Temple Gifted and Talented
School productions (drama and
We work in close liaison with the
programme enhances the
programme was the subject of an
musicals), Christian Union, theatre
Local Authority Support Services.
opportunities of the most
academic study by the University
visits, year 8 France and Germany
We also make access arrangements
academically able and talented
of Bath. Here are a few direct
visits, School matches, indoor
for students for GCSE exams
children in the School. The School
quotes from the paper:
games club, activities week, public
and assessment if necessary.
has a commitment towards
speaking, gospel and chamber
Parents/carers of students with
excellence for all and strongly
choirs, voluntary community service
Special Educational Needs
believes that true inclusion
and ski trips. Recent trips abroad
should make a point of talking to
can only be achieved through
have included destinations such
our SENCo before applying to
stretching the most able as well
as Iceland, Belgium, Austria
the School.
as supporting the least able. The
and a range of opportunities
Gifted and Talented programme
are available to pupils.”
and Uganda.
programme. The St Mary Redcliffe
“There is an excellent provision at the School for Gifted and Talented pupils
allows all students to achieve Music is a particular strength of the School. Individual and/or group instrumental tuition is provided in School in a wide range of
their full potential.
“Gifted and Talented provision helps create many extra opportunities for pupils.”
instruments, including Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Trumpet, Cornet, Horn, Euphonium, Tuba, Trombone, Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Saxophone, Drums,
“Challenging the most able increases standards across the whole School.”
Spanish Guitar and Piano. Lessons in singing are also offered. More detailed information is available from the Head of Music.
Good Relationships
Pastoral System The pastoral system is one of our real strengths. Our students
The Tutor is the first point of
responsibility and there is a House
come from a wide variety of schools in different parts of Bristol
reference for parents/carers who
and School Council made up of
and the surrounding area, so we make them feel part of the School
wish to contact the School and
representatives from each tutor
as soon as possible. Year 7 students have their own House, in
is responsible for the students’
group. Each House also appoints
the Temple Colston Building, led by the Head of James House
support and guidance. The Tutor
a number of prefects from year
and a Deputy. Friendships are quickly formed, as the students
is able to give the appropriate
11 who work closely with staff in
are taught in their tutor groups for most of their timetables and
support to meet each student’s
seeing that the building is used
there are many inter-tutor group competitions and activities to
individual needs, through individual
properly and that the students
help students foster a strong sense of team spirit and develop
conversations and target setting.
are encouraged to observe
an identity within the School.
The Tutor is able to draw on a
good behaviour.
large in-school network of support There are four more School Houses
programmes, designed to help
The House system is also the
- Canynges, Cartwright, Colston
each child fulfil his or her potential.
focal point for the daily act of
and Francombe - which students
worship. Assemblies are held
join in year 8 when students move
The School has close links with
as a whole House and also in
on to the special family atmosphere
a number of outside agencies
individual tutor groups. Each
of our mixed-age tutor groups.
to complement the work done
House also holds Eucharists.
There are approximately 28
within School. We enjoy close
Students are encouraged to take
students aged 12 to 16 in each
working relationships with
an active part in the planning and
group and this enables students
parents/carers in resolving any
presentation of the services.
to share experiences of school
difficulties. The student planner,
life, helping younger students
which incorporates a homework
We are justifiably proud of the
to prepare for additional
diary and sections for ‘Alive’
pastoral system that plays an
responsibilities and decision
points and academic targets,
important part in helping each
making as they move on through
enables parents/carers to take
student to make the most of
the School. An experienced Head
an active part in monitoring their
what the School has to offer
of House and a Deputy lead each
child’s life at School.
and achieve success.
of the four Houses. They also oversee the work of the tutors.
The School has an enviable reputation in a variety of sports and this is fostered within the
The School respects our complete child strengths and imperfections! Parent
8 2
House system through a number of inter-House matches during the year. Students are always encouraged to take on
We issue a Student Planner
update on progress and behaviour.
Community links are very important.
Parents/carers are encouraged to
including a homework diary
In addition parents/carers are
There is a real ‘Redcliffe’ identity
contribute to the Friends of SMRT
which parents or carers are
welcome to contact the School
in Bristol and we want to build on
Gift Aid Fund, which supports the
asked to sign weekly and to
with any concerns at any time,
that. Each year, there are special
Governors’ building programme
make any comments for the
and subject and House staff will
services at the beginning of the
and the Enabling Fund. This exists
tutor’s attention.
contact parents/carers directly
year, at Christmas and on Schools’
to enable all students to take
as the need arises.
Sunday to which all friends of the
advantage of the many educational
School are invited. The thriving
opportunities offered and to
There are regular tests in most subjects and each year brings
All students are involved with
Friends of SMRT Association
enhance the facilities of the
at least two opportunities for
annual Reports which means that
organises events for the whole
School to the benefit of students.
parents to be involved in the
they are involved in dialogue, both
community, and the Governing
progress of their child. There
written and verbal, with their
Body has representatives from
is at least one Parents’/Carers’
teachers in reviewing and
former members of the School,
Evening with subject teachers
assessing their progress and
from church and from local
each year, and a full written
in setting targets for the future.
commerce and industry.
report. We also provide grade sheets which give a quick
All staff show high levels of commitment to students care, guidance and support. Ofsted
Safe Boundaries
The School has high standards of behaviour. It is partly through
We have a brand new sports hall
The School is at a convenient
making each student feel an important part of our community that
and a new building which includes
central site within easy access
the standard of behaviour is so good. All students are expected
state of the art Science, Art,
of Temple Meads Station and
to wear the School uniform, which helps to give students a sense
Music, PE, Design Technology,
on many bus routes.
of belonging to the School. We grade students on their behaviour
Library, Maths and English
from A* to E. More than 95% of students gain A*- B grades and we
facilities. We have a separate
expect their behaviour to support the learning of others.
small building in which year 7 students register and a small
We have a number of policies,
There is a high expectation of
quiet playground area reserved
e.g. Racial Equality, to ensure
behaviour, both in the classroom
for year 7 use. A separate sixth
that students respect and value
and around the School generally.
form centre provides a mature
the contributions made by their
Good behaviour and positive
base for sixth form students. We
peers. The Governors review
attitudes to learning are
also have a swimming pool and
these regularly to make sure they
encouraged through extensive
gymnasium and additional sports
are relevant and working properly.
use of praise and reward systems.
facilities at Stockwood Lane,
Students are given ‘Alive’ points
Brislington. Our ICT facilities are
In our School, we pride ourselves
for good performance and in year
good and well managed and
on the relationships that exist
7 different certificates are awarded
enable us to use ICT to support
between students of all ages
according to the number of Alive
effective learning.
and between staff and students.
points gained. At the end of each
A disciplined atmosphere is
term, a shield is presented to the
important to create a good learning
House holding the most Alive points.
environment and we do not tolerate bullying or behaviour that stops
We are proud of our ethnically
others learning. We value the
diverse intake as we believe all
cooperation of parents/carers in
students are equal in the eyes of
establishing acceptable standards
God and strive to ensure equality
of behaviour and, if necessary,
in all we do.
parents/carers are invited into School to discuss any problems
Ofsted inspectors found that
Leadership, management and self evaluation
that might arise. We operate a
students “are emphatic about
detention system and expect
how safe they feel in School”.
are outstanding. There is a strong vision for
parents/carers to support the use of this sanction.
the School. There is a common sense of purpose among all staff which is moving the School swiftly towards excellence. Ofsted
10 2
Many photos provided by Martin Parr. Š 2011 Martin Parr/Magnum Photos Design -
How to find us
Gloucester Road Bus Station
Bond Street
BRISTOL Park Street
Temple Way Queens Square CAR PARK
Temple Meads Station
Redcliff Hill
Coronation Road
The Redcliffe Sixth Form Centre
St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Please note that St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School does not have onsite parking facilities for students and parents/carers. Visitors are advised to use public car parking spaces. Any visitors who have mobility problems are advised to contact the School before visiting so that appropriate parking arrangements can be made.
St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School, Somerset Square, Bristol BS1 6RT Telephone 0117 377 2100 Email