Studio IV Process Book

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Process Book

Design Studio IV

Urban Beach Hotel – Santa Monica California – Professor Amy Wynne – Fall 2010 – Mark Painter Pariani

I walk over to the window and pull back the curtains. When I look out past the perfect glass door now in front of me I see white sand and blue water. The door opens easily and the ocean breeze fills my room. The balcony lounge chair looks comfortable but only after a full day at the beach. And what a perfect day for the beach. Not a cloud in the sky. I quickly change into my beach ware and grab my shades. In need of a mirror I finally discover the bathroom. Just as pure, simple, and elegant as the rest of the room with pops of color for accents. The mirror is framed in a glossy dark blue. The basin sink is a see-through light green stone. The white tile wall contains color tiles at seemingly random intervals. A pair of cross surfboards appliquĂŠd in tile stand over the spa tub like sentinels. I'm further surprised when I keep finding small details that any other hotel would have simply left out. But the beach waits. I make my way down to the lobby again. The same smooth elevator ride I had come to enjoy did not disappoint. I ask where the pool deck is and get directed towards the back of the building. As I make my way there I pass by the bar area and glimpse in. Not curious enough yet to stop in for a drink, But just curious enough to see where I will be spending most of my evening. The same color accents surround this room but a more somber tone resonates. A curved bar projects out into the room while protecting the exotic bottles behind. I decide to keep moving. It's not the right time of day for that place but I can't wait to see it tonight. The pool deck is accessed by another elevator, which opens to a courtyard in the heart of the hotel. High profile guests grace the sun chairs and large pool and I try to act like I have been here before. An act that is made harder with every beautiful architectural detail and even more beautiful guests. I notice stairs leading down into the water on the end closest to me. They break up the geometry and pull my attention in. At the far side of the pool the water laps to the edge and gently flows over through a gap in the deck. Making it look like a floating cube of water. It takes all my efforts to leave, but if I don't I will never get to the beach. But my vacation is just starting and I'm sure that the hotel has more to offer than what I just tasted. And in order to experience these offerings I must view them with fresh eyes. What better way to do that then spend the day at the beach. But I have a feeling that the visions of this hotel are going to stay with me for some time. And that is something that does not bother me in the least.

Mid-Review Models

East Elevation

North Elevation

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