Please consult with your Doctor before juicing. 1. What is the difference between blending and juicing? Blending simply combines all of the ingredients you place in your blender, leaving the pulp and fiber intact. Fiber is a great addition to your diet and can help prevent many diseases. Unlike juicing, however, consuming blended drinks makes your bodywork harder to digest the ingredients. Juicing separates the pulp from the vegetables and fruits, leaving only juice behind. With juicing you are still consuming beneficial soluble fiber, like pectin. Juicing also helps with the removal of toxins from your body and aids in weight loss. Both are beneficial and should be added to your diet. I personally love juicing and have seen and felt the difference since adding it to my lifestyle. 2. What kind of juicer should I get? There are many juicers on the market to choose from, but can be broken down into three main types: centrifugal, masticating, and a new type which I’ll explain below. Centrifugal juicers work best with soft and hard fruits and vegetables, but not quite as well with leafy greens like kale or spinach, or with wheatgrass. A centrifugal juicer spins at high speeds and during the spinning motion; the vegetables that you have shoved down the chute are ground to a pulp. It’s best to drink your juice immediately to get optimal results, since it starts losing its nutrients almost immediately. What people like the most about this type of juicer is that it’s quick and easy to clean. A masticating juicer grinds vegetables and literally squishes out the juice. Since a masticating juicer works at low speeds and with no spinning action, it tends to juice many vegetables more efficiently. Because of the slower crushing and squeezing action, masticating juicers can process leafy greens and wheatgrass, and the juice that they produce will last much longer than juice made in a centrifugal juicer. I have found masticating juicers to be harder to use, more time consuming and harder to clean. For more information check out this blog post:
A new breed of juicer is emerging... the slow juicer or upright juicer. This type of juicer has an upright design similar to centrifugal juicers, but operates similar to the masticating juicer, with the auger or gear that crushes the food and presses out the juice. I have seven juicers. They range from the centrifugal type to the masticating. The one I prefer to use is the Jay Kordich PowerGrind Pro juicer. It is a slow juicer so you get similar benefits as a masticating juicer, but it’s much easier to clean and is easy to use. This juicer is a money saver, too! You get a ton of juice by only using a small amount of vegetables. With my other juicers, I had to use more vegetables to get the same amount of juice as I get from my PowerGrind Pro. Here is the link to the Power Grind Pro: 3. What is the Alpha Reset? Find the reset here. ---> 4. What’s a good juice recipe for weight loss? One of the biggest things you will notice on this Facebook page is that we heavily stress the importance of vegetables in your juice. Many people think by juicing pineapple, bananas and other sugary fruits that they can lose weight. This only spikes your insulin and can hinder your weight loss journey. If you are looking for some recipes that will strip away toxins, xenoestrogens and other compounds that harbor themselves in your fat cells making it almost impossible for you to lose weight... then go to Here is one of my favorites: 4 Kale Leaves Thumb of Ginger (Peel the skin off the following if they are not organic.)
1 Lemon 1 Cucumber 1 Green Apple The reason this recipe is so good: Well, aside from the amazing alkalizing effects of the lemon and greens, it is an amazing way to rid your body of toxins. The apple is one of nature’s greatest detoxifiers. 4.5 How do I prepare fruit and vegetables for juicing? Must I peel and seed the produce first before juicing? Some fruits and vegetables require peeling and seeding due to the toxicity of the skins or seeds. Some examples would be: peel oranges and grapefruits (leaving as much as the white part as you can), kiwi, papaya, and any that have been waxed. Seed apples, peaches, plums, and all other pitted fruits and vegetables. You can use stems and leaves. Here is how to prepare the produce before juicing: apples: cut to fit the hopper (feeder) of the juicer. For the Champion I cut them into sixths. Apple seeds have arsenic in them, just a trace, but nevertheless not a good thing for the body. So I cut off the edge of the slice with the seeds. carrots: just top & tail them (cut the ends off). Most vegetables: wash if you are not sure whether they are organic or if you question what may be on the outer layers. No need to peel. Vegetables that are waxed (cucumbers) need to be peeled. Vegetables with ratty ends (celery, beets etc.) need to be trimmed before juicing. Fruits: bananas are too low in water content to put through a juicer. As I have a hard time finding organic fruit, I tend to peel the fruit – watermelon, cantaloupe, melons, etc. Pears, peaches, nectarines, strawberries etc. I just wash. Rhubarb: Stalks ONLY – the leaves are toxic! 5. How do I get rid of the last 10 lbs?
This is a question that we get all the time. We actually surveyed our email list and developed a product to help you. We call it the Beta Breakthrough and you can get it here: It’s a 14-day protocol that is transforming lives. This protocol is challenging and not best suited for the beginner juicer. 6. What about losing the fiber while juicing? This is an age-old question when it comes to juicing. The major benefit of juicing comes from absorbing all of the enzymes, aminos and minerals almost immediately. With fibrous foods, such as “smoothies,” your body has to break it down. This can last anywhere from 2-3 hours. This is the fundamental reason why juicing is so amazing. If you want to add fiber to your drinks, you can. I recommend Chia Seeds and Psyllium Husk. Also, a great supplement to take on any juice fast is Magnesium. 7. I’ve tried everything, but I’m not feeling motivated. It’s okay. I like to say everything has a season and to not be hard on yourself. If you are looking for an extra push, hang out in our community for a while. There are a lot of very motivating people here to help you on your journey. If you would like one-on-one coaching with a FitLife coach, that could be a possibility depending on your “Whydentity” and what really drives your want for change. Feel free to watch our Whydentity video on youtube and start thinking about your own. --> Also, make sure you subscribe to our channel for further guidance. 8. How long will my juice stay good for? Research has proven that juice loses much of its outstanding nutrient content
(through oxidation) if not consumed relatively quickly after extraction. The amount of time a juice remains fresh is dependant on the type of juicer you're using. 9. What should I do with the pulp? Many people end up tossing the leftover pulp into the garbage or compost bin, but has some fun options to explore if you'd rather not. Here's a link for "beet pulp burgers" and you can use this same technique for almost any other pulp. Also, check out the comments below this video because lots of fans shared great recipes. --> 10. Can I have too much juice? Depending on your goals, this will change. Usually drinking 12-24 ounces or more at each serving is recommended. As for how often: if you're planning on juice fasting, juice every 2-3hrs. If you're simply adding juicing into your regular nutrition: 1-2 times per day, or if you're replacing meals: at mealtime. 11. What’s the difference between the membership and Drew’s Juice Up Your Life Program? Visit this link for our product comparison: If you appreciated this FAQ, you’ll want to join us for one of our frequent webinars to answer more of your questions. On many of these webinars we give away juicers and some other really cool stuff. At least, we think it’s cool. :) Remember, we’re in this together, Drew Canole