Beauty Portraiture - Mark Priems Photography

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Be a u t y Po r t r a i t u r e www. mar kpr i emsphot ogr aphy . com. au

Spendt hedayf eel i ngl i keapr i ncesswi t ha Beaut yShootwi t hMar kPr i ems. I tal lst ar t s wi t hagl assofchampagnewhi l eour pr of essi onalmakeupar t i stt r ansf or msyour hai randmakeupt oshowcaseyourbest f eat ur es. Mar kensur est heat mospher ei sr el axi ng andf unandhast heabi l i t yt ocapt ur eon f i l mt heuni queandgor geousgi r lt hatyou ar e. Br i ngasmanydi f f er entout f i t sasyou want( war dr obechangesar epar toft he f un! )andchoosebet weenst udi oshoot s,on l ocat i onorbot h! Thef i nalr esul ti sa col l ect i onofi magesofyoul ooki ngyour bestt hatyoucankeepf or everandshar e f oryear st ocome.

www. mar kpr i emsphot ogr aphy. com. au enqui r i es@mar kpr i emsphot ogr aphy. com. au 8Paci f i cSt r eet ,Newcast l e 0402904717

Pr o d u c t s PHOTO SHOOT 23 hourphot o shootwi t h mul t i pl e out f i tchanges,f ul lhai rand makeup and spar kl i ngwi neonar r i val ;al lf orabooki ngf eeof$125.

IMAGE FOLIO BOX -8X12”MATTED PRINTS 6Pr i nt s-$750 10Pr i nt s-$950 20Pr i nt s-$1250

WALL ART -CANVAS OR FRAMED -READY TO HANG 12x18”Pr i nt-$275 16x24”Pr i nt-$450 24x36”Pr i nt-$700 30x45”Pr i nt-$1150 ‘ DIGITAL ONLY 6I mages-$350 10I mages-$495 20I mages-$750

www. mar kpr i emsphot ogr aphy . com. au

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