How to increase the traffic of your website using Social Media
Social Media A small business can benefit a great deal from a well performing website. On its own, a website will not do much in terms of visibility but when other strategies are employed to market the website, you can rest assured that the traffic to your physical store will also be on the increase. The advantage of using social media to drive traffic to your website is the fact that it is free. Most of the people who will click on your website links on social media will be interested in what you have to offer and most probably will buy from you. Here is how to positively use social media to increase the traffic to your site and improve conversion rates.
One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is to use
Get Social This one is so obvious, we’re going to look at it first. social media marketing can be the solution to this common problem, but if you’re juggling all the other challenges of running a small business, you may not know where to start. Twitter is ideal for short, snappy (and tempting) links, whereas Google+ promotion can help your site show up in personalized search results.
5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website Social media marketing strategies to drive traffic to a small business’ website range from the basic things everyone should be doing to sophisticated methods that take a little more time and effort.
If you’re looking at a totally flat traffic curve, start with Step 1. By the time you get to step 5.
Step 1: Include Your Website On All Your Social Networks Step 2: Social Media Monitoring and Engagement Step 3: Start a Company Blog Step 4: Social Media Advertising Step 5: Twitter Chats and Google Hangouts
Step 1: Include Your Website On All Your Social Networks The first thing you need to do on any new social network for your business is to include your website URL. On Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ company pages there is a specific place where you can put your website URL. Don’t forget to do that.
Step 2: Social Media Monitoring and Engagement Once you have all your social networks set up with your website URL, you can start proactively monitoring and engaging on your social networks. By being proactive you can reach out to existing customers and potential customers to drive them to your website. Be sure to also share relevant content that are on your website to prospects. You can also listen to recommendation requests and share a relevant link to your website that answers their inquiry.
Step 3: Start a Company Blog One of the biggest barriers to effectively using social media to drive traffic to your website is a lack of new content. Staying active on your blog is the easiest way to maintain a dynamic website and make sure you’ve always got something to say on social media. If you’re struggling to write quickly. And remember, your blog isn’t just for written content. If you made a YouTube video to increase brand awareness, embed it on your blog. The same goes for infographics, Slideshare, Storify, and all sorts of rich media. When you can point your social messages to great new content on your site, your followers are more likely to click through and become customers. 5 Steps to Starting a Successful Business Blog 1) Pick a blogging service . 2) Host your blog on your main site . 3) Consider your ideal site visitors . 4) Brainstorm keywords related to your business. 5) Write your first blog post.
Step 4: Social Media Advertising To take it up a notch, you can start using social media ads to increase website traffic. When using Facebook ads or a promoted Tweet be sure to link back to a dedicated landing page for conversion. You can also create ads on LinkedIn that links to a lead generation form on your site.
Step 5: Twitter Chats and Google Hangouts Now that you’ve mastered the easy stuff, try hosting Twitter Chats or a Google Hangout. The above steps are just a few ways people who are beginners or pros can use social media to increase website traffic, and of course there are definitely more ways. However, the first step in ensuring your website is proactively seen by your customers is to be where your customers are.
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