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Peninsula No 36

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PAPER INC Print Post Approved PP255003/04388 12 February 2002

Andrews criticises NRMA closure A decision by NRMA Insurance to close the office at Woy Woy and relocate its services to Gosford has drawn strong criticism from Member for Peats, Ms Marie Andrews.

Woy Woy NRMA office in Deepwater Plaza will close soon Photo – Davy C. Green

Recycling plant proposed for Bulls Hill quarry Gosford Council staff have recommended approval to rezone the Bulls Hill Quarry site to allow it to be developed as a composting and recycling facility. The council decided to defer a decision until after a site inspection scheduled for today, Tuesday, February 12. Camden Soil Mix Pty Ltd had applied for the rezoning, seeking preparation of a draft local environment plan to enable the site to operate as "Bays Park Resource Recovery Facility". The facility would involve the composting of organic materials including green waste, food waste and poultry carcasses to produce soil conditioners for sale in the agricultural, horticultural, landscaping and plant nursery industries. It would be able to process 60,000 tonnes of green organic material, 30,000 tonnes of construction-demolition material and 10,000 tonnes of food waste and poultry carcasses a year. Enclosed vertical composting units would be used which "allows for maximum control of the process and ensures odour emissions are minimal". The applicant's air quality study was unable to state that the

proposal would meet EPA performance criteria. In their report, council staff suggested to the Council that it "evaluate the economic and environmental benefits of the facility to the wider community against the undesirable odour impacts that may occur locally". They noted "it would not be until the facility is operational that any realistic assessment of odour impact could be made". Council staff recommended that the rezoning proceed to allow consideration of a separate development application for an organic composting-recycling f acili t y a nd c onst ruc tio n demolition recovery facility at the former quarry at Woy Woy Rd, Woy Woy Bay. The site is currently Crown land administered by the Department of Land and Water Conservation (DLWC). The council was told the facility was of "a regional scale" and was required to facilitate the council's commitment to resource recycling and to reduce the amount of refuse within conventional landfill sites. The life expectancy of both Woy Woy and Kincumber waste depots would be extended as a result of recyclable material being

diverted to the quarry site. Green wastes were currently transferred to Sydney by Camden Soils for recycling, a process which would be undertaken locally should the facility go ahead. The Council was told that the quarry site had not been rehabilitated and was contributing to the siltation of Woy Woy Creek and Correa Bay "… due to the lack of management controls in place during the qua rry operation". The redevelopment was intended to result in a better environmental outcome than if the site were to remain in its current condition. The National Parks and Wildlife Service and NSW Fisheries raised objections on environmental grounds to the site being used as a recycling facility. The council officers commented that the concerns related more to any future development application for the site, rather than a rezoning of the land. Council agenda DH.021, February 5

"This closure will mean once again the loss of services to residents on the Woy Woy Peninsula and surrounding areas. "It comes on top of a number of bank closures and will cause much inconvenience for many local residents, particularly senior citizens," Ms Andrews said. Ms Andrews said she had written to NRMA Insurance Ltd some months ago seeking a review of the company’s decision to close the Woy Woy office. In her representations, she pointed out that the Woy Woy Peninsula area serviced a large population, including many persons aged 65 and over. The majority of these people are known to prefer to carry out their business transactions on a "face-to-face" basis, she said. "That is certainly the case in the somewhat complex area of home and car insurance. "There are 21 NRMA offices

across the State and in the ACT which are due to be closed and four of these are on the Central Coast." Only Gosford and Lakehaven will remain open after February 22. "There appears to be no heart left in the banking and insurance industries today," Ms Andrews said. "They all appear to be hell-bent on making bigger and bigger profits without worrying about providing too many services for their customers. "Apart from the loss of the insurance services, roadside services will disappear from Woy Woy as well. "The financial investment side was sold by the NRMA some months ago. "While residents will be able to renew their insurance policies and membership of roadside services at Woy Woy post office, the fact remains that most people prefer to have the face-to-face service," Ms Andrews said. Press release, January 14

Pearl Beach to be monitored Annual environmental assessments of the beach at Pearl Beach are planned to monitor the need for "beach scraping", Gosford Council has been told. The assessments "could possibly include collection and interpretation of photogrammetric data to promote better understanding of the modal cycles of beach accretion and erosion". This followed a request from Pearl Beach residents that "beach scraping procedures be activated". Gosford Council's Coastline Management, Lagoon Management and Coastal Planning Committee (CLP Committee) advised that three "triggers" detailed in Broken Bay Beaches Coastal Management

Peninsula website

Plan must be met before the work could proceed. They were: An escarpment of more than one metre is formed in the back beach area by storm erosion. The beach berm has recovered sufficiently to provide sand to fill the back beach area. Back beach area has not recovered two months after a storm. Discussion took place on the possible need for an environmental impact study. The council's environmental engineer will ask Planning NSW whether such a study is required and then finalise the draft Pearl Beach - Scraping Guidelines. Council agenda CL.011, January 22

Page 2 – Peninsula News – 12 February 2002





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Welcome to edition 36 of Peninsula News It was indeed pleasing to see the large number of people that turned out to celebrate Australia Day at the Woy Woy waterfront and to thank the fire fighters for their efforts. The support by community groups manning a wide variety of stalls raising money for their particular cause as well as providing a wealth of information was also pleasing. It is well supported events such as these that make a community special and its members pleased to live in it. Cec Bucello, Manager

Contributors: Winsome Smith, Rob Whiteman, Jethro Bucello, Fiona Forbes, Liz McMinn, Judy Andrews, Mark Snell, Brian Lourey, Davy C Green, Mary Holstein, Robert Bell, Lynne Bockholt, Annona Pearse, Walter Pearson, Paul Hanna, Brian Lourey, Judy Andrews, Barry O’connor, Helen Tubby, Kerrie Friend, Richard Smithers, Jenny Fancett, Marie Andrews, Committee: Kevin Butler, Carolyn Carter, Barbara Ketley, Stephen McNamara, Mark Snell, Carl Spears, Michael Walls. Next edition Issue 37

Deadline: Publication date:

Mark Snell: Jonathan Reichard:

March 6 March 12

Association President and Editor Journalist

Office: Suite 5 Chambers Place, 23 The Boulevarde, Woy Woy Phone: 4342 2070 Fax: 4342 2071 Mail: PO Box 532, Woy Woy 2256 E-mail: Website: Legal responsibility for editing, printing and publishing, and election comment in Peninsula News is taken by Mark Snell of Woy Woy, for Peninsula Community Access Newspaper Inc.

About Peninsula News Peninsula News is owned by Peninsula Community Access Newspaper Inc., an incorporated, non-profit association. Its aims include providing a viable, non-partisan news medium and forum exclusively for the Peninsula and developing a sense of community on the Peninsula. The day to day running and printing of the newspaper is undertaken by Mail Order Mall under licence from the association. The paper actively encourages all groups and individuals on the Peninsula to contribute their news, opinions and items of interest for publication. Contributions to the paper are edited to consistent standards of readability. Guidelines are available for intending contributors. Community members are also invited to contribute by taking photos, joining the association, typing, or participating in committees. There are 14000 copies of Peninsula News printed and distributed within the 2256 and 2257 postcode areas as well as to subscribers.

Michael wins employee of the year at Fairhaven Michael Williams has been named the Employee of the Year at Fairhaven’s Challenge Elect roni cs workshop at Woy Woy. Michael was one of four employees to receive the award trophy at the Fairhaven Christmas luncheon at Gosford RSL on December 21. Michael along with the three other recipients have the honour of being the first to have their names engraved on the new Fairhaven Employee of the Year wall plaque in the Fairhaven Services boardroom. “The awards were presented for consistency, personal growth, reliability and productivity,” said Fairhaven's general manager of business services, Mr Craig Doyle. Fairhaven senior supervisor Robyn Coffey from the workshop was named Supervisor of the Year. Craig presented Robyn with a bouquet of flowers at the luncheon. “Robyn received this award for

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Fairhaven Supervisor of the Year, Robyn Coffey

her loyalty, service, efficiency and empathy towards employees and staff,” Craig said. “I was overwhelmed to receive this award. "It was lovely,” Robyn said. A n e xp e r i e n c e d s e n i o r supervisor, Robyn has worked at Fairhaven for more than nine years.

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Press releases, February 6

PENINSULA HOME EMERGENCY NUMBERS HOME Locksmith: Electrician: Plumber: Glass Replacement: T V & Video Repair: Security: Appliance Repairs:

Sam Strykowski 4360 1098 Dark & Daylight 4341 8863 Tomkins T.V. Service 4341 6436 All Point Security 4362 2598 Jayars Appliance Service 4342 3538

MOTOR VEHICLE Mechanic: : Smash Repair: Towing Service: Auto Electrician: Bill Cook Auto Electrics 4343 1700 Windscreen Replacement: Batteries: Holler for a Marshall 136130

Address ……………………………………

COASTAL FUNERALS 100 % Peninsula family owned

Fairhaven Employee of the Year, Michael Williams

PERSONAL Doctor: Pharmacy: ChemMart Umina Mall 4341 6906 Poisons Information: 131 126 State Emergency Services: 4365 4055 Woy Woy Hospital: 4344 8444 Police: 000 or 4341 9122 Ambulance: 000 or 131 233 Fire: 000 or 4344 6293 Electricity: 131 388 Gas: 131 245 Lifeline: 131 114 Family Crisis Service: 1300 134 294


4323 2326 4372 2044

Sponsors This edition of Peninsula News is sponsored by: Fabric Price Cutters; Resources NSW; Club Umina; Woy Woy Leagues Club; It‘s Easy Tours; Everglades Country Club; Peninsula Prestige Properties; Red Saffire Exotic Interiors and Café; Ettalong Natural Therapies: Gosford City Council; Civic Video, Woy Woy; Peninsula Pool Care; Umina Mall Pharmacy; Judds Pharmacy; Brian Baylis Jeweller; Ettalong Beach Seaside Village Markets; Bowens Photographics; Kip McGrath Education Centres; Gosford Skin Cancer Clinic; Woy Woy Printing and Copy Services; Tiling Plus; Tonkin Drysdale Partners Lawyers; Jayars Appliance Service and Sales; Coast Wide Rentals; Labels Fashion Boutique; The Old Pub Woy Woy Hotel; Watersedge Gifts & Souvenirs; Dwyer Mortgage Concepts; Coastal Funerals; All in One Business Service; Behind the Veil Bellydance Studio; The Plant Place; Café Siri; Travellers Net-café; Corner table; Gnostic Forest; Gnostic Mana; Allsports Constructions; Gandhi Indian Restaurant; ACE Learning Centre; Flowers by Susan; Zelda Whiting Remedial Massage; Gwendolen Craft Cottage; Charlie’s Discount Furniture; Healing, and, Lady Anne Handcrafts Please support our sponsors

12 February 2002 - Peninsula News - Page 3


Residents invited to a community congress Peninsula residents and community groups have been invited to attend a forum organised to discuss challenges faced by and solutions for local communities. The Central Coast Community Congress will have a theme of "Making Headway" and will be held at Mingara Recreation Club on Thursday and Friday, February 21 and 22. A range of workshops will p r o vi de p a rt ic ip a nt s wi t h information on various community development methods. There will also be examples of successful community projects, both from the Central Coast and further afield.

The two-day community congress is organised into many workshops covering the topics of partnerships, innovative community development approaches and tools for change. Keynote speakers will be Peter Kenyon, from the Centre for Small Town Development, and NSW Community Services Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald. They will address issues that organisers say also challenge Peninsula community members – how to maximise our capacity to cooperate for everyone's benefit. Gosford Council community d e ve l o p m e n t wo r k e r a n d Peninsula resident Shirley Hotchkiss said that holding the congress was itself a good example of several organisations,

including the council, working together. She said: "Often such forums are only available in major cities and so the organisers are to be commended for making this available here on the Central Coast. "It gives us all a chance to access and apply new ideas in community development." For more information, contact Gosford Council’s community development section on 4325 8 3 5 1 o r e m a i l : community.development@gosfor Press release, February 6

Stormwater drain for Killcare Gosford Council has accepted a tender for a 315 metre stormwater drain along Stewart St, Killcare. The work is expected to take six weeks starting later this month. Tenders for the drain, which will cross Wards Hill Rd, closed on December 11. Four tenders were received: from Kerroc Constructions Pty Ltd Tumbi Umbi, Zanil Pty Ltd Saratoga, Delcare Constructions

Pty Ltd Holgate and from Gosford Council's Woy Woy depot. The tenders were assessed for price, financial capacity and resources, previous experience and performance, quality of work, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety. Council officers recommended the tender by Kerroc Constructions Pty Ltd as having "the most positive benefits to Council". Kerroc Constructions recently

completed a number of drainage projects for the council, including a $250,000 project for box culverts in Henry Parry Dr. The projects have been completed on time and to a satisfactory standard, the Council was told.

The Peninsula Community Centre

Theatre opening The official opening of the Peninsula Theatre and Community Centre in MacMasters Rd, Woy Woy, will be held on Saturday, April 6. Gosford mayor Cr Robert Bell is hoping for a big attendance at the opening. "I hope you’ll come along to the opening to see what a wonderful facility we have for the local community and support the theatre with its upcoming productions." While the official opening is not until April, many groups using the centre already have access to

Plant place

Council agenda EO.004 February 5

P. P. Properties Peninsula pool care

their new rooms. The early access gives the groups the opportunity to resolve teething problems, such as the provision of adequate power, before the building is officially opened. It is expected that most of the problems will be resolved and the centre will be fully functional by the end of the month. Groups wanting to use the centre should contact coordinator Mike Harold on 4341 9333. Mark Snell, February 6

Page 4 – Peninsula News – 12 February 2002

Forum Community Forum

Quarry recycling concerns

Letters to the editor are welcomed and should be addressed to Peninsula News, PO Box 532, Woy Woy 2256. Contributions in Word format sent via e-mail to or on disk to save us having to retype them. Forum contributors are reminded that full contact details, including phone number, must accompany submissions. Please include a date with all contributions. Name and suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in an edited form.

I am writing about a proposal by Camden Sand and Soil to establish a recycling facility in the old Bull's Hill Quarry on Woy Woy Rd.

Australia Day excitement Australia Day was celebrated with much excitement in Woy Woy with a day full of activities and entertainment. The full program of events was hastily coordinated by a small team of dedicated people keen to see Australia Day celebrations on the Peninsula. Congratulations to Heather McKenzie, Cec Bucello, Cr Lynne Bockholt and Damien Meyer for their organisation of the day.

Gosford City’s Australia Day Committee is full of praise for this small team and what they were able to achieve in such a small amount of time. One of the highlights of the day was the emergency service vehicle convoy which made its way from Gosford’s celebrations. The em ergency service personnel received a standing ovation from the enthusiastic crowd keen to show their thanks to the hundreds of volunteers.

The community as a whole has shown their appreciation by getting behind the Mayor’s Bushfire Appeal. I’m delighted to say we’ve raised more than $41,000 and I thank you for your support. This money will go towards upgrading equipment for local Rural Fire Service brigades. Robert Bell, Mayor, February 6

Memories from Woy Woy I remember Margins used to have the ice-works and a bottling (soft drink) factory in Woy Woy. Margins used to be the only soft drinks you could buy from 1940 to 1942. The Coastal Steamers were quite big and the channel at Ettalong Beach had to be constantly dredged for them. The steamers went as far as Gosford and unloaded at the

markets that were close to the wharf. I remember one was called "The Erina" and to my knowledge it steamed to Gosford from 1938 to 1940. I think they were stopped because of the War. My father, Horrie Whitfield, had his little boat towed away to Gosford, where it was impounded with hundreds of others. This measure was to prevent the Japanese getting access to

the boats on the Coast, but even as a child, I couldn't imagine what the Japanese would want with hundreds of tiny boats, most of them very temperamental to start. Perhaps they would have used them as a mini fishing fleet, or for rest and recreation. Shirley Lawler, Tweed Heads

This proposal has been in the pipeline for some time and has always been spoken about as a green waste facility. However, the report which came to council says that they want to take building-demolition waste and, importantly, huge amounts of dead chickens from Mangrove Mountain and other putrescible waste. The report to Council also makes it clear that the smells which might emanate from this hybrid mixture may not be able to be controlled. The report also states that and if the smell can't be controlled residents of the Bays area will have to live with it. This is absolutely unacceptable as far as I am concerned and I will not support anything which makes residents life worse instead of better. That site has been used as a quarry for a number of years and is currently adding significantly to the sediment entering Correa

Bay. This proposal aims to clean up the site but I note that the Fisheries Department and National Parks and Wildlife are against the proposal on environmental grounds. The proposal in its current form is not supportable as far as I am concerned and I have spoken to several councillors who are also most concerned over the chicken aspect. There is also concern about the number of loaded heavy trucks which will use Woy Woy Rd which is already quite dangerous in places." Locals I have spoken to are up in arms about the proposal. I have moved for a site inspection and will move next week for a public meeting before the rezoning proposal is dealt with by Council. I believe enough councillors will support this move and this will give the people who will be affected their chance to make councillors aware of their feelings. Lynne Bockholt, February 6

Flood concerns Flooding and deaths in Indonesia this week have been caused by badlyplanned over-development and lack of land available to

Dwyer Civic Video

absorb water, in other words, too much concrete. Surely we do not have to endure the same here on the Central Coast because those in power just will not listen. Over-development must be stopped and stricter, environmentally-friendly planning laws have to be passed and enforced before we all get swept away. Are we just slow learners or does the smell of money, developer's donations to political parties, affect our integrity? Margaret Lund, Woy Woy Bay

Tonkins Waters edge

12 February 2002 - Peninsula News - Page 5


Siltation issues Gosford Council's director of works, Mr Stephen Glen, has been asked to investigate the siltation issues in reserves which may result in silt entering Correa Bay. The request was made at the last meeting of Gosford Council's Coastline Management, Lagoon Management and Coastal Planning (CLP) Committee. The investigation would include the feasibility of restricting vehicle access to the reserve areas. The committee had heard a report from the council's Manager - Flooding and Drainage, Mr Vic Tysoe, about the feasibility of installing a silt trap on a drain entering Correa Bay. Mr Tysoe told the committee that when flooding problems were addressed banks were stabilised and appropriate revegetation undertaken. No funding source was

directed towards siltation issues. During the past five to 10 years, some culverts had been upgraded with associated minor bank protection works and that the banks were now revegetated. He told the committee that the last flood was in 1992 and there was currently considered to be no need to improve flood flows. Minor water ponding did occur but that was considered normal in such a low flow area. An inspection of the area revealed no major evidence of siltation in the vicinity of the outlets and little evidence of sedimentation generally apart from some sand deposits in the vicinity of reserves. These deposits could possibly be further minimised if vehicle access to the reserves was restricted. Council Agenda CL.003, January 22.

Medical centre site to be inspected The much-publicised application to build a medical centre fronting Alfred and West Sts, Umina, has been deferred for i n s p e c t i o n a n d consideration by Gosford Council today (Tuesday). Council officers have recommended approval of the proposal, subject to a number of conditions. These include payment of a $64,500 contribution to the Council, in lieu of 10 car parking spaces, and a security deposit of $10,000. Officers reported that two public submissions and a petition with 49 signatures were received in relation to the application. The report commented that "no resolution has been reached with the residents of the adjoining dwelling (325 West St)". "It is considered the proposed

medical centre will not result in any significant additional adverse impact on the amenity of residents occupying this dwelling and/or utilising the rear yard area." The report listed submissions and made comments in relation to bulk, over-development, loading facilities, parking, overshadowing, loss of rear lane a c c e s s , a l l e g e d misrepresentation, and height. Recommending the approval, the report commented: "Initial concerns raised in relation to building bulk, limited soft landscaping treatment, insufficient setback to provide adequate transition to residential development have been addressed with the submission of amended plans." Council agenda DH.022, February 5

Brian Baylis Jeweller

The swimming enclosure at the Woy Woy waterfront Photo – Davy C. Green

Pelican itch at Woy Woy waterfront to be investigated Gosford Council's Health Unit is to investigate an increased incidence of "pelican itch" effecting swimmers at the baths in Woy Woy. This follows a recommendation of the council's Coastline Management, Lagoon Management and Coastal Planning Committee (CLP Committee). The committee told the council that the reported incidence of

"pelican itch" had increased since the introduction of a pelican feeding program at Pelican Park and the water had taken on a

dirty appearance in the baths. Council agenda CL.080, January 22

All in one business

It's easy tours

Page 6 – Peninsula News – 12 February 2002


Peninsula life in the 1950s Woy Woy Rotary Club's charter night was held on July 29, 1950. Here we reproduce extracts from "We've Done Some Silly Things … A History of Fifty Years of the Woy Woy Rotary Club" written by Annona Pearse and Walter Pearson, which describe Peninsula life in the 1950s. After the Second World War, Woy Woy comprised three small communities. The retail area of Booker Bay had been moving slowly further east into the village of Ettalong Beach. Radford's Drug Store was already open on the corner of Wharf St. Rod Radford had established the habit of rowing across from Wagstaff every morning to open the shop where he dispensed prescriptions and sold milk shakes. Rod would later move the business to Umina and pass it on to his son. Rod was invited into the Woy Woy club during its founding year. His classification was Patent and Ethical Medicines. He would be a member of the club until the formation of the Umina Rotary Club in 1975-76. At the time the Woy Woy Club was being formed, Ces Paul had already opened his first menswear retailing effort in front of the barber's shop in Ettalong. Later he would play a role in Apex and be awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship in the Woy Woy Rotary Club. He is most remembered for his contribution to the club's Fine Sessions which invariably began: "My good friend Bruce Judd …" followed by a well-worn joke for which poor Bruce would be compelled to pay. Bruce was a local pharmacist. No doubt Ces believed he could afford the ribbing. S a nd d une s s ep ar at ed Ettalong from Umina then known as Ettalong Ocean Beach or

Ocean Beach. Gravel roads and sand tracks connected Umina and Ettalong to Woy Woy. Woy Woy was a drop off point for people to catch the ferries to Saratoga and Davistown. The local bus to Umina and Ettalong, it's said, would take a detour to pick up passengers. The route was flexible. It would be some time before local government identity and Woy Woy Rotary president Don Leggett would dub the place "The Peninsula". Even though the area is not a peninsula, Don thought it seemed like a good way to link three different communities. Despite early rejection in some quarters, the name stuck. One lone road connected the Woy Woy area to the outside world. Bulls Hill Rd wound up on to the escarpment to join the Pacific Highway above Gosford. In 1923, Erina Shire President Cr CJ Staples, the Shire Engineer C J Fenton and Gosford resident VJ McKenzie had followed a rough track through the heavy timber and loose stones to bring the first car into Woy Woy, a Buick. The issue of transport and access would dominate the community for the next 50 years. In the late 40s and early 50s, housing material and houses were in short supply. Timber frame, fibro asbestos houses with tiled roofs became standard new homes. In Woy Woy, building supplies came into the area by rail and then trucked to building sites around the three villages. Local builders framed houses. laid plumbing, hand-crafted windows, built kitchens and laid electricity in new homes going up among the older week-enders and retirees' homes. Television had not yet arrived and the family wireless only received the ABC and a couple of Sydney commercial radio stations poorly. Some people had no phone. Those that did had to make

Woy Woy printing

operator-assisted calls to Sydney and Newcastle. There were no faxes. The area had its own cordial and soft drink manufacturer, its own boot factory and ice manufacturer. The classifications of the founding members of the Woy Woy Rotary Club say what sort of community it was: Small Goods (Retail), Pharmacist, General Store, Hardware, Radio and Electrical Retail, Building Materials Retail, Plumber, Cordial Manufacturer, Men's Clothing, Grocery Retail, Sash and Joinery Manufacturer, Electrical Installation, Minister of Religion (C of E), Engineering, Wood and Coal Merchant, Automobile Retailing, Service Station, Garage Proprietor, Fish Retailing, Medical Practioner, Banking Private, Haberdashery, Real Estate Agent, Meat Distributing, Radio Technician Bill gave you your loan for your house. Bruce sold you the land. George supplied the materials. Charles built it. Bill did the windows. David put the plumbing in. Phil did the electricity. Alf sold you your car and Bruce serviced it. You bought your clothes from Wallace and sheets from Bill. Marc sold you the console radio in your lounge. When you got sick you went to see Ben who gave you a script for Ron. If that failed the Reverend Ros would bury you. You had to live and work in the area. The train to Sydney took more than two hours and it was always having trouble getting up the Cowan Hill. The train was smelly, dirty, boiling and freezing depending on the weather and the wind. *** Since 1924, there had been a Rotary Club at Gosford. All the big businesses were in Gosford and the big businessmen dominated the club.

Rotary was all men in those days. You had to be 40 years of age or older to be invited. In some ways this made sense. Forty year old men are probably better off and more able to devote time to Rotary while a younger man might be still trying to secure his future and his fortune and not be able to contribute as much. They were ordinary suburban dads, usually successful local businessmen, trying to put something back into the community that had created their wealth - Learning about themselves and others, growing and changing with their community. The bread-winner dad and home-maker mum were the people of Woy Woy 1950. They served each other's needs to build their homes and community. There had always been some dichotomy or even dispute between Gosford and Woy Woy, a feeling that somehow they were different communities with different aspirations. People thought that in business, once you had outgrown Woy Woy, you had to go to Gosford. This happened. Some Woy W oy based members of the Gosford rotary Club wanted a club in Woy Woy. Some thought Gosford Club a bit stuffy. Anyway, it was a long way to go every week. Few people had cars. The one with the car picked up the others. The trip meant a drag up to Kariong and then down to Gosford by a winding two-lane road in the dark and then home again afterwards. You could either make sure you caught the train that left approximately every hour. From Woy Woy Station, hoping you did not have to wait more than an hour and a half for a train back before walking or bicycling from the station to


Orange Grove. However, distance and transport problems notwithstanding, the people of Woy Woy got about. Rod Radford would walk and cycle his way to Gosford for singing lessons. He played a big role in "The Joymakers" a local theatrical and singing group. To get to lessons, Rod would follow the railway line out of Woy Woy. The Brisbane Water Drive had not yet been built. He would follow roads through Tascot and Pt Claire until he went back to the railway line across the causeway into Gosford. If he missed the train home, he took a reverse course. *** In the 1950s no Rotary Club meeting or "Ladies' Night" would be complete without a sing-song. Suitable recorded music and amplifiers were not available. The music had to be live. Sometimes it was just a single piano. Sometimes it was a threepiece band of piano violin and drums. Sometimes it was just ukulele. Club president and local timber supplier Dick Campbell became the ukulele king of Woy Woy Club. Whenever there was an outing or a get together, Dick and his ukulele were there along with the top tunes of the 1920s, 30s and 40s. At the Rotary meetings of the 50s, there was always a sing-along. The club had a number of pianists - Ron Coleman, Newman Silverstone and Dick Tressider. Everybody would sing from the song sheet. There were over 100 songs in the selection. For ladies' nights there would be a musical artist, who was paid sometimes, or the members would provide the entertainment themselves. Often local people would come into sing. This stopped when the licensed clubs, who hired p r of ess io na l en te r ta in er s, frowned on amateur artists within the club. Concerts were organised to raise funds. The "Joy Makers", a local revue group of young people including Rotary's Rod Radford's Joy Makers, joined with Rotary to present shows. They were held in different halls on the Peninsula and the halls were nearly always full. Annona Pearse and Walter Pearson

12 February 2002 – Peninsula News – Page 7


Community centre to be recycled Demolition of the old Woy Woy Community Centre will begin shortly with an estimated 98 per cent of the old building to be recycled. Gosford mayor Cr Robert Bell said a waste management plan had been formulated to substantially reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. “ C o u n c i l , t h e a r c h i t ect , demolisher, builder and Resources NSW will demonstrate how we can all work together to utilise best waste management practices,” said Cr Bell. “Gosford Council has committed to 98 per cent of offsite recycling to a local recycling

agent where the material can be sold for other purposes. "Of this, 96 per cent represents approximately 1500 tonnes of bricks and concrete and two per cent consists of more than 20 tonnes of steel and timber. “The remaining two per cent consists of unrecyclable material such as the 25-year-old worn carpet and plasterboard. “The new Peninsula Community Centre and Theatre will officially be opened on Saturday, April 6, although the Woy Woy Little Theatre Company will have its first performance on February 22,” said Cr Bell.

Killcare fire station to be upgraded The Killcare Rural Fire Brigade station on Stanley St will be upgraded, following a decision by Gosford Council not to build a new station in Maitland Bay Dr. Redevelopment of the existing station will cost between $223,000 and $254,000, with a grant of $106,000 coming from the Rural Fire Fighting Fund. The rest of the cost will come from the council's General Fund. The council's strategy and policy forum considered the proposed move after an officers' report recommended against it in December and a "stakeholders' meeting" was held late in January. The stakeholders' meeting unanimously supported the retention of the fire station at its current Stanley St site. It had been proposed that the existing fire station be sold, with the proceeds being used to build a new station which would incorporate toilets and change facilities for an adjacent recreation area at a site in Maitland Bay Dr The officers' report stated that the move was impractical, would be expensive and would take too long and funds were not available for it. The incorporation of public change facilities and toilets in the fire station building was considered to be incompatible with the needs of the fire brigade. Future road realignment could also prejudice the concept. Money was not available from the Council's recreation budget to fund a feasibility study as the

Charlies discount furniture

Council had previously requested. The cost of developing playing fields could be as high as $1.9 million. The fire station project had already taken more than three years and Rural Fire Service funding was at risk if the money was not spent this year. The council decided that the brigade would remain at its current site. A further report would be brought back to the council following geotechnical investigation of the current site. The Maitland Bay Dr site would be earmarked for recreational purposes, with $10,000 identified in the Capital Works Program being "made available to develop the area". The concept of developing a child care centre on a small portion of the Maitland Bay Dr site would be pursued, as would the need for a skateboard facility at MacMasters Beach, the council decided. Council agenda SF.002, February 5

Ettalong Markets

The Woy Woy and District Musical and Dramatic Society was established in 1961 by 20 members determined to bring live entertainment to the Peninsula. Their first production was Rookery Nook presented in Umina Progress Hall in October 1962.

In 1972, the group changed its name to Woy Woy Little Theatre and has since concentrated on straight plays with the occasional music halls, comedies, farces, and children’s plays. “Like most of their audiences, the group is now looking forward

to performing in a real theatre,” said Cr Bell. Press release, February 7

HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL COLLECTION If you have any unwanted hazardous materials around the home, garage or garden shed they can be dropped off at the times and locations listed below:

SATURDAY 2ND MARCH Gosford City Council Gallipolli Avenue, off Ocean Beach Road, Woy Woy

SUNDAY 3RD MARCH Wyong Shire Council Depot The Entrance Road, Long Jetty Opposite The Entrance High School

10:00 AM TILL 4:00 PM Please Note! This is NOT a mobile pick up service

Enquiries: 1800 623 895 The types of items you can drop off include: pesticides Fungicides Weed Killers Paints & Varnishes Fuels Poisons Pool Chemicals Household Cleaners

Solvents Acids & Alkalis Aerosols Laboratory and Household Batteries Paint Strippers Oils

IMPORTANT HANDLE CHEMICALS WITH CARE AND DO NOT MIX. A maximum of 20 litres or 20kg applies FOR HOUSEHOLDS ONLY! A Co – operative project by the Central Coast Resource NSW, Gosford Council & Wyong Council.

Resource NSW

Page 8 – Peninsula News – 12 February 2002


Drug action team endorsed The Peninsula Community Drug Action Team (PCDAT) has received official endorsement as a Drug Action Team as part of the NSW Premier's Department Drugs and Community Action Strategy. An official endorsement certificate was recently presented to the PCDAT by John Della Bosca, Special Minister of State and Minister Assisting the Premier on the Central Coast. "Receiving this endorsement is important for the community of the Peninsula, as it indicates a legitimacy for who we are, what we are about and what we do," said Pastor John McCaskie, chair of the PCDAT. "People need to take the time to understand the issues around drug use. "Parents need to inform themselves as do young people.

"It's about being informed so we can deal with the matter," added Mr Joe Schumacher, a resident, youth worker and spokesperson for the team. "It is equally important for young people to know what drugs actually do to one's body, lifestyle and future," added Mr Schumacher. An information forum was recently held entitled "Drugs, shattering the myths: everything you wanted to know about drugs, but were afraid to ask". Hosted by Andy McLean from 2GOFM, the forum featured presentations from Family Drug Support CEO Tony Trimmingham and the information manager Paul Dillon from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of New South Wales. Media release, February 5

Gosford skin cancer

The Peninsula Community Drug Action Team

Businesses help to provide Peninsula businesses are setting a good example in helping to keep our waterways clean, according to Gosford Council's environmental education officer, Ms Trish Donnelly. "Following on from Council’s small business stormwater education program in 2001, businesses throughout the Peininsula are taking action to help keep our waterways clean," she said. Mr Clyde Marshall of Woy Woy Pharmacy said his staff were cleaning the area around the seats outside their business each day. This prevented litter and cigarette butts entering the

Chem mart

stormwater system and ending up in Brisbane Water. “We were aware of people using the seating outside our pharmacy and getting up and leaving rubbish on the seats,” said Mr Marshall. "So we do this for cleanliness and appearance.” ET Australia (Job Futures) Woy Woy site manager Rod Dever reported how his organization was taking care of the storage of wastes and recycling. “We’re ensuring that our drains and gutters are swept and waste picked up each day, and we’re checking our plumbing for possible leaks into the stormwater system,” said Mr Dever. “Garbage entering the stormwater system from bins that

Umina Mall pharmacy

don’t have their lids on properly is one of the easiest problems to fix,” said Ms Donnelly. “Waste paper waiting for collection to be recycled can easily end up in drains if not properly contained. “We should all congratulate these businesses on their initiatives to help prevent stormwater pollution," she said “Their efforts not only improve the presentation of the respective businesses, they also help clean up our beaches and waterways.” Press release, January 23

Brumbys help blood bank Brumbys at Peninsula Plaza is encouraging the people of the Peninsula to donate blood at Woy Woy Hospital with free baked goods. The Blood Bank is open on Tuesday evenings 2pm to 7:30pm and Wednesday 9am to 2:30pm. Anyone in good health and between 16-70 years of age is welcome Brumbys provide a range of baked goods, including muffins, biscuits and scones for donors at the completion of their donation. At Christmas, a Brumbys pack was won by Susan Byrnes of Woy Woy and soon there will be an Easter pack on offer. Telephone 4320 3401 for further details. Jenny Fancett, February 7

12 February 2002 – Peninsula News – Page 9


STD awareness winners

Competition winner Geoff Beale of Umina Beach

Two Umina residents have won prizes as part of an innovative program designed to heighten awareness of sexually transmitted diseases. Geoff Beale from Umina Beach was surprised to hear commercial radio station, Sea FM, draw his name as the winner of the Safe Summer Safari competition. Geoff won a RHEO Pro 40 Body Board from Surfers Choice. Dean Robertson, also from Umina Beach, won a Safari Gift pack in the competition. The Safe Summer Safari program was coordinated by Central Coast Health's HIV and Sexual Health Service and Youth Health Service.

"The program confronts unsafe sexual practices amongst youth," according to the service's manager, Karen Nairn. She said a team of specially trained teenagers acting as "peer educators" surveyed young beach goers about their awareness of safer sex and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). "More than just a data gathering exercise, the survey was used as an educational tool, providing factual information when incorrect answers were given," she said. "Although those surveyed claimed to know about safer sex, many still believed the contraceptive pill alone was safe and most had poor knowledge

about sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia." Kristy Moore, a peer educator with the program said: "There's more knowledge out there than practical application. "I was also amazed at how few people knew anything about chlamydia, even though it is the most common STD among young people." Ms Nairn was pleased with the success of the program, which had reached a large number of young people with almost 800 surveys completed. "Surveyed youth will be returning to their schools and communities armed with factual information about preventing sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies through responsible condom use. "By talking to our peer educators on the beach, they've also seen how easy it is to talk about these issues with others," she said. "Hopefully, this will empower them to raise any concerns they may have about sexual health." Anyone wanting to talk to a health care worker should visit their local doctor or the Sexual Health Clinic at 69 Holden Street, Gosford, for a check-up. Press release, February 7

RSL sub-branch receives grant Woy Woy Ettalong Hardy’s Bay RSL Sub-Branch will receive a $77,300 grant from the Federal Government to buy a communit y bus, the Member for Robertson, Mr Jim Lloyd, has announced. Mr Lloyd said the funding was approved through the Veteran and Community Grants, administered by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. “This grant demonstrates the Federal Government’s commitment to meeting the needs of the people of the Robertson electorate," Mr Lloyd said. Mr Lloyd paid tribute to Mr Jack Carey and the members of the sub-branch who prepared the successful grant application. “This will make a positive difference to the lives of elderly veterans on the Woy Woy

Peninsula, who have difficulty accessing public transport,” said Mr Lloyd. “Veterans and Community Grants help develop projects that provide practical support to ve t e r a ns a n d e x- S e r vi c e communities across Australia,” Mr Lloyd said. “Projects funded are wideranging and include providing capital funding for residential care facilities, promoting health issues, encouraging healthier lifestyles, fostering social and personal support services and improving access to community care services.” Veteran and Community Grants would assist projects across Australian with more than $8 million in funding during 20012002, Mr Lloyd said. Press release, February 4

New linemarking Gosford Council has decided to provide a double unbroken center line on Ocean Beach Rd, between West St and The Esplanade, Umina, at the

request Penton.




The request was considered by the council's traffic committee, which recommended the line marking take place. Council agenda TR01.213,

Fabric Price Cutters Ready to hang backed curtains from $40.00 for a full length pair.

CRAZY prices, plenty of stock, or bring your measurements and let us surprise you, with our made to measure prices.

Now if you’re into knitted fabrics, you already know how hard they are to find (almost extinct). So don’t MISS OUT ON (some fire damaged) Lacoste, Rugby, Cantebury, Florence, Fashion Prints, Poly Stretch, Tee Shirting 100% Stretch Cotton, Poly Cotton, Stretch Terry, Fleecy Lined, Uncut Fleecy Lined, Summer Weights, Assorted Ribbings. $5 per metre or less.

Summer, Winter, doesn’t matter, ‘cause when they’re gone, they’re gone forever.

17 The Boulevarde, Woy Woy (Cnr Railway St) Open 6 days 4343 1409

Page 10 - Peninsula News - 12 February 2002

Arts and Entertainment

PCYC has first anniversary The Police and Community Youth Club (PCYC) has celebrated its first anniversary at Umina Beach. "It continues to enjoy strong growth in use by local members," according to youth programs coordinator Senior Constable Paul Hanna. In the 10-month period from February to November, more than 27,000 "uses" of the facility were recorded. "People socialised, exercised, learned and partied in a totally smoke and alcohol free environment," said Constable Hanna. "In 2002, dance parties and gymnasium are continuing to grow. "Tae kwon do Instruction is expanding and circuit boxing is

becoming a strong favourite with local female patrons." Lovett's Dance and Talent Academy also uses the premises on four days. Dance parties for 12 to 17 year olds will be held on Fridays, February 22, March 8 and March 22 from 7pm until 10pm. Entry to the PCYC is $6 for members and $10 for visitors. "The Umina Beach PCYC relies heavily on a small band of volunteers." It is "an organisation funded solely by charitable donation and what can be raised through activities." He said the dance parties and canteen were in need of extra volunteers. Anyone who can help should contact the club on 4344 7851. Paul Hanna, February 6

To be raffled – Joe Garvie's painting framed by Matilda Picture Framing at Ettalong Markets

Seniors dinner dance to aid bushfire relief fund Ettalong Senior Citizens Club is holding a dinner and dance on Sunday, February 24. All proceeds will go to the Gosford Mayor's Bushfire Relief Fund. The dance will be held at Ettalong Senior Citizen's Club at

the corner of Broken Bay Rd and Uligandi St, Ettalong Beach, from 11:30am until 4pm. A group from the Petersham Superannuate and Pensioner's Association will be attending the event by coach. Joe Garvie has donated one of his original paintings, and Matilda

Club Umina

Picture Framing at Ettalong Markets have donated a frame, for a raffle on the day. Gosford Mayor Cr Robert Bell will attend a morning tea at the Senior Citizen's Club on February 27 to accept the proceeds. Jonathan Reichard, February 6

Naval gala day Central Coast Sub-Section Naval Association of Australia will hold its annual gala day at Woy Woy Leagues Club on Sunday, March 10. A march and service will begin at 10.30am with a welcome and hand-over at 11am. The day will include "Splice the Mainbrace", a toast to the Queen and lunch.

There will be all-day entertainment, with Ettalong Beach War Memorial Pipes and Drums, dance m usic all afternoon, raffles, a lucky door prize and "Liberty Boat" from 4pm. Entry is $15 a person. Numbers of those attending should be forwarded to Patsy Edwards on 4323 3860 or George Ferris on 4341 3422. Flyer, January 25

Beginners’ bridge lessons to start Brisbane Water Bridge Club will hold beginners' lessons from March 4 to March 8. The course will be held at Ocean Beach Surf Club, Umina, costing $25 for five lessons. The club welcomes new players and holds six sessions a week. Days and times of the sessions are published regularly in the "What's on" section of this newspaper. "There are many medical experts who regard bridge as a great mental sport and exercise," according to club spokesman Jack Lindsay. "George Rosenkranz is the

Lady Anne

latest medical expert to extol the virtues of bridge. "George and his workers at Syntex invented the birth-control pill in 1951. "George is now 84 and still playing top class bridge. "A recent study of Alzheimer's disease can be postponed by keeping your mind busy. "Vigorous mental activity such as bridge, chess, crossword puzzles and reading is essential says Rosenkranz." To enrol or for more information, telephone 4341 9228 or 0409 220 761. Letter, February 4


12 February 2002– Peninsula News - Page 11

New age Living

Little theatre season to start Massage therapy later in the month popular The Woy Woy Little Theatre's season will start this year on February 22. Fran Kendall will direct "I ought to be in Pictures", by Neil Simon. Performances will also be given on February 23 and 24, March 1, 2, 8 and 9 at 8pm and on Sundays, February 24, March 3 and 10, at 2pm. The story is about Libby Tucker who wants to be a movie actress. She travels from New York to Hollywood to seek her estranged father who happens to be a movie scriptwriter.

Belly dancing

What they discover about each other provides the material for a "witty and emotional" play. The second play will be "Secret Bridesmaids' Business" directed by Terry Lay and written by Elizabeth Coleman. Dates are May 3,4,10,11,17 and 18 at 8pm and matinees on Sundays, May 5, 12 and 19 at 2pm. The third play will be "The Dresser" directed by John Hickey and written by Ronald Harwood. Dates are August 30 and 31, September 6, 7, 13 and 14 at

8pm and matinees on Sundays, September 1, 8 and 15 at 2pm. Subscription prices for three plays are $40 for adults and $30 concessions. Bookings may be made on 4341 4067, at the Olympic Store, Blackwall Rd, Woy Woy, may be mailed to PO Box 44, Woy Woy 2256. For further inform ation, telephone 4341 2931. Newssheet, February 2

Craft workshops Ettalong Beach Arts and Crafts Centre has planned two workshops for first term. The first is Watercolours with local artist Marijke Greenway, planned for Saturday March 2. Marijke ran a successful watercolour workshop last year, which led to her being booked for this similar workshop which will focus on still life. The workshop will run from 9:30am to 3:30pm and will cost $50 for non-members and $40 for members. The other workshop will create an "In memory" album, run by Michelle Watson on Saturday, March 23. Michelle's workshop will focus its presentation for beginners of

this craft, and is designed to embrace scrap-booking leading to the design of a "memory" album. The workshop will run from 9:30am to 12:30pm on March 23 and will cost $15 for members and $25 for non-members. Places in both workshops are limited. Inquiries about and registrations for both workshops should be directed to Robina Mealey on 4341 3427. The centre has produced a brochure detailing its courses and workshops for 2002. For further information, contact Penny Riley on 4360 1673.

Massage therapy is one of the popular modalities of the new age culture. Gnostic Forest promotes this and here is an extract from one of their information brochures.

With the busy lifestyle of the 21st Century, we often neglect to nurture ourselves physically. There have been many times in human history when the body has been fully recognised as the vehicle for the spirit to reside in whilst on the earthly plane. Massage was an integral part of body maintenance. Due to our desire to experience all the things that money can buy, we are drawn into a hectic lifestyle. We work longer hours to earn more money for faster cars and bigger houses. We are encouraged to spend


our money on expensive products that are designed to save time, yet there never appears to be any time left at the end of the day, or week, does there? What is required is selfdiscipline. A simple but effective exercise would be to put aside a little money each week to enable you to treat yourself to a full body massage, even if only once a month. The therapeutic value of a massage is will known. The glands can be stimulated to help circulation and the elimination of toxins, and there is also the self-esteem value of a little pampering. Consider the flow-on effect that looking after yourself a little better will have on the whole family. Gnostic Mana, February 8


Brian Lourey February 6

Gnostic Forest

Council cartoon

Esmerelda & Tarot reader

12 February 2002 – Peninsula News – Page 13

Dining out on the Peninsula

Daleys Point man awarded Order of Australia medal Mr Kenneth James Haylings of Peridon Village, Daleys Point has been awarded the Order of Australia medal for service to the youth of the State through the Scouting movement. Mr Hayling has a long and accomplished history in the movement, being involved in Scouting since 1949. Positions he has held include area chairman North ShorePeninsula Area 1995-1996, honorary commissioner NSW Branch Headquarters since

Hillview Reserve to be cleaned up Rubbish will be removed from the Hillview St Reserve at the corner of Railway St, Woy Woy, as part of Clean-Up Australia Day on Sunday, March 3.

1993, branch activity centre manager 1988-1996, manager (commissioner rank) Memorabilia Centre 1988-1993, district commissioner Cooks River District 1979-1986, assistant state commissioner 1969-1977, and assistant state commissioner National Training Team 19591984. He has attended several international and Australian Jamborees. He was also involved for more than 30 years as a member of the Freemasons Lodge BadenPowell, and received a Silver Kangaroo Award in 1990.

The move to clean up the reserve is an initiative of a group of local residents that formed recently to protect and improve the quality of the reserve. The group is encouraging residents and community groups to spend even a few minutes helping on the day. "Illegal dumping has been a major threat to the quality of the

Ken Haylings, OAM Photo – Davy C. Green

Old pub

Net cafe

Corner Table


reserve," said group convenor Mr Mark Snell. "This is a good opportunity for families to spend time together, enjoying and learning about our environment and recognising the importance of proper waste disposal. "Gosford Council staff have promised assistance with the removal of car bodies and the provision of gates and bollards to discourage future dumping," he said. The group is planning to ask Gosford Council to name the reserve. Suggestions from the community are currently being sought by the group. "The committee favours the idea of it being called Burrawang Reserve because of the significant stand of burrawangs in the reserve," said Mr Snell. A study commissioned 10 years ago to prepare a management plan for the reserve suggested that a name be chosen to "reflect the nature conservation value of the reserve". Mr Snell said that he hoped that as well as becoming a valued passive recreational facility, the reserve would provide education about the local bush with the use of interpretive signs. "Cleaning up the reserve is a first step towards this," he said. For further information, telephone 4341 9301. Media release, February 6

Del's let's do lunch

Cafe Siri

Gnostic Mana

Woy Woy Leagues

Page 14 - Peninsula News - 12 February 2002

Arts and Entertainment

Local artist to exhibit work in Switzerland

An audio and pictorial record of "Bev's Washboard Band in B#" will shortly be provided for the archives of the Australia's National Library.

Local photographer and artist Davy C Green is having his work exibited both at Circular Quay and in Switzerland. Currently on its way to the Swiss town of Davos, a piece of Davy's work will be on exhibition as part of a health conference promotion arranged with the medical company Ei Lily. His work will be on exhibition for a month and is entitled "The Stranger". Davy is also part of a group exhibition at Circular Quay in Sydney run by Mission Australia's

"The Stranger"

Bridge club

Washboard band goes in archives

creative arts program for young people. It will be held in Grosvenor Place on February 18. Davy expresses his talent in many areas such as photography, painting and sketching. He describes his styles of art as realism, abstraction and surrealism. Davy has been exhibiting for 13 years. He is soon to release a book called "Enigmas of Poetry and the Universal Thoughts Book of Short Stories and Poetry". The book covers themes such as romance, philosophy, dreams, sex, love, past lives and human nature. Davy said: "My writing style Is


Davy C Green very different. "I try to write in a psychological way which alerts the reader to read more." "My plan is to write a great book," he said. "The circular quay exhibition took some time, but I am quite happy with my standard of work." Davy also photographs famous people when he can get a chance. People he has photographed include Prince Charles, John Fahey, Juan Antonio Samaranch, Peter Garrett and James Blundell. Press release, February 6

This follows a special performance on Thursday, January 10, at the Woy Woy Meals on Wheels hall. Rob Willis, a collector of folklore and social history, recorded the performance for the oral history section of the National Library of Australia in Canberra. Prior to the performance, Roy and Bev Spence were interviewed about the history of the band. The band performed before 80 invited guests from various o rga nisa tio ns, c lubs an d associations. Representatives attended from the Royal Blind Society, Woy Woy Peninsula Lions Club, Arthritis Society, Pensioners Association, Jazz League, community radio stations 2CCC, Radio 50 Plus and Radio Yesteryear, Central Coast Prospecting Club, Central Coast Lapidary Club, the Over-50s Outdoor Club, MOSAIC (Multi Organisational Serving Australia's International Community), W oy Woy Peninsula Lionesses Club, Woy Woy Little Theatre and Dancin' Mates. Member for Peats, Ms Marie Andrews, represented other members of the Central Coast community. Most of the regular members of Bev's Washboard Band in B# were present including Cecil Ash, Dave Halifax, Gail Parsons, Pauline Lovenfosse, Alma Kerr, Mervyn Longley, Brett Wilson, George and Lee Keeling, Peter Roosevelt, Ben Waters, Emily Waters, Roy Spence and Beverly Spence. It was not usual for the full complement of the band to play at one time, according to Bev. Generally a small contingent of five or six members would represent the band at nursing

Member for peats Marie Andrews and Beverley Spince homes, retirement villages, parades or festivals. The auxiliary team for the band of Margaret and Warren Storey, Pam Halifac and Michael Meier prepared the hall and catered refreshments. Doll Mack and Teresa Marsh from Radio 50 Plus greeted guests and dispensed name tags at the reception table. Door prizes were won by Dave Crawford, Warren Storey, Emily Waters, Rob Willis, Nancy Fensom, Doreen Bass, and Esther Sennett. Members of Bev's Washboard Band in B# were congratulated for their efforts over the past seven years in entertaining many hundreds of residents in nursing homes and retirement villages. Gosford Council's events organizer Ms Kathy Robinson had invited the band to participate in Christmas Parades, Olympic and Paralympic Torch Relays Sydney 2000, the Federation Day parade, Australia Day Festivities, AMP Federation Journey, 2001 International Year of Volunteers and other community events. When the editing is complete and the final version is accepted into the archives of the National Library, it is expected that copies will be available through local libraries.

Tiling plus

12 February 2002 - Peninsula News - Page 15

Forum Community Forum

Concern over Ettalong Hotel development

Letters to the editor are welcomed and should be addressed to Peninsula News, PO Box 532, Woy Woy 2256. Contributions in Word format sent via e-mail to or on disk to save us having to retype them. Forum contributors are reminded that full contact details, including phone number, must accompany submissions. Please include a date with all contributions. Name and suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in an edited form.

Umina Beach Easter parade Umina Beach will host an Easter parade and carnival, presented by Peninsula Christian Life Centre on Easter Saturday, March 30. The parade will start at 11.30am in West St, Umina. Businesses are planning a "crazy market day" with in-store specials and other promotions. Floats will be provided by local businesses, dance studios, vintage car owners, churches,

the fire brigade and surf clubs. Gosford Mayor Cr Robert Bell will also be in the parade. A carnival will start at noon at the parkland entrance to East's Caravan Park, with stalls provided by local charities, churches, surf clubs and regular stall holders carrying arts and crafts. There will also be sausage sizzles, cakes, clowns, fun games, face painting, amusement rides and pony rides.

The non-profit event aims "to bring the community and community groups together for a fun day, helping local businesses and supporting local charities, and profiling the family". For further information, contact event co-ordinator Steven Knox on 4344 2509. Letter, January 30

ALP objects to lamb television advertising The Peninsula branch of the Australian Labor Party has called for the immediate withdrawal of an advertisement by Meat and Livestock Australia promoting lamb The branch is critical of "the prostitution of our National

Anthem, purely for commercial purposes". Following its last meeting, the branch has called on the Advertising Standards Board to withdraw the advertisement. The branch also called on Commonwealth and State Governments to legislate to

ensure that the National Anthem could not be used for commercial purposes. For further information about the branch, contact Ruth Hawkshaw on 4341 8828 Letter, January 23

Community centre should be for people of Woy Woy Now the new community centre at Woy Woy is open, it should be for the people of Woy Woy. Ettalong has the Senior Citizens, Umina a community centre.

Ettalong markets

We want something that people don't have to travel to. Older men and women like to go somewhere where there's something on through the week as well as on the weekends, as do especially singles, younger men that can't work, or the sick and disabled. It's a lonely life for a lot of us. Why not have a couple of rooms open so we can play pool, cards, darts and different games. The younger kids have play centres galore, and the younger boys have the fitness centre at Umina. So give the older people and others a chance. On another matter, we of the Peninsula want to know why we

have to pay more fares than Gosford and Sydney. From Sydney to Newcastle, it costs $3.30, yet from Woy Woy to Newcastle it costs the same. I have written to Jim Loyd, Chris Hartcher and even Bob Carr about it, and all you get back is that you'll hear from Carl Scully. Then when you hear from him, it's the same old thing. You're in the circle. Why do politicians pass it on to others? It seems like they couldn't care less about the people or the principle. Mrs M McMahon, Woy Woy

Flowers by Susan

I agree with Lynne Bockholt's concerns regarding the imminent four-storey redevelopment of the Ettalong Hotel. The pro-development lobby continue to use the fast ferry to Sydney as the carrot to entice Gosford Council to throw out the planning rule book. If the reality was accepted that the fast ferry project does not stack up financially, then some semblance of long term planning could return to Ettalong. Five years ago as chair of a local youth organisation on the Peninsula, I rang the fast ferry syndicate to voice support and ask if we could help in any way. They requested that we send them a cheque, as they had no money. Five years on and nothing has changed. After innumerable press releases printed without question in The Express and The Sun announcing the imminent commencement of the fast ferry service, the developers are shortly to go to the public cap in hand to ask for money to get the project to square one. With a commuter train fare to Sydney being $4.50, this service

cannot compete for commuter business. Without commuters, it will not fly. If the fast ferry was going to get up, it would have been up and running for the Sydney Olympics. Unless Council wants Ettalong to become Terrigal CBD Mark 2, it needs to start focusing on reality, not the fast buck fantasies of some. People who live outside the area see its uniqueness clearer than those who look at it every day. Lynne Bockholt is right when she notes Rene Rivkin saw a uniqueness to Ettalong that is about to be lost forever. Our grandchildren will not look kindly on the legacy of overdevelopm ent and all its associated problems, that we now propose they inherit. When the full story of the fast ferry saga is told, greed and naivety will emerge as the reasons so many people have been taken for a ride. It is a shame it's only been a fairy ride. Warren Cross, Wagstaffe

A few trees saved I was glad to read that Bryan Ellis and others have saved a few trees alongside Kahibah Creek. I would think that if an unrestricted flood-flow is required, why not build a concrete channel, as exists at Woy Woy and South Woy Woy?

This might save a few trees and to my mind the removal of large trees that hold the soil could result in half of Umina being swept to sea with the rest of the unrestricted flood-flow. Keith Whitford, Woy Woy

Bowen's photos

Page 16 – Peninsula News - 12 February 2002


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Work Wanted If you are seeking an office assistant who is flexible with their hours and able to fit in with your busy schedule, call Fiona 4341 8354 All typing and editorial work; documents, letters, resumes. Editing, proofreading, help with manuscripts. Winsome Smith Phone: 4344 6986

12 February 2002 – Peninsula News – Page 17


Frog habitat restoration project to end in April

The red-crowned toadlet

A project at Pretty Beach Public School to restore the habitat of the red-crowned toadlet, an endangered species of frog, is expected to be completed by April. The school's P&C association was awarded a $22,010 grant two years ago from the Environmental Trust, a NSW government body whose aim is to support environmental projects of significance. The Association has employed amphibian consultant Andrew Stauber, one of the key researchers in this field, to monitor the frog population. The aim of the project was to remove weeds, stimulate native plant regeneration and reduce soil erosion. The association also employed a professional bush regeneration

company, Total Earth Care. Andrew devised a set of g u i de li n es fo r th e bu sh regenerators so that they would avoid disturbing the frogs especially during breeding times. Toxic herbicides were not to be sprayed but applied selectively by cut-and-paint techniques. Rocks and fallen litter were not to be disturbed. Primary weed clearing has been successful, with many native plant seedlings appearing, and the frogs do not seem to have been adversely affected. Monitoring of the frogs is continuing. The best time is at night, especially when it is raining. Andrew listens for the calling of the male frogs and estimates the total population. Part of his job has been to educate the volunteers and the

school children about Redcrowned Toadlets and frogs in general. The highlight for many has been to see the toadlets in the flesh with their bright red-crowns. They are terrestrial breeders, which means that they lay their eggs on the ground in leaf litter, not in water as do most frogs. After the eggs are fertilized, rain is needed to wash the eggs into a temporary "puddle" so that hatching and metamorphosis can occur. This is precarious process and failure to breed is high. Knowledge of these frogs is in its infancy. An important side effect of removing the weeds from the frogs' habitat is that the biodiversity and health of the bushland are improved. Other native animals benefit too. The school children have been able to gain first-hand experience of an endangered species and of a project to help restore its habitat. At the end of the project, the school's volunteer bush care group will take on maintenance of the site. Anyone wanting to visit the site and see the work that has been done, should contact the group. The group is meeting to pull out some weeds on Sunday, February 24, from 10am until noon. A guided walk through the bush regeneration project will be held at 11am. With inquiries, call Kate Consterdine on 4360 1290. Newsletter, January 25

Extra Government funding to aid local schools Brisbane Water Secondary College will get a new tractor for its Umina campus and Woy Woy South Public School will have roof repairs with the announcement of extra Government funding. The college's Umina campus

Ace tutoring

will also get new floor coverings. New telephone system will be installed at the Umina campus, the Woy Woy campus and at Woy Woy South. Both Ettalong and Woy Woy Public Schools will also be p ain te d as p a rt of t h e refurbishment. Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews, said $458,472 would be spent on the repairs and refurbishment. Ms Andrews said that a "school yard blitz" would take place over the next five months. She said she was informed of the building bonanza by the NSW Minister for Education and Training, Mr John Watkins. "In the coming five months, tradespeople will almost be as common as teachers in our local schools," Ms Andrews said. "Local school staff, students and parents told me they wanted to see their schools upgraded," she said. "This extra $458,472 will help,

especially as it comes on top of the funding already allocated to school capital works in the Peats electorate. Ms Andrews said the local school spending was part of a $70 million boost to public schools across the state. The spending comes on top of the $257.6 million already provided in the 2001-2002 NSW budget for school capital works and $157 million for school maintenance. Across the state, an estimated 1400 full-time jobs will be created during the five months that the project will run, she said. Mr Watkins said Ms Andrews had fought hard to get a share of the funding for local schools. "She urged the government to continue to improve the standard of local schools," Mr Watkins said. Media release, February 4.

New premises benefit playgroup The Peninsula Community Centre's playgroup for preschoolers is one of the groups to benefit from the brand new premises at McMasters Rd. The regular timeslots of Tuesday from 9am to 11am and Wednesday from 10am to 12pm will continue. However, playgroup leader Pam Edmonds is confident that the new spacious environment will attract greater numbers and has introduced a new timeslot for the four and five year olds. “The new session will incorporate those pre school

activities the littlies cannot manage. "Tasks will include number counting, scissor cutting, writing skills, sounds and alphabet, all in a playgroup atmosphere. "We hope that the mums will see this session as a good alternative for their four and five year olds who may have become bored with our traditional playgroup acti vit ies,” Ms Edmonds said. For more information, telephone 4341 9333 or turn up at the Community Centre. There is no need to book. Kerrie Friend, January 5

Changes for St John St John the Baptist School in Woy Woy South has seen some changes over the Christmas break. A group of parents and friends has installed four outdoor chess boards, native gardens, a large turfed area and other landscaping improvements. Parents and Friends Committee vice president Beth Riley was responsible for co-

ordinating the team of volunteers. The school has a new principal, Suzanne Nichols, this year. New teachers are Marea Stonestreet, Lynette Hannelly, Leisa Crane, Helen Crawford and Christine Kaminsky. Press release February 6

Former Umina High student gains entry to University Former Umina High School student Kristie Jackson has gained entry to the University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury Campus. Kristie spent one year at Tocal College when she left school

after Year 11. She then returned to school to gain her HSC in Year 12 with a UAI of 82.65. Kristie will now study for a Bachelor of Systems Agriculture, Equine Studies. Press release, January 25

Kip Mc Grath

Page 18 – Peninsula News– 12 February 2002


Everglades bowls season resumes Everglades Country Club has resumed competition bowls for 2002. The club has started its Club Fours Championships and some close games have reached the semi-finals. One of the surprises for the season came early this year with last year's winners being defeated in the first round. Teams led by Bill Ross, Alan Maier, Jack Ghiggino and Barry O'Connor have reached the semis, thus ensuring a new champion team for 2002. Pennant trials have commenced and a number of positions are being fiercely contested. With one more trial to be played, it is up to all the players Junior golfer Corrina Starkey

Local under 16 golf champion New junior golfer Corrina Starkey won the Under-16 Years Scratch event in the 2002 Junior Open Cup at North Ryde Golf Club on Monday, January 14. Corrina has only been playing golf since November and already has a handicap of 33. Corrina comes from a family of golfers, including dad Peter and a brother and sister. Mum Yvonne was also a golfer before a shoulder injury put her out of the game. This promising young player started out at the end of last year in the junior clinic run by Everglades professional Darren Chivas and continued with

lessons under Darren’s watchful eye. She paid for a berth in the Jack Newton sponsored camp at Narrabeen during the school holidays with money given to her for Christmas. She won a golf bag during the course of the camp, which was an encouragement award for her efforts. Corrina planned to continue her golf when she returned to Umina High for Year 10 this year, both as a school sport and with other juniors at Everglades during the week. She plays mixed golf regularly on Sundays with her dad. Judy Andrews, January 30

Coastwide rentals

to put their best foot forward and claim any positions that may still be up for grabs. The bowls tournament committee has made up a program for the Easter long weekend and with games being run for all mixes of bowlers, it is hoped to attract capacity fields each day. Visitors are welcome to play in weekend events. Good Friday will see open white top mufti pairs, with a 1pm start and snacks after game. There will be prize money down to fifth place as well as lucky draws. Entry fee is $5. Saturday, March 30, will be men's turn-around-triples, starting 9:30am, with snacks at the end of day. Three games of 12 ends will

carry $500 prize money and entry fee will be $5. Easter Sunday, March 31, is a social afternoon tea Mixed Triples, with a 1pm start. Monday, April 1, will see the April Fools Day Novelty Triples, starting 1pm. Open Triples will be held with cash prizes during the game to the value of $400. Competitors are invited to wear their Easter bonnets. A barbecue will be held after the game. Entry fee will be $5. Visitors wishing to enter should contact Barry O'Connor on 4342 1442, Gwen Hewson on 4344 6474 or Everglades Country Club on 4341 1866. Barry O'Connor, January 30

KROCS compete in East Coast Masters at Collaroy Killcare Relics On Carnival Safari (KROCS) are the masters' team for Killcare Surf Life Saving Club. Most members are beach sprint, beach flags and beach relay competitors, although they now have some swim competitors too. Surf Life Saving Clubs around Australia hold carnivals just for the masters, who are competitors aged over 30. The KROCS team competed in the East Coast Masters Carnival at Collaroy on Sunday, February 3. They were successful in bringing home five gold, two silver and 1.25 bronze. The 0.25 bronze came about in the 170 years plus (combined ages) beach relay as it was a mixed team and Greg White was the only KROCS competitor. The others were from South Curl Curl, Crowdy and Glenelg

SA. So that they were all uniform, they turned their caps inside out and became the tag team (cap tag on the outside), winning third place. Chris McCormick and Jason Chapman each took home two gold for their beach flags and beach sprint events and a silver for the beach relay. Phillip Tubby managed one gold in his beach flags and two silver; one for his beach sprint and one in the beach relay. Colin Tubby's sprint was just a little outside the medals, but he did earn one bronze in his beach flags and silver for the beach relay. The KROCS team came second in the 140 years plus beach relay. The team consisted of Phillip and Colin Tubby, Jason Chapman and Chris McCormick. The East Coast Masters

Carnival is a unique carnival in that it still has the old-fashioned pillow fight. Last year, the KROCS team entered Kevin Lowe in the pillow fight and won. Kevin has since moved to South Australia and competes for Glenelg. This meant Kevin had to travel 1600 km to defend his title. The first two rounds were easy and Kevin went through to the final. Unfortunately, Scott Hannal from Ocean Beach knocked off the champ to claim the title for himself. Big Kev still took a silver home to South Australia for his effort. The Central Coast Masters Branch Championship will be the next carnival, to be held at Copacabana on February 16. T h e w e b s i t e i s and email

Umina Junior Cricket Club contribute to area success The Umina Junior Cricket Club has contributed significantly to the success of the Gosford Wyong District Junior Cricket Association this season, according to club officials. Umina had five players in the only team from the district to make the finals of the NSW District Cricket Association Competition.

Chris Brown, Chris Clement, Daniel Friend, Matthew Jones and Evan Smith were part of the under-12 Cawsey Shield side to contest the final on Sunday, February 10, against Hawkesbury. Umina also provided an unexpected venue for the semifinal triumph. The match was scheduled for Kariong, but poor weather rendered the ground unfit for

play. After a brief inspection, the umpires agreed to transfer the match to Umina oval number two. In a thrilling semi final that was reduced to 43 overs a side, the Gosford-Wyong team defeated Camden by 11 runs in the last over. Kerrie Friend, January 5

12 February 2002 - Peninsula News - Page 19


New committee for Umina Rugby League Club Umina Rugby League Club has a new committee.

Boxing equipment at Umina Beach PCYC. Photo – Davy C Green

Boxing tournaments at PCYC The Amateur Boxing Association has scheduled two tournaments to be held at Umina's Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) this year. The PCYC State Titles will also be held at Umina. "March 16 will see the challenge go out and already there are keen competitors from Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle and W ellington stepping up for the big day," according to PCYC youth

programs co-ordinator Senior Constable Paul Hanna. "A large turn out is expected and, weather permitting, it will be conducted under lights and under the stars." The event will be held from 5pm until 9pm. Tickets will cost adults $10 and under-18s $5, with tickets available at the PCYC or at the door. Local sponsors are being sought to support the event. The tournament follows a

similar event held last November, where Umina PCYC challenged the rest of NSW in a boxing tournament that drew contenders from Sydney, Newcastle and as far away as Griffith and Muswellbrook. "More than 450 local supporters turned out to fill the PCYC with a cheering crowd that was not disappointed by the staunch Umina Boys' display of tactics and endurance," according to Paul Hanna. Media release, February 6

Combination of youth and experience to defend title Woy Woy Rugby League Football Club commences its defence of the Central Co ast " Carlt o n Premiership" and the CRL State Challenge Cup with a blend of youth and experience. The 2001 Premiership decider saw the departure of many of the Woy Woy senior squad. The squad won three of the last four First Grade Premierships as well as numerous Reserve and Under 19 titles. The club's losses include "Captain” Jason Carpenter, who has gone to Britain to pursue further teaching and league experience. Hayden Berry's work and family commitments have put a temporary hold on his playing future. Nathan Grey is off to Europe to travel and play in France. Shane W ard and Scott Wilesmith both plan to test their skills with North Sydney. Brent Byrne and Shannon Keats will return to the Manly Peninsula. Mark Mains and Jarrod

Brennan are moving to the Um ina Bunnies and the retirements of Craig Halden, Andrew Jackson, Justin Louis, Sean Dickson, Ian Butt and Mick Martin will leave a large hole to fill. Young players at the club will be joined by the four experienced signings from Wyong Roos, who have chosen to recharge their playing futures with the Roosters. The club has also to contend with the loss of many of its juniors who have been given their opportunity to showcase their talents in the junior representative fixtures of the NRL teams. Robert Quitadamo (Souths), Troy McLellan, Ciaran Williamson, Shane W ilson (Easts), Mitchell Finnigan (Manly), Shannon Stuart and Stephen Defries (Norths) have the opportunity to further their careers at a higher level. First Grade coach Tony Clarke will employ new signings Josh White, Shane Wilson, Dean Hutchison and Mick Burley to help further develop the talents of youngsters Chad Trudgett, Adrian Overton, Jason Stuart, Michael Griffin and Lee Browne,

all members of the victorious 2001 Under-19 Premiers. Adam King, Paul Haime, Daniel King, Layne Martin and Stuart Farrant will be vying for top grade selections along with established players such as Grant Stuart, Adam Moore, Jade Mason, Evan Cochrane, Dave Maryska, Duncan Smith, Elton Connors and Jonathan Vatubua. Matthew Sharman, who coached the Under-17s to within a minute of a final appearance in 2001, has been given control of the Reserve grade team for 2002. Craig Thomas, the new boy on the block at Woy Woy who has a wealth of experience in Central Coast football from Umina to Wyong, will control the Under-19 team, which is expected to continue to represent the club to a high standard. Rick Napier , who ha s represented the Peninsula for many years with distinction as a player and coach, has turned in the boots to concentrate on the development of the local youth and will coach the Under-17s. Richard Smithers, February 1

New president is Warren Mansell. Secretary is Danny Woodbridge, treasurer Col Gooley and vice-president John Riley. Mr Mansell said the committee was "totally committed to fielding top class sides for the 2002 competition". The committee has appointed former Norths' representative coach Les Lowe to the position of the First Grade coach as well as being the club's head coach. "Lowe brings with him a wealth of experience as well as the latest in skills training techniques," said W arren Mansell. " L o we i s a r e n o w n e d motivationalist and has an ability to bring out the best in his players. "He is a former Umina juniors coach who trained numerous premiership-winning sides." Other coaching appointments see Terry O’Sullivan at the helm of the Reserve grade. Terry is also a premiership winning coach with Umina who has only recently returned to the Central Coast from New Zealand where he has been coaching. John King will coach the under-19s. John has been with the club for the past three years. Under-17s will be coached by Darryl Turner. Turner has been a First Grade coach with the club and last year coached the under-17s to a premiership win. Head coach Lee Lowe said he applauded the professional

approach the new executive had taken to coaching, along with its on-going commitment to local junior players giving them the opportunity to play in the top league with their local club. "The return of many former Bunnies juniors to the club can only be healthy for the club," he said. "All grades have been in the gym since November and are in great shape." Training proper has now commenced at Umina Oval. Lowe indicated negotiations were continuing with several older players. However, the books were almost closed, due to the return of many former juniors, including Jarrod Brennan, Marlon Counsell, Tyrone Hayward, Daniel Summers and Geoff Wilkin. Other off-season signings included Adam Close, Scot Haydon, Mark Mains, Clint Mallett, Shane O’Sullivan, Andrew Roberts, Jarrod Sultana and Craig Terry. Lowe said he was pleased that Matt Slattery was training hard after a serious injury kept him sidelined for most of last season. A trial game will be held at the Maurie Breen Oval on February 16, with a State-wide 10s knock out. Other trial games will be played against Ourimbah at Ourimbah on March 9, and against Newtown at Woy Woy Oval on March 23. Season launch for the Bunnies will be held at Club Umina on March 23. Press release, February 6

Brisbane Water Fishing Fishing inside Brisbane Water has generally been good with most anglers getting a few fish. A nice flathead was caught at The Rip weighing 2.835Kg when cleaned and there have been a few bream around the Woy Woy area. Good bait is a bit scarce, but all the rain there has been last week should bring a change to

the situation. Outside Brisbane Water there are still a lot of surface fish about. A few lucky anglers caught some good size snapper and legal size dolphin fish up to five kilos. There should be some good jewfish around Lion Island after the rain, but fresh bait will be the clue to catching them. Brian and Sue Parker, February 7

All sports


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PAPER INC The newspaper that cares about the Peninsula community 12 February 2002

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Standing ovation for fire fighters on Australia Day Peninsula Dance and Theatre School. TS Hawkesbury Naval Cadets held water-based activities during the day, including two races. At 2.30pm, Cr Chris Holstein presented Citizen of the Year Shirley Templeton and Australia Day Award winners Pat A key part of the and Gae Marsh Pe n i n s u l a 's and Larry Australia Day Thompson to the celebrations, the fire large crowd. fighters and others Winners of the from supporting children's drawing organisations Fire fighters are honoured at the recent Australia Day celebrations competition held arrived in three on the day were: crowds throughout the day were convoys and assembled in front of a Under-5 Marjorie Griffiths; Under-6 treated to non-stop entertainment from large crowd waiting for them. Andrew Green; Under-7 Jai Fletcher; Smiles broke out on their faces when a wide variety of musicians and entertainers as well as nearly 40 stalls, Under-8 Michelle Day; Under-9 Rita an ovation spontaneously erupted. Kurprewski; Under-10 Toni from Special prayers, an Aboriginal most of which were run by community Umina; and Over-10s Madeleine groups. welcome, a flag raising ceremony, the Performers included The Wheeze Kennedy. national anthem sung by Hannah All winners were presented with and Suck Band, Us Not Them, Go to Gibbs, lunch and a giant birthday cake certificates. Bed Jessica, Duncan Chalmers, John also added to the day. Cec Bucello, February 8 Described as a "back to the Currie, Behind the Veil Belly Dance, Lovetts Dance Academy, Trinity, and community" Australia Day, large

The Peninsula community turned out in f o rce o n Australia Day to thank hundreds of local firefighters for their efforts in controlling the recent spate of b u s h f i r e s throughout New South Wales.

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