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Peninsula No 48

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PAPER INC Print Post Approved PP255003/04388 13 August 2002

Minister's building density decision welcomed The decision of Planning Minister Dr An d r e w Refshauge's to reject Gosford Council plans to lower building densities on the Peninsula has been welcomed by Save Our Suburbs spokesman Mr Bryan Ellis.

The site for a new retail development in Woy Woy

New retail development for Woy Woy Gosford Council has approved a two-storey commercial development with underground car park on George St, Woy Woy, next to Deepwater Plaza. The first floor of the building will contain commercial floor space and the ground floor will comprise retail floor space and specialty shops to provide an active retail frontage to George St. The proposed underground car park will contain 66 car spaces

and the total development will have over 3000 square metres of floor space. Vehicle access to both the car park and loading dock will be from George St. The site comprises several allotments on the western side of George St, including the Brian Hilton Toyota and Challenge Electronics sites, and immediately adjoins the Deepwater Plaza shopping centre car park to the north and west.

The council allowed a variation to the minimum setback requirements and to maximum height requirements, because it considered the proposal satisfactory and consistent with the broader objectives of the Woy Woy town centre development control plan. Strict compliance with the height requirement was considered by council to be unreasonable and unnecessary in the circumstances. Council agenda DH.97, August 6

Tender moves for fast ferry wharf Gosford Council has invited expressions of interest from companies wishing to submit formal tenders to council for the construction of the fast ferry wharf at Ettalong, following the recent announcement of State Government funding. The council has been told that a series of meetings have been held between representatives of Transport NSW, Fast Ships Pty Ltd and council staff to progress the proposal. Transport NSW and Council

staff were reviewing the designs and estimates of cost prepared by Fast Ships since gaining development consent to the wharf and foreshore terminal building. They hope to confirm that the project can be delivered within the $4.3million grant budget announced. Council staff were also reviewing options for the management and maintenance of the facility once constructed. Transport NSW has proposed that the project proceed with a minimum of delay, suggesting

that Council invite expressions of interest from companies wishing to submit formal tenders for the construction of the wharf, foreshore terminal facilities and road works in adjacent streets. In inviting such expressions of interest, it would be indicated that State Government approval was still to be given to the project proceeding. The council decided to invite expressions of interest later this month. Council agenda EO.029, August 6

The Creepers On Friday 30th August 8:30pm FREE EVERGLADES COUNTRY CLUB

Rejection of plans to change some areas of the Woy Woy Peninsula from 2(b) zoning to the lower density 2(a) zoning, as a trade-off for high-rise in the Gosford CBD, will be welcomed by the majority of the City's residents who oppose the mayor's "monument-building exercise" in the Gosford CBD, he said. "The trade off for reduced congestion on the Woy Woy Peninsula m ust now be abandoned," Mr Ellis said. "Always a misguided attempt by our councillors, the refusal of the Minister will have little effect on the surging development that he is encouraging. "Put simply, there are few blocks of land on the Peninsula where it is not possible to build two three-bedroom units next door under current zonings. "The trend is for two storeys so that single storey houses or villas next door have no privacy in their open areas. "The recently adopted 'character statements' that were supposed to define future development in the context of what already exists eg. 'single dwellings with room for the kids,

gardens and trees' are revealed as merely a distraction to amuse the hundreds of residents that are concerned about the creeping over-development and congestion of their suburbs," said Mr Ellis. "The fact is that the population growth into multi-unit dwellings is changing the character of the area every day. "Unless we continue to send strong messages to the Minister and Council, the character and lifestyle of our suburbs will be lost to 'misguided governments and developers' in the words of Cr Brooks. "Minister Refshauge's comment that on the Central Coast 'There have been stresses but not system failures' at the recent 'Growing Pains' conference at Terrigal ignores the social breakdown that is evident to resident's daily and well reported in the local press. "The rail and road systems are approaching capacity and failures are not rare. "Is the State going to wait for the rail system to fail before they do something? "Will Council wait until the water system fails before they do more than fund another study? "Rapid and unplanned population growth is destroying all the qualities and values that most people came here to enjoy," said Mr Ellis. Save Our Suburbs meets on the second Saturday each month at 3pm at South Woy Woy Progress Hall.

Jetty application considered Gosford Council's environmental heritage committee has considered an application for a new jetty adjacent to the former site of the Ferrymasters Cottage in Wagstaffe. It would replace the existing structure which the owner recently said he did not want to keep and which he partly demolished. The current application is virtually the same as a previous development application which council refused on heritage

grounds. The Committee advised council that this application should also be refused. The committee report stated: "If a new private jetty is allowed by the Department of Land and Water Conservation in that location on Brisbane Water, any approval should be on condition that the new jetty be built on the northern side of the boatshed and in similar design and materials to the historic jetty." Council agenda EH.040, August 6

Authentic 50’s Rockabilly Band. Nominated Best Sydney Rockabilly Band Playing the great songs of legends:

Eddie Cochrane, Elvis, DUNBAN ROAD WOY WOY ~ PHONE : 4341 1866 I nf ormat ion f or members and their guest s

Page 2 – Peninsula News – 13 August 2002





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Welcome to Edition 48 of Peninsula News In this edition we would like to welcome another member to our team, Cielle Mangold. Cielle comes to us with very little relevant experience but in the few short days that she has been with us, she has already proven her potential. Cielle hopes to be with us three days per week and will no doubt become more valuable as time passes. I would ask that all readers that have any dealings with her, please make her feel welcome. Cec Bucello, Manager

Contributors: Winsome Smith, Alison Branley, Jethro Bucello, Chiara Bucello, Cielle Mangold, Heather McKenzie, Geoff Callingham, Barry O’Connor, Iris Bate, Terry Barnes, Judy Andrews, Lindy Simmons, Pat Lewis and Debbie Coleman.

Committee: Kevin Butler, Carolyn Carter, Barbara Ketley, Stephen McNamara, Mark Snell, Carl Spears, Michael Walls. Next edition Deadline: August 21 Issue 49 Publication date: August 27 Mark Snell: Association President and Editor Jonathan Reichard: Journalist Office: Shop 5 Chambers Place, 23 The Boulevarde, Woy Woy Phone: 4342 2070 Fax: 4342 2071 Mail: PO Box 532, Woy Woy 2256 E-mail: Website: Legal responsibility for editing, printing and publishing, and election comment in Peninsula News is taken by Mark Snell of Woy Woy, for Peninsula Community Access Newspaper Inc.

About Peninsula News Peninsula News is owned by Peninsula Community Access Newspaper Inc., an incorporated, non-profit association. Its aims include providing a viable, non-partisan news medium and forum exclusively for the Peninsula and developing a sense of community on the Peninsula. The day to day running and printing of the newspaper is undertaken by Mail Order Mall under licence from the association. The paper actively encourages all groups and individuals on the Peninsula to contribute their news, opinions and items of interest for publication. Contributions to the paper are edited to consistent standards of readability. Guidelines are available for intending contributors. Community members are also invited to contribute by taking photos, joining the association, typing, or participating in committees. There are 14000 copies of Peninsula News printed and distributed within the 2256 and 2257 postcode areas as well as to subscribers. For information on placing advertisements, making a contribution, becoming involved or having material published, please phone the office during normal business hours.

Not all were from the waterfront

Letters to the editor are welcomed and should be addressed to Peninsula News, PO Box 532, Woy Woy 2256. Contributions in Word format sent via e-mail to or on disk to save us having to retype them. Forum contributors are reminded that full contact details, including phone number, must accompany submissions. Please include a date with all contributions. Name and suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in an edited form.

Once again we have a person (Jim Brooks, Peninsula News, July 16) commenting on t he proposed bike path. Maybe, he could concentrate on securing a bike path in his own area on the flat land along the beach fronts. The petition that was taken was signed by hundreds of concerned residents who did not all live in the reserve area. Various comments keep referring to these so-called selfish residents. Let's look at the broad picture, not selecting one group as the main objectors. Surely some areas of the Peninsula can be left as is without disturbance. No I don't live on the reserve, any more than the 95 per cent of the other petitioners.

Path will cause destruction As a councillor who voted against the Woy Woy reserve cycle way in 1988, I was rather alarmed at the environmental destruction and loss of peaceful amenity that this project will cause.

cycle-way at any cost. It does not appear a square deal to make these changes to such a serene amenity. Still, the catch cry, "quality of life", which was in vogue when I was in council, seems to be tossed out the window these days.

It seems that council has taken a leaf from the developer - a

Keith Whitfield, Woy Woy

No identifiable need for path

E Hyslop, Woy Woy

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Reading between the lines o f t h e r e c e n t correspondence on the subject, I can only conclude that we are to have a cycleway along the waterfront reserve, not because there is any real demand for it, or even an identifiable need for it, but simply because there are

RTA and Work for the Dole grants available to pay for it. What a waste of good money. I feel sure that the overwhelming m ajority of Peninsula ratepayers would much prefer to see it spent on the kerbing and guttering of which so many of our streets stand in such desperate need. Peter Scott, Woy Woy

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Empire Bay R/E

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Developers must be overjoyed No doubt the Chamber of Commerce and developers are overjoyed that Mr Refshauge should insist that development of the Peninsula should proceed, as well as that of Gosford. Perhaps, the future residents will not be so happy when they find their new houses and/or apartments standing in water. This is inevitable when the only remaining dune along the coast at Ettalong-Umina is so neglected and misused. Dunes depend on sand and yet the council insists on removing much of the sand by the use of heavy "cleaning machines", the channel is to be dredged for the ferry and the r e s i de n t s c u t d o wn th e

vegetation or dump their rubbish on it. This dune is the only barrier between the ocean and the flat sand plain of the Peninsula. All climatologists agree that global warming is a fact, although they do not agree as to its cause. Seas are rising. It is not just little islands in the Pacific which are under threat. Even some of the dykes in the Netherlands have been breached. Perhaps developers should be designing house boats or apartments on piers for the new Woy Woy Under Sea. Margaret Lund, Woy Woy

Sponsors This edition of Peninsula News is sponsored by: Ettalong Beach Tourist Resort; Fabric Price Cutters; Club Umina; Woy Woy Leagues Club; BOGAS Woy Woy; Judd’s Pharmacy; Everglades Country Club; Tonkin Drysdale Partners Lawyers; Patonga Beach Fish Café; Gosford City Council; Office Furniture Depot; Bowen’s Pharmacy; The Vital Call Centre; Empire Bay Estate Agency; The New Bayview Hotel; Central Coast Uniforms; Woy Woy Poultry Supplies; All in One Business Service; The Plant Place; Incense Ability; Gnostic Forest; Gnostic Mana; Southern Cross Funerals; Ettalong Bait and Tackle; St Lukes Anglican Church; Aged Care Linen Specialists; Coast Wide Wholesale Foods; Patonga Bakehouse Gallery; Moonshine Designs; and, Ettalong Beach Dry Cleaners.

Please support our sponsors

13 August 2002 - Peninsula News - Page 3


Strategic plan public workshops to be held Public workshops to provide feedback and input into Gosford Council's draft 2003-2008 strategic plan will be held in Woy Woy and Umina in early September. Gosford Council recently adopted the 2002-2007 City Management Plan (CMP) at its meeting on June 4 and, with the completion of the plan, the council has now commenced planning for the next round of public workshops. The feedback from the workshops will be used in compiling the council's draft 2003-2008 strategic plan to be adopted by the council in June 2003. The public workshops will also focus on the finalisation of the draft 2002 State of the Environment report and will provide the opportunity to make comment on the draft report which will be on exhibition. The 2002-2007 report will be available at the workshops and outlines the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities of local business activity, the community life and spirit and the natural environment of the Peninsula area. The report details Councils action plan for the district which includes reviewing the Ettalong parking management plan for the fast ferry service, extending the commuter car park at Woy Woy and upgrading Brisbane Avenue and Bourke Road at Umina. Upgrading the CBD of Umina, Woy Woy and Ettalong as well as a Woy Woy Branch library project are also planned in the report. Flood mitigation works at Middle Creek, Pearl Beach, Turo Creek as well as trunk drainage

Speed humps

works for the Peninsula are also outlined. Council also plans to monitor and review sewerage loadings into Woy Woy catchment and to plan for the closure of Woy Woy land fill. The report by the council found that strengths of local business activity included good local facilities, good local stores, increasing professional services, eco-tourism and public transport. Weaknesses included a need for greater variety, traffic pressure, vacant shops and a large low-skilled local workforce. Strengths of the community life and spirit were found to be a diverse population, community groups, safe facilities and the little theatre complex. Weaknesses were lack of local work, the facilities required for the aged, youth and low-income population, lack of police numbers and resources, increasing crime and drug use and a lack of good roads, drainage, kerbs and gutters. Strengths of the natural environment were safe clean b e ach es , th e W oy W oy environment centre and that community facilities were well maintained. Weaknesses were flooding and bushfire risks, pollution monitoring and the quality and management of lagoons and foreshores. The workshops for the 20032008 strategic plan will be held on Monday, September 9, at Umina Beach Community Hall, Sydney Ave, Umina, and on Thursday, September 12, at Woy W oy Little Theatre, 93 McMasters Rd, Woy Woy. Letter and report, July 30

Member for Peats, Marie Andrews, Co-ordinator of the Occasional Care Centre, Megan Miller, and Community Services Minister, Carmel Tebbutt.

Grants for community centre Grants totalling $170,000 for three services based at the P en in s ul a Co mm un it y Centre have been announced by Community Services Minister Ms Carmel Tebbutt. "The Web Youth Service receives Department of Community Services (DOCS) funding of approximately $80,000 per annum through the Community Services Grants Program," Ms Tebbutt said. "It provides a range of recreational activities and support services on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, including a drug and alcohol counselling service. "Thanks to the extra space in

Council Agenda TR 02.044, July 02

Sewing Class

year from DOCS to provide a range of services to support children, young people, and families - including information, referral, enhancing self-esteem, advocacy, educational and recreational activities. " The NSW Go ve rnm en t strongly supports Woy Woy, and other local communities in building on their strengths and providing safe, relevant services for the people who need them." Ms Tebbutt said the new centre, which was largely financed by Gosford Council would offer a more youth friendly environment as well as more space for a diverse range of activities and programs for young people. Press release, August 8

Plant Place Tonkin Drysdale

Council has passed a recommendation from the Councils' Traffic Committee for the installation of speed humps in Leslie Knock Lane, Umina. Traffic Officers will arrange for the installation of 15km/h advisory speed signs and the construction of at least three speed humps along Leslie Knock Lane.

the new centre, the number of young people using the service has doubled to about 40 a day, with further increases expected. "The Peninsula Occasional Child Care Centre receives just over $40,000 a year from DOCS to provide daily care for 23 children up to the age of six years. "Overall, the centre provides care for 81 families in the Peninsula area, with 131 children currently enrolled. "It works closely with the Peninsula Family Day Care scheme." Ms Tebbutt said that the new community centre would also house the Peninsula Neighbourhood Centre Project which received about $50,000 a

Gosford Council

Page 4 – Peninsula News – 13 August 2002


Tree removal on hold

Community Forum Letters to the editor are welcomed and should be addressed to Peninsula News, PO Box 532, Woy Woy 2256. Contributions in Word format sent via e-mail to or on disk to save us having to retype them. Forum contributors are reminded that full contact details, including phone number, must accompany submissions. Please include a date with all contributions. Name and suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in an edited form.

Should not have been surprised I should not have been surprised to read Cr Holstein's letter (Peninsula News, August 30) which is openly critical of my opposition to the recent rate rise for which we have all now been slugged. Cr Holstein makes a number of statements which I believe to be deliberately misleading and, in some cases, simply untrue. Firstly, Cr Holstein stated that the Council voted unanimously to request that the Minister approve a rate increase. That is incorrect. I did not support the rate increase on the basis that I was not satisfied that the proposed Woy Woy Aquatic Centre was properly costed or budgeted. If Cr Holstein wants to check, he can simply refer to the Review Committee Minutes of July 2. Let me make it clear that I support both the upgrading of the

surf clubs and the construction of an aquatic centre at Woy Woy provided that I have all the financial evidence to support the decision. To date, I still have not received that information despite repeated requests. For Cr Holstein then to imply that I am unconcerned about the expenditure of ratepayers funds is both mischieveous and an insult. I chose not to sit on the Woy Woy Aquatic Centre Committee as at the time it had operated before my election to council and was duty bound to report back to council regardless. In fact, I have raised consistent concerns with Council staff regarding both the poor design of the aquatic centre and the future on-costs for which the ratepayer will be ultimately responsible. Secondly, with regard to the quantum of the rate increase, clearly the latest rate notice

dispels the Holstein myth that the average overall increase is only $22.56. I have been inundated with phone calls from ratepayers who have advised me that their rates have jumped nearly $70 for what are average UCVs. Finally, Cr Holstein has dragged good old politics into the debate questioning my reference to the State Government's support for the rate increase and the fact that I will be the Liberal Candidate at the next State Elections. Perhaps Cr Holstem's sudden inspiration to write the letter in the first place was to lift his own profile for a possible tilt at the State Election. We will watch you also with great interest, Mr Holstein. One should always beware of glass houses. Cr Debra Wales

Moves to allow multi-storey zoning There are moves currently afoot to have zoning regulations changed for the Ettalong Beach area to allow for multi-storey development. Wales & Associates have drawn up "concept" plans proposing the change. A letter to shop-keepers from the Ettalong Beach Heritage

Committee indicates it is proposing to spend "$350,00" to do up the foreshore, adjacent to the area affected by these concept plans. Debra Wales is an elected m em ber of council, has connections with the development company, and is co-ordinator of the Ettalong Beach Heritage Committee. There appears to be a conflict

of interest to me. The lack of environmental impact studies and consultation with local residents suggests little concern for the needs of the community. While progress that improves our quality of life should be encouraged, we must all fight to maintain the unique character and beauty of this area. J Fallon, Killcare

Wildlife under threat from over development Over-development does not only equal more high-rise but also less natural waterfront open space and wildlife. Where open space money or alternative transport money is misappropriated for concreting up our last remaining reserves, this should be stopped. Ring-barking the entire Central

Coast waterway with a 2.5 metre concrete road called a cycleway seems to be the relentless aim of Gosford Council. Cycleways can easily be built to provide views alongside the reserves without reducing their size and wildlife habitat. This should be done. If we do not change our concrete-head habits, no waterway environment will be left

All in one business

natural for future generations to enjoy and have a peaceful picnic on. Again, millions will be spent unnecessarily on concrete to endanger wildlife, toddlers and walkers, in favour of sporting and concrete-head interests. No environmental study or public display of the final plan was done before the Woy Woy Cycleway was approved by Gosford Council. There were 1600 signatures against it being directly on the reserve, but not against the alternative plan of narrowing the road for it. Then council prioritised it. How legal or ethical is this procedure? Who is prepared to step in to stop the concrete rollout over all our natural space and stop the rattle of millions of dollars? Karin Solondz, Woy Woy

The article "Tree removal stopped " in Peninsula News gives the impression to the casual reader that council's Tree Protection C o m m i t t e e h a s recommended that council stop cutting down the swamp mahogany trees in Kahibah Creek and that this recommendation is now "in effect" because of this "recommendation". The facts are that a hold has been placed on the further removal of eucalyptus robusta (swamp mahogany) trees since February this year when council was sprung by the residents cutting down swamp mahogany trees that council's consultant John Tilly had agreed a few weeks earlier could be retained u n t il co u nc il es t ab li s he d replacement tree further up the bank. At the time, Gosford Council had resolved to conduct a walk of the creek by the interested parties to identify and agree on the trees to be removed and to

be retained. The walk ended in farce but a significant outcome was that, because the environmental values of the eucalyptus robusta were to be protected, it was essential that the numerous weed trees be removed. Everyone who took part in the “walk” agreed that the coral and the willow and the privet trees could go and should go. But because these trees were big and difficult to remove Council’s consultant engineer Dave Simpson ordered that the saplings of eucalyptus robusta be removed because there was easy access to them and although they were tall they were not difficult to remove. So, in typical Gosford Council fashion, the flick was on when the residents questioned council actions on the same day that Simpson was completing paper work for National Parks. Instead of diverting his “team” to the removal of the weed trees as had been agreed by all, Council simply stopped work. Bryan Ellis, Umina

Sixties result today The main purpose of this letter is to demonstrate that the Gosford Council can spend $20 million of our money in 2003 and achieve a 1967 result. In the early 1970s, the Woy Woy swimmers club and the councillors agreed that the existing and then heated outdoor 50 metre pool (built in 1967) was unsuitable for learn to swim, beginner squads and did not encourage adults to swim for health and exercise. This unsuitability was and still is caused by its varying depth. A building committee made up of swim club officials and councillors designed an indoor training pool of six lanes, 25 metres long capable of being heated to 29°C or 30°C in the colder months. The depth chosen throughout was one metre to negate the unsuitability of the outdoor 50 metre pool. The training pool was built mainly with funding by the Federal Government's Red Scheme and was opened in December 1976. Over the years, it has proven to be an outstanding success with aqua rehabilitation and aquarobics also being added to

its many uses. This training pool is to be demolished and will be replaced by an indoor 50 metre pool of varying depth which will cause the same unsuitability as our current 1967 model 50 metre pool. The existing hydrotherapy pool came about because the demand for this type of therapy had exceeded the training pool's capacity and the wide range of injuries and disabilities being treated required safety measures and a constant temperature of 34°C. The late local member Tony Doyle was instrumental in our obtaining a high quality pool with a reasonably quiet environment and the correct temperature of 34°C. This pool opened in July 1997, is to be demolished and replaced by a similar sized pool which will be placed alongside a family leisure pool. There appears to have been little or no regard paid to the need for the hydrotherapy pool to have a reasonably quiet environment. If the councillors insist on spending $20 million of our money, let's get it right and not go back to the past. David Casey, Ettalong Beach

Article was incorrect I refer to the article which appeared in the Peninsula News on July 30 regarding the "Kneeler v Grippers" day held a Woy Woy Bowling Club on May 5, which raised $2600 for charity. Unfortunately, incorrectly stated

it was that the

Kneelers' share of $1300 was to assist "Catholic Schools and other charities". This was not so as the Kneelers' share goes directly to St Judes Hostel for Homeless Men, as it has done for the last 20 years. Patricia Toohey, Woy Woy

13 August 2002 – Peninsula News – Page 5


More funding for Work for the Dole A total of 60 Work for the Dole places have been announced for the Peninsula in the latest round of funding. Wyong Workwise Inc has been allocated 30 places for foreshore care at Woy Woy, while Community Success Pty Ltd has been allocated 30 places for Coastlife Skillshare at Woy Woy and Umina, as well as Erina and Narara. Member for Robertson Mr Jim Lloyd welcomed the announcement: “The Work For The Dole scheme has been one of the most successful and popular initiatives by the Federal Government.

"It has resulted in hundreds of young unemployed Central Coast people receiving worthwhile training and job skills. "Most of these people go on to find full time or casual employment,” Mr Lloyd said “Work for the Dole serves to develop and improve work habits, as well as lifting self esteem. "Participants are telling us they are benefiting from improved job prospects, as well as increased confidence, self respect and motivation,” Mr Lloyd said. “Not only do the participants benefit from this scheme, but the whole Central Coast community benefits from the additional facilities and services provided.” Press release, August 7

The Melaleuca Wetland Regeneration Group of Woy Woy

Memorial tree planted The Melaleuca Wetland Regeneration Group Woy Woy has planted a swamp mahogany tree as a memorial to the work done by the late Kathy Gissane. Kathy worked to restore this site from 1996 until her death in August last year. The Melaleuca W etland Regeneration Group has been working since June 15, 1996, on a two-hectare (five-acre) site that has been classified as Sydney Coastal Estuary Swamp Forest Complex and is a protected area. This swamp forest complex includes significant species including swamp mahogany (eucalyptus robusta) and broadleafed melaleuca (melaleuca quinquinervia). The site is the sole remnant of a melaleuca wetland on the Woy Woy Peninsula that once stretched to Umina Beach.

Some of the problems faced by the group include: Dumping of rubbish. The area was used as a dumping ground. Some offenders were put to work clearing the rubbish out and now the site has a much lower rubbish problem. Needles from drug users. Vandalism from bicycle tracks and jumps. Now that a proper bike track with jumps has been built near the area, this type of vandalism has decreased. W eed infestation from camphor laurel and other species. Fluctuating group membership. The group is always on the look out for new members. The area is home to a wide variety of fauna including bower birds, frogs, snakes, water rats, eels, long-necked tortoises, many birds and occasionally a colony of nesting sacred ibis. CCCEN newsletter and Heather McKenzie, August 7

Empire Bay R/E

Minister for Racing and Gaming, Richard Face with Everglades president Brian Crawley, Mayor of Gosford, Robert Bell, and Member for Peats, Marie Andrews.

Everglades at official opening Three executive members of Everglades Country Club att ended t he official opening of the Central Coast Problem Gambling Service. President Brian Crawley, vicepresident Roger Ford and treasurer Geoff. Callingham attended the opening by the Minister for Gaming and Racing, Mr Richard Face, at the Peninsula Community Centre on Tuesday, July 9. At the opening, the Minister surprised the Everglades representatives by presenting Mr Crawley with a framed certificate of the thanks and appreciation to Everglades Country Club from the Central Coast Problem Gambling Service. The Central Coast Problem Gambling Service

at Woy Woy was initiated in 1998. The Everglades Country Club assisted the service from the outset when other registered clubs on the Peninsula were “a little backward in recognising the problems" and coming to the service's assistance. Everglades Country Club provided the necessary hardware and electronic equipment to enable the service to commence. Although now funded to a large degree by the Casino Community Development fund, the Central Coast Problem Gambling Service will also continue to be supported by Everglades Country Club. Everglades Country Club has always been aware of the problems that people can encounter with gambling and has assisted people designated as "problem gamblers".


Following the Productivity Commission’s review of gambling, it was stated that about one per cent of the population were severe problem gamblers and 1.3 per cent were moderate problem gamblers. With increasing social and political concern becoming evident, the Government initiated a harm minimisation scheme. This scheme does not seek to ban gambling but rather to create an environment where the potential for harm is minimised. One of the actions emanating from the harm minimisation scheme was the introduction of problem gambling services. These services provid e counsellors and advisors to people affected by problem gambling. Geoff. Callingham, August 1

Page 6 – Peninsula News – 13 August 2002


Hair salon re-opens Pacific Hair Studio at Ettalong re-opened on July 22 under the management of husband and wife hair dressing duo Lily and Andrew Sarayeddine. The salon, which has been open in Ettalong for 35 years, moving from owner to owner, got some much needed renovations before its re-opening on July 22.

"We've been looking forward to opening for a long time," Mrs Sarayeddine said. She said that the salon served men and women of any age with cuts of any style. "If the client doesn't leave happy, then we aren't happy," she said. The studio is open six days a week. Alison Branley, August 2

Business opens Michael Edmunds and Roselyn Pickup opened their business Hot Shot Images of Phegans Bay in May. From left, Vera Heat, member for Peats, Marie Andrews, director of CAPS Umina Carolyn Goddard and Winsome Smith

Cheque presented to CAPS Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews has visited the Child Abuse Prevention Service at Umina and presented a cheque for $8000. This was the money approved by Minister for Community

Services, Ms Faye Lo Po, when the centre was threatened with closure. The m oney was m ade available to allow the centre to remain open for another six months.

Centre co-ordinator Ms Carolyn Goddard said: “This was just what we needed. "We didn’t want to just close and let our clients down. "Now we can continue our service for a while longer.” Winsome Smith, August 2

The business specialises in digital imaging, publications and designs. Michael said opening a new business in the Peninsula area had been fairly easy.

The business also offers public relations management, publications and promotions, business marketing and special event coordination. The business is mobile and is also available for pre-school photos, photography and can make up merchandise to promote local businesses. Alison Branley, August 2

Tree forms distributed Residents of Pearl Beach will be given Significant Tree nomination forms. Successfully nominated trees will be listed on Gosford Council’s Significant Tree Register.

Fabric Price Cutters

The forms are to be delivered to Lois Westlake of Pearl Beach for distribution, following a recommendation from the council's tree preservation committee. Council agenda TP.010, July 23

13 August 2002 - Peninsula News - Page 7


RSL branch gains Federal Government grant Member for Robertson Mr Jim Lloyd has announced that a local RSL branch will receive a $1376 Federal Government grant to help veterans and war widow organisations on the Peninsula. The grant is part of the Building Excellence in Support and Training (BEST) program funding to be allocated during 2002-2003, to support ex-service organisations through improved resources and training programs. The Woy Woy Ettalong Hardy’s Bay RSL Sub-branch will

receive $1376 for internet costs, the lease of a desktop computer, a multi-purpose laser printer and a computer helpdesk service. “Ex-service organisations play a vital role in supporting veterans, war widows and widowers through the claims application and appeals process," Mr Lloyd said. “The BEST program offers funds to ensure these organisations have the resources to provide and maintain quality services to their members.” Press release, August 8

From left, Jack Carney, secretary, Phillip "Thommo" Thompson, museum custodian, Bevin Router, senior vice president of Ettalong Hardys Bay RSL Sub-branch, Minister for Veteran's Affairs, Dana Vale, and member for Robertson, Jim Lloyd.

Law firm branches out to offer financial services Tonkin Drysdale Partners, one of the Peninsula's leading law firms, is now offering home, business, investment and commercial loans. The loans are sourced from banks and other financial institutions with the firm becoming an accredited member of the Lawform Financial Services Group, Managing partner Mr Jim Drysdale announced the service with the appointment of Mr Graham Kenney as manager for the firm's financial services division. "As we are all aware, confusion reigns supreme if you're looking for a loan," he said. "Its not just a matter of who do you go to. "It's also a case of who can you trust, what are the fees, what are the terms, what are the legal responsibilities and so forth. "Now, through Tonkin Drysdale Partners Financial Services, we can offer clients a complete A large pothole in Fishermans Parade, Daleys Point.

Petition about condition of road A petition, with 45 signatures, has been received by Gosford Council from residents of Fishermans Parade, Daleys Point, concerned about the condition of their street. The petition stated that after rain the road had "huge potholes, dust, and dangerous corrugation". It stated that there were a number of senior residents in the street who relied on the community bus and taxis as their sole means of transport. These vehicles were refusing

Graham Kenney package, competitive finance and legal security," said Mr Drysdale. TDP Financial Services has become accredited with a number of financial institutions including Suncorp Metway Bank, Westpac, IMB Limited, St. George Bank, Vision Financial Services, Commonwealth Bank, Bluestone Mortgages, Citibank, Liberty Finance, ING Bank, G E

Mort Solutions National Australia Bank, RAMS, with more to follow. As a result, TDP Financial Services can now act as an introducer of home loans, investment loans, commercial loans, construction loans, cash flow secured commercial loans and so forth. "At the same time, you can also have your property transactions professionally completed all under the one roof," said Mr Drysdale. "What we are finding is that people like the idea of dealing with their family or business lawyer. "They know us. There is no concern of the local branch closing down. "They're not dealing with a stranger. We're someone they know and trust. Mr Drysdale said that Mr Kenney was formerly one of the ANZ's leading managers with 33 years' banking experience. Press release June 24

Drop your pants

to come down the street. The petitioners asked Council to seal their road. Council agenda P.069, July 23

Gnostic thingy

Patonga Beach fish cafe

Page 8 – Peninsula News – 13 August 2002


Carers celebrate 10 years Members of the Woy Woy Carers' Support Group gathered on Monday, July 22, to celebrate 10 years of support. Holding its first meeting on June 23, 1992, the support group has provided its members with the opportunity to meet with other carers in similar circumstances. According to Central Coast

Health social worker Ms Sandra Hall, "caring for someone can be a very difficult and draining task. "The goal of the Carers Support Group is to replenish the emotional energy of the carers and to provide information on resources and services that can assist them." Special guest for the occasion was Ms Joan Hughes, executive

Community aged

officer of the Carer's Association of NSW. She told the group: "There are now 850,000 carers in NSW, with over 400 carer support groups. "There are carers as young as 10 years old and others in their 90s." Anyone interested in joining the Woy Woy group can contact Sandra Hall on 4320 8427. Press release, July 25

Dennis McDonnell, Vice Chairman outside Woy Woy Community Aged Care Centre

Woy Woy Community Aged Care is a public benevolent charitable organisation, established for the p r o v i s i o n o f accommodation, care and comfort for the aged men and women at all levels of financial status.

Sandra Hall (second from right) is pictured accepting a congratulatory plaque from Ms Joan Hughes (far right). Also pictured are founding members of the support group, Mary Newhouse and Margaret Gordon. Seated is Annie Crain.

BreastScreen was fully booked The BreastScreen mobile service was fully booked for its visit to Woy Woy during July, with more than 500 women using the service. The service plans to return to the Peninsula in two years' time. "We were delighted with the response to the mobile service," said BreastScreen NSW health promotion officer Ms Amy Jones "We received a great deal of

community support, both from residents and from Gosford Council." She said that, to detect breast cancer early, doctors recommended that women over 50 had a mammogram every two years. "For this reason, the breast screening service plans to return to the Peninsula in 2004," said Ms Jones.

In its first visit to the Peninsula, the mobile screening van provided free mammograms for local women over 50. BreastScreen also provides free mammograms at two permanent screening sites, in Gosford and Erina. Screening takes 20 minutes. For appointments all year round, call 4324 6722. Press release, August 5

The concept of building a nursing home adjacent to Woy Woy Hospital was first conceived in the mid-1960s. Finally, after many public meetings, a committee was formed in 1981 to investigate the feasibility of building a 40-bed nursing home. A company, W oy W oy Community Nursing Home, was incorporated in 1985 and construction of a 40-bed facility was commenced in 1988. It was officially opened in May 1989. In 1992, a 10-bed dementia facility for high care residents was added. In 1997, the company changed its name to Woy Woy Community Aged Care Limited to more generally reflect the wider role of providing aged care for the community. With occupancy running at 100% and a long waiting list, it was apparent that more aged care accommodation was needed. This occurred in 1998, with the

Judds Incense ability

construction of a 40-unit aged care hostel for people who required assisted living. The cost was just under $3M. Financial support for construction of the hostel was received from the Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services, the Department of Veteran's Affair's, the State Government's Hostel and Care program and the local community, particularly service clubs. Residential occupation began in March 1998 bringing to 90 the number of people in care. In February 2003, the facility will commence a million dollar refurbishment of the nursing home which will include: • Eight single ensuite rooms. • Conversion of four bed wards to two bed wards. • New respite room. • Enlarged residents dining room. • Enlarged dementia lounge. • New staff room. • New staff education facility. • New sisters station and treatment room. • New office accommodation for director of nursing. • Improved administration office area. This project will improve the ability of the facility staff to provide the standard of the resident care which is required, due to the increasing frailty of the average resident. Woy Woy Community Aged Care is located adjacent to Woy Woy General Hospital and rehabilitation unit, as well as Brisbane Water Private Hospital. Care is provided to the nursing home residents by registered nurses, and assistants in nursing. Registered nurses are on site 24 hours a day. The residents' rooms in the nursing home are a combination of four-bed, two-bed and single rooms. The 40-bed hostel has four wings. Kathleen Cottage is a secured dementia specific wing, which provides for the needs of residents with early stages of dementia, the area provides a safe and secure environment, which allows for the independence of residents within the unit.

13 August 2002 – Peninsula News – Page 9

Woy Woy Aged Care Advertising Feature

care provides for all dementia, the area provides a safe and secure environment, which allows for the independence of residents within the unit. The three other wings have been named after Australian Native Plants to enable easy identification of each area. These three wings are divided into 10 resident rooms in each wing with it's own lounge area with tea and coffee making facilities. These wings are joined by a large combined dining room and activities area. An emergency call system is installed with emergency alarms in the bathrooms and bedrooms. Care staff wear pagers which alert them to an alarm that has been activated. The hostel manager is a registered nurse. The centre's mission is “to provide caring services to the aged in our community in a manner which recognises and respects the rights, needs and dignity of each individual in a happy and caring environment.” The centre's aim is “to provide professional quality care for the resident's individual needs through understanding and respect for their emotional well being, religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds.” The centre has many activities, therapies and other services. Individual resident programs are structured to encourage residents to retain their interest in activities of their choice and continued invol vem ent in community activities, as well as the challenge to try something new. Recreational activities are carried out on a daily basis. The program is organised in

consultation with residents and includes, craft, outings, singing, organ and piano playing, word games, quizzes, bowls, darts and special functions. Social outings are organised by the diversional therapy team. The centre has pets as well as a therapy dog called "Buddy". Buddy brings another dimension of care, nurturing and happiness to W oy W oy Community Aged Care. The centre has its own physiotherapist who assesses all new residents on admission and when required. The physiotherapist assists with the maintenance of mobility and recommendation of mobility aids. A range of treatm ents including, massage, exercises, mobilisation, ultrasound and acupuncture are also performed. Other ser vices include: h air dr essin g, ne wspa per s, library, video library, optical services, dental services, hearing aid services, pharmacy, podiatry, religious services and a kiosk. Before a person can be accepted for the residency in a funded aged care facility, they must be assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). To assist with the process of seeking suitable care accommodation, W oy Woy Community Aged Care holds bimonthly orientation programs. A wide variety of activities are provided by volunteers, these individuals and groups have a diverse range of talents and provide activities such as concerts, bowls, darts, card games, organ and piano recitals, bus outings and assist with activities such as craft, picnics and BBQ's. Even th e ga rdens a r e

maintained by a volunteer. It is this community spirit that makes Woy Woy Community Aged Care unique. Woy Woy Community Aged Care has always received strong support from community groups interested in the care and well being of the aged. Donations are received on a regular basis from Lion's Clubs, Rotary Clubs, Bowling Clubs, Golf Clubs, RSL and Veteran groups, CWA, The Outsiders, Seniors Citizens, progress associations, pensioner groups, and many others. Woy Woy Community Aged Care Auxilliary has been working for many years to raise funds to provide furniture and equipment to enhance the quality of life and the care provided to residents. Woy Woy Community Aged Care has a membership of more than 100 interested local residents. It is from this membership that the Board is elected. There are nine members of the board, including the chairperson. Accommodation fees are means tested.

Staff assisting residents playing bingo

Gosford office furniture

Information Brochure



Uniforms Wholesale foods

Woy Woy poultry

Vital Call

Page 10 - Peninsula News - 13 August 2002


What’s on in and around the Peninsula

Compiled by Winsome Smith Following is a comprehensive listing of events planned for the Peninsula over the next four weeks. To have information about your group's events and activities included, let us know by fax, email, or post, or drop in to our office. Contact details and deadline date are shown on page two. DAILY EVENTS Visitor Information Centre, Watersedge Gifts and Souvenirs, 1822 The Boulevard, Woy Woy. Enq: 4341 2888 Woy Woy Pelican Feeding, 3pm Pelican Park, Fishermans Wharf. WEEKLY EVENTS EVERY FRIDAY Old Wags Bridge Club, Wagstaffe Hall each Friday except 4th 130pm Enq 4360 1820 or 4360 1612 Woy Woy Leagues Club, free entertainment, Players Lounge 5.30pm. Men’s 18 hole Golf event, Everglades Country Club. Active over 50s classes, Aquafitness, Woy Woy Pool, 9:30am. Enq: 4341 4150 Active Over 50’s Exercise Class Ettalong Progress Hall 9.15am Enq 4342 9252 Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre Line Dancing– 9am; Bridge– 12 noon; Painting– 9am Enq: 4341 3222. Peninsula Pastimes Ettalong Baptist Church, Barrenjoey Rd. 10 am, (in school terms), $1.50 incl. Morning tea. Creche Enq 4323 2493 Grocery Grab Game Show, Ettalong Memorial Club, 1.30pm Enq: 4341 1166 Brisbane Water Bridge Club Ocean Beach Surf Club. 12.30pm Enq. 4341 0721 14+ yrs Boxing/sparring (gym) 5.30pm PCYC Enq 4344 7851

Alcoholics Anonymous Woy Woy Group 6pm at John the Baptist Hall, Cnr Victoria St & Blackwall Rd., Woy Woy Enq Phillip 4342 7303 Silk Painting Sue Saunders, Ettalong Beach Arts & Crafts Centre 1.30pm – 3.30pm Enq Penny Riley 4360 1673 EVERY SATURDAY Free bike tours every Saturday. 2pm Ettalong Bike Shop, your bike or hire a bike. All fitness levels catered for. Enq: 4341 3906 Cash Housie St Mary's Hall, Ocean View Rd Ettalong 7.30pm – 10.15pm Free Tea and Coffee. Cash Prizes Enq: 4369 0626. Social Bingo Progress Hall, Woy Woy Rd at 12 noon Snooker Ettalong War Memorial Club at 8.30am Enq 43417307 Cabaret dance & floor show, 8pm free, Everglades Country Club, Dunban Road, Woy Woy Dance Club Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club at 1pm Enq: 4341 2156 Classic Night Spot – over 30’s, free 8pm, Live band plus Dj, Woy Woy Leagues Club Men’s 18 hole golf event; Men’s triples bowls 1pm; Everglades Country Club. Old Time & New Vogue Dancing; 1pm, Pat Walsh organist, Ettalong Beach Memorial Club Enq: 4341 2156 Dancing Mod, Seq Dancing 2pm, Ettalong Senior Citizens Club, Enq: 4341 3222 Brusbane Water Bridge Club, Woy Woy Leagues Club 12.30pm, Ocean Beach Surf Club Enq: 4341 0721 Patonga Bakehouse Gallery. Every Weekend 10.00 am— 4.00 pm EVERY SUNDAY Junior Snooker Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club at 9am Coast Community Church Services 9am and 5pm Enq 4360 1448

Patonga Bakehouse Gallery. Every Weekend 10.00 am— 4.00 pm Children's entertainment Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club 11.30am Clowns, jumping castle, disco, $2. Children must be chaperoned. Free Jazz or duos 4pm, Players Lounge, Woy Woy Leagues Club. Mixed and men’s 18 hole golf; men’s bowls pairs-9.30am; mixed triples bowls-1pm; Everglades Country Club. Champagne Breakfast, 9am, Game Show 10am, Ettalong Memorial Club, Enq: 4341 1166 Blue Swimmers Male only swimming club Pearl Beach Rock Pool. 9am EVERY MONDAY Old and Bold Snooker Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club at 10am Enq 4341 7307 Yoga Wagstagffe Hall 9.30 am Enq 4360 1854 Bowls Ettalong Memorial Club at 1.30pm Enq 4344 1358 Outreach Crisis Recovery Group 7.30pm Rear Hall, Anglican Church 151 Blackwall Rd W oy W oy. Addiction, dependency & crisis help. Enq: 4325 3608. Free Punters Choice Race Game, Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club, 12.30pm, Enq: 4341 1166 Free Bingo Woy Woy Leagues Club 11am. Mahjong Pearl Beach Progress Hall, 3pm Enq: 4341 1243 Aquafitness, Active over 50s classes, Woy Woy Pool, 1.15pm. Enq: 4341 4150 Gentle Exercise, Ettalong Fitness City, 10.30am & 11.30am, Enq: 4341 3370; Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre, 1pm, Enq: 4341 3222. Strength Training 11.30am Fitness City Ettalong Beach Club Enq 4343 0130 Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre activities; Dancing-9am; Indoor Bowls-9am Mahjong-1pm; Fitness 1pm Enq: 4341 3222. Boxing/fitness training, 3.45pm-

Woy Woy Leagues club

U14, 4.30pm 5.45pm-14yrs+,Tae Kwon Do 7pm Circuit Boxing (girls) PCYC, Enq: 4344 7851 Child and Parents Support Service (CAPS), coffee and chat, 10am, 50 Neera Rd, Umina 24 hour Enq: 4343 1911 Brisbane Water Bridge Club Ocean Beach Surf Club. 12.30pm Enq. 4341 0721 Fairhaven Cash Housie Umina Beach Bowling Club, Melbourne Ave., Umina 7.30pm Enq: 4325 3608 Bingo Umina Beach Bowling Club Melbourne Ave., Umina 11am Enq 4341 2618 Evening Bowls Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club at 6pm Enq 4341 9656 Card Club 500 1pm Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club Enq 4341 1166 EVERY TUESDAY Judo all ages $3, 5.30pm: Peninsula Community Centre, Ocean Beach Rd., Enq 4342 4121 Free movies Club Umina (Umina Beach Bowling Club) 7.30 pm Enq 4341 2618 Boxing/fitness training U/14 yrs 4.30pm 5.30pm 14+ boxing/fitness (gym) PCYC Enq 4344 7851 Free Bingo, Woy Woy Leagues Club 11am. Ettalong Pelicans Masters Swimming Club Woy Woy Indoor Heated Pool, 7.30pm Enq: 4360 1220 Ladies Golf, 18 hole stableford, 8am; Ladies outdoor bowls, 9.30am; Everglades Country Club. Active over 50s classes, Gentle Exercise Level 3 Ettalong Fitness City, 8am, Enq: 4341 3370. Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre activities; Ladies Indoor Bowls-9am; Handicraft-9am; Cards-12.30pm; Tai Chi-9am.Enq: 4341 3222. Have-a-chat meeting 10am, Discussion Group, 11am, Rumikin or cards, 1pm, School for Seniors, Peninsula Community Centre. Enq: 4341 9333, Judo, Seniors/Women, 6.30pm $3 Enq: 4342 4121. Car Club Euchre 7.30pm Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club 4341 1166 Chess Club Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club 1pm Enq 4341 1166 Alcoholics Anonymous Woy Woy Group 6pm John the Baptist Church Hall, Cnr Victoria St & Blackwall Rd Enq Julie 4379 1132 Tai-Chi classes Wagstaffe Hall 12pm except school holidays Enq 4360 2705 Rotary Club of Woy Woy 6pm Everglades Country Club, Dunban Rd., Woy Competition Darts , Ettalong Bowling Club, 7pm Enq: 4341 0087 EVERY WEDNESDAY Rock’n’Roll Dance Class Ettalong Bowling Club 7pm Enq 4341 0087 Just Company Social Group Everglades Dining Room 12n singles welcome 30’s – 70’s Enq 4369 0131 Table Tennis Ettalong Memorial Club at 7.30pm Enq 4341 9263 Bridge Ocean Beach Surf Club. 9.30am and 7.30pm Enq 43410721 Social Bingo Progress Hall, Woy Woy Rd at 12 noon. Peninsula Choir rehearse 7.30pm St Andrews Hall Umina. Men welcome Pearl Beach Play Group 10am Pearl Beach Progress Hall Enq: 4342 7182 Brisbane Waters Scrabble Club, Woy Woy Meals on Wheels Hall, 6pm - 10pm New players welcome.Enq: 4341 9929 Men’s 18 hole golf event; Men’s triples bowls, 1pm. Everglades Country Club. Dancelot Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club at 7pm Enq 4341 1166 Active over 50s classes, Gentle Exercise, Ettalong Fitness City, 8.00am, Enq: 4341 3370, Seniors fitness Ettalong Progress Hall, 9am, Enq: 4385 2080; Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre activities; Indoor Bowls-9am;Fitness

1pm Leatherwork-9am; Table Tennis-9am; Bridge– 12 noon. Scrabble 1pm Enq: 4341 3222. Social Darts , Ettalong Bowling Club, 7pm Enq: 4341 0087 Oil Painting, 9am Multi-craft needlework 10am, School for Seniors, Peninsula Community Centre, Enq: 4341 9333 Ladies BJP School of Physical Culture, 8.30pm, $3.50, Peninsula Community Centre, Enq: 4342 3747. Playgroup 10am Boxing/fitness training, 4.30pm U14, 7pm circuit boxing (girls) PCYC, Enq 4344 7851 Mega Raffle, Ettalong Memorial Club, 2.30pm, Enq: 4341 1166 Leatherwork Classes Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre Enq 4341 3222 Bowls Ettalong Beach W ar Memorial Club 10am Enq 4341 5293 St Johns Ambulance meets at Umina PCYC Osborne Ave from 79pm. Enquiries phone 4341 3341 Killcare Wagstaffe Playgroup at Wagstaffe Community Hall every Wed morning in school terms. 9.30 – 12pm Enq 4360 2065 4360 2757 EVERY THURSDAY Free entertainment Ettalong Bowling Club 6.30pm – 9.30 pm Enq 4341 0087 Senior Snooker Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club at 8.30am Enq 4341 7307 Fitness Wagstaffe Hall 9.30 am Over 60’s welcome Enq 4360 1971 Drumming – Bouddi Women’s Drumming 1.45 – 3.00 91 The Scenic Rd $5. Enq 0408 794 083 Scrabble Progress Hall, Woy Woy Rd 12.30pm. Tai Chi, Pearl Beach Progress hall, 9.30am Enq: 4341 1243 Ettalong Pelicans Masters Swimming Club Woy Woy Indoor Heated Pool, 7.30pm Enq: 4360 1220 Ladies 18 hole golf event; Everglades Country Club.Enq 4341 1866 Active over 50s classes, Ballroom Dancing, 10am. Ettalong Beach Bowling Club Enq: 4340 1057, Gentle Exercise, Ettalong Fitness City, 10.30am & 12 noon, Enq: 4341 3370. Gentle Exercise Senior Cits Centre, Broken Bay Rd, 1pm Enq 43413222 Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre Activities; Dancing-9am; Indoor Bowls-9am; Table Tennis-12.30pm; Fabric Painting-9am; Cards 12 noon. Enq: 4341 3222 Judo all ages $3, 5.30pm: Peninsula Community Centre, Ocean Beach Rd., Enq 4342 4121 Female Boxfit class, 9.30am: (child minding): 10.30am Tap Dancing, 5.30pm 14+ Boxing/fitness 7.15pm: Circuit Boxing PCYC, Enq: 4344 7851 Bingo Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club, 9.30am, Enq: 4341 1166 Brisbane Water Bridge Club Ocean Beach Surf Club. 12.30pm Enq. 4341 0721 Bridge Ocean Beach Surf Club. 12.30pm Enq 4341 0721 Line Dancing Umina Beach Bowling Club, Melbourne Ave., Umina 9.30am. Enq 4341 2618 PCYC Doubles Pool Comp 5pm 14+ boxing/fitness (gym) 5.30pm. Girls boxing class 7pm. Card Club Euchre 1pm Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club Enq 4341 1166 Killcare Wagstaffe Playgroup at Wagstaffe Community Hall every Wed morning in school terms. 9.30 – 12pm Enq 4360 2065 4360 2757 EVENT CALENDAR Tuesday August 13 Free Movie Musketeer Umina Beach Bowling Club Enq 4341 2618 Combined Pensioners Association meeting, games, dancing, afternoon tea (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre 1pm. Enq 4341

13 August 2002– Peninsula News - Page 11

Arts and Entertainment

What's on event calendar Tuesday August 13 Free Movie Musketeer Umina Beach Bowling Club Enq 4341 2618 Combined Pensioners Association meeting, games, dancing, afternoon tea (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre 1pm. Enq 4341 3222 Thursday August 15 Library Bookmobile Daleys Point, Peridon Village. Fortnightly T h u rs d a ys 1 0 . 1 5 a m P e ri d o n Retirement Village Hall 10.30am.Empire Bay Opposite Post Office & bottle shop 11am Near park & local shop Bensville local shop 11am Gala Day Everglades Country Club, (1st & 3rd Thurs) Dunban Rd Woy Woy Enq 4341 1866 Seniors Social Games (3rd Thur) Presbyterian Church Hall, 120 Blackwall Rd., Woy Woy. 9.30am – 12n. Enq 4342 5061 Woy Woy Hospital Auxiliary Stall outside Instep Footware, 327 West St., Umina, cakes, jams, pickles, Enq 4341 2739 Friday Augsut 16 Legacy Ladies Ettalong Memorial Club 10am (1st & 3rd Fri) Enq 4343 3492 Sunday August 18 Vietnam Vets Ettalong Memorial Club (3rd Sun) at 11am Bootscooters Ettalong Memorial Club (3rd Sun) at 2.30pm Ettymalong Creek Landcare group. Etta Rd., Umina (3rd Sun) for bush regeneration. 8am Enq: 4342 2251. Tuesday August 20 Buffalo Lodge Knights Chapter No 9 (3rd Tue) Umina Community Hall 7pm Woy Woy Peninsula Arthritis Branch (3rd Tue) Meals on Wheels Hall) 10am Enq 4342 1790 Wednesday August 21 Library Bookmobile Fortnightly Weds Patonga Near Community Hall 9.45 am. Pearl Beach Near Community Hall 10.55am Umina Nursing Home, Arras Ave., 11.40 am Tuesday August 27 Combined Pensioners Association meeting, games, dancing, afternoon tea (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre 1pm. Enq 4341 3222 Library Bookmobile, Killcare Heights. Fortnightly Tuesdays Cnr Scenic Rd & Beach Drv 10.35am; Wagstaffe Community Hall 11am Free Movie Musketeer. Umina Beach Bowling Club 7.30pm. Enq 4341 2618 Wednesday August 21 Library Bookmobile Fortnightly Weds Patonga Near Community Hall 9.45 am. Pearl Beach Near Community Hall 10.55am Umina Nursing Home, Arras Ave., 11.40 am Friday August 23 Ballroom Supper Dances. 7.30pm, Ettalong. All ages. Professional teaching available (4th Fri) Enq 4344 5432 South Bouddi Peninsula Community Association Wagstaffe Hall (4th Fri) 1.30pm Enq 4360 1002 Saturday August 24 Wagstaffe Bushcare Group Half tide rocks sign, cnr Albert and Bulkara Sts (4th Sat) 8am Melaleuca Wetland Regeneration Group – help with regeneration of one of our last Peninsula wetlands, meet 8am at end of Boronia Ave., Woy Woy (2nd & 4th Sats) Sunday August 25 Buffalo Lodge, Woy Woy 381 Umina Community Hall, 11am (2nd & 4th Sun) Buffalo Lodge Gosford No 63 (2nd & 4th Sun) 1pm Umina Community Hall Dancing Old Time/New Vogue,

1pm – 4pm (4th Sun) Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre. Enq: 4341 3222. Burrawang Bushland Reserve Bushcare Group 9am (4th Sun) corner of Hillview and Railway Sts, Woy Woy. Meet in the Nambucca Dr playground. Phone 4341 9301. Monday August 26 Labor Party Peninsula Day Branch, 1pm, (4th Mon) CWA Hall, Woy Woy. Carer’s Support Group, 10am, (4th Mon) Group Room, Health Services Building, Woy Woy Hospital. Enq: 4344 8427 CWA meeting at Wagstaffe Community Hall (4th Mon) 1.30pm Enq: 4360 2504 Deepwater View Club Luncheon Meeting, Woy Woy Leagues Club 11am (4th Mon.) Visitors welcome Enq 4341 0272 Tuesday August 27 Combined Pensioners Association meeting, games, dancing, afternoon tea (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre 1pm. Enq 4341 3222 Library Bookmobile, Killcare Heights. Fortnightly Thursdays Cnr Scenic Rd & Beach Drv 10.35am; Wagstaffe Community Hall 11am Toastmasters Ettalong Memorial Club (4th Tue) at 7pm Enq 4341 6842 Wednesday August 28 Umina Progress Association Umina Community Hall. 1.30pm (last Wed) CC Cancer & Palliative Care Fund Inc. meeting (4th Wed) Grevillea Cottage 19 Kingsley Ave., Woy Woy Enq 4341 6309 Thursday August 29 Library Bookmobile Daleys Point, Peridon Village Fortnightly Thursdays 10.15am Peridon Retirement Village Hall 10.30am.Empire Bay Opposite Post Office & bottle shop 11am Near park & local shop Bensville local shop 11am Monday September 2 Deepwater View Club Fashion Parade by Jodi of Umina, Uniting Church Hall, Picnic Pde, Ettalong 11am. Enq 4342 2046 Thursday September 5 Gala Day Everglades Country Club, (1st & 3rd Thurs) Dunban Rd Woy Woy Enq 4341 1866 Friday September 6 Bus trip, (1st Fri), School for Seniors, Peninsula Community Centre Enq: 4341 9333 Legacy Ladies Ettalong Memorial Club 10am (1st & 3rd Fri) Enq 4343 3492 Free first release movie, 8pm (1st Fri) Everglades Country Club Ballroom supper dances, 7.30pm, Ettalong, all ages. Professional teachers available. (1st Fri) Enq: 4344 5432 Sunday September 8 Buffalo Lodge Gosford No 63 (2nd & 4th Sun) 1pm Umina Community Hall

Patonga Bakehouse

From left, artist Michael Young, education officer Narelle Heise and Umina Public School principal John Blair

School has new mural Umina Public School has a new Aboriginal mural in its foyer as a result of federal government education funding to support Aboriginal students. The mural was painted by Toowoon Bay based artist Michael Young and has been titled Soar High as an Aboriginal representation of the school motto. The school's Aboriginal Education Resource Teacher, Deborah Moxham, describes the mural as "having a soaring eagle which represents the potential of the students of Umina to succeed in life.

"The eagle and four spiritual guardians watch over the school while from the four corners of the earth come the different cultures that enrich the school learning. "The mural also shows, in traditional representation, the schools' Koori students. "The mural is vibrant in colour and energy and is much admired by the school," she said. Michael Young, 40, only discovered his artistic skills 18 months ago after having attended a TAFE course on Aboriginal Art and Culture. "I've never been creative, having grown up in a family that lived in Erskineville doing strongly male-oriented trades and

not even recognising our Aboriginality", he said. "Now I want to explore my past and plan to spend five years living in the outback, following up my family roots and developing my art." The school has 30 Aboriginal students and this entitles it to receive Federal Government funding to support these students and their relationship within the school community. There are over 500 students supported by this program throughout the Central Coast, over 100 of which are on the Peninsula.

Club Umina

Cec Bucello, August 9

Page 12 – Peninsula News– 13 August 2002


Auskick AFL to be introduced The Australian Football League Auskick program is about to be introduced on the Peninsula.

Back left, first place Jessie Cowell, front left, second place,Jasmine Hall, back right, third place Daina Carrig, and front right, highly commended, Brett Chalder.

Canada the theme at CWA international day The Country Women's Association of Umina held its annual International Day luncheon at the CWA hall in Umina on Friday, August 2. Canada was the chosen nation for this year's celebration at CWA branches across NSW. Twelve year six students of Umina Public School attended the luncheon. Each student was chosen for their projects about Canada. Jessie Cowell received first place in the project competition. Jasmine Hall was placed second and Daina Carrig third while Brett Chalder was highly commended for his project. Umina Beach CWA president Helen Parkinson said that members of the CWA learnt about the chosen country at

meetings throughout the year and at the International Day celebrations. “It highlights the international scene. "It’s a great way to learn about other countries,” she said. Members of CWA from across the Central Coast were among the 70 people attending the luncheon. They were served salmon bake and pancakes with maple syrup as part of the Canadian-themed lunch. Mrs Janet Henderson from the Hunter CWA was the guest speaker on the day as she had paid many visits to Canada over the years. Members from Umina Beach CWA put on a small light-hearted pageant on the history of settlement in Canada from the

Eskimos and Indians, through to the French, the English and the Mounties. A display table at the celebration featured Canadian paraphernalia including three toy fur moose, a doll in traditional Canadian dress, an Eskimo doll as well as books and photographs featuring Canada. Guests on the day were also asked to leave a small coin donation, with all the funds raised on the day going towards the CWA international work which includes water and wells for remote communities and the "Save for Sight" program. The theme was of added significance this year to the CWA members as last year Canada held the Associated Country Women of the World conference. Alison Branley, August 2

College rugby league win Mark Cribb of Brisbane Water Secondary College and the open rugby league team had a win over Granville Boys High School on Monday, July 29. Umina High School’s clash with the same boys several years ago saw Umina win the CHS Buchan Shield Rugby title. Some members of that team took the field for the college team on Friday, July 26. Sheer size gave the Granville team great confidence early in the match. They were first to score but Mark and the boys had planned

the match carefully and their skills and clever game plan soon brought results with a handy lead by half time. Close to the line, the big Granville boys still proved hard to bring down and they scored a couple more tries but the Brisbane Water boys continued to outscore them and ran out winners by 44-20. This places the team in the last 16 in the State with their next game likely to be against Ballina, away from home. As practice for this game, the team lines up against Tuggerah Lakes College in touch football, also hoping to reach the last 16

in the State. The Woy Woy campus was also the venue for the under-15 rugby team’s match against Morriset. Already Central Coast champions following a 19-5 victory over Kincumber High School, the boys came away winners 34-12. This makes them Eastern Province champions and State quarter finalists. Next match is against a Sydney team yet to be announced. School newsletter, August 2

A free introduction session will be held at 4pm on August 19 at Rogers Park, Ocean Beach Rd, Woy Woy. The program will be held over 10 weeks and at a price of $30. The charge covers the cost of an Auskick pack which consists of a back pack, a Russell Auskick cap, a football, a cd-rom with interactive computer games, stickers, poster book, magnetic AFL ladder and a free pass to AFL games at the SCG and Stadium Australia. The Peninsula program is an initiative of Peter Rea. Peter claims a long association with Auskick. Six years ago he established an AFL Auskick Centre at Kincumber which he later “handballed” onto others. That centre has now become the Saratoga Junior Football Club. Since then Peter has been spending a lot of his time with other AFL people bringing Auskick to children in the northern Wyong area. “I’ve been looking forward to bringing the Auskick programme we’ve developed, back to children closer to where I live,” Peter said. “Over the last few years, Auskick has been adapted to better suit our region. "For example, we give the thousands of mums and dads who commute for hours each day to work the opportunity to reduce the amount of travelling they do on weekends for their children’s sport. “We’ve also realised many parents would like to be actively involved with their children’s sport, so Auskick doesn’t have to be a sport where they just bring their child to the oval and the coach takes over. "If the parents have the time

and if they want to, they are encouraged to become as actively involved as they wish in the skill development of their children. “Again after listening to parents, we reduced the amount of the competition in Auskick. "We can do this because Australian rules football is a very skillful game. "I don’t know of another sport that develops co-ordination like pinpoint accurate kicking, with both left and right feet, combined with handballing, with left and right hands, combined with running flat out while bouncing a ball. "This allows us to concentrate on the children enjoying developing their co-ordination and teamwork skills, rather than the main object being to thrash another team in a full-on competitive game,” said Peter. “We do play football games in Auskick, but these start after a few weeks of skills learning. “We divide the field into three zones. "We then rotate the children through each zone during the game. "This gives an equal opportunity for them to play for the ball in the centre, to protect their goal in the backs and to kick for points in the forward zone. Peter said that “being born and raised in Sydney, I don’t have an AFL background but since my eldest son (who now at 22 is playing seniors) decided to do it when he was about seven, I have grown to appreciate this uniquely Australian game. "I’ve come to believe it must be about the best thing in the world that boys and girls can do to develop co-ordination skills and have fun in a team environment,” Peter said. For more details, phone Peter on 4369 2786 or email Press release, August 7

School to host artist Pretty Beach Public School has invited local artist, Nina Angelo, to become an "Artist in Residence" from August 26 to 29 During the three days, she will work with each class to design a screen print, representative of each child to commemorate the school's anniversary.

Each banner will be made into bunting to be used on festive occasions. Children are also invited to bring along a T-shirt or pillowcase to screen print with their motive. Nina has conducted similar programs across the state. School newsletter, August 1

Gasper is principal Mr Frank Gasper has been officially appointed the new principal of Brisbane Water Secondary College Umina campus. Following interview on August 1, the selection panel chose Mr Gasper who had served as

relieving principal at Umina for over a year. "He has been a very strong leader in the establishment of both the college and the middle school campus," said college principal Mr Pat Lewis. School newsletter, August 2

13 August 2002 – Peninsula News – Page 13


Area excursions Two classes from Woy Woy South Public School have embarked on excursions around the Woy Woy and Woy Woy Creek areas. The first group focussed on the marine area of Woy Woy, and enjoyed a trip on the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) barge over to Pelican lsland. After testing the water and pulling out some weeds on the island, they headed down to the Fisherman's Wharf for more activities. Throughout the day, the group heard from people including Jeannie Lawson who spoke about pelicans, seagrass, fish, and about a coral that grows near the wharf in Woy Woy. The group looked at types of fish and crabs sold at Fisherman's Wharf, before lunch. Scott from NSW Fisheries spoke on the fish caught by recreational fishers around Woy Woy.

The second excursion airned to investigate the influences on Woy Woy Creek and Tip Creek, which flows into it. Helping hands included Leah Smith from Gosford Council, Peter Adderley taking photos and knowledgeable local resident Heather Mckenzie. The group visited sites such as Woy Woy tip, the treatment works, and the old Bulls Hill Quarry, all of which are near the creeks. They tested the quality of the water in each creek, and found that it was cleaner than the students had predicted it would be. After a windy lunch at Staples Lookout, Di Hattersley from NPWS gave the group a tour of the Bulgandry Aboriginal engraving site. The excursion was aimed to investigate how human activities affect our local waterways, and the plants and animals that inhabit them. CCCEN newsletter, ,August 7

Science competition Recently 21 Umina Public School students sat for the Australian Schools’ Science Competition. The following students rated special mention: Year 3 - Laura Rapley distinction, Jordan McFarlane credit. Year 4 Alexander Hogue distinction, Brendan Steward distinction. Year 5 - Lachlan Carr distinction,

Lance Crichton credit. Year 6 Nick Garnett credit. Additionally, 12 students from Stage 3 sat for the Australian Schools’ Computer Competition. The following students rated special mention: Year 5 Lachlan Carr credit, Chris Mensforth credit. Year 6 - Daina Carrig distinction, Brett Chalder credit, Brennan Myers credit.

The Mingaletta homework centre at Woy Woy campus

Study centre opens Mingaletta study centre for Aboriginal students at Brisbane Water Secondary College has opened. Initiated by Mr Ray McMinn, it operates in the Woy Woy campus library on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30pm to 5pm. Mingaletta means coming together and that is what centre is aimed at. All Koori students on both campuses as well as all college

students in Years 10, 11 and 12 on both campuses are invited to do homework, study or receive remedial tutoring to help them in their studies. Students at the Umina campus are ferried to the centre in the college bus at 2:40 pm. The centre is staffed by Ray, Bill Norris (recently retired from the Social Sciences faculty at the Umina campus), and Kylie Cassidy (ex student from Umina High School).

The full resources of the library, and afternoon tea, are freely available for students as they work. In the senior campus review, some students reported that one difficulty on the campus was lack of access to the library after school. The centre is funded for this term and further funding will depend on level of usage. School newsletter, August 2

School newsletter, July 30

Debate victory Angela Berryman, Cara Cerulli, Amy Engelshus and Alanna Smith of Umina Public School recently won a debating competition. They argued convincingly on the topic “All state schools

should be protected by a two metre security fence” in the second round of the Peninsula Debating Competition held Wednesday, July 24, at Ettalong Public School. School newsletter, July 30

Video games consoles are available for use at The Web youth centre in Woy Woy

Youth program for Woy Woy The regional youth mentoring service, Plan-It Youth, is hoping to establish a program for year 10 students at Woy Woy. The service is seeking volunteers to help high school students who are thinking about leaving school and need help to set work-related goals. Training is free and mentors are given full support and ongoing training opportunities. Volunteers may be retired, retrenched, looking for work, interested community citizens, a

grandparent or parent and have ranged in age from 25 to 82 years. Mentors' skills and life experiences may make a real difference for a young person in the local community, according to service organisers. Th e y are e xp ecte d to contribute a couple of hours each week, and have a positive outlook and an interest in young people. To find out about information sessions, phone Debbie or Carlie on 4322 3022 for details. Debbie Coleman, August 5

Upgrade plans soon to be released Final plans for the refurbishment of Brisbane Water Secondary College are expected to be released within the next few weeks. Umina campus is expected to get a performance space, fitness space, spec ial e ducat ion facilities, a single staff room with adjacent common room, current staff rooms converted to store rooms and seminar rooms, upgrade of administration and library, a lift in the library, additional outside covered areas, covered walkways, two additional basketball courts (including removal of Smith’s Hill), additional car parking, a stage in the current hall, new change rooms, a new bridge over the creek to allow rear exit from the campus for bike riders At Woy Woy, there will be an extension of the tiered learning

centre to become a movement studio, special education facilities, a new science lab, a commercial bay in the home economics room, a single staff room with adjacent common room, current staff rooms are to be converted to store rooms and seminar rooms, an upgrade of administration and library, additional outside covered areas, covered walkways, an upgrade of

the cafeteria, covering over the outside cafeteria window, extensive landscaping, conversion of quadrangle between B and D blocks to lawn, new car park in front of the Technology Futures building, repair of the watering system on the oval, and an upgrade of the basketball courts. Pat Lewis, July 26

St. Lukes

Page 14 – Peninsula News - 13 August 2002



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Island memories Doug Macgregor's story about island fishing in New Guinea, reminds me of my eldest brother Charlie and some of his stories. Charles was in the 35th Battalion and part of the 8th Brigade AIF and served in Finchafen, Madang and Wewak, New Guinea. He and a companion swam after a soldier who had gone "troppo" through shark-infested waters. They subdued the man and with the fear of sharks snapping at their heels, my brother, who was a strong swimmer, and his mate, swam the return to shore in "Olympic" time. On another occasion, Charles scrounged some catgut, hooks and bait and went fishing in a channel that ran from a lagoon in to the sea. He baited up and tossed in and hooked a big one. The catgut would never have held the fish, but the fish panicked and went backwards and forwards bumping into an s-bend in the channel. Charlie played the fish until it tired and then he nursed it onto land. It was a big fish of the Trevally type. The boys in the camp cheered him when they had fresh fish for dinner that night, instead of the usual Bully Beef stew and "Gold Fish" (Australian tinned salmon). Kieth Whitfield, Woy Woy

Woy Woy Rd footpath We talked about it in 1970 and South Woy Woy Progress Association asked again in 1980 for a footpath down Woy Woy Rd from Rawson Rd to Pier St, then on to the reserve. From then until 2000, nothing happened. The community and I were promised, and it was publicized, that Woy Woy Rd would have a footpath. First stage would begin 2001 and the second stage 2002. I can now tell you the first stage will be commenced later this month - August. The second stage is presently listed for consideration of funding 2 0 0 3- 2 00 4 Fo o tp a th Program. Heather McKenzie, Woy Woy

13 August 2002 - Peninsula News - Page 15


Hewsons win final The final of the Everglades Men's Bowls Club pairs saw a game in which father and son Ted and Glenn Hewson played some great bowls to defeat the club singles finalists Justin Kinross and Alan Maier. The semi-finals of the club triples were played recently and saw two convincing wins to the teams of Jack Crane, Joe Bellotti (subbing for Laurie Powell) and Jon Gibbon and Ross Hurley, Glenn Hewson and Ted Hewson. The defeated sides of Jack

Ghiggino, Frank Pengelly and Barry O'Connor and Ray Mason, Ron Pye and Brian Crawley were soundly beaten on the day. Greens have been full over the last two weekends with players competing in the District Singles. The annual prestige tournament, the Frank Kemp Memorial Triples, has been run and won by a team from The Entrance consisting of John Edwards, Neil McArdle and Richard Thornton winning with six and five games. Barry O'Connor, August 1

Pennant presented Everglades Women's Bowling Club No 1 Pennant Flag Presentation Day attracted many visitors, including district president Beryl Brown, secretary Ida Campbell, match manager Dora Bailey and selection manager Norma Barry. Representatives from the men's bowling club also attended including president Brian Crawley and the partners of team players. The Ladies No1 Pennant runners-up from Tuggerah Lakes also joined the party. The tables were decorated in No 1 Pennant colours as was the cake made by Goldie Edwards. The cake was cut by the winning team. The win is Everglades' third No

1 Pennant in four years. Victories in other grades bring the total to nine pennants in 14 years. The District Pairs Final was won by Everglades players Audrey Tucker and Pat Walsh with the convincing score of 338. They played off unsuccessfully in the zone championships at Scone on July 8. Gwen Hewson reached the final of the District Singles, only to be beaten by two shots on a freezing, windy day. Gwen has now become one of the coaches on Saturday morning, by appointment with no charge. The club is seeking players for its Sunday Mixed Social Triples. Iris Bate, July 31

New season starts at fishing club The fishing club has now started a new season with the first weigh-in held on Sunday, July 28, at Umina Beach Bowling Club. The club has outside and inside (Brisbane W ater) competitions for senior and junior anglers. There is a competition and weigh-in on the third weekend of each month, with a barbecue and lucky angler draw, held at the rear of the bowling club at the green keepers shed. The social fishing club is open to members of the Umina Beach Bowling Club. Membership is $20 a person with juniors free. All enquiries should be directed to fishing club president Gary Manuel on 4344 3815 or secretary Terry Barnes on 4342 1231. As always at the first weigh-in, the number of anglers was small as it follows the annual meeting, but still there were plenty of fish. An outstanding fish was caught by Geoff Dove, a leather jacket weighing 1.7kg. Other fish were flathead, kingfish, blackfish, pigfish,

snapper, whiting, tarwine and bream. Senior outside heaviest fish went to G Manuel for a 2.2kg kingfish and senior outside heaviest bag went to J Fleming at 10.75kg. Senior inside heaviest fish went to F Vella for a 0.5kg red mowie and senior inside heaviest bag went to L Markham at 2kg. The social fishing club presentation night was held on Saturday, July 20. Trophy winners for the 20012002 season were: Senior Outside Champion Peter Johnston. Runner-up - Lou Simpson. Senior Inside Champion Darrin Fleming. Runner-up - John Fleming. Junior Outside Champion Daniel Barnes. Junior Inside Champion Shane Wilson. Junior Best Quality Fish Daniel Barnes. President's Trophy - Toni Mangnall. The next competition will be held on the weekend of August 17 and 18. Terry Barnes, August 2

From left, Jill Crane, deputy principal of Glenvale School, and Judy Andrews, president of Everglades women's golf

A busy July for women's golf July was very busy for Everglades women’s golf with many events occurring throughout the month. Thursday, July 4, saw the presentation to Glenvale School of a cheque for $3000. This was the result of the fund raising efforts over the past year and was an outstanding achievement and probably the most money ever raised in one year by women golfers. Glenvale School deputy principal Jill Crane accepted the c h eq ue an d g a ve som e background on the works of the school. Glenvale is a Department of Education facility specifically designed to meet the special needs of students, aged from four to 18 years, with intellectual, physical and sensory disabilities. The school has 105 students, with a maximum class size of six students. Because of the specific needs of the children attending Glenvale, the cost of providing facilities, programs and activities is enormous, and not entirely covered by funding from the Department of Education.

Four golfing members joined Everglades during the month: Jenny Cooper from Gosford Golf Club, Joan Walsh from Tuggerah Lakes Golf Club, and Joan Beringer and Sandi King who were recently given handicaps. Also joining the club were a further 11 new members who were in the process of getting handicaps. One of Everglades' best-known women golfers has left the club. Lyn Kunze has been a golfing member since February 1986 and has been on the women’s golf committee in many positions for a total of 12 years. Her most recent position was that of handicap manager for the last three years. Lyn is a single figure golfer, a past club champion and a past foursomes champion. With Lyn’s resignation came the need to appoint a new handicap manager and Fay Stratton will take on that position. Fay has been assistant handicap manager. Mella Weatherstone has been coopted to the committee and has been appointed assistant handicap manager.

The Everglades Day of Golf was held on July 29, with 120 players taking to the field. With this being an open event, there were visitors from 10 clubs including all the Brisbane Water District Clubs and Newcastle and Beresfield. Winner of the Everglades Salver was Tuggerah Lakes player Kim Bourke who set a new course record with preferred lies of 71. Lyn Kunze of Everglades was runner-up with 79 on a count back. The most excitement of the day was generated with a three way play off for winner of the Everglades Bowl with all players carding 98. The eventual winner was Rosalie Dyer from Gosford and Everglades player Denise Dickson being runner-up. Everglades kept the Long Markers Cup this year with new player Jan Montgomery winning with 38 points, Barbara Horner in second place with 37 points and previous Long Markers Cup winner Camille Gougeon in third place with 36 points. Judy Andrews, August 1

Leddy the lifeguard of the year Gosford Council's Woy Woy pool lifeguard Michael Leddy of Killcare has won the inaugural Lifeguard of the Year Award. Mr Leddy accepted the award at a national conference on August 1 in Ulladulla at a presentation dinner for the Aquatic Recreation Institute of Australia. He won the award for acting beyond the normal duties of his position. While visiting a hardware store for pool supplies, Mr Leddy attended a man who suffered a heart attack. He worked unaided on the

victim in adverse conditions until emergency services arrived. The award also recognised his outstanding customer service an d p erf orm a nce i n t he workplace.

Earlier this year, Gosford Council beach lifeguard Paul Stone won the National Beach Lifeguard of the Year Award. Press release, August 5

Bait and tackle

Peninsula No 48



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PAPER INC The newspaper that cares about the Peninsula community 13 August 2002

Local and visiting participants in the Goodwill Friendship Games judo event

Cinema Paradiso

Judo club hosts Japanese Goodwill Games players Woy Woy Judo Club hosted 13 Japanese players at its 2002 Goodwill Friendship Games on August 3, which was dedicated to the memory of Holly Smith. Holly lost her life tragically on Monday, July 29, in a light aircraft accident while completing her commercial pilot training in Melbourne. Holly had been a member of Woy Woy Judo Club since the age of nine and was to compete in the Friendship Games, as she had in previous reciprocal visits with the Okayama Judo Club in Japan. The games attracted a number of NSW players wishing to show respect for Holly. Judo (NSW) members came

from Campbelltown, Liverpool, St Marys and Willoughby. More than $350 was raised on the day and donated to the Abbotsleigh Holly Smith Memorial fund. Visiting the Peninsula for four days, the Okayama club brought a team of 13 players and three officials. The players ranged from nine to 17 years of age and were billeted with members of the Woy Woy club. Okayama and Woy Woy have paid reciprocal visits since 1999. Holly had visited Okayama with a team of nine others in 2001. Senseis reported that the game on Saturday showed excellent standards of play, with Woy Woy fielding a team


of 47 players, allowing the Japanese players to have the least four bouts each. Okayama official Chika Kurozumi Sensei performed a ritual shinto prayer in traditional clothing, on Thursday night after a training session. Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews attended, speaking of her support of the club and presenting the National Titles representative with certificates. Also attending was Mr Ron Finlayson from Ettalong Beach Memorial Club who played a part in Woy Woy's visit to Okayama in 2001. Lindy Simmons, August 7

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