Neighbourhood & Community Our local housing teams and Orbit Independent Living teams continued to provide additional services and activities to meet the needs of their customers; such as set up work clubs, ‘clean up’ days and scheme improvements. Orbit Heart of England is also a major investor in local communities; last we spent over £800,000 to help make a difference to local people’s lives. Further details can be found on our website Last year, there were 252 cases of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). Many were dealt with quickly by our Community Housing Officers while others saw us take firmer action. We will review our ASB procedures to make sure they meet our customers’ needs and changes to the law. We continue to work hard to prevent or reduce crime and disorder. We also aim to increase the amount we spend on local community improvements to nearly £1 million.
Customers contacted within timescales when they have reported an ASB problem 98% Customers satisfied with how their ASB case was handled
Value for money
Continuing the journey...
We aim make sure to use our money and resources in the most effective ways. Any money left over after our costs are met can then be put back into the business; this helps us build more homes and provide new services. Last year, for example, we spent an extra £500,000 on community projects.
We achieved a lot over the year but we are always looking ahead to see how we can continue to improve our services to you. In the coming months, we will be concentrating on improving our repairs service, estate services, how we let our homes, the service provided by the Customer Service Centre and how we handle complaints. There are major changes coming in the housing world in general. Welfare reform will have a huge impact on the housing world. Despite this, our aim is to be in the top 25% of housing providers by this time next year. We will continue to build brighter futures for people and our communities.
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06/09/2012 10:20