"Predatory Female" 2015 Editor's Addendum

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e1 Editor’s Addendum to the 2015 PDF File of The Predatory Female Background information on the creation of this edited, restored, updated and corrected Adobe Acrobat PDF file version of The Predatory Female: For many years we have had, and still cherish and carry with us at all times during nonlocal travel, a heavily-underlined and -highlighted copy of an out-of-print classic book: The Predatory Female, by Rev. Lawrence Shannon (Banner Books edition, ISBN 0-9615938-0-6, originally copyright 1985; last printed in 1997). This “thinking-man’s bible” is essential reading for any sentient, particularly American, male; but it is always amazing how complacent one can become between multiple readings over the years. Thus this book needs to be re-visited often; and also should be passed along freely to other potentially vulnerable males. Recently attempting to “share the good word,” however, we found that used copies of the last print edition of this book are priced at $300 and up on Amazon.com; and

e2 sellers are asking $400 and up for new ones. This situation prompted us to locate a decent scanned-to-OCR (Optical Character Recognition) PDF version of the book, one which can be downloaded from various Web sites in some instances for free, in other cases for a fee. However, in comparing these various PDF versions to our 1997 paperback reissue of the book, we found that all such copies examined so far are missing several pages, and also have in them a fair share of problems and outright errors created mainly by the OCR process used to convert the book to PDF in the first place. Accordingly, we have done our best to faithfully and accurately replicate the basic layout and sequence of the 1997 printed version - which seems to have been the last, and presumably final, such issue - to the point of including the book’s blank and un-numbered pages. (The blank pages assure that a double-sided print version of the PDF file will correspond to the layout of the book, with facing pages and corresponding, correct page numbers appearing in the same rela-

e3 tionships as in the original.) In doing so, we have replicated the layout and style of the existing printed pages (including the cover art and typeface), and then inserted the missing text as new pages; and also corrected most or all of the OCR errors. If you are interested in reading and/or downloading - and passing along - this edited, corrected, updated and enhanced, FREE PDF version of The Predatory Female, see: http://issuu.com/markt_777/docs/ The specific file is directly available at: http://issuu.com/markt_777/docs/predatory_ female-shannon-v17 Some of our favorite quotes from the work are directly available at: http://issuu.com/markt_777/docs/predatory_ female_quotes-v3 Please report errors or omissions to: <markt_777@yahoo.com>

e4 For any book-publishing gearheads interested in the details of how the PDF file was restored to a close replication of the original printed version of The Predatory Female, here they are: 1. The book’s cover has been restored to a close facsimile of the printed version, by including the correction of the originally truncated word PREDATORY in the main title line; and by restoring the silhouette of a black panther (or a leopard, for those so inclined to characterize it) that graced the cover of the printed version. Since the cover title’s unusual, bright-red, seriffed font (typeface) is one whose name and provenance we have yet to discover, we have had to re-create a close facsimile of it, using Postscript vector-graphic (i.e., Bezier outline) tools. 2. The missing pages - vii and ix, 26 and 27, plus a number of (so-identified) blank pages necessary for the file to print correctly, twosided, to paper - have been fully restored to the PDF file (*see below).

e5 3. The pages of the PDF file have been renumbered such that the numbers displayed on the replicated pages of the original book (including the blank ones) correspond to those displayed in the Page window of Adobe Acrobat Reader. This eliminates potential confusion and inconvenience in matching PDF pages with those of the printed version of the book. 4. The file has been “optimized” for fast Web viewing, within the facilities of the Acrobat Professional computer program used (among several others, on both Macintosh and PeeCee computer platforms) to update and correct the file. 5. The file is constructed such that it can readily be printed to 8.5-inch by 11-inch paper - ideally using double-sided, two-color printing, for the cover and added “spine” pages - with the resulting pages then being hole-punched for enclosure in a three-ring, loose-leaf binder. If Fit Page (*see below) is selected in the Print > Preferences > Page Setup > Size Options dialogue window of Adobe Acrobat Reader (or equivalent PDF viewer program), then the smaller (4.25-inch

e6 by 7-inch) pages and type-font of the original paperback book will be enlarged to a size that is easy and convenient to read and absorb. (These final pages of the PDF file are our own additions, including one - numbered d2 - that incorporates multiple copies of a horizontal title strip that can easily be cut to fit the outside spine of any three-ring binder incorporating a transparent sleeve for this purpose. Likewise, the cover/title page can be two-color-printed and then incorporated, assuming that the binder’s cover has the corresponding transparent pocket to receive it. Kinko’s and similar outlets should be able to handle such a job with aplomb, with only the cover/title and spine pages optionally printed as two-color output.) *This varies by printer model and its corresponding “driver” software. In the above case, Size Options defaults to Shrink oversize pages. Thus Fit Page is the option to choose. With other printers and drivers, the Print > Preferences > Page Setup > dialogue includes a Page Scaling > Fit to Printable Area option that provides similar, larger-font results.

e7 6. A number of other tweaks have been made to the file, so as to enhance its trueness to the original printed tome, including: a. Removal of a number of bitmapped graphic artifacts left over from the original OCR scan; b. Re-scanning of the included “typical� legal forms (pp. 107-116). These pages were mostly illegible in the original OCR scan, even though they are intended by the author to be generally descriptive rather than specifically prescriptive. ______________________ **Here follows the full text of the two sections that were partially truncated by the omission of original pages 26 and 27:

The Media Q. How does the media fit into a study of the predatory female?

e8 A. The mass media is an important propaganda arm of the matriarchal society and vital to the predatory female. Twenty four hours a day we are bombarded with songs, commercials, and motion pictures depicting marriage as the ultimate in happiness and achievement. You will never be truly happy unless you are with the “right” woman. Of course you must marry her, too. Later on, if things don’t work out, you obviously didn’t have the “right” one. She is still out there ... waiting for you. You must try to find her. Your happiness depends on meeting her. Don’t you crave the euphoric, nuptial bliss that your friends and neighbors have found? A million times per second this message is beamed all over the country. There is no escaping its harangue. It is small wonder that millions of males, beaten senseless by this propaganda from the matriarchy, have fallen for the scam.

Feline Power Q. What do predatory females and cats have in common?

e9 A. The similarity between cats and predatory females can hardly be overemphasized. Both are creatures of the night, late sleepers, faithful to no one, ungrateful, self-centered, possessed of an uncanny sixth sense, and look strangely different when wet. A predatory female will sometimes blatantly tell you she is a witch or psychic. Coincidentally, it’s not unusual for a predatory female’s menstrual cycle to align itself with her cat’s, or those of her roommates. Remember that although the male is like a dog and loves its predatory female master, even after being kicked, the female is like a cat and never gets emotionally attached to anyone.

The Flash Q. What is the flash? A. The flash is a momentary facial expression of the predatory female. It is a surfacing of the predatory fury that is immediately subdued when the creature is acquisitive. Alert observers of the predatory female will occasionally witness one. The flash occurs with little warning and it’s a

e10 sobering sneak preview, a glimpse into the abyss. Q. What facial expression portrays the predatory fury? A. An alien, cold, and completely ruthless one - a look of unemotional murder. Q. And it quickly subsides? A. Quickly enough for the unenlightened to dismiss it as preposterous, or miss it altogether. Q. Can the flash take another form? A. Yes. Sometimes it’s a facial snapshot looking ten or more years into the future, the viewing of which is shocking. (Continued next page.)


Above: Original 4.25" wide x 7.0" high paperback version of The Predatory Female, compared to a three-ring binder containing 8.5" wide x 11.0" high pages. If Fit Page is selected in the Print > Preferences > Page Setup > Size Options dialogue window of Adobe Acrobat Reader (or equivalent PDF viewer program), then the smaller pages and type-font of the original paperback book will be enlarged to a size that is easy and convenient to read and absorb. (*See page e6 for specifics.) __________________________ “Hope not for mind in women; at their best / Sweetness and wit, they are but mummy, possessed.” - John Donne, Love’s Alchemy

e12 “Rev. Lawrence Shannon” FindGrave Entry: Captain Stephen Stuart “Rev. Lawrence Shannon” Rullman Birth: Nov. 18, 1944 Nebraska, USA Death: May 24, 2010 Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, USA Stephen Stuart Rullman, age 65 of Reno, Nevada, passed away May 24, 2010, at St. Mary’s hospital. Steve died of an aortic dissection, with his loving wife Laurie at his side. Steve was born in Omaha, Nebraska, on November 18, 1944, and at age 4 relocated to Hollywood, California, with his parents and brother. His passion for flight was evident early in life, perhaps influenced by his father, who was a naval aviator in WWII. He soloed at age 16 and by the age of 18 he had single and multi-engine ratings, a CFI and CFII as well. By 19 he had his com-

e13 mercial [certificate], and ATP [certificate] at age 23. Since flying was such a huge distraction, he left Oregon State University after his sophomore year to start his career at American Airlines. Steve was the youngest pilot ever hired by American Airlines and actually had to wait until he turned 20 to start his class. Steve took advantage of his passion and the opportunities American offered, obtaining type ratings on most of the planes American had. He was one of the few to experience the transition from round engines to the jet age. Steve was a legend at American Airlines, and retired at [or near] the top of the [pilot] seniority list after 37 years with the company. Steve’s love of aviation continued up until his sudden death. He loved airplanes, both real and virtual. He spent every chance he had flying his beloved Bonanza as well as online with his WWII squadron.

e14 Steve enjoyed many interests as well, including, submarines, history, literature, the Wild West, firearms and most of all, his family. After being a bachelor for 30 years, Steve met the love of his life in 2003. Steve shared his passions with Laurie, and they traveled in the Bonanza everywhere together. He was teaching her to fly and they looked forward to many flights together. [At the time of his death] Steve [was] survived by his wife Laurie, daughter Lorissa (husband Peter Hines) and son, Craig (wife Wendy) as well as his step-children Laura, Scott and Geoffrey (their spouses) and 10 grandchildren. Steve [was] also survived by his brother Christopher. He was predeceased by his parents Russell and Jean and his brother Richard. A memorial service was held on July 10, 2010. Many thanks to John and Jan Parker for hosting this special event at their American Air Racing hangar at Stead.

e15 Steve’s ashes [were] scattered at the waterfall on Mt. Rose in September [2010]. This was a special place for Steve as he hiked the mountain every year and married his beloved wife, Laurie, there. Laurie [thanked] all of their friends at Stead Airport for all the love and support through Steve’s sudden and unexpected passing. He was a passionately unique man who will be missed by all who knew him. “Our loved ones leave the world, but never our hearts” - Unknown “Good people will be remembered as a blessing.” - Proverbs 10:7 I am an empty dream. Like snow left on the mountains in summer. I feel my warm blood moving inside of me, and I am reminded that I am living. My soul will have its home in the rising of the sun. If you feel sad, look at the dawn with all of its beauty. You will find me there. - WWII Pilot

e16 Burial: Cremated, Ashes scattered. Specifically: Scattered at the waterfall on Mt. Rose Created by: Roy Huffstetter III Record added: Oct 20, 2013 Find A Grave Memorial# 119042995

The above entry is from: http://tinyurl.com/Lawrence-ShannonFindGrave or: http://www.findagrave.com/cgibin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=119042995 The above entry is used with the permission of Roy Huffstetter III: http://www.findagrave.com/cgibin/fg.cgi?page=mr&MRid=47554601

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