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RSS Feeds In Your Internet Browser
Virus protection built-in. No hassles. Starting at $249.
Many web pages have RSS but it can be a real chore looking for them. Many sites do not even publish a link for their RSS feeds even though feeds may be available. Browser support is reasonably good with Chrome, Opera and Firefox requiring an addon/extension to show the icon or a link. Apple have thoughtfully built in RSS to their Safari browser. Microsoft IE9 is as typical in many other respects, is unhelpful to RSS users. open in browser PRO version
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0 sec ago
Note: The icon in the URL bar will only appear where there are RSS feeds available at that site.
To get around the difficulty in finding a feed link, you can download Slick RSS : Feed Finder an extension to Chrome that will display an RSS icon permanently in the Toolbar for you. Even if you are only using it for a short time to prepare the RSS feed links you need, it can easily be removed from your browser after use if you don’t want it taking up valuable real estate in your browser toolbar.
Firefox can do the same thing with a different plugin called RSS Icon which does the same job - gives you an icon in the toolbar to grab your RSS links from. This is very easy to use and simply needs you to click on the icon to get a list of the available feeds from that site. Internet Explorer is not so friendly when it comes to RSS feeds. Although this browser supports plugins, no-one seems very interested in creating a Link plugin for IE. This browser is becoming less popular anyway, especially among webmasters as it is nowhere near as functional for website development purposes. The only plugin found was an older one which did not seem compatible with newer versions of IE. There are so many reasons not to use this browser already, this just adds more to the weight of argument for abandoning in favor of better browsers.
Arrived directly Visited On Page SEO Tutorial, SEO Tips, SEO Tools, Learn SEO, SEO Techniq.. 57 sec ago Arrived directly Visited On Page SEO Tutorial, SEO Tips, SEO Tools, Learn SEO, SEO Techniq.. 2 m in 54 sec ago Arrived directly Visited On Page SEO Tutorial, SEO Tips, SEO Tools, Learn SEO, SEO Techniq.. 5 m in 25 sec ago Arrived directly Visited On Page SEO Tutorial, SEO Tips, SEO Tools, Learn SEO, SEO Techniq.. 9 m in 50 sec ago Arrived directly Visited On Page SEO Tutorial, SEO Tips, SEO Tools, Learn SEO, SEO Techniq.. 14 m in 33 sec ago From searchengineland.com Visited On Page SEO Tutorial, SEO Tips, SEO Tools, Learn SEO, SEO Techniq.. 18 m in 35 sec ago Arrived directly Visited On Page SEO Tutorial, SEO Tips, SEO Tools, Learn SEO, SEO Techniq..
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Safari has a built in RSS link in the URL bar so whenever RSS feeds are available on a page, the icon will display. When clicked on the icon will take you to a page of all the RSS feeds for that website. You can then copy paste any RSS link from there into the FeedWind settings page.
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There is a plugin available for Opera called RSS Speed Dial which will enable an RSS icon in your URL bar. The icon will examine the site in question and return the page where all the RSS links are to be found.
Posted by Tim Higgins rss widget, rss from browser, opera rss, internet browser rss feed, internet browser rss, firefox rss, feed from browser, explorer rss, chrome rss, browser rss, Back to Top
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RSS Feeds and SEO New FeedWind Design Podcasting with FeedWind Create an Apple Apps Page with FeedWind Blogger RSS feeds (aka blogspot RSS feeds)
Weather Widget
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Offering weather information may be a useful feature for your website visitors. To start with all you need to do is visit the weather site that offers the feed you want - there are many out there and most local weather websites have an RSS feed link which is used in the FeedWind setup page to produce a weather widget similar to the one below.
Customize Colors and Title Backgrounds Using FeedWind Widgets in WordPress Displaying Google+ RSS Feeds without an API Using RSS for Social Networking New FeedWind RSS Widget Features
Here is an example of a working weather widget, with an RSS feed containing US national weather information from the Weather Channel where you can specify a open in browser PRO version
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RSS Widget Templates
national weather information from the Weather Channel where you can specify a location to get an RSS weather feed. The feed URL you copy from there can be used in the FeedWind setup to display the weather information of your choice, (anywhere in the world!) in a widget which you are free to customize to match your website design.
Control the Number of RSS Feed Entries What is the FeedWind Crawler? Customize Fonts in your RSS widget Facebook RSS feeds
We chose World Weather online to get a feed from fo rour world weather widget but you can find many different sites with RSS weather feeds that display varying amounts of weather information.
Share Your Blog Using FeedWind Customize Entry Title Backgrounds Creating an RSS Feed Widget **NEW - Auto Scroll Feature for Your RSS Widget
Here is the code we used to create the widget - note there is no custom CSS required. You can copy this code into your widget HTML area or onto a webpage. The feed can be changed and are usually available from your local/national weather website, or see the link above to use the one from the Weather Channel. The background can easily be changed too by inserting a different URL at this line:
RSS from YouTube Channels Place Multiple RSS Feeds on a Web Page The FeedWind ‘HTML Tag’ RSS directory and other RSS pages How to Create an RSS Feed on a Website
rssmikle_item_bgimage= (see below) or just removing it for a plain background.
Use FeedWind RSS in Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 Magento Community Extension From FeedWind What is the Future of RSS / ATOM? Using WordPress RSS Feeds FeedWind RSS Widget FAQ
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Aggregating RSS Feeds for FeedWind How Does FeedWind Handle Backgrounds Some RSS Sources for FeedWind Use craigslist RSS feeds with FeedWind The Feedwind Mobile Scrollbar Feature FeedWind Showcase Toggle Feed Content Display On/Off Radiusing Corners with Custom CSS Customize FeedWind with CSS - Part 1 of 2 Customize Borders for the RSS Widget Container Customize FeedWind with CSS - Part 2 of 2 Saving FeedWind Settings Using Dropbox to Store Custom CSS Netflix RSS Feed Widget TrackWind - the new domain activity tracking widge... Venezuela local vote tests President Maduro's stre... SS w idget
After vote, lawsuits likely next hurdle for Volcke... Banks trim risk but fail to raise provisions ahead...
Posted by Tim Higgins widget rss, widget for weather, weather widget, rss widget, rss weather widget, Back to Top open in browser PRO version
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Cash-strapped Iranian students in U.S. hope nuclea... Democrats wouldn't reject U.S. budget deal over jo...
deal over jo... Protesters fell Lenin statue, tell Ukraine's presi...
View the original article here Posted by nasha lasha at 02:47
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France to start disarming Central African Republic... Mexico energy reform eyes big opening for private ...
RSS Feeds and SEO A hot topic for any website owner is that of SEO (search engine optimization) which is all about the ability of a site to rank highly for particular search terms in search engine results. If you don’t rank well in search, you may well be limiting your traffic considerably. Many efforts are made therefore to improve sites traffic by improving search visibility. One of the ways this is achieved is to increase the amount of content at the site so that the number of keywords found by search engines is maximized. In addition, search engines generally display the most recent content that meets their criteria wherever possible. RSS feed contents in themselves will not enable much better ranking as their content is not unique; however, the increase in traffic that is generated as a result of your site being the place to go for information will help considerably. The more time a user spends at your site, the higher it will rank too. Google keeps a track of all these metrics and uses them to keep track of your site and how much it appeals to the people who go there. Since Google changed its search engine completely in September 2013 (The "Hummingbird" update), there has been a big shift in many websites in terms of ranking in their search results. More attention has been paid to duplicated and low value content. However, the content of an RSS feed is not accessed by a search engine crawler - all they will see is the XML code that created the RSS feed, and the open in browser PRO version
Car bomb attacks across Iraq kill at least 39
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Venezuelans vote in local polls that test Chavez l... South Africans remember Mandela with praise and pr... Pentagon chief Hagel in Pakistan for talks on secu... North Korea says Kim's uncle dismissed for 'crimin... U.N. inspectors visit Iranian site linked to nucle... Protesters fell Lenin statue, tell Ukraine's presi... South Africans remember Mandela with praise and pr... Thai PM calls snap election, protesters press on North Korea says Kim's powerful uncle dismissed fo... Venezuela's Maduro to raise pressure on business a... Teen stole part from wrecked Porsche in Paul Walke... Jay Z leads with 9 Grammy nominations, but newcome... Thousands memorialize actor Paulpdfcrowd.com
HTML of our widget code (our FeedWind code) - the content will be detected as being syndicated which is not a bad thing as long as that is not the only content on the page. Notably links in RSS feeds have 'nofollow' instructions attached as default.
Thousands memorialize actor Paul Walker at Califor...
Adding RSS feeds can help a site ranking, but in a less direct way than the unique content available on your pages. Obviously if you are directing multiple feeds to your page, it is not practical or useful to take all the links and rewrite the content on your own pages.
Actor Walker died from multiple injuries in crash,...
If you add RSS feeds that have been aggregated or customized, they will contain a flow of keywords that you will not necessarily rank for, but if related semantically (by meaning) to other words and phrases on your site, they will be seen as relevant. Additionally, the freshness of information is also a measure of how well your pages will rank. Having an RSS feed on the page means you are getting information from somewhere and that information will usually be a blog, news, search results or product review or something that is updated regularly rather than static content. Google do not discuss exactly how they treat RSS feeds coming into your site but Matt Cutts (the Google Search Chief Engineer) did explain that RSS feeds need to contain recent information. There is an interesting blog article on the subject of how does Google index RSS / Atom feeds at the the Google Webmasters Blog. What is important to note is tha the SEO value is directed to the source of the RSS feed - in other words, if you publish RSS on your site, the site that delivers the RSS feed to your widget etc gets the SEO value and faster indexing than otherwise they might. This does also mean that publishing a widget containing an RSS feed from your blog onto your homepage is a good way to get fast and thorough indexing of pages by Google. This is something easy to check by simply putting the feed URL into the FeedWind setup screen and looking at the preview. By default, the feed will show news items and their date of publication. If you see that your feed contains too many old items, try a different feed or find alternatives where possible. If the old entries in an RSS feed you open in browser PRO version
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are using are all related to a particular topic you can do without, you can use Yahoo Pipes or a similar feed aggregator/filter system to weed out the stuff you don’t want to appear in your RSS widget feed. If you are covering a broad topic you might want to either include several feeds in separate containers to allow you to display multiple feeds on a page/site, or use the RSS feed aggregator to add together feeds from different places and display them combined in a single RSS feed widget. Whatever your aims are for your RSS feeds, they provide audiences with better navigation and up to date information and the website owner some SEO value. There is certainly no punishment for having RSS feeds on a page (which in theory duplicates content from elsewhere) Google encourages good content to be shared like this as it improves the user experience and accessibility of information online. Go ahead and grab your feed widget from FeedWind - its simple, adds value to your pages and only takes a moment to set up! Posted by Tim Higgins seo rss, rss widget, rss seo, rss feeds, rss feed widget, rss and seo, feedwind rss, feed widget, Back to Top
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View the original article here Posted by nasha lasha at 00:59
A Minute With: Opera director Robert Carsen on the...
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â–ş November (2)
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After many months work and using the much-appreciated feedback from users, we open in browser PRO version
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After many months work and using the much-appreciated feedback from users, we are proud to announce the release of the new FeedWind interface. We have added a bunch of new features including updated previews and setup screens, mobile scrollbars, International date selection and many other improvements to usability, plus a new FeedWind support section. We now have a completely new and integrated online support system for FeedWind tutorials and added a news section within our expanded support pages which can be found at http://support.feed.mikle.com/.
Walker Backgrounds Feeds after crash local multiple president Africans Create Custom Feature Iranian Korea Lenin Mandela North Review Sound South Title Ukraines WordPress award chart content criminal dismissed filming films
future halted
injuries nuclear praise prayers raise remember share statue uncle without youre 197000 3year Actor Actress African Aggregating Allen Amanda American Apple Arabs Aspergers Banks Billy Blogger Board Borders
To make it easier for our users to navigate he new homepage URL for English users is now simply http://feed.mikle.com/
Boston Boyle British Brow ser Bruckheimer Burgundy Business's Website Bynes California Canada Carsen Cashstrapped Catching Center Central Channels Chavez
So we can offer you the absolutely best service we encourage our users to offer feedback about any aspect of FeedWind or its interface. We listen to our users and use the information you give us and strive to create the best RSS widget available. For this reason we encourage you to leave us your thoughts and feedback to help us improve or address your specific RSS feed widget needs.
Choosing a Pre-Ow ned Colors Community Container Containers Control Corners Craw ler Creating Decaying Delete Demand Democrats Design Dimensions Direction Disney Display Displaying Dropbox Dylan Egypts Entries Entry Extension Facebook Falstaff Features FeedWind Fonts France Frozen Furnace Genrebending Google
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MacLaine Maduro Maduros Magento Medias
Microsoft Minute Mobile Monday Music National Netflix Netw orking Number OnOff Opera Outboard Motor Pakistan
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