Music: Edexcel 1426 There are three components to this examination: Listening, Composing, Performing. Some of the Performing Option is covered by the pupil’s instrumental / vocal teacher. Pupils should already play a musical instrument or sing to Grade 3 or above at the start of the course. Grade 5 Theory, whilst not a prerequisite would be most helpful.
Activities in the Remove Michaelmas: Lessons divide between Listening and Appreciation, and those devoted to Composition. Listening activities: These focus on the Instruments of the Orchestra; Basic Forms and Musical Genres. Composing activities: These Composing activities are intended gradually to introduce composition as an activity from its simplest level to more complex projects. The major and minor scales, the treble and bass clef reading, the layout of notes on the stave, fitting words to music, interpreting simple rhythms, the degrees of the scale – all these are gone over prior to particular compositional projects. By the end of the first term most pupils will have attempted a number of compositional activities which may include minimalism and writing a song. Lent and Summer: Once the pupils are more confident they can move away from teacher-based exercises to more original efforts using keyboards and computers. By the end of the year each pupil is expected to have performed a solo to a good standard and composed at least one original piece of some substance. Pupils will increasingly be using, in their free time, the IT facility offered by the Music Technology department as an aid for composition. In the Summer term pupils will complete the study of 3 of the set works in preparation for the following year.
Activities in the Hundred Michaelmas: The first composition for each pupil’s portfolio will be improved and time will also be devoted to listening work and set works. The second composition will be started before the end of term. Lent: The Lent term starts with a mock examination, which will focus on the set works studied to date. Both compositions will be completed by the end of this term and handed in: The practical component will be completed and assessed. These submissions will all be marked and processed over the Easter holidays. The study of the last 3 set works should also be completed by the end of the Easter term, allowing for a full revision programme to be completed over the holidays. Summer: Further practice papers and completion of the paperwork will need to be done. Submission to the moderator is normally in the first week of May. It is expected that all Course work will be complete by the start of this term and the summer is largely dedicated to the practice of the written and listening component. 25