Master's Christmas Card 2022

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The opening verses of the Gospel of St John from The New Testament of Our Saviour Christ. Imprynted at London by Jhon Day, dwelling over Aldersgate and Wyllyam Seres dwellyng in Peter Colledge [and] sold at the Signe of the Resurrection at the Lytle Counduyte in Chepside. Anno MDL (1550), the vi. day of February, sig. Siir. Marlborough’s copy of this exceptionally rare edition of William Tyndale’s translation of the New Testament was bequeathed to the College by the Rev. Dr J. D. Glennie (1796-1874), a founding member of Council and generous benefactor to the school.

Wishing you a Peaceful Christmas

Louise Moelwyn-Hughes The Master, Marlborough College

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