Marlborough College Legacy Leaflet

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Your past, their future Making a gift in your will

Thank you Thank you so much for considering remembering Marlborough College in your Will and for playing a significant role in shaping the future of this great School. The College’s ambitious goal for the years ahead is to help talented children to realise their potential, whatever their background and whatever their means. And having received the gift of a supported education myself, I know from personal experience the life transforming effect that an outstanding school like Marlborough can have on a child. I do hope that you will feel able to join us as we move to significantly enhance our bursary provision and that you might help us transform the lives of children for generations to come. Legacy gifts can, of course, support other areas of College life and we would be delighted to discuss your particular interests with you.

Louise Moelwyn-Hughes Master Marlborough College Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 1PA Tel: +44 (0)1672 892200 @MarlboroughCol Marlborough College incorporated by Royal Charter to provide education.

An historic purpose Marlborough was founded to provide exceptional education for young people from all walks of life. Primarily, this was to educate the sons of clergy who could not afford independent education, and there is evidence that our founders also planned to support orphaned children for whom a Marlborough education would be truly transformational. Thus the College was founded on an ethos of service to others and this founding principle still drives us today.


Your legacy will help change the lives of our pupils, now and long into the future.


Rupert Mullins TD (CO 1967-70) President 1843 Society

An ambitious goal Marlborough College remains committed to ensuring that talented young people from all backgrounds can benefit from the exceptional education we provide, regardless of their financial means. We also believe strongly that the whole school benefits from increased diversity in its pupil body. The long-term goal is for 30% of pupils at the College to receive financial assistance, providing a life-changing opportunity for those pupils whilst transforming the school community. Legacy gifts to our Bursary Endowment Fund will enable this protected fund to grow. Income from the invested funds will provide a constant stream of bursaries in perpetuity. Therefore your action can change the lives of future generations of Marlborough pupils.


Gaining the Christopher Martin-Jenkins Bursary has provided so many enriching opportunities that previously I could only dream of.


Nadia Hassan (CO 2016-18) Undergraduate at Trinity College Oxford

Bursary beneficiaries Marlborough is exceptionally proud of our bursary pupils and some have benefited directly as a result of our legacy programme.

Elijah Samuel (LI 2012-17)

Elijah says characteristics he developed at Marlborough, such as determination and a “never give up” attitude, taught him to persevere. Using these essential skills, Elijah was able to give back to his community working with the NHS Finance and Covid-19 Tactical team during the crisis. Elijah was also able to develop his cricketing talent greatly. One memorable innings saw him score 134 to help the XI win the annual two-day match against Rugby in 2015; for the first time in 15 years. Elijah says he will be “forever grateful for being given the life changing opportunity” to be part of Marlborough College.

Professor Sir Keith Porter (LI 1965-67)

Professor Porter received a Sixth Form Bursary as part of John Dancy’s ‘Swindon Experiment’. He acknowledges that “without the bursary and all that Marlborough provided both academically and holistically” he would not be where he is now. Keith became Professor of Clinical Traumatology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham and was the civilian lead for the care of injured soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2010 Keith was knighted for services to the military.

Other areas to support Whilst the College’s priority is increasing funding for bursaries, we understand that donors may prefer to direct their legacy to other areas of the school which are important to them. This could include the restoration and preservation of one of our magnificent heritage buildings, or to support music or sport. We would be pleased to discuss any such legacy gifts with you, including naming opportunities. You can find our contact details at the back of the brochure.

Henry absolutely adored cricket and watched it all the time. The Pavilion is so English and traditional and Henry would be thrilled with the work that has been done. I am so pleased that his gift has been used for this purpose. Mrs Jane Rose Henry’s widow

Types of legacy There are several ways that you can include a gift in your will. A residuary legacy: This leaves all or part of what remains of your estate once your expenses and other bequests have been met. Many people choose to give a residual gift because it maintains its value with inflation.

A pecuniary legacy: This leaves a specific sum of money to the Foundation.

A specific legacy: This is a specified possession (such as a work of art, a property or stocks and shares) which you gift to the Foundation.

A revisionary legacy: Provides for your family and friends first and then benefits Marlborough. It involves leaving your assets to trustees so that the beneficiaries can enjoy income during their life, with the whole or a portion reverting to Marlborough only on their death.

Nominate the Foundation as a beneficiary: This leaves a specified sum in your Pension or SIPP (self-invested personal pension). There are a number of other types of legacy that you can give and your solicitor will be able to advise you about these in more detail.

1843 Society We are extremely grateful to every donor who chooses to make a legacy gift to the College. To recognise and thank you for your support, you will be invited to become a member of our 1843 Society. All members are invited to attend a number of special events throughout the year hosted by the Master, including the annual 1843 lunch at the College and the annual carol service in Chapel.

Get in touch We understand that leaving a gift in your will is a decision that you will want to consider carefully and take professional advice upon. All legacy gifts should be made to the Marlborough College Foundation, which was set up to accept all donations for the benefit of the College. The Foundation is a registered charity (charity number 1061798). Any legacy gift is free from UK inheritance tax (IHT) and for estates leaving 10% or more to charity, there is a reduction in IHT from 40% to 36%*. You can find more information online at Please do get in touch with us if you have any questions or would like to discuss a legacy gift in more detail. *Correct at time of publication.

“ Paul Orchard Lisle CBE TD DL

(SU 1952-56)

Marlborough provides an exceptional all-rounded education so the pupils are well placed to make a positive impact when they leave. I like the idea of leaving something to Marlborough that will contribute to ensuring Marlburian values and standards will last forever and will continue to spread across the globe.


Marlborough College, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 1PA Telephone: +44 (0)1672 892200 email: Registered Charity number: 1061798

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