Almanac - Michaelmas Term 2023

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M i c h a e l M a s T e r M 2 0 2 3 Almanac

To g ether a s Marl burians …

We bu ild and foster an inclusive, op en-m inde d and accepting commun it y.

We treat others a s we wou ld l ike to b e treate d ourselves .

We are compa ssionate, col lab orative and comm itte d.

We b el ie ve our strong sense of commun it y encoura g es b oth ind ividua l it y and col le ctive ambition .

We lead by example, doing what is rig ht and not what is ea s y.

The Marlborough Charter was written by the 2020/2021 Prefects and Heads of House.
1 Almanac M i c h a e l M a s T e r M 2 0 2 3 C o n t e n t s safeg uarding , child Protection and access to Pastoral care, Bullying statement 2 Pupils : Where can i Find help or support ? 3 statement of Boarding Principles 4 colleg e aims 5 Visitor, Members of council, international council Member 6 Master, Members of common room 7-8 chaplains, colleg e Proctor, Marlboroug h colleg e Malaysia , Manag ement Team and their secretaries 9 heads of Department, Music staff 10 Visiting sports coaches, administration & reception, admissions 11 compliance, Development, estates, examinations 12 Finance, Futures, health & safety, human resources 13 iT & computer ser vices, learning support, librar y, Marketing & communications 14 Marlboroug h colleg e enterprise ltd, Medical 15 Operations, Outreach, support staff 16 Who runs What, Dames 17-18 hMs, Tutors and Boarding houses, heads of Year, heads of scholars 19-20 Prefects, heads of house, Wellbeing ambassadors 21 ensemble leaders, captains of sport, school colours 22 honours awards, Music lessons 23 routine Times 24 routine activities 25-26 colleg e Transport information 27-28 Dates of Terms 29 road safety, school rules 30-34 Dress code 35-36 Map of lower campus 38-39 Map of Upper campus 40-41 Diar y 42 emerg encies/injuries aide Memoire 82-83

The colleg e aims to safeg uard and promote the welfare of all its pupils, protect them from harm and abuse and to offer the support required to enable them to thrive. safeg uarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of all members of the community. all pupils, staff and parents, should raise any safeg uarding concerns immediately with the Designated safeg uarding lead (Dsl) or deputies The Pastoral & safeg uarding hub is located on the ground floor of the Medwar

Dsl : Mrs Kane ckane@marlboroug hcolleg 564897

Deputy Dsl : Mr Nig hting ale ecn@marlboroug hcolleg e org/07773 000499

assistant Dsls : safeg uarding team@marlboroug hcolleg

safeg uarding coordinator : safeg uarding@marlboroug hcolleg e org

Bullying is repeated, intentional, unprovoked, malicious actions or words, either directly or via other media , which cause distress, making others feel unhappy and insecure.

Bullying is often motivated by prejudice ag ainst particular groups, for example, on grounds of race, relig ion, culture, sex , g ender, homophobia , special educational needs, or disability or because a child is adopted or a carer. Bullying may occur directly or throug h c yber-technolog y.

all members of Marlboroug h colleg e have the rig ht to enjoy their lives free of bullying and harassment and are expected to treat others as they would hope to be treated themselves in an atmosphere of mutual respect They are expected to do all they can to prevent bullying

an individual who feels bullied or intimidated has the rig ht to expect any senior member of the colleg e – pupil, captain, prefect, well-being ambassador or member of staff – to listen and to act promptly and sensitively to deal with the problem

Bullying will always be treated seriously and the school believes that to do nothing is to condone the bullying .

email : concerns@marlboroug hcolleg or stopbullying@marlboroug hcolleg

2 s a f e g u a r d i n g , C h i l d P r o t e C t i o n a n d a C C e s s t o P a s t o r a l C a r e
B u l l y i n g s t at e m e n t

• Your hM

• Your Tutor

• Your resident house Tutor/assistant hM

• Your Dame

• Deputy head (Pastoral ): Mr Nig hting ale – 01672 892523, ecn@marlboroug hcolleg

• Director of safeg uarding (Dsl): Mrs Kane – 07394 564897, ckane@marlboroug hcolleg

• any teacher to whom you feel you could speak freely

• Your head of house or a senior pupil such as a house captain

• The chaplain : revd Tim Novis – 07980 720638

• any member of the Manag ement Team or the Master

• head of the colleg e counselling ser vice : Katia houg hton – 07897 669113, khoug hton@marlboroug hcolleg

• The colleg e Doctors : sani@marlboroug hcolleg

• external ag encies : childline – 0800 1111; samaritans – 116 123; .uk and www.dig

• email : stopbullying@marlboroug hcolleg

• The independent listener : Mr andrew Brown – 07879 776193,

• The children’s commissioner for eng land : 0207 783 8830, www.childrenscommissioner.g

• Wellbeing ambassadors : wba@marlboroug hcolleg

Further information may be found on house Notice Boards, Firefly and the colleg e Website.

3 P u P i l s : W h e r e C a n i f i n d h e l P o r s u P P o r t ?

1.1 a suitable statement of the colleg e ’ s boarding principles and practice is available to parents, staff, is made known to boarders, and is seen to work in practice.

1.2 B o a r d ing pr incip l es in principle, and within the context of Marlboroug h colleg e, boarding aims to provide, in close conjunction and co -operation with the parents, an environment which will safeg uard and promote the health, happiness and proper physical, intellectual, emotional, social and behavioural development of a child, as well as protecting the child from the risk of suffering significant harm or neg lect in particular, boarding focuses on developing the skills of children to live harmoniously within a community, whatever their individual streng ths and weaknesses. This applies equally to the small number of day pupils.

1.3 This principle is complementar y to the aims of the colleg e and its specific Pastoral, academic and co - curricular aims.

1.4 Throug h the various Pastoral Policies the colleg e aims :

1.4.1 To promote the welfare, wellbeing , happiness and development of ever y child.

1.4.2 To ensure that ever y child is protected from abuse or harm.

1 4 3 To recognise that ever y child has a rig ht to raise anxieties and grievances throug h a rang e of channels

1.4.4 To ensure that ever y child has access to outside ag encies and support, appropriate to their needs, without hindrance.

1.5 The aims of the colleg e, the Pastoral, academic and co - curricular aims, and the principles of boarding will be applied equally to all children irrespective of differences in ethnic background, culture, lang uag e, relig ion, g ender and abilities, so long as in the last matter the child is able to involve himself or herself in the activity concerned. equally these differences will be recognised and respected.

1.6 Good health will be promoted in a partnership between the medical staff, parents, the housemasters/housemistresses, house Tutors, Dames and a programme of Pshee. This will include education on smoking , alcohol abuse, drug abuse, healthy eating and physical and emotional development. in principle, any breach of common sense or common courtesy is a breach of colleg e rules ; a breach of the law of the land is a serious breach of the colleg e rules. The colleg e rules are published each term in the almanac and exemplif y these principles.

1.7 all new pupils entering the colleg e at 13+ will be inducted throug h houses and by the head of shell Those joining the colleg e in other year groups or entering the lower sixth will also follow an induction programme, org anised by houses and by the relevant head of Year/heads of sixth Form

1 8 in the event of child abuse being suspected or alleg ations being made, the procedure outlined in the safeg uarding and child Protection Polic y will be implemented

1 9 complaints from all pupils will be treated seriously and resolved appropriately

1 10 sanctions applied by members of common room must be recorded and fall within g uidelines which are published 2

2.1 in all of the opportunities that the colleg e offers to boarders and in all aspects of their care, the colleg e embraces diversity and exhibits tolerance. it does not discriminate ag ainst boarders by reason of any of the protected characteristics set out in equality act 2010 or by reason of boarders’ ability in any area of the curriculum.

4 s t at e m e n t o f B o a r d i n g P r i n C i P l e s
1 . intr o ducti on
eq ua l o p p or t un iti es f or b o a r d er s – st atement o f intent

C o l l e g e a i m s

‘ o u r Va lu e s ’

• C ommun it y

• s er v i ce

• a mb iti on

• in iti ative

a i m s

to pr ov i d e a s af e , inclus ive a nd nur t ur ing commun it y

• Marlboroug h is a diverse community with wellbeing and mutual respect at its heart; pupils, teachers and parents collaborate to ensure ever yone thrives because they feel happy, secure and valued

to ins til a comm itment to s er v i ce

• Marlboroug h fosters a culture of ser vice and responsibility which equips pupils to make a positive difference and have a beneficial impact upon the wider world

to f o s ter a mb iti on

• Marlboroug h provides inspirational learning opportunities, motivating pupils to fulfil their potential, develop intellectual curiosity and become life-long learners

to d e vel o p in iti ative

• Marlboroug h encourag es pupils to be curious and open-minded, and supports them in pursuing new initiatives and developing leadership

Marlboroug h colleg e is committed to safeg uarding and promoting the welfare of pupils and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share in this commitment. We actively listen to all pupils and always take seriously what they tell us Our aim is for all pupils to enjoy their time at the colleg e and feel safe and secure


V i s i t o r

The Most reverend The lord archbishop of canterbur y

C o u n C i l

P r e s i d e n t

The Bishop of salisbur y

C h a i r m a n

Gi henderson esq cBe

M Birkin esq

Mrs Penelope cameron Watt

P coleman esq

P Denton esq

Mrs Tania Freeman

The reverend stephen Gray

Ms ros King

T Martin-Jenkins esq

Professor cav. simon Mordant aO

r Perrins esq

Mrs sabina reeves

i n t e r n at i o n a l C o u n C i l
YaM Tunku ali redhauddin ibni Tuanku Muhriz

m a s t e r a n d C o m m o n r o o m

m a st e r

l J m h Moelwyn-hug hes, Mrs lJ

m a n ag e m e n t t e a m

ag h hart, Mr aG Bursar

sm W Wessels, Miss sM second Master

dtC clark, Mr DT Deputy head (academic)

e C n Nig hting ale, Mr ec

J r B s scrag g , Mr JrB

JJ lt lyon Taylor, Mr JJ

Deputy head (Pastoral )

Deputy head (co - curriculum & Outreach)

Director of admissions

hewlett, Mrs h Director of human resources

Jordan, Mrs J Director of Marketing & communications

ler will, Mr s Director of Development

Ja h hodg son, Mrs Ja head of Boarding

tC m l lauze, Mr TcM assistant head (inspection)

B n Nig hting ale, Mrs B

assistant head ( Teaching & learning )

Kane, Mrs c Director of safeg uarding (Dsl)

h a a abbas, Mr ha

a l a ad d erl e y, Mr s a l

B r a al l en , Mr B r

m Wa alleyne, Mr MW

d i a an d re w, Mr D i

a Ja arkwrig ht, Mr a J

d r a armitag e, Mr Dr

J h B Beckett, Mr Jh

ta B Birkill, Mr Ta

m B B Blossom, Mr MB

h J B Brown, Mr hJ

Vr B Brown, Ms Vr

r lt B Bruce, Mrs rlT

s C B Bucknall, Miss sc

t d B Bung ey, Mrs TD

a a B Burke, Mr aa

J e B Burton, Mr Je

m Pl B Bush, Mr MPl

m B Butterfield, Mr M

l h C cannon, Mrs lh

J P C carroll, Mr JP

s C C clayton, Mr sc

r aC cleg g , Miss r a

m C conlen, Mr M

C s g C cooke, Mr c sG

C aC C coug hlan, Mrs cac

h a m C cox , Mrs haM

J r C cox , Mr Jr

m da D’ang e l o , Ms M

J d Darby, Miss J

J W d Davies, Mr JW

Pd B De Beukelaer, Mme P

r g d r De rosa , Mr rG

r d s De seg undo, Mrs r

a h dt de Trafford, Mr ah

Vg m d Delalleau, Miss VGM

s J d Dennis, Mr sJ

ag d Devine, Miss aG

t J d Dolan, Mr T J

g a d Doyle, Dr Ga

C K d Dukes, Mrs cK

P t d Dukes, Mr PT

JJ d Duplock, Mr JJ

se ear wicker, Mr s

o Pe elton , Mr O P

m a e ey s e l e , Mr M a

l f Fa n , Ms l

sd f Flatres, Dr sD

C a f Fraser, Mr ca

J l f Fruci, Mrs Jl

o g Ga l la g h er, Mi ss O

Jag Genton, Mr Ja

W h g Gibbs, Mr Wh

t P g G i l m o ur, Mr T P

m g g G on z á l e z G óm e z , Ms M

n o P g Gordon, Mr NOP

n g Gouldbourne, Mrs N

Grant, Mrs M

h e g Green, Mrs he

a J h ha m i lton , Mr a J

n g h ha m i lton , Dr N G

C l h harrison, Mr cl

a h e har vey-evers, Mrs a

B h hawkes, Mr B

sr h haw th orn , Mr s r

Vr h haw th orn , Mr s V r


e C h hawtin, Mr ec

K h heaton, Mrs K

C J h he th er ton , Mr c J

K l h he ving ha m , Mi ss K l

J h hodg son, Mr J

K e h holder, Miss K e

r f h horton, Mrs rF

m f h hor wood, Mr MF

m i ibanez-rodrig uez, Ms M

( J C i isitt, Miss Jc)

g KW J James, Mr GKW

mt J James, Mrs MT

C r J Jon e s , Mi ss c r

r C J Justi c e , Dr rc

Pn K Keig hley, Mr PN

d K Kenworthy, Mr D

K J K Kig g ell, Mrs K J

ta K Kig g ell, Mr Ta

a l lamagna , Mr a

g d m l lane, Mr GDM

Jt W l lane, Mr J T W

aC l lang dale, Miss ac

J r l lewin, Mr Jr

Q l li, Ms Q

d l l lilley, Mrs Dl

ag l little, Miss aG

J f l lloyd, Mr JF

J l l lu ker, Mr s J l

J C l lyn b e c k , Mr J c Mack, Mrs h

g i m Macmillan, Mr Gi

d J m Madden, Mr DJ

K n m Major, Mr K N

C m Marin, Miss c

h J m h Martin-hierro, Miss hJ

h J C m Mar vin, Mrs hJc

tg r m Mar vin, Mr TGr

sd m Matthews, Mr sD

J m C C Mc cl e a n , Mr s J

f sm McKeown, Dr Fs

sm C K McKeown, Mrs s

m m McNally, Mr M

g J m Mcskimming , Mr G J

a J m s Meehan-staines, Mr a J

h l m s Meehan-staines, Mrs hl

B h m Miller, Mr Bh

i i a m Mi tc h e l l , Mi ss i i a

W J m Molyneux , Mr WJ

y m Momota , Mrs Y

JJ l m Moore, Mr JJl

n J l m Moore, Mr NJl

( Pn m f Morley-Fletcher, Mr PN)

C a fm Moule, Mr caF

e J Pm Moule, Mrs eJP

J n n Ne wma n , Mr J N

PJ n Ne wma n , Mr P J

sh n Newman, Mrs sh

t Wg n No vi s , Th e r e v ’d T WG

a d n Nurton, Mr aD

PJ o s O’sullivan, Mr PJ

ag o Oxburg h, Mr aG

J h P Parnham, Mr Jh

J C P Patient, Mr Jc

g m PK Payne-Kumar, Miss GM

e J P Penrose, Ms eJ

t PP Phillips, Mr TP

e l P Playfair, Mrs el

g r P Playfair, Mr Gr

a P Possamai, Mr a

J m Q Q u inn , Mr J M

tC r r ainer, Ms Tc

m sr r amag e, Mr Ms

d g r roberts, Dr DG

e r ryder, Dr e

m C s sandall, Mrs Mc

r a s sandall, Mr r a

r s scott, Mrs r

m C B s scrag g , Mrs McB

m J s sharrad, Mr MJ

C s s smith, Mr c s

e C s smith, Mrs ec

Kg a s smith, Mr KGa

lC s stewart, Mr lc

J P s swift, Dr JP

t rt Th omp s on , Mi ss T r

sf t Th oms on , Ms s F

i rt Th or p , Mr i r

h l rt Tilney, Mr hlr

rt Tong , Mr r

C t Toomer, Miss c

o slt Trig g s, Mr Osl

it Tudsber y, Miss i

e f Jt Two h i g , Mr e F J

Urqu ha r t , Mr r

J m VC Verdu c or te s , Mr J M

sKW Walker, Mrs c sh

C J W Wheatland, Mr c J

e aW W Whitworth, Mr e aW

r dW Willmett, Mr rD

at W Woodford, Mrs aT

B lW Wo o d s , Mi ss B l

J W Wrig ht, Mr J

m aW Wrig ht, Mr Ma

J y Yin, Miss J

l Z Zaninelli, Mrs l

8 m a s t e r a n d C o m m o n r o o m ( C o n t i n u e d )
9 C h a P l a i n s The reverend T WG Novis (senior chaplain) 07980 702638 The reverend J Blacker (roman catholic) m a r l B o r o u g h C o l l e g e m a l a y s i a Master Mr s Burbur y C o l l e g e P r o C t o r Mr J Thompson ............................................................................................................................................. 01672 892530 / 07485 921008 m a n a g e m e n t t e a m a n d t h e i r s e C r e t a r i e s tel ep hone master mrs lJ moelwyn-hughes (01672) 892400 Pa Mrs G Milne 892401 Bursar mr a hart 8 9 2 3 9 0 Pa Mrs s lamb 892390 second master miss sm Wessels 892283 deput y head (academic) mr dt Clark 892417 secretarial assistant Mrs J Watherston 892421 deput y head ( Pastoral) mr eC nightingale 892523 secretar y Mrs a edwards 892249 deput y head (Co- Curriculum & outreach) mr JrB scragg 892429 administration assistant Mrs e Whitehouse 892226 director of admissions mr JJ lyon taylor 892300

m u s i C s t a f f

head of Keyboard, Piano Ms c Toomer

head of Percussion Mr s Johnson

head of string s Mrs s stag g

head of Vocal studies Mr D Mattinson

head of Wind, Trumpet Mr a arkwrig ht

Bag pipes Mrs B heywood

Bass Guitar Mr M hartnett

Bassoon/Piano Mrs c spring ate

cello Ms c Frost

cello Mrs e isaac Johnson

clarinet Miss r hug hes

Double Bass Mrs N Phelan

Flute Mr h Nelson

Flute Ms s stocks

French horn Mr r lewis

Guitar Mr J eng land

Guitar Mr M Willcocks

harp Ms e Pierce

Jazz Piano Mr J harpin

lower Brass Dr M lomas

Oboe Ms e Fyfe

Org an Mr M Butterfield

Percussion Mr a Marshallsay

Percussion Mr c Mccann

Piano Ms K emer y

Piano Miss a Grayburn

Piano Mr P Turner

sa xophone Mr c Gibbons

sing ing Dr c henshaw

sing ing Miss s Jefferies

Violin &

Mr P Dukes

10 h e a d s o f d e P a r t m e n t
vscrocker@marlboroug hcolleg (01672) 892481 secretar y
l Freeman lfreeman@malboroug hcolleg 892486 academic consultant JaG art eFJ T classics JFl compliance
hunter Design Technolog
DJM Drama DK economics
Dia eng lish NOP G examinations
ess MJs eP Q sJD Form NOP G Geography rGDr Guidance acl histor y caFM histor y of art FsM information Technolog y T JD learning support heG librar y JeB Mathematics OPe Director of sport rFh assistant Director of sport JMQ Modern lang uag es aT W French German Tcr italian (PNMF) Mandarin Ql russian aGl spanish MDa Music – artistic Director PTD Music – academic Music cT Outdoor activities rT Politics K h Psycholog y Jll Pshee, r se & sMsc Jh relig ious studies BlW science GaD Biolog y TaB chemistr y K eh Physics & astronomy c JW Timetable Manag er er Visual arts JhP
y Mrs V crocker
Officer Mrs h
& Business
Mrs M Grant

aerobics Mrs s sheppard, Miss l straw

athletics Mrs J alexander, Mr B coles, JWD, Mr K Donkin, c Jh, TrT

Basketball Mr M analts

clay Pig eon shooting Mr h stevens

cricket Mr U Qureshi

Dance Mrs Z humphries

Fives Mr T Brown

Football Mr G Bruce, Mr c Tanner

Gym Mr B coles, Mr K Donkin

hockey Mr M hug hes

Kickboxing Mr a Gerken

lacrosse Miss l hustler-Wraig ht

Netball Mr B coles, Mrs P hig hnett, Ms h lawrence, TrT, Ms T Watt

Outdoor activities Mr G Bruce

rug by Mr G Bruce, Mr B coles, Mr c Tanner, TrT

swimming Mr a hicks

Tennis Mr J Greg or y, Mr N little, Mr J Veale, Mr N Walker

Triathlon Mr K Bradshaw

Water Polo Mr a

11 V i s i t i n g s P o r t s C o a C h e s
Yog a Miss e Petitt a d m i n i s t r at i o n & r e C e P t i o n tel ep hone administration & isaMs lead Mrs e Kendrick (01672) 892202 administration assistant reception Miss N Bayfield 892200 administration assistant secretarial Mrs a cramsie smith 892422 administration assistant Mrs e Whitehouse 892226 (co - curriculum & Outreach) colleg e switchboard 892200 colleg e email ( g eneral enquiries) g eneral enquiries@marlboroug hcolleg e org security 892201 security Mobile 07974 478141 a d m i s s i o n s tel ep hone Director of admissions JJlT (01672) 892300 assistant Director of admissions JP c 892300 senior admissions Tutor NGh 892300 admissions reg istrar Mrs e headlam 892300 admissions Team Mrs i Blake, Miss J Brooks, Mrs F Dennis, 892300 Mrs r Powell, Mrs s swatton, Mrs c White
12 C o m P l i a n C e tel ep hone compliance Officer Mrs h hunter (01672) 892347 d e V e l o P m e n t tel ep hone Director of Development Mr s ler will (01672) 892438 associate Director (Development) Ms J Perrins 892439 associate Director (club & campaign) Mr c Propper 892432 Development executive 892558 alumni eng ag ement Manag er Mrs K Goodwin 892384 events Manag er Ms F cottrill 892382 communications Manag er Ms K Graham 892477 Development assistant / Pa to Director Miss r Osland 892385 research & Data Manag er Miss l hinde 892557 1843 President Mr r Mullins 892439 e s t at e s tel ep hone estates Bursar Mr a Barnes (01672) 892274 head of capital Projects Mr P eley 892329 Project Manag er (capital Projects) Mr J Tunmore 892443 secretar y to the estates Bursar & capital Projects Mrs T Pathania 892441 Building sur veyor Mr J Folliard 892336 Trainee Building sur veyor Mr G Morg an 892423 estates Maintenance Manag er Mr J Thomson 892359 estates Maintenance super visor Mr s cullip 892357 estates administration assistant Miss s clements 892346 estates stock controller Mr c Truscott 892442 M&e Manag er FF&e Manag er Mrs a O’shaug hnessy 892343 residential Property Manag er Mrs s cable 892450 e x a m i n at i o n s tel ep hone head of examinations Mrs M Grant (01672) 892446 examinations administrator Mrs M Tarrant-smith 892391
13 f u t u r e s tel ep hone head of Department acl (01672) 892360 Oxbridg e aG O 892364 international applications acl 892534 advisers VrB K JK FsM ec s r s irT aT W 892361 administrator & events co -ordinator Mrs J Macintosh 892361 h u m a n r e s o u r C e s tel ep hone Director of human resources Mrs h hewlett (01672) 892208 human resources Business Partner Mrs B roberts 892258 human resources Business Partner Miss l sparkes 892461 human resources Business Partner Mrs N Wilson 892279 human resources administrator Miss D claridg e 892402 human resources administrator Miss T roper 892239 h e a l t h & s a f e t y tel ep hone health & safety Manag er Miss s-J French (01672) 892444 f i n a n C e tel ep hone Director of Finance Mrs h Mack (01672) 892392 Finance Manag er Mrs D Pearce 892394 Finance administration assistant Mrs V salmon 892387 assistant Finance Manag er Mrs N adams 892345 accounts assistant Miss T Gibson 892408 Fees Mrs K Bolton 892393 Payroll administrator Ms J claridg e 892399 Mcel Finance assistant Miss i Trofimova 892396 Purchase ledg er clerk Mrs e clarkson 892395
14 l i B r a r y tel ep hone librarian JeB (01672) 892468 librar y Manag er Miss V Williams 892466 librar y assistant Ms e Bovill 892466 archivist Mrs G lenehan 892472 l e a r n i n g s u P P o r t tel ep hone seNcO heG (01672) 892269 learning support Teachers Vrh ( Jci) JMcc 892259 learning support co -ordinator Mrs s armitag e 892292 e al co -ordinator eJP 892259 i t & C o m P u t e r s e r V i C e s tel ep hone iT ser vices Manag er Mr M Garland (01672) 892398 internal software Manag er sDF 892213 Network Manag er Mr J Graham 892514 systems Manag ers Mr r eyles, Mr K Mulholland 892228 icT Network eng ineer Miss G samuel 892235 systems & security analyst Mr P hawkins 892367 aV Production super visor Mr J Watson 892275 aV Technician Mr J Jackson 892225 reprographics Technician Mrs F Doxford 892369 m a r K e t i n g & C o m m u n i C at i o n s tel ep hone Director of Marketing & communications Mrs J Jordan (01672) 892237 Marketing & communications Manag er Ms J Green 892295 Marketing & communications Manag er Mr c Tanner 892546

m e d i C a l

m e d i C a l C e n t r e Telephone (01672) 892435

e-mail sani@marlboroug hcolleg e org

Pa r a m e d i C 07776 020486

m e d i C a l o f f i C e r

Dr a colling s (01672) 512187 ( Town surg er y) (01672) 892435 (Medical centre)

n ur s i n g sta f f

Ms s Jones Medical centre Manag er

Mrs h andrew rGN Nurse

Mrs c au health care assistant

Mrs s Birkill rGN Nurse

Mrs c chatterton specialist Paramedic

Mrs a clarke Paramedic

Mrs h eg an Medical centre assistant

Mrs s Gannon health care assistant

Miss c Jenkins rGN Nurse

Mrs J Owens rGN Nurse

Mrs r r awling s rGN Nurse

Ms J richardson Paramedic

P h ys i ot h e r a Py

amanda Marsh Physiotherapy email sani@marlboroug hcolleg to request referral sur g e ry t i m e s

Pupils seeking sanctuar y and those with new injuries can arrive at the Medical centre without an appointment all other medical issues will require an appointment

appointments to see a Nurse are available 7 days a week . if you need to see a Doctor, appointments are available Monday to saturday

To arrang e an appointment please email : sani@marlboroug hcolleg .


8 am – 9 20 am Doctor

Pupils should report their return to their hM or Dame when discharg ed from the Medical centre.

& saturdays
m a r l B o r o u g h C o l l e g e e n t e r P r i s e l t d tel ep hone Director of enterprises Mr r Urquhart (01672) 892389 Book Office Manag er Miss J hickson 892475 Book Office assistant 892475 crosby & lawrence Manag er Mr K edwards 892498 events co -ordinator Mrs r Graham 892338 events assistant Miss a Morg an 892388 sports letting s JhB 892490 swimming Pool Manag er Mr M shaw 892500
16 o P e r at i o n s tel ep hone Director of Operations Mr M Nawor ynsky (01672) 892334 catering Operations Manag er Mr e Morton 892455 hospitality Manag er Mrs c Banks 892335 Deputy Domestic ser vices Manag er Mrs s cleverley 892452 head of Gardens Mrs e Kerrig an 892287 head of Grounds Mr D liddiard 892509 security & Transport Manag er Mr a Gashi 892531 Transport co -ordinator Mrs J ryklova 892278 s u P P o r t s t a f f art senior Technician Mr M Ward Technician Mrs r Dowdell Technician Mrs M Pag e Technician Miss T Thompson Biolog y senior Technician Miss h Bailey Technician Mrs l ludg ate Technician Miss a-M robertson chemistr y senior Technician Mr P Brimacombe Technician Miss a Perna Technician Mrs c Wrig ht Design Technolog y Workshop Projects Manag er Mrs P simner Technician Mr J Guilietti-simner Modern lang uag es Technician Mrs O scott Physics senior Technician Mr D Turner Technician Mr M Brown Technician Ms l Griffiths Theatre Technician Mr P cox costume super visor Mrs D armitag e o u t r e a C h tel ep hone Partnership Manag er Mrs e Taylor 07485 347920 head of academic Outreach c ss Partnership lead at Pewsey Vale school Mc Primar y schools Ql
17 W h o r u n s W h at s C h o o l s o C i et i e s art histor y FsM Biolog y & Natural histor y JJlT Brooke (& Debating ) Jcl chemistr y K eh chinese Ql christian Forum Br a JJl M circolo italiano aT W classics JFl Der Jung e Goethe Tcr economics & Business Dia Griffith rFh histor y (lower school ) MPlB histor y & The arts caFM international T WGN les amis de Maupassant TaK literar y NOP G rc J Medical NJl M Music PTD Philosophy & Theolog y BlW Physics c JW Politics K h Psycholog y Jll r adcliffe GKWJ romance of learning caFM russian aGl science GaD Unity VrB aerobics Ql athletics JMQ Basketball c Jh Mr M shaw canoeing & Kayaking rT clay Pig eon shooting MBB cricket MWa MPlB cricket (Girls) Mr r horn cross countr y JFl Dance Tcr expeditions JNN Fencing PNK Fishing NOP G Fives TaK Football rGDr Golf J T Wl hockey Msr Jujitsu Dia lacrosse hJcM P h ys i C a l aC t i Vit i e s Mountaineering rT Mountain Biking rT Netball shN Pilates NG Polo McBs r ackets MPlB Mr r horn rug by TP G shooting Mrs N Watts squash JhB streng th & conditioning JWD sub aqua DGr swimming PJOs Table Tennis irT Tennis (Boys) TaK Tennis (Girls) hJcM Water Polo PJOs Yog a NG

mu s i C a l aC t i Vit i e s

Big Band & Brasser a Ja

chamber Orchestra & Mrs s stag g

sinfonia string s

chapel & chamber choirs a JMs

m i s C e l l a n e o u s

almanac JrBs

Bradleian DK

ccF captain s Brooks NJl M

ccF stores Ms N Watts

chapel Flowers Mrs M hawthorn

charities & charity committee JP c

chess JPs irT

common room President r as

Duke of edinburg h’s award JNN rT

ellis Theatre DK

Food Focus committee Mr M Nawor ynsky

Garnett room caFM

General Knowledg e Quiz rDW

Mcc s PTD

Jazz/sa xophone ensemble Mr c Gibbons

Junior sing ers MB

symphony Orchestra PTD

house challeng e rDW

Keeper of r are Books FsM


Memorial hall Mr J Watson

Mount house JhP

1993 Trophies JrBs

Obser vator y GKWJ

Piccalilli rc J

shell & remove activities a Jh

social events Jah

sunday Talks T WGN

The Marlburian Mr a Gashi

d a m e s

B1 Mrs e Blossom

Barton hill Miss M Duncan

c1 Mrs c Pincott

c2 Mrs T sug den

c3 & Mill Mead Ms e Gibbs

cotton house Mrs r Taylor

Danc y house Mrs s Wilson

elmhurst Mrs h Doyle

ivy house Mrs e Burnet

littlefield Mrs T smith

Morris house Mrs M Presley

New court Mrs V lig ht

Preshute Mrs K Brown

summerfield Mrs F Major

Turner house Ms N Moss-simpson

W h o r u n s W h at ( C o n t i n u e d )

h o u s e s

B 1 ( B oys )

h m : Dr a r es i d ent tutor : c Jh non r es i d ent tutor s : PDB Mrs s armitag e OPe Jh irT* MFh K NM sDM TrT

B a rto n h i l l ( B oys )

h m : G JM r es i d ent tutor s : se Jcl non r es i d ent tutor s : JhP MM* rDW aT W JP c WhG Jrl ech

C 1 ( B oys )

h m : JPs r es i d ent tutor : Mr c Tanner non r es i d ent tutor s : M B B rT c J W P N K J T Wl e aWW a a B D l l Mrs c Pincott* B h

C 2 ( B oys )

h m : GrP r es i d ent tutor : Br a non r es i d ent tutor s : PTD c ss JW* MB Mrs T sug den T JD elP Mr r horn DJM OslT

C 3 ( B oys )

h m : GDMl ass is t a nt h m : PJOs non r es i d ent tutor s : DGr NOP G caFM MWa JNN* Mr B coles DTc Mrs J O'sullivan al

C ot to n h o u s e ( m i x e d )

h m : GiM ass is t a nt h m : JMQ non r es i d ent tutor s : J h B D K J Mcc B h M T WG N rG D r* Mrs a Macmillan Mrs h Quinn aP

da n C y h o u s e ( g i r l s )

h m : K JK r es i d ent tutor s : r ac cr J non r es i d ent tutor s : TaK Mrs e Blossom Miss J lilley Mi aGl NG K h JJlT

e l m hur st ( g i r l s )

h m : haMc ass is t a nt h m : hJMh r es i d ent tutor : MDa

non r es i d ent tutor s : a Ja VrB VGMD Mrs r Dowdell PJN scT iT

i V y h o u s e ( g i r l s )

h m : hJcM r es i d ent tutor s : K eh Mc s

non r es i d ent tutor s : sMcK BlW l Z K lh McBs Mrs P simner Mrs e Burnet TGr M

l it t l e f i e l d ( m i x e d )

h m : hlrT ass is t a nt h m : TaB

non r es i d ent tutor s : acl sDF rFh NJl M Mae Dia hJB cM TPP*

m i l l m e a d ( g i r l s )

h m : sKW r es i d ent tutor s : Mr s e G i b b s s h N

non r es i d ent tutor s : JD eFJ T BN JrBs GKWJ Miss r cox aGD


h o u s e s ( C o n t i n u e d )

m o r r i s h o u s e ( g i r l s )

h m : JlF r es i d ent tutor s : O G Mr s M Pr e s l e y

non r es i d ent tutor s : cT ec s Ql Jll Mc Mrs F Dennis iiaM

n eW C o urt ( g i r l s )

h m : al a ass is t a nt h m : Tcr

non r es i d ent tutor s : FsM er eJPM rc J Mrs e lyon Taylor heG scB* Mrs M swift

P r e s hu t e ( m i x e d )

h m : srh r es i d ent tutor s : TP G a JMs

non r es i d ent tutor s : sJD aG O Vrh Jrc Mrs a Gilmour hl Ms WJM aDN

sum m e r f i e l d ( m i x e d )

h m : clh r es i d ent tutor : Msr

non r es i d ent tutor s : Ms J Green KGas MPlB r s rlTB MJs Mr U Qureshi JJl M*

t ur n e r h o u s e ( B oys )

h m : ahDT r es i d ent tutor : a Jh

non r es i d ent tutor s : GaD scc JFl TcMl JJD Mrs i de Trafford r as JcP c sG c*

* Additional HM Support

e a d s o f y e a r

B o a r d i n g h o u s e s tel ep hone B1 (01672) 892210 Barton hill 892250 c1 892220 c2 892230 c3 892240 cotton house 892310 Danc y house 892462 elmhurst 892260 ivy house 892298 littlefield 892320 Mill Mead 892270 Morris house 892280 New court 892290 Preshute 892330 summerfield 892340 Turner house 892350 h
shell WhG remove a Jh hundred Mae lower sixth rDW Upper sixth JP c h e a d s o f s C h o l a r s head of scholars caFM shell & remove caFM hundred VrB lower sixth scc TGr M Upper sixth aG O

s en i or Pr ef e ct : Daisy Doherty ih

Jachin acquah cO

alisa allin MM

Nina Blakey MO

arthur Bra xton cO

humphrey Bra xton Bh

edward chataway li

Thomas chavasse c3

Dominic cox B1

Phoebe cox ih

austin crapper c2

Ma x Dunne sU

sophia eng Da

Poppy Greville- collins MO

aoife Guinness ih

s en i or Pr ef e ct :

William snooks c1

sarah hill sU

harlan hines c1

Olivia hunt Pr

Poppy ing ham ih

Martha Jameson sU

Theo Janelid TU

Olivia Miller MO

Philip Monag han li

Toby Morg an cO

Maria Julia rubinelli Nc

henr y smith cO

imog en stratford MM

Magnus Tag g art sU

William Walduck TU

William elivss B1

clarke hines Bh

Freddie cowling c1

r afferty Tate c2

Dominic cheng c3

amelia John & Michael Utku cO

emilia Goodman Da

clementine cay zer el

W e l l B e i n g a m B a s s a d o r s

hector adams (U6) TU

alisa allin (U6) MM

Nina Blakey (U6) MO

Jack Bowman (U6) c1

edward chataway (U6) li

Thomas chavasse (U6) c3

Dominic cheng (U6) c3

henr y cornell (U6) TU

Malachy Dawes (U6) c2

Beatrice Duignan (U6) Da

Marg ot Goug h (U6) MO

charlotte Grader (U6) ih

Octavia hunt (U6) el

Katherine Blossom ih

Philip Orth & sophia rosenfeld li

romilly campbell- Gray MM

aleki Jeveons MO

Phoenix Fleming Nc

lawrence crapper & ella Davidson Pr

Tom cleverly & hannah Nijjar sU

charles Kirkwood TU

Katherine Jansen (U6) li

lilly lambert (U6) MO

amelia Milroy- Golding (U6) el

Philip Monag han (U6) li

alexia Money-Kyrle (U6) MO

Toby Morg an (U6) cO

saskia Mullin (U6) el

William Walduck (U6) TU

Ma x Wyman (U6) c3

emily hunter (l6) Da

Zachar y White (l6) B1

Faith sher win (hu) MM

21 P r e f e C t s
h e a d s o f h o u s e

e n s e m B l e l e a d e r s

Brasser Freddie Vine B1 chamber and symphony Orchestras

Dmitri Montanari c1

chapel choir Olivia Miller & edg ardo Quintavalle MO & sU

C a P t a i n s o f s P o r t

rug by James Maloney Bh

hockey Phoebe cox & sarah hill ih & sU

Basketball arthur Bra xton cO

clay Pig eon shooting William snooks c1

Football Kemal Utku & Mickey Wilkes cO & c3

Golf albert Payne c1

lacrosse alice easterbrook Da

Netball sophia eng Da

r ackets (Boys) charles Kirkwood TU

r ackets (Girls) sophia Mordaunt MM

shooting Theo Janelid TU

squash (Boys) hamish Macmillan c2

squash (Girls) alexandra Brown Nc

swimming (Boys) Dominic cheng c3

swimming (Girls) Nina Blakey MO

Water Polo (Boys) henr y strong cO

Water Polo (Girls) Jazmine simkins MO

head of ccF Badr Badr c2

s C h o o l C o l o u r s

Two kinds of sporting colours exist to reward those who perform with credit in inter-school sports

fir s t te a m C o l o ur s : may be awarded to any member of the Open First team to acknowledg e expertise, level of performance and commitment.

C o l l eg e C o l o ur s : may be awarded usually to Open First or second team members ( in the Upper sixth) to acknowledg e their standard of play, contribution and commitment during the course of a season.

fir s t te a m C o l o ur s B oys : Blue, black and white tie – thick stripes

C o l l eg e C o l o ur s B oys : Blue, black and white tie – thin stripes

fir s t te a m C o l o ur s gir l s : Badg e – black and blue mitre with g old surround

C o l l eg e C o l o ur s gir l s : Badg e – black with blue mitre with silver surround

C C f C o l o ur s B oys : Maroon and navy tie – thick stripes

C C f C o l o ur s gir l s : Badg e – Maroon and navy stripes

lo wer s cho o l C o l o ur s B oys : Navy tie with blue and white spots

lo wer s cho o l C o l o ur s gir l s : Badg e – navy and white quarters


h o n o u r s aWa r d s

These are to recognise outstanding contribution to the life of the colleg e in non-sporting areas – Music and Drama ; Outreach and charities an award is made to note performance at a ver y hig h level or a disting uished contribution over a period of time. They are normally, though not exclusively, reser ved for members of the Upper sixth.

B oys : Dark blue tie with g old mitres

gir l s : Badg e with colleg e crest

m u s i C l e s s o n s

instrumental and sing ing lessons are published on a house timetable sent to houses each weekend

You should always check this timetable for the time of your lesson(s) for the forthcoming week .

if yo u a r e in the up p er s cho o l you should arrang e your lessons to coincide with study Periods or free time in the afternoons.

if yo u a r e in the lo wer s cho o l music lessons take priority over other lessons but not over examinations or school matches. it is your responsibility not to arrang e a lesson which clashes with another commitment which you could reasonably have foreseen.

Music lessons take priority over g ames practices, but you should inform your music teacher if you are in a team and ask him/her to avoid these times, if possible

if you have to miss an academic lesson or g ames practice in order to attend a music lesson you should ask permission of the beak concerned as soon as you can

You should make ever y effort to arrang e your music lessons so that you do not miss a lesson in the same academic subject more than twice in a term

in the lower school, if you play more than one instrument, you may take lessons in normal lesson time for only one of them.

o u
sun days Breakfast Nor wood hall 9 am – 11.30 am chapel ser vice chapel 10 am lunch Nor wood hall 12 30 pm – 1 30 pm house checks 3 pm supper Nor wood hall 6 pm – 6.50 pm Talk Garnett room 6.30 pm Prep 7.30 pm – 9 pm curfew (no visiting ) 10 pm W e e K day m o r n i n g s Breakfast Nor wood hall 7.30 am – 8.15 am Period 1 8.45 am – 9.40 am Period 2 9.45 am – 10.40 am Break 10.40 am – 11.05 am Period 3 11 05 am – 12 noon Period 4 (shell ) 12 05 pm – 12 40 pm Period 4 (remove) 12.05 pm –12.50 pm Period 4 (hundred ) 12.05 pm – 1 pm Period 4 (Upper school ) 12.05 pm – 1.15 pm lunch 12 noon – 1.50 pm W e e K day a f t e r n o o n s m o n , W e d & f r i t ue & t hu Period 5 4.45 pm – 5.40 pm studies 5.30 pm – 6.40 pm Period 6 5.45 pm – 6.40 pm (shell/remove to 6.30 pm) supper – Nor wood hall 5 45 pm – 7 pm 6 40 pm – 7 pm shell/remove from 6.30 pm Prep 7 30 pm – 9 pm (ever y nig ht except saturday) curfew 10 pm (ever y nig ht except saturday) s at ur days Breakfast Nor wood hall 7 30 am – 8 15 am Period 1 8 45 am – 9 40 am Period 2 9.45 am – 10.40 am Break 10.40 am – 11.05 am Period 3 (shell ) 11.05 am – 11.40 am Period 3 (remove) 11.05 am – 11.50 am Period 3 (hundred ) 11 05 am – 12 noon Period 3 (Upper school ) 11 05 am – 12 10 pm lunch 11.50 am – 12.45 pm n B On saturdays : supper
6 pm
Detention is at 7 45 pm
10 15 pm
10 45 pm)
t i n e t i m e s
pm ; house checks are at 7.15 pm – 7.30
25 r o u t i n e a C t i V i t i e s (unless otherwise published) sunday chapel chapel choir 9.10 am – 10 am ellis Theatre Play rehearsals 7 15 pm – 9 55 pm m o n day cr Mr1 Prefects Meeting 10.40 am – 11.05 am chapel chapel choir 1.40 pm – 2.30 pm Goodison hall Voces colleg ii 1 40 pm – 2 30 pm Outreach 2 15 pm Memorial hall Upper school assembly 4.15 pm Memorial hall remove assembly 5.45 pm ellis Theatre hundred assembly 5 45 pm Memorial hall shell assembly 6.15 pm Garnett room heads of house Meeting ( Week a) 7 pm Goodison hall chamber choir 7 05 pm – 7 45 pm ellis Theatre Play rehearsal 9.05 pm – 9.55 pm t ue sday shell & remove activities sports café shell & remove sports scholars 4 pm ellis Theatre Play rehearsal 4 30 pm – 6 45 pm henr y hony centre sa xophone ensemble 5 pm – 5.45 pm academic Time for Upper sixth 5 pm – 6.40 pm henr y hony centre chamber Orchestra 6 15 pm – 7 15 pm Goodison hall Brasser 6.15 pm – 7.30 pm Master ’ s lodg e Prefects Meeting ( Week B) 6.50 pm ellis Theatre Play rehearsal 9 05 pm – 9 55 pm Memorial librar y christian Forum 9.05 pm – 9.55 pm societies W e d n e sday Parade Ground ccF & Outreach 2.15 pm Goodison hall symphony Orchestra 2 15 pm – 4 15 pm ellis Theatre Play rehearsal 2.15 pm – 4.30 pm Goodison hall Junior sing ers 6.45 pm – 7.30 pm chapel compline choir 7 05 pm – 7 45 pm M6 rOl (romance of learning ) 7.45 pm – 9.00 pm ellis Theatre Play rehearsal 9.05 pm – 9.55 pm M6 haTa (Upper school ) 9 05 pm – 9 55 pm Garnett room Upper sixth scholars 9 05 pm – 9 55 pm
26 r o u t i n e a C t i V i t i e s ( C o n t i n u e d ) m e m o r i a l l i B r a ry is open : Mon – Fri 8.30 am – 9 pm sat 8 30 am – 12 50 pm sun 2 pm – 5 pm & Prep B o o K o f f i C e is open : Mon – Fri 8 30 am – 2 30 pm sat 8.30 am – 12.30 pm t h e m a r l Bur i a n s o C i a l C e n t r e is open : sat 8.15 pm – 10.35 pm gui da n C e is open : Mon, Wed & Fri 2.30 pm – 4 pm Tue & Thur 2.30 pm – 6.40 pm t hur sday alternative Games Matches ellis Theatre Play rehearsal 4 30 pm – 6 45 pm M6 shell & remove scholars 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm h7 hundred scholars 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm Goodison Big Band 6 15 pm – 7 30 pm henr y hony centre Jazz ensemble 6 15 pm – 7 30 pm henr y hony centre sinfonia string s 6.45 pm – 7.20 pm lc13 lower sixth scholars Meeting ( Week B) 7.30 pm – 9 pm Play rehearsal 9 05 pm – 9 55 pm societies FriDaY chapel chapel choir 1.40 pm – 2.30 pm chapel remove & hundred congreg ation 5 45 pm librar y Gaming club 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm Play rehearsal 9.05 pm – 9.55 pm saTUrDaY Major Games Matches social events

C o l l e g e t r a n s P o rt

The colleg e provides coach transport for pupils (return pickup locations are listed on pag e 28) at:

• the start and end of ever y half-term, and at the end of ever y term

• the start and end of ever y exeat weekend

• at the end of ever y term the college provides transport to london Victoria , south Kensing ton and heathrow ONlY

no te : there is no colleg e transport provided at the start of any term.

ta x is : Parents can book ta xis directly with the following ta xi firms whom we know and have approved : aB

airport Transfers : 07738

aDs chauffeur ser vices : 01380 816892 / 07802 689658

Transport via coaches and ta xis, can be booked and cancelled throug h the transport booking system, via the Parent Portal any arrang ement is ultimately between the ta xi firm and the family chang es or cancellations to booking s outside of term time will need to be made directly with the ta xi company should you require assistance accessing the booking system, please call the Travel Team on 01672 892422 (term time only, 9 am – 5 pm)

Pl e a s e no te :

• any cancellations or no shows will incur a charg e as per our cancellation Polic y

• colleg e transport may be a coach, mini bus or car depending upon the number of booking s received.

• colleg e transport will only wait 10 minutes after the scheduled departure time and missing pupils will not be called.

• a destination will be cancelled if the number of pupils booked is fewer than thr e e

• all seats need to be pre-booked, p l e a s e d o no t a r r ive w itho ut a pr i or b o o king .

• transport will only g o to the stops where booking s have been received.

• colleg e transport is available to take pupils from the colleg e to heathrow at the start and end of ever y half-term, and at the end of term.

• colleg e transport is provided to pick up pupils from heathrow Terminal 5 departures at 7 pm, only on the evening the half-term holiday ends

• for airport trips essential information will need to be provided, particularly for unaccompanied minors or those travelling on a child student Visa .

• outbound london coaches stop at south Kensing ton (Natural histor y Museum) and Victoria (Greenline coach station) and return from Victoria (Greenline coach station) and hammersmith (Novotel ).

s P o r t i n f o r m at i o n
C o l l e g e t r a n
aldbourne Ta xis
07977 059991 avebur y Ta xis : 07525 690207 Balfour cars : 07767 745244 Browns Ta xis : 07847 097189 Budg ie’s cars : 07368 372352 DB chauffeurs : 07850 100859 Flig ht link chauffeurs : 07739 669436 Parag on cars : 07823 337377 PD cars : 01672 511884 swindon corporate Travel : 07773 299372 Umbrella Ta xis : 07585 003555

C o l l e g e t r a n s P o r t i n f o r m at i o n ( C o n t i n u e d )

at the s t a r t o f exe at we ekend s a nd ha lf - ter m a nd at the end o f ter m tr a nsp or t w il l l e ave f r om the Pa r ad e gr o und at the f o l l o w ing times :

1 pm fr i d ay 2 2 s ep temb er ( e xe at )

1 pm fr i d ay 1 3 o ctob er ( ha lf - ter m )

1 pm fr i d ay 1 7 novemb er ( e xe at , Pa r ents' me e ting f or up p er s i x th Pa r ents )

1 pm We dnes d ay 1 3 d e cemb er ( end o f ter m )

at the end o f the exe at we ekend s a nd ha lf - ter m tr a nsp or t w il l l e ave pr omp tl y at the f o l l o w ing times :

e m e r g e n C y C o n taC t f o r t r aVe l security Team (24hrs): 01672 892201

At hal f-ter m only (Sund ay 29 October):

The coach super visor will meet pupils at Terminal 5 Departures

– Proceed to le vel 5 in Departures

– locate gate h inside the Terminal

– Use the e x it opposite gate h

– stand opposite the B a Va l et se rVi C e

At end of ter m ( Wednesd ay 13 December):

Transport will be provided to london Victoria , london south Kensing ton and london heathrow

Approximate journey times lond on Vi ctor i a Greenline coach station (Bay 3) 6 45 pm 2 hrs lond on ha mmer sm ith Novotel (car Park) 7 pm 1½ hrs Br is to l Temple Meads station 7.30 pm 1½ hrs Parkway station 7.50 pm Ch i ches ter Festival Theatre (car Park) 5 35 pm 2¼ hrs Midhurst (North street Bus stop GU29 9DZ ) 6 pm Petersfield r ail station (lavant street) 6 25 pm West Meon hut (car Park) 6.45 pm sutton scotney ser vices (North side) 7 30 pm go d a lm ing homebase (car Park) 7 pm 2 hrs Guildford Bus station (commercial road car Park) 7.20 pm ma i d en he ad holiday inn (sl6 2r a) 7.15 pm 1½ hrs reading r ail station 7 45 pm o x f or d Peartree ser vices 7.45 pm 1¼hrs s a l isb ur y r ail station 8 pm 1¼hrs sw ind on r ail station (car Park) 8 pm 30 mins tunbr i dg e Wel l s r ail station 5.45 pm 3¼ hrs east Grinstead r ail station 6.10 pm Pease Pottag e ser vices 6.30 pm
lond on he
7 pm 1½ hrs
5 Departures

d at e s o f t e r m s

mi chaelma s monday 4 september (shell, new lower sixth pupils, Prefects & heads of house)

2023 tues d ay 5 s ep temb er ( a l l o ther p up il s b e t we en 6 pm a nd 8 pm )

to We dnes d ay 1 3 d e cemb er ( 1 2 no on )

e xe at : 12 noon Friday 22 september – 9 pm sunday 24 september

ha lf - ter m : 12 noon Friday 13 October – 9 pm sunday 29 October

e xe at 12 noon Friday 17 November – 9 pm Monday 20 November

lent thursday 4 Januar y ( bet ween 6 pm & 9 pm )

2 0 2 4 to fr i d ay 2 2 ma r ch ( 1 2 no on )

e xe at : 12 noon Friday 19 Januar y – 9 pm sunday 21 Januar y

ha lf - ter m : 12 noon Friday 9 Februar y – 9 pm sunday 18 Februar y

e xe at : 12 noon Friday 8 March – 9 pm sunday 10 March

summer mond ay 1 5 apr il ( b e t we en 6 pm & 9 pm ) 2 0 2 4 to fr i d ay 2 8 June ( 1 2 no on )

e xe at : 12 noon Friday 3 May – 9 pm Monday 6 May

ha lf - ter m : 4 pm saturday 25 May – 9 pm sunday 2 June

mi chaelma s tuesday 3 september (shell, new lower sixth pupils, Prefects & heads of house)

2024 We dnes d ay 4 s ep temb er ( a l l o ther p up il s b e t we en 6 pm a nd 8 pm )

to We dnes d ay 1 1 d e cemb er ( 1 2 no on )

e xe at : 12 noon Friday 27 september – 9 pm sunday 29 september

ha lf - ter m : 12 noon Friday 18 October – 9 pm sunday 3 November

e xe at 12 noon Friday 22 November – 9 pm Monday 25 November

in rejoining their house on the first day of a new term, or after a half-term or exeat, pupils may not be later than 9 pm nor earlier than 6 pm unless they have previously obtained permission from their housemaster or housemistress.


r o a d s a f e t y

Pupils must be road safety aware and should obser ve the following g uidance :

• give the r o ad yo ur f u l l at tenti on when crossing , even if you are with a group of friends. look out for them too.

• d on’t us e yo ur mob il e to t a l k or tex t while you are crossing or waiting

• l is ten ing to mus i c is d is tr acting while crossing the road – remember headphones may not be worn when walking about the colleg e and Town.

• d on’t t a ke cha nces when you cross the road – cars may not be able to stop always use one of the pedestrian crossing s to cross the a4.

remember stoP, looK and listen !

s C h o o l r u l e s

the s cho o l r u l es ap p l y e q ua l l y to a l l p up il s r eg a r d l ess o f d iff er ences in e thn i c b ack g r o und , cu lt ur e , l a ng ua g e , r el ig i on , g end er, ab il it y or d is ab il it y.

all members of Marlboroug h colleg e have the rig ht to enjoy their lives free from bullying and harassment ( including racial and relig ious) and are expected to treat others as they hope to be treated themselves in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

individuals have the rig ht to expect any senior member of the colleg e to listen and to deal with a problem promptly and sensitively. (a fuller version of this statement can be found on house Notice Boards )

if a ny p up il ha s a g r i e v a nce a co py o f the pr o ce dur e w h i ch may b e f o l l o we d is d isp l aye d on ho us e no ti ce B o a r d s .

as a cond iti on o f memb er s h ip o f the C o l l eg e , p up il s a r e r e q u ir e d :

To treat all others with respect and courtesy

To take due care of all building s and property, including personal possessions

To fulfil all colleg e commitments punctually and positively

To obser ve the following rules :

a . the f o l l o w ing a r e ex pr ess l y f or b i d d en at a l l times :

Bullying sexual harassment

explicit sexual relations

B . the f o l l o w ing may no t b e us e d or p o ss ess e d :

Tobacco in any form ; electric cig arettes, matches and cig arette lig hters ; joss sticks

e-shisha pens and vapes

alcoholic drinks (except on certain authorised occasions)

Guns, ammunition, explosives or fireworks

any illeg al substances

any offensive weapon (no knives other than cutler y)

Motor bikes or cars (except for officially approved driving lessons)


C. Pa r ents ’ a nd h m ’ s p er m iss i on is r e q u ir e d to : Take weekend leave (all school commitments need to be honoured ) from 12 pm saturday to 9 pm sunday

Be absent from Marlboroug h for a nig ht

Travel in a car driven by a visitor (who must be over 25 unless a member of the pupil’s immediate family)

arrang e driving lessons

d. h m ’ s p er m iss i on is r e q u ir e d : To replace lost books

To leave Marlborough for any reason ( inter views, dental appointments, field trips, theatre trips etc)

To be out of the colleg e after 5.30 pm

To be out of house during studies ( Tuesday and Thursday), after 7 30 pm (all pupils must sign out and lower school pupils must have permission from their hM)

By members of the Upper sixth who wish to visit public houses (full reg ulations for visiting public houses, licensed restaurants and hotels are published separately)

e . gener a l B o und s :

a) O vernig ht (10 45 pm saturday – 6 45 am sunday ; 10 pm – 6 45 am other days) pupils are confined to their own boarding houses.

b) During school Periods, breaks, ‘studies’ and Prep ( including the period after Prep) and after dark all pupils are restricted to the inner campus*. after the start of Prep, this can only be accessed via designated routes*.

c) During other daylig ht hours the Full campus* is in Bounds.

d ) hundred, lower sixth and Upper sixth may visit the Town* without permission at the following times only :

sunday 11 am – 5.30 pm (smart casual )

Monday Wednesday 1 pm – 4.40 pm

Friday (school Uniform or colleg e Branded sports Kit)

Tuesday Thursday 1 pm – 5 30 pm (school Uniform or colleg e Branded sport Kit)

saturday 12.15 pm – 5.30 pm (smart casual )

shell and remove may visit the Town* without permission at the following times only : sunday as above times

Monday Wednesday 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm


Tuesday Thursday 2.30 pm – 5 pm

saturday as above times

*see maps on the house Notice Boards


*The Town beg ins east of crosby & lawrence The only places that can be visited without permission are : Banks and Building societies, shops and cafes specific permission is needed to visit all other places in the Town including : hotels, restaurants, public houses, and off-licenses.

The Prior y Gardens, all waste land and alleyways are always Out of Bounds, as are betting shops and tattoo shops house Notice Boards, reg ularly updated, list any other building s or areas which may be placed Out of Bounds at any g iven time colleg e : roofs of all building s are Out of Bounds at all times, as is the Mound.

f. Vis iting :

General rules :

a) Pupils may visit each other in house social areas only ; bedsits and dormitories should not be visited by pupils at any time without permission

b) No pupil may wander around another pupil’s house a pupil must sign in as a visitor and be met in a common room area by the pupil (s) they are visiting

c) Visitors to the colleg e may not sleep overnig ht in studies or bedsits.

d ) Boarding pupils may not visit the home of a Day pupil without permission of their hM and the Day Pupil’s parents.

e) Pupils may visit other houses at the following times :

Monday – Friday 1 pm – 2 pm

6 40 pm – 7 10 pm

4 pm – 5 30 pm ( Tues, Thurs) after Prep – 9.55 pm (Upper school Only)

saturday 1 pm – 2 pm

4 pm – 5.30 pm

7.20 pm – 9.50 pm (lower school )

7 20 pm – 10 15 pm (Upper school only)


1 pm – 5 30 pm

No visiting after Prep

Pupils should refer to the summar y of visiting times on house Notice Boards to determine which parts of houses they are permitted to visit.

g. r u l es o f Cus tom :

a) eating and drinking are not permitted in the streets.

b) headphones may only be used in bedsits or studies and when travelling on buses. They may not be worn when walking about the colleg e and Town.

c) laser pointers are not allowed.

d ) loudspeakers may not be played : before first period (or before 11 am on sunday) during school Periods, ‘studies’, Prep or between 2 pm and 4 30 pm and after 10 pm on any day

e) Visiting other bedsits or studies during study Periods, ‘studies’ or Prep is not allowed. (NB Visiting rules are published on house Notice Boards )

f ) Pupils shall carr y wrist bands with them to access school building s at all times. if they wish to buy books or stationer y from the Book Office they should present their iD card


g ) Prefects and heads of house are the only pupils permitted to walk on the grass in court or on other lawns and ornamental grass areas.

h) in court: ball g ames may not be played ; boots with studs may not be worn

i) The Bath road may only be crossed at pelican crossing s, at the end of Barton hill Drive, at the Porters' lodg e Gates and at the art school crossing

j) all fund-raising activities in the colleg e must be approved in advance by the second Master throug h the head of charities.

k) Golf may not be played on the colleg e playing fields or anywhere else on campus.

l ) Bic ycles, skateboards and scooters are forbidden for g eneral use around the colleg e Pupils may request permission from the second Master to return with a bic ycle if they have a g enuine need to use one.

m) hitch-hiking is forbidden.

n) iT facilities, whether colleg e-owned or private, must be used in accordance with the code of conduct which relates to information Technolog y facilities, items of equipment and their use. Personal Games consoles are not permitted. inappropriate imag es or materials should not be stored or viewed on a P c, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.

o) electronic devices with a listening function, for example amazon echo, Goog le Nest etc are not allowed in houses for reasons of privac y.

p) Mobile phones may not be used in houses to make or receive calls during prep time or after 10 pm (Upper school after 10.30 pm). inappropriate use of phones is forbidden in classrooms, the librar y, assemblies, lectures and chapel.

q ) Mobile phones should not be used while walking about the colleg e and Town or during meal times. (Please refer to Mobile Phone Polic y)

r) No pupil may undertake paid employment during term-time

s) a Privileg e Weekend should be requested by Thursday evening . Pupils will leave for their weekend before early evening check in on saturday and must not remain on the colleg e campus or in Town after this time

h . no tes a nd r u l es f or d ay Pup il s :

a) When in the Town during term-time, all Day Pupils are subject to the same rules as Boarders, irrespective of whether they are on weekend leave or under the jurisdiction of their parents.

b) Day Pupils must travel between the colleg e and home in the appropriate uniform for each day.

c) a Day Pupil may not drive themselves to and from the colleg e by car or drive other pupils on any occasion

d ) Day Pupils should arrive at the colleg e each day (Monday - saturday) by 8.15 am and should reg ister in house immediately on arrival From the moment of arrival at the colleg e, Day Pupils are subject to exactly the same school rules as Boarders

e) Notice of illness or of any other reason preventing attendance should be phoned or emailed throug h to the Day Pupil’s hM by 8 30am


f ) Departure : Day Pupils are expected to sign out in their houses at 9pm post prep each evening , Monday - Friday, and at 1 pm on saturday ( later if involved in official school activities).

g ) sanctions for breaking school rules : these will be the same as for Boarders.

h) Weekends : a) Day Pupils are not required to attend colleg e on sundays, except for specific school ser vices

b) Day Pupils may attend evening functions with the permission of their hM.

i) No Day Pupil may invite any Boarder to their home without g etting the permission of their parents and the relevant hM.

j) Day Pupils may be permitted to stay overnig ht.

i . d r ess a nd ap p e a r a nce :

Pupils are expected to present a g ood impression at all times and their clothing behaviour and demeanour are important ingredients in achieving this The overall impression must be smart and modest.

The school reser ves the rig ht to interpret what is and is not appropriate uniform

We ekd ay d r ess will be worn from breakfast until 7 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday : until 5 30 pm on Tuesday and Thursday and from breakfast until after lunch on saturday

sund ay d r ess will be worn for chapel and for all sunday options, for other formal occasions and for away matches.

d r ess f or sp or t should always be reg ulation kit for team practices and matches as on the clothing list. specialist clothing must be worn where applicable, for example for personal training in the g ym. No surridg e or Kukri kit is to be worn by lower school pupils.

inf or ma l d r ess may be worn at all times not specified above. it must always be clean, tidy, in g ood condition and moderate in style. No hats.

ha ir should be moderate in style and natural in colour, not outlandish. hair should always be clean, neat and off the face. hair styles should not involve extreme contrasts between long and short hair. Pupils should be clean shaven.

Je wel l er y a discreet ear-ring or pair of ear-ring s may be worn. No other visible piercing s are allowed. a discreet necklace may be worn ; a discreet bracelet may be worn by sixth Form pupils ; a sing le band ring or signet ring may be worn by sixth Form pupils

ma ke - up No exag g erated make-up or coloured nail varnish is allowed ; pupils in the Upper school may wear neutral tones of nail varnish.


l oW e r s C h o o l –W e e K day d r e s s

Jacket: Uniform lovat*

Trousers : Uniform, plain, dark grey*

shirt: Only white or the uniform colleg e blue and white striped*, tucked in

Tie : Uniform house tie*

Pullover : Only V-neck navy blue with Marlboroug h colleg e crest*

socks : Grey, black or navy blue plain (not white)

scarf : colleg e scarf *

shoes : Only plain black polishable leather shoes (no sandals, canvas shoes, boots or trainers)

O vercoat: colleg e issued, waterproof jacket*

l oW e r s C h o o l –sun day d r e s s

Navy blue blazer*

Uniform house or colleg e tie*

rest as for weekdays

uP P e r s C h o o l –W e e K day a n d sun day d r e s s

suit: Dark, smart, clean and well pressed

shirt: lig ht coloured plain or with discreet pattern, tucked in

Tie : any sober colour, plain or with discreet pattern

Pullover : V-neck, round neck or cardig an ; any plain colour, knitted wool or cotton ; to be worn under jacket shirt collar and tie must be visible (no stripes, slog ans, sweatshirts or hooded tops)

shoes : Plain black or brown smart leather shoes (no sandals, canvas shoes, welling ton boots or trainers)

scarf : colleg e scarf * or plain dark colour

O vercoat: smart and worn over suit jacket

35 d r e s s C o d e 1 : t r o u s e r s & J a C K e t / s u i t & t i e
n B items ma r ke d * mus t b e ob t a ine d f r om Cr o sby a nd lawr ence

d r e s s C o d e 2 : K i l t / s K i r t

l oW e r s C h o o l –W e e K day d r e s s

Kilt: Uniform tartan*

shirt: Uniform blue and white striped* Vest top may be worn but should not be visible

Pullover : Only V-neck navy blue with Marlboroug h colleg e crest* or house crest*

socks/Tig hts : Navy or black (non-patterned )

shoes : Only plain black polishable leather shoes (no hig h heels, sandals, canvas shoes, boots or trainers)

scarf : colleg e scarf*

O vercoat: colleg e issued, waterproof jacket*

l oW e r s C h o o l –sun day d r e s s as for weekdays but with a uniform navy-blue blazer*

uP P e r s C h o o l –W e e K day d r e s s

skirt: Black, long , in school approved design*

Jacket Black, fitted and tailored. Wool or polyester mix (no leather, denim, corduroy or bomber style)

suit: a tailored, dark trouser suit may be worn as an alternative to the long black skirt and jacket, worn with uniform shirt and shoes, as described below

shirt: Uniform shirt*

Pullover : V neck ; round-neck or cardig an ; any plain colour ; knitted wool or cotton ; to be worn under jacket. shirt collar must be visible (no stripes, slog ans, sweatshirts or hooded tops)

shoes : Plain black smart leather shoes (no hig h heels, sandals, canvas shoes, welling ton boots or trainers)

scarf : colleg e scarf* or plain dark colour

O vercoat: smart and worn over jacket. No bomber jackets

uP P e r s C h o o l –sun day d r e s s

smart Weekday Dress

When pupils are required to wear sports kit for lessons (e.g . for ess or away fixtures) this should be for the minimum number of lessons possible and a colleg e tracksuit must be worn.

d r e s s C o d e 3 : s P o r t s K i t
n B items ma r ke d * mus t b e ob t a ine d f r om Cr o sby a nd lawr ence
37 n o t e s
38 m a P o f l o W e r C a m P u s
40 m a P o f u P P e r C a m P u s

monday 28

tuesday 29

Wednesday 30

Thursday 31

friday 1

09:00 – 17:00

saturday 2

sunday 3

hocke y Pre-season Tour to holland (to 2nd )

Football Pre-season (to 3rd )

rug by Union Pre-season (to 3rd )

First aid Training for new members of common room

lacrosse Pre-season (to 3rd )

induction Meeting s for new members of common room

Dof e Gold initial Training & Qualif ying expedition to Wales (to 5th)

First aid Training for selected staff

12:00 Marlburian New Beaks Family BB Q

18:00 – 20:00 Master ’ s Garden Master ’ s common room Drinks

42 J a n u a r y W e e K a a u g u s t / s e P t e m B e r

09:00 Memorial hall Meeting with the Master for all staff

09:15 Memorial hall all common room Meeting with the Master


Term beg ins for Prefects, heads of house & selected Upper sixth

17:00 rug by Pre-season for invited players (to 5th)








20:00 – 21:30

Term beg ins for the shell (tea in houses)

Memorial hall Meeting for the parents of the shell with the Master

Term beg ins for new lower sixth (drinks in houses)

Nor wood hall supper for shell (followed by activit y in house)

Nor wood hall supper for new lower sixth

Garnett room The Master & sMT Welcome for parents of new members of the lower sixth

Garnett room Meeting for all new members of the lower sixth with the Master, sMT & head of lower sixth

Marlburian Quiz for new lower sixth

43 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 1 a
iNseT Day

tuesday 5


school Uniform to be worn induction Day for the new lower sixth induction Day for the shell

Prefects & heads of house help with induction (all day)

Nor wood hall Breakfast for the shell

08:30 chapel chapel Briefing for the shell

08:30 Nor wood hall Breakfast for new lower sixth

09:00 cr Mr1, crDr & First aid Training for some common room smoking room

09:00 – 09:30

Garnett room

New lower sixth & heads of house Meeting

09:00 – 10:05 shell induction – rotation 1

09:30 Marlburian Fire Marshal Training for selected staff

09:30 squash Pre-season

09:30 – 10:30 Nor wood hall lower sixth subject clearing house with heads of Department & iT induction

10:00 Girls hocke y Pre-season for invited players

10:05 – 10:45

10:45 – 11:30

Nor wood hall Break

Garnett room

New lower sixth Talks on Boarding l ife

10:35 – 11:40 shell induction – rotation 2


11:30 – 12:30

12:00 – 13:00

athletics Track Football Pre-season

New lower sixth Tours of the campus with heads of house

shell induction – rotation 3

12:00 crDr hM Mini Meeting


13:05 – 13:35

Nor wood hall lunch for new lower sixth (followed by time in house)

lunch for the shell

13:40 – 17:30 shell Team Building exercises

14:00 – 15:00 Memorial l ibrar y New lower sixth Boys induction to l ibrar y ser vices

14:00 – 15:00

sports hall

New lower sixth Girls Gym induction & swimming Test ( kit required )

14:30 sport iNseT & Meeting s


15:00 – 16:00

15:00 – 16:00


16:00 – 18:00


sports hall

Term beg ins for new remove Pupils ( in houses)

New lower sixth Girls induction to l ibrar y ser vices

New lower sixth Boys Gym induction & swimming Test ( kit required )

head of Year Office Meeting for new remove Pupils with a Jh

New lower sixth sports induction

Tour of the school for new remove Pupils with remove Prefects

17:30 – 18:00 ellis Theatre Talk for the shell with the Pastoral Team


Marlburian New lower sixth BB Q

18:00 Nor wood hall supper for new remove Pupils

18:00 – 19:30

18:00 – 20:00

Mill Mead Pitches shell BB Q, Football & Volle yball

rest of the school returns

20:00 house assemblies


Term beg ins

44 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 1 a

Wednesday 6

08:45 Memorial hall Upper school assembly followed by chapel

08:45 houses lower school Tutor Period

09:45 Memorial hall assembly followed by chapel for remove & hundred

09:45 Upper school Tutor Period (tutors to advise tutees of their venue)

10:15 Memorial hall shell assembly

11:05 Normal Timetable beg ins – period 3

14:00 Memorial hall Outreach Briefing for hundred & lower sixth (symphony Orchestra players need not attend )

14:00 rug by, hocke y & lacrosse Trials for the shell

14:15 armour y ccF staff Meeting

14:30 Memorial hall Upper sixth lecture series : Introduction to Life After Marlborough

15:00 houses Upper sixth Universit y Workshop with Futures advisers/hMs

15:00 – 16:00 ellis Theatre Pshee Talk for the remove : Adolescence

17:45 chapel shell chapel

18:10 Nor wood hall shell supper

19:00 Futures Dept Meeting for all child student Visa Pupils

19:00 ellis Theatre Talk for the shell : Self-confidence

Thursday 7

13:45 sports hall shell l iterac y assessments

14:30 home Football 1st Xi vs Bristol rovers academy

17:00 – 18:00 level Broadleaze shell Boys rug by Trials

17:00 – 18:00 Maples shell Girls hocke y Trials

18:15 Goodison hall First Big Band rehearsal

19:45 ellis Theatre Wellbeing ambassadors Talk for shell Pupils

friday 8

13:40 chapel First chapel choir rehearsal

17:45 chapel remove & hundred congreg ation

18:30 – 20:00 cr Garden New Beaks’ Welcome

18:45 Goodison hall shell Music scholar Briefing

19:40 – 20:30 Memorial hall Pshee Talk for the lower sixth : Alcohol –Staying Safe – sMW, ecN, Jh & rDW

19:45 ellis Theatre Marlboroug h Mindset Talk for shell Pupils

21:10 Goodison hall remove & above Music scholar Briefing

21:10 ellis Theatre Upper sixth assembly – saturday Nig ht expectations

45 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 1 a

saturday 9

closed Weekend

12:30 home hocke y U15 a vs Ysg ol Glantaf Wales

14:00 home rug by Union Xl , 3rd XV, 1st colts, 2nd colts, 1st Junior colts, 2nd Junior colts, 3rd Junior colts, 1st Yearling s, 2nd Yearling s, 3rd Yearling s vs Bloxham school

14:00 away lacrosse 1st X , 2nd X , U15 a vs Westonbirt school

14:30 home squash Boys U18 a vs Bloxham school

14:30 away Football 1st Xi, 2nd Xi, 3rd Xi, 1st colts, 2nd colts, vs Bradfield colleg e

14:30 away hocke y U16 a , U14 a vs clifton colleg e

14:45 home rug by Union XV vs Bloxham school

16:15 home hocke y 2nd Xi vs cathedral school

19:30 shell social event – Form events

19:30 Water Meadows remove social event – capture the Flag

19:30 astro hundred social event – Mixed Football

19:45 Fountain court

20:00 – 22:30 Marlburian

sunday 10

09:30 – 17:00

Upper sixth event

Upper school event

closed Weekend

Whole school Walk in aid of The Marlboroug h


46 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 1 a

monday 11

Medical centre

13:00 – 14:00 crDr

New lower sixth medicals beg in eP Q Taug ht course lessons beg in

Pastoral Training lunch for Pshee artemis


14:00 leaf Block & alis Tests for lower sixth Group 1

Old squash court

15:00 leaf Block & alis Tests for lower sixth Group 2

Old squash court

16:00 crDr Marlboroug h Mound Trust aGM & Dinner

16:00 – 18:00 Old squash court Oxford Online eng lish Placement Test

16:15 Memorial hall Upper school assembly

17:45 ellis Theatre hundred assembly

17:45 Memorial hall remove assembly

18:15 Memorial hall shell assembly

19:05 Goodison hall First chamber choir rehearsal

tuesday 12

08:20 chapel chapel – B1, c1, c3, ih, MM, Nc, Pr & TU

13:45 – 15:15

Duelling lawn & house Photographs

leaf Block lawn

14:00 – 16:00 archives shell individual Portraits

14:30 r ackets courts shell introduction to r ackets

16:30 leaf Block & alis Tests for lower sixth Group 3

Old squash court

17:30 leaf Block & alis Tests for lower sixth Group 4

Old squash court

17:30 – 18:15 Memorial hall Form lecture : Town and Gown – MBB

18:15 Goodison hall First Brasser rehearsal

18:15 henr y hony centre First chamber Orchestra rehearsal

Wednesday 13

First Wednesday Outreach

13:15 – 16:00 admissions – lower sixth afternoon Visit

14:15 – 16:15

Parade Ground First ccF Parade

14:15 Memorial hall Upper sixth lecture series : life After


14:15 ellis Theatre First symphony Orchestra rehearsal

17:45 chapel shell chapel

18:45 chapel First Junior sing ers rehearsal

19:05 chapel First compline choir rehearsal

19:30 – 21:30

Garnett room Prefect Training

47 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 2 B

Thursday 14

08:20 chapel chapel – Bh, c2, cO, Da , el , li, MO & sU

12:15 – 19:00 away

r ackets vs Malvern

13:15 Mound ad Montem for shell Pupils

14:00 home Football 1st Xi vs Mount Kelly

14:15 tbc

Tennis U16 count y cup Knockout round 1

14:30 home Fencing vs Wycliffe colleg e

14:30 home squash Boys U18 a , U16, Girls U18 vs cheltenham colleg e

14:30 away

Golf U18 vs Winchester colleg e

14:30 home squash Boys U18 a , U16 vs Winchester colleg e

14:30 shell Girls steeplechase

14:45 shell Boys steeplechase


17:00 – 18:40

18:00 – 23:00

shell induction afternoon 1

New lower sixth – learning support session

French Department Upper sixth Theatre Trip, Bath

18:15 henr y hony centre First Jazz ensemble rehearsal

18:45 henr y hony centre First sinfonia string s rehearsal

friday 15

17:45 chapel remove & hundred congreg ation

19:45 ZO OM admissions test workshop for Upper sixth with Oxbridg e applications

21:00 – 21:30 Memorial l ibrar y Mario Kart Tournament – shell only

48 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 2 B

saturday 16

09:00 – 14:00 court Marquee admissions – Open Day 1 for shell 2026

10:00 away lacrosse 1st X , 2nd X , U15 a – Welsh rally at Monmouth school for Girls

12:45 home hocke y 3rd Xi vs The Orator y school

12:45 home hocke y U14 c vs The Orator y school U14 a

14:00 away hocke y U14 a , U14 B vs Bloxham school

14:00 home hocke y U15 a , U15 B vs Bloxham school

14:30 home lacrosse 3rd X vs canford 1st X

14:30 away rug by Union 1st colts, 2nd colts, 1st Junior colts, 2nd Junior colts vs canford school

14:30 home rug by Union XV, Xl , 3rd XV, 1st Yearling s, 2nd Yearling s, 3rd Yearling s vs canford school

14:30 home Football 1st Xi, 2nd Xi, 1st colts, vs Welling ton colleg e

15:15 away hocke y 4th Xi, 5th Xi vs Bloxham school

15:15 home hocke y 1st Xi, 2nd Xi vs Bloxham school

16:30 home hocke y U15 c vs Bloxham school

16:30 home hocke y U14 D vs Bradfield colleg e

18:00 elmhurst lower sixth Tee Pee camp Brimslade Farm (to 17th)

19:30 Bradleian remove & hundred social event

19:30 – 21:00 astro shell social event – Tag rug by

20:00 – 22:30 Marlburian Upper school event

49 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 2 B

sunday 17

15th sunday after Trinit y

10:00 chapel colleg e eucharist – T WGN

11:15 – 12:15 Fives courts


Fives Taster for c3 shell

elmhurst lower sixth Tee Pee camp returns r ackets courts shell introduction to r ackets

Football Boys lowers house leag ue – round 1

Oa Department Upper school south coast

sit-on-top Kayak adventure

B1 Whole house Go Karting

cotton Whole house BB Q

cotton lower sixth Go Karting

Danc y Upper school Motorised Water sports

Danc y shell & remove Padel Tennis

elmhurst shell & remove Motorised Water sports

ivy house remove cycle ride

ivy house shell Potter y Painting

l ittlefield Upper school Girls Potter y Painting

Mill Mead lower school Paintballing

Morris shell & remove house activit y

New court remove & hundred Motorised

Water sports

New court shell Moutainbiking

summerfield lower sixth rog an Josh r amble

Turner Upper school Zip Wire

Turner hundred Motorised Water sports

13:00 – 16:30 admissions – Year 7 creative experience Day

14:00 – 16:00


19:30 – 21:30


Garnett room

Memorial hall

Memorial ser vice for rog er ellis

sunday Nig ht speaker series : Argentina –Jim Price

Marlboroug h colleg e concert series –Peter Donohoe ( piano)

50 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 2 B

monday 18

13:00 – 14:00 cr Mr Pastoral Training lunch for Pshee academic teachers

14:00 leaf Block & alis Tests for lower sixth – remaining pupils

Old squash court

16:15 Memorial hall Upper school assembly

17:00 – 22:00 creative Writing Trip to Bath for invited lower sixth Pupils

17:45 Memorial hall remove assembly

17:45 ellis Theatre hundred assembly

18:15 Memorial hall shell assembly

tuesday 19

First Day of shell & remove Tuesday activities eng lish Department Upper sixth study Trip to london

08:20 chapel chapel – B1, c1, c3, ih, MM, Nc, Pr & TU

13:15 – 14:15 cr Mr Teaching & learning leader Meeting

14:15 – 17:00 home r ackets vs r adle y

14:30 home Golf U18 vs Dean close school

17:30 – 18:30

17:30 – 18:30

21:05 – 21:55

Wednesday 20

Memorial hall Pshee Talk for the shell & remove : Smoking & Vaping

Upper sixth Geography Ne a skills carousel

Medawar Tuesday Nig ht Toasties

Garnett room l aMDa communication skills examinations

12:50 cr Mr New remove pupils lunch with a Jh

13:15 – 16:00 admissions – lower sixth afternoon Visit

14:15 away hocke y U14 B, U14 c vs Dauntse y ’ s school

15:00 home hocke y U14 a vs Dauntse y ’ s school

17:45 chapel shell chapel

51 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 3 a

Thursday 21

08:20 chapel chapel – Bh, c2, cO, Da , el , li, MO & sU

14:15 away hocke y U15 B, U15 c vs Dauntse y ’ s school

14:15 home hocke y 4th Xi, 5th Xi vs Dauntse y ’ s school

14:30 home Football 1st Xi, 2nd Xi vs Bedales school

14:30 home Football 1st Junior colts vs cranford house school

15:00 away rug by Union Xl , 1st colts, 2nd colts, 3rd colts, 1st Yearling s, 2nd Yearling s, 3rd Yearling s, 4th Yearling s vs cheltenham colleg e

15:00 home rug by Union XV, 3rd XV, 4th XV, 1st Junior colts, 2nd Junior colts, 3rd Junior colts, 4th Junior colts vs cheltenham colleg e

15:30 home hocke y 2nd Xi, 3rd Xi vs Dauntse y ’ s school

15:45 away hocke y 1st Xi, U15 a vs Dauntse y ’ s school

16:30 home hocke y U16 a , U16 B vs Bradfield colleg e

17:30 Memorial hall common room Briefing

friday 22

ellis Theatre closes for school Play

11:00 – 12:00 chaplain’s study Parents’ Prayer Meeting

11:00 – 12:00 Memorial hall Welcome to Upper school Talk for lower sixth pupils and parents

12:00 exeat beg ins

13:00 Parade Ground all coaches depart

saturday 23 exeat

sunday 24

18:00 – 21:00 exeat ends

52 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 3 a

monday 25

16:15 Memorial hall

Upper school assembly

17:45 Memorial hall remove & hundred assembly

18:15 Memorial hall shell assembly

tuesday 26

shell interim reports – subject beak deadline

08:20 chapel chapel – B1, c1, c3, ih, MM, Nc, Pr & TU

08:30 – 18:30 histor y Department lower sixth Trips

14:30 away Golf U18 vs Malvern colleg e

16:00 – 17:00

Marlburian european Day of lang uag es Quiz for Year 8 pupils from local schools

17:30 Memorial hall common room Briefing


Wednesday 27

13:15 – 16:00

Marlburian european Day of lang uag es Quiz Nig ht

admissions – lower sixth afternoon Visit

13:45 – 16:15 he ywood Block Mathematical Olympiad for Girls

14:00 astro hocke y Girls house shell 6s

14:15 Memorial hall Upper sixth lecture series : Life After Marlborough

14:30 tbc rug by Union XV, 1st Junior colts – schools cup

17:45 chapel shell chapel

Thursday 28

hundred interim reports – subject beak deadline

08:20 chapel chapel – Bh, c2, cO, Da , el , li, MO & sU

14:00 – 15:00

Memorial hall Pshee Talk for the shell : Healthy Boarding

14:15 – 17:00 home r ackets vs charterhouse

14:30 away

Fencing vs Welling ton colleg e

14:30 away squash Boys U18 a , U16, U15, Girls U18 vs Bradfield colleg e

14:30 – 16:30

swimming Pool Water Polo invitational Tournament

16:00 shell induction afternoon 2

16:00 home hocke y 1st Xi vs King edward Vi, southampton

17:30 – 18:15 Memorial hall Malboroug h l iterar y Festival poetr y work with Daljit Nagra for all pupils

19:30 – 20:30

Memorial hall Marlboroug h l iterar y Festival – Daljit Nagra

20:00 crDr hM Ma xi

53 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 4 B

friday 29

internal deadline for Ucas applications to Oxford and cambridg e, medicine, veterinar y and dentistr y

17:45 chapel remove & hundred congreg ation

19:30 – 22:00 crDr cr Dining Nig ht

19:45 – 21:45 Memorial hall Pupils’ evening recital

saturday 30

09:00 – 14:00 court Marquee admissions – Open Day 2 for shell 2026

10:00 away lacrosse 1st X , 2nd X – south West schools Tournament at st swithun’s

14:00 away hocke y U16 a , U16 B, U14 D vs cheltenham colleg e

14:00 home hocke y U14 a , U14 B vs cheltenham colleg e

14:30 home Football 1st Xi vs Berkshire count y

14:30 home Football 2nd Xi, 3rd Xi vs clifton colleg e

14:30 away rug by Union XV, Xl , 3rd XV, 1st colts, 2nd colts vs King swood school

14:30 home rug by Union 1st Junior colts, 2nd Junior colts, 1st Yearling s, 2nd Yearling s vs King swood school

15:15 away hocke y 1st Xi, 4th Xi vs cheltenham colleg e

15:15 home hocke y U15 a , U15 B vs cheltenham colleg e

16:30 away hocke y 5th Xi vs Bradfield colleg e

16:30 away hocke y 2nd Xi, 3rd Xi vs cheltenham colleg e

16:30 home hocke y U15 c, U14 c vs cheltenham colleg e

19:30 astro hundred social event – Tag rug by

19:30 astro remove social event – Mixed Football

19:30 – 21:00 Bradleian shell social event – Bar

19:40 Marlburian Upper school event

54 s e P t e m B e r W e e K 4 B

sunday 1

Feast of st Michael & all ang els – Dedication


10:00 chapel Morning Prayer – T WGN

10:30 – 16:00

admissions – Year 8 active experience Day

Football Boys house lowers leag ue – round 2

Football Girls house competition

Oa Department Upper school coasteering

Trip to south coast

introduction to Polo session

B1 Upper sixth rog an Josh r amble

B1 hundred & lower sixth Thorpe Park

c1 Upper sixth & hundred clay Pig eon


c1 lower sixth coasteering

cotton lower school Go Karting

l ittlefield Upper sixth Pool Tournament

l ittlefield hundred & lower sixth Thorpe Park

Preshute Upper sixth cooker y class

Preshute lower sixth Go Karting

summerfield hundred rog an Josh r amble

Turner Upper school cinema Trip


19:30 – 21:30

Garnett room sunday Nig ht speaker series

Memorial hall house harmony Prelims

55 o C t o B e r W e e K 4 B

monday 2

Ucas deadline for conser vatoire applications lower sixth interim reports – subject beak deadline

13:15 crDr Food Focus Group Meeting

16:15 Memorial hall Upper school assembly

17:45 Memorial hall remove & hundred assembly

18:15 Memorial hall shell assembly


tuesday 3

ZO OM admissions test workshop for Upper sixth with Oxbridg e applications

08:20 chapel chapel – B1, c1, c3, ih, MM, Nc, Pr & TU

08:45 – 10:15 sports hall UKMT senior Maths challeng e

08:45 – 18:45

Form Trips Day

13:15 – 14:15 cr Mr Teaching & learning leader Meeting

14:30 away Golf Boys U16 vs Bradfield colleg e

17:00 – 18:00 crDr

hoDs Meeting

21:00 lang uag e l ibrar y Deutsche Wieder vereing ig ung sfeier for Upper school Germanists

Wednesday 4

09:00 – 14:00

13:30 – 16:15

shell reports – Tutor comment deadline remove interim reports – subject beak deadline

Futures Dept Visit from the army, Navy & r aF careers l iaison Officers ( by appointment)

admissions – house Visit Day

14:30 home squash Boys U18 a vs abing don school

15:00 home hocke y U14 a vs cokethorpe school

17:45 chapel shell chapel

19:30 – 21:30

Garnett room Prefect Training

56 o C t o B e r W e e K 5 a

Thursday 5

08:20 chapel chapel – Bh, c2, cO, Da , el , li, MO & sU

13:00 – 19:00 away r ackets vs Winchester colleg e

14:00 – 15:00 Memorial hall Pshee Talk for the shell : FBVs, Identity, Stereotypes & Microag gression

14:30 away


Fencing vs Bradfield colleg e

squash Boys U18 a , U16 vs r adle y colleg e (at Welling ton colleg e)

14:30 away squash Boys U18 a , U16, Girls U18 vs Welling ton colleg e

14:45 – 16:30 home swimming – Tri schools cup

15:30 away hocke y 1st Xi vs clifton colleg e

16:00 shell induction afternoon 3

19:30 – 22:00 Memorial hall house harmony Final

friday 6

hundred reports – Tutor comment deadline

Upper sixth reports – subject beak deadline

17:45 chapel remove & hundred congreg ation

saturday 7

Festival of sport

Mop Fair

13:30 away hocke y U16 a , U16 B vs st edward’s school, Oxford

13:30 home lacrosse 1st X , 2nd X , 3rd X , U15 a , U14 a –Wilts & Dorset count y Tournament

14:00 home hocke y U14 a , U14 B vs lord Wandsworth colleg e

14:00 away hocke y 3rd Xi, U14 c vs lord Wandsworth colleg e

14:30 home Football 2nd Xi, 3rd Xi, 4th Xi, 1st colts, 2nd colts vs Bradfield colleg e

14:30 away rug by Union 1st colts, 2nd colts, 3rd colts, 1st Yearling s, 2nd Yearling s, 3rd Yearling s, 4th Yearling s, 5th Yearling s vs eton colleg e

14:30 home rug by Union XV, Xl , 3rd XV, 4th XV, 1st Junior colts, 2nd Junior colts, 3rd Junior colts, 4th Junior colts vs eton colleg e

14:30 home Football 1st Xi vs Old Marlburians

15:00 away hocke y 4th Xi vs lord Wandsworth colleg e

15:15 away hocke y 2nd Xi vs lord Wandsworth colleg e

15:15 home hocke y 1st Xi vs lord Wandsworth colleg e

16:30 home hocke y U14 D vs st edward's school, Oxford

19:30 – 21:00 astro shell social event – Mixed Football

19:45 Marlburian Upper school event

57 o C t o B e r W e e K 5 a

sunday 8

10:00 chapel

sports hall

har vest Festival

Morning Prayer – T WGN

introduction to Polo session

Basketball Girls house lowers

B1 remove & hundred Driving r ang e

B1 shell & Upper sixth Padel Tennis Tournament

11:30 – 12:30

Fives courts

Barton hill shell Fives Taster

Barton hill hundred clay Pig eon shooting

c1 remove cotswold r ang e

c1 shell Zip Wire

c2 shell & remove Paintballing

c3 remove & hundred Water sports

c3 shell hawk conser vanc y

cotton lower school stand Up Paddle Board

cotton shell Water sports

Danc y Whole house Tea

Danc y hundred roast Beef r amble

ivy house lower sixth roast Beef r amble

l ittlefield shell hawk conser vanc y

Mill Mead Upper sixth Potter y Painting

New court Upper school roast Beef r amble

Preshute remove & hundred Bowling

Preshute shell hawk conser vanc y

summerfield lower school Paintballing

Turner lower sixth Go Karting

Turner remove & hundred roast Beef r amble

Turner shell hawk conser vanc y




Fives courts shell Fives Taster with r adle y & Malvern

Garnett room sunday Nig ht speaker series : andrew sawyer, Wiltshire search & rescue

19:30 – 21:30

Memorial hall

Marlboroug h colleg e concert series –National symphony Orchestra

58 o C t o B e r W e e K 5 a

monday 9

10:00 – 13:00 crDr council Meeting

14:00 rug by house shell competition – round 1

16:15 Memorial hall Upper school assembly

17:45 Memorial hall remove & hundred assembly

18:15 Memorial hall shell assembly

tuesday 10

lower sixth reports – Tutor comment deadline

08:20 chapel chapel – B1, c1, c3, ih, MM, Nc, Pr & TU

12:15 – 14:15 calne Music scholars’ recital calne Festival


Barbur y clay Pig eon shooting – Marlboroug h sporting clay shield competition

13:15 – 19:00 away r ackets Boys vs cheltenham

14:45 home Water Polo Boys U18 vs sherborne school

16:00 away hocke y U16 a – U16 National cup


Garnett room Berlin Trip Pupil Briefing

19:10 – 22:00 Memorial hall house shout rehearsals

Wednesday 11

13:30 – 16:15 admissions – house Visit Day

14:15 Memorial hall Upper sixth lecture series : Life After Marlborough

14:30 tbc rug by Union XV, 1st Junior colts –schools cup

17:45 – 18:15 chapel shell chapel

19:10 – 22:00 house shout rehearsals

Thursday 12

eP Q Project Proposal Form deadline remove reports – Tutor comment deadline

08:20 chapel chapel – Bh, c2, cO, Da , el , li, MO & sU

14:00 – 15:00 Memorial hall Pshee Talk for the shell : Mutual Respect

14:00 – 16:30

astro hocke y Girls house Uppers 11s

14:30 home Football 1st Xi, 2nd Xi, 3rd Xi, 1st colts vs eton colleg e

14:30 rug by house lowers – round 1

14:30 rug by house Uppers – round 1

17:15 Memorial hall house sing ing competition for Girls & Mixed houses

19:45 Memorial hall house sing ing competition for Boys houses & winners of Girls & Mixed house competitions

59 o C t o B e r W e e K 6 B

friday 13

Upper sixth report – Tutor comment deadline

06:00 Football Tour to l isbon (to 18th)

12:00 half-term beg ins

13:00 Parade Ground all coaches depart

14:00 scholars & haTa Trip to rome (to 18th)

saturday 14

sunday 15


Mop Fair


histor y of art Trip to Paris (to 19th)

60 o C t o B e r W e e K 6 B

monday 16

tuesday 17

Wednesday 18


Ucas deadline for applications to Oxford and cambridg e and for most courses in medicine, veterinar y medicine/science and dentistr y


half-term Universit y admissions Tests

Thursday 19

friday 20

saturday 21

half-term Universit y admissions Tests

half-term Universit y admissions Tests


10:00 away rug by Union XV – st Joseph’s Festival

sunday 22

half-term 10:00 away rug by Union XV – st Joseph’s Festival

61 o C t o B e r

monday 23

tuesday 24

Wednesday 25

Thursday 26

friday 27

saturday 28

sunday 29

chinese Department Trip to Taiwan (to 2nd Nov)


histor y Department Trip to Berlin (to 27th)






12:00 chapel Memorial ser vice for Brian Wallis

18:00 – 21:00

half-term ends

62 o C t o B e r

monday 30

eP Q 1:1 Tutorials beg in

16:15 Memorial hall Upper school assembly

17:45 Memorial hall remove & hundred assembly

18:15 Memorial hall shell assembly

tuesday 31

08:20 chapel chapel – B1, c1, c3, ih, MM, Nc, Pr & TU

08:45 – 16:30 Upper sixth Geography Ne a study Day

15:00 away hocke y U16 a – U16 cup match

17:30 – 18:30 Garnett room Junior histor y societ y inter-house Quiz

19:30 – 20:30 Memorial hall Pshee Talk for the hundred : Positive Mental Health – Dick Moore

21:00 – 21:50 Memorial l ibrar y halloween in the l ibrar y

Wednesday 1

09:00 – 16:00 admissions – lower sixth 2024 assessment Day 1

14:15 Memorial hall Upper sixth lecture series : Life After Marlborough

17:45 chapel shell chapel

Thursday 2

08:20 chapel chapel – Bh, c2, cO, Da , el , li, MO & sU

13:30 shell skills Week 1

14:15 – 17:30 home r ackets vs harrow

14:30 home Fives Boys U18 a , U15 a , U14 a vs r adle y colleg e

14:30 home Fencing vs Winchester colleg e

16:00 – 17:00 Memorial hall Pshee Talk for the shell : Ever yone ’ s Invited –session 1

17:30 – 18:30

Garnett room Biolog y & Natural histor y societ y Talk : Venoms, Toxins & Nerves : Science for Defence –Dr chris Green, Defence science & Technolog y laborator y (Dstl ), Porton Down

19:30 – 21:00


19:40 – 21:00

B1 shell Obser vator y Visit

ZO OM Mock inter views for Upper sixth with Oxbridg e applications

Memorial hall Pshee Talk for the lower sixth : Ever yone ’ s Invited – session 1

63 o C t o B e r / n o V e m B e r W e e K 7 a

friday 3

09:00 – 16:30 admissions – lower sixth 2024 assessment Day 2

17:45 chapel remove & hundred congreg ation

18:30 – 20:30 Mount house Galler y Visual arts Festival : Post War Prints from Bath academy of art exhibition

saturday 4

13:00 away hocke y 5th Xi vs Br yanston school

14:00 away hocke y U15 a , U15 c vs Br yanston school

14:00 home hocke y U14 a , U14 B vs Br yanston school

14:00 home lacrosse 1st X , 2nd X , U15 a , U14 a vs sherborne Girls

14:30 home lacrosse 3rd X vs charterhouse

14:30 away rug by Union 1st colts, 2nd colts, 1st Yearling s, 2nd Yearling s, 3rd Yearling s vs churcher ’ s colleg e

14:30 home rug by Union XV, Xl , 3rd XV, 4th XV, 1st Junior colts, 2nd Junior colts vs churcher ’ s colleg e

14:30 away Football 3rd Xi, 1st colts vs Winchester colleg e

14:30 home Football 1st Xi, 2nd Xi vs Winchester colleg e

15:15 away hocke y 3rd Xi, 4th Xi vs Br yanston school

15:15 home hocke y 1st Xi, 2nd Xi vs Br yanston school

16:00 Preshute Parents’ Tea

16:30 away hocke y U14 c vs Br yanston school

16:30 home hocke y U15 B vs Br yanston school

19:00 New court Upper sixth invitational supper

19:30 sports hall hundred social event – Mixed Dodg eball

19:30 astro remove social event – Tag rug by 19:30 Bradleian shell social event

19:45 Marlburian Upper school event

64 n o V e m B e r W e e K 7 a

sunday 5

Feast of all saints

10:00 chapel colleg e eucharist – The rev. andrew Blyth

11:15 – 15:30

Fives courts

Danc y shell Fives Taster

Oa Department lower school New Forest cycle Trip

Oa Department lower school Dr y slope

skiing Trip

Football Boys house lowers leag ue –round 3

B1 Upper school Paintballing

Barton hill Upper sixth roast Beef r amble

Barton hill shell clay Pig eon shooting

c1 Upper school Paintballing

c2 hundred & lower sixth Go Karting

c3 lower sixth Go Karting

cotton Upper school Girls Brunch

Danc y Upper sixth roast Beef r amble

elmhurst hundred Go Karting

elmhurst shell & remove Paintballing

ivy house Upper sixth Go Karting

ivy house remove Zip Wire

ivy house shell cycle ride

l ittlefield Upper school Girls Brunch

Mill Mead lower sixth rog an Josh r amble

Mill Mead hundred Bake Off

Morris Upper school house activit y

New court remove and hundred crafternoon

Preshute Upper sixth cooker y class

summerfield Upper sixth rog an Josh r amble

Turner Upper sixth Go Karting

Turner lower sixth roast Beef r amble

12:00 – 22:00

13:30 – 15:30


ellis Theatre school Play Technical rehearsal

Fives courts New court shell Fives Taster

Garnett room sunday Nig ht speaker series : Picker Pals

Environmental Programme – Patrick Jackson (OM)

19:30 – 21:30

Memorial hall

Marlboroug h colleg e concert series –Jennifer Pike (violin)

65 n o V e m B e r W e e K 7 a

monday 6

14:20 – 15:10 Mount house Galler y Visual arts Festival : exploring Printmaking

– Walk & Talk

16:15 Memorial hall Upper school assembly

17:45 Memorial hall remove & hundred assembly

18:15 Memorial hall shell assembly

19:30 – 22:00 ellis Theatre school Play Technical rehearsal

20:30 – 21:45 r adcliffe societ y

tuesday 7

08:20 chapel chapel – B1, c1, c3, ih, MM, Nc, Pr & TU

09:00 – 16:30

admissions – lower sixth 2024 assessment Day 3

13:15 – 14:15 cr Mr Teaching & learning leader Meeting

14:00 cross- countr y house relays (lowers & Uppers)

14:30 home

squash Boys U18 a , U16, Girls U18 vs st edward’s school, Oxford

19:00 – 22:00 ellis Theatre school Play Dress rehearsal



Wednesday 8

13:30 – 16:15

Barton hill shell Obser vator y Visit

admissions – house Visit Day

14:30 tbc rug by Union XV – schools cup

17:45 chapel shell chapel

19:30 ellis Theatre A Midsummer Night’s Dream

66 n o V e m B e r W e e K 8 B

Thursday 9

08:20 chapel chapel – Bh, c2, cO, Da , el , li, MO & sU

10:00 – 16:00 admissions – sports scholarship assessment Day 1

11:00 – 20:00 away

r ackets vs eton colleg e (at Queen’s club)

13:30 shell skills Week 2

14:00 home Football 1st Xi vs Trinit y school, croydon

14:15 away Fives Boys U18 B, U16 B vs Winchester colleg e

14:30 away squash Boys U18 a , U16, Girls U18, Mixed U15 vs Br yanston school

14:30 home

Fencing vs rG s, hig h Wycombe

14:45 away swimming vs cheltenham colleg e & Bromsgrove (at cheltenham)

15:30 away

16:00 – 17:00

hocke y 1st Xi vs Dean close school

Pshee Talk for the shell : Ever yone ’ s Invited –session 2

19:30 ellis Theatre A Midsummer Night’s Dream

19:30 ZO OM

19:40 – 21:00 Memorial hall

friday 10

Mock inter views for Upper sixth with Oxbridg e applications

Pshee Talk for the lower sixth ; Ever yone ’ s Invited – session 2

17:45 chapel remove & hundred congreg ation

19:30 ellis Theatre A Midsummer Night’s Dream

67 n o V e m B e r W e e K 8 B

saturday 11

10:50 – 11:05 court act of remembrance

13:15 away hocke y U15 c vs Dean close school

14:00 home hocke y 2nd Xi, 3rd Xi vs Dean close school

14:15 away hocke y U14 a , U14 B vs Dean close school

14:30 home Football 2nd Xi, 3rd Xi vs rG s Worcester

14:30 away rug by Union XV, Xl , 3rd XV, 4th XV, 5th XV, 1st colts, 1st Yearling s, 2nd Yearling s, 3rd Yearling s, 4th Yearling s vs sherborne school

14:30 home rug by Union 2nd colts, 3rd colts, 1st Junior colts, 2nd Junior colts, 3rd Junior colts, 4th Junior colts vs sherborne school

15:15 away hocke y U15 a , U15 B vs Dean close school

15:15 home hocke y 4th Xi, U14 c vs Dean close school

16:30 home hocke y U16 a vs Warminster school

19:30 Bradleian remove & hundred social event

19:30 ellis Theatre A Midsummer Night’s Dream

19:30 sports hall shell social event – Mixed Dodg eball

20:00 – 22:30

sunday 12

Marlburian Upper school event

remembrance sunday

10:45 chapel remembrance ser vice – Major General Mike elviss


Memorial hall

remembrance assembly for all shell pupils

Oa Department Upper school Trip to The Wave, Bristol

Oa Department lower school indoor climbing


swimming Pool Water Polo Girls house Uppers

scholars & haTa Trip to Bath Mozartfest

B1 lower school cinema Trip

Barton hill shell & remove local Walk & Pizza

c1 shell indoor climbing

c3 Whole house Poppy run

cotton lower school Ultimate space adventure

Danc y lower school cinema Trip

ivy house hundred roast Beef r amble

ivy house shell Fives Taster

Mill Mead Whole house Poppy run

Morris Whole house lunch

New court Whole house Tea

summerfield lower school cinema Trip

Turner Whole house sponsored Walk

68 n o V e m B e r W e e K 8 B

monday 13

13:50 – 18:00

14:00 – 16:00 astro

14:00 – 16:00

16:15 Memorial hall

acT course session 1 of 5 (Ues london)

hocke y Girls house lowers 11s

rug by house shell competition – Finals

Upper school assembly

17:45 Memorial hall remove & hundred assembly

18:15 Memorial hall shell assembly

tuesday 14

08:20 chapel chapel – B1, c1, c3, ih, MM, Nc, Pr & TU

09:45 – 16:45 Garnett room MhFa Training

10:00 – 16:00

admissions – sports scholarship assessment Day 2

14:15 – 17:00 home r ackets Girls vs cheltenham colleg e

16:00 home hocke y 1st Xi vs stowe school

16:00 away

17:30 – 18:15

17:30 – 23:30

18:30 – 22:00

19:30 – 21:00

19:30 – 21:30

19:40 – 21:00

Wednesday 15

Water Polo vs sherborne

Memorial hall Form lecture : The OM World War One Poets

Drama Department a level Theatre studies

Trip – Machinal, Theatre royal, Bath

Bradfield colleg e christian Forum joint meeting with Bradfield, eton and Welling ton : No Holds Barred

simon Guillebaud

c1 shell Obser vator y Visit

Garnett room

Upper sixth French Presentation evening

Memorial hall Pshee Talk for the hundred : Positive Mental Health – Dick Moore

Upper sixth internal comments – subject beak deadline

12:30 – 16:00 he ywood Block senior Kang aroo and British Mathematical Olympiad

13:30 – 16:15

14:15 Memorial hall

14:30 tbc

14:30 away

14:30 tbc

admissions – house Visit Day

Upper sixth lecture series : Life After Marlborough

squash Boys U16, Girls U16 – National schools U16

rug by Union XV vs rug by school

rug by Union 1st Junior colts – schools cup

17:45 chapel shell chapel

19:40 – 20:40

senior histor y Medle y

69 n o V e m B e r W e e K 9 a

Thursday 16 08:20 chapel chapel – Bh, c2, cO, Da , el , li, MO & sU

14:15 away hocke y U16 a , U16 B vs Bradfield colleg e

14:15 home hocke y U14 a , U14 B vs Bradfield colleg e

14:30 home Football 2nd Xi, 3rd Xi vs King edward’s, Bath

14:30 away lacrosse 2nd X , 3rd X , 4th X , U15 B, U14 B vs st swithun’s school

14:30 – 16:30 rug by house lowers – Finals

14:30 – 16:30 rug by house Uppers – Finals

15:30 away hocke y 1st Xi, 2nd Xi vs Bradfield colleg e

15:30 home hocke y U15 a , U15 B vs Bradfield colleg e

16:45 away hocke y 3rd Xi, 4th Xi vs Bradfield colleg e

16:45 home hocke y U14 c, U14 D vs Bradfield colleg e

19:00 – 21:30 Memorial hall eng lish Department screening of Othello for the hundred

19:30 ZO OM Mock inter views for Upper sixth with Oxbridg e applications

19:45 – 21:30 Goodison hall emerg ing Talent concert

friday 17

Talks for the parents of the Upper sixth, at 11:00 & 13:15, followed by meeting s with Beaks in the Nor wood hall & Museum Block

12:00 exeat beg ins

13:00 all coaches depart

saturday 18 ellis Theatre re-opens exeat

sunday 19 exeat

70 n o V e m B e r W e e K 9 a

monday 20

18:00 – 21:00 exeat ends

18:00 Garnett room Meeting for parents of shell Marlboroug h colleg e Malaysia exchang e pupils

tuesday 21

Futuresmart careers inter views for the hundred

08:20 chapel chapel – B1, c1, c3, ih, MM, Nc, Pr & TU

13:45 – 15:15 chapel chapel choir rehearsal

14:30 – 16:00 crDr health and Wellbeing committee Meeting

16:30 smoking room remove council Meeting

19:30 – 21:00 c2 shell Obser vator y Visit

Wednesday 22

Futuresmart careers inter views for the hundred

14:30 tbc squash Boys U18 a , Girls U18 – National schools U18

17:45 chapel shell chapel

20:00 – 22:00 adderle y Modern lang uag es & Music Departments –advent celebration

71 n o V e m B e r W e e K 1 0 B

Thursday 23

admissions – Year 8 assessments

Futuresmart careers inter views for the hundred

08:20 chapel chapel – Bh, c2, cO, Da , el , li, MO & sU


Drama Department G c se Trip

(hundred only): Oceans At the End of the Lane, Noel coward Theatre, london

13:30 shell skills Week 3

14:15 – 17:00 home r ackets Girls vs Welling ton colleg e

14:30 home Fencing vs Dauntse y ’ s school

14:30 away

Fives U15 a , U14 a vs Malvern colleg e

14:30 away squash Boys U18 a , U16, U15 vs Winchester colleg e

14:30 – 17:30

lower sixth French debating competition (at cheltenham)

14:45 – 16:30 home swimming vs r adle y, Winchester & clifton

15:00 away hocke y 1st Xi vs Millfield school

16:00 – 17:00 Memorial hall

Pshee Talk for the shell : Ever yone ’ s Invited –session 3

16:15 Futures Dept irish Universit y application clinic

19:30 – 21:00

c3 shell Obser vator y Visit

19:30 ZO OM Mock inter views for Upper sixth with Oxbridg e applications

19:40 – 21:00 Memorial hall

Pshee Talk for the lower sixth : Ever yone ’ s Invited – session 3

20:00 crDr hM Ma xi

friday 24

Futuresmart careers inter views for the hundred

17:45 chapel remove & hundred congreg ation

18:30 – 20:00 common room cr curr y Nig ht

72 n o V e m B e r W e e K 1 0 B

saturday 25

13:00 home hocke y U15 c, U14 D vs Downe house

14:00 away hocke y U16 B vs Downe house

14:15 away rug by Union 1st colts, 2nd colts, 3rd colts, 1st Yearling s, 2nd Yearling s, 3rd Yearling s, 4th Yearling s vs Bromsgrove school

14:15 home rug by Union XV, Xl , 3rd XV, 4th XV, 1st Junior colts, 2nd Junior colts, 3rd Junior colts, 4th Junior colts vs Bromsgrove school

14:15 away hocke y U14 a , U14 B vs Millfield school

14:15 home hocke y 3rd Xi, 4th Xi vs Millfield school

14:30 away Football 2nd Xi, 3rd Xi vs clifton colleg e

14:30 home Football 1st Xi vs hampshire count y

15:15 away hocke y 5th Xi vs Downe house

15:30 away hocke y U15 a , U15 B vs Millfield school

15:30 home hocke y 2nd Xi, U14 c vs Millfield school

19:30 – 21:30 Memorial hall rock & Pop concert

20:00 Marlburian Upper school event

73 n o V e m B e r W e e K 1 0 B

sunday 26

10:00 – 16:00


11:15 – 15:30

Memorial hall

Feast of christ The King

ccF exercise self-reliance for hundred & selected Upper sixth cadets (to 27th)

Woodwind, Brass & Percussion Workshop

chapel sunday speaker series : Rowing The Atlantic

Fives courts

lebby eyres (OM)

summerfield shell Fives Taster

B1 lower sixth roast Beef r amble

B1 shell & remove clay Pig eon shooting

Barton hill hundred cycle ride & Pizza

c1 lower school Go Karting

c2 shell & remove Go Karting

c3 hundred & Upper school Paintballing

cotton shell Bowling

elmhurst Whole house hocke y Fun Day

elmhurst Whole house Tea

ivy house shell roast Beef r amble

l ittlefield remove & hundred Paintballing

13:30 – 15:30

Fives courts

l ittlefield shell Fives Taster

Morris shell & hundred house activit y

Preshute shell & Upper sixth Bowling

Preshute remove & hundred Dr y slope skiing

summerfield Upper school cinema Trip

Turner Upper school Pool Tournament

Turner shell roast Beef r amble


chapel carol ser vice for advent

74 n o V e m B e r W e e K 1 0 B

monday 27

Futures Dept

James luckhurst inter view training for the Upper sixth ( by appointment)

shell reports – subject beak deadline

henr y hony centre Trinit y Music examinations

conting enc y Day for Futuresmart careers inter views

13:50 – 18:00

acT course session 2 of 5 (Ues london)

16:15 Memorial hall Upper school assembly

17:45 ellis Theatre hundred assembly

17:45 Memorial hall remove assembly



Prep school heads Dinner

18:15 Memorial hall shell assembly

tuesday 28

08:20 chapel chapel – B1, c1, c3, ih, MM, Nc, Pr & TU

13:15 – 14:15 cr Mr Teaching & learning leader Meeting

14:15 – 17:00 home r ackets Yearling s vs clifton & Winchester colleg e

16:00 home hocke y 1st Xi vs heading ton


23:00 Form Theatre Trip : 12 Angr y Men – Theatre royal, Bath

19:45 ellis Theatre Blackett science lecture – Dr Meg an arg o, Uclan

Wednesday 29

09:00 – 17:30

hundred reports – subject beak deadline

ccF exercise Bulldozer for remove & lower sixth cadets

14:15 Memorial hall Upper sixth lecture series : Life After Marlborough

14:30 tbc rug by Union 1st Junior colts – schools cup

17:45 chapel shell chapel

19:30 – 21:30

Garnett room Prefect Training

75 n o V e m B e r W e e K 1 1 a

Thursday 30

08:20 chapel chapel – Bh, c2, cO, Da , el , li, MO & sU

10:45 – 20:00 away r ackets vs haile ybur y

13:30 shell skills Week 4

14:00 home Targ et rifle 1st vs Bradfield colleg e

14:15 ellis Theatre chemistr y Department Outreach lecture for local schools – Nick Barker, War wick Universit y

14:30 away Fencing vs clifton

14:30 home Fives U14 a vs Bradfield colleg e

14:30 away squash Boys U18 a , Boys U18 B, Boys U16, Girls U18 vs cheltenham colleg e


16:30 home swimming vs Bromsgrove, Welling ton & King swood

16:00 home hocke y U16 B vs cranford house Girls U15 a

16:00 home hocke y U16 a vs cranford house Girls U18 a

16:00 ellis Theatre chemistr y Department lecture for the shell –Nick Barker, War wick Universit y

17:00 – 18:00 crDr hoDs Meeting

17:00 – 18:40

Memorial hall

Pshee Talk for the lower sixth : Safe Drive, Stay Alive – Dorset & Wilts Fire & rescue ser vice

19:30 – 21:00

friday 1

cotton shell Obser vator y Visit

lower sixth reports – subject beak deadline

17:45 chapel remove & hundred congreg ation

19:30 – 21:30

20:00 – 21:30

Garnett room Prefect Training

Memorial hall symphony Orchestra rehearsal

76 n o V e m B e r / d e C e m B e r W e e K 1 1 a

saturday 2

09:00 – 13:00 crDr council Meeting

13:00 home hocke y U15 B, U14 c vs Downe house

13:30 home lacrosse U13 a vs Godstowe Preparator y school

14:00 home Football 1st Xi, 2nd Xi, 1st colts vs Millfield school

14:30 away rug by Union XV, Xl , 3rd XV, 4th XV, 1st Junior colts, 2nd Junior colts, 3rd Junior colts, 4th Junior colts vs abing don school

14:30 home rug by Union 1st colts, 2nd colts, 3rd colts, 1st Yearling s, 2nd Yearling s, 3rd Yearling s, 4th Yearling s vs abing don school

14:30 away hocke y U14 a , U14 B vs Malvern colleg e

14:30 home hocke y 1st Xi, 2nd Xi vs Malvern colleg e

15:45 away hocke y U15 a , U15 c vs Malvern colleg e

15:45 home hocke y 3rd Xi, 4th Xi vs Malvern colleg e

20:00 – 22:30 Marlburian Upper school event

sunday 3

advent sunday

10:00 chapel colleg e eucharist – Mr Tom Price

shopping Trip to Bath for selected houses

B1 Whole house charit y Day

Fives courts c1 & Turner shell Fives Taster

cotton Whole house historical adventure & lunch

Danc y Whole house Bake Off

Mill Mead Upper sixth roast Beef r amble

Mill Mead lower sixth spa Day

Turner remove & hundred cycle ride

16:00 – 18:00


19:30 – 21:30

Memorial hall symphony Orchestra rehearsal

Garnett room sunday Nig ht speaker series : captain sam

Brooks – ssi Marlboroug h colleg e ccF

Memorial hall symphony Orchestra concert

77 d e C e m B e r W e e K 1 1 a

monday 4

r ackets courts r ackets internal sing les competitions (to 8th)

henr y hony centre aBr sM Music examinations (to 6th) remove reports – subject beak deadline

13:50 – 18:00

acT course session 3 of 5 (Ues london)

14:15 – 15:00 Nor wood hall hundred sixth Form academic choices Fair

(c2, cO, ih, MO & TU )

14:40 – 15:00 Memorial hall hundred sixth Form academic choices Talk

(B1, c1, Da , MM, Pr & sU )

15:00 – 15:45 Nor wood hall hundred sixth Form academic choices Fair

(B1, c1, Da , MM, Pr & sU )


15:25 Memorial hall hundred sixth Form academic choices Talk

(c2, cO, ih, MO & TU )

15:25 – 15:40 Memorial hall hundred sixth Form academic choices Talk

(Bh, c3, el , li & Nc)

15:45 – 16:30 Nor wood hall hundred sixth Form academic choices Fair

(Bh, c3, el , li & Nc)

16:15 Memorial hall Upper school assembly

17:45 ellis Theatre hundred assembly

17:45 Memorial hall remove assembly

18:15 Memorial hall shell assembly

tuesday 5

shell reports – Tutor comment deadline

Garnett room l aMDa communication skills examinations (to 7th)

08:20 chapel chapel – B1, c1, c3, ih, MM, Nc, Pr & TU

14:00 – 17:00 swimming Pool swimming Boys house lowers & Uppers

19:30 – 21:00 Danc y shell Obser vator y Visit

Wednesday 6 14:30 tbc

Thursday 7

rug by Union XV – schools cup

hundred reports – Tutor comment deadline

08:20 chapel chapel – Bh, c2, cO, Da , el , li, MO & sU

13:30 shell skills Week 5

14:30 away Fencing vs eton

15:00 away hocke y 1st Xi vs King ’ s colleg e, Taunton

16:00 ellis Theatre shell Debating Final

19:30 – 21:00

elmhurst shell Obser vator y Visit

78 d e C e m B e r W e e K 1 2 B

friday 8


chapel choir excused Period 6

19:30 chapel carol ser vice for Barton hill, c1, cotton & elmhurst

saturday 9

canada cup ski Trip (to 19th)

13:00 home hocke y U15 a , U15 B vs Welling ton colleg e

14:00 away lacrosse 1st X , 2nd X vs Godolphin

14:00 home lacrosse U15 a , U14 a , U14 B vs Godolphin

14:00 away rug by Union 1st colts, 2nd colts, 3rd colts, 1st Yearling s, 2nd Yearling s, 4th Yearling s, 5th Yearling s, 6th Yearling s vs r adle y colleg e

14:00 home rug by Union XV, Xl , 3rd XV, 4th XV, 1st Junior colts, 2nd Junior colts, 3rd Junior colts, 4th Junior colts vs r adle y colleg e

14:00 away hocke y U16 a , U16 B vs Welling ton colleg e

14:15 home hocke y U14 a , U14 B vs Welling ton colleg e

14:30 away Football 4th Xi, 1st colts, vs Bradfield colleg e

14:30 away

Football 1st Xi, 2nd Xi, 3rd Xi vs Gordon’s school

15:15 away hocke y 1st Xi, 2nd Xi vs Welling ton colleg e

15:30 home hocke y U14 c, U14 D vs Welling ton colleg e

16:30 home hocke y 4th Xi vs lord Wandsworth colleg e

16:30 away hocke y 3rd Xi, U15 c vs Welling ton colleg e

19:30 chapel carol ser vice for c3, Danc y, l ittlefield & Mill


20:00 – 22:30 Marlburian Upper school event

sunday 10

Queen’s club r ackets National Boys sing les & Girls Doubles championships (to 16th)

Gym rowing (erg o) Boys house competition (to 12th)

10:30 Fives courts B1 & Preshute shell Fives Taster

elmhurst Whole house Bake Off

ivy house Whole house Pantomime

14:30 away squash Boys U18 a – surre y sports Park Tournament

14:30 – 15:30 crDr 1843 afternoon Tea & carols

16:00 chapel carol ser vice for B1, c2, ivy house & New court

19:30 chapel carol ser vice for Morris, Preshute, summerfield & Turner

79 d e C e m B e r W e e K 1 2 B

monday 11

14:00 – 16:00

14:30 – 16:00

lower sixth reports – Tutor comment deadline

Fives Boys house lowers

squash Boys house Uppers

14:30 – 16:00 swimming Pool swimming Girls house Uppers & lowers

16:15 chapel Upper school assembly

16:45 – 18:30 Memorial hall Wind Department rehearsal

17:45 chapel remove & hundred assembly

18:15 chapel shell assembly

19:40 sports hall Basketball Boys house lowers

20:00 – 22:00 Memorial hall Wind Department concert

21:00 Memorial l ibrar y l ibrar y christmas event

tuesday 12

house christmas suppers remove reports – Tutor comment deadline

14:00 – 16:00 squash Boys house lowers

14:30 – 16:00

Fives Boys house Uppers

14:30 – 16:00 sports hall Basketball Girls house Uppers

16:45 altered Timetable – lesson Wednesday Week a Period 2

17:45 altered Timetable – lesson Wednesday Week a Period 4

Wednesday 13

No Timetabled lessons

13:00 Parade Ground coaches depart for heathrow & london Victoria (via south Kensing ton)

Thursday 14

German Department Upper sixth Trip to Berlin (to 18th)

80 d e C e m B e r W e e K 1 3 a
Memorial hall lower school l ists
chapel 08:45 Upper school in house
09:45 lower school in house
09:45 Memorial hall Upper school
followed by
for Domestic routines
for Domestic routines
followed by
11:00 all Pupils in house for Domestic routines 12:00 Term ends
81 n o t e s

For all situations outlined below, when the immediate accident has been dealt with : the pupil’s HM and the Medical Centre must be informed as soon as possible subsequently an accident report form must be completed. in the event of a clearly serious or life-threatening accident where it does not seem safe and reasonable to the first member of staff on the scene for the victim to be taken to the Medical centre, the normal first-aid assessment of a i rWay, B r e at h i n g , C i r C ul at i o n should be made and the victim should not be moved unless this is necessar y to prevent further injur y or deterioration.

• help should be soug ht immediately as follows : summon the duty paramedic ( 0 7 7 7 6 0 2 0 4 8 6 ) for sports injuries, and/or

(a) Phone 9 9 9 and request an ambulance.

Direct the ambulance to the main colleg e entrance (sn 8 1 Pa )

Phone security (0 1 6 7 2 8 9 2 2 0 1 ) and tell them where to direct the crew


b) inform the Medical centre. They will ensure medical details of the pupil are available where necessar y, and inform the Medical Officer.

Nursing staff on duty in the Medical centre will not normally be able to attend such accidents. The responsibility for summoning the ambulance should lie with the senior member of staff at the site of the accident and not with the nurse in the Medical centre.

h e a d i n J u r i e s

Medical opinion is unanimous that any loss of consciousness whatsoever should oblig e a player to leave the field and abandon that g ame. Minor degrees of concussion without loss of consciousness may be acceptable for further play, provided that the patient is not disorientated, has no headache, blurring of vision or amnesia . There is a rarer complication of a head injur y in sport in that temporar y recover y may follow a blow to the head only to be followed by a lucid inter val and then by the onset of unconsciousness due to bleeding within the skull. This is an extremely dang erous condition. any player suffering a knockout blow should therefore be obser ved during the following hours after an injur y. The immediate manag ement of a head injur y in sport should be as follows :

if there is an impairment of consciousness i.e. brief loss of consciousness or a period of confusion or disorientation, then that player should be r emove d from the pitch.

1. in the rug by season the p a r a me d i c should be summoned. The player will be treated and obser ved for an appropriate period, either in the paramedic base or the Medical centre. If no paramedic is available the player must always be accompanied to the Medical Centre. The patient will be admitted and obser ved for an appropriate period of time or transferred to casualty as required.

2 any period of unconsciousness will disqualif y the individual from contact sports for at least three weeks The strict protocol of assessment and graduated return to sporting activity, following a head injur y must be followed

82 e m e r g e n C i e s / i n J u r i e s a i d e m e m o i r e

n e C K i n J u r i e s

The neck is particularly vulnerable to injur y because of its extreme mobility. it is especially vulnerable in contact sports such as rug by (a collapsed scrum or hig h tackle, for example) and the potential ramifications of such injur y are ver y serious. it there is any suspicion of a significant neck injur y then the following is essential :

1 First the g ame should stop, and the p a r a me d i c should be summoned

2. The player should not be moved : if there is any doubt about a neck injur y having occurred, leave the player where they are and keep them warm. The paramedic will assess the extent of the injur y and if required an ambulance will be called. The neck may be immobilised by the paramedic using appropriate devices.

3. Where a neck injur y occurs in any other context, a similarly careful approach is required. The patient should not be moved unless they are in immediate dang er, or require resuscitation in the event of moving the patient being unavoidable, neck stability should be maintained if at all possible in such an instance, or that of a patient who is disorientated and unable to obey commands to remain still, then summon help as soon as possible

ot h e r i n J u r i e s

When a player has sustained an injur y which clearly requires medical attention and he/she is able to walk satisfactorily, either he/she will be handed over to the paramedic or the beak in charg e of the situation must ensure that the player g oes to the Medical centre. The beak will need to provide necessar y information about the circumstances of the injur y.

as soon as possible after the event it is the responsibility of the beak in charg e of the g ame/session to complete an accident report Form (available in common room).

if a pupil has been injured in an away match, such that paramedic or Medical centre treatment is required, he/she must be passed as ‘fit to travel’ by a competent medical person at the other school before return to Marlboroug h The pupil’s hM should be informed as soon as possible he / s he mus t b e es cor te d to the me d i ca l C entr e imme d i atel y on r e t ur n to ma r l b or o ug h . W her e s uch injur i es r e q u ir e ho sp it a l tr e atment at the o ther s cho o l , it is imp er ative that the me d i ca l

C entr e b e inf or me d on r e t ur n to ma r l b or o ug h , a s ther e w il l o f ten by f o l l o w - up tr e atment r e q u ir e d ( s uch a s o ut p ati ent f r act ur e - cl in i c ap p o intments ) .

f i r st a i d / e m e r g e n C y C o m m u n i C at i o n s

all beaks in charg e of major g ames sports teams must have, or have access to, a medical bag for treating minor injuries. Beaks in charge of other sports will ensure that appropriate first aid measures are in place. all beaks must have a copy of the emerg enc y telephone numbers. During the Michaelmas and lent Terms there will always be a paramedic on duty for major g ames practices and fixtures. The paramedic has a colleg e mobile phone and this number should be immediately accessible. ideally, beaks should have a mobile phone to hand, or at least be clear where the nearest available telephone is ( The paramedic’s vehicle should always be prominently parked, and as a last resort a runner should be sent)

l o C at i o n o f C o l l e g e d e f i B r i l ato r s

• Medical centre (sani) x2

• Barton Farm ( ground floor, main office)

• Porters’ lodg e ( ground floor, security office)

• cricket Pavilion (side entrance, West end )

• athletics Pavilion (main entrance)

• swimming Pool ( pool office, on shelf )

• Gym (front entrance foyer of g ym)

e m e r g e n C i e s / i n J u r i e s a i d e m e m o i r e ( C o n t i n u e d )
84 n o t e s
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Prep 8.45 9.45 11.05 12.05 4.45 5.45 M T W T F s Week B Week B Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Prep 8.45 9.45 11.05 12.05 4.45 5.45 M T W T F s Week a Week a
2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 r e f e r e n C e C a l e n d a r KEY: Term Half Day Exeat Prize Day Leavers’ Dance Red Bank Holidays JANUARY 2023 MTWTF SS FEBRUARY 2023 MTWTF SS MARCH 2023 MTWTF SS APRIL 2023 MTWTF SS MAY 2023 MTWTF SS JUNE 2023 MTWTF SS JULY 2023 MTWTF SS AUGUST 2023 MTWTF SS SEPTEMBER 2023 MTWTF SS OCTOBER 2023 MTWTF SS NOVEMBER 2023 MTWTF SS DECEMBER 2023 MTWTF SS 1 2 345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1234 56789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 12 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 123456 789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 123 456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12345 6789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 123 456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2345 6789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2345 6789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3456 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JANUARY 2024 MTWTF SS FEBRUARY 2024 MTWTF SS MARCH 2024 MTWTF SS APRIL 2024 MTWTF SS MAY 2024 MTWTF SS JUNE 2024 MTWTF SS JULY 2024 MTWTF SS AUGUST 2024 MTWTF SS SEPTEMBER 2024 MTWTF SS OCTOBER 2024 MTWTF SS NOVEMBER 2024 MTWTF SS DECEMBER 2024 MTWTF SS 1 234567 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12345 6 789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1234567 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1234 56789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 123456 789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 123 456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1234 56789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 123 456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 234567 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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