Campaign Report Spring 2024

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The fact that I came to the school on a bursary was not only respected but appreciated given the unique challenges that such a pathway can entail. Everyone has been incredibly welcoming, which has made my transition to Marlborough a lot smoother and more enjoyable I feel very fortunate to be part of such an open and accepting community Anonymous bursary recipient

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As we celebrate the first anniversary of the Marlborough Difference Campaign Launch, I am delighted to share with you that we have a total of 44 pupils being supported by a full bursary (110% of the fees) at Marlborough, with 13 of those motivated and talented young people joining the College in September 2023.

I could not be more grateful to those of you who have supported our aim to make Marlborough a more diverse and accessible school, whether by way of financial support or simply word of mouth in recognising that our direction of travel is creating a stronger community, more reflective of the world our pupils will go on to live in.

We continue to forge ahead, step by step, with a goal of 10% of Marlborough’s places being offered to children whose families couldn’t otherwise contemplate accessing an education like ours. Inspirational individuals, like Alexis, Ben and Fran who appear in this report, give an idea of the life-changing gift that a place at Marlborough can provide, and it is in keeping with the College’s founding aims that our modern day community, despite pressures which present themselves in so many forms, remains dedicated to looking beyond itself and to ensuring that access is as far reaching as we can make it.

I hope you enjoy reading the articles which follow and I thank you most sincerely for all that you do to support us, ensuring that Marlborough’s journey is an exciting and ground-breaking one.

Scan the QR code to watch a video of the Master to hear more about the Campaign and the impact that it will have for the College.

By 2033...

Increase the number of full bursary places to 100

10% of the pupil body will receive a full bursary

Recruit at least 100 volunteers to support bursary recipients

To do this, we will need to raise £75m



The Marlborough Difference Campaign launched with a special 36-hour Launch Day that encouraged over 1,000 parents, OMs, staff, pupils and friends to support the Campaign and, together, raised an astonishing £1,326,119 for the bursary endowment.

One of the reasons for this tremendous success was thanks to an extremely generous donor, Tim Martin-Jenkins (B3 1961-65), who doubled all Launch Day donations.

As a second-generation Marlburian, Tim has always been very proud to call himself an Old Marlburian. He has since also sent his two children Sam (LI 2017-22) and Lily (IH 2014-19) to Marlborough. Having always been interested in directing his philanthropy towards education, Tim has been a long-standing donor of the College. In 2014, he established a bursary in memory of his brother Christopher Martin-Jenkins (B3 1958-63), which so far, has been awarded to 3 pupils, and has since endowed another bursary which has funded an additional 4 pupils.

“I always enjoy meeting those who have received a bursary. On one occasion in Marlborough, I saw a bursary pupil I knew with a group of friends. When I first met him, he was shy, but he had grown in confidence and it was clear to me that not only had Marlborough made a difference to him, but he had become fully part of the community and was making a difference to his friends.”

Tim is very much involved with the Campaign and is Chairman of Council’s Development Committee. He hoped that by matching donations on Launch Day, he would set a good example and encourage people to give whatever amount they felt comfortable giving. For those who can support at a higher level, he wanted to provide them with a taste of the Campaign and a chance to experience the impact they could make.

“Tim is particularly passionate about supporting the endowment which is relatively small in comparison to many other schools.”

Tim was delighted with the result of Launch Day and recalls the excitement of sitting in his office watching the amount raised continue to go up throughout the day.

The Campaign aims to fund 100 free places through a combination of immediate spend bursaries and building up the Foundation’s investments (known as the endowment). Tim is particularly passionate about supporting the endowment which is relatively small in comparison to many other schools.

“It is comforting to realise that by building the endowment, Marlborough will be able to help generations of young and talented pupils, regardless of their financial background, forever.”

Thanks to Tim and the incredible support shown by the whole Marlburian community on Launch Day, the money raised will support one free place at Marlborough forever with the first pupil starting in September.

During 2022/23 the investments produced a return of more than £167,000 which was enough to fully fund four bursaries at Marlborough


2019/20 £3.9m




The Campaign Launch Day raised £1.3m for the endowment from 1,000 donors, which was enough to fund a bursary place forever

investments The Foundation investments are currently managed by Rathbones, whose work is overseen by the College’s investment committee. Launch Day funds are expected to be included in 2023/24 figures.
Value of Foundation’s

A local footballer with a desire to


Overlooked in large classes but not on the pitch. The first of many awarded the Andrew Crompton Bursary Now a player in the Football 1st XI Pushed to excel in the classroom Teachers see his determination to succeed. He has raised the bar. This is the difference Marlborough makes

Daphne Crompton was keen to remember her son Andrew (C3 1977-81) with a gift in her will that endowed a bursary in his memory forever. Thanks to her generosity, generations of motivated and talented young people like Ben will be able to attend Marlborough.

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Many years have passed since Andrew Crompton (C3 1977-81) was a pupil here but he is still remembered as a brilliant scholar and classicist. Marlborough instilled a love of climbing and mountaineering in Andrew and it was whilst he was at Balliol College, Oxford that he tragically slipped and fell to his death whilst attempting to climb the Eiger in 1995, aged only 21.

Andrew’s mother, Daphne Crompton who has now passed away, was keen to remember Andrew during her lifetime and gave to support the building of a new indoor climbing wall in the Kempson Centre. She said at the time that whilst Andrew was not a huge fan of sports, he loved his climbing and his time at Marlborough.

The family had already been very generous but Mrs Crompton spoke about making a gift to Marlborough in her will and leaving a lasting legacy to Andrew. Following her sad passing in 2020, we received a generous gift to the Bursary Endowment Fund, and we have been able to set up the Andrew Crompton Bursary in perpetuity. This will enable generations of talented and motivated young people from disadvantaged backgrounds a lifechanging Marlborough education.

In September 2022, Ben E was the first pupil to be awarded the Andrew Crompton Bursary to attend the Sixth Form. Ben will be the first in a long line of Andrew Crompton bursary recipients.

“It seems fitting to support the school, to commemorate Andrew’s experience, as this will ensure he is remembered for a long time to come. I am so glad he is being remembered.”
Mrs Crompton

Whether you have decided to leave a gift in your will or would like more information about legacy giving, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Jan Perrins by email at jperrins@


These are the keys. The keys that helped Zhivka settle in. That she made sing

Inspired by her tutors, cheered by her house mates, driven by her passions Which gave her the courage to perform with the Southbank Sinfonia. The confidence to rebuild the world as an architect. The chance to excel. This is the difference Marlborough makes

By supporting The Marlborough Difference Campaign for life-changing bursaries, you enable motivated and talented young people like Zhivka to achieve their full potential and enrich the education of every pupil at the College.

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The new role extends our exceptional pastoral care system to encompass the experience of these pupils from before they arrive at the College until after they have left. The holder works with full and substantial bursary pupils and their families, offering transitional support for them as they prepare to start at Marlborough, and giving them additional pastoral support (on top of that provided by their house pastoral teams) throughout their time at the College.

This role is uncommon in schools in the UK, but the College believes having one person dedicated to overseeing our full and substantial bursary holders and their families for the duration of their connection with the College will provide important continuity of support and help these pupils to thrive here. It will also ensure the Marlborough Difference Campaign is the success we intend it to be.

The number of pupils on full bursaries is growing quickly, with huge thanks to the donors who are supporting the Campaign. In 2018 there were 12; today there are 44; in 2033 there will be 100. We recognise the significant change starting at the College can represent for our full and substantial bursary holders, and this new post, which is fully funded by the Foundation, provides important additional support for this fast-growing and highly-valued cohort of our pupils.

Ed Nightingale Deputy Head (Pastoral)

83% felt prepared before they arrived at Marlborough

65% of bursary pupils found it easy to adjust academically

72% of bursary pupils found it easy to adjust socially

Your unique background and experiences enrich the diversity and inclusivity for everyone

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Anonymous bursary recipient

You might worry that people will judge you based on where you come from, but in my experience, the opposite is true “
The addition to the College’s pastoral team of a Head of Bursary Welfare is a very welcome step and one that ensures even stronger support for our full and substantial bursary pupils on their Marlborough journeys.

Potential noticed. SpringBoard suggests Marlborough. Her bursary allows her to try new things. Guitar Drums. Lacrosse. Unafraid to push boundaries to find her path. Only 14 and already giving back. Helping younger pupils find their way. This is the difference Marlborough makes

The Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation (RNCSF) have set up links with local charities and Local Authorities in areas across the UK to ensure that schools like Marlborough can target their transformational bursary schemes to the young people who need it most.

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As we grow the number of free places, we have sought to understand the value that bursaries bring not just to the recipients but to the wider College community as well. We surveyed current pupils and staff:

Our current parents and pupils said:

70% of pupils feel that a more diverse community is important

79% felt pupils respected other pupils from different backgrounds

Our 2023 leavers said:

76% think it is important that Marlborough attracts pupils from different backgrounds

To find out more about the research, please visit www.marlboroughdifference. org/impact

Our recent bursary pupils said:

80% of staff feel that a more diverse community is important

93% of recent leavers knew one or more bursary pupils during their time at Marlborough

74% of leavers told us that they sometimes feel disconnected from the outside world, but...

“Marlborough taught me how to get on with all ranges of people –thanks to bursaries.”

71% of bursary holders came to Marlborough for the academic challenge

85% made friends from different backgrounds to their own

“Marlborough was a nurturing environment for my personal and academic growth. I've developed significantly in my social skills and overall confidence.”


Marlborough was a dream. A bursary made it a reality. Covid. Lockdown A difficult start. But surrounded by support. HM. Dame. RHT Beaks. She overcomes challenges She discovers shooting. She achieves exceptional A Levels. Now with more opportunities than before. This is the difference Marlborough makes

By supporting The Marlborough Difference Campaign for life-changing bursaries, you enable motivated and talented young people like Fran to achieve their full potential and enrich the education of every pupil at the College.

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CAMPAIGN CALLERS: talking about the difference you can make

My bursary gave me the chance to challenge myself and pursue my ambitions, and therefore, when the opportunity arose to work with the Marlborough Difference Campaign, as a Campaign Caller, I was thrilled. Being able to support the Campaign whilst hearing about the various different paths that OMs have taken, has been not only fascinating, but beneficial as I begin to take those steps myself.

My connection to the College spans far back into my childhood; my family and I would frequently stop off in Marlborough on our way home from visiting Swindon. My parents and grandparents didn’t have the opportunity to continue education after secondary school, but my mother had always had a love for reading and literature which she shared with me. She always dreamed for me to attend Marlborough and pursue my love of learning and after she passed away when I was nine, it became my dream too.

There are so many ways that Marlborough has shaped my life beyond the academic sense and through calling, I have been able to learn how the College has also touched the lives of so many others. It is truly a pleasure to connect with the wider Marlborough community and share insights into the College’s aspiration to increase the number of bursary places to 100 by 2033.

Being a bursary pupil is an achievement that is celebrated by the College and Marlborough recognises the value that a diverse pupil body can bring. In fact, philanthropy is deeply embedded within the College’s rich history – from subsidised places for the sons of the clergy as far back as the 19 th century,

to outreach within the local community today. Continuing this tradition with the Marlborough Difference Campaign is a very exciting leap for the College and I feel so proud to be part of such a committed team.

However, the real strength behind this Campaign is you. Speaking to OMs and parents has been so inspiring and as a bursary recipient myself, seeing the generosity and eagerness to get involved with the Campaign is truly heart-warming. Thank you to those that have taken the time to speak with us.

“Speaking to OMs and parents has been so inspiring and as a bursary recipient myself, seeing the generosity and eagerness to get involved with the Campaign is truly heart-warming.”


Members of the Marlborough community have embraced the Campaign and have shown their support by raising funds from friends and family.

We have seen staff and pupils complete fitness challenges, including a 22.5km whole school walk, David Du Croz (CR 1996-07) has been donating all proceeds from the sale of his book ‘Marlborough College and the Great War in 100 Stories’, whilst the Choral Society raised over £2,000 from the sale of their concert recording to Launch Day.

Thomas W reached his target of £1,000 to hike 325km to Santiago de Compostella

“I feel lucky that I have had such an amazing education and I want more people to have this opportunity too. Raising money will help others not only receive first-rate teaching but have access to Marlborough’s wide array of extracurriculars as well.”

Sam Brooks raised over £4,000 to Sea Kayak and run an Ultra Marathon from Land's End to Marlborough “My motivation to fundraise for the Campaign stems from a deep belief in the transformative power of the bursaries at Marlborough. I am committed to supporting this outstanding organisation and ensuring that pupils have the opportunity to receive a first-class education.”

If you would like to join other Old Marlburians, pupils, parents, and staff who are committed to helping us achieve our Campaign goals, please visit www. marlboroughdifference. org

Pupils raised over £110,000 in aid of the 22.5km Marlborough Difference Walk

The first Marlborough College Charity Walk took place in 1970 and arose from the initiative of a group of Sixth Form pupils. It has since become a College tradition, taking place every five years and this year, the focus was on raising funds for the Marlborough Difference Campaign.

Pupils channelled their collective efforts and raised an amazing £113,305 from their family, friends, and OMs which will enable a young person to join the College in the Sixth Form.

At the finish line, Alexis A offered her thoughts: “Although quite daunting at first, completing the walk has given me a really good feeling, knowing that I was directly contributing towards something that could potentially change somebody’s future. It’s great knowing that I and many others have made such a valuable contribution.”


In 2023, 1,625 generous donors raised over £4m for bursaries. The College has also received £10m from the Gerald Curgenven Will Trust.

When added to donations received by the Foundation, it means the Campaign total so far is over £27.5m**.

While we have made every effort to ensure your details are correct and we have been careful to omit the names of those donors who wish to remain anonymous, if you spot an error, please get in touch so that we can correct our records for future publications.

Over £4 million raised from 1,625 donors in 2023

So far, we have received over £27.5 million for bursaries**

* Total in bursary endowment as of 1st July 2019 ** as at 31st December 2023 Total amount received for bursaries, so far Total amount calculated by academic year Pre 2019* £2.9m 2019/20 £3.9m 2020/21 £6.9m 2021/22 £10.9m 2022/23 £14.9m 2023/24** £27.5m
Number of pupils on a full bursary 2019/20 14 2020/21 20 2021/22 30 2022/23 39 2023/24 44


Become a donor by sponsoring a pupil, supporting our bursary endowment, leaving a gift in your will, or making a single or monthly donation.

Become a volunteer who can provide mentoring, career advice, work placements, or internships to help ensure the brightest possible futures for our bursary pupils.

Become a champion and join other Old Marlburians, pupils, parents, and staff who are committed to helping us achieve our Campaign goals by sharing our messages with your network and advocating for our Campaign.

For more information about the Marlborough Difference Campaign, please visit


Marlborough College Foundation

Marlborough College, Bath Road, Wiltshire SN8 1PA 01672 892558

The Marlborough College Foundation is a registered charity (1061798) established to provide long-term financial support for the College’s continuing development.

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