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Best practise.
other concerns such as stock that have escaped onto roads, which can be extremely hazardous to road users.
“A major part of our focus is around education,” says Emma-Jaye. “Jackie Jenkins, our Dog Safety Education Advisor, offers a Dog Safety Programme that can be adapted for people of all ages. These include preschool, primary school, community groups, people at work or those working in the com- munity.”
“We facilitate the programme in classrooms, local venues and workplaces. As well as teaching people how to be safe around dogs it is also an opportunity for dog owners to learn how to parent their four-leggedfriends well and be responsible dog owners, preventing problems that could occur later,” she says.
“We are more than happy to work with people who want some help, such as with barking dogs, or anything else that they are unsure of around dogs,” says Emma-Jaye. “We work closely with the SPCA, Marlborough Four Paws and local vets when that is needed and are here to help anyone who has a dog problem.”
If you would like to contact Animal Control for further information or queries, they will welcome your call.
Phone 03 520 9033