3 minute read
at Ward Domain
Adults $10, under 17 free
munity. Most people in the area have a connection with something at the show. When I was first asked to do the job, I just didn’t know how to say no,” she laughs. “Although it is still a huge task to organise all these years later, technology has made it so much easier.” ley. It is great fun and highly entertaining.” that haven’t missed a single show. The A & P Show really brings local people together which is very healthy for the community. The Kaikoura Earthquake actually made our community bigger as we got to know people who weren’t able to get to Blenheim for a long time.”
A huge number of volunteers act as stewards on the day. “We can always do with more,” says Bernadette.
Being in the heart of sheep country, there are classes for farmers to show off their best stock while shearers come from many other places to compete in their classes, points earned going toward their national competition.
Also entertaining is the ‘Terrier Race’ at 1.00pm. “It is actually a mix of small dog breeds and hilarious with dogs going off in all directions,” she says.
Since the earthquake Kevin has been in charge of the layout of the show. “We’re very well supported by so many businesses, craftspeople and food producers which adds to the atmosphere,” he says. Working bees are held in the weeks beforehand with locals pitching in to get the grounds and building ready. “I’m so proud of the way the community comes together and the hard work pays off,” he says. “I see the purpose of the day to share what we have here and want people to go away and tell others who didn’t make it what a great experience they’ve missed out on.”
Bernadette Gilmore grew up on the family farm in Ward and has been the show secretary for thirty- eight years. “It’s one thing a year that involves the whole com-

The show’s programme is full of events that the whole family can enjoy. The many horse and pony events take place all day with five rings and 130 classes in action. Judging takes place for a range of activities from turnout to manners, riding ability, show jumping and even tricks. The miniature ponies competing are always especially popular with children and adults alike.
At 1.30pm a Grand Parade takes place to show off horses and their riders looking their best. Points from a number of the horse and pony events go towards the national Horse of the Year competition.

In the spirit of traditional A & P shows there is even a ‘Sheep Counting’ event where sheep go through pens and the winner is the one who counts them correctly, an important skill for every sheep farmer to have.
“The Ironman team competition is always popular,” says Bernadette. “One person has to power a bicycle so another one can shear a sheep and then a large bale of wool has to be rolled along an al-
One of the favourite crowd spectacles is the ‘Speights Alehouse/ Omega Seafoods Spouse Carrying Race’ which can be entered on the day. Spouses have to carry their other half through an obstacle course and the winner receives as a prize their weight in product.
Another spectacle is the Mckendry Mazda sponsored ‘Flaxbourne Flyer’ Event which involves teams of three including a rider who has to put their horse over jumps, followed by a motorcyclist weaving their way through an obstacle course and followed by the third team member who has to sprint through an obstacle course to the finish. The show is supported by a wide range of sponsors, many of whom contribute to the array of trade stands on site. The Harcourts

Flaxbourne Future Farmer competition for children is a way for youngsters to show off their farming skills. Those entering never know beforehand what they will be expected to do as each year they are surprised with different tasks to show off their practical skills. “One year they had to erect a non-electrified electric fence and another, tail an artificial lamb,” explains Bernadette. Entries for this competition have to dren to enter. “We have received a large number of entries this year petitions in cooking, handcraft, vegetables, art and flowers which “The numbers entering the open