3 minute read
Reinke makes rain in the desert
from ProAgri BNZ 14
by ProAgri
villages. Livestock is one of Namibia’s main says Danie. Pivots are not cheap, but they are a necessary investment for any farmer who wants to expand his farming business. “The investment was worth every cent,” says Danie. “Every farmer should consider a Reinke pivot for his farm. It allows you to ensure that your livestock will have enough feed all year round by regularly giving sufficient moisture to gain optimal growth,” Danie added. Agriturf is part of Reinke’s dealership network in Southern Africa and provides irrigation services to the farmers of Namibia. The team from Agriturf had to get creative with the installation on Danie’s farm due to the fact that there is no electricity available near the pivot. “We designed a solar system to power the Reinke pivot and it is working like a charm,” says Marco de Wet, Business Manager of Agriturf. The
tures wet and growing Danie’s profit. Reinke makes The service that Danie received from Reinke and Agriturf was exceptional. “Marco and his team were always available when I needed them,” says Danie. rain in the The lockdown did not have any effect on delivery time. “We keep Reinke spares in stock here desert in Windhoek, so we were not really affected by the borders being closed,” Marco explains. “We provide our customers with the best service and products, and Reinke pivots are simply the best,” says Marco. Reinke prides itself in the innovative design of the pivot structure to cut down on maintenance and operational costs, and to increase the lifespan of the irrigation system. They do not merely supply the pivots, but their network of dealers is also involved in the by Jaco Cilliers planning and design of each pivot to ensure that it meets the needs of every
Namibia is known for its magnificent The 6-hectare Reinke pivot was red dunes and pristine coastline. erected on Danie Prinsloo’s farm Normally, people associate the country in Namibia. It was the first Reinke with the fishing industry that is the pivot that was powered using only economic heartbeat of many coastal solar power. agricultural export products, despite delivered directly to the pivot. There is the country being very arid. The chal- no need for expensive batteries for the lenge is to produce enough feed for system to work properly. the livestock industry to survive. Many Danie explains why he chose a farmers have opted for irrigation solu- Reinke pivot in the first place. “When tions to feed their livestock. comparing cost and quality, Reinke Reinke provides tailor-made irriga- was by far the best value for money. tion systems to suit the needs of the individual farmer. One farmer that can attest to this fact is Danie Prinsloo from Maltahohe district in Namibia. Danie farms with Dorper sheep and Second, I really liked the design of the pivot. It is made from durable, lightweight material and has a lower centre of gravity. The management system is simple and effective.” Danie Prinsloo could not be happier with the feed he is able to produce for his sheep and goats with the help of his Reinke pivot. boer goats, and needed irrigation on his Danie further explains that the pastures. Danie uses a borehole to ex- maintenance needed on his Reinke Contact Patrick Ellis, Director of tract water from the underground wa- pivot is minimal. Gearboxes need to be Reinke South Africa, on +27(0)83ter source on his farm. “We installed a serviced on a regular basis as required, 326-9058 for any further enquiries, 6-hectare pivot on the farm to irrigate and the pivot is lubricated regularly. or send an e-mail to the pastures and ensure that the plants Apart from that it simply does what it patrickellis@reinke.com. perform their best all year round,” is intended to do: keeping that pasindividual farmer. solar system was designed so that the The 6-hectare Reinke pivot was delivered and installed on Danie’s farm in power generated by the solar panel is January this year by the team from Agriturf.