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Jy kan reken op Freight Innovations se vervoeroplossings

Die Covid-19-inperking het ’n ernstige uitwerking op die bestuur van voorraadkettings gehad. Veral ondernemings wat staatmaak op die kostedoeltreffendheid van lae voorraadhouding en aflewerings wat net betyds of op bestelling geskied, is swaar getref. Invoere van Sjina het vir etlike maande stilgestaan en dit het selfs gevestigde Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye in die grond in gedruk, veral in die promosiekleremark. Gewoonlik beteken meer vragkapasiteit laer koste, maar in hierdie tyd het die omgekeerde gebeur. Freight Innovations het egter daarin geslaag om dienslewering in die moeilike tyd te stabiliseer en vol te hou as gevolg van sy goed gevestigde internasionale netwerk, en die maatskappy kon daarin slaag om sy markaandeel in die oorgrenssegment te vergroot. Freight Innovations bied uiters mededingende vervoerpryse van Suid-Afrika na Namibië aan en die maatskappy se voetspoor strek oor al die SAOG-lande. Kliënte sluit in vervaardigers van voertuigbybehore en -toerusting soos aluminiumkappies en sleepwaens, kaggels en selfs potplante.

Kwotasies vir internasionale lug- en seevervoer is ook beskikbaar en versekering kan op versoek ingesluit word. Kostes hang af van die grootte, gewig, kommoditeit en waarde. Freight Innovations het ’n oproepsentrum en ’n aanlynkitskwotasiestelsel wat vinnig antwoorde kan gee. Die internasionale koerierdiens is baie gewild vir die uitvoer van kleiner pakkies, as gevolg van die bekostigbaarheid, aanlynsporing en kitskwotasieopsie.


Gereelde kliënte hou aan sake doen met Freight Innovations te danke aan die standhoudendheid en betroubaarheid van die dienslewering deur kundige personeel. Die jong span is dinamies en spog met ’n hoër vlak van toepaslike ondervinding as wat ’n mens op die oog af sou verwag. Leo Nompiyo het sowat 20 jaar gelede as ’n junior assistent in die vervoerbedryf begin en sy loopbaan het ’n goeie hupstoot gekry toe hy as nagskofbestuurder aangestel is. In 2011 het Leo by die Freight Innovations-span aangesluit en sy ondervinding is van onskatbare waarde vir sy posisie as operasionele toesighouer. Ricardo de Freitas het in sy 35 lewensjare reeds 15 jaar ondervinding in die bedryf opgedoen. Hy het ’n rykdom van operasionele ondervinding in die nasionale pad- en lugvervoerbedryf. Hy verstaan vragte en hy kan enige krisis met gemak hanteer.

Twee jaar gelede het die jonge Robertha Jass by die span aangesluit en as gevolg van haar loopbaangerigte houding sommer vinnig opgang gemaak tot maatskappysekretaresse en rekeningeassistent. Freight Innovations het sedert sy ontstaan met rasse skrede gegroei, te danke aan die bestuur se oortuiging dat persoonlike, vinnige en doeltreffende diens die sleutel tot sukses is. Te oordeel aan die maatskappy se vordering oor die afgelope dekade, is die sakebeleid deeglik in die praktyk bewys.

Besoek Freight Innovations by www.freight-innovations.co.za en kliek op die rooi kitskwotasieblokkie om vinnig ’n prys te kry om enigiets te stuur.

SmeermiddelS SpeSiaal vir landbou

ToTal Se landbou-oploSSinGS Smeermiddels en dienste wat waarde toevoeg – spesiaal ontwerp om jou landboutoerusting nie net aan die loop te hou nie, maar uitstekend te laat werk in alle toestande en deur alle seisoene.

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’n Reeks tegnologies gevorderde smeermiddels wat spesifiek vir landboumasjinerie ontwikkel is.

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Ons biosmeermiddels is uiters veelsydig en voldoen aan streng omgewingsvereistes.

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’n Reeks voedselgraadsmeermiddels wat ontwikkel is om aan die strengste vereistes vir voedselveiligheid te voldoen.


’n Olie-analise- en diagnosestelsel wat probleme opspoor en aanbevelings maak om teëspoed en die agteruitgang van toerusting te voorkom.


If you’re passionate about cultivation, TOTAL AGRI Lubricants are the perfect partner for you.

Farmers are known for their resilience and toughness and they have the ability to recover quickly from any difficulties that come their way. Cultivating high-quality products all year round requires real dedication, hard work and determination. When it comes to your machinery, you expect equipment that works just as hard. Missing even one day of work can result in significant losses and can compromise the quality of your produce. This is why TOTAL AGRI is dedicated to ensuring your equipment can keep up with stringent demands.

A partner who knows the agricultural sector

Total South Africa has built a close relationship with organised agriculture since 1956. Firstly, we made it easier for farmers to buy petroleum products via their agricultural co-operatives. Then we introduced an idea that saved farmers a significant amount of money per year: a range of high-technology lubricants dedicated to Agriculture, but sold to the co-operatives at a very competitive price. The range of agricultural lubricants, called TOTAL AGRI, is still available after three decades and is specially blended by Total for the agricultural market and its applications.

A comprehensive and highly-specialised range

The TOTAL AGRI range draws on the latest technological developments resulting from many hours of research & development. We have developed a range of biodegradable lubricants to keep up with your evolving needs. Including lubricants for: • Engines • Transmissions • Hydraulic systems • Multifunctional requirements

Lubricants for special applications

At Total, we have developed lubricants that are specifically formulated for special applications, such as: • Mechanised farming equipment • Milking machines • Vacuum pumps • Chainsaws The Total Lubricants range also offers: • Greases • Coolants • Auxiliary products

We also produce the Nevastane range, which are food-grade lubricants for food processing equipment that is used in the production of: • Sugar • Fruit and vegetables • Beverages • Animal feed • Bakeries

Today, Total products are supplied to the agricultural community through some 300 agricultural co-operative branches and agricultural distributors nationwide.

A lube oil diagnosis service, unlike any other

With ANAC (which stands for ANAlysis Compared), Total goes even further to provide a full range of lube oil analysis. From a simple oil sampling, Total ANAC can do a thorough diagnosis of all mechanical parts including engine, transmissions and hydraulics, without the constraints of disassembly. This service is currently active in 100 countries and more than 7 million oil samples have been analysed in a brand-new, state-of-the-art European analysis centre. Visit our site at lubricants.total.com to find out more about out lube oil diagnosis service.

Total is committed to providing you with the best

At Total, we do everything possible to put ourselves in your shoes, so that we can gain a better understanding of the work you do and the way you do it. This helps us create solutions that streamline your processes and allow you to do the best job you possibly can. We understand that your job is not an easy one. But you are committed to excellence, even if that means early mornings, long days and late nights. That’s why we work hard to make your everyday duties flow that much easier, so that you can achieve the results you require. We have worked closely with the agricultural industry to create a comprehensive and highly-specialised range of lubricants that meet your needs, no matter what agricultural sector you specialise in, so that you can keep producing excellent results and feeding the nation.

For more information on TOTAL AGRI Lubricants, visit catalog.total.co.za or mail us at lubricants-technical@total.co.za.

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