7 minute read
Afriseed leads the way in smallholder cropping
from ProAgri Zambia 053
by ProAgri
A f r i s e e d l e a d s t h e w a y i n s m a l l h o l d e r c r o p p i ng
Seed companies know that increasing the production of the millions of even the smallest farmers with a few percent, will have a massive impact on the national yield. Stewards Globe Limited is a diversified Zambian owned agricultural company whose core business is to transfer seed technologies developed from public and private research organisations into the hands of farmers. Since 2011, the company, whose brand name is Afriseed, has been engaged in seed production, processing and marketing of improved and released varieties of cereals, legumes and oil crops with the aim of increasing smallholder agricultural productivity. It is also actively marketing imported vegetable seeds, pasture seeds and crop protection products coupled with extension services. Some of the hybrid maize seed crops we are actively promoting and distributing on the market are as follows:
White hybrid maize
AF 638 is a medium maturing three-way cross (Zea-mays) white hybrid and can be grown across the country in all the agro-ecological zones I, II and III. • Medium maturing hybrid: 120 to 130 days • Plant in rows 75 cm apart, 25 to 30 cm intra rows • Recommended final plant population of 50 000 per hectare • Excellent drought tolerance and moisture stress tolerance • Excellent stay green • Resistant to grey leaf spot, cob rot and maize streak virus • Semi-flint • Low risk to lodging • Good husk cover • Yield potential of up to 12 MT/ha
AF 638
AF 635 is a medium maturing three-way cross (Zea-Mays L) white hybrid and can be grown across the country in all agroregions I, II and III. • Medium maturing hybrid
by Bwalya Mwansa
Days to maturity: 125 to 135 days Plant in rows 75 cm apart, 25 to 30 cm intra rows Recommended final plant population of 50 000 per hectare Seed rate: 20 kg/ha Excellent drought tolerance and stress tolerant Resistant to grey leaf spot and maize streak virus Double cobbing with excellent grain quality Excellent stay green Low risk to lodging Good husk cover Yield potential of up to 11 MT/Ha
Vitamin A orange maize (AF 672 A) has a unique orange colour because it contains beta carotenes that the body converts to vitamin A when consumed. Vitamin A is vital, because it improves the immune system to fight diseases, it improves and maintains good eyesight and ensures a better and healthy skin among other benefits. It is suitable for growing in agro-regions II and III. • Medium maturing hybrid • Days to maturity: 120 to 130 days • Plant in rows 75 cm apart, 25 to 30 cm intra rows • Seed rate: 20 kg/ha • Recommended final plant population of 50 000 per hectare. • Excellent drought tolerance • Resistant to all major diseases • Double cobbing • Good standability • Yield potential up to 10 MT/ha
Early planting at the onset of good rains is a key cultural practice for better fertiliser usage, better standability and early shading of the soil, which reduces evaporation and increases yields. Maize should be planted in rows of 75 to 90 cm apart at a spacing of 25 to 30 cm between plants.
Seed rate
Choosing the optimum plant population and achieving the desired population are two of the most vital factors in maize production. This will depend on the varietal type, the climatic conditions, soil type and rainfall. A seed rate of 20 to 25 kg/ha is recommended. The more favourable the conditions are, the higher the optimum planting population. The optimum seeding population is 50 000 plants per hectare with a target final plant population of 45 000 at harvest. Other cereal seeds include rice and sorghum which we have been actively promoting over the years.
Legume seed
We have a wide range of legume seeds such as soya beans, cowpeas, beans, groundnuts and pigeon peas. These products do not have any adverse effects on the environment, especially on the soil. Other key features of legumes are as follows: • Their ability to fix nitrogen in the soil • Improve soil structure • Can be used as a cover crop to provide a good source of nitrogen for the cropping system • A good source of protein for animal feed
Musandile cowpea

Vegetables seed
We also specialise in the supply of assorted vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, cabbage, rape, spinach, okra, watermelon, eggplant, carrots, etc.
Pasture seeds
We recently added pasture seeds to our product portfolio as they provide an economical source of livestock feed, help build soil tilth, improve soil fertility, reduce erosion, and reduce invasions of noxious and poisonous weeds. The pasture seed product portfolio includes perennial legumes (siratro, Archer dolichos, silver leaf and stylo), annual legumes (velvet beans, black sun hemp, lab lab and jack bean) and grasses (Rhodes grass, green panic, buffelgrass, bana grass and green gold).
Crop protection products
We recently added crop protection products to our portfolio as we aspire to be pioneers and leaders in providing superior and adaptable agriculture solutions to our customers in the face of climate change. Our aim is to establish a one stop shop for insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, seed treatments, inoculants, foliar fertilisers, adjuvants and bird repellents.
Contact Afriseed at +26(0)21- 184-7735 or +26(0)95-084-7735, or info@stewardsglobe.com. Visit them at www.stewardsglobe.com or Afriseed House, Plot 19286, Mungwi Road P.O. Box 37771, Lusaka for more information.
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