2 minute read
Saying Goodbye to Connor Merk
“Connor deserves a big send off to recognize contributions to FORTY Marlin Chronicle issues and TWO years as EIC. Thank you for your countless hours and tireless work for this team, Connor!”
- Dr. Lisa Lyon Payne
“I have learned that the best friendships are founded in trust and commitment. Throughout college, we have both had a lot of friends come and go and while we have remained solid. It is amazing to know you have a supporter with you through all trials. I am so lucky to have a best friend like Connor! He is the most trustworthy person I could ever ask for in my life. I don’t really plan on saying goodbye to him ever. To me, he is a lifelong friend.” -
Abigail Peterson
campus, but we persevered and completed our publications via Zoom and on our own computers.
As I entered sophomore year, I became the news section editor and covered all facets of COVID-19 related to campus life and the University and the 2020 presidential election, and was appointed by the previous EIC and Dr. Lisa Lyon Payne, the faculty advisor to lead the team. This was unconventional as I was going to be a junior in this position, which became even more atypical as I led the organization for an additional year as a senior.
I am incredibly proud of the team for our accomplishments, especially over the past two years. We have won 39 awards from the Society of Collegiate Journalists’ national college competition, seen immense growth in our social media presence and expanded the team to over 30 people.

I am very thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this remarkable group and am especially appreciative of Dr. Payne for her support as well as the dedication of the writers, photographers, illustrators, advertising managers, online editors, copy editors, social media operators and section editors that I have worked with for four years. They have helped elevate our newspaper into a nationally recognized multimedia organization that has done an upstanding job of showcasing our community and its many voices.
My time with the Chronicle is over, but I know it
“I am forever thankful for our friendship in and out of the newsroom. You have made a huge impact on my life within the few years that I have known you, and I can’t even imagine the impact you have had and will continue to have on others around you.”
- Carey Seay
“Connor, not only have you been a great example of service leadership but you have also shown me how to stand up for the standards and morals that I value. You have never been shy of being vocal about things that did not sit well with your conscience despite the thoughts of the group and I admire you for that. Additionally, you have shown me the significance of taking accountability and forging one’s own unconventional path through will continue to be a trustworthy and reliable source of information under the direction of rising editor-in-chief Rhian Tramontana and I look forward to being an active reader.
All the best, Connor Merk
Staff Writer (2019)
Community Editor (2020)
News Editor (2020-2021)
Editor-in-Chief (2021-2023) your very own journey. What a true ‘power player’ :)” -
Kainaat Trehan
“Dear Connor, I am honored to have had the opportunity to work with you over the years. Your dedication, drive, and integrity are unmatched. I have watched you accomplish so much during your time here. It is hard to imagine what campus will be like without you. I will certainly miss our long chats and unforgettable laughs. I am grateful for our time together. Good luck with your future endeavors and don’t forget about us when you’re rich and famous!”
- Warmest regards, Brooke Novkovic
“Connor, you have taught me to push expectations past where they are reasonable. You have taught me to always strive to give work we are proud of. I sincerely hope that the next year of the Marlin Chronicle is something I can present to you with pride after all the guidance you’ve given me.” -
Rhian Tramontana