Senior Citizens Meet At Don Bailey Home
The June meeting for Senior Citizens was held on Wednesday afternoon, June 3rd, at the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bailey. , The meeting opened, with the singing of 0' Canada. The minutes, treasur-. . HS' report and correspondence, were read, and adopted. The business session was dealt with. The sick and shut-ins were remembered. letter from the Presi lent of United' Senior Citizens of Ontario, was read, stating he would like to have a representative from each club, at their convention in London for September 1st and 2nd. This' \H S discussed with members, and a motion was pass d that we send a delegate, The halance of the time. was spent hi games and contes'+s. COll0ucted by lVfr. 'B T ~Y. A r'qj'1t~, lunch was then served, by the hostess
and her friends, whom were guests at our meeting. A vote of thanks was' tendered to Mrs. Bailey by our President, Mrs. Nobes. This ended a very pleasant a:ÂŁternoon. I' ~
Senior Citizens Visit
On Wednesday afternoon, June 10th Marrnora Senior Citizens entertained the Senior Citizens from Trenton. Mrs E Nobes, president welcomed the guests. The meeting opened with "0 Canada" and community singing. Mrs. Sweet gave a reading "Modern Days" and Mrs. Fluke, a recitanon, "Picking out a husband." Mr. William Nancarrow of Trenton received a prize for being the oldest man at the meeting and Mrs. A. Coon the oldest lady. Mrs. Lulc Generaux a prize for the greatest number of grandchildren, 44. Mr. Norman Campney won the mens prize for the guessing contest. A delicious lunch was served at the end of the meeting. Mrs. Celia Rosenplot acting Trenton president, thanked the president and members: of the Marmora Club for their hospitality and invited them to visit Trenton tn teh near future. Ever e enjoyed themselves .and el' an afternoon worth-while,
".armora Ui'W
I~A .
On Wednesday'en~ng June 17th I the members of the U.C.W. entertained the Senior Citizens with a Pot J .uck Supper at Mr. and Mrs. Doug '71Ineff's at Crewe River. After supper and around a campfire, everyone enjoyed a sing-song led by Mrs. John Glover and Mrs. Joe
Prizes were given to the Iollowing senior citizens: Man maffied least I number of years, Jim Auckland: : Youngest senior citizen Ithere, Mrs. I Luta Lawrence; Living in Marmora most years, Mrs. Henry Davidson; Lucky Plate, Mrs. Percy Gordon: Woman married the youngest, Mrs. Laura Smith. Mrs. Joe Murphy had two contests r one an "art contest" with prizes~:ojng to Mrs. Myrtle McFaul, and Mrs. Ethel Nobes; the other a point system with prizes for most points going to Mrs. Henry Davidson and least points, Mrs. Don Bailey. The evening closed with singing "Steal Away" and finally Taps.
' 'tl 9 ~ y-Semc Ilzens Start Meetin~s' M A R M 0 RA (ENS)-Mrs. , Ethel Nobes, president, opened 'the first fall meeting of Mar; mora Senior Citizens: The meeti ing, with 23 members present, was held in the club room at : the Memorial Building. I Mrs. E. D. O'Connor, secre路 tary, read minutes of the last : meeting and Mrs. Mary A. Jones 路 gave a satisfactory treasurer's report. - Mrs. O'Connor reported on the : convention of the senior citizens in London Sept. 1 and 2, which 路 she attended as a delegate. It was decided at this convention, she stated, that the first week of June each year would - be dedicated to~senior citizens. The Marrnorai-group will bring this to th~.j),ttll\'tion of the vil- , lage council" After discussion it was decided to hold a card party in, the club room Sept. 30. Mrs. Percy Gordon reported that a quilt which has been completed by the ladies will be auctioned. at the party. Lunch and a social hour concluded the meeting.
Seni r Citizens Hold Euchre Pa,rty
MARMORA (ENS)-A successful euchre party was he!d by Marmora Senior Citizens III their club rooms Wednesday. Ladies' high euchre prize for the evening went to Mrs. Bill Lavender, and .men's high to John Doyle. Mrs. E. D. O'Connor won the I door prize. The beautiful Dres'den plate quilt made by Marmora senior citizens was drawn for at the conclusioin of the I evening and won by Mrs. Robert Blakley, of 159 Brown St., Peterborough.
Senior Citi~ Plan Visit rrc»
Marmora Citizens Enjoy Bus Journey
MARMORA (ENS) - A bus The 28 ladies and one gentle-i was chartered for a visit to man arrived home at midnight. Trenton Tuesday by 29Marmora senior citizens. A social evening was held in the Orange Hall, and the Mar. mora group was entertained by slides of the Olympics and of the St. Lawrence Seaway. There was a lively program consisting of humorous contests and readings, and a delicious lunch concluded this return visit.
To Trenton Club MARMORA (ENS) - October meeting of Marmora : Senior Citizens' Club was held in the club room Wednesday afternoon with 25 members .present. Mrs. Ethel Nobes, president, opened the meeting. Mrs. E. D. O'Connor. read minutes of the September meeting and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Mary Jories. The president welcomed a new member, Mrs. WaIter Gosse formerly of Toronto. It was decided that memberS[ y;ould begin work on another quilt. Boxes- 6'£· Christmas cards donated to the club will be sold by the Senior Citizens. A letter was read from the Trenton Club in which an invitation was extended to Marmora Senior Citizens to visit Trenton Oct. 27. It was decided to charter a bus for this occasion. Lunch and a 'pleasant social hour concluded the meeting.
--- ----::.:-~===-::.- ..-,-n
Chrisfmas Tou ri-r'7 Planned For Aged
MARMORA (ENS)-Marmora Senior Citizens held the November meeting recently in the club 1 rooms at the memorial building, After a brief business session : with Mrs. Ethel Nobes presid; ing plans were made for a- bus tou~ to surrounding' towns during the Christmas season to view Christmas lights and decorations. The December meeting will be a Christmas party with special program, entertainment and exchange of gifts. !
Oldest Marmora Resident
Still Spry At Age 90 MARMORA (ENS) The town's oldest resident, Mrs. Ida Nichol was 90 years old Wed路 nesday. At her home yesterday, she received a steady stream of vis i tor s including relatives, Marmora Reeve William Shan\ _\non, Mrs. G. A. Wentworth and Mrs. Manley Lavender of the Marmora Recreation Committee, and 88-year路old E. D. O'Connor - second oldest Mar'mora citizen. She received a fruit basket i from friends, and flowers and a corsage from the Senior ctu. zens' Committee. There was a huge decorated .. birthday cake, too. """, Mrs. Nichol) was born near itt Bonarlaw, Ontario .in 1874. She 1: was then Ida Beatrice McComb .. II\' When she was 14, she began ": singing in the Anglican Church ,', choir in Marmora and continued J until she was 82. In 1904, she married Charles' Nichol. He died 30 years ago.' Two of their three children have also passed away, but Claude still lives in Marmora. Mrs. Nichol lives alone. She is bright, alert, good company and does her own housework. Mrs. Nichol was a charter member of the Marrnora Senior Citizens' Organization. For years, she worked for the Anglican Church Women's Institute . I and served two years as presi- ' ~~. 0 She still belongs to the Wo. i men's Guild of the Anglican .... Church. ROSES Mrs. Nichol lives at 16 Main St. here. Mrs.
Edwin Nichol Was Born At Bonarlaw
Senior Citizens /:;~Ex~hangeGifts' '/9C~; .MARMORA (ENS)-The sing. ing of carols opened the Christmas party for about 30 senior citizens Wednesday afternoon in the memorial building;' An entertain'ing program' was provided with Mrs. Peter Brawley in charge. There were two scrambled contests to test the skill of the members, with Mrs. Frank Marett and Mrs. Eva Post the winners. Mrs. Frank Sweet gave a Christmas reading followed by a hilarious skit entitled "Christmas Wedding Day" with Mrs. Peter Brawley playing the woman's part 'and Mrs. Florence Fiuke taking the part of the gentleman. An exchange of Christ mal gifts, "'lovely' lunch and social hour completed the party.
11CfT Cubs tnt'ertain . Senior Citizens ~:
O~." i~
Senior citizens in Marmora v were entertained in the town hall on Thursday evening by 35 3: members of 1st Marmora Cub g 'Pack Mr. Joe Irish of Stirling, F D i s t r i c t Commissioner, was master of ceremonies for the J evening. ( Religious plays called "The' First Christmas," "Christmas I Gifts and' a skit "Under the' Christmas Star" were put on by these boys with the whole pack singing carols between numbers. The program was under direction of pack leaders, Mrs. Clint Nickle, Mrs. Jack Fluke, and Mrs. Clayton' Bedore. Mrs. Marie Cook, teacher from the Eaf! Prentice School here.: gave to each senior citizen gift of bath salts from her Grade l' class, with containers and labels made 9Y them .. , Santa Clans distributed candy canes to the group, and a serving of coffee and doughnuts completed the evening.
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's~~cm;nfs (nstaff Officers MARMORA (ENS) - Senior Citizens club held its January meeting in Memorial Building Wednesday. Slate of officers for 1965 is as follows: President, Mrs. Ethel Nobes; vice-president, Mrs. Harold Gunter; secretary, Mrs. E. D. O'Connor; treasurer, Mrs. Mary A. Jones; card party convener, Mrs. Harold Gunter, assisted by Mrs. Peter Brawley and Mrs. Florence Fluke; sick cards, Mrs. Percy Gordon; birthday cards, Mrs. Frank Sweet. Mrs. A. M. Jones, representative of Maqrnora Recreation Committee, installed the officers. Regular meeting followed, during which the third anniversary party, to take place in; February, was planned.
Senior Citizens Clu.b g:I,,) Mbrks Third' BirthdaY/fi MARMORA (ENS) - The committee, sincerely thanked I third anniversary of Marmora the group for inviting representSenior C i t i zen s Club was atives from this c?mm!t~ee, and marked Monday by a sumptuous con.gratulate~ Se?lOr.cIh.zens on pot luck dinner in the club thel~ splendid organization. rooms at the memorial building. BIrthday greetings were exTables were prettily centre- tended to Mrs. Nobes and Mrs. pieced with small wreaths of Percy Gor~on by Mrs. H'"Gun!red roses, and beside each plate er, who de~!cated a poem Don t was a dainty corsage, made by Look Back ,to these women. Mrs. Ethel Nobes and Mrs. FILMS, SLIDES Mary Jones. After dinner, movie pictures A vote of thanks was extended and slides were shown by Mrs. to Shannon's druggists for their Vaughn Glover on trips taken donation of ice cream to be by her family through USA and served with the dessert. Nassau. Also included were President Mrs. Nobes wel- some beautiful shots of Niagara corned the 30members and eight Falls, Crowe Lake, Marmora, guests, and Mrs. E. D. O'Connor and' winter scenes in Marmora. thanked Mrs. Nobes and Mrs. A short business meeting IolJ ones for their work in organiz- lowed during which a motion ing the dinner. . was passed that small birthday Mrs. Glen Wentworth, on gifts to members should accombehalf of Marmora recreation pany cards.
: 'Senior Citizens \ ':'_Hold Bake Sole, :I) Tea At Marmora \3-.::-rVIARrvioRA (ENS) - Senior ~-Citizens in Marmora held a '" bilke' sale and afternoon tea Saturday in their club rooms \ at the memorial building. In charge of the bake table were ~ ;Mrs. 'Peter Brawley and Mrs. ~ _Myrtle McFaIl. Tea tables were '"l\ convened by president Mrs. Ethel Nobes, Mrs. Frank Sweet, '\ ,Mrs. Percy Gordon and Mrs. .(, Bessie Reynolds. The bake sale had been scheduled for the previous week but -cwas.po~tponed due to icy road conditions. Despite the storms last week, the event was termed successful.
seniofBfuens ~~ Mark Birthday MARMORA (ENS) - Feature of they Marmora Senior Citizens' meeting Wednesday was a birthday party for Mrs. Eliza- 1 beth Gaffney, who will be 90, I this month. A cake baked by Mrs. Frank Sweet was served to the 25 members and guests from the Red Cross and recreation committee. A short business meeting preceded the party and a motion passed that the women's auxiliary be given a donation for use of accommodation. Several embroidered quilt .blocks given to the club-by Mrs. LuciIle Crawford were shown and handed out for comnletion. This quilt will be raffled later. Mrs. Percy Gordon reported on recent quilting bees and the sale of the quilts was also discussed.
Enter.fain ~'" I r 6-' Senior Citize,ns On Tuesday last, the D.C.W. of St. Andrews Church entertained a group of Senior Citizens at the home of Mrs. Doug ViIneff.â&#x20AC;˘ A very cheery program and general contests were handled by Miss Grace Warren. Several prizes were given and a very enjoyable -time was held. A delicious lunch was served. Afterwards several of the ladies provided transportation for the group.
Senior Citizens July M,ee;tin;, I
路 C路 . C. y; Ttle Seruor itizens meeting was held at Mrs. M. A. Jones home on July'nd with a good attendance.
The President opened the meeting with the singing of O'Canada The ro!! call was taken and the minutes and correspondence read. This was he last meeting until September. One of our beloved members, Mrs. Gaffney, who was present tin on the following ~)!lbday evening Our \ deepest sympathy goes out to I her family and relatives r
---=::;;;;:;;;;;:::::::::;:;::==:TiiiirSi1~~PETERiiOFtoUGii-----,--......--Thursday, March 25, 1965- PETERBOROUGH EXAMINER _--,
Villagers elp Wo n Observe>90th .Birthday
ACTIVE AT 90 Mrs. Elizabeth Gaffney
by W. W. Reid)
By MARION MONK Marmora; Anne, Mrs. Fred years, she joined the Senior MARMORA(ENS) _ The Waiters, Toronto; Margaret, Citizens Club three years ago whole village celebrated Mrs. Mrs. Norman Smith, George- and takes an active part ill Elizabeth Gaffney's 90th birth- town; Helen, Mrs, A. M. Jenes, every project. day Wednesday. A devout mern- and Madge, Mrs'.. J. ;R. McCroShe attends Mass daily and, bel' of Sacre~ Heart parish, her dan, Marmora; Eugena, Mrs. walks uptown in ~v!U'y kind. of day began WIth t~e Rev. Father Ford Woodhouse, Chloe, Mrs. weather. . W. P. Healey saying Holy Mass Jack Barrett and Lorraine E T d . ht fim d s heer .' , very ues ay nig f or h er a t· nme 0 'Ic oc k ,WI lth Mrs. Maunce Barlow, Belleville. .. " .: "'~" many ~e~bers of her family There are 16 grandchildren playm~ ~mgo a~ the parish hall. and parishioners attending. and six great grandchildren. A proficient knitter and sewer, "AT HOME" Mrs. Gaffney's three sisters, she quilted three 'afternoons in In the afternoon an' "At ~rs. Michael Cannon! Mrs. wu. one week recently for the senHome" was held at the resi- lIa~ Rouse a~d ~h.ss Te~esa ior citizens, and is on her third dence of her daughter, Mrs. Shields, all reside In Belleville. quilt since Christmas. for her John McCrodan. Friends young When Mr. Gaffney. retired family. . d Id 11 d b t d from the Deloro Smelting and .. ll;n 0 ,ca e e ween we an Refinin Co Ltd. in 1945 the She IS bright, alert, happy, five to congratulate her. d gt d' . Y and still eager to learn She has Long distance phone calls ~ov~ th' ~~~or~ anG ~:nce never taken a sleeping pill A were received from out-of-town ,IS l~a d I.I~ h' rs. a ney ready smile for everyone 'she friends. Telegrams of congratu- las. ive WIth er daughter and meets, this remarkable' little lations were received from son-m-law.. Mr. and Mrs. Her- lady is beloved by all who know Prime Minister Lester Pearson bert English. h er. and the Hon. Andrew ?-,ho~pson, ENERGETIC During the day she comment. leader of the Ontario LIbera~ An energetic member of the ed: "I like people; especially party. Catholic Women's League for 4{)young people-" Many gifts· of flowers and plants decorated the house, there were numerous individual gifts from relatives, neighbors I and friends. S-Deaths Guests were received by Mrs. John McCrodan. GAFFNEY, Elizabeth - Suddenly at · Belleville General Hospital on Sunday, ' Presiding at the tea table was July 11, 1965. Elizabeth 'Gaffney in: Mrs. Fred Waiters, Mrs. cerher 90th. year, beloved Wife of the . fney's daughter Anne. A lunch · late Bartholomew Gaffney and dear 'mother of .Kathleen, (Mrs. Herb Eng· ' was served by other daughters • lish).· Marmora; Anne, (Mrs. Fred l. )present for the occasion. , Waiters), Toronto: Margaret, (Mrs. · Norman Smith), Georgetown: Helen, On the previous Sunday the , (Mrs .. A. M. J 0 n e s), Marmora. l. family held a reunion and din· Madse, (Mrs. J. H. McCroden), Marner at the Havelock Hotel. , mora; 'Eugenia, (Mrs. Ford Wood· house), Belleville; Chlorie, (Mrs. Jack Mrs. Gaffney was born at Barrett), Belleville; Loraine, (Mrs. Maynooth- Daughter of Mr. and] Morris Barlow), Belleville. Resting at the residence of J. H. McCroden, Mrs ...John Shields, she married! Madoc' st.. Marmora, until Wednes, Bartholemew Gaffney in 1900. day, July 14, 1965, thence to Sacred The early part 'of their marHeart Church, Marmora for Requiem Mass at 10 a.m, Interment Sacred ried life they lived in Bancroft, Heart Cemetery, Marmora. Arrange" then moved to Deloro. They had ments by The cassidv Funeral Home, Marmora. eight children, all girls, Katherine, Mrs. Herbert English
The Senior Citizens wish to thank all that patronized there Autumn Tea, making it a great success, also all those who gave donations. Thank you with all our heart. The Senior Citizens 44,1-p
An A~tumn tea will be held by the Senior Citizens on Friday November '5th" at 2:00 p.m. in the Memorial Building, Marmora. There will 'be a tea" bake table, white elephant table and articles for sale. 41-2-c
Good Turnout
Senior Citizens' Tea
Tea &. Bake Sal,e Guests were welcomed by the president, Mrs. Ethel Nobes, .at their Afternoon Tea and Bake Sale held in the Memorial Building _on ,Friday afternoon. Fancy . work table was looked after by Mrs. Harold Gunter, and - in charge of the tea tables were Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Sophia Gosse and Mrs. Luta Lawrence. Home baking was sold by Mrs. Myrtle McFall and Mrs. Florence Fluke. The beautiful quilt in the fl~wer garden pattern made by the club members was raffled in the ~fternoon and won by Mrs. R. E. Bonter of Marmora.
MARMORA (ENS) - The Senior Citizens Club held an afternoon tea and bake sale at the Memorial Building Friday. In charge of various tables i were: Mrs. Harold Gunter, Mrs. I Mary Jones, Mrs. Sophia Gosse, Mrs. Luta Lawrence, Mrs. Florence Fluke and Mrs. Myrtle McFall.
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Grandson Says Mass Before Celebratio,n
" MARMORA -For the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. E; D. 0'Connor of Marmora their grand~or ~ember to be president of 'son, the Rev. Peter Joseph Don- the Holy Name Society and s~e, nelly, flew from Encino, Caliwas president of the CatholIc fornia, to celebrate high mass Women's League ~or .two ter~s in Sacred Heart Roman Catholic in its early orgamzatlOn.. She .1S ~~_ Church here Sunday morning. nOWsecretary of the SeTIlorCltAt a family dinner following;a [zens Club" and last. year was scroll of the Papal Blessing was delegate to a conventlOnm Lonpresented to them by the Rev. don, Ont. W. P. Healey, parish rector. RECEPTION HELD Among the 100 relatives at the At a reception, held in th~'pardinner were the couple's three ish hall following the dinner, daughters and two sons - Mrs. r-:-' Joseph Donnelly (Mary) of NiaIgre.at number of villagers called, gara Falls, Mrs. Donald Couralso people from a distanc.e, inneyea (Margaret) of Elgin.] eluding Miss Catherine Toal ofl Breen O'Conner of Marmora.] \London national president of 'Mrs. Andre Verreault (Joanj] the CWL and Mrs. Thomas l,(eil\ and Michael O'Conner, both of' ty, president in Kingston DioMontreal. Also Mr. O'Ccnnor'si cese. ' ' sister Mrs. 'Edward Keating and] , Tea: was poured by Mrs. Keat- I Mrs. O'Connor's niece, Miss] ing, and refreshments served by 1 Kathleen Kerby of Peterborough, the. family, which includes 35 [who had been bridesmaid and grandchildren and 11, great, flower girl at the wedding. grandchildren. , Mr. O'Connor .married the : former Maude Hogan of Mill, bridge on Nov. 22; 1915. He was , a native of Marmora Township ,I' born 89路years ago on Oct.2 , - and they lived on .a farm at Marmora Station until May, [1947, when they moved into the ~village. t FORMER ASSESSOR l He was president of Silver l teaf Cheese Factory for 25 i ~ years, and assessor for the' ~township for 15 years - he alI so-assessed Marmora village for ~'two years. after its incorpora- 1 . tion in 1900. ' . ! The Separate School Board, ! which Mr.路 O'Connor served as , secretary, for 52 years, presented the couple with tw~ gold da: ! mask occasional chairs. Other J gifts included flowers, electric \. '. blankets, lamps and dishes. ~ f Both Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor . have taken a vital part in parish and community affairs all their liv~. He was the firs.~t.;;sJ;~-,_It"IIii.~.
Marlnora Senior Citizens Hold Ohristmas ,Party Table ated in Thursday Citizens Banquet ing. About guests
Senior Citizens At Marmora~ .: Enjoy Banquet ~/,-) MARMORA (ENS) - Tables were beautifully decorated in the holiday theme Thursday when Marmora senior citizens held their Christmas banquet in the memorial building. About 40 members and guests, including Miss Miriam Savage, who represented the village, were in attendance. Entertainment was provided by the senior citizens, witlrMrs. Florence Fluke and Mrs. Peter Brawley presenting a .iskit, "Mandy's Stylish Figure." Christmas readings were .given by Mrs. Frank Sweet, Mrs. Fluke and Mrs. John McKeown. After the singing of carols, there was an exchange of gifts. A basket of gifts was prepared for forwarding to Belleville for mental health patients in"" ths distri~.
were beautifully decorthe holiday theme on when Marrnora Senior held their Christmas in the Memorial Buildforty members. and including Miss Miriam
Savage who represented the Village of Marrnora, were in attendance. We at the Herald must appologize to the Senior Citizens for missing this meeting, as we had arranged to take pictures. But among the fuss and dash of the printing office we forgot about our appointment. A sumptuos turkey dinner complete with traditional Christmas fare was served, with ladies of the United Church waiting on the tables. In the afternoon, entertainment was provided by the senior citizens, with Mrs. Florence Fluke and Mrs. Peter Brawley presenting a skit "Mandy's Stylish Figure". Christmas readings were given by Mrs. Frank Sweet, Mrs. Fluke and Mrs. J. 'McKeown. After the singing of Christmas carols, there was an exchange of gifts, and a basket of gifts prepared for forwarding to Belleville for mental health patients in the district.
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Senior Citizens At Marmora
Ele~.!Exec~ij'C" M4lf~/('S) - Officers elected at the January meeting of Marmora Senior Citizens Club held at the Memorial Building included: President, Mrs. Ethel Nobes; vice -president, Mrs. Harold Gunter; secretary, I Mrs. E. D. O'Connor: treasurer, Mrs. Mary Jones; cards, Mrs. Percy Gordon; gifts, Mrs. Frank Sweet. There were four new members at the meeting, bringing total membership to 45. It was decided to hold a social afternoon at the Memorial Building Jan. 19.
Senior Citize,ns Elect Officers
For 1966, Officers elected at the January meeting' of' Marmora Senior Citizens held ill . the Memorial Building. were as follows: . President:' Mrs. Ethel Nobes Vice-Prase Mrs. Ilarold Gunter Sec.: Mrs. E. D.. O'Connor 'I'reas.: Mrs. Mary Jones Cards: Mrs. Percy Gordon Gifts: Mrs. Frank Sweet There were four new members at the meeting, bringing the total membership to 45. Twentythree members were present. it was decided to have a social afternoon the Memorial Building on. Wednesday, January 19.
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Seniors' Club" . 1'1 pr Ob serves /9 It . h Anniversary ~~ Hr ~I
MARMORA (ENS)-Marmora ar : Senior Citizens Club celebrated its fourth anniversary Valen- E . tine's Day with a banquet and cr afternoon party. The cake was ir 'made and decorated by Mrs. L -l'I'orn Young. n Special feature of the after,noon was a unique display of J : Valentine hats made by mem- I . bel's. J In the draw which followed, prizes went to :Mrs. Percy Gor- ; don and Mrs. Floyd Gray. The 26 members and guests enjoyed slides showed by Mrs .. Vaughn Glover. A sing song, I with Mrs. Glover accompanying , on the violin, followed. .
Senior Citizens Keep Busy
ith Activities MARMORA (ENS) - To observe Senior Citizen's Week, he village club enjoyed a series of festi'Vities. On Tuesday a anquet in the club rooms of he Memorial Building was well ttended with Mrs. Ethel Nobes, rs. Florence Fluke, Mrs. rank Sweet, Mrs. Mary Jones nd Mrs. Myrtle McFall in harge of the dinner. Members enjoyed a social , afternoon. Included in the program was a reading by Mrs. Fluke on "Getti Id." n e nesday afternoon members gathered for games and cards in the club rooms. Prizes were presented by Mrs. ' Nobes to Mrs. Harold Gunter 'and Mrs. Mary Bell for euchre. Croconole winners were Mrs. Luta Lawrence and Mrs. Henry Davidson. Tea and refreshment? were served by the lunch committee. ign ight of the week was the Don Messer Show at Peterborough Memorial Centre Friday, f with 37 senior citizens charter- I ing a bus to attend this event.
Mrs. Lillian Vlctcria= Suddenlv a t Peterborough Civic Hospital on Tuesday, .July 19. 1966. Lillian vie. toria Revnclds, beloved wife of the late Floyd Gray of Marmora. in her 77th year. Dear mother of Mrs. Eric Dean (Lulu) of Oshawa. Miss Dol" othy Gray of Toronto: (Major) Percv Gray of Marmora. Stanley of London and WiUred of Hamilton. Sister of , Mrs. F. Clark of -Philadelphia. Mrs. L. Duquette of Hamilton. Thomas Rey. nolds of Madoe and Joseph Revnolds o[ Belleville. Also survived by five· 1 arandcnndren. The lale Mrs. Gray is resting at .the Howden Funeral, Home. Marmora. Service at St. And- I rews United Church on Friday. July 22. at 2:30 n.m. Interment Marmora Protestant Cemetery.
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E,ntertain -Senior Citizens On July 6th the ladies of the of St. Andrew's Church entertained the Senior Citizens at Mrs. V. Glover cottage at Crowe Lake. After a delicious buffet sup- per, singing' and contests were held. The guests thanked Mrs. Glover and the ladies of the Church for a delightful evening which everyone enjoyed so much. On July 13th, 28 of Marmora Senior Citizens and friends jour neyed to Cobourg by Franklin Coach Lines to attend the Annual Sr. Citizens Picnic. The crowd was not to large but the trip was well worth while with everyone. cooled off by the breeze from the lake. The afternoon entertainment consisted of each group giving a ten minute round of songs, band and reciting. Everyone enjoyed the trip immensly. D.e.W.
-Saturday, }ept. 10,
-C-it-izens' G~~G~( Honors Senior Member MARMORA (ENS) Mrs. Charles Nichol, a chartered member of the senior citizens organization, was honored Wednesday by 28 members of the group. She was 92 Friday. A birthday cake decorated with roses made by Mrs. Tom Young was presented to the guest of honor. Corsages by Mrs. Manley Lavender were given to all present. j A short business meeting discussed s eve r a I quiltings. A Dresden plate quilt was donated I by Mrs. Florence Fluke. I A card party in the memorial building is planned for Septernber. Mrs. Ed O'Connor described the bus trips in the. slimmer to Cobourg and Petertborough.
Senior Citizens Sept. lo/~6. 'M'eeting
After the fsummer holidays, the Senior Citizens resumed their regular meetings on Wednesday, Sept. 5th, in their club rooms with a good attendance. The President opened the meeting with singing of O'C'anada. The June minutes were read and adopted, also correspondence and thank you cards, Treasurers report was given. A minute of silence was observed in memory of Mrs. Lillian Gray. It was decided to give five dollars to the Agricultural Society for the use of room in the iFair Building to display the quilt made by our sewing committee during the summer. \ It was moved by our Secretary that we pay in our donation of $50 to the Centennial Pro-
ject. A nice gift was received by Senior Citizens from' Miss J.. Thompson. Mrs. Mary Lavender made pretty Orchid corsages for the Senior Citizens ladies' to wear at the par.ty which followed. The meeting closed with "God Save The Queen". The party was to honour our oldest member, Mrs. Ida Nicol who was presented with a gift from the Senior Citizens and a t delicious cake made and beau- . tifuuly decorated by Mrs. Tom Young. A generous supply of ice cream donated by Mrs. Audrey Nicol, tea and sandwiches brought a pleasant afternoon to a close.
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(]b cJr I rthe meeting and for the satis- ~ factory manner in which he answered all questions.
The business session of the meeting continued. Minutes and correspondence were read and I adopted. Treasurers' report' given. A thank you note was received from Mr. Ed. O'Connor, in appreciation for the surprise party tendered to him in his home the Friday previous, to his ninetieth birthday. Mrs. ' Meiklejohn was welcomed to the meeting to accept the Senior Citizens cheque for $50.0() presented by Mrs. McKeown to the Centennial Fund. Mrs. Meiklejohn thanked rthe Senior Citizens and gave an interesting talk on which she outlined the plans for Centennial Year. She asked all members to use their ideas and suggestions and help in any way to make our town more beautiful and attractive.
The Senior Citizens October meeting was honored by the pre .sence of our Reeve, Mr. Wm. Shannon. who was introduced by our President, Mrs. Nobes. Mr. Shannon thanked Mrs. Nobes for the invitation then complimented the Senior CH,izens on their organization and good 'Work they are doing. He made the announcement tha t permanent quarters would be established in memorial building, fully equipped for use to Senior Citizens. Many questions " were asked as to what benefits Senior Citizens receive. These questions were fully and satisfactorily answered by Mr. Shannon. He gave full details about the opportunities afforded Senior Citizens in the. County A vote of thanks was tendered Home. Mrs. Nobes thanked Mr. Shannon for being present at to Mrs. Meiklejohn.
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Marmora's Oldest Man
Wore Wet Shirt to School:
Hoped to Catch Pneumonia' MARMORA (ENS) - Edward Donald O'Connor, this village's oldest man, and one of its most active residents, celebrated his 90th birthday Sunday with. his bride of 50 years ago at his side. Baskets of autumn flowers decorated their home at 14 MeGill St. Sunday afternoon when many friends from Marmora and district called to congratulate Mr. O'Connor, Refreshments were served by the couple's grandchildren, and a family dinner was held later at the home of their eldest son, Breen, at RR 2, Marmora. A parchment scroll, inscribed with the apostolic blessing was presented by their pastor, the Rev. F. J. Spence. Earlier, the O'Connors had attended eight o'clock mass at Sacred Heart Church. On Friday, members of Marmora Senior Citzens Organization, of which Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor are active members, honored him with a surprise party. "Bells of Ireland" form, ed Mr. O'Connor's boutonniere, ; and birthday cake made by Mrs. i Tom Young was served. I Mr O'Connor was born in 7 Marmora Township, Oct. 2, 1876. • He is the youngest and only sur. viving son of Michael O'Connor I and the former Elizabeth Wolfe. ~ His only living sister (Marg • • aret), Mrs. E. J; Keating, also s resides in Marmora. d He attended the White School which still stands on the Old ~ Madoc road, the Deloro separ- RECALLS WITH HUMOR EARL¥ DAYS IN -AREA 'ate school, and Madoc High Ed O'Connor, at 90" still leads active life d School. Mr. O'Connor recalls s disliking the first months of high . r school so much that he tried smelter stood lust off Marmora- sociation for eight years. e wearing a wet shirt to school in Delora road about .1500 yards Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor arc g hopes of getting pneumonia. from Marmora Station and op- enjoying the best of health anc This phase soon passed and he er~ted under. the na~e of Can- celebrated their 50th wedding I has many happy memories 'of adian Gold ~Ield.s. ThIS was de- anniversary last year. The~ his Madoc high school days. stroyed by ,fire III 189~. don't believe in missing a gooc Only three of his high school. The openmg, operating, c~os. game of bridge, euchre or .binchums are still living, Archie ing and re-opemng. and closmg go, and are always' happy to Kincaid of Madoc, Tom Hogan ~f C~rdova Gold .Mines was all visit with their many friends of Windsor, and Carrie Sheri. m hIS day. . who call. dan of Queensboro. After grad- He ha~ an old Marmora BUSI- Mr. O'Connor maintains his , uation from high school Mr. ness DIrectory for the year own flower and vegetable garO'Connor at ten ded Bellevi1le 1885 and remembers well. the den, enjoys- shopping and meetd B.usin~ss College and received 1.2naIll:es ~md places of. business ing his. many friends on his hIS diploma from there March Iisted m It. ~e and his father daily trIPS to the post office. :: 16th, 1894. ~ssessed the yt!~ag~of Ma~'mora He is looking forward with He then returned to Marmora m 190~ and It ,IS Illtere~tIllg to keen interest to celebrating Ca,n where he worked at the hotel hear him describe the VIllage of nada's centennial. e business with his father until 64 years ago. ,to taking over as owner in 1900. SENSE ~F HUMOR le In 1904 he married Agnes He claims the Marmora Vol's: Murray who died in 1905. They unter Fire Department is much \ . had one daughter (Mary) Mrs. better orga?lzed now than it iC J. E. Donnelly of Niagara Falls. was the" night the old hotel to Mr. O'Conner ran a flourishing burned. They s.eemed to. cont business in the White Bear Hotel centrate ?n saving the dishes er- until a local option vote closed a?d bedding. and III the confuhe all liquor outlets in the town- sion the pIllows and. sheets re ship in 1913.He then reverted to were carried d~wnstalrs. and of farming until he retired and out the ~oor whl~e the dishes moved to Marmora village 19 were carried upstairs and tossed ;0 years ago. out the windows." Mr. O'ConIn 1915 he married Maude nor seems to have found the s. Hogan, They have four children humorous sifIe of every event _ (Margaret) Mrs. D. F. Courn- and personality that has entered r. eya of Elgln, Breen of Mar- into his 90 years., . _ mora Joan Mrs Andre Ver- He has always taken a ~l.'lil.li~l lead•••,,==--"""""'::.:l.c..:;;.:=•...:..:==-~;:-.;.I.,.;.__ .:.•...•. -._" •.. 4: ;,." "..J,,,, .•,,,J,
were served by the couple's grandchildren, and a family dinner was held later at the home of their eldest son, Breen, at RR 2, Marmora. A parchment scroll, inscribed with the apostolic blessing was presented by their pastor, the Rev. F. J. Spence. Earlier, the O'Connors had attended eight o'clock mass at Sacred Heart Church. On Friday, members of Marmora Senior Citzens Organize ation, of which Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor are active members, honored him with a surprise party. "Bells of Ireland" form: ed Mr. O'Connor's boutonniere, • and birthday cake made by Mrs. i Tom Young was served. I Mr O'Connor was born in 7 Marmora Township, Oct. 2, 1876. • He is the youngest and only sur. I viving son of Michael O'Connor · and the former Elizabeth Wolfe. ~ His only living sister (Marg. s aret), Mrs. E. J. Keating, also resides in Marmora. d He attended the White School which still stands on the Old ~ Madoc road, the Deloro separ- RE-CALLS WITH HUMOR EARL¥ DAYS-IN AREA ci ate school, and Madoc High Ed O'Connor, at 90" still leads active life School. Mr. O'Connor recalls s disliking the first months of high . r school so much that he tried smelter stood lust off Marmora-r sociation for eight years. e wearing a wet shirt to school in Delora road about .1500 yards Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor : arc g hopes of getting pneumonia. from Marmora Station and op- enjoying the best of health anc This phase soon passed and he er:;tted under. the na~e of Can- celebrated their 50th wedding , has many happy memories of adian Gold r:Ield.s. This was de- anniversary last year. The; his Madoc high school days. stroyed by .fIre m 189~. don't believe in missing a gooc Only three of his high school. The openmg, operating, c~os. game of bridge, euchre or bin. chums are still living, Archie mg and re·opemng. and closing go, and are always happy to Kincaid of Madoc, Tom Hogan ?f C~rdova Gold Mines was all visit with their many friends of Windsor, and Carrie Sheri- m hIS day. . who call. dan of Queensboro. After grad- He ha~ an old Marmora Busi- Mr. O'Connor maintains his , uation from high school Mr. ness DIrectory for the year own flower and vegetable garO'Connor at ten ded Belleville 1885 and remembers well. the den, enjoys- shopping and meetd Business College and received 1.2naIIl:es~mdplaces of. business ing his many friends on his' le his diploma from there March listed m It. ~e and his father daily trips to the post office. 's 16th, 1894. ~ssessed the yIl~ag~of Ma~mora He is looking forward with n He then returned to Marmora m 190~ and It .IS mtere.stmg to keen interest to celebrating Ca. where he worked at the hotel hear him describe the VIllage of nada's centennial. e business with his lather until 64 years ago. :~ taking over as owner in 1900. SENSE ~F HUMOR , In 1904, he married Agnes He cl~Ims the Marm~ra Vol- , s: Murray who died in 1905 They unter FIre Department IS much , . had one daughter (Mary) Mrs. better orga?ized now than it lie J. E. Donnelly of Niagara Falls. was th,e" night the old hotel to Mr. O'Connor ran a flourishing burned. They s.eemed to. conbr- business in the White Bear Hotel centrate ?n savmg the dishes sr- until a local option vote closed a?d bedding. and In the confuhe all liquor outlets in the town- sion the !oJlllows and. sheets re ship in 1913.He then reverted to were carried downstairs and of farming until he retired and out the door while the dishes moved to Marmora village 19 were carried upstairs and tossed ,0 years ago. out the windows." Mr. O'ConIn 1915 he married Maude nor seems to have found the s. Hogan. They have four children humorous si~e of every event _ (Margaret) Mrs. D. F. Courn- and personality that has entered 1- eya of Elgin, Breen of Mar- into his 90 years. . _ mora, (Joan) Mrs. Andre Ver- . He. has al~ays taken a Ie~d. · reault and Michael both of mg interest In church, SOCial · Montr~al. There are' 35 grand- and .municipal life. in the co~d children and 11 great grandchil- mumty. He has written the hise dren. tory of the first Roman CathMr. O'Connor remembers well ?lic ~hurc~, t~e site of which the building of the still existing IS still maintained on. the east Trenton-Maynooth Railway was bank of the Crowe RIver. The present for the arrival of the present R~ church B:ndall other first train to stop at White Bear ch~rches. In .the. VIllage were Siding (Marmora Station) and built during hIS time, also saw the last steam engine He was secretary of Deloro pass just a few years ago. sepa!ate school for. 52 years, RECALLS SMELTER' president of the Silver Leaf , Cheese Factory for 25 years, as. Mr. 0 Connor recollects the sessor of Marmora and Lake first De~oro Gold Smelter which Township for 15 years and diwas built on a piece of land rector for Hastings County and purchased from his father. This Ontaro Cheese Producers As-
Fifty Senior COt"Ilzens ~ Entertained
MARMORA- (ENS) - Fifty ; members of the Marmora senior t citizens organization and guests , celebrated the festive season last week at a turkey dinner held in the memorial building. Special guests, who each addressed the members following : the meal, and introduced by the president, Mrs. Ethel Nobes, were: the Rev. Douglas Miller of St. Andrew's United Church, and Mrs. Miller; the Rev. Robert Stewart ,St. Paul's Anglican Church; and Msgr. F. J. Spen/e of Sacred Heart Church. The' organization was also honored to have its oldest member, Mrs. Ida Nicol, 92, with them for the party. The centrepiece arrangements I made by Mrs. Myrtle McFall, were sprayed t h 0 r n apple branches decorated with gum, drops in colored pots surround-!' 'led with tiny bells and poinsettias added to the decor of the two long tables. "The Legend of the Christmas Trees" was given by Mrs. Mary Jones. There was carol singing, visiting and finally, an exchange of Christmas gifts among, bel'S.