Deloro once a week Mar/Apr 1920

Page 1



'[he Delero Once-A-Wt. VOL. 1. NO.6



APRIL 24, 1920



10 CEN1/

whom I considered to be as dignified as a Scotch Presbyterian Minister and the words coming from him staggered me, and I gllzed around to see where I was. Yes, it seemed old Deloro and I rushed for the store and reached it safely. Slowly recovering from the shock I looked around. Yes, the same 01(1 surroundings and the old faces at their posts. Desmond leaning ou the counter, Ted supporting the fixtures and Charlie in his kennel. All working together in our interest to reduce the H. C. of L. Such a spirit of co-operation does one's heart good these days, and made me feel a little surer of myself. Still, however, feeling the effects of the shock I seized my T. S. and made for the house on the hill, .• Yes, there it was, the same old place, the same old dog, the same old mud and I felt better. On telling the wife about the shock she sympathized with me, and warned me that if I go out of an evening that I had better be sure and take the dog with me. One never knows what is going to happen. YeA, Tiny, you ELlI'emust be a miracle maker, good luck to you. You always remind me of Goldsmith's Poem: The Deserted Village W. WILLIAMS.

Deloro Trading Company The Directors of the above Company held a meeting on Tuesday evening last and arranged for the payment of a dividend of six per cent. on the amount paid in by shareholders, and what is of much more moment a further distribution of ten per cent to stockholders on the amount of their purchases for the past six mon ths, This means for every dollar spent by the shareholders in the store he gets back ten cents, . . A list of purchasers must necessarily be kept. This shows that most of the shareholders are very loyal to their store and buy the bulk of their supplies there. They are those who shall now benefit, as the man who has bought $300.00 worth in the past six months will now receive a l;ice little bonus of $30.00. This comes in very agreeably these days of high living costs. /--' A remarkable fact, however, is that some of our largest '. jilies are the smallest buyers. They must-eat, so apparently they huy the bulk of their supplies elsewhere Can they buy cheaperr The Trading CO-'H prices compare Iavorably with any others quoted. Do the outside merchants give them this pretty bonus of ten per cent at the end of six months'!' We have yet to see

We dOIl't quite ~et the purport of these remarks, but suggest it may be Scotch hurnor and allow it two weeks to soak in, J~D.


Possibly some of these non-supporting shareholders will be present at the Annual General Meeting on May 3n1, and give the rest of us reasons why they do not patronize their own home store, and the one in which their own money isinvested.

A Contribution Being asked the other day if I had no sarcastic remarks to make about the editor of the Deloro Once-a-Week I was taken aback, for I had nothing but kindly feelings towards him, and was ,'considering him one of the discoveries of the year, and felt like an old college ichum to him. Was not my name in his paper two. weeks hand running and had I not become famous. Yes, Tiny, I had heard rumours that you were very partial to the Scotch and now I feel sure of it. Well, to get at what I want to relate -As to how I found myself famous. , G9ing home from my daily toil the other day and on readl-. in~"ÂŁhp top of Ben Nevis, I was awakened from my dreams of . reducing the H. C. of L. and getting potatoes at $2 a bag by a 'Id voice saying to me in a pleasant tone, "Bill, let me see "lat smile." Smile=-I nearly had a fit, for the remark came from one

Deloro, April 20 Dere F.ddieters I hope youse will print theis fue Iynes about the uther Eddieter Tiny, cause he wont clue it. He went to Belvil, last week, wi'th mister Lnng, to a danse (thets wot he sed) but I noe he went tu sea his )!'1Ir1,and he wuzn t the onlie feller she heel either, Ennywav he rlansed so hard, that he got a awfull kold, mister Lang sez he got it in the nek, and the nex morning he couldut kum home, cause the waker boy at the tavern, forgot to get the smeller salse and dina might, but the bOSRof the tavern got the porlicc, to tell him if he diddent shake the dust offen his carpet slippers and say farewell crool wurld, that he would get a rail from the Inn CUIll Tax offiser, and he would be nicked fur sum of the (limes he got by false pretenses fur sellin the Unce-AvWeak. With tears in his eyes and going down a side street, where the kops wouldnt see him breakin the speed limit" 'I'in v with a ~nleeflll leap, landed on the blind ball'gage of a cattle trai 11, billed for Trenton and stations north, arriving at his 0\\'11 fireside, that same nite. A Iter a n ites repose he appeared as usual Oil our busy streets.vsmoking O. P. Cigaroots.: and mnkiujr casual enqniries as to who would be likely to leave their front door open and give the boy a chance for his after noon hand out, to make himself right with the world, and the Girl he left behind him, he brought her a very pretty cup & saucer, stamped Hotel Quillte. Yures Truely r ;/ • In8Pc D, Side.



/ ;


The .Deloro Once ..A. Week




.../"Y""" \ ...:-/


. Editorial Section


Life or Accident Insurance



A chronicle

of happenings, sayings and imaginings of the people of Deloro.Lgeuerally takes seven days to' grow; and begins to show an interest in life each Saturday of the week. Editor.L,' 'Tiny" Yates. .Business Manager "Pat" Harte. Guaranteed circulation 200 copies. sold are burned. Our rates are IOC. per single copy or to subscribers (payable in advance). Advertising rates on application

Those 25C.

a month

Did the Belleville dance have tone ?---J. M. Clark Has HE sold that dress suit yet ?---E. Atkins walks

up past

My, I think he's so handsome We're Girls

my country

oftener.-· -The

How handy he would be to measure distance. ---The Boy Scouts Tiny doesn't The Boys Why doesn't ---Decimal· '









Say, can't someone fiud me a place to roost in? Here I am out in the wet and dew, no one seeming to have regard for my coat of blue. I am absolutely "tyred" of this state of affairs. Will no one "shield" me from all this abuse to which I have been exposed? I come of a respectable family and I want to be treated so. May better streaks of luck attend me.

!~--Miss ---

glad to have him for dance practices.---The

He might press his clothes Women

Some are bought and some are sold, Seldom worth their weight in gold . Some are shy but others bold; Some you never cease to scold; Simply won't do what they're told. Quite a tale one might unfold Of the spell these mongrels hold Over young and over old, But of mong-rels gentle or mongrels rough Has Deloro quite enough.


Last week's paper wasa farce. There was too much social activity and "Tiny" could not weather it, . so he passed the buck, Probably he wishes to get his name in print, so here goes-

Tiny must like long estate.---Bill Williams

Sandy Burrows, Belleville

pay our board & laundry




any more.---

Tiny write up a man of his own size? .



Is it Groan" ?



Is it known qualities? Is chicken money?





or "Hear

by all that Major Green raising

a "foul"


Is there to be a Lawn Social outside Office this summer? HEARD







has Stirling of making the




a. Ill. Returned soldier with usual badges. "Where's the gilY "wot" calls the roll ?"


1.·Litera~y~.a,nd Otherwise Sprig is cubbing. YE .DOGS 'I

Here's the results. OF


There aren;ongrels young and mongrels . Suchyou hardly need be told.




n. c.

P., Lond. QNT:ARIO·






The'''' Delorc Dnce.A. Week Special Spring Display

Society Doings

Of Coats, Suits, Dresses & Blouses for Ladies. Men's Suits, light weight Overcoats, Raincoats,

On Monday last the home of Mr, and Mrs. J, M. Clark was the scene of, an enjoyable social event. when Mrs. Olar k entertained at bridge. Aftel' an enjoyable evening at cards Mrs. Cla rk, assisbed by Mrs. Cripps, served a very dainby lunch Mrs. _MiHikeILcarried. off the ladies'. honours and Mr. Losee the gentlemen's. A fine time was had and Mr. and !\irs. Ctark are to be congratulated. The tollowtug remarks were overheard ;"The chtldre n invited are late -as usual." "My, tbey've

Also good display

See my score."

(After hand, had been "Weil, ODe has to make

"Let me gfve you a suggestion about "No, I dc-n't want to he ar it. I don't

gar.dening?" intend to garden."

I know how to count in ttrls game."

"I wonder if Daddy is coming."




room for two on my chair." 11

, Mrs. Ml lliken and Mrs. Cri pps were the bostesaes at a very' -eiijoyablA 'Mu~icale on Wednesday evening, the company house adapting itself most admirably to this form of entertainment which Is a novetty in local socla l circles. Po ~;ibly the ouustaudlug feature of the evening was a recitation from Kipling by MrH. J. M. Olark, although the reuditlon of "Men, Men, Men," by Mrs. F. S. Pearce proved most, acceptable to the occasion arid was very popular. The numbers by ~1:rs. S. ~,Wright, Mrs. ]<'. A. Bapty and Mrs. A. le. Light were well.received, each drawing an encore from the p leased assembly, As usual no form or a musical progruni in 'Deloro 'can be complete without tho orcnestra who provided several cumbers @freal Interest. A muslcat contest rollowtug de llcloua rerreab ments provided uiucn merriment, Miss McCa llutn carrying off the honors and receiving as a reward for her ski ll.a fine sample of the old tashloued clavichord. A good party in en ry detail.

When in town see our line of GENTS'



"I'll double." "I'll redouble." played) "What did you double on ?" mtatakes to learn this game ."

"Your score is U. K.

of ready-to-wear

for boys and girls.

!(ot cake."

"I've played this !(ame only flve times.

i''''Tbere.'s .

Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts, etc.


DELORO TENNIS CLUB A meeting of the members of the Deloro Tennis Club, was. held in the Staff Club House 'I'ueaday evening, with Mr. S. B. Wright in t.he cb , 'I'he principal topic of discusston was tue i(l<1'\ of affiliating the Tennis Club under the Deloro Amatenr Athletic Association. This was finally put to motion and carried, so that from this date the Deloro 'I'en nf s Club will operate through a sub-commintoe, elected by the Deloro Amateur Athletic Association. The following 'I'ennis Committee was then elected. 1I1anager-A. V. Yates Secretary-G. N. Laing Committee-So B. Wright. T. J. Reid, 1'. F. Groves. It was rurtb er decided to increase the number of courts to three, of which two will be dirt courts and one grass court.

Messrs. R. A. Elliott, and A. V. Yates attended a meeting of the Treut Valley Baseball League on Thursday at Madoc, The Once-a- Week will publish a full of this meeting next issue.

The Doloro baseball fans will he glarl to learn that 'Mr. Tim Clement who has been under the weather for some time, expects to be around with the boys in about a month.


E. M. Gladney & CO. . Exclusive Hobberlin Agents, Marmora

WANTED Yonng git'l to look after baby and assist in housewor-k. BETTER

eightet'nlllonths old wages this week . MRS. S. B.WRTGHT.

The Deloro Once-A. Week This space reserved by the

Personals Mr. Harry ranch.


is spending



indiscreet listener to overhear t~e following O.~.- - ps

c -- -ps B -r - y 0- - - ps B -r - Y 0-- - ps'

Delor{) Smelting & Refining Co. Ltd.

on hls

was quiie amused the other telephone conversation:


~:c~r - y

a couple of weeks '


A special Meeting of the Local Board of Health was held April 20th. The Board passed the following: resolution: That any child' attending school who has not recently been vaccinated will not be allowed to attend the Deloro: Hall or any public gathering until the smallpox embargo is lifted, The public school has been closed until the 26th instsnt as a preventative measure of spreading: the smallpox. The :Board also fixed the dates for the Village Annual Clean up for May 1st to May 15th.

>t m'

liOentra.l,"give "Yes ?,,'

me 22."

"I order-ed a cord of wood sr-n t up right away. How about it? What's t hÂŤ delay?" "Haven't received an y wood order fr-om you yet," "Well, when yon get the order I want delivered at once. Aliern, a hem ! ! "



"Oan't do it, two orders ahead of you." "Well, are they for anyone very irupor-tant , " such as Mr. Wright or Mr. Bapt.y, hie, hic?" , M oral:








t.h r-ee days.

~ J.


One cookess-c-unde

r ten


over ninet.y. LOUIS

Printing LUl Detoro








The Table of, Specials W. A. SANDERSON






When travelling in any direction ,~by C.P. R. or connecting lines buy your tickets from



Nlarmol'a, Onto

Phone 8




Deloro Trading


Marrin's DD"ug,store,





The Deloro Once-A-Week VOL. 1


Board of Healt h.


best wishes to your Society I am yours sincerely . .. MARION RRDDRN, Hon. Sec-Treas. Kingston Branch, Can. Red Cross Society.

A special meeting of the Board of Health was held at 2 p. m., Tuesday, March 16th. One of the chief topics under discussion was the manner in which Influenza was 90ntrolled in Deloro. The Board had previously recommended that the Deloro Hall be closed as a means of preventing a repetition of the epidemic. As there were practically no serious cases in the village, the Board felt that their action had been justified and consequently went on record to that effect, at the same time recommending the discontluuance of further restrictions.

The above letter has been received by . Mrs. Wright, acknowledging a shipment of' pyjamas and socks made under the direction of the Deloro Red Cross during the War.

Meeting of School Board


ti ~~':':>,":.

The regular meeting of tlie Deloro~~':; '-'~," was- held in the school hot1se .evening, . March.I·2th, at which all membera~·~t -. ··::~ ,:' The sanitary conditions of the .choOl were' ~~ . viewed and it was decided to make improvements in this connection at once. The recent··cbugeS.and· alterations in the heating system were ins~~nd.: found to be highly satisfactory •. The quesdonof. absenteeS,especially truants, waS clliicussed~t length, and should there Dot be aD :iinprovemeotat . once -the Board have decided on drastic action. This is an imPortatit item in the edUcatiOD:orauthe children of the:village and the "ONCE-A·wtmK" heartily concur in the attitude of the Board and cOmniend then intentions to the earnest consideration of the parents .

64 W!lJ.iamStreet,

··i:(~t~jS:~~::'. ~.:;i:~t. ~;~h?~:~. ..~:,.'



;';<:..". j:':, .'.,:>'../..Will .you..'please .... 'convey to'. the mc:JDbers t'··· . ofthe " '. ~:.'Deloro ~ed ~ 9ur 'gratitude for the donation of .,' ·----'-~'iOI:ka and pyjaaiu whicbthey have S()kindly sent to . US in care of Mrs. Murray. Th~ two garments .are always in demand'so I can assure you we are . most'ltUtefUt for such generous assistance. I wonder if you bav<: been told of our Lodge at Sydenbam Hospital wbich besides providing an attractive place /,for the patients wjll also be our permanent home and f:{'.r where.··~ ~uriupplies will be stored once we c:anget ..our. 8tomoom built, but at present the carpegter is a ~~": . .:.mOltlllusive~. ·la the meantime Mrs. Murray ·;'.bu -kindly offered' to keep your donation and we ;~:~~ ~\:. ~.'haU·UIe it fl'Q~ tbere tf neceuary. ::,:~. ~.:/:../:~':';(~thu'. 'my, .8'reat Pleasure .to' thank yon .:' '. !I:;hl~~';~.0f'.Jlma:.(or.gen~UI uats~ and again Jet IUe ~(~: ,j~}IA.o,~ an4:~·;tb.&(we ~are Yer; rn.tefnl. With Jll •


For the Children

e ,


i~';I.~~~:·~""V· .;',""~-~';'J->""'~' ~e , ; j. :....":

, ..~>~F:{~!)Jl1t·~ B .~~~~

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A .acial .evening· for the-children of the Sunday School-will be held· in. the Hall 00 Tuetday nelCt, Man:b23rd, when. the Prizes wooduriug the put ..'tenD w,ill'be distributed, ~ '. j

~~:"i/::.~i,}~Qi~1~ ..

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J,.:·:·(.:.....•. :,.',::.·_~~ .•....... :.:.:.\.~.~.·,~.~.·.~ .'.; ..

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The Deloro Once.A. Week Editorial Section

Society Column

THE DELORO ONCE..A.·WEEK A chronicle of happenings. sayings and imagin. iugs of the people of Deloro.Lgeuerally takes seven ,days to grow, and begins to show an interest in life each Friday of the week.




Business Manager_"Pat" ..


"~ '



Guaranteed circulation sold are bumed. ,


Harte. copies.

Those Dot

During tbe .e&800 ot Lent the w •• kly dance practlofll have been practically dlecontlnued, but there I~ml to be a demand trom a few who trip the light tantutic and enjoy It, to keep the "Ball" a-rolUoj{. Tbe atteodance l/\llt Friday eveolng "'Ba DOt. Ba great &I w. had expected or hoped for, poeulbly due to A lAOit of advl'rtlalog, but with tbe advent of this peeiodleal eueb aD exeuse 00 longer holds. Tbe Oftlclall of the Society tberefore, demonsteate that theT are live wuealn 1l'lzlng thla early opportunity to Dotlfy all eoucerned that If tbey ",lah to jazz It beboovee tbem to repair to t~e b&lleTlrT FridAY eYeDlolr where an hoiulet effort wlll be made to aooOmmodat.e their deelres. So-come one-come All. You're not old jUlt because you're DII\rrled.

. Advertising rates on application





The Deloro Once.A. Week


Music and Drama

Although eome distance away from the centre of acUvitie8 the local fans have shown keen interest in the O. H. A. pDle8 played during the last two weeks. It tends to remind them, no doubt, of the days when they too Jived in the world and MW and enjoyed life aB others do. Moat popular of al\ the "Granite's" defeat of the Hamilton "Tigers" and it now look8 aB if the O. H. A.. champions have a good chance of the AllaD cup.


The great Indoor national pastime h8l! been fteuriehing lately. Didn't Bert Taylor take a trip to Toronto ?

Unfortunately _only a few were able to witnees an exciting billiard match between MetiBr8. Hobson and Shannon a few nights ago. They hung up a record which will take eome beating, requiring two hours and twenty-seven minutes to IICOI'e ..•. : ..,



.: +> 1'-1

.:;,~~1ice to the~. ~

Next time yoo 10 lIbtiDg ay theri! YOW'llelfand take your lleeDll!more appropriate.


lCltu 't!btee at

'. bathiJig ault with you-it




bMet.U play~ •.• at preeent in the they claim, lrIanager Elliott !!hould aper- . diftlculty whatever in. orpnlaing a team whlda wiD be. eredl~ to himlelf".but to the whole commupi&y.

:~/.'ILaI1"~ld-be are bAtf •• JCiod .•

. t

ienceno ·~~Iy


, ••••

,. •

'r ~

The Deloro String Quartette hall been practising eoutinuously during the winter months. When is the public going to have the privilege of hearing them?





Pictures every Thursday night in Deloro Hall.

:'" ;';A '.'cuual

stance iI

:.umcien~t.o mow

Ulat for tbie IJeMIIIl,at




Isolde Mengee made a welcome reappeaDDce in Bri,Moll on Et.. Valentine'8 Day, wheu Ibe came to take put. in one of the special concerta at the W. Pier. Aociompanied by Mr. Lyell-Tayler'1 orchestra, !!he gave a apleudid performance of !Alo'8 "Symphonie EBpagnole," and la_ hi the programme played a group of pieces including ''Gavotte'' (Bach-Kreisler) and "Sicilienne et RigaudoD" (Franooeur-KreiIler).-The Strad.


We are pleaeed to DO\e that )(enpe iI continuing her ~ in England. Tbe people of lIannora and Deloro havm, hMrd her play will wish her.ucce.. .




The Anglican choir under the able leaderiiblp of lIr. }Ileal promiMlll a rare treat with their FAner Cant&&&. The mUlde lovers of Deloro will look forward to this event with inSerelt.

. .JeUt, the UatinS rink iI a thing of the ~ 1& is DO& our }lIltpoee to IameDt the 'fnild weather which we are experimciDg

. --

at preeent, but rather to t'eftect with a vast degree of 8It.isfad.ion . on the ideal win_ which it jUllt. ~g from ua. The _ling Tink hM ftlled a long feU want inDeloro and MfJIl8nL MeNally and Buakard, the prime movers in the undertakiDr, delerve much eredit for their p6l'1111veranoe. The luterl! are aIeo deeply indebWd to the lll&DA8"Dlentof the Deloro Smelling A Re&ling Co. Ltd. for their whole-hearted IUpport, without whida the rink would ha" proved dnanclally impolllible. Need. to _, Ulatthe 1..on. I_rued thiI year in oonndOD wilb the bandllnc of • rink will prove beneficial ~d we can look forward . with ~_ to the winter of 1920-!1, for reU old-fubiODed , ' ;,m\er 1pO~. .



.. ,



the same

WANTED ~Y the Deloro Smelting & Refining 00;, STRA W in oarload or le88 than carload lots.

Telephone Purchasing Depl , .•





... "oj

' ••••

. -.•.•


•• ~-







·'~'fF ...

•••• "




. ....


,' .' ..l?~.


The Deloro Once.A. Week' in

, Mr. <>ac.'r Prudamesof P~r7 .8ou'~d spent a day .'the v(iIage •. Heoouldn't ~rdan7,m~~'





BIII~nigaD Iu\. gone tQ Montan ••• ·~Evidently be bAd more money than we eTpected. It I. bard to bellevetbat there wu a.nybody in Deloro witbth. price of such & trip. , We wi,b him luck. .' . " '


Mt. P. M. Depp. wtwc&zue ,.

':» bome.

...; ..' \


,,',i ~. ... :~·~t:;.;" .

Hr.8~ B:

r: , ElUott "




Classified Advertlsements


" 'J~-1'


t1'Om:·Netf York, went ..





A epat, the kind you wear on your.. I.: feet. Return to ''De.Ie Gilhan.·''';li;~~.·'~


... i'>~#~.

Mr. ,F.···,A.;\.&pty and Mr.'R.,A





aliot 00101'0 attended the AnnuAl Oonvention of ~ the ClItlladiAll,Mlning In.~itute held in T01'OntJ, lut week. Thell'lwivei;.,Mn. Wright, Mrs. BApty and Mn. Elliott were out-ot town; ,'. .'

hI. npresa

( parcel.



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M.I. B.












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