Proyecto Río Sahuaripa 2

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Bulletin of Old Pueblo Archaeology Center Tucson, Arizona

April 2015 Number 74, File 2

Archaeological Investigations in the Río Sahuaripa Region of Eastern Sonora, Mexico File 2

This file provides the maps referred to in Dr. John Carpenter’s “Archaeological Investigations in the Río Sahuaripa Region of Eastern Sonora, Mexico” article in Old Pueblo Archaeology bulletin no. 74, file 1, and is considered a part of that publication.

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Old Pueblo Archaeology

Number 74, File 2

Map 1: Area surveyed (recorrida) for the Centro INAH Sonora’s Proyecto Arqueológico Río Sahuaripa y la Sierra Central

April 2015

Old Pueblo Archaeology

Map 2: Detail showing the RĂ­o Sahuaripa y la Sierra Central Project location

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Old Pueblo Archaeology

Map 3: Exchange routes of Native Americans and Spaniards in western Mexico (after Casas Grandes site report by Charles Di Peso and others)

Number 74, File 2

April 2015

Old Pueblo Archaeology Map 4: Carroll Riley’s proposed northwestern Mexican “statelets”

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Old Pueblo Archaeology

Number 74, File 2

Map 5: Archaeological sites identified during the Proyecto Arqueol贸gico R铆o Sahuaripa y la Sierra Central

Map 6: Sketch map of the Mesa Colorada site

April 2015

Old Pueblo Archaeology

Map 7. Sketch map of the Buenavista site

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Old Pueblo Archaeology

Map 8. Sketch map of the Onapa site

Number 74, File 2

April 2015

Old Pueblo Archaeology

Map 9. Sketch map of the Rancho Zopoquis site Would you like to subscribe to Old Pueblo Archaeology? If you are not currently an Old Pueblo Archaeology Center member, please consider becoming one so that you can receive future issues of the Old Pueblo Archaeology bulletin. See membership information in File 1 for this issue.

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Old Pueblo Archaeology

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Number 74, File 2

RĂ­o Sahuaripa project area Map 10: Language divisions of historical southwestern cultural groups (adapted by Allen Dart from Archaeology of the Southwest. 2nd ed., by Linda S. Cordell (1997, Academic Press, San Diego)

April 2015

Old Pueblo Archaeology

Map 11: Cahitan archaeological traditions

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Old Pueblo Archaeology Center PO Box 40577 Tucson AZ 85717-0577

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The Río Sahuaripa in eastern Sonora, Mexico

Bulletin of Old Pueblo Archaeology Center Located at 2201 W. 44th Street in the Tucson Unified School District’s Ajo Service Center Mailing Address: PO Box 40577, Tucson AZ 85717-0577 520-798-1201

Old Pueblo Archaeology Center’s Archaeology Opportunities Membership and Discounts Program Archaeology Opportunities is a membership program for persons who wish to support Old Pueblo Archaeology Center’s education efforts and perhaps even to experience for themselves the thrill of discovery by participating in research. Membership is also a means of getting discounts on the fees Old Pueblo normally charges for publications, education programs, and tours. Members of Archaeology Opportunities at the Individual membership level and above are allowed to participate in certain of Old Pueblo’s archaeological excavation, survey, and other field research projects, and can assist with studies and reconstruction of pottery and other artifacts in the archaeology laboratory. Membership benefits include a 1-year subscription to the Old Pueblo Archaeology electronic quarterly bulletin, opportunities to participate in Old Pueblo’s member-assisted field research programs, discounts on publications and archaeology-related items, and invitations and discounts for field trips and other events. Old Pueblo Archaeology is the quarterly bulletin of Old Pueblo Archaeology Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Questions, comments, and news items can be addressed to editor Allen Dart at or 520-798-1201, or by mail to Old Pueblo Archaeology Center, PO Box 40577, Tucson AZ 85717-0577. For more information about Old Pueblo Archaeology Center please visit our web site: Your membership helps support Old Pueblo’s children’s education programs.

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